#holy krap
kraptos · 1 year
Happy 4th Agapēversary, my 200k+ word Kratos/Atreus of Sparta fanfiction is finally complete!!
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Feu's November 2022 BL/GL Wrap-Up
A little monthly wrap-up of all the shows I’ve watched or am watching in November 2022, general thoughts, and ranking of them all.
Recommendation of the month:
Nothing because I hardly watched anything this month rip
Love in the Air
About Youth
History 3: Make Our Days Count = Love In The Air Special
MDL Updates - Added to Watchlist:
A section because I’m curious about how many shows I decide to add to my Watch List a month and also the ratio of watching them:adding them
Love in the Air (adding it the day I decide to watch it lol - couldn’t wait till it finished)
Sleep With Me
Roommates of Poongduck 304
She Makes My Heart Flutter
Love in the Air: Special Episode
My Only 12%
Love of Secret
Ghost Host, Ghost House
To Sir, With Love
To Watch List At Start Of Month: 41
To Watch List At End Of Month: 46 (already started GHGH)
Removed from To Watch List:
Watching On-Air
Nothing because I don’t want carry over to 2023 :’)
Completely Watched
Love in the Air
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Aug 18, 2022 - Nov 10, 2022
Watch Via: Youtube (free)
Watch Dates : Nov 2 - 10, 2022
Rating: 6.5/10
Overall Impression: RainPayu - I thought I’d have to ignore more things than I did lol; a few things happen early on and we can ignore that + the fact that there wasn’t consent/discussion for a brat/tamer dynamic and just enjoy it - still a fun dynamic. Character growth and growing into a relationship is like a fair plot for a BL. Enjoyable but not a fave; don’t think about them at all. PaiSky - They took up much more of my brain space than PayuRain, both in good and bad ways. Pai was shitty in the first few eps of their story (mans is fr a stalker, doesn’t take no ew) but he’s also so good for Pai once he stops with the creepy shit and I have to be like... whelp, if you like him. I watched ep 10 and 11 being like “I shall ignore all of Pai’s questionable behavior” and it’s definitely enjoyable that way, I liked ep 10 the best. The show is known for the NC scenes and I enjoyed both pair’s second NC scenes. There were some production issues, like the sound was just shit and the editing for the second half was kinda worse than the first half.
tags: love in the air
Also Appears In: Love In The Air Live Blogging
HIStory3: Make Our Days Count
Country: Taiwan
Release Dates: Oct 16, 2019 - Dec 18, 2019
Watch Via: Youtube (free)
Watch Dates : Nov 13 - 17, 2022
Rating: 5.5/10
Overall Impression: in the beginning i was really annoyed by several characters (esp Haoting and Sun Bo) and after I stopped being annoyed, I also stopped caring oof. Don’t think I’ll think about the show or characters ever again. Also am not gonna watch ep 19/20. I liked the occasional scenes of Haoting and his sister; I am lover of sibling relationships.
Also Appears In: History 3: Make Our Days Count Live Blogging
About Youth
Country: Taiwan
Release Dates: Aug 29, 2022 - Sep 19, 2022
Watch Via: Youtube (free)
Watch Dates : Nov 18 - 26, 2022
Rating: 6/10
Overall Impression: It’s a cute show, I was enjoying it but then the GMMTV 2023 showcase happened and I stopped caring about this. It was okay and cute enough but won’t stick with me. The OST is nice though, I like the “slow motion” song
tags: about youth
Also Appears In: About Youth Live Blogging
Nov 21: GMMTV 2023 Showcase, it’s like watching a whole show. 2023 GMMTV Showcase Post
Love in the Air: Special Episode
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Nov 26, 2022
Watch Via: :>
Watch Dates : Nov 27, 2022
Rating: 5.5/10
Overall Impression: holy shit, sound issues. uhh I thought the Daddy thing would be like 1 bleep in the middle of an NC scene but it seems like it’s a Whole Thing rip (Sky laughing and saying “Paw-krap” is cute and endearing though); anyway, skipping most of that scene bc it’s just not for me. lmfao sorry SkyPai’s “Sky playing games on his phone while Pai’s getting handsy and kissy with him” works incredibly well for me (desperate Pai? ignoring? bruh it’s so aksdfl;kjfd) but Sky’s phone screen being completely black was killing me lmfao Also Sky grabbing fistfuls of Pai’s hair gets me every time. Pai, girl, why did you jump up like that when Sky came into the restaurant but I’ll forgive it because I like when Sky gives Pai forehead kisses. It’s not really cute that two best friends have apparently forgotten how to just have fun with each other and be without their bfs but whatever ig. I really like the way Sky and Pai play like first Sky ignoring Pai during foreplay and now Sky making Pai not touch or do anything and Pai being eager puppy in both situations lmfao Pai’s “Sometimes I’ve got a feeling that you’re mean.” exactly, so true i love dom sky with a mean streak and wish to see fort play a younger seme once again. A little marriage equality PSA. Anyway, as expected form the TharnType and Don’t Say No specials, nothing really happened but I had fun with the SkyPai NC scene dynamics. Also I don’t rmr when (maybe when Sky brought food to the office?) but in the special and also in the series, Pai would coo and hum at Sky sometimes and it’s seriously the best
tags: love in the air
Finally posted the KhaoFirst Content Index post lol months later
Dang, I hardly watched anything this month because aside from watching LITA for like 10 + 1 days and not watching anything for 4 days because of GMMTV, I’ve been meh about actually watching things and being engaged. So many days where I didn’t watch even an ep. 
