#hockey network fic exchange
puckmaidens · 10 months
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If I Say It, Will You Respond? - Juraj Slafkovsky x OC
This is for @2manytabsopen as a part of @wyattjohnston ‘s summer fic exchange!
- I’m so sorry for making you wait Kesh, but this story went up and off the rails with Arber’s meddling (as big brothers do 🤣)
The story of Dinah and Jura is one that I definitely struggled with from an intimacy perspective. How do I make Dinah fall for Slaf without feeling like insta love?
Dinah Faye Clark doesn’t regret anything, actually almost anything. She’s gazing at her diploma on the wall, Bachelor’s in Media and Journalism from the University of Montreal.
“Another successful day of work finished. The article on the Habs blueline will go up tomorrow before the draft and hopefully that goes over well.” A soft *ping* goes off and Dinah sees a tweet from the Habs Twitter.
The Montreal Canadiens have the first overall pick for the 2022 draft. Find out more about what that means here. Link Here
Another ping.
The Hamilton Bulldogs are your 2022 Ontario Hockey League champions! They will advance to the Memorial Cup Tournament!
Dinah’s heart thumped as she saw the players raising the Ross Robertson Cup. She sees the Xhekaj jersey and smiles.
Proud of you, big bro. So proud of you, Arber.
Dinah and Arber hadn’t spoken in years, but the sibling bond they share was unshakable across country lines and team switches. When Dinah left for university, Arber stayed and went to the OHL. The first few terms were easy when he was with the Rangers before getting traded.
Everything almost fell apart once he went to the Bulldogs though. Texts were getting lost, calls never making it to voicemail and nights full of tears. They never held it against each other, especially once Dinah graduated and Arber was front row and dead center waiting for her.
Dinah didn’t have both parents, just an Aunt. Having a hands off guardian made her independent and headstrong, from getting on the yearbook and newspaper teams to starting her own blog about the Canadiens before her junior year.
Six years later, she’s a trusted source and media channel for the Habs. What she’s lost in affection and time she’s got back in a supportive network virtually and adventures embedded into her brain. She’s a storyteller, analyst and writer who’s damn good at her job.
When Arber was traded from Kitchener to Hamilton, Dinah struggled with giving space to Arber. Her feelings of being too much to be around drove her into distancing him. The championship brought them back together.
Dinah asked him where his mind was in an interview and suddenly the conversation got deep fast.
Draft Day
”The Montreal Canadiens are proud to select Juraj Slafkovsky from TPS in the Liiga!” Dinah watches the first overall selection stride down to meet the GM, President, and Head Coach of his new team. Her hand flies across her notepad faster than she can comprehend, really.
He’s soft. Teddy-bear like, but not weak.
Dinah dragged her eyes back down to her notes as she waited for the next team to select their draftee.
Someone might say Dinah fell in love that day, but Dinah felt something stronger.
She wanted to tell his story, again and again.
1. Juraj’s first game
Mullet Arena is tiny and too cozy, Dinah muses. Everyone seems uncomfortable, too close, intimate in a way that bothered them instead of coming naturally. The warm-ups were starting and as the lights came up Dinah noticed that just right along the opening where the players came out she saw something. It was him getting ready to take his rookie lap. Dinah’s heartbeat got heavy and fast. She got warm although she barely had anything on save for a coat. She couldn't stop staring as he made his loops round and round and the wide oval shape that the ice was. Loop, loop, loop. The sight of him taking his lap on the ice and then heading back off burned into her brain. It was somehow too much but also not enough. She wanted to see more.
2. His first goal
C’mon Juraj, stay on him. You’re almost there, do not let up.
Nearly 12 minutes left on the clock and he’s passing Arizona’s Maccelli and aiming. It misses. The sound of bodies hit the wall ring in Dinah’s ears. The shot is clear this time, now 11:43 left in the second period. He aims, and it passes Ingram. He’s scored his first goal. Jake grabs him first, then Arber and everyone else crashes into Juraj. His first goal has been made and Dinah is watching the ice.. A volcano of feelings screaming to rush out of them as Juraj fist-bumps the lines not on shift.
“His First of the National League, Slafkovsky!” Arber is right behind him, whooping and hollering with everyone else.
After the game ends, Dinah goes to their media availability and records most of the post-game conversation, asking some questions of her own and getting Coach St. Louis to laugh.
Then there’s Juraj, laughing and blushing. Dinah feels her heart stop beating for a moment, but she manages to ask one good question.
“You think this a good start to your career?” 
Juraj laughs, and Dinah knows this feeling is more now, tied and infinite.
3. End of Season
It was a loss. Boston 5 - Montreal 4. Dinah had to hold back her tears when she saw the final score on her screen. Pasternak really shut the door on them. Her phone is a Roman Candle in a room of near darkness. She unlocks her phone and sends a text to Arber and Juraj.
To: Big Bro, Juraj
Hugs. god, I'm so sorry. I know how hard you both fought this season. Do you need me to come over?
From: Big Bro
You know where the key is, Dee. We wouldn’t mind company.
A new message pops up, just between Dinah and Juraj.
From: Juraj
I’ll keep the couch warm. You want to pick a movie?
Dinah comes over and slips her shoes off before shuffling over to Arber, resting her head in his lap. Juraj toddles over and shoves his head in Dinah’s lap.
“You’re a puppy dog, I swear Slaf. Needy baby.”
That made Arber laugh, Juraj turning pink as the movie started.
4. Arber, Juraj and Dinah hanging out before Juraj asks Dinah on a date
Dinah sat themselves down, fiddling with the ring on her index finger as she waited for the boys. Now that the season was truly over, exit interviews done, there was a tiny, faint buffer of time before everyone scattered for the summer.
“Baby Dee!”
“Arber!” They crashed into each other, squeezing tight as Arber lifted Dinah off the ground.
Juraj follows Arber, quiet as he blinks at Dinah.
“Can I?”
“I’m a hugger Juraj, it’s fine. C’mere.” He’s gentle and wraps himself around her.
“So, I hear you’re heading home soon?” Arber nudges Juraj into a corner, raising his eyebrows.
“To finish my schooling, yes. In a few days, but I want to ask you something. Dinah, would you join me for a walk? Nothing too —“
“It’s a date Dee, Slaf is just shy. Meet him at the park Saturday, hm? We both know you think he’s cute.” Both Dinah and Juraj turn crimson.
“HEY. I told you that in confidence you dork!”
“You think…I’m cute? Not just something Arber is saying to be funny?” Arber gets up, heading to the bathroom and the air gets still.
“No. He’s telling the truth. I didn’t want to distress you—“
Juraj grabs Dinah’s hand and squeezes it.
“I like you more. I remember…. I remember my draft day and you couldn’t stop looking at me and I couldn’t stop thinking about you writing wondering what was making you scribble so fast.”
5. Dinah and Juraj’s First Date
“Time with you is never a waste, Slaf. You make any day less gray.”
“Sunshine, the sun is telling me I make their days better. Follow me. I have a surprise for you.” Dinah links pinkies with Juraj and follows him down the path to a picnic blanket laid out with food.
