#hmm how to use tags on tumblr dot. ok
furrbbyx · 2 years
OMFG! Thank you for tagging me @sio-writes I had a hecking great time with this. I really got to explore Sable more, and of course I put my own spin on it.
I tag: @oracleact @atlas-nsfw @the-wizard-writes @bucketsofmonsters and @gaytrashfoodprocessor or whoever wants to join! I can't wait to read yours :D
Interview with a Character!
[Intro: Excited VJ about to play clips of the interview] Today we have an exclusive interview with Miss Sable, the unicorn model who is so hot right now! We caught up with Sable while she prepared for a spring themed photo-shoot. She was gracious enough to entertain our questions while enduring the makeup chair. Though Sable was working she had such an upbeat vibe that our reporter became a fan on the spot! Sable's work is available on Tumblr dot com where she also takes time to interact with her fan base in between shows and campaigns.
1. Are you named after anyone? No. My parents just wanted to celebrate my beautiful coloring. I grew to like it since it's kind of unique. I wont lie, sounds so good when someone is moaning it 🤭
2. When was the last time you cried? Omg today! I cry a little every day on purpose after I read about a talented Korean actress who cries for hours a day. I think crying is a form of self care. We don't do it enough in this world. I want to make sure I stay connected to my emotions. It makes me more empathetic too!
3. Do you have any kids? Oh, gosh. No 🤗 I'm not even sure I'm ready to have a little pony. I guess I'd have to have a steady polycule before I even think about it.
4. Do you use sarcasm? I'm more likely to use a pun. When I'm playing I do like to be a little sarcastic and a tease. But my playmates love it, I promise.
5. Whats the first thing you notice about people? Hmm. Probably their body language and if they smile a lot. People who smile put me at ease. I also notice height. Especially if I'm working with others for the photo shoot, of course I have to asses my angles. It's important to study people's body language and how they take up space to be successful in modeling. I'm able to be versatile and I'm never caught without a good option for a pose.
6. Eye color? Blue and sparkles!
7. Scary movies or happy to endings? Always happy endings! Unless you want me to ruin it for you 😘. If it's not HEA I don't want it. That may be a little naive, or boring to some but I think that we deserve more happy endings in this life. We are so quick to accept suffering instead of demanding joy.
8. Any special talents? Being a unicorn? Haha. I don't have any real talents except being cute I think. But that's ok! I get to enjoy everyone else who is talented. Like my buddy Eagleator? He's like, the strongest fighter I know. [Reporter: You're a model and that takes some skill right?] Haha, you're so right! I forget about that because modeling is really about looks and that's out of my control, but yeah modeling is a talent.
9. Where were you born?
I was born at home. A perfect little baby if I say so myself. My mom was kind of a granola-making hippie and she made a big deal about a natural birth. Specifically I was born in a little pink kiddie pool filled with warm water, patchouli oil, and wildflowers.
10. What're your hobbies? My hobbies are collecting soft pastel sweaters, drinking hot drinks in cute giant mugs, reading fanfiction, flirting, and bingeing hallmark movies. I also like carnivals and fairs, hyperpop and EDM, supernatural romance novels. Though those probably aren't hobbies, lol. I would say daydreaming is a hobby of mine. Sometimes I get so distracted in my own head, I kind of forget what's really happening. If you could use your magical horn to zap up the perfect fantasy would you care about politics? Exactly.
11. Have any pets? Hehe, only the ones that asked to be my pets. But none right now.
12. What sports do you play/have played? Is shopping a sport? Or getting the perfect manicure? Snagging the last pair of Wolfy Choos on release day? Haha. I'm just not really competitive. If I'm going to be running around it's gonna be for pleasure or maybe to chase down a cutie to give them my number.
13. How tall are you? I'm 5'10! Not the tallest pony but I get by hehe.
14. Favorite subject in school? Ick! School is a no. I hated it. Well except for getting to meet my besties. I had a hard time in school. I'm not really smart. Oh don't take that seriously. I don't mind being empty headed. There's so many smart people and creatures in the world why should I worry about that? Honestly I learned the most at the mall when I was skipping class. The real world has a lot to teach someone if they just embrace it. I'm just not the kind of pony to care what happened last century, or how many apples johnny has. I care more about how many apples I can eat and what's going on with the next season of the bachelor!
15. Dream job? Well I actually already have my dream job, though I wouldn't say it was my dream job before I started. [Reporter: Modeling?] Oh, no. This is kind of my side thing. Right now I'm working at this innovative lab that's developing cosmetic drugs. The company is really focused on providing therapies that help others reach their desired form. I feel like, as a model, I'm selling a dream, but as a lab tech I'm actually helping to make them come true.
[Fade back to the VJ] Wow! She's so sweet. To see the full interview follow and subscribe to the network. You wont want to miss this one. Our reporter and Sable get real cozy and reveal some surprising secrets about the modeling scene. And join us at 8 for our exclusive with Eagleator to talk about his crushing defeat at the Action Forest Finals!
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thronoai · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
For in the end it’s the little moments that matter,
Simulated sunlight in gold-weathered alchemical chambers,
Rain lilies bathing globe amaranth in crystal clear droplets.
Love Immortal purified between the pressure of two hearts,
A perfect embrace, a glowing garden, a castle destroyed
In perfect passion ; by hot tears, cold arms, empty graves.
Etsy linked for purchase, Ko-Fi and reblogs are adored! 12hrs + a lil poem.
Tumblr media
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desiree-harding-fic · 5 years
Broken Engagement Au (Chapter 1???)
