#toyko rev fluff
chao-thicc-hcs · 1 year
Hi, how are you? I read your work, “It hurts when I realize I’ll never mean that much to someone, and it’s all my fault”, and I would like to request a sequel? Could you please include sanzu, rindou, baji and mikey? It also doesn’t have to be those characters, you can choose whoever, but I’d love to see sanzu especially! Thank you for your hard work and if you take the time to consider this! Love your works and small note, for English not being your mother language, it seems near perfect!❤️❤️
Thank you so much for your kind words, anon! I hope my future works will bring the same amout of joy as now!
And sorry for the delay!
I won't include Mikey and Baji, I don't rlly have ideas for them
It hurts when I realize I’ll never mean that much to someone, and it's all my fault. - the sequel [x reader]
ft. kakucho hitto, shinichiro sano, ran haitani, shion madarame + sanzu haruchiyo, rindou haitani
; when the turn tables. once, you were nothing to them, despite all of your efforts, now, fed up with all the pain they made you go through, they became nothing to you. ;
genre: heavy angst, no comfort at all (only fluff at rindou's ending)
tw!!: gn!reader, one-sided firendship/relationship, gun pointing, mentions of abuse, bullying, mentions of blood, abuse, cheating, reader snapping at the end, murder, mentions of suicide, alcohol problems, drug abusing, seizures, self-harm, necrophilia
kakucho (sequel).
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Never in his life people have been so important to him, so important that their words pierced like a pitchfork.
He knew he was a villain, he knew he hurt innocent people, and this has never bothered him until now. So, how could you, a mere citizen, make him feel sick to his guts, make him tear up, cry, and coop himself up in a tiny room filled to the brim with dirty laundry.
Something deep in him knew you were special, despite all of the years denying you and assuming you're vile. In the end his anger issues and trust issues won, but at what cost?
You were able to help him, eradicate his pain and suffering, color his life and bring some joy. However, he missed his chance and now he's left only with the shotgun and cigarettes in his hand.
shinichiro (sequel).
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He knew he hurt you and went over your limits, so it didn't shock him you were never willing to forgive him.
It was understandable, he left a deep wound that led to you losing your spark, miserable and insecure even until today and refusing to let others near you, embarassed to even show your face. He made you cry and isolate yourself as excruciating thoughts of ''never being good enough'' were flashing through your mind all these years.
He lost your trust for people that don't even reach up to him anymore, he doesn't even remember them himself.
Sano was smoking in front of your school, carefully watching how you were sitting under a tree, using your laptop and munching on your lunch. He was smiling at the sight of you tapping with your fingers on the device and taking your time to think of what to write down, even after the awkward encounter.
As he finished the cigarette, Shinichiro glanced once more at your figure, running towards the school entrance. He chuckled and turned around heading to his shop.
. . . .
Realizing his fate laying down on the floor as blood was pouring out of his head, the muffled police and ambulance sirens getting weaker as he starts losing his consciousness, Shinichiro was happy you were one of the last people he saw this day.
But you were not happy that your last goodbye with him was with his cold body in a coffin.
ran (sequel)
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To his surprise he got over it pretty quickly, cursing the day he cried in front of you, instead of just killing you and that twink of a guard. He claims that he's gotten over it all, but even after months this encounter is still causing him random anger outbursts, driving him to insanity and even a desire to kill his own brother just to alleviate his anger. Ran seemed way more erratic, unstable and quick to anger as days passed by. The man tried to ease this by sleeping with women, but lowered his guard and ended up used by every single one of them.
Now he knew what it was like, being used up and then thrown on the ground, laughed at and left overthinking everything from the past weeks with a bottle of liquor and puffy, sleepless expression.
He also lost custody of his child and the mother filed a restraining order against both of them after he hit her and his child.
Ran stalked you, waiting for the perfect day to get his revenge. However you're not stupid, you knew he would be a pain in the ass and hired a guard, who works for another, albeit small, powerful mafia.
He deleted all of his social media, stopped going that much outside and settled down to work from home, eradicated all evidence of his exsistence, just so you think he's dead or just dissappeared, lower your guard and blunt your intuition. He bought extentions, dyed his hair to match them, and dressed blandly. Eventually he was able to abduct you and lock you in his basement, turning you into his favourite toy.
Even after your heart stopped beating, he was still enjoying the feeling of you between his thighs.
Is this what insanity feels like?
shion. (sequel)
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His mind was still conscious while you were assaulting him, ruthlessly impaling him with the sharp item in your hand. He was able to process a glimpse of the things you were doing to him, a tiny teardrop going down his cheeks, as his eyes lost all color. He attempted to reach for your chin and feel you for the last time, but this is when you did the fatal blow that ended his life.
You opened your leather backpack and took out the food you bought before, casually sitting on his lifeless body, eating as the burger buns soaked the blood on your hands. ''It tastes better with a nice view.'' you mumbled.
Couple of years passed and you were sitting there, looking at your new lover, who happened to resemble Shion immaculately. The hair, the stern look, the physique. All the same. But at the same time radically different in spiritual terms. His demeanor meek and gentle. You felt the chills every time you looked in his eyes for longer than 2 seconds, reminiscing your past with the blonde.
It felt weird, anxiety creeping on your bones and nerves when he approaches you, still not over your abusive ex, the resemblance was uncanny. And the memories of you almost beheading him oftentimes flashed through your mind, what matters is that nobody will ever find out. You have your own tricks on how to get away with murder.
sanzu (+sequel)
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Your mind was going in all shades of the rainbow as Sanzu was screaming at you in gibberish, equally as high as you.
He managed to get you into taking drugs with him so it could be easier to mentally damage you and chain you to himself. He succeeded, you were addicted to him and his pills, waiting eagerly everyday for your dose of brief embarking in another universe. Your brain was fried and you were on the verge of blacking out, just like every night. You don't know why aren't you already used to it. His screeching pounding on the inside of your skull, your eyes bloodshot red from the lack of sleep and you not blinking at all, staring at one spot, shaking like a leaf.
- You're nothing without me! You're miserable, you are ready to follow like a dog, drenching yourself with a concoction of tears and blood for someone else's benefit, you're worthless and have absolutely no value!
Overdosing on those potent drugs tickled his anger issues and made him almost kill you every time he encountered you while in this state, you were about to go in your room when he threw a chair at you and it hit your ankle, causing you to fall down and shriek in pain. You were unable to move, you were already tired from crying and skipping meals, hugging yourself as cold sweat went down your body.
-L-leave me a-al- you couldn't even finish a sentence without stuttering and zoning out or forgetting how to pronounce words.
-Oh heck yeah I will leave you alone, I will leave you here crying and screeching while I go on with my life and fuck others relentlessly while you are only left with missing my touch and drugs, craving me like a piece of meat! The others will be screaming my name and ending drenched in my juices and you still won't even have the courage to leave me.
You've known him since childhood, you grew up together, played games, and crushed on each other. However due to your strict upbringing, both of you waited until you were old enough to handle a relationship, but everything got worse over the years, with Sanzu's overflowing worshipping of Mikey and his growing intimacy with pills, and your deteriorating relationship with your parents, mental state, failures and you losing yourself over someone who didn't even love you.