“How in the… Jura how —“
“Arber. Said feeding you would be the best way to woo you. Love you.” Dinah squeezes Juraj’s pinky again, the sentiment sending butterflies through their spine. The blanket has a bowl of strawberries at the center.
“Sandwiches, lemonade and oh, oh I love fruit! Jura, I thought you don’t like strawberries?”
“They’re not my favorite, but you are. Sit, let me feed you.” Dinah shuffles herself between Juraj’s legs and lets her body relax fully into his chest.
The basket shifts closer to the pair, and before long the taste of strawberries breaches Dinah’s lips. Sweet, tart, and juicy. They stay like this, Dinah being fed til every last strawberry was gone.
“How did you know that you wanted to be a journalist?”
The question makes Dinah freeze. Their head tilts back to meet Juraj’s eyes, and Dinah smiles.
“I’m fond of telling stories, and the only way I really could convey it is by following other’s stories. I tried writing fictional stories but it didn’t stick. The only common thread my family seems to share is hockey, from the love of the game to the thrill of watching it. It’s the only way I know how to do what I do best. To show my love to the people in my life.”
To show love? Juraj takes a breath, eyes meeting Dinah’s. He tries to kiss them, getting their nose. Again, their forehead before Dinah tugs his face to hers.
“I still like you most.”
“You’re not right. I wanted to kiss you proper —“
Dinah kisses Juraj again, but deeper, eyes shutting closed.
“I see.”
“I hope so because you seem ready to explode.”
5. The Summer Haze
Juraj is going to surprise her. The box in his hands feels heavy, but after talking (and getting laughed by Arber) he’s sure this is the right choice.
Two steady raps on the door, and the door swings open to show a sleepy Dinah.
“You’re back early. What has you coming over?” Juraj gives Dinah the box and blushes.
“For you. I noticed the recorder was falling apart, so I got you a nicer one.”
“I like this. I like you.” It gets quiet for a moment before Juraj tugs Dinah close to him.
“I like you most.” A kiss to her head, her cheek and her lips.
“I like you most, Jura. Stop trying to one up me.”
“No. I’m always going to like you more.”
As Dinah pulls Juraj inside to cuddle, the thrum of her heart finally goes steady.
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cellysbookshelf · 9 months
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A03 | @knightsofsliverandgoldstory | @the-slapshot-series
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Knights of Silver and Gold Marc-Andre Fleury x OC
A story where a world famous goaltender with a heart and soul of gold becomes a knight in shining silver for a female hockey player in the NHL who is trying to balance being a single mother and athlete after just being traded to the Vegas Golden Knights.
Can Marc-André Fleury show Barlow Kane he can be the father her daughter never had, help her make a home and a life in Nevada and be the love of her life she never thought she would find?
Archive of Our Own Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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Somebody's Today Mordan Reilly x F!Reader Summer Fic Exchange
Y/N and Morgan had grown up next door neighbors from the time they were babies. Best of friends until they both went off as teenagers to find their path, swearing they would find each other again someday as adults. Y/N's path lead her to to America, to study art and photography. Morgan's took him to Toronto to play NHL Hockey. But one day in Toronto they run into each other after years of not seeing each other, and soon see just how much they missed one another.... Someday just became today.
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Impact Mitch Marner x OC
Kodiak "Kody" Andersen is the younger half sister to Freddie Andersen of the Toronto Maple Leafs Hockey Team. She is a pro snowboarder for Canada and has been to the Olympics twice for her country. Her older brother basically raised her since she was 13 and she is forever greatful for the things he has done to let her life the life of her dreams. One night she is at the rink practicing some Hockey stuff with Freddie to make him happy when she takes a shot for the goal... and ends up hitting none other the Mitch Marner with her puck.
Mitch as no idea what kind of impact he is going to have on Kody's life, and Kody has no idea how she will impact his. Two kids, trying to prove they deserve to be where they are, trying to make a team and country proud, will impact each other in ways they never dreamed possible.
Archive of Our Own Tumblr Chapters: 1
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Garding her Heart Jake Gardiner x OC
Bailey Slavin had it all, an All Star Softball Pro career with the USSSA Pride, a wonderful family to support her, a college degree, 3 world series titles, 3 college titles, she felt like nothing could stop her.... Till it did. A freak accident durning a softball game put Bailey in the hospital and out of the 2020 World Championships. To help her recovery along she goes to spend time with her brother Jaccob Slavin in North Carolina and get her mind off the tragedy. With the possibility of never playing again, Bailey is left cold and bitter. But when she meets Jake Gardiner, one of her brothers teammates, he helps her slowly tear down her walls and find joy in her life again. Jake and Bailey soon find themselves falling in love, but Bailey will soon have to decide on if she stays in North Carolina with Jake and the chance to start a new life, or move back to Florida to remain in the Softball world. Only time will tell how long this defenseman can guard this broken softball players heart.
Archive of Our Own Tumblr Chapter: 1
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What We Had TJ Oshie x OC Winter Fic Exchange
Emerson or Emmy as she went by, never expected to be a single mother living on her own in Nova Scotia working as a social media detector. But for the last 6 years that's what she did, raising her daughter Ivory on her own. But when her dad tells her that his best friend who works for the Washington Capitals is in need of an assistant manager of Social Media and Networking for the team, it gives her a chance to move back home and work in a bigger and more exciting Field and to work around the sport she always loved.
The catch?
Her ex boyfriend and the father of her daughter is one of their star players: TJ Oshie. Is Emmy ready to face the past and tell TJ about their daughter? Will TJ be about to handle the truth, knowing he missed out on 6 years of his daughters life or will the past and the truth be the things that keep them from being a family once more?
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A Wish Upon Confetti Stars Erik Jonson x OC
"In the 2011 Entry Draft, the Los Angeles King are proud to select with our 3rd round pick, from the Seattle Thunderbirds, goaltender Avalon Redmoon."
She had it all, Two Stanley Cups, a Conn Smythe Trophy, a team that supported her as only the 2nd female goalie in NHL history. Everything was perfect.... Until it wasn't. The summer of 2020 Avalon got the news that she had been traded in a bombshell deal between LA and Colorado. Now she is moving back to her hometown, and has to face the fact that not even a superstar goalie is safe from a trade. Filled with anger and hurt that her old team would just pass her aside for the next hotshot to hit the ice, Avalon isn't quick to make new friends on her new team. That is till Erik Johnson or EJ as he goes by, decides to take the new star goalie under his wing, and show her how life can be just as good in Colorado as it was in LA. Avalon and EJ never planned on anything more then friendship over the next few years, but when the thoughts of retirement cross minds, risky plays put players on the line and the Stanley cup right within their reach, they need to hold on to each other more then ever to make it to the end goal.
"Sometimes the best wishes come from nothing more A Wish Upon Confetti Stars."
