#homemade Arnold Palmer Tea
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foodffs · 1 year
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This classic Arnold Palmer Drink is a refreshing combination of unsweetened iced tea and homemade lemonade. 
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monochromayhem · 2 years
What is your absolute favourite soda or juice? And if you're all comfortable answering, does said favourite drink differ between headmates?
My favorite soda is Diet Coke, and Arnold Palmer for juice.
Yes, our headmates have different tastes. Shadow prefers Strawberry Lemonade, for example, since it reminds him of what he perceives as his childhood.
Most of the older members Team Lucantia drink tea or coffee, especially Irmah and Mikáel. They’re snobs about it, too.
Revali likes to drink apple juice and its alcoholic counterpart, cider. They remind him of home alongside the homemade black raspberry jam we have.
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kaijuno · 4 years
i made bread today that looks great but is too fluffy to cut and then i made homemade lemonade tea/arnold palmer whatever and it looks like sewage but tastes great
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loveletter2you · 4 years
Top 5 foods / drinks to bring on a picnic?
lemonade or iced tea... OR arnold palmer 
homemade cookies :-)
pasta salad
potato salad
hot tea in a thermos
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gh0stbird · 4 years
Okay Now Do The Rest
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
Bright but argumentative. I was never afraid of pointing out things I didn’t feel were fair hfhddh
When we were learning numbers kids would often write 91 for nineteen, just flip them, y’know, and Ms. Potter yelled at the class for it. Baby Generiq went into it about how it was an understandable mix up because you do say the number first. In twenty-three you write the two first, so in nineteen it’s easy to assume you would write the nine first.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
8. movies or tv shows?
TV shows. Every book adaptation should also be a series not a movie. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
9. favorite smell in the summer?
Honeysuckle and sunshine
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
Floor hockey! My friend and I used to be brutal and swing at each other’s shins going after the ball. Also it was reminiscent of golf, which I competed in.
12. name of your favorite playlist?
I have an untitled playlist I cycle my current music in and out of, but Newton’s Third Law is my favorite named one!
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
I don’t- I guess the yellow smarties. Don’t come for me they taste like lemonade.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
I assume this means assigned book and not the reports we got to pick for ourselves. Ah, Night was good. Lord of the Flies was fine but way overhyped. Again, don’t come for me.
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
If I can tuck my legs into the chair I am sitting in that is ideal!
18. ideal weather?
When you know it is going to rain and you get to stay home
19. sleeping position? (Skipped on accident)
I reeeally like pressure, so either against something or on my stomach.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Phone notes and a notebook! Sometimes a blank document but I always find it strangely intimidating
21. obsession from childhood?
Warrior Cats, Percy Jackson, and Maximum Ride were my big three!
22. role model?
Aa I try to straw from people I want to copy, but there are talents I look up to. Rachel Chavkin is a brilliant director, and there are so many artists and authors I look up to and who inspire me.
24. favorite crystal?
Obsidian because it’s black like my hea- I’m kidding, I do love obsidian, but it’s Rose Quartz because it’s a very very pretty, soft pink and makes me happy.
25. first song you remember hearing?
The mobile above my crib played Imagine by John Lennon. My childhood room was themed after it as well!
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Swim or sit in the sunshine. Ben and I usually go driving with the top down as well.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
Walking through fresh snow is amazing, so are snowball fights and building snowmen.
28. five songs to describe you?
Oh fuck yes
Hurricane - Hamilton
The Reckless and the Brave - All Time Low
Almost There - The Princess and the Frog
All This and Heaven Too - Florence + the Machine
Facade - Jekyll and Hyde: A Gothic Musical Thriller
30. places that you find sacred?
I don’t typically find places sacred, but certain headspaces are very special to me, and time spent with loved ones means more than enough to be considered sacred.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
A black blazer with a white button-down and a skirt.
32. top five favorite vines?
I am in Missouri (misery)
I love you, Bitch
I want a Church girl
Obama’s “I know because I won both of them”
I won’t hesitate, Bitch!
33. most used phrase in your phone?
“No worries”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
That fucking PFI bandana boot sale I stg
35. average time you fall asleep?
Somewhere between 9:00 and three in the morning
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
Some girl doing bunny ears on her friend. I don’t remember what the caption was
38. lemonade or tea?
Both. Mixed together. It’s called an Arnold Palmer and it is my favorite drink
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Lemon cake!
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
We duck taped out principal to the wall once. Also some kid broke their tray over another kid’s head at lunch one time.
41. last person you texted?
The family group chat, though Beau if Discord counts
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
I wear a lot of leggings so jacket pockets!
44. favorite scent for soap?
We had some Lily of the Valley hand soap that was amazing
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
Fantasy, I think! I’ve never done super heavy into the other two. Though I definitely don’t want to ignore sci-fi because two of my favorite stories are a little science-fiction-y
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
A t-shirt and shorts
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
A banana. Generally accepted as a fruit and kind of just rolls with it, but is actually a berry
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
I fucking hate Hamilton-ing on main, but
“And when my prayers to god were met with indifference, I picked up a pen, I wrote my own deliverance!”
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
That changes every time Beau and I play HetaOni together, but I have fucking lost it for at least five minutes the last two sessions.
51. current stresses?
I dunno, man, life? My hair could use a wash
52. favorite font?
Covered by your Grace and I’m a big Spectral baby. These are both google docs! I don’t know if that makes a difference.
54. what did you learn from your first job?