The cheating, the manipulation, the abuse, this wasn't the Sanzu you grew up and played hopscotch with, you didn't even know who he had become. You were desperate to make things work, and forced yourself to dodrugs with him, hoping he will at least love you more if you shared ''hobbies''. And there he was now, proving once again all your work was futile, using the most dastardly words known to human to degrade you and make you feel small in your own house. You knew you would still feel pain, but consented anyways, because deep down was a searing love for this man.
You still loved him, every time you were sober, you were there to help him with the headaches and stomachaches, patched up his wounds. Sanzu never talked to you when he was sober, though, he ignored you and only paid attention to you only if it was related to his gang or using you to his advantage.
He even reached so far to make you watch him have the most gut-wrenching intercourse with a random cheap lowlife he hooked up with, enjoying how you cry for him and whimper in hurt and betrayal.
Sanzu liked to see you beg for the smallest things. He just felt like nagging with you all the time, so he tried his best to find the smallest mistakes and nitpick on them, growing the stems of your insecurities.
There were days where he didn't even look at you, slept on the couch, made himself food, and just acted like you were an inanimate object. Walked past you and didn't bat an eye if he accidentaly bumped into you. Your sanity depended on his mood and behavior.
The silence between you was loud, too loud it made your head hurt and feel heavy. He would take all your money, because ''you didn't deserve them since you don't bring anything to the table'', took away everything he didn't like that you buy because ''it's too ugly in his opinion''.
He did try leaving you, but he wasn't able to manipulate other people into staying with him, nobody was able to stand his erratic behaviour when he was high. You were feeble-minded and he already managed to imprison you and make you his puppy, so why leave you and waste all his ''effort''?
The day you snapped is engraved between his brain folds, the way you looked, the tears, the blood from your body, the messy hair, the torn clothes, your words filled with poison and pain. And especially, your eyes filled with fury and contempt. It was the first time he felt hurt seeing what his tomfoolery led you to.
. . . . . .
You overdosed on pills, cut your hair, cried and inflicted harm on yourself. Sanzu was sober, to his surprise, but finally saw what it was like being high, you were just an alternative version of his intoxicated state. You've had enough of this torture of a relationship.
- Y/n...? Did you fucking inhale my damn pills? - Sanzu tried hiding the shaking of his voice, but didn't succeed.
- N-no, I-i just - something in you snapped all of a sudden and you impulsively took a sharp glass shard from the broken bottle of alcohol you drank alongside the pills. Glenfarclas 12 year old single malt scotch whisky, both of you's favourite alcohol, drinking a glass of it after a fight to soothe the bitterness between you. Something propelled you to scream like crazy and swing the piece trying to impale the person you once called your lover, who was evading all of it, but tripped and fell to his nates.
Sanzu tried to look stern, but he was panting like crazy and looking around in panic, trying to find a way to escape. But when he turned his head towards you, suddenly, your eyes had a different sparkle and emotion in them that made him relax. Even if you wanted him dead that moment, he still managed to hit your soft spot with just his presence. All of your memories together, good and bad, he is still Haruchiyo Akashi. You still held hope. Whilst reaching out to hug him, your hands drowning in blood, yearning to hug him and feel his hands wrap around you like a precious ornament, suddenly your eyes went upward, mind and vision blank. You started having a seizure, but he didn't want to call an ambulance, as they will inform the police and arrest him for drug possesion. Instinctively, he grabbed his bag and ran away, leaving you there.
You had a brain hemorrhage, the pills and alcohol shutted down everything in your system, causing you to flatline. He just left you there to decompose.
The neighbors found you when the stench of your rotting carcass was spreading around, weeks after the incident. You were cremated by your parents' wish, because you had no ''true'' family in the first place that would want to burden themselves to cover the expenses of the funeral, but they kept your ashes in a small urn in your old bedroom.
. . . .
Ten years, ten damned years and this was still making him go insane. After the accident with you his life went downhill. He couldn't focus on his work, increased his dose and failed to complete everything he was assigned. He pretended to not give a shit about you, not at all, or at least he tried, albeit failing.
He actually felt something.... could it be, despondency? From a person who he saw as nothing? He lost his precious toy, the only person who could handle him. Eventually he was kicked out from the gang, got submerged with bills and debt, and ended up homeless, with stubble on his face and alopecia because of the severe stress he was subjected to.
Every time he remembered you his stomach was tickling, he realized he had a close bond with you, he realized you could've actually help him and drag him out of the shithole and help him reach the catharsis of becoming a better self. Since early childhood you saved him from thousands of troubles he involved himself into, gave your sholder for him to cry on, allowed him to be vulnerable in your embrace and filled his body with a new, purer blood, and now you're gone, probably laughing at him from the outerworld. Sanzu was not able to afford drugs anymore, and his sobriety stabilized his senses, and he realized how special you were. The only beam of hope and warmth.
Thankfully the apartment you died in was never rented by anyone. Rumours swiftly spread after your death, people thought your ghost was roaming there and were too scared to even glance at the front door engulfed in spider webs. Sanzu often visited the place to sleep in and stared at the dry blood on the ground and walls, crying and cursing himself for leading you to this.
rindou (+sequel)
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The feeling of being overpowered by his brother and constantly living in his shadow plagued Rindou's mind. All the applause and credit for the hard work he was busting his ass for was aimed at his brother. Ran was the one who took the credit and profited more, leading him into becoming an insufferable stuck-up, who only got in his way, as Rindou was always saying.
His inferiority complex rooted from there his mental state and confidence went downhill, and he couldn't stand still nor remain calm without some form of reassurance, so he frequently organized pity parties and his co-workers had to bear with his whining. Unfortunately you were the victim of the self-conscious man, allowing yourself to fall into a trap of thorns and venomous snakes piercing your spiritual flesh. Rindou made sure to make you pity him, to make you feel the same way he does, just so he could ease his soul.
He loved you, he really did, so he wanted to share emotions with you, he wanted to teach you to be strong, so you don't get hurt just like him. From trying to stop you from doing what you love and saying how awful you are to even hiding all your stuff just so you don't experience the joy of succeeding in something, just because of his own bullshit.
You still wanted to work somewhere, you wanted your own money, because Rindou would never spoil you or give you anything money related, because he perceived them as the only reward he will ever recieve. He would even go far as to complete tasks assigned for you and gain all the credit.
- Baby, please, let me finish my work! - you pleaded as he was holding your laptop, deleting the files you spent days working on
You felt your blood boil, but the only thing you could do is watch him how he sat on the couch and continued writing, not even bothering to look at you or react to your cries.
- Make me food, please, I have a lot of work to do.
He deemed you weak if you cried, the only time he could try and apologize was when he had a hidden objective to fuck you. By his words, this was the only way to teach you how life actually works, so he didn't actually do any harm, at least that's what he preached. Rindou would seek empathy from you constantly, even after he mentally destroyed you just seconds ago.