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Triple Axel Celly Sidney Crosby x OC Summer Fic Exchange
Sidney is tried of loosing year after year. After watching his close friend Nate lift the cup a year before and then missing the playoffs all together this season, he goes to Nate asking him to give him the name of his skating coach to try and help him oit next playoffs. Only Nate didn't tell him that Hunter Queen wasn't a Mr. Hunter and Sid bash heads like to bulls for weeks before they finally Nate finally tells Sid to make things right. So Sid goes to Hunter in hopes to finally make peace, but instead they end up in his bed for a wild night.
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Slapshot Series
That's Why God Made Airplanes Tyler Seguin x OC
Tyler Seguin thought he found the woman of his dreams. A perfect girl, a perfect engagement and the soon to be perfect wedding, he had everything down to a T.
Or so he thought.
Just a few short weeks before what was supposed to be the most perfect day of his life, turned into him booking a one way flight to Pittsburgh to spend the summer with his Best Friend and forget about his cheating ex fiancee. Wanting to shut out the world, his parents and most of his friends for the time being, Tyler find refuge with the only person who really seems to know the real him, Arabella Kerfoot, who plays for the Pittsburgh Penguins. While spending his summer hiding away, his best friend not so sneakily plays match maker with her childhood best friend, Quinn Canton.
Sparks soon begin to fly, and a whirlwind summer romance takes hold of these two burnt out hearts. But when hockey starts back up, and old partners come back to burn them to ashes, can they withstand the distance between them, or will it be to much for them to handle?
*** Loosely based around the song "God Made Airplanes" by Jason Aldean ***
Archive of Our Own Tumblr: 1
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Hockey-Ella Morgan Rielly x OC
Arabella Kerfoot is the younger sister of Alex Kerfoot and she one of the only female hockey player in the league. Ella as she likes to go by is the wild child of the family and also of the Pittsburgh Penguins. With a reputation of the "Wild Cinderella" Ella is the media's #1 target. Her best friend is Tyler Seguin, who had a bad reputation in Boston before going to Texas, so he understands her better then her own family and is trying to help work through her rebellious reputation. After a wild and not so pretty night out on the town Ella is quickly not the favorite anymore in Pitt and is soon traded to Toronto who is looking for a power forward with the speed and risky skill set she brings to the table. The catch: they need to fix her tarnished reputation before the Toronto media tears her apart. The solution: have her fake a relationship with Morgan Rielly to show she is determined to settle down and leave her wild Cinderella life behind, and make a fairytale lifestyle in Toronto instead. Only Ella wasn't planning on falling for the red haired man who offered the solution to her problems. With the media and her brother breathing down her neck to fix her past, her best friend telling her that a fake relationship will only hurt her and the man she never new she needed in front of her, she is about to ether live out a Hockey-Ella fairytale or an ultimate disaster.
Coming Soon.
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Coming Soon
These Roots Lead Home - Mitch Marner x OC
The Goaltenders Ice Dance - Freddie Andersen x OC
Ruin Me Right - Martin Necas x OC
Sparks Fly - Marc- Andre Fleury x OC
Eye of the Storm - Teuvo Teräväinen x OC
From Oceans and Mountain and Anywhere Inbetween - Ross Colton x OC ** This masterlist was created for the lovely @callsign-denmark who is having some trouble with creating links from her blog.
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naritaren · 1 year
Time for a proper post on this. If you missed it, I'm participating in Fandom Trumps Hate. What this means is that I'm offering up one fic (5k-10k words) in exchange for a donation to charity. This has a bidding process and will be the only fic request I do this spring/early summer. You bid and the highest bidder will donate that amount to one of my listed charities. I have chosen the following charity options: DigDeep / Navajo Water Project National Network to End Domestic Violence Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund Any/all abortion funds Native American Rights Fund As a transgendered Indigenous person who is also a DV survivor, I thought these best represented me. I also support abortion funds. NARF holds a special place in my heart for the work they've done on the legal side of things in regards to Indigenous issues. I am offering fic in three different fandoms, AEW, NJPW, and Hockey RPF. Please note that I will not write for any known abuser in hockey and people named in Speaking Out for wrestling, unless they have been cleared at this time. (ex: Will Ospreay) My standard list of things I do not write are also applicable. You can find where to bid and the current highest bid here:
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storiesinthedark · 4 years
Fandom: Hockey RPF 
Summary: What the fuck happened last night?
The last time Nate had been in his bed was three years ago. They had just won silver together at the IIHF Championships in Germany and it hadn't ended quite as Mitch had planned.
He reaches over to the nightstand where he always keeps his phone, intending on checking the time, when he notices the body lying next to him. Mitch freezes. No really. WHAT the FUCK happened last night?
Pairing: Nathan MacKinnon/Mitch Marner
Rating: Explicit
Genre: Smut/PWP
Word Count: 3,398
Warnings: Drunk Consensual Sex, One Night Stands, Porn With the Barest Hint of Plot, 2017 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championships, 2019-2020 NHL Season, Flashback, Anal Sex
Notes: Written to @barrettshayton for the @hockeynetwork summer fic exchange. I hope you enjoy what I’ve manage to concoct from one quote to media one time three years ago!
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princessphilly · 4 years
Hockey Fic Exchange: Second Chance in Chicago
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This is for the @hockeynetwork​ winter gift exchange. I was matched with my friend, @texanstarslove​ and it was relatively easy to give her what she wanted. 
Title: Second Chance in Chicago
Player: Jonathan Toews
Genre: Angst, smut
Word count: 6410 words
 March 2007
“Wouldja look at that? There’s the future NHL star, looking like the dork he is.”
Lizzie stuck out her tongue as Rachel announced the presence of the asshole himself, Jonathan Toews. They were all sophomores at UND but he had gotten drafted third overall by the Chicago Blackhawks last year. Hockey ruled UND so the team already had a high profile. But this year’s team looked like it would do some damage in the tournament so all eyes were really on them.
Tonight, Lizzie and her friends had decided to go to a frat party at the Beta house. It was a cold early March Thursday night but she had been in the mood to party. Unfortunately, the party had been invaded by the hockey team.
Jonathan grinned, his deep brown eyes sparkling like he had already pregamed. “Hey ladies,” he greeted before grabbing Lizzie and giving her a hug.
Lizzie pushed Jonathan away. He definitely had pregamed, he smelled like good old Vladimir vodka. He was going to have a fucking hangover tomorrow.
Jonathan pouted. “I thought we were friends, Lizzie,” he exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around Lizzie again
“When did you think that?”
Rachel and Bethany snickered. It was a bit of a running joke, this animosity between Lizzie and Tazer. No one quite knew how it really started except it had been a freshman year hook up that ended bad. At least, that was the rumor. Ever since, Lizzie couldn’t stand Jonathan and Jonathan did every thing possible to needle her.
Lizzie flipped her hair over her shoulder before elbowing Jonathan in the ribs. Giving him an angelic smile, she ordered, “Don’t touch me.”
Being the drunken asshole he was at the moment, Jonathan leaned down and murmured in her ear, “You didn’t say that last weekend.”
Lizzie pushed Jonathan away before stomping towards the keg. Jonathan shrugged as TJ and some of the other hockey players came in. She was able to avoid him for the rest of the night and even flirted with a couple of junior guys she hadn’t met. Of course, as soon as she went to get a breather from the hot party, Jonathan was already outside.
