#hm i should've studied lit
landwriter · 1 year
💌 and 💞 for the fic writer asks
Thank you!
💞What's the most important part of a story for you? The plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language For sure it's the characters! Obviously all parts are important but it's the relationships and development of characters that really drives me up the wall and gives me the brainworms that make me write. Stylistic elements are also dearly beloved, and I don't think I could ever share anything that didn't feel, to me, like I'd written it the way it needed to be written in terms of language - the sound and feeling and pacing of it, I guess? I spend WAY too much time polishing language. Like, plot is the plot, worldbuilding is the worldbuilding, pacing is pacing, but god help me if I do not have the right-feeling adjective. Finding good sentences gives me so much joy.
💌Share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited! Starting to flesh out possibilities and plans for an ambitious WIP that I think technically will constitute a Gothic mystery? Never thought I'd be writing Gothic fiction or a mystery. I don't have a clue what I'm doing but I'm v stoked. Creeping unease, increasing claustrophobia and dread, things aren't what they seem, etc etc. The past haunting the present! Also because it's me there is still of course the theme of The Power Of True Love etc which - lit majors correct me - is not an element of Gothic fiction hahaha. But very very excited for this one!
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i-cant-sing · 9 months
I feel so nauseous that I can't study, but all I can think about is friends with benefits Dabi and reader just sitting on the couch late at midnight, after sleeping together, are just basking in the dim yellow lights of the apartment. Everything is quiet, they're eating some leftovers, a crappy romcom movie is playing in the background.
Dabi swears to himself that youre nothing more than just stress relief for him, but everytime he comes over, he stays a little longer after. He doesn't have to, you don't make him, but... he just can't help being in your presence longer. Something inside him heals bit by bit when you laugh- no, let out an ugly snort before leaning against his shoulder, the warm yellow lights caressing your face, your dishevelled hair becoming an even more untamed mess when you run up to the kitchen to get the last serving.
You must feel it too... the way your hands always manage to find his hands, his cheeks, find him. Your soft skin against his rough one.
"You should use some vaseline."
You said, a cheeky smile on your face as you laid on the couch, your feet resting on his lap as he smoked a cigarette, looking at you with unamused eyes.
"It'll make your skin soft overnight." You added.
Dabi took a long drag before exhaling the smoke. "You should learn how to cook."
"Your food tastes like crap." He lied, placing the cigarette back to his lips.
"Then whyd you eat half the pan of lasagna?" You asked before using your toes to pull the cigarette away from him, making him narrow his eyes at you.
"To save you from eating your own poisonous food."
"Hmm, well that isn't the meal you come here to devour anyways." You giggle before pulling your feet away. He almost pulled them back- almost.
"Stop with the cringe." He closed his eyes, a small smile played on his lips. "Should've cut your cable off. They're a bad influence on you."
You rolled your eyes before getting up, walking towards the bathroom. "Just let me know when you're coming next time. I'll try to cook something good for his Majesty." You said as you turned on the shower. "Or better yet, bring the groceries in, and I'll cook."
He glanced in your direction, where you were taking off your clothes.
Should he join you? Could he-?
Dabi hadn't called again as he arrived by your place. But it looked like you already anticipated his arrival, from the note you had placed on the fridge for him to find.
"Gone out for groceries for your hungry ass. Be back soon.
Love, Y/n."
Love, Y/n.
Why did 2 words make his heart bloom? For sure, this isn't a panic attack or PTSD he's experiencing... maybe it is... love?
Dabi sat on your couch, closing his eyes as he lit another cigarette to calm his nerves. He needed it for what he about to do, as he pulled put the small box from his pocket.
He never bought groceries. But he had bought something else.
A ring.
He's sure about you, sure about his feelings for you, pretty sure your feelings for him are mutual too. He doesn't need to formally date you... you two are different. You don't need the usual courtship stiff with him, although he wouldn't be opposed to the idea after marriage.
Marriage. Was he even husband material? You were certainly wife material, the food you cooked, the maternal side he caught a glimpse of when kids came by your door for Halloween, all the soft touches you give him.
You're ready, he's ready too.
And if you say no, if you don't agree, then that's that. He'll stop coming by, and you'll move on too. Just like he will... right?
It's been hours. You're still not home and you're not picking up either.
Something is wrong.
He left your apartment and went towards the market you'd frequented. There was a lot of commotion outside the store, with people gathering around a particular spot. He pushed past them, heart beating fast as he hoped it wasn't you. It wasn't you-
There was red. Red on the concrete, red on the bag of groceries spilled all over, red on the white coat you owned, red on the leather bag he had gifted you on your birthday.
It can't be you-
"Young Y/n frequented the store so often. She was a beautiful lady, so kind." Someone said from behind him.
Was? No, no you couldn't he dead-
"And to have gone in such a horrible way too. The drunk driver just drove away. She hit her head on the pavement too. I overhead one of the paramedics say she died on impact!" Someone gasped beside him, but his eyes were focused on the sight in front of him.
Everything's red. Red red red red-
Dabi ran towards the nearest hospital, his ring lying in the pile of blood on the concrete.
As he rushed towards the hospital, a voice deep inside him said something that he'll regret forever.
I should've gotten groceries.
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hwaslayer · 1 year
project: make you love me (jyh) | two.
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♣︎ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: yunho can’t stand how you’re so wrapped up in the notorious campus fuckboy, park seonghwa. he would gladly love you the way you deserve, despite being shy, awkward and the complete opposite of seonghwa. thus, when he finds himself spending more time with you over literature reviews and random study sessions, he decides to take on the challenge to win you over.
—pairing: jeong yunho x f. reader x park seonghwa
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) strangers/friends to lovers, college au | fluff, angst, (eventual) smut
—word count: 3.6k
—chapter content/warnings: nothing too bad since we're still in the beginning stages of things lol, cussing, friends being supportive, friends being instigators and projecting!!, hwa still being hwa, yunho being shy and awkward but very caring
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You scrambled to get your literature review done, almost forgetting that you had to send it to Yunho before officially submitting it to your professor. It's a bit past midnight when Seonghwa decides it's time to drop you off— even if it gets incredibly late, he'd prefer to drop you off at home rather than let you stay.
