#hive coroika
pannkai · 3 months
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boyfriend shirt
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t4tklonoa · 1 year
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silly guy... cosmic guy.
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hotayasu · 2 years
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Summary of my au material
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hauntinglyfresh · 1 year
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it is complete...
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skullvins · 5 months
Inspired by a friend we're doing coroika queer hcs under the cut
Goggles: he/him aro queer guy. Probably like quoiro he's a bit in love with everyone
Specs: he/him transmasc bi ace
Headphones: she/her, it/its if she's feeling funky. transfem pansexual
Bobble: genderfluid, mix of all sorts of pronouns, changes most days. Wears a bracelet with different colour beads depending on the pronouns of the day just to make it easier for friends
Rider: transmasc aroflux gay guy he wears a million layers at all times
Army: he/him transmasc bi lesbian, gender fuckery makes it hard to define his attraction as strictly gay or straight
Aloha: he/they transmasc enby, bisexual, acespec, scores major bitches (he wishes)
Mask: they/he enby, likes men but hasn't got time for that shit, acespec
Skull: he/she bigender aro queer, also polyam, kills it however he dresses tbh
Avi: shoutouts to Avi. he/him aromid queer
Gloves: he is so transgender and so homosexual, he/him
Emperor: he/him trans guy, bisexual
Prince: he/him trans guy bisexual BUT he's aro as fuck teehee
Npacer: cis woman, any pronouns. Fucks with gender and what terms she likes. Bisexual
Eging Jr: transmasc bisexual, a he/it
Laceless: queer, defo likes men. Little cis boy
Vintage: he/him, likes xe/xem over text sometimes if he's close with you. non sam aro transmasc queer. qpp moment with skull
Omega: she/they, weird girl who's not so girl these days. doesn't label her sexuality but would probably say bi just to shut you up if you ask
Double: I think it's funny if he's cis, bi tho
Red sole: aroace arogender girlypop, she/her
Fierce: he/they, a homosexual
Justice: he/they/it/she/some neos, robogender lil man tbh. non sam aro
Jet: the woman ever. she/it, aro, qpr with justice
Hive: transmasc, I see this man using a shit load of pronouns too. Chronic men liker, arospec
S3 era
Braids: bisexual she/her transfem
Sunsun: he/him, gay as shit
Horn: she/they lesbian
Shady: he/she bigender, every eliter is bigender. woman liker. he's a guy who's a lesbian for men does this make sense
8 bit: she/it/he transmasc enby. Gender is unexplainable. arospec. in some kinda qpp vibes thing with shady
Ocho: the gayest little man you've ever seen
Wire: he/him aro trans guy
Barreleye: he/him transmasc bisexual also I'm a barrelbraids enjoyer tbh
Shellmet: wow queen, you're so aro, she/her
Smallfry: a fish
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apostleoforder · 3 years
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mcwoomy · 2 years
coroika tumblr how do we feel about the viz translation of vol14 making hive southern
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lunartearrose · 3 years
I CAN TELL YOU ANOTHER SILLY HC THO I love the hc that the S4 do have like. Fans. Skull is not very responsive with them.
Can you imagine like. Coroika universe fancams. skull voice: aloha whos making these videos of us on tiktok
God thats hilarious. Tbh i feel like team fans just have the oddest interactions
Like skull fans? Everyone knows he doesn't get it. A small subset protec him from the weirder fans because he would just not get it. He gets chocolate and he's like "oh cool a normal gift. I guess maybe I'll swallow the box whole later" he thinks its all just generosity with nothing behind it. "Why make videos? Why theorize about my movements? Why even give me things or waste a crush, I'm just some guy. But also please keep giving me chocolate."
Aloha: Skull!!!! Those fans are crushing on you!!!
