#holy shit thats so sad he had to mourn him oh my god
tategaminu · 11 months
Callum is so handsome I hope they reveal his father as the hottest man ever
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purble-turble · 3 years
In Regard to the Mourning King Red timeline tho, is there like... even an OPTION in this circumstance? I get the uncanniest of feelings that he's not walking out of this. How fucked that the one timleline jump TTMK gets brought along on is the one where the only real way to 'solve' things is a mercy kill. (holy Shit maybe thats WHY TTMK came with bc we've already established on a temporal level that TTRed cannot defeat King Red so he very literally couldn't do it himself)
Anon oh my god you are absolutely right!! Not only is there no possible way to have a happy ending in this future, but YEAH we previously established in other asks that Time Travel Red Son is literally unable to kill Demon King Red in other timelines due to some interdimensional force. So why wouldn't that apply here??? That's gotta be the reason that TT MK was brought along too!
The trouble is in trying to convince MK that the solution to making this timeline "better" is to kill King Red. He loves Red Son, so how can he bring himself to kill any version of him? ...plus, he wants Red to know that he loves and supports him, so literally killing a future version of him in front of himself is not a great way to do that. On the other hand, a big part of Red Son's recovery from his initial trauma to do with Demon King Red is separating himself from that future version and being able to accept that he is NOT him. So if MK treats him like he IS Red Son, then isn't that going against what he's been trying to tell Red all the time?? Oh man this is a tricky one to navigate!
But the thing it most comes down to, I think, is that he just feels bad for King Red. Just look how sad and pathetic he's become in this timeline, isn't there another way they could help him?
Well. Obviously there isn't. All King Red wants is to have MK all to himself forever, and the only MK that exists in this timeline now is TT MK. So unless he plans to stay there forever as the king's little toy, he's gotta suck it up and just murder him already :U
What probably ends up happening is it comes down to TT Red Son facing off against King Red who has TT MK with him who is really just trying to calm them both (can't they just talk this over? help you work through some of that trauma, King Red?) but neither of them is willing to back down. The fight goes exactly as one would expect, and King Red is about to land a finishing blow on Red Son- that's when MK finally steps in and does what he needs to in order to protect his boyfriend... he didn't mean to let it go this far, but when it came down to it at last, he finally realized he had to choose which one he could save, and that really was no choice at all. At least this version of King Red gets to die in his darling MK's arms, and he looks almost as upset at watching him die as he is about being literally killed.
.....anyway, when they get back, clothes still smoldering from the fight and both of them looking a little too dead eyed for comfort, MK's first thought is that he needs to get a therapist for himself now too. :U
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taramaclaywasaterf · 3 years
Hey guys, I know I said I was taking a break. And I am. I’m not actually, like, back back. I just need to vent, I guess.
For those who don’t know, my grandfather committed suicide. He’d been battling lung and stomach cancer for years, and the pain had gotten so unbearable that I guess he couldn’t take it anymore. He’d been in and out of the hospital for years, and the whole month leading up to his death, he was home maybe 4 nights total, the rest spent in the hospital. My dad found him. We’ve been grieving together. It’s been hard.
My family doesn’t really get along that well. Basically just me and one of my cousins are really close, but that's it. My grandfather was kinda the glue that was keeping everyone together. His death was kind of like the final string that was tying us all together being severed.
I don’t know. The police had to come. It was really really bad. They had to make sure he wasn’t murdered.
I just hope it was quick. I hope he’s with my grandmother now. That she was waiting for him on the other side, wherever that may be. That he’s not in any pain anymore. That he knows I love him so fucking much.
As for me, I just feel…I just feel fucking numb. This happened two days after the anniversary of the death of my best friend, and less than a month after the death of Trevor Moore, a comedian whose sketches made me laugh during the worst times of my childhood and whose sudden death really fucked me up.
I kinda just shut down. I didn’t really cry at all the first day. The second day all I did was cry. After that, its like my body physically stopped letting me feel anything at all. I’m just numb. And tired. And my fucking head hasn’t stopped hurting.
