metropole-journal · 2 years
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westmoor · 3 years
but can i just say like. without baring too much of my soul here even though it has ahem featured in some cough ficlets here and there, there’s just
there’s something about farmers and people who work with animals, and who have worked with animals their entire lives. there’s something about men who handle horses.
there’s something about the absolute and utter calm and predictability they exude and there’s something about steady calloused hands and a voice that rings low and even. 
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oldsvibes · 3 years
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Headcanon; Daisy Brooke
Meg passes on Aunt March's pearls to Daisy when Daisy and Nat get engaged. And Daisy later gives them to her own daughter Mae, and so on throughout the family.
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thornfield13713 · 3 years
...okay, was anyone going to tell me ‘homely’ was actually an insult in US parlance? Or was I just expected to find out when someone took offence.
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hecohansen31 · 4 years
Bellona! Brida
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“Quod defles, illud amasti.”, “Civil War” by Lucan
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sammyismynamebro · 4 years
In my foreign language class my teacher gives us fake names that go with our classes language and every single time without fail, if he says our real names he says "That's weird" 😂
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astatra · 5 years
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fantasiavii · 5 years
.......“having a statement”.........
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stepdyke-blog · 5 years
WTF is a StepDyke?
Hi. Hello. Welcome to my version of a mommy blog called StepDyke. 
A “stepdyke” is a word I made up in an attempt to define who I am on this insane journey of stepparenting.  A stepdyke is basically a stepmom who looks like a stepdad but is actually neither because gender is a construct and what is it that defines a mother or a father or a stepmother or a stepfather anyway? I’m already exhausted writing this blog. And there it is.  The singular through line in all of parenting.  The one thing we can all agree on: exhaustion. 
So, for all intents and purposes, I’m a stepdyke. Meaning, I have a child in my life who is not biologically mine, but with whom I live and love and take care of as though she were mine (not that children are possessions - I believe they are souls that come through us to live on this earth and it is our honor to help them navigate life - but that’s another woo-woo blog post).  I feel so deeply for her that, at times, my own body aches, as though she did, in fact, spring forth from my womb - a womb that, in full disclosure, I don’t even have due to a Steven King level horror case of endometriosis.  I love her so much that she causes me physical pain, a fuck ton of anxiety, more laughter than a Robin Williams film, lines so deeply imbedded in my face that I look like a geography map of all the US lakes and rivers, patches of grey hair so thick it’s as though a silver paintball hit my head and splattered all over... in summation, I have a stepchild who might as well be my biological child who sprung forth from my nonexistent womb.  Does that make sense?  Great.  Oh, and did I mention that I’m non-binary and she’s transgender?  As if we couldn’t be more connected. 
The reason I am going public with a blog about my journey as a stepparent - hold on - I hate the word journey to describe experiences - just know that.  I will use it A LOT because there truly is no better word to describe it - but know that I definitely cringe when i write it.  I just feel like that’s an important thing to know about me.  Moving on. I’m going public because I’ve noticed that in our parenting industry of mommy podcasts, instructional books, guides, online resources, research, etc., there is very little about being a stepparent.  I have googled the shit out of step-parenting advice.  I’ve read it all.  Okay, not all of it, so if you have a good resource definitely send it over.  But I can tell you that what I have found, is a bunch of bullshit. For instance, I see a lot of this:
You don’t have to love your stepchild to be in a loving blended family.  
I’m sorry, what?  Why the fuck would I want to live with someone who is stupid beyond all reason, needy, demanding, can’t even wipe her own ass, IF I DON’T LOVE HER?! You better fucking love that kid!  And if it isn’t love at first sight, as I was lucky to have, you better work toward loving her! Cause guess what? Her bio parent loves the shit out of her.  And even when you also love the shit out of her, it will never compare to the love that bio parent feels. There will be so many mornings your partner makes the time for her child, smothers her with love and affection, and leaves you high and dry in bed as though she ran out of love. And the only thing that will make that okay is your LOVE for the child. TRUST ME. If I didn’t love that kid, I would have bounced ages ago. Because intimate relationships aren’t worth it without love, and that includes stepchildren. Sorry bout it. 
So, that’s the shit I want to talk about.  So I feel less alone, so you feel less alone, so we both feel less crazy for feeling the way we do.  I also want this to be a safe space for stepparents like me - unconventional, alternative, queer, different - whatever you want to call it.  We have a unique set of experiences in this role that is definitely not given the attention it deserves.  For instance, does your stepchild call you “Daddy” but use female pronouns while also having a biological father she also calls “Dad” and who you absolutely can’t stand and who hates your guts and blames you for his child being transgender because it emasculates him and that’s really hard on a cross-fit obsessed out-of-work actor who was on a show for many years wherein he held a gun in every episode, giving him a false sense of self and his masculinity? 
Teach me. I’ll teach you. Let’s vent and lean on each other and laugh and make fun of everything and then leave this on the internet for our children to find and be mortified by forever and ever. Isn’t that the ultimate goal of parenting, anyway? To leave a mortifying legacy for your children? ;)
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Valery, 24y.o., from Myrnohrad, UA. I am a very feminine girl, sometimes homelike sometimes wild) But always unexpected)))))) I am a loving and caring girl and so I need a man to give this all)
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crosswordgf · 2 years
also deciding to be in my watching the news era. 
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shelliandjen · 3 years
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Order yours at loveyourleggingsbyshelliandjen.com #halloween2021🎃 #fallcolors🍁🍂 #homegoods #towels #homelike #preorder #sezzle #cooking https://www.instagram.com/p/CSNSNiwH9Xk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Headcanon; Daisy Brooke
Daisy is a fairly trusting person, perhaps a little too much so. But, at the same time, she’s also selfless to a fault; very much like Beth. And as such, if she’s ever under such stress or turmoil that she feels she can’t tell to her mother, her brother, or her grandpa, she’ll go to the cemetery and tell Beth. It never fails to make her feel better, and other than Beth’s old dolls, it’s her deepest connection to her late aunt.
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cristo-lyze · 6 years
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Gregg Sulkin x Willa Holland
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cornellazia · 3 years
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No direction home #housegoals #nodirectionhome #alley #roof #homelike #waitingforspring (at Bucharest, Romania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLVDYR0pQbg/?igshid=idpvy7e5sn77
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