3ggbed · 2 months
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im not afraid (im not afraid) to take a stand (take a stand) everybody (everybody) come take my hand (take my hand)
with @juststuffinc and @tretv61
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max-nexus · 2 months
KGTAC Analysis Pages 2229-2425
First Analysis Previous Analysis Sburb Dog Analysis Next Analysis Hell yes! KGTAC Act 2: Home-Skillet is back baby! Here is my analysis, not too much lore wise outside of me noticing some things i missed before but I'm just glad it's back!
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2229: Well this is new! The author seems to be distancing themselves from Homestuck even more. The old house in the Beta looked like Rose house in it's vibes with a dash of John's in it's exterior
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2230: Ana's house didn't have an outer area like this at all. It sorta looks like she lives in some sort of city here. Although this background looks so goddamn weird, It's like the sidewalk juts upward constantly here. 2235: Ooh, interesting. The next page animation has direct parallels!
2236: In the Beta it was "Ana: Play a jazzy saxophone refrain." The music here is actually the same as before, it's generally the same as before at the start, just a different environment. The nanny seemingly walked into another house? Then we start seeing a bigger difference. A Showtime remix starts playing as we see FRED TRY EATING HIS GREENS LMAO. This is what we in the business call A REALLY COOL ANIMATION. i kinda wish it was actually playable but that would've been a lot more work. THEN FRED STARTS DANCING. Goddamn we can just make a full Fred Wilmore sprite sheet now, can we. That was an amazing animation. well worth the wait! Now on the theory crafting side of things. The only thing that come to mind is that Fred was expecting EDMOND to be there to eat his greens. Despite as it says in Page 2118 of the holy text "Unfortunately he ran away when you were young. He was a very good dog, though" Though to be fair, we don't know what Fred considers "young". Fred might be one of those kids who considers himself from 2 years ago "young". Another weird thing is that the STRIFE text is in the opposite direction when compared to homestuck... No look! HOMESTUCK STRIFE
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KGTAC STRIFE (extracted)
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2237: I wonder what HIP stands for? This clearly will be incredibly important in ACT 2 DAY 5 ROLL 2 INTERMISSION 3 2244: What's with the red eye? I guess it's just to represent that he's utterly manic right now. 2245: Beautiful animation! This also gives us a better look into the living room here which is nice for anyone looking to make a recreation. (I was actually trying to make one a while back...) 2246: We see a big package (probably his computer) there. It has a watery logo. Kinda looks like a surfboard on a wave? 2247: There's Photochat! 2248: Oh that's a different box, also it's published/made by SKYACOM. Interesting... 2252: Ok so we know that logo belongs to a company called GREENROOM now (Like, is this a reference to Doc Scratch? His room was green, i guess it could also be the felt manor back in Homestuck's Act 3 Intermission. Could also be nothing.), also we now see the desktop! Interesting it says INDEX for the home button, we also now have the EXACT TIME which is 5:30 PM, this will be useful for setting up a timeline! (Not that I'd really bother doing that right now.)
