#ho yeah the dino park
weirdcharacter · 2 years
I'm so happy, my house is coming together nicely and I'm also working on the dino-park, hopefully I'll be done with the first step by next week or in two weeks time 🤗
#I'm working on my first floor#and i realised all of my walls are in the wrong direction#the outside is inside which means i cannot hang anything on the walls#so I'll try to change that for the future floors and i will also try to change that just for the room part#so i can hang a painting above my bed hehehe#also i decided to change where my bed is i want to do a mezzanine#and what else#ho yeah the dino park#I'm soon done with the 'land' part of it#then i will have to do the part that cuts accross water#so they won't swim away lol#but it's not the final version hence the 'first step'#i just want them to have an enclosure big enough for movement for now#but i plan on closing the whoke little lagon#and i have the advantage of natural land and rocks that i can use as natural barriers#so i don't have to craft as much walls#speaking of walls they are made of wood for now but later on I'll try to change them for stone so they are more resistant#so yeah#a lot of things planned!#and i also want to build a base in the redwoods i already have a ground 'house' which really is just a foundation and a few walls#doesn't even have a roof yet 😂 but i want to build one in the trees bc there are too many dangerous dinos on ground level#HO SPEAKING OF I DIDN'T TALK ABOUT IT BUT I GOT ATTACKED BY A TREE CLIMBING TIGER#that fucker jumped out of nowhere from a tree made me fall from my ptera and started attacking me and then a fucking ALLOSAUR JOINED??#and i was like the 'guess I'll die' meme AND THEN I SAW MY PTERA GOING AFTER THE DINO AND I WAS LIKE 'NO DON'T YOU'LL DIE'#well fucking believe me or kot but thay fucking pteranodon killed the allosaur AND the tiger and made it out alive.#(and i thanked myself for boosting my dinos lives and energy like that's where i always add when they reach a new level)#so yeah. that chaotic ptera saved my ass today and i apologised for how i treated him when he got stuck mid air for two days KRLRKRLRKRRKRL#also my ptera is called Tera#he's green and red and awesome and also very chaotic i love him#kay anyway I'm going to sleep now because it's like 2am and I'm tired but i wanted to make a lil upate first hehehe
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k18fics · 6 years
The Ranger
I decided to join the discussion on @chestnutisland‘s page about how 17 became a park ranger, so here’s a little fic depicting what I think happened with a little side of k18. 
The Ranger 
The sky was bright red above him, the clouds crunched up together and the thunder rumbled so loudly it shook the ground beneath his body. 
The rocks started falling off a cliff beside him right onto him but before he could raise a hand to blast it away with energy he felt jaws on his arm and a force drag him out of harms’ way. 
He looked stunned at a large wolf who had pulled him out of the crater before a large rock crushed the entire crater. The wolf gripped his sleeve and pulled him onto his back before he ran with him into a nearby cave. There were more wolves in the cave hiding from the onslaught of the odd storm. The wolf that had brought him here was obviously the alpha as the other wolves seemed to revere him. 
The alpha wolf glanced at him over his shoulder then walked to the rest of the wolf pack who welcomed him excitedly. 
Android 17 lived in the cave with the wolves for a few days before he ventured out to the rest of the forest. The wolves had been welcoming and kind and 17 was finally starting to understand Android 16’s affinity with animals. Though he hadn’t needed saving, the animals did save him that day of the weird storm. 
It was already confusing enough that he was even alive. The last thing he remembered was being swallowed by Cell and telling Android 18 to run. He wondered if she managed to escape. Was she alive out there somewhere? That’s why he decided to leave the comfort of the wolf cave, if 18 was out there somewhere he wouldn’t find her in there. 
The forest all around was vast. There were hundreds and hundreds of different types of animals and Dinos and they seemed to acclimate to his presence as if he were one of them. 
Suddenly 17 wanted to study them. Maybe he could search for 18 for a while, then come study the animals, train, and keep looking for her. He could have a nice little life here. 
In two short months he had built himself a very nice cabin and learned everything about every single animal on the island. No luck finding 18 though. He was running out of ideas on where to find her. 
The first time he met Haru Kino was about after seven months since waking up in this forest. She was zooming in a Jeep behind another truck full of men who were laughing wildly and waving guns in the air. Their car chase was scaring off the animals and 17 didn’t like his forest disturbed. 
He gripped his rifle and followed them by flying above them. They stopped at a clearing where the petite brunette jumped out of the car with a rifle of her own and started yelling at the men who were laughing and totally ignoring her. 
“You get out of here you disgusting poachers!” She yelled at them. “The silver wolves are a familial pack and I will not allow you to kill them and take their fur.”
17 narrowed his eyes. Poachers?
The wolves emerged from the cave with the alpha who had saved him in the lead poised to protect. 
“And what are you gonna do about it Haru?” One of the men said. “You are outgunned and outnumbered. Give up your childish fantasies to study animals, there’s no money in that. We can make millions off their fur!”
“No! I will die before I let you do that,” Haru cried. “Animals are beautiful and sacred, they are not for monetary gain!”
“Just stay out of this before you end up dead.”
As the poachers turned towards the wolves, 17 pounced. He landing gracefully in front of the wolves and leaned his rifle against his shoulder. 
“Who are you?” The poachers said. 
“Someone who cares about these animals and will not allow you to hurt them,” 17 responded.
“Get out of the way they’ll kill you!” Haru cried. 
The poachers shot at him without hesitation but the bullets bounced off his skin harmlessly. The world froze around them for a moment. 17 smirked and zoomed at them in the blink of an eye. With a grunt all the poachers were knocked unconscious and 17 stood over there bodies pointing his rifle at Haru. 