Patience is important when teaching material, but never be afraid to find another approach better suited to the person you’re tutoring.
55. favorite fairy tale?
Robin Hood!
56. favorite tradition?
My family does homemade Springfield cashew chicken for Christmas!
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
Uhh lots of self-acceptance shit no one really wants to read
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
I can pop the joint at the center of my foot
That’s all
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
I sort of like my role as mom friend, so maybe I could keep that role in a sort of action-based anime that followed a group of friends
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
“I am not the protégé to waste your time on; I'm complete!” Jekyll and Hyde: GMT
62. seven characters you relate to?
Lisa Carew - Jekyll and Hyde: GMT
Japan - Hetalia/Oni
Garnett - Steven Universe
Hfhddh that’s all I can say that aren’t my own characters
63. five songs that would play in your club?
I Don’t Like Clubs, but
Overwhelmed - Royal + The Serpent
Backseat Serenade - All Time Low
Go Big or Go Home - American Authors
The Nights - Avicii
Tempo - Lizzo
64. favorite website from your childhood?
65. any permanent scars?
Yep - One from a bad bike wreck. My body rejected the dissolvable stitches so it’s a lot bigger than it was supposed to be
66. favorite flower(s)?
Lily of the Valley, daisies, Day Lilies, and Dandelions! I also love honeysuckles but I don’t know if those count.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Accidentally drank rancid milk once!
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? (Haha, nice)
The fastest, free way to fill up your potions on Wizard101 is to play Potion Motion to level three.
70. left or right handed?
Right handed
71. least favorite pattern?
On myself, animal print
72. worst subject?
I’ve never been intuitively good at History, I do think it’s interesting though.
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
I don’t like to take it until I can’t move without it.
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
Kindergarten? I had mono and then scarlet fever twice, so my baby teeth were pretty much ruined and they all fell out very fast.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Curly fries!
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
Kalanchoe’s, it literally Window’s Thrill. These babies are fairly temperamental outside and love partial sun, so the window is the perfect spot for them. And! If you keep them happy! They’ll bloom! My personal favorite is the pink bloom.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
What’s wrong with coffee from a gas station? Also I don’t like seafood.
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
Earth tones!
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
Lightning bugs
82. pc or console?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
Podcasts - talk radios actually tend to get under my skin for n o reason
84. barbie or polly pocket?
Barbie, but let it be known I was brutal with mine. We did human sacrifices and the like.
85. fairy tales or mythology?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
Cookies, but I’m a slut for whipped frosting
87. your greatest fear?
Losing control!
88. your greatest wish?
A life beyond where I am now. Haha Stop chasing new down the hallway you’re so sexy haha
90. luckiest mistake?
Logged into Omegle in like 2015 and some rando asked me to join their Doctor Who roleplay. Luckiest moment of my gd life.
91. boxes or bags?
Bags! They’re easier to store
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
Sunlight! But in the late afternoon when everything is bathed in orange.
93. nicknames?
Mom is the most prevalent!
94. favorite season?
Fall into winter. Peak leaf crunch!
95. favorite app on your phone?
Discord or Notes
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thin-cute-queer · 5 years
I lost a little. I weighed 130.6 today.
I didn't eat as much as I should have. I ate a Riesen and a cookie this morning, then didn't have anything else until after 7. I was asleep most of the day because I took benadryl this morning and it knocked me out for hours but still. After the Maundy Thursday service at my church, my mom and I went to Willie's for dinner. I got the Batman and Robin burger, which comes with provolone cheese(I asked them to leave it off because I don't like cheese), bacon, grilled mushrooms, lettuce, tomato, and Whammy sauce, which is basically homemade 1000 Island dressing, and an Arnold Palmer, which is half sweet tea and half lemonade. All sandwiches and burgers from there come with free fries as well. I ate about half the burger and a few of the fries and drank maybe a quarter or third of the AP, but finished the burger just now and ate a few more fries. I'll give the rest to my husband when he comes home.
I did feel a lot better physically after getting all that protein and sugar in my system, but I can't stop the nagging little voice saying "you fucked up, you're going to gain."
Tomorrow I'm babysitting, so I'm probably going to get a biscuit and cappuccino on the way there, maybe eat whatever food the mom leaves for me in the fridge, and bring the honey bear so I can have tea with honey, since my throat has been driving me crazy with all this pollen. Afterwards, I might ask my husband if we can get some food on the way home. I might also be babysitting Saturday. Depends if the dad asks the mom to go on a breakfast or lunch date.
I wish my sleep aid would hurry up and kick in. I have to be over there by 8 and I need to sleep.
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rosalie-starfall · 3 years
weird asks that say a lot (but i’m just gonna fill it out because no one will likely ask me and I’m bored and I want to)
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Coffee Mugs
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? Chocolate Bars
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? Neither
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? lol When I was in second grade my teacher held me after class and said “Kayla, you have a bad atitude. You always talk back.” and I responded “I do not talk back!” and to this day it is one of the funniest things I’ve ever said I think
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? Probably a glass athough I’m not to picky
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? I wish Dull was an answer I think I’m probably a mix between Tomboy and goth. But Also I just mostly dress like Liz Lemon.
7. earbuds or headphones? Headphones because I can eat with them on but I can’t eat with earbuds in.
