#homemade starter Pokémon
supercap2319 · 9 months
Y/N grinded his teeth together as he watched his Pokémon, Chikorita being pushed back by the powerful attacks of Henry's Empoleon. This battle wasn't going the way Y/N expected it to go.
He was on a journey with his two boyfriends: Alex Claremont Diaz. And Henry Fox Mountchristen Windsor. The First Son and Prince of Wales had responsibilities to their respective countries, but also to themselves as well. They headed out with no particular destination in mind, braving the wonderful world of Pokémon.
The three of them would have battles almost every single day to keep their skills sharp. And today was Henry's turn with Y/N while Alex made dinner. They both chose their ace Pokémon partners and even though Y/N had the advantage, there was no denying that Henry had the high ground of a fully evolved Pokémon.
Chikorita was panting as it stared at the towering Emperor Pokémon. It barely survived a combination attack of Drill Peck and Flash Cannon. They got some good hits in with Leaf Storm and Vine Whip, but Empoleon was still standing. Its defense was unbelievable. Henry raised it well. Speaking of which;he was smiling at Y/N. “If this is all you have to offer, then it's not going to be much of a match. You should call it quits now, Luv.”
“This match is far from over, your Majesty. Never underestimate the power of my Chikorita.” Y/N said. Alex chuckled by the lunch table.
“It's your Royal Highness! And fine. Have it your way. Use Hydro Cannon!” Empoleon opened its beak and formed a ball of concentrated water before launching it at the grass starter.
“Go, Chikorita! Use Vine Whip!” the quadrupedal ran towards the incoming attack as the dark-green buds around its neck extended out in two, using the whips to jump up and sail into the air. Henry counted on Y/N doing that. “Use Drill Peck!” The Penguin-looking Pokémon started to spin like a top, beak glowing white, until it spun towards Chikorita.
Y/N anticipated that Henry would anticipate his attack. Without a verbal command and just their eyes, Chikorita dodged by twisting its small body against the invading attack until it was safety away from the bigger Pokémon. It shot its vines at Empoleon’s feet and wrapped them tight. Henry was shocked.
“Now, slam it!” Even though Chikorita was small, it was surprisingly strong for its size. It threw Empoleon onto its back hard on the ground. Empoleon let out a groan of pain. “Empoleon, no!” Henry cried.
“Let's win this. Use Leaf Storm!” Chikorita’s leaf on its head glowed a bright green before it sent a tornado of leaves at the water type.
“Get up and use Flash Cannon!” Henry said.
Empoleon rose to its feet at the last second, shot a beam of silver energy in contrast to the green leaves. Both attacks slammed into each other with no clear sign of a winner. They pushed and pulled until finally both attacks exploded into a powerful smoke. When it cleared, both Chikorita and Empoleon were both still standing and before they could attack again, Alex held up his hand.
“That's good for today. Lunch is ready.” He walked towards them, carrying Y/N's Fuecoco in his arms. “And I don't want you guys to miss out on my homemade Tamales.”
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weirdcelebi · 7 months
👑: …Hey Lottie should we be telling people about that sixth option?
🪷: uhhh. ‘s fine. probably. i mean he’s dead so.
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rising-volteccers · 1 year
Hello! English is not my language so there may be some mistake. How have been talking about Roy maybe caught Wattrel, can you write something with Liko going to Friede for help because she found a pokémon egg and she wants to raise him?
Hello there! Your English is good, don't worry about it! This piece ended up being self indulgent with a Pokemon I personally want to see Liko have on her team! Hopefully this is an enjoyable read!
Series: Pokemon Horizons
Characters: Friede, Liko
With the Brave Asagi due for another system update, Murdock suggested that they have a picnic outside to take advantage of the pleasant weather. The last time they had one had been a calm before the storm kind of situation; while things turned up well in the end, it didn't change the fact that Liko's disappearance the day after left a bit of a sour note to that experience. Friede was all for creating new memories to overwrite–or rather, to look back on instead of the awful ones. 
Murdock ensured that they had a pleasant spread like last time, making sure that both Dot and Ludlow could enjoy theirs on the ship too. The difference from before and now was that Dot joined them in picnicking via a video feed, though she kept herself out of frame.
Sandwiches were made–Friede as always getting a little ribbing from his crew about his all carnivore one–and eaten, washed down with homemade juice that was refreshing as the sun got higher. 
While the adults conversed at the table, Liko, Roy and the Pokemon were playing together. Friede quietly kept an eye out from his seat, as was his habit these days whenever they were off the ship. Roy had the tendency to run off after his or some wild Pokemon while Liko…sometimes trouble seemed to follow her. Between the two of them, he certainly had his work cut out for him.
Friede's attention shifted to the current conversation of their flight route and supply stock during the trip. When his eyes darted back to the kids, he saw that Liko had wandered further than he expected from the group. 
"Hey Liko, where are you going?" Friede called out, casting the table in silence. The girl in question paused to look back.
"Oh, something's catching Sprigatito's attention so I'm checking it out!" Liko yelled in response before she dashed after her starter.
A part of Friede wanted to get up and join her. The rest told him to take it easy and trust that Liko's trouble radar was turned off for today. He didn't want to appear like he coddled her, though he quietly worried for her safety. 
"She'll be fine. If anything happens, I'm sure she's smart enough to call for us," Murdock spoke up, as if privy to his thoughts. In actuality, Friede just didn't realize the way his expression became pensive. 
"We don't have any connection issues this time. Besides, what kind of trouble can she get into way out here?" Orla piped up.