Haru squeaked and raised her hands. “I’m not a poacher! I’m a zoologist! I just wanna study them!”
17 turned on his heel and flew away before she could say another word. For months 17 would fight off poachers and sometimes would run into Haru studying diligently the different animals of the forest. Then he found 18. 
It was a lucky coincidence he was flying over the forest watching out for poachers when he flew right into her. She was flying at full speed in the other direction crying her eyes out. 
“18?” He said in shock. 
“17? Is that you?” 
“Why are you crying?” 
18 didn’t answer his question, instead she just cried and hugged him. He took her to his cabin and got her situated in his spare bedroom but not once did he ask again about the crying or did she volunteer information. 
“You don’t have to tell me anything,” 17 said handing 18 a cup of coffee, “but is there anyone you need me to kill?”
18 scoffed. “Nobody I couldn’t kill myself.”
17 chuckled. “I know. I thought I’d ask. You know, as your brother.”
“Who’s that?” 
17 looked out the window at Haru who was studying some squirrels on the tree in front of the cabin. 
“A zoologist who studies the animals here,” 17 said trying to hide his blush. 
18 smirked. “You like her?” 
“No! Shut up!” 
For six months 18 lived in the cabin with 17. She helped him beat up poachers once in a while because it was extremely fun but most of the time she was off somewhere and came back either pissed off or in a daze. 17 definitely didn’t understand it and didn’t care to understand it. 
One day 17 was helping Haru get a raccoon out of a poacher trap when they heard screaming coming from the cabin. 
The raccoon whom they had just freed scampered away at the sound. “17 I think your sister in trouble!” Haru cried. 
17 didn’t look phased or even worried. “My sister can handle herself.”
“She just screamed! Maybe the poachers got her!” Haru said worriedly rushing through the forest back to the cabin. 
17 chuckled at her antics and calmly followed Haru through the forest to the cabin. When they arrived at the cabin they saw a huge crater on the ground,  two trees that were knocked down in a struggle, and the back door broken off its hinges. 
“Oh my god!” Haru cried. “Someone attacked your sister.”
“It’s more likely that my sister attacked someone,” 17 said sarcastically following Haru into the back of the cabin. They followed the trail of disaster to the living room where they heard a very distinctive, very obvious moan. 
17 stopped in his tracks and Haru looked at him wide eyed. “Uh oh,” she whispered. 
“We should go,” 17 whispered his face flushing bright red. “My sister obviously has a guest.”
Haru slowly peered around the wall and then jolted back with a gasp. “Yep she’s with some guy.” 
“Let’s go, I don’t wanna hear this.” 
“Did they get in a fight first?” Haru said. 
“My sister tends to push down emotions,” 17 said. “It’s likely fighting was the only way for her to admit any sort of feelings for this guy. Who is it by the way?” 
Haru snorted. “Look.”
“Hell no, she’s my sister,” 17 said flushing bright red. “You look, describe the guy to me.”
Haru sighed and glanced around the wall again. She looked for a moment then leaned back blushing. “He’s uh, well endowed...” 
“I don’t wanna know that part,” 17 growled. 
“Eh okay,” Haru said. “He’s well endowed for a short guy. Bald head, no nose.”
“Krillin?” 17 said in surprise. “Huh. Who would’ve thunk.”
“See for yourself,” Haru said smirking. 
“Ew no,” 17 said gripping Haru’s arm and dragging her out of the cabin. 
“Need a place to crash?” Haru said once they got outside. “You obviously can’t go in there with your sister gettin freaky with that well endowed short guy.” 
“Stop describing him like that!” 17 cried. “His name is Krillin.”
“Well endowed Krillin.”
Nearly a year passed since that day. At least three nights a week 17 went to stay with Haru because Krillin was over and he didn’t wanna hear or see anything. 
Then one night 18 and 17 were sitting together having a quiet awkward dinner and 18 said, “so when are you gonna ask Haru out?”
17 rolled his eyes. “When are gonna admit you love Krillin?”
“I did admit it,” 18 said. 
“You did?” 
18 blushed. “Yeah. I’m going to move in with him next month.”
“Really? Doesn’t he live with that disgusting old man?”
“Yes, but well we have to.”
17 cocked an eyebrow. “You have to? You don’t have to do anything.”
“I’m pregnant.”
17’s eyes widened. “Preg...but wait, we’re androids, are you saying we can have kids?”
“Well I’m pregnant, so I guess yes,” 18 said with a shrug. 
“Hmm,” 17 said. “Maybe I should ask Haru out.”
18 looked at him confused. 
“I refrained cause I didn’t think I could give her kids,” 17 said. “But if you can get pregnant, I can get Haru pregnant when the time comes. Also do you want me to kill Krillin for impregnating you?”
“I’m sure you can get her pregnant,” 18 said. “And no, Krillin didn’t do anything to me I didn’t want him to do.” 
“You wanted him to impregnate you?”
18 snorted. “No of course not, I didn’t think he could. But all the other actions were consensual.”
“Yeah I know,” 17 said smirking. “You ho.”
18 chuckled. “Wait til you start dating Haru.”
“You think she’ll say yes?” 
She motioned to his green park ranger shirt and said, “look at you. You’re this badass park ranger and I see the way she looks at you. It’s like how Krillin looks at me.”
“No one looks at me like Krillin looks at you,” 17 said chuckling. “That guy always looks like he’s drooling.”
“Ask her out.”