Shivering, Lizzie huddled close to the door, planning to ignore Toews. There had been a snowstorm the other day and there was a good ten inches of snow on the ground.  
“Supposed to snow again tomorrow.”
Lizzie let out a loud sigh. Of course, he couldn’t respect her silent plea to be left alone. “This is North Dakota. It’s always snowing.”
Turning to her left, Lizzie looked at Jonathan. For once, he didn’t have his cocky, self-assured, ‘I’m the one in complete charge’ look on his face. He looked slightly pensive and a bit unsure. “Here, have my hoodie.”
“I don’t-,” Lizzie started to say but she relented as Jonathan put his hoodie over her head, pulling it down. She was cold as fuck, shivering in just a short-sleeved shirt and her jeans. “Thank you,” she murmured.
“You’re welcome.”
They stood there for several moments, breath turning into puffs of icicles before Jonathan finally broke the ice. “Ridley, really?”
“Oh, you know him?” Lizzie tensed, UND wasn’t as big as other schools but she could at least have found someone that Jonathan didn’t already know. But then, hockey ruled here and he knew more people than her so yeah, just her fucking luck.
“He’s cool.” Jonathan shrugged, suddenly feeling nervous as fuck. It really wasn’t his area to talk, he didn’t really want to be a cock-block, but fuck it. “He’s not an asshole or anything. But we both know that’s not who you really want.”
“Oh really? Who told you what I really want?”
He hadn’t really planned to do it now; Jonathan had planned to go for it next month. But he already had told coach and his teammates that he was going pro after this season, so he might as well do it. “We have unfinished business, Elizabeth.”
Lizzie froze at Jonathan’s use of her full name.  He was the only one here at UND who ever used her full name. It brought back memories, those first weeks of spring semester of freshman year. Memories of doing things that would have had Momma reaching for her rosary and Papa yanking her out of UND to go into a convent. She bit out, “No, we don’t.”
“So, that’s why you called me last Saturday, asking me to come over after the game?”
Lizzie rolled her eyes. “I was drunk,” she very primly replied, staring at her nails. She thought to herself, ‘I need a manicure.’
“Then last weekend, you came over and you definitely weren’t drunk.”
Lizzie shrugged, pretending she didn’t hear what Jonathan said. She didn’t want to admit the truth; Jonathan made her nervous. She was 19 and every time she was with him, she felt like this could be something that could be forever. But Lizzie had plans; she was planning to go east for law school, get out of North Dakota forever. This wasn’t the time to even think of settling down with anyone, especially not with Jonathan since he was going pro. Even though, her traitorous pussy reminded her, Jonathan made her cum better than anyone else and wasn’t scared to choke, bite, or spank her unlike other guys.
Jonathan growled, of course Lizzie would be acting obtuse. He wasn’t looking to settle down or anything serious, he was just about to turn 19 and about to go to Chicago in five and a half months to start his pro career. Jonathan did really like Lizzie a lot and wouldn’t be against putting a label on what was going on. Then, Lizzie got cold feet last year and had been stringing him along for over a year. It would be nice if Lizzie actually admitted that they had something going instead of being nasty to his face but fucking with him late at night.
“Okay, since you don’t want to face reality, I’m just going to say it. It’s not fair that you like to treat me like shit in public but you want me to fuck you when no one is looking.”
Lizzie opened her mouth before closing it. From the tone of voice that Jonathan had used, it sounded harsh. Like she was using him like a whore. But Jonathan wasn’t done.
“Don’t worry about my hoodie, I’ll get it before I leave.”
Jonathan turned around and went back inside of the party. Lizzie stayed outside for several more minutes, pensive. Then she harrumphed and rejoined the party, resolute that she was going to ignore Jonathan once she gave him his hoodie back.
Twelve years later
Lizzie brushed her ginger hair over her shoulder. It was weird to be ginger for the first time since she was fifteen. The past years, she had been a very faithful blonde but it was time to do something very different.
“Not bad for a rancher’s daughter.”
Lizzie twirled in her full-length mirror, admiring the way the navy-blue dress fit her body, accessorized with her diamond hoop earrings, tennis bracelet, class ring, and the brand-new patent leather heels she had managed to score on clearance at Neiman Marcus. Very much the uniform of an intellectual property litigator who had just made partner, not the yee-haw who had went to UND. But right now, as she thought about tonight, Lizzie felt like the yee-haw she tried to suppress.
Tonight, there was a fundraising cocktail hour for her firm, Bradley, Lewis, and Cooper. This would be the first one that Lizzie attended since she transferred to the Chicago office from Atlanta. She was good at gladhanding and charming people, attending Penn Law had sucked the yee-haw from Lizzie’s accent. Now, she was Elizabeth Romanelli, ready to make connections while raising funds for the Children’s Miracle Network.
Only fly in the ointment was that this fundraiser was being held at the United Center. Not only that, it was rumored that the firm was able to get a couple of players for the Blackhawks to appear. Bradley, Lewis, and Cooper did some work for the Blackhawks, mainly with local TV contracts and sponsorships. Lizzie took in a deep fortifying breath. “It has been years,’ she told herself. “There’s no need to be nervous seeing Jon again.”
She turned around and grabbed her coat. It was mid fall but the temperature dropped enough at night that Lizzie wanted to wear her coat just in case. Before she left, she looked at her left ring finger. Taking a deep breath, she slid her old wedding ring off her finger. It was a new start, time to act like it.
The fundraiser went pretty well, in Lizzie’s eyes. It was her first firm social event in Chicago so most of it was spent shaking hands, exchanging business cards, and talking some shop. There were a couple of Blackhawks players there, none of that Lizzie recognized. She admitted several times while in conversation, that she was more of a college hockey than pro hockey fan.
Then, the one person she was hoping wouldn’t show up, showed up. Lizzie worked hard not to check Jonathan out but he had the kind of presence that commanded attention. His hair was cut short and the once lanky frame had filled out completely. Lizzie smirked when she saw one of her fellow attendees lick her lips but she couldn’t blame her. Jonathan looked delicious in a black suit with a pristine white shirt, no tie. He looked like casual, dominant elegance in a hockey player package as he made his rounds the room.
“You’re lucky that your department doesn’t work with the Blackhawks on anything,” said the woman who licked her lips. Lizzie looked down and looked at her name tag, it said ‘Elise’.
“Oh why?”
Lizzie took a sip of her pinot grigio, waiting for a reply. Elise didn’t disappoint as she whispered, “He’s single and my law school loans say he would be perfect for them.”
She couldn’t resist laughing at that statement; Lizzie totally understood where Elise was coming from. But as soon as her laughter faded, there was Jonathan Toews, right in front of them. Elise looked up at him, obviously starstruck. Lizzie put her best courtroom face as she stuck out her hand. “Hello, I’m Elizabeth Romanelli. You are?”
Jonathan blinked when Lizzie introduced herself as Elizabeth Romanelli. She was Lizzie MacArthur in the flesh, all these years later. Grasping her hand, Jonathan said, “Jonathan Toews, but you know who I am.”
