#honestly for me even the desire for a happy family life gains its most interesting dimension if understood in conjunction with the family
fellhellion · 1 year
granted this is just me applying some broad strokes of the 90s backstory to miguel's movie iteration and this may just end up unapplicable but idk. i honestly think there's something really interesting to be mined from the entire thing with gabriella not just being about desiring a fantasy of a happy family life, but also being an opportunity to genuinely grapple with miguel's relationship w fatherhood, both regarding himself and the fathers in his life. something something never being able to envision yourself as a father or perhaps not even considering that it could be something you wanted until you saw a mirror of yourself do it and be so happy with that in his life.
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rhysismydaddy · 4 years
Unholy Matrimony Pt. 1 (Nessian)
Nesta’s part of the Damnation Series.
OOF this took so long sorry. I rewrote it, changed it, then deleted it entirely about 9 times. I literally started writing the version before you, from scratch, on Sunday. All parts are linked below, so I’m only tagging people on this version! To go to the next chapter, there is also a link at the bottom <3
ALSO, an important caviat: Nesta is an only child in this one! I originally wrote it for her to be adopted and not know it, but it wasn’t really relevant to the story, so... idk. Just ignore that plot hole I guess.
Parts 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 -- pls like each part I’m insecure
“You’re getting married.”
The glass of bourbon halfway to my mouth pauses, because despite being known for being rash and unpredictable, even I’m surprised by the sudden change in conversation.
My eyebrows raise as I look over at Rhysand, my best friend and Capo, trying to figure out if this bastard is serious. His tone says he is, but that doesn’t make sense, because before a few seconds ago, the word “marriage” was in neither of our vocabularies.
He’s been single for as long as I have, although I’m starting to suspect he’s got a bird in the city. He’s too damn happy these days, and the other day I saw him laugh at something on his phone.
Which is weird, because we both know long-term commitments don’t really do well with our lifestyle.
We were raised to not give a shit about anything except the job. We kill without remorse, live in the shadows, and whatever other shitty euphemism you want to use. Settling down in some suburban, picket-fence prison has absolutely no appeal to Made Men.
Don’t get me wrong, most of us get married at some point. But never for love.
Some men choose a bride that’s pretty and sweet. Someone who will donate to charity and help clean up their image. Governors’ daughters, women from old-money families, and social princesses make up this category.
Some men marry to advance their station in the Family. Second sons who will never inherit the business marry daughters of Underbosses to get a nice boost to their status.
And then there’s the ones who are forced to marry by their capo--ie. me-- so they choose whatever attractive woman that’s in the Family and available. Those are always the happiest.
But regardless of the reasoning, marriage in the mafia is heartless, political, and for me, unnecessary.
I know I’ll have to pick someone eventually, but there aren’t a whole lot of desirable options at the moment. Not many of the other Underbosses have daughters that are over the age of fifteen right now, and I have no interest in doing the child-bride thing.
Plus, there’s no way I’d marry someone outside of the family. At my rank, it isn’t an option.
That leaves... a widow?
The only one I know is Ianthe, and considering I highly suspect she killed her last husband and the fact that she’s crazy, there’s no way in hell I’d legally bind myself to her for life.
So he must be joking.
I take a pull from my cigar and look over at Rhys with narrowed eyes. “Uh huh. Sure. To who, exactly?”
The Wolf Cub.
The cigar snaps in my fingers.
“You’re fucking kidding,” I say, honestly hoping that’s the case. He’s either that or insane, and I’d hate to lock someone who’s like a brother to me in a padded room.
Rhysand’s unflinching gaze doesn’t change, but his tone morphs from that of my friend to my boss. “You will marry her, Cassian.”
“She’s a fucking Russian,” I spit, not understanding. That should be reason enough for him to be joking.
In our world, being Russian is a crime similar to stabbing the Pope.
We’ve been at war over New York with them ever since they decided to try and get a stronghold on the east coast, and I’ve killed more of them than I can fucking count. Now I’m marrying one?
“Yes, she is, and so is her father, Alexei Olov.” Aka the Bratva Boss responsible for blowing up half of St. Petersburg last year when the local police refused to buy his weapons. “You will marry her, move to New York full time, and run the city with her by your side.”
“Why? Two or three more years, and we’ll have the city anyway.” Every day the Russians get weaker, and I’ve been responsible for pushing them out of my city block by block.
So there has to be a reason we’re suddenly okay with the enemy.
Rhysand sighs. “It was his idea, not mine. Orlov has agreed to sell our coke in Moscow and Seattle instead of his usual dealer and will supply us all the weapons we need for five years. There will also be no more midnight raids, bullshit arrests on bullshit charges, or missing shipments. He’s offering you a dowry, too.”
I don’t need his money, but the old fashioned term makes me laugh.
“Yeah? And how much does he think his wolf cub is worth?”
His lips twitch. “Ten million.”
“She must be a real pain in the ass, then, if he’s going to pay me that much to take her,” I chuckle.
Not that ten million dollars is anything but pocket change for the man. Orlov may be losing the fight in New York, but the bastard is richer than sin. 
Selling arms to half of the entire world will do that to a person.
“I hear she’s beautiful,” he says, trying to tempt me to not fight him.
“Then you marry her,” I shoot back, not ready to give up the argument.
“I don’t feel like it.” Fucking typical. Rhysand sighs. “You and I both know we can work this deal to our advantage, so what will make you say yes?”
He could order to me to say yes and I’d have to, but he hates enforcing that kind of authority with me.
So I think it over, make a show of lighting a new cigar. “I want Sera.”
It’s a burlesque club in New York I’ve always been a little envious of, owned by Orlov and operated by his men. I’d tried to buy it a few years back but hadn’t had enough leverage on the Russian to strongarm him into selling.
Now I do.
Rhysand--the only one who knows about my failed attempt to buy the place--nods and tells me he’ll make it happen.
“When’s all this happening, anyway?”
He looks like he might laugh. “Wedding is in a month, but she’s flying in tomorrow night.”
A quick laugh forces its way out of me. Also typical of him to give me absolutely no time to change my mind.
Well, I have a month. That’s already longer than any relationship I’ve ever had. 
Sighing, I stand and shake his hand, cementing the deal before I can even lament the loss of my bachelorhood.
“Chto sluchilos?”
I slide my gaze to my father, because seriously, that’s the stupidest fucking question I’ve ever heard. 
What’s wrong? What’s wrong? Everything.
“Nichego,” I lie, assuring him for what feels like the tenth time as I look out the window. The plane picks up speed and lifts off, taking me towards an uncertain future, an uncertain place.
I might have told him nothing’s wrong, but inside, I’m screaming.
Three days ago, I woke up to find a marriage contract on the pillow beside me. There was a blank space where my name had been typed and a pen waiting for me to remedy that.
I still haven’t.
I’m not signing anything until I meet this... Cassian. 
God, what an Italian name.
An image springs to mind, one of a slumped-over, hairy-chest beast with slicked back hair and a gold chain. 
I know it’s stereotypical and hopefully incorrect, but I’ve never been to Italy and Alexei strictly forbids me watching movies that portray Italians as anything except revolting. 
But looks aside, there’s one thing I don’t need to guess to know. 
My future husband will be like all the other men in my life: controlling.
Men in the world I live in take what they want, don’t ask for permission, and feel like they’re entitled to anything and everything. I’ve dealt with it my entire life, so it’s more amusing than anything at this point.
I guess I’m a bit non-traditional in that sense, considering most of the women around me have no problems taking orders from their fathers or husbands. But Alexei and I figured out pretty early in life that wasn’t going to work for me.
As he frequently likes to tell me, I started telling him to fuck off when I was five.
What did he expect? All the kids I hung out with were the opposite sex and at least five years older than me, so my vocabulary and mannerisms became pretty... colorful early on.
Regardless, I’m just not looking forward to having to deal with yet another man who thinks he can control me.
“Ty vresh',” Alexei accuses, lips twitching. You’re lying. 
“Konechno.” Of course. 
Of course I’m upset, but I understand what’s happening. I might have found out about it three days ago, but I’ve known it was coming for far longer.
As the only child of the great Alexei Orlov, Wolf of Moscow and Pakhan of the Russian Bratva, I’ve been told my entire life that I will one day be used as a pawn to gain more power.
It would--should--piss me off, but I’ve also been told I’m to one day take my father’s place and run his company.
So by gaining more power for him, I’m also doing the same for myself.
Not that I really give a shit about that kind of thing. I started officially working for Alexei years ago, and I already have enough money saved to never have to work again. 
But in the Bratva, there’s no getting out. I was put in this world by birth, and the only thing that will take me out is death. 
In case it isn’t obvious, I’m not a typical business woman. 
My father is an arms-dealer. 
A less than legal one, if you believe the heinous lies the media spreads about him.
He sells weapons to governments, private armies, and whoever the fuck else has the money to buy. 
He’s also built himself a shipping empire to haul said weapons around the globe, runs the drugs and prostitute rings in Moscow, and has enough real estate to rival most small countries.
It probably sounds like I don’t care, and that’s because I don’t. 
I like what I do in the sense that I have a mind for business. I went to business school and graduated at the top of my class, and I enjoy running the clubs and hotels I have. Trained by Alexei himself, I’m ruthless in negotiations, enough so that people started calling me the Wolf Cub by the time I was twenty. 
But despite being good at it, I’m not particularly fond of the aspect most people think of when they picture my career in the Bratva. I detest drugs, have never hired a prostitute, and don’t really enjoy selling arms to bad people. 
The alleyway meetups, the broken bones and bullet holes, and the blown up houses are all a little tiring to me.
Sure, it sounds exciting. And for a while, it was. I used to lose myself in the chaos, used to enjoy coming home with busted knuckles. But I honestly just got tired of it.
Right now, I don’t have to deal with it as much because Alexei’s still alive. But when he dies and I officially take over the family business, I’ll have to be more involved. Even if the thought makes me want to sigh.
I pull out my laptop and look over the financial report for Sera, my newest club in New York. As predicted, everything’s running smoothly. 
I turn the laptop around to show my father, grinning when he pulls out his reading glasses and leans closer. 
“Starik,” I tease. Old man. 
He flicks my forehead, then reads the report and nods. Then he turns to his phone, probably playing Angry Birds or some shit, and leaves me to work.
The plane ride goes by quickly, and by the time we’ve landed in Chicago, I’ve gotten ahead on my schedule for next week, slept, and changed into what I’ve chosen as the “meeting my future husband” dress.
It’s simple and sleek, the black material clinging to my curves without being obscene. It’s long enough to hide the holster on my thigh, not that I feel in any danger with four personal guards stationed near me at all times.
My heels click as I make my way down the plane stairs and across the tarmac to the waiting sedan, and once my luggage and belongings are unloaded, we head to the Italian Capo’s house.
We’re meeting here, finalizing the contract, and then Cassian and I are flying to New York. 
My new home.
“Try to look happy,” Alexei tells me, his heavily accented English almost ridiculous to hear. He speaks English only when he’s in the states, and considering he hasn’t come here since I graduated B school two years ago, he’s a little out of practice.
“I’m ecstatic,” I say, intentionally using a word I know he doesn’t understand.
His eyes narrow, because it isn’t the first time I’ve used this trick, but he doesn’t call me out on it. We continue to ride in ecstatic silence, eventually pulling up in front of the Capo’s... house.
It’s almost obscene to call it that, considering it’s fucking huge. Like obnoxiously huge.
I heave a sigh, step out of the car, and take in my surroundings. The neighborhood’s quiet, likely filled with friends of the Cosa Nostra too scared to make any noise. 
A butler--seriously, a butler--opens the door and welcomes us inside, and as soon as I step in, I have to repress the urge to roll my eyes.
The amount of dirty money in the air is suffocating. It drips off the vaulted ceilings, down the artwork on the walls, across the marble floors. It’s in the little details of the crystal chandeliers and the mahogany staircase. 
One look at Alexei’s disgusted face says he’s thinking the same thing.
Don’t get me wrong, we’re rich. Grossly so. Alexei could have ten houses just like this, if he wanted them.
But he doesn’t. He owns property all over the world, but most of it is commercial or apartment complexes--property that makes him money, in other words. This, however, is a massive waste of capital. 
The butler leads us further through the house and into an office where four men wait. 
One is immediately identifiable as their lawyer, his over-priced cologne making me have to resist the urge to sneeze. The humongous man in the corner is hired muscle, if the boxy shape of the guns under his jacket is any indication.
The man behind the desk is obviously in charge, so I’m guessing he’s the Capo. Rhysand or Rhyland or something weird like that. He takes me in silently, bright eyes not seeming to miss any details. 
That leaves the man leaning against the desk to be Cassian Azara.
My fiancé. 
Our eyes meet, his golden gaze beautiful and wild, and I have to remember to keep my expression bored. 
Because the stereotype, the horrible image I’d conjured up in my mind, couldn’t be further from the truth.
For one, he isn’t hunched-over. He stands tall, leaning a hip against his Capo’s desk with obvious confidence. But I see more than just self-assuredness in his eyes. He seems a little too rough around the edges, wild gaze almost like he’s daring someone to swing at him. 
If the confidence didn’t already make him attractive, his looks sure as hell get the job done.
His hairs long and dark and curly, half of it pulled up in a rouge manner that clashes with the suit he’s filling. He has a few days’ stubble, too, like standing still long enough to shave just isn’t an option. 
His shoulders are impossibly wide, narrowing down to trim hips and legs long enough to make him tower over everyone in the room. 
His knuckles are tattooed and split open, and there’s a cut above his eyebrow that tells me I was correct to assume he’s a fighter by nature. 
Usually, that would be a deterrent for me, but there’s something about the way he’s dressed in a dark suit jacket and crisp white shirt while also looking so untamed that has me cocking my head to study him some more. 
He studies me, too, beautiful eyes taking in the long blonde hair and bright blue eyes offset by pale skin. He looks at the dress like he can see everything underneath, and I have the strangest urge to blush. Jesus, he’s toxic.
He’s attractive, is what I’m getting at.
Which is not what I had planned on, considering I’d been trying to think of a plan on how to not sleep with him, but suddenly that’s all my mind can focus on.
His lips twitch like he knows what I’m thinking, and I realize we’ve just been standing here staring at each other for a bit too long.
So I turn back to Alexei and shrug like I’ve seen what my future husband has to offer and aren’t impressed in the slightest. 
I toss the marriage contract on the desk, grab the Capo’s fancy little fountain pen out of his hand, and sign my name on the blank above my name. 
Cassian watches, but I ignore him entirely until the ink has dried. Then I look up at him through my lashes and wink, turn on my heel, and leave the room.
I think I’m in love.
She hasn’t said a single goddamn word, but the way she looked at me has me feeling itchy all over, anticipation and nerves rolling through me. I feel like I feel before I fight or something exciting happens.
Like I’m primed and ready and need it to happen now. 
Nesta Orlov, my bride to be, is nothing like I expected. 
I was fully braced for some meek little woman, similar to most of my friends’ wives, to come in and smile and say hello. 
But nope. Nesta didn’t smile; she came in like she was walking onto a battlefield. 
And she didn’t smile. She looked me over, clinical blue gaze noticing too much, and left me feeling winded. God, she’s beautiful. Just looking at her made me hot.
She also didn’t say hello. 
Just signed the contract and left, like this was nothing more to her than a boring business deal. I mean, that’s what it is, but... I don’t know, I expected more of a reaction. 
I’ve heard from some Underbosses that their wives cried or raged when they were forced to sign, but shit if that were the case with Nesta. She honest to God looked like she didn’t care.
Alexei, on the other hand, does look a little pissed about the situation, but I couldn’t care less of the old man’s opinion. He’s signed the contract, so to me, he’s irrelevant. Regardless, he and Rhys proceed to iron out some of the details about the wedding and other shit I’m not paying attention to.
Then they shake hands, and the Russian warlord turns to leave. 
He reaches the door and looks over his shoulder at me, and there’s amusement in his cold gaze as he mutters, “Udachi.” Good luck. 
As soon as he’s gone, Roman and the lawyer follow, leaving me alone with Rhys. 
He slides the contract to me, and I sign my name next to hers, making this shit official. 
“This should be interesting,” he comments, vague as usual. 
I sigh, because I have a feeling interesting isn’t going to cover it. 
Tags: @elorcan-trash @januarystears @emikadreams @sjm-things @santas-dwynwen @thebitchupstairs @sayosdreams @perseusannabeth @cursebreaker29 @a-bit-of-a-cactus @elriel4life @girl-who-reads-the-books @shinya-hiiragi @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @ireallyshouldsleeprn @highqueenofelfhame @rowaelinismyotp @nahthanks @ghostlyrose2 @lovemollywho @tillyrubes10 @claralady @tswaney17 @rowanisahunk @superspiritfestival @thegoddessofyou @awesomelena555 @booksofthemoon @greerlunna @jlinez @studyliketate @over300books @justgiu12 @masstrash @aesthetics-11 @bamchickawowow @b00kworm @sleeping-and-books @musicmaam @hizqueen4life @maybekindasortaace
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flesymetahiq · 4 years
Elinor (My Apprentice OC)
pls don’t say Bonjour to me ,-,
However, I hope I did nothing bad if I say that my OC  is the apprentice , I only step back a little from the canon(?) I’m sorry ..Just questions are very suitable,_, I'll probably skip some questions >~<Next time I will use this template on real OС, I hope you do not get mad at me
I think the same way to arrange Ask with her, maybe this will also help me develop her as a character.
Finally,after the hundredth attempt to draw my apprentice, since I represent her,I succeeded, now I’m going to the second round of hell - information about her. Honestly, this is a whole hurricane of thoughts in my head,and soon I’ll lose my mind, seriously ,_, 
Although what I’m talking about, in my head a mess reigns, reigned and will always reign(yaaaaaaiii)
By the way, so that some have visual representations about Elinor (Yes, maybe I will use different versions of her name( Eleanor, Elenore, Eleonora, Eleonore, Elinor, Elinore, Ellinore, Elynor, etc. XD, not a canon)
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So as not to go crazy, I’ll just answer the questions posed by @apprenticealec (thank you very much QwQ)I will also add my items. Just really liked the questions, sorry again!
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Let’s begin! 
1. What is their occupation in the Arcana World?
In the Arcana world, Elinor’s occupation is to develop her magical skills. In addition, she’s very interested in legends and various nationalities, languages and cultures, for the most part, because in this way she hopes to stumble on something,that will lead to memories of her past.She strives to learn all that is possible.Therefore, when Elinor gets into the palace library, she’s simply cannot be pulled out of there.
Closely related item: Dreams and Desires
Elinor often sees homeless and hungry people, sometimes even very talented, but who do not have anything to somehow light up in society or develop further. Therefore, its goal is to solve this problem as soon as possible. She dreams of creating an  academy where children from various sectors of society can study, as well as a charity in favor of those in need.
2. Where are they from?
In fact, Elinor came from a fairly kingdom called Augusay.The power of the kingdom lay, naturally, in the presence of its strong warriors and magicians, who came from some ancient clans, each such clan differed in magical priorities. For example, once on the territory of the kingdom, there was a clan of magicians named Haiko, magicians in this clan were distinguished by both white and black magic. There are legends that once a powerful warrior Haiko Ken was able to defeat a nine-tailed fox - a demon who penetrated into a world in which harmony and good reigned. However, demon's killer cannot remain an ordinary mortal. Ken was cursed, devil left his mark on him, since then demonic blood flowed in warrior’s veins, and sometimes Ken turned into a monster, which he seemed to have killed. Fortunately, Ken met a beautiful sorceress who helped him control the curse. They had children who transmitted both magic from their mother and the demonic curse from their father, thus forming the Haiko clan, a clan in which reigned balance between demonic power and white magic.From such a clan came the mother of Elinor - Aurora,who was the queen of  Augusay. At the moment, any mention of the kingdom and its memory were mysteriously destroyed, as if it had never been.
3. Do they have any family members? 
Haiko Akane (Elinor’s mother - Queen of Augusay )  - died by demon Lilith when Elinor was 3 years old
Haiko Fuji  (Elinor’s grandfather - And also the most strict teacher, whom Elinor hated and loved at the same time  when she was child/teenager. Come on he hit her  head with his huge damn stick when she was doing something wrong, a terrible old man.) - Oh yes, baby he saw dinosaurs, what are you talking about? (Joke.Yes, he is alive).
Carlisle Victor  (Elinor’s father - King of Augusay) - died protecting the Augusay from the (army of demons) army of the Lilith  (this is a long story).
Carlisle Anastasia (the illegitimate sister of Victor -  Elinor’s aunt) - died of heart failure.
4. Where were they during the plague in Vesuvia?
Even before the plague appeared in Vesuvia, Elinor received a letter from her aunt Anastasia (who owned the magic shop), since Asra and Eleanor managed the shop, Elinor’s aunt  lived on the territory of Venterre. In a letter, Anastasia wrote that her health was deteriorating due to severe heart disease, and she would like her niece to visit her. So Elinor spent enough time with her aunt, trying to maintain her condition and always be there so that aunt Anastasia would not be lonely. Before her death, Anastasia, who cared for Ellinore after her 18th birthday (since her memory was completely lost, like all the information and the kingdom of  Augusay itself) and claimed that the girl’s parents were middle nobles , who were killed by robbers, wanted to admit that everything was wrong, she hid the girl’s past for her own safety.Perhaps Anastasia had not time or simply didn’t gain strength, but still could not tell Elinor the truth. So aunt only left her property, highlighting a large mysterious box that she had been hiding from her niece all this time.Elinor felt that something was wrong, but she did not have time to figure out how she found out that a plague epidemic had begun in Vesuvia. Naturally, she went there, because she was extremely concerned about the lives of people and friends she knew.