“I’m not going to write another long fic while I already have a WIP,” I say through gritted teeth. “I’m not going to do it it’s a stupid decision and I’m not going to do it.”
So @fandomsnstuff is to blame for this and I can say that because she’s an incorrigible enabler, but here’s 1500 words of broken engagement because I can’t get over it.
CREDIT: Taako’s last name has been shamelessly stolen from Bureau of Badass by Chemicallywrit and miceenscene on Ao3, and @bureauofbadass on tumblr. Because it’s been my modern au name for Taako ever since I read that fic the first time, which, if you haven’t read it, drop everything and I’ll see you in a few days. Now that’s some writing.
Check the #broken engagement au tag on my blog for more snippets!
“Angus?” Taako says mildly from behind his desk.
“Hmm??” The kid hums from where he’s hanging upside down off Taako’s ratty classroom couch in the corner. His glasses are half falling off his face, but he’s got a book held up a few inches from his nose anyway. The thing is, the book is right-side up.
“Whatcha doin’ there, kiddo?” Taako asks, marking through another sentence on the paper in front of him with a frown.
“Well, sir,” Angus starts in that tone that always makes Taako bite down on a grin, “I read them too fast right side up. I think my comprehension is suffering because the words go by too fast.”
“Bullshit,” Taako says, ignoring Angus’s language, sir! “Your comprehension is fine and you know it. You’re just a show-off nerd,” he teases.
“Says the one who had a powerpoint about LGBT influences in 16th Century literature ready last week for the eventuality that someone in your class called Mercutio ‘kinda gay,’”
“Hey, that was a good lesson –” Taako starts in, but the kid sits up abruptly on the couch, putting the book down and picking up his phone. Taako can hear another buzz of a message coming in as the kid is scrolling through it.
“My dad’s here, sir,” he says, “he’s on his way to the room now.”
“About time.” Taako puts the essay back in the section folder, slips it into his bag to grade when he gets home. The grading is endless. One of his least favorite parts of the job. Who needs grades anyway? All his kids are smart. Seems dumb to hold them all to the same arbitrary standard.
“I’m sorry for keeping you, sir,” Angus says, and he’s moved over to the desk he threw his backpack down on when he came into the room almost an hour ago. He looks a little unsure, and Taako curses himself silently in his head.
“It’s ok, kid,” he says, trying to make sure he sounds like he means it so Angus won’t feel bad, “I told you, it ain’t no thing for me to stay after a bit to talk to your old man.”
Angus is… a special case. Taako’s never had anything like him in a class before. Kid’s only just turned 12 years old and he’s already starting high school. A real whiz-kid, but it’s a tough world out there, high school being full of teenagers of all shapes, sizes, and personalities, for a literal kid –
Hence Taako.
He’s been teaching at Neverwinter Academy for almost four years now, grateful every second of the time that anyone deigned to give him a job (and thank the gods for Principal Davenport), much less at a premier private school where he’s largely allowed to make his own curriculum with only a few guidelines. It’s a good job. Taako likes it. It’s stable and it’s safe and no one’s going to die from Taako’s lecturing and he actually kind of has a knack with the kids, weirdly enough.
Hence Angus and Taako.
Neverwinter Secondary Academy has a mentorship program. Kids who seem to struggle a bit academically get paired with a faculty adviser to help see them through. Well Angus is anything but struggling – he’s gotten straight As on every assignment Taako’s given thus far – but all the same, Taako was contacted at the beginning of the year about the kid. He was placed right in the program anyway, not for academic reasons for once, but for social.
You have a knack for getting close to the students, Davenport’s email had read. While I see no reason why Angus shouldn’t succeed at NSA, he might have some difficulty adjusting socially. His parent originally contacted us about the idea, and I have to say I agree that giving Angus an extra support figure can only be beneficial.
Taako had agreed, of course; how could he say no? And meeting Angus had really cinched it. Kid’s only been in Taako’s class a little over a month, but he’s already maybe one of Taako’s favorite students, like, ever. Not that Taako plays favorites. He likes all his students just the same, thank you very much.
(Angus is definitely his favorite.)
It didn’t help that the kid’s a goofball smartass nerd, either, which is the exact archetype that makes up like… 98% of Taako’s family and close friends. It doesn’t help that he’s got a single parent keeping everything together at home based on the school records and the email chain back and forth. It doesn’t help that his dad, who he mentions about as often to Taako as people talk about like… the weather, seems like a really genuine guy who’s trying really hard based on the email chain they’ve had going. Angus’s dad set up the parent/teacher conference, even, to check in on how things are going, one-on-one with Angus’s adviser. It’s almost disgustingly practical and good and loving and it seems like everything in this kid’s entire life has been engineered to make Taako fuckin’ love him.
It’s really not fair. He teaches like 90 students. He’s not supposed to have favorites.
And yet.
There’s a knock on Taako’s door and they both look up, Angus smiling immediately, which definitely isn’t cute, Taako, Christ, and Taako gets up from his desk and smooths his shirt out. He dressed normal today and everything. He knows the kids like his… eccentric style, but parents? Parents are always a different game. And knowing he was about to meet Angus’s dad today gave him pause that morning. Still. The soft blue button down and slacks are a touch rumpled from a day’s work. He could look better.
He gets up and goes to the door, Angus trailing along behind.
Neverwinter Secondary Academy could be a maze for all Kravitz’s skill navigating his way to Angus’s classroom, which is of course the farthest from the front office that any in this place could be, surely, and he’s already late after being kept at work, and he’s sure that Angus’s teacher is at the very least unimpressed with him and more likely annoyed, which is just what he needed -
He finally finds his way, sees the sign reading T. Peynirci, and he takes a moment to smooth out the wrinkles in his jacket from the day (which of course does no good because it never does), before he raises his hand and knocks on Mr. Peynirci’s door.