Currently watching Ghost Host, Ghost House as the last BL before I embark on my 2 week rewatch journey of stuff I enjoyed in 2022.
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hadeschan · 5 months
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item # K22D57
Look-om Metta Maha Niyom Luang Phor Sakorn Wat Nong Krap, Nua Pong Prai Kumarn Luang Phu Tim Pasom Nam Wan Dok Thong, Pump Yant Na. A Kindness & Compassion holy powder ball painted with gold oil color with an imprint of a Yantra Na (Metta Maha Niyom Cabalistic Writing). This amulet was blended with “Pong Prai Kumarn of Luang Phu Tim of Wat Laharnrai, and juice of Wan Dok Thong (Magic Charm Plant), made by Luang Phor Sakorn of Wat Nong Krap, the Chief Disciple of Luang Phu Tim, made in BE 2554 (CE 2011).
“With kindness and compassion, the difficult becomes easy, the obscure; life assumes a charm and its miseries are softened. If you have the power of kindness and compassion, you could transform the world around you into a paradise.”
Look-om is a type of amulet made from holy powder + holy water that was made to a shape of a ball later to pump it into the mold to make amulet, but it was dried up before. So, the Guru Monk who made amulets decided to keep it as such, and gave it to his disciple as amulet
Wan Dok Thong, a mystical plant with yellow color believed to have high power of Magic Charm, and Metta Maha Niyom (it makes people around you love you, be nice to you, and willing to support you for anything).
BEST FOR: Matta Maha Niyom (it makes people around you love you, be nice to you, and willing to support you for anything). The people around you, their sense of compassion suddenly increase with ability to feel your feelings, they will have compassion and empathy toward you with the desire to take actions that will alleviate your need. This amulet helps bring Endless Wealth, and success in life and career. Wealth Fetching, Maha Larp (it brings lucky wealth), Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back, Maha Sanay (it helps turn you to Prince Charming in the eyes of women/men). It warns danger coming ahead, Klawklad Plodpai (it helps push you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), and Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you).  Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sa-niat jan-rai Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, accursedness, black magic, misfortune, doom, and poisonous animals). This amulet helps protect you from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people. And Baihuay, the spirits of the dead may tell/give hints of winning lottery numbers.
Guru Monks from Thailand who made the best Pong Prai Kumarn are LP Tim of Wat Laharnrai, Rayong Province and LP Tay Kongthong of Wat Sam-ngam Nakorn Pathom Province.
It’s a holy powder used for making amulets, and it contains human remains. According to a speech by LP Tim of Wat Laharnrai “obtaining help from power of the Buddha requested by the amulet owners is too slow, but obtaining help from ghosts (spirits) to answer the prayers of the amulet owners is alot faster”.
IS IT BLACK MAGIC? No, it’s not. The Guru monks like LP Tim and LP Tay Kongthong would perform ritual ceremonies to turn / ordain ghosts (spirits) of the dead to “monks”, in Thai called “Buet Phee”. The ghosts (spirits) will not do any harm to the amulet wearers. Those spirits will only do good things and help the amulet wearers for their own merit.
WILL THOSE HOLY SPIRITS LEAVE THE AMULETS? Possibly not. Why?Because each day in spirit world is equal to 100 ordinary solar years of our planet.
1) It could make you have a highly activated sixth sense. Sixth sense, or subtle perception ability, is our ability to perceive the subtle-dimension, or the unseen world of angels, ghosts, Heaven (Swarga), etc. It also includes our ability to understand the subtle cause and effect relationship behind many events, which is beyond the understanding of the intellect. Extrasensory perception (ESP), clairvoyance, premonition, intuition are synonymous with sixth sense or subtle perception ability.
2) Maha Larp, it brings lucky wealth.
3) Maha Sanay, it brings magic charms
4) Metta Maha Niyom, it helps you gain loving, kindness and compassion from people all around you.
5) Klaw Klad, Pold Pai, it pushes you away from all danger.
6) Warning of danger
According to the interview of Mr.Kularp Joichareon (Mor Larp), in BE 2515 (1972) LP Tim had the intention to make Buddha amulets as gifts to people who donated for the construction of Sala Pawwana Pirath Building at Wat Laharnrai, and LP Tim told 2 of his non-monk disciples, Mr.Sai Keawsawang, and Mr.Kularp Joichareon (Mor Larp) that “we will go to get the good stuff tonight, the undertaker will cremate E Som at Wat Laharnrai by tomorrow. And the 2 of you must prepare things for the ritual ceremony”. E Som or Mrs.Som was a pregnant girl, a relative of Mr.Sai Keawsawang`s wife. E Som had a fight with her husband and later committed suicide with 7-8 months pregnancy. E Som died on Saturday and was going to be cremated on Tuesday. After 11 pm that night LP Tim later told Mr.Sai Keawsawang, and Mr.Kularp Joichareon that he would go to bed, and LP Tim said “you have to practise what I have taught you yourself!”, so Mr.Sai Keawsawang, and Mr.Kularp Joichareon had to ride bicycles to the grave yard of Wat Laharnyai where the body of E Som was buried, by themselves. Soon after arriving at the grave of E Som, Mr.Sai Keawsawang, and Mr.Kularp Joichareon did the ritual ceremony to ask permission from the Master of the Grave yard, and then asked E Som to give the skull of her unborn child, and some oil from her flesh (Namman Prai) around her abdominal area.
