#hmmm yes please continue with the meetin
selestesolstice · 9 months
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Dragons and cats are not so dissimilar…
Timelapse under the cut
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Welcome to Requisitions
((An RP with @wethatkindoforc where Jazz got hired by Fantastic Enterprises!  🎊 So this is a brief short of how it went down and how Jeremy ditched because how dare he get an assistant amiright guys.)) Hobbson + Jeremy Murdoch belong to @wethatkindoforc Jazz belongs to moi
Located within a rather inconspicuous entrance on the apartment grounds of Emma’s Valley, at first glance the foyer for the Requisitions Department lends little more to first impressions than being a dim basement with a mash of boxes, books, and other clutter lining the walls. The air is cool, but circulating. Jazz awkwardly pulled at the collar on her shirt, grumbling as she shuffled down the cramped corridor. She would have prefered to wear her comfy ketchup-stained jumper, but Olka chastised her into wearing her best shirt. Behind the desk, a spindly Grumpel with pale, nigh-translucent skin sat writing furiously within a notebook. He looked up as Jazz entered.
“Oh! Hello there!” he greeted with a wide smile. “You wouldn’t happen to be Miss Abernale, would you?”
At the usage of her real name, Jazz’s smile looked forced as she walked up and awkwardly chuckled, “Yep da’z...da’z me. Uh...you da fella I’m meetin’ for gettin’ the job?”
Hobbs laughed - a light, almost giddy sort of sound. “I am Hobbson, yes. But everyone around here calls me Hobbs,” He shut his notebook, and scooted his chair out so he could come around the desk. Jazz blinked and almost tripped over her own feet as she hurriedly walked back to make way for the Grumpel. She had never conversed with one before so she didn’t expect them to be so...welcoming.
He held out a hand in greeting. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. We’re very excited to have some fresh eyes in the department. Can I get you anything? Water? Tea? A few barrels of Malangorian coffee? It was outlawed back in 1632, you know. Very hard to get a hold of.” He winked.
Jazz’s smile became more genuine as she shook his hand, “Hobbs? Da’z a cool name dude. Da name’s Jazz but ya already knew dat. And uh...it’s just Jazz. Please.” She chuckled nervously but instead of letting go she squeezed his hand one more time and stared intriguingly with an excited smile, “Sorreh, I ain’ never shook hands with a Grumpels befo’. Y’all got strawberry milk?”
Hobb’s hand was cool to the touch - almost...squishy, really, though it leaves no residue on Jazz’s hand as they part. Her question only seemed to delight him more. “You know! We’ve never actually had a request for that before! But if that is your beverage of choice we would be happy to keep it on hand. You will learn there is very little that Requisitions can get a hold of.”
“T’anks dude, I ain’t much of a booz girl.” The curly-haired girl grinned as she laughed along with him.
He gestured to a small table in the corner of the room. It too was stacked with books, something he seemed to only just remember as the Grumpel looked at it. “Oh, pardon me. It’s always a bit of a mess around here. But do - come sit. Tell me a little bit about yourself.”
Jazz’s nerves rose again as Hobbs asked her to sit down. Having never been in a job interview...questioning...thing, in addition to this Grumpel knowing her real name, it was the first time she had felt unsettled in ages. “Before I do dat mister, mind if I ask you a question first?” Jazz sat down and rubbed her knees before asking bluntly, “How comes y’all know my real name?”
Hobbs tilted his head slightly, all six of his little antennae bending with the motion. He gave her what he hoped was a reassuring smile and easily sat down across from her. “Those who work for Fantastic Enterprises come from all walks of life, Jazz,” He explained. “Mr. Fantastic adopts a ‘clean slate’ policy to everyone who joins on - but that doesn’t mean we aren’t very thorough about our background checks.”
The little human patted a rhythm on her knees as she nodded, pursing her lips with a pop. “Ah. Soo I don’ gotta explain to y’all the shit-storm that is my family den.” Jazz chuckled weakly, rubbing the back of her neck while not looking anywhere near Hobbs.
