#homecoming rehearsal
nomilkinmyteaplease · 10 months
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Enhance, enhance
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thatgurlbey · 8 months
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roylustang · 1 year
Apologies to the person who’s yard I puked in I tried to save it for the government funded public park but unfortunately I don’t really decide these things
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general-fanfiction · 1 year
Hopes And Fears. (Wally Clark x Reader)
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Summary: Y/N’s death is traumatic. So traumatic in fact, she can’t even look at Wally without reliving what happened to her.
Word Count: 3,073
Gif Not Mine. Requests are open!
Warnings: Violence, Swear Words, Hints Of Rape?
I’m not too sure how I feel about this to be honest but it’s my first fic since coming back and I would love to write for Wally more so please send requests! I might continue with this if people like it, I’m not sure yet though.
“Homecoming game tonight. Are you nervous?”
Closing my locker, I look to my left to see Abby, my best friend since elementary school. We’re inseparable. People find it odd that we look like we are complete opposites and yet we are the platonic loves of each other's lives. She’s a very loud and extroverted theater kid, I’m quiet, shy and introverted. Though in a weird turn of events, I became head cheerleader. Kind of ironic right?
“I’m not too worried. We’ve been rehearsing everyday, sometimes twice a day. I think we might actually have our best routine yet, I just hope we can pull it off.”
“You’ll be great, you always are. Besides I heard Spencer is going to ask you to be his date for homecoming.”
Abby’s words catch me off guard. Spencer is the Split River High quarterback. While typically the head cheerleader and quarterback are perfect for each other, I’m way below his level that the thought of us being together is ridiculous. I couldn’t even imagine it, that’s how ludicrous the idea of us is. Not that I would complain, Spencer is model level attractive, an academic genius and of course, insanely popular. Any girl would die to be his homecoming date. Me included.
“Don’t be stupid.” The blush on my cheeks is a vibrant red as I speak, leaning against my locker with my books clenched against my chest.
“I’m being serious. Some of the other football guys were talking about it in study hall. Apparently he’s got some sort of big surprise planned.”
Her grin is wide, clearly happy for me, though I can’t match it. I still don’t believe it, that sort of thing does not happen to girls like me. Guys aren’t interested in girls like me. That’s just the way high school works, maybe I’ll blossom when I head off to college at the end of this year but for now, guys keep their distance. My mom always told me that high school guys like girls that are easy and that because I know my worth, guys don’t even attempt it. I’ve always hated that idea though. If nothing else but for the slightly sexist and anti-feminist ideals that it pushes.
“Not to alarm you Y/N but he’s walking down the hallway.” Abby tells me, grabbing my forearm tightly, obviously excited. “I think he’s headed this way so that’s my cue. Have fun, text me all the details!”
With that she scurries away, flashing me a cheesy smile over her shoulder as she speeds down the hallway. Almost bumping into several other students as she does so. I laugh slightly, always entertained by her antics before hearing the metal of the locker next to me clang at the sound of somebody leaning against it.
“Mind if I steal you for a second Y/N?”
Spencer’s voice is charming and smooth, a relaxed smirk on his face as he stares down at me. His eyes are intoxicating and I feel as though I’m drowning in them. There’s no way Abby could be right. God, if she is I’ll never hear the end of it. Maybe I could live with that though, especially if it does result in Spencer potentially being my boyfriend.
“Sure, yeah, okay.”
Spencer’s smirk grows wider, and as he leans in to take my hand in his, I catch a whiff of his cologne. A dark musk that matches the darkness of his eyes and hair perfectly, it takes everything in me not to collapse right then and there. My senses are completely heightened and I can feel the roughness of his hand against my palm. The butterflies in my stomach make me feel as though I’m about to explode from my nerves and before I know it we’ve made our way to the old block of showers that were closed in 2004, following an incident involving an inappropriate relationship between a student and gym coach. New showers were remodeled and these were left to decay.
Spencer takes my books out of my hands, placing them on the bench that sits in the center of the room before turning to face me. His hand gently cups my cheek and although his smile is soft and loving. His eyes hold a mischievous glint. Without saying anything he leans down to kiss me, unprepared and a little shocked I step backwards.
“I didn’t know you wanted to kiss me. I didn’t even know you liked me.” I tell him, shuffling backwards again as he continues to approach me.
“Everybody likes you. I’ve just been wanting to save this for a special occasion, and what better time than homecoming?”
With my back pressed against the wall, a soft smile forms on my face as he cages me in. Though it doesn’t feel threatening, it feels new and exciting and my insides are on fire waiting to see what happens. I feel as though I finally understand what the cringey teen movies are talking about when they discuss sex and love and passion.
“I really like you Spencer.” I whisper, voice barely audible, gazing up at him through my lashes.
He laughs, pushing his hair out of his face before leaning down once again. This time his lips do touch mine and it’s nothing like I imagined. He’s rough, hands moving down to grab my breasts , almost painfully. The softness from before clearly disappeared. As much as it is a dream come true to be making out with the guy of my dreams, I’m still disappointed that this is how my first kiss turned out. His tongue forces its way into my mouth and its uncomfortable, I know this isn’t how it is supposed to go. As I try to pull away, to allow myself some air, his hand grips my throat, holding me in place. Continuing his almost aggressive movements.
“Yo Spence, did you get the bitch?”
Finally, he pulls away. I manage to take in some air despite his hand still wrapped around my neck. He’s looking over his shoulder, nodding his head. The rest of the football team stands in the doorway, menacing looks on their faces as they see me in such a vulnerable position. I hear the click of the door lock, and the butterflies in my stomach don’t feel so good anymore. The energy in the room shifts to one of darkness and evil, no trace of kindness and love.
Spencer looks at me, and for the first time in my life, I fear for my safety. This is not the same guy that I was obsessed with. There is no sign of human emotion on his face, no sympathy or pity. Gripping his hand to try and pry it away from my throat, I feel the tears begin to prick in the corners of my eyes and upon seeing my reaction, he smiles. My pain is his pleasure. Despite my attempts at removing his hand, his grip only gets tighter and I’m pushed further against the wall.
“Let’s have some fun boys.”
A dull ache radiates through my body, pushing through the pain, I force myself to stand up. Staring at the room around me, I wonder if I was dreaming. However, with no sign of my books on the bench, I take that as confirmation that what I experienced did truly happen. Blood splatters the walls and floor but with no sign of injury on my body, I refuse to believe it’s mine. Sure, what happened was bad, but not that bad.
Not wanting to stay in this room any longer, I quickly make my way to the exit, pushing open the door with more force than necessary causing it to slam against the outside wall. Making the shy looking boy who happens to be standing outside jump. I smile apologetically, about to make my way past him when I notice what he’s wearing. Clad in double denim with round glasses, he looks straight out of Friends.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to come in because I thought you might feel kind of exposed but I wanted to introduce myself.” He says quietly, holding out his hand for me to shake. “I’m Charlie.”
Shifting my gaze between his hand and his face, my mind can’t really comprehend what is happening. Why am I suddenly meeting someone new? By the old shower block of all places, especially after what has just happened to me. The confusion on my face must be obvious as he smiles before revoking his hand.
“You haven’t worked it out yet have you?” He asks, almost as though he doesn’t want to push me.
“You’re dead, cherry pop.”
Looking to my right, I spot a girl sat against the wall, blue lollipop between her lips that has stained them ever so slightly. Wearing a black turtleneck with a matching cap and pinstripe pants, she’s the kind of girl that would intimidate me had I seen her walking down the street. Who am I kidding? She still intimidates me.
“Rhonda, Mr Martin told us to be gentle with her!”
“I’m sorry, I actually have somewhere to be but you two look great.” I tell them, beginning to walk away and head towards the main school building.
“Did you not hear me? You’re dead, you don’t have anywhere to be.” The girl, I’m assuming Rhonda, shouts after me, causing me to stop in my tracks.
“Look I don’t know what sort of joke this is, but it’s not funny. Seriously, go find some other kid to pick on.”
As I walk into the school building, I begin my mission of searching for Abby, hoping I can find her in the auditorium or even the costume department. My search doesn’t take too long, as my assumptions proved correct. She is sitting on the stage, the theater club’s newest script in one hand and her phone in the other. Our text thread open on her screen, as I sit myself beside her, she doesn’t even acknowledge me, eyes flicking between her phone and the script.
“Abby, I need to tell you something but you have to swear you will not tell anyone.”
She completely ignores me, flipping the page of her script. Its as if I’m invisible to her, a joke that isn’t funny. Waving my hand in front of her face in an attempt to get her attention also proves futile as she doesn’t even look up. Glancing at her phone I notice she’s messaged me multiple times asking me of my whereabouts, telling me she’s seen Spencer but she didn’t see me with him, asking me if I am his homecoming date.
“Abby, seriously? This is important, your show can wait.”
“She can’t hear you.” Charlie says, him and Rhonda standing in front of me, arms resting on the edge of the stage. “Or see you, we’re invisible to them. Nothing you do is going to change that.”
“I don’t get it, why isn’t she answering me?” I ask, panic starting to set it as I grow more and more confused at my situation.
“Oh my god, do I really have to tell you again? Are you that fucking stupid? You’re dead. D-E-A-D. Deceased. Not living.” Rhonda speaks slowly, using a voice you would use for a child.
“I can’t be dead. There’s no way, it’s just not possible.”
“Yeah it takes some getting used to, but we’re all friends and you’ll come to terms with it soon enough. Mr Martin’s support group helps too.” Charlie tells me, smiling encouragingly as I watch Abby walk away with some of the other theater kids.