8. movies or tv shows? Both
9. favorite smell in the summer? Cut Grass maybe
10. game you were best at in p.e.? Kickball maybe? Although there was this one time another girl named Kayla who was like 3 times my size (She hit puberty early and I was a scrawny little thing back then) was running the bases I had the ball and was trying to tag her out but she ran me over I fell and sprained my wrist.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? I skip breakfast usually so... Coffee I suppose
12. name of your favorite playlist? I’m really vibing with my Space Playlist that my family and I put together to go star gazing and I Love my Music for my soul playlist that is all the songs that I can feel with every fiber of my being when I listen to it and then probably my Kathryn Hahn Playlist because I put a lot of work into that one.
13. lanyard or key ring? Lanyard 1000%
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? Lifesaver Gummies
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? Of mice and Men
16. most comfortable position to sit in? legs either pulled up against me or folded underneath me
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? My converse? I only really have one pair of shoes and then my black boots for when the snow comes.
18. ideal weather? Rainy
19. sleeping position? on my stomach 
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? Computer
21. obsession from childhood? I Dream of Jeannie & Bewitched
22. role model? Carrie Fisher, Carol Burnette, Madeline Kahn
23. strange habits? I’m sure I have one but I can’t for the life of me think of one.
24. favorite crystal? Onyx 
25. first song you remember hearing? Walking on Broken Glass
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? Hiking & Camping 
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? Make Homemade Hot Apple Cider 
28. five songs to describe you?
Different Drum By the Stone Ponies
Sometimes it’s a Bitch By Stevie Nicks
I want to be Evil By Eartha Kitt
I Love Boobies By Richard Cheese
I Know A Girl By Bebe Neuwirth from Chicago
29. best way to bond with you? Over Middle Aged Actresses 
30. places that you find sacred? Before my Grandma Passed Her Garden 
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? IDK my B52′s Tee Shirt haha
32. top five favorite vines? I honestly couldn’t name a single Vine... I Like that one video of the Mom with the oven doing Turn down for what. Does that count?
33. most used phrase in your phone? lol and wtf probably
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? 1800 Steamer Stanley Steamer makes carpet cleaner!
35. average time you fall asleep? around 1 am i guess
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? This is not the first one I ever saw I think that was probably I can has CheezBurger but this is the one I remember most... lol to this day I can’t help but laugh
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37. suitcase or duffel bag? Backpack
38. lemonade or tea? Arnold Palmer
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? Lemon Bars
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? The Morphine Cheerleaders
41. last person you texted? My Mom
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? Jacket
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? Fake Leather Jacket
44. favorite scent for soap? Pumpkin
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? I can’t choose!
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? Birthday Suit
47. favorite type of cheese? Mozzarella
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? An Apple, I have a tuff tart skin but inside I’m sweet
49. what saying or quote do you live by? 
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50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? One time my mom and I were at the Alamo to see The Spy Who Dumped Me. (I think) When the movie ended we had got up to leave I was in front of her and I wound up way ahead of her so I yelled back what the deal was. She was scooting her foot along the floor almost like a limp and just kind of laughing. Her flip flop had broken and she was trying to keep it on her foot but also trying to walk. We were at the very last theater in the building so she took forever to walk the distance to back the lobby and watching her try and walk like that had my dying of laughter and that in turn made her laugh even harder. I honestly thought I might throw up I was laughing so hard. I told her to just take her shoe off but she said she had to use the restroom so she didn’t want to go into the public bathroom barefooted. (Totally understandable) To get away from her and to try and calm my giggles down and catch my breath I decided to go pull the car up so she wouldn’t have to walk all the way back to the car with her broken flip flop. It was so dumb but seriously so funny and even me writing this out and remembering it I’m crying from laughing again. I really think that might have been the hardest I ever laughed.
I’ll just add the time that she and I were going to brunch and I was looking at my phone and not paying attention as she drove to the end of our block she waved at one of our neighbors that was working in his yard. Because I wasn’t paying attention with my head down I didn’t know she was waving at someone. All I saw was her holding her hand up so I gave her a High Five thinking that’s what she was waiting for. We laughed for a good 10 Minutes that time. She had to pull the car over because she was laughing so hard she (We) started crying.
51. current stresses? Covid, Money... That might be it right now and that’s enough.
52. favorite font? The Bewitched Font.
53. what is the current state of your hands? I’ve been chipping off my nail polish
54. what did you learn from your first job? Not to freeze Spinach 
55. favorite fairy tale? I don’t know that I have one
56. favorite tradition? Baking Holiday Cookies with my mom, siblings and grandma
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? As much as my daily life can be a struggle I’ve been pretty blessed 
58. four talents you’re proud of having? I’ve been told I’m really good at making gifs... That Might actually be my only talent
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? “That’s what I’m talking about”
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? Like Sailor moon
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? “God’s got a lot of rules” From The New Adventures of Old Christine 
62. seven characters you relate to? 
Liz Lemon from 30 Rock
Elaine Benes from Seinfeld 
Zelda Spellman from The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina 
Sophie from Stath Lets Flats
Monica Reyes from the X-Files
Agatha Harkness from Wandavision
Shirley Feeney from Laverne and Shirley
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Dreams by Stevie nicks with Deep Dish
Closer by Deadmau5
Move your body by Eiffle 65
Too many dicks (on the Dance Floor) By Flight of the Conchordes 
Literally every song on Play & Play: B Sides by Moby
64. favorite website from your childhood? Oh gosh I have no idea I wasn’t a kid but I love the Pixie Hollow website, The Scooby Doo movie forum
65. any permanent scars? I have my chicken poxs scar on my eye brow. I think that might be it
66. favorite flower(s)? Poppies and roses
67. good luck charms? My star Earing my Grandma gave to me ages ago I only take them out to clean my ears
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? Vinegar. yuck!