And Taako opens it.
“Ah,” Taako says, and then nothing else, his hand hovering in midair where it was clearly extended for a handshake -
“Dad!” Angus says, “this is my adviser and English teacher, Mr. Peynirci,” and there’s a little bit of a sneer in it that Kravitz doesn’t know the context for, “Taako, this is my dad.” And it’s exactly how an introduction should go, all crossed t’s and dotted i’s -
And Kravitz’s brain is on high alert, emergency sirens blaring.
And his first thought, infuriatingly, is how good Taako looks, now, still, after all this time. Which is ridiculous because Kravitz can hardly recognize him (he’s wearing glasses, for Christ’s sake) and also because he hasn’t seen Taako in over twelve years and he’s supposed to be past those thoughts by now -
The second thought is who on Earth entrusted Taako with the care and keeping (and the education) of a bunch of impressionable teenagers, much less his son’s mental, emotional, and social well-being -
The third thought is that Angus is right there and Kravitz has been staring blankly at Taako for what is likely about to become a second too long -
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Peynirci,” he says, reaching out and shaking Taako’s hand, though he doesn’t want to touch him, does he? (He does, he does so much.) Nice to meet you, he says, and he shakes Taako’s hand, and he can feel his grip, too tight, can see, perfectly, the moment Taako’s eyes go from shocked and awed to empty, except for a spark, just a spark of malice, right there. He regrets everything.
“Likewise, Mr. McDonald,” Taako says, releasing Kravitz’s hand, and Kravitz nearly winces from it. Because it was one thing, wasn’t it, to make the decision to pretend that Taako was a stranger, but it’s another to be on the receiving end of it, to see Taako introducing himself as though he’s going to trip over Kravitz’s very name, as though he’s never had to say it out loud before this moment. As though Taako didn’t spend years falling asleep and waking up beside Kravitz, didn’t spend years going out and pressing himself against Kravitz in dim bars, tipsy and warm. As though he didn’t spend a year wearing a ring Kravitz selected for him, and sized to fit just so. As though he didn’t almost take that name and make it his own.
“Let’s sit down, shall we?” Taako says, and he smiles without any of his teeth.
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honeyedmilks · 7 years
the longest gtk me tag to ever exist 🍰
i was tagged by the lovely @meanyoongis (thank YOU!! <3) for this extravagant tag! she is so long, even without my rambling, that under a cut she must rest!
the last…
drink: water! please stay hydrated this summer my friends!  time you cried: literally at 5 am at some point early in the week
phone call: my mum
text message: it’s literally me messaging rezka this: “did u just tell me to find a sugar daddy?” we were discussing my shitty laptop and a peach phone cover i wanted to buy- don’t ask anymore questions about this please lmfao.
song you listened to: don’t stop by shinee :’( (i’m going to report choi minho for his rap in this as well as my love jonghyun for his vocals that nearly killed me)
 have you…
dated someone twice: but… i’ve not.. even dated someone.. once… 
kissed someone and regretted it: nope! 
been cheated on: nope!
lost someone special: not in terms of them passing away but i have lost many friends and relationships i still remember; i feel their loss sometimes
been depressed: dfhhdjd i be livin’ that mental illness life right now hskjxk
gotten drunk and thrown up: no, but during my very bad times, i thought about doing just that, a lot. 
list three favourite colours…
omg okay: browns, pinks, blues 
in the last year have you…
made new friends: yes! i love them!! shout out to my cute tumblr friends :’))) 
fallen out of love: hmm… i would say so… THANK GOD 
laughed until you cried: i wish lmfao but rezka and allie have made me laugh loads :’)) 
found out someone was talking about you: hmm yes, but it’s ok :(( 
met someone who changed you: i know some people now who have given me sound advice that i try to remember, but other than that i don’t think so
found out who your friends are: yes :(( though i would like to think the ones who didn’t check up on me had their reasons 
kissed someone on your facebook list: i’m literally the most un-sensual person ever?? can u tell?? no action up in dis bitch y’all!
how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: i should’ve mentioned before that i’m not even on that… place… imagine having all my asian family members tryna peep me on ‘the facebooks’ as my dad calls it… a living nightmare… also it just looks far too complicated to use and not worth the energy getting used to it, i love the memes that i see from facebook here though lmfaoo they’re lit
do you have any pets: no! :(( i used to have a bunny called bubbles but he is no longer with us :(( rest in peace bubbles :(( but our family wants a new pet! hopefully we’ll get a cat or another rabbit when my littlest brother is a bit older! i’m so lonely… i want a dog.. my family is so incomplete… so cold…so devoid… I JUST WANT AN ANIMAL FRIEND!!! but i would also have to get over my weird fear of all living things, and the pain that comes with having them such as scratches etc 
do you want to change your name: actually no, i’m okay with my name right now :’) though i feel like i have two depending on how people pronounce it! its more commonly pronounced as sof-ee-a but it’s actually soft, like sof-ya! also here’s a fact! my name’s already been changed :D when i was younger i was actually named bariah (pronounced br-ee-ya) but it was changed because my parents and stuff thought it was causing me lots of bad luck… i also somehow got picked on in primary school for having my name changed?? people eventually ended up saying i had changed my name like three times (the real case is that white people fucked up how to pronounce bariah and when my mum corrected them, they all flipped shit lmfao ah my head hurts thinking about this- it got worse after it went from bariah to sofia)                               
what did you do for your last birthday: it was so miserable this was the worst year to ask me this question, lmfao i’ll try not to give you any miserable details but i ended up buying myself cake and trying not to make it my departing date too
what time did you wake up: near 1pm i think! 
