#honestly i'm all over the place rn so i could be forgetting something
seekingthestars · 4 months
she's beauty she's grace she's Miss Eevee Cosplay 3.0
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nctstar · 9 months
Hello! I saw that your requests are opened. Can you please write something or a smut with Doyoung siren? It sounds so incredible in the beginning of golden age 🤯
hi! I know this is SOO late but I'm still getting used to this whole request thing...hopefully will be much better at it next year :) anyway, I think it's probably different to what you envisioned but it does involve siren Doyoung so :D
the girl of the Surface
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I leant over to kiss Doyoung on the cheek. Sure enough, the skin on his face felt wet against my lips, and he tasted like salt. When I pulled away, his cheeks were flushed deep orange.
“May I see you again, Doyoung.” I walked away after that, not knowing this was the start of an endless story, a loop, if you will.
pairing: siren!doyoung x fem!reader
other members: the 127 members :)
word count: 3k
genre: low fantasy, smut
warnings: sexual content so minors please dni! yes the sexual content is between sirens and humans so if that makes you uncomfy then don't read, penetrative sex, riding, kissing, fingering, profanity (use of the f word mainly)
disclaimer: this is a fanfiction purely from my (filthy) imagination. I don't know the nct members and don't claim that they act like this in real life. I also do not condone any of the activity by any of the characters in this fic. I'm also not a siren expert so feel free to educate me kindly if I'm wrong about certain things - I did do some research for this but there's obviously a lot out there on stuff like this
a/n: honestly i'm a bit iffy about the quality of this - I feel like it's not my best writing but I'm still eager to get this out bc I feel like it's intriguing at the least. I feel like subconsciously I adapt my writing style to suit whoever I'm reading rn - and rn I'm reading the starless sea so I tried to be more whimsical - but reading back on this I don't think I can pull off this style like queen erin morgenstern can so...anyway it's a work in progress :D also completely forget about golden age oops
also let's just say the jungwoo alien fic walked so this one could run lmao
Every day, Doyoung sneaked away to meet the girl of the Surface.
That’s what everyone else called her, like she owned the place. Nobody knew her name, voice, what she wore or even what she carried. The outlines of her face and body were always blurry, just out of focus.
He wasn’t supposed to go see her. Not on the first day, and definitely not on the days after that.
Doyoung mainly spent most of his days cooped up in his bedroom, nose buried in the pages of a book, words swimming around in his head at all hours of the day. While his siblings rushed here and there, tails flapping and knocking knick-knacks off the makeshift shelves he had built, gossiping about the latest happenings at the market, he travelled the world in his head. Not just the one below, but above the Surface.
Many nights were spent awake, wondering, what is so bad about the Surface?
One night, way before he had ventured above and first laid eyes on her, excited shouts had awoken him from a floaty slumber, and he swam out of his house to find the body of a human male falling through the water, his white shirt billowing out of his body, one shoe coming off his feet, threatening to be lost in the depths of the water.
His brother, Jaehyun, nudged him. “Hey.”
He nodded, acknowledging his presence, but his eyes never left that shoe, not until it fell off completely and started to float away. At the same time, he watched the water around the body stain red, spreading quickly like he imagined paint would on canvas. Above the Surface, of course.
“You think this is how it is above the Surface?”
“Like what?” His brother was eating already. Not the human – well, not yet, anyway.
“Do they also feed on-“
“Hey! Doyoung! Get over here. We need more sirens.”
The day after that, Doyoung and Jaehyun were initiated and sent up for the very first time.
“Hyung, how are you moving so easily with these things?” Jaehyun rubbed his sides in annoyance, wincing when his fingers met the quickly hardening ridges of fins. “I can’t believe I’m going to have this for the rest of my life.”
Doyoung was quiet, the swish-swish of his body travelling upwards, closer towards the Surface. His thoughts were flooded, the voices of the other sirens refusing to settle in his brain. Do not rise above the Surface.
But the people in the books, with their dances and songs – different to the ones he knew. Songs that inspired, that brought peace, that declared love.
Not songs that represented betrayal, violent ends for the ones who dared to stop and listen.
 Would he be able to hear those songs?
“It’ll be fun. You know,” He caught up to Doyoung now, arms brushing as they swam in sync. “the others said you can have fun with them before the song ends.”
Doyoung looked at his younger brother, whose eyes were glinting with something akin to pride, or mischief. “What kind of fun?”
Jaehyun smiled at him. “Remember that time Johnny-hyung made that huge thing crash, and it had hundreds of humans on it? Well, he said he had a lot of fun that day.”
