quietplace26 · 2 years
Ghostwire: Tokyo x Reader series~
Akito: Kitsune
Mari: Kitsune
Erika: Nekomata
Rinko: Byakko
KK: Okami
Yokai au (3)
When reader arrived into this town eariler that day, they honestly expected nothing interesting to happen.
In fact, the town felt so dull that they couldn't wait to leave, but alas, the bus that could take them out this dull place wouldn't be back till next week!
So with boredom on their mind, they asked what they could do around here. Hiking was really their only answer.
The hike was supposed to be fun, supposed to be safe. It wasn't.
Fuck me that hurt..." Reader groans as they carefully pushed themselves up into a sitting position. What... happened?
Glancing up at the light above them they remembered. They were just finishing up their hike when the ground suddenly collapsed underneath them, causing them to fall through!
Looking around they could see they were in a huge cavern. Like really huge! There was even a small lake in there! Also, there was something in the middle of the lake. It looked like a... temple?
Curiousity filled their soul. They wanted to explore that temple!
They knew they should've been trying to find a way out this cavern but their curiousity was more important than escaping!
"Shit!" As they went to stand up, they hissed in pain. Oh well this wasn't good. It looked like their ankle was sprain...
They glanced back at the temple with a pout. Screw it. They've dealt with worse pain before. What's another sprain ankle to add their growing list?
They carefully limped over to the lake, which they discovered wasn't really a lake at all as the water barely went passed their ankles, and began walking toward the crumbling temple.
Limping up the steps they couldn't help but wonder how this hadn't been discovered yet...
"Woah..." Inside they find something amazing. A huge wolf statue.
They limped closer to it, studying it with interest. They couldn't help themselves. They touched the statue.
*Crack* Reader stumbles back and falls to the floor in shock as glowling cracks suddenly began spreading across the statue!
"Wh-?!" The statue explodes and light fills the temple, blinding the reader as well.
A howl is heard and the light goes away, letting them get a look at what happened to the wolf statue. Thing was... it wasn't a statue anymore.
A huge, living black wolf stood before them. There was marking on them as well. Glowing lines decorated it's front paws, muzzle, and back!
"Holy shit." Their whisper of disbelief catches the wolf's attention. and to their horror, it jumps at them with a snarl.
"You! What the hell are you doing in my temple human!" A male voice snarls. It takes a moment for them to realize the voice came from the wolf.
"Y-your temple?" They winced as the wolf growled again. "Yes. My temple. Now answer me!"
Usually they would sass anyone that spoke to them like this but as of right now they were scared. Shakily they told the wolf what happened all the while they curled in on themselves.
The wolf was silent for a moment, but to their relief, it moves off them with a huff. "Fine. I believe you. Since you freed me I'll let you go this time so LEAVE!" The wolf roars.
Reader scrambles to their feet only to fall back to the floor with a pained noise. Fuck! Their ankle!
"Oi! I told you to-" The wolf cuts off as the pain/stress of everything became too much for reader and they pass out.
"H-hm?" Reader wakes up feeling warm. They... were under a blanket? And their ankle didn't hurt anymore?
"So you're awake." They tense up at the familar voice of the wolf.
A sigh was heard and light filled the room. To their surprise, there was no wolf in the room, only a man... who had wolf like features! Like fluffy wolf ears and a bushy tail!
The man had an almost awkward look on his face as he lit some torches with his hands! "Relax... I'm not going to hurt you."
With the room lit up, the man plops down beside them and awkwardly apologizes, explaining he was the deity of this temple and the last humans he meet before reader weren't exactly nice.
They badly injured him somehow, and in an desperate attempt to not die, he sealed himself in this temple, becoming a statue in the process.
"It was only meant for a few years, but I get the feeling it's been much longer than that..." The wolf god glances at them warily before his expression became curious.
"Your face... I never seen anyone with features like yours." The wolf deity pinches their cheek and pulls at it, causing them to whine.
