demonscantgothere · 1 year
It's done.
Her Liquor’s Top Shelf by Helholden for Irenka - Chapter 125: Epilogue
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Game of Thrones (TV)   Warnings: Mature, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, F/M, M/M, Work in Progress Relationship(s): Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Arya Stark/Gendry Waters, Renly Baratheon/Loras Tyrell Characters: Sansa Stark, Joffrey Baratheon, Sandor Clegane, Ned Stark, Catelyn Stark, Arya Stark, Robb Stark, Bran Stark, Rickon Stark, Jon Snow, Theon Greyjoy, Gendry Waters, Robert Baratheon, Cersei Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Loras Tyrell, Jaime Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Renly Baratheon, Brienne of Tarth, The Elder Brother (ASoIaF), Steffon Seaworth, Allard Seaworth, Asha Greyjoy, Petyr Baelish, Gregor Clegane, Ramsay Bolton, Davos Seaworth, Daenerys Targaryen, Arianne Martell, Oberyn Martell, Nymeria Sand, Sarella Sand, Barristan Selmy, Jorah Mormont, Edric Storm Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Developing Relationship, Secret Relationship, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Organized Crime, Humor
“Come on!” she urged him, a giddy undertone to her sweet voice.
Sandor unbuckled and joined her, shutting the door behind himself and watching as she raced through the white sand, laughing as she kicked it up. She jumped onto the first step and paused to look back at him.
“Are you coming?” Sansa hollered over to him.
Sandor couldn’t help it. He smiled back at her. “Yeah, I’m coming,” he drawled out, his feet trudging through the sand behind the footprints she had left in her wake. Sansa looked absolutely pleased with his response, and she turned away from him to hurry up the steps onto the landing, stopping at last and staring over the railing at the waves crashing onto the shore.
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accidentalharrie · 2 years
One thing that I keep seeing brought up, and not just by HLT but some of the “GP” (it’s more of a case of women who are extremely online and consume a lot of pop culture and are very snarky towards most of it, in my opinion, because they feel better about themselves that way), but anyway, what I see pop up over and over is the whole “Harry won’t claim her” thing, and it’s so odd.
Claim her? We’re really using that language about a woman? She’s not his fucking dog. Also, while Olivia has been slightly more open about their relationship (with very sideways stuff like “I didn’t leave Jason for Harry, that relationship ended way before I met Harry” or “our relationship is private”, she’s also extremely cagey about him. She hasn’t sat down to do a tell-all interview on how they got together or told us stuff about their domestic lives. She hasn’t even called him her boyfriend, or partner. She hasn’t posted a picture of him on socials that wasn’t for work. She hasn’t directly talked about their relationship other than veeeery tangentially allowing that it exists.
Of course this has been Harry’s MO for relationships his entire career. And it very much wasn’t Olivia’s before him (if anything, she was an oversharer). But just like Harry took Pilates with her instructor and that life philosophy sentence and probably a lot of other things we’re not privy to (I think, for instance, that this approach he has of making jokes about stuff people criticize about him is 100% her influence because in 10 years in the spotlight he had never done that, but it’s becoming a thing he does now, since he met her, and she’s always used self deprecating humor to make fun of criticism leveraged at her. Famously when she read mean tweets Justin Bieber fans sent her back in like, 2013), I think Olivia realized that Harry’s minimal social media approach and measured words about private matters was… a good strategy. She said something along those lines, like it didn’t benefit her to speak on her private life. I’m sure speaking so much about Jason bit her in the ass in the long run (everyone thought they were the perfect couple and, well…). And also other blunders like saying they had sex like Kenyan marathon runners or like her vagina had died with her ex. While I’m sure she regretted those pretty fast, I think it took her longer to connect that maybe… not airing out your private life is a good approach.
I think it probably wasn’t necessary for her to be so measured in the past, because she wasn’t this exposed and social media was a lot different but right now, she’s probably 1000000% on board with Harry’s approach. I’m sure it was tough to walk the red carpet with your partner and not touch them, awkward even, like you don’t know what to do with your limbs, but in the end, seeing how things played out, I think she was glad that they didn’t. That she knew it would’ve been a lot worse if they had.