Rindou took some rest from work. He loved spending time with you and analyzing every reaction you show as he was sitting on the couch with his hands intertwined infront of his mouth. The man slept almost all day with you, until sunset and still woke up before you. One blissful afternoon, right when the cocktail of sunset's colors were engulfing the sky, placing your head on his chest, you closed your eyes and fell into a deep slumber.
- Y/n, baby? - after what seemed for an hour he shook you awake from the nap you were taking on his chest, snuggled in a silk bedsheet as the sunset colors were touching the room
- Mhh, yes, honey? - you stood up and lazily rubbed your eyes, leaning in for a kiss
- I am worried. Now Ran will have even more time boasting about stuff he didn't do and will make me seem like a loser... and now I'm yet again useless, and he is currently probably living his best life, our co-workers praising him. - he said as a forced sigh came out of his mouth
The same questions, the same statement, for the 3rd time today. Your whole mood sunk to the ground and you tried to conceal your sigh of exasperation with a sweet smile on your face. He woke you up from your peaceful dream just to act like a brat.
- No, baby, you're better than him for the sole reason you do something productive, he's only there for decor, once people realize how useless he is you will gain your fame and he will be swiftly forgotten.
Rindou wrinkled his nose in disbelief, turning his head around and scoffed. This was one of his master tricks to receive a double shot of ego boost and new ideas to make you feel inferior to him. Even his own brother warned you about this behaviour, even encouraged you to run away as soon as you can, unfortunately you were taking a swim in pink clouds.
- Nah, you're still drowsy you can't even process information right now. I know you think of him all the time when I happen to fail, because you wished someone more competent was in your life.
- You know what? Yeah, you're actually a sore loser. - you blurted out with a raspy voice. Getting up from the bed, you went to the bathroom and took a fast shower. Grabbing the sexiest outfit you could find, fixing your hair, not even acknowledging Rindou's piercing glare. After half an hour you and aimed to the door, swinging your hips and leaving a trail of a heavy yet alluring perfume, the one you usually get more compliments for
- And where are you going? - Rindou asked as he was blocking your way to the entrance, towering over you, eyes filled with emptiness
- I am sick of being your punching bag, Rindou. Have you ever wondered why you're so miserable? Because you're weak, and if you go on with it, your brother will continue overshadowing you while you remain at the bottom. Grow a thicker skin and move on instead of asking for pity all the time. You're a child trapped in a grown man's body.
Before rushing out, you turned around and approached him. Towering over his laying figure, you began your taunting session.
- It's funny how you think that the only way to cope with the fact that you're insecure is by projecting your own issues onto others. Has Ran ever been laughed at and pitied? No. He's a real man who can handle his emotions and manage to do his own work without the help of his illiterate brother. Have you actually wondered why you're always the laughingstock? Tried to talk to your brother? You only sit and whine like a whore. All this time the ''work'' you've been doing for him was constantly the subject of a good laughter. You never acutally did your job correctly out of spite towards your own blood, but Ran had to correct you and then he enjoyed himself with a glass of whine, laughing at your kindergarten-level grammar mistakes with your co-workers while I'm sitting on his lap. His fame is deserved, and you will always remain in his shadow, alone and insecure, just how it should be.
You ran outside from the backdoor and head towards Ran's place, taking Rindou's car. You wanted to finally feel loved, and you remembered a conversation you had with Ran when your relationship with Rindou had just begun.
Your first conversation with the older Haitani was behind their bar, while you were waiting for Rindou to arrive. It took Ran embarrassingly long time until he broke the silence while
- My brother will damage you, angel. A pretty face like you doesn't deserve to be bothered with my brother's twisted fantasies of what a relationship is. I will make your life better.
You huffed in annoyance and crossed your arms, twitching an eyebrow and averting your gaze to somewhere else.
- Rindou always warned me about you, how you're always trying to steal everything from him, how you hate his guts and enjoy his suffering and blah blah. I know these old dusty tricks, I ain't getting fooled. You're always trying to overshadow him and steal his happiness away, and now even me, but I don't even like you. I know you're lying, you're a disgrace of a brother and never deserved your fame.
Looking back at this you realized how horribly wrong you were about your thoughtless trust in Rindou's words towards his brother. Fortunately Ran was not annoyed nor agitated, but still offered you help and shelter for when you realize that you were wrong about him. And there you were, kissing his lips and rubbing against him with unabashed passion and lust.
- I knew you will come to me, baby, I've waited so long for you. - he said as he moved his hips to match your rythm.
You spent the night with him, getting drunk and nasty. You unveiled a side of you that even you weren't aware you had, but it was an unbelievable night mixed with lecherous emotions. Ran was able to make you relax and be yourself without. You felt wanted, appreciated and all your craving needs were fulfilled this very night.
- No wonder you are the better brother. - you exclaimed in a slight laughter while hugging Ran's bare chest, sweaty from what was like your fourth session already
He smirked and turned to face you, embracing your figure under the moonlight creeping through the small gaps in his curtains. However, this sweety-lovely moment was swiftly ruined by Rindou kicking the door to Ran's bedroom, eyes filled with frenzied fury. Ran jolted and grabbed his gun that was on his nightstand, pointed it at his own brother and covered your figure with the blankets.
- What the fuck are you doing here, Rindou!
- Oh, no, dear brother, what are YOU doing with my lover! - Rindou screeched as he threw himsef on him.
Ran didn't want to harm him, but protecting you was his current priority, he managed to shoot Rindou in his shoulder and knock him down as he screamed in pain, holding his bleeding gash for dear life, his vision going blurry from all the anguish he was feeling. As much as he despised his brother's attitude and wanted him gone, Ran took him to the ER with you for his wound to be taken care of. The older lad tried to play it smooth but the anxiety could be spotted in his eyes and his hands were shaking.
You were sitting in front of the room Rindou was in, cold, still and stiff, looking at the ground and refusing to make eye contact with the older Haitani, who was sitting next to you, one arm massaging your nape.
After what seemed like an eternity, one of the surgeons left the room. Mikey, Sanzu, Kakucho and Kokonoi were already there. The surgeon's merry expression eased the atmosphere and it felt like all the world's weight came off all of you's shoulders.
- The boy is in a decent condition and we removed the bullet successfully. However, we have a suspicion his glenohumeral joint and humerus are affected. We have to perform an x-ray and a neurovascular exam to see if any bones are broken. But keep in mind if something is affected, the rehabilitation process involves gradually increasing activities to restore muscle strength, joint motion and flexibility. Now he needs to rest and is currently sound asleep.
Everyone smiled and cheered that Rindou made it alive. For a moment Ran thought he had affected a vital organ, fortunately he didn't. You felt tears coming out of your tears, becoming a potion of emotions as Ran wrapped his hands around you. Both of you felt immense guilt forming inside, mixed with sadness and joy. You were blaming yourself for everything and couldn't think how you will ever muster the courage to ever speak to Rin again or even look him in the eyes.
- Do you want a ride home? I can see both of you are tired and need some rest. - Kakucho mumbled as he was spinning his car keys on his finger
- We wouldn't mind, I will come pick my car tomorrow, my hands are too shaky to handle the wheel. - Ran retorted and thanked his friend
The ride home was awkward. Ran's arm was caressing your exposed thigh as you were snuggled in his jacket, staring outside the window. Everything seemed fuzzier and faster than usual, probably because you were lost in thoughts about Rindou. Ran was staring lovingly at your features and brushed your hair with his fingers, which snapped you out from your contemplations.