The next day (Tuesday) before the cremation of E Som`s body at Wat Laharnrai, Mr.Sai Keawsawang, and Mr.Kularp Joichareon told the undertaker not to burn her body to ashes. Before cremation, Mr.Sai Keawsawang drilled a hole in the ground of cremation site under the position E Som’s body would be placed, and put an empty iron can to capture body fat of E Som while being burnt. After cremation, in the night, when everybody had left, Mr.Sai Keawsawang, and Mr.Kularp Joichareon went to the cremation site with one kettle of holy water given by LP Tim. Mr.Sai Keawsawang, and Mr.Kularp Joichareon collected the skull of E Som’s unborn child, a rib bone from E Som’s womb area, E Som`s skull, and the iron can that contained Namman Prai.
After getting what they wanted Mr.Sai Keawsawang, and Mr.Kularp Joichareon threw holy water from the kettle from their heads to their toes, to wash away bad omens that would come with the stuff they were taking from the cremation site. Mr.Sai Keawsawang, and Mr.Kularp Joichareon gave the stuff to LP Tim, and LP Tim performed a ritual ceremony in his monk-house alone, non-stop for 3 days and 3 nights without food, drink (LP Tim was a vegetarian), or sleep. After LP Tim’s ritual ceremony, LP Tim gave the 2 skulls and bone to Mr.Kularp Joichareon to grind them into powder by stone mortar. Soon after the grounding had finished, that stone mortar magically broke into 2 pieces.
Mr.Kularp Joichareon could grind those bone and skulls into an amount of fine powder that would fit inside 1 can of Mali Sweetened Condensed Milk 397 ml. Mr.Kularp Joichareon also had to grind 108 kinds of sacred, sun dried herbs, along with a large amount of fertilizer they had previously dried out, then mixed it all with the bone powder. Mr.Kularp Joichareon`s mixture was equivalent to about 1 jar (7200 ml). This was later mixed with Holy Powder`s made by LP Tim including Pong Pattamang, Pong Ittijay and Pong Tri Nisinghe. The total quantity of finished Pong Prai Kumarn was equivalent to about 3 quarters of an iron bucket (16 litres).
DIMENSION: 1.50 cm in diameter
item # K22D57
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Wechat Pay / Alipay / INSTAREM / PAYNOW
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wafact · 2 years
Dan Harmon’s NFT show set for season 3, NFT-friendly Square Enix CEO steps down and more…
Krapopolis, the NFT-affiliated cartoon series from Rick and Morty co-creator Dan Harmon has been renewed for a third season by Fox, despite season one not even airing yet. The Krapopolis team announced the renewal via Twitter in March. 2, and emphasized that NFT holders can still engage with the show before it airs. HOLY KRAP! Citizens we just got BIG news that Krapopolis has been renewed for a…
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parolim-prlm · 2 years
Dan Harmon’s NFT show set for season 3, NFT-friendly Square Enix CEO steps down and more…
Krapopolis, the NFT-affiliated cartoon series from Rick and Morty co-creator Dan Harmon has been renewed for a third season by Fox, despite season one not even airing yet. The Krapopolis team announced the renewal via Twitter in March. 2, and emphasized that NFT holders can still engage with the show before it airs. HOLY KRAP! Citizens we just got BIG news that Krapopolis has been renewed for a…
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eagletek · 2 years
Dan Harmon’s NFT show set for season 3, NFT-friendly Square Enix CEO steps down and more…
Krapopolis, the NFT-affiliated cartoon series from Rick and Morty co-creator Dan Harmon has been renewed for a third season by Fox, despite season one not even airing yet. The Krapopolis team announced the renewal via Twitter in March. 2, and emphasized that NFT holders can still engage with the show before it airs. HOLY KRAP! Citizens we just got BIG news that Krapopolis has been renewed for a…
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cyanenoms · 2 years
Fuck off, mr Krap.
-The pufferfish woman was swimming around, until she heard this, and burst out laughing-
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iipeaxhyiisforum · 2 years
This is not related to FNF, but I wanted to post it here since @dreamwarrior365 and I worked on this together, I thought this might be appropriate!
Hope you like this fanfic because we sure had a lot of fun writing it!!
A Spark of Pink
“Well, I guess we can scratch that one off our bucket list.” Penny sighed as she knelt in front of the newly made fire pit. She snapped her fingers, and a spark of electricity jumped, igniting the small twigs into flames.
Alfred’s face contorted into a mix of confusion and surprise. “Who the fuck puts getting trapped in an underground cave on their bucket list?!”
“Me, apparently.” Penny answered sarcastically. The rest of the group gathered around the now blazing fire, now ready to heat up after walking in a cold cave for what seemed like hours. They were able to keep track of time since their phones were on a full battery, thanks to Penny’s electrokinesis. Mar opened his backpack and took out a few granola and energy bars. He handed them out to the rest of the group.
“So, what’s the plan?”
Penny turned her head towards Mar. “PLAN?? What plan?” Mar shrugged his shoulders as he took another bite of his granola bar. “Well, we’ve got nothing better to do.”
“Might as well start ciphering this code while we’re at it.” Chase said as he took the small scroll from his pocket, he opened it up and used rocks to support the corners so the wind from the smoke wouldn’t blow it away.
The team gathered around Chase, their eyes glued to the scroll as he tried to make sense of what it said.
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“Maybe this code is a clue to our way out of here,” Chase suggested. “But…out of all the writing systems I’ve observed in college so far, I’ve never seen anything like this.” (A/N For context, Chase is an anthropology major.)