17 nodded and smiled. “Okay.”
“Tournament of Power?” Haru said cocking an eyebrow. 
“My friends need my help,” 17 said. “If I win I’ll get a ship and we will be able to take that cruise you always wanted.”
“A ship?” Haru said eyes wide. “You think you’ll win?” 
“I’m sure of it,” 17 said with a grin. 
A set of small twin boys rushed into the room excitedly waving around Hercule Satan action figures. They were both around 4. “If you win the competition can you get us the new edition Satan action figures?” 
“I still don’t understand why you like that bozo,” 17 said scoffing. “My sister knows him, if I win I’ll tell her to invite him to our ship for a cruise.”
The twins stared at each other wide eyed. Then started cheering and running around the room loudly. “Quiet you two I just got your sister to sleep!” Haru cried right before the loud wails of a baby erupted. “Damn it.”
“It’s okay,” 17 said kissing her softly. “I got it. When we go on the cruise, I’ll hire maids to watch the kids.”
“And what about the poachers while you’re gone?” Haru said. 
“Taken care of,” 17 said with a grin walking to the crib and carrying the fussy baby into his arms. He gently rocked her until her crying stopped and she went back to sleep. “Don’t worry baby, I plan on winning this tournament.” 
Haru smiled lovingly at him as he gently placed the baby back in her crib then said, “I know you will.”
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chanzicoup · 8 years
“Little Things” (SVT Dino x Reader Imagine)
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A/N: Not requested but I feel guilty for never posting recently so I'm going to try and be more productive on this blog.
Count: 2.1k
Genre: Fluff
Request Regulations
Your boyfriend Dino had just graduated from high school and he was going to have a get together with the other members before spending time with you at your place. You were just a grade below him, meaning your graduation isn't for another year. He had texted you a few minutes ago to tell you that he should be heading to your house at around six, which was only two hours from now.
"I have to let mom know." Your mother approved of Dino, mainly because she was close friends with his mother and knew he was a good person but your father wouldn't admit it, it was just because he saw you as his little girl and thought no one was good enough for you. It took a lot for him to get used to Dino being around and his only condition was that you and Dino couldn't be in your bedroom with the door shut. He trusted you and even trusted Dino thanks to your mother convincing him. You went downstairs to find your mother cooking dinner and your father flipping through the channels on the couch.
"Hi Mom! Hi Daddy!" You gave your father a kiss on the cheek and your mother a side hug. Your father cleared his throat and muted the TV.
"What do you want?" He joked. You rolled your eyes and chuckled before answering.
"Nothing! I just came down here to let you guys know Dino is coming over in a couple hours."
"Ah, that's right. Good thing I made an extra serving. It's his graduation today isn't it?" Your mom asked from the stove.
"Yes, but I don't think you need to make more food. He is having a get together with his band members before coming over so he's probably going to be full." You explained. Your father scoffed from the couch.
"A man needs to eat to be strong! How can he take care of you if he's weak?" There goes your father, he was only poking fun with very little seriousness.
"Dad, I can take care of myself with out a man doing it for me!" HECK YEA TO FEMINISM.
"And that's exactly ho we raised you, isn't that right honey?"
"Ugh I hate it when you guys make a point," laughed your father. You understood that he was lucky to have a good boy be with his daughter, teenagers are usually too irresponsible and inexperienced to hold a happy relationship. That was clearly not Dino, which is why your father hasn't forbidden you two.
"Oh stop, we are just going to watch a movie anyway. I have to grab a quick shower before he comes over, see you guys at dinner!" You went back upstairs and did what you said you were going to do and changed out of your uniform into a pair of leggings and a gray t-shirt. When you came back downstairs to wait for Dino you found dinner in containers and a pink sticky note on the counter.
'Your father had to go back to work and won't be back until midnight. I went to your aunt's house to give Dino and you privacy. Don't do anything you'd regret and if you do something BE SAFE! We trust you! Love, Mom."
"Oh my gosh, Mom!" You exclaimed, you never were interested in... such activities.... and your parents knew that. Maybe they just liked to mess with you? Let's just say it worked because your cheeks were red and goosebumps covered your skin.
Your phone beeped from the counter and you saw it was a message from Dino.
‘I'll be there in 10 ;)’
You used that time to set up the couch and blankets and pillows from the closet. The you took three movies out from your selection, all of which you thought Dino would like to watch. You had set them on your coffee table along with a couple glasses of fruit punch and the dinner your mom had made. Just moments later your door bell rang.
"Perfect timing." You said as you stood to open the door. When you did you felt arms wrap around you and a head burrow into your neck.
"Babe!" You squealed, Dino knew your neck was very sensitive and his hair tickled you when he did this. He loved your laugh, especially when he's the cause of it.
"I missed you!" He pecked your cheek before panicking a bit and stepping off.
"Did your parents see that?" He knew your parents liked him but he still was too shy to do PDA in front of others.
"They went out. My father had work to do and my mother is at my aunts house." He nodded in understanding and looked at the couch.
"Woah, did you do this?"
"Yeah, my mother made us dinner before leaving and I thought it would be nice if we watched a movie before you had to head back to the dorm." You grabbed his hand and sat him down on the couch.
"You didn't have to do all of this, babe." He was shocked at the effort you put into making everything perfect, in fact, it made him feel bad that he wasn't here to do it with you.
"It wasn't much trouble. Now pick a movie so we can start." You handed him the three CD's and he scrolled through them like they were his hand of cards.
"This one." He held up 'A Werewolf Boy' and set the other two back down.
