vardasvapors · 9 months
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athenacykesfact · 9 months
fandom originally called beanix hobohodo but there were always concerns floating around that it involved use of a derogatory name - ie referring to a homeless person as a “hobo.” This isn’t a hate message - it’s one of those words that we all grew up with so maybe we don’t realise it can be construed hurtfully. But yeah I think that’s why it evolved into beanix!
Oh, I just liked how Naruhobo sounded exactly like the same as Naruhodo.
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katserest · 6 years
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Naruhobo and Emma Skye at the Borscht Bowl Club | my grape juice drunk soul is sadder than all the dead christmas trees of the world
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my favorite hobo
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synnefo-nefeli · 7 years
Troll alpha Dad! Phoenix vs Pretentious “I don’t wanna be an Alpha, I wish I was born a Beta”! Klavier is slowly shaping up to be my favorite thing about Strange Days…
Phoenix: so Omegas…they’re soft and squishy and they’re fun to cuddle…
Klavier: *annoyed pouty face*
Phoenix: ohhh? what? You never cuddled an omega?
Klavier: Why? Vas the point?
Phoenix: None…you just gotta…
Klavier: …but…
Phoenix: I promise you it’s nice…
Klavier: …so are you saying I can go near Apollo?
Phoenix: no, I’m just saying it’s nice sometimes to give in your Alpha side…go anywhere near Apollo before either of you are able to control yourselves and I’m kicking you off this mountain…
Klavier: >_>
Of course, later we have my second fave thing- Simon “I’m reveling in my Alpha-ness” Blackquill vs Klavier “Woobie Alpha” Gavin:
Simon *snuggling with Athena*: you should snuggle an Omega…
Simon: it’s my room too! What did you think the necktie on the door meant-
Klavier: (screaming)
Athena: Oh my god, Gavin, either shut up or join in! *interested noises from Simon*
Klavier : *incoherent screaming into his pillow*
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popsicleofdeath · 7 years
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sannam · 5 years
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doodled some random emotional support edgeworths the other day
feat. an unwarranted but necessary PBaT joke
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applejustice · 7 years
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There is a dicks: out joke here somewhere.
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brodorokihousuke · 7 years
Okay I’ve just found this thing called Doodle or Die that’s basically telephone but with drawings
I got this
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And the first thing that came into my mind
I’m so sorry
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I can’t wait to see what the next person guesses
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gyakutengagotoku · 3 years
Hello! I just wanted to introduce myself as a disciple of yours... by which I mean I had the same idea as you almost a decade after you did. I'm super late to the game but I've been poking around your blog and Court Records and have just been glad to see that there are others who are invested in AA fan translation... so thanks for all your hard work. I've been making un-localized objection.lols over at @turnabout-trial, which is fun but exhausting. Would love for you to check it out :)
Hello! Sorry I've taken this long to respond, but I'm glad to have more people get involved with fan translation of these games, whether or not they've been localized already. Anyone still following me and actually keeping up with me, go follow @percydew and @turnabout-trial if you haven't already! They provide a lot of good stuff and explain Japanese linguistic and cultural concepts in depth as well. And to top it off, they present it better than I do, lol.
When I started this project a long time ago, I didn't think it would be such a big thing, so I never quite got into the habit of screenshotting anything. In hindsight, I should have done it more. It really goes a long way and better sets the context than I can describe in text.
Back in those days, my laptop was already a year or so old and now it's... Baby Jesus Christ, have I really been going at GSvsAA for over 7 years now? Now I feel like Hobohodo. The only thing I'm missing is a friend who can make spy cameras for me.
Jokes aside, if you ever need my help with that stuff, just hmu. I'm also on discord as @ryubiagagotoku#9211 if you need me. I have notifications turned on for that, so I'd actually be able to get back to you ASAP.
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snezfics-n-shit · 4 years
Whumptober Day 1 - Autumn
Fandom: Ace Attorney (did you expect anything else?)