- How are you feeling, sweetcheeks?
- Could've been better. I want to go home and just fall asleep.. - you retorted and snuggled in him, wrapping a hand around his waist
He kissed the top of your head and brushed your hair and massaged your scalp, which led you to fall asleep under his touch. Ran carried you bridal style to his bedroom and placed you to sleep. You woke up some time later with his broad figure laying next to you to change your clothes.
- I think we need to cease our relations for now. For Rindou. I don't want to do him even dirtier than I've already did. - you nodded and hummed in approval, then went back to sleep
. . . .
Rindou got discharged with a fracture in his humerus and a torn glenohumeral joint. He didn't seem to be upset nor was acting maliciously towards both of you. What was even weirder was the fact he is happier than his usual self, albeit after your betrayal. He was constantly under yours and Ran's surveillance.
Both of you were sitting at a bench, waiting for the older Haitani to come back with the drinks and food. You were playing with a street cat that approached you, and Rin was smiling at your interactions.
- Can you put it on my lap?
You obliged and placed the silver tabby on his lap, who seemed not to mind at all and made itself comfortable. A very obedient and cuddly creature that took a liking to the younger Haitani. The cat transformed itself into a loaf and sat there. You were smiling and petting the purring animal, just when Ran came back with the food.
- What a lovely creature, but be careful, it might have fleas. - he scoffed and sat down
- There isn't a bigger sucker than you, brother. - Rindou slyly added and made u giggle, to which Ran threw his drink in his face
All of you sat there, eating peacefully and discussing random matters, giving the tabby some food too, arguing about it's gender, what name to give it and where will it live. There was a moment of silence after before Rindou spoke up.
- I'm not mad. Contrary, I even have a proposal. - that part made you and Ran choke, staring at Rindou with both worry and anticipation - why don't we engage in polyamory?
That sentence perplexed you. Your face was beet red and you almost dropped your food. Your lost all color from your skin when you turned to Ran, who was smiling like a cocaine addict nodding in acceptance
- Ran?? Rindou?? You're okay with this? - you shouted and only got a laughter from the two of them in response
- I know I was a total asshole towards you. - Rin blurted out, the atmosphere turing gloomy- With my inferiority complex and self-hatred, the only thing I inflicted was pain on you, rather than stabilizing myself and our relationship. I deserved to get cheated on, you deserved solace and the love I never managed to give you. But I still have as equally deep feelings as when I first got to know you. And I never want to lose you or my brother. I don't want us acting like strangers and avoiding each other.
Rindou took your hands and squeezed them tight in anticipation and anxiety of you rejecting him and leaving with his brother. In fact, he doesn't want to lose you and watch you with his own blood, albeit telling you he doesn't feel bad. It's eating him up on the inside, it's draining all life from him. He can't sleep, nor eat properly without his guts twisting in regret from all the suffering and torment he put you through. And the way his brother did the exact opposite.
- I-if you don't really mind... - you scratched your nape and held each one of them's hand in approval - I aggree..
You blushed and barely had the courage to muster your response. You were going to be with the hottest men you've ever laid eyes upon. The thought of being between them every night, sharing everything with them, even your own self, was exciting and simultaneously terrifying. Tears started forming in your eyes and you couldn't hold yourself from sobbing.
- What's wrong, baby?? - Rindou softly asked and both Haitanis hugged you tightly
- I'm afraid I won't be good enough... And that you will probably leave me for someone else.. I will not be able to satisfy you, I'm just a mere person while both of you hold power in your hands - you sobbed and snuggled between their embrace
- We never will, we promise. - the older Haitani retorted and kissed your cheek - You're our one and only we want to spend our lives with..
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a/n: It took me way too long to be able to write again. I'm sorry for the long delay
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When a fandom suddenly goes dead out of nowhere
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nightlychaos19 · 1 year
・゚✴𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝒞𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝐻𝒾𝓂 𝒲𝒽𝒾𝓅𝓅𝑒𝒹✴゚・
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ᴄʜɪꜰᴜʏᴜ ᴍᴀᴛꜱᴜɴᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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"The number you're trying to reach is currently unavailable. Please call later."
You angrily hung up and dialed his number once, because how dArE he ignore YOUR calls?! Especially when HE had been the one who had asked you to hang out.
"The number you're trying to reach is currently unavailable. Please call later." The automated voice said yet again, making you fight the urge to smash your phone.
"I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill him.." You muttered to yourself, as you sipped on your drink, trying not to focus on the awkward stares the couples around you were giving.
You had been invited out to a pretty fancy and very popular couple-esque restaurant and your date was no where in sight.
Even if he magically popped out of nowhere, you weren't going to forgive him, not after making you wait for him for 45 minutes and for ignoring all your texts and calls. Oh no, you were going to make him suffer and beg for your forgiveness.
Those puppy dogs eyes weren't going to save him, not this time anyways. Especially not in the outfit you were wearing.
You were by far the hottest and best dressed in the whole damn place, and you weren't just tooting your own horn either. Men and women couldn't keep their eyes off of you when they first caught a glimpse. Even the waiters and waitresses couldn't keep away, they kept dropping by, either asking if you needed something or trying small talk.
Some were even salivating in jealousy of your date, well at first they were. Now? Now they were probably just pitying you and gossiping.
It was a shame your date was late too, today you were what you had deemed literal perfection.
Outfit? Irresistible.
Hair? Flawless.
Makeup? So on point.
Lips? Damn, who wouldn't want a kiss?
A soft groan left your lips as you wondered what went wrong. Everything had been going so flawlessly perfect up until the morning, and you had originally figured that he was frantically trying to get his lazy employees not to burn down his shop.
A soft giggle escaped your lips as you recalled the memory of a small fire that happened in the backroom of his shop. He scolded his employees for a solid week.
"May I take your order?" Another waiter asked, eyeing you up and down before winking at you.
A look of disdain graced your features and you shooed him away. Your fingers once more dialed his number frantically, hoping to god he was just running late.
"The number you're trying to reach is currently unavailable. Please call later."
Your eye twitched and you pursed your lips.
Oh he's fucked, you thought to yourself and stood up, only to garner everyone's attention. It made you want to melt right there on the spot. You flashed a nearby waiter a forced smile and apologized, even though it wasn't your damn fault.
You marched out of there with your head held, because fuck it, you weren't about to let a boy ruin the rest of your day.
If anything, you were about to ruin his.
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Chifuyu Matsuno sighed, shaking his head at the vending machine. Now four items were stuck, and all he wanted was the stupid candy bar. Was this karma?
Karma for stalking Takemitchy?
A few days prior, he, Baji, and Kazutora saw their crybaby of a friend, Takemitchy out with someone, and that someone not being his lovely girlfriend Hina. So the three of them had decided to scrap their plans and follow Takemitchy to see whether their suspicions were right or not.