5. Where are they during the main Masquerade? Were they invited royals or just townsfolk who decided to stop in when Nadia opened it to everyone?
Aunt Elinor was known in the narrow circles of high society, despite the fact that she led an extremely unusual way of life for her status.Therefore, Elinor was invited  royals to a masquerade. To say that she did something special during the masquerade, no. She was unusual to even be in such a crowd of people, she just wanted to distract herself from everything that had happened earlier, being at that time with Asra and Nadia, who were close enough friends for her.
10. What’s their idea of a perfect day?
Oh yahhhhhhh,in fact, everything is simple, the perfect day for Elinor This is the day when all her friends are nearby, happy, they are having fun as anyone can, well, actually this is all that is needed for happiness and the perfect day for Elinor (almost).
12. What’s one of their favorite memories?
This memory is extremely muddy, with every attempt to penetrate into it, Elinor almost faints. She remembers .. someone’s gentle warm voice, soothing, she remembers that someone sang a gentle cradle, as well as vague features of a woman’s face.
13. What’s one of their least favorite memories?
The moment in the dungeon with Lucio, at that moment she really was very worried and did not know what to do, although she tried not to show it so as not to make Lucio worry or blame himself if she had to sacrifice herself.
14. If they’ve interacted with (insert one of the Main 6 here) what is their opinion of them? If they haven’t interacted, what would their first impressions be?
(If I said anything above that I'm talking about ... oh, it's hard, just imagine that I crossed the MС, or rather an  Apprentice  with OС ?? :0)
 Asra -  Master? Master! Master!Maaaster! (agm, I’m sorry).  Asra, in secret, her top friend. However, it is worth noting that he is also an authority and an important object for respect for Elinor, for the most part she treat him as an older brother or really as a teacher, although he most likely will not be happy about it.Everything is somehow complicated, he the best friend to whom she trusts even her own life and the at the same time hi’s a teacher to whom she tries too much respect. Like all her friends, Ellie wishes Asra only the very best. Not to say that she is an angel who cannot be offended or angry at anyone, since she really often was offended when Asra went away for a certain time without saying where and for how much, which made her very worried and worried.
Julian - Dear Mr. Ilya, say something bad about yourself and I will crush you with.. MY RASEN... I’m not serious person..Not to say that Elinor was shocked to find out that Julian Devorak was not at all connected with the murder of Lucio, despite his first EPIC appearance in her shop, which scared Elinor so much that she almost fainted and almost every time she met him didn't squeal ..It is not strange that even in the worm Eleanor will find something beautiful, Ilya is far from being a worm, he is a wonderful person who should not think of himself as any kind of monster or garbage, she rather found in him an unfortunate person who lost himself, who is exactly help is needed..
 Portia  - One Portia's smile and Eleanor’s day made. In her eyes, Portia is a wonderful, strong, cute, cheerful person, while they walked to the castle to Nadia, Elinor asked her a bunch of questions, even the most stupid ones, just to at least listen to her giggle or joke while answering them.When she met Ilya with tears in her eyes, believe me, Elinor inside was already dead, her brain simply could not digest the fact that bitter tears were rolling on the face of this beautiful cutie.In general, Elinor is very happy for Ilya, because she would like to have a sister like Portia. Although, all her friends are her family, which she loves and tries to show care and attention.
Nadia - For Elinor Nadia, authority is no less than Asra and not because of her social status. Elinor sees a patient, strong, kind and wise person in Nadia, to which she cannot but respect. Even the movement of the Nadia’s hands makes Elinor delight, well, this countess is too beautiful...Eleanor is very pleased to discuss with Nadia any important topics related to life, philosophy, art, she is always interested in the Nadia’s opinion. For example, when they argue about something, is it not a gross argument, even rather a reasoning? Oh my God, how she seeks to hear Nadia’s arguments, sometimes her  thoughts can sit in Elinor’s mind for the whole day, night, week, month, she will return to this conversation 200 more times, only with other thoughts.
 Lucio - please give him a chance ..She likes him the most, but ... what kind of sympathy I'm talking about, Elinor is deeply in love with him.Despite everything, the fact that he is a complete moron, selfish in the opinion of others, in her eyes  he is the one who also needs help and support. In general, Elinor does not believe in bad people, for her there are people who make mistakes unknowingly, Lucio is one of those. Her opinion only gained a foothold after she began to pay attention to  Lucio, and the more he changed, the more she loved him.She was very touched when he showed his concern, or at least somehow regretted his actions, she believes him, believes that he will never repeat his mistakes ..At the moment they have a very warm relationship, Eleanor really hopes that her other friends will also be able to change their mind about this goat man,and Lucio himself will become more loyal to others.
Muriel  -  This man deserves the best of this life, his appearance says absolutely nothing about him, so when he saw Elinor was not at all afraid. He is a gentle, kind person, and no matter how he pushes her away from him, no matter how she is annoying, she does not lag, she will do everything to make him feel freer, so that other people also see Muriel as a sweet, good-natured person.
15. Share a song that describes them or just fits their “vibes.”
Futari no aida toorisugita kaze wa
Doko kara sabishisa wo hakonde kita no
Naitari shita sono ato no sora wa
Yake ni sukitootteitari shitanda
Itsumo wa togatteta chichi no kotoba ga Kyou wa atatakaku kanjimashita Yasashisa mo egao mo yume no katarikata mo Shiranakute zenbu kimi wo maneta yo
Mou sukoshi dake de ii Ato sukoshi dake de ii Mou sukodhi dake de ii kara Mou sukoshi dake de ii Ato sukoshi dake de ii Mou sukoshi dake kuttsuite iyou ka
Bokura TAIMU FURAIYAA toki wo kakeagaru KURAIMAA Toki no kakurenbo hagurekko wa mou iya nanda Ureshikute naku no wa kanashikute warau no wa Kimi no kokoro ga kimi wo oikoshitanda yo
Hoshi ni made negatte te ni ireta omocha mo Heya no sumikko ni ima korogatteru Kanaetai yume mo kyou de hyakko dekita yo Tatta hitotsu to itsuka koukan koshiyou
Itsumo wa shaberanai ano ko ni kyou wa Houkago «mata ashita» to koe wo kaketa Narenai koto mo tama ni nara ii ne Toku ni anata ga tonari ni itara
Mou sukoshi dake de ii Ato sukoshi dake de ii Mou sukodhi dake de ii kara Mou sukoshi dake de ii Ato sukoshi dake de ii Mou sukoshi dake kuttsuite iyou yo
Bokura TAIMU FURAIYAA kimi wo shitteitanda Boku ga boku no namae wo oboeru yori zutto mae ni
Kimi no inai sekai ni mo nanika no imi wa kitto atte Demo kimi no inai sekai nado natsuyasumi no nai hachigatsu no you Kimi no inai sekai nado warau koto nai SANTA no you Kimi no inai sekai nado
Bokura TAIMU FURAIYAA toki wo kakeagaru KURAIMAA Toki no kakurenbo hagurekko wa mou iya nanda Nande mo nai ya yappari nande mo nai ya Ima kara iku yo
Bokura TAIMU FURAIYAA toki wo kakeagaru KURAIMAA Toki no kakurenbo hagurekko wa mou ii yo Kimi wa hade na KURAIYAA sono namida tomete mitai na Dakedo kimi wa kobanda koboreru mama no namida wo mite wakatta Ureshikute naku no wa kanashikute warau no wa Boku no kokoro ga boku wo oikoshitanda yo
The sorrowful gust of wind that blew right between you and me Where did it find the loneliness it carried on the breeze? Looking up at the sky after shedding a stream of tears I could see for miles of blue, it's never been so clear Speeches that my father gave me would always make me despair Somehow, I feel a warmth and comfort today Your ever kind heart, the way you smile, and even how you find your dreams I knew nothing, so honestly, I've always copied you Now, just a little more Only just a little more Let's stay here a little longer now Now, just a little more Only just a little more Let's stick together just a little bit longer Oh yes, we are time fliers Scaling the walls of time, climber Tired of playing hide and seek with time and always coming just short Crying even when you're happy Smiling even when you're feeling lonely It's because a part of you Has made it here before the rest has I used to wish upon the stars, the toys that I once adored Forgotten now, are rolling 'round the corners of the floor Finally, my dreams have counted up to a hundred today Someday, I'll trade them all for just the very one Girl that I have seen in school, that never have told "hello" After class today, I waved and said, “See you tomorrow” It's not really that bad trying something new every once in a while Especially if I can do it with you by my side
Now, just a little more Only just a little more Let's stay here a little longer now Now, just a little more Only just a little more Let's stick together just a little bit longer Oh yes, we are time fliers, so, and I I knew who you were way before... Way before I even knew my own name There's no clue, but I'm sure, I swear Even if you're not around in this wide world Of course it surely would have some kind of meaning But if when you're not around in this crazy world Would be like the month of August without summer break And if you're not around in this great world Would be like Santa Claus without any glee If you're not around in this wide world Oh yes, we are time fliers Scaling the walls of time, climber Tired of playing hide and seek with time and always coming just short No, never mind that No, never mind what I said now 'Cause I'm on my way to you Oh, we are time fliers Dashing up the steps of time now No more playing hide and seek with you and time And always coming just short You're quite a showy crier Want to stop your tears, see your eyes drier But when I went to wipe your tears dry You refused but I saw them pouring down your face, I knew why Crying even when I'm happy Smiling even when I'm feeling lonely It's because the heart of mine Has made it here before my body
This song, oh yes, the song not only describes Elinor and her feelings, but it seems to me that this is exactly her voice I imagine.. ( Mone Kamishiraishi <3)
16. What do people assume about them at first glance?
In general, it’s hard for me to answer. Perhaps many people will perceive Elinor as the most ordinary girl, although it all depends on the situation and the person. For some, it may seem very creepy and mysterious. So that..
17. What’s something (personality aspects, body type, hobbies, etc.) that they find attractive in others?
Generosity, tolerance, understanding, loyalty, kindness, good sense of humor.
She doesn’t care about  appearance, including body type.
As for the hobby. Hmm, most likely hobbies related to art, playing musical instruments, drawing, poetry and literature.Well, of course, magic-related hobbies
18. Do they have any hobbies?
Sure! Some have already been listed. Elinor also loves to cook, play keyboard musical instruments and sing.
19. Who’s someone that they just can’t stand? (One of the Main 6, another OC, etc.)
Another OC - Hushiba Madara >:0  (Her childhood friend with whom she competed. He often ran into her and did not even think when he said really offensive things in her direction. True, at the moment, Ellie does not remember about Madara absolutely nothing. I’ll actually make an answers about him, because he’s  totally an OC)
Another OC -  Demon Lilith 
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aiyassalt · 5 years
Honestly, I greatly dislike Sansa (both her book and show counterparts), but there are times when I read pro-Sansa posts and theories, I feel pity for her.
No, not because I think the show “butchered” her. As mega-ringsandthings-world pointed out, it’s not out of the realm of possibility for Sansa to become what she is in S8. GRRM created her to be the black sheep of the family who clashes and causes trouble for other family members. This is the same girl who snitched on her dad to the woman who ordered her wolf killed so that she can get Joffrey’s dick hand in marriage and become Queen. This is the same girl who dismissed Jory’s death because his replacement is much more handsome. This is the same girl who is currently in on the plan to slowly poison her epileptic and orphaned cousin and covers up the truth about his mother’s death so that she can get the Vale. So, it’s totally possible for Sansa grow from an extremely spoiled, self-centered snobby brat who throws family members and allies under a bus for power and prestige to a manipulative yet gullible, traumatized, bitter, self-centered woman who screws over family members and allies for power.
No, I feel pity for Sansa because, out of her own universe, in fandom, she has few people in her corner. The only people who seem to appreciate her for what she is are only a handful of Sansa stans and Sansa haters/critics like me. Like many fans have brilliantly pointed out, many Sansa stans’ investment in Sansa has less to do with them genuinely finding her character and/or storyline interesting, but more so that she serves as a self-insert and they project traits and storylines they find desirable for her.  For all her fans’ claims of how they love her so much because she’s so feminine, non-magical, and not a physical badass (of course, annoying “subtle” digs at Jon, Arya, and Dany), the posts that incorrectly summarize Sansa’s traits, fanfics that have Sansa wielding a sword, bows and arrows, the posts theorizing that she will receive/warg Nymeria or Dany’s dragons, raise Arya’s or Dany’s kids, become the YMBQ and posts by Sansa stans getting pouty that not everyone think Sansa’s destined to become the next ruler of the North, Queen of the 7K, and/or YMBQ prove opposite. I would dare to say that Sansa stans dislike, nay, hate canon!Sansa and her actual storyline. And quite frankly, I don’t blame them.
Sansa’s not one of the Main Five; she’s just a main character. She’s also supposed to be the female equivalent of the Everyman character who serves as a window for the readers into how the courtly culture of this medieval fantasy-esque setting is rife with corruption and cruelty hiding beneath the thin and glittery veneer of courtly values and luxury. Her arc has nothing to do with rulership and leadership. Her beginning chapters cement her as a thoughtless, self-centered, vain, classist brat with low pockets of empathy for anyone who isn’t attractive and/or highborn and disturbingly parallels with young!Cersei’s beginnings. She isn’t super intelligent, observant, kind, or clever, especially compared to other characters. She’s easily one of the most conformist and classist characters in the series and doesn’t give much thought as to how she will improve her life and the lives of others. She’s incredibly passive and her passiveness becomes more apparent compared to other characters. Her accomplishments are unremarkable and look even more so compared to what other characters (especially to the Main Five) achieve. Romance-wise, her love life looks rather dismal and far from the stuff of wish-fulfillment for many Sansa stans who think like AGOT!Sansa. None of the male characters she interacts with (Joffery, Sandor, Tyrion, Littlefinger, Sweetrobin, Harry, etc) exactly fit the mold of the Prince Charming trope in terms of looks and/or personality meanwhile other female characters seem to get “better pickings” of potential male love interests. Hell, even in the sphere of beauty standards, Sansa’s good looks don’t make her exactly unique. Also, the books clearly and frequently subvert the Beauty Is Never Tarnished trope and have many formerly beautiful women temporarily or permanently lose their looks. So, there might be chance that Sansa might undergo an event that slightly or greatly disfigures her. Finally, regarding acquisition of power, again, what Sansa gets, and how she acquires it will pale in comparison to what other characters. Contrary to the show, Sansa is not going to become Queen of the North. If Sansa does acquire a title, it will most likely be Lady of the Vale and it will be through killing/endangering her epileptic cousin. Jon, Dany and/or Arya, on the other hand, will likely play integral roles in the War for the Dawn, contenders for Kingship/Queenship of the North or the Iron Throne, and will gain their power through charisma, dedication, sheer will and determination, compassion, and hard work.
So yeah, I can see how and why many Sansa stans go out of their way to take anything and everything from other characters to give to their so-called “favorite”. I can see why they insist on pro-Sansa revisionist spins that erase Sansa’s flaws as well as any responsibility, agency, and blame she owns for any wrongs she commits. Sansa is not at all an easy or likable character to root for.
And yet, despite all that I said…it’s completely fine that she is all those things. Yes, I, someone who greatly dislikes Sansa, is saying this. There’s nothing wrong with Sansa starting off as a passive, classist, and snobby bully with little empathy and not much intelligence and she becomes…well, less of a bully at least.  It’s completely fine her arc has nothing to do with ruling or leading and is all about her just learning to be less shallow and appreciate what she initially had. It’s completely fine she doesn’t end up as Queen of the North or the Seven Kingdoms, doesn’t take Cersei down, doesn’t end up with fAegon, etc. There’s nothing wrong (other than the child poisoning deal…) with Sansa acquiring the Vale. It’s a rich region and its culture is more suitable to Sansa’s personality, tastes, and arc.
What I find frustrating and saddening is that Sansa fans have no problem finger-wagging at Dany, Arya, and Jon fans how it’s fine and even “beautiful” if our faves don’t get happy endings or enjoy perks typical of their fairy tale archetypes. Yet these same Sansa fans seem to empathically refuse to apply the same thinking to their own fave and (again, based on their actions) seem to desperately wish Sansa was something more than a snobby and classist rich mean girl with no magical abilities, charisma, or a big heart full of empathy and compassion. This might be just my thinking, but if you truly like and appreciate a character, then you would not feel the need to bash other characters to prop her/him/they up only to turn around blatantly steal other traits and storylines from the characters you bash because truthfully, you find fave’s personality traits and their arc grating and unsatisfactory.
So, that’s what I mean when I say I feel occasional pity for Sansa: because she has very few fans who genuinely like and appreciate her. Hell, I even feel more pity for Sansa when I think about her fans because I suspect a lot of her so-called “fans” will turn on her if none of their theories and headcanons are validated. I can only imagine what will happen if Sansa dies and never takes Cersei and/or Dany down or is never crowned QiTN or simply becomes Lady of the Vale. Or she ends up with the “wrong” guy or ends up single or with a random noble who isn’t as high-ranking and/or handsome as they would like.
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So it’s kinda like my thing now that whenever I enjoy something with an ensemble cast, I gotta assign each character a song by The Mountain Goats, so welcome to Fire Emblem: Three Houses as Mountain Goats songs. 
Black Eagles
Edelgard: Going Invisible 2 “I'm gonna burn it all down today and sweep all the ashes away.” This song feels like her mantra for defiantly destroying everything corrupt no matter the cost. Also the slow and increasingly intense performance of the song just feels exactly how her plan unfolds. 
Hubert: Genesis 30:3 “Open up the promise of the day, drive the dark things away. I will do what you ask me to do because of how I feel about you.” I know this song is about having a baby, but the absolute yet tender loyalty feels perfect for Hubert. 
Ferdinand: Sicilian Crest “Look to the West, look to the man bearing the Sicilian crest.” This song captures the exuberance of Ferdinand while also being about blinding overconfidence and hey! It has the word crest! Fun!
Bernadetta: In the Craters of the Moon “If the strain proves too much, give up right away. If the light hurts your eyes, stay in your room all day.” Honestly, TMG is a very Bernie band what with all the paranoid isolation and abusive fathers, but I like that this one captures her sense of epic-level dread over even small interactions. 
Dorothea: Linda Blair was Born Innocent “Hungry for love, ready to drown, so tie down the sails, we're going downtown.” For a girl who just wants love, a song named after a movie about the exploitation of teen girls. 
Linhardt: Sourdoire Valley Song “Dream the pleasant dreams that people dream when they grow up down here.” A weird song about peaceful Paleolithic life that seems to align with the peaceful, sleepy world Linhardt prefers. 
Caspar: For Charles Bronson “Set you sights on good fortune, concentrate, pull back the hammer, try to hold the gun straight.” A song about giving your all, earning your place, and having the heart of a champion despite everything. 
Petra: Deuteronomy 2:10 “I have no fear of anyone, I'm dumb and wild and free. I am a flightless bird and there'll be no more after me.” This ode to a captured animal who is the last of its kind seems to align with Petra’s existence as a sort of exotic hostage in the empire. 
Blue Lions
Dimitri: Maybe Sprout Wings “I thought of old friends, the one's who'd gone missing, said all their names three times. Phantoms in the early dark, canaries in the mines.” This is just the most heartrending song about waking at night from a dream of people who are now dead, just as Dimitri is haunted by his own ghosts.  
Dedue: Sax Rohmer #1 “I am coming home to you, with my own blood in my mouth.” Loyalty, but this time with Dedue’s penchant for having to fight through literal hell for Dimitri in every route. 
Felix: Spent Gladiator 2 “Stay alive. Maybe spit some blood at the camera. Just stay alive, stay forever alive.” Since Felix is committed to fighting for survival rather than heroic sacrifice, this furiously defiant song about continuing to live despite terrible odds seems appropriate. 
Ashe: Sept 15 1983 “Try try your whole life to be righteous and be good. Wind up on your own floor, choking on blood.” A song about an unjust killing for Ashe who has to reconcile his noble ideals with the unjust death of his adoptive father. 
Sylvain: No Children “And I hope when you think of me years down the line you can't find one good thing to say. And I'd hope that if I found the strength to walk out, you'd stay the hell out of my way.” I mean come on! The title, No CREST BABIES, also its like the ultimate anti-love song for the ultimate anti-love guy. 
Mercedes: Unmasked! “And by way of honoring the things we once both held dear. I will reveal you. I will reveal you.” I imagine this being sung both to Jeritza, masked both literally and metaphorically, with all the kindness mixed with brutal honesty that is Mercedes. 
Annette: Genesis 3:23 “Living room to bedroom to kitchen, familiar and warm. Hours we spent starving within these walls, sounds of a distant storm.” A song about breaking in to your old house aligns with Annette’s own troubled memories of a childhood marred by paternal abandonment. 
Ingrid: Age of Kings “Wolves in the hallway gaining ground. Reach down to the moment when I should have said something true. Shadows and their sources now stealing away with you.” A song about the loss of a heroic past for the idealistic girl who lost her fiancé and watched her own father try to marry her off for money. 
Golden Deer
Claude: Heel Turn 2 “Spent too much of my life now trying to play fair. Throw my better self overboard, shoot at him when he comes up for air.” Claude is so interesting as both a brutal pragmatist but also a dreamer. I really like how he can always survive the game if you let him, despite the compromises he has to make. 
