#hmm couldn't fit this in with what i ended up w/ up there but
caseylicious · 2 years
Hello again! Hope that you’re having a great day! If it’s alright with you, can I request another rise!donnie x gn!reader where Donnie is such a simp for reader?
Like Leo would tease him about it but he would deny it because of his “bad boy” image. But then reader enters the lair and Donnie is just 💜w💜.
Thank you!!!
Summary: Donnie being a simp (more of swooning) for the reader.
Character: Donnie.
Relationship: CRUSH
Warnings: Leo and Donnie having this whole on sibling moment, but that doesn't affect the silly teasing that'll happen-
Words: 3312
Tags: @ath3nasc4f3 , @anxietyishere
A/N: My dear, there is no problem with requesting another time! Your requests place a smile on my face. I'm in love yet so hesitant with this one- because I don't want it to be to remind anybody of 2012!Donnie being whole on OBSESSED for April. With some serious thought, This is Part 2 of the Mad Scientist!Reader piece. (Read for context)
The story may be a bit wack... but im trying so hard to juice my brain for plot. (currently in writer's block.) As well of trying to follow the basic idea of your request, but overall I like this piece a lot! A few things first! I see Leo and Donnie as TWIN BROTHERS. There's just a lot that heavily implies it in my opinion! and I just imagined that one scene from Aladdin with him just swooning for Jasmine. You get me? Yeah.
I love your ideas. Come around again < 3
As always! Please, Enjoy 💐
[ If you have any constructive criticism or corrections for any of my English do let me know! :) ]
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Waving the brothers goodbye from your introduction, you began climbing up the manhole with April. To your surprise, you've gotten along quite well with each one of them. Even with your "normal switch" off. You've noticed in your time with them that each one of them were different in their own way. Leo was cheery while funny person. Raph was a strong sharp, yet loveable and empathetic. Mikey was one of the loudest people you've met. And Donnie... Before you could continue with your analysis of the whole day you had. April spoke, "Well.. whatcha think man?" You thought for a second on what to say. "I need more context to that question O'Neil." She chuckled, "Of the whole meet and greet! You seemed to get along with most of them."
"Hmm.. I'd say it was a success." April's groan echoed through the sewer hole. "That means I liked them all; your friends." You assumed April grinned and was pleased, because you heard a pitter patter on the bar below you. That would've been the end of the conversation before April opened her mouth once more. "How about Donnie?" You suddenly stopped moving forwards. Which made April bump onto your calf. "What about Donatello?" She snickered. "Pfft- Opinion on Don? There's no way you'd forget him man."
A second of silence passed before you finally answered, "Well.. he's okay." An audible gasp could be heard. "What do you mean okay?! You talked about so much with him!" You looked away from the bar in front of you as she kept ranting. You enjoyed the turtle's presence, you truly did. He seemed to understand everything you were talking about. And it was one rare moment in your life where you kept up a conversation which you found interesting. However you somehow "knew" that he'd leave you like everybody else.
The foreign memory which you've tried to suppress began to play. How you ate all by yourself, which led to you staying in the abandoned science lab for most of your lunch. How you've practiced normal conversation in the mirror. Researching popular trends which you've tried copying to the point of creating an image of somebody you just weren't. It just all didn't click with you. For some reason, you just couldn't fit in with the crowd of your school. And it became the reason for the bad reputation you had.
Personally, you wouldn't blame him for leaving. Eventually he'd see how you were.. "weird." But... good always lifts from the bad. Would it be really a bad thing for him to notice you being "weird?' Hypothetically, if you tried hard enough to "fit in," you wouldn't have had a great time with the turtle. Ideas which you've suppressed wouldn't have been unleashed. And you would still be complaining about society being awful and needing a fix. A grin made itself onto you for a moment before you felt your head hit a flat surface. Adjusting your focus, you have found the manhole cover on top of you. You began to lift the object, moving it to the side. Hearing the metal fall, you then climbed onto the ground. Reaching a hand inside for April who was still ranting on how you and Donnie got along so well. "You understand though- Right, Y/N?" You blinked for a couple seconds before patting her back. "Yes. I agree completely. Let's put a pin on this discussion and come back to it. How about it?" She agreed walking down the street with you. Before the both of you separated due to her route being in a different location. Watching as April ran off, you sighed in relief.
You made your way back home, unable to stop thinking about that encounter you had. That special conversation which made you open up. Where you felt normal. But that's silly, right? Out of every logical and fictional existing thing in this universe, a turtle seemed to comprehend anything of what you said. Who was this "Donatello?"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 💐
💜 Donnie
Brzzt. Brzzrt. Brzzrt-
A hard slam landed on the device. It was around 6 in the morning and two tired eyes opened. The tired figure slowly sat up, stretching from side to side. A robotic yet humanoid voice spoke, "It's too early to wake up dad.." A chuckle could be heard. "Shelldon, you understand we have work to do. Acquire yourself some coffee and I'll get some bolts ready for you." As odd as that sounds, the purple drone swirled in a circle before exiting the room. It has been about exactly 4 months and 27 days since your introduction.
In those 4 months you both had been interacting with one another nonstop. Mainly on electronic email and/or text. It contained random ideas and topics which you both enjoyed immensely. He couldn't help but feel a genuine boost of optimism seeing your username and email. Especially on random facetime calls the two of you had. How you showed off your school AP textbooks to Donnie, and how Donnie showed off his battle shells explaining each function. And the best part? You listened and seemed to be genuinely interested in his work. It was strange, but he liked it. a lot.
Before he chose to finally get up, he waited for the hot coffee. Which arrived in the matter of seconds. Taking a sip, he let out a sigh of relief. "Ahh.. That's good." He whispered. The soft-shelled turtle walked over to his desk. Inspecting the blueprints in front of him, his eyes noticed a doodle in the corner of the sheet. Donnie groaned, while a smirk quickly formed. It was probably his younger brother Mikey. He was always one to enjoy doodling on his brother's stuff with or without permission. "Did Mikey touch my work?- I swear... alright, let's see what on earth he drew this time-" What Donnie saw made him shut up. Which was rare for somebody who seemed to love explaining everything he knew and believed in. But what did the young turtle see? No, it wasn't anything inappropriate. And no, it wasn't anything hateful. It was something quite far from any of those things...
It was your name traced over in the blue paper. With what seemed to be hearts surrounding it- and was that a cloud? Whatever the doodle was, he was speechless. Silence filled the room before suddenly he felt a cold hand on his shoulder. "Yo D what are you do-" Donnie quickly grabbed his screwdriver. "EAT LASERS INTRUDER!!-" His brother quickly raised his hands above his face, "Hey-! Chill- it's me Leo!" The purple turtle stared at his twin brother for a couple seconds. Before his face became red, flicking his forehead. Leo quickly whined in pain holding his forehead with one hand. "Scoff! Learn to knock next time brother. What are you even doing up this early?" Leo chuckled poking Donnie's plastron with his finger. "I should be asking you that... but you're always up early. So I won't ask!-" Donnie quickly wore his bandana, glaring a little at Leo. "That doesn't answer my question Nardo'."
"Woahh! Chill, chill. I just got up to the sound of Shelldon making coffee... anddd.. because we're-" For a few seconds, Donnie really hoped Leo had a different reason. "Please, don't say it."
"Because we're twin brothers Donnie~" His drawn-on brows furrowed together. "That isn't a proper reason." A grin formed on his brother's face, "Oh, but it is now! Anyways back to me." He paused. "What's that you're working on?" Donnie should've rejected Leo, he knew clearly it was a trap for some sort of teasing. However could he resist to explain one of his creations? No, he could not. "Well- if you insist. I'm working on a suitcase which can hide weaponry such as my staff. So next time we ever choose to go out in disguise, I won't be held back for a couple minutes for silly reasons such as "illegal weaponry" and-" Leo quickly snatched the blueprint out of his hand, "Hey!-" He browsed the paper for a couple seconds before aggressively pointing at the corner of the paper. "And thinking about Y/N! There's no way!!-"
His eyes widened- "Leo, could you at least lower down your voice!" Donnie watched as his brother giggled for a few minutes on the sight. He tried remembering when or why he chose to write your name multiple times on his own piece of work. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't. There was no collection of him daydreaming about you. As the laughter died down, his brother spoke. "So- what is this? You got a crush on them or something? Lord-"His cheeks flared up, blinking aggressively down to the floor. "Man! This is almost as bad as you and Atomic Lass! Ha! You and Y/N??" Expecting a snarky comeback, he was responded with only silence. Donnie glanced down. Looking away from Leo with shame, genuinely unsure on what to say or do.
Leo frowned, gently placing his hand on his shoulder letting him sit. "Uhm.. You don't gotta talk about it if you don't want to. I know how you are with stuff like this. My bad." He didn't respond, tension filled the room. "Errm..Want me to leave?" Donnie opened his mouth, but closed it. Trying to find the words. Leo waited for him to figure out what he wanted to say. "..N- no. It's fine, don't leave... I'm sorry just.." He took a quick sip of his coffee. "I don't really know if I do. Is i-.. is it okay to feel like this? I've never felt like this and-" He paused, not knowing what to say. "Well, yeah. It's okay to feel like this man! I'll listen if you really want to talk about them." Donnie blinked a couple times, staring at Leo in disbelief. He hasn't had a "heart-to-heart" moment like this with him in a long time. For obvious reasons. He slowly grinned with a nod.
"Well... Y/N- where do I begin. Oh okay.." Leo pulled out a stool, sitting on top of it. Donnie closed his eyes imagining one of the special calls he had with you. "Well, their hair. It's this color that just looks so nice in the dark and light. They have these eyes that just shine like gems found in the deepest caves of the world- and wow their voice. Their voice is a whole conducted symphony Leo..." His brother nodded his head, listening in. Surprisingly not making a comment. "Uh huh- and? What else? That can't be it." He placed his hands on his cheeks, trying to remember one of his favorite voice calls. "We like so many things- Our interests just match! It's as if the constellations aligned perfectly in one part of the world. They just know so much that I know- which is just so mesmerizing..." A short but long 'hmmm.' came out of Leo.
Donnie watched as his brother placed his own hand on his chin. "Well? What is it Nardo?' Leo empathized with his twin brother, mainly on how he spoke about you. He spoke as if you were a holy deity, a treasure, maybe even a blessing! He just seemed to understand how Donnie felt. Even if he wasn't a touchy feely sort of person. "You really like Y/N that much, huh?" Donnie nodded, covering the lower half of his face with his hand. "Well honestly, expect me to tease ya." Before Donnie could scold him, Leo spoke again. "But go for it. Nobody is stopping you from being with them. And I'll be cheering from afar."
Donnie hummed, glancing back at Leo. "..That's actually some smart advice Nardo... Thank you, brother." Leo smirked. "Getting soft on me Don?"
"Don't ruin it."
"Yeah, yeah- You're welcome! Chill!"
Bzzrt. Bzzrt. Bzzrt-
Your hand quickly grabbed the wire clippers, cutting the wire which was attached to the device. Opening one eye, you glanced to what you have cut. The purple wire. Your eye twitched realizing which wire your hand instinctively chose to cut, which frankly saved your life. again. "Ughh.. What genius am I, if I keep cutting that wire?"
Quickly, you got out of bed, slipping your slippers on. Making your way to your closet, the calendar on the wall of your room was marked. In bold red letters, "HANG OUT. 11:00 AM." That's right! You and your newly made friends made plans to hang out together. Excited as you were. You specifically were excited to share your ideas with one particular person of the group. Donnie.
Mentally you had to slap yourself. It was irritating how he always seemed to be on your mind. Just because he chose to listen to your thoughts? Please. It was almost humiliating how just of one person, you'd be this distracted. You suspected it was because how isolated you were. How you were the 'outsider.' Maybe because he seemed to know about titanium and uranium. Or maybe because he genuinely wanted to become your friend. Your hand reaching for a pen, making a repetitive clicking sound. "Pascal Triangle, prepare yourself to be solved."
You were a fan of mathematics. It being one of your favorite subjects in school. April knowing this information, usually asked you for answers. In which you've always responded, "Giving you the answers isn't going to help your education O'Neil!" "Urgh-! I hate it when you're right Y/N." The thought made you grin, until you looked back down to your paper. None of the pentagons had answers in them. "Wh- what? I thought I was answering these..." Needing reassurance, you flipped through all of the pages in your packet. Expectedly you answered them all. To the questions which required the most simplest distributive property, to having to identify graphs. You didn't seem to second-guess yourself, so you were confident in your work of elimination.
Just.. why now didn't you know what to write? You weren't one to be seriously invested in your grades. Surprising? Yes, however you more focused on whether you knew how to perform the work. Were grades going to help you in the long-run of your "world-domination?" No. They would not, but the Pascal Triangle really shouldn't be this confusing. You didn't want to admit it, but you needed another pair of eyes on this question. Well let's do the simple process of elimination with the friends, or more specifically acquaintances you've made.
April? No offense to the poor girl, but could you really get answers out of somebody who asks you for them? Pass.
Mikey doesn't even know what on earth the Pascal Triangle is. Poor him.
Raph and Leo would give you a detailed look of confusion. Calling over...
Out of everyone on the list, Donnie was the most logical choice. It was obvious he would understand what on earth this was. A groan escaped from your lips. "Can't believe I have to ask him for help on this problem. C'mon Y/N.. you're a mathematical genius! Why can't I solve a simple pattern?" You didn't even notice it, but you woke up at ten o'clock. Due to this one question and overthink, you've wasted another thirty minutes. Leaving you now with... "Oh- SHOOT!" As you launched yourself out of your rollie-chair to change...
Running down the alleyways of New York, you were advised by April to remember the specific manhole which led you down to their quarters. What did the manhole look like again-? You inspected each manhole you passed.
Too Large. Too Small. That isn't the right color. That's a whole pizza dropped on the ground.
Eventually you found the manhole, attempting to lift the metal plate as discreetly as you could. Placing it back as you made your way down. You learned from the last time you visited that it was quite dark. So you turned on the flashlight on your phone, stepping through the puddles, your name echoed throughout the sewer halls.
Finally, what felt like walking in the same direction for so long, you made it to the lair. Nothing seemed to change from your last visit, the graffiti was the same, there doesn't seem to be any new furniture, and.. Splinter seemed to be watching the same commercial like yesterday. Mikey was the first to notice your arrival and waved to you like a kid who just ate a batch of Halloween candy. It was adorable, platonically of course. He ran up to you, a visible grin on his face, "Y/N! You made it!!" You smirked, moving a hair strand behind your ear. "Well of course I made it. I couldn't miss out on a hang-out with you and your brothers."
While Mikey kept speaking with you, you could feel a gaze upon yourself. It wasn't necessarily bad, but it was.. sort of strange. You were the outcast, the 'weirdo' of the school. Who on earth would be staring at you?
Donnie, obviously. He was leaning against a wall, standing near the edge of the skate ramp. A small smile growing as he observed your very movement. You just were able to speak in a way that could make his heart flutter. Donnie suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, jumping in surprise. Realizing who it was, his sharpie-brows furrowed together. "L- leo! Do not creep up on me like that." Leo cackled, noticing that you've arrived. "Checking out Y/N? Gotta say Don, not your sort of thing to do." It was quite obvious for Donnie that his twin brother, wasn't going to ever let this go. An unnerving feeling, he didn't like it. "Aren't you going to talk with 'em? Y'know, make your move?" Donnie frowned unapprovingly, "I wouldn't use that saying, but yes. I was going to talk to them..." His twin brother only stared at him, waiting for the second half of the sentence. Soon realizing, that was it.
