#honesly I will love you a lot if you take this I promise
kingofthering · 7 months
a short motogp rpf survey
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Hi, here is a quick survey open to both readers and writers of MotoGP RPF. The goal is just to have a look at the current tendencies and various other things.
As always, reblogs appreciated and I'm thanking everyone in advance for their time :)
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meatsex · 3 months
This may be odd to say. But it is clear (to me!!) that you care about the sauce boss a lot in your art and find a lot of comfort in who he is. The way you draw his eyes & hair specifically really calls to your attention to detail that's present in all of your art. It doesn't come across as parasocial in the slightest either - you just genuinely like what he does and play with the idea of the dude and aren't weird about his personal life. Idk maybe I'm not making sense but it's nice to see.
Also, your art really does reflect the same type of feelings as Sachiko Kaneoya's captures, in my opinion. Your use of line work and shadows also speaks to the ukiyo-e prints of the Edo period of Japan, though I'm not sure if that's intentional!! Specifically, the Takiyasha the Witch print is what the shadowing reminds me of.
Lastly, the dedication to your projects and work as a whole is so impressive. I've been here for a while following your art and watching the progress has been so cool. Your colors have become a little more cohesive and pull pieces together - they always have, but the grasp on color theory is clear there. Seeing that you're going to college to pursue what you put so much work into is the dream and I really hope it works out!!
I'm so sorry for how long this is and if it's weird, absolutely don't feel the need to respond especially since you can't shorten the post and I can't get it under a readmore. I also understand that having an anonymous person do a mini-tour and discussion of your art could be uhh possibly odd. If anything, keep being cool and doing what you love!!! It's awesome!!!!
hey, thank you for such a nice indepth message and analysis on my work, i promise it really isnt weird or at the very least any weirder than other messages ive got LOL
thank you for appreciating my art of vincent, i usually mention this but a lot of times i mostly draw inspired by his music rather than him as an internet personality which is why i end up making these edgy pieces but in general he does mean a lot to me in the most normal appreciate way possible both as a musician and as a streamer, i try not to streamline the way i draw him too much so im glad the small details are noticeable
i can confirm i get inspired (and always have been honesly) by kaneoya sachiko's works if it wasnt obvious enough but i am also happy to hear that i can give off a similar vibe, not because i want to give off the exact specific vibes of her artwork but rather some of similar tones and types; as for the other thing that actually isnt on purpose, id have to look into artwork from that period but thats one hell of a compliment tbh
im really happy to hear that you have been around for a while, i cannot know since when but either way it means a lot that someone would take the time to not just point out my improvement but also to just stay around because they like what i do, i personally feel like ive improved especially in colors like you mentioned but its always better and helpful to hear it from someone else too, i hope that with college i can become better at art too
in any case thank you again for taking the time to send such a positive thought-out message, i dont want to repeat in-depth but it really is and it means the world to me that you took the time to send it and i promise its not weird at all
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bittersweet--chaos · 2 years
here are the ideas i had, you’re welcome to add on or make new ones! i’m kinda busy tonight so i’ll probably be barely online :/
lyra’s family is all unempowered & pretty neglectful so when lyra was old enough to move away they’ve been no contact- until one day their shitty mom moves in and tries to rekindle a relationship
however they have many younger siblings that he tries to stay in contact with and he keeps them a secret due to being targeted by someone (idk who yet, could be quinn for all i know) and it’s really hard to stay quiet about their younger siblings
the fucking inversion shit- they’re a teacher and was probably working with his stealth students; my idea is that he gets majorly injured to protect one of their students but sadly that student doesn’t make it no matter how hard he tried to protect them
their youngest sibling shows up out of the blue one day and gets majorly injured by the one person who lyra was trying to protect them from
having a toxic girlfriend that makes them a little scared of angel (who i headcanon being more feminine presenting, but if you don’t then ignore this little idea lmao)- however the toxic environment in general makes them a lot more gift giving/chores than what was asked (he just doesn’t wanna be yelled at)
more of a holiday one: the first christmas that lyra has while being in a relationship with angel and david, they realize that lyra has no idea how to accept gifts of any kind (it was just thought that he was awkward with gifts, but even at a holiday where the main event is gift giving…) he opens up about how his parents never liked them and just decided to not give lyra any gifts while their siblings got a lot of them
Okie dokie! I remember it’s homecoming so go have fun!!