what were you doing at midnight last night: i think i was either watching the princess’ man or making my posters for it! 
name something you can’t wait for: honestly don’t know lmfao i want to go to the beach though so here’s hoping i finally do that, or go swimming 
when was the last time you saw your mom: like an hour ago, she’s making dinner i think… i can smell it… all the way from my depression hole (bedroom)
what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: so much? but mostly i would like my dad to get better and my mum to not have to do everything :(( and then go on more holidays and live life more :(( also mental illness be gone!!
what are you listening right now: fuckin artificial love by exo dropped on ma shuffle, i’m getting terrible flashbacks to the cane dance  
have you ever talked to a person named tom: aye i know a guy called tom, he got a part of his tooth chipped (It was a whole big wild thing and i don’t know the details but that’s all i remember of the dude) and he was in my english class once, but like, we don’t talk no more… i don’t even know if i’ve seen him around school when i used to go… 
something that is getting on your nerves: lots of things… my potato laptop… myself… no one in my gotdang family listening to me!!! the fact that it’s been two weeks and i still don’t have delicious cake… also the fact i end up hating everything i make on here- thank you guys for being so lovely in your tags tho :’(( 
most visited website: tbh tumblr, pinterest, pixlr and dramanice
about me…
mole/s: i don’t think i have any? maybe some small dark dots here and there on my legs and neck
mark/s: i have some burn scars and a bit of a scar thing on my elbow where i scraped it really badly as a kid, i also have stretch marks on my waist/hips etc and a blotchy mark in my inner left thigh
childhood dream: i think i was set on being an interior designer at one point? lmfao or a celebrity chef (i watched a lot of food network as a kid) 
hair colour: black
long or short hair: very very long, but i want to get it cut soon so it’s a bit shorter. 
do you have a crush on someone: i mean there’s this one boy in real life… but i don’t see him that much right now :(( i don’t think it’s full on infatuation though… but y’all also know i love jonghyun and changkyun 
what do you like about yourself: AKDNSKJDKJADDJ i broke out the caps for this!!! lemme think… i guess my eyebrows can be rather nice! and i can be funny sometimes i guess lmao… i like how i can be empathetic with people, though it’s not at all always fun being so sensitive
piercings: i have my ears pierced! just one in each lobe :) 
blood type: you trippin if you thought i would know this LMFAO 
nickname: binch i gots so many oh my god… my family, such as my aunt, call me brian (derived from my old name bariah- thank god i told you guys about that otherwise none of you would know why my nickname was fucking BRIAN), some people call me sofie/ sophie, and my mum calls my sofie pofie sometimes- my dad calls me sofar (so-fur) in the most desi way possible- he once accidentally called me sofa and it just stuck, it also explains my instagram user name (sofarsoogood) lmfao its a cute pun and i don’t know if this is a nickname but i get adressed as baji/baj by my younger brothers and sisters and cousins- its like the desi term for older sister 
relationship status: your local potato head (that’s me) is on her lonesome… she single as hell bitch!
zodiac: aquarius (i’m sure i spelt that wrong, rezka once dragged me for spelling it as some other dumb shit before BUT OH WELL) 
pronouns: she/her!
favourite tv show (s): i don’t even know, parks and recreation is a good one though :’)) oooh and I LOVE CRIMINAL MINDS though i’ve not seen much of the new season :(( oh and an idiot abroad is fucking funny bye i need to rewatch that ooh also lots of cooking shows and the jane eyre bbc (2006) mini series 
tattoos: no, but i would like to get some more henna done this year :’D
right or left hand: right!
surgery: i don’t think so? but i did get some teeth taken out when i was younger so i don’t know if that counts lmfao 
hair dyed in different colour: no, but it would be nice to get it done one day!! i’ve been thinking about it… but i don’t know what colour would suit me and my mum doesn’t want me to lmfao 
sport: i like cycling (its been ages tho) and i like badminton, yoga and i really want to go swimming :(( but i don’t do any of that anymore. the most i do is long walking 
vacation: i’ve been to pakistan, england, stopped in dubai for a while, italy, france, turkey and egypt! it was all so long ago though! and i would like to go to so many more places!
pair of trainers: i have converse! though i much prefer sandals over converse
more general…
eating: these days i’m very into chips and cheese plus donner (don’t knock it till ya try it!) and my mum’s roti salan lmfao 
drinking: hmm water! or icy drinks! iced tea is fabulous but i also gotta start drinking green tea again! i miss her 
i’m about to: pass out from trying to answer all of these LMFAO JOKES i might get something to eat.. such as ice cream… or actual dinner… and then maybe watch more of the princess’ man or make some stuff! but who knows i might just fall asleep lmfao 
waiting for: a new laptop, my mental health TO GET BETTER SDHKSHKSDH and for just… i dunno what the heck i’m doing, i’m just winging my life right now and for my dad to get better so he can go on trains and buses with me so i can get used to them  
want: new bath bombs and clothes, my writing passion back, hugs, affection, allie to reunite with her chicken hat one day
get married: i most likely will when i’m older! though i’ve been told i’m already in a relationship with jp and bevy maco 
career: HONESTLY DON’T KNOW!!!!!! but if i filter all my shit out then i can say, i want to get into film, defos want to be a published writer, maybe go into graphic design… who knows tbh maybe counselling? 