"Ok, I'll put it in." You gotten up to begin the movie when Dino was about to stop you. He wanted to do something for you since you did all of this for him but he had no idea how to work your TV and didn't want to look stupid or possibly mess up your TV completely so he sat back and settled into the couch.
"There." You pressed play and the title screen popped up. Dino opened up his arms for you to rest in and when you made yourself comfortable in his embrace he pulled a blanket over you both to trap the heat your bodies radiated.
You smiled into the hug and placed your hand on his leg, something that was normal of you two. He kissed your forehead and set his chin on the tip of your head. You two stayed like this for almost half of the movie.
Dino couldn't focus. It wasn't because he was nervous or uncomfortable or anything like that. No, it was something more that bothered him. He felt like an awful boyfriend, he rarely made time for you and when you both were together you had always done more than he had. For at least the last couple of months he had been too busy with school and Seventeen to really do something for you.
He even had to postpone your birthday celebrations because they fell during finals week. You didn't mind it at all, after all he was a celebrity. You knew what you were walking into when your started dating him. You knew he meant no harm and would do anything to be with you instead of answering math equations or translating from Korean to English for at least two weeks out of the final semester of high school. He just felt like he wasn't showing you how much you meant to him, he needed to do something.
As you laid in his chest you accidentally fell asleep, giving him a chance to do something he wanted to do for a while. He removed the blanket from your bodies and began rearranging you so your arms wrapped around his neck and he could carry you bridal style, but unfortunately the movement woke you up and you asked him what he was doing.
"I'm bringing you to bed, go back to sleep, babe." He pulled your head into his nape and lucky for him you closed your eyes again and your soft breathing told him you fell asleep again. Then he proceeded to bring you to your bed and closed your door behind him.
Dino took his phone out of his pocket and texted Jun to ask if he could do him a favor.
'Sure, what is it?' Jun responded.
'In my room there is a shoe box under my bed and an empty sketch book on my desk. Can you bring them to Y/N's house for me?'
'Okay, what's in the box?'
'Secret! Please don't look at it, hyung...'
Dino knew Jun would look into it but it wouldn't hurt to ask. He went back into the living room and successfully shut off the TV before cleaning up. He only had a few minutes before Jun would be here since the dorm was only a couple blocks away.
All he needed now was tape, which he thinks he saw in the kitchen on the counter. He gathered different supplies like markers and stickers. When Jun arrived he punched Dino in the arm.
"You sly dog!" Obviously Jun looked into the box and completely ignored Dino's wish. He had pictures from the dates you guys had been on, and not only that there were little mementoes from each one. Movie tickets, dried flowers from your walks in the park, and even some receipts from dinners you guys went on. It was like a time capsule of some sort.
"Whatever, now that you know will you help me?" Dino asked.
"I got your back, what are you planning on doing?" Dino explained his surprise for you and Jun nearly "fanboyed".
"That's so cute! Now I know why you didn't ask Jeonghan to do this, he would've gotten all ooey gooey."
"Exactly, now we have to hurry. I don't know how much longer Y/N will still be asleep."
The two boys  began cutting and pasting in the decorations and using their vary limited calligraphy skills to write in messages and draw doodles. Eventually everything came together nicely and the scrapbook was complete just as the clock struck 10:00. There was even a bunch of extra pages to fill up with even more date you and Dino would have.
"Well, that's all the pictures. I have to get back to the dorms now, don't be back too late!" Jun warned as he closed the door behind him. Dino nodded and brought the book upstairs and stood at your door. He got a little nervous to show you what he made, he's never done anything like this before.
"I have to do this. For her." He gained up his courage and quietly opened your bedroom door to find you sleeping still. He went in and sat next to you, pushing the strand of hair out of your eyes. You fidgeted a bit and opened your eyes a little.
"Hey, baby, time to wake up." He cooed, you sat up and looked at him in a daze and leaned you head on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry." You murmured.
"For what, babe?" He questioned.
"I didn't mean to fall asleep, we were hanging out." You pouted. He chuckled and rubbed your back.
"No worries, I am actually kind of glad you fell asleep. It gave me time to make this for you." He put the book in your lap and you traced your fingers over the creased in the leather.
"What's this?" You asked.
"It's a scrapbook I made for you. Look inside." He gestured. You opened the book to read 'Our Memories' in back marker with a pink heart drawn with LC + Y/N in the center along with random drawings in the blanks on the title page.
You flipped through the pages and smiled when you realized they were of everything you two had done together.
The pictures from photo booths you two had used, the flowers from parks, the movie tickets from the films you two just had to see, love notes you left in each others book bags to find when you opened a notebook or your pencil cases. It was all there. Every little thing Dino remembered that was in relation to you. It brought happy tears to your eyes.
"Thank you so much." You set the book to the side and hugged Dino tightly, kissing his cheek.
"I wanted to give you something to let you know I love you." He whispered. Neither of you two had said those words before, it seemed like an adult thing.
You smiled and felt the butterflies in your stomach go crazy.
"I love you too."
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Nippon Safes Inc. – A Tale of Two City Names
Written by Torch
The name’s Nuts, Doug Nuts. I’m an electronics genius with a mission. And that mission is… what was it again? Oh yeah, to steal a jade Buddha from a safe in the “Saku-Rambo” Monastery. Only problem is, I have no idea where to find the monastery.
It’s time to check out the rest of the great city of Tyoko! Or Tioko! Frankly it’s getting a bit silly that the game can’t decide on a spelling for the name of the city, so going forward I plan on doing a count of all the city name references I find, to see which one is used most frequently, and will thus be the official name. Check the summary at the bottom to see if your favourite comes out on top. But now, let’s start exploring! And by exploring I mean wandering around aimlessly, clicking stuff until something useful happens.
