#homework i havent done yet thats due tomorrow)
asfdhgsdkjhgb · 3 years
sleepy tired vs not wanting to fast travel to tomorrow: fight
#like on one hand i am so incredibly tired and have been for the past few days but on the other hand i dont want to have to deal#with responsibilities and also even if i do sleep well ill probably still be tired tomorrow anyways (also i still have a little bit of#homework i havent done yet thats due tomorrow)#actually wait stress paused la jolla just came on spotify while im writing this and the guitar of that song makes my brain calm#ok stress unpaused we can get back to my strange mild stress bc the song ended and i got an ad lol#urg do i stay up to buy more time until tomorrow (and probably maybe do my improv homework?) or do i just go to bed and#give my tired brain a rest before having to do things#urghgdhjdgfjkg most likely i will end up staying up as late as i can bear and will somehow manage to NOT do my homework#bc im busy distracting myself from responsibilities n whatnot bc i got homework and i got plans to work out dear god so many#plans to work out i have no idea what im doing this weekend but there have been at least 3 separate plans proposed with/from#different people that all sort of clash but sort of dont so its up to me to figure out specifics for all of them to see if i can make#them all work bc i do want them to all work even if it means fucking crashing for the entirety of sunday bc of too much#social interaction all crammed together haha nice#its fineeeeee everything is fineeeeee#just me rambling again#vent post#tw vent#<- (just in case)#(kinda went on a tangent in the tags here)#actually stress cancelled for tonight one of my friends and i did the thing where you take a picrew and make both yourself#and the other person and then you compare them and !!! i care him so much. brain being mean to me is strong but the#power of friendship is stronger#im normal now
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wolferals · 4 years
james cook x reader
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„Y/n, friend." your mom shouted from downstairs. You were still busy with your english homework as you got interrupted. A sigh leaving your lips you got up from your desk to walk down to the door. Who of your friends would show up on a Tuesday night at 9pm when they knew you were busy doing schoolwork?
As your head shot around the corner you let out a frustrated moan.
The brown haired boy grinned sheepishly as he had his hands behind his back. „Cook." you spoke and approached the interrupter of your busy night.
„Hello y/n. Looking stunning."
Looking down at yourself you realized you were only wearing a big sweatshirt and some knitted socks to keep you feet warm. You were not wearing pants at all, and your hair was up in a messy bun.
„What do you want? I'm busy." You snapped at him but he just kept on smiling.
„I wanted to see if you were up for some fun. Freds and J are twats and studying for the exam tomorrow. Eff's a bit of a headache at the moment and Naomikins wont answer the door." He explained and rested his arm on the doorframe.
„Cook, as I said, I'm busy."
He made his lip tremble a bit, making you roll your eyes at him. „Come on y/n/n, just for an hour or two. I promise I dont got any drugs this time. I just dont wanna be alone right now. I'm going through something."
You again rolled your eyes at this jackass and joked:"Did Effy not wanna fuck you tonight? I'm really sorry. But fuck, fine. I just gotta get dressed. Come in and close the door behind you."
Like a little kid he let out a happy laugh as you walked upstairs, noticing that Cook was following you.
„Hello? Privacy? Also my mom won't like you being in my room with me, at that time especially."
He closed the door to your room and started looking around while you rummaged through your closet.
„You got a nice room y/n/n. Why havent I been in here?"
He asked and played with your dreamcatcher.
„Well because you're a dick Cookie? And I dont like dicks in my room."
-„Thats cool, but hey now you got one in your room. A big one. One that could make you feel real good."
He started laughing and pointed at his crotch. „Fuck you Cook. Turn around."
You quickly took off your sweater and threw on a white cardigan and paired it with a pair of some wide legged jeans.
„Okay I'm done." you then spoke and watched Cook scan your body from head to toe. „Looks cute."
You were surprised by his choice of words but didn't complain. Smiling, you grabbed your stuff and you two headed downstairs.
„Mom, I'll have to help Cook with something real quick, I'll be back in an hour."
You were about to open the front door when your mom stood in the hall. „Where are you going?" She asked, a serious expression on her face.
„Just around the block. I promise I'll be back soon."
Cook just stood there and watched you and your mom discuss but suddenly spoke up:"Ms y/l/n, I promise I'll have her back in exactly one hour. I'll take care of her, nothing will happen to your daughter I swear."