Skull: but i don't know them? And they don't really know me...? Why would they
Aloha: I- well-
ANYWAYS i just have such ideas for how the s4 and some others interract w their fans
Aloha? He interracts w his fans a whole bunch on social medias n crap and by manga look is a highly obvious flirt sometimes (just to keep the fans guessing??) but if you go to a party with he downloads your exact adress to his brain off your vibes alone and this kind of intimidates ppl! Nobody gets close enough to catch his secret vibes but he has them and none of his fans are sure they WANT a peek behind the veil behind what he puts out (but his friends do! They care him and he cares them)
For army tho? His fans are a bit invasive bc hes easy to fluster and has a tough time balancing being polite with assertiveness towards ppl that find him just so cool! This leads to aloha intersections (that just confuse and fluster army more before he gets vanished for his own good by a caring? friend), mask and rider getting agressive with fans and skull. Asking the questions that kind of bring ppl back to the reality that Army Is Just Some Guy. But blue team is the best at getting ppl to leave army alone
Mask? He has strict ground rules with his due to a cyan teammate getting hurt by one once. Nobody is allowed to know where he or his teammates live, nobody is allowed to know anything deeply personal. He has dupes of clothes specifically to annoy the press, and especially is nobody allowed to see him maskless. If he could he'd get rid of info abt his team on the net at all (and the urban legend team doesn't sound all that bad to him) but its a nigh impossible task so he just keeps a careful eye on accounts to make sure that they for certain aren't being creeps.
Rider of course just intimidates, he's cool and his fans respect this, but as where skull 100% not get fans and their interactions and movements, rider is a good 50%. He was a fan once himself, he understands being casual and how cool it is to get autographs. But something like stan twitter makes him so absolutely baffled. What the hell are fancams? Why is there an imagines? Why is any of this necessary, just admit you think someone's cool and move on?!?!?!
Oh also Xbloods are rude to their fanbase on purpose the fans just like enjoy this bc its part of what they do. Nothing wrong here, Vintage just isn't sure if he likes or dislikes the attention, so do what you want But He Will Be Mean and Scary. And maybe occasionally post pictures of the food he ate today. After he ate it-
Team emperor (both iterations) are kind to their fans! But where army lacks the assertiveness to shut down invasive questions if you say something weird Emperor will personally (and perhaps politely depending on how bad it is) tell you it's highly unbecoming of a fan to ask or do such things. And if there is one thing emperor teaches prince it's to not let fans overstep simple boundaries no matter the tone they have.
Blue team has contracted some fans but their flavor of weird is a bit intimidating but nobody will rlly approach for an autograph or anything. Weird teams weird and specs would be shocked to learn they have fancams
Team hachi is similar to the blue team situation (specs would be shocked to find they have fan cams. But also hachi made a fancam of goggles???)
The guardians? They just got here from the mountains maybe some people know hive but otherwise in universe everyone's like WHO THE HECK ARE THESE???
Anyways Ty for allowing me the time to rant! And don't worry abt asks or dms its all cool uwu i like to talk either way
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theaviskullguy · 2 years
ceaseless watcher turn your gaze apon this wreched thing
Not really any plot, just the gang and how they came across the archives and how they got turned into avatars
-Avi's the head archivist, so. Eye avatar by default. He used to work in library, and he's an a b s o l u t e neat freak, so when he finds the archives in a mess from Gertrude, he spends a whole week cleaning them up before even beginning to record anything.
-Skull's Avi's husband, and while not an avatar, he's eye-aligned via working at the archives. He works in research, and was transferred to archives upon request, to make sure Avi doesn't overwork himself with another cleaning frenzy or going without sleeping. He's less of an assistant archivist and more of an assistant to the head archivist
-Mask was claimed by the vast at a young-ass age, surviving a plane crash into the middle of the ocean. Despite the trauma, they found a comfort in large-open spaces, so long as they could control being in them. Desperate for that control, they gave themselves to the vast, becoming an avatar. They work in the archives as an assistant archivist.
-Rider worked in artefacts and went to get coffee on his lunch break, when he was attacked by Jane Prentiss. Instead of fearing the worms or his oncoming demise, he... sorta welcomed the love they sang to him. He didn't fight it, and became one with the flesh hive (I wrote this!!!)