“Support group?” I ask, hopping off the stage to stand with the only two people that can see me.
“Come on, we’ll take you.” Rhonda states, almost as if it's more of a chore and not like she offered to take me.
Sitting in a circle with the rest of the group, I can’t help my heart racing as I spot the football player sitting amongst everyone. He reminds me of Spencer and that’s what makes me nervous, or maybe it’s just the fact that he plays football. Either way I can’t help but feel on edge, hence why I placed myself in the furthest seat from him.
As I take in the rest of the room, I notice the basketball team playing further down the court. Not aware of the existence of the group of ghosts sat in a circle like they’re in an AA meeting. It feels so surreal, almost like an intricate nightmare that I will wake up from at any moment. Yet everything I’ve seen so far has been pretty real.
“We have a new student, would you like to introduce yourself?” The only teacher, who I am guessing is Mr Martin asks, as I feel all eyes divert their attention towards me.
The football player has a gentle aura around him, smiling at me as he waits for an answer to Mr Martin’s question. I look away quickly, unable to face the feelings of sickness in my stomach that I get when I look at him.
“I’m Y/N.”
The group mumbles a chorus of welcomes as I stare at the floor, still struggling to come to terms with the fact that I am actually dead.
“It’s hard at first, but I’m grateful that you decided to give the group a shot. It helps us all to move forward instead of focusing on our deaths and the past.” Mr Martin tells me, offering a look of sympathy. “Charlie, Rhonda, thank you for being Y/N’s guide, I’m sure it was very helpful.”
“So how did you die? In the old showers clearly, but that’s gotta be an interesting story right?” Rhonda asks, her eyes piercing into me as she places the lollipop back between her lips.
“Rhonda, you can’t just ask people that. Let her get used to us at least.”
His voice startles me, it’s as gentle as his aura. Soft and ever so charming. The protection in his tone is obvious as though he doesn’t wanna frighten me away and I glance at him for a moment. His football shirt sits perfectly against his toned chest and a gold chain hangs delicately from his neck. He’s beautiful. Truly beautiful.
“I’m Wally by the way, Wally Clark.” His voice is directed at me, staring at me intently.
At that moment, I can’t help but be transported back to before. Remembering my screams and pleads for them to stop. Praying someone would hear me and come to my rescue. They never did. They never stopped.
Jumping up from my chair, I feel myself getting worked up as I sprint out of the room. Terrified of reliving the past. Finding myself in an abandoned hallway, I slide against the wall until I’m sitting on the cold linoleum floor. Staring at the lockers as I try to calm my breathing.
“Hey, hey, are you okay?” Charlie asks, crouching in front of me with a concerned expression on his face. “Wally’s shitting himself thinking he did something wrong. I told him to hang back while I spoke to you.”
I let the tears fall down my face as I stare up at Charlie, feeling guilty that I’ve potentially upset an innocent boy because of my own trauma. I can’t go back to the group, I know I can’t. It would be in the best interests of every other ghost if I do my best to simply avoid Wally. That way nobody gets hurt.
“I’m sorry Charlie. I can’t do it, I can’t go back to the group. I can’t see him in that fucking uniform. I just can’t, I’m sorry.” My sobs are uncontrollable and I feel bad even just for putting Charlie through this when he’s known me for all of two hours.
“It’s okay, you’re okay. Is it the uniform, we can get him to change I’m sure, I know it’s not the best look but it is all he had since he died in his shoulder pads and all.”
I can’t help but let out a small laugh, wiping the tears from my face with the sleeves of my jumper. Charlie offers me his hand to help me stand up which I take graciously. He places a hand on my shoulder as a sign of encouragement, along with a gentle smile.
“I mean it Charlie. I can’t go back to the group. I don’t want to relive the memories.”
“She’s adamant she’s not coming back.” Charlie tells the group, all of them awaiting the answers he has for them as to why the new girl ran away. “I don’t think it’s anything personal Wally but she said she can’t see you in that uniform and I think she may have had something happen regarding the football players. I don't wanna speculate though.”
“So, what? Her footballer boyfriend cheated on her and now she can’t look at poor, innocent Wally because it reminds her of him?” Rhonda asks, unimpressed by the lack of answers Charlie has.
“No, I think it’s something more than that. Something deeper. I’m sure she’ll tell us when she’s ready but for now, I would stop wearing the uniform Wally.”
The footballer didn’t need to be told twice, he instantly pulls the shirt over his head leaving him in only a tight, white tank top. Charlie smiles in appreciation, while Rhonda scoffs slightly upon seeing his muscular arms.
“Okay, so I’ve ditched the uniform, should I apologize or what?” Wally asks, looking at the group to gauge their reactions.
“Maybe now isn’t a good time Wally.” Mr Martin states, trying to think rationally. “I’d give it a day or so.”
“Or maybe just leave her alone for a while. Let her come out of her shell a bit first.” Charlie interjects.
“Yeah, let's not hurt cherry pop’s feelings.” Rhonda replies sarcastically, staring directly at Charlie.
As the rest of the group session continues, Wally stays silent, playing with the football uniform in his hands as he attempts to figure out different ways to apologize. To help her feel more at home in her new life, and potentially help her overcome the trauma of her death. Despite not managing to come up with a good idea, he does decide one thing. He will do whatever it takes to make her feel safe and become her friend.
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mackeydoodledoo · 1 month
She Wears Short Skirts, I wear T-shirts: Chapter 2
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Pairing: Bridget (Cheerleader AU) x (Fem!)Reader
Chapter Summary: After Bridget finds out your 'secret life', you and her have been growing close. With your final homecoming on the other side of the week, you build the courage to ask Bridget to accompany you...
Chapter Warnings: Swearing
Chapter Key: Italics = Thoughts, +*+ = Time Skip, F/n = Friend's name, Bold/Italic = Daydream, Bold/Indent = Texts, Bold = PA System
Chapter Theme: Motown - Grayscale
A/n: Aight, I didn't expect this one to be THAT long but whatever lol enjoy it
*Y/n's POV* You walk into the doors of the school fresh Monday morning. Everyone is dressed in their favorite band shirt... As you head to your first class, you see Bridget... Wearing your own band shirt. Most likely she bought it at your last gig.
"Y/n!" She runs up to you and hugs you
"Nice shirt," You chuckle
"Yeah, I know, they're so amazing," She plays along, "The drummer really caught my eye when I saw them. I'm pretty sure they're my favorite after that."
"Oh did they now?" You ask
She links her arm with your and the both of you walk off into the halls.
"You didn't... Tell them right?" You ask
"No I didn't," She rolls her eyes, "I want you to do that."
"Thanks," You chuckle, "Where are we going?"
"To your class," She says
"It was... Back the other way..." You say
She pivots on her heel and turns to where you begin to guide her to your classroom.
You sit in the back of the classroom, technically supposed to follow the lecture, but you could care less about the class, you were passing anyway...
You lift your hand over her head, twirling her. Bridget smiles as the both of you continue dancing the night away. She wraps her arms round your neck and pulls you close to her.
Do I... Like her?!
Once the final bell rung, you begin making your way to the band room to grab your rehearsal gear. However, you notice Bridget down the hall, near the band hall.
"Y/n!" She notices you again
She waves her friends off and runs up to you.
"Are you able to hang out?" She asks
"Agh... Gotta get to band rehearsal," You sigh, "I got a slight bit of time to talk right now."
"Oh..." She says, "I was hoping we could... So I could... You know..."
"You know?..." You ask
"There's something I want to ask," She says
"Go on," You say
"Would you go to Homecoming with me?" She asks, ripping the big question off like a band-aid
"Yeah," You answer, nonchalantly
Her eyes light up, she doesn't say anything in case you misspoke.
"I'm serious," You say, "I'll go with you."
She squeals as she jumps into your arms.
"Gosh, now you won't have time to find an outfit!" She realizes
"As long as you send me a photo of your dress, I'll find something," You say, "Here, hand me your phone..."
She hands you her phone and you put your number into her contact list. You set the photo she took of the both of you as your contact image.
"There, now you can reach me," You say, handing the phone back to her
"Eek!" She squeals, hugging the life out of you, "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Alright, gotta go!" You say, running past her
You dash into the band room and quickly grab your equipment, narrowly being late.
You throw your backpack onto your computer chair and crash right into bed. Your director was working every single fiber of your muscles that rehearsal. You open your phone and see a text from her.
Hey, I realized that I didn't get to give you my number - Bridget No worries, I had to run to band...
She sends you the photo that she took of the both of you over the previous weekend.
Here's my dress...
It was a white base dress with red and pink flowers adorning the canvas.
The colors suit you. Do you want me to go with you? If you want. EEE! Okay! I'm so excited! Also, aren't you in the Homecoming court? Yeah why? Nothing just wondering. Did you want to be in the court so you could walk me down the track? ;) What? Haven's no. I'm not popular enough to be nominated for hoco court. Mayyyyybeeeee if you revealed your drummer-by-night status, maybe you would be. Hard Pass. I'm taking you to homecoming anyway. You're not wrong. We'll have a dance though :) Lucky me :) I'm going to go to bed now, I'll see you tomorrow. Sleep well.
You walk into School Friday: everyone wearing their year colors: Seniors getting to wear black.
"Yo Y/n, ready for our last pep rally?!" F/n asks, "Getting to leave last period just for and related things is always a plus!"
"Can't wait," You sigh, rolling your eyes jokingly
"A little birdie told me you're taking the cheer team's captain to homecoming," They add, "How did that happen?!"
