#holy hell you really went in and it’s under 700 words?!
threetangerines · 1 year
My submission for Readers Create game!
Title: Golden Hour
Prompts: Sunlight and Summer
Summary: A stolen afternoon.
Warnings: Explicit smut, kissing, cuddling, handjobs, orgasms, cunnilingus, dirty talk, fluff, sleepy Yoongi, ethereal Yoongi, reader in her feels, internal dialogue, teeny tiny angst, honestly I can't decide if this is fluffy smut or smutty fluff 😅
Word count: 641
Note: *Nervous huff* I feel so lucky to be able to contribute in some tiny humble way to the body of work that is this legendary story. I tried to lean way into the prompts and do something in my own way that hopefully, while under a different lens (?) still translated these lovely characters as our beloved author-nim intended them. I'm so scared to submit, but also so excited to have been given this gem of an opportunity. Thank you so much, Ryen, for opening this up - I had a blast!! 💖
You were bent over on the bed, the hoodie you were wearing - his - was pooling around the top half of your torso, it's warmth contrasting deliciously with the cool air hitting the rest of your otherwise naked body. You let out a shuddering sigh, digging your fingers into fleece lining that was not nearly as soft as the tongue sliding languidly up and down your labia. It was almost too warm for second layers, but his window was open and a breeze was wafting through the room. You could hear the chirp of the birds and the tinkle of a windchime as his lips found your clit and suckled. 
"Yoongi…" Your voice was softer than usual, even as you whined his name.
Everything was softer.
He was softer.
He hummed in response against your sex, devouring you with a leisure befitting a stolen afternoon.
    You had just come over to return something he had left at yours. When he had answered the door with mop of lovely mussed hair and a white tee and sweatpants, it had been immediately apparent that you had awakened him from a nap. When you had apologized and begged off he had grabbed you by the arm and pulled you into him, his lips skimming your temple. You had protested weakly, insisting that your brother would be home from work in a couple of hours and that it was your dinner night and other nonsense you secretly hoped he would ignore. He had said nothing, but had tugged you along and down into bed with him, pulling you against him greedily and nuzzling into your neck with a smug, if sleepy, grin, as if he know all along that you never meant to leave. The moment your bodies had fitted together in that way they always did, any thought of departure, or cooking obligations, or complicated consequences left your mind entirely. Yoongi, his warmth, his comfort, the butterflies in your stomach and the peace in your heart were all you could fathom. You had drifted off, then awoke to little kisses across your cheek. His hair was curling around his face, longer than usual recently (you knew it wouldn't last, he always changed his hair), and the light from the window behind him and spilling into the room around him made him look angelic. Demon that he usually was, his dark eyes so often full of hunger as he leaned over you, this visage of him took your breathe away. Unfair. "Hustler?" he had murmured in question to your staring, his voice gravely from sleep. You didn't answer, not with words - there was a golden spell hanging in the air, one you thought might shatter if you spoke above a whisper, so, you kissed him. You him kissed unhurriedly, in all the sorts of ways you had ever wanted to, just feeling his mouth move against your own. At some point you had pulled his pretty cock out of his pants started stroking it until he had cum, shaking and cursing softly, against your shirt. 
    That's how you had ended up in his hoodie, bent over, with his tongue inside you. You were so hazy with the decadent lust of the moment that you could barely hear his mummers against your sopping flesh. He was calling you 'doll'. He was cursing sweetly. He was lewdly and perfectly praising you. With a soft cry you came against his mouth, your orgasm dragging out sweet and long like a spool of honey as his lips continued to purr filth against your sex.
    An hour later you were on his doorstep. He was leaning against the frame and looking down at you. Warm eyes, small smile. No rain. Not this time. This time the sky was gold.
They say that nothing gold can stay, but maybe, just maybe…
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s1ut4harrypotter · 3 years
kiss the prettiest girl in the room
a/n: this was physically painful to write holy fuck. it’s really short because writing it made me wanna lay under my bed for a few days and think about my life choices. it’s based off that one scene from Perks of Being a Wallflower. Flashbacks in italics
word count: 700
warnings: cursing, cheating (just a kiss), George being dumb.
You were playing truth or dare in the common room. You were sitting next to your boyfriend, George. You really did think the two of you were happy together, he didn’t think the same. 
“Hey George. I wanted to ask you something.” you caught up with George after class.
“Hey y/n what’s up? He asked.
“I was wondering if you wanted to go to the yule ball with me?” you asked with a hopeful expression. He didn’t know how to say no, so instead he said
“Yeah sure Y/N sounds fun.”
That was his first mistake, his second was the night of the ball. The two of you had always been friends, he had fun with you, but he was hoping to ask Katie Bell. That night after the ball, he kissed you goodnight before walking up to his dorm. From there, you were smitten. He had started acting like your boyfriend after that, you didn’t know what to say.
“George? Can i ask you something?”
“Hey Y/N what’s up?” he said.
“I don’t wanna seem weird or anything but,” you paused, unsure of how to phrase it. “Are we dating?” 
Fuck. no? Yes? He didn’t know either. He made his next mistake here. “Yeah? I think so? Well, Y/N will you be my girlfriend?”.
You smiled “Yes George.”
After that he was stuck, but he didn’t have the heart to break up with you.
“George! Truth or dare?” Lee asked.
“Truth.” George replied
“How’s your first relationship going?” he asked with a wink.
“It’s so bad, that I keep fantasizing that one of us is dying of Cancer so that I don’t have to break up with her.” he replied, expressionless. You honestly couldn't tell if he was joking or not, but then everyone laughed, so you laughed too. You failed to notice his obviously fake laugh.
“George c’mon, truth or dare? Hello?” Lee asked again. Everyone laughed again, so you did too.
He hesitated for a second, “Dare?” 