-Emperor never worked in the Institute officially but he hangs out around it and helps out record statements that Elias has him on payroll lol. He's an End Avatar, having those dreams that Oliver Banks has.
-Prince interned at the Institute right after Uni and ended up working on the Tundra as Peter's secretary. Despite Peter's whole "lonely" thing he kinda saw Prince as a child figure and xe helped stop one of Peter and Elias' many divorces. As a result, Prince is another Lonely avatar, and Peter gave xem the Boatswain's call.
-Regent also interned at the Institute alongside Prince but ended up joining the police (acab but daisy do be hot tho) and willingly signed a section 31 form. He was so enthralled by the thrill of the chase that, well... hunty boi. He did quit the police, finding them boring, and joined the Institute as a field researcher. He also quite likes finding and stopping rituals
-Goggles was never an avatar, but he was replaced by a NotThem. He was one of Gertrude's assistants a few months before she died and put in a good word for Avi to become the next Head Archivist. When he was replaced, he didn't die- he was trapped in the web table. Through some trickery, Rider managed to make NotGoggles release normal Goggles, before killing the NotGoggles. That whole situation shook Goggles up so much that he still isn't the happy-go-lucky person he was anymore.
-Gloves worked as a librarian in the Institute before getting transferred to the Archives. They were attempting to quit smoking when they very suddenly relapsed into addiction. This relapse actually was the result of becoming a Web Avatar. Gloves shows no negative signs of their addiction, other than always smelling of smoke. Not like Army does, though.
-Speaking of Army, he worked as a researcher, looking into cults surrounding the entities. In particular, The Cult of Lightless Flame called out to him, and he ended up joining it. He wanted to become their new messiah, and so he burned himself at the stake in a grand ceremony. However, as time wore on, the pressure to do a good ritual got to him, and he ran back to the institute. He's working on controlling his fire, and lives in a relatively fireproof room in the institute.
-Aloha also researched cults, when Army vanished. Due to genetic reasons, Aloha also started to go blind, but... not a classic blind. Everything seemed to grow darker and darker. People commented that Aloha's eyes seemed to be turning into voids, so he wears a bandana that's stained with... something black. The Dark ended up getting into his head. Whoops
-Vintage was another assistant of Gertrude. He takes the place of Michael. So, Michael Shelly my beloved is still living while Vintage is now The Distortion. But, Vintage's resolve to not be evil has turned it into a prankster more than anything. He also can "hiss" and he makes the gaster noise when he does. He keeps trying to destroy the Homophobic Vase. Avi keeps stopping him
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blinky-skyd · 2 years
im finally catching up on coroika & im doing some liveblogging cus i rlly missed it. ramblings galore below the read more
-i get now why ppl like hivemind so much. HES A DRAMAQUEEN!!! HE WAS POSING AND EVERYTHING even had the jellyfish hold up lights for him, enter sliding on a skateboard you know this bitch was a theatre major.
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-ladies and gentlemen this is why i kin skull. ill literally get lost in the city i grew up in and use google maps for a place 5 minutes a way hes just like me fr
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-i want this as a tattoo <3
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-actual footage of me during a splatfest 😭 id get distracted mid battle to look at the pretty decor. i KNOW skipper pavillion looks bomb especially in sf
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-god. everything abt this
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-oh my god oh my fucking god. i need to print this out are you kidding me
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-boyfriend behaviourrrr. if u think abt it the ink armour special is kinda fruity like what are u using it for? to protect other men?
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-next chapter
-what the FUCK DID HIVEMIND DO- ohh its. literally in the name
-im onto the bonus chapter already the battle ones are. predictable but i love me some bonus filler chapters
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-aloha said. this is going in my cringe compilation
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-riders team came to bring him lunch at work i love this 😭😭😭😭
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-this little kotatsu bit is literally all i ever needed. its slice of life but still silly in the usual blue team way. theyre literally just hanging theyre besties theyre family  and theyre hanging out i love them sm. also headphones can knit>????