"She asked, I answered," You say, "Simple as that."
"Come on, since she found out you were in a band, she's been GAWKING at you," F/n states
"No, impossible," You say, chuckling, "She's a cheerleader, I'm a band kid. Popular, and unpopular. She wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts. She;s the cheer captain and... I'm... In the marching band. No way she'd fall for someone like me."
"Jeez you sound stupid," They sigh in annoyance, "Just give her a chance. May never know until it's too late."
"Lets see how homecoming goes," You say
As you sit in the classroom, you had time before the ending bell rung.
"I heard it was a lame band kid that asked the cheer team captain to homecoming..." "Really? I heard it was the drum captain. They're pretty cool." "Still. They're just as lame as the regular band kids."
Your brows furrow as you listen to the comments made about you. You shouldn't care... Shit like that has been happening since you began your marching arts career.
Imagine if they'd find out that the drum captain is in a band-oh my god no...
Would the members of the Cheer Team, and Marching Band report to the band room."
That's my cue.
You sling the strap of your backpack over your shoulder as you weave your way through the desks. You trip over someone's foot sticking out from their desk. However, your feet instantly catch themselves and you compose yourself before continuing to walk forward.
"Sorry loser!" The person laughs
More laughs add in...
"This is not a classroom to make fun of your fellow classmates," The teacher begins to scold them
"It was a joke Ms. [Name]!" They say
"In my eyes it didn't seem like a joke," She says, "Are you alright Y/n?"
At least someone that isn't the band director cares... Sorta...
"I'm fine Ms. [Name]. They're not worth it," You sigh, "They'll never learn."
"Why you!-"
"I recommend you sit back down [Bullies' Name], or I will make sure that you will never see your final homecoming football game, and homecoming," Ms. [Name] firmly states
"Whatever," They huff, sinking back into their chair
"Go on Y/n," She turn to you, smiling
You wave her off and rush to the band room. You were her favorite student, not intentionally. But you treated her with basic respect and turned in her assignments.
Soon after the pep rally ended, You grab your things from the band hallway and make your way out to the field for a quick practice before prepping for the homecoming parade.
You hang your jacket up against the bars of your locker and then head out to the tailgate. As you travel further from the entrance of the band room, showering the band area of the tailgate, you found yourself at the very end, seeing the cheerleader's tailgate. You see very familiar pink hair. She wore a warm up two-piece track suit. You'd be surprised if you saw one of them not wearing one of those.
"Hey you," She smiles, "Care to get some food with me?"
"Only if you actually get some food," You say, "I wouldn't want to watch you pass out on the track tonight."
She nods as she takes your arm and leads you through the cheer tailgate.
"Hi mom! Hi dad!" She waves at them
"Oh hi sweetie!" Her mom greets her, "Is this Y/n Y/l/n? We've heard a lot about you."
"Really?" You ask, looking at her
"We really appreciate that you're taking her to homecoming," She adds, "We were surprised that no one had asked her."
"More like she asked me," You say
"Wow," Her dad chimes, fixing the both of you a plate, "That's really bold of her."
"Okay thanks dad bye!" She takes the plates and walks off
You follow after her.
"What was all that about?" You ask
"Parents... They tend to do everything they can to embarrass their kids," She says
"True," You chuckle
The both of you sit somewhere a little secluded to avoid judgmental eyes.
"Sorry you're not hanging with your friends," You say, "I can always go back to my band friends."
"It's not a problem," She tells you, "Besides, I couldn't catch you before the pep rally."
"Aww you missed me," You tease
"Shut up," She lightly shoves you, giggling
After sitting with each other for a little while you check the time on your phone.
"Oh, gotta run," You say, "I'll see you out there."
Bridget nods as you make your way back to the band room.
You walk in-step with your drumline members as you all walk into the stadium to warm up.
*Bridget's POV* You grab your pompoms and walk with your squad to your part of the stadium. You catch a glimpse of the drumline as you walk by. Y/n looks up after hoisting the drum over her shoulders. She smiles as you walk by. Your cheeks heated and you look away, hoping she wouldn't notice.
"Quit making google eyes at the drum captain," f/n says, "We have our own thing to do tonight."
*Y/n's POV* You tap off a beat and the other members follow suit, in time.
You meet up with the winds and the guard to run through some show music before heading to the back of the field for pregame.
Pregame goes as normal, with the exception of having alumni perform the fight song off the field.
You go to your seat and begin helping the drum majors pass the drum stands to your drummers who require one.
Throughout the entire game, you really didn't pay attention. You played where the drum majors wanted you all to play, the team either scored or the other team did. But, the game was in the bag anyway. Your eyes drift down to the track and see the cheer team doing a routine. Bridget up in the air and then trusting her teammates holding her up to catch her when she came back down...
If only I had that much faith in my drummers...
You wouldn't trust them to keep you upright. A handful of them were rookies or transferred from the front ensemble. You'd pity the next drum captain after you, and your friend leave, as you and them were the best drumline members, not because of the seniority, but since their both of you were doing indoor drumline since the both of you were eligible to start: The both of you learned from the people who had done Drum Corps; highly elite form of band...
You walk off of the field as the parents of your fellow seniors meet up with you; your parents included.
"We would like to congratulate all of our seniors and their contribution to our organization," Your band director announces over the speaker system
Some only gave light claps, fellow band parents of non-senior members cheered their hearts out. Your head travels to the side where Bridget stood with her fellow senior cheer members. She smiles as she gives you a subtle applaud.
Like you predicted... Your football team won the game. The band plays the fight song to the people exiting the stadium. you return to the band room and change out of your uniform, as well as organizing everything in the drum storage.
"Y/n, you have a visitor!" One of the guard girls says
You look near the band room door and see Bridget. you slide on sweatpants and make your way over to her.
"Want to walk home?" She asks
You nod as you sling your backpack over your shoulders.
"Do you get to go home after school when you have either practice or a game?" You ask
"No, do you?" She asks
"Nope," You answer, "Kinda sucks honestly... But, I'd be to band on time. One time the entire freshman class was late to rehearsal.... Our director made them run a few laps."
"Sounds like he's really passionate about marching band," She says
"More like it's to make the rookies 'care' about being in band, or it's a punishment, beats me," You say, "Your cheer coach do something like that?"
"Nope," She says
"Say, wouldn't there be an after-party for the cheer team?" You ask
"There is, but I'm too tired to go, what about the band?" She asks
"Also yes, but I'm also way too tired for it," You answer, "It's being hosted by some band kid I don't know well... Besides, we still have time left."
You walk her up to her door, her parents greeting her at the door.
"Thanks for walking me home like always," Bridget smiles, "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yeah," You smile back, "I'll see you tomorrow."
You walk over to Bridget's house and wait at her front door until her parents open the door.
"Ahh! Y/n, welcome in," Her mother greets you, "Bridget is finishing up in her room."
You nod as you patiently, but awkwardly wait in silence until you hear footsteps coming down the stairs.
"Hey Bridget," You look up at her
You take in her features that go with her dress...
"You look gorgeous," You smile
Per her parent's request, they take a bunch of photos before the both of you walk to the school.
The both of you walk hand in hand; watching everyone mind themselves.
"Yo Y/n!" F/n walks up to you, "Evening, Bridget."
She happily waves at your friend.
"Wouldn't recommend going in the gym," They say, "Hot as hell, and the music is rank."
"That's unfortunate," You roll your eyes
"Guess we might have to blow this popsicle stand early," f/n suggests
You look at Bridget, the hope in her eyes slowly disappear... But, come back once she processes the idea.
"You know what, I've been to three other ones," She says, continuing to hold your hand, "Let's get out of here."
"One word Y/n, keeper," f/n says, "Come on!"
F/n and their date, you and Bridget head out from campus grounds and find the nearest late-night diner; the four of you sitting in a booth in the corner.
"So, what are you two planning on doing after high school?" f/n's date asks
"We've been considering continuing our band full time," F/n says
You nod.
"Would you bring us on tour?" Bridget asks
"That's if a headlining band asks us to tour with them," You say, "We've never been asked to tour yet. Plus, you wouldn't just be watching. We'd give ya'll something to do."
"Like what" Bridget asks
"Be the people who help run our merch table," You say, "Wouldn't hurt to have help at the table."
"Would we get free merch?" f/n's date leans in
"I mean... Sure," You answer
They both squeal.
"How did we get lucky with the most famous band in town?" Bridget asks, leaning onto you
"Surprised that the school hasn't heard of you guys," f/n date notes
"Well, almost everyone in the school is into rap, or whatever," F/n says, "They don't both to support local music..."
"That's a darn shame," Bridget says, "They really are missing out."
"Oh well, their loss," You sigh, "I kinda like having an audience that is respectful. You could always hear the audience speak during our halftime shows..."
"It's a damn shame," F/n says, "We work our asses off to put on a good show, and then it's like... No one gives a damn."
"No matter though f/n, we'll be out of the godforsaken school soon," You say, "Fortunately we don't have to do anymore halftime shows."
"All that's left is State Finals," They say, "Then indoor season. Really throws us off our gig schedules."
"Indoor is only on the weekends you idiot," You sigh, "We can still do performances on the weeknights."
"We'd be cutting it close to waking up on time for school though," They add
"Must you always be a killjoy?" You ask
"I'm pointing out the facts," They raise their palms in defeat
The four of you continue to converse until the diner began closing for the night.
"See you Monday you two!" You wave off your friend and their date, leaving you and Bridget alone
"I know it's a little late but... Want to take a drive?" You ask
"Sure," She says
The both of you hop into your car and drive in silence: only the music from your radio filling some of that silence.