which is better…
hugs or kisses: it depends on what kind of kiss/ where it is, but i often get in moods where i just need to be held :’(( so both i guess!
lips or eyes: both :’) but eyes over lips i guess unless we’re talking smiles :’) 
short or tall: i guess tall but if i’m in love it might not really matter              
older or younger: hmm, i would say the same age as me or a little older, but it really depends on the mentality of the person :) 
nice arms or nice stomach: arms are nice :’) 
sensitive or loud: hmm i don’t know… probably loud, just not obnoxious or annoying
hook up or relationship: relationship :’) 
troublemaker or hesitant: hmm i don’t know! the boys i’ve liked have ended up being some troublemakers, but i guess it depends on what kind of trouble! 
have you ever…
kissed a stranger: nope!
drank hard liquor: never 
lost glasses/contact lenses: i don’t wear glasses or contact lenses but i have lost some sunglasses on holiday lmfao, it doesn’t even have to be a day before i lose something on holiday, or leave it behind
turned someone down: hmm i don’t think so! though one boy did try give me a valentine on valentine’s day but i was really having a terrible day and i didn’t take it from him, the encounter was a mess and i don’t know why he was tryna give it to me in the first place? i think he was just tryna get rid of it?? i don’t trust boys if they do stuff like that/ try ask me out tbh lmfao for many reasons
sex on the first date: oh no not my shy ass lmfao
broken someone’s heart: i don’t know :( most likely not! though there was one person i think i did hurt and let down  
had your heart broken: i’m not sure in the romantic sense, but i know it’s felt a lot 
been arrested: nope! i’m an angel ;)) LMFAO 
cried when someone died: hmm i can’t remember, i think i cried seeing my mum so upset when her mother passed away, i also have shed tears over michael jackson (i used to be a very heavy mj blog back in the day lmfao shout out to my mj mutuals who stuck around) 
fallen for a friend: i don’t think it was genuine, so i’m going to say no 
do you believe in…
yourself: pfff depends really, there are times when i don’t feel an overwhelming sense of insecurity and there are times i do                    
miracles: i guess so :)
love at first sight: i think you can be attracted to someone when you first see them or have a liking to them but real love is such a complex thing that i don’t really believe one can fall in love at first sight
santa claus: kjdcnjdcnjd who dat i only know dat cool guy in narnia who gave dem kids of old their death devices
kiss on the first date: hmm… depends… but in reality… probably no
angels: yes  
current best friends name: rezka, allie, mhairi, (a mix of tumbly friends and irl) im such a loser bye but i love y’all, i honestly don’t talk to a lot of people these days :(( 
eye colour: so dark they look black and you can’t see my pupils sometimes
favourite movie(s): hmm… sabrina (1954), the mummy one and two, peter pan (2003), pride and prejudice (2005) and spy! i have lots more i’m so fond of!  
phew! time to tag some lovely people! : @youngjei , @allonsy-allie , @dansphil , @seokjinings , @junyeol-s , @bovrilcat , @alcenos , @astraelogy , @mahnoorjahan , @timrggins and @bonqhee! 💗
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chaerismatic · 7 years
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 a couple people [im too nyervous n bad at tagging :C]
i was tagged by @moonbebe , @monbeboo and @monbabi~ tysm ily guys w my whoooole heart ♡♡
THE LAST Drink: water wow already off to a rly interesting start,, great job angie Phone call: my mumma  Text message: “still full from the chicken, don't know if i want dindin” [asldkfjs i still talk to my mum like a four-year-old ok yep moving on] Song i’ve listened to: from zero,, aka the bop of the century that probably wont ever be released ;; v ;; Time you cried: i basically spent all of last weekend in the foetal position cos of the p101 final and shine forever
HAVE YOU 6. Dated someone twice: nope 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nope 8. Been cheated on: nope 9. Lost someone special: yep 10. Been depressed: i guess 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope,, im?? an egg 12-14. List three favorite colours: green, yellow, cream
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. Made new friends: yess, especially here !! i don't rly deserve any of them and i love n admire every single person thats talked to me. ty ty ty ♡ 16. Fallen out of love: maybe, but idk if you could call whatever that was ‘love’ 17. Laughed until you cried: we had karaoke at my school today,, i nearly choked from screaming n dancing to the pokemon theme song 18. Found out someone was talking about you: don't think so eep 19. Met someone who changed you: for sure 20. Found out who your friends are: i think so 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: uhh yes
GENERAL 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of ‘em 23. Do you have any pets: OK ASDLKFJA I LVOE MY BABIES; so u’ve got miffy my v bouncy dog n best pal, my two rly chirpy but rly sweet birbs toro and newbert, and my two goldfish who are,,, both named huat,,, because that means prosperity n i need that $$$ 24. Do you want to change your name: hmm nope i like it, esp my full name even though i don't rly like it when people call me by it just cos it feels too formal 25. What did you do for your last birthday: probably ate a lot of mexican food and played the sims 4 for like 10hrs straight 26. What time do you wake up: 7am on school days n like 11pm on weekends 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: having a v mild panic attack about my history exam but also watching my babies sewoon/gwanghyun in their first vlive 28. Name something you can’t wait for: jung sewoon to debut jfc 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: maybe like an hour ago when i was washing the dishes 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: feeling more fulfilled and optimistic cos tbh ive got it really good compared to others n i hate when i forget that 