My Gameboy is nowhere to be found 😔 In really tempted to bring my 3DS on my trip with me, though. I could probably play the game from start to finish (Elite Four) within 9 hours 🤔
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duskysmeargle · 11 months
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Catching up on some art/literature today ✨
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aziraphales-library · 8 months
Hello! I'm not looking for one specific fic, I was just wondering if there was any fics in which Aziraphale is being taught/learns how to use social media and funny things happen with it? thanks! (ps bless this blog so much, you guys are awesome!!!)
We have a #social media tag where you'll find fics of interest. Here are a couple specifically where Aziraphale uses and learns about it, most of which have been recommended before...
Coffee by ZephyrOfAllTrades (T)
Crowley gets the angel a phone. He discovers Tik Tok. And tried to do the "Kiss Your Best Friend" challenge.
Taking Some Pictures or Something by his_infinitevariety (G)
On a road trip to the South Downs Crowley gives Aziraphale his phone to take photos of the views. However, Aziraphale doesn't know how the phone works and spends all day accidentally posting to Crowley's Instagram story.
Twitter and Grindr by Literallymyusername (T)
Acting on advice from Maggie, Aziraphale procures his first mobile phone. (Set sometime in Season 3, probably.) - Aziraphale noticed that the app appeared to be missing the “e,” and was thus abridged to “Grindr.” Young people had no appreciation for the written word. It had been years since he had to carefully convince a human under the age of 40 to not purchase one of his books. Crowley insisted the change was due to Kindling, which Aziraphale thought was probably a manifestation of the demon’s trauma from a certain bookshop fire and the discorporation of his best angelic friend. He chose not to press the matter.
This Postcard Just to Say by Chash (G)
Crowley can think of loads of good reasons why Aziraphale might want to get a mobile phone. None of them turn out to be the actual reason, which is that Aziraphale wants to play Pokémon Go.
- Mod D
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anonsturniolo · 1 month
bf!matt and bookworm!reader headcannons ✧₊⁺
♡ྀི bf!matt who loves to buy you new books. secretly buys your amazon cart and acts surprised when you call him with 12 packages at your front door.
♡ྀི bf!matt who looks up the plot in whatever book you’re reading so he understands what you’re talking about when you get to a particular part of the novel.
♡ྀི bf!matt who loves when a book is turned into a movie. you get so excited about it, he finds it adorable. you dissect the whole thing and compare it to the book, 9 times out of 10 the book is better.
♡ྀི bf!matt who snoops through a book called twisted games while you shower, and let’s just say he ended up in the shower with you after reading that gazebo scene.
♡ྀི bf!matt who will read a book if you really want him to, usually it’s a poetry book or a small novella about something he is actually interested about. he loves that you don’t read strictly romance.
♡ྀི bf!matt who finds your laptop open on tumblr, in the middle of a fan made smut. his jaw is on the floor, shocked you read these things about him. he takes notes and slips in little comments regarding what he read, and humiliates the ever living shit out of you.
♡ྀི bf!matt who watches you read, surprised with how quickly your eyes scan the page or the screen of your kindle. he thinks when your eyebrows furrow and you have to briefly close them when you read something cringey is so cute.
♡ྀི bf!matt who ended up on booktok because of the tiktoks you sent him or videos you’ve reposted. he doesn’t mind, he just knows exactly what to buy you next whenever a video pops up.
♡ྀི bf!matt who loves taking you to the park to read, and while you’re distracted he can walk around and catch pokémon. he’ll excitedly come back to you and shove his phone in your face to show off his new catches.
♡ྀི bf!matt who will write in his journal at his desk while you read on his bed. soft music is playing the the background, an occasional page turning breaking the peaceful silence.
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greenhorn-art · 1 year
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Kindling by @syncogon
He is, after all, a Pokemon Trainer. What do you think?
Fandom: 全职高手 (Quánzhí Gāoshǒu) | The King's Avatar
Alternate Universe - Pokémon Fusion
So this took a lot longer than expected, but it's finally done! 🎉 (Oh to have the energy to Make a Thing!)
August 2022: Typeset the fic.
September 2022: Sewed textblock, endbands, and cut boards for the cover.
July 2023: Made cover, cased in textblock, and added the title -- first time using the hot foil pen I got for my birthday!
Another first: this book was made quarto-style. I used regular copy paper so that it would be short-grained. Trimming was a exercise of patience: 'hmm maybe juuust a little bit more, oh shoot that looked rough maybe a bit more will fix it...' ad infinitum. (My printer has margins, and I wanted the images to go right to the edge.)
Fonts: primarily set in Alegreya, title in Catchy Mager. (Thought I'd changed all instances of Cinzel to Alegreya and updated my Print Details page to reflect that, but alas. Missed the Archive Info and Contents headings. Ah, the things you notice once a piece is done :/ )
For the cover and title page I leaned into the ideas of 'kindling'/fire and 'Tiny Herb'/grass. I chose green bookcloth and green floral endpapers because the story takes place at Tiny Herb Gym and in a forest. I chose flame coloured paper for the covers because of both Jun's quirk, and also the 'kindling' of QYF, TR, YX & Jun's Pokémon journeys. The smoke/flame and grass pics used in the title page are free images from Rawpixel.
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The endbands' colours were chosen to match the green endpapers and the yellow of the mimikyu Acinonyx6 drew for the fic.
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Since "Kindling" was part of QZGS Bang Bang 2022 I also included Acinonyx6's artwork. (My printer really can't do the art justice!)
[a.cinonyx's Instagram]
For the scene breaks I made a pokéball out of shapes, then pasted it in and anchored it as a character.
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[...The video continues from the last post.
After watching Vision get to their feet, no longer able to meet Vanilla's eyes, Vanilla turns to Colress.
"And you there. I figure you want to leave this burned clearing in one piece? With your fancy results?"
Colress rolls his eyes unprofessionally, but makes no motion to flee.
And so Cross floats in front of Vanilla as she places her hand to her chest, taking a deep long breath. Though her footing falters a bit. This time, the Swords don't take no for an answer, surrounding and supporting their junior with their bodies. Amadeus ducks to wedge herself in the crook of her auncle's arm, and softly touching Vanilla's side...
Vanilla's face goes from startled to soft with recognition. Colress's face looks like he had just received the most insulting blow of his life. Shadow Tag? He couldn't leave this entire time because of Shadow Tag?!