"Don't jinx it," Friede muttered but released a small breath, shoulders losing the tension in them. "Yeah, you're right. Guess there's no need to worry."
Their previous conversation picked up before long. Roy remained within sight seeing that he was practicing singing with Fuecoco while Wattrel acted as their audience of one. As time passed, Friede couldn't help but notice that Liko had still yet to return. 
Before his worry really started to kick in, Sprigatito made its return known by meowing loudly. Friede looked up to see Sprigatito and Liko approaching the picnic site with the girl carrying something in her arms.
Was that…a Pokemon Egg?
"I need help!" Liko called out once she was within earshot. Friede swiftly got up to close the distance between them, his body moving before his brain caught up. The moment he heard Liko calling for help, a spark ignited within him to move and get to her side ASAP. 
"What's wrong? Where did you get that Egg?" Friede questioned the slightly frazzled girl.
"Sprigatito and I found it on a bush! I promise I tried to look for its parent but I couldn't find any Pokemon close by that's missing an Egg and it's just cold to the touch and–"
"Woah Liko, calm down! I get what you're saying." He adopted a calmer tone to assure her. His gaze fell upon the Egg in her arms. It looked a little scuffed but it didn't seem like there were any cracks to the shell itself. If Liko found the Egg where the parent wasn't nearby, it could mean that another Pokemon swiped it with the intention of making the Egg its meal. Another reason he could think of was the parent left the nest but got caught by humans, thus leaving the Egg behind.
Regardless of how it was left out in the open for Liko to find, Friede didn't like that the Egg was cold to the touch. It needed to be incubated as quickly as possible. 
"Get it back to the ship. I think we still have an incubator or two stored in the ship to use." 
Friede left the others to clean up while he and Liko rushed back to the ship. Figuring out what he wanted, Mollie texted Friede that he could find an incubator within one of the cabinets inside the infirmary. 
Once they got on the ship, Friede quickly placed the Egg inside the incubator. He knew Liko, the kind hearted soul that she was, worried deeply for it. Had she not found the Egg, nature would have taken its due course.
"Hey, you did good. You found the Egg just in time. We'll have to wait and see but I believe that the little one inside will pull through." Friede placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Cheer up, okay?"
She nodded, gaze falling back to the Egg. Friede resisted the urge to run his fingers through his hair and letting out a huge sigh. He didn’t like seeing her so despondent.
“Hm… do you want to look after the Egg, Liko?” Friede wound up asking after a few minutes of silence. This could either help or harm her, depending on whether or not the Egg pulled through or not. His gut instinct told him that whatever little one within it was a fighter so he placed his bets towards a positive outcome.
“M-Me? Can I…?”
Friede plastered on his most assuring smile. “Sure you can! You’re a smart, responsible girl. I’m certain that the Egg would be in good hands with you. And remember, it’s not like you have to raise it yourself! You’ve got me and Mollie to help you out.”
Liko considered his words, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt before she took a deep, steadying breath as if steeling herself. Her expression spoke of determination, a look he came to like seeing since it usually led to personal growth for her.
“Right! Right, I’ll give it my best.” Liko’s eyes darted to the incubator. “How long does it take for Eggs to hatch?”
“Well, it depends. Its environment, how attentive the parent is keeping the Egg warm and the like.” Friede lightly tapped the top of the incubator. “Putting the Egg in here keeps it warm and safe–providing that you don’t jostle it around of course. As for how long, again it depends. We don’t know for how long this Egg was left out there. It could’ve been recently… came to be or it’s been out there for days. It might take a few weeks, I reckon.”
“I see…” Liko fell quiet once more, absorbing everything he said. Friede thought he did a good job explaining, which was why he got blindsided when she asked in an innocent voice:
“How do Eggs came to be?”
Had he been drinking something, he would’ve choked on his drink. Friede fought hard to keep his expression from twisting, instead flashing her a smile. 
“Hm, I think we can leave the Egg here for the time being and go help the rest pack up don’t you think? The sooner we do that, the sooner we can head off! I think Dot should be done with the system update right about now…” Friede placed his hands on her shoulder to guide her out of the infirmary.
“Eh? But what about…?”
“Oh look, I think Murdock could use some help carrying those baskets!”
“Huh? Oh, you’re right…”
Friede only relaxed after she went ahead to help. Phew, that wasn’t something he was keen on explaining to a preteen anytime soon…
In the following weeks, Liko placed a good amount of her time and attention on the Egg. She carried the incubator around with her whilst on the ship and kept it safe within her room when off of it. Friede certainly took note of all the subtle changes throughout this period.
He noticed that she spent more time reading on her Rotom Phone. Friede later found out that Liko was reading up about caring for newly hatched Pokemon. Pretty sweet of her to be so committed to the little one just waiting to hatch. No doubt that the Pokemon would be well taken care of by the girl.
Roy and Dot too joined in on the Egg hatching bandwagon. Roy offered to look after it during her lessons or if she had other stuff that required her attention. Friede recalled Liko mentioning how Dot was forwarding her all these useful articles for her to read. It warmed his heart to see the kids got along well and sharing the excitement with one another.
He also liked how Liko didn’t shy away from requesting help from the rest of the crew too. Asking food related questions from Murdock, going to him and Mollie for caretaking information, his thoughts proved to be true as he was witnessing her growth over the weeks.
Eventually, it came time for the Egg to hatch. A pleasant day had them docked at a large, empty field on the outskirts of a large city. Half of them were off the ship to do some shopping, leaving him, Liko, Ludlow and Dot left on board. 