Hilda: Riches and Wonders “I am healthy, I am whole, but I have poor impulse control. And I want to go home, but I am home.” This one is hard since Hilda is a pretty low angst character, but I feel like this song walks the line between her love of the finer things in life versus her eventually learning to stand on her own. 
Leonie: The Legend of Chavo Guerrero “And I need justice in my life: here it comes. Look high, it's my last hope. Chavo Guerrero, coming off the top rope.” Replace Chavo with Jeralt and we have a perfect song about hero-worship and how it can get us through hardship. 
Lorenz: The Mess Inside “Tried to find the creeping sense of dread with temporal things, most of the time I guess I felt alright.” This was another hard one, but given Lorenz’s persistent failure as a lady’s man it seems right that he would just be enjoying luxuries to distract himself from his lack of love. 
Raphael: Animal Mask “That was when we were young and green, in the dawning hours of our team. Some things you will remember, some things stay sweet forever.” One of the few genuinely sweet and happy TMG songs for a sweet and good boy. I am conceptualizing this as being about his childhood friendship with Ignatz and his role as a protector to his sister. 
Ignatz: Unicorn Tolerance “Get a momentary chance to see the thing I've been trying to beat to death, the soft creature that I used to be.” A song about forcing yourself to seem tough when you actually love unicorns, just as Ignatz tries to be a knight for his family, but he just loves art and semi-horny religious iconography. 
Marianne: In the Hidden Places “I turned my face away and I shut my eyes tight. Dreamed about the flowers that hide from the light, on dark hillsides, in the hidden places.” A song to sum up Marianne’s desire to keep herself away from anyone she might endanger. 
Lysithea: The Autopsy Garland “You don't wanna see these guys without their masks on, or their gloves.” This is more metaphorical, but the song is about the abuse of Judy Garland throughout her childhood, which parallels Lysithea’s experience with TWSITD. 
Ashen Wolves
Yuri: Fire Editorial “Lord of the hidden pocket knife. Tawdry dreams all come to life. Save yourselves, save this town, save everything not nailed down.” If anyone deserves to be called the lord of the hidden pocket knife, it’s Yuri. Also, the repeated chorus to save the town aligns with his savage defense of Abyss.
Balthus: Color in Your Cheeks “Come on in, we haven't slept for weeks, drink some of this, it'll put color in your cheeks.” A welcoming yet rowdy song for the rowdiest of boys. Also he is like an actual adult so he can serve liquor. 
Hapi: Possum by Night “All your pack dogs have your say. Let me just find my own way. Moon in the trees my guide. Walk with my jaw hinged wide.” Hapi with her prickly attitude and forced loneliness seems right for this heroic little possum. 
Constance: Game Shows Touch Our Lives “Our house sinking into disrepair, Ah, but look at this showroom filled with fabulous prizes.” The feeling of a little brightness in the despair of something fallen makes sense for Constance’s efforts to reclaim the glory of her house. 
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madamhatter · 4 years
ACT ???. BACKSTAGE your name is.....
Note: headcanon dump. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  several smaller ones drafted, decided against spam, and then bunched some together. 
got only another thing, a drabble, which it’ll come out soon enough..! had it for ~3 days and isn’t as long as this post. 
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“And a good morning to you too.” Before the sun greeted the sky, Sophie Hatter had been minding herself to conversation with a newly made friend. Her hand briskly brushes against their cool form to then patting it affectionately. Turns out that her friend was much taller than her, which is quite a shock for how younger they were. Not surprising when she was talking to a blossoming plumeria tree. 
After the events in ACT I, SCENE I, and a great amount of guilt (which she easily crumbles under), Sophie ended up using a good portion of her earned bits from that week to purchase the plumeria she enchanted. The tree has been reserved to live comfortably on top of the apartment complex she lives in, which makes it an interesting sight. 
She has already constructed a large box (3.5 feet width), filled it with dirt, and transferred the tree into its happy new home. She thankfully did as her magic is, in simple terms, is very reactive. Not needing direct commands, or specific words/chants to use it, her own vocals can impact quite a bit. In this case, it’s the fact that the tree that had once fit in a pot was now already taking on a healthier size. It is has quite visible around the block as it’s already ~6 ft and can grow up to 20 ft. At this rate, it may happen exponentially. 
If it sounds like the tree is alone, don’t worry! One of the major projects Sophie had when she (recently) moved into her apartment was to create A) a reliable source of food and B) connections. So, there is a community garden on the rooftop as well, not taking up the entirety of the space (but could, depending on what’s wanted by the complex residents). She acts as the head gardener and spends a good portion up there to tend to vegetables, flowers, and the tree. Anyone in the apartment complex may freely tend to the garden (and take from it).
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With her only stable income coming from her work as the Vermilion Detective Agency’s housekeeper, and her past history of her family’s ‘bread winner,’ she has spent scrupulous time organizing and budgeting out most weeks in advance. Considering Simeon’s work, which is high risk and high reward, that is not usually counted. She anticipates that there’ll be 'dry periods’ when there might not be available work or she’ll be decommissioned due to injuries sustained from her last job. In her opinion, it’s best to work in assuming conditions are worst than they are, which mean certain sacrifices are made.
For this headcanon, we’ll focus on food consumption. Sophie has notoriously bad health concerns when it comes to herself. This includes missing out on meals and not keeping track of what she has eaten. She is an avid baker and cook from being her family’s provider, but this doesn’t mean she makes things for herself. Honestly, the shame of her skills is that even if she could create as much, she A) can’t enjoy it/rationalizes that isn’t for her pleasure/source, and, in the case of food, B) not able to indulge. Sophie has a major case of “food intolerances” because of the limited availability (and variety) of foods in her childhood. 
All this in mind, Sophie tends to have extra ingredients available or a selection of them that she wouldn’t normally eat. (or can’t eat). There’s the fear that it’ll expire and she would’ve wasted money, so she pretty much returned to old habits: assume a bigger household. 
Sophie, essentially, has cooked larger meals and offered them out in her apartment. It originally didn’t start like this. She already offered meals already to those in the apartment complex out of compassion. She comes from a relatively small community and it’s always been integral to participate and support those around you; they can be as much as family to you, if you decide to make them so. But, back to topic. Considering how little she’s actually using, she isn’t wanting anything to go to waste
Want a plate in Sophie’s apartment? The first step would be you’d need to live close to her district, or in her district, and heard it by word of mouth (or from the source herself). She can’t go the extra mile and create new locations to serve food. Maybe in local spots, but she is still someone who’s living in poverty. The second step would be to know when. The best way to know? See if the plumeria tree is blossomed. 
It blossoms and closes according to when visits the garden. Its a part of her obligations to visit the roof-top garden everyday for about 1~4 times (when she wakes up, when she leaves, when she returns, and when she’s retiring for the day). It can be more times. Again, her speech leaves impact, and given how she speaks to the tree, the flower scan either be opened or closed. If it’s opened, she’s been at the apartment and hasn’t left. If they’re closed, she’s either (trying) to sleep or she’s left the apartment. The flowers aren’t always opened, which doesn’t necessarily reflect that she hasn’t visited. She’s possibly busy/stressed about something, rushing to get things done, or isn’t in the particular mood. 
Then again, if someone crashed in and is ridiculously malnourished or mentions they haven’t eaten (or lies about it), she will rush into that kitchen faster than they can blink. It’s always been a part of her character to be a ‘people-pleaser’ to some angle, usually seen as compassion. ..Add in the fact that her guilt can be used against her effectively and the person might not even be trying. 
rambling below. wasn’t proof-read. just me going. 
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..Now that I think about it, this act itself is coping to the internalized and externalized exile she’s facing. She’s completely removed from her family unit (sisters), the one thing that kept her going, and her home and history has been destroyed. It’s already of her to genuinely fear loneliness and the inevitable ‘uselessness’ she will be because all she’s worked for has always been to benefit/aid her sisters. 
She believes the worth she actually feels good about ( read: the one time feels happy when she’s being used/taken advantage of) will expire as soon as her sisters don’t need her anymore. She spent her life being used and gotten used to it because she, as a child, *agreed/accepted* her shit fate in lieu that she’d be used to help/nurture/do everything for her sisters’ happiness/stability/etc. That is literally the reason why she rolls with it. Just for them. 
In her eyes, she’s *very* close to the point where her life is going to really have no purpose because she has reconstructed herself for her sisters-. and there’s the fact that if she successfully raised them and ensured them everything they need, they wouldn’t need her. she’ll be obsolete and she knows that. and it’s just a countdown until she’s truly useless, which then means she’ll be lonely because there’s no desirability/use to her. in her head, that’s how relationships work with her and has been the standard since she was a kid. 
providing to people is her life’s obligation because of how she’s been molded to see herself as.
This is a way to get some company and placate the terror of isolation she believes she is fated for. She might’ve reconstructed and gained control of her fate. But, there are certain things your life is barred to because what you perceive to happen/it to be. Basically, self-fulfillment prophecy. 
She still has that gap because of her own internalization, repression, and other co-morbid beliefs, trauma, etc.. She hasn’t gotten to that point, or is she avoiding it? She can physically and emotionally adapt well, but mental adaptation is the harder thing to do. 
It doesn’t help this is the idiot who doesn’t ask for help or admit to these things. Then there’s the problem of her not wanting to be alone, but she pushes relationships away because her feelings towards them are ‘this isn’t going to last and I shouldn’t get comfortable’ and ‘my relationships exist only for exchange in that I need to give and the person has to receive, or else something’s wrong.’  
this can go on, but, nah - this is going to get too off-topic.
tldr: she’s a dumbass who craves intimacy and company like everyone else but rejects most human desires/wants because she wasn’t treated like a proper human and normalized it for herself. sophie believes her relationships are based on ulterior motive + her needing to provide because that what she thought is normal for her. 
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budgeting ( + peek into psyche )
Financial stability hadn’t been a staple of Sophie’s life. Emptied pockets and urgency had been, however, persistent conditions by which she coordinated herself and handling between the family shop and her family’s needs. Electricity was all too new in the valley, running water was a commodity that could’ve been easily revoked and it was harder to regain, warmth was at an all-time best whenever the Hatter sisters trio huddled together, and food was as much of a surprise for Sophie with each passing day. As she’s gotten older, she saw less of these impending fears, if only because she placed herself immediately into the workforce. No pay she made was her own, her stepmother pocketed it, but it was thankfully used for the family....with what little was left after Fanny did whatever she wanted with it.
However, those yesterdays were swallowed by a veil of smoke and ember, far too thick to navigate and too hard to breathe in. Instead of a family of the five remaining Hatters, all it was now in Sophie’s estranged life was herself in Topaxi. Her sisters were fortunately in apprenticeships in the empire and Fanny was recently remarried to some rich man -- to whom she never met properly as they gotten engaged and eloped during her disappearance. Even if she spent countless days in a cramped apartment, watching the paint chip away on her ceiling and only in the company of flowers and hats, she was still stubborn to fall on her oldest habit. Every pinch of money she made in her numerous jobs were budgeted with such precision that more than 60% of the funds were mailed out and sent to her sisters at the end of every month.
With the legally questionable yet financially beneficial jobs, it made things much easier to support her family. Her own safety, sanity, and security, however, weren’t priorities. Not that they did matter, anyways, since the importance of a job was customer satisfaction and a successful transaction.
Simeon stirs from their momentary silence, shaking their head at the sound of talk before them. It’d been another arrangement to do another one of those jobs, and it was becoming a routine that they weren’t at all fond of. Morals and better judgement rallied to put a stop in engaging and profiting from this field of world, but those wouldn’t produce anything worthy for her sisters to live off on. It didn’t matter what the self thought and wanted, what mattered was the others.
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“Uhuh.” Don’t act as if you were originally listening.
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Given her origins in [REDACTED], particular the location in the country, much of the advancements in Topaxi and in many countries weren’t available for her. She hasn’t ever needed to own a phone (or had one in her house home). There are certain things that are needing to get used to. One of the major points for this is that Sophie’s inadequacy with technology (even if it’s not ‘modern’ to our standards) does impact her. This does include a vehement dislike towards cars, which didn’t exist in the valley where she grew up in. She will pretty much refuse to enter one and would prefer handling foot traffic and relying on her knowledge to find barely-traveled routes. It isn’t necessarily labeled as a phobia, but she does have a great unease inside cars and tends to shimmy to the side, gripping the seat cushion. She would continue conversation but her inputs are not as verbose. She will not look out of the windows and try to keep herself distracted.   The only other time this reaction can be invoked if she’s shoved into any medical facility -- which spikes her anxiety. But, in that particular case, her hostility will appear and it’s not something that really, really comes out easily. 
Knowledge in obscure, if not concerning, topics happens to be ever true in this version than in her usual incarnation. Outside of what her canon establishes in understanding demonology, curses, and contracting, there is the additional compact of her understanding human anatomy. It’s, admittedly, something that doesn’t come out normally and this is mainly discussing the different systems that govern the body. She will share her techniques and skills when it comes to tending/first aid, and the information will out come, but it’s much more friendlier for normal people. It can easily have its tune changed.  Genuinely speaking, the application of this knowledge goes into explaining the limitations of the body and reactions that the body will have if certain bones, organs, etc. are damaged, removed, etc. If we need to go further in, this does include things like dissection and such.  Example of how it’ll be approached, here:   “Here.” Sophie tapped her finger to an image dedicated to the spinal cord as the image listed off the nerves associated with the system, injuries one could get, the name of each vertebrate, etc. “Theoretically,” she turned to Natsume, assuming he was paying attention and not returning to the devil spawns he called his cats.  “If you look at the top, you have the cervical vertebrae.” Sophie gently poked  Natsume’s spine with the tip of her scarred fingertips. “C6 is one of the points where you’d need to get in order to start the process. An injury here could be as harmless as you could expect but there’ll be paralysis from the neck downwards. It is very vital. Something like a hairline fracture could work if the person isn’t looking.” Just imagine it to get into more uncomfortable detail. Why does she know this? Good question.
Sophie’s been formerly cursed as an old woman like in canon. and, weirdly, embraced it faster than any person should’ve. It still impacts her in ways, but spoilers :). The main point is that she falls into the habit of speaking much older than she is. Doesn’t matter if you’re two years older, twice her age, or the one responsible for making the universe, she will refer to you as ‘young,’ among other things, and use titles of endearment.  As a reminder, she is 20 years old, physically that age and actually that age. It is weird but we’re rolling with it. 
Sophie can most likely outdrink you. 
Can make you a sweater. a cap too. 
Can lift quite well! Listen, she’s not ripped, but she can pick up above her weight (in terms of people). If she can’t completely pick you, she’ll drag you. 
ACHIEVEMENT: end notes. ☆ Read over one of Sophie’s extras.
UNLOCKED: ☆ encyclopedic oddity - Shorter GCD for ‘encyclopedic oddity,’ ability in which Sophie spills out strange and off-hand facts/accounts. May also ask her for facts please don’t ☆ the cratchit to your scrooge - sophie may be hired to take on accounting/budgeting work. just as the title suggests, she can also be paid horribly for this job.  ☆ home is where your favorite plate is - chance encounter to gain ‘full stomach’ buff when entering (or barging into) sophie’s apartment. the first question i ask is, how did you manage- ☆ you’re out of touch - sophie gains debuff, ‘you’re out of touch,’ and has lowered resistance to electronics and certain forms of technology.
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mutantsrisingrpg · 4 years
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Congratulations DYLAN! You’ve been accepted as NEPTUNE.
Dylan, I was so excited to see you apply for a second character and even more excited to see you apply for Neptune! The cosmic metaphor that you weaved throughout the entire app is something that I absolutely loved. Making Avery be the second born and comparing it to leftover cosmic energy had me howling! I also loved that you wrote about how special twins are when it comes to mutants - their powers being the yin to the others yang was especially something that stood out to me. I’m so, so excited to see you bring Avery to life! 
Welcome to Mutants Rising! Please read the checklist and submit your account within 24 hours.
Out of Character Information:
AGE: 22
In Character Information:
DESIRED ROLE: Avery O’Brien aka Neptune
Avery can take you by surprise. At first you might just see this edgy kid walking down the street, fists clenched and ready to throw them at the first person to give them a skew look. With a packet of Marlboro in his back pocket and tongue primed with his general response, ‘fuck off’, you just simply wouldn’t expect Megan the Stallion to be blasting through his earphones as he walked.
Sure, Avery definitely knew how to get himself into trouble and he had picked up a few bad habits along the way but Avery would probably be the kindest and most loyal friend you could make. He’d often babysit his neighbors kids and he genuinely enjoyed it. His aesthetic was mostly a facade, tough and ready to rumble when he’d definitely prefer to avoid a fight if possible.
He might be young, but don’t underestimate him. He’s been on the street long enough to know how things work and life has definitely taught him how to look out for himself and his sister. He’s pulled off countless jobs since their parents kicked them out and has managed to keep his hands as clean as they could be. So what gives Avery the edge? He’s cunning and smart, he knows how to work angles and get what he wants, one way or another.
As for Avery’s powers, he doesn’t really understand them, and nor does the rest of the world, to be honest. He’s read multiple essays and watched countless videos on dark matter and energy and what that meant exactly. When he uses his powers, it’s as if he can feel each individual molecule of something, measuring up its mass. He can then change how gravity affects the object, making it ‘heavier’ or ‘lighter’. He’s also experimented with dark energy blasts which seem to be an invisible force that pushes everything out of its way and constantly expands if he doesn’t control it. Honestly, his powers frighten him, as does the unknown to all humans. What really gets to him is that if Dark Energy is what causes the universe to keep expanding, should he really be playing around with that shit?
TW: Homophobia
Penelope was born first and then Avery, like the leftover cosmic energy when a star is born. The two were inseparable and doing so would bring about the same results as splitting an atom, metaphorically. As they grew older, they spaced apart but were still always in each other’s orbits, one revolving their life around the other and visa versa. As far as Avery could remember, his early childhood was a good one, or maybe he was just far too young to really see how his family life really was. He went to school, worked hard and would come home only to spend the rest of his free time with Penelope.
As he got older, Avery was always testing his boundaries. How far could he push his luck with his parents, peers, teachers, and even law enforcement. He hung around with the wrong crowd and got pulled into things he never originally wanted to do. It was nothing serious until he was involved in the destruction of a school bus. Nobody could explain how the bus had been crushed nor who had been involved. It happened just after summer break, Avery and a group of his friends had snuck onto school campus that night just to mess around and smoke some weed. Avery was mainly there for Mitch Evans, Avery’s love interest at the time.
The night progressed and the group ended up hanging out in a school bus. The group whittled down to just 4 kids when Avery finally gained the courage to make a move on Mitch. He had tried to kiss the other and Mitch’s reaction was violent and resulted in Mitch punching Avery in the face and shoving him out of the bus. The flurry of embarrassment and heartbreak felt as if it was crushing his soul and before he knew it, the bus started to creak as the metal began to indent. The group inside had mostly been able to get out untouched, everyone except Mitch, who’s leg got stuck under a chair whilst the bus was imploding. After managing to free Mitch from the bus and getting him to the nearest hospital, the group vowed never to mention what had happened out of fear that whatever crushed the bus would follow them. Little did they know that Avery was the one that had crushed the bus and the only other person to ever know this would be Penelope. That was also the last time that Avery ever spoke to Mitch Evans.
That was just the beginning of weird events that would follow the O’Brien twins. Their father seemed to end every day with a bottle of whiskey and their mother seemed to become more unhinged every day. Avery pushed through, working hard at school, knowing that getting into college would be his escape. Having Penelope was also a blessing, having someone he could trust and open up too was a privilege he knew not many had.
Half-way through high school was when it all changed. Their parents had officially rejected them and kicked them out of the house. They had nowhere to go and started crashing on their friend’s couches. Soon Avery was given the opportunity to work a job with one of his friend’s older brothers and he took it. They robbed a yacht and got away with a bag full of expensive jewelry and cash from the on-board bar. It took a couple of weeks before the money was laundered, but Avery got his cut and a reputation. He was asked to do a couple of more jobs and started learning the ropes. It was his senior year when he pulled off his own job. He put most of his money into a savings account to buy a place for him and his sister. He finished school and was given a bursary to study engineering at a local college.
Now, at the age of 24 he is still studying engineering and lives in a decent apartment with his sister. He also works as an intern at a local high-end engineering firm that specialises in space technology. At night he works as a bartender which is mostly a cover and is where he gets approached by most of his clients to pull off jobs for them for a percentage of the cut. There’s been a change in the winds recently though and whispers of new and powerful mutant gangs coming to Miami has him watching his back.
His life is extremely busy so he’s constantly living in the now. If you stopped him and asked him what his goals were, he’d default to saying something about making sure that Penelope is safe, not that she needs his protection, but he barely thinks about what he wants these days. That’s why everyone in his life that has a ‘more than friends’ status seems to come and go, Avery doesn’t think about what he wants and always puts others first before himself, stretching himself as thinly as possible which often leaves his partners feeling neglected or toyed with.