The city center consists of a number of screens. The exits aren’t always logical or easy to spot, so I hope I’ve found them all. Due north from Honest Chan’s, however, I find this busy street.
“Busy” means featuring more than 2 people
There’s a newspaper salesman who looks kind of familiar.
Um, Chan? Is that you? Why do you have a hole in your teeth?
Is this also supposed to be Chan? Chan’s shop is usually closed until I get near enough… Maybe it’s the evil twin brother Dishonest Chan? He dosn’t try to sell me any newspapers, but I can ask him to buy a ticket to the underground. Doug doesn’t know where he wants to go though, so I can’t buy any. Let’s explore some more, then. There’s an apartment building on the other side of the street. I head there and find…. Doug’s home!
I have no idea what the deal is with the mannequin. Mouseover yields no description
Finally I find out what the key is for, I unlock the door and enter. I guess it makes sense to carry around the key to your apartment. But you never know with adventure games.
Home sweet geek den
Now this might be a good time to vent a little bit about something that bothers me with the interface. I mentioned in an earlier post that mouseover on a certain spot might only show the any text if you have selected an appropriate action. Well, it gets a little worse than that. Take Doug’s storage cabinet, that you see in the above screenshot. If I mouseover with no action selected, almost the entire cabinet will show up as “larder”, both before and after I “open” it. The only other thing that shows is radio, which incidentally I can NOT interact with.
Now compare the next 3 screenshots. I’m pointing at a weird device, that Doug can’t remember what does. When I have the “look” action selected it show up as “Device”. When I have the pick up action selected and point to the exact same spot, it says “radio”, and on the screenshot with no action selected, it says “larder”. Add to this that the radio is actually on the shelf above the one I’m pointing at.
Larder: “A cool room in a domestic house where food is stored, but larger than a pantry.” Well, food or technical gizmos
A bit of a bummer, but hey, there’s a TV! Let’s watch some. Only, hmm… mouseover shows this as a “larder” too. Ok…. Look action? Nope. Open / Take / Talk? Triple nope. Thinking it’s just a prop, I look around the apartment for more stuff and find a remote lying around. Preparing for the worst, I try pointing the remote at the TV, and…
Seriously! (No, it doesn’t matter that the curtain is closed in this shot)
Ok, let’s consider the impact of this. Pixel hunt is one thing (and often criticized), but this is potentially way worse, since I may have to scan the environment once for each action (plus no action), then for each inventory object, just in case…. I sure hope I’m making this out to be worse than it really is. I mean, it IS logical to point a TV remote at a TV, but it would be nice to actually have that area show up AS a TV without me needing to select the correct item first.
Oh well, we’ll see how much of a problem it’s going to be as I progress through the game. Let’s get back to exploring the apartment. Also, I DID turn on the TV. Let’s see what’s on
The only thing on is a news broadcast about a man who’s climbed up the top of the “Tioko Television Tower” and is threatening to throw himself off. Not sure how that plays into Doug’s story, but perhaps we’ll find out. Aside from the remote, I find a wrench in the chest in the lower left corner, which I take. Doug also has some techno-stuff in his “larder” that add some flavour
What passed for a hardcore computer in 1992. Contrary to the rest of the specs, the hard drive size is actually half-decent.
As I head outside again, I notice there’s something in Doug’s mailbox. I open it and find a letter and a package. The package contains a detonator, and the letter explains that some explosives that Doug ordered from Mitsushita were out of stock, so they couldn’t be delivered at this time. I guess we need to find some explosives somewhere then.
Out on the street again, I head north from the newspaper stand and end up where Dino’s intro took place. There’s a “bill dispenser” here, which is the game’s description of a guy who hands out flyers/coupons or “bills”. I can’t talk to him, and I still can’t interact with the Mitsushita building, so I try to head towards the museum on the other side of the street. When I click the museum hotspot, however, Doug instead walks up to the dispenser… let’s just call him “Bill”, and gets a flyer.
Bill, the dispenser. Of bills. He should get top billing, because he’s… er… ok, I’m all billed out.
Ok, that’s a bit strange. It’s the only time (so far) the basic no-action-selected pointer has triggered anything besides making Doug walk. If I click Bill again, I get another flyer. After 6 flyers, I don’t seem to be getting any more of them. For reference, they are:
“SENTO BATHS – Smell has its importance too” “Give a donation to the tennis elbow research fund” “HIROSHIMA BEANS WITH MUSHROOMS” Bonus for tasting free of charge “THE DEAD RAT – Just the haunt for really smart guys” “Due to open soon – KAIZEN-SUSHI RESTAURANT. Grand competition for the opening” “AUTUMN SALES! Come to the Tyoko department store.”
There’s a garbage disposal hatch here. I can dump the posters in there, and then get new ones from Bill. No idea what the point of that is. From here I can head out to the highway again, but that’s a dead-end, so I backtrack a bit and find a new location west of Honest Chan’s. This place looks like a shopping mall. It could be the department store mentioned in one of the flyers, but I can find no way to enter it, despite the entrance showing “stores” when I hover over it.
“In a city of 1.7 million inhabitants, only ONE store can call itself the Tyoko department store” Maybe there’s Tioko department store as well?
West of the mall is a screen that annoys and confuses me.