Jonathan kept his best PR smile on his face as he processed his thoughts. This was Lizzie, the only one who got away. She was a redhead now, not a blonde, but those green eyes were still the same. Deep green eyes that always brimmed with an intelligence that had made Jon feel like he was an idiot when they first met at UND.
“Oh, how do you two know each other?”
Lizzie managed to keep her expression completely neutral while Jon reddened a bit. He dropped her hand as he said, “We went to college together.”
“Where was that,” Elise innocently asked and Lizzie wasn’t sure if she was truly curious or if she was being a bit catty.
“I went to University of North Dakota with Mr. Toews for undergrad,” Lizzie said. “Then I did Penn Law.”
Elise replied, “Oh. I remember reading that once.”
Lizzie refused to roll her eyes as Jon made small talk about the hockey season with Elise. Spotting a waiter, Elise raised her hand for another glass of wine. Tonight, was looking like it was about to be long. Before she could make her escape, Elise exclaimed, “Oh, there’s Mr. Schmidt, I need to talk to him! It was so nice to meet you and talk to you, Mr. Toews, Ms. Romanelli.”
Lizzie sighed as she scampered away, leaving her alone with Jonathan.
“Long time, no see,” Jonathan said, taking a sip of his water. Tomorrow was a game night and while he enjoyed drinking, he had no interest in doing anything that would keep him out of peak performance. But looking at Lizzie, he wished he had something stronger. The years had done her good; she looked curvier, stronger, hotter. He felt his pants tighten and Jonathan thought of his smelly hockey gear to deflate his hard on.
Lizzie stroked the curve of her new wine glass before replying, “I know. Wasn’t necessarily planned.”
“I was married,” Lizzie’s smile tightened.
Jonathan quickly replied, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ask anything that would make you feel- “
“It’s okay, let’s not go there, okay. Before you ask, I’m a widow.” Lizzie looked down at her wine. It had been long enough that she knew she wouldn’t break down but it was awkward to talk about it with her first college hookup/almost boyfriend. After all these years, Jonathan still had an affect on her. She felt a bit lightheaded but her once dormant libido had flared up as soon as they shook hands. It was as if her body had decided that someone worthy was nearby and it was time.
“I’m sorry,” Jonathan repeated, his voice low as he ran his fingers through his short hair. It was a bit overwhelming seeing Lizzie again but he was already damn sure that he needed to see her again. As they exchanged pleasantries, Jon moved on to another group at the fundraiser. But every now and then, he made sure to catch her in the crowd.
At the end of the night, he was finally able to get Lizzie alone, again. “Now that you’re in Chicago, why don’t we go out? As old friends?”
Lizzie laughed as she waited for her coat. “We weren’t old friends and you know it.”
“But who said that we can’t be at least friends now?”
Jonathan gave Lizzie a big smile while she scoffed, “I can tell by the way you’ve been looking at me all night that you aren’t interested in being just friends.”
“How was I looking at you?”
Jonathan leaned into Lizzie as he noticed that Seabs was nearby. While he loved Seabs as a brother, he didn’t want him to have any idea of what he was planning, yet.
Lizzie batted her lashes at Jonathan before replying, “Like you never seen a woman before. I have to keep the conversation business casual but we both know what I’d really like to say.”
“Then, you should let me have your phone number.”
“Smooth, Toews,” Lizzie commented. “Very smooth.”
“I try.”
Jonathan couldn’t help himself; as Lizzie received her coat from the coat check, he helped her put it on.
“Wow, I don’t know if you’re actually a gentleman now or if you’re trying to get points,” Lizzie quipped.
Jonathan gave her an aw-shucks grin and a shrug. Despite her better judgment, Lizzie figured that it couldn’t hurt. She didn’t really know anyone yet in Chicago and it would be nice to talk to someone who she at least knew from college. But she didn’t want to openly give it to Jonathan so she took the moment to turn and grab paper and a pen from a table. Writing her number and snap down, she slid it into Jonathan’s pocket.
“There, now you can never say I never gave you anything.”
Lizzie turned and sauntered away. Jonathan fished through his pockets and grabbed the paper, grinning and laughing to himself.
Lizzie had to give Jonathan credit. He knew how to attempt to get a woman’s attention. The flowers were a nice touch; not too ostentatious and he was smart enough not to attach his name to them. But Lizzie knew exactly who they were from because there were exactly nineteen pink and nineteen white roses in Monday’s bouquet. Yesterday’s bouquet was a set of nineteen purple flowers that after she looked them up, Lizzie found out that they were purple columbine. Today’s bouquet involved nineteen white camelias and nineteen red chrysanthemums.
“This guy must really like you.”
Lizzie turned around to see Peter, her paralegal. He was pointing at the flowers, a pensive look on his face.
“Really? He just wants my attention.” Lizzie dismissively waved towards the flowers but inwardly, she was loving it.
Peter raised an eyebrow. “Okay, whatever you say. Anyway, I have five messages from the managing partners.”
“I already know what they want and I already reviewed the files and sent them to Kristin, Jacques, and Malik. They are working on the briefs for the arbitration and they should all be done by the end of the work day. I will prep my own opening argument myself for the hearing when we are done talking. You can quote everything I just said in your email,” Lizzie stated with a smile on her face. This was her first arbitration hearing at the Chicago office with her new associates working under her. But she knew it would go well.
“But the flowers. I’d look them up, Ms. Romanelli. He’s sending you a message with each bouquet. Especially that first one with those kind of pink roses, maiden blush roses? Oh, he’s definitely telling you something.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
Lizzie brushed Peter off, her mind already back on work. However, she messaged Jon later, I like jasmine, lily of the valley, the most.
The next day, there was a bouquet with yellow jasmine, lily of the valley, and red pink flowers, the number adding to 19 and a note, looking forward to seeing you tonight.
Lizzie was still a mystery and Jonathan was desperate to figure her out. This was their sixth date and every time he felt like he was getting closer to her, Lizzie pulled back. Jon understood but at the same time, he was getting annoyed. He was also horny as fuck and trying very hard not to let his cock dictate his actions.
Tonight, Lizzie wore a little black dress with strappy heels to dinner and all Jonathan could think of was having Lizzie wear those heels while he fucked her hard and fast. It took all his willpower to keep the conversation light during dinner as his traitorous brain filled with all kinds of dirty images. Now, they were having post dinner drinks at a place Kaner had suggested. It was very intimate, the kind of place for seduction. Unfortunately, Jonathan thought, there would probably be no seduction tonight as he stood on the wall with Lizzie.
“I intentionally wore these for you.”
Lizzie fluttered her eyelashes at Jon’s dumbfounded expression. She wasn’t dumb; she knew exactly the kind of affect she had on men. Lizzie had to give Jonathan credit; he was doing a good job of not being a stupid hornball.
“I love them,” Jonathan drawled before taking a sip of his whiskey on the rocks. He told himself to be patient, as they continued to talk but after another half-hour talking about football, Jon finally broached the subject. “Are you seeing anyone?”