"Well! If you are then get down there." Leo moved behind Donnie. He became suspicious immediately, "Nardo- what do you plan on do- ING-!!" He was suddenly pushed down the skate ramp, now rolling towards you like a wrecking ball. Immediately jumping into action, his battle shells' metal claws grabbed hold of the floor. Throwing him back into the air, to land on his two feet. As he was about to glare and scold Leo, you spoke. "Oh my God! Donnie that was- so impressive! Was that apart of your shell?"
To the sight of his shell acting like a sixth sense, your curiosity blasted off from there. Did Leo know you'd react like this? ... Maybe. Donnie wasn't the only brother with smart ideas. They're twins after all. Donnie only blushed, as you began to circle him. In a respectful distance, "What coding did you use for them to do that! Oh my- look at this! Are these compartments for items?" After a few seconds of silence, Donnie coughed, collecting himself. "I- indeed! Well, specifically, more of an Object-Orientated type of programming." The two of you didn't even notice as Mikey left, letting you both infodump. "Really? That sounds like absolute hell! You have to teach me how to code something like that... Oh right! I need some help for this math assignment. Know about the Pascal Triangle?"
Donnie chuckled, "Do I know the Pascal Triangle? Y/N, who do you think you're asking? They're the training wheels to the most amateur of equations." Suddenly he watched as your eyes lighted up. A grin filled with relief and joy. Something that felt so amazing to experience in person, "I completely agree! Mind if we go into your lab? It'd be better to discuss there." He nodded his head as you ran off. A lovesick grin visible on his face. Wow you were... just perfect.
"Ha! Lover Boy-!!" "NARDO."
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theyluvashh · 2 years
Open Wide
I BARELY see any John Doe smut. But to the ones who do post them, you're doing God's work.
Anyways this is John's reaction to you choking on his dick while he fucks your face. READERS GENETALIA NOT SPECIFIED
BTW I'm new to Tumblr so if there's any mistakes pls tell me.
PHOTO FROM @k0rek1yos
Tumblr media
John Doe was especially horny this day. Y/n was wearing one of his jackets with nothing underneath and the sight made him act up.
"Do you even know what you're doing to me right now?" He asked them. Y/n acted clueless as to what he was referring to.
"What do you mean love." You watched his shirt morphed into a heart.Then you looked at his blushed face and big grin
"Wearing my jacket with nothing under it" His mouth curled at the ends smiling even more. "You look hot in it" You chuckled and walked closer to him, then you got on your knees. "W-what are you doing"
"Nothing" You started to rub at his boner through his pants. You pulled the zipper down to reveal what you love the most. His dick. You took it in your hands and stroked it.
"Keep g-going please!" You smiled while looking up at him, his eyes watching your every move as always
"Quite needy today, hmm?" He nodded his head. You smiled once more and then took him in your mouth. He moaned as you sunk down on him. Then you started to bob your head up and down it was over for him. His hips bucked into your mouth making you almost choke; since he was around 11 inches, you obviously couldn't fit it all into your mouth. He was moaning even louder, saying how much he loves you and how good you're taking him. He grabbed the back of your head to push you down even further, you put your hands on his thighs to stop him.
"OH fuck Y/n, your mouth feels so good! But not as good as your other hole(s)!" He thrusted his hips and looked down at you. Your eyes were full of tears and saliva was dripping from your mouth. "You look good like this" His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he came into your mouth. He looked back down again to see you choke on his cum. He then pulled out once he was done with his high.
"Fuck. I almost died, I couldn't breathe!" You said shocked.
"Sorry, I couldn't help it."
Thank you for reading, have a good night or day.
PHOTO FROM @k0rek1yos
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tribow · 2 years
Notes I took from the Grimoire of Usami
If you didn't know, a danmaku fireworks festival takes place in this book and the human playable characters act as judges for the spellcards of various characters. This is the most amount of dialogue we get out of Sakuya and Youmu for a while.
There's a lot of characters that show up so I took hella notes. Big post.
Reimu takes her judging fairly seriously. I didn't expect her to be that critical instead of being laid-back. She's very biased on money/food type spellcards tho.
Marisa had to use a flashlight and Machine Gun Sparkinstead of the actual Master Spark to keep the audience safe. It is what it is.
Three Fairies of Lights teamed up and got a spellcard disqualified as you must be solo
Youmu is allergic to butterflies???
Lily White apparently gets stressed when it isn't spring.
Who was Kagerou aiming at for her first spellcard? Also she's good at acting feral...it fooled Sakuya at least.
Sanae is the most focused judge. Everyone else gets plenty distracted.
Characters that cause actual fires pre-hijack: Sunny Milk & Narumi
In an extremely Yuyuko move, she convinced Youmu to judge in her stead since she "couldn't make it" and then showed up at the competition anyway. She probably just wanted Youmu to enjoy a day at a festival. (Of course Youmu gives her a 10/10)
Marisa is a big fan of Benben's spellcards.
Raiko and Murasa are shredded I am taking that as canonical fact.
Nazrin uses gold from the kappa in her spellcard and gets her points deducted (the kappa are the management behind this event).
Satori's "Brain Fingerprint" spellcard uses fear to determine where the explosions happen. So the explosions happened in different locations for each individual viewer. That's cool as hell.
Marisa's good at determining the actual technique that goes into a spellcard. Her insight is in good constrast to Reimu's harsh critiques.
Futo let people ride her boat hell yeah
Tenshi comes swooping in and almost ruined the whole thing with a dangerous spellcard. To be fair, she didn't know what was going on.
The damage control efforts are really fun. It's cool seeing other characters like Nitori, Murasa, and Kanako step in to help out.
Iku, Miko, and Shou all got 9s in the competition before it got hijacked. I'm not counting Suwako cause Sanae is biased. Miko won though, two of her spellcards got a 9.
Surprised to see Hina show up during the hijack. She usually seems so friendly and kind despite the kind of goddess she is. Maybe she's putting on an act as this hijack does fit very well with her theme of misfortune....heck she could be gathering misfortune from the audience so they dont get struck by stray bullets? Hmm, there's layers to her appearance here.
Murasa sinking Shinmyoumaru is very funny
The humans in the audience are actually mostly onboard with the dangerous hijack...probably because they don't need to actually dodge anything thanks to damage control efforts.
For a moment I thought Byakuren would not join in on the hijack, but she had complete faith in the playable cast to deflect her spellcard. How dangerously reasonable.
Seija's backward comments on everyone is great. She mostly just settles on insulting whoever is up though.
Is this Momiji's first line of dialogue? I like how they comment on her spellcard breaking the 4th wall.
Okina and Yukari also show up as hijack judges. I doubt Shinmyoumaru was able to contact the two of them herself. They must have invited themselves in once they knew what was happening. Heck, Okina even instigated the hijack plan with her own support without the inchling knowing.
Hecatia and Okina are implied to have met in person now. Okina even invited her to the hijack.
Junko showing up is enough for Yukari to immediately join damage control. I wonder is she got any frustrated words from Reimu up there.
Surprisingly enough Yukari ends up asking Eirin to call down Sagume to bring the festival to an end. Once she knew Okina was instigating this it probably wouldn't stop unless something like this was done about it. Resourceful.
Sumireko's outside nerd perspective was nice to see and she didn't even react to poorly to the hijack. I guess that's a testament to the effectiveness of the damage control.
Before, reading this I thought I was going to be super disappointed by Shinmyoumaru's actions here. I got the feeling that she would contradict her own character development or something here.
Shinmyoumaru was (somewhat) the mastermind behind the hijack. To her, the fireworks festival was insulting to what danmaku is. Danmaku is a display of power. Removing the danger from it is just wrong. It's a way for the small to show off their strength! She labours on that point the most; about how danmaku shows the strength of the weak and small.
Shinmyoumaru's weakness as an inchling is a big source of conflict for her. Her species is weak. She gets used and manipulated only to get beat down by the strong danmaku of the playable characters. I wouldn't be surprised if Shinmyoumaru was became enamored by power. With power comes the ability to change the world around you, and even if it's something Seija instigated, it's what Shinmyoumaru desires.
She's a very passionate character too. Yeah, she's one of the more morally good characters in touhou, but it doesn't mean her passion can't lead her down the wrong path and well...that's exactly what happens here.
She's no idiot, her goal here wasn't to get humans in the audience killed. She saw that there's already plenty of power behind the damage control for this event. This hijack wouldn't work if the audience had to run away from it. They needed to witness it and if the playable cast was busy protecting the audience then she had full reign to takeover the judges position.
However, Shinmyoumaru was in over her head here. Okina getting involved made the hijack way more intense than what Shinmyoumaru even had in mind. Yukari even gotten herself involved solely to support damage control (and have some fun with the event of course).
In a way, Shinmyoumaru is completely right about fireworks festival not showing off the true nature of danmaku. I mean, you can feel the disappointment from everyone when Marisa never fires off a true Master Spark. However, the hijack was the wrong way to go about it and Reimu shows her just that.
I don't see the Grimoire of Usami as a bad look on Shinmyoumaru's character. If anything, it exemplified her inner conflicts and flaws. She gets jealous of the many powerful characters that show up because she wants that power. She needs it to be the hero the inchlings never got. Although, she never realizes how much she has already achieved with her own strength alone.
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myon-94 · 7 months
Hmm, back at you! I knew you liked Ray with Dimitri and I now know you don't like Niko with Packie (awesome, hehe), but are they actually the best and least?
Omg an ask what am I to do? Answer it of course this my one chance to talk abt gta ships without wanting to kms
Well if we're talking about non rarepairs and ships that actually have SOME ground in game then I must say Brucie and Roman might just be the best, their dynamic just works so well! In the sweet bellic (I think that's what it's called but it's the one where niko goes to kill that French Tom guy) the preferences written by Roman in niko's bio just seem to reflect Brucie a little too much and also Brucie did mention that "if he were queer" Roman would be in danger eheheh.
As for the least favorite, and I'm sorry everyone and especially to my 2019 baby gta stan self..it's gotta be dimitri and mikhail.
I know I know doomed old man yaoi is too good to pass but. I liked it a little when I first started getting into gta but as time passed I just found myself disliking it more and more.. Aside from the fact that mikhail is a married man with a grown daughter and cheating is a big no in my book, I just find their dynamic more and more toxic. Though that's normally not a big problem for me (I love misery) I think this time not only were they aggressive towards each other but I can't see a hint of romance in their interactions.
I see mikhail and dimitri as two people who were once friends- brothers even, who went through highs and lows together, who witnessed the death of their nation and tried to live in what was once their glorious union while still looking out for one another, and who immigrated to a far, foreign hostile country (most likely) without a penny to their name, and who were slowly and inevitably drifting apart..because nothing lasts forever.
It could've been the money and power, it could've been the painkillers and the coke, it could've been the fact that they were thousands of miles away from home and are still, even after a decade, in a foreign land they can't quite get used to.
Neither of them wanted to let go of the other. They could only trust each other. They were the only hint left of their old lives that neither wanted to forget. But everything was just..too much I guess? This couldn't keep on, and I believe it was dimitri who let go first.
I believe that by the time niko meets mikhail and dimitri the latter has already made up his mind about mikhail. What started as just boredom and annoyance of mikhail and his antics slowly manifesting into hate as his behavior started putting everyone in danger. I even think dimtri lied about the whole petrovic situation just to get an excuse to get rid of mikhail. And mikhail, well he didn't appreciate his friends distance in the slightest. But instead of thinking "maybe this is my fault" he just started to blame everyone and everything but himself, refusing to belive that he and only he was the reason his friend no longer liked him as much..and to cope he just undermines and makes fun of and blames dimitri any chance he can get; calling him paranoid, he blames him for the Lenny situation (though as I said I believe the whole fiasco was a lie) and in a deleted phone call he even accuses dimitri of sleeping with ilyena- the wife he cheats on every day. And to whom he complains? To the Serbian mercenary that knows nothing about any of them of course!
I especially find the moment where he says to niko "Dimitri would've been some prison meat if not for me" incredibly low because..you don't just say such a thing. It's cruel and it's disgusting and serves no purpose other than make dimitri look small in the eyes of others. I find his end quite fitting, rare niko W.
I do think they fucked once or twice tho :3 but they most certainly aren't in love.
BUT if we ARE talking about rarepairs then ohh boy...nothing beats dimitri and boccino. They're like. the ship ever. Still my proudest moment when I thought of these two together one Monday night 😮‍💨✨️ I rambled WAY too much abt mikhail and dimitri I know no one will read this if I talk abt ray and dimitri.
And least favorite rarepair..well there aren't many cuz yk they're rare. But I think Niko and Derrick for no other reason than because they always kill off my babygirls francis and boccino and talk shit about them for the rest of the fic. #Fuck Derrick I hate this lying drug addict rat.
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foineswoine · 7 months
Vanny could have been a great parallel for Dahlia Hawthorne but no. no they decided that mind control is a good plot. >:(
im thinking and im trying to fit her into my Kristoph & William illness but no thoughts are clicking. hmm. bc shes sooo similar to Kristoph in the sense of being Phoenix's toxic exes who hate him but she's very far removed from William in the sense that she never actually liked Phoenix at all && her emotions just aren't examined by the game much at all. wait ive been going at this from the wrong angle (bc I havent played the trilogy in a while lmao). I need to be examining her relationship with Mia Fey.
hm. her relationship & animosity towards her is also filled with jealousy because of course it is we love jealousy as motive. but that isn't what motivated her to commit her crimes, though. their relationship started AFTER she did that first robbery && fake-murder-victim-hours. but like for the life of me I cannot remember what her prime motivations were- wait, no, I do. she carried out that robbery bc she belonged to a broken home and wanted power, wealth, attention. bit reminiscent of my William hcs but thats for another day. then the rest of her crimes spiralled out from her needing to cover-up her past (killed valerie bc she was gonna spill about her past, attempted murder of Diego Armando bc he was digging into her past, murder of that one student cant remember because he was digging into her criminal activities re: attempted murder, n everything w/ maya n misty because #revenge against mia yknow.)
ok im jumping off that tangent to think about how heavily ace attorney plays into themes of facades & masks. like its the part I most love Kristoph for but now I'm thinking about it, the motif is everywhere. in Dahlia, of course, as she also presents a soft, delicate side that hides her cruel interior (although she is less insufferably polite and moreso just self-infantalising which is why I never really latched onto her as I did Kristoph), but also in Godot/Diego, who. literally wears a mask. but also conceals his reasons behind why he hated Phoenix, how his mask showed not only that but also how he was unwilling to face his past, unwilling to forgive, unwilling to let go and accept what happened, happened.
like from the AA wiki: "Godot thought he couldn't forgive Wright, but he knew, deep down, that the one he couldn't forgive was himself. Not able to face Mia's death head-on, Godot had run away, throwing away his past, his name, and even his face, hiding behind a mask."
and ok I do not have a conclusion for this tangent and I, sadly, have no way of relating this to FNAF but goddamn I love this silly little lawyer game. ily Trials and Tribulations youve got great characters and great writing and goddamn Ace Attorney is such a good series.
end of rant I think I need to get more mentally ill about Dahlia Hawthorne bc there is a lot of stuff for me to love there. also I think her and Mia deserve toxic yuri. god I love Mia Fey she is the only bisexual representation ever she has two hands and those are for both Lana Skye and Diego Armando ❤️❤️
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
hiiii!! I love your writing so much omg its so cute <3 I was wondering if i could request something with mizuena? maybe mizuki is teasing too much and ena tries to get them back, or ena is in a grumpy mood and Mizuki tries to cheer her up or something, just ideas ((:
I suddenly was bombarded with n25 brainrot and my friends chose the MizuEna request so here we are lol
Also I'm glad you enjoy my writing ^^
Merry Christmas~!