Lee tapped his pointer finger on his chin for a few seconds before giggling and saying “I dare you, to kiss the prettiest girl in the room… on the lips.” he winked at you. “Notice how I said girl, because let’s face it, I’d smoke all you bitches.” he finished, making everyone laugh again.
Nobody, especially not you, could predict what George did next. He didn’t turn to you. 
He turned to Angelina Johnson, on the other side of him, and kissed her. Not even everyone had finished laughing yet, but when everyone else noticed, the room went silent.
“Oh that’s fucked up.” Fred said in an attempt to lighten the mood.
When George noticed that everyone was staring at him, completely silent, it was like he snapped out of a trance. 
“Y/N-” he trailed off as you got up and walked out of the common room.
“Y/n! y/n please I’m sorry. It was a mistake.”
Alicia spinnett got up and followed you, so did Angelina. They happened to be your best friends. Angelina was the first person you met on the train, you had been best friends ever since. 
“Angelina please wait” George was desperate. 
She turned to him and said “What the hell is wrong with you?” before running off to find you.
Later that night George was pacing around his dorm, “I need to find her and apologize. I have to do something!”
“George, trust me, you don’t want to do that.” Lee replied.
“I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to do anything.”.
“No we know you didn’t George. Look, I hate to be the one to break this but, there’s history with Y/n and Angelina. Other guys, and things that have nothing to do with you, but, it’s best if you just, stay away, for a while.” Lee said.
“Oh… ok. How long do you think?” George asked.
Lee didn’t reply after that, he just kept getting ready for bed.
After that, without talking, it seemed you and George had broken up. You didn’t come to meals, when you saw him, you walked the other way. The two of you were done, and George knew it. 
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Takara Yamada’s Hero Academia Episode 6 [Eijiro Kirishima/OC] [Female!Aizawa/Hizashi]
Hey! So...I guess I went from the last bit of five into six? I am so confused, but I guess that’s just cus it’s 1:00 in the morning and I’m tired. Anyway, here’s the next episode for you all. 
Edit: Nevermind! Hardygal helped me figure it out. Now I’ve had some sleep, it was obvious (just some mislabeling), but anyway...
I went back and added a sketch I posted that’s supposed to be the actual design Takara submitted for her Kitsune outfit, if y’all want to look at it before/during/after you read my description. Look for the linked word shortly before the description.
Now for Takara’s Masterlist
I’m gonna tag the usual people: @dailyojiromashirao and @elite-guard-hardygal, but anyone can join, too. 
Also, I would love to read Asks with your predictions of what’s to come! Please send em in and I’ll tell you ‘Hot’ or ‘Cold’. Deal? XD
But in all seriousness, please send theories and predictions. I’d really like to hear them! 
Now, onto the episode! Hope you all like it! 
God Bless and Good day!
~The Lupine Sojourner
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“No matter what your intentions are, you would be nothing more than a liability in battle.” Mom growls in a terrified Izuku’s face. “I’m sorry, Midoryia, but with your power, there’s no way someone like you can become a hero.” That does it. Student or no student, I had to do something.
“Mom, enough!” I bark, and it takes several seconds before I realize what I’d called her. Shit.
Guess the cat’s out of the bag now…
Unsurprisingly, everyone was shocked. I sigh, then give Mom an apologetic look. Mom glances at me before turning back to Izuku. “You have the same reckless passion as another overzealous hero I know; one who saved a thousand people by himself and became a legend. But, even with that drive, you’re useless if you can only throw a single punch before breaking down.” She continues. I guess Teacher!Mom really is different.
“Mom!” I snap. “You said yourself; it’s not the Quirk that defines you, it’s how you use it.” I point out. Mom tsks and releases him.
“I’ve returned your impractical Quirk. Take your throw.” She says. “And, Takara, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t act as my daughter in class from here on, alright?” I nod.
“I know. It just slipped out.” I murmur meekly. “Sorry.” She pats my shoulder.
“Try not to let it slip out again and we’re good.” She says, resuming her place observing the others, putting in eye drops as she waits for Izuku to throw the ball. I drag my feet back to the others as Izuku retrieves the ball. Mom hadn’t counted his first throw to prove a point. Now, it would factor into his placement on this overall test. He needs a good score!
“You didn’t tell me both your parents were teachers.” Eijiro mutters. I deflate, wanting to sink into the ground and disappear.
“You didn’t ask.” I mumble. It was a classic excuse, but it was accurate. He hadn’t outright asked, and I didn’t want his impression (and the impressions of my classmates) framed by my parents. I wanted to make my own impression and let them decide who I really was.
“Oh. Sorry.” He says, apparently seeing my discomfort. “I think it’s cool, Takara. Really.” I smile.
“Thanks.” Izuku then takes a step back, holding the ball ready. I turn my head and watch as he launches it, a strange glow in his arm. I swallow. What was he doing?
“Smmaaaash!” Izuku roars, and the ball goes flying, just like with Katsuki.
705.3 meters the robot recited. I blink. Holy shit! He used just his finger to power the ball so he could still compete! “It’s just like your daughter said, Mrs. Aizawa; it’s how you use your Quirk, not what the Quirk is.” He says. “And, well...I’m still standing!” I laugh, unable to resist clapping. It seems everyone is thoroughly distracted from my slip-up and I’m fine with that.
“He threw it over 700 meters?!” The blonde-black streak boy exclaims.
“Dude, why are you surprised? You heard he took out the 0-pointer all by himself, right?” I point out. He blinks.
“Oh, yeah! Guess you’re right.” He admits, grinning.
“Nice!” Ochaco cheers. “He’s finally showing us his true power!”
“But his finger appears to be broken.” Tenya counters. “Just like in the exam. His Quirk is very odd.” I shrug. I knew what the deal was, but couldn’t say it aloud.
“Well, most Quirks have a drawback, right? This is just his drawback.” I muse instead.