31. What are you listening right now: why don't you know - chungha 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yep, a guy in my bio class that i barely know, he just asked for help w a question 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my academic incompetency  34. Most visited website: youtube or tumblr 35. Moles: none 36. Marks: two lil dots under my right eye, one on my upper lip n a whole bunch on my arms 38. Hair color: black  39. Long or short hair: long 40. Do you have a crush on someone: huygnown jks sorry 41. What do you like about yourself: my ??softness tbh 42. Piercings: nope 43. Bloodtype: idk but i really wanna find out !!! ;;  44. Nickname: angie is a nickname i guess, but a lot of my school friends call me angle 45. Relationship status: dating a pretty cool guy (who is not hw but its fine i still kinda like him asldfjsal that was a rly weird n kinda messed up joke im sorry) 46. Zodiac: cancer 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: orange is the new black, brooklyn nine nine, rick and forty, and a whooole lot of japanese dramas 49. Tattoos: nope 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: none 52. Hair dyed in different color: not currently but i had green ombre for a while last year 53. Sport: not really my thing if yknow what i mean hah im as active as an actual pile of garbage   55. Vacation: ive only ever had an extensive stay in malaysia but its like a second home n i love it so much c: 56. Pair of trainers: uhhhh one ? yes ? idrk what this is asking ;v;
MORE GENERAL 57. Eating: i had kfc for dinner mmmm 58. Drinking: water 59. I’m about to: pass out im so tired 61. Waiting for: monsta x’s first win !1!! 62. Want: to hug wonho,,, idk i feel extra protective of him today 63. Get married: for sure 64. Career: nursing/midwifery
WHICH IS BETTER 65.Hugs or kisses: hugs !!! warm n friendly or romantic n gentle,, you can't go wrong !! 66. Lips or eyes: both are v good, especially as a combination when someone smiles,,, smiling is rly rly nice 67. Shorter or taller: taller  68. Older or younger: older for now 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: asdfhasl both again !! both are SO good !!! esp soft tummies w comfy arms in hugs !! ;; - ;; 71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive  72. Hookup or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER 74.Kissed a stranger: nope 75. Drank hard liquor: nope 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no but thats honestly my worst nightmare,, id be completely vulnerable 77. Turned someone down: yeah but in like the 5th grade 78. Sex on the first date: nope 79. Broken someone’s heart: maybe ,,, 80. Had your heart broken: probably fractured, not quite entirely shattered 81. Been arrested: nope 82. Cried when someone died: yessir 83. Fallen for a friend: way too many fkscifn times
DO YOU BELIEVE IN 84. Yourself: uhh probably not 85. Miracles: sure 86. Love at first sight: eh not really 87. Santa Claus: i rly want to cos i love christmas so much :cc but no 88. Kiss on the first date: mmm probably not 89. Angels: have u seen the all-white shine forever stage outfits amirite
90. Current best friend’s name: i have two bestest friends named annie and charlie 
91. Eye color: dark brown
 92. Favorite movie: WHY END WITH THE HARDEST QUESTION YOU COULD POSSIBLY ASK ME ??? ok um lets go w back to the future as one of many favourites
❀ tagging: @monbibi @peachminhyuk @cngkyns @chaesprincess @kukungie @bamethyst @omgxiaoch ! ❀ but feel free to ignore, this does take a really long time so i totally understand :) 
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crzcorgi · 8 years
Birthday Surprise
This is for Ash’s 2k Writing Challenge - My prompt was Negan’s Birthday (thank you Ash, for letting me participate! 😘)
and for Negan Smut Week! Sentence Prompt: “Hey good lookin’ whatcha got cookin?”
Negan x Number 6 (reader - Y/N)
Y/N=your name
Ne - Number 6′s nickname for Negan
Warnings - NSFW. Smut in the southern kiss form. Fingering, light spank. Language. Naughty aesthetic
1500 words - using the keep reading feature
Want on or off my taglist? Just let me know!
@mypapawinchester @kijilinn @may85  @mamapeterson @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash @negandarylsatisfaction @rapsity @strangersangel9 @wickednerdery @hannibalssweaters @ladylorelitany @angelak72081 @scarygoodfanfics @superpinkkcat @gageef @ericas-negan77 @miss-nori85 @ali-pennell @smuttwd @purplejellybean @concertxjunkie @magical-spit  @jotilpip @thedeadwalks @negantrashlucille23 @johnthackerys @pandainfinitely @xdaddy-neganx @almostinwonderland @myheart4ever47-blog @lauryphelps1d @catleesi-xo @texasgal2222  @rizflo-blog @negans-network
I apologize if I forgot to tag you, Just let me know with a slap aside the head! And @#% Tumblr won’t tag everyone, I’m sorry!
Tumblr media
   I decided to surprise Negan with something a touch different. I wasn’t like the others, being “sexy” didn’t come easy to me. I know the girls laughed at my “innocence” I tried so hard to be more flirty, girly and exotic, but I just ended up feeling foolish.
 But I came up with a plan I think could work. I loved to cook and while supplies were definitely limited, I found the ingredients to bake a cake, a birthday cake more specifically. Negan’s birthday was today and I was so excited to be able to do this for him. No one was ever able, or was willing to try to surprise him. Maybe I could be the first?!
 I needed a way to get the wives kitchen to myself, so I came up with what I believed to be the perfect plan. No one would bother me, until I wanted a certain someone to. I told the wives and a few of Negan’s most trusted people that it was, in fact, his birthday and we should throw him a party. They jumped at it and put together a party fit for the king of the apocalypse. The only one in on my little plan was Simon. I asked him to send Negan up about 2 hours into the party. I was feeling so sneaky!
 “Y/N, are you coming? The party is starting!” Frankie yelled to me.
 “Uh…cough…I’m feeling a bit…cough cough…sick. Tell Negan I’m sorry…cough”
 “Okay, feel better!”