Finally she sighed and clapped her hands together with a closed smile, “A’ight, no bullshittin’ or nothin’, I’mma be really real wid ya Hobberooo since I figure y’all are gonna find out about d’is sooner or later.” Without warning, she randomly lifted up the hem of her shirt to reveal a very nasty scar mark on the left side of her torso, the logo unmistakeable. “Ya know what dis shit is right.”
Hobb’s normally placid face melted with concern. “Oh - oh yes, I do,” his hand came up, almost as though to reach out and touch the mark - but he stopped himself. “I gather you did not leave with their blessing?”
“HAH. Nope.” Jazz snorted derisively. She pulled down her shirt with a dry smirk as she continued, “Ya know dat bigass slave breakout ‘round last year? Dat was Olka who was leadin’ it, and how me an’ da others escaped.” She was sure this probably wasn’t increasing her chances of getting hired, but continued regardless, “An’ I gotta tell ya Hobbs, dey ain’ stopping. I don’t know why but, da last fella sent by dem says dey want Jazz Olka an’ Moki all alive still. So...I was kinda hopin’ dat y’all be offerin’ protection from dat kinda thing?” Jazz glanced up hopefully.
The kind smile returned to Hobb’s features. “Miss J- Jazz. Just Jazz. You could be in no safer space. As I said before, we come from all paths here. Many still hide from their demons. I myself once found myself living in unfavorable company. But Mr. Fantastic was there to take me away from all that. I think you will find that he is more than willing to help you too.”
Jazz almost looked offended at such an idea, “Fo’ real?! Well da’z just rude, who’d wanna hurt a Hobbs?” She crossed her legs with a huff. She looked to the side and thoughtfully bit her lip; the job offer was awfully tempting. “Fo’ me and Olka? And all you guys want back is we work for you righ’?”
Hobbs chuckled. “It’s not so straight-forward an arrangement. Around here, we just ask that you be the best...well, you, that you can be.”
Jazz’s smile grew wider, “Really?! Da’z cool, Jazz can do that, I already feel like I’m da best!” She slapped both her knees and was about to get up only to sit back down again and stroke her chin as she mumbled, “Wait, is Olka gonna be chill wid dat...I think she’s da best but she gotta t’ink dat too hmmm…”
Another laugh bubbled from Hobb’s throat - wherever it was. “Some employees are more of a work in progress than others. Speaking of which - Jeremy!” his voice raised as he called upward.
“Yep!” A sharp voice called back from somewhere beyond the stairs. “What can I do for you, man?”
“Jeremy, don’t make me yell, come down here,” Hobbs requested.
It took several long seconds. Finally, the sound of a chair scooching harshly across the floor was heard, followed by footsteps. “Listen,” Jeremy started before he reached the end of the stairs, “I’m like, twenty minutes away from getting Holdon’s report out and - oh. Hello Jazz,” He greeted flatly as he saw the woman sitting at the table.
Jazz grinned brightly at the familiar face waving, “Yoo, didn’ know you was chillin’ ‘round here too Jeremy!” She quizzically raised a brow at Hobbs, “Wha’z Jeremy gotta do with progress-workin’ folk?”
Jeremy crossed his arms and leant nonchalantly against the door frame. “Oh right, yeah. Chillin’. That’s what I do around here. Just fuck about. Get trashed with Hobbs. Keep him company.” He explained in a casual manner.
Hobbs looked patiently at Jeremy, smiling that ever-placid smile. “What Jeremy means, is that he works here.” Hobbs explained. “Jeremy - I was wondering if you’d be willing to show Jazz around the department, seeing as you two already seem to be familiar.”
Jeremy rolled his eyes as he pushed himself off the door frame. “Yeah yeah, I can do that,” he sighed in a resigned sort of way.
No sooner did Jeremy lean away did Jazz look between the two and grinned, “A’ighty, mini-room explorin’ adventure, LE’Z GO!” She quite literally bounced off the chair and skipped to the other employee, “So where we headin’ first?”