“It’s called a ship.” Doyoung looked ahead as the water began to lighten, signalling their arrival. “Those huge things are ships.”
“Okay…” He trailed off, frowning slightly before getting distracted by his new fins again, now fully hard and sharp enough to cut the skin of his hands if he pressed down too hard. “Anyway, we can always hope for people on the shore too. In fact, they say there’s a human who lives on the shore of the land nearby.”
“What land?” Doyoung watched the rays of the light source above, the sun as the humans called it, let beams of light strike through the water.  They moved on their own accord, freely, like how he pictured the legs of the dancers as they moved to music above the Surface.
“Hyung it’s called an island, actually.” Jaehyun smirked, teasingly flicking his tail against Doyoung. The pressure of the fins in his sides started to push into his chest, making him feel a little lightheaded. A human…on an island? Above the Surface?
“Yeah, well, it’s kind of a legend. Like, legend has it she exists, but she never responds to a siren’s call.”
Something turned in Doyoung’s stomach. “She doesn’t…” he whispered, looking down, thoughts plaguing him.
“Yeah. They tried everything, but…not a single time did she even step closer, or indicate she was affected by the call. Hyung, they even,” Jaehyun grabbed Doyoung’s arm, letting his body float around to face him. “rose above the Surface. A siren-hyung was desperate. And then-“
“And then what?”
“He was never seen again.” For a moment it was silent, Jaehyun’s eyes staring unblinking into his own. Then, his torso erupted in fits of laughter, the fins in his sides uncomfortably moulded to his shaking body. “I can’t believe you fell for that, Hyung.” Doyoung sighed, shrugging off the arms of his younger brother. Above him, the sun burned ferociously, the water lining the edge of the Surface getting lighter.
I had no idea I would meet Doyoung that day at the shore.
I was expecting a stretch of time with nothing to keep me company but the sounds of the rushing waves and the mess of my own thoughts. But alas, the figure became clearer as I walked barefoot across the sands.
Stopping in my tracks, wanting desperately to have some sort of weapon handy instead of a hefty book (though, a book could easily become a weapon if you try hard enough), I called out, chest feeling tight all of a sudden. “Who are you?”
The man was naked excepting the wrap of brown fabric around his hips, and my eyes ran across the weird lines on the sides of his toned chest. He was completely dry.
He didn’t move, and, I couldn’t see his face yet, so it was a surprise to hear his voice for the first time. Not only because I didn’t expect him to speak, but because his voice came as a deep, sonorous sound right into my ears, as if I had earbuds in and had just hit play.
“My name is Doyoung. I’m a siren.”
I should have turned away immediately, ignored him, or even stayed in place, waiting for him to leave. But instead, I did the worst thing you could ever do in such a situation.
In storybooks, sirens use songs that capture you, much like a physical trap, until you’re so far deep you fail to comprehend what you got yourself into. Yet, Doyoung was silent after he finished speaking, after admitting the sin of his existence.
“Are you serious?” The feeling of his chest was rubbery and wet underneath my fingers, despite him looking completely dry. “How is this-“
“Why did you come to me?”
I looked up at his face. He was handsome, but not in the mysterious way that you would expect a mythical creature. Redness and scars peppered across his skin, eyes furrowed in human-like confusion, legs as long as sundown stretched for on this island. His hair was messy, lips tinted red, parted slightly as if he was really breathing. My hands ached to touch his face, but I held back, not wanting to fondle this random…male specimen I had literally just met any longer.
“You’re the girl of the Surface. Like in the stories.”
You squinted, the sun beating down mercilessly between your bare shoulder blades. Getting nervous ay once under his intense gaze, I toyed with the shell necklace around my neck, averting his gaze. “Um, thanks, I guess. But I’m just, well, I’m _.”
“Legend has it siren calls don’t work on you.” Doyoung kept speaking like a narrator in an old timey film, stating facts rather than working to keep a real conversation going. “You look really blurry all the time, but you seem to take on the form of a human female. A young adult one. In all the decades you’ve been here, no one has been able to take you to the seas. You’re an enigma. No one can figure you out.”
I paused, my brain refusing to accept any of this information, but my heart warmed with something gentle and forgiving. I leant over to kiss Doyoung on the cheek. Sure enough, the skin on his face felt wet against my lips, and he tasted like salt. When I pulled away, his cheeks were flushed deep orange.
“May I see you again, Doyoung.” I walked away after that, not knowing this was the start of an endless story, a loop, if you will.