All seemed lost for the group until Red did a double-take. “Wait a sec…gimmie that scroll!” They said. Chase, looking confused, gave it to them, and Red’s eyes quickly skimmed the words. Suddenly, their eyes widened in shock, and they gasped. “Holy shit, I know this code!”
“Wait, what!”
“It's a diagrammatic cipher, also known as pigpen code,�� Mar exclaimed as they hurriedly reached into their backpack and yanked out a notebook and pencil. “It’s a geometrical monoalphabetic substitution cipher.”
“Uh, English please?” Alfred asked.
Red looked up and sighed. “It means rather than using letters of the alphabet, you form words from geometric symbols. It’s been used since the 1500s. And I think I still remember the code for it.”
“When did you learn this?!” Ryan asked in disbelief.
“I dunno. I was bored one day and had nothing else to do, so my 12-year-old self said. ‘Hey, why not learn how to write using some random code?’ So I did. I searched for easy codes to learn and taught myself how to write it. And it’s stuck with me to this day.” They finally put the pencil down. “Okay, I think I finally got this figured out. That’s weird….” The group froze.
“What's wrong?” Penny asked. The group gathered around Red and looked in curiosity at the translation that was written:
“When the world becomes shrouded in shadows, a spark of pink will cause the return of the resistance.”
“Hehw eht dlrow semoceb deduorhs ni swodahs, a kraps a knip liiw esuac eht neuter fo eht ecnastiser.”
“I think this is some type of prophecy.” Red guessed. “But why would someone leave something like this here? So far, it hasn’t seemed as if anyone lived in this cave in the past.”
Red looked back at the code, trying to figure out the meaning. A spark of pink… What did it mean? They looked up at the rest of the group and noticed that they were as confused as Red was.
“Wait a sec!” Chase snapped his fingers. “Remember that shadow we saw as we were running from the avalanche earlier? I remember feeling a sense of dread as it engulfed us. I can’t even describe how it felt. It was too….unsettling.” “I think I know what you mean.” Sophie agreed. “It felt as if something was draining all the life energy from me, if that’s even a thing. I couldn’t even react when Penny was knocked out by that huge rock.”
Penny felt the gauze that was wrapped around her head. It still throbbed in pain from the hit, but the pain was less than before. The group was silent, still trying to process what had just happened. Red’s eyes soon widened, and they snapped their fingers. “Penny,” They turned their head. “Snap your fingers for a sec.”
“Uh…okay?” Penny replied, tilting her head quizzically. She snapped her fingers, and a spark lept from them. “Okay, do it a few more times.” Red instructed. All eyes were on Penny as she continued to snap her fingers. “Okay, a little faster.” Penny was still confused but continued to follow their instructions. Pretty soon, she was snapping so much that her fingers started hurting from the heat.
“What the hell does this have to do with the prophecy?!”
“Just keep going! I wanna see if my theory is correct.”
All of a sudden the group flinched as a blast of heat flew from Penny’s hand. As the heat died down, Penny opened her eyes and gasped.
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Her right hand was engulfed in a flame of pink fire. It sparked and sizzled as it grew slightly bigger.
“NO. FUCKING. WAY…” Penny breathed. After a few moments of silence, Alfred spoke up. “Wait-Penny! You’re eyes!”
“They’re glowing pink!” Red exclaimed. Red took out their cell phone and opened the camera app. They turned it towards Penny and the latter gasped to see that her eyes were bright pink. And it wasn’t the type of pink you’d get when you’d have pink eye. These eyes glowed with a brightness like never before. And the light pulsated with each beat of Penny’s heart.
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“I..I don’t understand…” Penny’s voice rose in nervousness. “Th-this has to be a coincidence! It HAS to!” Her eyes glowed brighter as her voice rose.
“Penny, I don’t think it is.” Ryan replied. “I mean, who else can create glowing pink flames like that?”
“But-I-what-” Penny struggled to speak and stumbled backwards in shock. This has to be a coincidence… She panicked. A prophecy, saying she would lead a resistance to save the world? How? Her heart beat faster and her eyes glimmered in response.
Then, she remembered everything.
The shadows.
The random spasms she was getting. Those weren’t spasms. They were electric shocks caused by her powers.
The way her voice sounded weird and distorted as her emotions grew.
Many other events flashed across her mind, each one making her more and more dazed. No, this wasn’t true, it couldn’t be. But some way or another, it was.
Looking up, Penny gulped as her face turned beat red. How did it all come to this?
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Rami Malek x Lucy Boynton ♡
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They both looked so gorgeous on the Oscars night (well I mean they always do but sksksk)
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Smiles all around uwu ♡ 
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This picture of them is so cute! Lucys sense of style is so good like holy krap ! And Rami looks like his character in Papillion in this one (IM NOT COMPLAINING) uwu. ♡ ♡ ♡ 
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They both look amazing here, and Lucy Boynton is so gorgeous and elegant omgggg sksksk ♡ 
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We stan a protective & loving BF ♡ 
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I love their outfits here! Lucy looks great in this black velvet dress & Rami outfit looks amazing (plus with the lil red heart) and his hair :)
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♡ ♡ 
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hadeschan · 1 year
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item # K19D51
RARE Prai Kumanthong, Luang Phor Sakorn Wat Nong Klap, Nua Pong Ta Thong. A Kumanthong or a Golden Boy amulet with laser engraving Yant Sakot Winyan, a cabalistic writing to force the spirit to stay in the amulet, Thai running number 1785, and Thai text says “Prai Kumanthong” means Angel Golden Boy. Made from holy powder, Din Jet Pa Cha, Din Jet Phong, Namman Chang Prai Pasom Khlong, blended with “Pong Prai Kumarn” of Luang Phu Tim of Wat Lahan Rai, and painted with gold color. Made by the Chief Disciple of Luang Phu Tim, Luang Phor Sakorn of Wat Nong Krap, Rayong Province in BE 2552 (CE 2009).
