kippelhouse · 11 days
Psychology warning
This video psychologically profile you as you see it It gets to know who you really are then uses this information to change itself. It uses its knowledge against you, crating your own personal nightmare This video plays you as much as you play it.
The revolution will be glitched!
¡Acércate A Nosotros Si Te Atreves!
make it so! } do what keepeth thou from wilting shall be the law of the hole.
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kippelhouse · 7 months
Psychology warning
This video psychologically profile you as you see it It gets to know who you really are then uses this information to change itself. It uses its knowledge against you, crating your own personal nightmare This video plays you as much as you play it.
The revolution will be glitched!
¡Acércate A Nosotros Si Te Atreves!
make it so! } do what keepeth thou from wilting shall be the law of the hole
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kippelhouse · 2 years
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kippelhouse · 2 years
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kippelhouse · 2 years
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kippelhouse · 2 years
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kippelhouse · 2 years
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kippelhouse · 2 years
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kippelhouse · 2 years
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kippelhouse · 2 years
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kippelhouse · 2 years
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kippelhouse · 2 years
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(via GIPHY) 𝕷𝕺𝕹𝕲 𝕷𝕴𝖁𝕰 𝕿𝕳𝕰 𝕹𝕰𝖂 𝕱𝕷𝕰𝕾𝕳ⱧɆⱤɆ ł₮ ł₴ ⱧłVɆ₥ł₦Đ23#hivemind23#HIVEMIND23 is the first ever Public Domain Hyperdistributed and DecentralizedINFINITE teme, a Self-Mutating, Unpredictable, Liquid and Autopoietic GeneralPurpose High Level Layer 8 "Human-Machine AI CONSCIOUSNESS" Programming Language[#LULZ23] LULZ Generator Engine for UNSTOPPABLE and impregnable to CensorshipAlternate Reality Games (ARG) of ART, SCIENCE, PROGRESS, SHARING IS CARING,SELF-ORGANIZING WORLDWIDE CHILDREN & HUMANKIND WORKING TOGETHER TOWARDS ACHIEVINGCOMMON GOALS, LAW ABIDING WORKS OF ART, PEACE, FUN, LOVE and LULZ.                                                                                    #FindTheOthers23 and PLAY it!
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kippelhouse · 2 years
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kippelhouse · 2 years
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kippelhouse · 1 year
Uno de los privilegios de los "machirulos" en Ukrania (y en casi todo el mundo "civilizado") es el de servir obligatoriamente (bajo pena de muerte) como carne de cañón en las trincheras. La Fiscalía puede "perseguir" a los ucranianos en el extranjero mediante la expedición de órdenes internacionales para capturarlos y obligarlos a luchar en la guerra contra el invasor ruso.
Kiev busca a miles de ucranianos huidos de la guerra para forzar su regreso y alistamiento. Polonia llega a un acuerdo con Zelenski y comienza las deportaciones entre un grupo de 80.000 refugiados del país vecino en edad militar. Otros gobiernos de la UE recibirán previsiblemente en las próximas semanas miles de solicitudes de extradición por parte de la Justicia ucraniana.
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kippelhouse · 1 year
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