You stared at him in disbelief. That Cook new words like „I promise" or „I'll take care" shocked you a bit.
„Fine. One hour. You have a test tomorrow sweetheart, have that in mind." Your mom finally let you go and Cook didnt waste any more time slipping through the door outside, pulling you with him.
„Wow your mum seems..."
-„I know." you scoffed and shut the door.
Cook took a deep breath as well.
„So you ready for the exam tomorrow?" He then asked.
Walking down the dark street you shrugged your shoulders at him. „I think so but to be honest I was too tired to make anything stay in my brain tonight."
He laughed lightly and replied:"Welcome to my world."
You gave him a quick glance before continuing to walk through the darkness.
It didnt make you uncomfortable being with Cook, even though in fact this was your first time being alone. You simply didn't know what to say to him. He was just too different from you.
„You wanna have some fun?" He broke the silence suddenly as you two walked towards a big building.
„Sure; whats that though?"
He gave you a devilish smirk. „Ever really partied before?"
You shook your head while Cook grabbed your hand to pull you towards the building. His hand was bigger than yours. And it was warm, it felt nice holding someone's hand. You'd never had a boyfriend to touch you but that little thing you got from him there was really nice though.
„Cook what is this place?" you asked when the red lights hit you right in the face. „You're gonna love it." He smiled at you, still holding your hand.
Once down in the basement you two met a bunch of people lining up in front of a big door.
You spotted a bouncer at front letting certain people in.
„I just need you to do one thing. Could you please flirt with that man so we can get in easier? They dont really like me here that much, you need to work with those."
Cook pointed at your boobs.
„Are you kidding?" You asked him, not believing a word he just said. „Please, I really think you'd like it, plus we dont got too much time left. I need to get you home in 40 minutes so just show him your tits and we can have some fun."
You scoffed at him but eventually pulled him up to the bouncer. The guy was around 25, attractive he was for sure but you didnt really know what to say.
„Oh you again, why dont you fuck off?" He looked at Cook.
You gave Cookie a serious look and then turned back to the bouncer. „Hi, I'm sorry I've never been here before; and my friend just told me I'd have a lot of fun in there. Dont you think you could let us in, please?" You gave him your puppy eyes and lightly bit your lip.
He looked inbetween you two and spoke:"This your girlfriend?" He was obviously speaking to Cook.
He just shook his head and you answered:"No sir he's not. We're just here to have fun. I promise we won't be here for long, just a bit of fun. Please sir?"
He breathed out and opened the door behind you. „Alright then sweetheart. And you, dont come here again after tonight." Cook grinned and pulled me inside the club, speaking a „cheers" to the bouncer before coming closer to my ear due to the loud music.
„Promise one thing y/n. Have fun. Let it all go and be free. Just for now."
You looked up at him, his face being lit by the colorful lights. He again smiled at you. „I promise." was all you said before basically jumping into the middle of the dance floor and letting yourself go. A upbeat song was playing and you just started jumping and dancing with Cook as if there was no tomorrow. He seemed to enjoy it as much as you did because he was laughing. You'd never seen him so cheerful and genuinely happy.
„Cookie?" you yelled against the loud music and grabbed onto his neck. „Thank you so much for bringing me here!"
He nuzzled his head in your neck and placed a soft kiss against your skin. „Just let go." You held onto his neck and danced with him again. His forehead rested against yours and your eyes kept locked. It felt like the world around you two had stopped. It felt like Cook and you were the only thing that mattered, as if it cured every worry in your body.
And before you could think about it, you pulled him close and placed your lips onto his. He kissed you back immediately but his kiss was different than you'd expected. It was softer, much more passionate that you'd ever imagined. His hands grabbed you by the waist until you let go of him and smiled brightly.
„Take me home Cook." He licked his lips and nodded as you two made your way through the crowd to the exit door.
Once the noise had quiet down and the only thing you could feel was your own heavy heartbeat and the cold air hitting you, you leaned against the wall. Cook did the same and let out a soft giggle.
„Did you have fun?" He asked and turned his head to look at you. „A lot." You smiled happily.
„Good. Yeah, good."
He stepped closer and placed both his hands on the wall next to your head. He looked down at you and licked his lips once again. „We still got 19 minutes. Sure you wanna go home now?"
Before you got to answer he had kissed you again. It felt too good to be true, his lips moving in perfect sync with yours. His hand on your neck and your hands in his hair.