"Oh shit.." Chifuyu mumbled, holding down his skirt and long hair as a gust of wind appeared.
Baji had planned for the three of them to ''follow'' Takemitchy, dressed up as women so he ''wouldn't know'' they were following him around.
If anything good came out of it, they looked smoking hot. Emma had dressed them up real good.
"Oi Chifuyu! Hurry up or we're gonna leave your ass behind!" Baji called out and Chifuyu cursed. The machine still refused to give him, his items. Maybe it was karma.
Sure maybe what they were doing wasn't exactly great, and they doubted Takemitchy was even able of cheating on Hina but they just wanted to make sure.
"Just one more time..." Chifuyu murmured to himself against his better judgement and put more money in, just hoping that they'd all fall. He chose a bag of chips, and watched closely. "Yes!" That victory was short lived. "Wha—? OH COME ON!"
The chips had gotten stuck as well.
"What the fuck???" He just couldn't believe his luck, maybe it was karma. He just had to listen to Baji and Kazutora didn't he? Why couldn't his curiosity minded its own business for once!?
Having one last glance, Chifuyu spat at the machine and kicked it as he gave it a couple of choice words before turning to walk away.
Eyes widened at the sound, his feet quickly turned faster than lightning and ran to snatch up his goodies. Like hell was he gonna let anyone else get them. He had spent way too much money for only one item.
A sigh of satisfaction escaped his lips and he left to find the others. While munching on the chips, Chifuyu felt something scratching at the back of his mind, but he just couldn't remember what it was. In all of the hoopla, a couple of things had to be placed aside. Yet there was one thing gnawing at his mind, and he hoped it wasn't anything too important.
Turning the corner, he happily hummed a song and dismissed the thought. He had figured if it were important, it'd probably come crashing back to him too.
Oh and it did.
A very displeased and irritated voice sneered at him from behind. "So this is what you ditched me for!?"
The way Chifuyu snapped his head around when he realized his mistake left an everlasting memory for all those around. A look of horror graced his features as his eyes met yours. Jaw dropping at the sight of you.
You looked absolutely radiating, and fuck you looked super hot in your outfit.
Oh that important event? Oh yeah, his dumbass had asked out and he had been hoping to ask you out and make you two official.
Ok, this definitely was karma for sticking his nose where it didn't belong.
A weak wave was sent your way as well as a nervous smile. His knees buckled at the sight of you, and unfortunately it wasn't in the good way. He had truly messed up big time.
With that angry look, he knew he wasn't going to come out of this unscathed nor was he going to get you to be his, not with the stunt he had pulled today. "H-hey [Y/N]!"
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms angrily. "Nuh-uh, you are not getting out of this." You gave him a once over, and couldn't help but wonder what the hell he was up to and why it held more importance than you.
Though you had to give him some credit, he did look rather cute dressed up in a skirt and makeup. His mascara and liner were perf. Oh and that wig, looked real as hell.
"Should I even ask?" You say, giving him an annoyed look.
He bit his nail as he stammered, his story all over the place and he knew damn well that you weren't gonna be happy once you pieced it all together.
Once he was finished, you took a few minutes to put everything together, and boy did it sound stupider every second that past. You just stared at him in disbelief as you finally understood. It led you to wonder if your circle of friends were systematically killing off your brain cells, because Takemitchy cheating on Hina was one of the stupidest things you had ever heard.
He was a simp for Hina. Her number one fan. Her ride or die. He could barely function properly without her.
And the three stooges had the audacity to think Takemitchy could cheat on Hina!?
You clapped mockingly at him, as you shook your head disappointment. "I swear the three of you share the same damn braincell. I cannot believe you stood me UP for this shit! I am so mad at you right now."
"I'm sorry!" Chifuyu cried, latching onto your arm, blubbering about god knows what and begging you to reconsider.
Him begging was quite the sight, but you weren't gonna give in so quickly. In fact, you enjoyed him squirming.
"I'll make it up to you! Promise!" Now that did sound promising, but you wanted more. You weren't even being selfish, he had ditched you for one of the dumbest things ever. He deserved to suffer for a while. "I'll even go shopping with you!"
You internally giggled, last time was a lot of fun for you, but Chifuyu looked like he was about to die from carrying all your bags. Instead of giving him the answer he wanted, you rolled your eyes. Shopping wasn't gonna fix the embarrassment he had let you rot in. "Shoo from me."
"But [Y/NNNNNNN]." He whined, giving you his famous puppy dog eyes, but even those wouldn't save him today.
"Oi Chifuyu!" Baji's voice boomed, and the two of you turned to see Baji and Kazutora strolling up your way, and yes, both were also dressed up as women. And yes, both were killing it too.
Your hand palmed your face as another sigh escaped your lips. "So which one of you had this idiotic idea? Bet it was you, wasn't it Kei?"
Baji flared his nostrils at you, boasting about how it was a fantastic idea, not stupid.
You gave him an exaggerated motion of shaking your hands at him, asking how any part of it was fantastic. Especially when the target was the sweet crybaby of the group. Takemitchy couldn't even look at other women without tearing up about how Hina was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
You cried into your hands, wondering how you had ended up as friends with them. Their sheer stupidity was astounding. "By the way, where did you see Takemitchy ''cheating'' anyways?" Like, when was he not with Hina? He was attached to the hip.
Kazutora was the first to answer, saying they had seen him with a strange woman a few days prior, outside the farmer's market.
That ladies and gentleman, almost made your blood vessel pop. A laugh of disbelief escaped your lips. "Takemitchy isn't out here cheating on Hina, you dolts! He was with me the other day! He needed help in getting the ingredients to make a cake for Hina!"
Takemitchy had asked you for the recipe for a cake Hina had liked, and he wanted fresh ingredients and he wanted to surprise her. Did he know what kind of idiot friends he had? Well, maybe he shared the same brain cell as them, hence why they were all friends.
The three stooges stared at you, giving you an 'o' face as the realization set in. You still couldn't believe these people used to be in a powerful gang, they were stupid as hell.
You gave them a nod. "Yeah, bet you feel shitty now, dont'cha? Poor Takemitchy is gonna cry for days, bless that soul of his." The man could cry waterfalls, he really was that sensitive.
Baji rolled his eyes as he stuttered a bit, probably realizing how stupid they had been. "S-stupidmitchy could've a-at least told us s-something.."
You snorted, Takemitchy had purposefully avoided telling the guys. Apparently last time they had eaten up half the things he had bought, and the other half were things he didn't even need! Hell, Mikey had even grabbed four packets of random cookies. The guys had grabbed whatever and shoved it into his bags.
Suffice to say, Takemitchy did not trust any of them not to mess it up for him.
"Let's go home then?" Kazutora proposed, and the other two nodded. You gave Chifuyu the stink eye.
You crossed your arms once more, unimpressed. "You're leaving me again? Especially with me dressed like this?" You made sure to show off a little, in hopes he'd choose you this time.
The first thing you noticed was his cheeks redden as his eyes darted between you and the guys, blubbering nonsense as he did so.