“Are you,” Lizzie countered. She went out on a couple of dates with a couple of different guys when the Blackhawks were out of town because, in her mind, she was still a free agent. Doing that actually made Lizzie feel more comfortable with going out with Jonathan. Not that the other dates were bad but Lizzie had to admit to herself that there was still something more with Jonathan.
“No,” Jonathan admitted. His DMs were full on all social media so he could go out with anyone he wanted if he truly felt like it. But right now, he really was just interested in Lizzie.
“That’s nice.”
Lizzie twirled the straw in her cocktail. Jonathan thought about what to say but ended up blurting out, “I still think about some of the things we did.”
Blushing, Lizzie bit her lip. Some of those memories had come back since she had seen Jonathan again. Some of those things that had seemed extra sinful at eighteen and nineteen were mainstream these days. Plus, Greg had tried but he didn’t have that same aura that teenage Jonathan had. Adult Jonathan had that dominant aura in spades and it was tempting.
Lizzie added, “And?”
Jonathan moved closer to Lizzie, his big body bracketing hers, his monotone voice even deeper, “You remember when I tied you up the first time?”
“That was…. interesting,“ Lizzie replied. She felt flushed, that memory now in her brain. They had been fumbling around and Jonathan had tied her up before making her beg and scream his name. But the knot had got stuck and after he cut her out, Lizzie had chafed skin on both of her wrists. “It was an interesting experiment.”
Jonathan licked his lips. He noticed that Lizzie was flushed, her body leaning towards his. It was almost heady, the tension, he could taste it. So, he decided to press into the attack.
“We’ve both grown up now. I mean, I know what I love to do in the bedroom and I’m not a teen boy fumbling around.”
Lizzie resisted the urge to roll her eyes at Jonathan’s pronouncement. Steeling her face so that she looked impassive, inwardly she was freaking out a bit. Jonathan had been pretty good fuck in college, better than the rest of her boyfriends before she married Greg. But this Jonathan, three times Stanley Cup winner and hockey superstar Jonathan, he seemed lethal.
And he knew it as he gave Lizzie a little smirk and a wink.
“Don’t worry Lizzie, no one is going to judge you now if you like a little pain. I definitely won’t. You know I liked giving it to you when we were experimenting.”
Exasperated, Lizzie exclaimed, “You’re still so arrogant! I seriously doubt you’d have a chance to fuck me again.”
Jonathan moved closer and Lizzie backed up, backing into the wall. Jonathan got close enough that Lizzie could smell his expensive cologne but far enough that she could easily move away if she wanted to.
“I don’t know why you’re still lying to yourself all these years later,” Jonathan murmured, his dark brown eyes looking black. “But I’m patient, I can still wait. You still want me and I’ve always wanted you.”
Lizzie bit her lip and Jonathan resisted the urge to groan. He had thought that he had forgotten her but just meeting her again two months ago had brought back those old feelings. Now, he was getting tired of playing cat and mouse but from what he had learned from TJ and Ridley, Jonathan was trying to be careful and tactical with his advances. He at least managed to get her to go out with him. His cock could wait.
Of course, after telling himself that, images from a decade ago filled his head. Ignoring them, Jonathan instead taunted, “Nothing to say? I never thought lawyers could be rendered speechless.”
Instead of replying, Lizzie reached out and touched Jonathan’s sweater. It was super soft and felt like it was made from the finest cashmere. She finally replied, voice low and soft, “Why am I so attracted to you? This shouldn’t really be happening.”
It was a very simple reply as Jonathan grabbed her hand and brought it up to his lips. He kissed her hand, just a brief touch of closed lips to skin. But it felt like electricity coursed through both of them. Jonathan recovered first before giving Lizzie a devilish smile. “Night, night Elizabeth.”
“He’s way too smooth.”
Lizzie took in a deep breath as she watched the first snowfall of the year through her office window. Rachel’s laughter at her complaint registered super loud over her ear pod.
Rachel commented, “Of course he is, he’s had over a decade of practice. I can’t believe he’s still interested; I think Jon has dated models and he could date anyone. You’re lucky as hell, Lizzie.”
Lizzie pouted as she moved away from the window. “I don’t know if I want to be lucky.”
“Well, I remember all of the sneaking around you’d did when we were in college. You had no problems fucking him in private.”
“RACHEL!! Oh, my Gawd, you knew that?!?”
Lizzie put her hand on her forehead, mortified. She thought she had been cautious.
Rachel chuckled before continuing, “No one else figured it out. But it was obvious that sparks were flying. And then Jon goes pro and you end up dating around until you met Greg. But you never were as happy as you were freshman spring.”
Lizzie sighed, feeling a headache beginning to start. “Greg, you know I loved Greg.”
“I know honey, if you hadn’t, I would have seriously considered stopping the wedding,” Rachel consoled. “And he did help you escape the ranch and your parents’ plans.”
“I’ve been a widow for 3 years and this is the first time I’ve been attracted to a man,” Lizzie blurted out. Her cheeks reddened as she realized her admission.
There was an extended pause before Rachel finally replied. “Then you should go for it. Greg wouldn’t want you to give up on sex because he’s gone.”
Lizzie flipped through the messages on her work phone as she pondered Rachel’s words.
“I gotta go, Alyssa is about done with school and the baby should be up any minute. Stop thinking and just fuck him. Just remember to put color corrector and concealer over any marks Jonny leaves on you.”
Lizzie exclaimed, “Rachel,” but she had already hung up. Checking her personal phone for messages, Lizzie grinned when she saw she had a snap from Jon. Opening the snap, she saw a photo of Jon signing jerseys and picks with a note of can’t wait to give you one.
Lizzie responded; too bad I’ll be too busy to get one for the next couple of weeks
Lizzie put her phone down, ready to focus on her work before getting a new message from Jon. I told u I can be patient.
Lizzie looked down at her list of pros and cons. All the pros were reasons why she should fuck Jonathan: get rid of all the unresolved tension from college, he’s an already proven great fuck, probably the best guy to be her first fuck since Greg passed away. The cons were that he was Jonathan Toews, he was famous, and he did have the ability to be an asshole. Her skeptical side told Lizzie that she probably couldn’t keep it casual but the other side was like, was that a bad thing?
Shaking her head, Lizzie pulled on a pair of jeans before putting on a sweater. The Blackhawks were back in town and last night, she went to the game courtesy of Jonathan. Lizzie had taken Elise with her and they enjoyed the Blackhawks winning against the Flames. It was actually fun as Lizzie explained some of the finer points of hockey, such as power plays, penalty kills, offsides, and the fact that all refs in all sports were absolutely awful. Tonight, she actually told Jon she would come over after they saw a movie.
Lizzie was curious about where Jonathan lived. She knew it was in an area called Lincoln Park; she lived in the outskirts of the North Side. Her student loans from law school demanded payment so Lizzie moved in the nicest area she could afford, in a gentrifying neighborhood. “Get a taste of how the rich live tonight,” Lizzie said to herself. However, she did put on a matching pair of underwear just in case she decided to do more.
Jonathan looked at Lizzie as the car pulled up to his place. He had been on his best behavior tonight; no sly comments, etc. after last time. But Lizzie had been cuddly during the movie and now, she… he couldn’t read her actions.