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Mizuki x Ena (romantic)
Lee: Mizuki
Ler: Ena
Warnings: Tickles! I ended up using she/her pronouns for Mizuki out of habit, I hope that's alright lol
It was a good night, Ena had invited her girlfriend to spend the night at her house to spend some quality time... or whatever couples do. When Mizuki came over, she seemed like her usual cheery and very teasy self. Not like Ena minded the teasing though. But she couldn't help but feel like there was something... different about her. She wasn't sure why... but Mizuki's smile looked almost... forced. Was there something wrong?
As they sat down in Ena's bed, curiosity got the best of her and she asked "What's up with you?".
"Hmm? What do you mean?".
"You're acting a bit odd..."
Mizuki pondered for a moment before smirking "Maybe you're the odd one here~". She playfully stuck her tongue out at her girlfriend as she plopped down on her back, folding her arms behind her head.
Ena rolled her eyes in annoyance, she knew Mizuki had a hard time opening up, but she also hated feeling useless in these kinds of situations. She wanted to help but there wasn't much to do when she didn't know the root of her problem. Well... maybe there was something she could do after all...
Ena crawled over to Mizuki, taking a seat across her hips.
"Oh? What's this for?~" Mizuki sent her a teasy smirk, causing Ena to blush a bit. But she tried to keep calm, not wanting to get deterred of her goal.
"If you want to be so teasy then it's only fair that I return the favor" Ena tried to give off a serious look but couldn't help but smile as she descended her fingers towards Mizuki's belly.
"Eh?! E-nanahahan! Not thahat!" Mizuki bursted out into bright giggles at the sudden tickling, trying to grab at Ena's wrists, but the older one was too fast for her.
"Aww what's wrong? Not so teasy now, huh?~" Ena smirked down at them as she teasingly traced her index finger around her navel, causing her girlfriend to squeal through her giggle fit.
"Ah-!! T-this isn't fahahair!" Mizuki threw her head back in laughter, her cheeks growing pink ever so slightly. With the new opening, Ena wormed her fingers up to Mizuki's neck, lightly scribbling all over it. "PFFT-! ENA NAHAT THEHEHERE!" poor Mizuki squealed and shook her head around as her laughter got more and more powerful with each ticklish touch.
"Wow, look at how sensitive you are here, it's so adorable~" Ena teased, enjoying the bright, bubbly laughter that came out of her girlfriend.
Once Ena noticed that Mizuki's eyes were getting watery, she slowed her fingers to a stop. Smiling down at them as Mizuki gasped for breath.
"Ahaha... w-what was that for?~".
"Just because... you look much better with a genuine smile~".
Mizuki felt a bit taken aback by the compliment, her face growing a bit red, causing Ena to chuckle. The brunnette layed down next to her, wrapping her in a soft embrace. Mizuki let out a sigh as she said "Thanks for that...", a soft smile sitting on her lips.
Ena smiled back, "No problem~" as they both remained in each other's presence for the rest of the night...
MizuEna will rule the world!
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euclydya · 2 years
i'm glad that you liked them, i'm chronically into musical theatre by nature of the performing arts teacher being The Safe Space™ for freaks back home (we grew up in a very small town, like a "makes hawkins look big and bustling" type of place).
y'all's recommendations are great as always! i've heard aesop rock's older stuff but i hadn't heard anything from malibu ken until your rec. will wood is also an all-time favorite artist, dr west especially is obsessed with him.
tonight's recommendations: pressure bomb 3 by jhariah for billy, not invited by holychild for the steves, malmo by mook for your jonathan, be gay do drugs hail satan by super cassette for eddie, and psychotherapy by melanie for will. i am also suggesting graveyard picnic by aurelio voltaire for poe; dr. crane recommends down to the river by brown bird for her.
Goddamn that sounds like hell, growing up in a teeny lil town! Very very glad y'all had someone to consider safe though !!
Your recs are very spot on with what we enjoy !! :} All are added to our playlists and then some LMAO we love them all thank you thank you !! 🖤 /platonic -Poe
Our recs!:
Dear Mother - Cake Bake Betty (🧋 Steve's rec)
I suppose the easiest way to differentiate these two would be emojis, huh? Elder Steve's emoji is 🧋, while younger Steve has yet to choose one. Anyways! Everyone's asleep aside from Kaz and I so we will be relaying songs from them to you
🧋Steve doesn't have much to say for this one, as it's difficult for him to put into words what this song means to him. He says it's something to do with source, though? Which is explanation enough, in his mind-words! -Poe
Dragula - Rob Zombie (Billy's rec!)
(This could also count as Max's rec too, because she also adores this song, lmao)
A perfect song for the Halloween season we think !! Very very fun and very very catchy, if Billy isn't listening to Angry Songs then she's listening to stuff like this :} -Poe
Runs In The Family - Amanda Palmer (Jonathan's rec!)
Jonathan says, and I quote, "*points at the lyrics and nods*" and..... Oh yes that's very. Self explanatory looking at the lyrics for this one I'd say! /lighthearted
he also says "not that I hate my family, I never did and never will, but sometimes Things Were Hell™" -Poe
Can't Go To Hell - Sin Shake Sin (Eddie's rec)
I do not know what Eddie's thoughts are on this song as all hex is giving me is ":)", "👍!", and "¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯" emojis.
I will say it is very fitting for hex though, lyrically and sound-wise, very loud and fast paced, just like hex is -Kaz
The Angel Of The Forever Sleep - Marcy Playground (my rec -Kaz)
I hope you don't mind me joining in, too? I've been... Up front ever since we woke up and have been. Keeping everybody else calm. Things are okay, just a tad stressed, but whatever. I've been playing this on repeat for the past few hours to help keep things calm, too. It's been working so far, luckily! -Kaz
Jimmy - Tool (my rec!! -Poe)
Hmm hmmm..... I suppose if our El had their own playlist this would definitely be on it! /tangent, unrelated, etc.
Tool's known for long songs™ and while this one's about 5 minutes it DOES feel longer because it's so slow going, but the wait is much worth it in my opinion! The ending verse is beautiful, very much so! -Poe
21st Century Schizoid Man - The Human Experimente (Will's rec)
Linked it cuz it's stupid hard to track down sometimes. Literally couldn't find the damn song for a good couple years until it popped back on YouTube recently so now we have it downloaded lmao
Lotta good covers of this song out there but I really like this one (I am not at all biased bc I like Tool no sirree /jokeeee). Maynard's done a hell of a lotta good covers tbh I love them all but rn I'm vibing the most w this song! -Will
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s4kasaki · 3 years
hello! 👉👈 may i ask for ritsu and mao w/ a rlly affectionate s/o hcs? thank you ♡
Another insanely cute request, omgawd. nays serving~☆ I'm so late on posting so I'm working on all my request tonight and tmr!
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♡︎ — mao and ritsu with an affectionate s/o!
‣ tws / cws: none !
‣ reader: gender-neutral - they/them.
‣ author's note: it's kinda funny, bc Mao.. and Ritsu .. yk?.. not funny? oka... (╥﹏╥)
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☆ — RITSU.
Usually, he’s the over-affectionate one. He doesn't know what it feels like to be doted on since he's always been the one doing the doting and half the time it's unintentional. ( unless you count mao's constant attention to him bc he randomly slept EVERYWHERE back then. )
He was technically like an oversized cat, giving you unwanted affection & attention whenever he felt like it. Or whenever he wasn't sleeping on you. And In health-wise, probably a koala with how much he sleeps. His way of affection was sleeping with you.
At first, he was... Neutral— not suspicious, not shocked of anything. But he did make some remark about how you’re acting as if you're that silly old man he calls his brother again.
“Hmm. Why are you acting like that older brother of mines all of a sudden?”
He does accept your love and never-ending tenderness like no other, he seeks it sometimes really.. especially when he's feeling a bit needier than ordinary. So please do give him kisses on the cheek while he snoozes! \(^ヮ^)/ he definitely can feel them, he can sense when you're hovering over him sometimes, it takes a lot of willpower for him not to pull a soft smile in his "sleep". But he smiles anyway, he's been that way before you two even got together, how could he not though? You love him so much he feels confounded!
May it be a sight for sore eyes, nonetheless, you often have a very annoyed Izuhog telling you two to get a room. And you can't blame him, neither can Tsukasa, Arashi or... Leo. You're too sweet.. even for them! While Izumi may not admit that.
oh, he does enjoy napping with you, it's kinda funny because you as well began to use napping together as a way of affection to fit in his persona, and he couldn't be any more happier.
Yawn. “Ritsu. Let's take a comfy nap together! You'd like that, right? alright! I've gotten pretty overworked from all the work I've been finishing for weeks... so it would be nice to rest with my sleepy-head of a soulmate...♥︎”
it was all a bunch of teases to spit whenever affection was thrown. napping with you, what better way to fall asleep than with you, his beloved: by his side? nuzzled up against his body placing many kisses on his cheek as you two sleep soundly? he thinks you’re beautiful even as you sleep— you aren't ashamed to admit that you do enjoy watching him sleep for a bit before you drift off yourself.
He might even wake up a little bit after you drift to sleep, which is to say he wasn't entirely sleeping and might've felt you staring at him while he begins to rest.
“Keep this between the two of us, okay?...”
as he approaches down onto you and leaves an Everlasting kiss on your plum, sleeping lips that he'd hope to hear the same amount of love, care, and doting from, as he does every day. Before drifting to sleep in your sweet embrace.
☆ — MAO.
TO BE HONEST, he's just as affectionate as you are. He loves spending time with you as much as he can. If he had a love language, it would be showering you affectionately as much as he can but in a cool-ish boyfriend way, because he has a tight schedule full of talk shows.
But when he's free, or when he skips his job to be with you finally... Love is all that flows in the house.
Giving him an overwhelming amount of love is like giving a dog... AN OVERFILLED BOWL OF DOG FOOD. He’s overexcited like he's high on sugar and sugar alone.
“Ah! What's the occasion!? ^O^”
“Oh, shush!”
He loves how your affection matches up with each other! You two share the same amount of love for one another as if you two are going on at it like a war of who's the most affectionate in the relationship, speaking of which? It sort of is a war. You two go on and on complementing each other, giving each other gifts, kisses, and hugs. Everything! He's fond of having a little playful competitiveness in a relationship.
Unlike Ritsu, he seeks it but he doesn't do it by going up to you and mopping like a cat. It's more like this because he tries to be insanely slick with it and fails half the time:
“Say, you know you said you were gonna drive to the shopping mall today?” reminding you of your forgotten about duties of the day, you can’t forget something so important to yourself. You wished to go yesterday, but the weather was a disastrous mess and locked you inside, there was so way in "hades" you were going out there. That is what Mao said in his head when he blocked the door with a pouty face of disapproval yesterday morning, and it was quite obvious.“Oh? Right! Such a dependable boyfriend you are... Thank you~☆” mwah.
That's his way of seeking your affection, not straightforward, or not even unintentionally. He has a whole plan set for it before he even seeks for it, thinking of what to say to get the right response. Once he gets his compliment/kiss, he's like a new man. It gives him the boost he needs to carry on doing anything! He's smiling way more than he was before, maybe even giving a mischievous smirk
But there are times where he seeks it straightforwardly! When he feels needier and more desperate for it, remember it's what gives him the biggest ego boost of the day. Give him affection at night time and oh God— you have a bundle of sunshine and rainbows, expect to be up late than expected with a bundle of movies playing
It's nearly impossible for him to maintain himself sometimes, but he always returns the affection. This war of devotion will last forever if it's the last thing Mao does!
An everlasting war of loyalty, tenderness, and love declarations. That goes on for days, months, even years. Maybe it'll be forever until you're both married... Who knows? It's all up to you two to decide.
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eclipsedpascal · 3 years
You Deserve This
Andy Dolan x Female Reader
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GIF by @kissxmedeadly !!
“The reader asking Andy about his kiddo (let's pretend is a lil boy 🤣) and him being very emotional about it and the reader who truly loves him conforts him 😭❤️” - anon
Please read the warnings!!
Warnings: use of drugs (weed), smut, oral (female receiving), slight public sex, slight angst, mentions of rehab, mentions of suicidal thoughts, a lil bit of crying and VERY slight Eden spoilers, but thats only if you don't want to know anything AT ALL, so basically none? idk lmao:)
Notes: hi! So this is my first Andy fic, I wrote it very quickly last night after a sudden burst of inspiration and it doesn't make too much sense, also it’s kinda cheesy? I don't think I've ever written anything this angsty or soft before, but i’m trying to be more in touch w my emotions nd this is my way of doing that, so hopefully i'll do more things like this soon:) also if you’re interested, the title is one of my favourite songs by Men I Trust that I just thought fit Andy well.
Word count: 1.8k
The warm, dancing breeze washed over your skin, plucking up your many goosebumps and blowing the rainbow coloured sea of petals that decorated the large garden from left to right. The bittersweet mix of their fragrances and Andy’s blunt rushed to you and filled your scrunched up, wrinkled nose as you let out a loud laugh. The vibrant expanse of fluffy grass felt close to a mattress underneath you, cradling your form whilst you laid amongst the greenery and watched Andy ghost a deep inhale of the blunt he had balanced precariously between two fingers. He flopped his arm across the gap between you and offered you another toke, the dopey smile spread over his features making you laugh even more.
“What’s so funny? Hmm?” He questioned you jokingly, rolling onto his forearms and bringing his face to hover just above yours as you brought the blunt to your lips. You couldn't hold in your laughter, your drug hazed state and the breeze that pushed his brown curls to tickle your blushing skin only exaggerating your amusement further as you choked out clouds of smoke.
“What??” He joined in laughing, finding humour in his own confusion and finding your laugh infectious. His lips found your own in a sudden yet gentle kiss which you gladly embraced, still not managing to fully compose yourself as you giggled into his open mouth.
You did your best to pull back from the kiss, but were reminded you didn't really have anywhere to go when you felt a blade of grass flutter against your ear. “It’s just.. your smile.” You rested your blunt carrying hand on his cheek as you spoke, feeling your heart swell when he pulled an overdramatic expression of insult at your reply.
“What’s so wrong with my smile?!” He half faked offence, not understanding what you could possibly find so amusing about it as you giggled more and more. “What’s wrong with it?- is it my lips? ‘They not good enough for you baby?” His thick accent aided his voice, making him sound even more attractive than he already was as he joked with you.