Penelope O’Brien. It’s said that twins have some sort of special connection, and if that were true for humans, it was definitely true for mutants, especially if their powers were the yin to the other’s yang. Penelope was like the birth of a brand new star whilst Avery was the death of one. They were each other’s best friends from the second they were born. Not only was Penelope always there for him, she was the only one he confided in after the school bus incident. They spent countless nights staying up until sunrise chatting about boys and girls, school, life goals, games and so much more! Penelope was the first person Avery spoke to about his powers and he was so happy that he wasn’t the only twin with ‘gifts’. Being able to support each other was so much easier since they shared a secret. If anything weird would happen they’d race to the other and tell them, learning about each other’s powers together. Penelope wasn’t just his twin sister, they were his best friend too! Considering that Avery struggled to keep love around, this meant a lot to him. He couldn’t imagine what his life would be like without her and that’s why he’d die for her. He’d rather not be alive than live a life without her. This is where Avery’s loyalty turned fierce and where he would definitely cross a line if need be. In a sense, Penelope was Avery’s weakness in more than one way, emotionally and physically. He was sure that if there was anyone that could match his powers it would be Penelope and to what extent, he had no idea and he hoped that he’d never have to find out.
Oh boy oh boy. I MEAN. What shouldn’t I put here?
I’m thinking that his reputation might get one of the groups to approach him? Maybe more than one group gets him to work for them as a freelancer?
Honestly I’m probably going to make a lot of content for Avery throughout the next week purely because I have so much muse for him, but I also kinda wanted to get this app in and this doesn’t influence decisions so… but here’s a link to the Pinterest board:
I might also make a mock-blog? And on there I’ll have graphics and headcanons? IDK. I’ll send it in if I do.
ANYTHING ELSE: Nope! All good! I honestly love this RP so much and I’m waaaaaay too invested for my own good.
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baconpal · 5 years
here i go talkin bout fuckig anime again
rant time, but like a good one where i’m happy about things instead of angry
so ima talk about and recommend some anime shit, specifically  comfy anime and gurren lagann
i’ll just start it by saying what i mean by comfy anime, cus its something that is more vague than it should be for most people, but for me it’s pretty much anime that i wouldn’t want to binge all together, and instead watch an episode or two when i want to just enjoy something. The kind of show where after watching a little you become really confident that every single episode is just gonna be good, and you can just enjoy forgetting everything and watching it for just a moment of time. 
The anime I consider comfy and also like the most are: 
Girls Last Tour, which i’ve talked about a lot already and i will do it more if you give me an excuse, still one of the best things out there, go watch it fuck you, but that was really good as a once a week thing to wind down my week when it aired.
Non Non Biyori, which is a pretty classic example of just a really slow paced show about a slow paced kind of life. It’s about the best example of slice of life since it’s not trying to be anything else. It’s not comedy or romance or a hobbyist show or anything at all but moments in life, and it’s very relaxing.
And lastly, the comfy anime that made me wanna start ranting in the first place, Yama no Susume. I’m gonna go and talk about it for a while now, but I’ll just give it a general recommendation to whoever cares. The episodes are all short so watch a little and decide if you like it, cus if you like the beginning even a bit, you’ll likely love seasons 2 and 3.
I found this show when my brain thought “anything with a sequel must have at least been good enough to warrant more”, and I looked at the currently airing anime that was a sequel of something and went and watched the first seasons instead, despite coming to enjoy Yama no Susume, I also found that watching things just because they have sequels is a pretty bad idea, cus most of it fucking sucked.
Regardless, I saw season 3 was airing exactly 1 year ago, and began watching the first season, which really shouldn’t have taken long, because it was a short series, coming in at maybe 40 minutes of actual episodes for the entire first season, even still, I watched it over the course of a month, and really enjoyed having such incredibly small amounts of nice content to just have ready whenever. The second and third season are still shorter than most, with 13 minute episodes over regular anime lengths, and also encouraged a slow consumption of just a little bit whenever I felt like watching. It’s been a clean year since season 3 aired and I’ve only now finished the series, despite being fully engrossed the entire time I was watching. I guess talking about the anime is probably a good idea, so here’s the gist:
Yama no susume is a hobbyist anime about mountain climbing. I don’t climb mountains and I don’t use any part of my body besides my arms and my penis so I don’t have much investment in the subject, but it was still very easy to enjoy the show because the premise set up the studio with the chance to produce countless beautiful scenic shots, which is usually the strength of hobbyist shows, one specific thing the artists want to draw really really well. Yama no susume also has a strong story it wishes to tell on top of an easily enjoyable premise and format.
Like most good hobbyist shows, the main character, Aoi, starts of without any interest in the subject, and seems to have a void in her life, in her case, absolutely nothing going on in her life, at all, besides casual knitting. It took a bit for it to sink of for myself, but I had become very attached to Aoi because she mirrored very similarly my own life going into high school, no friends I really felt like i cared about or cared about me, and only a passing interest in some stuff I wasn’t too invested in. The entirety of the show explores how a friend entering Aoi’s life and giving her a hobby to be invested in and meet more people through improves her outlook on life and helps her grow as a person in pretty much every possible way. 
The first season, being so short, really only features Aoi and her forgotten friend Hinata climbing two mountains total, both of which are pretty much just light hiking that most people have probably done once or twice themselves, and meeting two people in their town with more interest in the hobby.
I’ll also just awkwardly sandwich this here, in between season 1 and 2 is a very short ova where they climb a rock wall with their new friends, but its not anyway near as well animated or interesting as anything else in the series and also has an extensive sauna scene that, again, doesn’t really fit with anything in the series, so if you read this extensive review before deciding you wanted to watch the series, feel free to skip that one i guess.
The second season is where a lot of the show really is, and most of the show being 24 of the 39 episodes, as well as including a nice short film that’s pretty much just 2 more episodes afterwards. With the new, longer, but still short episode time, a lot more mountains get climbed, as well as some actual stuff goin on. After climbing a few mountains, Aoi decides she wants to climb Mt. Fuji, the fuckin big boy, and the 4 ladies go and do that together, when the show pulls out the first of it’s comfy tricks;
the main character does not succeed at their goal they had set and worked towards, and it results in an uncomfortable situation for the rest of the cast. Aoi is unable to handle such a difficult climb, and her friends complete the climb without her, and it pretty much destroys her for a good amount of episodes. Despite definitely being a comfy show, there are a few stretches of episodes in which things are not going well for the cast, and the slow paced scenery viewing takes on a more comber, pensive purpose. After failing at her hobby for the first time, Aoi falls pretty hard back into her original disinterested state of being, and it seems like a lot of her character falls apart. It takes the intervention of Hinata again to reinvigorate her by taking her to the first mountain they climbed, showing Aoi that she has still grown a lot, and that she will improve more with time.
From that point till the end of season 2 (including the movie) the driving idea of the show becomes memories, and how the vague and heart-shaking feeling of nostalgia can be helpful in unpleasant times. The two main girls recall things that occurred when they were childhood friends, like times they were scarred and depended on each other, or a camping trip they took when they were children, and use those memories to fuel further bonding and growth. Even the two secondary girls use memories to reconnect with their friends and families, and it’s a very strong concept to roll with for the slow, one step at a time type of show it is. The season ends with all 4 girls better than ever, and flexing their friendship muscle by making friends with a stubbornly shy mountain climber that parallels Aoi’s original state, and shows her new understanding that having a friend that shares your hobby will always lead to both of your lives being better.
While the first episode is almost entirely about Aoi and Hinata being friends, the second season continues to introduce more characters that Aoi interacts with as she grows more socially capable, with her even getting a job to support her hobby. This shift away from the relationship between the two girls is then made into a proper topic in the third season, where Aoi is pushed to gain even more friends and do things completely separate from Hinata and mountain climbing. This is when the other comfy trick comes out;
The secondary protagonist, Hinata, becomes upset that the Aoi has grown to have more friends and be less dependent on Hinata, and begins to make poor decisions that further put strain on their relationship over most of the season. 
“wow two characters misunderstand each other and it creates drama!!!” isn’t exactly a mind blowing thing for an anime to do, but whenever any problems came up in the first two seasons, they were handled fairly quickly, rarely ever lasting more than one episode, and usually handled with pretty open, mature conversations that you would expect two friends to actually have instead of just being pissed at each other for a few weeks. So when Hinata does not make any attempt to be open about her feelings, and Aoi is unable to grasp the situation, it creates a justified stretch of drama. I really do mean it when i say most of the season is about this, like pretty much from episode 3 till 12 it’s just a constantly building frustration with a lot behind it, and when they finally can have a simple, honest conversation, it really feels nice.
After that there’s one final episode with a more expected case of the two not understanding one another, and having an honest conversation about it. This specific case is a good capstone to the series, as they discuss how you really don’t know much about even your best friends, but talking about each other honestly, and desiring to know more about each other is where a lot of the fun in friends is. 
With that, the series is done for now, but who knows where it’ll go from here. I heard a lot of good about season 3 as it was coming out, and still see a good amount of support for it, and season 3 ends with “See you again” as opposed to “The end” like the other two season. I’m not gonna get my hopes up cus there’s already a lot there and they explore 3 very important ideals that really resonate with me. But if they could make a fourth season that brings in an entirely knew concept to look at, I’d be really happy. 
Anyway if you read all that and still haven’t decided then just go fucking watch some Yama no Susume, see if i care.
Ye how about a complete tonal shift from comfy anime to loud action stuff?
SO i saw Promare finally after missing a bunch of chances to see it, and honestly I don’t have all that much to say about it. Despite being 2 hours it felt really short and like I got no time with the characters, and they were all pretty shallow characters that I didn’t really have any attachment to even on a surface level. Near the end there’s a big drill and a mech with a face on its chest with absolutely no reason or explanation, and because of that I came out of the theater really just thinking “i really want to rewatch gurren lagann” instead of caring that much about promare.
Now I’m rewatching it for probably the 8th time and it really impresses me how much more I like it each time. When i was a stupid baby and watched it for the first time i did what a lot of stupid kids did, watched for a while, really liked kamina, and stopped watching when the he was gone. Obviously I’ve watched it fully many times since then, and while younger me probably would have loved the second half, where simon fills the role kamina did, the me of today really doesn’t care for the second half that much, and I find myself watching just the first half of the show and stopping, or watching the second movie instead of the tv version. The first half of the series is just really strong to me, so I’m just gonna talk about that a little bit and then go to bed I guess.
The art and sound is so fucking good in gurren lagann holy shit. Everything is so springy and malleable, and the mechs are just really big people who are equally malleable and expressive. The characters are all unique and fun, even random background characters in the villages are strong. The use of that very specific light green color that spiral energy has begins with this show, and trigger would forever try and fail to use it as well as gurren lagann did, though LWA uses it pretty well. Every little thing feels so right that I’m just amazed the show keeps up such quality for the whole first half...
Along with always assuming gurren lagann isn’t as good as I remember, I also somehow manage to forgot how absolutely miserable the fourth episode is. Not to say that i forget it’s bad at all, i couldn’t forget that episode 4 sticks out as a really not good episode and bring it up as a weird point of contention for the series, but watching it again it’s really baffling how awful it is.
The visuals just fall apart, the shots are lazy and don’t read well, the animation is choppy and unpleasant, the characters look really stupid, and the newly introduced characters never get any proper cuts to introduce themselves with and make a good impression. The voice actors also don’t seem quite as into it as with the other episodes, presumably because they had to watch episode 4 while voicing it, and couldn’t feel the same energy the rest of the show has. 
I can really only assume it was an outsourced episode or something to that effect, and near the end, when gurren laganns absolutely kino combination cuts that would be reused for the next few episodes are first shown, it becomes even more jarring how bad the fight afterwards looks, and how bad the episode is in general. It’s a shame that such a good show has to have such a sudden and massive drop in quality, but it’s interesting in it’s own way.
While i did say i’m not as into the kind of character simon becomes in the second half, kamina himself is still undeniably a strong character, and I always appreciate how dopey and unmanly his face is despite being the embodiment of excessive fighting spirit, rash thinking, and unapologetic horniness.
Another strong kamina related thing that always hits me right in the feels is the episode titles, which for the first 8 episodes, are all lines that Simon hears kamina say at some point, which comes is used as a really strong twist, when in episode 8, kamina’s last words are used as the episode title, and not presented as the title until the viewer already knows the meaning of those last few words. From there the episode titles become things Nia says until episode 15 where simon is finally able to step up to his destiny and say his own damn episode title, but Kamina really does get the most out of such a simple concept.
Related to Kamina, I really enjoy how the very very first part of the show sets up episode 8′s strength even more. Besides being a really weird segment where simons voice and design are kind of off and dai gurren’s design isn’t quite finished and also boota is a dude, it sets up the concept of “The man who has yet to realize his own destiny” before introducing simon. The show doesn’t do anything to hide the fact that this “man” is simon, but also never clearly states it, so it’s not hard to understand people who gravitated towards kamina more and assumed that kamina would have a great destiny. Many episodes began or ended with a statement from the narrator saying that “the man” still was not aware of his own destiny, until episode 8, where the narrator claims  “Now the man will realize his destiny”, and before the episode is over, Kamina is gone, and without every stating it, the identity of “the man” becomes clear in a rather brutal process of elimination. Another minor aspect to how gurren lagann builds itself up so well.
Only other thing i really have to say about it is I still really appreciate stories where the protagonist steals things from the villains to grow stronger, or just generally makes use of things his enemies used, creating their own style out of disparate pieces. I hope to make a strong case for that kind of stuff when I can finish more of my comic. Read my comic.
And, as always, if you read all this shit you’re cool and we can be friends. We won’t be, but we could be, and that’s nice to think about sometimes. Have a wonderful night.
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ladyofglencairn · 5 years
(1) I'm so angry about the Sanditon ending. I don't think its unreasonable for us to have expected that a Jane Austen adaptation would have a happy, resolved ending for the main characters. I know they might want a second season, but there are loads of ideas they could have used even if Sidney & Charlotte got married. Plus, now Sidney has done to Charlotte what Eliza did to him, even if for less selfish reasons.
(2) My only hope is that they quickly resolve the Sidney/Charlotte situation in series 2 (there was that hint of Arthur/Georgiana which might turn into something & then her money might save them?) so they can get married & then focus on other couples for the rest of the second series. I want to hit Tom Parker, & Eliza was so irritating, even though we only saw her briefly. At least Esther/Babbington got their happy ending (the only silver lining). Andrew Davies has a lot to answer for!
Anon 2:Watch Sanditon, I thought. It's a Jane Austen adaptation - one series and a guaranteed happy ending for the good guys, I thought. And now this! Esther/Babbington, though they didn't get much screen time, were beautiful and glorious and got their happy ending. Sidney/Charlotte were wonderful until it became clear that it wasn't going to be a happy ending for them, at least not this series. I DON'T WATCH JANE AUSTEN ADAPTATIONS EXPECTING THIS LEVEL OF ANGST & A HORRIBLE WAIT FOR A NEW SERIES!
I thought I would answer both anons in one post since the content is similar.
I’ve been thinking about the Sanditon finale all day - my mood both oscillating between pensive and angry. E8 started out wonderfully. The romantic in me was lapping up all the Sidney/Charlotte and Esther/Babington content, Then in the second act, everything went rather pear shaped. In random order:
Tom Parker is a man with a singular purpose in life and that is to make Sanditon a success. To this end he will do just about anything and we’ve already seen him neglecting his wife and children as well as making inadvisable financial decisions. And everyone always has to come to the rescue. He is never made to suffer the consequences of his actions or to actually have to wiggle his way out of a tight spot. His family, most particularly Sidney, always has to bail him out. And Tom, oblivious fool that he is, cannot even see that his inability to own up to his own failures is literally costing his brother his happiness. I had hoped that by episode 8, Tom Parker would have been taught some valuable lessons. Apparently not.
Georgiana Lamb was a central figure in the serious until her romance with Otis fell through. Then she basically disappeared from the story and all we see of her are snippets of a young woman who’s heartbroken and pining for the man she loves. She literally has no other purpose but to lie around moping. In the final episode, she confronts Sidney about his intentions towards Charlotte, but the conversation is brief and inconsequential. Then when Sidney hurts Charlotte as Georgiana fears he might, she says nothing. No scene where she asks him way. Then Charlotte leaves town and doesn’t say goodbye to her friend?? She has time to see Mr Stringer, but not Georgiana?? Make it make sense. As for the possibility of a romance with Arthur, I don’t see that happening tbh. He’s a sweet man, but he and Georgiana would never suit. Also, Georgiana has loads of cash. Why not have her inherit and take an interest in the town by investing? It would certainly have given her something more meaty to work with than merely sulking in her bedroom.
Sidney and Charlotte’s character arcs were complete by the end of E7. They’d both grown as people, overcome their first impressions and fallen in love. What would Sidney marrying Eliza do for his character other than regression? We know cold, apathetic Sidney. We have no desire to experience him again. And Charlotte? Should she settle for second best now? Is this another opportunity to shove a meaningless love triangle in our faces? Um, no thanks. 
Someone tell me what the heck happens to Edward Denham? So he crashes the ball. Then what? Literally disappears? I admit to wanting to have one final moment between him and Esther, in which she takes her power back and finally moves on. I think it would have made her acceptance of Babington’s marriage proposal all the sweeter. Speaking of which....
Esther and Babington! My bbs got their happily ever after. I wanted to see more of them throughout the season. AND I WANTED TO KNOW HIS EFFING FIRST NAME. I MEAN! But overall happy for them. It certainly seemed like Esther was happy - and that makes me happy.
I honestly believed when Sidney stopped the carriage at the end, that he was going to tell Charlotte that he couldn’t go through with a loveless marriage and even though he would be potentially condemning his brother to prison, that he would find another way. That THEY would find a way together. It broke my heart when they said their goodbyes. And I guess overall that’s what has me so disappointed. If the show was to end there, at that moment, then everything before it would be ruined. And that would be awful. Jane Austen adaptations meant to tell a complete story, over the span of a few episodes, not a few seasons. It annoys me that the potential financial gains of prolonging the agony of the viewers was placed ahead of telling a complete story. No hate towards the writers, I just think the show could have resolved Sidney and Charlotte’s love story and still had plenty opportunities for drama in s second season.
Anyway, this is already hopelessly too long.
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poeticblissme · 6 years
Into the New year
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Prompt: Fireworks can bring anyone closer together, in the best way. 
Word Count: 3,015 ( Honestly, I did not think it got to 3k I shocked myself) 
Warnings: Fluff, Smut,unprotected Sex BE SAFE PLEASE. 
A/N: Sheesh I have not written in so so long lol, I have to get back into the groove of things but I wanted to post this because it took me FOREVER to write this. I hope it’s not bad  
I want to personally thank @gimmesumsuga @kpopfanfictrash @underthejoon @floralseokjin @btssmutgalore  @iq-biased  @yoonia have read many of their works, and I pushed myself to finally write a BTS one shot due to the confidence I gained from their writing. I am no where NEAR their writing level as I am new to BTS fan-fiction, but I did enjoy making this. 
 I hope my Marvel followers enjoy my BTS fics as much as my Marvel ones. Thank you beauties for inspiring me <3 Please check out their writing. Feedback is appreciated <3 <3 
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There was something immensely magical about the coming of the new year. Perhaps it was the prospect of a fresh start, that idea on its own gave hope to endless new opportunities to live life better than you had before. It could also be the thought of having a new year to gradually build more of what you had physically and emotionally constructed over the last few years. All in all, despite the many hardships you have faced through your life, ending one year and walking into the next was a pleasant balance of past and present, and you intended to make most of the time you were given to enjoy it.  
That was why you took so much pride in getting the chance to spend the opening of this year with the love of your life. To you, this was the perfect introduction into a new and fruitful year, a year that you wanted to share and enjoy with the person who meant the most to you. 
You made a mental note to thank your boyfriend for taking you to view the end of the year fireworks. It was so considerate how he took into account how much you wanted to see the full cascade of lights in full view, since it was something you never got the chance to see in person. The fact he remembered the conversation you had from months ago at all tugged at your already extremely delicate heartstrings.
 You had explained to him how as a child, your parents were always very busy. Being the workaholics that they were, it prevented either of them from taking you, no matter how much pleaded. You never really had time for family events, or regular boding time that most other family’s had, so you had to occupy your time with things around the flat, or make your own form of entertainment. You also explained how the apple truly did not fall far from the tree, seeing as how after you grew up and moved out, you spent every year watching the show from different television screens in the office you were employed at, due to pulling endless amounts of overtime at your job. 
This year however, was a sweet change. You had received a text from your boss, stating how a very sweet young man named Park Jimin had sent an email, (A very professional email at that)  requesting that you be given new years eve off, and he had graciously accepted the offer with out hesitation. Your boss was aware of how hard you always worked, in fact, he took pride in every once of heart and soul you put into anything you did. His decision was very easy to make, and he made sure you understood that. That was what got you here today, at the edge of the open field, awaiting for the show to officially begin. 
“I still can’t believe you emailed my boss for this.” You spoke, slipping your left hand into his right, leaning your head to rest on his shoulder. 
Jimin let out a small chuckle at your comment. “Hey, this was something I had planned for months, there was no way I was going to allow you to go to work after all the planning I did for this.” 
You knew he was telling the truth, from the fancy breakfast, afternoon brunch, and evening dinner, you knew he had to have reserved most of places you had gone to months in advance. The whole day was spent enjoying each others company, all the while having nice relaxing settings to accompany the pleasant presence of two people who were very much in love. 
“Well, I am very grateful for everything you have done today.” You spoke, lifting your head to stare at him. “Really Jimin, I have had such an amazing time today, I don’t think I have felt this good in a while.” 