I thought about Lyra met David and Angel, how they got together, everything
So of course we sad Lyra was taking photos at a school event for their portfolio and they saw the the pack. And they looked amazing. So professional, so he wanted photos of them working and of them together. But then they realized about 70% of their photos were of David, the alpha. So they decided to talk to him. But he didn’t want to talk to them. Lyra kept bugging David on about talking to him until David snapped. The two of them talked and they realized they had something’s in common. So Lyra set up a date and David agreed
Lyra ended up falling first. He fell hard for David’s tough exterior and handsome face. But then he found out that David had a mate, Angel. David started to isolate himself, because if he just pushed himself away from David he doesn’t have to accept the fact that David won’t be his. But David notices. He notices when his friend of all a sudden doesn’t want to be around him. That doesn’t have the time to hang out. But David is to fucking stubborn to try and reach other because he has the mentality of “if he wants to leave they want to leave.” Angel is the one who makes him call Lyra and set up a date to go talk. And they do and Lyra comes out to liking David and David does the same. So after talking with Angel the two of them start dating
Lyra and Angel are a little slower to falling for each other. Angel wants to try and be friends with their boyfriend‘s boyfriend but since Lyra has that trauma from their ex they’re really reluctant to being around them. But Angel makes it work out somehow. The more they start spending time together the more they start to like each other until they start to fall for each other. But Lyra is scared to fall for Angel. Because they’re scared Angel will abuse them again.
Angel is the first to confess which is honesly Lyra’s worst nightmare. They love them, they do. But they’re scared. Angel can see the fear and when they ask about it Lyra opens up about their toxic ex. Angel promises and reassures him that they aren’t her, but words only do so much. So Angel takes things slow with Lyra when they start dating
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shkudss · 7 years
Love doesn’t die
Summary: Something bad happens with y/n 
Word count: 1146
Warnings: Mentions of death
"Hey, angel" Tom met me when I came home. "How was your family day?"
"Not good" I made a deep breath and took off my shoes. Today I feel myself sick. I'm too tired. Whole day with my crazy relatives is too much.
"What happened?" Tom looked at me with anxiety.
"There were a lot of kids, who don't know what is respect for adults. Also, my aunt started hysterics because I refused to introduce them to you. They are annoying" I rubbed my eyes and felt how Tom kiss my cheekbone.
"I know how to make you relax and forget about your crazy relatives" he looked at me with cunning. "What about having shower together?"
I smiled. He always know how to cheer me up.
"You know, I always don't mind"
"Well... let's go now!" Holland took me in his arms and carried to the bathroom.
"Hey, what are you doing? I even didn't take off my jaket!" Tom put me on white and cold floor.
"I can't wait anymore. Y/n, day without you was so boring"
I didn't say anything and just started taking off my clothes. When Tom saw it he started doing the same. He got rid of his grey pants and white t-shirt. I almost took off my dress, but I couldn't unbutton zipper, which was on my back.
"Let me do it" Tom gently touched my back  and unbuttoned zipper. After this he kissed my skin and neck.
I closed my eyes. The tile no longer seemed so cold.
"Let's go to the shower, honey" His lips met with mine and we went to the shower.
Tom turned the handle and hot water poured on us. My muscules relaxed and I felt Tom hug me from behind.
"You are the most beautiful girlfriend in the world" He whispered and kissed my neck.
"I love you" I said and kissed him back.
After wonderful sex and showering, Tom went to take towels. I squeezed my hair and left the shower.
Suddenly, I started feeling dizzy and can't think straight. What's worng? I leaned my hand against the wall, barely standing on my feet. Everything is going round and round.
"Angel? Are you okay?" Tom came back and two grey towels were in his hands.
"Things... going round... and round... and round..." Derkness started appering before my face.
"Hey, hey, hey! Don't fall!" Tom ran closer and took me on his hands. "Everything is gonna be alright! Just... just don't close your eyes!" It seemed like he tried to calm me down, but, honesly, he tried to calm down himself.
"I'm okay, I'm okay..." I whispered and couldn't keep my eyes open more.
"No, no, no! Y/n! Look at me!" Tom almost yelled, but I was already faint.
Pov Tom
"I'm sorry to tell you it, but... she has a leukemia" My heart fell down, when I heard this.
"H-how can we cure her?" My voice was quiet.
"We find it out late..." Doctor started telling me a lot of unnecessary information.
"Just tell me how can we cure my girlfriend from this fucking leukemia!" I can't lose her. She's my life.
"There are 10% of the fact that we can cure it. If you refuse treatment, then she could live no more than a year."
"We'll do all possible procedures" I stared at the doctor.