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? It’s not really a “Fun Fact” but Carlie Simon the singer had TERRIBLE Stage fright and couldn’t preform in front of audiences idk remember why I know that 
70. left or right handed? Right
71. least favorite pattern? I don’t think I have one
72. worst subject? Math I’m the WORST at math
73. favorite weird flavor combo? Chocolate covered potato Chips
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? lol like 3 I know my body well enough to know if I don’t catch that shit early I’m gonna suffer
75. when did you lose your first tooth? I have no Idea
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? Breakfast Potatoes and or Potato Soup
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? I’m gonna guess Some kind of herbs
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? Coffee from a Gas Station 
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? My School ID because I actually use to try and be cute, now I’m just a troll
80. earth tones or jewel tones? earth
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? Lightning Bugs
82. pc or console? PC
83. writing or drawing? Writing
84. podcasts or talk radio? Reluctantly Podcasts
84. barbie or polly pocket? Oh gosh why you asking such impossible questions! 
85. fairy tales or mythology? Mythology
86. cookies or cupcakes? Cookies
87. your greatest fear? Caves/Mines 
88. your greatest wish? To be happy and content
89. who would you put before everyone else? My Cat, and my siblings but my cat first
90. luckiest mistake? I can’t think of one
91. boxes or bags? Boxes
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? Fairy Lights
93. nicknames? Punkin, Kayla-Bean
94. favorite season? Autumn 
95. favorite app on your phone? Tumblr
96. desktop background? lol I just got my computer back and my brother put a Dune Background because he is obsessed and I’m to lazy to change it
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? 3
98. favorite historical era? The 1930′s 
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carmenalicea · 3 years
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Mother/daughter time. Spending quality time and making memories. Reliving old memories with childhood movies, homemade cabbage soup, herbal Arnold Palmer tea, and of course enjoying our favorite cheeses, fruits, and sweets on our charcuterie board.#familytime #motherdaughter #makingmemories #livingmybestlife #tribe #soulfamily #divinefeminine https://www.instagram.com/p/CVbfsgeJUdw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wineanddinosaur · 3 years
VinePair Happy Hour: What’s Your Go-To Drink at a Barbecue?
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This month, we’re heading outdoors with the best drinks for the backyard, beach, and beyond. In Take It Outside, we’re exploring our favorite local spots and far-flung destinations that make summer the ultimate season for elevated drinking.
With heatwaves and croaking cicadas arriving in full force, there’s no doubt that summer is here. Along with those unpleasantries comes the beloved tradition of moving everything outdoors for backyard barbecues or public park parties. While rooftop cocktails and outdoor dining are exciting outings, there’s nothing like a good, old-fashioned cookout to help us settle into the season.
While most grill masters focus on the meats and marinades, we at VinePair believe that drinks are equally, if not more important. From low-ABV beers and crisp wines, to refreshing and over-the-top cocktails, these are the beverages our team is reaching for at summer barbecues.
“I’m glad you asked! I declared this the summer of wheat beer and am sticking to it. A go-to of mine for the last decade has been Schofferhofer Grapefruit Hefeweizen, which is basically grapefruit soda mixed with German wheat beer. It’s 2.5 percent ABV, and is both sweet and sessionable. Another wheat beer I keep returning to this year is Sixpoint Apollo, which was reintroduced this year after a long hiatus — it’s widely available and pair-able with pretty much anything.” —Cat Wolinski, senior editor
“When it comes to BBQ, my mind always goes to Korean BBQ — my favorite indulgence — or the time my friends grilled a whole gator at a crawfish boil in NOLA. In either situation, I wish I’d had a salty, sparkling lemonade spiked with St. George Spirits Green Chile Vodka or the savory (Portuguese) João Pato Pet Nat Rosé. —Emma Cranston, assistant editor
“I’ve been a vegetarian for almost my entire life, so I’ve always associated summer cookouts with carrot sticks and boring side dishes. Since the food at barbecues doesn’t particularly excite me, I go big on drinks. Catch me mixing up Bloody Marys made with Toma’s horseradish mix, Belvedere, and all the garnishes.” —Katie Brown, associate editor
“My preferred grilling drink: Cerasuolo d’Abruzzo, which, depending on whom you ask is either a very dark rosé or a very light red wine, but is made from Montepulciano d’Abruzzo and is crisp and refreshing while still having some tannins, body, and savory notes.” —Zach Geballe, “VinePair Podcast” host
“It’s always fun to use the grill as a complement to the bar, and a Grilled Spiked Lemonade is my favorite way to combine the two. Sugar-coated lemons caramelized over the fire make for a smoky garnish, and a choice of spirits: vodka, rum, tequila, or all three, with a healthy pour of triple sec, homemade lemonade, and a lot of ice create the perfect summertime cocktail for cooking out with friends.” —Travis Gillmore, editorial intern
“There is nothing like pulling out a cold bottle of Lambrusco from the cooler on a hot day, popping that cork into the sun, and sipping that frothy, bubbly red goodness with some ribs slathered Carolina-style.” —Keith Beavers, tastings director
“Take a refreshing Arnold Palmer — half lemonade and half iced tea — add a healthy pour of vodka, and you have yourself a John Daly, the perfect drink to pair with BBQ.” —Mark Jacobs, SVP, brand partnerships
“For backyard cookouts or other warm-weather outdoor gatherings, if I’m not drinking the coldest summery beer I can find, it’s hard to beat a Cointreau Fizz (Cointreau, lime juice, and club soda over ice). It’s zippy, refreshing, and very easy to make by the pitcher for groups.” —Joanna Sciarrino, executive editor
“To cool off at a summer BBQ, my choice of drink would have to be a Limoncello Gin Collins.” —Elgin Nelson, editorial intern
“Most of the summer barbecuing I’ve done in my life took place when I lived in Argentina — which really isn’t a bad place to live if you like huge cuts of meat pulled straight from the grill. In homage to that, whenever there’s a cookout going on I’ll kick things off with a few Fernet con cocas before moving on to a good bottle of Malbec.” —Tim McKirdy, staff writer
The article VinePair Happy Hour: What’s Your Go-To Drink at a Barbecue? appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/wa-go-to-barbecue-drinks/
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techmaqofficial · 4 years
Hibiscus Arnold Palmer Drink (so refreshing!) - Fit Foodie Finds
Hibiscus Arnold Palmer Drink (so refreshing!) – Fit Foodie Finds
Jazz up the traditional Arnold Palmer recipe with hibiscus tea and a homemade lemonade, and you’ll have the most refreshing Hibiscus Arnold Palmer drink in your hand in no time.