Days and days and days later, I lay down on the sand with Doyoung for the first time.
He lay on top of me, and I hooked one arm around his neck, pulling his face near mine so he could kiss me. He did not. Instead, he rocked his hips against mine, and I felt his hard-on against my clothed core, making me whine. Pieces of sand travelled through strands of my hair, settling on my scalp.
Was this wrong?
He sank his teeth into my teeth, making me shake under him. Iron grip around my wrist and arm, he sucked and nipped the skin of my neck, and I cried out in pleasure. “Oh my god, don’t stop, p-please.” He groaned, his nose nestled into the crook of my neck. Letting go of one of my hands, he brought one between my legs, both of us working together to shrug off my bikini bottoms. Fingers nestled inside me all in one go with no warning, I felt the length of his fingers push against my sensitive walls. I bucked my hips upwards, involuntarily letting him travel knuckle deep inside me. When I climaxed, I dug my teeth into the salty skin of his neck. His eyes were closed the entire time.
“Is this wrong?” Ironically, even as he paused, his hard-on pressed urgently against me, as if answering for me. I shook my head, wanting to feel him inside me, wanting no more than to let my mind and body turn into jelly, to be overwhelmed by sensations akin to ones that made my world shake. I kissed him deeply, fingers digging into his scalp. Despite being so obviously turned on, and proceeding to fuck me at inhumane speeds for the next hour, Doyoung didn’t make a single noise the entire time after that.
You couldn’t stop reading, even as the clock on your bedside shone angrily. Beside you, your husband groaned. “Babe.” One hand was slung messily across his eyes, the sheets revealing a slip of stomach and leg as he shuffled, half asleep. “You’re not reading your diary again, are you?”
“Doie, it’s just so cute. I love reading how we met. And what we did.” You brought your face closer to Doyoung’s, his eyes now sharper, even in the dim lights of your shared bedroom. You made sure the moonlight hit the curve of your hips and ass as you moved to kneel next to him. From his lips to the skin of his face and torso, you watched his body breathe sleepily. So beautiful, you thought.
It had been five years since that day he had crawled out of the water and met you.
Now you were, as Doyoung would say, living life above the Surface, like commoners in a children’s story about witches or pirates. People who fell in love, got married, had babies, then lay to rest on Earth forever.
By some magic, Doyoung was no longer a siren.
But the thought that he might still be one, might still accidentally have trapped you all these years, haunt him.
As you felt Doyoung’s length fully sheath inside you, you frowned, moans spilling senselessly out of your mouth as you rode him. You knew him so well, physically, and emotionally. Leaning over, you kissed him over and over again, the sounds of your hips hitting his pelvis becoming louder as you tried to reach your high. “Shhh…baby…you’re perfect. ” A lone tear slid down his face as he stared into your eyes, as if they were endless voids and not the eyes of his beloved wife. He began to whimper, and the sound of him shaking as he came made you reach your high too, slumping over him as you heaved. “Fuck yes.” You noisily kissed him as your hips began to bounce again, making him throw his head back and moan loudly.
“H-how can this be real?” The ceiling was warping into swirls, and the air was getting hotter. The weight of your thighs that pressed against the sides of his hips were beginning to fade away, and he felt paralysed. Distant voices wafted into the room, as if a filter was suddenly being lifted. Someone shouting his name. He pressed his eyes closed, tight, his hips stuttering as he came down from his second high.
You were gone. But for some reason, he could still feel the smooth surface of the shell that hung from your neck tickle against his neck, as if you were still there on top of him.
His eyes snapped open. He felt a rush of air. Someone sighing, their blurry figure materialising as he came to. “Fuck, you scared us!”
The sun bore down on his face, and Doyoung felt his skin burning under its unforgiving rays. Despite the ache that yelled angrily through his entire body, he sat up, now faced with the rest of his members. Taeyong squatted next to him, holding a cold waterbottle, droplets riding down the outside surface. “Here. Drink this.”
Johnny’s broad figure towered above him, still hazy, but as his face got closer, his voice became clearer. “Where did she go?”
Doyoung frowned, and Johnny matched his expression. Everyone was silent, Doyoung shakily responding. “What are you talking about?” Taeyong tapped him, bringing the bottle closer to his lips.
As the ice-cold liquid rushed down to his stomach, Doyoung was awash with a new sense of clarity. He physically shuddered, as hidden memories of the past five years came to light. His face dropped, his eyes filled with horror. “W-where is she? The girl?”