“I suppose.” He replies thoughtfully, holding his chin. He then turns to me. “By the way, I can see why you didn’t tell anyone Mrs. Yamada and her husband were your parents. It can change people’s perceptions of you.” I wasn’t sure why he chose to say that now of all times, but I smile, happy he understood and wasn’t upset.
“Yeah...sorry. I just never really said anything unless directly asked. I didn’t mean to call her ‘mom’.” I reply. Before Tenya can respond, Katsuki tears forward, roaring angrily.
“Hey! Deku, you bastard! Tell me how you did that or you’re dead!” I sprint forward, stopping at Mom’s outstretched hand. Izuku can only scream in terror as Mom’s capture weapon lurches forward, snapping around Katsuki’s chest and forehead. “What the- -why the hell is your damn scarf...so strong?!” He growls, struggling to get away and reach Izuku.
“Because it’s a capture weapon made out of carbon fiber and a special metal alloy.” Mom replies easily, keeping Katsuki still, glaring at him. “Stand down!” She barks, furious. “It’d be wise to avoid making me use my Quirk so much;” She continues, “it gives me serious dry eye!” When Katsuki appears to obey, Mom releases him, sighing as her hair flops back down over her eyes. “You’re wasting my time now. Whoever’s next can step up.” Izuku walks timidly past Katsuki, who simply stands there, shaking (with what, I can’t tell. Rage? Confusion?), and rejoins us.
“Is your finger okay?” Ochaco asks when Izuku arrives.
“Sure.” He replies. “Fine.” Mom snaps at us and we continue the throwing test. Soon enough, it’s on to sit-ups. As many as we could do in 5 minutes.
Eijiro asked if I’d be his partner and I agreed. It seemed to take forever, but I ended up with a good score. 213, thanks to using the water as a springboard. Then, it was Eijiro’s turn. He got about 170 in, and seemed deflated, so I grin.
“Awesome job!” He sighs.
“But you got almost 50 more situps in then I did.” I shrug.
“Eijiro, you still did really good! This is a test not a lot of Quirks will help with. Mine only got me a little extra spring. That’s all. Your score is really impressive!” I assure him. He nods.
“If you say so.” It was a common response of his when he felt I did a lot better than him at something and I tried to tell him he did amazing, too. I wondered just what made him so certain he wasn’t that great, but I was determined to prove him wrong.
“I do say so, so you better believe it!” I reply before Mom calls out that we’re moving on to the Seated Toe Touch test.
There wasn’t much my Quirk could do to help, so I got a fairly average score. In fact, hardly anyone’s Quirks were suited for simply stretching over and trying to touch your toes.
Once we were all done, Mom led us to the large recreational area where we’d done the ball throw. The next test was the Long Distance Run, Mom announced. I smirk confidently.
Naturally, Tenya would most likely get first, but I could get a good placing, I just know it! It was a mile race, and I ended up in fifth place! Eijiro wasn’t far behind me, coming in seventh, a blonde-haired boy with a tail between us. I bent over, panting, before the boy came over. “Nice race!” He says, smiling. I straighten and shake his hand.
“I’m Ojiro Mashairo.” He introduces.
“I’m guessing you already know my name, huh?” I mumble, scratching the back of my neck. He nods.
“Yeah, and I get why you didn’t want to tell us just yet.” I smile.
“Thanks. I probably should have just told you my last name at first, then let you all figure it out, but I decided I wanted to have my first impression be as Takara, not Present Mic and Eraserhead’s kid.” I explain. Ojiro nods.
“I get that.” I grin, then Mom calls us together.
“Alright, time to give you your results. I’ve ranked you all from best to worst. You should probably have a good idea of your standing already. I’ll just pull up the whole list; it’s not worth going over each individual score.” And so she does; I find my name in the 9th slot, between Eijiro and Mina, and grimace. Not as good as I wanted, but not bad, either, I guess. Mom glances at me, a tiny smirk on her face and I feel better. She thought I did good. That was enough. I then continue reading the list and- -shit! Izuku’s in last place! I look over and he’s shaking, devastated. I bite my lip. There wasn’t anything I could do. He’d be sent home. He’d be expelled. He looked down, gripping his wrist like it would keep him together and prevent him from breaking down. Just as I begin pivoting to walk over, the scores are retracted and Mom chuckles. “And I was lying; no one’s going home.” My heart skips a beat. Wait, what?! “That was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all in the tests.” She explains. She’d never done that with me! It was totally new!
“I’m surprised the rest of you didn’t figure that out.” A girl with long black hair muses. “I’m sorry; guess I probably should have said something.” We all look at her in various degrees of ‘duh’.
“How would we have figured that out?” I grumble under my breath. The straight-black-haired boy turns to Eijiro.
“That was pretty nerve-wracking, huh?” He muses.
“Nah. I’ll always down for a challenge!” Eijiro replies, eyes glinting and fist clenched in determination.
“That’s it for today.” Mom says. “Pick up a syllabus in the classroom, read it over before tomorrow. Midoriya,” She hands him a note. “take this and have the old lady look you over. Things‘ll be more difficult once your actual training begins.” She warns, then puts a hand on my shoulder. “Make sure you’re prepared. Come on, Takara. We have to find Hizashi.” I nod, waving goodbye and following Mom. “It was interesting that you didn’t tell people who you are right off the bat.” She muses. I gulp. Would she be upset? Today, Mom had acted so different than she normally did, I can’t tell how she’d react anymore.
“We-well, I wanted to make the first impression of myself as Takara, not as Present Mic and Eraserhead’s daughter.” I mumble, fiddling with my fingers nervously.
“Huh.” She replies vaguely, expression unreadable. “So it’s a mix, then, of both of us.” She muses, but before I can respond to that, I spot Toshin-Oji standing there like he’d been looking in on us for a while.