Jeremy gave Hobbs a look that said he really didn’t appreciate having his super important ‘work’ be interrupted for a tour. But he stepped forward to lead the way. “We’ll start with intake, then head down to lock up. The place feels bigger than it is but you can still get lost, so.”
“It’s still very big!” Hobbs called back brightly, “You two have fun!”
“Ya got it chief!” Jazz saluted back at Hobbs while following obediently after Jeremy with a spring in her step, excited to see the new area and not shy about immediately asking questions, “So wha’z an intake? Is lock up like a prison? Are there scary baddies in da prison? If Jazz gets lost do I chill in the lock up or the intake?”
Jeremy kept walking, but he did toss a squinty-eyed stare over his shoulder at Jazz for a moment. “Do you even know what requisitions does?”
Jazz chirped cheerfully, “Nope!”
The leading guide sighed. Jeremy brought a hand up to rub down his face. “Right. Well. We track down and pick up things the company needs. Most of it’s boring shit. Other times you actually get to find something interesting.”
Jazz focused all her attention on Jeremy as he explained, letting out an ‘ooh!’ before grinning, “Interestin’ like what? Ya ever find anythin’ cool an’ mysterious? Wha’z da weirdest t’ing ya ever found, out an’ about?” Jazz poked her chin as she recollected, “I once found a skeech-caved statue wid ice on her tits.” She bit her tongue between her teeth cheekily as she snorted, “Called her Titsicles.”
Jeremy snorted but he really tried to hide the fact that he was smiling. “Yeah okay. That’s not bad,” He said in a scrutinizing, cocky sort of way. “Amature, but not bad. I mean I got to track down a kid in a cryo-pod once, but don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll get up to that level.”
Jeremy spent the rest of the tour pointing at doors, naming them and, as promised, going over the intake, lock up, office space and the forbidden room. Jazz was in fact so intrigued by the latter that she didn’t really notice Jeremy ditch.
“Uh...Jeremy?” She whirled her head left and right down the corridor but he wasn’t anywhere in sight. She blinked before brightly gasping, “Oooh I get it, we’re playin’ hide an’ seek!” She took off in a very wrong direction while looking around. It would take quite a while before Jazz would figure out what happened and for Hobbs to scold Jeremy heavily for not giving her a proper tour.
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oumakokichi · 7 years
NDRV3 Transcripts: Momota Kaito’s FTE#5
Just when you thought the story couldn’t get any more shounen, Momota continues to outdo himself on all fronts. There are some really fun references in this one, it was a blast to translate.
Thanks to @kaibutsushidousha and @ne0dym for the transcript like always, and thanks to @shinjiroaragaki for all the icons!
There are spoilers for Chapter 1, so be careful when reading!
Google doc link.
More translated transcripts.
Hope you all enjoy! Please like and reblog this if you can to spread it around! I’ll be posting the last two FTEs shortly after this!
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MOMOTA: Yo! You came again, which must mean…
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I see, you must wanna hear the rest of my story pretty badly! Well I guess there’s no helpin’ it then!
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SAIHARA (THINKING): Aren’t you the one who said you’d wait until next time to tell me the rest...
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MOMOTA: Anyway, how far did I get last time?
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SAIHARA: You said something about fighting with your rival and his band of pirates, then you stopped sailing on your ship.
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MOMOTA: Ah, that’s right! Hmmm, so, what was it that happened next…
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...I remember! I had a pretty incredible experience right before I stopped sailing!
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SAIHARA (THINKING): “Even though it was a pretty incredible experience, you forgot all about it?”... If bet if I hit him with a comeback like that, I’d just be digging my own grave.
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MOMOTA: After the battle, I had my ship set sail for the harbor… but I got caught up in a huge storm. And then… at the very moment when I had decided fear was useless and resigned myself to the worst! The ship was suddenly eaten by a whale!
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SAIHARA: ...Huh.
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MOMOTA: Hey, what’s with that reaction!? Do you really think I’m lyin’!? Listen, okay? We’re talkin’ about a whale here! They’re the cleverest damn creatures on this whole earth, right after yours truly, you know!? That whale could recognize my talent, considerin’ how smart it is. So it helped me get away from the storm by lettin’ me hide in its belly!*
(* Translator’s Note: This could be a reference to Pinocchio or even the Bible, but considering all the pirate stuff, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say it’s a good old-fashioned One Piece reference.)