I walked around his house and got some things I wanted. Some old photos. Cards I made him when I was little that he kept all these years. Some love notes my grandmother wrote him when they were young. His favorite hat. I found a photo from his wedding to my grandmother, and its now hanging above my bed. Its crazy how much I look like her. How happy he looked to have her in his arms.
I also brought home his cat. I was terrified he wouldn’t fit in with my two cats and dog. But after a bit of a shaky start, and a lot of hours spent sitting with him trying to get him to trust me, he’s settled in. My grandpa rescued him from a shelter when he was a few years old. He loved my grandfather more than anything. I can tell he’s still mourning him, like we all are. But I like to think we’ve been helping each other get through it. I hope my grandfather knows I have him. That he’s not going anywhere. That he’s safe with me, and he’s happy and warm and loved. He’s curled up on my lap right now as I write this. He’s purring quietly.
I miss him. I wish I told him more that I love him. I wish I spent more time with him. I wish I could’ve at least said goodbye. I’ve been through a lot of grief in my life, and it never fucking gets easier. I wish I could take this feeling out of me leave it somewhere for a while. I wish I could fix things. I wish my dad didn’t have to see what he saw. I wish I could make it better for him. I wish this wasn’t how things were.
As for how I am right now, well, I’m laughing. Hysterically. And crying. A lot. I took a break writing this post because it was getting too hard, so I distracted myself by watching dumb videos on my phone. Until this video of Trevor Moore popped up in my Youtube recommended:
And now I genuinely can’t fucking stop laughing. Like, holy fucking shit, Trevor. You really had a way of making jokes that are flat out prophetic, huh? Here I’ve been, on the verge of relapse for the past month over how bad your death fucked ME up, and here you are, years ago, calling me out for how completely and utterly ridiculous I am. And the fact that I’m even writing THIS right NOW makes it even worse! Look at me, acting as if you fucking died to make me learn a fucking lesson! As if my own fucking grandfather died to make me appreciate life more! As if my best friend wrapped her goddamn car around a tree just to make me realize how precious fucking friendships are! As if the entire fucking universe revolves around deliberately fucking my life up! Its pathetic! Its fucking tragic and fucked up and absolutely mind-blowingly fucking pathetic! And yet here I am, writing on the fucking internet to you, Trevor, still doing the same fucking thing! And I can't fucking stop laughing, because this is the most Trevor fucking thing I can possibly think of!
Like. I don’t even know what to do anymore, guys. I know I said I’d be taking a break, and I still am. I just needed to get this out. I don’t want to bother my friends with it, they’re worried enough about me as it is right now. They're kinda treating me as if I'm made of glass right now, which I understand, but its still frustrating. I know they just want me to be ok, and just want to keep me from doing anything stupid and fucking up my life again, but still. Being treated like a paper doll at a waterpark is getting tiring. I guess it just speaks to how entirely not-great I'm doing- that even my closest friends aren't making jokes about this shit- they're acting like I'm some fragile fucking child. But yeah.
Again, I know they mean well, and they just really don't want to see me get sucked down into that fucking void again, but I want to be distracted from all the fucked up things in my life. I want to laugh about it, and not be constantly fucking reminded of how bad things are every time I catch them looking at me like I'm some sad little puppy dog they found on the side of the road.
Oh! to top it all off, I got a letter in the mail yesterday. From my mother. Who I haven't spoken to in around a decade, because she was an abusive addict who made my childhood hell. She wants to have fucking coffee and "catch up." Jesus fucking christ, why now. Seriously. Why fucking now? Nothings been released publicly about my grandfather yet- the only people who know about it is immediate family, and everyone on my dad's side of the family fucking hates my mom almost as much as I do, so there is no way in hell anyone told her about it. So this is just a total coincidence. A giant fucking cosmic "fuck you." (Oh, look, there I go again thinking my existence is meaningful enough to the entire enormity of the universe that it would target me specifically to fuck with! Jesus fucking christ!) Like, I swear to god this fucking woman has some sort of alarm in her brain that says "oh hey, my daughter is at one of the the lowest points in her life?? Time to drop on by and say hello!!!!"