“Aizawa, that was a rotten move.” He grumbles. So he had been watching. Why? To see what Izuku would do?
“All Might.” Mom replies casually. “So, you were watching. No talk shows today?”
“Mom, he doesn’t do that many talk shows.” I point out.
“That’s beside the point.” Toshin-Oji replies, eyes never leaving Mom. “A ‘rational deception’? That’s cute, but you’re not exactly known for being light-hearted.” I raise a brow. Why was he so mad? Because Izuku could have been expelled? “I read your file; last year, you expelled an entire class of freshman students. You have no problem kicking students out; anyone you deem unworthy.” I blink several times. Guess there was a reason Mom didn’t take work home. She was so different at UA versus at home, I almost don’t recognize her. “You were planning to send last place home.” I swallow. Mom wouldn’t really do that...would she? “So, that must mean you see the same potential in young Midoriya that I do!” Mom raises a brow, then turns to All Might.
“What’s this about?” She asks. “It almost sounds like you’ve been in his corner the whole time. And Takara, as well, though I suppose that’s because she was with him during the sludge villain attack.” Toshin-Oji flinches, but doesn’t reply.
“Mom, please.” I mumble.
“Regardless, isn’t it a little early for you to be playing favorites?” Mom asks coyly, like I hadn’t said anything. She then starts walking again. “Midoriya doesn’t have zero potential, I admit.” She adds. “If that were the case, I would have sent him home after class without hesitation.” I swallow. Would she really? She sighs. “It’s cruel to let a kid keep dreaming of something that will never come true.” I frown, but wave goodbye to Toshin-Oji and jog back to Mom.
“Mom, Izuku’s gonna become a hero. He won’t give up.” She smiles.
“I don’t expect him to, Takara. But I won’t make it easier for him, either. I’ll treat him like I would any other student. Everyone was under the same pressure in those tests and they all showed their potential today. I didn’t see any reasons for expulsion.” I nod and smile. This was closer to the Mom I knew at home. We walk to the teacher’s lounge and find Dad sleeping on a table. I chuckle and run my fingers up his ribs.
“Dad, there’s a spider!” I exclaim. He leaps up, screaming and patting himself down, but then notices that I’m laughing and calms.
“That’s not funny, TIk-Tik. Hey, Shota.” He says, yawning and kissing Mom. “Running the orientation was no easy task.” He muses, rubbing his eyes. Mom chuckles.
“I bet. Nor was managing 21 kids. How about we grab coffee on the way home?” Dad instantly perks up.
“That sounds awesome!” He says. I find myself craving coffee, too. I’d used my Quirk a lot. It took its toll. But maybe I just need food. After all, there wasn’t much time for lunch while the tests were underway, for me at least. I yawn and Mom frowns.
“We need to get you food, too. You’re ready to pass out.” She muses, smiling at me and offering support. I nod, rubbing my eyes and leaning on her.
The true downside of my Quirk, we’d discovered, was that it took blood sugar to activate my mental control of water and earth, and since earth was stubborn and hard, it cost a lot more. “You know, your classmates are pretty cool, from what I saw.” Dad points out, yawning and leading the way to the cafeteria, labeled Lunch Rush (like the hero? Cool!). “If you want to invite them over sometime, I wouldn’t say no.” I pause, mulling it over. I didn’t know them yet. But maybe after getting to know them, I would.
“I’ll keep it in mind.” I reply, side-hugging Dad as we walk to the cafeteria.  
“Alright, alright, alright!” Dad exclaims, seeing everyone seated and ready for the English lesson. “Before we get started, listeners, I have a special shout-out to give.” I pale, freezing in terror. He wouldn’t...
Would he? “Most of you know my amazing daughter already from yesterday’s performance for the Quirk Assessment Test, but I wanna formally introduce her! Tik-Tak, c’mon up here!” I am so red and flustered, I can only shake my head, slumping onto the desk as several chuckles ring the room. I hide my face in my arms. “Ah, well, she’s shy.” Dad acknowledges a moment later, and I swear his voice has a twinge of regret before he seems to revert to his normal self. “So, let’s move along to the rockin’ lesson I have for you all!”
Thankfully, the other teachers didn’t seem intent on embarrassing me in front of my class, and before I know it, it was finally time for Hero Basic Training. “I hear Hizashi felt the need for a ‘shout out’ in his class.” Toshin-Oji muses, in his thin form. I’d arrived early, sulking at Mom’s desk until he spoke.
“Yeah. He even called me Tik-Tak!” I grumble.
“He loves you and probably couldn’t contain himself.” I sigh, deflating.
“I know, but...I just don’t like being put on the spot like that. Everyone laughed at me!”
“Not everyone’s nickname is a candy.” Toshin-Oji retorts wryly. I swat at his arm.
“Not helping!” I protest. Eijiro then walks in.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asks, setting his bag down and walking over. I sigh.
“Just Dad’s ‘shout out’ in English.” Eijiro smiles.
“Well, I think it was pretty typical of a dad to brag about their kid.” I sigh.
“I guess you’re right.” I turn to Toshin-Oji. “Do you have to get back to work, Toshin-Oji?” I ask as Katsuki sulks in, glaring at us as he claims the desk he’s used since yesterday. Like anyone was stupid enough to confuse his desk for theirs. 
Toshin-Oji smiles gratefully for my excuse for his exit to change and become All Might (Dad told me Mom was letting my uncle sub for her class today as something came up at her agency). “Ah, yes. Thank you. I’ll see you later, Takara.” He says, waving from the door. I wave back as he leaves and more of my classmates arrive.
“Afternoon, Yamada.” Tenya says, seating himself and waiting for class to start. I nod, smiling.
“Hey, what’s with the last name?” I tease. “Told yah to call me Takara.”