BEST FOR: Kumanthong helps protect and guard your properties, and do best at safeguarding all your family members. Not only the spirits may communicate with you in dreams, or be seen or heard in daily life, but they also provide affection and companionship. It helps attract, and bring customers to your shop/business. Wealth Fetching, bringing money luck, and good fortune, Maha Larp (it helps bring Lucky Wealth), Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back). Metta Maha Niyom (it helps make people around you love you, be nice to you, and do whatever you ask for), Maha Sanay (it helps turn you to Prince Charming through the eyes of people who happen to meet you). Kumanthong warns you of danger, and Kumanthong can bring safety to your family while they are at home. Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sa-niat jan-rai Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, accursedness, black magic, misfortune, doom, and poisonous animals). Kumanthong helps protect you from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people. And the spirits may give a hint to winning numbers for the upcoming lottery.
Kuman Thong is an effigy, or statue which is revered in Thailand by animists. They are believed to bring luck and fortune to the owner, if properly revered. Kuman, or Kumara (Pali) means “young boy” (female kumari); thong means golden. Kuman thong is not a Buddhist practice, but necromancy. Genuine Kuman Thong, which was revered and created in ancient times according to traditional method by Adept practitioners of Saiyasart, was made by surgically removing the unborn fetus from the womb of its Mother. The body of the child would then be taken to a cemetery for the conduction of the ceremony to invoke a Kuman Thong. The body is roasted until dry whilst the Mage chants incantations of magical kata. In the case of making a female spirit child, the effigy is not called Kuman Tong, rather “Hong Pray”.
Some Kuman effigies will be soaked in Nam Man Prai, which has extract of a dead child or a person who died in violent circumstances or an unnatural death. This is much less common now, because this practice is now illegal if using fat from human babies for the consecrating oil. There are however still some authentically made amulets appearing. Some years ago a famous monk was thrown out of the Buddhist sangha for roasting a baby. He was convicted, but later continued to make magic as a layperson after his release. The practice of creating Necromantic effigies of a Kuman Tong comes from age old tradition in Thailand. Thai folk have made Bucha to Animistic spirits and ghosts since time immemorial. The original Kuman Tong came from children who died whilst still in their mother’s womb. The Magic makers would take these stillborn babies and adopt them as their children.
From what information has been gathered from ancient Thai manuscripts about how to make a Kuman Tong, it appears that the correct method is to remove the dead baby surgically from the mother’s womb, and take it to undergo the proper ceremonial ritual; The baby must be roasted until dry. This must be completed before dawn, and should be performed in a cemetery. Once the rite is completed, the dry-roasted Kuman should be painted with Ya Lak (a kind of lacquer used to cover amulets and Takrut with gold leaf, and covered in gold leaf. This is the real reason why this effigy received the name of “Kuman Thong” (which means “Golden Baby Boy”).
Origins: In Thailand, the Kuman Thong is also spoken of in the legend of Khun Chang Khun Phaen, where the character Khun Phaen made one by removing the stillborn baby from the stomach of his wife.
The content of BE 2552 Prai Kumanthong amulet of Luang Phor Sakorn of Wat Nong Krap, a fundraising Batch for the construction of the road leading to Wat Khao Luang Tia, Buddha Dharma Practice Center, Ban Khai, Rayong Province.
1)Holy powder of Luang Phu Tim of Wat Lahan Rai
2)Holy powder of Luang Phor Sakorn of Wat Nang Krap
3)Many types of holy powder of other guru monks
4)Powder taken from mystical plants
5)Blessed lime powder used for anointing on the foreheads of people on special occasion for instance; marriage, congratulate rituals, and royal promotion.  
6)Namman Chang Prai Pasom Khlong, a sacred herbal oil mixed with male elephants' terporin, this tar-like discharge is only available while the elephants are in musth. Without magic to tame the male elephant in heat, it is a life threatening to harvest that teropin. Namman Chang Prai Pasom Khlong is believed to have magic power of love charm, temptation & persuasion.
7)Din Jet Phong, the earth taken from 7 forests where deposit of salts and other minerals are. A mineral lick (also known as a salt lick) is a place where animals can go to lick essential mineral nutrients from a deposit of salts and other minerals. Din Jet Phong is believed to have the force of temptation and distraction.
8)Din Jet Pluak, earth taken from 7 termite mounds, it is believed that the termite mound is where the holy spirit of the forest (Forest Angle) is staying.
9)Din Jet Tha, earth taken from 7 bus/boat/railways destination terminals. It is believed that these areas filled with lovers’ mind power while waiting for one their love one to come
10)Din Jet Pacha , earth taken from 7 most haunted cemeteries. It is believed that the earth from cemetery contains the spirits of the dead, and accumulates mystical power.
11)Kai Sema Jet Wat, sundried mosses and likens taken from the stupa / chedi of 7 important temples, it is believed that mosses and likens accumulate the power of minds of guru monks who devoted their entire lifetime to spiritual practices that are dedicated to the welfare of all.
