hurryupimstarving · 2 years
Do you ever go back and read your old writing and wonder to yourself “what kind of drugs was I on and where do I get more?” Because that’s me right now.
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hurryupimstarving · 2 years
How to Decompose Gracefully
First and foremost is how you choose to be buried. Never try to preserve your corpse with chemicals. Not only is it harmful to the environment but it also gets in the way of the beautiful process of rigor mortis. If you choose cremation and to have your ashes scattered to the wind that is a wonderful choice but this guide may not be for you. 
Whether you choose a coffin, no coffin, or, even better, a sky burial either choice may allow for a graceful decomposure. 
Now lie still. There is no point in struggling anymore, after all you are dead. Submit yourself to nature and her many processes. Listen to the wind whistle overhead. Do you hear what it is saying? Feel the ground underneath you. Do you feel its pulse? Everything around you is alive and you are part of everything around you. You are a blimp on its surface, a piece of its puzzle, a cell in the body. The only difference is, is that you are dead. But not really. You are giving life to others through your flesh and bones. You are transferring your life to another and who’s to say that you don’t live through them.
Once you are comfortable in your position you must give it time. Full decomposition does not happen overnight. Truly it began when your heart stopped and your cells ran out of oxygen. But here, where you lay, that has already happened long ago. Your body has begun to digest itself and it is likely that your liver and brain are gone. Some say they feel a great emptiness when they have lost their brain while others say they have never felt more free. It is the most human part of us and without we are no longer bound to society and its rules. I suppose it is a matter of fear. We fear what we cannot control and without rules how can we control anything? 
Next the gut swells. The microbes that live in your intestines are now able to roam free and they will start eating away at you. It is important not to be in the dark ages when you die lest you want to be accused of being a vampire. I do not think that having a stake through the heart is rather graceful. But you know better than to choose that era to die, right? 
But this will not last long and the bacteria eating at you will soon break through and your remaining organs will spill out. For most, this is the first time they have ever seen their internal organs. How surprising it must be to see meters upon meters of winding rope that has been tucked away inside of you most of your life. Really this is when you begin to unravel. Like a great spool of thread being pulled by a single strand until there’s nothing left but the bones. Your organs will go, your fat will go, your muscles will go, until you are nothing but bones.
There is something special to bones. They can far out live the body and the soul, telling tales for generations to come. It would be nice if our bones would stay forever. An eternal mark upon the world shouting to all that pass, 
“Like you, I once walked this earth. I was loved and felt love. I was human and I lived and now here I lie. Remember me.”
But that is nothing more than a beautiful fleeting dream. One that only fools are allowed to dwell upon because before you know it you will be ground down to your minerals. Calcium and iron, your bones will become the stardust it once was and there will be nothing left of you except for everything. 
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hurryupimstarving · 3 years
Body Snatcher
Author’s note: I swore I posted this before but for the life me I cannot find it and am convinced it was a fever dream.
Warnings: mentions of death
I don’t have a body, I’m not even sure I have a form. I was born like everyone else, with two mothers but the only difference is that I died. At least my body died. Because after I died as a little tiny baby I moved into another body. The body of my older sister. I lived in her thinking I was her until she died as a teen. It wasn’t a random death, no car crash or freak accident, she, or I, got sick. Her body started wasting away. First, it was the weight loss, slow at first but then rapid at the end. Hair fell out too along with the nails. The doctors said it was like a parasite was eating at her but they couldn’t find anything. Funny thing is that I never felt sick, in fact, the weaker the body got the stronger I felt. It's almost as if I knew I wasn’t my sister’s body.
Then I occupied my mother. She died in the same way. So did my other mother. In a matter of years, I had wiped out my entire family including “myself”. I thought it would end there but I jumped to another body, that of the doctor that took care of my mother. From there I kept occupying bodies, a new one each time the other died. It's been so many years since I was born I don’t even remember when it was. But I’ve learned a few things about what I am since then.
I drain every body I occupy.
I jump to the nearest body to the one I occupy when I die.
When I enter a body, the consciousness of the other person goes away.
Never meet the people I occupy. It’s like moving into a new house. The house can’t tell me what’s happened in it, I simply stay there until I move. But that house is already furnished. There are pictures on the walls, furniture in the rooms, beds in the bedroom. I learn about the person through being in them and sometimes I get attached. Some of these people have been genuinely good people. Doctors, lawyers, or activists who were driven by bettering the world. Some have been madmen, murderers, or corporate elite. Nevertheless, they all die.
I am the great consumption, I am the final straw, I am Death. At least that’s better than thinking of myself as a parasite.
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hurryupimstarving · 3 years
What brought you here I have no idea but I felt that this blog needed some context so here you go.
Ren // 21 // Queer // She/Her // Filipino // INTP // Gemini // “Crazier than a banana in a fridge”
Horror // Romance // Fantasy // Short Stories// Poetry // Fiction // Weird Monologues 
That’s funny.
Go for it.
Thanks for passing by, hopefully I didn’t give you existential dread. 
~ Ren
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hurryupimstarving · 3 years
Irwin Rohmer: Guts
Untitled (I’ll walk you home)
Night Driving 
Night Terrors
Who Are You?  