“Ah, yes. Sorry.” I shrug.
“S’all good.” Soon enough, we’re all seated and waiting for All Might. He arrives moments later.
“I am...here! Coming through the door like a hero!” He exclaims, in a kinda weird pose, grinning and in general being overdramatic. He strides to the podium as we all chatter excitedly.
“So he is a teacher!” Eijiro exclaims. “This year is gonna be totally awesome!” 
I grin. “Right?!” A girl with dark green hair behind Eijiro looks at his costume.
“Is that his silver age costume?” She asks. I tilt my head.
“I think so.” I reply.
“I’m getting goosebumps! It’s so retro!” The boy with a tail (Oshio? Maybe?) murmurs.
“Welcome to the most important class at UA High; think of it as Hero-ing 101!” All Might begins. “Here, you will learn the basics of being a pro, and what it means to fight in the name of good!” He strikes a pose and reveals a card that says ‘Battle’. “Let’s get to it! Today’s lesson will pull no punches!” I flinch. Were they serious? Were we really gonna fight each other?
“Fight training!” Katsuki exclaims, an unusual amount of glee in his voice.
“Real combat?” Izuku mumbles nervously, and I find that a much more realistic and appropriate reaction.
“No way...” I whimper.
“And one of the keys of being a hero iiisss...looking good!” Toshin-Oji calls like we hadn’t said anything and points to the back wall. There were rectangular slots that opened up and out came racks of numbered cases. “These were designed for you based on your Quirk Registration Forms and the request you sent in before school started.” All Might explains. Everyone cheers excitedly. I wondered how they’d react to my choice of a fox-themed outfit. For some reason, that was all I could think of when I sat down to design a hero outfit. I’d even thought of my hero name to go with the outfit; The Elemental Heroine, Kitsune! It was what I wanted, and Mom and Dad were fine with it, so I submitted the Kitsune design and didn’t regret it. I move and grab the case with the number of my desk and follow All Might’s instruction to ‘get suited up’ in the changing room.
I open it and pull out the black bodysuit first. I go to a curtained room and get changed into it. It was almost skin-tight, but not quite, like I asked. I was surprised at how breathable and light the fabric was, but it also felt sturdy and reliable. I then pull out the orange half-sleeved overcoat. It covered from my chest to my hips, dropping behind me in a kind of tail, with a Mandarin neckline and zipper down my chest. I clipped my slate grey belt (with spaces for water or snacks to boost my blood sugar on the go) on and it fits perfectly. I then put my boots on. They were a sunset orange, like the overcoat, almost knee-high, and came with knee pads tucked into them to save space. The soles of the boots weren’t overly thick and heavy, with small spikes to provide traction. With the boots on, all that was left was my headgear and gloves. The headgear was tied at the back of my head, and was also sunset orange, with orange fox ears coming off the sides of my head, fading to black at the tips. The gloves’ fingers were black, and the rest was the orange of the rest of my suit. I tried a few poses, and it felt great!
“Wow!” I hear Mina exclaim from behind me. “That looks great on you, girl, but...I thought your Quirk was water?” I grin.
“Water and earth, actually. Earth’s just a lot harder to control, so I use it to track vibrations. Also, I really like foxes and wolves, so I crafted an outfit to match.” I explain. Ochaco grins. She has a black bodysuit, too, but it looks tighter than mine. She has a cute pink and white belt and a simple white design over her chest. There were bracelets over her wrists and her boots had a rounded, almost balloon-look to them, going all the way to her knee with a bit of heel. It was a simple costume and she had a visor to protect her face. All in all, a great outfit.
“That looks so cool, Yamada!” She says, then scratches the back of her neck. “I didn’t mean to ask for something skin-tight. I normally wear looser stuff…”
“I do, too!” I reply, trying to help her feel better. “Call me Takara, by the way, and, with everything else, it looks great. I like your suit, too!” I then look over and am a little shocked at the girl with long black-hair’s costume. It was red, looking kinda like Oba Nemuri’s...but… “Wow...um...that’s an interesting costume…” I mumble, blushing a little. She showed a lot of skin.
“My Quirk is Creation, and the creations come out of my skin, so I had to have something that works with that.” I nod.
“Yeah.” I reply. “Makes sense. Sorry.” She smiles.
“My name is Momo Yaoyorozu. I know it’s a bit revealing, but I have to dress like this, with my Quirk. I apologize if it makes you uncomfortable.” I smile.
“Oh, no! I just...it took my a little by surprise, is all. I didn’t know what your Quirk was.” I explain as we walk out.
“Okay.” She says and we drop the conversation.
I then see the boys and- -holy- -whoa! Eijiro! His hero outfit, like Momo’s, catered to his Quirk, but...did he have to just not wear any shirt?! “N-nice outfit, Eijiro…” I mumble, blushing scarlet. He was jacked! He had a defined six-pack and those arms were too jacked. He had a jawguard on that looked almost like a muzzle, with cog-wheel looking things over his shoulders and a half-skirt tucked into his belt, which had a stylized ‘R’ on the buckle. His pants were baggy dark grey cargo pants and he wore a pair of red mid-shin high boots.
“Thanks! You look...you look amazing, too!” He replies, chuckling.
I move automatically with everyone else, but I can’t stop glancing over at Kiri. He’d been wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants at the entrance exam and the uniform after that, so I was completely caught off guard. How was he so ripped?! Finally, we arrive at Training Ground Beta and head down the tunnel. “They say that ‘clothes make the pros’, young ladies and gentlemen, and behold, you are the proof! Take this to heart; from now on, you’re all Heroes in Training!” Toshin-Oji all but squeals when we arrive. “It’s getting me all ramped up! You look so cool!” He calms a little, clearing his throat, “Now, shall we get started, you bunch of newbies?” Izuku, having taken a little while longer to get dressed, finally arrived.