Friede had been doing a bit of reading of his own–mostly a small lead about the Ancient Adventurer–when Liko dashed into his room. Before he could ask, his eyes landed onto the Egg she carried. It wiggled within the incubator, hairline cracks starting to form along its shell. 
“I-I think it’s hatching!” Liko spoke, sounding both scared and excited. He can’t blame her given that she was about to witness one of the miracles of life.
“Alright, come have a sit here. Slowly lift the case so there’s room for the baby to hatch,” Friede gently instructed. He stood up from his seat to give it to Liko. The professor positioned himself behind the girl, just out of sight from a (hopefully) small Pokemon that would hatch on her lap. He wanted the little one to imprint on Liko instead of him.
A hushed silence fell between them as larger cracks formed. The first hint of the Pokemon inside came in the form of a white protrusion on top of a light pink head. As the shell gave way, they saw that it was a short, pink humanoid Pokemon with stumpy arms and legs. The little one opened its grey eyes, looked at Liko gazing down at it before promptly crying.
“O-Oh! What do I–?”
“Gently rock the baby. She’s confused and overwhelmed right now.” 
While Liko did so, he quickly rummaged through his closet to pull out a clean blanket. “Use this and gently wrap it around the little one.” 
Friede helped her with that, and eventually the Pokemon settled down once Liko rocked her whilst swaddled in the blanket. She heaved out a relieved sigh. Her eyes spoke of quiet wonder as she gazed down at the bundle in her arms.
“Wow. When I saw it was hatching, I just… it was a little scary,” she spoke quietly.
“Mm, I don’t blame you for feeling that way. Seeing a Pokemon hatch for the first time, it’s scary cause you’re worried about messing up but also wonderful cause you got to see a Pokemon born into this world.” Friede gently placed a hand on her shoulder. “Congratulations on your new Tinkatink Liko. I know you’ll take good care of her.”
“A Tinkatink… I think I’ve seen their evolution before? Um, the one with the huge hammer.”
“That’s a Tinkaton, its final evolution. They make the hammer themselves from… well, let’s just wait until we get there, okay?” The professor sported a soft smile. “Right now you’ll have your hands full raising this little one but don’t worry, you have us to help you.”
She returned his smile with a smaller but no less genuine one of her own. “Yes, thank you!”
Friede had a feeling that their ship would be a little more lively for a few days, though he certainly can’t blame the kids for being excited with this new addition to their small but loving crew.
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Back on the remake game for Fakemon - here we have overworked thumbnail sketches for a 3-stage line, a shiny concept, silhouette group for size comparison, and a couple detail/exploratory doodles.
A long, LONG time ago, I had an idea for a family of ghost-flying peafowl 'mons, and there's a load of conceptual rambles under the cut, but in short, these guys' designs are a work in progress, and a fun hop forward from older renditions (also in the cut below!) ^v^
2014 - Original Sprites for bookkeeping transparency:
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2022 - Intermediate Redo before I resolved to try and design Fakemon that actually 'look like Pokémon'. C'X
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Originally they were called Soffit, Spifowl and Bogavo. Now, the two last names received minor tweaks (now Spifoul & Bogeyvo to play up the ghost type more), but the first one changed completely, since while the name was cute, I hardly remembered the soft reason for its inspo. ^^' Quailing has an adorable double-meaning as I've brought quail in as a secondary animal base. The result is fun-sized, but still elaborate birdies, and I'm here for it. XD
Upfront Edit: I seemed to remember curved needles being a thing in sewing, but I was thinking of suture needles, so I need to decide if I'm straightening these spurs out (knitting), giving them hooks at the ends (crotchet) or standing by the Pokemon-given right to be only semi-realistic.
When I started to think about what would reinforce Cottagecore (a key theme of the '"region"), I thought: embroidery. This comes in the new modified spurs on their legs meant to reference knitting(?) needles, and the crest feathers looking like sewing needles.
Various textile crafts (homemade, and home-based especially!) tend to fit in well with this aesthetic, and embroidery often features very ornate patterns, similar to a peafowl's plumage. We can extend this to some form of adaptation, but how would it work?
Quicker-than-before & Revised Summary: The long spurs on their legs are used as weapons in the Spifoul stage, but as knitting/crocheting needles in the Bogeyvo stage. The upper stages of the Stider line farm their own young's silk, passing it off to their domesticated birbs to process it into reinforced thread and yarn, before fashioning these into various structures within and on the walls of their territory compounds. It's a LONG story I'm still in the process of figuring out, but it has to do with a complete reimagining of Stider and other former-starter lines that have since been replaced.
I reapproached these designs with the new concept that mutated/variant species are a prominent aspect of the setting, and this line is a mutated and tbh, undead deviation from the Pidove line! I'm trying to keep these traits in mind as things observed in birds mutated over time within the Chernobyl exclusion zone, while still creating something elegant, because... peafowl. >v<;
❧ beaks are reduced in size and shape ❧ albinizing/"discoloring" plumage ❧ feathers bent in increasingly odd ways (goal: 'ghostly waves') ❧ multiple eyes to be reworked, but are definitely there.
Color-wise, there will be variation from stage to stage, these are just sample/test fills and I'll play with it more once I have full-sized inked illustrations, but I do like the idea of contrast and a dark bottom for blending into undergrowth! The goal is not too muted, but not too loud for the setting, and letting them be colorful (they're Pokémon).