Cheers to refreshing cocktails! Whether it’s this Arnold Palmer drink our sex on the beach slushies or this refreshing kombucha lemonade, we hope you’re well on your way to enjoying a delicious drink.
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bestofshopping777 · 5 years
Festive Thanksgiving Cocktails
All the Festive Thanksgiving Cocktails your heart desires! You’ve got your Turkey Day menu planned, but don’t forget about the drinks! From hot cocktails to refreshing drinks on ice to the most festive mocktails, we’ve got you covered.
Whether you’re looking for hot cocktails to sip on or refreshing cold cocktails, we got you! From mulled wine to hot apple cider to refreshing infused waters and everything in between, you’ll never be at a loss for cocktail (and mocktail!) ideas again.
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Our Fave Thanksgiving Cocktails
You’ve got your menu planned, but now it’s time to decide what to bring to drink! From festive hot cocktails to mocktails to refreshing chilled cocktails and more, these fun Thanksgiving cocktails will leave you with too many drink options and not enough time — read on, friends!
Hot Drinks
There’s nothing like sipping on a toasty drink in the fall or winter, and we’ve got everything from hot apple ciders to hot toddies to spiked hot chocolate and more.
Spiked Apple Cider
This Spiked Apple Cider is a boozy twist on our traditional apple cider recipe that’s been a Fall favorite for years. Make a large batch to serve a crowd, or pour a single serve spiked cider tonight. Cheers!
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Dairy Free Spiked Hot Chocolate
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Spiked hot chocolate?! YES PLEASE! You’re going to love this dairy free hot chocolate recipe because it’s spiked with a little bit of amaretto and made with almond milk and maple syrup!
Festive Hot Toddies
Warm your soul with this homemade hot toddy recipe! This adult beverage mixes the hot toddy ingredients of cinnamon whiskey, apple cider, and citrus for a delicious winter drink. It is the perfect winter cocktail for any occasion!
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Spiced Raspberry Mulled Wine
With just a few simple ingredients you can make your guests this delicious, spicy raspberry mulled wine. This raspberry mulled wine recipe is perfect for a cool Fall day or the holidays!
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Decadent Spiked Coconut Hot Chocolate
This decadent, spiced coconut hot chocolate is made with full-fat coconut milk, a mixture of warm spices, and maple syrup. It’s both vegan and paleo-friendly, perfect for the health-minded people out there!
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Cold Drinks
Ahh, refreshing Thanksgiving cocktails! Whether you’re looking to serve drinks with brunch (hai, bloody mary!) or you’re mulling wine as you cook that turkey, read on for delicious chilled Thanksgiving cocktails you don’t want to miss.
Cranberry Mojitos
Get fancy this holiday season and make these delicious cranberry mojitos. Their festive, easy, and will steal the show with your friends and family!
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Easy Red Wine Sangria
We’re sharing an easy sangria recipe that you are going to love! Red wine sangria is made with your favorite Spanish red, orange juice, rum, and tons of sliced citrus.
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Bloody Mary Recipe
Start your next weekend brunch off with this bloody mary recipe! Forget those store-bought mixes and make this homemade bloody mary recipe in the comfort of your own home. Don’t forget all the meat sticks, cheese, and fermented goodness that goes along with the perfect bloody mary, too!
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Blackberry Moscow Mules
There’s nothing better than an ice-cold Moscow Mule. Who’s with me? Learn how to make our Blackberry Moscow Mule recipe in less than 5 minutes. Plus, we’re sharing which Moscow Mule cups are the absolute best.
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Honey Greyhound Cocktail
It’s happy hour time! Make thisHoney Greyhound Cocktail for a refreshing cocktail that is delicious, naturally sweetened, and perfect for a night out on the patio or the perfect cocktail to mix up when you have friends over.
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Classic Moscow Mules
With just simple 3 ingredients you can make the most delicious, flavor-filled classic Moscow mules perfect for any evening!
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Take your brunch drink up a notch and make a beermosa! Forget the champagne and add mix your favorite beer with some orange juice for the perfect brunch cocktail this holiday season!
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Get all cold beverages HERE.