At first, I thought his costume was modeled after a rabbit, then I remembered his favorite hero and shake with the effort to contain laughter. It was super obvious! “Nice costume, Izuku!” I greet.
“Yeah! Not too flashy, Deku! I like it!” Ochaco chimes in, and Izuku is startled when he takes in his friend’s costume, cheeks flaring under his face mask. “I should have been more specific about what I wanted; this bodysuit is skin-tight. Not really my style…”
“Now that you’re ready,” Toshin-Oji calls as he takes all of our costumes in. “it’s time for combat training!” Tenya (or I think it’s Tenya; no one else’s calves are that thick) immediately raises a hand.
“Sir, this is the city from the entrance exam. Does this mean we’ll be conducting urban battles again?”
“Not quite!” Toshin-Oji replies. “I’m gonna move you two steps ahead! Most of the villain attacks you see on the news happen outside. However, statistically, run-ins with the more dastardly villains happen indoors. Think about it; back room deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs. Truly intelligent criminals remain in the shadows. For this training exercise, I’ll be splitting you into teams of two; good guys and bad guys, fighting two-on-two teams!”
“Isn’t this a little advanced?” That girl with dark green hair asks, tilting her head. She wears a green bodysuit with dulled yellow goggles.
“The best training is what you get on the battlefield.” Toshin-Oji points out. “But remember; you can’t just punch a robot this time; you’re dealing with actual people now.” Questions flew thick a fast, things like ‘how will you split us up?’, ‘how bad can we hurt the other team?’ (from Bakugo, unsurprisingly), and a lot of others.
“I wasn’t finished speaking!” Toshin-Oji exclaims. He then clears his throat and draws out a small notebook. “The situation is this; the villains have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in the building. The heroes must either retrieve the weapon or capture the villains to win. But, time is limited! Teams will be decided by drawing lots!”
“Isn’t there a better way?” Tenya asks.
“Think about it.” Izuku counters. “Heroes have to team up with heroes from other agencies on the spot, so maybe that’s the reason we’re seeing that here.”
Tenya nods. “Ah, I see. Life is a random series of events.” He replies. “Excuse my rudeness!”
“No sweat!” Toshin-Oji cheers, “Let’s draw!” In everyone’s rush to draw, I’m left a bit behind, and can’t get through til almost everyone has drawn. When I reach my hand in, however, I find there’s only one ball left and I wander around, trying to find the other person with a ‘K’ on their ball. Toshin-Oji flinches when I can’t find anyone. “Ah, young Yamada! I should have considered that the class is unevenly numbered. Hmm...it wouldn’t be right to leave you solo...hmm...Well, I’m sorry, but for now, just watch and we’ll see how we can get you into a battle. Sound okay?” I nod awkwardly.
“Yeah.” All Might gives me an apologetic look before he clears his throat and moved to two boxes labelled ‘Heroes’ and ‘Villains’.
“I declare that the first two teams to fight will be…” He draws a ball from each and holds them up. ‘D’ and ‘A’. “These guys!” I gulp.
‘D’ was Katsuki and Tenya. ‘A’ was Ochaco and Izuku.
Katsuki hated Izuku. This was so not going to end well.
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my--murder--house · 7 years
Moving To Murder House / TATE X READER
NOTES: ahh!! I’m happy to have out another fic. It’s been quite some time, we are almost at 700 followers, I want to do something special for that milestone. I haven’t had a lot of time to work on writings or edits since I’m moving! Funny enough, the house we got looks like Murder House! 
Please enjoy!! 
Word Count: 897
I'd just moved into the infamous Murder House, ugh... I'm somewhat excited but also really fucking creeped out by the place. The neighbors are really nice but... I don't know, I'm lonely I guess. I've been unpacking my stuff and set up my room. I told my mom/dad  not to bother and thankfully, they listened. They'd gone out for the day, leaving just me and the house. To my surprise, I wasn't completely alone. I heard a rustling in the kitchen, wondering if an animal had gotten in. "Who are you? What are you doing in my house?" I asked, my tone was soft but stern, I didn't want to startle him too much. The stranger turned around, his face was somewhat dull for his age, now that I think about it. "Uh, hi. I'm Tate, you left your front door open... and I..thought I'd say hi to the new neighbors." He replied, giving me an adorable little smile. I huffed, my chest rising for a second. "Well, hi, Tate. I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you. You're lucky my parents aren't home because they'd flip out.." I joked, giving him a small chuckle, trying to keep an eye out for my parents. "Do you need help carrying anything?" Tate suddenly asked, lifting up one of the heavy boxes. "Sure, if you wouldn't mind.. I'll show you where to put it." I replied, leading him up the stairs, looking back at him every few seconds. For once, it felt like I could walk up the stairs peacefully without having any eyes glued to my backside. He seemed trustworthy enough, but of course, I just met the guy... Tate placed the box in the corner of my room, looking around, admiring the CD collection I had on my dresser, still unorganized as holy hell. He slowly took a seat on my bed, making sure not to mess up the covers I had so neatly displayed. "So... why did you move here?" He asked in a soft, low voice, looking over at me, smiling faintly. "Closer to the family.." I sighed, lowering my gaze to the ground. "Yeah? That's cool, I guess. I'm not close to my family but I get it." He replied softly, his voice was a mix between a playful giggle and a scratch. It was... cute. Tate was cute, I'll say the least. "So.... are you here alone?" He asked, letting out a sigh. I nodded, looking out the window to make sure my parents weren't home yet. "Yeah.. they went to the store. I just wanted to unpack and get my shit together." I joked, smiling at him. "I can help you finish unpacking if you want.. i wouldn't mind." He got up, straightened his dark brown sweater and extended his hand to help me up. I gladly obliged and grasped is soft hands, trying not to make too much eye