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Homestuck Page 6
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2253: Wait what the hell! Random Act 1 Cursor Appearance? This sorta popped up in Act 1 of Homestuck due to the fact that Homestuck was originally designed to be made entirely in flash. It's interesting that it's showing up here. Maybe it means something, maybe Cole didn't want to animate Fred grabbing Photochat then putting it into the pc. 2255: Hm he's been to a library, maybe there is some credence to him being of the mind aspect (/j) 2264: Ah! I can't believe Cole was so bold to do it so early to kill off such a major character so early, to the forgetful ones in the audience back in my analysis of the FLOPPY DECK (my beloved) i talked about the fact there are only 3 points on the floppy deck, when the BETA Floppy deck had 4 points. I made a crackpot theory that one of the character's would die in Home-Skillet as a big event early on in the story. And well, here we have it folks! Fred is dead, dead dead, deadity dead dead, dead. What a bold move. his death moved me to tears. KGTAC RELEASE
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2265: Sweet! Just putting this to note but the pages for this day's of updates (2/3/24) weren't released all at once, we had to wait like an hour when Photochat was downloading. The images were actually uploaded before this and i probably saw them before most because i decided to check because i noticed some pages were being released 1 at a time. Just putting this for historical reasons for anyone reading this in the far future in the [S] END OF ACT 2 flash when Nan unites everyone for the big fight against LORD HUSSIE (/j, man I'm including a lot of jokes in this one) because this small detail would probably be forgotten a few years from now. Heck, I'd probably forget it. 2276: LMAO 2279: Farty Gas, an excellent choice of a name good sir (Lol) 2285: Holy heck, Fred says frick! Also i love the fact he wrote this as if it were a letter, even ending it with a "Take Care" Zimodo in the comment section summarized it best. MEME
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SIDENOTE 1: I just noticed… For some reason there's barely any "NAME: DO STUFF" in the ENTIRETY of Home-Skillet. Its mainly just DO STUFF, like seriously. it's not set up like a standard Homestuck command at all. Even KGTAC ACT 1 + INTERMISSION did that when a character was doing stuff. It wouldn't even be forced. Like in pg 2236 it could've been "[S] Ana: Play the sax in triumph." but it's just not? Like before the HIATUS, there was like 1 use, now its like half-n-half and I'm not sure if this is intentional or accidental. Even worse, we started seeing a lot of the standard Homestuck command structure starting February, not before... so even after the Hiatus the command structure didn't include names. Is it because Ana and Fred are talking to each other to prevent confusion or is there some deeper reason... PRE HIATUS
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2295: Death theory… (Specifically, DC can't enter into his session as his FLOPPY DECK, seemingly died in a valiant battle against time. This is incredibly bad for when you're playing the game that kills you when you don't play it. Now of course this is assuming that HomeSkillet is operating under the idea that the meteors are like destined to hit you and not that the games summon the meteors (I personally don't understand why people think that, was that ever confirmed or is that just popular fanon) But overall, this likely doesn't bode well for DC) 2303: ARG WARNING, DEAR GOD I HAVE TO SOLVE A MYSTERY NOW THESE ARE IMAGES… or not It looks like BrainFuck so uh… Yeah i don't think it means anything big (aka i don't know how i'd even transcribe the text into a working program! Also thinking about it, this might be the item duplication thing i joked about earlier, y'know with the fact that if items are just code on a floppy disc, whats preventing people from copying that floppy. Or in this case putting something on the floppy disc to get an item. Unknown: Crosshair activated towards sector 121 09
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newone: Crosshair activated towards sector head_port 1 fuck
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(Might actually be helga port 1?) We can guess that these are the coordinates for the meteors, for obvious reasons. And somehow P(ee)P(ee) did something to affect these coordinates. Very interesting. 2311: Light aspect /j 2326: Yep, it's green. Took you awhile farty-gas. It took you page 28 of the BETA to do that. 2332: Reference to Poltergeist 1982, Just noting this because i looked it up. 2335: Welp, that's confirmation. Edmond is dead, Grandma just sorta hid the fact because he probably was 5 at the time. 2359: YES! NO SYLLADEX GAMING! I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO SEE A SBURBVENTURE WHERE A CHARACTER DOESN'T HAVE A SYLLADEX. (To the point I've always imagined making a character for one that doesn't have one, or has some notable issue preventing them from using it fully.) 2390: Music is the same, the art is different when compared to the BETA version KGTAC ACT 2 2390
Home-Skillet BETA PAGE 159
2410: If you don't want to waste time by leaving things behind, try carrying them Doofus. Too big? That's what the FLOPPY DECK is for Farty Gas. 2411: Interestingly enough, the image for the timer (381.gif) is in the wrong order if we'd line up these images as if they come in 1 after the other. As if it was meant to be put in a different order. Presumably after page 2404 (Because that's 380.gif) SIDENOTE 2: there is a unused image here! I guess to improve the pacing this got cut out last minute. 376.GIF
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2420: I'm just going to show my comment here
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2425: Fun fact, i saw this image like 20 seconds before the page went up, because ever since the loading screen, i've been checking for that sort of stuff. It looks like we are about to hit an [S] Page. SIDENOTE 3: The Saxophone was always there lmao, i can't believe i missed it, it was even referenced in the text of 2186. I guess you miss stuff when you end up analyzing nearly 100 pages worth of content while trying to balance 6 college classes at the same time.