"Okay. She's still sleeping. When she wake up, we should take analyzes. And I have a question..."
"Who will tell her about this?" I know, that I should tell her about it. But it's hard. I promised not to hurt her.
"I should do it..."
Pov Rearder
I woke up and firt thing I saw was Tom. We were in the hospital. I looked at his face. He was nervous.
"W-what happened?" My voice was hoarse.
"You fainted and... the doctors found out... that..." I saw, it was hard for him to tell me. "Leukemia. But we will start cure you today!" He started talking about my recovery, but I didn't listen him.
"How long I can live?" He stopped talking and looked at me without saying any word. It was pain in his eyes.
"About a year" I tried not to cry. I wasn't scare about my death as I was scared about Tom. He would be broken.
After a couple minutes of silence I looked at him and tried to simle.
"So, let's live this year as good as we can"
"You'll be okay. We will cure you and everything is gonna be alright!" Tom tried to cheer me up.
"I know..." I lied "But let's do it? We don't know what can happen"
"Okay. I love you and I'll do everything you want"
"So, I need a notebook and pen" Tom look at me and don't understand why I need this things.
"I'm gonna make a plan with desires. We should try to make them during this year"
"We will do every paragraph in this plan. I promise"
Pov Peter
I slept near y/n bed, when I heard a squeaking sound. I woke up and saw on the device a straight red line.
Oh my god, no
"Doctor! Nurse! Someone come here!" I started yelling and tried to wake up y/n.
"What happened?" Doctor came here and looked at me.
"She... she..." I looked at her. She was pale.
"You need to go out of here" Said doctor, when others came here.
I can't see her about a 15 minutes. Now doctor came here and on his face was sadness.
"I'm sorry, but she's dead" I can't belive it.
"No. No. No..." Tears flowed down my face. "You are liar! She's alive! She's alive!" I already shouted to the whole hospital.
"Sir, calm down please. I'm sorry, but it's true. She's dead"
I sat down slowly and looked in front of me.
I lost her
Lost her
"No, no, no!"
"Hey, baby. What's wrong?" I looked at the girl that was lying next to me. She stared at me with anxiety in her eyes.
"It was... I just wanna... I love you" I hugged her as hard as I could.
"Did you have a nightmare? What about?"
"You... I lost you. It's the most terrible thing"
She looked at me for a couple minutes and kissed.
"I'm good. Doctor said that I've recovered. I'll be with you, I won't leave you" She pressed herself against my chest. "Thank you for that year. We did all things from my list and I'll be alive. With you"
"I don't know, how would I live without you"
"All in the past. I'm here, with you. Of course, without hair I do not look very good, but they will grow up"
"You're perfect. Don't matter with hair or without" I hugged her and kissed her head.
Now, we will be the happiest couple in the world
Every minute we will enjoy our life
Our love
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dwtsreviewarchive · 7 years
DWTS S24 Week 3 VEGAS NIGHT Recap/ Review
Next Week (Week 4 )Most Memorable Year
Week 5 DISNEY NIGHT!!!!!!!
1. Nick Viall & Peta Murgatroyd - Tango (7+6+7+6=26) I enjoyed this dance much more than I thought I would. Nick is not the most in-your-face charismatic “Bachelor” we’ve had on the show but his desire to improve is nice to watch & enough to make you root for him. His confidence has clearly improved, compared to Weeks 1 & 2. This dance he seemed to be right there with Peta the whole time. He is quite heavy footed, but I appreciated the fact that he was really trying to emphasize all the steps he was taking.
2. Mr. T & Kym Johnson - Foxtrot (6+6+6+6=24) I was nervous after the first two weeks, because I was wondering if Kym wasn’t trying to push Mr. T too hard with the steps, so I was glad that they lost the punching & really focused on the steps & flair of this dance. It was nice to see this debonair side of Mr. T from the A-Team persona.
3. Bonner Bolton & Sharna Burgess - Charleston (6+6+6+6=24) For all this charm & chemistry the judges seem to see in Bonner or whenever he’s flirting with Sharna it never comes across when he dances. His performances are always very flat. The judges’ critiques were quite spot on this week, he need way more energy & personality to sell this dance.  I think he’s focusing so much on the choreography (which he handle quite well), that he’s forgetting to perform. It’s possible considering his background, he doesn’t really know what it means to perform. That can be harder to teach than the actually steps. 