Just...I don't even know. Fuck. I don't know how the fuck I'm gonna get through all this shit, yall.
Well. Anyway. Thats it for now.
Find Kony 2012, I guess.
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radiorenjun · 5 years
[9:00] You were always secretly the prankster of the class, but during the winter break, you couldn't help but prank your whole class. You were sick on the last two days of school before you left for vacation, thus, the reason why anyone couldn't find you.
Due to your extreme boredom, you made an instagram story saying that you're moving to another city and another school. Of course, everyone you knew was saddened at the news and expressed their farewells and sorrow for you, which guilt you to no end when they started saying that they were really sad.
Though, when Hendery got the news. He was flabbergasted to say the least. What was he suppose to react when his friends told him that his girl best friend had left for another city without saying goodbye all of a sudden?
Hendery spammed you with endless text messages and calls, demanding what was going on. With a slight blush and a tang of guilt, you proceeded to tell the boy that you were moving to another school far far away from your current one.
Your calls with Hendery were endless to say the least, they lasted with a minimal span of two hours. Though, on the last day of holidays, you were nervous for your life. The fate of your life was going to be decided tomorrow. And you had no doubt that Hendery, along with your other peers, will beat you to the ground to no end.
"Im so nervous!" you groaned into your phone as you were on the phone with Hendery once again. You clutched your pillow to your chest as you put him on speaker to hear his voice more. "I know, but you'll do great on your first day! You're very sociable and you got me to be your friend on the first day of school when you got here," you could hear his smile from his tone which made your heart flutter.
"Yeah, but you won't be there with me when I enter school!" you whined, internally pleading yourself to end the prank and hopefully get some mercy after a whole month of going on with this prank of yours. "I know, I'm amazing. But who knows what would happen? You just gotta be positive bout it." Hendery chuckled.
"Alright. I'm positive that I'm going to die tomorrow," you exclaimed with a click of your tongue, earning a fluttery feeling in your gut when Hendery laughed at your dramatization. "You're so dramatic," he stated. "You know me," you shrugged.
"Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if this whole moving thing was a prank." he chuckled, you paused as your eyes widened at his statement. "But we both know that's not happening considering you actually told me your room decor," he sighed sadly. You bit your lip as you remembered that you were moving houses and you took pictures of your house being renovated as proof of your prank.
"It's late, you should go to sleep if you wanna be early enough to make a good first impression." Hendery advised. Your eyes widened at your clock, (10:30), only a couple more hours til you prank the angels above whether you're going to walk out of that class alive or dead.
"What? But I still wanna talk to you," you pouted, internally facepalming at how needy you sounded. Hendery giggled at your tone, "I miss you too, y/n. But go to sleep, you said you wanted to arrive as early as possible right?" you could imagine him biting his lip in emancipation, knowing that he still wanted to talk to his dearest best friend.
"Right, early.." your voice trailed off as you thought bout what Hendery's reaction would be when he sees you. "You know, I'm hoping this is all just one of your lame pranks." he spoke after a moment of silence. You felt a smile spread across your face at the mere thought of Hendery missing you.
"Aww, you miss me?" you cooed in a high-pitched tone. "Of course I do, you are my friend after all" he chuckled. Ouch, that hit hard. Maybe it was fine if you actually move schools if you're going to suffer another semester being friendzoned.
You giggled, "I hope this is all a prank, too, honestly." it is a prank, you idiot. You're gonna die tomorrow, thats not even a lie. You swallowed, as Hendery let out a sigh. "Alright, we seriously better go to sleep if we wanna get to school tomorrow, I'll call you after school to fill you in." he spoke with a sad tone.
"Yeah, I better go brush my teeth. See ya Hendery," you bit your lip nervously. "See ya y/n. Good night," he said, his tone still unenthusiastic. "Good night," you whispered before Hendery hung up on you. You collapsed on the bed, fearing for your life for the next day. Can't wait to see how that fiasco goes.
--------- ->
You arrived to school as early as possible so you wouldn't get caught by your classmates and get murdered on the spot. You bit your lip as you placed your bag in your favourite seat, putting on some music in your earphones to calm down your heart rate.