You sighed, clearly he wasn't going to choose you if he was having this hard of time doing so. "It's whatever, I'll just see you whenever." You wave bye and walk off. Sure you were disappointed, but you weren't about to let him know that.
Chifuyu shot his friends an apologetic look and ran after you. "H-hey wait up!" Once he was close enough, he gave you another apology and received another scolding from you, which he happily accepted.
Baji and Kazutora laughed and turned to leave as well. "I guess Chifuyu is just as whipped as Idoitmitchy."
Kazutora nodded.
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Chifuyu shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he felt too many stares on him. He figured they were probably all staring with how he dressed, sure he looked great, but not up to par with you.
You looked like you had stepped right of a fashion magazine. A diamond in a sea of rocks.
He was also sure the waiters and waitresses were judging him, as you had been sitting alone for quite some time alone earlier in the day. He could just hear how they were scrutinizing him for standing you up. To be fair, he did deserve it but it'd be nice if they'd tone it down a bit.
"Is that all?" The waiter asked, ogling you. Chifuyu glared at the man before eyeing you. Seeing your smile melted his anxiety and anger. You truly were so beautiful.
He saw you tilt your head and give him a questioning look. "What's wrong? You look constipated."
His jaw dropped, and immediately shook his head. "I-it's not that! Geez [Y/N]!"
God your giggle gave him so much serotonin. "You squeamish because you don't think you look as good as the other ladies?"
Chifuyu gave you an annoyed look while rolling his eyes. "First off, no."
You dramatically flipped your hair, boasting about how jealous he must've felt in your presence, that you were utterly ravishing and he had to agree with that.
You did look ravishing indeed and he definitely had been a fool to forget your date. The fact that you did so much just for him made his heart swell. He also couldn't keep his eyes off of you, especially your lips.
You were wearing his favorite shade.
And if you wanted him to look better than all the other women, then he definitely had to complete the look.
"Chifuyu?" You called out to him, and he just smirked.
Leaning over, he smashed his lips against yours. Oh and he kissed you hard, leaving you speechless. You couldn't help but notice the softness of his lips and how they tasted a bit salty and by god you didn't want it to end.
Chifuyu pulled away with a mischievous look on his face as he sat down, mimicking your past actions and flipped his hair. His lips adorned with your lipstick, albeit a bit messy but still decent. "I think look better than the other women, don't you agree, [Y/N]?" He winked at you, making your heart do a million summersaults.
Your fingers make their way to your lips as your cheeks reddened. "C-Chifuyu.." A soft smile curling up on your lips as you almost had half a mind to make him do it again. "Again."
And he happily obliged.
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🎉🎉🥳Happy Birthday Chifuyu!! We share the same birthday!!
I hope you guys enjoy!!
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evourein · 3 months
ken 'draken' ryuguji x fem!reader
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Born to spin, forced to jump!
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masterlist ; next
they all skated at the same time!
ran does skate, just not competitively!
you used to be a pairs skater.
senju is an ice dance skater!
notes i'm back! i wanted to indulge in my all time interest so here it is! hope y'all love it <3
taglist open! send an ask <3
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maiko1 · 2 years
Y/n: bro ur literally a criminal.
Mitsuya: I don't understand. Since when?
Y/n: since you stole my heart.
Mitsuya: okay that was smooth.
Y/n: rude, not even 'I love you'
Mitsuya: I love you honey.
Y/n: sir I.
Mitsuya: Ok get back to help me with these uniform.
Y/n: yessir!
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bananapapers · 11 months
♛𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙞𝙗𝙧𝙖𝙧𝙮♡
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My name is Banna (at least that's my handle)! I am 18 and I’m starting to get back into writing! 
I plan on writing for multiple different fandoms, including but not limited toooooo-
Spider verse  
Tokyo Revengers   
And maybe some more! 
 I’m pretty new to writing things other than poetry so tips and critiques are welcome!
my inbox will be open and so will my asks! 
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A Bit more about me!
-I am 18!
-Im Irish/Asian
-I love anime and manga, and I am really looking forward to writing as a hobby and getting better!
-I am Non-binary and pan! I use all pronouns but prefer he/they!
-I am AFAB :)
-I really like making new friends too! though I am Autistic and have ADHD, so sometimes talking is hard for me :)
-I’m a advocate for mental health and awareness!
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one-green-frog · 2 years
Heyo! It’s the person who requested the Sanzu x child! Reader- and I was gonna ask for a part two- but like- reader shows up at the park with a bruised cheek, and eyes full of tears.
Apparently his parents finally noticed he was going somewhere all the time and hit in for it and he also told some kids from school at about Sanzu and they told him Sanzu wasn’t real. So now he’s at the park waiting for his brother to come comfort him or something.
Tbh I just want some angsty fluff comfort stuff, this is just kinda to give you ideas
Park Buddy pt. 2
I hope it is to you liking and thank you so much for requesting. Sorry for the wait but I had to focus on some school work
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Pt. 1 Pt. 3
Today had been your worst day.
You told the kids at school about Sanzu. You were so excited to share how amazing he was and that he was your big brother. However, instead of admiration the all laughed at you. They made fun of you, telling how you out of all people would never have and actual friend, Sanzu was just your imaginary friend you made up to feel special.
The walk home from school was full with kids laughter and you feeling like the biggest idiot. At least at home you could have your peace. Well, not today. As soon as you stepped through the doorway your parents were yelling at you. Apparently a neighbor voiced their concern to your parents, they saw you coming home late.
They screamed at you, how stupid you were and now other people would think they are bad parents. It's all about them. They didn't even care that something might happend to you, they just didn't want anyone to think they were bad people. How ironic.
You felt so ashamed, so small while they were yelling at you. When you didn't give them an answer to the question where you were your "mother" slapped you. You were stunned. It took a while to process the burning pain on your cheek. She actually slapped you. Once they were done they went back to whatever they were doing before.
What a great day, right? By now tears were rolling down your cheeks. You felt horrible.
All you needed was comfort. Something you knew you would only get from Your big brother. You ran out of your house, stumbling and unfortunately falling on the hard concrete. Bruising you knees in the process, but you didn't care and stood right up and ran to the park, were big brother was already waiting.
Sanzu didn't expect to see you crying, nor did he think about you showing up with a swollen, red cheek and grazed knees.
He raced rushed towards you. As soon as he got to you, he held you close, trying to comfort you. You were crying hysterically into his chest while he carried you to the bench. He sat you down and gently cupped your cheeks. He wiped you tears with his thumbs, while telling you 'everything is alright' and 'your fine now, I'm here'.
It didn't take long until you calmed down enough to tell your story. Obviously his blood was boiling when he heard what you "mother" did, but for now he had to comfort you. Sanzu thought of you as a little brother, part of his family, someone he had to protect.
After he took care of your grazed knees with some band aids he had, he took you out for ice-cream. It helped a little bit with your cheek and it certainly took you mind of the previous events.
When you had finished your ice-cream, you cuddled up to you big brother while he pat you head. The warmth he radiated was soothing, and after a short time you actually fell asleep. Sanzu held you close. He felt sorry for you.
It was getting dark, Sanzu didn't want to wake you from your peaceful slumber, so he carried you to your house. Shortly before you reached your destination you woke up feeling a lot better.