Jon entered his code and led Lizzie inside. “Very nice,” Lizzie commented as they walked through the first floor of his place.
“Oh wow, you have my favorite flowers,” Lizzie exclaimed as they walked into his kitchen. There was a vase with Spanish Jasmine flowers.
Jonathan shrugged even though he was inwardly pleased. He had ordered them this afternoon, a rush order when Lizzie said she would come over. Now she was here and he felt at a loss. His cock said to seduce her, his brain said to wait for her cues and see if she was actually interested. Jonathan grabbed two cups and got himself and Lizzie a glass of water before guiding her back into the living room.
“More movies,” Lizzie teased as she made herself comfortable on his leather couch.
Jonathan shook his head no, suddenly nervous as he cut on the TV. He didn’t want to fuck it up.
Lizzie smirked as she watched indecision on Jonathan’s face. Tonight, had been their first date since that conversation and it was obvious that Jonathan was still very interested but didn’t want to do anything that seemed pushy. Lizzie thought at first it was because they were out in public but she realized that if she wanted to actually go there again, she would have to bring it up.
“What are you thinking about, Jon,” Lizzie asked, intentionally shortening his name.
Jonathan put his arms on the back of the couch and mentally said fuck it. “Do you want to good answer or the dirty answer?”
“Dirty answer?”
Lizzie grinned as Jonathan gulped then groaned.
“I keep looking at your ass in those jeans and I want to grab it so bad,” Jonathan admitted. Lizzie looked at his big hands and she decided that tonight was the night.
“You can grab it, if you want?”
“Huh, what?”
Jonathan looked so dumbfounded that Lizzie giggled. “I said you can grab it. That’s another way of saying, you can touch me.”
“Are you sure,” Jonathan asked, locking eyes with Lizzie.
Lizzie rolled her eyes before grabbing his hand. “I came here with the full intent of getting fucked. But if you aren’t interested, that’s okay and we can hang out before I go home.”
“Oh, do you really want me to fuck you?”
Jonathan raised an eyebrow as Lizzie flung her hair behind her shoulder. “I want you to kiss me, eat my pussy, maybe I’ll suck your cock, and then fuck me, if you want to get precise.”
“Goddamn,” Jonathan breathed. “Fuck, then why don’t you sit in my lap?”
Lizzie climbed into his lap before locking eyes with Jonathan again. His deep brown eyes looked nearly black and he had stubble all around his jaw. She traced his jaw with her fingers before running her fingers through his hair. His voice a deeper monotone, Jonathan murmured, “I’m not going to bite, unless you want me to do that.”
Instead of replying, Lizzie brushed her lips over Jonathan’s, once, then twice. Then she leaned down and nipped his lip. “I like biting,” she whispered against his lips before kissing him again. Jonathan’s arms came around her waist, keeping Lizzie in place as he began to take over the lazy kiss. Need stretched through their kisses, tongues interacting as over a decade apart melted away. Then Jonathan pulled away. Lizzie reached to pull her sweater off but Jonathan stopped her.
“Let’s go to the bedroom, I don’t want to fuck you for the first time in forever on a couch, at least not this time.”
Lizzie laughed as Jonathan picked her up and nearly ran to his bedroom. She didn’t even get a chance to look around and admire before he was on her. Jonathan’s hands were all over her body as he desperately kissed her. Before Lizzie realized it, her sweater and bra were off and so was Jonathan’s hoodie and t-shirt. She could feel his rock-hard abs against her body as Jonathan rolled so that Lizzie was on top.
“Your tits are still fucking amazing.”
“Thanks,” Lizzie beamed as Jonathan gently kneaded them in his hands.
He murmured, “They are still so sensitive,” as her nipples hardened quickly in his fingers, watching Lizzie’s changes in expression. “So, you’ll tell me right away if I do something you don’t like?”
“Like what,” Lizzie asked.
Jonathan lightly grabbed her throat, something they had never done before but something he had learned that he liked to do. “Like that.”
“Mmmm, this is good,” Lizzie replied. Choking was one of the kinks she had explored with Greg and that she missed.
“Fuck, you got dirtier,” Jonathan stated before rolling Lizzie under him again.
“Why don’t you stop talking and undress me some more,” Lizzie ordered.
Jonathan laughed before idly replying, “Normally, I wouldn’t let you tell me what to do but we haven’t even negotiated that yet. And we aren’t, not tonight.”
Lizzie’s giggled as she shimmied out of her jeans. But those giggles were replaced with moans when Jonathan’s fingers brushed her upper and inner thighs before stroking her pussy through her panties. “So wet for me.”
He had planned to go slow but Jonathan was pretty sure that wasn’t happening, at least not for this first round. He needed to be deep inside of Lizzie, back where he belonged. Jonathan stood up and took off his own jeans and boxers, revealing his very hard cock. Lizzie reached up and ran a hand over his cock before pumping it with both hands.
“I’m not going to last that long,” Jonathan warned as Lizzie began to jerk him off. “I want to cum deep inside of your pussy, Elizabeth.”
“Oh my God,” Lizzie breathed. There was something in the way that Jonathan said her full name, it made her pussy drip even more.
Jonathan reached into his night stand and grabbed a condom. “Be a good girl and put this on me.”
Lizzie took the condom from Jonathan’s hands and opened it. Then she guided it over his cock with a wicked grin on her face. Leaning back on her elbows, Lizzie smirked at Jonathan before sucking her lip into her mouth. “Fuck me, Jonathan.”
Jonathan growled as Lizzie spread her legs, showing him just how wet and ready she was for him. Pulling a leg up and over his shoulder, Jonathan entered Lizzie slowly, making sure she felt every inch. Lizzie moaned, her hands grabbing anywhere they could on Jon as he fucked her, slow soft strokes turning harder with each thrust.
“Fuck you feel so good,” Lizzie groaned as Jonathan gave her a harder thrust, hips grinding with each stroke.
Jonathan managed to reply, “Your pussy still feels like it was made for me.”
He was already close and Jonathan couldn’t hold off even though he could tell that Lizzie wouldn’t cum with him this time. Jonathan’s lips found Lizzie’s as he kissed her while he came. Lizzie let Jonathan ride his high out, she could feel that she was getting closer but she wasn’t there.
Jonathan slumped against Lizzie for a couple moments before withdrawing from her pussy. He took off the condom, telling Lizzie, “Stay there.”
Dumping the condom into the trash, Jonathan pulled Lizzie to the edge of the bed. Spreading her legs, Jonathan knelt in between, fingers spreading her folds. Then his tongue licked her clit and Lizzie arched off the bed. “Don’t worry, I’m going to take care of you,” Jonathan cooed as he played with her clit. Then he dove in, licking her juices from her pussy before tongue-fucking Lizzie’s entrance. His fingers continued to roll her clit with light pressure, enough to keep Lizzie on the edge but not enough to get her to cum. Then Jon sucked her clit into her mouth and bit it very lightly, enough of a shock to get Lizzie to cum with a scream, fingers grabbing sheets to hold on for dear life. Jonathan muttered something in French as Lizzie rode out her high. Then she fell asleep with a light snore.