All Seonghwa's bullshit plans.
You yawn as you quietly step into your shared apartment, careful not to wake your roommates as you pull out your laptop and finish your lit review on the kitchen island in the dark. It fucking sucks that absolutely nothing is coming to you for this review because now, Yunho is probably going to think you're just flat out dumb for not being able to see what everyone else sees.
"Hey." You whip your head up so fast you almost give yourself whiplash. Seungmin groggily walks out of his room and into the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water. "Why are you working out here in the dark? Did you just get home?" You nod.
"Mhm. Forgot I had to finish that literature review and send it to Yunho."
"Forgot already?"
"Shut up, okay? Not my favorite assignment to work on. Besides, I wanna give him some time to review it and chew my ass if he needs to. Rather him than Dr. Nelson at this point." You type away, probably hella nonsense and gibberish about the movie at this point.
"Hm." Seungmin hums as he quickly drinks his water. "Don't stay up too late."
"I won't. Just gonna give this a few more words then send it off." You sigh. God, you almost regret asking Yunho [out of all people] for help. He's super smart and he always knows what he's doing. Was this the right route to go? Maybe you should've just asked Dr. Nelson and dealt with it.
"Mkay. Goodnight then, Y/N." Seungmin yawns as he drags himself back to his shared room with Soobin. You decide that you're gonna take another 10 minutes to finish off the review, giving it everything you can think of right now. If it needs tweaking or any additional details, Yunho can surely step in and help. You feel exhaustion hitting you quickly, giving your review the last bout of energy you have left before you shower and call it a night.
"Done." You say to yourself, sending it off to Yunho as an attachment. 
He probably won't look at this until later.
You make sure to double check your emails and assignments, keeping track of everything that's due and needs to be turned in—
You peep the notification that pops up on the bottom right of your laptop screen.
"1 New Email from: Jeong Yunho ([email protected])"
"What the fuck?" You mutter to yourself. It hasn't been a whole 10 minutes since you sent the email. You click on the notification anyway, letting it bring you to the new email in your student inbox.
— do you have time to meet really quickly later today? i wanna go over your review with you. cool if you can't though, just prefer to talk to you in person instead of marking up your page without any explanation to back it up.
You sigh and sit there, trying to remember your schedule for tomorrow. You do have a 45 minute break in between your morning classes. Hopefully, he's free.
— sure! i'm free from 10:15-11. does that work for you?
"1 New Email from Jeong Yunho ([email protected])"
— yup, i don't have class till after lunch. i'll be working at one of the booths in the library.
You sit back and respond, feeling a bit of relief.
— cool, see you. :) thanks for your help.
Yunho sits at his desk, feeling a bit awkward and nervous even though you can't see him right now. It's probably a little pathetic at how quick he opened up your email, but to be fair, you seemed like you really needed the help and that's what he wanted to give you. You aren't necessarily writing bad reviews, since you're hitting all the right points. But, he has Dr. Nelson figured out. He doesn't want just the facts— he wants you to think outside of the box, write out the emotions, feelings, outcomes of all the actions, give examples, state what your thoughts are on how this effects the surroundings, other characters. You just need to add that little umph to your reviews and give him more than the bare minimum. Yunho gets it though, it's not easy to tap into that all the time. That's why he's here to help. 
He's hoping he can be the help you need.
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"Did you come in pretty late last night or was Seungmin sleep walking?" Soobin scratches the side of his head as the two of you walk towards the library.
"No, that was me." You chuckle.
"Did Seonghwa at least walk you to the door? Cause that's late."
"Yeah right." You scoff and Soobin shakes his head. "Whatever though, he drops me off as close as possible to our building."
"Still. He should at least walk you halfway."
"Mm, yeah." Is all you respond with. "Anyway, lunch later? I have to meet with Yunho to talk about this review."
"Oh? You're actually meeting with him? That's new. I feel like that's something out of the ordinary for Yunho."
"He asked if we could so that he could explain better instead of just marking up my review." 
"That's nice of him."
"Yeah, hopefully I'm not too much of a pain in the ass."
"Doubt it. You just need a little guidance, that's all. Sure he'll be super helpful." Soobin smirks. "He seems to not go out of his way for people, maybe he likes you."
"Are you serious right now? All because I need help over a literature review." Soobin laughs.
"Just saying. I already like Yunho way more than Seonghwa."
"Okay, I'm leaving. I'll see you later." You roll your eyes and enter the quieter side of the library where the booths are located. It's easy to spot Yunho, especially with that towering figure of his even while sitting. Today, he's wearing a navy and white flannel, with a grey shirt underneath. His hair falls to his face as he leans over to write some notes. He has one finger placed on a page in his textbook, while the other hand is busily writing away. He glances to and from every now and then, only looking up at his surroundings when he feels you approaching.
"Um, hi." You awkwardly stand near the booth with your books tucked against your chest. He simply looks at you before giving you a tiny, pursed smile and returning his attention to his books.
"Hey." He moves his book and notebook closer to himself in order to give you some room. "Sorry, just need to finish this right quick."
"That's okay. Take your time." You slide in awkwardly and set your books on the surface of the table. "Thanks for going over my review."
"No worries." He says softly before finishing up his notes and shutting his books closed. He brings out his laptop and types away to unlock it, pulling up your document before turning the laptop towards you. "So."
"Sorry, I know it was bad." You look at him, a little shy and embarrassed. He tilts his head a bit and furrows his brow while looking at you.