"Hey, Soda. I thought you fled with Shuu and Chibi and the rest of them. It's dangerous out there. You should..."
Vanilla trails off, watching as Chiru soars high, dropping brilliant Draco Meteors on Reshiram and dodging between Dragon Pulses. Ringogo contributes his own Draco Meteors from a much more grounded position. Even so, a single hit from Reshiram hits hard. If only they could... reflect that...
Vanilla digs in his bag for a scrap of fabric. She pulls what looks like an Expert Belt at first, shoving it back down into the infinity that are bags, before finally fishing up a red-yellow sash and gently wrapping it around Soda's head. They laugh a little, before choking back a sob.
"So, little buddy. Are you down to try something?"
Vanilla nods, then waves at Chiru and Ringogo to draw attention right to the blue blob. As for Vanilla... another deep breath. He points dramatically at Soda with both arms, then opens his arms wide, palms facing each other, looking over just about everyone present. Then they clap with a familiar rhythm. Clap-clap, clap-clap clap.
The Swords pick up on the message instantly, extending their blades to gently rest on Soda's head and power his efforts. A Helping Hand. And at that, a great way to catch a dragon's eye.
"Waaaaaaa-buffeht!" The Pokémon calls out, a taunt but not a Taunt. As soon as Reshiram deigns Soda worthy of its attention, kindling fiery blue flames in its jaw and shaping them into a cyclone, Soda shines brightly with a Mirror Coat, reflecting the brilliant blue of the flames in shimmering prisms as he barely bears the attack and reflects it back at far greater power, Reshiram roaring in response.
When the beam of light dims enough for the scene to be visible again, Reshiram remains standing. There's an eerie silence. Until the dragon drops on one of its legs. Then the second, forced into a full roost, but not a Roost.
Vanilla cries out.
"Now! Somebody!"
He glares mainly at Colress, who looks away and shrugs as he tosses the hybrid a Master Ball. They look at it for a moment, then shake their head. Not the time to think too hard. She chucks the ball as hard as she can, sighing with relief as it clicks. Even though it was a guaranteed capture. Chiru grabs the ball and places it in his trainer's hands, settling as a makeshift scarf around her neck afterwards.
They pause for a moment, breathing deep the smoky air, then snarl in Amadeus's direction. She drags over a heavily weakened--and dazed--Necrozma. Vanilla snarls at the being first, covering his ears a bit when Necrozma responds in whatever otherworldian accent it has. The two nod at each other though, and approach Vision, who is more than a bit confused where her part of "fixing things" went in this scenario.
Then, Vanilla shoves the Master Ball in Vision's hands before they can regret it.
"I... talked with Necrozma. You can't stay here. But... there is a life after Plasma. After loss. ...Or I sure hope there is. But... there's plenty of ways out there to keep Pokémon from getting hurt. Out there. I'm sure you can find something in your world. With or without Reshiram."
Vision blinks, tempted to shove the Pokéball back in her alter-ego's hands.
"I... I ruined your life."
"Right. And I hate you. I hate myself. I don't know how I can even face you now, but... what's the point of justice if we don't right our wrongs? You're the only one who can fix things in your world. You owe it to them more than to me. And... I'll fix my mistakes here."
Vision shuts up. Looks at the Master Ball in her hand. Looks over at Wolfgang. Looks up for a moment. Sighs.
"...I won't receive a better offer anywhere else. I'll go."
Vision turns to the Necrozma, reaching out her hand awkwardly to Necrozma as the Pokémon opened an Ultra Wormhole, pulling in the surrounding air like a strong breeze, pulling the camera (and by extension, Cross) in ever so slightly. Without a word, the Pokémon grabbed the interdimensional traveler, and the two were off.
"...Colress. Thanks to your invention... Necrozma is free to do as they wish. I wouldn't count on them coming back."
"Your point?"
"Soda here..."
Vanilla makes eye contact with the Pokémon, covered in a thick layer of soot and absolutely smothered by Dolly. She walks to his side and digs a Full Restore from her bag, wiping away the ash from his face as she sprays.
"Is in perfectly fine health, as you can see. So I wouldn't expect to Teleport out of here either. You can just wait for the authorities~."
Colress shrugs like this means absolutely nothing. Presumably having had enough Colress for two lifetimes, Vanilla wanders away expressionless, landing at his brother's side. Their knees collide suddenly with the earth, and before they can breathe they're beset upon by just about every Pokémon they know. Crawling in their lap, roosting on their hair, supporting their back.
There's the sound of quiet sobs as Cross approaches. By the time the two are face-to-face, Vanilla's wiping his eyes with the heels of his palms, new tears replacing the old one rapidly.
"boss... y-you two... were really close. i think you'll always be, pzzt."
"Mm..." Vanilla intones the only response she can give between shaky breaths, before the video ends.]
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watcherstarreading · 6 months
I love the concept of sky islands. They mean so much to me. Cool floating rocks, shattered worlds, actually a giant creature. All of them.
and they make for such cool world building. Is it a past or future earth, is the tech level just flying pirates or basically space ships, does magic exist here in some form or is it mostly normal with the sky providing other things to the setting.
I think I have to credit Skylands (not skylanders) for kindling my love. And establishing my thoughts on every setting I’ve seen since.
mostly “where is the water and energy coming from?”
While skylands had a nebulous power system that was basically having people be lucario from Pokémon, but solar powered, Storm hawks on the other hand provided quite a clear power system for most of its run, and also answered the resources question with one word. Crystals.
more recently, the game merchant of the skys lends a low magic setting, focusing on trading.
look. Island are great. They allow for societies to grow and adapt in an isolated pocket, and adding floating to that just make cool visuals and interesting questions.
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pokemonranch · 1 year
hey mister pokémon man dude guy
theoretically… w-what should I do if the branch on my tail I use for fire stuff… stops working?
i just heard it can happen to braixen like myself so i’m a l-liiiittle bit paranoid right now about it
help ;;
Obligatory "Im not a Poke Veterinarian, but-"
As far as I know, Braixen's branch is not special in any way, but a kindle to be lit on fire and used as a "focus" for manipulating fire attacks. If it stops working is probably a humidity issue and it's either too green, or has gotten wet and not properly dried, but both are fixable and shouldn't impact your fire abilities!
The easiest solution if that were to happen is to replace it with a more suitable, dry-er type of wood, but if you're too attached to it, leaving it a couple of days to naturally dry or even using an oven might help!