12)Pong Prai Kumarn (Pong Prai Kumarn Maha Phuut) of Luang Phu Tim of Wat Lahan Rai, please read below…
Guru Monks from Thailand who made the best Pong Prai Kumarn are LP Tim of Wat Laharnrai, Rayong Province and LP Tay Kongthong of Wat Sam-ngam Nakorn Pathom Province.
It’s a holy powder used for making amulets, and it contains human remains. According to a speech by LP Tim of Wat Laharnrai “obtaining help from power of the Buddha requested by the amulet owners is too slow, but obtaining help from ghosts (spirits) to answer the prayers of the amulet owners is alot faster”.
IS IT BLACK MAGIC? No, it’s not. The Guru monks like LP Tim and LP Tay Kongthong would perform ritual ceremonies to turn / ordain ghosts (spirits) of the dead to “monks”, in Thai called “Buet Phee”. The ghosts (spirits) will not do any harm to the amulet wearers. Those spirits will only do good things and help the amulet wearers for their own merit.
WILL THOSE HOLY SPIRITS LEAVE THE AMULETS? Possibly not. Why?Because each day in spirit world is equal to 100 ordinary solar years of our planet.
1) It could make you have a highly activated sixth sense. Sixth sense, or subtle perception ability, is our ability to perceive the subtle-dimension, or the unseen world of angels, ghosts, Heaven (Swarga), etc. It also includes our ability to understand the subtle cause and effect relationship behind many events, which is beyond the understanding of the intellect. Extrasensory perception (ESP), clairvoyance, premonition, intuition are synonymous with sixth sense or subtle perception ability.
2) Maha Larp, it brings lucky wealth.
3) Maha Sanay, it brings magic charms
4) Metta Maha Niyom, it helps you gain loving, kindness and compassion from people all around you.
5) Klaw Klad, Pold Pai, it pushes you away from all danger.
6) Warning of danger
According to the interview of Mr.Kularp Joichareon (Mor Larp), in BE 2515 (1972) LP Tim had the intention to make Buddha amulets as gifts to people who donated for the construction of Sala Pawwana Pirath Building at Wat Laharnrai, and LP Tim told 2 of his non-monk disciples, Mr.Sai Keawsawang, and Mr.Kularp Joichareon (Mor Larp) that “we will go to get the good stuff tonight, the undertaker will cremate E Som at Wat Laharnrai by tomorrow. And the 2 of you must prepare things for the ritual ceremony”. E Som or Mrs.Som was a pregnant girl, a relative of Mr.Sai Keawsawang`s wife. E Som had a fight with her husband and later committed suicide with 7-8 months pregnancy. E Som died on Saturday and was going to be cremated on Tuesday. After 11 pm that night LP Tim later told Mr.Sai Keawsawang, and Mr.Kularp Joichareon that he would go to bed, and LP Tim said “you have to practise what I have taught you yourself!”, so Mr.Sai Keawsawang, and Mr.Kularp Joichareon had to ride bicycles to the grave yard of Wat Laharnyai where the body of E Som was buried, by themselves. Soon after arriving at the grave of E Som, Mr.Sai Keawsawang, and Mr.Kularp Joichareon did the ritual ceremony to ask permission from the Master of the Grave yard, and then asked E Som to give the skull of her unborn child, and some oil from her flesh (Namman Prai) around her abdominal area.
The next day (Tuesday) before the cremation of E Som`s body at Wat Laharnrai, Mr.Sai Keawsawang, and Mr.Kularp Joichareon told the undertaker not to burn her body to ashes. Before cremation, Mr.Sai Keawsawang drilled a hole in the ground of cremation site under the position E Som’s body would be placed, and put an empty iron can to capture body fat of E Som while being burnt. After cremation, in the night, when everybody had left, Mr.Sai Keawsawang, and Mr.Kularp Joichareon went to the cremation site with one kettle of holy water given by LP Tim. Mr.Sai Keawsawang, and Mr.Kularp Joichareon collected the skull of E Som’s unborn child, a rib bone from E Som’s womb area, E Som`s skull, and the iron can that contained Namman Prai.
After getting what they wanted Mr.Sai Keawsawang, and Mr.Kularp Joichareon threw holy water from the kettle from their heads to their toes, to wash away bad omens that would come with the stuff they were taking from the cremation site. Mr.Sai Keawsawang, and Mr.Kularp Joichareon gave the stuff to LP Tim, and LP Tim performed a ritual ceremony in his monk-house alone, non-stop for 3 days and 3 nights without food, drink (LP Tim was a vegetarian), or sleep. After LP Tim’s ritual ceremony, LP Tim gave the 2 skulls and bone to Mr.Kularp Joichareon to grind them into powder by stone mortar. Soon after the grounding had finished, that stone mortar magically broke into 2 pieces.
Mr.Kularp Joichareon could grind those bone and skulls into an amount of fine powder that would fit inside 1 can of Mali Sweetened Condensed Milk 397 ml. Mr.Kularp Joichareon also had to grind 108 kinds of sacred, sun dried herbs, along with a large amount of fertilizer they had previously dried out, then mixed it all with the bone powder. Mr.Kularp Joichareon`s mixture was equivalent to about 1 jar (7200 ml). This was later mixed with Holy Powder`s made by LP Tim including Pong Pattamang, Pong Ittijay and Pong Tri Nisinghe. The total quantity of finished Pong Prai Kumarn was equivalent to about 3 quarters of an iron bucket (16 litres).