“As I said, she left after she saw me. It was strange…” Johnny paused, and then pressed his lips together, looking down. The others were silent, and Doyoung whipped his head to all of them. They were all holding back. “What is it?”
Taeyong rested one hand on Doyoung’s bare shoulder, making him flinch. Nodding apologetically, he continued. “She looked vastly different to all of us.”
Jaehyun scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I’m sure this is all an elaborate prank, Hyung. This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“Hyung.” The maknae spoke, looking genuinely scared. Yuta patted him gently, as if silently agreeing with his next words. “Jaehyun-hyung saw Taeyong-hyung.”
“I wasn’t there, I swear.” Taeyong lifted both his hands up, his eyes watery and confused. “I swear to you guys.”
“Well, I saw Sarah. From my high school.”
“The girl that you lo-“ Doyoung stopped. Icicles formed in his stomach, the realisation making him sick. “Oh my god.”
“I saw Lavender, Doyoung.” He didn’t need that confirmation, but Taeyong’s voice was shaky now. “I saw her, clear as day. But…there was something off about her. I know this sounds crazy, but, she…she didn’t seem like herself.”
“But…whoever we saw,” Jaehyun still seemed skeptical, side-eyeing Johnny. “They all ran away after the first glance.”
Taeyong’s face was reddened by the harsh sun as Doyoung sat frozen in shock.
“Did she – or he – leave anything behind?”
As the words left his mouth, Doyoung’s hands were already inside the pocket of his pants. He let his fingers run over the shell in his pocket as the rest of the boys muttered their answers.
The words were becoming background noise, his thoughts all-encompassing, consuming him like water on a cold swim. He stood up, much to the surprise of the others. “I’m fine, guys. Meet you at the car? I’ll just be a few minutes.”
He would’ve found another way, even if his members hadn’t reluctantly left him that day at the beach. After all, you had left the necklace in his pocket for a reason. You loved him. You weren’t tricking him. You let him live because you loved him.
“Welcome home, baby.”
To you, the stories had always fascinated you. The people of the Surface, with their friendly songs and parties, and stupid, blind trust in things that looked like them.
Especially things that looked like desirable women.
It quickly became your life’s mission to have as many as you could, not to share, never…to share. No, this was all for yourself. Nobody else got the Surface like you did. Nobody could scan and hunt on dry land like you did. You were always one step ahead, always planning your next move. In fact, the cute little maknae on the beach today was next on your radar.
But Doyoung…Doyoung was so much fun.
And what is it that they always said?
Oh right.
You’re allowed to have a little bit of fun…until the song ends, of course.
The song was almost over for Doyoung. Despite everything, you were starting to feel…bad, something you had read about in human books. Guilt. You wanted to give him a chance, a chance to walk away, because he honestly seemed like a good human. But obviously, he liked you too much to forget so easily.
You forgot that humans could be naïve like that.
At least you tried. Now, as the sun set on the horizon, it was almost time to head home. You were quickly getting bored, and tired of singing for the day.
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good-beans · 1 year
HAI!! haii so so . Listen i was having milgram thoughts as one does and decided to bother you talk to you . Also because i want to lowkey hear your thoughts about this
So i was thinking maybe milgram has a cleaning system thing done by the prisoners?? Like cleaning duties and stuff and obviously i had some silly thoughts like fuuta getting paired with someone taller and not being able to reach a spot that's just bugging him, and they just tower over him and clean it. Also mahiru being extremely good at cleaning because she's always wanted to be the perfect shoujo heroine. And Kazui being good at it to try to make up to his wife for not being able to love her. Muu being a rich girl™ probably wouldn't be all that good at it and I'm not entirely sure about Haruka or Yuno. Shidou probably did help around the house when his family was still around, and being a doctor, probably wants the place to be sanitary, so he'd be good at it too. Anyways, then I thought about Amane.
Like obviously she values cleanliness or purity, but her house isn't exactly the best maintained right? Would that result in her being relatively lax about the cleaning? Or maybe since her guardian was someone who "strayed from the path" (i didn't really know how to put it) she wouldn't want to follow in their example? Making her want to keep the prisoner more clean? I didn't have enough time in school to think about it (sad) but even rn i cant really come to a proper conclusion. Keeping things sanitary was definitely not what she was raised with and if the cult was fine with her running around with her bruises unbandaged and living in her definitely not properly maintained house. But also not wanting to follow something that her guardian did would also definitely be something I'd expect from her…
AHH thank you sm for telling me!! >:3 It’s literally never a bother, I always want to talk Milgram adfsdfsdf I love this 👀 I expand a bit with my thoughts below but all of that is so perfect YES
Omg I love all those -- Mahiru, Shidou, and Kazui definitely seem like the very best cleaners! Mahiru genuinely enjoys it but also holds herself to high societal standards. Kazui probably doesn’t actively enjoy it, but he’d like the clean household and being a good spouse. Shidou seems like he’s just a very meticulously clean person in general -- he also wants to be a good husband but he’d be exactly the same even if he never married lol. 