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Magic Eeveelution Sticker collection.
Gotta Collect ‘em All!
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venalos · 4 months
@rathalascendant, cont.
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"I can imagine."
A surprisingly tender statement, considering Marina's earlier severe tone. Perhaps it helped that she paid no attention to the unorthodox Felyne, whose fur was bristling at her earlier comments.
Getting into an argument with some weird alley cat was simply far too beneath her, regardless.
She tossed more kindling into the newly lit fire, feeding the flame until it was big enough to burn on its own. She then picked up and carefully placed the flame on a pile of firewood, stacked in a pyramid-like shape to let the fire slowly burn down in a way that should last the entire night if everything went smoothly. Even if something went wrong, she could always make a new fire. Marina was no stranger to minor mishaps.
Marina stood upright again, rising to her full height and towering over the Felyne, the Wyverian, and even the two Pukei-Pukei. Her steely gaze hovered across them, from one to the other, then she turned to the camp entrance and simply left. As she did she said nothing more than the simple order of, "Stay."
She was gone the next moment.
Marina acted as though she had no reason to explain herself to complete strangers. She would have been somewhat justified had it been genuine, of course, but only a little -- anyone with even half a brain would know that doing so was exceptionally rude. However, it would help in the long run. She knew there was no point in growing fond of people and Pokémon she would soon part ways with. That was beside the point, however; she and the lost souls she rescued needed to eat. Thus, out into the wilderness she went, dead-set on filling bellies.
As she walked and walked, she would collect anything that caught here interest.
By the lake shore she picked up some Scatternuts (for the bird wyvern twins). Then she pulled out her fishing rod and cast a line, quickly reeling in a Sushifish. Ascending the mountain she gathered fresh Mountain Herbs. A Giadrome and its pack sprang out of nowhere, menacing her. A fine addition to any meaty stew.
She reached the mountain's peak in record time, a little under two hours. There she spied her true prize: the shedding of a Kushala Daora. She smiled a rare smile, knowing that Khezu liked to deposit their young inside (for some reason). Perhaps she could find the local Veggie Elder, that grumpy old coot, and have him make a special treat...
It took another two hours for Marina to return, most of which had been spent on sniffing out the elderly hermit. She stepped back onto camp none the worse for wear, a Giadrome carcass slung effortlessly over her shoulder, both it and the fish kept fresh by the cold tundra air. Once again her cold gaze fell upon the lost group as she approached them, unceremoniously dropping the dead 'drome to the ground.
"I'll prepare dinner."
Even saying what should have been a warm and welcoming line, her words were still as cold as the surrounding air.
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sailoropal · 11 months
My Pinned Bio / Summary
Hallo // This pinned bio makes it easier to explain myself, this blog, and what content will likely be spammed with it. As well as reaching out to other fans also thriving here, heh.
I must quickly clarify I do interact with 18+ content, so please, minors DNI and everyone else, proceed with caution; however, this post is SFW, hah!
About Me:
I go by Fae or Spec (She/They).
I am 24 years old - ENFP and queer [not a shock considering my sailor moon core]
A recent postgrad burnout woman who has resigned from the stressful 9 - 5 STEM grad job I had to now work as a disability student support worker. There's a lot more flexibility in this role that allows me to have passions and personality outside my Degrees and Academics, haha!
Regarding birth charts and for the sake of astrology I am Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon, and Sagittarius Rising.
I have ASD - Like many women, I was late diagnosed due to many in my community dismissing my observational signs as "quirks" and "A wee bit away with the fae". I masked a lot in my life, but I realize it is essential for my mental health to unmask where possible.
My first language is Gàidhlig; later in my life, I learned English when I wanted to move from the Scottish isles, where I grew up. So, if you have a DnD/OC character influenced by Celtic Myth/Gaelic culture, I am happy to give advice and commentary.
Attack on Titan, Avatar-The Last Airbender, Aggretsuko, Anohana, Bleach, Berserk, Chainsaw Man, Devilman Crybaby, Digimon, Dororo, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Made in Abyss, My Hero Academia, Naruto, One Piece, Pokémon, Sailor Moon, Shiki, Yu-gi-oh!, Yu Yu Hakusho, Lovely Complex, My Love Story!!, Wonder Egg Priority, Romantic Killer, Toradora, RWBY, ROTTMNT, Adventure Time, Bee and Puppycat, and a TON of K-dramas/C-dramas/J-dramas - atm I am watching a K-drama called The Glory and my most absolute fave is Strong Girl Bong-Soon.
I am starting the likes of Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, and I am open to more recommendations!
Video Games:
Animal Crossing, Bloodborne, Baldur's Gate 3, Fire Emblem, Bravely Default, Cult of the Lamb, Dark Souls, Diablo, Hades, Stardew Valley, Rune Factory, Monster Hunter, Minecraft, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, The Sims, Style Savvy DS series (Dress-up Games are my weakness), Pokémon, Super Princess Peach (also looking forward to the switch release!)
Okay, I am also obsessed with Dating Horror Games:
John Doe, Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack, DachaBo!, Frost Bite, My Dear Hatchet Man, House Hunted.
(I know Your Boyfriend is a popular one - the game is fun, but I am not a fan of the creator.)
I intend to play the likes of Touch Starved, Courtin' Cowboys, Snaggemon, Trapped with Jester, and more, heh. :^
I read a lot of Fanfiction alongside actual works by Elizabeth Lim, Sue Lynn Tan, Sarah J Maas, Judy Lin - Anything that is literally Chinese Mythic Based Plot, and Fae Smut, if I gotta be honest with you PFFT. I am on Booktok a ton, so recommendations are appreciated while I organise my Kindle.
I have been roleplaying/writing since about 15/16, so I have a few years of writing experience creating OCs and writing out RP Ideas. I went on an extended hiatus as I finished university and took time off to deal with my mental health as I settled into a new routine. I am currently not outright seeking RP partners as I slowly find the time to write again, but I am open to people reaching out to discuss their OCs and RP ideas!
I am such a recluse who will binge fanart, headcanons, and fanfics - I love listening to people talk about their OCs, Fanfics, AUs, and the works. If you share my hyperfixations, don't hesitate to infodump! I might get distracted and forget to respond- but I WILL respond.