I think she knows that if he “claimed her” things would not be better for her. Just seeing the way Larries treat Eleanor, who has been “claimed” a million times, tells you enough. It’s completely irrelevant or even makes things worse.
I think that if they end up getting married or having kids together, things will loosen up, because it just becomes a little ridiculous to be so tight lipped at that point, but it was definitely not going to happen while the movie wasn’t even out (and it probably won’t happen for a while after).
Those hateful women (and I highlight that they’re women because it’s fucking appalling that we’re often harsher on other women than men themselves), who claim that it’s embarrassing that Olivia keeps doing the most for Harry (what even is the most? Spending time with him? Wearing his merch? Speaking about him in a professional manner? Cause Harry does equivalents of those things as well), when “he won’t even claim her” and project that he doesn’t want to admit to having a girlfriend for PR and Olivia is so pathetic are genuinely… like, I can tell they have no joy in their lives because how are you willfully interpreting a situation that’s none of your business in the most negative way? When you have 1% of the facts and these are people you don’t even actually follow?
Sorry, but this sort of thing is just annoying. I know Harry is not perfect but assuming that he’s heartless enough to not acknowledge his partners (who are desperate for his validation) to keep a specific image even if those partners are “torn to pieces” because he keeps that public image is such a horrible horrible attribute to assume about a perfect stranger. Such a cynical interpretation of things for no good reason.
Perhaps I’m weird for giving random celebs the benefit of the doubt when I don’t know their motivations. Or perhaps I don’t feel the need to elevate my life and my self worth by putting down celebrities for a hobby.
Nons - I don't have much to add to this because you put it all perfectly but I would like to loudly join the chorus that in the YEAR OF OUR IMAGINARY LORD 2022 we do not expect men to CLAIM their women.
(Especially when we are also relentlessly criticizing the way said woman performs her feminism.)
((Especially especially when Harry grabbed her hand in front of approximately one million cameras less than a month ago.))
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egg04 · 2 months
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[ID: Line-art. Shoulders-up view of Home's Like This!AU Leonardo with a regretful expression. With averted eyes, they say "I wanted to hurt him," with "hurt" underlined. In the corner of the image says "egg04 WIP." /End ID]
I've been busy with other stuff, but I promise I'm still working on my AUs. This has been a WIP for a little while :D enjoy some out of context Cobalt (Leo).
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zarvasace · 6 months
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HLT character post
Link Eikenboom, Eik for short (pronounced Ike) is Dutch-inspired! I chose that because I really admire the Dutch painters of the late Renaissance era, and this Link is the one from Link Between Worlds. His adventure revealed the existence of a small kingdom mirroring Hyrule in the Dark World, and though the peace that Hilda and this Zelda brokered didn't last forever, it went a long way.
Eik is an artist at heart, particularly fascinated with light and the way it's reflected and refracted through shiny things. He grew up wanting to be a painter, but his deep-seated need to do something practical drove him to apprentice with a blacksmith after his initial schooling. After his adventure, he picks up painting on the side, because he realized that being an artist and practical weren't incompatible desires.
He's honestly not very assertive, but he is thoughtful. He can be awkward. People tend to like him, though, and he's friendly, even if he prefers the company of the people he's close to rather than strangers or acquaintances. He keeps in touch with Ravio, and though he finds Ravio a touch obnoxious, they're still good friends.
Later in his life, he mostly keeps to himself, and ends up expanding on his preferred mediums. He becomes a well-known artist in the expanding kingdom, mixing cast metal sculpture and jewelrymaking with paint. He even pioneers artistic stained glass sculptures.
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phoenixwrightzine · 1 year
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Bringing some shining sunshine light into the courtroom with their piece is @amazingrace53!  We love their beautiful colors and the way they draw our favorite lawyer's eyebrows!
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I have said this before on my other account but pedro pascal is the only human i know who can pull off a mustache without looking like a creep.
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“Wake up.”
Kate startled awake, frantically pulling the blanket away from her face. “I’m sorry,” she stammered, “I-I’ll move—”
The woman put a finger to her lips. “Quiet,” she said kindly. “I am a friend. My name is Impa.”
Kate gasped. “You speak Hylian!”
Impa chuckled. “I’m a Sheikah, of course I do.”