I think Haruka and Muu would be pretty bad at it, just because they’re not used to the responsibilities. (Muu gives me very genuinely spoken “you missed a spot” vibes lmao. She’s trying to be helpful, but depending on who she says it to, it goes pretty poorly…) 
Fuuta, Yuno, Mikoto, and Kotoko strike me as the type to be varying levels of messy on their own but when they’re forced to clean they do a good job. Fuuta’s bad with leaving gross food/trash/laundry around. Yuno is sanitary, but her possessions get painfully cluttered. Mikoto and Kotoko fall in the middle of this spectrum. Kotoko seems like she’d honestly just forget about taking care of her living space, while the others make the conscious choice to let it go for a while. 
I’m dying over Fuuta not being tall enough to reach a certain spot ASFSDF that’s exactly what would happen 😂 Also I know none of his clothes are his prisoner color, but I’m picturing that classic laundry mishap where he ends up dying his uniform pink by washing it alongside something red… 
And Amane. Hm. I’m intrigued by her case, because I would have said without a doubt that she would be super clean and organized due to her teachings -- but then that mv shot (combined with the injury treatment you mentioned) clearly shows her mother doesn’t live that way. It’s definitely an option that she’s a hypocrite in many areas: punishing Amane for things when she herself has done worse, demanding Amane be perfectly clean when her house is a mess, etc. It could also be that she never asked for that, but the rest of the cult drilled the importance of purity into Amane -- and this contributes to the ways in which Amane notices her mother’s straying). 
Whether cleanliness was expected of her at that time or not, though, I think you’re right: she’d be disgusted with her mother’s lack of it, and this would fuel her to keep everything in Milgram in perfect order. Es may have been the one to originally set up the cleaning/chore rotation in t1, but once she starts speaking for the cult in t2, Amane is the one really enforcing everything. At first, this probably annoys the others (they don’t want to be bossed around by a scary 12yo). But the way she talks about perfection and punishments would likely cue them in on her past, making them act a bit gentler about the whole situation. Some of them try to get her to relax and not fear undue punishments if things aren’t clean, but she’d likely take it as an insult to her code rather than an offer of reassurance :( Still, I think given her physical/mental strain, some of the others would successfully convince her to let them help, and take a few of the tougher/grosser cleaning jobs off her hands.
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hannieehaee · 9 months
Idk if this is appropriate or not (feel free if this is something you don't want to answer) but as a casual kpop stan who really only stans seventeen and listens to other kpop artists on a somewhat frequent basis I just feel as though seventeen is reaching their peak in a way that's far from satisfying. Like idk if this makes sense but to me it seems as tho the members are struggling to keep out of "scandals" with mingyu's incident last year, minghao/seoksoon being labeled as fat phobic earlier this year over out of context clips and now with Joshua (he's not even close to being my favorite member but these rumors and pregnancy stories are honestly making me so upset rn) ...as a fan who feels a genuine attachment to these people it's hard for me to be happy because while Ik the boys deserve every good thing coming their way fame comes with a price and that price is what I'm worried about. Like I get that Pledis isn't SM and seventeen definitely see themselves as family unlike NCT who view themselves more as colleagues I'm so scared that Joshua will eventually leave like Lucas or heaven forbid anything more drastic happens. It's just that I always see these "we could never save them" posts but then the same people who post them also comment the worst things forgetting that idols are humans too. I'm super sorry for the long ask but I just read that jeonghan got hurt and that made me think of the rest of the members and everything else they've been going thru. I'm not even the type of person to get attached to people I barely know but with Seventeen it's like I'm really and honestly praying for their success because they seem that THAT genuine group of people who are just trying their best. Sorry for the rambling
i get what ur saying. dont worry abt sending a long ask! ur welcome to rant abt svt in my inbox whenever! honestly i havent stanned for too long so idk how things were before this past year but i do worry for them lately :/ theyre getting injured too often and they get no rest. i dont like how pledis/hybe are managing them at all. theyve been constantly touring japan very repeatedly for seemingly no good reason at all which has obviously tired them out (theyve been dropping like flies, LITERALLY). pledis had the opportunity to promote them in ways that didnt involve constant performances but have just chosen not to for some reason. i really hope they get to rest soon (unlikely tho since theyre likely gonna have a world tour next year).