contact, since my heart was already racing. He helped me carry more boxes upstairs, unpacking each one, handing me my belongings, keeping my parents' stuff in the boxes. "So... if your parents don't know I'm here, should I just jump out the window when they come?" He asked, being half serious at the very least. I smiled, rocking back on my heels. "Just hide under my bed if they come early.." I replied, lifting up the dangling blankets to expose the roomy underside of my bed. He showed me a toothy smile, his cheeks turning to a deep red. "But until then... just help me carry boxes.." he gladly did as I asked and continued carrying boxes up and down the stairs. About 45 mins had passed and most of the boxes had been organized but I insisted we take a break since my feet were beginning to hurt. "So.. Tate? Do you want something to eat?" I asked, gesturing to the fridge. He nodded his head no, giving me an awkward smile. I rolled my eyes, pouting my lips. I tossed him a bag of cookies from across the room. I saw my parents' car in the front and gestured Tate to duck so they wouldn't see him sitting on the counter top. "Shit! Take the back door, Tate. Thank you for all your help!" I thanked him quickly, giving him a smile. "Will I see you again?" He asked quickly, giving me a smile. "Come by tonight and we'll talk more.. now hurry, they're coming in!" I said somewhat loudly, watching him dart off. He looked back once, almost slamming into the wall. I really liked this Tate guy, he seemed really nice and we're a similar age.. he doesn't seem like the type of dude my parents would like, though. "Hey, mom!" I greeted her, quickly getting to my feet. "Hi, honey.. did you take care of all those boxes by yourself?" She asked, admiring the work Tate and I did. Well, to her, it was all me. "Yeah! I was really bored and wanted to get stuff done..." she raised her brows, placing plastic bags on the table. "Help us unpack, sweetie." I left the house and saw Tate in the corner of my eye. I smirked at him, making sure my parents didn't see. He seemed to disappear out of nowhere when I turned away. I just can't wait to talk more with him tonight…
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taisfics-blog · 7 years
G.E.T. - Pilot
“So how about another drink?”
“I really don’t think that is a great idea…”
“You know, the new freshmen will arrive soon this Summer.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m quite aware of that. So what?”
“Well, only that you might have to be their daddy.”
“Please don’t say that.”
“Look at you! You are a parent-material.”
“Because I’m so nice and sweet?”
“No, because you look so old and don’t a have a partner anymore so the only way to supress that sadness in life is to be the best parent there is, so your kids won’t notice why they don’t have anyone in their life taking care of them.”
“That is… one new way to get low, Miley.”
“You’re one to talk, Wank-my-Willy.”
“No thank you.”
“I wouldn’t let you.”
“Please no.”
“Oh, did you know?”
“I heard that one of our professors got caught with a student or something. What a pathetic creature.”
“Yeah, I mean, why would you date a student of yours, right?”
“No, I meant the girl. She dates this greasy old sleezer. I can’t believe her.”
“Who is he?”
“Like I’m going to tell you. This is really gold. – No, alright, it is professor Clearwater.”
“No way! Him? Who’s he dating?”
“I really can’t tell you… she studies medicine, just like you. From your year, I think, too.”
“Okay, Miley, now you really have to tell me.”
“On only one condition.”
“D’you agree?”
“With about anything now. You’re making me curious, you know.”
“Good answer. My proposal is… you take another shot and ask out that guy over there.”
“Oh, come on. You can’t be serious. I don’t even know him.”
“Have you seen how he looks at you? He is really interested and does fancy you. And he is handsome and I know you want him as well. That’s why we’re here in the first place. So, it’s up to you.”
“Maybe I don’t want to know in the first place.”
“By the way you’re looking away, I think the opposite. But that’s me…”
“Dammit. Fine. I will talk to that guy then.”
“Go get him, girl.”
“Please don’t call me that.”
“Hey, you’re the one who’s calling me Miley. Can’t see a reason why I can’t call you this. Just go get him, Will.”
“Right, right.”
“You’ve kissed before right?”
“Plenty of times.”
“It is the same with a guy, but it is up to you if you’re going for it or let him take charge.”
“I know how to kiss, Miley.”
“Well, show me and I will tell you who’s been dating prof. Clearwater.”
Will walked up to the guy. He was pretty wasted but he didn’t care, because it was finally Summer break after all this time. Besides, they were probably both drunk and they wouldn’t even remember the next day. The two started a little chat, but it quickly ended with a heavy make out session. Will walked back to his place after he had done what he was said to do.
“Look at you, Will. All happy, right?”
“No, I’m not.”
“I know, that’s what makes this even more exciting for me. You really went at it, huh? It seemed you let him take charge. Only to be expected of you, honestly.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, well, you’re the only the most reticent guy I know. You’re always so… cautious of everything and such. But that just now… I mean, wow. Like, I just couldn’t believe my eyes.”
“Yeah, yeah. Right, right. So tell me. Who was that girl who dated Clearwater?”
“Alright. I almost didn’t want to tell you, because I really wanted to see you kiss that guy. I was surprised you even did it. Don’t you have to tell me something?”
“Just tell me who did Clearwater.”
“Alright, alright. Sheesh, aren’t you pushy… this is so unlike you. Being this pushy and kissing guys.”
“Hey, I had to because of you.”
“That are your words, Will. Not mine. I knew you secretly had taken a liking to guys.”
“Miles. C’mon, don’t leave me hanging, man.”
“Oho, not even denying it! This is pure gold, Will.”
“Who dated Clearwater?”
“Whoa, there… Calm down and let me go, will you? Can’t be telling you things if I’m under this sort of pressure.”
“Fine, but I just kissed a guy for you to know.”
“You could’ve asked for an alternative, you know. But that besides… the one who dated Clearwater is Valerie.”
“No! Really? How didn’t I know about this?”
“Well, Will. You don’t know much either do you.”