Luang Phor Sakorn, an abbot of Wat Nong Krap, Rayong Province, a chief disciple of Luang Phu Tim of Wat Lahan Rai, living between BE 2481 to BE 2556
“After I’m gone, you may ask Sakorn for help, Sakorn is my BEST disciple”, said Luang Phu Tim.
Luang Phor Sakorn, born Sakorn Paisalee, a rice farmer family, on February 3, BE 2481 (CE 1938) at Ban Khai District, Rayong Province near Wat Lahan Rai where Luang Phu Tim was an abbot. Sakorn’s parents were devotees of Luang Phu Tim, and frequently making merits, and offering food to monks at Wat Lahan Rai. After Sakorn finished his primary school in BE 2490, his parents took him to Wat Lahan Rai to pay respect and visit Luang Phu Tim. Sakorn saw that Luang Phu Tim devoted his entire lifetime to spiritual practices that was dedicated to the welfare of all. Luang Phu Tim was gentle, kind and calm, and respected by many. Luang Phu Tim practiced traditional Thai herbal medicine to treat sick people there, and Luang Phu Tim also helped people who suffered from unknown forces, black magic, and misfortune. Sakorn’s parents later surrendered Sakorn, and encouraged Luang Phu Tim to receive adoption Sakorn as his son. Sakorn always hanged around Wat Lahan Rai, waited and served Luang Phu Tim. At his teen, Sakorn studied sculpture, and fine art under care of Luang Phu Tim. At the age of 21, Sakorn ordained as Buddhist monk at Wat Nong Krap on June 4, BE 2501, given Buddhist monk name “Manutno” which means the great man, and Luang Phor Sakorn later moved to Wat Lahan Rai, and Luang Phu Tim was his master / teacher. Luang Phor Sakorn also studied Buddhism, Buddhist Cannons, and magic from Luang Phor Pheng at Wat Lahan Yai, Rayong Province. Luang Phor Pheng was one of disciples of the Holy Luang Phu Suk of Wat Pak Khlong Makham Thao. Luang Phu Tim advised Luang Phor Sakorn to visit, and learn from Luang Phu Hin at Wat Nong Sanom, and Luang Phu Som at Wat Ban Chong, Chon Buri Province. In the later years, Luang Phor Sakorn traveled to many places to study from Guru Monks, and White Robe Masters orderly;
BE 2503, Archan Chiang Kam, a White Robe Master in Yangon, Myanmar
BE 2506, Archan Sint of Wat Na Wang, Chon Buri Province
BE 2518, Archan Supot, a White Robe Master in Cambodia
BE 2523, Pra Archan Sumon, Si Sa Ket Province
BE 2525, Luang Phor Boonyen, Wat Jang Nok, Nakhon Ratchasim Province
BE 2526, Luang Phor Koon, Wat Ban Rai, Nakhon Ratchasima Province
BE 2527, Luang Phor Akom, Wat Dao Nimit , Phetchabun Province
BE 2528, Luang Phor Beum, Wat Prasat Gin, Prachin Buri Province
In the year BE 2508, age 27, young Luang Phor Sakorn was promoted to the abbot of Wat Nong Krap, and Luang Phor Sakorn began restoration and renovation works of Wat Nang Krap. Luang Phor Sakorn always visited Luang Phu Tim at Wat Lahan Rai, and assisted Luang Phu Tim to make all Batches of amulets of Luang Phu Tim, and learned how to make amulets from Luang Phu Tim. Luang Phor Sakorn followed the path of Luang Phu Tim, Luang Phor Sakorn devoted his entire lifetime to spiritual practices that was dedicated to the welfare of all and was respected by many. Luang Phor Sakorn passed away on September 18, BE 2556 (CE 2013) at the age of 75, 55 years in Theravada Buddhist Monastery.
*This amulet contains human remains. Not suitable for people who have Spectrophobia (the fear of ghosts). People who have Spectrophobia cannot control themselves while experiencing ghosts, they might have sudden cardiac death or cause harm to themselves from temporary loss of consciousness.
DIMENSION: 3.50 cm high / 1.90 cm wide / 1.30 cm thick
item # K19D51
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Alipay / Wechat Pay / PromptPay International / Remitly
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brucedeefromnow · 4 years
Bruce Dee - Resource (Prod. Franklin Fornax) (Official Lyrics).
Verse 1 (Bruce Dee): Sound so tight call me a speedo All my love goes out to C-Do ... You see though, Plant City grew from a seed though, Haters ba busy ngo msindo, System try hit with a free throw, 9-5 ain't gonna work though, Rather express on 'espresso', Rands, Dollars, Pulas Pesos, Soundin' Lani in the ghetto, They tryna decrease population, Black people still tryna win lotto, Krap fas' nayi zolo, Six-no-Nine njenga izolo, Makin' young money the motto, Little brothers young role model, Bridge (Bruce Dee): Got the resources, And you know I got the resources, Show 'em no remorse, And you know I got the resources, Yeah. Chorus And we got, all of the resource yeah And we got all of the resource yeah They ain't even show us no remorse Baya fosta X4 Verse 2 (Bruce Dee): Do anything for my momma, Binjas acting dumb & dumber, Drip, no plumber, Dark like a Black Mamba, Black girl magic got me feelin', We don't appreciate that much, We gottuh show 'em the right touch, Everything outchea displeasin my momma, But she smilin' through such All my frienemies know I'm a stunner Even at no charge, Most of your people they act like they know me, And I am not that large, Why Everytime when they acting all lonely, They ask for a massage, Why everyday they be acting so holy. But in bed they in charge, Replace the gun with a mf pencil. So you can just make art, Now they asking for pics And a make out Chorus X2 FIN.