Maybe I’ll come back with explosives
It looks significant, with the gate, and the intercom and everything, but there’s nothing to interact with, and no text anywhere related to the house/gate/bridge. Is this the monastery I’m looking for? The mall screen exit text calls it “residence”.
Anyway, further west is a park
Uh oh, hope it’s not a maze
Yup… It’s a maze
Yes, it’s a maze. I walk around in the park for a while until I’m thoroughly lost. There are some other people about, including a guy that looks like a monk or something. Thinking he could be one of the “initiates” that are the only ones allowed into the monastery, I try to follow him, but he disappears and pops up again randomly somewhere else. And I can’t talk to him either. After some mindless wandering, I suddenly end up here
Hope I’m not being Punk’d
Now, it’s possible that I’m doing things in the wrong order, but if I try talking to the punks, Doug asks them for 100 yen, and I have no idea why. I still have my 1000 yen, and I don’t know what I’d need another 100 for at the moment. Regardless, they’re not interested, but they seem to want to come off as quite the intellectuals. Remembering my bunch of flyers, I go through them and find the one about a bar or café called “The Dead Rat”. Maybe they’d be interested?
Would “really smart guys” fall for this?
I bet real “really smart guys” would know the difference between a mouse and a rat
Ok, they fell for… something. But they don’t actually leave. They do however “drop” ( if you can drop something 3 meters horizontally ) a comic book. Which I pick up. It’s an old issue of “Beatleman”, whoever that is. Perhaps it’s a long shot, but I’m thinking maybe the newspaper seller would be interested in this. And as luck would have it, he actually is.
I have my doubts when it comes to the Chans’ appreciation skills
After some haggling, I get 100 yen for it. Ok, so now I have a 1100 yen, but no idea about what to spend it on. Perhaps a train ticket, if I could only figure out where to go? Just as I receive the money, the face of a guy pops up on the screen and asks me about the population of Tyoko. This must be the copy protection that Vetinari mentioned in a comment on the previous post. I type in a number I find in the manual, and the guy goes away
Do I count Chan once or twice?
 Oh, and at some point I notice a parking meter next to Bill, the dispenser. Already being a on the wrong side of the law, I try dismantling it with my wrench, and end up scoring another 100 yen. Probably like 4 people saw me, but the police must already have met this month’s quota, because nobody comes to arrest me this time.
Still clueless about where to go, I decide to map the park so as to make sure I don’t miss anything. I find that not counting the entrace, there are 2 areas of interest. The punks and a restaurant called the Kaizen-Sushi. It’s not open (yet), though, their outside sign promises a competition for when they do open.
Despite now knowing my way around the city and park, I’m still a bit unsure what to do, so I just zip back and forth between locations for a while. After some time I end up back at the Hot Sushi. Now, in my previous post, I barely mentioned the 2 guys sitting at the table, drinking. I pretty much dismissed them as an in-game joke, since they’re clearly a manifestation of some of the game developers (one of them talked about how his biggest mistake was creating Nippon Safes Inc.). This time, however I can ask them about other stuff. Not sure when this was triggered.
I just hope I don’t have to draw first blood to get there.
Now at first they don’t really seem very helpful. One says to go on muleback. Then the other says to get a taxi, and the first one replies that there are too many taxis in this game. These guys are clearly all about breaking the fourth wall, but ok. Other than that, they can tell me how far along I am in this chapter (21% at this time). So they do seem like a hint service more than anything, BUT… after this, when I go to the museum/Mitsushita screen, Bill is gone, and the taxi driver from before is there. Not sure if there’s another way to trigger this, and I just chickened out and used an in-game hint(?). Either way, I try asking him for a ride, but he’s not too happy to see me
Cuz you’ve been hurt before, I can see it in your vein.. er..eyes
Guess I have to make it up to him somehow. I try to give him my 1000 yen, but can’t. After I leave the screen, every time I come back, he’s gone, and Bill’s there again. I try going back to the hint guys, and now I have a new question to ask them.
I don’t know, son. Ask your mom. She’s the one who cleans up around the house
Now, whether or not you’ve been paying attention, this “sumo ring” business may seem to come out of the blue, but during the taxi ride from the prison, I could ask the driver about a Sumo figurine hanging in the front window of the car, and he would profess his passion for sumo wrestling. Looking back at my screenshots, I find that he wanted ticket for a match, but they were sold out.
Saya whata?
They won’t tell me the location of the Sumo ring without anything in return. More specifically they want a mug of beer to “help them remember”. Which costs 1000 yen. Which I have, because earlier in the chapter, the taxi driver would rather punch me than get paid. So, here goes.
You know, other people drink to forget
Ok, at least something to go on. Now that Doug knows where to go, the newspaper seller can sell me a metro ticket. It’s 100 yen. How convenient. The metro entrance is on the screen with the Hot Sushi entrance.
This guy is an “oshiya”. His job is to push people onto crowded trains.
Told you
When I arrive at the Kinza district, I meet a familiar character
Excuse me, is this the line for Sumo night?
It seems it’s possible for random people to enter a Sumo wrestling competition and win a grand prize. Dino want to try, but he’s being denied on account of being too skinny. Doug ends up promising to help Dino put on some weight ( in an unrealistically short time ), and in return Dino will get Doug a ticket to the Sumo match. My magic crystal ball predicts that I’ll give the ticket to the taxi driver, and he will take me to the monastery.
Ok, great, I’m on a roll now after some mindless wandering. I remember something about a competition at the opening of the Kaizen-Sushi restaurant. Could it be an eating competition? If so, I could perhaps tip off Dino. I head back to the park to check if the restaurant is open now.
The prize is a jar of mothballs?