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SAIHARA (THINKING): ...You think up the strangest fairy tales, Momota-kun.
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MOMOTA: And so, I arrived safely at the harbor… And as my feet touched solid ground after I disembarked the ship, I thought to myself. I’m done with the sea… So in that case, the next thing I should do...
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SAIHARA (THINKING): Oh, is he finally going to talk about space?
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MOMOTA: ...is get some control over this solid ground itself!*
(* T/N: “制する” can mean a variety of things, including to manage, to supervise, to get the better of, etc. It generally implies getting an advantage over something.)
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SAIHARA: ......
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MOMOTA: So I sold the ship and everything on it, and I headed for the jungle using the money I earned! Just like the ocean… it was another frontier to be explored. There weren’t any paths to follow, so I kept moving forward while cutting my own path… And at the end of that path… I met with somethin’ unbelievable*—
(* T/N: He doesn’t specifically say “unbelievable” exactly, but he basically implies he met with “something” the likes of which “we” (a general we) hadn’t met with before.)
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With an anaconda big enough to swallow a person whole!
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SAIHARA (THINKING): ...I feel like that’s a little less impressive than a huge battle for supremacy over the sea.
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MOMOTA: But meetin’ with that thing was just the beginning… ‘Cause when I defeated it, I opened “the gates”...
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SAIHARA: Gates? What kind of gates?
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MOMOTA: The gates to an underground empire! That thing was the gatekeeper watching over it!
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SAIHARA: An underground empire…?
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MOMOTA: That’s right! Truth is, there’s a huge amount of space underneath the surface of the earth, and there are people who built their civilization there! So I invaded that underground empire and had the emperor help me out as an assistant on my expedition, but… Right after that, time ran out, so I left the basement and went back inside my grandpa’s house.
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SAIHARA: Eh? Time ran out?
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MOMOTA: Because summer vacation ended. Ain’t that obvious?
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SAIHARA: ...That sounds like a pretty long summer vacation. So, uh… After all that, I still don’t know why you decided to become an astronaut, Momota-kun.
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MOMOTA: Huh? Why I started wantin’ to become an astronaut? Is that what we were talkin’ about?
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SAIHARA: Yes, that’s what we were talking about!?
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MOMOTA: The reason’s simple enough! It’s because space is the last remainin’ frontier! And plus, ain’t it kinda cool? Don’t’cha just kinda admire astronauts?
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SAIHARA: ......
SAIHARA (THINKING): “Because it’s really cool”... So that’s his only reason, huh.
After finishing our conversation, I parted ways with Momota-kun, who looked pretty satisfied with himself, and returned to my room.
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5evahbeyou · 6 years
The Big Four:And the missing gem (Book 1)
Chapter 4:Continuation
Jack’s POV:
I was in Toothiana’s class.Of course, lessons are all about how to protect the children of the world.Protecting them from nightmares and what not.”Being a guardian is a huge thing.If you ever become one,it’s a difficult responsibility.”She said, my eyes trailed off,so as my focus.I was looking around to find a blond girl scribbling down some notes.Her hair was braided and I can sense she has a long hair.”That’s all for today,the next day after tomorrow we’ll have a short quiz.”She said and left the room.
One by one others left the room,the braided blondie was left,she was fixing her stuff.I decided to be-friend her.At least make friends in the other houses.”Hi!”I started, she looked at me as she stood up,smiling at me.”Hi! My name is Rapunzel.And you?”She asked, extending her hand for a shake,I took her hand and shook it.”Jack,Jack Frost.Your braided hair looks good!””Oh thank you,I did it myself,it took me nearly 2 hours.”She said,I gasped,”You see I have a magical hair that grows when I sing.” “You mean, it grows after you sing?” “Yes,correct on that.”She said we left the room while having a conversation passing by the big meadow.