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MikuSkeleric 🔥💀
tldr: A Pokégender related to Hatsune Miku as a Fire-Type Trainer from Project Voltage
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Credit - @queersrus
fi/fire/fires/fireself, fla/flame/flames/flameself, ig/igni/ignis/igniself, igni/ignite, bla/ze, blaze/blazes, bu/rne, bur/urne, burn/burns, py/pyro/pyros/pyroself, py/yre, pyre/pyres, py/ro, pyro/pyros, pyre/pyro, kin/dle, kindle/kindles
A xenogender related to Fire-Trainer Hatsune Miku from Project Voltage designed by Megumi Mizutani. You may feel like your gender is passionate and maybe even "flaming", related to music, fire, Hatsune Miku, Pokémon, and/or Project Voltage.
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Divider Credit - @cafekitsune @rookthornesartistry
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pokebiology · 2 years
The Fennekin line (Vulpes Zerdadram):
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Fennekin are a vulpine fire type Pokémon, native mostly to deserts and grasslands. Fennekin are the smallest Pokémon of the genus Vulpes, with an average height of 0.4m and an average weight of 9.4kg. Some may argue that Eevee are on average smaller than Fennekin, making Eevee the smallest vulpine Pokémon. Though this is true, Eevee are not actually members of the genus Vulpes, instead being classified under the genus Urocyon. 
Fennekin, along with its evolutions, are omnivores. Fennekin mostly eat leaves, roots, and berries, as well as small twigs, which are used for kindling and strengthening their firepower. In the wild, they can eat eggs, rodents, insects, and small reptiles. Fennekin do not typically hunt until they have evolved into Braixen, with Braixen being taught to hunt alongside their mothers. These Pokémon live in dens and are crepuscular, sleeping during the day and mostly being active during the twilight hours. Their eyes are adapted to have good vision at night, though they can sometimes be seen setting their twigs ablaze in order to see better on particularly dark nights.
Typically, this line reproduces once a year during late winter, laying up to 2-4 eggs at a time, which hatch after around 50 days. Recently, this line has been experiencing growing popularity as exotic pets, especially in Unova and Kalos, which has led to many poachers capturing them to sell as pets. Though this has caused Fennekin populations to have declined recently, they aren’t considered to be endangered. Fennekin belonging to trainers, however, are rarely seen, as very few of this line live in areas that trainers frequent. Most trainer-owned Fennekin are a result of the breeding program of the Sycamore Lab in Lumiose City, Kalos. This is where my own Braixen, Aster, is from.
In the wild, Fennekin evolve into Braixen after around 10 months, and then into Delphox after another two years. The evolution into Braixen is often accompanied by a ritual where the Pokémon’s parents present it with a twig that, upon evolution, it will store in its tail. Of course, trainer-owned Braixen will most likely not experience this ritual, so it is recommended that if a Fennekin shows signs of being near evolution, to let it find itself a twig that it can keep. Braixen will need to replace these twigs quite regularly, as they often use friction in their tail fur to set them ablaze. Braixen and Delphox who go too long without their twigs experience significant psychological distress, and for trainer-owned Pokémon it is best to let them find a new one as soon as possible. Humans should also not touch their Braixen or Delphox’s twig without making sure with the Pokémon that it is alright to do so, as this line is very protective of their twigs and will generally only allow those they trust to touch them.
Upon evolution into Delphox, this line’s latent psychic abilities fully manifest, giving them an additional psychic typing. It is theorised that these psychic abilities were originally developed to defend against Skorupi, a common predator of Fennekin eggs, though the psychic typing also causes them to be more at risk to predators like Krookodile, Scrafty, and occasionally Houndoom. Delphox have some measure of pyrokinesis, able to now set their twigs ablaze without burning the twig itself and are also able to use telekinesis.
In the past, it was commonly believed that Delphox could see the future. Though this is not true, it led to them being held in high regard in many ancient societies, being commonly kept by oracles and prophets. 
Fun facts:
This line’s large ears are used to regulate its body temperature. Being fire-types native to deserts, it is easy for them to overheat, so their ears work to vent excess heat out of their bodies and cool them down.
Their fur coats consist of a thick outer coat and a soft undercoat which insulates them in the cold and protects them from the heat.
Fennekin can jump 0.6m high from standing position, though are not as mobile after evolution.
Baby Fennekin are called “kits”.
The collective noun for this line is “a coven”.
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ranger-kellyn · 2 years
WIP Wednesday: Out of The Woods (2)
let me slide this in at the last second lmao
as before, it's nano, so next to no editing right now
Laventon came to a stop outside one of the smaller buildings.  A small connected row of buildings, all lacking a porch.  Likely easier ones to throw together.  “This’ll be your spot for the night.  It’s not much, but it’s far better than being exposed to the elements!  Should be some sleeping mats and bedding and all that inside.  Unfortunately, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to get some proper clothing.  Apologies for that, ladies,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. 
They both shrugged, Cynthia the first to answer.  “It’s fine, this is…” 
“More than we could have asked for, considering the imposition,” Diantha finished.  
He shook his head.  “I know it seems like an imposition now, but trust me: I have full confidence in you.  Whatever trial the captain comes up with you two will pass with flying colors!” 
They remained silent, unsure of what to say in response.  
He chuckled, turning himself away to head back to his own quarters.  “I have a good feeling about you two.  Me and my pokémon didn’t find you on that beach for nothing.  I’m not the kind of man who believes in a completely planned out, predestined fate or anything like that– but I do believe in everything finding a place.  Yours is here with us, I firmly believe that.” 
Diantha cracked a smile.  “Thank you, professor.” 
“Yeah– thank you.  I hope you’re right,” Cynthia said.  
He nodded.  “Goodnight, ladies.  One of us will fetch you first thing in the morning.” 
“Goodnight,” they said after the other, turning back to the room ahead of them.  
Cynthia reached out to slide the door open first, motioning for Diantha to go in ahead of her.  
The interior wasn’t much to write home about.  Simple wooden walls, a small screen divider to black off the back sleeping area, and a large fireplace of some kind in the middle of the room.  Off to the side, a small pile of kindling, but notably nothing to get it actually started with.  
Thankfully, a small oil lamp had been lit by whoever got the space ready, two mats laid out in the back ready for them.  
Better than nothing, Cynthia reminded herself.  
They both discarded their shoes by the door, but remained in place, unsure of where or what to even start with.  
“I’m sorry,” Cynthia said, not meaning to.  
Diantha turned around to face her, hands dropping to her side.  “For what?” she asked. 