"Do you know how to drive?" You ask
"I do but... My older brother took the only other car when he moved out," She says
"Well, that really sucks," You sigh, "Well, I'm more than happy to give you a ride. I really love driving."
You take a random turn...
"I would hate for you to put a lot of miles onto your car," She says
"It's not a big deal," You say, "We live near the school anyway."
"Okay," She sighs
You pull into her driveway, putting the car in park as the both of you relax for a moment.
"Thanks for taking me," She says, "I had a good time. Even though.. Most of it wasn't spent at homecoming."
"Thanks for deciding to accompany me," You reply, "I also had a good time. Even if it wasn't at homecoming, being anywhere with you is an adventure to me."
"I'll... See you Monday," She says, smiling
But she doesn't move from her seat...
"You alright?" You ask, "Did-"
Before you could ask if you did something wrong, you felt her lips touch your cheek. You only sit in the driver's seat in shock as your eyes watch her exit your car. She leans down to the window and waves you off. After waiting for her to close her front door, your brain attempts to process her kiss...
Chapter 3
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citizenscreen · 5 months
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John Hodiak and Anne Baxter rehearsing their lines on set of Mervyn LeRoy‘s HOMECOMING (1948). Baxter may be Mrs. Hodiak in real life but she’s married to Clark Gable in the picture.
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vargskelegore · 2 years
OK! So transfer student shuri showing up to your practice, with an extra water bottle! Transfer student Shuri who says "I'm here for _____" and takes ur bag with all ur stuff in it, slings it across her shoulder and walks u to ur dorm!. Pls I need this!
author's note: now thats some gay ass shitttttt, ain't no way reader's friends would assume their relationship is straight.
friends, huh? - hbcu!shuri x black!reader
word count: 958 words. (shorter than normal, sorry!)
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homecoming was coming up fairly soon, and your majorette team was stopping at nothing to perfect the routine that was being prepared for the school.
your school’s band decided the song they would play for the homecoming game was remember the time by michael jackson, and your majorette team would prepare the dance for the song.
with being homecoming being a little under a week away, these practices got more intense. you were the leader of the majorettes, too, so this was more pressure on you than anybody else.
as the practice continued, your water was beginning to run out, and as of right now, since your school was so cheap, the water lines in the gyms and practice rooms/halls weren’t working properly.
you mentally cursed yourself as your team went over the dance routine one more time. “fuck.. i think i’m gonna die if i don’t get no damn water soon.” you muttered. “alright ladies, we’re gonna take ten, if you need to go get water from the other building, feel free, i don’t care.” you were out of breath, and needing a towel asap.
you went to go sit down in the locker room, checking your phone. your face lit up when you saw a message from shuri. opening up your phone, it was a selfie of her, smiling, walking outside. you tilted your head a bit. where was she walking to? not that it was any of your business.
you replied a quick ‘cute :)’ before setting your phone down to get a towel from your locker. coming back, you see she read it, but nothing more. you frowned a bit, because usually she’d walk and text you at the same time, but not this time you assumed.
you overthought a lot-- you never meant to do that, but it always happened. combine that with dance practice, and you were bound to have a stroke.
you sighed for a bit before turning off your phone, because you realized the ten minutes was up, and everyone was back, chatting.
you left the locker room with your towel, setting your phone down next to your bag.
a couple of girls were having a conversation about someone, squealing and giggling. “y’all seen that girl that transferred here? shit, i didn’t think i liked girls til i saw her.” a couple of them laughed, and you raised your eyebrow, wondering what they were talking about, you called out.
“who y’all talkin bout?” you simply asked, getting prepared for another practice.
“nothin, just that new girl.. where she from, wakanda?” you stopped in your tracks once you heard that. they were talking about shuri. your stomach turned a bit hearing them talk about her like that.
“oh, her.. yeah i know who y’all are talking about. why are y’all talking about her?” your voice was a bit weary, but you tried not to show it.
“we saw her walking down the sidewalk.” another girl said, her voice getting all giggly from talking about shuri.
you stomached the way they spoke, clearing your throat before clapping. “alright y’all we need to run the dance again! we ain’t got much time.” your leader voice came through because you couldn’t bare to have this conversation.
there was about ten more run throughs of the dance in twenty minutes, and you were burnt out.
as the rehearsal came to a close, you gathered the girls in a circle to talk about things that need to be fixed in the future rehearsal.
“alright y’all, we did good today but it needs to be better tomorrow. i’m really proud of what we have going on as of right now, but i’m sure we can do better--”
you were interrupted by the loud door opening. all the girls turned around to look, and you were confused yourself at who could’ve came in.
“..are you looking for something?” one of the girls called out. you could hear some of them giggling at who walked into the room, and whispering.
“uh.. i’m here for y/n.” your ears perked up at who it was. shuri.
she was holding up a water bottle, other hand in her hoodie pocket as she stood there awkwardly.
you moved away from the girls to walk up to shuri. you could see her face visibly light up once she saw you.
“what are you doing here? i thought you were studying..” you whispered to her as you walked up to her. she only laughed.
“when you were complaining about there being no water in the gym, i asked you when rehearsal ended so i could give you some.. i didn’t want to interrupt during the rehearsal.” she was clearly shy and embarrassed because everyone else was staring at you.
“that’s so sweet.. um- thank you, shuri.” your face was getting warm as you grabbed the water from her.
“oh, so you wasn’t finna tell us that you know her, y/n?” one of your co-majorettes called out. everyone else just laughed. you cleared your throat.
“well, she and i are friends-- wait, why are you in my business? rehearsal is over, y’all go back home.” you were quick to speak as shuri went over to grab your bag and put it over her shoulder. “i’m ready when you are, y/n.” her voice was back to being soft as the girls giggled some more.
“friends, my ass.” one of them whispered. you were so embarrassed at this point, there was nothing more to say.
“girl hush, y’all better get out of here before y’all get locked inside.” you warned as you walked out of the dance practice room with shuri.
there was something neither you and shuri could deny,
and that was being friends was kiiinda overrated.
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thecolebrothers · 11 months
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"LOOK AT THIS: inside rehearsals for The Homecoming, playing from 27 November
Olivier-nominated Matthew Dunster (2:22 A Ghost Story) directs a bold, spare refocusing of Harold Pinter’s powerful masterpiece"
Via: @/youngvictheatre
Image credit: Ellie Kurttz
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tayloralisonswift · 1 month
half awake but just remembered this !! in beyoncé homecoming, the documentary of how she put on her beychella performance, it shows the pain of rehearsing. i don’t mean that colloquially, it was physically and emotionally exhausting to do day-in and day-out, especially when her personal life was demanding all of her attention.
& she’s in the studio and tells her choreographer that the dance break is rly fast. he says, “it’s doable, but it’s fast” and then she says, “this is why people don’t like to rehearse.” she goes on to explain that learning choreography, practicing, and rehearsing a show is humbling. it doesn’t matter who you are outside of the studio, once you’re in there you’re the same as everyone else, you’re sloppy and make mistakes and look silly, and most performers don’t want to experience that, or at least show the public. it speaks to their character.
anyway i think that’s why i love this music video so much.
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nomilkinmyteaplease · 11 months
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Jared Harris in rehearsals for The Homecoming at the Young Vic
photos by Ellie Kurtz
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robinismywife · 1 year
[ 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 ] (p.4)
PAIRING: Elvis Presley x fem!reader
SUMMARY: Y/n has an interesting conversation with Colonel Tom Parker, one that makes her question everything.
WARNINGS: Idek. If you find any plz inform me!!
A/N: Most of the information in this chapter might be inaccurate but it's all for the plot girlies ;) Thank you SO much for being patient with me. I know the plot is moving slowly but believe me we're getting somewhere! <3
(the gif is not mine!)
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"Are ya ready honey?"
"No, it's embarassing- Everybody's looking at me all weird and we're not even in there yet.." She pouted with a pleading look on her face, which had the exact opposite effect on Elvis than she had anticipated. Instead of feeling bad for her and comforting her, he burst out laughing and shaking his head in disbelief "What?! E, I think I'll just stay outside I-"
"Aw nah, I ain't hearin' none of that Y/n- I done told ya that I want ya there, honey" Now it's his turn to frown and plead, grabbing her hands soflty and rubbing circles on them.
"Really. I really want ya in there with me. You're my person, you know? Everybody needs a support system, hmm? What'd you say?"
"Oh fine! But I'm only doing this for Frank Sinatra" Y/n wrapped her arm around his bicep as they stepped into the studio. The flashing lights were blinding them and she had to constantly look down so as not to step on something important and ruin the entire set up. Everybody was working hard to create a magical homecoming special just for Elvis, and Y/n couldn't believe that she was allowed to be there and watch as the two biggest stars on earth got to work together and bond over their love for music.
"Right, honey, right" Elvis chuckled at the girl, raising his eyebrows in disbelief. If it were any other guy acting cocky exactly the way he did she would've been pissed off, however, Elvis had such a charm about him that even his teasing felt like the biggest compliment.
"I ain't lying! I've been dying for an autograph- For my collection, you know?"
"You haven't asked for my autograph.." Elvis' lip jutted out slightly and dissapointment seemed to wash over his pretty features.
"Love, I get to hug you and kiss your pretty lil' pouty lips every day- Your autograph is the least of my concerns" Y/n laughed at how the boy's eyes lit up for a short moment "Now, get me to Mr. Sinatra now!"