“Noo! it definitely wasn’t your lips, cause I love those.” You gripped his locks a little firmer, biting your lip as his stare changed from one of curiosity to one of want.
“Oh yeah?” He leaned back down and kissed you again, but this time rougher, the weed made you feel as if his lips were slowly melting into your own as it sent strong signals of lust through your body. He put all his weight on one arm, lifting the other and groping your waist with it whilst simultaneously moving to trail wet kisses down your neck.
His touches were deep, yet executed so delicately it convinced you if he was any rougher, you might just break. He opened the buttons of the flowing shirt you wore; one you had stolen out of his wardrobe that morning. He moved his head further down your chest to your stomach, mouth racing in slow motion to reach you were he wanted to most.
Forgetting to explain why you found his smile so funny in the first place, your high carried your thoughts closer towards how incredible his mouth felt on your skin, making you lean into his touch and let out a few small mewls.
As he reached your panty line, he tapped your hip, signalling for you to lift them so he could take your shorts off. He slid them off your legs in a quick, smooth motion that had them landing on a nearby lavender bush. The garden had quite a large variety of blossoming shrubbery and many clusters of beautiful flowers, it was probably down to the bi-weekly gardeners Andy had hired. You had known they were expensive and after spending so much time like this, lazing around, surrounded by the expensive home’s nature, you were beginning to understand why he had hired them.
You returned your gaze from the dangling shorts, back to the man nestled between your bare thighs. His beard was scratching at your skin in the best way possible as he laid small kisses over the thin fabric that covered your cunt. His hot breathe felt like fire as you wriggled and squirmed below him, just wanting some kind of contact from him.
He used two fingers to peel your panties to the side, groaning at the site of your glistening folds before kissing your clit gently. His tongue started swiping across your cunt slowly, taking all the time in the world to make you feel as good as he knew he could. You moaned loudly, grabbing at his hair once more as he sucked on you deeply.
“Mr Dolan?” You were interrupted by a throat clearing before hearing a man speak; one of Andy’s many servants you guessed. They had never seemed to leave the two of you alone whilst you had been staying there. No matter how big his home was, you always seemed to find another at every corner.
Andy looked up to the man with question and annoyance, raising an eyebrow at him as he wished for him to just hurry up and leave so the two of you could continue with your escapades. “It’s the phone for you Mr Dolan. Your son.”
Andy quickly rose from his place below you, his mind abandoning all thought of the act he was just partaking in as he jogged past the glass doors of his home, wanting only to speak to the young boy.
You sat up slightly, doing up a few buttons of your shirt and laying your crossed legs to the side of you as you held yourself up with your arm. You watched him as he scrambled into the house after his servant, little red marks from where he had been lying in the grass next to you were noticeably imprinted on the skin of his left arm, the one he had been leaning on, and his open shirt was flowing behind him with the speed he was moving.
You looked down to the flowers on front of you, picking a single daisy that bore tinted, pink tips on the end of each slim, white petal, twirling the stem around between two of your fingers as you listened to the breeze pick up. You could feel the mood of the air change as he left, the wind feeling more cold an irritating than once before as you pondered the call Andy was having.
You knew how desperate he had been to speak to his son again. It had been months since he had spoken to him without his ex-wife being the messenger. He missed him more than he knew to describe.
His recent divorce had been what had fuelled him to return home to Eden; hoping to find solace in the paradise he knew so well after feeling as if he had lost himself entirely. Spending too many years constantly playing other people had taken more of a toll on him than he had realised, that was until he was sent to rehab. After getting out, he felt as if staying in Eden was the only way for him to climb out of the dark hole he had managed to find himself in. Unfortunately, this journey of finding himself had meant making the decision to leave his son behind in Los Angles. Something he didn't like to speak on much.
When you had first met him in rehab however, he had been extremely open about his life, telling you how anger was the only emotion he could really feel anymore. Explaining that if he wasn’t at least the slightest amount intoxicated, he didn't think he couldn't go on with living; especially after the recent downfall of his career being showcased for the entire world to see. It was dark stuff, but you understood each other. That’s a big part of what made you grow so close.
You picked off petal after petal from the daisy, watching its beauty fade with each pluck and letting each one slowly blow into the breeze, creating a tragic stream as they blew away from you and down to the not so far off shoreline. As you plucked the last petal, you admired the daisy, still glowing with pollen and beaming in the sunlight despite have lost so many important parts of it. You stuck it into your shirt pocket and fell back down to lay on the grass as you waited for Andy to finish his call.
It had been maybe ten minutes you were lying with your eyes closed, enjoying the heat that beamed down from the clear, Australian sky when you finally heard the slow footsteps that you knew to be Andy’s, pattering along the grass. You shot up from where you lay to see the dopey-smiled man who had left you in the garden just fifteen minutes before, only to be faced with a red-eyed, teary one.
“Andy what happened? Are you okay?” He fell down onto the grass besides you, staring at you but completely wordless. You felt as if you could see into his soul. He was feeling so many emotions he hadn’t even been able to grasp at in so long. It was overwhelming him and you knew it. You reached out to stroke is cheek, concern running through you for the man that you had grown to love so dearly over the past few months.
He looked up “She’s gonna let me see him. T-They’re coming over next month.” A tear fell from his face as he smiled harder than you had ever seen him smile before. He was finally going to see his son after all these long months and you couldn’t have been any happier for him.
“Really?! That’s amazing, oh my god!” You moved forwards, wrapping your arms over his large shoulders and squeezing him in a hug so full of love it was palpable. “You really got to speak to him this time?” You questioned him once more before pulling away from his grasp, thinking back to the many times his ex-wife had promised he could speak with the boy but decided at the last minute he wouldn’t get to.
“Yeah!.. he uhh,” He took in a shaky breath, chuckling with joy as he recalled hearing the young boy’s voice so filled with excitement and energy over the phone. “He said he couldn't wait to meet you! You know, when I told him about you.” He stumbled over his words, running a hand through his hair as he shook with nerves, doing his best to calm himself.
In that moment, you felt your love for him soar higher than it ever had before. You were so proud of the progress he had made, and you knew his son would be too. “And I cant wait to meet him either.” You rested your forehead against his, the two of you enjoying a stand still and bathing in the happiness you both felt in the beautiful moment. The sound of the ever present breeze occupied your ears as the laughter emitting from two of you joined it, echoing a song throughout the garden that wouldn’t be forgotten any time soon.
Thank you sm for reading!!🥺💗
Tags: @celestialrequiem @ntxoza @dark-mei-rose @sojournmichael @blakescoven @ritualmichael @ghostangels @fernfiction @ferndolan @brattylovee @7-wonders @angelicmichael @melodylangdon @brooklinn13 @kitty4860 @lavenderahs @michaellangdonstanaccount @9layerdevilfoodcake @chicaluna2410 @plymptxn-reborn I've just tagged anyone who I thought might be interested as per usual, but if you would to be removed feel free to let me know!! you can also lemme know if you would like to be added to the tag list too:)
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quokkacore · 3 years
can you dig it? (m) [kim doyoung & kim jungwoo]
summary: post concert highs can be a real bummer, and tonight, after a particularly intense performance, your boyfriends help you come down.
pairing: kim doyoung x kim jungwoo x fem!reader
genre: poly!au, 70s!au, band!au, smut, fluff
warnings: drug usage (weed specifically), mentions of other substances (lsd and cocaine), shotgunning, established poly relationship, soft dom jungwoo, mentioned switch jungwoo, hard dom doyoung, sub reader, high sex, sex on a water bed!!, unprotected sex, spit kink, they're all so sweaty help, mxm, degradation kink, praise kink, orgasm denial, overstimulation, minor possessiveness
song recs: don’t stop - fleetwood mac // unlock it (feat. kim petras & jay park) - charli xcx // love her madly - the doors // ziggy stardust - david bowie // rhiannon - fleetwood mac // eclipse - kim lip (loona) // flick of the wrist - queen
word count: 5.4k
a/n: this is for my best friend, who i love with all my heart,bc last month we were talking abt the dowoo photoshoot and she said smth about high sex with dowoo. happy birthday queen <3 thank u for listening to me complain abt writing all the time :’)
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Friday, July 22rd, 1977
The concert hall smelled like cocaine and sweat, you noted to yourself as the three of you joined hands to bow. Cheers from the crowd bounced off of the walls as you bid them your final goodbye, wishing them a good night and telling them to drive safe. Still, their chanting persisted. "Seoul Motel! Seoul Motel! Seoul Motel!" 
You wondered vaguely if this was what it was like to be a young god.
The curtain lowered, and the three of you were ushered offstage, to take some pictures and then head back to the hotel, to try and get some rest before you were off to Philadelphia, some five or so hours from where you were now: Boston. 
Truthfully, everything passed in a blur. It was almost always like this after these concerts. The thrill and euphoria of performing made it difficult to focus on things. That might have also been because Jungwoo had passed you a joint before the concert. You couldn't be completely sure.
Your tambourine and guitar seemingly disappeared, but you knew it would show up tomorrow for soundcheck when you got to the Philadelphia venue, right along with Jungwoo's bass guitar and Doyoung's drum kit.
What you did know was that here, in the car back to the hotel that your manager was driving, lecturing you and Jungwoo about the importance of being sober when talking to reporters, Doyoung had a hand on your thigh, and that was all you could focus on. 
Doyoung was high too. You knew this because ten minutes before you were needed on stage he pulled you forward by the hips and told you to take a few hits from the hand rolled joint and blow the smoke into his mouth. Of course, he wasn't as high as you and Jungwoo were, and he knew how to hide it better. But if you were to get close enough you'd notice the redness rimming his eyes, the dilation of his pupils.
The three of you were something, that was for sure. You had been, probably ever since Jungwoo joined the band, some eight years ago, in the fall of '69. You only really defined what you were once you got your first big hit thanks to some disc jockey in LA playing a song you had written, Calabasas, on the radio back in '73. 
The song had blown up, and suddenly the three of you were whisked into a whirlwind of celebrities, drugs, paparazzi and producers who thought the three of you were born yesterday. Yes, you were college kids that ran on booze and weed, but you weren’t complete morons. That was when the three of you sat down to properly discuss boundaries, what slid and what didn’t.
You and your boys decided that night that weren’t down with the idea of everyone knowing. Too many prying eyes. The public didn’t really know, because the press would have a damn field day. 
Other than that, it was a pretty open secret. In the industry, who was going around with who didn’t really matter—a lot of them were too off their face to even care. You realized that a few years back when David Bowie walked in on you watching Jungwoo and Doyoung get it on in a bathroom at some afterparty in New York City, and closed the door muttering something about how strong the edibles were.
 So, what your manager said fell on deaf ears. Too much weed, too much adrenaline, too much energy for someone who needed to head back onto the road in a few hours.
 When you finally got back to the hotel, Jungwoo grabbed your hand in the elevator on the way up to your rooms, which were right next to each other. "You said that your bed was really big… can we come up?"
You nodded, leaning against his arm. Doyoung hummed affectionately at the sight, noting how tired you both were. 
"You two are about five seconds from passing out," Doyoung mumbled, and you waved your hand in denial. 
"Are not," you protested like a child.
"Y/N, don't be a chump. I'm pretty sure if Woo weren't next to you, you'd have fallen over."
You didn't have the energy to counter, and as the elevator slid open, you were the first one to march out, ready to just take a cold shower and die for the next few hours. 
Realistically, you knew that wasn't what would happen. What would happen was that you would shower, get into bed and then toss and turn for another hour or so. Only then would the adrenaline truly wear off. The weed didn't help, making you feel sleepy. 
You unlocked the door, and Doyoung and Jungwoo gawked at the sight—and size—of your bed. It could probably fit all three of you easily. 
Since only one room would spark rumors, the manager usually booked two: one for Doyoung and Jungwoo and one for you. Your room always went unused. Usually, you would have to push Doyoung's and Jungwoo's beds together to make enough room, leaving an awkward and uncomfortable dip for the person in the middle. Whoever got the middle was handed the terrible double edged sword: cuddles galore, but a sore back in the morning. 
Immediately Jungwoo jumped onto the bed, gasping and immediately laughed gleefully as the bed sloshed underneath him. 
"A water bed!?" He exclaimed, splaying out his limbs. "Oh, far out. You really lucked out, dollface." 
He kicked off his shoes and curled up in the middle, eyes fluttering shut. You followed, sitting at the side as you peeled off your white leather go-go boots. Throwing yourself down next to him, you sighed at the sensation of waves beneath you, and nodded. "Oh, this is ace," You murmured, "Feels great."
Peeling one eye open as Jungwoo wrapped his arm around you, your gaze landed on Doyoung, who was still leaning against the wall. You beckoned him over with a hand. "C'mere, princey." 
He made sure that the air conditioner was working before sitting down on the other side of Jungwoo, for which you were grateful. The still drying sweat on the back of your neck and on your chest started to cool instantly. You and Jungwoo giggled as Doyoung’s weight sent waves rippling beneath you.
"So, are you guys gonna sleep or what?" Doyoung asked, kicking his shoes off as well and peeling off his denim jacket. His eyes were still wide open and he didn't look tired at all. "I'm probably staying up a little later, I have some ideas for some lyrics I want to get down—"
"I would love to sleep. But I can't," Jungwoo declared before glancing knowingly at the both of you, "and neither can either of you." 
You hummed in agreement. "Hmm, you're not wrong. Too much energy left."
You turned to bury your face into his chest. His forest green short-sleeved button up was only buttoned up halfway, easily revealing his collarbones. He smelled like pot, sweat, and designer cologne. His chest rumbled as he continued to speak. 
"What about you, bunny boy? You can't tell me you don't still feel it."
"The weed or the concert jitters?" Doyoung's voice was raspy, cautious. He had a feeling he knew where this conversation was going. Once you and Jungwoo ganged up on him, it wouldn't take long to wear him down.
"Both," You and Jungwoo said in unison. You laughed at the sound. Doyoung chuckled as well, and you cracked your eyes open, despite how cozy you felt with Jungwoo stroking the skin of your nape.
"Well, the jitters are still there. That's why I'm staying up. As for the weed… well, yeah. I still feel it."
Jungwoo sighed. "How's the weed hitting you, though?"
"Honestly?" Doyoung's eyes met yours, and you felt something simmer in your chest. He huffed, deciding to take a bite of the apple, and leaned towards the both of you. 
"The weed, plus watching you two perform… Safe to say I'm pretty fuckin' horny right now."
You bit your lip, giving him a sleepy grin. "Oh, Woo, we turned him on." The teasing tone wasn't missed despite the sleepiness in your tone. 
"And what about it?" Doyoung asked, leaning back on his hands. "You can't say that watching Jungwoo do the thing doesn't get you going."
"I have a thing?" 
"We all have a thing, Woo. Princey's over there is at the end of Mr. Jones' Motorcycle. You know, when he finishes the solo? He always throws his head back, because there's sweat and hair in his eyes. You can see his neck and shit..."
Jungwoo blinked. "Shit, that is his thing… What's mine?"
You raised an eyebrow at Doyoung. "His is the thing where he gets so into it that he throws his head back and plays, and still manages to get every bass note right, right?" 
Doyoung nodded with a satisfied hum. "Gets you going, right?"