He truly was a fantastic kisser.
And yet again, the world around you had stopped. Cook was the only thing that mattered to you and deep down you knew how wrong it all was but Cook made you feel worth it. Made you feel good about yourself.
After he let go of you, he grabbed your hand once again and you two slowly walked back to your house without saying another word.
You only caught him looking at you every now and then.
But as you stood in front of your house you turned to him and said:"Thank you Cook, I had a lot of fun in that just one hour." He laughed and replied:"Good. Im glad that I could at least make someone happy tonight."
You giggled as well before looking around to see if your mom was by any chance watching you. But the lights were off and the blinds were shut so you looked back at Cook and placed another quick kiss on his lips.
He didnt seem to be having it, so he pulled you even closer to have a proper harder kiss this time.
„I'll see you tomorrow then?" He asked and put a strand of hair behind your ear. „You see that balcony? Left window is mine. Next time make sure my mom doesnt see you."
He laughed his significant cook laugh and nodded. „Understood. But how soon would be too soon? I mean would it be inappropriate to show up in, lets say 10 minutes?"
-„Cook I'm really not the girl to..."
He grabbed your head and spoke:"No, no I just dont wanna go home yet and I wanna cuddle a bit. I'd be gone before your mum could notice anything."
„Cuddle" Cook wanted to cuddle, that was a first.
„Goodnight cook. See you tomorrow."
He nodded, let go of your hand and walked a couple of steps closer to the street.
„Its really warm tonight, I'll have to air out my room a bit though." you hinted and smiled at him before stepping inside the house. Before closing the front door you saw Cook smiling happily at you before looking up to your room for you to open the window for him. This boy was up for some closure he'd never had before.
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goweninsane · 6 years
Momther: because you have 3 missing assignments you can only do the one thing that brings you joy and keeps you from ending it all for one hour a day
Me, showing them the finished assignments that I turned in on google classroom literally 2 months ago: I’ve done the work, its my lazy ass teacher who wont put in the grades, I was out sick that day and turned it in first thing the day after, yell at him to get his shit together not me
Momther: ok then you can do thing for one hour AND one minute a day
Me, tired of having this exact same conversation for the 20th time and knowing that due to this ‘punishment’ I’m only gonna ignore more schoolwork to instead do thing behind their back so I don’t have several mental breakdowns from stress: I’ll take what I can get
Father, trying to motivate me but only making me more stressed out and likely to ignore schoolwork in favor of doing thing: hey i got you new thing that you have been looking forward to for years, but I’m not gonna let you use it until you turn in those assignments!
Momther: oh also if you dont fix your grades in 2 weeks we’re gonna pull you out of your dream school and separate you from the only true friend you’ve had in 8 years
The dipshits in my dorms: lmao wouldnt it be funny if we put thumbtacks in the shower head, broke 2 of the games you bought for the xbox right before you got to 100% on both of them, stole $200 from you, and refused to clean out the microwave to the point where the school decides to take it out of the dorms to clean it but 3 weeks later it still hasn’t been returned?
My other teachers, knowing exactly whats going on in my life rn: lmao that sucks but just remember that grades don’t matter also here’s 10 hours worth of homework due tomorrow also you’re in 2 guided study halls now
Tumblr, one of my few escapes from this hell of a life: hey would it be ok if we banned the majority of our users and did some other dumb shit instead of making an easy fix? No that wouldnt be ok? Well too bad!
My motivation and common sense: hey we’re gonna take our vacation days now, dont do something dumb like make a long rant post on tumblr about how your life has gone to shit over the course of half the school year and then end it with a bad meme that makes people think that everything you say in it was just a set up for a joke when in reality its all true and you probably need lots of help, especially if you do it instead of working on the chemistry lab report thats due tomorrow and you haven’t even started yet.