“Wow… but she…”
“I know.”
“Miles, are you serious?”
“Yes. That filthy creature was your ex who dated Clearwater.”
“She’s the one who she left me for?!”
“Yeah, I suppose.”
“And you’re telling me this now?!”
“Hey, no reason for you to get mad at me, you know. I didn’t know about this until some time ago.”
“Well, I do! Because you let me kiss this guy!”
“But for a reason.”
“What? No, Miles. I’m so furious right now. Seriously, I really want to punch you right now. So what is this reason?”
“Because you kissed her current boyfriend and I just got that on photo. Don’t worry, you’re recognisable on this photo. See?”
“Holy shit.”
“I know. I’m going to send it to her friends right away.”
“But what is he doing here. And why did he kiss me?”
“Well, I heard rumours and chit-chat here and there that he occasionally visited these queer bars and went at it when Valerie was out of town. Hell, this boy’s so dirty I even got his messages on Findr. My girls got it for me.”
“Honestly, wow. So that’s why you wanted to come here so badly. Well, fuck you too you used me for this. But thanks a bunch, ‘cause now Valerie gets the dubble bad rep.”
“That’s what I am good at, Will.”
“That you would go this far.”
“I just like to stir things up. Don’t judge me.”
“I certainly wouldn’t know. I don’t even feel bad I kissed a guy for the first time.”
“Of course you aren’t.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing… let’s get out of here. I’m dead-tired and our mission is accomplished. We should bounce.”
 William ‘Will’ Baker is a 3rd-year medicine student attending at Verale University. It is one of the best universities in the country and if not, one of the best on the continent. Verale University thanks its credibility due to the vast history it got. Verale used to be the central point of the trade, because of its location near the Morgall Sea and Panorama Canal, great airport and several strict train stations making carriage and transport very easy. No wonder it is called ‘the connected city’. Moreover, many famous scientists, politicians, journalists and philosophists have attended this university – only to strengthen more the reputation of Verale.  
The University of Verale is one of the oldest universities in Riseria, the most wealthy continent in the world. Only to be beaten by Alza University when it comes to antiquity, which is only 35 years. What Alza University lacks compared to Verale University is Verale knows a different systems when it comes to fraternities and sororities. Verale University has a mixed-gender culture in their students’ corps and what’s more: Verale also offers besides the standard frat and srat culture, often associated with much alcohol and a lot of parties, a bunch of other activities like professional cooking courses, art classes and even more to broaden the students’ horizons and thus making them more successful in their future career, as they are stimulated to gain more experience with people and other activities outside their study.
The only downside to the university is: there is restriction on how many students there are allowed to go to Verale University. Most cum laude students don’t even get through the pre-procedure which consists a series of tests about the study one might want to follow, a writing exercise similar to a motivation letter, several talks with study counsellors and your curriculum vitae. Of the annual 120.000 applicants there are only 700 allowed a year. What’s more, if you want to join the students’ corps of Verale University, Nirvana, you have to undergo a hazing which takes a month and a lot of activities. Only a few are determined to finish this hazing and most of the students who have undergone this hazing are happy they finished it. Not only it is finally over, but they have met their friends for life, significant other, got a great job because of it and lots of memories.
The hazing of Nirvana is no easy one and you are pushed to your boundaries and have to complete several tasks to please ‘The Court of Honours’, which is a chosen group of senior members designed to watch over and judge the freshmen wanting to join Nirvana. Some activities may consist of wearing only a diaper to university, eating out of a bucket all day, sit in a room for several hours and many more activities that would likely drive you insane. Well, not insane, because there are ‘guides’ who help the freshmen in their hazing. The guides are called ‘parents’ and the freshmen are called ‘kids’. Parents get training in how to ‘raise’ their kids and that is no easy task either. If the kids screw things up, a part of the punishment goes to the parent as well. Because it is the fault of the parents as well for not being capable of raising their kids well. Each parent gets four to seven kids and have to teach the ways of the corps. Parents are also able to decide to ‘marry’ one other parent, but that also means you get to take care of the double amount of kids.
Will is a 3rd-year Nirvanian in the fraternity called Delta Gamma (Del Ga), member of the corps’ magazine commission and president of the excursion commission called ‘ExtraCo’. He is quite dedicated to the students’ corps and is a well-known member in Nirvana. The person he just talked is his best friend called Miles Faethercage. He has known him since grade school and have always been together. That doesn’t make Miles one of the nicest persons, though. Miles is sharp, manipulative, mean and easily criticises other people. Only a few know his mellow side, which he seldom shows. Will has only seen Miles not in his natural cold habitat once, but that was about something nobody saw coming.
Miles studies social anthropology and takes an extra course in philosophy, which makes him one of the biggest social bean in the university. He gets straight A’s in both courses and still thinks he isn’t challenged enough. That’s why he runs a club called ‘Whispers’, where he collects several rumours and presents it in his gossip-like magazine for Nirvanians called ‘Highlight’. He runs this club solely because he has nothing else to do and this is what Faethercage lives for. Miles’ hobbies are drinking coffee, reading and gossiping. He usually does this with his club, but recently he started to share some highlights with Will more often. But just like you may already have seen, Miles (always) asks for a price.
“I just can’t give out free information, right? But, hey, that’s me.”
Will and Miles are enjoying their final days of the Summer vacation before they have to go to college again. As both senior Nirvanians, they have to help the Court of Honours to bring the hazing to a success. Miles isn’t a parent, not because he isn’t capable, but because he has been asked as a ‘judge’ in the Court of Honours. A total of 8 judges watch over the parents and kids, give sanctions when needed and keep the general order during the hazing.
“Summer vacation is almost over, huh.” Will sighed.
“Shut up and just enjoy the free moments we still have. I can’t see Whispers for a month because of the stupid hazing.”
“Oh well…”
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