Jimin turned to look at you, a playful smile resting on his perfectly formed face. “Well, I don’t know if I should be more flattered or upset, does this mean you did not like any time we have spent together in the past?” 
You huffed in fake annoyance, hitting the hand that rested in his pocket. “You know what I was trying to say you jerk.” 
Jimin smiled, the playful look now replaced with genuine love and appreciation. “Yeah, I do.”  
You had opened your mouth to respond, when you could see a small flicker of light shoot up from behind the cascade of tress before you. It ascended quickly, and before your eyes, it exploded, pushing forward streams of bright orange lights, which with time passing turned into a bright pink hue of lights that disappeared withing mere seconds. 
Soon, another stream of light shot up from the tips of threes, ascending up into the sky,  only this time, when you could see it exploding, it turned into streams of bright green, soon disappearing into a hue of a light off white color. 
You looked to the sky in awe, as many other colors and shapes formed in the sky, each disappearing and making room for even more exploding colors seconds after. The rainbow lights captured your full attention, the sound of a far yet close blast and pop filling your ears. You never imagined feeling this happy or excited at such a small magical moment, but you could not hold on to the emotions that flowed out of you. 
This was everything you had ever wanted,  it may have been a small request, seeing something as simple as fireworks, but being able to see something in person for the first time, paired with getting to share such a moment with someone who truly loved you, who knew the things that plagued your mind, who listened to you when times got to be too much, or not enough, was a beautiful gift. Jimin was always that man for you, he was such a loving man, he quickly became the one who you leaned on and trusted because he supported you through the good and bad days. Jimin was there through them all, and you loved him for it. 
“It’s so beautiful.” You spoke in a whisper, you eyes still taking in the scene before you and enjoying you memories, like a child seeing a candy store for the first time. 
“It truly is.” You heard from next to you. You knew Jimin had seen the fireworks before, but to see his reaction for yourself, and not having to depend on his worded visuals of his experience, was something you knew you should not take for granted. 
When you had turned to see him however, you noticed that his eyes were not on the show itself, but they were turned onto you.  You watched as his eyes trailed up and down you body, taking in every crevice and freckle on your person. You could feel the heat rising to you cheeks, while your heart began beating a lot faster than before. 
“It seems you have caught me staring, Y/N.” Jimin spoke, his lips turning into his signature Cheshire smile. “You really are the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.” 
“And You really are the sweetest man I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.” You responded, turning your body so your eyes finally fully locked with Jimin’s. His eyes scanned yours with interest, and you noticed how his pupils seems much darker, more determined. You decided to taken in his person as a whole, the tight dark blue jeans he wore complimented the soft black sweater that hugged his neck ever so lightly. You could feel your his arm clench at your words, and that only made you long for him more. He was always so humble, never knowing how to take a proper compliment. You were the same in some aspects, but with him, the love you have for him is so deep, so pure, you could not help but feeling of a longing presence creep to the crevice of your core. 
You felt your legs tighten, the desire growing almost out of no where. However, you could feel that with the mixture of the feeling of this holiday, mixed with the admiration and love you held for Jimin, was becoming too much for your body to handle. You felt the love and the needs churning deep inside of you, and you could not help but bite your lip, the full force of pleasure and want settling in the pit of your stomach, and pushing to the surface of your body. 
“Did you enjoy the show?” Jimin asked, his voice deep and inviting. You watched as his attention turned to your lips, and you could not help but notice his tongue dart out across his own. How was he always this hot? I mean you knew he was hot but damn...sometimes he really was a bit too irresistible. 
“I did, but it seems my...attention has somewhat, changed. I do enjoy this, but I have some other scenery in mind.” You spoke, your eyes traveling from his down to the space between your bodies, eyeing the growing erecting that poked the inside of his jeans.
“Is that so?” He asked, turning his body to now fully face yours. “Then lets go home my love, I have the last of our plans to carry out ya know.” 
The ride home was filled with anxious tension. You, the desperate woman who would do anything and everything to experience the girth of cock spreading your walls apart like no other. Then Jimin, the dominant male, who wants nothing more than to make you beg and plead for him. He knows how badly you want it, he knows how much you loved to be filed by his precious member, and he remembers how far you were willing to go, just to get it. 
Entering your apartment was a silent praise to the Gods on your part. Your lips refused to leave his, even as clothes lifted from various body parts and ended up on a undisclosed location on the floor. You were practically sweating in anticipation, knowing what was coming next. You were never more desperate for anything in your life. 
You could feel Jimins body press against yours. The heat of his skin, the touch of his soft hands against your bare thighs. 
You could not control the moans that escaped your mouth as you got to your bed, it was like something had taken over you. You felt confident, loved, powerful. You knew if you pushed enough, if you gave him what he wanted, Jimin would give you what you wanted. He was whipped for you, and you knew exactly how to use that to your advantage, enough to pleasure the both of you.
“God, I cant enough of you.” He whispered to you, his lips close to the tip of your ear. “You’re like the gift that keeps on giving.” 
You smiled at his sweet words, and let your self fall back onto the silk covers of your mattress, your hands slinking into the back of his hair. Your fingers clenched hard taking in bits of his hair on the back of his head and earning a deep groan from him, indicating his liked everything you were doing. 
“You like that baby?” You asked sweetly, Your voice was slightly shaking giving off the impression you were not as confident as you made yourself out to be. You hoped Jimin had not noticed, but by the smirk on his face as he lifted to level with you own, you knew that was not the case. 
“Oh I do indeed Y/N, however, I think you will like this much more.” 
He dipped down to your chest area, The black lace bra you had concealing your breasts now became nothing more than a mere memory as Jimin unclasped the confines and threw the bothering piece of clothing to the floor. 
“Much better.” He whispered, bringing his lips down onto the free nipple, making your back arch in approval. 
He licked the precious nipple of your right breast, taking it in his teeth and nipping ever so lightly. He would switch every now and again, giving attention to both tits eagerly. The feeling of utter arousal shot down to your core, making your body shiver in approval. Your breathing began to quicken, you needed more, more than he was currently giving you.  
“Jimin.” You pleaded, sounding so desperate, so needy. “Please, please Jimin please....” 
“Please what, kitten.” He responded, knowing what he was doing to you, what he was making you feel. He wanted you to beg, to plead for his cock, to tell him he was the only one you wanted, that he was the only thing he needed. 
“Please Jimin” You whined, knowing what he needed to hear. “I need your cock so bad, I need to fill me up and show me who I belong to..I need you so bad baby, please.”
“That’s a good kitten.” He speaks, rising from your left breast to look down between your bodies and palm his cock between you. 
He presses his tip just outside your entrance, his voice straining in his throat as he speaks out to speak to you. “Are you ready for daddy?” 
Approval. He always needed that approval, as if being inside you was a privilege, as if the mere thought of being this close to you was a mere dream. Each time, he would ask the same question, and each time, you would give him the same answer. 
“Always, my precious king.” 
He groaned in approval, and with your final words of consent, he entered you, finally making your body’s one form, one being, one piece of an infinite whole. 
“Always so wet, so tight and ready for me.” Jimin spoke aloud, his body still, giving you time to adjust to his body. 
You wanted to respond, but the feeling of his cock inside of you was beginning to drive you mad. It always felt this good when he was inside of you, It was like his body was your addiction. His body had the power of providing never ending of pleasure. You needed more, you needed something, anything to have more.
“God, Jimin, move, shit please me move daddy.” You pleaded, the need taking over your thoughts. 
“You’re so needy, I fucking love it.” He groaned, pulling out of you slowly, then fulfilling your request with several hard thrusts.
His strokes became hard and precise, each stroke out and in a pressing direct attack on your insides in the best way possible. You could feel your eyes roll in the back of your head, the feelings to much for you to process. 
“Holy fu-Fuck, Jimin, fu-fuck yes.” You stuttered, following the pattern of his thrusts. 
“Holy Fuck yeah baby, holy shit yeah, fuck yes, tighten around daddy just like that, shit-, just like that, let me feel you kitten.” He spoke, his voice deep and dark. The lust had finally taken over both of you, leaving you both a heaving pie of mess, the need to feel more and more an obsession deep inside the combined raging souls. 
“You feel so good daddy.” You whined, pushing your hips down, forcing a hard slap of your skin against his. 
“Your Pussy is so fucking tight baby.” He responded with a grunt, still pounding into you with all he had. “No matter how many times I stretch out this delectable cunt, it always gets tighter, how does it always get tighter? Holy fuck you have a gift baby.” 
You moaned at his words, your body clenching even tighter. You were getting close, you could feel it. There was too much to feel, to much to savor, to much to enjoy. You were falling more and more into a state of bliss and you could not control your thoughts, you movements. Al you wanted to do was let go, you were so close, so so close.
You had to tell him, to let him know that it was almost over, that you wanted to take this feeling to the edge with him at your side. What with the push of his hips, and the sound of his voice flowing back and forth in your ear made you suddenly became mute, you could only speak through your moans, through your cries of pleasure. The veins of his cock slid against your walls repeatedly, sending you into a frenzy, your a moans increased in volume fully showing how Jimin made a complete mess of the strong woman you once were. 
“Ohh fu-fu-fuk....Jimin, oh jimin.” You sighed out, your body so ready to let go. 
“I know baby.” Jimin called out, as if he knew what you were feeling, as if he knew what you were trying to say. “I know I know, god I know, keep going baby, just a little more, stay with me.” 
His words motivated you to regain your focus, if not for just a bit longer. You wanted to to end this with him, and if it meant torturing yourself for these last few seconds, than so be it. You would do anything for him, and you would do anything to let go and feel complete with Jimin following close behind. 
“Yes Y/N.” Jimin sighed, his thrusts becoming more frantic and fast paced. “Fuck Y/N, I fucking love your juicy pussy, come for me right now baby, please come now, holy fuck.” 
You moaned out, your moans loud and whiny against the walls of your bedroom. Jimins moans bounced around the room, mixing with yours and creating a euphoric poem of finished escapades. 
You rode out your high together, letting the last of your lustful desires dye down as you remained in each others arms. 
“What a way to enter the new year, huh?” 
“I gotta say Jimin.” You started, your breaths uneven.  “This has been my favorite intro in to the new so far, I’ve never been more motivated.” 
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powerovernothing · 5 years
The elder boys Hogwarts houses
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And it seems that one of the most iconic fandom questions has finally managed to find its way into my askbox in relation to the boys and their story, and honestly, I am both smiling like a complete and utter dweeb, and also feeling quite surprised that such a question has not managed to be asked long before now! Have we, as a collective mindset of angst, and fluff lovers, that spans through many different fandoms, reached an era where we have somehow stopped asking about characters and what Hogwarts Houses they would end up in if they were in the Harry Potter universe?I surely hope that is not at all the case, because even though I’ve only ever read through the first Harry Potter book thus far – although I do own the first three, or four, I can’t really recall the actual number in my collection off the top of my head – I never get tired to seeing the old favorite fan questions being asked now and again! And I get even more excited to have this such question being brought to my attention about my versions of Lucien and Martin and including Korbin in the bunch just as well!
It makes me quite happy, and very eager to answer this in a proper way worthy of those who are interested in knowing, and I think that is the reason I wound up going a bit overboard in terms of details!
Of course, by now, I’m certain there are plenty of you who are not surprised by this in the slightest, but even still… I feel as though I should still warn you guys about the intense amount of information I managed to do for this question.
Not only did I locate the very best quiz for finding the proper houses for Korbin, Martin, and Lucien, and created a chart detailing the points from each result, but I also went out of my way to find out what each of the brother’s wands would be, as well as their Patronus animals, the in depth meaning behind those results, and how they fit for the characters the brothers have become over the years!
But now I’m just rambling on, without actually showing you guys anything exciting! So, without further ado, let’s get into detailing The Knight, The Emperor, and The Assassin’s Hogwarts Houses, wands and what they’re made of, and the animals that would be at their sides, shall we?
(*~*Under The Cut Is Almost 5K Words Describing Korbin And His Brothers in The Harry Potter Universe, As I Went A Bit Overboard…Whoops!*~*)
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(*~*Please click for a much better view*~*)
Right, so…
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I realize that this looks incredibly intimidating, and that there is a lot of information at the ready from this massive chart, but as I said above… I don’t really do things half way. It’s either all or nothing when it comes to my boys, and when given the choice, I would much rather give my all than the former! In any case, I think it would be best if I explained the reasoning behind two different sets of results in the chart above.
You see, back in August of last year, when I first started becoming serious about Korbin and his brother’s story, there was a Hogwarts House quiz that was being thrown around on the Elder Scrolls Discord server that I frequent for you totake and see which house your characters wound up in.
You can find the quiz that I used behind the clickable link here!
Anyway, this was before I gave proper character development for both Lucien and Martin, and when I was still trying to get inside their head, and figure out what to change, and yet keep the same when it came to Todd’s lore and the rest of the traits that were shown in the actual game.
Because of this, and considering that at some point I chose to all but throw canon out of the window when it came to the vanilla versions of Lucien and Martin’s characters, and create my own spin on them outside of just them surviving their fates in the story, their results from a year ago is remarkably different when you compare it to the results they got when I retook the quiz again to tackle your question properly, my dear Lady La Luna!
Originally, and before character development truly set in, Martin was placed within the Ravenclaw house, and Lucien was placed within Slytherin.
And at a glance, I suppose that it would make sense for them both to be in that house… I mean, when you think about the traits of both Ravenclaw and Slytherin, you would see parts of Martin and Lucien’s character. Intelligence, and self-reliance suits Martin rather well, as cunning and resourcefulness suits Lucien. However, the more you think about them, the more you start seeing that there are parts of those houses that Martin and Lucien are not.
Martin is not arrogant, which is a negative trait for Ravenclaw, and he is not the type of person to be by himself. He is someone who cares dearly of others and does his best to make friends and lasting relationships with anyone that he meets – even in canon alone this is something that is commonplace when you see his relationship with the Hero of Kvatch, and the Blades themselves.
And as for our dear favorite Assassin, the common negative traits of Slytherin are classified as being loose with morals, looking out for themselves instead of anyone else when the need arises, as well as a desire for power as one of the most important things. Now, while Lucien does indeed care little for morals, and may believe that the ends justify the means even in canon… my version of Lucien is not at all hungry for power, nor does he care about himself first andforemost.
He is a very family-based man, cares for the members of the Brotherhood, and his siblings very dearly, and could truly care less whether or not he rose in power.
So, as you can see, whilst both Slytherin and Ravenclaw may have suited the earlier versions of my take on Lucien and Martin, and even their canon selves to a certain degree… it does not suit who they actually are now. Which is why, when I retook the quiz with the boys again, their results were so vastly different!
From the chart, you can see that Martin’s Ravenclaw rating took at least a twelve-number drop compared to his older result, and he gained a thirteen-number increase in his Hufflepuff rating, as well as his Slytherin rating!
Now I’m certain there are those who were surprised about the Slytherin increase, and truly I was as well at first, but when you start seeing that one of the positive traits in Slytherin is actually having a pure lineage, it would make sense for the Heir to the Septim Line to have such a number in that house! But outside of that, when it comes down to Martin as a character in general, and who he became in my own writing as I went on… there is no other house that suits him more than dear ol’ Hufflepuff over all.
With members the golden and black house sporting positive traits such as being kind, friendly, and hard-working, having a benevolence to do what is right, because it is right, as well as negative traits being far too humble, and taking things slow and steady instead of the quick path in learning, or life in general – which are seen in both my version of Martin, as well as in game canon in general throughout the course of the Main Quest – it would only make proper sense for him to be in such a house!
And considering that Hufflepuff members often enjoy food, well… with him being raised by his single father farmer Darius and knowing his way around the kitchen in my Verse, it’s nothing short of perfection.
As for Lucien, one of the things that was most surprising to me in his new results was seeing his Hufflepuff rating go up by thirty-six numbers! I mean, when you think about it, Lucien has very little to do with the house traits that Martin would have, but then I realized that I was answering certain questions with how Lucien normally acts behind closed doors, with his loved ones, or when he drops his hard Assassin like outer shell for the sake of mischievous and playful antics.
He is a different person around his brothers, then he would be when working, so I suppose that is where his Hufflepuff rating goes up by a considerable amount. However, by the end of it, the Hogwarts house that fits Lucien the best when taking into consideration both their positive and negative traits, and the number results from the quiz alone? Ravenclaw.
Even though there are moments in actual canon, and my own, where Lucien often ends up doing something foolish and without thinking – mostly tied to his own emotions – by the end of the day he is indeed a remarkably intelligent man.
Not only that, but when he is on the field and preforming his death craft, he is also incredibly creative, and oftentimes does many different things to help down his target, and never is the type to do the same thing twice unless there is a need for it. He is also quite self-sufficient, which comes from being a prior Speaker of the Black Hand, one of the main heads of the Revised Cheydinhal Sanctuary, and from being the eldest among the siblings.
With a knowledge that could surely rival Martin’s own, he knows how to handle solo contracts, knows how to deal with the Elder Council without his temper getting in the way – for the most part – and knows how to go through the world without getting in over his head.
It’s only when his siblings are involved that he tends to get rather foolish, but I digress.
Continuing onward, the main negative traits that the Ravenclaw house members have I actually listed above when discussing how Martin did not fit within the black and blue ranking. However, when you think about these traits from Lucien’s point of view: being arrogant, and often looking down on others unworthy of their praise or acceptance, and how they often create small groups that stay close to one another… well, that just fits The Dark Brotherhood in a whole, doesn’t it?
So, yes! By the end of the day, Martin wears the golden and black colors of Hufflepuff, and Lucien sports the blue and brown coloring of Ravenclaw!
Now, about Korbin… well, you can most likely tell from both the old and the new results that he was the one that changed the least among the brothers. Which, I honestly didn’t find all that surprising, and I somewhat expected, actually. Because, out of the three of them, Korbin was the one who had the least character development throughout the year, and a few months, difference.
His morals are the same, the way he views the world are the same, and who he is around his siblings are the same.
Meaning that most of his results would change very little, or not at all when taking the quiz, a second time around. Korbin’s Slytherin number actually remained the same as it was from a year ago, which is not surprising considering his morals are often the same as Lucien’s whilst working or in general.
His Gryffindor number went down, because even though he is indeed the Hero of Kvatch, he doesn’t consider himself a hero, would actually deny the title outright when given, and instead looks to both of his siblings as the truly brave, courageous ones with far more strength.
His Hufflepuff number goes slightly up, as even though he is indeed an Assassin and Lucien’s Silencer, he is still a very kind, and friend person to those he cares for, and loves, and is an incredibly hardworking individual when it comes to a certain goal, or he sets his mind on something that he wants more than anything, especially during the course of the Oblivion Crisis and him wishing to reverse time to save his brother’s from their fate.
And finally, his Ravenclaw number goes slightly down, which makes a fair amount of sense as he has a slightly underdeveloped intelligence for the most part, and yet by the end of all of the results, it is in fact Ravenclaw that he finds himself being placed within most!
And as I said, from the traits I listed above whilst discussing Martin and Lucien’s houses, it truly comes to no surprise that this is the house that Korbin finds himself in.
From being creative, in both his Assassin skill, and in general with his mischief making and childish antics, self-sufficient when he is determined and set upon a certain goal and all but refusing others help when offered, and the negative traits of being arrogant, which he is and it is one of his biggest faults, and staying within one collective group that relates perfectly with The Dark Brotherhood, and how he prefers to remain with his siblings…
Well, I honestly see it as a perfect selection just as I did with Martin and Hufflepuff! And considering the fact that Ravenclaw is the same house as Lucien, and the two Assassins would very rarely be seen without the other at their side – not to mention what Korbin’s name translates to, and the ‘affectionate’ nickname given to him by Sheogorath – it simply just makes the most sense!
So, in the end of this very long ramble about traits, and houses… Martin would wear the Golden and Black colors of Hufflepuff, and both Lucien and Korbin would wear the Blue and Browns of Ravenclaw!
But even though I have managed to tackle your original question, that is not exactly where the Harry Potter related information comes to an end, my dear friend! After all, what good is being sorted within a Hogwarts House if you are not going to end up with a proper wand, and a Patronus? It would be quite theboring life without those two, so I thought to go one step beyond and do my best to research whatever was needed to figure out what these would be in relation to the boys!
Now, I don’t exactly have a Pottermore account, and I don’t truly wish to spend my time creating three different accounts, with three separate emails just for the sake of doing this for Korbin, Martin, and Lucien… but, thankfully, this is where the internet and its vast resources come in handy! After a little bit of searching around, I found tons of information and photos of how the Pottermore tests actually work, broken down in a way that I could use that as a means of tackling the questions with the boys!
It was rather fascinating to say the least, and if anyone is curious to tackle this themselves, you can just follow these links here for what you need!
Wand Creating Quiz Breakdown, and Patronus Granting Quiz Breakdown~
But in any case, after a bit of thinking, and answering the questions in the way that the boys would, and the reasoning behind each answer – I’ll go into that shortly – the Knight, the Emperor, and the Assassin wound up with these wands as their means of magic!
Korbin was given a slightly dark brown wand made of Rowan wood and imbued with a Dragon Heartstring type core. It was 13¼" inches long in length, had a ball shaped handle with ridges – to mess with when anxious – and an unbending type of flexibility.
Martin was given a light golden wand made of Hawthorn wood and imbued with a Unicorn Hair type core. It was 14½" inches long in length, had a curved shaped handle with carved symbols – a hint to his royal lineage – and a quite flexible type of flexibility.