4. Heather Morris & Maksim Chmerkovskiy (still injured) & Alan Bersten (stand-in) - Tango (9+8+8+8=33) Heather is finally finding her footing & confidence in this competition. I love Maks & I hope he makes a quick strong recovery for her, but I have to say  I think it’s been helping Heather’s performances to have Alan because he doesn't draw a lot of attention from her. Maks is Maks he’s a natural born showman, you naturally want to watch him too, he can’t help it. This is by no means a criticism of Maks, quite frankly, I never understood the criticism of Mark Ballas for his showmanship, it’s not something you turn off when you’ve been taught to perform your heart out for 20+ years. If anything I think it helps their partners elevate their performances (ex. Katherine Jenkins’s Week 2 jive, do you really think she would’ve danced that hard if Mark wasn’t such a force). But I digress, with Heather she needed time to boost her confidence & not having Maks take some spotlight, gave her some time shine & see the benefit of really believing in herself. Now that she’s got that confidence back, I think she’s fit to have Maks as a partner again, because we’ll be watching her now, because of these past 2 weeks.
5. Charro & Keo Motsepe - Foxtrot (6+6+6+6-24) Nice departure from the manic-ness of her first two dances. I said this before if she can reign it in & really connect to Keo she can do a decent dance. The wedding theme was really cute. Her footwork wasn’t the sharpest but I thought she handled the choreography pretty well. 
6. Simone Biles & Sasha Farber - Quickstep (7+8+9+8=) Sasha is a such a gift from the dancing gods. This show is so lucky to have him, I say it every season & he proves it every season. With each passing partner, it becomes more & more baffling why they sidelined him so long after Snooki. Great quickstep, super fast, clean tricks. Simone can really do anything, Sasha is definitely going to put that to the test. Honesly just dance wise this was near perfect, Simone just needs ONE class from the Mark Ballas School of Facemaking, & she’ll be the full package,
7.Nancy Kerrigan & Artem Chigventsev - Samba (8+9+8+8=33) This season is becoming a lot more unpredictable by the week at least on the women’s side. Of course Simone & Normani aren’t the only capable female dancers but I was nervous for Heather & Nancy they wouldn’t get out of their head quick enough to be real competition, but I’m glad I was wrong by Week 3. This samba was really amazing, no frills, no messin about, just footwork & hips. Nancy’s confidence is steadily growing & showing (eww sorry). But she was so radiant & sure of herself, it was really good, I was watching her more than Artem & that’s a rare feat. 
8. David Ross & Lindsay Arnold - Jazz (8+7+8+8=31) Magic Mike can be a really tricky theme to emulate cause it can corny & cringey quick but David & Lindsay put a fun spin on it, that was equal parts fun & just really good dancing. David's sense of humor & confidence is actually really sexy, cause you can tell it's genuine. I love his willingness to just let go & just have fun with this competition while at the same knowing he’s taking this seriously & wants to be a good dancer and that he is.
9. Erika Jayne & Gleb Savchenko -  Jive (6+7+7+6=26) Erika is actually quite a radiant performer, she gives good face. I was really rooting for her this week, cause I can tell there is a lot of potential but it just wasn’t the best jive. The kicks & flicks weren't sharp & quick enough, the dance overall was lacking content for me. 
10. Rashad Jennings & Emma Slater - Samba (7+7+7+7=28) I enjoyed this dance more than the judges, but I agree with Julianne that the song was all wrong. It definitely wasn’t their best, but it had some positives. Probably more than any athlete ever on this show, Rashad can really really swing his hips and his musicality is amazing. This setback is just a setup for a comeback. ‘
11. Normani Kordei & Val Chmerkovskiy - Foxtrot (8+8+9+9=34) I gave props to Sasha & I got to give some to Val too. Normani is obviously a seasoned performer but Val really brings out the best in his partners. His partners really do well when he takes on a big brother role with them. This is a really special partnership to watch. This girl can win this season one dance at a time, she;s that good. Simone is an easy pick to win, because duh history but Normani is not gonna make it easy. Very sultry foxtrot, very stylized. I love dances like these, cause they’re meant to be performed not just danced which is smart on Val’s part knowing Normani’s strengths. Her footwork, is quick, sharp, clean, she hits all the musical cues. If I had to bet on a horse it would this couple right now. 
In Jeopardy 
Charro & Keo - Eliminated - Aww, I saw this coming but I kind of sad cause I really enjoyed her dance this week & it showed some range & promise, but it’s such a tight group, that the bottom of the pack is vastly separated from the top. 
Nick & Peta - Safe
NEXT WEEK - Most Memorable Year. 
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