"Huh? No, it wasn't bad, Y/N." He lets out a small chuckle. "You're hitting the right points, Dr. Nelson is just super complex and wants you to use these facts a bit more." He points at a line in your review. "You talk about the characters feelings here after an upsetting moment, which is right. But, how does it affect their surroundings? Their actions, the people around them, what they get themselves into to cope. How does feeling bad branch out to all these things? Why? How does it contribute to their overall attitude, to the overall character?" You nod. 
"It seems so easy to talk about, but I don't know why I have so much trouble doing it. I feel kinda dumb." He shrugs.
"You're not. You just have to dig into the details a little more and use those examples instead of staying safe and stating what we know already. It's easy to stay safe because you know what you're stating is gonna be right. Dr. Nelson just wants a little more than that, is all."
"Thanks, Yunho." He gives you a toothless smile.
"Of course. Uh," He scratches his temple. "Let's go through everything else? So, I can be of better help to you?" You nod.
"Only if you're okay with it."
"Yeah. Just wanna make sure I help you out correctly." He lets out a shy chuckle before thoroughly going through your literature review with you. He asks you the right questions, allowing you to edit your own document on his laptop while the two of you continue to converse. He shares his thoughts and the things he's included on his review, making it easier for you to understand what you were missing and leaving out in your own.
Literature was never your favorite. You partially didn't care enough to put in enough effort, hence the lack of patience and understanding with the assignments— the lack of patience and understanding with your own professor.
As 11 closes in, you sit and look at your fully edited review feeling content. You look at Yunho, a small toothless smile on your face while he awkwardly glances around the library to avoid long eye contact. He gently taps his hands against the surface of the table, waiting for you to break the silence.
Which, you eventually do.
Thank god.
"Yunho, I feel so much better about this." You slide the laptop over to him. "Thanks for helping me, seriously. I don't know what I'd do if I had to see Dr. Nelson's comments again."
"It's not a problem." He shrugs. "I um, can continue to look at your reviews if you want?" Your eyes light up as you nod delightfully.
"I have to repay you somehow, that's too much on your plate isn't it?"
"It's not. I wouldn't offer if it was." He chuckles a bit.
"Lunch one day?"
"You don't have to."
"I would like to. Or, if our schedules don't work, we can always meet for coffee and go in on the café desserts."
"Sounds good." He smiles and pulls out his phone to slide it towards you. "Mm, do you think I can grab your number? Sorry, don't mean to be lame about it. I just figured it'd be easier instead of emailing each other. Unless that's what you.. prefer?" You chuckle and shake your head.
"No, this is totally easier. Don't worry." You plug your number in before sliding it back to me. "There."
"That's me." He says after giving you a quick ring so you can save his number on your own phone. You start to gather your things to start heading to class when you hear a familiar laugh come from one of the aisles to your right. You turn over your shoulder to catch wind of the noise, finding Seonghwa deep in conversation with another classmate, another senior girl [actually this one is probably Hyeri?] She seems to be laughing at his jokes, even though they probably aren't that funny. Somehow, the way he looks at her [along with any other female who isn't you] breaks your heart.
Breaks your heart even though there isn't anything else left to break.
Seonghwa briefly makes eye contact with you before his eyes quickly dart to Yunho, then back to Hyeri in front of him. You quietly continue to gather your things and swallow the lump forming in your throat, unsure why you allow this feeling to completely ruin your mood. Yunho takes note, for sure though. Again, he's not sure if he should feel bad because you surely knew what it was like getting tangled with Seonghwa. That was no secret on campus. However, he's an empath, and seeing that you've been kind and calm around him— he can't help but feel bad. A tiny bit sad, upset even, that you continue to let yourself mess around with Seonghwa when you deserve so much more.
Yunho challenges Seonghwa a bit though, letting his eyes linger on him until Seonghwa breaks away first. He checks on you and parts his lips slightly because he wants to say something, anything— he's just not sure what. Eventually, he settles with:
"Are you okay?" It's clear you're not and Yunho immediately feels stupid as fuck for settling with that question.
"Hm, yeah. Just tired, is all." He nods, watching as you slide out of the booth and swing your bag strap over your shoulder.
"Don't hesitate to text me if you need anything else. I'll try and help." When he says it, he's hoping you can catch onto the fact that he's someone who could listen to your troubles. He's not good with words or opening up to people, but he thinks he could at least offer that after seeing the way you sank in front of him. His eyes dart back up to you when you tuck your books back to your chest and smile at him.
"I will. Thanks again, Yunho. Lunch or coffee soon, okay?" You say sweetly before leaving him back to his lonesome. 
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"How was your date with Yunho?" Soobin asks as he forks his salad and takes a big bite. You glare at him before shaking your head.
"This is how rumors spread, you idiot." Chaery smacks him on the back of the head, making him laugh but slightly wince in pain at the same time.
"I'll whoop your ass if you say that word and Yunho in the same sentence one more time." You roll your eyes. "My literature review session with him went fine. He did help me out a lot, practically added another page to my review from all the edits we made."
"That's good." Soobin says, laughing. "Are you gonna have him review your literature stuff from now on?"
"Probably, it comes so easy for him. Or, maybe I just lack the patience." You shrug. "But, his help would definitely be nice. I need to push my grade up."
"Mhm." Soobin wiggles his brows.
"He's pushing this Yunho agenda so much." You point at Soobin while looking at Chaery and she shrugs.
"I mean don't get me wrong, I'm on the same bloat." You glare at her. "But, I'm on your side more than anything!" She quickly bounces back, making you sigh.
"I give up." You mumble as you rest your chin on the palm of your hand. Suddenly, your phone vibrates off to the side, making you lazily tap your screen to see who the notification is from.
"Better not be Seonghwa." You glare at Chaery once again.