Heart of Gold 
Back Again 
Fairey Circle
Open Up  
Untitled (I always thought I was smart)
Untitled (I forgot every conversation we ever had)
Sound Monster
​​How to Decompose Gracefully 
Untitled (Northwest Coast)
broken and haunted temple 
Falling From Grace 
On Call Lover 
Hand Outstretched:
Part 1 
Part 2
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hurryupimstarving · 3 years
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birthday tradition 🎂 cakes i’ve drawn on my birthday from 2018 to now
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hurryupimstarving · 3 years
Reblog the writers’ fortune cookie for luck!
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hurryupimstarving · 3 years
slurp slurp
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hurryupimstarving · 3 years
Write like you’re a goddamn death row inmate and the governor is out of the country and there’s no chance for a pardon.
Alan W. Watts (via writingdotcoffee)
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hurryupimstarving · 3 years
I finally understand why they call it ‘morning.' You can’t tell the difference between ‘morning’ and ‘mourning’ when you hear the words and that’s because there is none. Never a ‘morning’ person, the grey light that trickles through the curtains tricks me. It knows I’m somewhere between waking and sleeping and in the in-between I see you. That smile, looking at me like the first ray of light reaching over the horizon. Like the day is new but it doesn’t matter because I’d still have you. But when I stretch my arm, when I reach for you, all I can grasp is ‘morning’ light. But what’s the point of light without you? The sun ought to just put itself out. It has nothing important to shine on. Not anymore.
In the ‘morning’ I mourn you because it’s in waking that I remember every touch, every kiss, every note you snuck into my lunch bag telling me to “Have a good day” or “Did you know cats think we’re just bigger, stupider cats?” I’d trade every ‘morning’ for more evenings with you. I’d black out the sun, curse the heat, doom myself to a thousand nights, anything if it meant having you. But I can’t do that. Nothing is going to put you back in my bed, least of all me. So maybe it’s better, better to forget. Forget that ‘morning’ and ‘mourning’ have any relation at all. All that would be would be nothing, no nothing, no never, no nothing at all.
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hurryupimstarving · 3 years
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Horror is a love story.
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hurryupimstarving · 3 years
expect stories in the next few days, if i go awol again please someone hit me with a spatula 
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hurryupimstarving · 3 years
this is my second attempt to write. it has taken over 2 hours. post-secondary education has broken me. i keep thinking i need a thesis.
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hurryupimstarving · 3 years
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hurryupimstarving · 3 years
I have no concept of what writing for pleasure is. I’ve been assigned 6 papers due in the same week. There is no writing for fun here. My funeral will be held April 14th. Thank you. 
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hurryupimstarving · 3 years
I try to stay a little optimistic, even though I will admit, things are getting pretty sticky. Here’s how I try to look at it, and this is just me, this current global situation, it’s like there’s a boat stuck sideways in the Suez Canal. It’s like there’s a boat stuck in the Suez Canal. I think eventually everything’s going to be okay, but I have no idea what’s going to happen next. And neither do any of you, and neither do your parents, because there’s a boat stuck in the Suez Canal!
It’s never happened before, no one knows what the boat is going to do next, least of all the boat! It’s never been stuck sideways in the Suez Canal before, it’s as confused as you are!
There’s no experts. They try to find experts on the news. They’re like, “We’re joined now by a man that once saw an old russian oil tanker near Africa.” Get out of here with that shit! We’ve all seen a russian tanker near Africa. This is a boat stuck sideways in the Suez Canal!
When a boat is stuck in the Suez Canal, you got to stay updated. So all day long you walk around, “What’d the boat do?” The updates, they’re not always bad. Sometimes they’re just odd. It’ll be like, “The boat drew a dick in the GPS before getting stuck in the canal.” I didn’t know it knew how to do that.
The creepiest days are when you don’t hear from the boat at all. You’re down on Tumblr like, “Hey, has anyone…” “Has anyone heard–” [imitating boat horn noises]
Those are those quiet days when people are like, “It looks like the boat is finally getting unstuck.” And then ten seconds later the boat is like, “I’m gonna ignore the effort of the tug boats and cost the global trade another billion of dollars. I’ve got a nice bow and the length of 4 football fields, I’m a boat!” That’s what I thought you’d say, you dumb fucking boat!
And then… Then… Then you go to brunch with people and they’re like, “There shouldn’t be a boat stuck sideways in the Suez Canal.” And it’s like, “We’re well past that!”
Then other people are like, “If there’s gonna be a boat stuck in the Suez Canal, I’m going to send ships around Africa like it's the 16th century!” And those don’t match up at all!
And then, for a second, it seemed like maybe we could survive the boat, and then, a mile away, the excavation team was like, “I have a small digger and I’m going to dig the boat out of the canal!” And before we could say anything, the boat was like, “If you even fucking look at the canal, I will crash my bow further into the coast. I dare you to do it. I want you to do it. I want you to do it so I can crash you with my bow, I’m so fucking crazy.” “You think you’re fucking crazy, I’m a fucking underpaid employee. I live in a fucking tiny digger. I’m fucking crazy!” And all of us are like, “Okay.” Like poor Andy Cohen at those goddamn reunions. “Okay.”
And then, for a second, we were like, “Maybe the captain will manoeuvre the boat out of the canal.” And then the boat is like, “I have fired the captain.” It can do that? That shouldn’t be allowed, no matter who the captain is! I don’t remember that in Hamilton.
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hurryupimstarving · 4 years
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A heart that won’t give up yo ✌🏻
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