When one of your friends entered the class, they were shock to say the least. You let out laughs as you yelled out a loud "surprise!" as they groaned at how foolish they felt for believing your prank.
As more and more people entered the class, each reaction better than the last, it was Hendery you were waiting for. You stood at the back of the class, chatting with your girl buddies and having a fun laugh despite them playfully hitting you as revenge for pranking them.
As Hendery walked in with Yangyang, his eyes was locked to his phone, scrolling through some messages. Yangyang's exhausted and mourning expression turned into a fit of laughter when he spotted you, "Oh my God!" he laughed out when he realised the situation.
You waved and giggled as Hendery finally look up from his phone, his eyes widened at the sight of you standing two meters away from him. His eyes must've been fooling him, but how come Yangyang could see you? You laughed at Hendery's reaction, nudging your friends and walking towards Hendery and Yangyang.
You gave Yangyang a soft playful punch to the shoulder which made him laugh at how he fell for you prank. Hendery's eyes never left you for a sec, when you turned to him after Yangyang left, Hendery just stared at your figure in awe.
"Hey Hendery, miss me?" you giggled, putting your hands on your hips, nervous bout what he's going to do. His unusual silence worried you, wondering if this prank was worth it or was it just another mistake of yours. He dropped his phone and pulled you into a tight embrace without hesitation. You let out a small squeak when you felt engulfed in his warm arms, your face pushed into his chest as his head leaned down to your shoulder.
You felt yourself froze as he pulled you tighter in his embrace, almost as if he let you go, you would disappear into thin air as if Thanos had snapped his fingers. You unconsciously wrapped your arms around his back, breathing in his signature cologne. At least you weren't being slaughtered to death.
Sooner or later, you felt eyes around your hugging figure as Hendery breathed in your scent and nuzzled against your shoulder. "Hendery, you gonna let me go? People are watching." you whispered, feeling his grip on your waist tightened around you.
After a moment, he silently pulled away, looking into your eyes and examining your face and features. Without another word, he leaned in to give you a hard yet sweet kiss on your lips, a hand going to your face to pull you even closer. You heard small gasps from voices around you, one of those voices were yours.
Hendery pulled away, making a loud "mwuah!" which still didn't make your red blushing face any better. "You prank me like that again, and you'll get a worse punishment than this." he whispered in your ear with a smirk before walking pass you with a chuckle to put down his bag behind you.
You swore you felt your consciousness fade away when your mind replayed the scene that happened just seconds ago. "Holy shit, I think l/n's bout to faint!" someone exclaimed when your eyes rolled backwards and your heated face grew redder than a tomato.
It was definitely worth it.
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mo-ondial · 6 years
i just. ah. AHH.!!..,??? !!! !!!! !!!!! czthgjbctigfyhxfuvchgxdyibgyub
i was eight when the first movie came out and i watched it so many fucking times, like. remember the guy that watched shrek in his head? I DID THAT. I KNEW EVERY LINE. I WOULD BE BORED SOMETIME AND JYST BE LIKE. where’d i press pause last time? oh RIGHT it was here, and i would continue. i had a piece of paper that had an order of which scenes went where and with that i could pull every scene out of my memory to watch. it was like a party trick, one time my father was like “hey come here” and he asked me to recite httyd and you fucking bet im like this. is berk. its twelve days north of hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing to death… another time hes just like “skip to scene 3” and fuck yea my eight year old ass goes ugh, the gods hate me. some people lose their knife in the mud... i drew shitty fanart. made up wild fanfiction in my head about elemental dragons. my FRIENDS were a part of my dragon stories i made up. i worked for WEEKS hand-sewing a stuffed toothless, with toothpick bones and attention to detail and i had an invisible pen with the light at the end that i put into it so that it would glow like he was shooting fire. i was fucking wild.
and then the series??? was amazing. i watched it every week. i NEVER let my parents delete it off the dvr. im not much of a tv person but i watched every episode so many times. the writing wasnt nearly as good but there was no stopping me i will stand behind the show with my life. remember heather?? heather was SO GOOD. 