"I'm taking this to the couch." You stick your tongue out before grabbing your phone and walking over to the couch in the living room. Because it's not, and you don't really wanna deal with your teasing friends even more.
yunho: btw, i like this website if i don't really wanna dig too deep into the details
yunho: it's a good website that summarizes a lot of the themes in books, and they have a huge catalog
You smile and respond back, feeling appreciative that he thought of you.
yunho: srry for the triple text, hope i didnt bother
you: you didn't. thank you, yunho :) i'll bookmark this that way i won't have to bother you so much lol
yunho: you're not a bother haha but np. have a good night!
you: you too!
Then, another comes in. And of course it's Seonghwa. But, the message isn't your typical message, no. It's a message that easily rubs you the wrong way because why? Why does Seonghwa like to pull this shit?
seonghwa: since when did you talk to jeong yunho? lol
you: why does it matter?
seonghwa: it's a simple question?
you: you're ridiculous, you know? we're in the lit same class. again, not that it matters .. ?
seonghwa: how am i ridiculous? lol
you: whatever seonghwa
seonghwa: why are you upset, baby? i'm just asking. i don't see what yunho's point is
you: he has no point, he's just helping me out.
seonghwa: okay, sure lol do you wanna come over? could use your company ): 
you: not tonight
you: maybe you can call hyeri, or whatever her name is. i'm spending time with my roommates
seonghwa: baby, seriously? i was talking to a classmate. can we not fight over dumb shit again?
you: goodnight seonghwa
You sigh out of irritation, tossing your phone aside. It's a bit close to 10pm, but you feel like getting some fresh air and taking a quick walk around the complex would do you some good. 
"Chaery, can we take a walk?" She looks at you and nods.
"What about me?" Soobin asks with a mouth full.
"You're eating."
"I can take it with me."
"It's girl talk." He cringes a bit and shakes his head.
"Nevermind. Be safe, come back soon." You chuckle just as Chaery walks out of your shared room in a hoodie. She has one of your jackets in your hand, handing it over as she gets closer.
"It's a bit cold tonight. Jacket?" 
"Thanks." You smile at her as you throw it on and zip it up, sliding into your slippers before walking out. Chaery is right; the air is colder, crisp. It has a little bite, especially against your skin. Chaery wraps her arm around yours, pulling you close for extra body heat.
"What happened, babe?"
"You told Soobin it was girl talk." You laugh a bit and nod.
"Oh yeah, right. It is." You sigh as you hold her close. "Nothing, it's just Seonghwa. He texted me just to ask when I started talking to Yunho and what his point was. Got on my nerve."
"Ew, what's his problem? Y/N, seriously. You can do so much better than him. I know it's not easy, and I know he has his moments with you. But baby, you deserve someone who is always sure about you and who will be happy to flaunt you off."
"I know." You sigh. "It's like every time I think about leaving, he does something to keep me close."
"But, it shouldn't be this way, you know? You shouldn't have to wait for these moments. It should happen every day if he really cared about you."
"Yeah." Is all you can say because what can you say? It's hard to break it off with Seonghwa because this is your routine, something you've gotten used to— his presence is something you've gotten accustomed to. Even if it he isn't necessarily the best, he keeps you company. The kind of company that you like.
"How was meeting up with Yunho? Did he help you with your review?"
"A lot. He is super helpful, and he offered to keep helping me."
"Aw." Chaery giggles. "That is so sweet of him."
"He's actually really kind, and patient. I offered to take him out for lunch or something one day."
"Cute. Yeah, you should! Get to know him. Maybe he just needs a little pushing out of his shell, you know? You could probably help him in return." You shrug.
"Maybe? He's still—" Suddenly, Chaery's eyes shoot up to the figure ahead. She does a little gasp before making a cute noise and dragging you closer.
"Yunho!" She says, waving at him. He looks a little startled, but he stops in his tracks and waits with his hands in his pockets— a shy, small smile creeping at the corner of his lips. "Wait, oh my god! I didn't realize you lived here, too! I mean, so does the majority of campus, but still!" You sure as hell didn't know either, and you feel a bit bad that you just probably never noticed. 
"Uh, yeah. I just live over there." He points at his building.
"Who do you live with?"
"Kang Yeosang." Chaery nods.
"Ah, cute. What a pair." You give her a look before shifting your attention back to Yunho. He quietly waits for the next part of the conversation, his eyes softly gazing over you. 
You're cute.
"What are you doing out here this late?"
"Could ask the same for you two." He chuckles and nervously scratches at the nape of his neck. "I, uh, can't sleep sometimes. The walk kinda helps."
"Ah, I see. Makes sense."
"So.." He awkwardly says, shifting weight from one foot to another. "Also couldn't sleep?" You shrug.
"We just needed to get out and get some air." Chaery cuts in for a follow-up to avoid any Seonghwa talk. Though, she knows Yunho wouldn't do that to you. 
"It's getting late though, and pretty cold."
"We're just gonna walk to the end then walk back."
"Hm, okay." 
"It was nice running into you." Chaery smiles. "I hope you can get some rest tonight!"
"Hopefully. Have a good night." He looks at her, then you; he gives you a very tiny, very subtle nod of acknowledgement. With that, the two of you walk past to continue your walk, Chaery praising how gentle and good-looking Yunho is until the end of the walk. Yunho knows the community is safe, but he cuts his walk short just to head up to his building and get a better view of yours. He hangs over the railing near the stairs, catching sight of you and Chaery. He watches as you circle back around to your building, slowly heading up the stairs. He can hear your laughs from where he stands, and he's glad you seem to be okay tonight.
It's good that you have great friends by your side.
When your figures disappear into the hallway, Yunho feels content, relieved— knowing you've both made it safely home. He turns on his heel to make it to his own apartment, greeted by a dark living room with echoes of Yeosang yelling at his PC.
At least you're okay. 
At least you're not outside, waiting in the cold.
At least you're with good company.