about the joshua thing. i feel sosososo bad for him. idk and idc if hes really dating that girl honestly. i do feel like it was kinda dumb of her to consistently post herself in the same places/clothes as him if they really wanted to keep it a secret BUT neither of them deserved the hate/scrutiny they got for it. not even with the pregnancy thingy on her stories. i don't think joshua and lucas' situations are comparable whatsoever since joshua has not done anything wrong unlike lucas. im hoping pledis somehow protects him better but thats unlikely. i dont think any member of svt will ever leave bc as u said, theyre family. cant rlly compare to nct tho lol bc i only stan svt so idk any other groups' dynamics like that. i do get what ur saying tho i have friends who stan nct and svt and theyve said to me that they do see a drastic difference in dynamics between the two groups but thats neither here nor there.
lastly, i have the best hopes for svt. they keep saying theyll only go up from here and i believe that. idk how that will play out with military service in consideration or with what seems to be chronic incidents that keep happening to them (gyu, cheol, and han in the past few months) but i trust and hope they'll be okay. they have a very established fanbase and a rlly good support group with one another so i only see good things for them in the future. hope they get at least a month off soon though.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 1 year
HI, IM SO SORRY but Tumblr said that my first request had a bad gateway and I'm re-typing it to be sure---
so basically I imagined kai with a s/o who just acts on impulse said impulses being setting things on fire and randomly shooting things, bcz it's their said way of stimulating themselves? so sorry if it doubled but once again, I hope you have a great day drink water, and don't forget to take breaks!!
(Ps, I absolutely ADORE your works scrolling touch each one rn!!)
^w^ you're so sweet I hope you're having a good day
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"Huh. Intrusive thoughts that took action... that's interesting."
No jokes, this ass would say that to himself the first time he catches on what your behavior is all about.
And honestly? As long as you don't get hurt by one of your shenanigans he won't care much.
One time you just felt like it what would happen if you yanked Rappa's face mask off and he was laughing at the reaction of the buff.
Of course he was laughing inside because this man has to keep up his image and bla bla bla🙄
But... when it comes to other, let's say, dangerous things....
You make this stoic sociopath have a mini heart attack.
Every. Single. Time.
He won't get used to it.
The first time this happened was when he was reading a book but suddenly he sniffed the smell of something burning....
That's weird... he doesn't remember any subordinates having a fire quirk...
Soon he noticed the room getting a bit... foggy.
"What the-" he soon spotted you with a lighter on a hand while one thing he couldn't notice of was burning as you watched it "(Y/N) PUT THAT DOWN-"
It was a bit dramatic of him to get a fire extinguisher just to put out a small fire? Yeah, but he panicked seeing his loved one near a fire ok?
"What were you thinking?!" He would almost shout while you stood there with a sorry look.
It there was one thing he regretted the most on his life was when he took you with Chrono to let the man teach you how to use a gun.
While in the middle of the explanation both of men FLINCHED when the sudden gunshot echoed and with your wide eyes you just giggled out a "ah so that's how ot works" before proceeding to shut at random places
He just hopes it doesn't bring troubles for the hassaikai later.
He knows that this one of the coping methods you have to stimulate yourself but sometimes he just wishes you could pick something more at ease like... maybe water colors?
He doesn't have any idea how this works... he is more of rational and methods guy than a emotional one... so you already expect that he is basically shit with emotions and other stuff like that.
He tries the best he can to distract you to not happen something that could put you in danger....
But yet recently he had to put out a fire on his living room before examining your whole body for any injuries or burns.
You will probably give this 28 years old guy gray hairs before his 40....
Don't worry, if he keeps treating you and taking you away from that or just plenty distracting you it means this dude is head over heels for ya.
Even if he doesn't loudly admit it.
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wizardfrog69 · 2 years
Hello! I really liked your giving/leaving hickeys headcannon! What about collecting/keeping s/o's underwear/stockings/gloves for mtp boys? Thank you and please take care of yourself! Have a wonderful day! <3
Thank you for the request! Have a wonderful day too! :) <3
'•.¸♡ keepsake ♡¸.•'
Mtp x gn!reader
Mostly fluffy but there are mentions of nsfw!!! So be cautious
Feat. William, Louis, Albert, Sherlock, John, Charles.