"Yes, ma'am"
Y/n could help but stare in shock as Elvis and Frank rehearsed their duet. This all felt like a dream, a fever dream. She was sure she would soon wake up in a pool of sweat and realize that everything was her sick brain's creation. Nevertheless, the way her heart pounded and the music echoed in her head, reassured her that this was her reality. Y/n was Elvis Presley's new girl.
The thought made her a bit dissapointed, how she would be depicted in the media soon. Just another one of his girls! How long will this one last?! It all felt a little overwhelming. She truly was head over heels in love with the charismatic man before her, but what if he didn't feel the same? What if he cheats on her? What if he's cheating on a girl right now? Could she be some mistress on the side and not know it? What poor girl is left thinking he'll come back?
All these questions flooded her one track mind, making her completely oblivious of her new company.
"So you met Frank, dear girl?"
Y/n turned her head only to find the Colonel sitting next to her, his walking stick rested between his legs.
"I did, Colonel, he's a very nice man" She responded carefully, finding herself stiffening up. It's like he always wanted to catch people slipping up and saying things that they would surely regret, things that he could use against them. Y/n never trusted this man and she never really would.
"Don't be fooled, my girl," The Colonel scoffed in disagreement "That man is anything but nice"
"What makes you say that..?" Y/n suddenly felt a little sad at the prospect of Frank Sinatra being a horrible human being. The small paper with his autograph in her pocket seemed to burn her through her clothes. Was just every celebrity that corrupted after all?
"He almost ruined that boy's career in seconds, little girl," He pointed at Elvis with his pretentious walking stick "Telling reporters how Mr. Presley's music- How rock and roll music fosters negative and destructive directions in young people" The man immitaded Franks voice, obviously making fun of the man.
"I- I- I don't know what to say, sir- I guess it was new back then?"
"Still, if you ask me, that man's a hypocrite- Always bashing my boy in the media but the moment he can make profit off of him, suddenly he forgets"
"Then why did you allow Elvis to do this? If that's how you feel"
"For the money of course, dear girl, and his reputation second. But money is always the priorety. How else do you think we haven't gone bankrupt? Mr. Presley surely has a spending problem, wouldn't you say?"
"What I'd say is that makes you a hypocrite, Colonel, just like the man you've been talking down on" Y/n couldn't stop the words from escaping her lips. She mentally noted to avoid Colonel Parker at all costs from now on. She didn't have the patience to deal with him again.
"A hypocrite? Nah, my girl, I'm merely doing what he's doing- He started it, not me" He smirked at her with a weird glint in his eye. Y/n couldn't understand his way of thinking. She was truly wondering how Elvis even communicated with this man, let alone plan projects and performances.
"Besides my boy will be in the movies now, eh? No need to worry about that damn rockabilly business no more"
"Movies? What mo-?"
"Colonel why are ya talking my girl's head off, huh?" Elvis stepped up to them, teasing an otherwise serious Colonel.
Did Elvis even know about these movies? Yes, Elvis had made movies in the past but it was never anything that could jeopardize his singing career. The Colonel's words kept ringing in her head. She had to find a way to talk to him about this, see how he feels about all these plans the Colonel had made for him. God knows what contracts that greedy fraud of a man had signed without Elvis' approval.
When they were finally in the backseat of their car, Y/n could actually think without the loud piano echoing around the set. What was she even getting herself into?
Y/n thought that she knew the music industry like the back of her hand, always surrounded by the most important singers and musicians of her time. However, that all came crushing down that day. In her eyes Elvis seemed like the most powerful man, someone who simply snaps his fingers and gets everything he wants without so much as lifting his pinkie. She decided that it was all a lie, a deception. How could she be so stupid as to think that musicians were anything more than a puppet on a string? A pretty face covering a corrupted industry full of money-hungry record companies and managers, just like Colonel Parker. And perhaps like RCA?
No. Now, daddy wouldn't work there if he knew all that, would he?
And now that she was thinking about it; How could she allow herself to be involved with such a man? A man like Elvis Presley. A man so blessed yet so trapped in his own good fortune and success. Maybe it would be best if this was all temporary, if she didn't end up marrying Elvis. Y/n didn't want to be trapped in that miserable life. Obviously, she would have anything she wanted supposing she stuck by Elvis' side. Clothes, diamonds and pearls, cooks and maids all working for her, all taking care of her. She wouldn't have to worry about a thing ever again.
Y/n had to slightly shake her head in order to push away that thought. No way was she going to abandon her career and independece for wealth and comfort. She had promised herself she would never do such a thing. Never. Y/n knew she was too smart and too hard-working to go to waste. No man could ever make her change her mind, even the charming Elvis Presley.
"What is that lil' brain of yours thinking over there, Littl'un?" Elvis' eyebrow lifted slightly in curiosity and amusement.
"Nothin' just how amazing today was, hun" Y/n tried to smile as nonchalatly as she could.
"Now, don't lie to me, baby- You were staring out that window like some damn lost puppy" Elvis got suddenly too serious for Y/n's liking, his protective side taking over. She couldn't deny the fact that his overprotectiveness was attractive, which made her mind lose focus from the current situation.
"It's fine, I tell ya, Elvis-"
"Aw hell!" He exclaimed as if he realized something important "The Colonel wasn't mean to ya or somethin', was he? He didn't bother you?"
"I- um-" Her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. Was this the right time to mention the movies the Colonel had told her all about? "No, hun, we just talked is all"
"Just talked? You sure about that?" Elvis narrowed his pretty blue eyes as if he was waiting for Y/n to crack and spill all of her darkest secrets.
"Yes, Elvis, just talked" Y/n laughed slightly to try to lighten the mood, which seemed to work since his gaze softened "Don't be so tore up about it- I'm a big girl I can fend for myself, hmm?"
"Yeah, you're right, I- I- I- I'm sorry Littl'un- I'll tell ya what, how about we don't go out tonight, we stay in, just you and me, eh?" He rubbed circles on her knee, finally making her headspace quieten down
"Sounds lovely, E" Y/n couldn't be more grateful that he didn't question her any further. This was a problem for another day, she wouldn't worry about it anymore.
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billthedrake · 2 years
I can’t do brother stories like @underthemattress2 but this is inspired by his writing.
I pulled Austin into a hug but his grip was even stronger as he pulled it in. "Fuck, Chase," he growled right into my ear, almost a raspy whisper. "So good to see you, bro." A million thoughts were going through my head but among them was the realization that Austin had packed on some muscle over the last year... and he had a cologne that smelled nice.
"You too, bro," I muttered as I pulled back and got a good look at my twin brother. The whole plane ride, I had rehearsed in my head how I'd get along with him over my holiday leave. I had a week in the States and didn't want it messed with by the lingering tension I had with the dick head.
Only he wasn't in dick head mode now but was kind of normal. Freakishly normal. Regular hair cut, preppy clothes, kind of a clean-cut ex-frat look. "You cut your hair," I muttered, my first thought coming right out.
Austin stepped back, grinning big and wiping his hand suavely through the medium-short profesional hair cut he had now. "I started my finance job, Chase," he said. "Gotta impress those fuckers," he joked. Then his face turned a little more serious. "Or maybe I should be calling you First Lieutenant Farrell now. Congratulations on the promotion. Mom and Dad spilled the beans."
I gently punched him on the upper arm. Solid, of course. I'd have to ask Austin about his fitness kick. "It's just Chase," I smiled. "But thanks."
Austin nodded, and the eye contact was heavy. Just like when we were teens, before we grew apart. Then he snapped out of it and leaned up to pick up my oversized duffle from where the Uber had dropped me off. "Let me get this. It's too fucking cold to stand out here."
I don't know how often twins were like us, but Austin and I were opposites in so many ways. Like polar, butt-heads opposites. He'd rebelled, big time, against our parents, against the expectations of being a twin, against everything. Joined a punk band, did drugs that were harder than I was comfortable with, challenged me not to tell. The more he acted out, the more I was the Good Kid. Played sports, got along well with teachers as well as fellow jocks. I wasn't naturally a great student, but I worked hard at school and once time for college came I lined up a good ROTC scholarship for the Marines. Austin gave me such guff for going the military route, and part of me worried I did it as a fuck-you to him.
That seemed in the past now, that first night when Austin and I hit the local bars that became an unofficial high school reunion the night before Thanksgiving. We each made the rounds, since we hung out with different people back then. But two hours into the night, we found ourselves talking among ourselves. Austin was asking me a million questions about the marines, and after a while he was filling me in on his new girlfriend.
"You and Jill serious?" I asked. Since things had been frosty between me and Austin, we didn't really catch up beyond the holidays and the news we'd hear from our parents.
He shrugged and flashed me a grin. "We'll see, bro. I mean, she's great, but I'm just 25. I'm not in a rush for anything."
"That's cool," I said. "Still, I'd love to meet her sometime."
"I tried to get her to come but family's huge for her, so she wasn't missing Thanksgiving upstate." He took a sip of his beer. We'd agreed to uber it so were letting loose. "So, Chase... you more into dudes or chicks these days?"
He shot me a knowing look. I mean we had our history, Austin and I, back before we had our falling out, and even a couple bouts of hate sex after. Including a heated session the night before I shipped off for basic.
I grinned. I almost hesitated to tell him, like this was some sort of trap. "Haven’t been with a girl since 17," I admitted.
"Might be harder to find a Republican gay dude to date," he smirked.
"I'm not a Republican, fucker," I growled, laughing at the way he was able to get under my skin. "Just want someone traditional, you know?"