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cyanpeacock · 5 years
Holy krap it is so gloomie outside. All grey and greyening and suchlike.
I switch on the Elektriklite. I enjoy the Interior Illumination
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ijustwant2ride · 5 years
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I was recently able to test ride the 2019 Harley Davidson FXDR.  While the styling of this motorcycle does not work for me the performance was ridiculous!
Yes, I know that I am not the target demo for this motorcycle and that is great thing!  Harley has stated that they were going to produce 100 new models in the next 10 years.  The FXDR is one of those new models and the styling is, I think, aimed at folks that don’t ride Harley Davidson and are under 30 years old.  Nothing wrong with that.
Harley states that the 114 cubic inch (18,68cc) Milwaukee V-Twin, the heart of the FXDR, produces 119-foot pounds of torque. Although Harley does not state it officially the FXDR reportedly produced 100 HP. It gets over 40 miles to a gallon with a 4.4-gallon tank.
OK, Acceleration was ….. HOLY KRAP!!!!!!…. The gearing can’t be the standard Harley Softail setup as it was a monster off the line.  While I did not time it officially my calibrated ass would say a sub 3 second 0-60 MPH. If it was in the 2.5-2.7 range I would not be surprised.
Shifting from 1st to 2nd gear with a heavy twist and the motorcycle wants to rip itself from your hands!  Three disc brakes (the front has 4 pistons each) do a great job of taming this beast!
Handling was an area that I thought was going to be poor at best.  With a 240 rear tire I expected to be stood up on any tight turns.  Well, it is not a street bike but, it handles much better than I expected and better then it should.  The route I took for the test ride did not have a lot of twists and turns but it did have a traffic circle with pretty much zero traffic.
With stated lean angles of over 32 degrees for both sides I can attest that even with that big rear tire you can take it all the way down.  With no traffic I rode around the traffic circle getting lower and faster with each pass until I scrapped the left peg.  I did not feel unsteady at any time!
If I was under 30 and looking at power cruisers, I would consider this motorcycle.  Until I realized one thing, no passengers allowed!  Come-on, really, if you are aiming a men under 30 of course they want a spot for the girlfriend, geez.  I would have to replace the tiny trunk with a seat cushion to make it viable.
I am not going to give it a star rating as this motorcycle is way out of my “likes”.  The styling is just not for me, the performance is to much for me (as a daily bike) so it would not be fair.  As I noted above I am not the target of the Harley Davidson FXDR.
Motorcycle Test Ride: Harley Davidson FXDR I was recently able to test ride the 2019 Harley Davidson FXDR.  While the styling of this motorcycle does not work for me the performance was ridiculous!
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vial-band · 8 years
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Very excited about this show on Sunday. Come hang out with us. Monday’s a holiday! 
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wetnwildzspace · 3 years
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Im so gifted; shit bitch, im higher then the celing Ooo wee being god is the ultimate feeling Woo-ooo its dah ultimate feeling (its dah ultimate feeling) Yeah Im Motherfucking God Bitch You need to leave them othah mothah-fuckers real quick; resl fucking real quick Their only hood rich Im Motherfucking God Bitch Therefore im motherfucking God Rich Yeah I Motherfucking God Bitch Fuck their phasade bitch Cum grt dis fucking holy wood bitch Unless you wanna remain do you want to remain only remain in their domain and be penny rich Fuck dat, cum here and take of dem motherfucking panties bitch Drip drop drop dem panties bitch …ahh never mind im not creative atm i need sleep been up most of the noght desling with a krakker who loves to quiver my trigger by calling me a nigger so i had to show him whos is bigger and punked dat bitch mammas boy bitch and his mamma into being a nigger fuck you yo mammas the nigger nigger rigger sliver on these motherfucking dirty nuts stick it in her and turn that pussy black how would she handle that fuck you and your krakker krap i dont need your krakker jacks take you shit get going get it packed dont come to my spot acting like dat i fuck you up fuck them up crunch dem up straight munch dem up have you going bavk to sipn from a motherfucking sipy cup yup dats wats up gonna fuck yo family starting with yo mamma up when i throw them out my house and write nogger on their head their gonna know whats up you need to eqtch your mouth and learn to shit the fuck up you dont whom your dealing wheeli g or fucking with fuck you your family and all their shit ill show you who the nigger really is if you think thay you can really handle it cause im honna channel it as i swat the house throw everybody branding everybody nigger on their forhead out into the cold with no bed all because you because you cant control what you say fuck you your a jew any fucking way if i had a gun i shoot you any fucking day just stay out my fucking way watch what you fucking say https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca-MXp1JPOc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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6pm share #28daysofblackcosplay Is @knightmage1 and @choco_marzipan Knight mage , man this guy here. Holy krap just amazing. You need to check his page out, just damn.. no words no words. *all the kudos * Choco_marzipwn. .look at my baby, this texas melanin is just amazing personality wise, and as a cosplayer. I known choco for a lobby time now and I'm always impressed by the work they do. Please check out my friend :) #blackboymagic #blackgirlmagic #cosplaygirls #blackwoman #blackgirl #cosplayingwhileblack #cosplayers #cosplays #cosplaying #cosplaygirls #blackwoman #blackgirl #cosplayer #cosplayersofinstagram #blackcosplayersrock #blackcosplayer #blackcosplayers #afropunk
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