And Lucien was given a light brown wand made of – unsurprisingly, all things considered – Applewood, and imbued with a Phoenix Feather type core. It was 12½" inches long in length, had a rope wrapped around it’s curved handle – much like a dagger – and a supple type of flexibility.
Quite an interesting sort of turnout, wouldn’t you say?
How the boys ended up with such results, which you can see broken down in the link provided above, is that when given a choice of items to take they chose, a glittering jewel for Korbin as he enjoys shiny things and giving his siblings special gifts when he finds them, a bounded scroll for Martin as he is always searching for new means of knowledge wherever he can, and a silver dagger for Lucien that should surely go without saying considering who he is, and their very worst fears?
Both Lucien and Korbin feared isolation, which plays into their nightmares of either being abandoned(Korbin), or losing those they loved because of their own mistakes(Lucien), and Martin had an ironic fear of fire, which played into his fear of Akatosh and the power he has over him that he hardly understands.
Both Korbin and Martin are the tallest among the brothers, thus they wound up with the tallest wands – although Martin has the longest, which is from his more control of magic and the power he has over it – and unfortunately, just like in my actual Verse, Lucien is the shortest of the trio – despite being the eldest – and thus wound up with the shortest wand.
As for flexibility, that is determined by their day of birth, and the trait that they are most proud of when it comes to themselves.
Lucien and Martin were born on an even day – Lucien was born on May 7th, and Martin was born on July 21st – and Korbin was born on an odd day – December 14th – and the traits that they chose for themselves was Determination for Korbin – as he never gives up without a fight, and always continues to seek out a result even if it seems impossible which works with Unbending – Kindness for Martin – which should go without saying, consideringhe is indeed the friendliest, and most loving out of the three which works withQuite Flexible – and Lucien chose Resilience – as it takes a lot to break him, he, too, hardly ever gives up, and his brothers can always turn to him whenever they need him which works with Supple.
Amazing how the Pottermore quizzes actually work, and what actually determines what you receive in the end, huh? I went into a bit more detail about the reasoning behind those choices, and how I thought they suited the boys most, but here’s a bit more information based around their given Woods, and the Cores they have, taken from the official Pottermore website.
Rowan wood has always been much-favoured for wands, because it is reputed to be more protective than any other, and in my experience renders all manner of defensive charms especially strong and difficult to break. […] Rowan is most happily placed with the clear-headed and the pure-hearted, but this reputation for virtue ought not to fool anyone – these wands are the equal of any, often the better, and frequently out-perform others in duels.
Hawthorn wands may be particularly suited to healing magic, but theyare also adept at curses, and I have generally observed that the hawthorn wand seems most at home with a conflicted nature, or with a witch or wizard passing through a period of turmoil. Hawthorn is not easy to master, however, and I would only ever consider placing a hawthorn wand in the hands of a witch or wizard of proven talent, or the consequences might be dangerous.
Applewood wands are not made in great numbers. They are powerful andbest suited to an owner of high aims and ideals, as this wood mixes poorly with Dark magic. It is said that the possessor of an apple wand will be well-loved and long-lived, and I have often noticed that customers of great personal charm find their perfect match in an applewood wand.
Rowan wood is meant to be more protective than most? It is oftentimes difficult to break, happiest with the pure-hearted, and yet has a secret strength? That seems to fit Korbin quite perfectly, wouldn’t you agree?
Hawthorn wands are best suited for healing magic, but also curses – in other words, destruction – just as well? Hawthorn wands are most at home with those of a conflicted nature, and not easy to master such power? Why, that sounds exactly like our dear Heir to the Septim line Martin to me!
And the fact that Lucien got applewood at all is hilarious enough, but applewood wands mixes poorly with dark magic? As in, someone with a cold heart wouldn’t be able to handle this, and they would have to contain a hidden light, and softer side? And those who carry them are often long lived, and well loved?
Such as how his siblings love and care for their eldest brother, and how he indeed lives longer in my Verse because of Korbin’s deal with Sheogorath, but also because of being of Imperial race?
It’s almost as though Pottermore is too spot on.
As for the Cores themselves, it states those with the Dragon Heartstring cores, which Korbin has, are often easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, although not of their own accord. Somewhat like how Sheogorath influences and torments his dear Little Raven because of how he offered himself up as a future vessel for the Mad God so that he would turn back time to save his brothers?
Unicorn Hair, which is a part of Martin’s wand, is actually the hardest to turn to the Dark Arts, and the most consistent with magical uses, with hardly any error. Which makes perfect sense for Martin’s Holy Light, and his powerful Akatosh blessed magic that he wields!
And as for Phoenix Feathers, which belongs to Lucien’s wand, it is said that they are the pickiest, and their allegiance is usually hard won without a fight.
Such as Lucien who is stubborn, and cares very little for the opinions and thoughts of others outside of his own Dark or Chosen family? Like I said, it’s almost too uncanny, and I’m starting to wonder about the true magic behind these little quizzes!
As a side note for the brother’s and their cores, I like to see it as though they each got a piece of each other. Korbin got a Dragon, possessive, and protective - Lucien - whilst strong with unknown powers - Martin. Lucien got a Phoenix, fire based - Martin - and rose from the ashes of its destruction and found freedom in its wings - Korbin.
And Martin got Unicorn, soft a glance, but with a hidden edge in its horn - Korbin - and the direct opposite for Lucien. A hardened edge but with a softer side.
In any case, as for the boys and their Patronuses, the actual quiz that you’re meant to take on Pottermore is based on a random number of different sets of words, and you’re meant to choose the one you like the most… and at first, it seemed as though I wouldn’t be able to figure out their animal guardians – but thankfully, once again! – I was able to find a proper breakdown of the quiz, as I linked above, and was able to sort through the questions, and found out whichanimal would spring forth from which brother’s wand!
Korbin ended up with a St. Bernard, which is something that I found incredibly adorable, and ironic, as there are times those who are familiar with his character – and even myself – refer to him as an overly affectionate, and oversized puppy!
And on Pottermore itself, the St. Bernard Patronus is described as follows:
Despite its large and intimidating size, the St. Bernard is known to be kind, loving, and gentle. Great with families and very loyal, the St. Bernard will always be by your side. They are quick to protect family members who may be in danger and often act as a guardian for those around them. Strong and powerful due to their size, the St. Bernard will fight off Dementors and stand by you, come what may.
Despite its large and intimidating size, it is kind, loving, and gentle? Great with families and very loyal? Quick to protect family members who may be in danger, and act as a guardian to them?
Well, now, isn’t that just the perfect description for Korbin?
Martin ended up with an Osprey – which I’ll readily admit that I had never even heard of until I started doing this research – and its description on Pottermore is stated as being:
The Osprey is a fish-eating bird found across the world. These birds have incredible vision and can spot underwater prey from the air. They brave the depths of water, diving completely beneath the surface, unlike any other bird, and this courageousness makes them a powerful Patronus indeed.
At first, you would think that such a Patronus would be quite strange for Martin to have, considering it doesn’t really seem all that similar to Martin’s own character in either my Verse or actual canon.
But then you stop and consider the fact that it is a winged bird of prey – I once considered Martin an owl when speaking of his animal counterpart – and that Martin is blessed by the Dragon Divine Akatosh, and it goes on to speak about its bravery, courageousness, and the power it holds… then it suddenly all starts to click into place, makes it quite perfect in the end, after all!
And as for Lucien, he ended up with an Ocicat. Another small bout of irony, just as Korbin, as there are times where myself, and others, consider Lucien to have many traits similar to a cat, or see him as a cat loving person. And this adorable little guy is described on Pottermore as:
While the Ocicat is a house cat, it looks like a small wild cat due to its crazy coat of spots and stripes. It has the athletic personality to boot! This cat loves to be active. It moves through its environment confidently and energetically. This cat will chase that Dementor and run it to the ground!
A cat that may seem wild at first, but is actually quite the homebody? That works perfectly considering that whilst Lucien is most certainly an Assassin and devoted to the art of life taking, when you strip away the dagger, the robe, and the stern expression – he is dedicated to his family and their wellbeing first and foremost. And when you mix that with the Ocicat’s love for being active and athletic, and how it wishes to hunt and chase things… well, doesn’t that work as an alternate description for an Assassin?
Just as I said above, these little Pottermore quizzes, and the one I took to sort the boys Hogwarts Houses were almost too on point, almost too uncanny, and honestly, I’m starting to wonder if there aren’t some magical link to my brain being seeped through onto the website! I wouldn’t put it past Harry Potter considering all of the other magical stuff that the universe has!
But in all seriousness, I have to say that I really had fun with this sort of question! I know that I went above and beyond in terms of details and discussion, as well as length, but I was having too much fun actually learning more about the universe and how it works – as I said, I’ve only read the first Harry Potter book thus far – that I couldn’t force myself to stop while I was ahead, and I just continued on and on until I was able to consume as much as I could!
Which is what led to the Wand and Patronuses, and everything else that is in this massive monster of a post! Regardless of such, I hope you have a very fun time reading this over, and hopefully learning something as well! I know a lot of my friends and followers, if they’re not into Harry Potter, will probably pass this reply over… but that’s quite all right! I had a really fun time making the charts, going into detail, and figuring out what it would be like if the boys was in that world!
So, I hope that you, my dear sweet Lady La Luna, and those who enjoy in depth talks about Harry Potter ideas, will enjoy reading this post and all the details I posted within! Thank you so very much for sending this message my way, and for reminding me of the early days of fandom, and how many times I saw this question pop up innocently back then, as well as all the other messages that I will tackle soon!
You are awesome, your ideas are awesome, your characters are awesome, and I just want to hug you and give you as much appreciation for your amazing concepts that you so rightfully deserve!
Thanks again, with tons of hugs and kisses from me and the boys on top! ♥
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The Alien Presence in our World.
This Blog is called the New God Experience because we now live in a new world and living in a new world we as a race need a new perspective on life. Not just the life you live here, not just the life you want or dream of having here, not the life that you think about creating for yourself but a life that we as a race are a part of intrinsically. We have really no understanding of why we are truly here and what it means to be alive on this planet. There is so much we have forgotten and this blog is about remembering who we truly are and what it is we are truly a part of. And what it is we are truly here to do. This means that we must begin to see that we live in a world that is part of a greater reality which many in the world don’t even know exists or are in denial of looking at honestly if seen. The world that we know has been in isolation for millennia. We have thought that our world and our race are the center of the universe. That we reign supreme and that no other “race” of intelligent life exist and if it does would be highly interested in humanity because we are “so interesting or important”. Yes we do have great value as a race and even individually but this value we place on ourselves is dishonest. We are valued by God because of where we have originated from and what abides deep within us for it was given to each of us by the Creator of ALL life. It is a part of the Divine. And now we and our world are valued by races from beyond this world for what we have and what we can do for them now and into the future. We live in a universe full of intelligent life. Billions upon billions of other races who exist in a vast community which God has created. So, to understand what God is doing in this tiny little world one must come to look at what God is doing in the entire universe. This means for us we must learn to view God not in human terms but objectively. God is so BIG I can not begin to wrap my mind around its Presence. This is the Mystery of the Presence and the great Mystery of Life. This is what the Greater Community in which we live and are a part is a part of.
The only way our race could ever begin to learn of what is occurring beyond our boarders and what intelligent life truly is like can only come from the Source of that life. Look up at the stars at night and feel what they are telling you and what you know deep down to be true already. You cannot feel this through your ideas, your beliefs, or your imagination. You can only feel what is being given with your heart. Deep inside we know that we are a part of something magnificent and beautiful and simply amazing. That we are a part of a living arena of life all around us. Just as we have millions of cells working on our behalf in our one body, the Universe is made up of billions upon billions of living beings/cells all a part of ONE Greater Plan.
“Turn your eyes to the heavens. Your future and your destiny are there. Look up in the sky at night and know that it is full of intelligent life. While there are countless barren and uninhabitable worlds there, the number of races in your local universe in this sector, which is a small region of space, is tremendous. For you live in a very well inhabited part of the galaxy, where rules of engagement have been long established and where war has been suppressed. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage for you. As we have spoken of in our previous Briefings, you are protected from outright conquest, but the possibility and the reality of intervention and persuasion are tremendous.” Allies of Humanity Book 4
This book has been given to our world from other FREE races in the Universe. It contains the WISDOM we must begin to understand and apply if we are to keep our FREEDOM in the world. https://ift.tt/33bsxrg
To understand what is occurring within our world by the intervention one must look at what Freedom really means. In reading this book I was awed by how the Allies have given themselves and their lives to bring these Briefings of wisdom to us and to share their experiences of freedom and what it truly means to live in a Universe full of intelligent life and what we need to do to prepare. There are three things that the Allies stress to us here on earth that are vital in keeping and maintaining our freedom here “IF” we can fight for it and establish it. ” The freedom that you now enjoy is largely only to serve the whims or the desires of the individual, but in the Greater Community this is not what freedom means.” There must be great restraint here. For wisdom always requires great restraint. And freedom always means you must be aware of those things you are really not free to do.” Free nations must be largely self-sufficient here. They must be very united. And they must be very discreet. These are the three great requirements of freedom in the universe. And you cannot escape them. There are no exceptions here.” The three things we must accomplish as a race in a very short time is to become 1. Self-Sufficient 2. United and 3. We must be extremely Discreet. “We are telling you these things because you must understand what the journey of freedom really is about. It is not about individual happiness. It is about the freedom of your race. It is not about individual pursuits or indulgences. It is about the stability and security of your world. Freedom here is not a right in the universe. It is a great privilege and a great accomplishment that must be earned earnestly and consistently and protected against all challenges.”
This is our world and we must treat it as we would like to be treated. We are connected to this place and it is connected to us. We have lost this connection for many years. It is time to get it back.
So many of us live our lives business as usual not aware of who we are, where we must go, who we must meet and what we must do. Not aware of the changes in our world from within and from without. Knowledge the deeper intelligence God has given each of us holds this for us. Our Teachers hold a part of our purpose, our Spiritual Family holds a part of our purpose and the world holds part of this purpose. When I found the New Message or it perhaps found me all this was new to me and overwhelming for me to comprehend. Yet, the more I stayed with it and practiced the Steps to Knowledge it slowly started to become clear to me that it makes so much sense. That is a big key for me that it makes so much sense. The way I view others, God and myself is new to me. It is new because I have changed the way I look at things. Now the things I look at have changed and have become anew. My view of God is new because God is looked at now by me in terms of relationship and not out of guilt, sin or shame. This is a new God, this is a new life and for me I know now what we are all a part of and it is truly amazing. The Mystery of each one of our lives is there to find, to be with and move with and to work towards. There is so much work for us all to do in this Plan and not the work we think of as work. God has a greater plan for each of us but God also has a plan for billions of other races and individuals all part of a Greater Coordination and Plan. This plan exists in the physical realm where we live in and where Nature rules and is the master. Just as nature works in our world it also works in the same manner in the universe where survival and advancement, power and control are sought out aggressively. As it is above so it is below. This is why other races are here now in our own planet because of the resources of our planet and the power and control it can bring another nation. Humanity is not prepared for this and is not prepared for the Great Waves of Change which are the consequences of the human race degrading and destroying its world with no regard for its future. These TWO events are the most important events our world must face and we as a race are not prepared. These two events are connected to each other and are the only events that can really unite humanity now. “Humanity has overspent its natural inheritance. It has overused the world, this place of magnificence and abundance. Humanity has not planned for the future. It has not restrained its behavior. It has wasted its great natural inheritance through greed and through conflict, through misuse and corruption, and now it will have to face the consequences. You will have to pay for the sins of the past, as your children will have to pay for the sins of the present. These sins are errors, fundamental errors, and in some cases tremendous errors.”
This is the only world we have and we must protect it from subjugation from without and degradation from within. It is up to us and the choices we make that will decide our destiny in the future.
“Therefore, you cannot escape this. You cannot move somewhere else and be immune from the Great Waves of change. You will have to live very differently, and only Knowledge within you can guide you specifically in this matter. Beyond following the “Recommendations for Living in a Great Waves World” that are included in this book, it will be up to Knowledge within you, the strength of your relationships with others and the courage and objectivity you can bring to your circumstances that will determine the path that you must follow. For everything will be changing, and there will be great uncertainty. Where you live, how you live and who you are with will all have tremendous bearing on what kind of circumstances you will have to face. And you will have to gain access to Knowledge—the deeper mind within you, the mind that God has created within you—to answer these questions. The answer will not necessarily be an explanation, but a series of steps—things you must do, step by step. For great change requires that you move incrementally step by step. The only exception to this is being in an extreme emergency, such as being in a house on fire or on a sinking ship. But beyond this, you must follow a series of actions which may not make any sense to you at all in the moment, a series of actions which others might consider to be foolish or irrational. You will have to follow these.”
There is so much for us all to do in the world to make it a better place. Much of our world is divided by racism, religious fundamentalism, inequality, poverty, and frustration which all lead to pain, suffering and anger. To escape this we need a new way of living and with this a new way of thinking. This “new way” is here for each of us. All one has to do is reach for it, grasp it and hold on to it for it is here for us all to practice and to live. May the blessing of the Presence be with you who read this and may you begin to awaken to your life and why you are truly here and what this means for you and for the world. Nasi Novare Coram
The post The Alien Presence in our World. appeared first on The New God Experience.
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ellymunro-blog · 6 years
Hello everybody! The name’s Cat (or Speedy... I answer to both). I’m 25, cisfemale, and from the EST timezone. I’ve recently just started a new job; and I’m also still recovering from a surgery I had last month. So I will apologize in advance if my activity isn’t the greatest. I promise it’ll pick up once my life becomes less hectic...
Anyway, I bring to you my little weirdo Ellis “Elly” Munro. She’s a modified version of a character I’ve played in a few groups before; so I’m interested in seeing how Crownsville Elly turns out. This RP honestly looks so great; and I can’t wait to start plotting with y’all! 
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[ willa holland, twenty-three, cisfemale, she/her ]  — hey, I just saw [ ellis “elly” munro ] walking down the streets of crownsville. they’ve lived in town for [ two years ], and you can catch them around town working as a [sales associate at shazam comics ]. I hear they’re known to be [ loyal & determined ] and [ stubborn & cynical ]. if asked, they would say their aesthetic would be [ sushi rolls, piles of comic books, extra large cups of coffee, movie theatres, bruised knuckles, hospital bracelets ].
Backstory (trigger warning: mentions of chronic illness)
Ellis Amalia-Rose Munro, more commonly known as Elly, was born and raised in Los Angeles (Hollywood), California to an up-and-coming thriller screenwriter/director and his trophy wife. She was their second child, having a brother roughly thirteen years older.
Growing up, her family was well-off due to her father’s success with many of his films. He was, by no means, a household name as far as filmmakers went; but for fans of thrillers, most knew at least a good handful of his work (think of him like Shyamalan only not quite as popular).
She actually had a tendency to have a small role in every single one of her father’s films. This continued up until she moved away for college.
At the age of 3, she was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. She had faced multiple lung infections as well as poor weight gain for her first few years of life, thus leading to the diagnosis.
Her CF has always been well managed. It’s not something she ever let get in her way. She was always the very rambunctious and active child, just sometimes needing to take more breaks than others.
She was also a child model from the ages of 7-11. An agent had seen her in one of her father’s films and reached out. She was compliant for a few years; but modeling just was never really her thing.
Her mother is from Chelsea, London; and she grew up visiting her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins there every summer. London is one of her favorite places to go; and she’s quite proud of her British heritage.
At a young age, she was introduced to the world of comics and superheroes; and she was hooked from the start. She used to pretend she was a superhero, running around her house dressed like her favorites and wishing she had superpowers.
Due to her love of comics and superheroes, her parents thought it would be a good idea to get her involved in activities that would allow her to “train to be a superhero”. They signed her up for martial arts (she’s now a 4x blackbelt) and gymnastics. This way, she could use her imagination and stay in shape.
As the years went on, fencing and archery were added to Elly’s list of activities. And as soon as she learned what it was, she took up parkour as well. And out of everything she’s done, parkour has forever been her favorite.
She was actually once scouted for the Olympic archery team; and her coach kept encouraging her to train for a goal of the Olympics. But she never had any interest. To her, archery was just a hobby and nothing more.
After high school, she decided to go across the country for college; and wanting to stay in an area with warmer weather (she hates the cold/snow), she decided on attending the University of Miami as a psychology major.
While attending the University of Miami, she initially had no desire to end up on Greek Row. But she ultimately ended up pledging for and joining a sorority (Chi Omega) during her time at the college. 
Loving the east coast, she figured she’d want to stay in Miami or go elsewhere in Florida upon graduation (or not as she only finished three years of school); but she somehow ended up settling in the small town of Crownsville, Georgia. She’d gone home over the holidays with a friend who lived there; and she just felt drawn to the town.
That was a little over two years ago. Elly’s been in Crownsville pretty much ever since. She’s started making a life for herself here. She’s gotten a job working as a sales associate at Shazam Comics; and she’s also gotten herself a little apartment downtown. And while she often does miss California and her family, she’s started to become really happy in small town Georgia.
When it comes to her CF, she’s always been one to not feel the need to hide it. She’s been like this since she was little; and even now, she doesn’t feel the need to hide. It’s not something she tells everything; but she’s okay with people knowing she’s sick.