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-i want one.... yarn jelly....
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-look at how specs marks them on his notebook im gonna cry
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-onto final splatfest match cus apparently thats. how they work here
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- 😳 girlfriend behaviour....
-what the hell is Cosmic Time. 
-i know we all saw goggles swapping the ball things on hive’s glasses coming from a mile away, but i had a second theory that goggles was gonna mistake them for plums and try to eat them & make hives glasses fall off
-everything is pickled plums.... this is straight out of a crack fic
-2 lazy to put in a pic but even headphoneses HEADPHONES are plums.... im wondering cus it didnt show if bobbles lil pompom at the end of her hat got pickled plumified as well
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-oh god this finding waldo type page is giving me a headache i need a drink
-i got cawffee. back to the grind
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-i love that the manga captures the feral chaoticness of lil judd just as much as any other media
-theyre eating together 🥺 i love them sm. million heart emojis
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-omg look at her shes so evil <3333 you will look at my evil baby
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-me and the besties walking in the burger king at 3 am drunk off our asses
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-of course blue team won but emperor vintage & rider didnt. im starting to think that the only valid strategy in coroika is just to be chaotic
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-your honor he is my baby boy. ive adopted him and hes baby and hes my boy
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-shadows are made of electric waves....that can make ur legs wobble. sure.
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-bobble said arent u tired of being :D. dont u wanna be>:D
-of course the first time goggles would get pantsed would be by himself
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-😭😭 million heart emojis....
-team blue appreciation hours is real and in the manga... 
-so shadow selves were never rlly evil,, they just wanted to have fun too 🥺
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-next chapter, this jelly is living the life man 
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-shes out here living her best life. good for her
-what this liveblogging doesnt include is that alongside this im making a collection of evil bobble shots just bcus <3
-onto the stamp rally arc,,, whatever that is
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-adhd goggles canon as ever
-team lost cus they wanted to talk abt their botany. next chap
-not clam blitz..
-i think the only reason blue team wins most battles is cus they use illegal techniques like goggles hanging onto specs on the inkjet. and judd cant call it out bcus hes a cat.
-WAIT X BLOOD WON? the actual good team thats ranks above them won??? what a concept
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-she protect
-headphones is slaying ass in this chapter and the fact that shes getting the mothership w the sting ray too. owner of braincells representation
-also convinient that they get a rotation w their specific main weapons, even tho itd be funnier for them to get weapons theyve never tried before
-and THATS all for now :D until next update whenever that is
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pannkai · 1 year
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deltamb3r · 4 years
is goggles possessed? what is this au? what series did you get inspiration from? asking about that one splatoon au with the white-eyed goggles
Ahh, that one, well-
I got inspiration from She-ra's reboot series on Netflix, it's a wonderful show and It has inspired me a lot!
I simply called Coroika She-ra AU, because everything's born throught the doodles I made (and because I have the same level of creativity of a grey blanket)
Yeah, we can say that he's been Hijacked by a chip implanted behind the neck, that connects him into a hive mind (like in She-ra).
You should watch the show's season 5 to see how this mind controlling thing actually works :)
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hotayasu · 11 months
Odd question I’m sure but I was wondering where you got the picture of hive in his swim form for the pride icon edits?
Anon I'm not sure how you consume Coroika but I have to tell you that I'm a little insane and have 3 total copies of volume 14
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But yeah its in the volume on like the first page. I wouldn't be surprised if the current fan translators just didnt put it on mangadex. Here it is
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You can have the raw too if you like
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lesbian-octoling · 5 years
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So... guess who helped make a new AU in my discord!
Welcome to the Rehabilitated Sanitized AU- or just RS AU for short!
Summary: During the events of Octo Expansion in Coroika, instead of Rider getting hijacked, the entirety of Blue team was. After a long time down in the metro, Blue ends up getting saved after a battle involving them, Rider, Hachi, the Squid Sisters, and Off the Hook. They were left with permanent disabilities from their sanitation, but they now have a hive mind, and can communicate their emotions and share each other’s senses.