 I told her thanks, peeking out of my bedroom to see if the rest of them had left yet.    
 “Hello? Anybody here?” No answer.  Yes! On to my plan.
 I quickly changed, then hurried into the kitchen to begin baking. I had hid all the ingredients, not sure why as I was the only wife that stepped foot in the kitchen. I placed everything out on the counter and began.
 While the cake was baking, I began making a frosting from the odds and ends I found. It might not be the best, but it would have to do.
 When the timer went off, I carefully took the cake out and gasped, it looked perfect! Yes! I knew it had to cool a bit, but I was so anxious so I put it in front of the fan, hoping that would hasten the cooling process some.
 I went to my room, looking for the one small gift I had gotten Negan, bringing it back to the kitchen. I also grabbed a candle to light. No, it wasn’t a tiny birthday cake candle, but a candle’s a candle, right?
 I touched the cake and said to hell with it, removing it from the pan. It seemed cool enough so I began frosting it with my makeshift frosting, standing back to admire my artwork.
 “My, my, my! Hey good lookin’ whatcha got cookin’?”
 “Oh my god, Negan! You scared the shit out of me!” I was clasping my chest, trying to catch my breath.
 “Look at you doll, thought you were sick, but hmmm, dressed like this, baking a cake. If I didn’t fucking know any better, I would think you were doing all this for somebody’s birthday. Hmm, what do you say baby girl? Is that what this is?”
 He walked over to me, towering over me. He put his hands on either side of my face, forcing me to look up into his mesmerizing dark eyes.
 “Maybe it is for someone’s birthday. But who’s birthday is it?” I asked him, being coy.
 “Are you teasing me doll?” He moved his face even closer to mine. I could feel his hot breath, smell the whiskey he had just drank and I couldn’t stop staring at those plump red lips.
 “Am I? I didn’t realize I was. Does that make me a bad girl?” I didn’t look away from him, just giving him a small smirk.
 “Not bad, just naughty.” He let go of my face, turning to sit down in one of the chairs. “Show me your outfit doll, I like it very much.” The way he said it sent shivers all over my body.
 I turned around, showing him what I was wearing.
 “Is this for the birthday boy?” He winked at me, licking his lower lip.
 “Yes sir, all for just him. Rumor is, I’m kinda fond of him.”
 “Should I be jealous?” He took my hands, pulling me over closer.
 “I don’t think so, I mean, you have all of those wives.” I quickly glanced down at him, his eyes so dark now. I looked away quickly, trying to act uninterested.
 “Right now I’m only concerned with one of them, and she’s being a bit bratty right now.”
 I took my hands out of his, walking over to a cabinet to grab a couple of plates.
 I began to turn around to ask him if he wanted a piece of cake when I was pushed against the counter.
 “Do you think you should be punished? Or should I just open my gift?” His hand slid down to my ass, squeezing then lightly slapping it. I gasped, never having experienced anything like that.
 I could hardly speak. ��Uh…open your…gift, I guess.” His hand had found its way between my legs, slowly moving between my now very damp folds. I couldn’t stop the moans that came forth.
 He began whispering in my ear. “When they told me you weren’t feeling good, I was fucking concerned doll. That’s why I came right up here.” His fingers entered my waiting cunt, in and out, in and out. “Don’t worry, I told Simon to keep everyone downstairs. And Fat Joseph’s in the hall. No one will interrupt us.”
 He kept two fingers inside me, rubbing me just right, in that oh so sensitive rough spot. Another finger began circling my now swollen nub. “Oh god…Negan…I’m…I’m.”
 “Come for me baby, fuck my fingers. Let me hear you scream.” He snarled,
 I started shaking, shivering, my high almost achieved. Negan suddenly dropping to his knees, his face shoved between my legs.
 Just as I felt his warm wet tongue enter me, I came, hard, fast, shocking my whole system. “Ne…OH…OH…NEEEE!” I couldn’t see, black and white flashing dots blinding me. Negan held me up, as I am sure I would have collapsed. As I came around, I realized I was feeling a strange, different sensation.
 “Hooooly Shit doll! That is a NEW. one. for. you!”
 “Huh…what is Ne?” I was confused until I glanced down at Negan’s face. His signature smirk showing, but that’s not what made me gasp. His face was drenched.
 “Uh…Ne, uh…”
 “Oh baby!” He crawled out from between my legs, standing up. I turned around, careful not to fall as I was still wobbly. He leaned over me, grabbing a towel to wipe his face off, his smile growing wider.
He sat back in the chair. “Come here doll.” He patted his lap.
 When I started walking I realized just how wet I was.
 “Ne, I’m not sure what exactly happened there. I’m so embarrassed, and so so sorry.” I would was horrified, what did I do?!
 Negan began laughing. “Oh darling, you are just so damn adorable!”
 “I really fail to see how peeing on your face is adorable, but thank you for that. And for laughing at me.” I began to feel the tears falling. “This was supposed to be a wonderful birthday surprise for you and I dressed special for you and I wanted to look, and feel, sexy for once not like the dumb little girl I really am. And now look, I screwed up once again. Why do you keep me around Ne? I’m not strong and confident like Sherry? Or pretty and sexy like Amber? Or have a great body like Tasha? I was really crying now. I wanted a big hole to swallow me up.
 “Y/N, first off, sit the fuck down.” He patted his lap again. I noticed he placed a towel on it. I smirked. As I sat down, he placed both arms around me, pulling me against his chest. “Baby, you didn’t piss on me. I wasn’t laughing at you, or the fact that you squirted on me. I just love your innocence. I’ve never been with such a sweet, loving innocent woman before. It makes me so hard everytime.”