Kate was elated. “I haven’t been able to speak to anyone all day! Nobody else here speaks—well, at least not very well. It’s hard to understand them with the accent.”
“I’m sure.” Impa stood and held out her hand. “Come with me. There’s someone you should meet.”
Kate rubbed her eyes, considered her options, and accepted the offered hand.
Impa pulled her to her feet and lead her through the winding streets. Kate was too exhausted and hungry to keep track of where they were going. She was starting to get a headache.
She hoped that... he... was alright.
The smell of food caught her attention. She barely noticed that Impa was guiding her to a small table, didn’t even register that she’d been taken indoors.
“Thank you, Impa.”
Kate jumped in her seat. That was the voice of a man! Her head swiveled and she saw the Gerudo Chief—by the Three he was huge!—entering through a side door. Oh no...  If the rumors were true, then—!
“Would you like something to eat?” he asked, keeping his distance. “Impa tells me you haven’t eaten at all since you arrived this morning.”
Kate blinked. He spoke Hylian. He didn’t even have an accent. This Gerudo Chief spoke her language like a native!
He smiled, and she realized that in her half-asleep stupor, she’d said at least part of that out loud. “Hylian is my mother tongue,” he said. “Or, more accurately, my father tongue.” He motioned a servant into the room and they set a hearty—but not lavish—platter of food in front of her.
“Thank yo—er, sar...so?”
“Sarqso,” he corrected gently, his accent impeccable. He waved the servant away and motioned to the food. “Please.”
Kate was too tired and starving to resist on the grounds of politeness.
The Chief sat at another small table and took a slow swig out of large sapphire-studded goblet. He set the golden cup down and turned it a little. “What do you know about the young man who brought you here?”
Kate nearly choked on her food. “Wha—Nothing, why?” Did he know? Was he going to kill her? “I-I don’t know anything. I don’t even know his name.” Because he’d claimed to not have one. 
“Is he in trouble?” 
“I-I don’t know, why? I told you, I don’t know anything!” 
“How did you meet?” 
Kate moved to get up from her seat—this wasn’t safe at all! She needed to get out of here—but Impa held her in place. 
“Relax, Kate,” said Impa. “We mean neither you nor him any harm. Just the opposite, in fact.” 
Could she trust them? How did Impa know her name? 
The Chief’s face softened. “When I was about six years old,” he said, “my parents were killed by a bomb that was planted in our home. My mother served as the Oracle of Din in the Temple of the Golden Three.” 
Kate gasped. “Wait, the—the Oracle? The Oracle of Din, the—the one who was assassinated?” She had no memory of the event itself—she would have barely been born at the time—but she’d learned all about the tragedy while in school. “But—but they had two Hylian boys! Neither of them were Gerudo, or else—” 
“Or else the baby would have been brought here and made Chief immediately and been waited on hand and foot and grown into a spoiled tyrant, yes, my mother was very familiar with our customs.” He exhaled tiredly. “From the day I was born she dyed my hair so no one would know what I was. I didn’t even know what I was until Impa found me.”
“You mean when you found me,” Impa corrected. “You sought sanctuary at the temple of Hylia where I served as an attendant.”
“And you dragged me out of that temple, through a maze of back alleyways, and into the desert. You saved my life and brought me here.” He took a deep breath. “Kate,” he said, and again she wondered how they knew her name, “I—” He coughed, hazel eyes beginning to glisten. “I have long believed that my baby brother also, somehow, survived the bombing. I know it’s silly. I know it sounds like grief talking, but... I’ve never been able to shake the feeling that he’s alive. And based on what Impa’s told me, I believe that he may have been the one who brought you here today. So, I’ll ask you again: is he in trouble?”
Kate thought of the tiny, strapping young man who had entered her life so suddenly, turned it completely upside down, and left her in this strange place. One burning question consumed her sleep-deprived brain and leaped from her tongue: “What’s his name?”
The Chief’s eyes flicked to Impa, as if in question, then back to Kate’s. “He never told you?” 
Flustered, Kate tried to backpedal. “Maybe he did,” she shot back, “and I’m just testing you.”
He raised an eyebrow. “I haven’t seen him since he was a baby. He could very well have been raised with a different name.”