"Ow! Stop it!" He stops and they glare at him while rubbing their red cheek. "It's cause I'm not from Japan! I'm from ***!"
The wolf deity becomes rather interested in that fact. He demanded to know everything, inculding everything he's missed out on since his slumber.
Even though they were technically fully healed, they ended up staying with the wolf deity for a full week.
Over the week they were stuck in the wolf deity's temple they got to know him more.
His name was Kazuhiko. They nickname him KK for short. He never stops them~
He was seriously grumpy but never once took his grumpiness out on them.
His powers were no joke. Etheral weaving is what he called it and it was amazing!
And his wolf form was really fluffy! "Will you stop it!" KK growled at them as they petted his ears. "Make me!" They sass him. He just grumbles as he leaned into their pets. His tail was wagging~
Oh, and he was also unfairly handsome... Not like they would ever tell him that. His ego would grow even larger than it already was!
"KK?" The deity, who was currently in his wolf form and had his head resting on their lap, looks up at them. "What is it?"
They sighed as they looked away from the deity. "I can't stay here forever." Faintly they wondered if anyone in town had noticed that they were missing yet...
KK quickly shifted back into their human form and frowned at them. "Why not? My temple, while old, has everything you could ever need! Why would you want to leave?"
He was right. His temple had everything you needed to survive. Food. Clothes (Though most were fancy looking kimonos). Hell, there was even a running bath!
"I need to finish what I've started KK. I need to see all of Japan!"
Human and deity glared at one another before the deity sighed. "Fine. I'll let you leave." His eyes suddenly harden. "But only if you take me with you!"
They gapped at the wolf deity. They couldn't believe it. KK wanted to come with them?!
"KK... Why?" The deity rolls his eyes at the question and hugs them, causing the human to squeak. KK smirks. "Because I need to keep an eye on you, make sure a stupid human doesn't take you away from me."
Reader blushes cherry red, squeaking the deity's name loudly. "KK! You dumbass!"
The deity laughs and they couldn't help but laugh as well.
Having a wolf deity as a traveling buddy was something never expected to have, but could quickly get used the idea.
Especially if the 'buddy' part becomes something more later down the line...
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kankuroplease · 2 years
Jealous kawarama @ anyone who’s tryna hit on okami
Don’t call her out like that, Kawarama! Kk
Okami: it’s truuuue. I do do that 😜
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milkteamoon · 4 years
Name your top 10 fav character from 10 different fandoms (and tag 10 people).
Thank you for the tag @gandalf-thebeige! Here’s some of my favorites in no particular order:
1. Mob from Mob Psycho 100
2. Inosuke from Kimetsu no Yaiba
3. Midna from Twilight Princess
4. Gertrude from The Magnus Archives
5. Asriel from Undertale
6. Greed/Ling from Fullmetal Alchemist
7. Waka from Okami
8. Hanako from Jibaku Shounen Hanako Kun
9. KK Slider from Animal Crossing
10. N from Pokemon Black and White
Can’t think of 10 people off the top of my head so I’m going to tag: @mookybear12404 @physical-manifestation-of-spite @undertakers-hat @reticent-hush and anyone else who’d like to do it!
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ms1sharklee · 6 years
[Animation Big Collaboration] Sharklee's Party!
Welcome to SHARK LEE's Party with amazing artists! 상어 파티에 오신 걸 환영합니다! First of all, thank you to the participants. Without you, this is not gonna be done! 먼저 참가자 분들에게 감사인사를 드립니다. 여러분들이 아니었다면 완성될 수 없었을 거예요! And Thank you so much for waiting for this long! 이렇게 오랫동안 기다려주시느라 너무 고생 많으셨습니다. I hope everyone enjoys this! Thank you for watching and have a great day! 모두 재미있게 보셨길 바랍니다! 봐주셔서 감사합니다! 좋은 하루 보내세요!
ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Music : NIVIRO - So Funky https://youtu.be/jOQXQ0TrXXo ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
Photo.1 이용덕 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC35Wr2zdYx8EwnTjnbL-kPw Photo.2 KK https://twitter.com/plaguebruises Photo.3 Little Ruby Rue : https://www.youtube.com/user/chillingflame Photo.4 Meivix  : https://www.youtube.com/user/fifipokemon
Arrive.1 HILDA : https://twitter.com/H1LDAL33 Arrive.2 Seelmaru : https://www.youtube.com/user/Seelmaru Arrive.3 밍나밍나 : https://blog.naver.com/vlzkcb230
Floor.1 .ms1sharklee Floor.2 이용덕 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC35Wr2zdYx8EwnTjnbL-kPw Floor.3 됴타 https://twitter.com/vega_matsu Floor.4 KK https://twitter.com/plaguebruises Floor.5 Little Ruby Rue : https://www.youtube.com/user/chillingflame Floor.6 에조불곰_エゾヒグマ : https://twitter.com/katagoth Floor.7 TITANIA :  : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLn9zAeCZChCxWGYZYJ1nGg Floor.8 농땡 : https://twitter.com/shd_Eod Floor.9 ms1sharklee Floor.10 Sheny Dog : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7a9cABRef4eC-tUp_HssSw Floor.11 HILDA : https://twitter.com/H1LDAL33 Floor.12 경진 : https://twitter.com/Hia__00 Floor.13 람다람 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeQwCalZK1scamopwHt9UWw Floor.14 시나위SINAWI  : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpj5lr5Jbo6EGMMa44_W-dQ Floor.15 Meivix  : https://www.youtube.com/user/fifipokemon Floor.16 Yeseo예서 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChprFf8SPYTdeFUkdJHFYPA Floor.17 Apselene  : https://www.youtube.com/user/HurpTheDerp Floor.18밍나밍나 : https://blog.naver.com/vlzkcb230 Floor.19 Seelmaru : https://www.youtube.com/user/Seelmaru Floor.20 Unknownpsy : https://www.youtube.com/user/UnknownTheSpyBat Floor.21 GinjaNinjaOwO : https://www.youtube.com/user/GinjaNinjaOwO Floor.22 Okami Wolven : https://www.youtube.com/user/OkamiWolven Floor.23 KORUMA : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2PwYfElMKVn7SQ2cVEyCqA
Dance.1 Apselene  : https://www.youtube.com/user/HurpTheDerp Dance.2 Unknownpsy : https://www.youtube.com/user/UnknownTheSpyBat Dance.3 Okami Wolven : https://www.youtube.com/user/OkamiWolven Dance.4 GinjaNinjaOwO : https://www.youtube.com/user/GinjaNinjaOwO Dance.6 Yeseo예서 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChprFf8SPYTdeFUkdJHFYPA Dance.8  Sheny Dog : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7a9cABRef4eC-tUp_HssSw Dance.9 농땡 : https://twitter.com/shd_Eod Dance.10 에조불곰_エゾヒグマ : https://twitter.com/katagoth Dance.11 KORUMA : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2PwYfElMKVn7SQ2cVEyCqA Dance.12 경진 : https://twitter.com/Hia__00 Dance.13 람다람 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeQwCalZK1scamopwHt9UWw Dance.14 시나위SINAWI  : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpj5lr5Jbo6EGMMa44_W-dQ Dance.15 됴타 https://twitter.com/vega_matsu Dance.16 TITANIA :  : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLn9zAeCZChCxWGYZYJ1nGg
Directed/edited by ms1sharklee #animation #collaboration
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jjad366 · 6 years
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La Okamy del 2015 es una kk de diseño alv JAJAJJAA-
Lo redibuje ajfks
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justrainthings · 8 years
Well, I don’t really know how it works but I guess I’ve been tagged by @jayren-dameron
One song : So. No. Chi. No. Sadame. JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOJO. ( 朱色に関して from KK, if I really had to chose at the moment. I’m listening a lot to KK’s songs lately  and I love his voice and the way he uses it to deliver such feelings, god ... he’s an amazing artist !)