We saw Merida and Hiccup,talking to each other. both of them laughing happily, I got a feeling of thug on my chest but I think it was just my imagination.Me and Rapunzel were just observing them.The professor in Cryptozoology was dragging away the two dragons.We then walk to them,”Hi Merida! Hiccup!” Rapunzel shouted.Both of them waved at us and got up,dusting themselves for any grass on their clothes.”What ye doin’ here frostbite?” Merida asked, smirking at me as she place her hand on her hips.”Well princess,me and Rapunzel here was about to go to our next class but you guys caught our eyes.”I said,snickering at her expression.She let out a chuckle,went to me and punched me in the arm.”Ow!That’s two strikes now red head.””And here’s another.”She said and punched me again on the same arm.
Rapunzel and Hiccup was laughing at us,both of them obviously laughing at me.”So Jack,what’s your next subject?”Hiccup asked,I looked at them and said,”Well I had my PE class on my first subject and Guardian lessons a while ago.My last subject is Learning about the World.How about you guys?””Same like yours Jack.””Me too.” Said Hiccup, we all looked at Merida.”Please don’t tell me you’re in that too.”I said,she slowly nodded,a sheepish smile plastered on her face.Rapunzel then jumped up and down.”You guys! This is going to be great! I can imagine, us four.”She said as she let out a giggle of excitement.Me and Merida let out a chuckle while Hiccup snickered.”Well,what are we waiting for?We better go or our professor will get mad.”Hiccup said,leading the way to our class.”Yer such a chief, ain’ ye?” Merida said,snickering.Hiccup let out a laugh,”Well, just like you, princess.” Hiccup said, getting a pinch from Merida.
Rapunzel let out a giggle,I looked at her with confusion,”Well, you can see them being a couple together.”she said, I look back at the two.Laughing and playfully hurting one another.I looked at them,no expression or whatsoever.Again with the chest. I thought, clenching my clothes around where it hurts.Rapunzel looked at me then at them.A smirk plastered on her face,”you like her don’t you?” She asked,”What?Of course not.”I said,rejecting the thought of me and Merida together.Psh,that’s a horrible thing to imagine. 
After a few minutes of walking,we finally reached the room.Every first year was already there.So it means everyone was there,including Eugene,Guy, the two girls Merida be-friend with and a lot more.We all decided to sit at the back of the room.Merida on the end while Rapunzel on the other end.I looked at Rapunzel,taking a glimpse from time to time at Eugene.”So,Eugene?” I asked,raising a brow at her.She blushed a light tint of red,she nodded slowly,”Please don’t tell him.””Sure,but I can’t promise it may slip.”I said jokingly,Rapunzel rolled her eyes at me,finally a small figure entered the room.He stood up in a small platform and suddenly spread sand across the room.We heard a voice in our head after a moment. “Hello and good morning! My name is Professor Sandman.You can call me Sir.Sandy or Prof.Sandy.Today we’ll talk about the different regions of the world.” Sir.Sandy said.
I looked around to see if someone is spooked.Only to land my eyes on Merida,who seemed to do what I was doing.’Are you hearing that?’ I mouthed,she nodded,still seeing the freaking out face of hers.After a few more minutes.Sir.Sandy explained why he spread sand all over the room.It’s his way of letting us hear him since, he can’t speak.We all nodded, thinking that Hey this is a unique school,so I guess it was normal. After Sir.Sandy finished the lesson, he dismissed us from the class.Everyone went running to the Dining Hall.It was finally lunch time.”Finally!I’m starvin’!” Merida shouted,the three of us laughed, she was speed walking, but I wouldn’t say it was a walk either.”Hey princess! You might want to wait for us.”I shouted.