“He wasn’t raised with any name!” she blurted. “I mean—” She huffed and slumped over. Her and her big mouth. “That’s what he told me,” she mumbled, “that he, ‘didn’t deserve a name’—”
The Chief jumped to his feet. “What?”
“That’s what he told me! He said someone sent him to assassinate me—I don’t know why, I’m just an ordinary girl, it’s not like I’m someone of importance—but he couldn’t go through with it and so the only way to save both our skins was to drag me all the way out here and ditch me!”
The Chief began to pace. “They know,” he muttered. “They must know who he is, that’s why they—”
“Who is he?” Kate cried.
The Chief stopped and stared at her, his face tense with panic. “His name is Link. And even as a baby, he could hear the music of the Oracles.”
Kate stared right back, stunned. Legends and myths and fairy tales ran through her head. “You mean, he’s...?”
The Chief nodded.
“Oh by Hylia, he’s... he’s a Hero. That explains everything!” She stood, swaying from the blood rush.
“Sit down and eat,” said Impa, pressing Kate back onto the chair. Impa held eye contact with the Chief. “The best thing either of you can do for him right now is take care of yourselves and get some sleep. My kin tell me that he’s safe; he met a traveler in the desert who’s been keeping him alive.”
“A traveler?” asked the Chief.
Impa’s eyes turned sharp. “I’ll brief you in the morning.”
The Chief grumbled at that, then looked at Kate. “Are you going to wait here, or would you rather—”
“I’m not going to wait here, are you nuts‽ Eh, sorry. I’m just—Yes, I want to go with you!”
The Chief smirked. “Left quite the impression, did he?”
Kate blushed and adjusted her hair.
He chuckled. “Very well, I’ll make sure we’re packed for two. Goodnight, Kate. And thank you.”
Kate razzed. “I haven’t done anything. And how do you guys know my name, anyway?”
“I saw you two at the city gate this morning,” said Impa.
“Oh. Right.” Kate picked at her plate. “Well, thank you for the food. And for letting me go with you.”
“You brought my baby brother to me, as if back from the dead,” said the Chief. “This is hardly adequate to repay such a debt.”
Kate threw her hands in the air. “I didn’t do anything! He was the one who dragged me all the way out here!” She paused. “To try and save me.” She glanced up at him. “Anyway, thank you. Goodnight.” 
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officialhlt · 11 months
going live in a bit! 💓 I’ll be streaming for a few hours! ☺️💓
I’m going to be working on nails, picking my outfits for hard summer, & working out 🏋🏽
IG: officialhlt
Twitter: officialhltii
Cashapp: $hltii
see you later ! ☺️💕
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kickjurassic · 1 year
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a bunch of art that i drew for the harvest-lunatone group these past few weeks! first, aiden as a spooky decidueye for a group meme (base by flansy on dA). next, aiden as a dragonair since everyone got turned into fancy gem-based pokemon for april fool’s! and finally, a companion piece to the first time i ever drew aiden’s two sheep, sugar and cookie. cookie’s still trying her best, and sugar still isn’t impressed!
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thedarkestgreys · 2 years
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@demonscantgothere EXCUSE ME MA’AM?!??!?
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demonscantgothere · 2 years
Finishing this as promised now that I am writing again. I feel bad. Pls don't kill me.
Her Liquor’s Top Shelf by Helholden for Irenka - Chapter 122: A Red Door
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Game of Thrones (TV)  
Warnings: Mature, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, F/M, M/M, Work in Progress
Relationship(s): Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Arya Stark/Gendry Waters, Renly Baratheon/Loras Tyrell
Characters: Sansa Stark, Joffrey Baratheon, Sandor Clegane, Ned Stark, Catelyn Stark, Arya Stark, Robb Stark, Bran Stark, Rickon Stark, Jon Snow, Theon Greyjoy, Gendry Waters, Robert Baratheon, Cersei Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Loras Tyrell, Jaime Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Renly Baratheon, Brienne of Tarth, The Elder Brother (ASoIaF), Steffon Seaworth, Allard Seaworth, Asha Greyjoy, Petyr Baelish, Gregor Clegane, Ramsay Bolton, Davos Seaworth, Daenerys Targaryen, Arianne Martell, Oberyn Martell, Nymeria Sand, Sarella Sand, Barristan Selmy, Jorah Mormont, Edric Storm
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Developing Relationship, Secret Relationship, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Organized Crime, Humor
Chapter Summary:
It was as if a fire had taken a hold of the station. The night sky was alight with flashes of light in all different colors, exploding on the scene before the building. Jaime stepped out of the car immediately, staring slack-jawed at the flurry of activity coming and going in all directions. People were hollering. Camera bulbs flashed in blinding snaps. A barricade had been set up to offset the wave of reporters and vans, vehicles, and onlookers who had showed up. They all wanted to get inside, or they at least wanted information.