Here’s the google doc if you’d like to learn more!
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skullvins · 2 years
While Fierce being the rep for chaos is fun for like. reasons and the headgear stuff. Goggles is definitely a better character against Hivemind.Hive even says he finds Goggles "worse" than Fierce (forgive my bad wording).
We barely know much about the guardians in a team setting but considering Goggles always tries to get characters to enjoy their match and communicate well between their teammates. While Hivemind calls the hypnotism a form of communication, its not really, letting them enjoy the match or do anything.
They start doing better when the hypnotism breaks and Hive grows to trust his team to be there for him near the end. I guess think Prince during the Emperor fight doing his own thing after Goggles started encouraging him
trust the resident hive guy to come in clutch with the poggers analysis!!!!
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mcwoomy · 2 years
i gotta ask about your dsmp coroika au. youve talked about having one. i gotta know
so. heres the funny thing. it started from me listening to Casino Royale (swag song go listen to it) and my dumbass went 'hey this reminds me of emperor!' and thats where it all began
ight now time to bullet point my way through the characters
am i aware that i dont have all the members done? yes. yes i am.
- Hivemind as Dream: mainly did this bc 1. WHY DO ALL C!DREAM FANSONGS FIT HIVE SO WELL AAAAAA, 2. i have a design idea for him, and 3. idk why but similar vibes
- Fierce as GeorgeNotFound: (THIS ISNT FIERCEMIND OR DNF PROPAGANDA I SWEAR) 1. cottagecore/mushroomcore fierce make my brain go brrrrrrr 2. wanted to have the final fest squad as the dream team
- Justice as BBH: similar vibes and i may or may not have an eggpire design for them already
- Army as Awsamdude: 1. military vibes 2. listen i crave army angst ok
- Gloves as Tommyinnit: feral lads. that is the only explanation im giving.
- Goggles as Tubbo: ah yes the good ol 'looks soft, could probably kill you'
- Vintage as Wilbur Soot: i have a design for them down in my head ans also *REVIVED starts to play in the background*
- Stealth as Punz: no clue lmao my brain just gave me the idea and i went 'yea ight ok'
- Rider as Purpled: MANY reasons but mainly 1. animatic reasons 2. design reasons 3. tbh i feel like he would be like a mercenary in an smp
- Double Egg as Fundy: also no clue but they do got the dumbass trickster vibes yknow
- Bee as Skeppy: VERY MUCH NO CLUE might change it later but idk
- Mask as Jschlatt: looks chill, can and will kill you if you mess with him
- Eging Jr. as Eret: haha designs go brrrrrrr
- Headphones as Niki: mainly to go along with specs as jack
- Bobble as Karl Jacobs: yea idk why i have this lmao *stares at my Turn Back Time animatic idea*
- Skull as Technoblade: ight lets see; monotone voice, skeleton mask thing, t a l l, has one thing that they obsess over (sugar for skull, potatos for techno), yep seems like theyre pretty similar
- Nana as Antfrost: damn the 3rd 'no clue lmao brain gave me this'
- Avi as Philza: did this to go with skull as techno
- N Pacer as Captain Puffy: ysee now this is shipping propaganda (yknow cause like, c!niki and c!puffy are gfs and i may or may not be a headpacer shipper-) also mom friends/therapist friends
- Hachi as Ranboo: wanted to make the agents as benchtrio
- Prince as Foolish_Gamers: kinda have a fantasy au thing and i looked at my fantasy!prince design, saw foolish, and went 'yea i know damn well who prince gonna be'
- Laceless as HannahRose: 1. flower aesthetic 2. i have an eggpire design 3. animatic ideas 4. i crave angst
- Junior as Slimesicle: very wholesome, and doesnt know tf is going on
- Emperor as Quackity: ah yes the reason why this au exists
so uh yea tl;dr: got an animatic idea, proceeded to make an entire au and assigned characters based on designs, vibes, and animatic ideas
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