Merida glared at me before rolling her eyes.”Yer just slow.”She replied.Rapunzel and Merida then talked, walking in a normal pace.”So,is Merida your girl?”I asked,Why the hell did I ask that? Hiccup looked at me as if I was insane.”Oh, no.I already have a girlfriend.It’s Astrid.”He said,I quietly nodded, I didn’t want to ask anymore since I don’t want to pry on others lives.As we finally reached the Dining Hall, we went to our separate ways.I sat in between Guy and Eugene.My eyes still looking at Merida’s direction.”You’re staring again,maybe you should take my advice.”Eugene said and laughed,”If only I can,but I don’t think she likes flowers and chocolates.””Oh hush Jack.Every girl likes chocolates.Maybe think of something else besides flowers.”He said,gulping the juice.I saw Merida getting surrounded by 3 boys.One was built,the other one was skinny, while the other was small.
Merida looked like she had enough of them.I wanted to go and help her but a blonde haired girl quickly went to her side.
Merida’s POV:
I was starving so much that I quickly went to my house table,I was about to reach my place when 3 boys stopped me in my track. ”Macintosh, Macguffin, Dingwall!Get ye stinkin’ butts outta mah way! I’m starvin’” I said,”Princess,we just want ye to be safe.A while ago, weren’ ye hurt from the dragon?”Macintosh asked,I rolled my eyes,”Sonnie, ye ain’ even did great savin’ me a while ago.And ye were worried?” I said,”But princess,we just didn’ want ye te get hurt.”Dingwall explained, the three of them nodded,I face palmed.Could somebody save me from these 3 idiotic buffoons. I was about to say something when Astrid went by my side,”Best be getting to your way now.You wouldn’t want Merida hating you,right?” She asked,looking at me.I nodded and the three went on to their house table.
“Thanks ya lassie.For a momen’ their I thought I wouldn’ get te eat.”I said,both of us satting down from our place.”Don’t mention it,you were great a while ago!”She added,I gave her a smile before looking at Eep who was only touching her food.Me and Astrid looked at each other before asking,”Are ye alright their lassie?” I asked.Eep looked at us and shrugged,”Is it about that boy named ‘guy’?” Astrid asked,her eyebrow raised.Eep looked at Astrid, shock but got out a sigh and nodded.”Well aren’ ya in love.”I said teasing her at the making.”We were in the same subject a while ago.And he was really dreamy.He was talking about his passion and ideas that,I didn’t knew I was staring at him.”Eep said.Astrid and I sang,”Kiss the girl.” Letting her blush,”S-Stop it guys!”She shouted,we laughed.Suddenly the guy that we were talking about went to us.”Hey Eep, want to go and practice with me?” He asked,Eep nodded with glee.”Bye guys.I’ll see you in the dorm later.”She said and waved at us.
“Well, It hasn’t been a week, Eep already found someone.”I said,Astrid looked down, her expression turning into a frown.”What’s wrong?” I asked, Astrid looked at me and nodded,shrugging off the expression I saw.”Oh nothing,I might be just a little tired.”She said,I nodded and ate some of my favorite steak that has a sauce mixed with wine.It was savory that I let out a ‘Hmmm’ sound.Astrid laughed at me but her eyes wandered off.She looked at me again and said,”I- uhm got to go.My head is really aching.”She said,I nodded,”I’ll be tellin’ te Hiccup ye left early.”I said,she smiled at me and left the dining hall.I was left alone in the table when 4 boys went in front of me as they sat down.”Hey there,princess.”The guy from before said,he was 2 years older than me.”Wha’ ye want butta head.”I sarcastically said,the boys laughed at their friend.”Don’t be like that princess,want to go out with me?” He asked.
I raised my brow at him,”I’m Distrits by the way,and this is Merton,Alvin, and Ristova.””Well nice meetin’ ya I don’ want te talk te ye.”I said, finishing the last steak that I have on my plate.I stood up,drinking the glass of water I have.And left them alone.I was about to go to Punzie’s table when they stopped me.”A little feisty I see,I like that.”Distrits said,I didn’t have my bow and arrow with me so I quickly took the sword from a student in my house table.”If ye don’ step back,yer head be flyin’ everywhere.”I said, pointing the sharp sword at them.They raised their hands and walked backwards,running away like cowards.I gave back the sword to the lass,he replied.