She shrugged, unable to find the exact words she was looking for.  Where to even begin apologizing for such a situation.  Despite not knowing how they even got there, she was starting to come to the conclusion that it was all her fault somehow.  A deep, sureness in her bones, that this was all her doing.  
The lightning, the memory loss– her fault.  It had to be.  
“For– this!  I just– I can’t help but feel like this is all my fault,” she said, feeling a strain at the back of her throat.  She wanted to cry– but she also didn’t want to do that in front of Diantha.  She didn’t want –see: deserve– to be comforted by her in any way.  For all they knew, she had kidnapped Diantha into this situation that had backfired on them both.  “It’s this gut feeling that it’s all my fault we’re here–” 
Diantha hummed, shifting her weight to her other foot.  “As much as I would love to pass off the blame–” and she really wanted to “–I feel as though I must share some blame in this as well.”  
To escape the situation, Diantha began to move around, wanting to ensure everything was safe and secure.  She wasn’t even sure how someone would, but there was a worry in the back of her mind that there would be something in the room that would allow someone to watch in on them– and if there was any chance of changing clothes and whatnot there– she had to ensure that. 
Cynthia withheld a sigh, joining in on her search of the room.  The bed area was a specialized flooring–tatami if she remembered correctly.  The sleeping mats, however, looked less than comfortable.  Thin and lightweight, they were likely camping mats, not proper sleeping mats. 
At least she hoped so.  
Sleeping on what was essentially the floor for the rest of her life –hard pass.  
The wool blankets weren’t much better.  Thin and long– they were likely made to be folded in two for better warmth. 
They both sincerely hoped it was all simply due to their arrival being so last minute, and not that these were to be their permanent arrangements.  
Cynthia hoped there was at least some sort of barter system they could work with to get better blankets.  It wasn’t going to get any warmer until sunrise, and with the plummeting temperatures, it was looking to be a long, cold night. 
Eventually, the two found nothing of note, reconvening back by the sleeping mats, sitting across from one another. 
“So,” Cynthia weakly began.  “What now?” she asked.  
Diantha shook her head, reaching up to grab at her braid, busying her hands with untangling it.  “Fuck I wish I knew,” she grumbled, pulling at the hairband that had knotted in her hair at the end.  
Cynthia pulled her knees up to her person.  “I’m talking really basic here.  Like– we’re as alone as we’re going to get,” she said, glancing around.  In the silence, they waited for the sound of anything other than their own heartbeats.  The faintest of shufflings from the room linked to theirs, but nothing beyond that.  Not even a muffled voice.  “You and I are obviously not from here, so I think we need to try to piece together every little thing we can think of,” she said. 
Hair loosened, she combed through what she could, letting it fall over her shoulder in waves.  
Distracted, Cynthia couldn’t help but wish her hair was at her length –or at the very least had a comb.  “Anything we can think of besides how bad I want a hairbrush,” she grumbled, pulling a section of her own hair over her shoulder to work on what she could with her own fingers. 
Diantha breathed a laugh.  “I was just thinking how you’ll probably need a haircut.” 
She nodded, glaring at the knot she had snagged earlier.  “I don’t even know why I have it this long– this is ridiculous.”  Waist-length hair– what was she even thinking? At least from beyond the sand and grit from the day, it seemed healthy otherwise.  
Whatever she did to manage it in her normal life, she very likely wouldn't have that kind of luxury now. 
“I’d offer to help, but I’d hate to end up pulling your hair too much,” Diantha said with a laugh. 
A statement that thoroughly derailed Cynthia’s train of thought.  Having her hair pulled…having it pulled by Diantha…A firm tug– a fistfull at the base of her neck– she needed to get off that thought. It was decidedly inappropriate for a number of reasons.  
“So,” Cynthia feebly began again, staring intently at her own hands in her hair, “what do we know?” she asked. 
Diantha hummed, bringing a knee up closer to rest her head on.  “I am…Diantha.  Diantha Ann…Ruston,” she said. 
The soft roll of her ‘R’ was not helping Cynthia’s situation any. 
“I’m…” Diantha tried to think of more, but nothing beyond that.  Who or what the Ruston name was associated with– blank.  She wished desperately she could at least remember her parents –did she have any siblings? Cousins, perhaps? Any friends? Something…
Strangest of all, though…she didn’t feel any real sadness over not remembering her own parents.  It was all surface level sadness at best. Whoever her family was…maybe it meant they weren’t good people. 
Which begged the question: what kind of person was she? 
She cursed, the first word that came to mind– however, notably to both, it wasn’t in the language they had been speaking.  It had been Kalosian. 
“I can speak Kalosian,” she said, realizing she could both freely speak and think in both languages without much pause, meaning she was at least fluent in two languages. 
Cynthia nodded along.  “But the language we’re speaking now…” She paused to think.  “Galarian?” she guessed.  It sounded right, anyway.  
Diantha shrugged, noncommittal, looking up at Cynthia, who was still intent on her massive mane.  “But judging by your accent– you aren’t from Galar.  I would say I believe the professor has a Galarian accent,” she said.  She wasn’t sure of specifically why, but for some unknown reason it at least explained in her mind why she teased being offended at having her accent compared to his. 
Cynthia shook her head to agree.  “I’m not, but…I’m drawing a blank on where I’m from…” It was an odd feeling, to not know one’s origin in the way she didn’t.  While they could at least conclude that Diantha was from Kalos, Cynthia didn’t even have a region’s name of where she was from.  
Diantha grumbled, looking around the room.  “I wish I had something to write with.”  Or at least had some way to keep track of what little they were able to put together. 
Switching hair chunks, Cynthia sighed.  “Cynthia…Elizabeth,” she said, the memory of a voice echoing the two names in her mind.  Whoever the voice belonged to, it gave her a small smile.  “Jenness,” she concluded. 
Like Diantha, though, she had no clue who her family name was even tied to.  No memory.  No faces.  Nothing.  Just a faint voice that she assumed belonged to a woman, but she wasn’t entirely sure.  Someone with a higher pitch, but raspy voice, like they had spent a number of years in their life smoking. 
“I want to say I’m 28,” Cynthia continued.  Another odd thing to be unsure of. 
“I think I’m 30–” She laughed at the absurdity of it.  “Being so unsure of the self– aren’t I the one person I should know better than anyone?” 
Cynthia laughed in turn, looking off to the side.  “You’re telling me,” was all she could think to say.  