now is when im really filling sketchbooks with dragons. i made and astrid cosplay, i made the bird skulls out of salt dough and accessories out of tin foil and took the time to crochet and wig that looked like a hat. 
and dont forget those specials... they were even worse i loved them.  and then??? the second movie and i was dying. there were so many episodes about stoic and he just.. i .. im .. no. not allowed. remember thornado??? gold. i was NOT ready. and his mom is?? wow. and?? hes OLD like, what???
small side track the second movie was when i got a toothless buildabear. now. i REALLY fucking wanted this thing for my ninth birthday when the first movie came out. and my sister told me that i was going to to get it!! wow!! so excited!! she said that they already got it and it was waiting in the basement for my birthday. turns out that wasnt true and i was sad that i didnt get one. they went out of stock and i didnt get my toothless because i dont like... say anything. really. so im telling this to my mom and she had no idea so you know what fucking happens when the second movie comes out and buildabear toothless is back? im fucking driving across town and accross ANOTHER town (our buildabear closed since) and marched into that shop full of children and i got myself the toothless that i wanted for seven years. he is bEAUTIFUL and VERY HUGGABLE. anyways
and then my sister and i are in my grandma’s guest bed over christmas and were going to watch netflix together and she’s just like “oh look theres a dragon thing?” oh word they got riders of berk on netflix? WAIT WHAT IS THIS
and then there was RACE TO THE EDGE and it was FANTASTIC! whenever a new season came out, always by total fucking surprise to me because the timing was kinda random and i never figured out where they announce releases, i spend a weekend watching everything and have a little dragon phase all over again because. theyre just. so good. starts out with hiccup... he’s gotta explore. its just his nature to explore and invent and do it all with his friends. and now he CAN and its just... wow. fuck. AND HEATHER CAME BACK I LOVE HEATHER!!! SHE WAS A MAIN CHARACTER FOR LIKE PRACTICALLY A WHOLE SEASON!!!! but she had to be alone again... what a girl. and that was a lot yall. six seasons is. a lot. so much more to explore and everyone changed so much and then just... the ending. the ENDING!!! you see alvin, ah, yes, remember alvin??? and POOR STOIC!!! the mourning we were missing from the second movie before it even happened... hiccups realizing his loyalty to berk is versus his need to explore. hes like his awesome hermit mom but hes also like his stubborn loyal dad. and i just CANT BELEIVE they. burned the dragon eye. that was it, that was the start to it all... how do you burn all of that amazing INFORMATION. all of it gone, because their enemies cant get their shit together. that was the end of exploring. the kids were growing up. they left the edge and thats just... its the edge. thats their home. how can you do this. fuck, it really is over. i cant get over it. 
and. now. the. THIRD MOVIE????? i went in fucking hiccup clothes, buildabear toothless in hand, and wow. okay so at first i was like “why u gotta give toothless a girlfriend? unnecesary” but it was actually perfect... she was wild. she represented toothless’ wild roots and that he had to return to it, he had a responsibility as the new alpha. next to eachother you really see how much toothless is just... domestic. with the narrowed eyes like first movie toothless, like... wow. WOW. yall remember the gift of the night fury and the isle of night and all of that about toothless having no one like him, but hiccup had no one like him so they were together. but hiccup did have people that were like him, people there for him, and toothless found people like him too...
and they referenced the show !!!! fishlegs made a dragon trading card the fucking nerd... you see all the dragons from drob and rtte!! smothering smokebreath was in one! we saw fireworm dragons! the glowing algae from the flightmare episode! and did you see hiccup’s toy!!! hiccup had his stuffed dragon in the flashback!!!! the one from his mother, the one that he was afraid of that years later trader (read:traitor) johan found in a fishing net! tuffnut said he’d been to two weddings. guys. he has. that one he mentioned where he got officiated and then when he officiated fishlegs and ruffnut’s accidental wedding. not to mention. RUFFNUT! holy fuck i loved that monolougue. i hate when ruffnut is treated as just an accesory to tuffnut and i was so happy to see this perfect scene, so perfectly ruffnut and totally herself and not to mention HILAIRIOUS. 