”Merida,right?” “Aye.”“You shouldn't entangle yourself with those four.They are trouble as far as I know.”He said,I gave him a nod and went to Punzie’s table.Hiccup stood up and grabbed my arm.’Are you alright?Are you hurt?I was about to go to you bu-”“Aye, I’m fine,no scratches or anythin’.” I said and pushed his hands away.Punzie stood up as well,”We are sorry for not acting fast Mer.”“Nah,is fine.I did handle it nicely.”I said smirking at them.Hiccup let out a sigh, giving me a weak smile.Jack jogged as he comes right at us.”Woah what happened back their?” Jack asked,scanning my face for any bruises or scratches.I rolled my eyes and snickered,”Ahm,fine,I wasn’ even-””But still they could’ve done something wrong to you.”Jack said,his eyes scanning me,as his face made a worried one.I reassured them that I was fine before going to the big meadow to relax in our free time.
We talked a little, getting to know our stories and vice versa.
Rapunzel’s POV:
We were laughing quite a lot.Merida was talking about how her brother tried to burn the whole kingdom because of sweets.”I’m tellin’ ye, they are wee devils.”She said,Jack and Hiccup was looking at her,their eyes showing something else.A smirk slowly forming on my face,suddenly Eugene and another boy went up to us.”Hey Jack!”Eugene shouted,I looked at him,I was already blushing so I looked away before he sees my face.”Oh hey.Guys,I’d like you to meet Eugene and Guy,Eugene and Guy meet my new found friends.”Jack said,”Hey.”Aye.”U-Uhm,Hi.”I said, taking a strand off my face, tucking it behind my ear.I looked at Eugene who was looking at me but looked away."Where's Eep guy?"Merida asked,a smirk forming on her face as she crosses her arms."S-She went back to your dorm after we practiced.”Guy said, stuttering as his cheeks turned red.Merida nodded,her cheeky smile wasn't getting off." So, what are you guys doing?”Guy asked,I saw Merida and Hiccup talking to one another.I didn’t knew that Eugene already sat beside me.”Punzie,can I call you that?” he asked,I nodded slowly.It was awkward for a while when Jack and Guy sat back down.
“Sorry guys,I need to find Astrid.I haven’t seen her since this morning.”He said,"Weren' she in Sir.Sandy's class a while ago?" Merida asked,Hiccup pondered for a whole but shook his head.He stood up and dusted himself."I'll be back,I'm just going to check up in her."Merida nodded,”She said her head was aching.Ya might wan’ te check our dorm.”She said,Hiccup nodded and ran to Merida’s dorm.”So,Guy here wants to know you guys.Same as Eugene.”jack said,smirking at Eugene,he rolled his eyesyes at him.”Well I’ll start first.”Jack said, the talking goes on and on when we realized it was already 4:30. All of us stood up,dusting ourselves.We saw Hiccup coming at us,her foul face lingering at our sight.”What happened?”I asked,”I-It’s nothing.I should go back to the Dorm,Punzie are you coming?” He asked,’Y-Yeah,well guys it was nice talking to you.”I smiled,”Are ye sure Hic?” Merida asked,”I’m fine!” Hiccup shouted,all of us stopped in our pace.Hiccup looked at Merida,fear can be seen on his face.”I-I’m sorry for shouting at you Meri-” “It’s perfectly fine.Hic,I guess I’ll go back to the dorm.” Merida said,sternly looking at Hiccup before leaving us.
Jack and the others left, they didn’t want to ask more questions since Hiccup was in a very bad mood.Me and Hiccup walked to our dorm,Hiccup entered the room.He looked pained and wanted to cry,he suddenly collapsed on the floor, cupping his face.I stooped down and asked,”Are you sure you are okay?What happened?” I asked,slowly sating down beside him.He looked at me his eyes in pain. “I-I..” He only stuttered the words before collapsing into my shoulder crying.”You can tell me later, cry it all out Hiccup.”I said, patting his back as he cried.
How ya’ll doin’ my lovely lads/laddies! Chapter 4 continuation is finally here.Why was Hiccup crying? did something happen?
Stay tune in the next chapter! 
Check out the other chapters! 
Book 1:
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