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William James Moriarty:
Ok so like he keeps or collects any peice of clothing which you leave either on accident or you don't notice it has gone missing.
Mostly your stockings go missing usually never to be seen again.
What does he do with them? You may be asking, well no one knows the answer to that and no one ever will.
He keeps them when he feels lonely and wants something which reminds him of you and also like he finds it almost humours that you're going home without any stockings on.
Also he's a theif at heart, stealing not only the lives of many and your clothes but also your love.
Louis James Moriarty:
His s/o probably left their gloves or something at his place and he say it one day and kept them to be more close to them yk.
Idk why that's the only thing I said in 3rd person but oh well.
Like he doesn't know if he should give them back or like tell you, but if you say that you can't find those gloves or something similar then he would awkwardly say he found them and he ment to give them back but it completely slipped his mind.
But yeah like he wouldn't do it on purpose just on accident kinda.
Albert James Moriarty:
This little rascal would probably take your underwear and tease you about it.
For example, the two of you were having a quicky somewhere outside of the house and when you were getting dressed he would steal your underwear either to tease you or as 'punishment' for something you did earlier.
He would later either forget about it or would keep it for good measure.
If you tried to take it back then there would be more ✨️teasing✨️.
I'm using that word too much.
Sherlock Holmes:
Maybe he keeps a pair of their s/o's underwear just to tease them but other than that I don't really see him keep anything of their's really yk.
Or like you left something in his apartment so to speak, and it stayed there forever ot until he moves out which is unlikely tbh.
John H. Watson:
He's not the type to collect or keep anything of his s/o's, if they leave something then he will tell them and give it to them.
Therefore I'm gonna say random stuff to fool you into thinking I actually put some thought behind this >:)
I'm listening to the phantom of opera rn cuz it's an amazing film, my favourite ones are the 2004 and 1989 I think Christine was great in that movie, I think Christine is great in both the movies tbh.
I also watched the 1925 one, it was a silent film which I definitely finished, but they did Erik so dirty in that one, like he had no mask, and in the 1989 version Erik literally killed someone with his face 💀 I wish I was joking I love that movie so much. But if you want to listen to some great music then I recommend the 2004 one but if you rather see rats and a random rat man then the 1989 one, it's amazing.
Enough about my rant, enjoy the rest of the fic! :)
Charles Augustus Milverton:
He collects your whole wardrobe in a weird pervert way
Like everytime he's over he steals an item of clothing from you, but only one so you don't notice (unless it's like a pair the he steals the pair but that's beside the point)
He has a special drawer for all your things.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Sorry I got lazy again, pls ignore the John part but honestly I could write so much about the phantom of the opera like that shit is a fucking master piece and wanna get the book.
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hell-drabbles · 7 months
Alright no idea what to talk about but I just wanted to tell this niche little things
In Beel's attack of kings prologue story he talks about a shop that allows people to change genders
And honestly I have never wanted to be somewhere more then that
Anyways I had something to say about embittered companion and angel companion but I'm still thinking it out rn
And also this au idea was for a obey me au
But essentially think of a au where the devils can sacrifice Solomon's descendant to bring back Solomon
I don't know
I feel like the demons would do so without regret if there was a choice to do so
Dante Anon
Huh, that sounds like fun. And take your time with your thinking, I too am taking my time. But that's because I've been groggy.
I probably wouldn't call it changing genders so much as customizing your own body, almost build-a-bear style, just so there's a plethora of options that isn't just limited to what is perceived as female and male by the masses. Don't want to change anything about your dick but want to have the biggest of knockers? Go right ahead. Want a pussy but don't want anything else? Go right on ahead buddy. Want the stuff to be temporary or permanent? You can choose so. Lot of little options, might be overwhelming to a beginner so there might be sampler packages to start them right off.
Also sorry for not being all that active, immune system went a little into overdrive and became convinced I was infected with something and gave me the old fever and chills combo. And then I started showing signs of hives and low blood pressure and almost whited out just trying to look for some medication but I'm doing better now. It's my own fault really, I haven't been eating well at all.
And hohoho, that certainly sounds like an interesting au, though I can only imagine it as a series of one-shots rather than something I can expand. Curse my limited imagination! Solomon's descendant over is pretty much engrossed in this paradise that they're in. They're being fucked however they liked, they're indulging in new and weird kinks just about every day, and the devils give them all the love and affirmation that they could possibly want! Which, eventually, leads to them forgetting that they're devils. They've been projecting their own human elements upon the devils, and often forget just how fickle and childish they can be.