SIDENOTE 4: These have all been pretty good panels so far, I love all the work that's been put into them, with all these details, especially early on when Cole went and animated the runs there.
So that's the end of the analysis, I'd like to thank everyone here, I should do a re-reading of Home-Skillet to see what I've forgotten. I hope you enjoy and lets see what comes next! Sorry that it took so long, i wasn't exactly putting in tons of work to get this out soon. There's no rush. Y'know.
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Nope, In my usual fashion, Digging up one thing digs up another. And I've discovered CONSTUCK. An April fools joke made in 2022 that i missed which is a "KGTAC RELEASE" with Act 1 just being the "Beta" https://mspfa.com/?s=27317&p=1490 1: Ah yes, Karkat 2: A general thing i've noticed is that it looks like each panel was drawn by a different person. 9: What an amazing reboot. KGTAC DISCORD GOES TO A CONVENTION PAGE 52
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12: Holy **** Lois! KGTAC Server goes to a convention? Honestly, i had to dig a bit to figure out this is commentary on it as i never read this. The turnaround here is insane tbh looking into it, March 25th the public apology comes out, March 29th the commentary on it on it comes out as an April fools joke. Mildly impressed. Though i can't help but feel bad for the people behind KGTAC Server goes to a convention here being referenced like this. Personally speaking I'd keel over and die here, though to be fair it just takes me remembering something stupid i did a decade ago to make that happen. 13:Lmao "astrosized into out" 28: Now for the reason why I'm looking at this. FRED WILMORE STRIKES AGAIN 30: Helga? I can't remember who that is… also Nan's here and her dialog implies she's writing Home-Skillet. Maybe lore important, maybe the author is just speaking through Nan as some extra commentary on KGTAC Discord goes to a convention. 31: Nan is a Muse of Time? Neat! 32: And now for the main reason im here… TO BE CONTINUED… This if it's not just a silly April fools joke draws a direct connection between ACT 1 and ACT 2 of KGTAC. It's not much to go off of due to it's dubious canonicity but we already know MSPFA exists in the actual comic itself thanks to mspa reader to cite a more recent example and also NAN went on MSPFA in the flash [S] It was the ideas it inspired (and also uh, Act 1 takes place in what could be considered Earth, modern day. So MSPFA existing makes sense) Thanks to these facts it means that it's not impossible this is a sign of things to come, that perhaps we see how ACT 2: Home-Skillet fits into ACT 1: Karkat goes to a Convention
And now this is the end.
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Also while looking i found some unlisted pages! read em if ya want! https://mspfa.com/?s=27317&p=1057 https://mspfa.com/?s=27317&p=822
Now this is REALLY the end, No PSYCHE X3 Combo's here….
See! it's just the end. Thanks for reading my analysis, Here's to the next one. I'm also less busy as of late so i should be able to get these out more frequently than when KGTAC took a break before, so i don't think i have to change the general format of this series. 1 MONTH LATER....
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Me in 3/17/24 Land here. Man this took a while, as i said before, i wasn't making this a high priority because I'm working on a MSPFA called CHAINED + 4 college classes gives me time only if i make time for it. But yeah, I hope you enjoyed this analysis, if you noticed something i didn't, have any questions, or your own theories. I'd like to here em, my asks are open!
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heyftinally · 5 months
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@collisionxkiss okay, this is the last one. Happy New Year! Lmao
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@fayelistic skdjkskdasd you know how i said i'd screencap it LOL i did
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azure-clockwork · 17 days
I love how actually shit the three houses characters are at keeping secrets. It’s very funny and so endearing. Flayn walks around hyping up Cethleann, Marianne spends her whole route talking about how she’s ‘cursed’ and ‘dangerous to be around’ and Claude straight up tells people ‘never underestimate an outsider’ when he wins fights. Guys. Please. You’re killing me here. I get that y’all are teenagers, and honestly Flayn is doing a great job keeping her secrets given her entire personality, but Claude. Really? You’re good at this whole scheming thing!! Why is Edelgard, begrudging doer of schemes, doing a better job hiding her whole second identity as the flame emperor than you are at just not telling people you’re from Almyra? Dude.