Sanzu made sure to sneak his way towards your window, which, luckily, was on ground floor. He lifted you up so you could climb into your room. Before you closed you window you said goodbye.
"Thank you big brother"
At least your day ended the best way possible.
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step-on-me-khun · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers - Just random relationship headcanons
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not requested, just an idea, a break from requests ❤️
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warning(s): fluff, that's it - gn reader
word count: n/a
characters: Mikey, Draken, Chifuyu Mitsuya,, Baji, Kazutora, Inui, Kokonoi
taglist: empty
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Clings to you, anywhere, anytime, no warning. He loses his blanket? Clings to you, or uses an item of your clothes, something that has your smell. It's a comfort, and you wouldn't deny him that comfort.
Has a habit of pinching food off your plate, something small, then leaves you alone to eat. He just has to try what you're having, even if he's had it a million times.
Cuddles are amazing, but when it comes to the mornings, if he's lying on you, don't expect him to get off you that easy. You are comfortable and warm.
Is really good at consoling you, and giving you compliments. Not to mention that he gives you every cheesy nickname under the sun.
His overprotectiveness is high, especially when around strangers. He is the invincible Mikey, so no one would ever dare to steal you away from him. The way he glares at any guy would send them running.
Steals your snacks, even the ones you think have hidden well.
Sleeps on you any time of the day.
Makes you question your relationship.
But then he does things that really surprise you, and you realise why you love him so much.
His romantic side doesn't come out that often, but when it does, it's cheesy as hell.
Good at listening, like very good at it. He had a tendency on remembering everything you tell him.
Take his sweet ass time getting the bugs and spiders out of a room, mainly because he doesn't want to, and they don't bother him too much, then complains about your complaining and gives in.
Isn't really overprotective, unless you're in danger, and by danger I mean danger, if he knows you're capable of saying no and pushing people who flirt away, he doesn't worry.
Smiles when you stand up for yourself and can be a little overprotective if 'no' doesn't get strangers to get away from you.
Just because you ask him to reach up and grab something for you, doesn't mean he will jump up and do it. Would rather you attempt to reach it before asking him.
Has a sweet and romantic side though, and will hide small presents for you to find, and not even tell you about them.
Would rather you lie on him than lie on you. It has nothing to do with height or size, it's more like he's being a bit protective.
Of course, he's not going to be openly loving, especially out in public, but when he is, it's a blessing.
Hugs can be difficult if you're tiny, so he doesn't mind picking you up for hugs.
Most of his t-shirts and tops fit you like dresses, once you wear them, he doesn't want them back, that's because they suit you so well.
Kinda overdoes it a bit in terms of romance, he means well, but sometimes you end up giggling at him. But he doesn't get angry at you for laughing and ends up laughing a bit too.
Clingy boy at night, loves being the big spoon, small spoon, lying on you, and you lying on him.
Kind of a light sleeper, and tries to be considerate when he moves around at night.
Loves peppering your face with kisses, he does it when you wake up and when you fall asleep.
Tells you the stories about the pets in the shop, their background, personalities and the noises he makes.
His hand is always on the small of your back when you're talking to strangers. Chifuyu doesn't look too threatening, so having his hand keep you close is a comfort for him.
Loves cuddles from you, loves kisses from you - especially when it's nose kisses.
Wants to build a bed fort with you, and has a plan for it when you both have days off work.
I soft boy and loves keeping you close.
Doesn't leave your bed until your awake, then he greets you with a soft smile.
Loves spending time with you, and appreciates your help when he works.
Takes you out a lot, and loves getting you stuff.
And always likes making you stuff. It's nothing to do with money, it's just that he thinks that making you special things now and again means a lot to him.
Loves holding you, only in the house though. Isn't too big on pda.
Never begs for attention, not even once.
Doesn't brag, or say anything bad about you. If anything, he doesn't like making you feel uncomfortable, so saves all the lovey stuff for when you're at home.
Tells you he loves you every single day, and you're never tired of hearing it.
When he's romantic he's super sweet and surprises you, it's always not too much and not too little.
Gives you good advice when you need it, but sometimes his advice can be a bit too blunt.
Blanket hogger, and hoodie stealer.
Stray cats like to follow him, which can either make both of you annoyed or amused.
Death glares at anyone taking interest in you. If you're talking to another guy, he will walk up to you, ask who you're talking to, then stand behind you with his arms around your neck or shoulders, still maintaining that death glare.
Is neutral in terms of romance, he'll get you small stuff now and again, but doesn't go too far with it.
You can tell when something's wrong when he goes silent but looks annoyed. If anything, it's because he's hungry or is secretly craving your attention, so you have to give him something before he becomes loud and bothersome.
Kinda smothers you when he's spooning you in bed, he's like an extra blanket.
Shares some of his food with you, but only when he wants to.
Loves you even more if you have pets, but if you have a cat, his attention will be focused more on spoiling them than you.
Loves hugging you from behind, even when you're brushing your teeth or making food, listening to everything you do makes him happy.
Very likely he'll fall asleep on you. It's something you'd have to get used to. He likes keeping you close, and loves the feeling of being safe with you.
Stares at you when he wants something from you, he won't say it out loud, you have to ask.
Is touched starved, so he probably will be hesitant to hold your hand, cup your face or hug you. It's something he has to get used to.
Whenever he's distracted by something that triggers him you notice and stand in front of him and smile, hoping that gets his attention.
Pays a lot of attention to you, but it's mainly so he can get the same attention from you.
Tried a bit too hard at first with the romance, but toned it down once he realised that it made you a little uncomfortable.
Lets you get a pair of earrings that match his.
Swish his face and he will melt into your hands.
Is very vocal about his feelings towards you, but not too much, he wants you to be just as vocal.
Your legs are his pillows, especially if his day's been particularly stressful.
Insists on buying you stuff, but only he knows that you'll like it.
Has a thing for your hair, no matter how long or short it is, will plait it or braid it when he's stressed or bored.
Brags about you, and about anything and everything.
Has his hand around your waist whenever the two of you are out, he wants people to know who you belong to.
Whenever he wants your attention, he sits beside you, leaning his head on your head or shoulder.
Isn't really vocal about how he feels about you, but he does tell you every now and again when he's comfortable.
Loves when you hold him, and leave your hands on his upper back.
Melts into you when you hug him when he's stressed.
Your hands are one of his favourite parts of you and just loves linking his fingers with yours.
Doesn't mind you watching him as he works, it's nice to see your eyes concentrating on only him.
Also loves watching you when you do anything, you're just so beautiful that he can't take his eyes off you.
Is extremely loyal, which is something that was obvious from the minute you got together.
Adores drawing shapes on your back when he's unable to sleep.
Isn't really romantic, but when he is, he's the sweetest person ever.
Loves sharing hoodies with you, it makes his day when he sees you stumble out of your bedroom with one on.
Does anything for you.
Gives you a peck on your temple before he goes out or before he goes to sleep.
His personality as a whole makes you feel blessed and loved.
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mochiswifey · 2 years
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The vibes. Hits different.