For patterns and shapes, these are a first pass. As I upscale and resketch, I'll be thinking about flow more critically. This was, as with color, about establishing contrast and breaking up larger planes.
What I'm struggling with most is avoiding overdesigning here. It's not a mythical or legendary 'mon, and less is more with this franchise, but it's pretty-bird and I'm not sure I can help myself. X'D
As I look at Quailing's dorsal head plumage, I'm thinking the brow area definitely needs a tweak. I was going for a cute cowl/ear-flap hat shape, but it really looks too much like a helmet or Mickey Mouse brow-ridge.
BONUS "Mega Evolution": (half-joke reference)
(a thank you for making it this far. C'X)
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My region has a sort of re-flavored Mega gimmick I call "Veiled Forms" which are mystical/supernatural or in this case, downright strange abstractions of the Fakemon's concept(s). Any weirder and this could be the equivalent of a biblically-accurate angel, but I wanted to give it more of the wider fan seen in real-life peacocks, and couldn't get this backlit image out of my head — quite majestic!
The final image will have more detail and gradients, but I sketched this up quite quickly for an idea while it was fresh in my mind: a large green peafowl backed by a massive, radiant, golden halo shining through its hollow-ringed eyespots, one of which has replaced its very face — even more eyespots and its disembodied crest feathers floating elegantly above/about it.
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homemade-laoli · 2 years
So what are the starters of the region? It is usually one of the first things people do in regions-.
Our Starters are Kindle, Murasa, and Berizu!
In Fire, Grass, Water order.
I've even made a Pokedex entry for them all!
Kindle- The Bread Pokémon: Kindle are soft bread like Pokémon that use their body heat to warm others. Kindle’s are often found grouped with other Pokémon as they are friendly sources of heat. They often find lonely Pokémon and befriend them, although they never forget a betrayal of trust. They are a Fire type. (Note by Professor Dew: This Pokémon can Spoil)
Murasa- The Berry Pokémon: Murasa are introverted Pokémon often traveling alone, although when they find a person or Pokémon they enjoy being around they will do everything to keep them safe. They look like Sitrus Berry plants. They are a Grass type. (Note by Professor Dew: This Pokémon can Spoil)
Berizu- The Blending Pokémon: Berizu are known for their ability to blend in with plants, many trainers assume Berizu is a grass type because of this. Berizu are shy and scare easily. They are a Water type.
As you’ve probably noticed Professor Dew has put a note in each Pokédex entry of each Pokémon that can spoil as a sort of warning for trainers. Berizu being the only one of these Pokémon that can’t spoil means they get picked by new trainers more often because spoiled Pokémon are kinda discriminated against.
Moving on from that note, Murasa was the first one I had a concept for with Kindle being the first one I named, also I imagine Kindle as a bread cat.
I haven’t figured out what they evolve into yet so you only have the first form at the moment.
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sexysilverstrider · 4 years
BTYU Mesmerized by You
  “Doesn’t the Champion look cool?”
  Cool. Fearless. Passionate. At times terrifying even. These are the traits that describe the glorious champion who is still keeping her title for 5 years in a row. With a face that perfectly masks her emotions in the heat of a battle, no one can anticipate or expect her next move. Even gym leaders have a hard time matching her pace and unravelling her strategies. The previous Champion, Leon, only describes her as a growing fire that silently sweeps every obstacle in a blink of an eye.
  Cool. Fearless. Passionate. Terrifying.
  These are the traits that usually match her in battles.
  And now, as Bede faces their final Pokémon, he can see these traits shine bright as day.
  Gloria isn’t much of a talkative person. That’s her annoying best friend’s job. But during a battle, this is where the opponent or audience can hear her screams echo the stadium. This is where everyone can see her eyes widen in determination. This is where everyone can see the fire that roars madly inside each iris. Yet she also radiates calm, brings out a sense of serenity that weighs heavily in the atmosphere.
  Truly a growing fire.
  Without missing a beat, he briefly returns his Hatterene before initiating the Gigantamaxing. He sees Gloria does the same to her trusty Cinderace. It is then that he truly sees her.
  Her eyes are wide. Her mouth has curled to a manic smile that brings jolts to his skin. As the Pokéball in her hand enlarges immediately, Gloria hurls the giant ball before it bursts to reveal the famous Gigantamax Cinderace.
  Mentally he slaps himself back to reality, and Bede quickly throws Hatterene’s huge Pokémon to the stadium.
  The impact of two Gigantamaxed Pokémon shakes the stadium. Hatterene stands in position a few feet in front of Bede. Yet the Fairy Gym Leader can still see her, his opponent, his Gloria.
  The humongous ball of fire that comes with the eccentric fire starter scorches the grass beneath them. While the safety barriers of the stadium have been automatically activated before the trainers unleashed their Gigantamaxed Pokémon, the audience can still feel the intense heat from the other side of the invisible wall.
  That doesn’t stop the crowd from going wild, though.
  Gloria merely stands in her place. Both hands have curled to fists by her side. Her head remains cocked upwards, brimming with confidence just like her starter. The fire doesn’t startle her. Not one bit. The ground below them has long turned into a destroyed wasteland, yet the Champion stands tall, completely unfazed.
  Bede wants nothing but to calm his manic heart.
  Not a word. Not a peep. Gloria raises her right hand, pointing directly at the Gigantamax Hatterene who is preparing to attack.
  Even though Ares technically can’t see his trainer from behind him, the bond they share is more than enough for the Cinderace to understand what she wants. A smirk curls the corners of his mouth. With a single jump, Ares bounces the giant ball and kicks it directly at his opponent.  