Me: *does exactly that*
Grape: hey dude thanks for visiting me while I was recovering from surgery
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isaacathom · 6 years
i sure didnt do anything today
i figure uhh tomorrow i might finish the painting i need to do (just to get it outta the way, since i dislike painting). then work on that essay. oh, shit and i need to get resources for the group project. i havent seen anyone else add to it yet so i wanna make sure i add some research at the very least. like about phone users and stuff. good fun, great time. so theres a lot that’ll be happening all around. then uhh i need to start working on my 1989 essay, get more info on the specific collectives and get an overview up so i have a plan for later. i dont plan to start writing until the design essay is done (so around the 29th, pretty much) but having the base is good. then i dont have any homework from my lang class because the only hw is readings, which i do on monday evenings and tuesdays before my lecture/before the class. so like. im gucci on the readings. hw for lang will only be an issue once we start actively working on the Report re: dialect stuff, and since thats due in june i think im ok to chill for the time being! we probably won’t start really looking into that until after the trimester break in april.
point is uhh plans! tomorrow | finish painting before dinner, its only only going to take maybe 2 hours and i have a desk specifically to do my art projects now (why the fuck do i have 3 desks). then after dinner, aside from glancing at my dusk article to see if i wanna make any changes with my ~fresh eyes~, start working on the design essay.
saturday | gather research for the group assignment and continue working on the design essay. if i dont procrastinate i could probably get it half finished by that point but we all know thats not going to happen, so we’ll just do our best!
sunday | 1989 essay, i guess? working on research, getting some ~academic sources~ and that nonsense. and still working on the design workshop since its on monday. if the design essay isnt done and im feeling SPICY then i could do that too, i guess.
thats the plan, anyway! catch me fucking up step one at 4pm tomorrow (aka too late in the afternoon to have the painting finished before dinner) ;)
goodnight <3
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You ever get that feeling...
Hi, this is gonna be a bit of a rant so if you don’t want to read, I’m chill with that, okay. So, feelings... Am I right.
I hate my feelings. Like I start catching feelings for some bitch (they’re usually not bitches and are usually amazing people in all actuality, but I feel better calling them bitches cause they hurt me without trying to soooo). Okay, these bitches who are super kind and smart and funny and likes the same things as me and my bitch as decides to be all la di da di da don't show your feelings la di da di doo and so they go and these bitches catch feelings for my other friends or just end up not liking me back. Like who tf does that >:( (jk I know it's not their fault plz no hate)
So now whenever I look at a picture of them I get this pain deep in the bottom of my stomach thats just dread because like I was so hopeful they liked me back but then they started dating one of my close friends and so I know that they don’t like me and I screwed it up the other day and let them know that I was a satanist (which is not as bad or evil as most think it is) and they were all like i’m a christian and so I oofed myself bad I’m sad and I’ve gotten back into my old cycle of procrastination and depression and its just not good.
But, good news is none of my friends suspect me because I have adhd so even if I am super depressed I can’t sit still and I cant concentrate and so I’m always moving around and jumping and doing things that aren’t normal for depression but then at home I just watch netflix and dont do my homework and get behind which is something that i thought I had gotten over but obviously I havent and so I have an essay due tomorrow that I havent done yet and I’m still fantasizing about a cute relationship with the person and like I know it will never happen but they’re the only person I know who genuinely prefers the same food and snacks as me so its like so sad and I’ve just been in terrible shape and doing everything I can to keep up with all of the good habits I had picked up while I was doing slightly better, like doing my homework and showering every other day instead of putting it off because I just want to sit and wallow and be depressed and shit and now all of my bad habits are reforming and I’m scared that I’m going to let everyone down and everything is just falling apart and like I need help but whenever I try to get it no one believes me because ‘I'm always so happy’ and ‘nothing is ever wrong with me’ ( quotes from my friends). But like they know that I’ve ‘suffered’ with depression (they know its still ongoing but dont realize that everyday is a bad day recently) and hfjhgurhjnfvgdsuhkffgdsuhjfbhdjfnmvdhcgudygfhjdknmcbhudiuyfghjdnvhgcuhd I just I can’t handle it rn honestly, like I’m practicing my solo for choir and doing the essay at the same time because if I mess up even once everything is going to fall apart all at once and things are slightly okay right now so I can’t handle a mental breakdown so I won’t let myself have one and just do the things as best as I can and only break down at night in bed after taking some sleep meds for my insomia. I should be alseep rn, but I can’t because of the essay and shit and I have a shit ton of test coming up and I’m working and softball and everything is just pilling up and my room is disgusting and my cat doesn’t love me and i love myself but I wish i loved myself back (to quote someone else idk its not mine tho) and like i just need some help bed. 
Yeah. Sorry about that. Carry on to less bad stuff. i just really needed a place to vent that my irl friends don’t really see. So thank you, Ciao!
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