“This is…” Diantha’s voice softened.  “This is terrifying,” she admitted, hugging her legs to herself.  The room around them had begun to chill, and the bedding below her wasn’t much warmer.  “They’re all acting so cavalier about our situation…” 
Cynthia winced as she snagged a smaller knot.  “At least Akari seems to understand a bit of how messed up this is,” she said, forcing a laugh.  Apart from Diantha, she was probably the only person she felt any overt kinship with –even if it was likely one sided. 
Diantha hummed.  “You know– I wanted to be upset with her.  All her obvious prodding and dryness– but I think I’m actually more appreciative of her bluntness.  Cyllene seems to understand as well –though…maybe,” she said.  Cyllene had been too hard for her to get a good read on.  All she knew was that she was a woman to tread lightly around.  Especially given she seemed to be the one deciding their fates. 
“I think she’s just more concerned about having extra mouths to feed,” Cynthia said with a shake of her head.  
“I want to know why that professor is so…eager for us to join their –Survey Team, was it?” she asked.  
“Corps, I think? I don’t know,” she said, tossing her hair back over her shoulder, hands too tired from the old angle to continue. “I’m just frustrated that he seems to be the only one able to verify how we even got here.  He can say he’s a scientist who is only interested in facts all he wants–he’s still a complete stranger,” she said. 
“I mean,” Diantha began, amusement in her tone.  “You and I are complete strangers to one another as well,” she pointed out. 
Looking up at her, she swallowed her anxiety as best she could.  “Then why do I feel like I know you?” she asked, feeling her heart skip a quick beat.  The unintended emphasis– she hadn’t meant for it, but now that it had been put out there, she was finding herself worrying about the answer.  
Diantha held her gaze for a moment.  So close and finally alone, it gave her a chance to really peer into the grey depths.  A shimmering silver, flecks of darker greys in the mix– the slenderness of her face as a whole, all in combination with her hair that she could only assume was naturally platinum blonde.  She was finding her to be quite pretty.  
Pretty in a way that made Diantha realize she was very much attracted to women in some form or fashion. 
“I suppose for the same reason I feel as though I know you,” she said, more careful about her own emphasis.  
Silence followed, sitting between them, but not uncomfortably so.  
After a while of circling around what they at least knew in her mind, Cynthia remembered something they needed to talk about.  “Didn’t Laventon call us by different names at first– and those guards, too?”
She looked up, stretching her legs out to the side of herself.  “Right–I almost forgot about that…What were their names?” she asked. 
Cynthia grimaced.  “I think they called me…Volo?” she guessed.  It certainly wasn’t a name that left her with even a faint memory.  It couldn't have been a common name from wherever she was from.  “I can’t remember the name they called you.”
“I think it was Nox,” she said.  
It was at least nice sounding with her accent to Cynthia.  “Do we think…maybe we are cousins to them?” she asked. 
She shrugged, not entirely sold on the idea.  “I can’t say.  I haven’t the faintest clue of who my family was.  I know my family name–but nothing beyond that.  I couldn't tell you the first thing about the Ruston family.”
Feeling a yawn creeping up on her, Cynthia waited for it to pass, taking a moment to lie down on her side.  The mat wasn’t all that comfortable, but it at least seemed better than the cold hard ground.  “Can’t say I know anything about the Jenness name, either…” 
Diantha laughed in the middle of her own yawn.  “A perfect pair of strangers we make,” she said, reaching for the thin pillow.  It smelled clean– an herb of some kind.  
“None of them said anything about a restroom of any sort, did they?” Diantha asked, dread creeping into her stomach. She at least got a small laugh watching Cynthia go through a few stages of grief at the realization. 
“They didn’t,” she said in a pained voice.  While she didn’t need to use the restroom now– what if she needed to in the middle of the night?  What about brushing her teeth…? 
“Do you think they have plumbing?” Diantha asked, rolling onto her back. 
“I think that’s enough questions for the night,” Cynthia said, reaching over for the thin blanket.  
She laughed, whole-heartedly.  “I don’t think I’m even close to being done,” she said, reaching for her own blanket. The wind audibly picked up outside, the room cooling even faster.  “Don’t get to brush my teeth.  Sleeping in clothes I’ve worn for who knows how long.” 
“No,” Cynthia said in a laugh. 
“For all we know this is an outhouse situation.” 
“Oh my god– no–” she whined.  Of all her dumb fears– she was reminded that it was one of them, and it was near the top of the list.  
“They’re either all bathing in that little stream or it’s a communal bath situation,” she said, laughing when Cynthia threw her arm over her face to cover her eyes.  “I can’t imagine they have plumbing like I’m thinking of.”
“Oh god– what if they don’t even bathe at all?” Cynthia asked, moving to sit up on her elbow.  
“I can tell I’m a priss– I would have noticed if any of them were smelly.  I think we can at least assume they bathe,” she said, rolling onto her side to look at Cynthia.  
“This is the worst night of my life– thank you,” she said, her tone indicating that she was clearly lying. 
Diantha laughed, curling herself up to get as much of herself under the thin blanket as she could.  “And just think– you’re stuck with me.  For now at least,” she teased. 
Cynthia grumbled again, settling herself back down.  “This goes both ways– you’re stuck with me, too.” 
She laughed, a tiny snort in there somewhere that had they not just been discussing the village’s plumbing status, Cynthia would have probably thought was cute.  “Something tells me you’re not the worst person to be stuck with.” 
“There’s probably better people to be stuck with,” Cynthia said, shuffling around to unfold the blanket.  Folded in half, it wasn’t long enough to cover her completely.  Being taller than anyone she had seen all day, she figured the blankets weren’t made with someone of her height in mind.  An outlier who didn’t need to be considered because it would be a waste of fabric otherwise. 
Diantha hummed, pulling what she could of her blanket up over her head.  One of the belt hoops in her jeans was digging into her hip.  She wished she had some sort of proper night clothes to sleep in.  Skinny jeans weren’t exactly the most comfortable clothing option –but then again, she didn’t have any other options.  It wasn’t nearly warm enough to sleep without them, nevermind the part where she was sleeping in the company of someone else.  
“Something tells me I’m glad I’m stuck with you,” she said.  She hoped whatever that something was could be trusted.  
Cynthia only hoped she could live up to that.  
Silence fell between them once again as they tried to get comfortable.  The wind picked up now and again, the structure below them cracking and popping.  Not in a way that made them worry it would collapse or be damaged by the wind, but certainly enough to make them jolt awake each time it happened.  