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♣︎ taglist: @s-nsanshine @soupbinlily @tyongff-ff @jiminiscricket @g1g1l @staytinyinmybpack @woomyteez @gfksz @bitchwhytho @savluvsmingi @thisisntmyrightera @hyukssunflower @miriamxsworld @tmtxtf @kuromibabe04 @lmnhead @carrietwrites @tournesol155 @persphonesorchid @txt-yaomi @marsattacks @mxnsxngie [bold = can’t tag 😭]
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Just thinking about the line from My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys:
I'm queen of sandcastles he destroys
A lot of people have touched on Taylor using castles and palaces as a symbolic representation of her career, body of work, specifically those stolen works and versions of herself. They're locked away in a high tower and separated from Lover - TTPD Taylor.
The tension at the end of Bejeweled, when she walks smiling onto her balcony only to quickly show her castle on fire was, in my opinion, easily overlooked. Was she burning it down or had it already been burning down without her noticing? A stone castle on fire would require some orchestration.
Fast forward to TTPD, the line above from MBOBHFT stuck with me because the "boy" here is destroying her sandcastle. Sandcastles are a study in impermanence. We build them as an incredibly basic recreation of the real, impenetrable, almost indestructable thing. But we do so knowing they can't last, they won't. Eventually the tide will wash them clean away or the wind will erode at the structure until it turns back into sand.
That means "the boy" in question is preemptively destroying something that wasn't supposed to be forever anyway.
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The first thing about this song that lit up my brain like a firework was the lyrical parallel to Cruel Summer. I mean, if Taylor uses the word "toy" in a song you know it's gonna be sassy af, ok? A girl takes notice.
Fever dream high in the quiet of the night You know that I caught it Bad, bad boy Shiny toy with a price You know that I bought it -------------------- The sickest army doll Purchased at the mall Rivulets descend my plastic smile But you should've seen him When he first got me My boy only breaks his favorite toys
Now, I have had my speculations (as have many others) about Cruel Summer not being a love song, but a PR-ing song. I almost immediately thought the same of MYBOBHFT.
Fortunately, the Barbie movie covers a lot of ground for the "why is using a kind of Barbie-Ken like dynamic excluding a romantic narrative?" Because she's Barbie, he's just Ken, Ken is basically an accessory. Anyway I think this song is absolutely talking about several people or experiences/problematic Hollywood structures etc. in a very smart twisting narrative.
"Fever dream" is playful here in the same way she uses "sickest. " The doll isn't sick and the narrator of Cruel Summer isn't running a temperature. "Shiny toy" and "sickest army doll" feel like even clearer parallels — one "with a price / You know that I bought it" and the other "purchased at the mall." I like the reversal of "You know that I caught it" and "When he first got me" because catching isn't as active as buying. Something happens to you if you catch a fever or something is thrown at you - and that feels like an entirely different he that "got" her. Another play on words because that sounds like ownership and tricking.
I was so confused by sickest army doll at first because she sings it in such a (Lana coded) morose way. I was trying to imagine a sickly Army Barbie? But I think the smart way she's written these lyrics (please read her lyric booklets they are incredibly sneaky, brilliant works of poetry) she's not referring to the "me" as an army doll. In fact what's an "army doll" little kids think are rad? Hm... a G.I. Joe?
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The bait and switch of it all, the sandcastle-like metaphors, continue with the above. It sounds like "there were so many reasons why we should have been together forever." But word choice is where this poet shines.
"Litany" is one of those words that always registers to me a "a list" but it's actually got religious roots (of course - this album has so much of that): a form of prayer used in services and processions, and consisting of a number of petitions.
It can also mean "a prolonged or tedious account," which is why you hear an expression like "litany of complaints"... Got it so you had a tedious amount of prayers and petitions *checks notes* for why you could have "played for keeps" THIS. TIME. Have there been other times? Oh right, yes, she's "just repeating herself."
Play for keeps is another one of those terms we use, but don't always know it's full definition. One such definition is "to do something seriously and without showing any mercy."
This sounds less like holding onto a lover who wanted to leave or mistreated you, though I think that should also another lens to view this story... perhaps change lover to authority figure... and more like two people who struck an agreement (one that upheld some good christian values?? too far?) to battle something together... and one of them couldn't stick it out. Perhaps because "he saw forever so he smashed it up"? He was a Bolter too.
So she just wants to be put back on her shelf so she can go through the cycle all over again. In fact, pull a string and she'll repeat the lines she knows so well. Copy+paste.
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"I used to switch out these Kens, I'd just ghost" to "I felt more when we played pretend / Than with all the Kens" with her GI Joe? I mean lumping a "lover" into a category with Kens and any kind of doll purchased isn't the most loving way to refer to them lol. And I can't help but notice she's only ever played pretend with all the Kens. But what do you do with your shiny toy when they don't want to play anymore?
The lyric video is simple, but each line comes up one at a time and "breaks," floating pieces falling out of frame. At the end we pan down to see the collected debris.
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A pit of broken words.
Also worth noting you can see among the blurred graveyard of words a couple of them are crisp/hidden. They're "Boy breaks his only favorite" or "favorite only"... or his Favourite?
Anyway, we come back 'round to the sandcastle metaphor that got me started. I don't think Taylor's princess castle and her sandcastle are a perfect one to one match symbolically. A stone castle was built with the intention of lasting forever, if it catches on fire that would be surprising... more akin, to me, to her career or Taylor TM?
A sandcastle, however, can't last forever, it's not meant to, but you still build it knowing that. Like an arrangement, contract, role, etc. business or otherwise. For someone to snuff out a sandcastle before time or tides or the inevitable does that for you seems needlessly harsh. Even a short-lived imitation can mean something if you enjoyed building it. In fact, that's the only part that gets to live on once a sandcastle is washed away. And it seems like even that part was ruined.
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quietplace26 · 2 years
Ghostwire: Tokyo x Reader series~
Akito: Kitsune
Mari: Kitsune
Erika: Nekomata
Rinko: Byakko
KK: Okami
Yokai au (3)
When reader arrived into this town eariler that day, they honestly expected nothing interesting to happen.