Lizzie laid on the bed, her hair fanned out around her head, body too depleted to move yet. But she peeled herself up as Jonathan was sitting up next to her, a MacBook in his lap.
“Wow, what time is it?”
“It’s a little after midnight,” Jonathan replied. He had changed into a pair of sweats and Lizzie licked her lips. He looked really good in gray sweats.
She shrugged. “At least it’s Saturday.”
“I cleaned you up after you passed out.”
Jonathan gave Lizzie a wicked grin as she blushed. “It’s been a while,” she replied.
Lizzie got up and Jonathan pointed to his left, indicating that was the way to get to the bathroom. Lizzie stepped inside of the master bathroom, still too tired to check it out. After taking care of business and washing her hands, Lizzie walked back into Jonathan’s bedroom. Jonathan handed her a t-shirt and said, “You’re too tired to attempt to drive home. You can stay here; I’ll keep my hands to myself.”
“I like cumming so you don’t have to keep them to yourself.”
Lizzie gave Jon a saucy smile while he groaned.
Let yourself be happy. Find that guy again, the one who was before me. I just want you to be happy, don’t shrivel up and die because I’m gone.
Lizzie looked at the note, last note from Greg before he passed from non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Her wedding ring was on next to it, the simple gold band twinkling in the late winter sun.
Today was her seventh month since her move to Chicago, fifth since she met Jonathan for the first time in years. Tonight, she was going to the game, Elise going with her but this time, they were going to sit with the WAGs. Lizzie had met Jonathan’s closest friends and teammates and it was obvious that there was something happening between them. But Lizzie felt the need to look at this one more time.
“I’m going to be happy, Greg,” Lizzie whispered before putting her old wedding ring and the note in a box, setting it next to a vase of nineteen red tulips that Jon had given her. Then she pulled her hair into a ponytail, sent all work calls on her work phone to voicemail. Picking up her personal phone, Lizzie smiled as she looked at the text from Jonathan.
She wasn’t going to run this time. She was going to embrace a future with Jonathan.
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dreamwritersnet · 4 years
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please thank our pinch hitters!
We had a crop of absolutely badass pinch hitters this year and we’d love to see y’all heap some extra love on their fics! Check them out below!
Special shout-out to @kennyparsons, AugustaByron, and @iamneversleepingagain who wrote a pinch hit fic in addition to their own fics for the exchange. Extra super special shout-out to our MVP @abominableobriens who wrote TWO pinch hits fics as well as their own fic for the exchange. (Woahhhh)
crashed my car (on the way to your heart) by @yoursummerfrost for dieofthatroar (Bittyparse, Rated E, 12.1k): Eric quits his job and finishes his last bottle of Merlot. It’s fine.
new mistakes by @iamneversleepingagain for InterruptingDinosaur (Bittyparse, Rated E, 15.3k): When Bitty took a job at a hockey summer camp in Brooklyn after graduating from Samwell, the last thing he expected out of it was being forced to spend so much time with Kent Parson.
easy as pie by @parrishsrubberplant for eden22 (Patater, Rated G, 2.2k): Kent isn’t jealous that Alexei won the Stanley Cup. He’s not. It’s just–Alexei keeps sending snaps of Bittle’s pies, and, well…how hard can it be to make a pie, anyway?
in the heartland by @abominableobriens for lightningsticks (Parswoops, Rated G, 1.3k): It’s nearly impossible to find the right people to make a roadtrip not just bearable, but fucking fun. Jeffery Charles Troy is not that kind of guy.
ghost in your lungs by @abominableobriens for Alex (mermaid_lance) (Parswoops, Rated G, 1.2k): Storms don’t come easily in Las Vegas, and they rarely come without a witch’s intervention.
better late than never by @kennyparsons for minyrrds (Parswoops, Rated T, 7.5k): After getting traded away from the Aces and retiring early due to health issues, Jeff Troy returns to Vegas to work for the local sports network. Kent isn’t quite sure how to deal with having Jeff back in his life.
sea monkeys by @slaybittyslay for badcaseofcasey (Patater, Rated T, 5.8k): Kent Parson needs a date. So, he makes one in his garage.
get by (with a little help) by AugustaByron for Potrix (Kent/OMC, Rated G, 5.1k): Kent gets outed. It’s somehow not the worst thing that’s ever happened to him.
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wyattjohnston · 2 years
I don’t know about others but I know for me I’ve kind of grown out of hockey and honestly reading fics in general (even though I know this problem is spread across multiple fandoms). Also tumblr has gotten worse and worse with the algorithm I think. It seems like a cycle of writers (rightfully) not feeling appreciated then deleting which sucks.
Also piggybacking off of what that other anon said. One of the reason why I was apprehensive to get into any writing in any fandom (oc or insert) is because it’s clear it wasn’t made for me. Like I see those insta edits, moodboards, or including photos in stories have gained traction and it’s just takes the wind out my sails seeing a whole bunch of white people. I’m thinking why even support people who don’t care enough to look outside their very narrow bubble or think of someone who looks like me. Why do request for that need to be asked. Why can’t people just take it upon themselves to do better
But anyway I’m sorry you (and other writers) are feeling discouraged. I know you said it made you sad but I do think those fic exchanges and challenges are a good way to build a network of people to support. Could be wrong but I do notice writers saying they don’t feel supported but rarely see them support outside of their group of friends
Tumblr wasn’t designed for writers and that’s been true from the start. It’s a shame because I think writing and creating a little community works far better when the fics and the engagement are all on the same platform.
As for growing out of hockey and fics—I get it! I’m really not trying to draw in a new crowd or force the old crowd to come back, I’d just like to hear the voices of the people are still here I guess. Like/reblog ratios and asks and all that jazz.
I feel awful because I literally just said in my last ask that I try to make my OCs ambiguous—and in the last fic I posted I literally included a fake Insta story and the woman in it is light-skinned at the very least. And I’ll admit to not even thinking about it when I included it which is one of the biggest parts of the problem. As you mentioned, most people don’t think about it for the included images or moodboards unless they’re given specific requests for it to be a POC, and it makes perfect sense to me that that makes it hard to even want to participate.
I know it’s early, but I see the other ask about race and inclusivity hasn’t taken off nearly as quickly as the other posts (and I doubt it will take off at all)—people need to hold themselves accountable. You’re being offered actual, legitimate reasons for why people aren’t as involved as they once were, or why people aren’t starting to get involved and they’re important reasons.
That’s exactly why I still do the exchanges, trying to foster and grow the community
You aren’t wrong about writers not stepping outside of their friendship group. That has been a prevailing problem since day one.
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jxmieoleksiaks · 3 years
December and Tomorrow for the ask game 💛
december: have you ever gifted a fic to someone?
I have! I did the hockey network’s fic exchange around the holidays and though i put too much pressure on myself bc the person i had is just amazing, I think it turned out well.
tomorrow: favourite ways to write fluff? I just like to imagine all kinds of cute stuff and write it out. Things I would like, and others as well
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