Somewhere in the midst of it all, Cynthia finally was able to fall asleep.  The wind had enough of a lull that she was able to shut her eyes and get some sleep.  It wouldn't last for long, however.  
In the middle of the night, a loud gust of wind that caused another loud crack, combined with some movement from Diantha’s side of the room woke her up.  The room was ark, their oil lamp from earlier having gone out on its own with the wick not being turned.  
Through her limited sight, she could just barely make out Diantha curled up on herself, a death grip on her blanket, shivering.  
“Are you alright?” Cynthia asked, leaning up from her small pocket of warmth.  The room was freezing.  DIantha had already complained about the cold over dinner– and clearly it hadn’t gotten any better. 
“Freezing,’ she answered, voice strained.  
Cynthia looked around the room, unable to see any extra bedding or blankets to offer her.  Still exhausted, her mind struggled to keep up.  Only one idea came to mind.  She might have been shy about offering it, but the need to keep Diantha safe –including from the elements– outweighed that anxiety. 
“I promise I don’t mean anything weird by this– but if we sleep next to each other–” 
“Please–” Diantha interrupted, a strain in her voice that sent sympathy pain through Cynthia’s chest.  
As quickly as she could, she got up and shoved all her things to be right next to her.  “Again, I don’t mean anything by this, but–” She wished her brain would just catch up so she could actually talk coherently. 
Thankfully, Diantha anticipated what she was getting at, moving to lay flush against her, sending a shiver up her own body.  She wasn’t just cold, she was freezing.  
Throwing her blanket over the both of them, she got Diantha to lean up just enough to get one arm under her neck, throating the other over her to hold her close.  “I’m sorry–” she said.  
Diantha shook her head, her nose tickling Cynthia’s collar.  
“Don’t– I’m too cold to care,” she said, nudging Cynthia’s legs to let her tangle theirs together.  “How are you so warm?” she asked. 
Cynthia breathed a laugh.  “Used to it, I guess…” 
Had it been any other moment, Cynthia would have called this far too intimate for complete strangers.  Something only two people very close would do –or two people hooking up, she supposed.  
But thankfully, her mind was able to let it go for the most part.  This wasn’t that sort of intimacy– it was the intimacy of two people in a bad situation trying to help one another through it.  
Curled up into her as much as she physically could, it was a while before the chill finally stopped rolling off her body, and another while before she stopped shivering all together.  
Cynthia’s arm had begun to fall asleep, but so had Diantha.  Slow, heavier breaths.  A soft twitch here and there. Completely out. 
It brought a soft smile to Cynthia’s face.  Her arm being completely asleep would have to be worth it.  Knowing Diantha was safe and warm– it was all she needed to finally be able to start falling back asleep on her own.  
Whatever trial Cyllene had for them come morning, they would face together.  
Sure, they had been joking and teasing earlier, but her last thoughts before falling back asleep echoed Diantha’s earlier sentiment, along with the professor’s.  She was glad they were “stuck” together, because together, they would figure out why they had been placed in such an odd setting.  And if there wasn’t any real reason, they would make a reason…
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kindle-the-litwick · 2 years
*multiple ghost type Pokémon can be seen setting up decorations in and around a large house, kindle is outside, setting up pumpkaboo-like decoration on lanterns. They look very excited.
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hazelmcnellis · 1 year
Monatsrückblick(e): Mai, Juni, Juli
Der Monat Juli ist praktisch vorbei, also wird es wieder (höchste!) Zeit, Bilanz zu ziehen. Also, auf geht’s – es wird (ein bisschen) wild, lol.
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Anm.: Der Artikel enthält Titel und Namen von Plattformen, Büchern, Filmen, Serien und Autoren. All die diesbezüglichen Erwähnungen spiegeln meine persönliche Meinung wieder. Daher handelt es sich um keine explizite/beauftragte Werbung.
Leseliste – was ich gelesen hab!
Schreibprozess – gibt’s was Neues?
Watchlist – was mich begeistert hat
Playlist – musikalische Highlights
Ausblick – was kommt als nächstes?
Leseliste – was ich gelesen hab!
Das Wichtigste vorweg: Ich habe gefühlt extrem viel gelesen!
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Ein paar Romane, einige Ratgeber, einzelne Mangas. Das meiste davon führte ich mir über das Kindle Unlimited (K.U.) Abo zu Gemüte. Das Abo ist für Lesende wirklich praktisch, da es eine große Vielzahl an E-Books zum vergleichsweise günstigen Preis bietet. Für Autoren – also auch für mich – ist solch ein Flatrate-Modell naturgemäß mit gewissen Nachteilen behaftet. Aber darum geht es in diesem Absatz nicht. Was habe ich also gelesen?
Status Challenge: Ich habe das Ziel von 70 auf 90 gelesene Bücher für dieses Jahr erhöht, da ich inzwischen die 70 längst überschritten habe, muahahaa. Den gesamten Challenge-Verlauf findet ihr übrigens super-übersichtlich bei >Goodreads<.
Ich habe außerdem (natürlich, lol) wieder einige Hunderatgeber verschlungen. Zugegeben, inzwischen sind es deutlich weniger Bücher als vor einem halben Jahr. Wir wachsen mit Mia in die Hundehaltung und haben so langsam den Dreh raus, wie die Erziehung funktioniert (oder funktionieren sollte, höhö). Empfehlen kann ich euch auf jeden Fall die folgenden Werke:
Vorsicht Giftig! Anti-Giftköder-Training für Hunde von Sandra Bruns
Abenteuer Hundebegegnungen: Andere Hunde treffen ohne Stress von Sarah Both
Hund im Stress? Entspannter Hund – entspannter Alltag von Sarah Both
Die zweite Chance: Hunde mit Vergangenheit von Katharina von der Leyen
Ich beendete außerdem den spannenden Horror-Webtoon „Sweet Home“, der auf Netflix als Serie mit Song Kang in der Hauptrolle verfilmt worden war. Daneben las ich ein paar Mangas, darunter die folgenden:
Pokémon, Band 1 und 2 (aktuell: Band 3), von Hidenori Kusaka – gefällt mir wirklich gut!
Deine teuflischen Küsse, Band 1 bis 4, von Kaoru (Reread) – eine Reihe, bei der ich durchwachsener Meinung bin: Der Anfang ist definitiv fragwürdig, aber es wird im weiteren Verlauf eindeutig (und zum Glück!) besser.