Hooray! They’re in business. But the competition isn’t about eating. It’s about guessing how many balls are in the jar on the shelf on the left. Ok, so how do you enter? I try talking to the chef about it, bug Doug just guesses a number by himself, which is nowhere near correct. Guess I’ll have to try something else. Before I can get thus far though, I run into a potentially worrying situation…
On the right is a stack of Hiroshima beans with mushrooms. I remember that name from one of the flyers: “HIROSHIMA BEANS WITH MUSHROOMS” Bonus for tasting free of charge
So maybe I can get some of those beans for free.
I present the flyer to the chef.
Is it just me, or is this joke about Hiroshima and mushrooms (ie. nuclear bomb cloud) in poor taste..?
So far, so good, but…. I check my inventory, and I didn’t receive any beans. Ok, I can probably pick up a can myself…? Not so much. Can’t pick them up. Can’t open them. Can’t “wrench” them. So, is this a bug? Was he supposed to give me the beans or am I missing an item that opens cans? Or did Doug already eat the beans…?
Either way this is as far as I’ll go for this session. I’m not quite asking for assistance yet, but I’m not sure I feel confident that everything is as it should be… Either way, stay tuned for next time, if you want to find out if I’m stuck or not.
Time played: 3h 10m
Tioko/Tyoko mentions Tioko: 7      Tyoko: 5
Inventory: key, empty soda can, 4 flyers, TV remote, wrench, detonator, 100 yen, underground ticket
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/nippon-safes-inc-a-tale-of-two-city-names/
0 notes
timomaraus · 6 years
December 27, 2018
Reuters Indonesia orders flights to steer clear of erupting Anak Krakatau volcano (Editor’s Note: Is this really something that requires a national government order?)
Reuters Visa to buy British payments firm Earthport for about $250 million (Editor’s Note: Yeah, ho-hum. ‘About’ $250 million.)
NBC News And the must-have toy for the holidays is…a slime-pooping unicorn (Editor’s Note: First, Christmas is over. Why are we seeing this headline now? Second, ewww. Third, wait, what? A slime-pooping unicorn?)
NBC News 25 percent of accessories sales growth in 2018 went to…fanny packs (Editor’s Note: Ok, between this and the slime-pooping unicorn, somebody at NBC News is just messing with us now.)
NBC News Try these tricks for storing Christmas lights tangle-free (Editor’s Note: I have one storage trick for my god-dang, no-good, failing Christmas lights. It’s a called a trash can.)
CNN Watch seal slap kayaker with octopus (Editor’s Note: I guess you could say that seal was heavily armed.)
CNN Great white shark lair found in Pacific Ocean (Editor’s Note: "Dr. Evil, Dr. Evil, we’ve found the lair of the great white sharks. And they have frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads!”)
CNN T. Rex bursts into flames at dino park (Editor’s Note: Wow, now that they’ve gotten to Jurassic Park 9 the plots are getting really thin.)
CNN He’s 71 and sailing thew Atlantic—in a barrel (Editor’s Note: See, this is the wisdom that comes with age. You do this trip in the Atlantic. In the Pacific, there’s a great white shark lair to worry about.)
CNN Millions could face blizzards by this weekend (Editor’s Note: What?!? In late December???)
CNN Man who taught Trump Twitter speaks out (Editor’s Note: “I just want to say, in all sincerity, ‘I’m sorry.’”)
0 notes
pandaparbat · 6 years
I just saw Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
I used to love dinosaurs as a kid. I used to read books, watch movies, play games about dinosaurs and even eat dinosaur shaped food so it wasn't a big surprise that I loved the original Jurassic Park enjoyed The Lost World and.... Tolerated 3. I thought that was it for my paeleological fix until Jurassic World.
I loved Jurassic world. I know it wasn't the best movie out there but it was a really fun sequel and i felt it was how the sequels should have been from the beginning; seeing the park up and running with new dinosaurs despite the previous disasters and taking the genetic manipulation to a new angle. That being said it was very close to being a carbon copy of the original.
So when I saw Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom yesterday I was gung-ho for some dino action with some of my favourite actors but instead I got... A mess.
**Warning Spoilers ahead**
It starts off okay. There's a volcano on the island going to explode, we need to save the dinosaurs, blah blah blah back to the island for a suicide mission. This is weak but I'll suspend my disbelief for a reason to see some dinos in the jungle (you would assume after a traumatic event of every creature trying kill you would put a damper on wanting to save them or ever stepping foot on an island like that ever again but whatever). And the first bit is your regular "look at this magestic dinosaur" and then followed by "run the fuck away from the other one trying to have a quiet lunch of you" except with a volcano erupting. Admittedly it's pretty awesome and I enjoyed it a lot. I even didn't mind the inevitable bretrayal by the military group but after that things got hairy.
Going on the boat, taking care of blue and T-Rex blood transfusion was cool but then we arrived in California. Where we find out that they're going to sell the dinos for money and start cloning them all over again including a genetically engineered dinosaur more deadly than any other. What bothers me the absolute most about this is the infinite stupidity of the characters as they never seem to learn from mistakes, theirs or others.
It feels like even the people making the movie didn't learn from their mistakes as it is a near carbon copy of the less successful The Lost World where:
A character from the previous movie is convinced, reluctantly, to return to the island for one reason only to be betrayed by the military force with them and take the deadly (and by this movie 4 times proven deadly) dinosuars to California where one escapes and wreaks havok.