  In a flash, Bede pulls himself together. “G-Max Smite!” he screams at the top of his lungs, one finger pointing directly at the incoming ball of fire.
  Everything happens in a blink.
  But one thing’s for sure, “Doesn’t the Champion look cool?” He is utterly hypnotized by the woman across the battlefield.
  Cool. Fearless. Passionate. Terrifying.
  These are the traits that truly match her in battles.
  But, hilariously enough, not when they’re alone together.
  “This is so delicious!” she coos, face in absolute bliss at the taste of macarons. One hand holding the bitten delicacy, she brings up her other hand to cup her cheek. “I love vanilla macarons the most!” Without hesitation, she plops the final piece into her mouth. Once again she sighs in glee. Once again she cups her puffy cheeks.
  Bede just can’t stop looking at her.
  Pride swells within him to know she loves his homemade desserts, albeit a little too much. “I know you do. You practically couldn’t stop gawking at the macarons in that bakery shop we passed by last week.”
  He sees her flinch slightly, then look away in embarrassment.
  She’s cute.
  “It was…” she peeps, “obvious, huh.”
  “Too obvious.”
  His grin softens to a smile as she looks at him.
  “Well!” Embarrassment dusts her cheeks to a bright red. “Yours is way better, anyways!” Once again she takes another piece from the picnic basket. Cheeks puffed like a Skwovet, Gloria meekly munches her piece.
  She’s too cute.
  Oh how Gloria wishes she can tell him to stop looking at her.
  She technically can, but that requires her acknowledging the fact that he was looking at her, and she can’t handle the little Butterfrees in her stomach right now.
  She truly feels giddy.
  As so is he.
  Macaron nipped between soft lips, she peeks at him.
  Too cute! Too cute! Bede wishes to kiss her right now.
  “Just.” He takes a deep breath. “You got some bits on the corner of your mouth there.” Without waiting for her response, Bede gently swipes the piece.
  With a heart that threatens to escape through his chest, he licks his thumb right in front of her shocked gaze.
  Ah, she’s now red from the tips of her ears.
  Cute. Quiet. Sweet. Absolutely adorable.
  These are the traits that truly match his Gloria.
  Feeling quite dizzy from the moment of bliss, Bede soon realizes he is just as flustered as her.
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gottamunchemall · 4 years
Starter Surprise (Long Version)
So, to kick things off, why don’t we begin at the beginning and start with our starters. We all love the three Pokémon available to the player in the original Pokémon Red and Blue, however we all love one more than the other two. Rather than show a bias by doing one of these before the others (regardless of whether it deserves that status), I elected to create a meal incorporating all three: a salad for Bulbasaur, something spicy for Charmander and a refreshing drink for Squirtle (this is a feat of intelligence for me).
Before starting off on my quest to get ingredients, I had to acknowledge some limitations to what I was doing, I was cooking for housemates and would have to take their personal tastes into account, I was also cooking for myself and would have to make something that if they wouldn’t eat it, I would, and we’re going through a global pandemic, so I’d have to make something with whatever I can get. After making it through a Tesco line that snaked its way around the oversized and suspiciously empty carpark and getting enough food to last me, I headed back to my beloved kitchen, put on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (it may be Pokémon blog, but I’m a trekkie at heart) and got to work.
I made my start with my Charizard hot wings cos I’d want them to soak for a while in their marinade. Fortunately, not only are chicken wings absurdly cheap, my local supermarket had enough of them to feed me and my housemates. Good chicken wings need a good marinade, otherwise you get a plate of meat that lacks purpose and a sad look on the face of your housemates, so I channelled all my years of cooking to make the tastiest marinade imaginable.
I started my marinade with a mix of ketchup and Worcestershire sauce. These would provide a thickness and bulk that my real flavour could cling to, and given the stress clinging to every fibre of my being, I decided to treat myself to the name-brand ketchup (we all know the name, don’t make me say it). To provide a kick to my marinade, I turned to something I know only as “Zaca”. Zaca means “wham” or “pow” in English, and it never fails to give a hearty kick to any meal I make (I think it’s chilli seeds in oil or something, I don’t know and don’t want to ruin the beautiful mystery that is Zaca). I also added a couple hearty splashes of the new green savina habanero hot sauce I got specially for this dish and turned to my spice rack to add whatever I felt fit best, which in this case was a nice sprinkling of cayenne pepper and paprika. I finished it off with a couple tablespoons of honey for a lovely glaze and mixed it all together in a big bowl with my chicken before leaving it for the rest of my Deep Space Nine (about half an hour, or however long you want to really).
My chicken taken care of for now, I turned to my salad. I hate lettuce with a passion, it’s a disgusting watery leaf of nothing, and I hate rocket even more, it’s vile and gross and shouldn’t be trusted, so I turned to spinach for my salad leaf. This decision was helped by one of my housemate’s absolute love of spinach, so I knew it’d get eaten. I took a couple big handfuls of spinach and gave it a good rinsing before turning to my chopping board. I chopped up a mix of cucumber, radishes, red pepper and halved baby plum tomatoes and set them aside. I also made sure to grate two carrots (Who doesn’t love carrots). I was tempted to caramelise some onions for my salad, however laziness won out and I went with sliced spring onions in the end.