Jaime had no idea where to go first. Shutting the car door behind him, he made a beeline for the crowd of people gathering around the entrance past the front gates. There the crowd was the thickest, and officers were blocking the gateway into the station. He needed another route in. No one but authorized personnel were passing through this spot.
Every officer was either on duty or called in for whatever it was, so Jaime kept his head low in hopes no one would recognize him. Too much was going on to pay attention to one more face, he hoped. Besides, he used to work here. He knew all the ways in and out.
“It’s the arrest of the decade,” a woman reporter announced into her microphone as Jaime passed by. “The only daughter of the former political tycoon, Tywin Lannister, has been brought into custody. Cersei Lannister faces charges of conspiracy, fraud, money laundering, and more. Early reports are even saying she faces charges of conspiracy to commit kidnapping and murder. If convicted . . . ”
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accidentalharrie · 2 years
Imo, they like Camille because she’s no longer a threat. They can pretend that it’s not that Harry is dating Olivia that they have an issue with, but that it is Olivia herself, this specific woman who is problematic and a “downgrade” compared to beautiful, quirky Camille (who received the same treatment… after all, they were certain she was an obsessed stalker porn star who lied about her age, loved abusers/serial killers, was a transphobe who made fun of gay rights, and was actively trying to get their attention by bragging about her relationship with Harry for clout/her career). It helps that Camille is in another relationship. She’s now a self-insert who “humbled” Harry.
I spent too long getting harassed by anons for "being up Camille's ass" to allow this rewriting of history!! ;)
They said the exact. same. things. about Camille that they're saying now about Olivia. Using Harry for fame, problematic/racist/homophobic, taunting/gaslighting his fans, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
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egg04 · 1 year
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I mentioned having a second Leo-centric Rise sep AU, Home's Like This, and this is some art for it. My first one (that I haven't written yet) is Hidden Hero, which you can see some stuff for here!
Also note that Jennika and Venus are older than Leo in Hidden Hero AU. Hidden Hero Jennie and Vee are born in 2002. In HTL, they're born later in 2004.
I'll explore more of my AUs once I graduate high school in a couple weeks!
Hope you like Leon "Cobalt" Draxum! :DD
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zarvasace · 6 months
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HLT character post
Link Novak is sort of based on several Eastern European cultures. His name is Slavic, and I tried to use some of the aesthetics. He’s the Link in Twilight Princess, and comes between Link Between Worlds and Four Swords Adventures. Timeline-wise, his adventure also takes place just a little after Triforce Heroes, but in a different location.
He’s distantly related to the royal line, but was legitimately raised by wolves for a short period of time before wandering into Ordon Village. After his adventure, he spends a lot of time with Zelda, and is one of the few people she actually trusts. He keeps his ability to turn into a wolf and manages to expand on it a little, though his abilities are limited to mostly mammals with roughly his same mass. He found a journal kept by Silva (Link to the Past hero with a talent for magic) and uses that to help him a bit. He’s not good with magic in general, though. He’s not much of a scholar, either, but his efforts to do more research gain him a web of allies and friends across the kingdom and beyond. He’s pretty nice, but he has fangs.
In his middle age, he, along with a team, manages to recreate the mirror. He and Midna reconnect, and he eventually moves to the dark world. He and Midna (along with other pairings like theirs) parent a new line of shadow beings, ones with more Hylian appearances and more shapeshifting powers.
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daitranscripts · 2 years
Blackwall Conversation: Here Lies the Abyss
Rumors about Wardens
Blackwall Masterpost Related Quest: Here Lies the Abyss
After meeting Hawke, the PC approaches Blackwall at the stables.