You brought a hand up to Jungwoo's chest, slowly sliding it down his stomach. Your voice lowered to a raspy murmur, and Jungwoo's hand tightened around your waist. "Damn right it does." 
"And plus, you both have told me that watching me put together the drum kit is hot."
"'Cause it is!" Again you laughed as Jungwoo said the same thing you did. 
"Jungwoo." Doyoung's voice sounded thicker. "You can't tell me that Y/N isn't an absolute vixen on stage." 
"You're right," The younger man answered, voice gruff. His hand slid down, gripping your butt and giving it a light squeeze, before directing his words at you. "Oh! Y/N, your thing is when—you know how every time you play the transition from Calabasas to Saturn’s Rings you sway your hips and flip your hair back and forth? Sometimes you’ll look at me or at Doyoung while you do, and you looked at me tonight. You're a little tease up there, dollface."
Your breath hitched at their words. “Oh, yeah?” You goaded, cuddling further into Jungwoo’s chest. You let a coy smile grace your face as your eyes fluttered shut. “What do you want me to do about it?”
“Don’t be a brat,” Doyoung growled.
“No, Doie,” Jungwoo hummed. He suddenly sounded a lot more awake. “...What would you have her do about it?”
Your eyes fluttered open, swallowing despite the sudden dryness in your throat. Doyoung's pupils were still blown wide, but you were pretty sure it wasn't because of the weed. He licked his lips. "Princess, get on your knees." 
Jungwoo prompted you up, pulling you up to stand at the side of the bed. Doyoung circled around the bed, before standing next to Jungwoo. Your gaze fluttered between your two boyfriends, one looking stern, the other looking like he was having the time of his life. 
Quietly, you lowered yourself to kneel on the plush carpet, fingers gripping the silver fabric of your dress' skirt to hike it up, so that you wouldn't kneel on it. Your hands itched to reach for them but you knew you needed to ask for permission. "Can I touch you?" 
Doyoung smiled, reaching for his belt. "There's our good girl," He said. Your mouth was already watering embarrassingly as you helped him undo his belt, pulling him out of his boxers. He was already half hard, and as you lifted your hand to spit in it, someone grabbed you gently by the rest. Jungwoo leaned over, turning your hand to reveal your palm to him. His eyes seemed to burn into yours as he let his spit fall into the palm of your hand. You felt your legs close, thighs trying to rub together at the sight. 
"Go on," Jungwoo murmured, using a hand on your jaw to move your head. Your eyes fell on Doyoung's cock again, slowly getting harder and harder. Your hand wrapped around it, stroking slowly as you met his smoldering gaze. You stroked him until he was rock hard in your grip, and his breathing turned heavy. Again, you swallowed, and Doyoung noticed this time. 
“What is it, princess? You want it in your mouth?”
“Yes, please,” You whispered, eyes wide. He chuckled breathily, head tipping back as you ran your thumb over the slit. His eyes met Jungwoo’s, who was palming himself through his pants.  
“What do you think, baby?” He asked him.
“Don’t be mean, Doyoung,” Jungwoo said softly. “Look at her, she’s desperate. Isn’t that right, Y/N?”
You whined, nodding. The pair chuckled. Jungwoo grinned at the state you were already in. “Go ahead, dollface. Give it a kiss.”
Before Doyoung could say anything else, you took his dick into your mouth, and let out a soft moan at how heavy he felt, hot and pulsing. He let out a guttural groan of your name, a hand burying itself in your hair. His other hand gripped Jungwoo’s shirt, pulling him forward to meet in a tongue-filled kiss. 
Slowly, Doyoung’s hips started rocking back and forth, grinding into your mouth. Your hands stroked what you couldn’t fit, as well as his balls. Your eyes fluttered shut, trying to relax so as to not gag on his length. But when he sped up, it became too much to avoid. 
A tap on your shoulder, and Doyoung let you off of his cock. You turned your head to look up at a very flushed Jungwoo, who had pulled his dick out of his pants as well. The words, “Me too?” tumbled out of his swollen lips. And with that gentle, breathy tone, who were you to disobey?
You wrapped your lips around Jungwoo, who hissed at the sudden heat of your mouth. From there, something primal inside of you took control, wanting nothing more than to please—you took turns sucking them off and stroking them, the muffled sounds of their moaning spurring you on.
It was always like this—during sex, Doyoung was the meaner one, manhandling you and throwing degrading words in your face that made your stomach curl in sick pleasure. He was the one who could put you in your place when you became too bratty to handle. Jungwoo was gentler, but he was all too content to watch Doyoung toss you around. He would always swoop in after Doyoung took you apart, and piece you back together. He’d tell you how good you were, how good you made the both of them feel, and while he definitely didn’t treat you like fragile porcelain, he definitely didn’t leave as many bruises as Doyoung did. 
And then, when they were both done, they’d shower you in kisses, and whisper in your ear how grateful they were to love you, and say some philosophical thing about eternal love and the cosmos that you’d always be too fucked out to comprehend, but that made your heart do a backflip regardless. 
“Shit,” Jungwoo groaned, pulling away from Doyoung’s lips. “Y/N, I’m gonna cum.” 
You pulled off of Doyoung to look up at Jungwoo. “In my—in my mouth, please, Woo.”
He nodded, licking his lips as his hands fisted themselves in your hair, gripping but not pulling as he allowed you to touch him the way you wanted. His hands gathered the loose strands into a makeshift ponytail, using it to guide your mouth up and down his hot cock. His hips bucked into your willing mouth, the sound of his hissing and his moaning getting louder and louder, until… 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, Y/N… Y/N!" He groaned, as he came into your mouth. His head tipped back, which gave Doyoung access to his neck, pressing sloppy kisses to the skin. This sight was worth the bitter taste that coated your tongue: one of your lovers in ecstasy while the other anchored him to the ground. 
He left his dick in your mouth for a moment, before pulling out with a shaky breath. Doyoung pulled away, letting him breathe. As Jungwoo caught his breath, Doyoung pulled you up, and he sat on the bed, bringing you down with him to straddle his lap. 
You turned your head to face Jungwoo, who smiled at you, coming closer to the both of you. One of his hands patted the top of your head. "That was wicked," He said. 
Doyoung smiled softly, and gripped your chin to get you to face him. His sweet grin didn't disappear as his grip forced your mouth open. He groaned at the sight of your tongue coated in Jungwoo's semen. 
"Gorgeous," He mumbled, eyes trained on your lips as it began to spill out. 
"Kiss her," Jungwoo told him, "You know you want to."
So he did, his tongue almost immediately slipping past your lips to get a taste of Jungwoo for himself, swallowing it down greedily. Your hands came up to unbutton his black dress shirt, and his hands pushed up the skirt of your dress to get you to rock your hips against his. You gasped against his mouth at the feeling of only your soaked panties separating him and you, before pushing the shirt off of him. 
He moved to lie you down on the bed. As he pulled away from you, you caught his tongue slipping out to lick at a dribble of Jungwoo's cum on his lips. To make matters even worse, the bed was rolling beneath you, making your head spin. 
Jungwoo pulled his shirt off before he sat down behind you. Meanwhile, Doyoung moved down your body, parting your legs. He prompted you to sit up, resting your back against his chest. He pressed a kiss to your earlobe as Doyoung peeled your underwear off of you, biting his lip at the sight of your drooling pussy. 
"You're absolutely drenched, princess. And all from sucking our cocks, huh?"
You nodded, eyes fluttering shut as Jungwoo's lips began kissing along your jaw. When you didn't say anything, Jungwoo pinched your sides gently. "Use your words, doll," He whispered. From behind you, his eyes met Doyoung's. "You're gonna keep being our good little girl, right?"
"Y-yes, Jungwoo." Your hand lifted itself to press against his cheek, a silent plea for more kisses. He smiled against your skin. 
"Atta girl," He praised, "On your best behavior for us tonight, huh?" 
"The little slut's just being good because she wants to get fucked, Woo. Don't get it twisted." 
"Please, Doie," You pleaded at the mention of being fucked, "Need it."
The older man chuckled lowly, pressing the pad of his thumb to your clit. 
"Told you."
His tongue pressed itself against your hole, and you immediately cried out. You would have immediately started grinding against Doyoung's face if it weren't for Jungwoo's hands on your hips, holding you down and keeping it still. 
"I don't think you wanna do that," He murmured. His hands travelled underneath your skirt, gripping the silvery blue gossamer as he tried to lift it up. You did your best to keep your squirming at a minimum as you tried to help him get you out of it. Finally, the bell sleeves were pulled off, and you were left naked as the day you were born.
Jungwoo’s hands moved to your breasts, playing with them as he watched you whimper at the sensation of Doyoung’s mouth working at your folds. When he slipped his tongue inside, you keened, head falling against Jungwoo’s shoulder. 
“You’re so pretty like this,” He whispered. 
Your chest heaved, squirming up and down as he began to tug and pinch your nipples, calloused fingertips making you cry out.
Doyoung’s free hand gripped your thigh, and his fingers on the other hand slipped inside when he pulled his tongue out. Immediately, he plunged in two fingers, curling his fingers as he attempted to search for that one special spot.
"Ngh, Doie, faster, pleasepleaseplease." Your legs were trembling slightly now. 
"So fucking slutty," Doyoung mumbled, chuckling wickedly, "And all I had to do was stick my fingers inside." 
He complied with no protest, and the sensation of Doyoung stroking your walls and Jungwoo continuously pawing at your breasts caused a string of moans to come pouring out of your mouth. Jungwoo had been sucking a bruise into your clavicle, but leaned up to press his lips against yours. 
"Don't want anyone hearing what's meant for Doie and I," He said, lips brushing yours. 
The idea made you even needier, the double entendre making your head spin. Jungwoo didn't want anyone to hear you because if they did, rumors would spread. And on top of that? He didn't want anyone to hear. You were theirs. They were yours. This was a sacred ritual between bodies meant to be witnessed by only the three of you.
Your head felt like you were floating, even though your limbs felt like they were sinking into the watery mattress. A coil began to tighten in your stomach, and your soft whines, muffled by Jungwoo's plush lips, increased in pitch. 
They both knew what this meant, because a second later, Doyoung removed his fingers from your core, and Jungwoo pulled away, his hands moving from your breasts to rest on Doyoung's atop your hips. You were left reeling and breathing heavily, that familiar sensation floating away.
When you looked down at Doyoung, you swallowed at the sight of his lips, chin and fingers, all glistening with your wetness.
He lifted himself up off the mattress, and proceeded to sandwich your chest in between his own chest and Jungwoo’s back. He gripped his dick, rubbing it against your folds, which were now even more soaked than before.
"Tell me how much you want it, princess." He pressed his forehead against yours, hissing when the tip caught your clit. You let out a desperate whine, clinging to his broad shoulders. 
"Do—Doyoung, please fuck me," You begged, reeling at the sensation. He was so close, all he had to do was slide in. But he refused.
"Not good enough," He insisted.
"Doyoung, don't be mean," Jungwoo said, but he seemed to be more amused by your desperation than anything.
"No, I wanna hear how much she needs us."
You closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to gather your words. Jungwoo's hands stroked your sides, trying to calm you down. "You doing alright, doll? You wanna take a breather?"
"We can always stop." Doyoung's voice had turned stable, secure, safe. He started pulling away, until you grabbed him by the forearm and shook your head. You opened your eyes, seeing concern in his eyes
“No,” You mumbled, “Jus’ want some water. Think there’s some in the minibar. ‘M really hot.”
Doyoung nodded, getting up and striding over to the small refrigerator on the other side of the room. He pulled out a water bottle, and popped open the cap before passing it to you. Jungwoo had taken to fanning your face lightly with his hand. You took several long swigs of water, before setting it on the nightstand.
“I’m fine,” You promised. “Can we please keep going? I can take it.”
Doyoung pressed a kiss to your temple. “Are you absolutely sure?”
“Yeah,” You said with a nod. 
“Doyoung,” Jungwoo murmured, “Be careful.”
“I know, baby." He lowered his eyes to study your face. "I won’t go that hard on you, Y/N.”
You nodded, even though deep down you wanted to protest. You knew that this was probably the best route to take. You could already feel the high—from the weed and the concert—wearing off. You knew that if Doyoung were too rough you’d probably crash on the way down instead of float.
So, Jungwoo brushed some stray hair out of your sweaty face, and Doyoung grabbed your legs gently, wrapping them around his hips. Slowly, Doyoung eased in, and you sighed in satisfaction of finally being filled. He bit into your shoulder, taking deep heaving breaths as he let you get used to the sensation. Jungwoo took turns pressing kisses to the top of your head and the top of Doyoung’s head. 
“I love you both so much,” He whispered, “I’m so grateful the universe brought us together.” 
Doyoung looked up at him, pressing a kiss to his lips. “My baby,” He murmured against Jungwoo’s lips. He then turned to you and did the same, “My princess.”
You smiled at their words, but the need in your core was becoming unbearable. "Doie, Woo, I love you both so much," You murmured, "But Doyoung, if you don't move I'll pin you down and do it myself."
"And you were doing so well," Doyoung groaned with a laugh, before beginning to thrust his hips. It was a slow, torturous glide, and the way it caused the bed to rock left you dizzy in the best possible way. Doyoung was panting into your ear like some sort of beast, and you were whining softly with every cant of his hips.
"You must feel so good right now, huh, doll?" 
"Jung—woo," You moaned, clawing at his bicep.
"I know, dolly, I know." He sounded sympathetic enough, but the way he was grinding his dick against your ass suggested otherwise. "Bunny boy is just so good with those hips of his, hm?"
"H-he is!" You cried, "Feel so full, ah, Doyoung!" 
Doyoung's eyes met yours, and his hips picked up their pace, until your eyes rolled up into your head. Your head thrashed side to side, leaning against Jungwoo's shoulder. His mouth lowered once again to kiss at your neck, and your hand wrapped itself against his nape, while the other gripped Doyoung's shoulders.
Jungwoo's hands slithered down to where you and Doyoung were connected, and started rubbing at your clit. You shrieked, chest arching. Doyoung hissed. "Shit, do that again," He bit out, "Fuck, princess you just got so tight."
"D-Doie, harder!" 
Doyoung looked up at Jungwoo, the two having an unspoken conversation. A second later, Jungwoo gave a cautious nod. Doyoung smiled, before he adjusted his legs. Then…
Then. He began pounding into you at a breakneck pace. Your legs tightened around him, wanting him even deeper than before. 
"You love this, don't you? Our pretty little slut." His voice was tighter now, panting with exertion. You nodded. 
"Yes, yes! I'm your slut!" 
Doyoung grinned, before locking lips with you. His tongue dipped into your mouth, before letting you do the same to him. You could tell he was starting to feel something—he always kissed you or Jungwoo as a way of telling you he wouldn't last much longer. 
Truthfully, you could feel it coming too—your body felt like it was on fire, and your hips couldn't stop squirming. Whether it was towards Jungwoo's calloused fingers on your clit, Doyoung's cock, or away from both, you couldn't tell. Your moans were getting shriller too.
You clenched down on his length again, and he grit his teeth, grunting as his pace turned sloppy.