Can I kiss you every Day, Band 1 bis 3 ( via K.U.), von Hatsuharu – eine ziemlich sympathische Reihe, nur einzelne Aspekte fand ich etwas schräg bis kritikwürdig (Bsp.: der übertrieben besorgte Bruder)
Ich habe in der letzten Zeit immerhin 3 Hörbücher geschafft (darunter der erwähnte Ratgeber „Abenteuer Hundebegegnungen“):
Bleib bei mir, Sam von Dustin Thao – schöne Geschichte, die sich hauptsächlich mit dem Thema Tod/Verlust und Trauerbewältigung auseinandersetzt.
Die spürst du nicht von Daniel Glattauer – gefiel mir insgesamt gut; die Themen sind komplex und brandaktuell (Migration, Flucht, Freiheit, Gutmenschen, Soziale Medien …).
Bin ich schon depressiv oder ist das noch das Leben von Till Raether – gefällt mir sehr. Der Autor liest sein Buch angenehm gut, ich mag die Erzählstimme auf jeden Fall und empfand die Einblicke als ausgesprochen interessant/informativ/bewegend.
Andere Romane, die ich bisher las:
Alle Farben des Regens von Jessica Winter – definitiv ein Highlight im Mai gewesen: spannend und gefühlvoll zugleich, mir gefiel der Roman sehr.
Falling for Korea von Piper Jean – noch ein Highlight! Tolle Story und ebensolche Charaktere.
Our Souls at Midnight (Bd. 1) sowie Our Hearts at Dawn (Bd. 2) von Janine Ukena – überzeugten mich nicht völlig, was ich schade finde, denn die Grundidee ist echt super!
Stand by Me von Yule Tyren – die Story ist ebenfalls in der K-Pop bzw. K-Drama-Welt eingebettet und war insgesamt unterhaltsam, aber konnte mich ebenfalls nicht gänzlich überzeugen.
How to Love a Villain (Chicago Love, Bd. 1) von Leandra Seyfried – spannend, tolles Setting, interessante Charaktere; mir hat das Buch (via Tolino übrigens) sehr gut!
Davon abgesehen fanden Schreibratgeber ihren Weg in meine Lese-App:
Story-Turbo: Der Praxis-Ratgeber mit System von L. C. Frey – sehr motivierende Lektüre!
Deutsch für Junge Profis von Wolf Schneider – Highlight! Mir sagte der Stil sehr zu und die vielen Beispiele machten die Ratschläge enorm gut greifbar.
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Schreibprozess – gibt’s was Neues?
Hier halte ich es kurz: Neuigkeiten habe ich (schon wieder, T.T), außer, dass der Klappentext existiert (yay!) und ich mich immer noch an der Korrektur von Feinheiten festbeiße. Zudem fehlen mir oft einfach die nötige mentale Energie, Kraft oder Zeit, um mich ins Manuskript zu stürzen. Das frustriert mich inzwischen zunehmend. Ich hoffe ernsthaft, bald aus diesem … Tief? Krise? Orga-Problem? … herauszufinden! Drückt ihr mir die Daumen? d°.°b
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Watchlist – was mich begeistert hat
Tatsächlich waren die gesehenen Filme sehr überschaubar in den letzten Wochen. Ich habe seit langem mal wieder „Matrix“ mit Keanu Reeves geschaut. Außerdem gibt es in der Mediathek von Arte die aus 6 Teilen bestehende Jane-Austen-Verfilmung von "Stolz und Vorurteil" mit Colin Firth. Für solche Free-TV-Formate zahle ich tatsächlich gerne die Rundfunkgebühr, lol.
Anders sieht es dagegen bei den Serien aus, wobei ich die US-Produktionen hauptsächlich mit meinem Partner gemeinsam geschaut habe:
Friends (USA) ist ein Dauerbrenner, den ich immer anmache, wenn ich gerade Lust dazu habe
Teen Wolf (USA) gehört zu meinen Favs; im Juni haben wir die finale Episode gesehen.
It’s okay to be not okay (Südkorea, Rewatch) noch ein absoluter Fav meinerseits ^^
Black Knight (Südkorea; mit Kim Woo-Bin – einer meiner liebsten Schauspieler) ist eine spannende Geschichte, die mir sehr gefallen hat.
Wednesday (USA) gefiel mir ebenfalls ausgesprochen gut.
Love to hate you (Südkorea, lediglich 10 Episoden) – sehenswert, blieb mir persönlich allerdings weniger gut im Gedächtnis.
Alchemy of Souls (Südkorea) habe ich angefangen, scheint gut zu sein, habe aber noch nicht viel  davon geschaut.
The Bride of Habaek (Südkorea, Rewatch) auch eine gute, unterhaltsame Serie, die ich gerne empfehle.
Grimm (USA, Rewatch) schauen wir aktuell. Die Serie ist neben Teen-Wolf ebenfalls für mich eine sehr gern geschaute Produktion aus den USA.
Doom at your Service (Südkorea) – ich mag die Story sehr, habe aber wie bei Alchemy of Souls noch nicht alles geschaut.
Pokémon – Indigo League (Japan) ist jawohl der klassische Anime der 90er/00er Jahre – absolut unterhaltsam.
Romance is a Bonus Book (Südkorea; mit Lee Jong-Suk – neben Kim Woo-Bin und Song Kang noch ein gern gesehener Schauspieler; Rewatch): Eine supertolle, romantische Geschichte, die in einem kleinen Buchverlag spielt.
Playlist – musikalische Highlights
In den letzten Wochen gab es insgesamt drei Highlights für mich:
Solo-Album von Monsta X Member Joohoney: „Lights“
Single von BTS-Member Jungkook: „Seven“
EP von Jackson Wang: „Cheetah“
Ausblick – was kommt als nächstes?
Puh, das war jetzt aber ein langer Rückblick. o.O Nun ist es aber geschafft und ich danke euch von Herzen, falls ihr bis hierhin drangeblieben seid, höhö. Seid ihr nun auch gespannt, was die nächsten Wochen bringen werden? Der Sommer erreicht seinen – zugegeben: etwas wechselhaften – Höhepunkt und ich freue mich schon wieder sehr auf den Herbst, ihr auch? Bis dahin werde ich auf jeden Fall weiter versuchen, meinen Arbeitsalltag endlich wieder besser in den Griff zu bekommen. In diesem Sinne: Fighting!
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