Austin shrugged. "Just hope you have some fun before you line up that Times Wedding page material."
"I do OK," I lied. For all my boasting, the fun I'd had in college seemed to have dried up when I was full time military. It was like guys loved the idea of a rugged Marine but didn't seem to click with what I wanted. Or maybe I was just too fucking picky.
But I didn't want my brother to see my vulnerability. I looked at Austin and added, "Look who's talking...." I nudged his elbow, like he was one of my Marine buddies. "I can't get over how cleaned up you are these days, bro. And when did you get so big?"
"You like the big boys?" he laughed. His eyes lingered on mine, connecting more silently. Fuck. We may be polar opposites, but we were twins and had that telepathy thing going on.
"I do," I replied. My eyes took him in. He was my height, of course, 5'11" and with his new hair cut and fresh shave he looked really fucking attractive. Of course, I was looking at a version of me, but somehow the narcissism fed the taboo of it.
"I'm not Marine big," Austin chimed in. "But I have a buddy who got me into Stronglifts. It's been pretty quick progress."
I had to surpress the lewd thing I wanted to say just then. I came up with the more restrained version. "Well, you're looking amazing Austin, for real."
He leaned in more. I could smell that cologne again. "You wanna go fuck around somewhere, Chase? For old times sake?"
It was like I was 18 all over again, only instead of a grudge fuck, it was... something else. I thought of a million reasons I shouldn't go down this road, but only one word came out of my mouth. "Yeah."
His lips curled into a smile which made him even more attractive.
The Uber ride home our fingers connected and interlaced, and I felt my heart pound. This was naughty as hell, and most of all I was bowled by how seductive Austin seemed these days. My twin brother had learned some major game in college.
We tried to be quiet as we made out way through our parents house. Mom had turned one of our rooms into a work-from-home office, so me and Austin were shacking up in my old bedroom. Most of my stuff was put away in storage, but there was mix of my sports trophies and Austin's punk posters, and instead of my old double bed there was now a queen big enough for two.
I had that careful instinct as I silently closed the door, like I had learned in the times I'd had sex back in the day. I just as quietly latched the lock.
Austin was already stripping down, removing his sweater and winter clothing and lazily tossing it onto the floor. I was about to tease him for being a slob but I stopped myself when I saw how jacked and toned his upper body was.
"Jesus, Austin," I whispered. "You're fucking hot."
He winked. "Show me that stud marine body bro... looks like you got five to ten pounds of muscle on me."
His eyes were on me just as appreciatively as I stripped while he got onto the bed and peeled off his jeans and briefs. We were really fucking doing this. Like out of control teenagers.
"How often you make it with a guy?" I had to ask. I almost asked where his girlfriend fit in the picture, but that was Austin's deal, he could figure it out.
"Every couple of months," he answered without hesitation. "It's too easy to get laid in New York," he explained.
I almost lectured him, like I did when I was younger. But I realized the idea of my brother having sex with other guys was hot. Austin was the kind of man not to put a label on his sexuality, but the lusty part of me was glad the dude-oriented side of his sexuality was getting regularly indulged.
As I removed my underwear finally, Austin saw my bone, rock hard and jutting out from his abs.
"You trim your bush," he observed.
"Yeah," I explained as I got onto the bed. "I dated a guy into it that way... guess I liked the look and feel of it."
"The feel?" Austin asked as he scooted up to me, running his hands along my lightly hairy torso. I wasn't the only one who'd packed on muscle.
"You know..." I blushed as I explained, "when I guy licks me there." I wasn't even sure I felt shy given me and Austin's history. But I did.
"Goddamn, bro," Austin chuckled. "I used to find your goody two shoes act annoying, but now..." he looked me right in the eye as his hand continued to explore my body. Mine reached out to touch his too. "It's frickin' turning me on."
Austin leaned in, and I turned my head slightly to the side, and our lips touched. This was our first kiss in... how long? Even our grudge fucks didn't have this. But that brother lip lock was pure heaven. I was even the one who took the initiative and snaked my tongue forward, between Austin's parted lips. And like that I was French kissing my twin.
He grunted into my mouth, and practically sucked my tongue in, before we battled them softly. Austin's hands now openly groping my muscle, pulling me tighter to him.
I rolled on top of him. I half expected him to object, like he'd do when we were 18 and in this very room, vying for top position. We'd both fucked and gotten fucked - along with every other bit of sexual exploration - but Austin made it seem like I was asking a huge favor every time I topped him.
Not now. "Fuck me, Chase," he whispered hoarsely. Softly even. I guess the old habits of sneaking this behind our parents' back hadn't died for him either.
"Yeah?" I asked just as quietly, confirming but really hoping he wouldn't change his mind.
"Never been pounded off by a Marine," he grinned with a wink, looking up all over my muscled torso and openly running his hands up and down my knotted triceps.
Austin nodded. "I got a thing of lube in my bag, if you didn't pack any."
I slid off him and off the bed. My dick was rigid as ever as I strutted over to my duffel. "Didn't think I'd be using the stuff for THIS," I whispered as I pulled out my TSA-sized container of slick.
"You got a favorite position, Chase?" Austin asked excitedly as he watched me slick up my rod just before getting back on the bed. This was a 180 from those "at least let me sit on it" whines from back in the day.
"I like mounting a guy flat on his stomach," I answered, getting horny just by saying that out loud. "But we don't gotta do it that way, Austin."
He just grinned and said, "Happy Homecoming, bro," and flipped onto his belly, hiking his meaty ass up. If we had time for the rest of that holiday weekend - and I hoped to hell we did - I wanted to explore that muscle gym-bro ass of his. Bad. But I knew this physical connection was overdue and the moment was about the spontaneity of fucking. I crawled on and started kissing along his neck and behind his ear. That made my brother hump excitedly into me.
"You always get this horny when you drink?" I teased him. We were both tipsy from the bar, I knew.
His reply was already getting that bedroom voice. "I do, actually. Fuck me, Chase. Put that Marine dick in me."
I reached down and lined up my prick to tease his hole. No matter how worked up Austin appeared or acted, I wasn't gonna shove it right in him. But I sure as hell nudged that pucker, remembering those more heated fucks in this room, or his. I leaned up and gave the back of head a kiss, remarking on how much shorter his hair was though not buzzed like mine. I plopped off to his side and reached for the lube.
Austin looked up at me in a dreamy smile as I reached down and started fingering him. Gently, one finger, then two. Slowly.
"You're good at this," he said. "You've gotten better."
"I love you, Austin," I said softly, right before a third finger pressed into his hole.
He took in a soft inhale of breath. But I knew after a second it wasn't too much. He nodded and I slid those digits more deeply into him. "I guess I was a shithead to you growing up."
My cock throbbed. I'd expected him to wisecrack at my admission. Like he had when I was 15. Instead I got deep honesty.
"We were both shitheads to each other," I said. "It took me a while to realize I was part of our dynamic. You know, passive aggressive and all."
"Oh I know, Chase," Austin laughed. Even as he was putting me in my place, I found that laugh so sexy. "But I love you too, man," he said, not dropping the smile. He was confident in a way I wish I was. "You know that, right, brother?"
I kissed him. Hard. More tongue, and this time it was like we were trying to suck the breath from one another. Bring the life of each other into our bodies.
I couldn't take any more. Once Austin humped against my hand and moaned into my mouth, I extracted my fingers and crawled back on top of him. The penetration was intense. It had been so long and feeling the Austin's body craved me made me rock hard and excited.
Once I was buried in my brother, I paused and kicked along his neck again. His bucking ass was the signal to go for it. I started fucking him. Steady deep pumps in and out of Austin's hot hole.
If you're a gay guy who has a twin of course you know how everyone immediately wants to see you have sex with your brother. I'd act dutifully annoyed-offended if guys ever brought it up, but now I couldn't think of anything but how hot they'd be watching me and Austin go at it. Twin sex between two brothers who'd not had it in too long.
I'll thank the alcohol for making that fuck last. I didn't get my nut right away, and Austin seemed to be on a slow climb to orgasm, too.
We tried to be quiet and keep the bed from squeaking, so I didn't fuck fast, but I just kept that long slow pump in and out of him, covering that hot-bro ass of his tight from behind and feeding off his energy. The longer we went the sweatier we got, his toned body slick against mine, then downright wet as I fucked him.
Seeing him reach for some lube and then move his hand down to the dick pinned next to the mattress was the trigger that got me there.
"Oh fuck, brother!" I grunted, entering orgasm. Still a whisper, but probably too loud.
Austin let out a series of masculine grunts. "Umngg ummg ummmg," he cried and his bowels clenched against my cumming dick.
I fired a couple more rounds of liquid into him, then collapsed onto his body.
Finally I rolled off him. I expected him to dart off the bed to go clean off, cause in addition to the sweat and lube, I'm pretty sure I sauced his hole and crack up big time. Instead he plopped on his back, his identically matching genitals thick but half soft, as he looked at the clock. It was after midnight now.
"Happy thanksgiving, bro," he laughed.
I laughed too. The naughtiness of our fuck and the way we'd gotten carried away made us both find humor in the situation.
We kissed softly but had to take a break from the erotic stimulation. I pulled back and patted his thigh. "So, Austin, what the hell has gotten into you?"
"You mean wanting to bottom?" he asked.
I was curious about that, but that wasn't what was on my mind. "No, I mean you. Clean cut finance bro... all that shit."
He grinned and gave a soft shrug. Unlike his earlier confidence I could read vulnerability in his face now. "I dunno, Chase. I guess once I moved from this shitty town, I had less to rebel against, you know?"