In fact, the town felt so dull that they couldn't wait to leave, but alas, the bus that could take them out this dull place wouldn't be back till next week!
So with boredom on their mind, they asked what they could do around here. Hiking was really their only answer.
The hike was supposed to be fun, supposed to be safe. It wasn't.
Fuck me that hurt..." Reader groans as they carefully pushed themselves up into a sitting position. What... happened?
Glancing up at the light above them they remembered. They were just finishing up their hike when the ground suddenly collapsed underneath them, causing them to fall through!
Looking around they could see they were in a huge cavern. Like really huge! There was even a small lake in there! Also, there was something in the middle of the lake. It looked like a... temple?
Curiousity filled their soul. They wanted to explore that temple!
They knew they should've been trying to find a way out this cavern but their curiousity was more important than escaping!
"Shit!" As they went to stand up, they hissed in pain. Oh well this wasn't good. It looked like their ankle was sprain...
They glanced back at the temple with a pout. Screw it. They've dealt with worse pain before. What's another sprain ankle to add their growing list?
They carefully limped over to the lake, which they discovered wasn't really a lake at all as the water barely went passed their ankles, and began walking toward the crumbling temple.
Limping up the steps they couldn't help but wonder how this hadn't been discovered yet...
"Woah..." Inside they find something amazing. A huge wolf statue.
They limped closer to it, studying it with interest. They couldn't help themselves. They touched the statue.
*Crack* Reader stumbles back and falls to the floor in shock as glowling cracks suddenly began spreading across the statue!
"Wh-?!" The statue explodes and light fills the temple, blinding the reader as well.
A howl is heard and the light goes away, letting them get a look at what happened to the wolf statue. Thing was... it wasn't a statue anymore.
A huge, living black wolf stood before them. There was marking on them as well. Glowing lines decorated it's front paws, muzzle, and back!
"Holy shit." Their whisper of disbelief catches the wolf's attention. and to their horror, it jumps at them with a snarl.
"You! What the hell are you doing in my temple human!" A male voice snarls. It takes a moment for them to realize the voice came from the wolf.
"Y-your temple?" They winced as the wolf growled again. "Yes. My temple. Now answer me!"
Usually they would sass anyone that spoke to them like this but as of right now they were scared. Shakily they told the wolf what happened all the while they curled in on themselves.
The wolf was silent for a moment, but to their relief, it moves off them with a huff. "Fine. I believe you. Since you freed me I'll let you go this time so LEAVE!" The wolf roars.
Reader scrambles to their feet only to fall back to the floor with a pained noise. Fuck! Their ankle!
"Oi! I told you to-" The wolf cuts off as the pain/stress of everything became too much for reader and they pass out.
"H-hm?" Reader wakes up feeling warm. They... were under a blanket? And their ankle didn't hurt anymore?
"So you're awake." They tense up at the familar voice of the wolf.
A sigh was heard and light filled the room. To their surprise, there was no wolf in the room, only a man... who had wolf like features! Like fluffy wolf ears and a bushy tail!
The man had an almost awkward look on his face as he lit some torches with his hands! "Relax... I'm not going to hurt you."
With the room lit up, the man plops down beside them and awkwardly apologizes, explaining he was the deity of this temple and the last humans he meet before reader weren't exactly nice.
They badly injured him somehow, and in an desperate attempt to not die, he sealed himself in this temple, becoming a statue in the process.
"It was only meant for a few years, but I get the feeling it's been much longer than that..." The wolf god glances at them warily before his expression became curious.
"Your face... I never seen anyone with features like yours." The wolf deity pinches their cheek and pulls at it, causing them to whine.
"Ow! Stop it!" He stops and they glare at him while rubbing their red cheek. "It's cause I'm not from Japan! I'm from ***!"
The wolf deity becomes rather interested in that fact. He demanded to know everything, inculding everything he's missed out on since his slumber.
Even though they were technically fully healed, they ended up staying with the wolf deity for a full week.
Over the week they were stuck in the wolf deity's temple they got to know him more.
His name was Kazuhiko. They nickname him KK for short. He never stops them~
He was seriously grumpy but never once took his grumpiness out on them.
His powers were no joke. Etheral weaving is what he called it and it was amazing!
And his wolf form was really fluffy! "Will you stop it!" KK growled at them as they petted his ears. "Make me!" They sass him. He just grumbles as he leaned into their pets. His tail was wagging~
Oh, and he was also unfairly handsome... Not like they would ever tell him that. His ego would grow even larger than it already was!
"KK?" The deity, who was currently in his wolf form and had his head resting on their lap, looks up at them. "What is it?"
They sighed as they looked away from the deity. "I can't stay here forever." Faintly they wondered if anyone in town had noticed that they were missing yet...
KK quickly shifted back into their human form and frowned at them. "Why not? My temple, while old, has everything you could ever need! Why would you want to leave?"
He was right. His temple had everything you needed to survive. Food. Clothes (Though most were fancy looking kimonos). Hell, there was even a running bath!
"I need to finish what I've started KK. I need to see all of Japan!"
Human and deity glared at one another before the deity sighed. "Fine. I'll let you leave." His eyes suddenly harden. "But only if you take me with you!"
They gapped at the wolf deity. They couldn't believe it. KK wanted to come with them?!
"KK... Why?" The deity rolls his eyes at the question and hugs them, causing the human to squeak. KK smirks. "Because I need to keep an eye on you, make sure a stupid human doesn't take you away from me."
Reader blushes cherry red, squeaking the deity's name loudly. "KK! You dumbass!"
The deity laughs and they couldn't help but laugh as well.
Having a wolf deity as a traveling buddy was something never expected to have, but could quickly get used the idea.
Especially if the 'buddy' part becomes something more later down the line...
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leftperfectionmoon · 2 years
“night patrolling”
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• pairing: sirius black x slytherin!fem!reader
• summary: patrolling the corridors of hogwarts at night as a prefect can be difficult. but it's even more difficult when the eldest of the black siblings keeps disrupting your patrol.