   Squirted, okay, I had heard about it, but never thought it was truly a thing. “OK, so it wasn’t a bad thing? You’re okay with it?”
  “It most certainly is not bad, and I fucking love it, doll! And I’m honored that I was your fucking first time. Woohoo! Now, to get you there everytime baby girl!”
 “I guess maybe your birthday isn’t a bust after all.” I shrugged.
 “I know how to make it even better sweetheart.” He started kissing up my neck, his tongue darting into my ear, causing me to giggle.
 “Ne, are you trying to kill me?”
 “Nope, I’m not done with you yet. Hold on tight, doll!”
  I put my arms around his neck as he stood up. He carried me into the living area, grabbing a blanket off one of the couches. He threw it over me asking, “you all covered now baby? Don’t want Fat Joey getting a fucking free show.”
  “I’m all set, Ne. But where are we heading?”
 “Where else sweet one? My room, my true birthday party has just fucking begun!”
I had a feeling I would be losing more of my innocence tonight.
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puppy-phum · 3 years
check-in tag
i was tagged by @wuxien ♥ thank you for thinking of me ^^ it was so nice to read yours and your love for wwx made me smile a lot~
1. Why did you choose your url?
ok so i have explained the origin of my url a couple of times but! let’s hear it again! so while i was in high school, i was obsessed with j.r. ward’s black dagger brotherhood series and brother vishous was my favorite out of all the vampires of the brotherhood. the royalty theme also stuck with me and i liked “viscount” a lot. i made this nickname for one of my random nintendo ds games originally and then it followed me around lol (my original url on tumblr was in finnish. i have tried to leave that one behind haha)
2. Any side-blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
nope. tho i sometimes consider making one? but i feel like that would put too much pressure on me so i just gather everything here like the trash collector i am
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
i made my account in 2013 so a while
4. Do you have a queue tag?
no. i just post stuff whenever i am around :’D i keep thinking about making one and actually using my queue but,,, i am lazy. also this blog is a mess
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
in 2013 i was living and breathing manga/anime. tumblr was a place for all the nice fanart and edits and i just went around looking at those. i can’t remember when i actually started posting anything for this blog bc for a while i just lurked here looking at things but it happened. then i slowly started expanding from there as i moved on from anime to different tv series and movies and kpop and now dramas 
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
current one (and the previous one too) is bc this man lives in my brain rent free. it’s closing in on one year since i started watching reboot and i still cannot move on from liu sang and how much i love his character and the whole world of dmbj. this fandom really is a pit and i am shoveling dirt to get deeper each day 
7. Why did you choose your header?
this too applies to the previous one bc i associate liu sang with forests, especially foggy ones. i looooove the aesthetic of foggy hills and this feeling of mystery but also freedom it gives me. tho i’ve been thinking about making a new layout again bc the current green color reminds me of that foam we use for plastic flowers to stick them up in their pots lol 
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
my wangxian edit with lines from richard siken’s poem you are jeff  x it currently has almost 1.5k notes and i still have zero idea why it’s this edit specifically. i think i’ve made better ones but i am fond and very thankful of the love
9. How many mutuals do you have?
so many these days ;; i am so happy with all of you! everybody is so amazing and sweet and loving ♥
10. How many followers do you have?
way past 800 now and that’s nuts 
11. How many people do you follow?
i just unfollowed a bunch of inactive blogs and try to find new ones to follow instead (if you have any recs pls do tell?) :’D but currently it’s somewhere around 260 i think
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
uuuhhhh what is considered a shit post exactly
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
too often. i feel like am around all the time lol. i switch between tumblr and twt usually but tumblr has been my fave social media ever since i properly started using it. tho when i first got into kpop in 2017-2018 i was very inactive here and almost deleted my account but am happy i didn’t bc the untamed dragged me back here again :’D
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
nope, i don’t do drama. also am just chilling around, idk who would bother to fight me hhhhh and for what even???
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
if it’s for a cause then yeah, sure. tho am bad at reblogging anyway so,,, consider me just a moron 
16. Do you like tag games?
yes i adore them ;; i remember being so jealous at times when i was just chilling alone on tumblr, rolling around in my own corner, when i saw ppl doing tag games and never had any mutuals to do those with. and now i have a ton! of amazing ppl!! tagging me into things!!! it’s so much fun ♥
17. Do you like ask games?
sometimes? i don’t think am someone who really receives any asks but there are some amazing ppl who humor me every time ♥ also me and @i-am-just-a-kiddo sometimes play these “ask games” by ourselves on google docs :’D we just copy the whole list of questions and answer those and talk about our answers. we’ve done some writer questions especially bc we like to talk about writing and our projects and difficulties. 
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
there are a couple of ppl on our network especially who intimidate me a bit bc of this O.O also some of our dmbj crew haha (especially looking at you sierra @jockvillagersonly ♥)
19. Do I have a crush on a mutual?
hmm several. tho i easily develop all these friend crushes on ppl. odds are am in love with everybody at least a little bit! but what is friendship on tumblr dot com if you are not confessing your undying love to your mutual at least once a meme post
20. tags?
ah sure! am going to tag: @susuwatari-kompeito @jazthespazz @manhasetardis @jaecomments @humanlighthouse @cross-d-a @xiejie-liubo @foxofninetales @a-force-dyad-in-space @englishbunnyrocks and @justpostsyeet ♥ also the two ppl already mentioned among my answer can consider doing this if they want 👀 no pressure tho! have a nice day everyone ^^
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