But as I was saying, the characters in the movie don't learn from their mistakes. Remember the Indominus Rex? The dinosaur that they genetically engineered that single handedly tore Jurassic World to the ground causing all people to evacuate the island and making it unlivible to any human? Well now the same scientist (not even a different person) is taking that DNA and creating something even smarter and deadlier! Why? Why? It makes no sense. You saw what a lessser version of this could do to an isolated ecosystem, so why would you create something even worse and expect a better result especially on a well populated continent. It's just dumb and after that the whole movie became comical. Of course the dinosaurs escape and the Indoraptor's escape is the dumbest of all. It went almost like a cartoon (I swear they made that raptor smile slyly as he tricks the human who's dumb enough to climb in the cage with the deadliest dinosaur ever imagined). Of course our main characters are stuck being chased by them and it all just gets so boring. Admittedly the dino auction was an interesting idea and that's believable and kind of fun but most of it is booming and predictable.
The worst offender by far though, was the ending. So again **Spoilers**
After witnessing the destruction wrought by these creature in the park and now in this estate they've been trapped the characters have the decision of releasing the dinosaurs or keeping the door closed have them die via poison gas that is leaking into their chambers. Intially and heartbreakingly they decide its better for the dinosaurs to die and not doom humanity but... Nope. One of the minor characters takes it unto herself to fuck us all over and open a Pandora's box of terrible lizards.
It makes no sense. I understand the loss of the dinosaurs is hard to handle but it's either that or the extinction of the human species and that doesn't seem to be a hard decision in my eyes.
It's like releasing a bunch of crocodiles into a public pool. Yeah, it's sad that the crocs will die but the other option is way worse!
The only possible saving grace of this is if their inevitable sequel is a live action version of Cadillacs and Dinosaurs set several years into the future (or even possibly Mad Max with Dinosaurs).
Sadly I was very disappointed with this movie and in my opinion, it's enough. You've beat this idea to death. Stop here please. Or at least give us something new next time.
I loved Jurassic world. I know it wasn't the best movie out there but it was a really fun sequel and i felt it was how the sequels should have been from the beginning; seeing the park up and running with new dinosaurs despite the previous disasters and taking the genetic manipulation to a new angle. That being said it was very close to being a carbon copy of the original.
So when I saw Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom yesterday I was gung-ho for some dino action with some of my favourite actors but instead I got... A mess.
**Warning Spoilers ahead**
It starts off okay. There's a volcano on the island going to explode, we need to save the dinosaurs, blah blah blah back to the island for a suicide mission. This is weak but I'll suspend my disbelief for a reason to see some dinos in the jungle (you would assume after a traumatic event of every creature trying kill you would put a damper on wanting to save them or ever stepping foot on an island like that ever again but whatever). And the first bit is your regular "look at this magestic dinosaur" and then followed by "run the fuck away from the other one trying to have a quiet lunch of you" except with a volcano erupting. Admittedly it's pretty awesome and I enjoyed it a lot. I even didn't mind the inevitable bretrayal of the military group but after that things got hairy.
Going on the boat, taking care of blue and T-Rex blood transfusion was cool but then we arrived in California. Where we find out that they're going to sell the dinos for money and start cloning them all over again including a genetically engineered dinosaur more deadly than any other. What bothers me the absolute most about this is the infinite stupidity of the characters as they never seem to learn from mistakes, theirs or others.
It feels like even the people making the movie didn't learn from their mistakes as it is a near carbon copy of the less successful The Lost World where:
A character from the previous movie is convinced, reluctantly, to return to the island for one reason only to be betrayed by the military force with them and take the deadly (and by this movie 4 times proven deadly) dinosuars to California where one escapes and wreaks havok.
But as I was saying, the characters in the movie don't learn from their mistakes. Remember the Indominus Rex? The dinosaur that they genetically engineered that single handedly tore Jurassic World to the ground causing all people to evacuate the island and making it unlivible to any human? Well now the same scientist (not even a different person) is taking that DNA and creating something even smarter and deadlier! Why? Why? It makes no sense. You saw what a lessser version of this could do to an isolated ecosystem, so why would you create something even worse and expect a better result especially on a well populated continent. It's just dumb and after that the whole movie became comical. Of course the dinosaurs escape and the Indoraptor's escape is the dumbest of all. It went almost like a cartoon (I swear they made that raptor smile slyly as he tricks the human who's dumb enough to climb in the cage with the deadliest dinosaur ever imagined). Of course our main characters are stuck being chased by them and it all just gets so boring. Admittedly the dino auction was an interesting idea and that's believable and kind of fun but most of it is booming and predictable.
The worst offender by far though, was the ending. So again **Spoilers**
After witnessing the destruction wrought by these creature in the park and now in this estate they've been trapped the characters have the decision of releasing the dinosaurs or keeping the door closed have them die via poison gas that is leaking into their chambers. Intially and heartbreakingly they decide its better for the dinosaurs to die and not doom humanity but... Nope. One of the minor characters takes it unto herself to fuck us all over and open a Pandora's box of terrible lizards.
It makes no sense. I understand the loss of the dinosaurs is hard to handle but it's either that or the extinction of the human species and that doesn't seem to be a hard decision in my eyes.
It's like releasing a bunch of crocodiles into a public pool. Yeah, it's sad that the crocs will die but the other option is way worse!
The only possible saving grace of this is if their inevitable sequel is a live action version of Cadillacs and Dinosaurs set several years into the future (or even possibly Mad Max with Dinosaurs).
Sadly I was very disappointed with this movie and in my opinion, it's enough. You've beat this idea to death. Stop here please. Or at least give us something new next time.
0 notes