• genre: fluff
• word count: 2,353
• warnings: none
oneshots masterlist taglist
requests are open, feel free to ask!
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The hallways of Hogwarts are dimly lit, with tiny floating lamps in each corner. The soft currents of the cool wind make the flames dance and they scatter flickering patterns of light on the floor. It's late in the evening and you'd think it would be quiet. But it isn't. 
The Slytherin prefect has managed to pin the wandering marauder under her wand and appears extremely displeased about it.
“That's absolutely not happening. Just go back to your dorm and don't be my problem,” (Y/N) whispers aggressively to the raven-haired Gryffindor as she steps closer to look intimidating. 
He steps back wisely, pushing his back against the wall, and raises his hands in defense.
“Look, it's not that I don't appreciate your warm conduct,” Sirius exhales, feigning a smile as he urges her, “but I really, only need ten minutes. Please.”
(Y/N)'s face contorts in frustration and she suppresses an annoying cry. He has been testing her patience for the last twenty minutes. She should've reported him to a teacher right away.
“This is not a bargain, you mo—” 
She stops speaking abruptly at the sound of steps coming from nearby. Her eyes dart at the corner of the corridor then back again at the boy pinned under her wand. 
“Great. Malfoy. Just what I needed,” she mutters. 
Sirius's eyes grow wide sensing the trouble, but to his surprise (Y/N) grabs his wrist and drags him along with her to the other end of the hallway.
“What are you—” He whispers confusedly as he watches her open the broom closet just around the corner.
“Shut up and get in!” She whispers back, pushing him inside. 
Sirius frowns briefly before quickly holding the partially closed door in its place and gives her a taunting smile as the realization hits him. 
“Are you hiding me?” He laughs, “From Malfoy?”
“Just do me a favor and shut up, okay?” She hisses, before closing the door just in time to see Lucius stalking toward her. 
“What was that noise?” He asks, an eyebrow raised sternly at her. 
“It was Peeves,” she answers, without missing a beat.
“Peeves?” Lucius frowns, before looking past her as if to confirm, “I just saw him on the second floor. Are you sure?” 
“Hm, I'm sure,” She replies again, keeping her answers to a minimum. 
Lucius studies her for a second and then his eyes move to the closet next to her. The door isn't closed all the way. 
“What do you need that for?” He points at the door.
“Oh, that,” (Y/N) chuckles, then walks towards it and kicks it shut, “That— I was actually just putting all those supplies back inside. Peeves has been throwing them all over the place.”
If Peeves finds out about this lie, which (Y/N) is sure he will, he'll make her life difficult. But she can worry about that later, as this seemed good enough to convince Lucius because he steps back and looks away from the closet. 
“Alright, well, keep a close eye everywhere. I heard some students are trying to sneak out. If you see anyone, you report to me,” he orders, pointing his index finger at himself. 
Normally, (Y/N) would respond to his arrogance with a passive-aggressive comment, but since this doesn't seem like a good time, she lets it go.
“And I am going to have a little chat with our professors about the Poltergeist,” she hears Lucius mutter as he walks away.
She watches him turn around the corner and disappear and waits a good two minutes to make sure that he's really gone before opening the broom closet.
“Peeves is not going to be pleased with that,” Sirius states with a smirk, stepping out of the closet.
“Don't worry, I'll handle that,” (Y/N) returns a false smile, “Now get back to your dorm before I change my mind.” 
She watches him as he sizes her up with a coy smile, then turns around and disappears towards the staircase. 
— — — — — — —
The universe seems to be testing (Y/N), because as she goes to her assigned hallway to patrol, she finds Sirius Black in the same spot as she had met him the day before. Only this time, he was standing quietly by the broom closet. 
“Quite a bit of routine of yours, is it?” she asks with the faintest hint of a smile as she approaches him. 
He pushes off the wooden door and shrugs with a guilty smile. A gust of wind blows his hair in his face, and he takes a ring-clad hand from his pockets to brush the hair out of his sight. (Y/N) stares at his fingers and it is only now that she realizes how his rings make his hands look more mature than his boyish face. 
“Why didn't you report me to Malfoy yesterday?”
“Is this why you sneaked all the way to ask me?” She raises an eyebrow.
“Sneaking isn't a problem,” he smirks with a shrug. 
“I'm aware,” (Y/N) nods, her smile growing. 
She exhales an exasperated sigh. 
“Well, I know that  Malfoy holds a grudge against you,” she mentions and smoothly turns around to move to the other end of the hallway, “He would've landed you in a month's worth of detention with a lot of false details against you. And he would only do it for his amusement.” 
“Yes, but,”—he slides his hands deep back inside his pockets and follows her— “why?”
“Why? Because I'm not a bully. That's why!” She scoffs before doing a mock courtesy bow, “Oh, I apologize if I don't fit in your Slytherin stereotypes.”
“That's not what I meant!” Sirius stresses, “Look, I don't believe my Head of the House would have spared me. And I honestly didn't think you'd let me slip out of your hands after you nailed me to the wall, ” he shoots her a wide grin, “So, just wanted to express my gratitude.”
(Y/N) tries but fails to inaudibly laugh at the innuendo and Sirius appears quite pleased with himself. 
“Okay, if I accept your gratitude will you go back to your dorm and try not to get me in trouble?” She asks, her jaw tightening to avoid another grin creeping onto her face. One of her hands rests authoritatively on her hip. 
“No promises,” Sirius smiles.
(Y/N) throws her head back in surrender, then starts walking knowing that the boy will now follow her for the rest of the evening.
— — — — — — —
Little did she know that it would not be the last night she would see Sirius. He came back the next day, and then the day after that, and another one after that until it became his routine for weeks. Every day he found a new excuse to stay and talk to (Y/N) until her shift ended. Sometimes it was about keeping her company, because how boring it must be keeping an eye on those empty hallways all alone. Sometimes it'd be about being there as a backup in case Peeves decided to get back at her. Or sometimes it was just about, well, getting on her nerves. 