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Snow Flurry | 風花
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Ran and Rindou sat between their aunt and uncle on the sofa in the waiting room, awkward silence filling the air as their uncle kept trying to call their father.
Ran stared at him with a blank gaze as Rindou played on his game, trying to keep himself distracted.
From what his aunt had said, Rindou had concluded that mom had been in labor for about two hours, and should be done soon.
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“Haitani Asayu?” a woman peaked in, a clipboard in her hand. “You have visitors.”
The sweaty and tired woman smiled at the nurse and nodded, holding her newborn daughter to his heaving chest. 
“Is it my husband? Haitani Itachi?”
“Uh, no ma’am, a Juuba Ranka, Juuba Shouta, Haitani Ran, and a Haitani Rindou.”
‘My sister, brother in law, and sons are here, yet my husband couldn't come to the hospital to see his newborn daughter?’ Asayu felt tears prick her eyes and sniffled, before telling the nurse they could come in.
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Thirteen year old Rindou and Fifteen year old Ran stood by the hospital bed, staring at their mom who held a small baby to her chest.
“Ran, Rindou, this is Y/n, Your little sister.” She breathed out, her tired eyes scanned the room. “Where’s your father?” 
Ran and Rindou looked at each other and looked back at their mom. “Tou-san didn’t… show up.” Rindou mumbled out, looking down at his shuffling feet.
“It’s not like he’d ever care anyway.” Ran huffed, crossing his arms and pouting. His mom shushed him, swatting his blond head. But deep down, she knew her oldest son was right.
“Look at me you two,” The two sets of lavender eyes looked into her’s, surprised that her eyes started to water. “Promise me that you’ll love her, to protect her from everything?”
“Sure ‘kaa-san”
She chuckled, a smile spreading on her lips as the nurse came in and took the child off her chest.
“H-Hey! Where’s she goin’ with Imouto-chan!” The boys asked frantically, looking between their mom and door. She giggled and patted their heads, “don’t worry, they’re going to put her in the nursery while I heal and get ready to go home.”
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Ran and Rindou stared at the ground, not believing their ears.
‘Taking Y/n’
‘Cheating Bastard’
‘Alcoholic Bitch’
“Rindou,” said newly turned fourteen year old turned to his elder brother, who sat against the bedroom door to their sister’s nursery. “Grab Y/n, let’s get outta here.”
“But-” “You heard mom, She’s going to take Y/n and leave us with dad, we’ll never see her again.”
The silence was heavy in the room, both boys feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders, and walked towards their sister’s cradle. The little girl had been about 3 months old at this point, and yet, her brothers were ready to kill for her.
“Hey Ran?”
“Remember, that thing we talked about?”
“What thing?”
“Yaknow, us… taking over Roppongi?”
“Mm, yeah.” “If we did that, we could forever protect Y/n from bad people,” Rindou hummed, watching Ran cradle the small baby, the small being cooing and grabbing at her elder brother’s blonde braids.
“We’ll take over Roppongi, and be Unstoppable.”
“Yeah, Yeah, now hand her over, You’ve had your turn.”
“Aww, a few more minutes RinRin?” “Never utter that horrid nickname again.”
“...Why is she smiling more than she did for me?”
“Bc I’m way cooler than you.”
“I’ve been betrayed, by both my siblings.” “Get over it.” “God has forsaken me.”
Rolling his eyes, Rindou walked towards the door, his sister bundled in his arms, and a ‘fake’ bundle in his brother’s.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“I’m going to distract Otou-san and Okaa-san, you run and take Y/n to our hiding place.”
‘Stupid plan…’
They stared at each other and Ran walked out of the room, carrying the fake bundle in his arms.
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“I can’t believe it.”
Ran was grinning as they sat in the abandoned playground, sitting on the high rocks as he held their baby sister.
“We should start gaining a rep, taking out some smaller gangs first.” Rindou stated, the ever smarter brother. 
“Yeah♡, as long as I can break bones♡!” “We’ll be the unstoppable Haitani Brothers.”
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one-green-frog · 2 years
Could I request a smiley x male reader where male reader is Mikeys younger brother who is weak due to medical reasons and its just fluffy and a good time
Warm Body
Smiley x male reader
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Life hadn't been easy for you. Your sick body didn't allow you to go outside and have fun. You had to stay inside 80% of your time, so you missed out on most of the fun.
The one thing that did bring you joy was when Mikey, your older brother talked about what he did that day. It was mostly about gang stuff, or annoying Ken-chin but that's exactly what you liked.
Sadly you could only dream about fighting random delinquents, it was obvious you would land yourself in the hospital worse die.
Mikey didn't like you being outside, since you were his brother someone might target you and he couldn't let that happen. So anytime you do go outside, which you didn't do often since it was exhausting, Mikey would always be there
But one day neither Mikey nor Ken-chin had time, it was an emergency. He said he'd call someone from his gang that would look after you and that how you met Nahoya also known as Smiley.
At first you were scared, you would meet a gang member for the first time. But Smiley was surprisingly kind, a little bit aggressive but overall lovely to be around. It was love at first sight for both of you, maybe that's ahy he was so caring.
Smiley would often visit you at your house and most of the time just carry you outside to go do some random shit. And if you felt more exhausted than usual, due to your sikkness, he would lay down next to you and hold you.
His warm embrace always brought back a little energy and you were thankful that he was so accepting. You heard from your friends that you were boring and no fun, when you wee jsut so tired from waking up and getting ready.
Smiley loved you just the way you are, especially when it was a low-energy day, that just meant more cuddles and kisses.
And how he loved the days he would come to you, a little bit beaten just for you to help him and kiss all of his bruises to 'make the pain go away', and if you missed one, you had to kiss him as an apology, not like you didn't want to.
That day would often end with you two watching TV, on the couch together, him holding you close as you slowly fell asleep and after he would carry you to your room and quietly left
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one-green-frog · 2 years
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Credits to @dancingintherainwithchifuyu
"Why can't we just leave him at an orphanage?!?"
"Because he's our son"
"Your son, because I sure as hell won't raise him"
"I'm leaving, Shin, this is obviously not working"
(M/N) left Shinichiro with a little baby boy. She cheated on him and told Shin she'd leave for the other guy. At least the child was Shinichiro's and so he decided to take care of him alone, instead of giving him up for adoption.
Grandpa Sano angrily told Shinichiro that he never thought that woman was good, however he didn't seem bothered at the new family member.
Emma was overly excited, she could finally be an aunt. Mikey on the other wasn't that much a fan of (Y/N), but on the inside he couldn't be happier, he vowed to always protect his nephew.
Shinichiro was relieved when Grandpa Sano told him he would help him raise (Y/N). His friends also told him they would be available to look after the child if he ever needed some time alone.
If you would ask the dad if he would change the situation he is in, he would completely deny it, he wouldn't have it any other way. Shinichiro was so happy with his son even though it was hard to take care of him and work at the same time, but luckily his friends and family were always there for him.
Shinichiro watched the sleeping baby in his arms. It had been a hard day, but watching (Y/N) sleep so peacefully always calmed him down. A true blessing
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