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At this point, the credits were rolling and my chicken was ready, so I set my oven to 200C (fan assisted) and got my chicken onto a tinfoil lined baking tray. Being the enterprisingly lazy individual I am, I washed out the bowl I’d left my chicken soaking in and put all my salad stuff together. my oven properly heated, I put my chicken in for half an hour, making sure to turn it over halfway through to let it cook evenly and give that crispy outside we all love chicken wings for. However, upon realising that my chicken wasn’t crispy enough, I turned the heat up to 220, turned the chicken over again and gave it a final ten minutes.
For my Squirtle inspired drink, I turned to blueberry lemonade. Homemade lemonade is as simple as squeezing a bunch of lemons (I used 4), adding a litre of water, and a couple tablespoons of sugar (be sure to taste to make sure it tastes how you want). To make it blueberry lemonade, I added a bunch of halved blueberries, and to make it extra special I added some blue food colouring. I’ve never appreciated the overwhelming power of food colouring and it only took about a teaspoon of the stuff to make my lemonade a regal blue, worthy of a regal water type Pokémon and an even more regal meal.
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Every part of my meal ready, I turned to my plate. Salad to one side, chicken to the other and a glass of lemonade and it was ready (I put my leftover chicken wings into a bowl to serve to my friends who hated spinach, It was like that one scene in Doctor Who where the Doctor throws a chicken drumstick into the shadows). I added a little balsamic vinegar to my salad, and would recommend if you’re trying to recreate this at home then you find a salad dressing you like for it. All in all, the meal went well. All the chicken got eaten and all the lemonade got drank. There was enough salad to last me through tomorrow’s lunch and a lovely afternoon snack. The chicken didn’t end up as spicy as I thought, but provided a pleasant flavour and was described as the “best chicken wings I’ve ever made” and a bit more hot sauce on top can help you get the spice kick we all need in our lives.
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Overall, I enjoyed what I did, I got to do something I loved (cooking), whilst watching something I loved (Deep Space Nine), and sharing it with the people I love (my housemates and you(?)), and can’t wait to continue my little project again, whenever that might be. What Kanto Pokémon would you like to see lazily turned into food. Also, what’s your favourite starter Pokémon and is it the same as your favourite part of this meal? I’d love to hear from you.
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Birthday Starter 6 Pack Anon: Thanks for the BLog suggestion. Maybe when they're a bit more Settled. ANd thanks for the Piplup intel In the Meantime, what can you tell me about Torchic, Combusken, and Blaziken? And will they typically have a preference for which floor their room is on? I'm forwarding all your housing tips to my uncle for Modifying their rooms.
Young torchics need high quantities of protein in their diets, so as to stimulate growth of muscle, tissue, and organs. A common homemade torchic food is hard boiled eggs mashed up and mixed with oatmeal; this can be supplemented with worms. Once the torchic is a little older, switch it from the egg mash to grain; you can feed it bits of hard boiled egg or sweetcorn, chopped into small pieces, as treats. Another good torchic treat is lettuce hung from a shelf, low enough for the torchic to reach and peck at; this both feeds and entertains the torchic. You will also need to provide fresh, cool water to drink. Combuskens and blazikens eat the same thing, only more of it. (Additionally, I should mention here that I’ve been giving you the more natural diets for your pokémon, but commercial food is sold for each starter in said starter’s home region should you choose to go that route.)
Torchics prefer warmer climates, but do not need a very specialized living space beyond that. Make sure that your torchic has bedding, food and fresh water, and enough light, as they dislike the dark. You should also allow it an easy way outside, preferably into an enclosed and predator-proof pen. When it evolves, you might also want to buy training equipment, such as a specialized punching bag.
You won’t have to groom your torchic very often, but if you notice that it’s gotten too dirty, you can bathe it. Torchics are not hurt by being submerged in water the way some fire-types can be, but yours might try to avoid it; if so, you can instead wet a cloth and wipe your torchic down. You should also check your torchic every day for signs of illness-- torchics, like piplups, will instinctively hide signs of weakness, but lethargy, abnormal walking patterns, feather discolouration, sneezing (and the subsequent burn marks on the floor), and a sudden dislike of social interaction can indicate that your torchic is sick.
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briangroth27 · 7 years
Groth Potential Blog Index
For my new followers and anyone wanting to take a look back at older posts, here are direct links to everything I’ve written so far. I hope you find something you enjoy and/or a new conversation starter!
About Me Puns Puns 2 Homemade Archery Targets
Short Stories 1-9 are the Spooky Shorts I’ve written for Halloween a couple of years ago. Some have NSFW language and violence, but I try not to go overboard. The tenth is a fairy tale from the dragon’s perspective.
1. Intuition 2. Visage 3. Lock Your Doors! 4. Sweet Tooth 5. Flicker 6. Deathbed 7. Deadly Decor 8. Campfire Tales 9. The Final Girls 10. Less a Princess   
Short Films The first link contains two short films I wrote, directed, and acted in back in college as well as a play I starred in (but did not write or direct) afterwards. The second link will take you to my college senior capstone project, a one-man show I wrote, directed, and performed.
1. Men Simplified: The Pizza Box, The Bourne Romantic, and Showing Your Hand 2. An Evening at Fred’s
Make This Show Pitches for shows I’d love to see. And write.
1. Super-Fast Friends 2. Hawkgirl
What’s Wrong With This Picture? Finding the good in disliked movies.