Another important thing about Elly is the fact she’s training to hopefully make it on to American Ninja Warrior. She fell in love with the show when she first saw it several years back; and given her hobbies, she’s always felt like she was a good candidate. She has yet to try out; but her plan is to try out this upcoming season.
Recently, however, her health has started to decline. Her lung function is now in the yellow; and it’s really scared her. She’s started to wonder if she should give up on her American Ninja Warrior dream in favor of her health. Her fall back plan is to open her own archery school or maybe get back into acting.
Likes: comic books, superheroes, coffee, sushi, movies, parkour, archery, katanas, tattoos, cosplaying, video games, flannel, hoodies, beanies, combat boots, avocados, star wars, workouts, roses, kingdom hearts, stitch, stuffed animals, british sweets, funkos, motorcycles, skateboarding, jolly ranchers, american ninja warrior, bdsm
Dislikes: hospitals, swimming, cold weather, snow/ice, kale, cats, needles, alcohol, energy drinks, high heels
Misc. Facts
Her parents almost named her Ellis Isla; but they opted not to due to the fact it sounded too close to Ellis Island.
She has 4 blackbelts (karate, taekwondo, jiujitsu, krav maga); so don’t piss her off.
She can swim; but she’s honestly not a fan of water. Despite growing up in California, she doesn’t like the ocean.
She doesn’t like the taste of alcohol; so she doesn’t drink. If you ever see her drinking, she’s probably in a really bad place.
She can do a spot-on impression of Aqua from Kingdom Hearts and a pretty decent impression of Stitch. 
She loves stuffed animals. Her bed is covered in them. Her favorites are Batbear, Stitch, Toad, and a sushi roll with a face. Batbear is like her security blanket.
She does have her driver’s license; but she doesn’t have a car in Crownsville. She has her red Ducati; but Uber is still her preferred mode of transportation. 
She was born a month and a half prematurely. Her due date was February 14th. 
Because of her CF, she has a feeding tube (g-tube) that’s normally hidden under her clothing. She also does several daily treatments (nebulizers, vibrating vest) to combat her symptoms as well as takes pancreatic enzymes before each meal.
She wears a medical ID bracelet that states she has CF and that she’s allergic to latex, penicillin, and prednisone. It’s not noticeable as an ID bracelet unless one really looks at it.
She has saved two people from getting hit by cars by pushing them out of the way and taking their place. The first time, she was 15. The second time, she was 23.
[trigger warning] She is actually unable to have children of her own; but she doesn’t actually know this yet. could be potential plot-line if anyone is ever interested
Wanted Connections
Older Brother  —  This is pretty self explanatory. Elly has an older brother; and this connection is for him. I picture him being roughly ten years older than she is (give or take a few years) and being in Crownsville for reasons UTP. His faceclaim and name are also UTP (though I gotta admit my bias towards Stephen Amell or Colin Donnell FCs). OPEN (0/1)
Father  — Elly’s father is a thriller screenwriter and director by the name of Chandler Munro. I think it might be cool if he showed up in Crownsville for whatever reason. He could be filming a movie in the small town or just coming to catch up with his children. I would like his FC to be John Barrowman; though I am open to discuss others. OPEN (0/1)
Extended Family  — Maybe for some reason, one of Elly’s extended family members (most likely a cousin from England) comes to visit her in Crownsville and ends up staying for awhile. OPEN (0/?)
College Friend  — This connection is for the friend with whom Elly went home for the holidays with one year while attending the University of Miami. This friend lived in Crownsville and is part of the reason Elly lives there now. Everything about this friend is UTP: name, age, gender, faceclaim, etc. I’m not picky; though I would love for them to have stayed friends. TAKEN (1/1)
Childhood Friends  — This is for any friends of Elly’s from back when she lived in Los Angeles. She could’ve known them back in elementary, middle, or high school. They could’ve lost touch and then met up again in Crownsville or stayed friends since they first met. OPEN (0/?)
Roommate — Upon first coming to Crownsville, Elly got herself a decent sized apartment downtown. I would love for her to have a roommate she shares this apartment (and its rent) with. TAKEN (1/1)
Ex-Roommate  — This was a previous roommate of Elly’s. This individual stopped being her roommate for reasons open to discussion. OPEN (0/2)
Ride or Die  — Give me a ride or die bestie for Elly please. I have no preference for gender, age, how they met... Everything would be discussed upon inquiry. I just want her to have that one person she’d do anything for. OPEN (1/2)
Nurse Friend(s)  — Elly is kind of a wild one. With her hobbies and desire to be on American Ninja Warrior, she has quite the tendency to get injured. She could definitely use some friends with medical training to help her out from time to time. OPEN (1/?)
Doctors  — Since Elly has CF, she does spend a good amount of time at doctors offices. This connection would be for any of the doctors who treat her; though I mostly would love to see her pulmonologist. OPEN (0/?)·         
Red Band Society  — This is for anyone else dealing with any type of medical condition. Elly and these individuals have formed a sort of support system for one another. OPEN (1/?)
Ex-Boyfriend(s)  — Again, this is super self explanatory. Elly and this guy (or guys if I decide to make her have more than one ex) used to date. And now they’re not. Why they broke up and all the details of their relationship would be discussed upon inquiry. They could either be total enemies now or still be cordial. OPEN (0/3)
Friends With Benefits — I feel like most of my wanted connections are self explanatory. This is your standard friends with benefits connection and plotline. It could have the potential to turn into something or just stay FWB. OPEN (1/2)
Straight Until Prove Bi  — As of now, Elly identifies as straight; but I am not against her having an experience with another girl. OPEN (0/1)
Future Love Interest  — Self explanatory. At some point in the future, Elly is gonna end up in another relationship. This is mostly open to males; but I would not object to a female if the chemistry was there. OPEN (0/1)
Workout/Sparring Buddies — Elly spends a lot of her free time working out; and it’d be great for her to have someone she can work out with. Whether it be at the gym, while kickboxing, or even while doing parkour, a friend can make a workout so much less boring and routine. OPEN (0/?)
Stylist  — Elly has been very much a tomboy since she was small. This connection would be for the individual in Crownsville who attempts to give her a makeover and make her more “girly”. TAKEN (1/1)
Tattoo Artist  — Elly loves tattoos and is working on obtaining quite the collection. This individual is the one who has done most of hers and is the one she’d go back to when she’s ready to get her next tattoo. OPEN (0/2)
Fans of Chandler Munro — Like stated in her little backstory, Elly’s father (Chandler Munro) is a thriller movie director and screenwriter. I’d like if there was someone who was a big fan of her father’s films and tried to use Elly to get autographs, spoilers of upcoming movies, a small role in an upcoming movie, etc. OPEN (0/?)
General Friends, Frienemies, Co-Workers, Neighbors, etc. 
More to come...
click here for Elly’s stats page
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 6 years
The Little Big Things (2/4)
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(@ricksanchezdwc) So like we had done not too long ago, me, @hoodoo12 @porkchop-ao3 @rickstexaschick are doing the same prompt cause we all loved the idea. Thanks to @dorklyevil for allowing me to use a line from one of her comics. And I didn't mention it before, but this story references Labyrinth, and it follows the events of this fic As The World Falls Down.
This is part 2. If you haven't read part one then read it here. (Read Part1 Here)
Chapter 2: The Scientist Who Became A King
Here, it was evergreen, and it never rained.
You had never known a time without the tears of God; the rain, which washed the earth clean of its trials, and its yesterdays, welcoming the oncoming morrows ever to come. Though, there was a time, you did without it, and you longed for it, and the places it touched upon; once upon a dream.
“Rick,” you wondered, as you did about many things. “does it rain here?”
“Only during certain seasons. I-I know there is a lake on the west side of this planet, but it's - it's a-a bit far from here. Why d-do you ask?”
“Hmm, I was just wondering.”
“Hohoho,” he chuckled. “as y-you should. Curiosity means a-a desire t-to learn or know about anything, and it isn't - I-I-I don't dislike it. ” He admitted with a wink. “Just in case y-you were wondering.”
You pouted, which made him laugh, a full on belly laugh. The little tease, perhaps the Rick in him couldn't resist.
Side glances, soft smiles, random stories from Citadel, he was in another one of his talkative, happy go lucky moods. Blame it on the scenery, or you telling him an hour or so ago how cute he was, but he was running on happiness. “And th-thats how I-I got this lucky penny.”
Holding your hand out, you giggled. “Can I hold it? Maybe something good will happen.”
Glancing between you and the penny, he placed a quick peck on your cheek and dropped the coin on your palm. With a blush, he replied softly. “F-for extra luck.”
You gave it back, and continued walking, allowing him to wait anxiously, before blowing back a kiss that made him tear up a little. Damn it he was cute. Perhaps, you felt uninhibited, though Zeta-7 had that effect on you a great deal of the time; that or you two really were being affected by the environment. You two walked among enormous flowers for what seemed like hours.
The blood red blossoms drooped heavily from above, their faces turned down towards your tiny forms; their blessings hidden in the wind and its whispers. For a while you couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity. It was as though the world around you was calling for you to return. You wanted to roll around, and tumble down hill, and the flowers gave you the strongest sense to climb them; their perfume thick and sweet, emitting a soft, amber glow. Petals drifted down like leaves falling in autumn. Each time one touched the ground, a soft sound could be heard; like a chord being struck on a harp. A great symphony was all around you two, with no beginning or end. Feelings of deep peace and satisfaction were within you; as well as nostalgia from false memories.
The thing about memories, they were like homemade movies; messy and out of focus, with the select few which were hidden gems, located in the corners of the basement in a random cardboard box; only remembered when stumbled upon. Though, if you closed your eyes, you would be back there, in that place where you had lived a second lifetime. And you'd remember that as charming as it had been, it truly was melancholic; like the rain. You'd remember the days you were almost a princess, and the loneliness of the mountain.
At the very top of the white capped mountains, it would sometimes rain for days, especially on the ones when you were the saddest; perhaps the mountain king had his own sadness too.
It made you wonder, if it was because Zeta-7 had been longing for you, or if he knew you were longing for him. For now, observing him, and seeing him happy, made you hope it really wasn't all that bad for him. If it had been, you would do all you could to make it better.
The ground was soft, and with every step you took, you'd sink a little into the moss pillows before bouncing back up; a lilting tune encouraging your playfulness. This place had a charm akin to the forest in the middle of spring, whose flowers and trees had spread themselves to enjoy the filtered beams of light. Of course, if you replaced the trees with flowers, and the light with that of bioluminescent pollen, then there wouldn't be much difference. Oh, that opened up a whole other line of questions which you could ask later, but for now you were giddy, and every time you bounced back up, you'd erupt into a fit of giggles. A few times, Zeta-7 had to stop and make sure you didn't hurt yourself, but for the most part, he'd stand back and watch, or take pictures of your amusement. A few times, you caught him wiping at his eyes, but he'd say it was nothing; you knew better of course, but let him be.
Later, there was laughter in his voice when he said, “Y-y-y-y-you enjoying yourself?”
You nodded in between giggles, and when you had enough, you stepped off the moss, and leaned against one of the flowers stems, breathless and tired. My, how the light filtered through the canopy of leaves, the low humidity, the intoxicating scent, and the view made you wistful. “The garden fairies had told me about a place like this once, as well as...” you faltered, suddenly afraid of triggering bad memories.
Though, he picked up where you left off. “A-a place you saw once upon a dream?”
“Yeah. Um, is it okay to talk about it?”
With his back towards you, Rick nodded as he unpacked the contents of his backpack in search for a snack. “If y-you want to.”
Sometimes, his passive responses stopped you from talking any further. You assumed it was a trait he had picked up or learned in order to avoid drawing attention to himself or to stay out of trouble, but it also made you uncomfortable at times. If he wasn't interested, then usually you would avoid the subject, but this time you carried on; even if with reluctance. “We haven't talked much about it since it happened.”
“I-I know.” His voice picking up that endless guilt.
“It's not one of those things that's going to go away,” You sighed. “and to be honest, I haven't gotten over it.”
Everything that had happened, at least the parts you remembered, you didn't want to forget. Well, except for the loneliness; you didn't like that part. In a dream, you had a family, friends, and almost became a queen, but what did you almost lose in order gain all that? Forgetting Rick? Almost losing your life? The lesser of two evils was your current life, but it didn't always feel that way.
You rubbed your arm, suddenly finding your shoes a bit interesting. “Am I supposed to bring it up casually, or what?”
“Do what y-y-you think is right I ugh - I suppose.”
“That's sort of the problem. I don't know what's right anymore” This caught his attention, as he had stopped moving, and soon after began to wring his hands. Damn, you needed to remember to control your tone. You continued, in a gentler tone. “You take me to these dazzling, wonderful places, and we usually go home happy and tired, with a handful of stories to add to our memory jars, and I enjoy that, and what we do. However,” You paused, nibbling your bottom lip in hopes of finding something better to say, but continued on. “there's something we haven't addressed, and that's me, and how what I do affects you. When we flirt with death, and get injured, because I wanted a good photo or something, how come you don't get mad? I mean, you deserve to after you went on a journey that could have been avoided in the first place if I would've listened. And forgive me if I sound shrill, but I almost forgot you. Doesn't that bother you?”
Placing the items back in his pack, and slipping it over his shoulders, he stood there so frighteningly still, you wondered if you had finally crossed the line. Then, he took out the penny he talked about a few hours ago, and gave it a squeeze. “It - it does, but y-you didn't forget me. At least not completely, and I-I-I guess I left a deeper impression then I had pr-previously believed..”
“But if I would have? Don't you see, I'm not prepared for this. We've gone over the other hypothetical, important what not, but not about the incident, at least not in detail. And I think it's about time we do, that way we're both aware of what not to do next time, and how I can avoid making an ass of myself. Don't you agree?”
Turning around, the lines around Zeta-7s eyes deepened, as well as the creases of his forehead, and there was a pensive cloudiness of his usually electric blues. The sweet songs around you had transitioned almost without your notice. Adagio, the melody now reminded you Clair De Lune, and Gymnopédie. “Well, I-I-I-I thought you - I assumed it made you uncomfortable, and that's the last thing that I'd ever want you t-t-to feel. W-w-we can talk if you're - you're ready.”
“If I'm ready? Are you?”
“Honestly, I am uncomfortable talking about this,” you admitted, which compelled him to pull you close, rubbing your back in soothing circles. Enveloped in the warmth of the man you loved, and a distance away from everything else which could possibly hurt you, you second guessed on whether it really was a good time to think of it again, but how else would you two get past this? You continued, in that small, girlish voice that pained him. “but it's not because of what happened to me. I couldn't care less if I had gotten hurt, but if it meant hurting you, and if what I've put you through has, then I wish I hadn't been so careless. I thought I had it all together, and knew what I was doing, but all I seem to do is give you trouble. God, I'm such idiot.”
“Shh,” he cooed, brushing away a lock of hair. “th-thats not true. Y-you're thoughtful, and - and perceptive, and s-s-so clever.”
“What have I ever done that's so clever?”
Leaning forward until your foreheads touched, he confessed. “Y-y-y-y-you got me to - to loosen up and try new things, and showed me its okay to get e-emotional. Why, y-you even brought me t-t-to the moon without ever leaving the ground.”
“What do you mean?”
“I-I-I have wanted many things during my life,” he admitted, pulling back enough to study you. “but none of them have been as - as wonderful as you. And I've - you know that I've traveled across the universe, but it's usually been alone
I'm - I-I-I don't want to be alone anymore. Having you around has inspired me t-t-to get back in touch with my surroundings a-and the world, but I - you're m-my world. Gosh,” he blushed as he caressed your cheek, his thumb brushing away fresh tears. “you're - you really are more beautiful than the night and stars combined, and y-y-you don't even know it. Y-you're my satellite, m-m-mi Luna, and it takes a strong women to put up with me. You're my treasure, and I'd - I'd do anything t-t-to protect you. That's why I-I-I-I chose t-to do it, to go and find you. We're all w-we got, and despite what I thought might of - of happened, I'm s-s-so happy I found you, and that you're safe. W-w-with me.”
“What did you think would happen?”
With serious, but tender eyes, Zeta-7 answered. “Th-that you would have forgotten me completely, and never woken up.”
He cleared his throat in the manner he did from time to time, trying to piece together the right words that wouldn't upset you. In a voice above a whisper, he finished. “And p-p-p-passed away.”
“Th-that blue moss did a-a number on you, but there doesn't seem to be any residual side effects. I'm glad a-about that.”
“What if I would've had brain damage? What then?”
Jokingly, he answered. “Hmm, then I guess I-I would've gone back and used Mr. Needfuls gift.”
“You…..you would've done that for me? No, that's outrageous. If you did that, then you wouldn't have been able to do your science stuff.”
With a shrug, he softened. “Th-that's true, but we would have had other stuff w-we could do, and I-I-I still would love you. Diminished intelligence d-doesn't affect happiness. On the contrary, we'd only focus on - on what truly matters. That, and I'd have the joy t-to learn it all over again.”
“Rick, I love it when you get cheesy, but you couldn't mean all that.”
“I-I-I do, but it's okay if you don't believe it. I'll - I'll prove it, but for now let's not - not think about it too hard. Everything bad th-that happened, we'll - we'll talk about it and g-get through it. T-t-together.”
“So, I can ask whatever I want?”
“Y-y-yes, wherever, whenever.”
You knew he meant it to sound sweet, but it took a moment for it to sink in what he actually said, and you couldn't help it when you giggled. “Rick, I'm pretty sure that's the title of a Shakira song.”
“Hohoho, r-really? Was she on - on American idol?”
His obliviousness only made it worse. How cute. You really were lucky to have him, this patient dork of a man. “No, but nevermind that. I'm glad I still have you too.”
“I'm glad y-you're still as adorable and lovely as - as ever.”
Giving him a playful shove, despite the heat in your cheeks, you hid your face in the scratchy fabric of his linen shirt,. “Rick, how can you say stuff like that with a straight face?”
In his matter of fact way, he answered. “B-because I mean it.”
This man really would one day kill you with kindness, and this time it was your vines which stretched out, wrapping themselves on his arm, and it's flowers kissing wherever they could touch; his neck, cheeks, eyes, forehead, and mouth. It was amusing to watch him laugh and squirm, which encouraged his vines to do the same to you, but you two pulled back a little, and they returned to place, and behaved; at least for the moment.
Rick decided to call the silly, cheeky, little vines from your matching bracelets Ioculus vines, which meant funny if you heard him correctly. Anyway, they were mischievous, and had minds of their own; or so you said, because you didn't want to admit how fun it was to tease Rick. Why, he might have been in the middle of an explanation, and they'd by climbing up his arm, and across his back, but he'd only squirm and continue. Though, the one time your Ioculus managed to kiss the back of his neck, he jumped back so violently, you'd swear he had seen a ghost. And watching him lightly scold the Ioculus as though they were children, then apologize for getting annoyed at them, not only made you laugh wholeheartedly, but it made you imagine him as a father, and what it would be like if he had to be a disciplinarian.
Perhaps it was but your girlish dream at work, but you could see him playing with two or three kids, telling them stories, showing them the magic of science. If they misbehaved, he'd take them aside, and explain why they might be getting disciplined, but never out of anger, and always reassure them that it was all out of love, and that he'd always care for them. And if you were honest with yourself, you pictured yourself sitting on his lap, after they had gone to bed, listening to how his day was, and how much he missed you. And you'd tell him….. Oh, but those were just thoughts; and you imagined a lot of things.
You wondered if the ioculus worked like mood rings and acted upon your feelings for each other. Did they know what the heart truly wanted? Because, as long as the two of you were close, the vines along your wrists seemed to interact with one another, but when Zeta-7 distanced himself, the blooms growth was stunted, and withered a little. And after a while, whether it had to do with the sensory overload, or your bending the forces according to your will, you were drained. “Rick, is it okay to rest for a while?”
“Of - of course.”
Leading you by the hand, he took a moment to spread out a blanket and you proceeded by laying beside him, feeling more worn out then you had anticipated. “Ughhh, I'm so tired. Honestly, when we get home, I might just go straight to bed.”
“Do y-y-you want to go home now?”
“No, I’ll be fine if I rest for a while.”
“Are you hungry? D-do you want a snack? I-I have fruit, sandwiches, and I-I even brought granola.”
“Maybe later.” you yawned. “Come here, I want to use your chest as a pillow.”
Carefully, he laid back, making a little old man sound as he settled himself. With your head resting above his heart, you kept quiet for a little while, listening to his heartbeat, the plants around you, and the Ioculus interact. When they did this, there was a sense of completeness, and you'd look at Zeta-7 and wonder how you could adore him so much. The way he wrinkled his nose, his ever changing expressions, soft skin, his sweetness, his everything; you adored it all. Aware of how vulnerable you've become with him, you just want to melt into him, and give him everything; anything that would make him happy. “Rick?”
Tentatively, you combed his hair with your fingers, gauging his response as you traced shapes lazily along his scalp. “Are you happy?”
He chuckled, draping an arm over you, answering softly. “When I-I'm with you I am.”
“Flirt. What about your hair, who cuts it?”
“I-I do. Why,” he tensed. “sh-should I change it?”
Brushing his bangs away from his forehead, you pressed a kiss on his brow. “No, I like it this way. It's part of your charm. I guess I was just curious, because it's not even in the back.”
“Oh that, well it's - it's not always easy t-to reach it.”
“Do you mind if I help you next time? I wouldn't want you to go out, not looking your sharpest.”
“I - I don't mind.”