I didn't know, but I just listened to my brother.
He continued. "I'm still the smart ass cynic, I think. But sometimes we just become different people when we grow up."
If it hadn't been for the alcohol, or the intensely satisfying sex I'd just had with Austin, I wouldn't have said the next thing I said. "Fuck, man, you're gonna think this is messed up.... but sometimes I think I haven't found a boyfriend cause I keep looking for you."
"Oh," my brother said. His body tensed up.
"Yeah, sorry," I apologized.
"Don't be sorry," he said sternly. "It's not fucked up, bro. It's fucking beautiful."
"Yeah?" I asked, daring to look into his eyes again now as my heart pounded.
He nodded, getting that smile of his back. "I'm not gonna be a prick tease to ya, Chase.... I don't think I could give up women. But I'd give up those New York guys."
My dick firmed up. As I looked down I watched it jerk back to erection. Austin watched too, and we both chuckled at the spectacle. "You like that idea."
"I'm getting carried away," I hissed. "But damn straight I like that idea."
Austin looked back up at my face with a grin. "You know, you've gotten really fucking good in the sack, bro."
"I could say the same about you," I said.
We kissed again. Slowly. Despite my newfound erection neither of us were up for round two. Not yet.
Finally we nudged foreheads against each other, like lovers. "You know," Austin whispered. "Maybe we can convince Mom and Dad to go do some Black Friday shopping, and we can have some alone time."
"Hell yes," I hissed, reaching down to wrap my hand around his tool, which had grown firm again. As I felt him up and relished how identical it was to my dick an idea occurred to me. "Maybe we can fuck in front of the bathroom mirror."
Austin's face broke into a lewd grin. "You fucking perv... I love that idea. We'll fucking do it."
We made out some more but finally we were getting sleepy. As I turned off the lamp and pulled up the covers, Austin spooned up behind me, wrapping his arms around me. "You know, I don't think I'm the only one who's changed, Chase," he said softly.
"Yeah," I agreed before we were silent, other than our breathing as we drifted off to sleep.
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halloweenism · 3 months
what r ur thoughts on trevor npmd !!
@moonmoonthecrabking + @impulsivesuperrobin, tagging you both bc you sent asks while i was answering this one ^_^
thoughts under cut :))
૮꒰˵• ﻌ •˵꒱ა
So, first off, in order for most of this to work, Richie and Trevor HAVE to be twins. I knoww, sorry.... Also, Trevor is dating Rudolph (probably his name)
So, my thing is he sucks ass. Like, he is an awful person. This orginially started as me kinda poking fun at Richie and Trevor being related and how it work in canon but like. This is how, nsksnjd.
His twin brother died like 4 days ago, and he's here messing around in rehearsals with Richie's best friend. He's smiling and fucking up lines. Also, the way he smiles when Ruth is telling him off? He's doing it on purpose. He isn't sorry at all, in fact, he'll probably do it again next time! And every time after that.
And then, a week or two later, he shows up to homecoming!! All happy and smiling. Fucking around with Bailey and doing that over confident little thing he does, you know what I'm talking about. <- Dick move??? Anyway.
Homecoming. The one his brother didn't live to see. His twin brother who died like two weeks ago. He's singing and dancing and having the time of life with his boyfriend. Twin brother, who?
Another view of the smiling when Ruth tells him off, could be that they're both best friends, and they're were just joking around.
Anyway, this is all nonsense, don't take it seriously 👍 👍 👍
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inspotlight · 15 days
idk why i just had this thought, BUT- what would nini’s prom dress(es) look like for junior/senior year in the cases she and ricky got to go to prom together like they’re supposed to <3 could also just do one or the other but !!!
oooh! this is a fantastic question. i never actually thought about what she would wear to prom, even though we've planned out so many proms for them.
so, nini isn't big on being flashy. she likes her skirts and sweaters. she's a penny loafer girlie. she wants to be comfortable. prom is the one (well, two) night where she forgets that and goes all out. junior year, she chooses a pretty, floral purple dress. she wears silver heels and curls her hair and ends the night in ricky's hoodie when they all go get a super late dinner after prom is over. she looks every bit the princess she is in over verses.
senior year, she decides that the soft, sweet dress she wore the previous year, while beautiful, is not the vibe she wants to go for for their last prom. she wants to wear something crazy. at least, crazy for her. she chooses this strapless, form-fitting, black sequined dress. usually she would prefer something a little roomier and not so dark. she doesn't accessorize with colorful jewelry or makeup. she curls her hair again this year, and while she thinks she looks really nice in the photos, she definitely felt out of her element. of course, for her, it felt like acting. it felt like stepping into a role. it felt like prepping herself all the more for the future ahead, where she would hopefully go on to play many more roles on stage.
as a little extra, here are a few dresses i saw that she would wear for other events: homecoming, 18th birthday, graduation, wedding rehearsal dinner, wedding.
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suhlogic · 2 years
yours to have and to hold — j. suh x fem!reader
Tumblr media
idol!johnny x non-idol!wife reader 
all written in lowercase
word count: 2,114k
genre: fluff, smut, slice of life
warnings: unprotected sex, dom/sub dynamics, praise kink, orgasm denial, overstimulation, biting kink, oral ( f receiving), squirting, use of sex toy
_________ wakes up to an empty spot next to hers on the bed she and johnny shared. this has been quite the common thing in the suh household since johnny started touring once again, although the tour dates were quite far off with each other and were announced quite hastily by their company which gave them more time to spend with him, he himself really could get frustrated because their schedules as a group were also unpredictable making it hard for him to plan family vacations for them and to visit his parents back home. nevertheless, even though his agitation could be easily well-read by _______, he was beyond grateful his wife was understanding, patient, and calm. even though _____ woke up without her husband by her side that day, she grabbed her phone to facetime him for a bit. waiting for him to pick up, she walked towards their daughter's bedroom finding her stirring awake just in time for johnny to answer the call. 
______ set the phone down as she picked up margo, "hi babe, did she just wake up?" johnny asks, clearly still doing a soundcheck rehearsal. "yeah, she just did...what about you? are you done practicing?" _____ asked as she starts to notice margo crying begging for milk signaling that she was fully awake already. johnny couldn't help but pout and be so endeared at the sight of his wife and kid, as ______  was trying to calm her down by handing her the milk bottle, her cries became louder. while _____ was busy trying to feed margo, johnny had his mic turned on and began to sing pandora's box which immediately had his daughter quiet down. 
"honey, thank you...really..." _____ said with still sleepy eyes as johnny smiled with half moon eyes. the song was always his kid's favorite. "are you guys immediately going home after the concert? we miss you so much, john" she said as she turned margo to the phone facing her dad. "hi sweetie, i miss you and your mom so much...i'll be home soon okay?" he said as he raised his pinky to the camera which had you and your daughter do the same. "i'll pinky promise on that." he said with a soft smile. the call with johnny went on for a while exchanging laughters and jokes between you three before he had to hang up to prepare for the show. 
dating johnny for a good 2 years before he proposed definitely did have its ups and downs mainly due to the industry he was in, it wasn't always easy for them but the now-married couple pulled through and they couldn't have been any happier. it took a while for the company to warm up to the fact that one of their top idols was dating someone and not long after the engagement, the two of them were allowed to go public. despite the flashing lights and headlines constantly surrounding them, the suh family still managed to keep everything private although fans also knew about johnny and _______'s life. however, both of them wouldn't trade their small family for anything and were content with what they have. 
________ was cooking breakfast while margo was sat on her baby chair eating her food. "hm, should we do something for daddy later?" she cooed at her daughter which was returned with a big toothless grin. after washing up, the two of them were gathered in the living room creating a small homecoming card and a banner for johnny. paint was all over margo's hand but it sure made a great bonding time for both. they were both decorating, well, mostly ______  just in time for johnny to come home tomorrow. after taking an afternoon nap with margo nestled between her chest, ______ woke up to the sound of her phone pinging.
4 text messages for johnny 
[11:00am] hi babe, how are you both doing? 
[11:10am] we just wrapped up the show, u 2 must be asleep rn hahaha
[11:15am] anyways, i got my 2 best girls gifts 💗 i love you both
[11:20am] we're otw to the airport in a few mins, cant wait to come home soon. i'll be there before you know it! &lt;3
_______ smiled at her phone upon seeing his texts. she was counting down the hours until he gets home. margo too, noticed her mom smiling and just babbled with another grin. "daddy's coming home tomorrow bub!" she picked her up and cooed as margo's reddish cheeks lit up. margo was the perfect mix of her parents, she has her dad's smile, lips, and nose and her mom's eyes. 
[tuesday, 2:00pm]
_______ was preparing food for johnny, just a small cooking of his favorite dishes he's grown to love when she cooked it. by the time she was done, she already had margo in her arms and was giddy to see her dad. _______ could hear keys fumbling from outside which made her heart beat faster like the first time johnny introduced himself to her. no matter how many times she woke up next to him or walked into their door after a long day at the studio or from dance practice, even after touring, she still felt sparks fly. not a day goes by she was always falling in love with her husband harder and harder every minute. the door opened, johnny stood with his luggage and bag across his body wearing a black and white knitted sweater with his flared sweatpants and looked cozy as ever. 