1. Ghostbusters II 2. Star Trek Into Darkness
TV/Movie Speculation & Theories 1. The Flash: Who is Zoom? 2. Supergirl: The Secret Tragic Origin of Kara Danvers 3. The Flash: Who was that Masked Man??? 4. The Flash: What Has Barry (Un)Done?!? 5. Supergirl: Welcome to Earth-1? 6. Arrow: Who is Vigilante? 7. The Flash: Who is Savitar? 8. Riverdale: The Most Unreliable Narrator? 9. Riverdale: Who Killed Jason Blossom? 10. The Flash: How to Save Iris West 11. Supergirl: What Happened to Mon-El? 12. Is the DCEU Headed for a Crisis? 13. Riverdale: Who is the Black Hood? 14. The Gifted: Whatever Happened to the Children of the Atom? 15. Timeless: Did Jessica Really Cheat Fate? 16. The Flash: Elementary, My Dear Thawne??
TV/Movie Opinions 1. Agent Carter: Don’t Close the File on Peggy Yet 2. Captain America: Bi, Bi, Mr. American Pie? 3. Ghostbusters 2016: I Ain’t Afraid of No Reboot! 4. Arrow Hit the Bull’s-Eye with Real Issues 5. 5 Things I Wish We’d Gotten from Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine 6. Fox Should Wait to Recast the X-men’s Logan 7. Batwoman is Coming to the Arrowverse...But on Which Earth? 8. Back to the MCU Part 1: The Fantastic Four 9. Back to the MCU Part 2: The X-Men
TV/Movie Wish Lists 1. Eleven Things I’d Love to See from Marvel Studios 2. Supergirl Season 2 Wish List 3. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 Wish List 4. Arrow Season 5 Wish List 5. The Flash Season 3 Wish List 6. X-men Films Wish List 7. Bring These Shows Back! 8. Power Rangers 2 Wish List 11. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 Wish List 12. Supergirl Season 3 Wish List 13. Netflix MCU Wish List (as of 2017) 14. The Flash Season 4 Wish List 15. Arrow Season 6 Wish List 16. Spider-man Films Wish List
Movie Reviews 1. Jurassic World 2. Ant-Man 3. Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation 4. Fantastic Four (2015) 5. Goosebumps 6. Spectre 7. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens 8. 10 Cloverfield Lane 9. Deadpool 10. Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice 11. The Jungle Book (2016) 12. Captain America: Civil War 13. X-men Apocalypse 14. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows 15. Now You See Me 2 16. Independence Day Resurgence 17. Legend of Tarzan 18. Ghostbusters (2016) 19. Star Trek Beyond 20. Suicide Squad 21. Jason Bourne 22. Pete’s Dragon (2016)   23. Doctor Strange 24. Arrival 25. Star Wars Rogue One 26. Passengers 27. Moana 28. Split 29. The LEGO Batman Movie 30. Get Out 31. Logan 32. Hidden Figures 33. Kong: Skull Island 34. Power Rangers (2017) 35. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 36. Wonder Woman 37. Baby Driver 38. Spider-man Homecoming 39. Atomic Blonde 40. IT (2017) 41. Blade Runner 2049 42. Kingsman The Golden Circle 43. Thor Ragnarok 44. Justice League 45. Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi 46. Black Panther 47. The Cloverfield Paradox 48. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle 49. The Shape of Water 50. Game Night 51. A Wrinkle in Time (2018) 52. Tomb Raider 53. Pacific Rim Uprising 54. A Quiet Place 55. Ready Player One 56. Avengers Infinity War 57. Deadpool 2 58. Solo: A Star Wars Story 59. Ocean’s 8 60. Incredibles 2 61. Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom 62. Ant-Man and the Wasp 63. Teen Titans Go! To the Movies 64. Mission: Impossible Fallout 65. The Nun 66. The House with a Clock in its Walls 67. Spider-man Into the Spider-Verse 68. Hell Fest 69. Halloween (2018) 70. Goosebumps 2 71. Venom (2018) 72. Aquaman 73. Alita Battle Angel 74. Captain Marvel 75. Bumblebee 76. Mini-Reviews: Escape Room & Captive State 77. Mini-Reviews: Ralph Breaks the Internet & The LEGO Movie 2 78. Us 79. Pet Sematary (2019) 80. Shazam! 81. Avengers Endgame 82. Dark Phoenix 83. Men in Black: International 84. Toy Story 4 85. Spider-man: Far From Home 86. Annabelle Comes Home 87. Pokémon: Detective Pikachu 88. Godzilla: King of the Monsters 89. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 90. Ready or Not 91. Dora and the Lost City of Gold 92. IT Chapter Two 93. Joker 94. Gemini Man
TV Reviews 1. Vixen Season 1 2. Daredevil Season 2 3. iZombie Season 2 4. Sleepy Hollow Season 3 5. Supergirl Season 1 6. The X-Files Season 10 7. Agent Carter Season 2 8. Bates Motel Season 4 9. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 10. Arrow Season 4 11. The Flash Season 2 12. The 100 Season 3 13. Person of Interest Season 5 14. Houdini & Doyle Season 1 15. Stranger Things Season 1 16. Amazon Pilot Season: The Tick & Jean-Claude Van Johnson 17. The Get Down (Part 1) 18. BrainDead Season 1 19. Vixen Season 2 20. Luke Cage Season 1 21. Sherlock Series 4 22. Westworld Season 1 23. Scream Queens Season 2 24. The Exorcist Season 1 25. Iron Fist Season 1 26. Timeless Season 1 27. The Good Place Season 1 28. Dimension 404 Season 1 29. Legion Season 1 30. Bates Motel Season 5 31. Riverdale Season 1 32. Sleepy Hollow Season 4 33. Amazon Pilots 2017: Will vs. the Future, Skyward, A Kid Called Mayonnaise 34. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 35. Supergirl Season 2 36. Marvel’s Defenders Season 1 37. The Flash Season 3 38. Arrow Season 5 39. iZombie Season 3 40. The 100 Season 4 41. Stranger Things 2 42. Marvel’s Inhumans Season 1 43. The Punisher Season 1 44. Freedom Fighters: The Ray Season 1 45. The Exorcist Season 2 46. Black Mirror Series 4 47. Runaways Season 1 48. The Get Down Part 2 49. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) Season 5 50. The End of the F***ing World Season 1 51. The Good Place Season 2 52. The Gifted Season 1
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iprobablyneedcoffee · 5 years
HP/Pokémon AU
So, I keep seeing all our favorite HP characters paired up with different Pokémon they’d have, and I am fed up with one thing: people pairing Luna up with fairy types, only. Like, excuse you, do you know Luna Lovegood? My bitch would take in anything BUT fairy type Pokémon. She’d be into the Pokémon who are less popular than others; the ones who really need friends.