"C-c'mon, princey," You pleaded, "Give it to me, give it…"
"Shit, yes…" His head lolled onto your shoulder. "Gonna stuff you so full, princess, you'll be dripping—"
"Please! Oh, please—"
The two of you fell apart almost at the same time, your orgasm triggering Doyoung's a second later. Your mouth fell open, legs trembling and heart pounding as waves crashed over and under you.
When you came down, Doyoung rolled off of you, turning onto his side to watch you and Jungwoo. Jungwoo, who ceased the movements of his hands and slowly laid you down. Your head landed against the pillows, and you let your eyes shut as you caught your breath. 
"Can I take care of you one last time, doll?" You heard Jungwoo say. Your eyes opened blearily, and you reached a hand out towards him, legs parting of their own accord.
Both of your lovers groaned at the sight of your pussy, Doyoung's cum brimming from your folds. 
"Absolute perfection," Jungwoo murmured, crawling between your legs. He gripped his dick with one hand, the other swiping through your folds, and you immediately whined at the sensitivity there, teetering the fine line between pleasure and pain.
"Please," You whimpered, "Woo, I want it."
"You're insatiable." He sounded so affectionate, so in love. You watched as his eyes studied his index and middle fingers, covered in a mix of Doyoung's cum and yours, before dipping them into his mouth to lick them clean. You sighed, a dopey smile gracing your features. He lowered himself down to brush noses with you, dark eyes blown wide, wide awake despite the dark circles underneath.
"Guess I'll just have to do something about that."
He slid in as if he was coming home, immediately setting a solid pace that had you seeing stars, arms wrapping around his shoulders to lock hands at his nape. The sensitivity left you pliant in his arms, and Jungwoo didn't hesitate in cradling you in his arms.
"So good for us, Y/N. Always Doie and I's sweet girl." 
You nodded, tears brimming at your eyes at the heaviness in your chest, the pulsing in your core. His hair was falling into his eyes, and you lifted your hands to his face, doing your best to brush it away. Your hands cupped his cheeks, heavy eyes burning into his. Your hips were rutting against his desperately now, wanting nothing more than to feel that high with him.
Jungwoo pressed a brief kiss to your neck, feeling something simmer in his gut embarrassingly fast. 
Doyoung placed his head next to yours, gently lifting Jungwoo's head to kiss him, hand brushing the other man's ass. When he pulled away, he kissed you as well, and Jungwoo's mouth pressed itself to one of your nipples. You keened against Doyoung's mouth, hips losing all semblance of grace.
Here, you were needy, animalistic, running on instincts, and your boys were drinking it up like water from a desert oasis. 
Doyoung pulled away, a thin trail of spit connecting his lips to yours. His hands cradled your head.
"Can you feel it yet, princess?"
Your eyebrows furrowed, silent moans falling from your lips. "Ah, yeah, Doie… s-so close…"
"Me too," Jungwoo groaned between your breasts, "So wet, Y/N…"
"That's from all the cum she's filled with, right, princess?"
You nodded. "Mm—ngh! Stuffed me so good, Doie." 
"Yeah? You gonna let Jungwoo fill you up even more? Gonna keep it all inside, right?"
Your stomach did a backflip, and you felt your toes curl. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, I want it—"
"I'll give it to you, doll," Jungwoo growled, "It's all—fuck—all yours. S-same way this is all for us, right?"
Those words were what caused you to finally fall over the edge. Your high was so intense that you could have sworn that your ears popped—clawing at Jungwoo’s shoulders, your eyes squeezed shut. Only one side ended up scratched, since you always kept your right hand nails short to properly play guitar. You sobbed against Doyoung’s lips, and he eagerly swallowed up your cries, shushing you gently as you came back down.
You didn't feel Jungwoo come inside, but you felt it immediately afterwards—the satisfying stickiness, the warmth in your stomach. 
You looked at Jungwoo, pressing a soft kiss to his sweaty forehead before prompting him to move off. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you towards him as his little spoon, peppering kisses to your cheek and whispering how good you were. The two of you looked at Doyoung. You reached out, making grabby hands at him. His eyes were drooping, and he was blinking blearily as if he were trying to fight off sleep.
Still, he got up and pulled his pack of cigarettes out of his shirt pocket, as well as his lighter. As he sat back down on the bed, the waves sent you and Jungwoo further and further into the recesses of slumber. As consciousness left you, you caught Doyoung looking down at the two of you as if you were the most precious beings he'd ever encountered. His tone was low and grumbly, but there was a glint of smug satisfaction in his eye.
"I hope you two are happy. I can't remember those goddamn lyrics anymore." 
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xpao-bearx · 4 years
Part 1 HERE
NOTE: OMG I really wasn't expecting for the previous first part of Heavenly Sins to blow up as it did, but I just wanted to give a huuuge THANK YOU to all of you amazing folks!! 🥰🥰🥰 Your support truly means so fooken much to trashy ol' meh and y'all are the reason I am writing this story series in the first place :')
I do have my ideas, but I still don't know much yet of what to do or even how long (or short) this story will get. So, if you would continue to give me your mindblowing support, it would seriously mean the W O R L D.
I do, however, very much enjoy writing Negan in particular so far. He's one of my absolute fave characters ever and JEFFREY DEAN FUCKIN' MORGAN NEED I SAY MOAR?!? 🥵💕💕
But this second part will be focusing a bit more on our beloved sheriff Ricky boi! Of course, Daryl will also get some much deserved love and attention tho I think he will appear in the story a lil later on.
Also, if you ever feel compelled, you are more than welcome to take some inspo from this story and make your own imagines and such! I'd love to see 'em, so please tag me 😁
P.S. There won't always be long ass notes like this, only if I wanna say something or bring up whatever is important. Also, if you wanna be tagged on any new/future story parts, then just tell moi and I will dedicate the latest one to the people who wanted to be tagged!
DEDICATED TO: The wonderful @buttercandy16 💖
"Heavenly Sins"
Part 2
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After your little spiel, you haven't spoken to Negan since then. But on the way home after church, you passed by his house and found him tinkering away on his motorcycle (which you previously learned he interestingly named Lucille) in the garage. Not being able to help yourself, you paused in your tracks and just curiously watched him for a while.
His leather jacket was off, revealing a plain white t-shirt. The shirt was quite tight, and you noted how it perfectly hugged the taut muscles of his chest. Your eyes then slowly trailed to his toned arms, adorned by tattoos you wished you had a better look at. He stopped briefly, placing his tools down before grabbing the hem of his shirt and wiping the sweat on his forehead.
You didn't even think twice as your eyes dropped, hyperfocused on his abs. He wasn't the buffest guy out there, but he was lean and fit and--to put it bluntly--hot. A part of you screamed bloody murder to get a grip on yourself, to just turn your stiff body around and proceed on home. But another part completely squashed down those protests without even a fight; as if your pathetic excuse of a resolve wasn't even meant in the first place.
"Take a goddamn picture, darlin'. It'll last longer."
Your head snapped up, meeting the tantalizing hazel stare of Negan. His lips were curled in a smug smirk, and nevermore in your entire life have you wanted to both slap and kiss someone so badly.
But you only clicked your tongue, shooting him a sharp glare before (at last!) turning and walking away as you hid your blush. In the distance, his amused chuckle begrudgingly sounded like the sweetest fucking music to your ears.
You woke up at 7:05 a.m. like you typically did the next morning, Monday. It was the dawn of a new week, and while most people dreaded it you actually didn't mind it so much. You had your job to thank for that.
Sure, it wasn't always easy, but it was worth it in the end. You loved teaching and spending time with the children, and you were even more ecstatic since you knew Judith was going to be at the daycare.
As you finished eating breakfast and preparing for the day, you grabbed your bag then went out the door. You opted to walk again today, the weather far too beautiful to miss plus the daycare really wasn't that far away.
Eventually arriving at your destination, you approached the daycare building's doors with a little spring in your step. Once inside, a young woman with her blonde hair high in a ponytail smiled and waved.
"Hi, Y/N! Goodmorning!" Beth Greene greeted energetically.
"Morning, Beth." You chuckled, the girl's radiant smile infectious. You've known Beth for some time now, especially since the Greenes were one of the oldest families in Alexandria and they were well respected. But you got along best with Beth, you thought she was the friendliest and she was also the latest hire of the daycare.
Stashing your bag away in your personal locker, you fixed yourself up a bit before getting your nametag and sticking it on your top. Looking up at the wall clock, you read that it was 7:50 a.m. Perfect, just in time for the kids' drop-offs.
You waited outside with Beth and the rest of the daycare workers, until finally the parents started rolling in. It was the usual; some of the children were wailing, snot snivelling down their nose as their embarrassed parents tried to tug them away from clinging onto their legs. You could only offer a sympathetic smile as you tried to help, while other children were much more relaxed and didn't even spare a second glance at their parents as they were dropped off.
"Well, that's about all of them." Beth piped up.
"Wait, we're still waiting for Judith." You said, searching for the toddler. "Rick said she'd be here."
Beth checked her watch, her brows creasing a little in worry. "That's odd. Sheriff Grimes is never late when he's dropping Judith off."
Just as she said that, there was a honk that disrupted the peace. You and Beth both spotted a crying Judith being held by Lori, the woman appearing utterly exhausted before her eyes locked with yours and didn't waste another second dashing towards you.
"Please don't run when you're holding Judith. Also, no honking is allowed on the premises." It was hard for you to keep the malice out of your voice, but you mentally gave yourself a pat on the back since you miraculously managed to not make it sound the worst it could get.
Lori raised a brow at you, but only handed Judith over to you. Judith immediately quieted down when she saw it was you, you cooing gently at her as she giggled and snuggled up comfortably against your chest.
"Rick will be picking her up later." Was all Lori said, pressing a quick peck on Judith's curly little head before parting ways. As Lori rushed back to the car, you saw Shane in the driver's seat shamelessly attack her neck with fervent kisses and you couldn't restrain an eyeroll.
"Fucking bitch..." You grumbled.
"Uh-oh. Bad!" Judith giggled again, clapping her hands gleefully.
"Right, right. Bad. Don't copy me, okay?" You laughed, completely forgetting about your aggravation as you rubbed your nose with Judith's and went inside.
The rest of the day rolled along splendidly. No one threw a tantrum and for the most part, all the kids properly shared the wide assortment of toys and even did their activities orderly and on time. So, you decided to indulge them with a small yet much sought after reward.
When it comes down to children, painting can be utter chaos. But you figured since they were being so good, you'd allow it. At the daycare you worked in, painting was quite a rare occurrence and that only solidified how much the kids adored it.
Once the materials were set out, it was a dizzying flurry of excited hands grabbing anything it could latch on to. As the kids went about doing their creative business, you found Judith all alone sitting in the corner playing around with some blocks.
"Whatcha doin' there, Judi?" You asked, sweetly calling out her nickname. "You don't wanna paint?"
"I wanna, but not with papers." She replied, shaking her head.
"Oh? Then where do you wanna paint?"
"I wanna paint on faces, but no one wants me to!"
"If that's the case, then I'd be more than happy to let you paint my face." You smiled.
"Really?!" Judith's whole face lit up, jumping up and wrapping her tiny arms around you as tightly as she could. "Thank youuu!"
You chuckled, ruffling her hair and watching as she happily gathered some paint and brushes.
It was finally the end of a long day, and your face felt a bit itchy from the paint Judith put on you. But it didn't matter; as long as the little girl was happy, it was the best damn day ever.
You were holding Judith's hand as you waited outside for Rick to pick her up, and once he came up with his car Judith beamed.
"Hello, sweetheart. Did you have a nice day?" His face looked tired, his greying beard making him appear slightly older than he really was, but his smile was genuine as he carried Judith in his strong arms.
"The bestest! Y/N lemme paint her face!"
"She did, huh? What did you pai--oh my god."
You bursted into laughter at his reaction, flashing him a toothy grin. "In the words of Judi: You're a pretty tiger! Grr!"
"Now that you mention it, I can see it." Rick joined in your laughter, nodding his head. "Looks like we've got a talented lil artist in our hands!"
"Daddy, I wanna paint your face next! You can be daddy tiger and Y/N can be mommy!" Judith proclaimed.
You and Rick flushed pink at the same exact time, but Rick was quick to clear his throat and change the topic. "A-Anyways, Y/N, how 'bout me and the kids give you a ride? Thank you for today, by the way."
"No problem, and sure! Thanks so much."
As you settled in the passenger's seat, two hands covered your eyes from behind. "Guess who~?"
"Hmm..." You hummed, making a show of thinking. "Are you an elf?"
"No!" The hands were removed, Carl popping his head out from the backseat to look at you as he laughed. "It's me!"
"Oh, sorry! You're just so short, I thought you were an elf." You teased good naturedly.
Carl huffed, sticking his tongue out at you. "Y'know, in a few years, I'll be way taller than you!"
Once Rick was done buckling Judith into her carseat, he took his place in the driver's seat and drove out of the premises. You just talked about anything that came to mind: work, the weather, Alexandria's local shops, etc. To anyone else, maybe it seemed like regular boring conversation. But speaking with Rick was truly one of the highlights of any of your days. He was extremely easy to talk to, and he never failed to cheer you up. And it was obvious Rick was the same. He was allowed to simply be himself around you; to loosen up, momentarily forget about the stress and sometimes even the woes that came along with being the town's upstanding sheriff.
As you were nearing your home, Carl decided to cut in.
"Y/N, can we stay at your house? It's been a while since we had a sleepover." Carl asked, his baby blue eyes identical to Rick's alight with hope.
It wouldn't be the first time Rick and the kids would be staying over. You were very close to the Grimes family, sometimes even almost considering them as your own. You didn't mind it. Since you lived alone, it can get pretty lonely. And having people around surely brightened up the house and made you keep your sanity.
"I don't mind, but you gotta ask your dad." You chuckled.
Carl turned to Rick, pouting and giving his best puppy dog eyes. Rick rolled his eyes, but couldn't suppress an inkling of a smile.
"Yeah, yeah. But let me drop you and Judith off with Y/N first. I'll be back, I just need to get some extra clothes and essentials."
"YAY!" Carl cheered, Judith following suit as they both raised their arms and hollered.
"You're so whipped for them." You laughed, shaking your head as you looked at Rick.
"I ain't denying that." He sighed dramatically, grinning.