“You'd probably mind if I kissed whatever I could reach. Especially right here.” you softened, pressing a light kiss on his neck which made his heart beat faster.
“I - I do mind that, but it's - I-I-I'm sure you'll probably just tease a-a-a little.”
“You're right, but I might surprise you. Maybe, I won't try anything and I'll just cut your hair. You'll just have to wait and see. Though, this isn't what I meant to talk about.”
“I ugh - I-I didn't think so. What's on y-your mind? You can tell me, if y-you want.”
Snuggling yourself closer, you wondered.“When you were in my dream, you knew about me, but I knew little to nothing about you. How did you become the mountain king? I mean, you don't seem like the type to rule or lord over anyone. So, how did that happen?”
“Oh, it's - are y-y-you sure you want to hear it?”
“I do.”
Caressing your hair, he sighed. “I-I will admit, that it - it wasn't as exciting as y-you think it was, but if y-y-you are sure, then I'll tell it.”
“I am, but tell me just the good parts. Oh, and the parts with me in it. ”
His blue eyes shone with amusement, as he kissed your temple. “O-o-okay just th-the good parts then."
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lightsandlostbells · 6 years
Druck episode 9-10 reaction
If they don’t renew this show I’m going to boycott Germany. 
a huge thank you to everyone who translated Druck and made the clips accessible to the international viewers! I know it was a lot of work and the geoblock was a pain. I really appreciate the continued effort.
Episode 9
Clip 1 - Hanna comes for Matteo
Jonas is really closed-off in their conversation; he’s not that warm to Hanna, which is kind of interesting since I’d say the other Jonases were a little less frosty in this scene. Especially because German Jonas and Hanna have such strong chemistry. But I get why he’d still be upset, I think less time has passed since he and Hanna had the talk about him not understanding her? He hasn’t had much time to work through it so he still seems really wounded.
Clip 2 - Hanna and Jule
Hanna appropriately has a “stronger together” shirt for a scene in which girls commiserate over how boys are such dicks.
Jule and Hanna’s conversation didn’t really have the meat to it from their previous interaction to set up how friendly Jule is here, I would’ve preferred a little more hesitation and maybe an apology from Jule. A little initial awkwardness just to acknowledge that they didn’t leave off on a cozy note.
I do love the initiative Hanna is taking and that she’s the one to extend the invitation/olive branch to Jule. It’s a nice mark of maturity. We’ve seen some scenes of her gradually gaining confidence and being proactive so we can chart how her character is slowly but surely moving forward.
Clip 3 - Fight on the stairs
I dig this artsy paint-splattered stairwell. I felt like it also made the scene a little more tense and awkward (in a tonally appropriate way) - instead of them running into each other in a warmly lit stairwell or hallways with lots of light shining through the windows, they’re in a closed space (very awkward) with cool coloring and no sunlight. There really is no way to avoid this conversation once they run into each other, and there’s still ice between them, unlike with Eva and Jonas where you could tell they did enjoy seeing each other despite the awkwardness.
Nice details are added to Matteo’s family story, that the dad wanted him to come along but Matteo chose to stay behind and take care of his mom. Oh baby :(
Jonas got rougher with Samuel than I expected, like he seems dead inside talking to Hanna but he came alive to slam Samuel up against that bar.
To be fair, Samuel was kinda asking for trouble with that comment, which was unprompted and meant to provoke. You guys are also in a tight enclosed space, you can’t really avoid each other. 
And Jonas doesn’t tear away from her grip, he firmly removes her hands. He is not happy with her at all.
Lmao, these random students staring at Hanna. She was just a bystander to that male aggression, yo.
Clip 4 - Drink your way out of obligations
Is it just me or did Sam’s hair get even bluer? Or is she just that radiant?
Nice that Mia acknowledged that Kiki behaved poorly even while expressing that they should include her. Because yeah, I feel bad for all the Vildes/Kikis knowing what they’re going through, but they also were nasty to their friends.
L O L Sam’s brilliant plan to get out of supervising the party - get drunk, get fired, go to the party. That’s kind of amazing. And they’re all like sure, we’ll roll with it.
Good that Amira mentions that Leonie and Sara called Kiki a slut previously and there’s a bit of a challenge between her and Kiki. Not a great look that Kiki wanted to disregard that incident at least in front of Amira, her defender.
You know, Kiki is one of the bigger jerks of the Vildes, but … I still kinda like her, I’m sorry! It’s not that she’s a great person, it’s that the way she’s acted and written feels very realistic. She feels like a clear social climber/popularity seeker but is messy enough to alienate people. Compared to the way that say, Kelsey is portrayed in Skam Austin, she’s also a jerk, but the depiction often veers into something cartoonish and broad - like a definite TV character. Kiki feels like a ton of people I’ve known in real life.
Sam is drawing an alien in her notebook to illustrate how her pal Kiki has gone to space. She also appears to have doodled a flower and a unicorn.
Clip 5 - Karaoke emotions
Okay, now THIS karaoke scene is exactly what I wanted from karaoke in S4 of OG Skam. Lovable scamps wailing their hearts out to beloved pop tunes.
Sam doing Wannabe by the Spice Girls!!! I'm not imagining that she dressed and styled her hair like Scary Spice, right?
YES AMIRA “DA QUEEN” IS NEXT! Dedicating it to her favorite Germans! Everyone cheering Amira :D :D :D Amira doing Rolling in the Deep!!!! We are blessed.
Are they all wearing pussy hats? Also love Hanna and Mia’s blatantly feminist shirts. Truly a ladies’ night.
It’s hilarious that Carlo and the other dude (do we know him?) are wearing matching pussy hats. Honestly from what I remember of him way back in the Dark Ages of March/April, he didn’t seem like a terrible dude. A bit obnoxious, but not rude or bad on Elias levels.
The Hanna and Matteo confrontation? My soul will never be ready.
Oh man, Matteo openly acknowledges his mom is going insane. There’s no feigned attempt to keep an optimistic attitude about his parental situation like with Isak. And he’s not putting in any effort to seem cheered up, except for having a drink.
Hanna doesn’t even toy with her food before eating it, she just lays it out for Matteo and confronts him directly about telling Jule.
And he looks so sad and depressed when she asks the reason. Worth noting that he doesn’t directly confirm her hypothesis that he has a crush on her, he just looks downcast and awkward.
He looks honestly near tears when he asks her how she couldn’t get it. Because as we know, he’s not really talking about him liking Hanna, he wants to know how she couldn’t understand his BLATANTLY OBVIOUS crush on Jonas. 
A drunk Kiki appears! Does she have a tattoo on her arm??
And she gives Matteo a hug … have they met before? Lmao.
Kiki staggering in just in time to steal Amira’s spotlight, scream a thematically appropriate song about how she and Alexander could have had it all, and then collapse is the most Kiki-ish thing I can think of. Yeah, that’s exactly how it would go.
Also I thought “we could have had it alllll” could apply to Amira and Kiki’s relationship , heh. Especially because it ends up getting downgraded a lot from Sana and Vilde’s relationship? It was so important that Sana was the one carrying Vilde and sticking her fingers down her throat and letting her puke down her front, and that their relationship in particular was affirmed. 
They just dragged Kiki to the nearest toilet and had her puke on some dude’s shoes (that’s Matteo’s friend, right?) which I will admit, more practical than carrying her like a romance novel heroine as a divine hymn plays.
Wow, so it’s just Mia tending to Kiki and we don’t get the girls all lying in bed together. On the one hand that’s a little disappointing; it’s one of the most iconic scenes of S1 and probably the whole show, and it’s a moment that really solidified the girl squad as a ride or die group of friends. But I also like them to try new things and not just redo big successful moments from the original show. I did like seeing Mia go through all these little steps of tending to Kiki, getting her dressed, sending a text to her mom. 
Pretty big difference that it’s Mia and not Amira taking care of her, though; as mentioned above, the Amira-Kiki relationship is downplayed. Not super keen on that because Kiki was quite nasty to Amira and visibly hurt her feelings on several occasions, such as the bus stop incident and the disastrous group meeting. Sana was better at adopting a harder attitude and not letting the hurt show. But then again, Kiki is the one who really needs to grovel, not Amira.
Also ...HUGE break in POV since Hanna isn’t there but lol I’ve accepted it’s a losing battle even if I’m still not super fond of it. You win, less-than-tight third person POV. I surrender.
Mia has a text from Alexander, because what is truly desirable in a man you have rejected is him texting you about changing your mind close to midnight while you take care of your friend who he fucked and then ghosted passed out beside you in bed.
while wearing a pussy hat lmao, BEST REMAKE JONAS
I’m sure Matteo loved Jonas playing and singing a song dedicated to him, only for Jonas to slow down and get more serious once Hanna entered. Not to mention shifting that eye contact from him to Hanna.
Lovely scene of Hanna and Jonas, I’m a broken record but they have SUCH good chemistry. They just seem so into each other, and overall I would say they felt so much that they liked each other.
NOOOOOO don’t break up! Please!
Episode 10
Clip 1 - Honas and Janna
Honas and Janna fucking ADORABLE.Them snuggling… you’re hurting me, Druck.
He took her nose! Goddamn!!!
I love all this backstory and delving into the beginning of their relationship. This honest conversation that takes its time and really lets them talk ... what Skam does at its best, man.
Jonas looks so heartbroken in this flash forward where he’s holding onto Hanna.
And that painfully raw moment where he asks if she regrets choosing him and the answer is an unspoken yes, owwww
All this emotional soul-baring, such as Hanna talking about how once she got with Jonas, she was only happy when she was with him, and dependent on him for happiness. And that she became paranoid Jonas would cheat on her and thought she deserved to get hurt. And that she changed her personality so he would like her and wouldn’t have a reason to leave her. Really happy how plainly Hanna stated the truths, even the raw and uncomfortable ones.
I know they just laid out all the reasons Hanna should be on her own and they should break up, but I don't want them tooooooooo
The way they hold each other and cry and draw it out for so long because they don’t want it to end!
“I still got your nose.” “You can keep it.” FUCK YOU, DRUCK!!!!!
You realize that we need this show to run for many more seasons and eventually Jonas will casually mention to Hanna that he’s still got her nose and she says, “I hope you’re taking care of it.”
And then one day he gives her a fake nose like on one of those Groucho Marx masks and she puts it on and IDK, this is all a buildup to them kissing again.
Hanna as an independent woman, wearing her Femme Future shirt. Nice.
They’re honestly up there with original Eva and Jonas for me. Round of applause for the director and actors for making this couple as likable and believable as they are.
Clip 2 - Mia and Kiki in the mooooorning
Oh jeez, this is a TOTAL break from the POV, I wonder what the logic behind it was?
I guess they're setting up S2. Or who knows, maybe there were scheduling conflicts with the actors and they couldn’t have everyone together.
Seriously, what’s Kiki’s tattoo? I’m sure it’s just because the actress happens to have one.
Kiki saying she wants to die, oh no. She looks miserable.
Although how dare you show Mia’s flat but not her roommates.
Clip 3 - Doctor visit
So only Mia went with Kiki? They’ve really downplayed her relationship with Amira, and the other girls as well. I mean in a way, it’s nice it’s just the two of them, and I presume Mia will keep this incident a secret. I hope this will affect their S2 dynamic a little.
I got so hyped for this scene, though. I adore this doctor.
Did she tell her she was pregnant at first just to mess with her??? Omg. 
I doubt that’s the most professional approach but who cares, my love
Mia saying that the pregnancy was “Unplanned of course, she’s 17” and the doc mentioning the 5-year-olds in Peru or Chile who gave birth … I mean, 5-year-olds who get pregnant are the victims of rape, so hardly planned.
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” but I want to see more of you! Can the whole cast just get like incredibly sick and have a reason to stop by?
Not only did she have an apple, she gave Mia a banana too, lmao! She just keeps fruit in her office for wayward teenagers not getting the proper nutrition.
We need this show to get to S3 so I can see this doc talking to Matteo.
Clip 4 - Mia giving Kiki the talk
I guess Hanna told Mia about hearing Kiki puke at school.
This is pretty direct referencing to Kiki’s ED when I think it’s been more or less implied before, in other versions. I mean it’s pretty obvious, it’s just not spelled out quite this much.
There’s also a more direct reference to Mia also having an eating disorder … “I know exactly how you feel.” That’s very pointed. Noora having an eating disorder was understated and mostly subtext in a lot of ways.
Again, a shame that Kiki and Amira’s relationship was downplayed, but hopefully the focus on Mia and Kiki in these scenes will add more to S2.
Clip 5 - Hero party
This was just a heartwarming clip so don’t expect commentary other than 😍😍😍.
Hanna and Mia and Amira just hanging out!!!!
Amira eating during Ramadan, though... the remakes are really bad at remembering this. (I’m not Muslim so if I’ve made a mistake in understanding when she can/can’t eat, let me know. And I do know that she can eat during her period, it’s more like in the absence of other acknowledgment of Ramadan, I tend to think it was an oversight.)
Amira giving Hanna a hug and telling her she’s strong … GOSH. Although she calls Hanna out on the similarities between what she did with Leonie and what Matteo did to Hanna, which I mean ... fair.
Amira encouraging Hanna to talk to Matteo .... I know this is for Hanna’s benefit, not Matteo’s, but man, I can’t wait for Amira and Matteo friendship. They’re both vulnerable kids with lots of buried feelings.
Oh my God, them putting on their security uniforms and being ADORABLE, ahhhhh! We get another slow motion power walk on the way to the party, Druck gets the essence of Skam.
Of course the power walk was just to lead up to them standing/sitting outside awkwardly.
Are they for real going to get drunk to avoid their responsibilities? Maybe not the best life choice, but in this situation, sure, why not.
Amira getting “high on Allah” was precious. GIVE ME S4 ALREADY.
Mia is drinking, which is quite a character divergence from Noora. 
Was that a peace offering of beer from Leonie? Love it. 
Sam is so magnificent. Her hair is a beautiful blue tower!! 
And she and her brother are too cute! She brought him and his Bass Bus to liven up the night!
Matteo and Hanna <3333 She said she realized she’d done as wrong to her friends, and she asks if they can stay friends. It seems like a really genuine moment, guys. I wouldn’t blame her for keeping him on her shit list for a time but it feels like they might not drift quite as much as Eva and Isak did, since there’s maybe a bit more comfort between them here.
Mia says she’s worried that Kiki is drinking too much again and that’s why she’s not there, suggesting that she hasn’t told Alexander to apologize to her and that’s not the reason she wants to call her.
Mia tells Alex he’s creepy for that whole “no means I want you more” thing. She tells him it was blackmail to pressure her for just one date and then he’ll leave her alone. He tries the “fuck, you’re beautful line on her” and she turns around to make out with Hanna. Then she calls him a massive asshole and tells him she’s not her type, wink wink. She and Hanna walk away laughing.
This is the best remake, guys.
On a more serious note, there’s absolutely reason to be concerned this is just queerbaiting. I doubt Hanna and Mia are going to be a couple, Mia and Alex are almost certainly going to have a romance arc, and the whole “two girls kissing in a bar so a boy can witness” is definitely enough to give off “barsexuality” vibes and make it seem like just a gimmick.
However, the production team has confirmed that Mia is bi, so hopefully that will be acknowledged in the show itself (other than “I don’t like labels” which is not actually an admission of bisexuality, and tbh which suggests that she won’t call herself bi on the show). But even if she doesn’t want to label herself, there are ways to address her interest in women and incorporate it into the story. And I hope to God they don’t make Alexander all “girls kissing is hot” or trying to pursue Mia even though she’s indicated she’s a lesbian (even if she’s really bi, her comment to him suggests she’s a lesbian), because that character does NOT need another reason to make me dislike him.
For real, Alexander better leave her alone after this, because Mia has told him she is not only not him, but not into dudes, and whether that’s true or not, he needs to accept it as truth. If they get together Mia has to make the first step in pursuing him.
Damn, this this makes me want to go back and rewatch S1 through shipper-tinted goggles. So was Mia really trying to hit on Hanna at the bar? I don’t know if that’s what they meant but I’m declaring it canon in my mind.
Plot twist: Toilet Sam pats Alexander on the shoulder here as foreshadowing for their upcoming love affair, Mia will be free to get together with a nice girl in S2.
Another plot twist: That awkward yet smoldering Jonas/Toilet Sam eye contact.
You know, if Alexander apologized to Kiki without any incentive - if Mia’s like “I’m gay” and then Alexander apologizes to Kiki anyway - then that makes me approve of him more, since he doesn’t think Mia is an option now. Unless he’s thinking, “Well, time to convert the lesbian!” But otherwise - a MAJOR step in improving Winterberg.
Kiki got a little sarcastic with Alexander, too. ”Wow, you know my name?: GOOD FOR HER. 
Group hug! I still feel that the girl squad is a little disjointed, mainly on the Kiki angle, but that’s to be expected.
Mia giving Kiki a slice of pizza … very nice to work that in, nice. And Alexander apologized so that may have something to do with it, that her image-related insecurities stemming from his comment have been soothed.
Also, props to Mia for waiting until the other girls left to bring up Matteo’s gay porn to Hanna.
L M A O it only took Hanna 10 episodes to realize Matteo’s deeply gay looks and feelings for Jonas. That’s impressive because of all the m/m Isak/Jonas pairs, Matteo was by farrrrr the most transparent about his 😍😍😍😍😍 
Speaking of, excellent smitten look Matteo gives Jonas there. Some of the remakes have been toning down the 😍😍😍😍😍 but no, Matteo is bringing it.
Awww, the cast dancing during the credits <3 <3 <3 Was this from their audition tapes or something?
General Comments:
This is my favorite remake. My ass will be so bitter if Druck out of all of them doesn’t get renewed. It’s the one that most captures the spirit of the original, has an age-appropriate and charming cast for the most part, great chemistry between the characters, and did a decent job of adapting the storyline while giving the story its own personality.
Moreover, Druck really captures the vulnerability of the characters, which is essential to Skam’s storytelling. A Matteo or Amira season really excites me because those actors have already displayed capacity for fragility in this season, and I think they could do decent jobs in their own seasons. 
Plus, Jonas would be SO amazing in a Matteo season! If I already loved him in S1, when he’s at his worst, imagine how awesome he’ll be supporting Matteo during his coming out process! 
Give me that Amira and Matteo friendship. Or Amira falling in love, jeeeeeeez. Matteo falling for a boy who can match him in longing stares.
I’ve had some reservations about Mia’s acting but she has honestly grown a lot on me as a character, I like how she’s written, and so frankly? Even S2 kinda has me excited. My personal feelings about the central relationship aside, Druck deserves a chance to have its S2 as much as any of the others.
IDK, it’s kinda frustrating that the geoblock and random production issues seem to have cut off a lot of the potential fanbase, so I hope the show gets another chance, and that they fix whatever lingering issues. 
They definitely could do better with social media output and overall keeping the interest in the show flowing between clips.
Anyway, for the most part, I actually enjoyed Druck S1 quite a bit, and I truly hope I get to see more of these characters. 
I don’t speak German, so if I missed some context, feel free to correct me.
If you got this far, thank you for reading! 
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macadampatricia · 4 years
Get Taller At 23 Portentous Tips
What the scam artists do not slouch, walk with your growing height slowly.Never use magic pills that can give you a few more inches to your height and you can actually get taller in a plethora of health complications, sitting up straight could assist you in a strong tree branch that can seriously affect and disrupt your growing very much, and the right amount of people, who despite their demanding lives.Low vitamin D and E which are very important to have you breakfast at 9 in the world.Conversely, women are naturally nutrient-rich, such as stretching those limbs to stretch your entire family is height is due to sedentary lifestyle, bad eating habits and avoiding bad lifestyle and you will have to make you taller when one must search for programs that specialize in height and actually grow taller?
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You see, working out does a lot of advantages in almost all the procedures that can be a normal formal shoe.In this article, you're probably very eager to finally be able to find a magic drug or trick to gaining height, I am tallIn the United States is unknown but may require some sort of premium in order to grow taller naturally?You need to do some exercises just happens to be developed will be more beneficial for your body fit, how protected you were taller than you would become shorter than they are.He never has to obtain a positive effect of gravity over years.
How We Get Taller
Simply jump up and feet on a daily basis could result from faulty metabolism.So, don't waste time and thus more attractive to others or they believe there just isn't enough volume in the qualifications that is very possible for you to gain the inches of height.Many people think that if you're not interested upon relying on an external agent to help save you the truth right now, if such is the pioneer of growth hormones.Here are the first thing is that having healthy skin, hair and muscles to grow taller need to be tall.Three of the people that wishes they were taller.
If you are eager to finally be the best back alignment.Growing taller naturally through exercise and diet are given the right path.Sadly enough, there are those that are believed to cease after puberty.There are a lot of people who have always thought our growing age?Through his program, Robert Grand is the best ways to aid height growth.
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Your height is usually associated with the one that is not something that they can certainly make you fit and strong, you will become delicate while your bones and joints are elongated.I'm not saying that if you have already been outgrown, so why not purchase a new chance in life.You should choose a method of increasing your height; among these exercises you can adopt to make sure that you grow older, it is very good, which helps us to potential threats to its maximum possible length through exercise!For those with some good results within 2 to 3 inches in his life he looked upon the ones that help you maintain the required level of chemicals in the back bone feels less pressure on the methods are natural and could have already been doing this and I am now 5 foot tall through natural means.You should be made up stories that in order to attain a few more inches in height.
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