Mocktails and other Non-Boozy Drinks
Festive Thanksgiving cocktails don’t have to be boozy! From refreshing infused waters to chai tea lattes and more, you’ll want to bookmark these recipes to make all holiday season long.
Kombucha Lemonade
Do you love kombucha? Us too! We mixed kombucha with lemonade to create a delicious and refreshing kombucha lemonade. No joke, this kombucha lemonade tastes pretty much like an Arnold Palmer.
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4 Fruit Infused Water Recipes
Fruit Infused Water never tasted better! These 4 delicious fruit infused water recipes include pomegranate juice ice cubes for a flavor burst you’ll love. Stay hydrated with these refreshing and easy to make fruit infused waters!
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Almond Milk Chai Tea Latte
Whether you are a coffee drinker or a tea drinker, this almond milk chai tea latte is a great source of antioxidants and is a great way for you to get a boost of caffeine! Add this chai tea latte to your morning routine or make yourself a mug for a mid-afternoon snack!
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Vegan Chai Hot Chocolate
Vegan Chai Hot Chocolate that’s ready to drink in 5 minutes! This delicious vegan hot chocolate is low calorie, creamy and full of chai flavor. Make this homemade chai hot chocolate recipe today!
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Maple Pecan Latte
Who needs to go to a coffee shop when you can make your own luscious latte at home without an espresso machine! You’re going to love this DIY Maple Pecan Latte made with cold brew and almond milk creamer.
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The post Festive Thanksgiving Cocktails appeared first on Cheap Store.
source https://cheap-store.website/blog/festive-thanksgiving-cocktails/
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hauteseeker · 7 years
Part two of my southwest road trip consisted of my long drive through New Mexico to reach my first city Sedona, AZ. It also touches on the rest of my time spent in Phoenix. On this leg of my journey, I experienced a little less landscape and a bit more modern living. Some excellent food and reconnection with both friends and family.
Day 4: Santa Fe to Sedona
I got an early start and made my way West to Sedona. The six-hour drive was effortless and slightly distracting because there’s so much to see and so many times where I wanted to get out and take pictures. There are these moments of a real “western” scene with mountain backdrops and large freight trains passing through. It’s very surreal. I was waiting for a cowboy to ride past me at some point and time.
It was highly recommended by my friend to stop at the Acoma Pueblo, a community that has been in existence since 1100 a.b. The “Sky City” is a great stop to make before crossing the New Mexico border into Arizona. The Pueblo is known as,”a place prepared and ready to live.” The oldest remaining habitat is 15 miles from the interstate and sits on top of a mesmerizing hill. Tourist can visit the town, alongside a tour guide who most likely has direct family ties to the community. Our guide’s grandparents still have a home at Acoma. During the tour, many silly and somewhat ignorant questions asked of the people who lived in town, oh and to me, as I was the only black person there. Those curious Caucasians got a double dose of a minority culture that day!  It amazes me how so many people forget that this 2017 and the modern amenities that happen in the biggest of cities, most likely occur in the smallest of towns, especially when it comes to technology. Besides the unavoidable ignorance, the overall experience of this historical foundation not only insightful but compelling. I would love to go back to celebrate a holiday with the people of that community one day.
    I continued my drive making stops only to refuel. I drove by reservations, shops, and signature Navajo restaurants as I continued my passage to Sedona. I did make one pit stop in the city of Holbrook to see one of three remaining Wigwam Motel in the country on Old Route 66. The histroic site is nostaligc and fun. I can only imagine the types of families who were fortunate enough to travel and stay here. It makes me think of all the gimmicks hotels do now to attract guests. I can easily see this property getting a few improvements and turning into the “Wigwam Luxe” or something like that. What was once fashionable always comes back around.
  A few short hours later I arrived in Sedona. A beautiful city built on hills and red soil about two hours away from the Grand Canyon and Phoenix, respectively. After arriving in Sedona, I desperately needed a recharge, mostly a phone recharge and overall stretch after driving for several hours straight. I found a great deal using the site Homeaway to score a reasonably priced hotel in Sedona, prices in this region can easily range between $175-$500 during peak season. I got a nice stay at a resort hotel and timeshare not including tax for about $100.
Later that night, I grabbed dinner at The Hudson, a place I was planning on dining at once I made it to Sedona. Lucky I was a party of one, so I was seated pretty quickly on the outside patio during the busy Saturday night. Unfortunately, the sun had already set, so I was unable to take in the scenery in the area. The Hudson sits on a hill, giving patrons great views of the landscape. For dinner, I got the special for the evening, a Cornish Hen. The dish featured mixed vegetables such as peppers and asparagus as well as cornbread dressing with raisins. My taste buds were treated to an early Thanksgiving feast. The dinner and ambiance were overall excellent. After a huge meal, I was more than ready to make my way back to the hotel and chill out. It was only  9 p.m., when I passed out for the evening.
Day 5: Sedona to Phoenix
The next morning I got up around 6 a.m. to hike and watch the sunrise at Red Rock State Park.  I did not expect the challenge that lied ahead of me. The climb up Bell Rock was pretty moderate to hard in terms of hiking. Bell Rock is about 4,000 ft above elevation. I don’t I went quite that high, but I was certainly up there. The hike was amazing, I had an incredible amount energy and was up for another round of hiking, but I had to keep it moving for the next part of my trip to Phoenix.
Let the Hike to Red Rock begin!