"i'm home, honey" he smiled, pulling his wife and kid into a hug. ______ stood on her tippy toes placing a quick kiss on his lips. "babe, margo and i did something for you." she softly said as they both sat down. his luggage and bag now in the corner of the living room. johnny picked up his kid and was playing with her and handed her a gift which was a medium-sized teddy bear. "see margo, whenever i'm away you can just hug this so i'm always with you okay?" he said fondly and she melted at the sight of them bonding. the afternoon went by a breeze eating a heartily meal and talking just about everything.
as _______ was  getting ready for bed, johnny came up from behind giving her a back hug. "is she asleep already?" she asked and he just hummed in agreement against the crook of her neck. "hmm...that means we can try the gift i bought then?" you feel him smirk which made you turn to him up front. he walked over to the bed and sat on its edge to reach for a small, red, expensive box with a ribbon around it. he then handed it to her, still standing in front of him anticipating what was inside the box. johnny pulled her down to his lap to sit on, feeling his growing boner underneath her bare ass. "open it, princess... it's all for you," he said, leaning in to kiss her cheek. _______ hitched a breath as she opened the box, where a silver vibrator was sitting in its case. gleaming under the warm light of the bedside lamp. "babe... oh wow," she gasped at the unexpected gift, turning to him and locking lips with johnny. he then cupped her face as she started grinding harder against him, desperate to feel his cock inside her. "i know you would love it," he smirked as he flipped her over so he'd be on top. johnny began to fondle her tits through her (his) shirt as she started to moan begging to be touched. he slowly pulled off the shirt on her and latched his lips onto her nipple as the other hand began to massage and fondle the other one. his tongue rubbing circles and figure eights on it. 
"you look so fucking gorgeous begging for me," he said in between breaths. "johnny, please i need you down there," she pleaded giving him soft doe eyes. "gotta be clearer with your words princess..." he mischievously said, starting to rub her wetness through her shorts. "daddy....please..need you to fuck my pussy...put a baby in me..." she desperately begged between cries of pleasure, cheeks flushed. johnny loved seeing her be this submissive all for him, her pleas made him smirk and with this, he pulled down her shorts, the wet slick glistening against her pussy as johnny rubbed his middle finger through her dripping core. "you like this, slut? just so good for me, so desperate for my fingers and cock." he said in a dark yet sultry tone while he inserted two fingers which elicited a moan from her as he began to also rub the sensitive bud of her clit with his thumb. while scissoring his fingers inside her, he went down on her. 
face coming in contact with her core and started to eat her out while fingering her. "babe...i'm fucking close...please..." she whined. "you don't get to cum until i say so princess..." he said, coming up from eating her out. the lack of contact making her beg for more, johnny then reached for the box where the vibrator was and took it out as he turned it on the low setting. "tell me if the vibrator hurts okay? i'll stop if it does." he says gently kissing her forehead as he started to rub it against her clit. she let out a loud moan at the sensation, screams and whines begging for more.  she was nearing her high when all of a sudden johnny turned off the vibrator, covered in her slick. "daddy...please i've been good let me cum...." she begged with tears filling her eyes at the mix of pleasure and pain. feeling the knot in her stomach gradually loosen, johnny then pulled off his boxers. his cock rock hard, long, and girthy. 
no matter how many time she got fucked by him, his size is something she could never get used to. johnny was huge in every sense of the word and it definitely worked in both their favors in the bedroom. he then rubbed the tip of his dick through her slit, aching and begging for him to just put it inside of her. johnny hissed at the contact, it had been too long...way too fucking long for both of them since they made love like this. "johnny...please put it in..." she whined once more before he gently inserted his length slowly pounding into her. the stretch stung at first but it felt so good. as he held the small of her back to sit her up, johnny grabbed the vibrator once more and set it on the medium setting as he rubbed it up against her swollen clit. as his thrusts got faster,  she cried out moans of pleasure screaming his name.
 "daddy...oh my god...please...harder" she moaned while johnny just smirked saying "there's no god here baby, it's only me." while staring straight into her eyes, all fucked out with a cockdrunk gaze. johnny switched the vibrator to its highest setting and  ______ was seeing stars at how good it felt as her husband was fucking his dick into her and not long after she felt her release washing over her. "fuck...always so tight around me, i'm cumming..." johnny gritted through his teeth as she nibbled on the skin of his collarbone suppressing her moans not to wake their daughter up or the neighbors for that matter. "princess, i wanna hear you...don't hide from daddy," he said, thrusting harder and sloppier as _______ felt his dick touch her cervix. she pulled away from his collarbone and kept moaning and screaming in pure bliss. ________ felt a different wave of climax over her, "johnny, more please...i'm close...let me cum," she pleaded, "i'm close too princess..." he said as let go. "baby, i didn't know you were a squirter,"  he smiled in awe looking down at the mess of a puddle she made on their bedsheet. with this, she was too fucked out and just let johnny hold her in his strong, toned arms for a while until johnny got up to get a hand towel to wipe both of themselves. 
"you were so hot squirting, babe. i wanna make you do that again." he said, kissing her inner thighs before actually wiping the dried cum off her. 
after cleaning up, the couple dozed off to sleep not long after whispering i love you's and laughters in between the sheets that were only covering their naked bodies tangled in one another. johnny wouldn't have it any other way having _____ be this delicate asleep in his arms.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 4 months
Eyes and Ears
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: An AU where Barbara finds Jason instead of Bruce.
Chapters: 18/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Sheila Haywood, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character(s), Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Older SIbling Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd-centric, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Jason Todd is NOT Robin, Jason Todd Has Issues, Jason Todd Has a Crush, Adopted Siblings
Chapter Eighteen: Schedule
"Tiresias? See anything?" Barbara asked. Jason yawned and made a soft noise.
"Yeah, B., you're right where you need to be. He's on his way up," Jason answered, "And the security cameras have been on a loop in complete darkness since you got there. You're welcome."
He waited at the computer in complete silence while he listened to Barbara fight. He took a look at the files on the man's computer. "B., we have what we need. Do you want me to send it to GCPD?" Jason asked.
"Mhm... Make sure to let them know he's all wrapped up with a bow," Barbara replied. Jason could hear the wind whip past. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, sorry... My mind was just somewhere else," Jason replied.
"Homecoming?" Barbara asked.
"No, well, yeah... But no," Jason whispered.
"On my way home as we speak, T," Barbara replied. Jason pulled his knees to his chest. "Feet out of my chair."
"How do you know my feet are in your chair?" Jason asked as he let his feet dangle.
"Because I'm a cyber psychic, and I can see you through the computer," Barbara teased, "Who are you going to homecoming with?"
"I'm not going with a date. I'm going with my friends," Jason replied.
"That'll be fun," Barbara whispered, "Are you getting dressed up, or are you—?"
"It's a masquerade ball... I really don't know if I should go," Jason replied.
"It's your first dance, T. Of course, you should go... I'll even help you with your costume if you want," Barbara whispered, "How long do you have until homecoming?"
"Two weeks, but I'm also signed up to help work on homecoming floats," Jason replied.
"Floats? Like plural?" Barbara asked.
"Mhm, I'm working on the theatre float, freshman float, sci-fi club has a float this year, then I have rehearsals on top of that, and—."
"Rehearsals? For a play?" Barbara asked. Jason made a soft noise. "What? Did you get a part?"
"Hercule Poirot in—."
"No, I know the play. T, that's a leading role! Does Dad know?" Barbara asked.
"Sort of," Jason replied, "I mean, Pop knows that I'm in an afterschool activity that sometimes requires that I stay at school until ten o'clock at night... You're the only person who knows about it, by the way."
"Don't you think you're spreading yourself thin?" Barbara asked.
"No, I think that I'm keeping busy. B, I'm gonna get rest once homecoming is over," Jason replied.
Jason spun around in Barbara's chair. "Is Dad okay with you spending more than fifty hours—."
"T! You can't spend all your time at school. You have to have something outside of that—."
"I do. B, you don't have to worry about me," Jason whispered, "I'm having a good time. I like school and my friends." Barbara climbed in the window.
Jason got up and stretched before saying goodnight. "Jason, get some rest, okay?" Barbara whispered. Jason stood still and nodded before turning to go to bed.
Barbara lay awake that night before finally getting up and watching TV. Jim came in the door and hung up his jacket before looking at Barbara. "Am I in trouble for something?" Jim asked. Barbara smiled and shook her head.
"I was just thinking. Does Jason seem okay to you? I haven't seen a lot of him lately," Barbara whispered.
"Yeah, sometimes I have to pick him up so late that he sleeps at the station with me... But he's happy. His school makes sure he eats when he stays late, Jason calls me to check-in, and I trust that he knows his limits. I talked to him about all this last week, and he explained it to me. Jason has a good plan," Jim reassured her.
"And that plan is?" Barbara asked.
"College," Jim replied, "What's with the sudden interest in his extracurriculars? Everything okay?"
"Yeah, I was just curious," Barbara replied. Jim washed his hands before going into the fridge and pulling out a bowl of leftovers. He warmed up his food and sat down at the counter. "He doesn't talk much to me about school."
"That's because he feels like he has to live up to the kind of student you were," Jim replied.
"That's ridiculous—."
"Is it?" Jim asked. Barbara turned and flipped through the channels. "You know, maybe he'll tell you about school if you take a more active part in things with him. I'm sure he could use a little help on the homecoming float."
"Think he'd let me come to his school to help?" Barbara asked.
"I'd probably just ask him if I were you," Jim replied. Barbara nodded. "He's doing great in school, by the way."
"I'm glad... Dad, do you remember what it was like when he first came to live with us?" Barbara smiled.
Jim smiled back. "That's why I know he'll be okay. Let him get his footing. He's something special, just sit back and let him surprise you," Jim whispered, "You know what I mean because you see it too."
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