im just. fuck. FUCKKK!!!!! FUCK!! theyve been through so much... toothless was a part of his LIFE! without toothless hiccup wouldn’t be hiccup. without hiccup toothless wouldn’t be toothless. but people have to grow up. and that’s really the saddest part. toothless is now immortalized as a childhood dragon. it was a perfect, incredible, amazing childhood and absolutely everything became a piece of what hiccup became. he isn’t a kid anymore. hiccup is someone else. hiccup is someone who has a history, a past he might mention once of twice... of a different boy. someone who was a kid. a kid who loved his dragon and loved all dragons and all he wanted was to invent and to learn and to know and to connect people and make peace and save everyone and make a utopia. 
but now its over and im crying 
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jaysonblaze · 7 years
Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Episode 32 Review AKA You got JoJo in my Kamen Rider!
Well to start I’d just like to say NOW THAT IS HOW YOU INTRODUCE A VILLAIN! Holy fucking shit Cronus made a massive impact in that fight and it really seems like he is unbeatable with his time stop powers, his killing Loverica in such a brutal and honestly effortless way shows that Cronus lives up to the legendary warrior title utterly. I do wish he had of said ZA WARUDO at some point but cant have everything. Even before he showed up the whole battle felt like it was going to be the final battle but of course its only episode 31 out of well who knows how many so still a ways to go. My guess 45+ for sure. Oh also kinda cool that Cronus doesnt call anyone by name instead calling them by their game because its below him to know their actual name. Slightly disappointed by the reveal of who Cronus was though, I was expecting it to be a bit more foreshadowed but it did make sense seeing as they showed the guy for a few episodes then seemingly forgot all about him. It’s not the first time we’ve had a characters father turn out to be the real villain as well so its nothing new. We still have Gemdeus to show up and I think Pallad is still the final boss at least for Emu and/or Kuroto, at least he should be the absolute final fight since it wouldnt make sense otherwise and be a waste of the whole personal grudge thing. Really liked that Hiiro’s dad got a bit of the spotlight as well since its been a while since we’ve seen him but now at least we have a reason. It’s sad that he couldnt beat anyone despite his best efforts.
Hiiro just wants to bring his girlfriend back to life and his determination to do so is commendable but did you really think it would be that easy to get the proto-gashats? NEVER gonna be that easy. Hoping he gets his level 100 form soon because it would be awesome.
Nico didnt do much this episode except do a spot on Taiga impersonation and admit shes just gonna kill steal in the end.
Poppy also didnt do a whole lot sadly. Heres hoping Nico and Poppy get a V-Cinema.
Kuroto continues to be not 100% reformed and still a megalomaniac dick as his rant about the final bugster proves that Kuroto just wants the game to continue forever. It’ll be interesting to see how he deals with his father being Cronus and usurping his job as game god.
Taiga did not do much but I realised why its so important to him to kill Graphite. Graphite represents his failures 5 years ago and finally he will have a way to make up for it if he manages to beat Graphite. the chance to kill the physical representation of your greatest failure? yeah that is super hard to pass up.
Pallad again shows a bit of duality this episode with his ruthlessly wanting to murder the riders (and killing Kuroto at least once) and then actually mourning his fallen comrade. He does care about the Bugster just as Emu cares about humanity, two sides of the same coin after all. It’s gonna be interesting to see how he deals with Cronus and then Gemdeus when they show up/
Emu is determined to end the game and soon should get the power to do so. I hope they give us a few more episodes before we get his ultimate form just to let Cronus really establish himself as a super big threat and that it seems all hope is gone, I love that Cronus is so broken that Maximum Gamer needs the help of a cheating device to actually match it, Hyper Muteki is going to be a game breaker and its going to be great.
Thats it for now, again Ex-Aid continues to be great despite the flaw of not foreshadowing Cronus until right before he shows up and not foreshadow his identity at all.
As always if you dont agree, want me to expand on something or just want to talk about the riders feel free to message me.
Next time: Cronus does time stuff and offers Hiiro a new job. Ex-Aid probably gets the shit kick out of him as well
See you next game!
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