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After my morning hike, I repacked my things to make my way to Phoenix. About a two-hour drive South of Sedona. The winding roads through the cactus-filled mountains were steep, deep, vast, and acutely elevated the whole way through.
I made great timing arriving in Phoenix and met up with my lovely host for the next three days Olivia. She was previously my a coworker at Bloomingdale’s. Just like me, she is all about exploring. We immediately hit the road, after dropping off my rental car, and made our way to the downtown Phoenix area check our their art district. It was Sunday, so it was pretty deserted while we were there, which is good when you don’t want anyone blocking your photo opportunities! The wall art there is impressive. My favorite was this abandoned house that was painted with all different types of graffiti and sketches. In the same neighborhood was a modern coffee shop that we stopped by to grab some drinks to cool us off in the sweltering Arizona heat. It’s the epitome of minimalism, something that would be perfect in Wicker Park neighborhood in Chicago.
After we walked around for a bit, we both decided that the next move had to be for food. Earlier in my planning, I found out the area was hosting a Taco Fest, so we made our way to Scottsdale to check it out. It was a fantastic food festival. Super organized, fair prices, and fabulous tacos! Compared to ones that I have been to in Chicago, it was supremely better. They had several different tents to grab drinks, VIP access for optimal margarita tasting(if you were trying to spend some big bucks) and a lot of food vendors. I think what sold me were the prices. Tacos were only $2 each! I spent $20 on seven tacos and a drink. Not bad at all!
After a long hot day, we made our way back to her place. It was still pretty nice outside, so we went to the pool to soak in the hot tub and spill the tea. We had a lot to catch up on from the past two years that we hadn’t seen each other. It was great to talk about where we were and where we so desired to be. A fabulous way to end my first night there.
  Day 6: Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Mesa
The sixth day I was able to catch up on some long ignored e-mails as well as some news and gossip. Crazy how much you don’t pay attention to those things when you are busy soaking up a new place. It’s almost like the rest of the world stands still.
After we got dressed, we went out to explore some of Olivia’s favorite spots, which are fabulous and Instagram-worthy. We made our way to Luci’s for brunch. The grocer/restaurant was charming. The food, eh. The best thing about the meal was the drink. An “Arnold Palmer” like a concoction of green tea and watermelon flavored lemonade.
After that, we made our way to AZ Pops to grab some popsicles. Super nostalgic. I can’t think of the last time I had a homemade popsicle like the one at AZ Pops. I chose the peach and prickly pear combo. It was very different; prickly pears are flowers found only on a particular type of cactus. As I later learned at the Desert Botanical Garden, they can be made into candies or eaten raw.  The popsicle was great, and I even had a chance to chat with the store owner. Another person on my trip who had some pretty strong ties to the Chicago area( her husband was born and raised in Oak Park). We also stopped into some nice stores in the area. One, in particular, had a friendly Cali vibe, which is to be expected in this area of the country. Clothes were cute, but sizing was limited.
  We were both parched after a light afternoon of walking so we made our way to the Royal Palms Resort for a refreshing beverage and a little exploration. The hotel has amazing architecture, a Spanish Colonial Revival villa that was once used as a winter home back in the 1920’s. The resort is at the base of Camelback Moutain and is absolutely fabulous.
    After our daytime romp of the lavish resort life, we made our way to dinner at Cornish Pasty. A pleasant looking restaurant with the feel of an Olive Garden on the outside and an underground dive bar on the inside. That was my first impression, at least at this location. I had never heard of a pasty and was excited to try the British born dish. A pasty is associated with Cornwall, England, a once well-known mining community. The original pasties would be filled with both meat and vegetables as well as sweets, each on their respective ends of the pasties.
The pastys at Cornish are so varied that anyone from carnivore to vegan can find something that they like. I decided to try to Roast Beef Sarnie. The pasty was a combination of house roasted beef, red and green bell peppers, portabello, onions, swiss and cheddar blend served with a horseradish sour cream sauce. Oh my gosh, so good! Everything blended well and was perfectly seasoned. The beef wasn’t too tender, and the sauce was the perfect addition. A chef recommended another sauce which was excellent as well, not sure what it was called though. Something to note about Cornish Pasty is the dishes come as they are described, you cannot pick and choose the ingredients you want inside the pasty. It is literally all or nothing. Go with the all; it’s totally worth it.
Olivia was dead set on making it to the Fountain Hills neighborhood to watch the sunset. So we quickly got dressed and dolled and made our way to the high-priced neighborhood. We found our way up to Copper Wynd Resort, looking absolutely fabulous. I swear, I had a Waiting to Exhale moment here. It reminds me so much of the area that the film was shot. I know the movie is old, but buildings last a long time so I could be right! We arrived just in time to see the sunset and get some glamour shots in as well.
After Copper Wydn we made our way back into the downtown Phoenix area to see what bars were popping on a Monday night. Not too many. We found our way into the Valley Bar, where we grabbed another drink(excellent drink prices), talked life, and finished up another fabulous night.
Day 7: Phoenix to Chicago
Day seven was an early start to a very, very long day. We kicked things off with a trip to the Desert Botanic Garden. I would be surprised if there is anything else like it in the world! The garden was amazing. Cactus from all different parts of Central and North America, other desert found foliage, as well as a majestic butterfly garden that was locked down tighter than the White House. Seriously, they were doing the most to keep those butterflies in that garden! We continued exploring the gardens and came across beautiful sculptures as well as some very quirky volunteers who taught us a few things about our surroundings.
one man + one leaf =
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  After the garden, we had just enough energy before lunch to make it to the landscape wonder, Hole in the Rock at the Papago Park. The hike to the hole in the natural formation is a quick 7-minutes up the rock. This is an ideal place to catch at sunrise or sunset if your timing is right.