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simspaghetti · 9 months
A few days in the life of the Blossoms:
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Eduardo improves his inventing skill and completes the 'Scrap collector' skill challenge!
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His niece Sabrina ages up into a toddler across town
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And Amy recovers from a mysterious illness she thinks she must have picked up on the flight back home...
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ragtimebanshee · 3 months
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majimassqueaktoy · 11 months
Okay but the fact I have only ever called Mirei "Mirei" ever since I played yakuza 5 last year yet my brother to this very day exclusively refers to her as "Park-san" is so fuckin funny to me. Ultimate Mirei Park respector.
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blurglesmurfklaine · 1 year
having a full on breakdown. gonna cut my hair. let y’all know how it goes ✌🏽
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halles-comet · 1 year
took a pregnancy test that was defective (like it just stayed blank) so i went back to get another one in the space of forty minutes and the cashier was like '...you good?' and i gave her a look and she gave me one back and it's very rare you know two people are both thinking about the same scene from Juno at the same time
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3ggbed · 1 month
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Eh, eheu, eheu Eh, eheu, eheu Eh, eheu, eheu Eh, eheu, eheu
(pompeii by bastille and @juststuffinc and @tretv61, specifically the video where his eyes turn black really creepy)
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max-nexus · 10 months
Previous Analysis Next Analysis I'm doing the two most recent updates in one because there was nothing to talk about at the time, like what? Maybe the floppy under the SUPER MARIO MOVIE floppy case is a Pesterchum clone sorta like in the original? That's basically nothing, like that would be a side thing in my other analyses, and it was also that slipped my mind last time. (In part because the previous post had to be rewritten due to the fact Tumblr deleted my entire post because i ctrlz'd once, leaving only the text i wrote before i started adding images.) (Also happened to this post, luckily i left the page before Tumblr could save the draft) (Left: Home-Skillet page 11. Right: KGTAC Page 2086)
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So i delayed until i had more to talk about, and we got some interesting things. More evidence for my hopes and dreams, some interesting differences in the characterization of Fred, and more FLOPPY-DECK.
Page 2083 is the only page which i have nothing to talk about, its just neat (Though i wonder how the fan is powered, it doesn't seem to have a power cord. Maybe it's battery powered?) KGTAC Page 2085
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Page 2084-2085 has me feel heard, Freaky Fred is quite disgusting. How dare he put that hotplate on the floor. Luckily he is putting his life of crime behind him by putting the hotplate on the mini fridge
KGTAC Page 2086
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For page 2086, i Looked up on what DEVO was and apparently it might have a small connection with Pee-wee's Playhouse, with some of the music being composed by one of the guys from DEVO, Maybe this will be used in a [S] John: Mental Breakdown sort of way later. Forming itself as some neat foreshadowing like the reveal that Gushers are apart of the Betty Crocker brand.