(Y/N), was very reluctant about his presence for the first few days. But eventually, she gave in. Mostly it was just back and forth bickering between them, but sometimes she would also vent to him if she'd had a difficult day. In return, he'd tell her about their latest prank that his friends and he cooked up (with a promise of confidentiality) or about James Potter's latest unsuccessful attempt to woo Lily Evans. Of course, that didn't mean that Sirius was completely off the hook. She still threatened to report him and complained about his constant talking, but she didn't have the heart to actually report him to Malfoy, so he ended up in the broom closet most days. 
A voice hollers from the end of the hallway calling her name, and (Y/N) takes no time to recognize it. She's been worried she has started to hear it everywhere recently. His presence always makes her panic. 
“I'm here! I'm here! I know, I'm late,” The cold, empty air is now filled with his voice, and (Y/N) winces at the sound.  “Sorry if I kept you waiting! James needed my help.” 
A smile battling its way onto her lips. She doesn't dare to let him catch a glimpse of it.
“Keep your voice down, you nutter!” (Y/N) scowls at him over her shoulder  before continuing forward  to mutter, “And honestly, no one's asked you to be here.” 
"Is that why you look so pleased?” Sirius quips up as he finally appears by her side.
A wide, blushing grin is now plastered on (Y/N)'s face and she wants to whack Sirius for it. But she suppresses the urge and looks at him instead. 
His hair looks messier than usual as if he had rummaged through it several times with his fingers. His cheeks are flushed pink from the cool evening air. He's still wearing his uniform, and a loose tie hangs around his neck. The lack of an upper robe makes him look leaner than usual. He is walking so close to her that she feels the warmth radiating from him. Sirius Black has never looked more huggable. But (Y/N) keeps that thought to herself and averts her gaze away from him and instead says,
“Don't push your luck with me, Black.”
He follows after her as they continue down the long, familiar hallway with unfading grins on their faces and likely waiting for each other to break the pleasant silence that has fallen between the two. 
Less to her surprise, Sirius breaks it. 
“Did you have a good day?” he asks, then smoothly turns around, walking backward as he faces her. 
“Yes,” (Y/N) answers, trying not to look amused by the small talk. 
“Did you enjoy your dinner?”
Her eyes narrow at him, this time with a chuckle, as she tilts her head to the side. 
“Why do you care? Don't you have some diabolical prank to plan with your friends?” Her hands lock behind herself. 
“Diabolical?” Sirius pipes up, “Mind you, our pranks are extremely entertaining and much appreciated.”
“I doubt that, but whatever it takes to get you out of my hair, I guess,” (Y/N) shrugs as an amused smile finally takes over her lips. 
“So you don't mind if I just go and set up a cozy little trap for someone?” He scrutinizes her suspiciously. 
“Since when do you need my permission to get into trouble?”
“Well, you saved me from getting into trouble. So I owe you one,” he shrugs, returning a smile as he continues walking backward, “Besides, I wouldn't want to get you in trouble now that we're friends.”
(Y/N) glances at the infuriating curve of his lips and shakes her head as if those thoughts gathering inside her mind would fall out by that action. 
“We are not friends,” she glares forward disapprovingly but stiffly trots towards him to turn him at an angle as they approach a turn.
If the floors were to burst open and engulf her inside it she would be grateful for it. The insides of her cheeks are possibly sore from biting so hard on them while trying not to smile. But despite that, she would hate for this night to end. If she could, she'd spend all her nights like this; sore-cheeked, blushing, stumbling around the cold hallways ‘til late, just so Sirius would look at her the way he is looking at her right now.
“Would it be such a bad thing to admit that you like me?” He challenges as he stops walking, the corners of his mouth turned up.
(Y/N) stops too. Her eyes glare at him with a stiff jaw before looking away as she tries not to let his blooming grin affect her cheeks.
Would it really be such a bad thing to admit her crush on Sirius Black?
“Well?” Sirius asks before he steps closer to her and ducks down slightly to be in her eyesight, “It can't be that bad, can it?” 
A gust of wind sweeps through the quiet hallway and (Y/N) feels goosebumps rising on her skin. She hears her heart beating inside her ears after her fingers curl slowly around Sirius's loose tie.
“I guess not,” she murmurs looking up at him. 
Sirius's gaze travels back and forth between her palm wrapped in his tie and her eyes, and with one soft tug on the little piece of fabric, she feels his lips on hers. 
(Y/N) swears she felt the world stop spinning. His lips taste of what she assumes is the strawberry gum that he always offers her but she always refuses. His slow and teasing fingers crawl up her spine making her stomach clench. Her hands claw at the nape of his neck, and her fingers wrap themselves in his curls. No one has ever kissed her like this before. As if their life depended on it. Is this how every person who had ever kissed Sirius Black felt?
Sirius doesn't let her finish that thought, as he pulls her closer to him and engulfs her with the warmth of his arms while his teeth dig deep into her lips. With a breathless gasp, she has to pull away to catch her breath. Her hands still stay tangled in his hair, unable to break away from his touch as she feels the cold air caress her lips. 
His grip on her loosens, but his hands remain firmly on her waist, holding her in one place. She can almost feel a smug comment forming in his head when his grin reduces to a sly smirk. 
“Say a word and I'll hex you,” (Y/N) says quickly, returning his grin. 
Sirius raises his eyebrows and makes an open and close motion with his lips as if to carefully shape his words. 
“Can I come back tomorrow?”
(Y/N) only rolls her eyes before pulling him back into another kiss.
sirius black tags: @teenwolfbitches28 @black-rose-29 @chcrryrots @j-cat @winter-moony @mystic-writings
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💌 a/n: hey everyone! thank you so much for reading! requests are open, so if you have any requests let me know. hope you're having a lovely day!
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