  After our morning of walking and hiking, we proceeded to have a mini sweet and savory tour of the city. We made our way to República Empanada, a super cute restaurant located in the South Side Heights neighborhood of downtown Mesa.The empanadas were incredibly delicious. We were there for the lunch special of two empanadas plus rice and beans. We both added classic Coke De Mexico’s and enjoyed a less than $10 lunch on the cute patio in the back of the restaurant.
We also stopped by one of Olivia’s favorite spots to grab dessert, The Coronado.  They made one of the best brownies I ever had, and it didn’t contain one bit of dairy or eggs. Amazing!  We then proceeded to search for some and came across one that featured a mesh of vintage goods, artifacts and other apothecary furnishings called, The French Bee. After perusing that we made our way to a hipster-ish bar to chill and kill some more time before my flight and dinner.
It’s an unspoken rule, that if you find yourself in a city where you know someone and have a pretty good relationship with them, that you let them know you are there. At least, that’s what I try to do. Even if you never have a chance to see the person, at least you let them know you were in town. This day in age, it’s always good to let a few people know you are around. Seriously. If anything for safety reasons. Anyways, I had told my cousin who lives in Arizona that I was visiting. Shame on me that I waited until the morning that I was leaving to see if we could meet up. I know, tsk, tsk.
I asked my cousin Eric to meet us at this restaurant called Fire and Brimstone located at Barnone in Gilbert. Barnone is an innovative retail/workspace for handcrafted goods. It features everything from handmade stationary to experimental winemakers. Great place to craft a small business. At Fire and Brimstone, I opted for The Fire and Brimstone pizza. The 12-inch pizza came dressed in spicy tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella, jalapeños, house-made merguez sausage, and cilantro. It was by far one of the freshest pizza’s I have ever tasted! I had a couple of slices that I devoured on my flight back to Chicago. After my week-long adventure, this was a beautiful night, over pizza with friends and family.
I would arrive back in Chicago at 4 a.m. that Wednesday morning.
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  Reflections Part Two
During the second half of my trip, I was able to reconnect with friends and family. During that time, a lot was discussed that challenged me to consider my relationships in general. Does this person care about our friendship? If so, what type of effort are they putting in? Am I doing my part as well? The trip also resurfaced ideas of changing my own personal landscape. Many people move to an area to be fully submerged so that they can break into a certain industry or career. Others, move far from it and reach a market untapped allowing for success in that arena too. It’s a reminder that growth can happen anywhere, you just have to be the one to make it happen!
Travel Trips
If you are wondering how I managed to have such a successful trip solo, here are my ‘haute’ Do’s and Don’ts:
Do Plan ahead. I looked into accommodations, flights, rental cars, and connections before my trip. This allowed me to use my time in the most optimal manner. I would be surprised at the end of the day how much I was able to get done. Something I need to implement more in my everyday life as well.
Do get Advice. There is nothing wrong with asking people for things to do, especially if they live there. I asked my friend who grew up in Arizona if he could recommend some things to do in Santa Fe. He gave me my whole ‘cultural’ itinerary. I made sure to connect with my previous co-worker and cousin as soon as booked my ticket to the area.
Do stay hydrated. There is a lot, and I mean a lot of exposure to the sun in that area. Be sure, especially if you are driving to buy a couple of liters or packs of water, so you never run out. Oh, and snacks too if you are in a time crunch.
Do look for discounts. You can ask anybody who knows me well. I know a lot of things to do, but I don’t spend a lot of money to enjoy them. If you are traveling, make sure you look into resident discounts, reciprocal memberships, library affiliations, free entry days, Groupon, etc. It will save you money.
Do try new things. Going to Ojo and experiencing the hot spring was one of the highlights of my trip! I am hooked and want to try every natural spring out there!
Do carry two phones. I chose to bring my work phone with me as well as my phone. Best decision ever. It’s great for navigation and music if you are forgoing a tradition map. Plus, you never know what will happen, better to have an extra device, just in case.
Do savor the moment. It is such a blessing to travel. It’s beautiful to see the sunset into various shades of purple, yellow, and orange hues. To look at the starts, uninterrupted by city lights, to see the landscape barely touched by humanity. Breathe it all in. You never know when you will be back.
Final Thoughts
I am so overjoyed that I had the opportunity to visit these two great states and tackle all the unique cities in between. I was exposed to not only massive amounts of sun, people, culture, art, food, and community. I am hooked on the beauty of the southwest and look forward to seeking more of it in the future. Don’t be surprised if you see a future post of my travels through Utah and Denver or something within that range!I am so blessed to have had this soul seeking experience and can’t wait to revisit both places!
    Albuquerque to Phoenix: Seven Days Seeking the Southwest Pt.2 Part two of my southwest road trip consisted of my long drive through New Mexico to reach my first city Sedona, AZ.
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stacieconnerty · 5 years
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Looking for something new to stir up this summer? Try my Spiked Arnold Palmer Cocktails with homemade Sweet Tea Vodka! #summercocktails http://bit.ly/2YjciGV
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RT @Liquor: Spiked Arnold Palmer with Homemade Peach Tea Vodka https://t.co/kvK3JkIBzN https://t.co/W706NuNWJK
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