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ziracona · 4 years
OMG, I love UD and I was so sad after what happened to Josh, I couldn't play rush of blood, but Oh My Goooooood. So you say we actually get the chance to ACTUALLY SAVE HIM? And people don't realize that, just like I didn't? Oh, man, ohhhh, man, I'm so happy. WE SHOULD SPREAD AWARENESS, OUR BABY IS OK. I'm so curious how things would go after that rush of blood ending, how Josh would meet his friends again, but I don't mind not knowing, nope, it seems too good to be true and I don't want this to end so thank you Universe for saving Josh. Thanks for explaining this to me, you made a poor human happy. Also, if you don't mind, could you recommend some of this AU content that you find accurate? Not accurate, hmm. Well written. Thank you thank you, oh my soul
Rush of Blood is pretty heavy on the horror and gore, so I don’t know if I’d play it even now, but I am real glad people did and I could watch completion playthrough stuff! I was elated—I think I still have screenshots from 2016 when I first saw and sent them to a friend saved on my laptop somewhere. Yeah! I think it’s kind of sad but fitting that nobody saves Josh in UD, but in RoB the player gets to be him and has a chance to save themself. :’-]
Yeah! I mean, in fairness, there’s a lot of subtext even to the game itself and it’s all kind of understated and you did for the meta, and almost nobody (I knew anyway) got PS VRs, but I have been so sad for the UD fandom for years that just straight up...nobody seems to be aware. If that info had been part of UD itself, everyone would have latched onto it like a bouey in a hurricane. I am so happy for him!! Ah! And I’ll do my best. I haven’t been like, deep into the UD fandom in years, so I am sadly not the best person to ask TuT, but it only seems fitting I rec the perosn whose stuff coined the term and popularized the AU originally. If you havent seen their stuff, I remember their opening comic for it being really sweet, and the one with him and Sam meeting again for the first time really well, so let me link those for ya. They’re not 100% in line woth RoB but it’s pretty damn close bc they took the exact same idea and ran with it in the same direction. As far as like, acurate/well done goes, I think most of the stuff was good? Although I think I remember one involving horns as a symptom & symptom post-exorcism that is inacurate to indigenous tradition. It’s been so long bro haha, but I remember really liking the first comic and the first with Sam especially so I’ll link those. Pretty sure they have/had a master post too if you want to see more of their stuff. I wish I had like, fics to recommend too, but I don’t. TuT I really home you find some though!
And I am happy to help! Back in college I actually wrote to Supermassive and they emailed me back about Josh specifically and I was so sad he didn’t get a good ending in UD I cried on the bus and probably made a lot of people think I was failing classes... lol. You’re super welcome, and I am glad you get to be happy about this too! : D Sorry I don’t have more to rec TuT
Some pics from RoB ending stuff if you’re curious and don’t want to sift through youtube. Content warnings for gore and body horror though.
Includes one of the flashes of sanity (doctor w sisters hallucinated in bg), the UD end/secret end (the ranger w the flashlight). Some dialogue from the Makkapitew itself in the last level, and the other end sequence.
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taniushka12 · 4 years
I wanna know about Misuse of Office Time and Good Platonic smooching (not) bc they sound funnn
they are fun!!
Good ol platonic smooching (not) is something tentative I wrote when I was just starting to consider martin/sasha as a ship last year, at first only on an ot4 context (w/ jon and tim) where they were just friends. Here jon and tim were away for a couple of weeks for [plot reasons] and sasha and martin got wine drunk while watching movies and gossiping abt the people on the institute, b4 they got a bit too cozy and warm and started kissing lmao
originally this was supposed to be highkey smut but the dialogue i thought at the time was extremely specific and I completely forgot abt it by th next day so, now its just fluff! feeling warm and comfortable w/ someone you like! and also wine drunk!
She patted his arm a few times, before considering it better and flat out laying at his side. Martin looked down with surprise, but tentatively raised his arm so she could make herself comfortable. It was warmer that way, and he couldn't help squeeze her a bit in a half hug. Not that she was against it, she thought as she smiled a bit. He laughed, with certain undertone that she couldn't put her finger on.
 —God, look at us, just two weeks and we're starving for affection. —Despite his words he embraced her with his other arm as well.
 —Speak for yourself, I'm perfectly fine—. She said, hiding her face on his neck and letting herself be hugged by the human embodiment of a teddy bear. She felt him laugh.
 —You're a worst liar than Jon.
They both laughed, alcohol already creeping into them as she jokingly punch/patted his chest a couple of times and rised her head before letting it fall on his shoulder. A look at each other sent them on a new fit of laughs, but part of her couldn't stop staring at his face and thinking how cute he was. With ginger curls adorging his face, full and freckled and flushed cheeks, and his soft hazel eyes squinting back at her... He was genuinelly a pretty man, and the more they stared at each other as their laughter slowly died down the more warm she felt.
—Hey, Martin?
—I just had... —She shifted, supporting herself w/ a hand on his chest—... I just had a very curious idea.
—Oh really?
She nodded, slowly, before reaching to kiss him softly on the lips. Or at least right at the corner of them as her nose hit his cheek. A giggle made its way through her mouth, though she quickly sobered when she felt the slight tension on his shoulders. 
Misuse of office time (not a definitive title) is on an au where both martin and sasha are dating tim bc tim deserves all the love, and basically sasha walks in the office (the recording office where they record statements) when martin was under the desk eating him out, and after she realizes that after a small back and forth w/ tim shes like ok ill leave u 2 alone.......... except not. She stays for a little bit just watching and then joins em to make a mess out of their bf 😔🤘
at the end of the story she reveals that she was lowkey highkey procrastinating going to artifact storage (thats like, the worst place at the institute), martins like oh same I have to be somewhere at the other edge of london :/ and tims like “oh so none of you are here bc you missed me?” sasha: “nope!” tim: “im hurt!”
—Tim, be honest, is there anyone here? —He neither confirmed it nor denied it, and Sasha nodded, reaction making sense on her mind. Clever woman. He could feel the heat radiating from Martin's cheek and sighed as she made sense of the quasy protective silence, and with her nails she drumbed over the desk—...Martin?
Silence lasted for a few seconds as Tim looked up to her, until a half embarrased voice spoke from below the desk.
—Hi, Sasha. —She smiled a bit, nodding.
—Ah, I see. —Tim raised an eyebrow at her, tension finally dropping completely from his shoulders now that the cat was out. —Tim, you really should have told me.
—What, that dear Martin here and I were doing Illicit activities? —The way he pronounced the last two words made her laugh, and the face between his legs warm up. — That we were indulging in unethical office practices?
[ask me about my wips!]
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somnolent-snufkin · 5 years
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Party Games
Requested by: @jaybug-jimmies
It was Sniff's 19th Birthday. Despite all of his friends saying it wasn't the greatest idea, he insisted that he have a birthday party. He invited Moomintroll, Snufkin, Snorkmaiden, and Little My. Now, to a group of ten year olds, birthday parties are fun. Even if it's not yours. Especially the ones where it took place somewhere entertaining and interesting. But to a bunch of twenty year olds, the most fun you'd get out of a kiddy party like this one would be the cake.
Sniff's party was childish in the worst way possible. He had the silliest decorations, no drinks other than strawberry juice, and music playing that his friends hadn't heard since they were twelve. Everything felt very immature and down right boring.
Snorkmaiden and Little My were in one corner of the room, giggling about something. While in the other, Snufkin and Moomintroll sat chatting about the flowers outside. Sniff had walked outside for a moment, leading everyone to consider whether or not they should take this moment to leave. But Sniff walked back inside before anyone could move.
"Hey everyone!" Sniff smiled, blissfully unaware of how bored everyone was. "I was going to ask if anyone wanted to play a party game together, but I lost the deck of cards. So.. sorr-"
"You know, we could use a bottle and play spin the bottle." Snorkmaiden interrupted.
"But I don't ha-" Sniff was interrupted by Little My this time, who had run to the center of the decorated room with a bottle in hand.
"Yeah! Let's play spin the bottle!" My grinned. "Finally, something amusing to do!" Sniff shrugged and nodded.
"Ok let's play this."
Everyone sat in a circle in the middle of the room, bottle in the very center of them. The five all seemed actually interested in participating in whatever this was.
"Snorkmaiden, how do you play?" Moomintroll asked. "Is it like Duck Duck Goose? Because if it is, I'm not playing. I'm not a child anymore."
"Oh no, it's definitely not like that at all." Snorkmaiden chuckled. "Basically, we all take turns spinning the bottle. The person who spins it has to kiss whoever the neck of the bottle is pointing at." Little My held in her cackling as Moomintroll and Snufkin both turned bright red.
"N-No! That's really stupid. I-I don't really want to play this game." Moomintroll spat out. Little My rolled her eyes.
"Oh for the love of Jansson- Do you really think we have any other games to play?" The short mymble groaned. Moomintroll nodded.
"Yeah, you have a point. I'll play." Moomin responded. Snufkin simply nodded in agreement.
Snorkmaiden was the first person to spin. She pressed it with her paw, watching closely at where it stopped. It made a full circle, then it slowed down, finally stopping at Moomintroll.
"Well, I've done this before." The snork chuckled. She pressed her snout against Moomin's and both had a dull reaction.
"Well that was rather boring. My turn!" Little My spun the bottle a bit more roughly. It spun rapidly, before slowing down, and landing on Snufkin.
"Nope. We have the same mother. Sorry, this one won't be happening." Little My crossed her arms. Her brother just sighed and nodded.
"Wait, you two are siblings? I never knew that.." Sniff mumbled. "Odd."
Sniff's turn was next, although all he got was the bottle pointing at himself. So he just kissed his hand and slapped his own forehead.
"It's your turn, Snufkin." Snorkmaiden held back a giggle. She and My wondered how this was going to end.
"Oh, ok." The mumrik paused for a moment before spinning the bottle. Because he was so unnecessarily worried, he didn't exactly push it very much. So, the bottle spun around fairly slowly. It kept moving around, slowly getting slower, until it eventually stopped. The bottle was pointing at Moomintroll of all people.
'How convenient' Thought Snorkmaiden and Little My.
Snufkin decided to simply get this silly little game over with, and swiftly landed a mumrik kiss on Moomintroll's lips. Which left the Moomin completely confused. Little My couldn't hold back her cackling and let it all out, laughing hysterically. The mumrik became even more flustered, hiding his beet red face under his green hat.
"W-What's so funny?" Moomintroll raised an eyebrow.
"What's funny is the fact that you don't what he just did!" My answered, still wheezing. Then it clicked in Snorkmaiden's mind. She started laughing as well. Sniff, being socially awkward and completely unaware of social cues, started laughing even though he has no idea what's going on.
Moomintroll connected the dots in his head. If Moomin kisses are two snouts booping eachother, then mumrik kisses are two lips pressed against eachother. He blushed about as deep as Snufkin did.
"I-I'm going to need a second outside. I'll be back." Snufkin stood up and walked outside. Moomin noticed his tail was droopy. Something was off.
The girls laughing fit calmed down and Snufkin still hadn't come back inside. Moomintroll decided to go check on him. He opened the door, poking his head out to see if the mumrik was there or not. He was.
"Snufkin?" Moomintroll stepped outside, closing the door behind him. "Are you ok? You seemed pretty upset earlier."
"Hmm?" Snufkin glanced at his friend. "Yes, I'm ok. Just.. feeling emotions, ya know?" He was sitting near the front door, tail tapping against the floor next to him. Moomintroll chuckled softly, sitting next to his friend, but still giving him space.
"I just.. ughh.." Snufkin covered his face with his hands and grumbled. ".. I feel all sorts of things right now. It's difficult."
"Ah, welcome to adulthood. It's quite possibly the worst part of life. You feel angry, sad, flustered, miserable, happy but it's all brought up to a ten instead of a one." Moomintroll sighed and looked at Snufkin. He seemed really stressed out. Who wouldn't be when all your life you felt in control over everything you feel and suddenly one year you lose all of that control.
"Is it.. normal?" Snufkin asked, looking up at his friend.
"Of course! It's just a part of life." Moomintroll tried to sound as reassuring as possible. "I mean, I feel emotional all the time too. So does Snorkmaiden, and Little My.. I'm not so sure about Sniff though." Snufkin's eyes seemed to lit up for a moment.
"So it's normal to feel aroused by kissing your best friend?" Snufkin asked, a blush dusting across his face again. The mumrik's tail wagged rapidly. Moomintroll coughed and then looked away for a moment.
"Well, not exactly.. I-I mean.. uhh.. well..?" Moomintroll's nervous expression combined with the embarrassment they both felt made the whole situation worse in a sense.
"You know what.. I'll go ahead and say this now." Moomintroll closed his eyes. "I kind of liked it too?"
"S-So we're both feeling uneasy, embarrassed, and possibly aroused by this?" Snufkin said. Then he started to chuckle. He laughed even. Moomin hadn't heard his friend laugh this much in a long time.
They both were laughing at their situation.
"Ehh.. emotions can go get bitten by fish." Snufkin sighed after a while.
"I agree." Moomintroll nodded. And, out of nowhere, Snufkin kissed Moomintroll on the forehead before standing up and walking away- most likely to his tent.
Maybe this wasn't as boring of a night as he thought.
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
*The Best Chocolate Chip Cookie*
Prep Time - 15 minutes
Cook Time - 15 minutes
Chill Time - 2 hours
Total Time - 30 minutes
Yield - 24 cookies
Serving Size - 1 cookie
1/2 cup ( 113g ) unsalted butter, melted
1/3 cup ( 66 g ) granulated sugar
1/2 cup ( 104g ) packed light brown sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon ( 5ml ) vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups ( 186g ) all - purpose flour
1 1/2 cups ( 255g ) chocolate chips ( semi - sweet or milk )
1. Note: This dough requires chilling.
2. Place melted butter in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment ( or a large bowl if using a hand mixer ). Add granulated and brown sugars and mix on low speed until the mixture is smooth. Mix in egg and vanilla extract and mix on medium speed until combined.
3. Mix in baking soda and salt, then slowly mix in flour and mix just until the batter is smooth and comes together. Be sure to scrape the sides of the bowl during mixing. Slowly mix in chocolate chips.
4. Line a cookie sheet with a silicone baking mat or parchment paper. Scoop 2 tablespoon balls of dough onto the cookie sheet. Spacing doesn’t matter because you will be chilling the dough. Cover with plastic wrap and chill for at least 2 hours.
5. Preheat oven to 350°F. Line a second cookie sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat.
6. Remove the chilled cookie dough balls from the refrigerator and space them 2 - inches apart on the cookie sheets. Bake ( 2 tablespoon sized cookies ) for 11 - 15 minutes, or until the edges are a light golden and the tops are no longer glossy. Let cool on the cookie sheets at least 10 minutes before removing.
*Recipe Notes
Try using white chocolate chips or a combination of milk, semi - sweet, and white chocolate chips instead of all one flavor. You can even substitute butterscotch or peanut butter chips, or add your favorite nuts. Just keep the amount of add - ins to 1 1/2 cups.
*Nutrition Information
Serving: 1cookie | Calories: 150kcal | Carbohydrates: 20g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 6g | Saturated Fat: 4g | Cholesterol: 18mg | Sodium: 83mg | Potassium: 16mg | Sugar: 14g | Vitamin A: 155IU | Vitamin C: 0.1mg | Calcium: 20mg | Iron: 0.6mg
*Nutritional information not guaranteed to be accurate
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❄ Three Wishes ❄
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V has been staring at the peanut butter cookie in his hand for the past half hour.
Admittedly, the events that took place earlier during the day in the Red Grave shopping district has been weighing heavily on his mind. 
Yes, the atmosphere ( despite the place being jam - packed with Christmas holiday shoppers ) was perfect, the movie ( although the majority of the scenes were not very tolerable ) was eye - candy, the food ( which was uniquely and refreshingly Japanese for him ) was great, even the little trip to the music shop ( which almost tempted him to buy a new violin of his own ) was calm and peaceful.
All in all, it was almost perfect. Almost.
What really took the perfect moment from him was that Christopher Lancaster guy. Again.