PC: Varric’s friend, Hawke, said there were suspicions of corruption in Grey Warden ranks.  Do you know anything about that?
Blackwall: Corruption? What sort of corruption?
PC: Corypheus. He’s been known to influence the minds of Wardens.
Blackwall: That could very well explain why so many have disappeared.
Dialogue options:
General: We need to find them. [1]
General: How’s your state of mind? [2]
General: All, but you. [3]
1 - General: We need to find them. PC: If this is true, then all Wardens are in danger. Even you. We’d better find your brothers. Blackwall: I agree. If Hawke’s given you an idea where to start, we should get moving immediately. [4]
2 - General: How’s your state of mind? PC: Are you feeling all right? No voices or anything? Blackwall: If I start hearing things, I promise you’ll be the first to know. [4]
3 - General: All, but you. PC: Yes, disappeared. Not you, though. Blackwall: Have I given you any reason to doubt me? I won’t answer to this, not when it’s founded on rumor. [4]
4 - Scene ends.
After finding the Grey Warden’s plans in the Western Approach, the PC speaks to Blackwall again.
Blackwall: We need to head to Adamant Fortress as soon as possible. If there’s a chance we can stop Corypheus from destroying the Wardens, we can’t let it slip away.
Dialogue options:
Investigate: What’s in Adamant?
Investigate: What’s in Adamant? PC: What do you think we’ll uncover in Adamant? Blackwall: Nothing good. Hearing the Wardens’ plan was bad enough. Now we’ll see it finished. Best case? We find a nightmare. Worst? We’ll find a nightmare, then die painfully. I can’t believe what they’re doing.  I thought I understood the Order. (Sighs.)
Scene ends.
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The village was quiet at night. The young Gerudo Chief was used to the drastic shift in temperature between day and night in the desert, but even so, he was grateful that the village was mostly insulated from those extremes.
His bare feet stepped softly on the paved sandstone streets. He moved quietly, especially for someone his size. He liked to wander the streets at night, after all the women had gone to bed. It gave him space to think.
Tonight, as he was surveying his domain—taking stock of the structural integrity of the buildings, eavesdropping on raised voices to see if there was any trouble—he noticed something out of place. A dark blob lay propped up against one of the buildings. Groose normally wouldn’t have paid it any attention—a large bundle like that was probably just supplies—but as he watched, he noticed that it was moving.
He stepped closer. The bundle was breathing, alright. Was it a person? Must be either a Hylian or a young vai, judging by the size.
“She was dropped off here earlier today.”
Groose jumped and stifled a yelp. Dang Sheikah. Biting his tongue—he knew after all these years that there was nothing constructive he could say to the old hag—he crouched a few paces away from the bundled girl. “Did you catch a name?”
“Hers, or the one who left her here?”
That got Groose’s attention. She wouldn’t have brought it up if it wasn’t important. He stood to his full height and looked her in the eye. “What did you see?”
The corners of her eyes pinched in a smile. She was tall enough to blend in with the other Gerudo, so long as she kept her white hair covered. She pulled the fabric down from her face. “Early this morning, a young man dressed in black brought her nearly to the gate. He told her she’d be safe here, wished her goodbye, and promptly left despite her calling out to him.”
“Odd,” said Groose.
“Her name is Kate,” said the Sheikah. She paused. “She never mentioned his name. She acted like she didn’t know it.”
He frowned. “Also odd,” he muttered.
“The boy was Hylian. Looked a few years younger than you.”
Groose’s heart stopped. He met her eyes and held them.
There was no mirth in her expression now, only soberness and compassion. “There was red in his hair, and your father in his face.”
“Bring her to the palace,” he said, motioning to the sleeping bundle. “I’ll send my best trackers out and—”
“My kin are already tailing him,” said the Sheikah with satisfied glint.
Groose sighed. “I’m sorry, Impa. You’ve helped us—helped me—so much that I forget you’re not one of us.”
Impa nodded, accepting the apology.
Groose put his hands together. “Would you please wake her and bring her to the palace for me? I don’t want to scare her, and I know I can trust you.”
Impa smiled. “Of course.” 
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