Characters: Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth
Notes: starting the month w an allergy fic let’s go, takes place during the 7 year gap so we got Hobohodo yeehaw, Established Wrightworth as always, allergic!Phoenix this time to spice things up
     “A’aschhHUUH!” 10. “H’SCHUUUH!” 11. “T’TCHUUHHh!” 12.
“Bless you, love.” Edgeworth handed Phoenix another tissue. The box was nearly empty at this point. “What’s got you like this lately?”
“Oh. It’s dorbal for be.” Phoenix blew his nose as hard as he could, ignoring his boyfriend’s discomfort at the shamelessness of him doing so. “Gets like this every Fall. Cold season, and all that, I guess.”
Phoenix, along with his newly adopted daughter, had been staying at Edgeworth’s home since Phoenix’s disbarment proved to put a strain on his ability to pay rent for his apartment, which proved too small for a family of two anyway. It came to no surprise that with this new arrangement, Edgeworth would be learning a lot about the now former lawyer, admittedly more than he ever took the time to get to know him during his law career. 
“Wright,” an old habit of his slipped his tongue, Edgeworth never quite dropped the formalities since he and Phoenix began dating, but at least the man he loved found it endearing, “I don’t know if you were aware, but colds hardly come with puffy, streaming eyes like yours are right now.”
“Wha? Is it something more serious, then?”
“Has it ever dawned on you that it might be seasonal allergies?” Edgeworth pulled his smartphone from his pocket, tapping once or twice on the touch screen, a far more sophisticated device than Phoenix’s relic of a Nokia he still held onto. “It started getting this bad when you decided you’d rake the leaves in my yard, yes?”
“Yeah, but aren’t seasonal allergies for Spring? Not Fall.”
“For me, maybe, but there are still plenty of allergens out there this time of year.” The serious-faced prosecutor flashed an Allergy Tracking app on his phone, not at all acknowledging the notification for a Steel Samurai app gacha event that popped up just before he did so. “Particularly, mold that lives in leaf piles. There are a lot of spores out this time of year. You sent them flying even more by disturbing them while you raked the leaves.”
“That’s disgusting!” Phoenix exclaimed, not at all finding any irony in him blowing his nose again in a crumpled tissue from his hoodie pocket immediately after.
“What it’s doing to you is hardly the Mona Lisa either, love.” Edgeworth kissed his boyfriend’s nose before he got up off the sofa, amused by the resulting grim expression.
“Aa’hhTTSSCHUUUH!!!” 13, now, was it? “Hey! That’s no fair.”
“Consider it a taste of your own medicine.” As he spoke of figurative medicine, Edgeworth poured a glass of water to accompany a large antihistamine pill. “Take this. It should clear your system right up for the rest of the day.” 
Phoenix was hesitant to take the pill from his hand. 
“That thing is huge!” He objected. 
“But it’s strong. Just below prescription grade. You’ll get used to it.”
Phoenix frowned, but took the pill without making a fuss. He had a new respect, almost an admiration, for the man’s ability to manage throughout the Spring. He made a mental note to tease his boyfriend a little less next year.
Just a little.
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lesbiankoby · 7 years
duel destinies would have been infinitely better (and i’m saying this as someone who thinks everything up too and including the premise of duel destinies is bad) if they hadn’t soft reset phoenix.
keep hobo phoenix a character, equalize the athena-apollo screentime and set up the final case better by having hobo phoenixs hobo ass only show up to drop foreshadowing for the finale.
hobohodo is actively investigating the phantom shit with miles in the background (versus dd phoenix just sort of being there) but he’s predictably keeping his cards to his chest about it (even from athena).
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buddyfaith · 7 years
okay look I was thinking about Macbeth again because it’s just one of those weeks but this time I was thinking about phoenix as banquo??? like he’s certainly got the Line of Succession and him and kristoph were friends of sorts at some point....... kristoph did try to end his life........
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gloucesterroad · 5 years
still can’t believe phoenix wright turned into hobohodo tbh
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jukemaid · 5 years
i cant believe its finally hobohodo day its been so long since i played through the series
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