After defeating the evil doctor almost two months ago, V seriously thought that it was the end of that fiend. He truly believed that the evil doctor was rotting away in the fiery pits of the Underworld, his flesh being fed to a multitude of famished Demons. Alas, he was wrong: it turned out that he, like you, was reincarnated, and, apparently, he was your former lover.
The ride on the way back to Swan Lane was the most awkward moment that V has ever experienced. Although Nico's driving was normal for once, V, or Griffon, wasn't able to say anything to lessen the tension in the air. In fact, one could safely say that the demonic bird and the noisy Artisan were both tongue - tied for once. Despite knowing that his familiar ( who was still feeling salty after being left alone in the house ) and the Artisan ( who was feeling extra curious and mischievous to know the status of your relationship with him ) teamed up to spy on your very first date with V, the poet just couldn't bring himself to scold either one of them. He knew it would only make you even more uncomfortable, and the least thing he wanted was for you to feel bad.
The one hour ride from the shopping district to your house ended with you nodding to him and entering your house without even saying a word. So, naturally, V was worried sick about you.
What happened between you and that man that made you feel like that? Did he hurt you? Humiliated you, then left you? Lancaster did have strong opinions about your domestic personality. What did he mean by that, anyway?
Wait a second, V thought as some awful feeling made his stomach turn. Did Lancaster - ?!
"WHOA, V! WHERE WILL YA BRING THAT COOKIE?!" Griffon, who was quietly observing V from his perch for the past half hour as his master stared at the said cookie in his hand, squawked and flapped his wings erratically, positively shocked upon witnessing the poet's weird behavior.
V noticed how his actions must have startled the bird, opened his mouth wide, and finally ate the cookie whole.
Hmm, yum,...
V swallowed and turned to Griffon. "That man must've done something that made her feel that way." He said quietly as if someone's listening or spying on him.
"Well, yeah, of course he did! What do ya expect?" The bird answered. "That man is evil! I should've plucked his eyeballs out but, that crazy bitch stopped me and called me a chicken!"
Griffon's words successfully started the fire, making V's eyes widen in both shock and anger. The man grabbed his metal cane from the sofa and started making his way towards the front door, sweater, loose pants, fluffy slippers, and all. The man would've walked outside without any protection from the harsh cold weather if it weren't for Griffon's intervention.
"WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! WAIT!" The bird flew towards V at a break - neck speed and yelled at his master's face, desperately trying to prevent the poet from storming outside and killing himself in the process. "WHAT DO YA THINK YE'RE DOIN'?!"
"What I'm doing,... is putting an end to that miserable man's life once and for all."
"I get ya! I get that he may have done somethin' to sweets - HEY, LISTEN TO ME!" Griffon screeched as he tried his best to stop V from going outside by grabbing onto his shirt with his talons, almost ripping the white fabric to shreds.
But, the poet would not be stopped. Despite the demonic bird's efforts, he still made his way towards the door. He grabbed the brass door knob and turned to his familiar one last time before throwing it open. "I swear: if he so much as touch a single strand of her hair, I will send him back to the Underworld where he belongs! I don't care if I die in the process! I want to see him suffer and I don't care if it's the last thing I see before I die!"
But, Griffon was too late. V managed to open the door, and,...
The poet and the familiar stared in disbelief at the figure standing before them. Slightly shivering and partly covered with snow was none other than the lovely female that almost drove V to murder.
"(Y/N)?" Both V and Griffon muttered in disbelief. 
How long have you been standing there in the cold?!
Were you,...
Were you listening all this time?!
You smiled at him as you held a small container closer to your chest. "Hi, V! Umm, did I, ahh, come at the wrong time?"
"No! I mean," V stuttered as Griffon quietly retreated to his former position near the shelves. Stepping aside to make way for you, he spoke, " ... please, come in. Make yourself at home."
"Ah! There's no need. I won't stay for too long. I,... just wanna ask for a favor, actually."
"What favor?"
Griffon, who deliberately heard this, sneaked back towards V and positioned himself just behind the door next to the poet to listen to the conversation. Shadow, who seemed to have picked up on the situation, as well, only squinted her eyes as if to let her fellow familiar do his thing.
"You see, uhm," You began quite awkwardly. As used as you were to talking to the opposite gender, you still couldn't shake the unfamiliar feeling you have when talking to V. There seemed to be something in the poet, in the way he looked at you, touched you, and spoke to you, that pulled you in like a moth to the lamp, or the lamb to its shepherd, and you have mixed feelings about this, honestly.
However, it was not the right time to be musing about the mystery that was V. Taking a deep breath and inching closer towards him, you spoke once more. " ... I've heard from Nico that you can play the violin."
"Oh! Why, yes, of course!" V, who caught a whiff of your lovely flowery - scent cologne and going internally crazy about it, confirmed with a huge smile on his face. "How can I help you?"
"Can I invite you to work tomorrow? Do you still have that violin of yours?"
"She's asking him out!" Griffon whispered back to Shadow. After hearing this, she stood from the fluffy carpet and made her way to the demonic bird to also listen in on the conversation.
"I'm afraid that - "
"You can't come?" You whispered, feeling sad and disappointed with his answer. "It's okay, though. I understand. It's all too sudden, after all."
"The shy boy is ruinin' it!" Griffon savagely whispered, making Shadow raise her paw in an effort to push her master forward towards you.
"No! W - what I mean is," V stuttered ( at the same time Shadow’s paw almost made contact with his bottom ), wanting to clear out the confusion. " ... I'm afraid I don't have a violin right now. I would love to go but,..."
You knitted your brows, your mind deep in thought. Then, raising a gloved hand and pointing at the ceiling, you looked back at him with your eyes wide open. "My partner has one! I mean, she left it there, I know! You see, we have a thanksgiving party tomorrow, and we're short on participants. My partner was supposed to play the violin during one of the book reading sessions. But, she said she needed to take a break.”
"Is that so?" His confused face finally clearing up and his tensed shoulders finally relaxing, he smiled and nodded. "I can do that, yes. I will come."
Griffon and Shadow peaked just in time to see you leaping in the air in excitement and grabbing V's sleeve with your free hand as you smiled all too brightly at him.
"Thank you so much! Oh, God! You don't know how relieved I' am to know that you'll come."
"Anything for you, my dear." V answered, once again making your face heat up. "What time shall I pick you up?"
Oh, why does he have that killer, adorable, smug smile?! "Oh, uhm, would seven in the morning be okay? The program won't start until eleven but, we still have to prepare."
"Seven o'clock, it is."
"And here, gran insists I give you this."
V received, yet, another jar of cookies. Classic chocolate - chipped, this time. And it's still so warm and looked so delicious,...
"Could you, please, deliver my gratitude to your sweet gran?" V asked, knowing how much Adelaide missed her own grandfather, who looked exactly like him.
"Will do." You smiled at him. "See you tomorrow, V!" Taking a step back, you waved at him and finally went back home.
"Good night, my dear." V said, also waving at you as he was watching you make your way safely to your house. And when he turned around, he noticed both Shadow and Griffon looking up at him.
"Ohoho, someone's gonna get fat this Christmas!" Griffon mocked as he focused his golden eyes on the jar at V's hands. "Hey, we're invited, right?"
❄ @la-vita , @clevermentalitybeliever , @v-vic , and @birdgirl69 . ❄
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taemoanchi · 4 years
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Brother’s best friend.
"Yah kookie! You guys are disgusting" you said. Only for him to roll his eyes at your comment.
"Oh yeah? Why's that?"
"Rating girls depending on how pretty their face is, is just disgusting. imagine me rating you guys." After you said that Jimin and jungkook looked at each other before they started laughing like crazy lunatic's.
Jimin smirked at you and asked "exactly how innocent are you y/n?"
You raised your eyebrows and gave him a confusing look. "What do you mean?"
Jungkook finally stopped laughing. "Sis, we're rating their ass and ti-"
"YAH!!!" You screamed and covered your ears.
you're not actually THAT innocent but hearing your brother say that makes you cringe.
Jungkook started laughing once again while Jimin smirked at me. What's up with him?
"That's even worse" they both ignored you after that and went back to swiping on their phones.
You sighed and walked out of the living room but not before hearing Jimin say "that's a straight up ten."
"What? She has a nice ass."
Can someone please remind you why you have a crush on him?
After about 20 minutes of sitting alone in the kitchen you heard someone walk in.
"You know... I've always wanted to do this thing"
You turned around to see Jimin leaning against the door frame, looking straight into you eyes.
"What thing? Acting like an adult? Cuz that'll make you 10 times more attractive" you said and turned your back towards him.
"So you think I'm attractive hmm?"
"W-What no! I didn't s-" you got cut off by his lips pressed against your exposed neck.
You sucked in a breath not knowing what to do.
"You know what I've been fantasizing about lately "
"Uh, n-No" goddamnit y/n get your shit together.
"What it would be like fucking my best friend's sister" he whispered seductively in my ear.
"I-" you got cut off once again by Jimin turning your chair around and smashing his lips against yours.
God? Is this a dream?
You couldn't move Bcs of how shocked you were. Until you finally realized what was happening.
You pushed him alway and jumped up from your chair "are you crazy Jimin?"
"Yes. I've always been crazy about you but since you're my best friend's sister I tried to keep my hands to myself. But lately I've been jerking off while thinking about how deliciously your lips would feel around me and I just can't help myself anymore y/n. I need you."
You stood there, hands on his shoulders to keep distance between the both of you. Eyes wide out of shock because of what he just told you. Not able to move and too scared to say anything.
"Y/n.. please let me have you."
"J-Jimin we cant.. jungkook is-" "in the shower and after that he was going to FaceTime his girlfriend.. we're alone"
"We really can't Jimin"
"Don't you want me y/n?"
"I've caught you looking at me a lot, staring at my lips while I'm talking to your brother, pressing your thighs against each other every time I wink at you.. I know you want me babygirl"
You started breathing louder as he took your wrists and walked you backwards until your back hit a wall.
Damn you stupid wall.
He pushed your hands above your head and lowered his head so he could whisper in your ear.
"Just say yes and I'm all yours"
He started licking, biting and kissing your neck.
His hands roaming around your body.
"Babygirl..say it"
Your head started spinning. You could feel yourself getting wetter by the thoughts of him fucking you. While still Questioning if this was a good idea. But at the end of the day, your brother was dating your friend so why the fuck not.
"I need you Jimin."
He didn't waste a second to pick you up and carried you to the kitchen table, softly putting you down. Your body now taking full control as you let your hands run up his arms into his silver hair.
Jimin's hands sliding under your T-shirt to unhook your bra. He let go off you and took a step back.
"Strip" he said while pulling off his own t shirt.
You stared at him in awe, his perfectly toned abs right in front of you, making you drool at the sight.
He narrowed his eyes at you in a dominant way making you gulp. "Did I stutter sweetheart?"
"I said. Strip."
Your eyes widened at his demanding tone, jumping off from the table to undress yourself to the point where you only had your panties covering you. 
"So perfect... on your knees"
You got down on your knees waiting for what's coming next. Not that it was hard to guess by seeing him stand in front of you unbuckling his pants and pulling them down to his ankles.
"You know what to do babygirl" he said while smirking down at you.
Your hand started shaking due how nervous you were. But no matter what, You were gonna suck his dick like you never sucked a dick before.
You pulled his boxers down and gulped at the sight of his dick.
How the fuck is that ever gonna fit?
Don't be a pussy now y/n..
You took his dick in you hands and started teasing him with little kitten licks on his tip. Making him groan. "Don't tease"
He grabbed your hair and pushed his dick all the way down your throat without any warning. He threw his head back at the feeling of finally having your mouth around him.
You of course trying to gasp for air as he fucked your mouth. Feeling tears form in your eyes.
Jimin silently moaned and cursed before letting go of your hair and pulling you back up to lay down on the table.
"My turn" he said and ripped your panties down your legs before putting them over his shoulders, he looked up at you with his sexy smirk once again "you ready baby?"
"Ye- oh my fuck!" He didn't give you time to respond properly as his tongue was already doing his work.
His tongue teasing your clit while pushing 2 fingers slowly inside of you.
You started moaning louder not giving a shit if jungkook might hear you.
He started humming against your clit and moving his fingers inside of you making your legs shake. You tried to close your legs only to fail because of jimin's hand that pushed them back open.
You felt something building up inside of you, knowing you're going to cum any second now.
"J-Jimin... I'm- fuck"
He started moving his fingers faster "cum for me babygirl" he hummed against you. Vibrations being send through you body, pushing you over the edge. Not even 10 seconds later you saw white before your eyes and came on his tongue and fingers.
"Jimin fuck!!!" You yelled.
He took his fingers out off you and licked them clean while looking into your eyes. What a sight.
"You might want to be quieter for what's coming next, we don't want our precious kookie to walk in right?"
You rolled your eyes and said "I don't care"
"Oh really?" He stood up and hovered over your small body giving you a soft kiss on your lips. "Then neither do I."
Without any warning he pushed his dick all the way inside of you making you gasp for air once again. He didn't move for a while, letting you adjust to his size while placing sweet kisses all over your neck and shoulders.
You moved your arms around him, running your hand over his back down to his ass.
Damn.. ji-booty thicc as fuck.
"Are you really touching my ass right now?" He asked while chuckling.
"Guys are not the only ones who like touching someone's ass." You laughed.
But you didn't laugh that long when he started pounding inside of you without any warning. What's with him doing everything without warning me? LET A GIRL BREATHE PLEASE!
By now you were one sweaty, moaning mess.
He pushed himself up and softly wrapped his hand around your throat while his other arm pulled your leg from around his waist and placed it over his shoulder.
His head thrown backwards, his lips wide open with moans and curse words leaving them. Small Sweat drops glistering on his forehead.
The sight of him alone could make any girl cum.
He kept thrusting faster and deeper inside of you. Making you scream out his name.
"Found it" he groaned and kept hitting that same spot over and over again. Driving you crazy.
You arched you back while pulling your hair, screaming out his name.
Making Jimin wild. Seeing you all fucked and messy underneath him.
"Fucking hell you're tight" he huffed. You teased him by clenching around him making him hiss. He tightened his hand that was still around your throat and looked at you with a daring look in his eyes.
"S-sorr- ah Jimin I'm gonna -" "me too babygirl, me too."
After a few more thrusts You released your second orgasm making you see stars.. literally.
Jimin pulled out and took a step back, signaling you to get off and sit on your knees in front of him. So.. you did.
You sat in front of him on your knees, your hands placed on his thighs to keep yourself up as he pushed his dick inside of your mouth.
He grabbed your hair and started fucking your throat at a fast pace, until he finally came inside of your mouth moaning your name while he did.
You swallowed every last drop while looking into his eyes.
"Fuck you're perfect" he bend down and kissed your lips in a way that made your heart melt.
"Let's get dressed now before jungkook comes downstairs"
You both got dressed right in time, just as you sat back down on the chair jungkook walked inside of the kitchen.
He looked at you and Jimin with a suspicious look. "What were you guys doing? I heard screams"
Jimin cleared his throat and said "I was teasing her about earlier"
Jungkook laughed " shes really is too innocent"
Jimin smirked at you "yeah, she is"
You gave him an innocent smile and turned around to leave the room. "Goodnight guys"
"Goodnight sis"
"Night babygirl"
I smiled to myself when I heard a slap "YAH! Wtf did you just call my sister?"
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