Two movies : My favourite of all god damn times is “ Howl’s Moving Castle “, I might consider drawing Sophie and Howl, they’re just the cutest thing on earth, and the story was amazing and the OST ... People might say It’s not as good as Mononoke or other films from Miyazaki since it doesn’t seem to be as “ intellectual “ ? I don’t really know how to express myself ... I still find it so touching in every way possible. The second one would probably be ” Okami Kodomo No Ame To Yuki “ (I didn’t want to put another Ghibli film, I love them all too much ;-;), I just love Mamoru Hosoda as well, he’s made such beautiful pieces and has something very ... unique ? In the way he makes the bonds between the characters evolve ... I feel something kind of special, idk ahah.
Three TV shows : Well hu ... I don’t really watch TV shows ? Is Steven Universe one ? Well, I guess I’d just go JJBA, HunterXHunter and AoT (because god knows how much I love Hiroyuki Sawano’s work).
Four people : Well, that one is rather difficult. I can’t make up my mind between all those amazing artists I love so ... I guess Loish, she really inspires me. I saw her work for Horizon : Zero Dawn and I was just astonished. From self-taught artist to this ... That’s so amazing, I wish I’ll be able to work as a concept artist too in the future. Then probably  Guweiz, you can really see the evolution in this person’s art, that’s also very inspiring ! And also Kim Jung Gi, this person just ... Idk, he was probably born from a superior entity, it gives me headache just trying to understand all those details and all ... He truly is a master of art. Then, obviously my pal @jayren-dameron (Keurkeur renvoyé ;D) !
Five foods : Spaghetti bolognese and chocolate, all the way. French fries (but not fried chicken ~) all sorts of pasta and popcorn. Popcorn is good. 
I am not sure if I’ve did it right ? Well, it’s probably way too long for anyone to read, but it was fun writing I guess. I tag no one because I have no friends and no one talks to me (I wish tho) ;-; ...
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quietplace26 · 2 years
This was inspired by some anon posts. Where KK is the king of Atlantis and Akito is his 'Milo'.
Atlantis au
It all started with an explostion.
A great blast that shook the sea, making it violent and destructive.
A huge tsunami forms, and begins to head straight for a beautiful city near the sea.
While the tsunami slowly began to gain momentum, winged humanoid creatures (Tengu) flew above it, racing toward the captial of the city to warn eveyone of the incoming catastrophe.
As the tsunami came closer and closer, becoming bigger and bigger, humans and other creatures (Yokai such as nekomatas, tanuki, tengus, kitsunes, and okamis) fled into the captial hoping for shelter and safety.
The sky grew dark, screams were echoing all through out the city.
In the center of this chaos, the king of the city (KK) and his family were being lead to safety.
The kings son, who was holding his mother's hand, drops his toy. Which causes him to let's go of the queen's hand and race back to get it.
The queen quickly follows, snatching him off the ground, scolding him for running off, and turns to return to her husband's side.
She barely takes a step when a bright red light suddenly shines down on her.
Above the grand city was a floating crystal. Usually it was a bright beautiful blue color, but now it was glowing a bright angry red.
And it was shining directly onto the king's family.
This causes the king to panic as the red glow became brighter!
He ran toward his family, making a desperate grab for his wife and son.
Tragically, he never makes it.
His beautiful wife... His precious son... Gone. Sucked up into the glowing crystal, now no longer glowing a bright red, but returning to it's original color.
The crystal begins to spin rapidly, a bright blue glow spreads throughout the city, covering it in a shield, protecting it from the tsunami.
But the king didn't care.
He just fell to his knees, tears slowly drifting down his face as he stared up at the the still spining crystal, feeling nothing but rage.
And with a scream filled with nothing but misery and pain, the grieving king, along with his grand city and everyone in it, was swallowed up by the sea, sinking beneath angry waves, never to be seen again...
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