KGTAC Page 2087
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For Page 2087, I was right about it being a GOT MILK poster, not much to say here, I'm just happy i was right. I do find it interesting that it replaces the earthbound poster though. KGTAC PAGE 2088
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For Page 2088 I actually have something interesting here, Fred pulls out cans of NORMAL COCA-COLA, which is interesting since before he was a fan of COCA-COLA DE-CAF Home-Skillet Page 42
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Noting that his grandma let him have this as it wouldn't make him hyper. I sorta wonder, why the change? Maybe it used to mean something, or maybe it was changed for no reason in particular. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
KGTAC Page 2089
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Page 2089 This brings me hope that Fred won't have a sylladex for a while, I've always wanted a fanventure where one of the characters doesn't have a sylladex, Though something of note here is that he's never heard of a sylladex, not even faintly, which could mean that sylladexes might not exist, although in Home-Skillet, Fred got his sylladex from under a party hat in the kitchen (H-S Pg 70, In a flash), which means he still could get one, especially since he had no idea what a sylladex was in Home-Skillet also (Home-Skillet Page 21 has the line "CAPTCHALOGUE? You have no idea what the hell that word even means.") KGTAC Page 2090: I just wanted to bring this up since for some reason the idea of Fred being a MIND player came up, just because of the fact Fred just found the idea terrifying, not even a hint of temptation like in Homestuck, Though this is unlikely as this idea just came up after thinking for a few minutes and its quite a stretch, the only idea that's a bigger stretch would be calling him of the Breath aspect for page 2083 (If page 2083 did give you that idea, I apologize, but you have been diagnosed with early onset Homestuck Brain rot)
KGTAC PAGE 2091-2093 FLOPPY-DECK!!! (my beloved)
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All jokes aside, These pages just introduce the FLOPPY-DECK, Though with the reveal of the Floppy-Deck has me wondering... Is someone going to die? i know it's crazy talk but in Home-Skillet there were 4 players, and it looked like this
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Meanwhile the Floppy-Deck in KGTAC looks to be the same except for the pattern on top which is like this
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Only 3 points, And why change the design if it means nothing? I can't think of a reason to change it, It's so small i literally didn't notice it, I was originally just going to leave it at that. A Meme to show my excitement for the reveal and that's it. Maybe I'm just being a bit crazy here, its like 10:40 PM as of writing this, and this wasn't in my notes. it was just something i noticed when i went to fact check a joke i was making where I'd go like "The FLOPPY-DECK'S art is unchanged, this represents the fact that the FLOPPY-DECK is perfect, and needs no changing" but then i noticed the pattern on top was changed, And this is the best reason i could think of for why its different. If this means what i think it means. If Fred has 2 friends, Cole just dropped a character from the story. If Fred has 3 friends. Cole is going to kill off one of the Main Characters. There isn't much in the way of evidence for this, for obvious reasons any big theories like that can't be proven 13 pages into the story. But the sheer idea that i could be right has me shaking as I'm writing, The idea that if there are 4 Main Characters in Home-Skillet that one of them could be killed off before entering Sburb, and that's how the Timeline has to go is goddamn Bold.
Well ending off in that note has me utterly excited for this story, It's a theory with little evidence though a shocking opportunity in the storytelling. Before i end this post, I'd like say. Thank you Cole
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I am utterly honored that you like my analysis posts. I make these posts since i absolutely loved Act 1 of KGTAC, and what started this was trying to figure out Where KGTAC would go next (as you may have seen by my theory posts in the comments of KGTAC before the end of ACT 1. Trying to figure out who the hell Fred was (as someone posted "You can now play as Fred Wilmore" editing onto Mario Galaxy's "You can now play as Luigi" , what the hell "h-s" was (I had thought at first Fred was made by Radical Dude since i misread a discord message hilariously enough.) Then searching up Fred's name, searching for what this was, finding some Tumblr post mentioning how Home-Skillet was meant to be a secret now, and digging until i figured out how to read Home-Skillet. I'd originally meant for that first post to be the end of my analysis, but i decided to continue due to how interested i was with how things were going (and for the fact one person liked my post, Which meant at least one person read it, which made me happy). It seriously makes me happy you've read my analysis and like it. Though with the fact that the discord has spoilers means i won't be joining it anytime soon, I'd like to keep trying to figure out what happens next without having it all revealed.
Thank You Cole, It means alot to hear that.
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heyftinally · 5 months
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bashfulmusician · 11 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I hope it's an amazing one!! <3
Awwwwwww, thank you! ♥️ I miss you! (And I know your birthday is coming up too, sooo 👀)
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thentherewasfury · 2 years
I love having the inverse gift of prophecy whenever I suggest that something might happen it fckn falls through and whenever I dare to believe that things will actually be chill for five seconds the universe breaks out the barbed wire baseball bat
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