Luna would have so many interesting Pokémon. If she was a monotype trainer, she’d be psychic. But because she is so curious of the world around her, she’d have a lot of different Pokémon, including a solrock, lunatone, xatu, kakuna, skiploom, lots of unknowns, mawile, chimeco, hypno, dragonite (she deserves a dragonite), buneary (her patronus is a rabbit), Mr.Mime, ditto, smeargle, scraggy, dugtrio, girafarig, phanpy, litwick, a few phantumps (ever hear of the legends? Luna would have a few and play games with them), shedinja, yamask, and chingling. Legit, a bunch of these would just be running around in the garden. Xenophilius would be writing new articles of The Quibbler while the family ditto makes copies. The litwicks would feel safe and secure in the lantern fixtures. The chimeco and chingling would love to hang out by the yard and see who can ring the loudest when a gust of wind comes by. Luna’s starter would more than likely be a chikorita. It starts out as a little green dog thing and evolves into a motherfucking flower dinosaur. Luna would be so pleased. If Luna had an eevee, it’d probably evolve into an umbreon or an espeon. Her mother left her a ludicolo named Hallow.
I can only think of two characters who would get a sylveon: Harry and Hagrid because those two are the most loving characters. Harry was legit saved by his mother’s love. He has so many friends he considers family, and because of them, he knows what love really is. He’s always kind to people, unless they’re mean to his friends. If he had an eevee, it would have so much love for Harry that it would evolve into a sylveon. With Hagrid, there is no question. Hagrid is so loving toward all his critters that I’d bet a tiny, wounded, little eevee fainted in front of his hut, and he used a homemade revive and some potions to cure it. And when it came time to evolve, the little eevee evolved into a sylveon because of the love it has for its big, gentle friend.
As far as Harry’s starter goes, it would be a shiny rowlet, and that would be Hedwig. He would have a propensity for bird Pokémon, and fairy types. However, Hedwig gets jealous of other birds. So, Harry would just keep Hedwig, a sylveon, a stantler (because his patronus is a stag), and an arbok that he raised from a small ekans. He would name all of them.
Hermione would more than likely have a buizel because her patronus is an otter. Crookshanks would probably be a fluffy meowth. She would also have a flareon who keeps the foot of her bed warm at night. She would name all of them.
Ron would have an electrike, because his patronus is a Jack Russell, it makes sense that this small electric dog is a part of his team because his and Hermione’s patronuses counter each other’s. Scabbers would be a raticate. Being a quidditch player, he’d probably have a ponyta because a fire horse is badass and helps him be a better broomstick rider. His starter would be a charmander.
Neville would have mostly grass and poison types because he loves herbology. His starter would be a bulbasaur, and Trevor would be a crogunk who has a habit of coming out of his pokeball to give bullies a poison jab. He would most definitely have a bonsly named Mandrake.
Ginny would have a lotad that she found in the yard while getting rid of garden gnomes. She would have a rapidash because her patronus is a horse. Her starter would be a cyndaquil because it is cute, but also strong and deadly. The lotad bosses the cyndaquil and rapidash around.
Most Gryffindor and Slytherin starters would be fire-types because of their strength and courageous nature. Most Hufflepuffs would choose grass-type starters because of their unique abilities, and most Ravenclaws would choose grass or water-type starters because of the healing abilities and the aesthetic. Ravenclaws would have the most balanced teams, Gryffindors and Slytherins would have the most powerful teams, and Hufflepuffs would have the most unique abilities (good luck trying to battle without getting poisoned, frozen, paralyzed, burnt, or put to sleep). Hufflepuffs would have the most Pokémon because they love everything they find, and they are such good finders that it would not be incredibly difficult. Ravenclaws would love a challenge because their teams would be perfect counters to their challengers. Gryffindors would carry tons of pecha berries because Slytherins all have at least one poison type. Slytherins carry tons of rawst berries because Gryffindors all have at least one fire type. Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs carry a lot of change because they sell lots of berries and potions to the Gryffindors and Slytherins.
Madame Pomfrey has a chansey. Professor Sprout has one of every grass-type starter and a sudowoodo. Professor Flitwick has a litwick because he likes the play on words; he named it Shakespeare. McGonagall has a very old persian. Fawkes is a ho-oh that Dumbledore has had for 50 years. Mrs. Norris is a Purgly that Mr. Filch overfeeds. Professor Trelawney has a kadabra that she has had forever; his name is Spoons.
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