So, when the opportunity comes that Solomon can be brought back with this sacrifice, of course they take it. And that would slap the descendant right in the face, a dose of reality that they have entirely forgotten was possible. Funny too, because I would imagine this all happens right after the descendant has abandoned their home back on Earth.
I just like the thought of the descendant being smacked in the face that these devils have different values and different ways of expressing themselves, that their ability to love and fuck isn't reserved to just the descendant like they want it to be. I just like being cruel to them. Seriously, out of all the self insert protagonists, there's something about them that just...ticks me off. They just remind me of all the male eroge protagonists that I've ever played. They're all horny to atmosphere-deafness, they're all dumb as fuck, and they all make me feel second hand embarrassment just reading about them as they bumble their way into dick or pussy because they showed the barest of kindness. The fact they can be female does not absolve my feelings towards them.
But, instead of getting rid of that personality all together, I want to commit to it and see what kind of person it ends up creating. Just, how big of a mess would this person be with these kinds of traits interacting in Hell, in a place that does not put sex and love in the same category. Any descendant that is easily jealous of other devils fucking one another is not going to survive down here. I know there are devils that want to fuck one person only, but that was so hamfisted in there to placate the audience that I don't consider it canon. Nor do I consider the "some devils can lie" canon. They can be tricky with their words, intentionally misleading, but lying outright they cannot do.
But anyways, this kind of au would force Solomon to also shift his perspective on the devils, since he seems to believe that they're all innocent. He infantilizes them, simply put, and that will also come biting him in the ass because, simply put, they're devils. Indulgent in their sins, no restrictions to be found.
But yeah, that be my thoughts. The angels and devils, as they are now, are just too human for me, you know? But ah, I'm just repeating myself. Sorry about that.
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hanzajesthanza · 3 months
i'm w/ my folks rn so i can't watch your essay today BUT just know that i'm rly excited about it and i'm glad you managed to make it! i'm always daydreaming about essays on various topics so it's super impressive to see someone make a long one on something they cherish. And ALSO tbh... not to disparage good videos, but the witcher yt essay space feels kinda. Like That because it crosses over with dark fantasy/hc's fans/misinterpretation of the books so i'm so happy to see your take on it. I'll probably send a reaction in the comments/ask to show my appreciation when i get to it. have a nice day and congrats!
ah thank you so much!! it means so much to me that people have kept this essay on their mind and are eager to watch it :') hope you enjoy when you snag a chance to watch it!
also i'm glad my work speaks to you!! whatever i'm making, i'm doing it because i feel like i can bring something unique or less spoken about, and contribute to the conversation in a positive way. if all there is to say has already been said, why bother?
this is why i did not make a video mentioning netflix for a very long time, even though i wanted to talk about it, because i felt everything had already been said, critiqued, done. but when i put together the research about the origins of the witcher with the problems which netflix ran into, well, it just suddenly made sense, and was a unique take i hadn't seen before. and i could finally say something that wasn't coming from negativity, but curiosity.
with the videos i've done so far (well, this only makes two (2) lol, so not very many at all), i've done them from my heart and without putting pressure on myself to try to fit in to any specific scene or space, which also made working on them very enjoyable as i could be creative and focus on storytelling, not worrying about how it will be received.
in that regard, i was honestly really inspired by the very people and publications i talk about in the video.
the success of fantastyka and the witcher were not out of nowhere, but were reflecting a broader interest which no one had pursued with such forte and so consistently prior to their creation. (in my personal journey, i'm still working on the 'consistency' bit...)
at the same time, while trying to make something people would like, they also did not change to make themselves as consumable as possible. they embraced their genre, their niche, and they were unapologetically themselves, creating for the people that would be interested. (this caused multiple rifts and disagreements within the fandom, some of which i myself even feel strongly about, but), the work found audiences, audiences which were strongly moved and impassioned, who would probably never forget some of these things.
on the flip side of this, with netflix's example, which i talk about later in the video, what i saw when people try to cut pieces of themselves off in order to fit in, is that they eventually hack themselves to bits, lose their identity, and thus, memorability and place in people's hearts.
so it's interesting, in that the research and core argument of this video actually structured its creation and reason for existing in the first place.
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nogenderbee · 6 months
Ik this is random but when i see your writings it makes me go :DD, and also made me feel comforted<33
But really, im in a bad situation right now, and your fics made me not give up?? Your fics comforted and maybe saved me?? And also made me smile,giggle and even kick my feet🥲, your fics are generally my comfort, cause when i have a bad day i just read your fics it makes me forget all of my struggles yknow? Sometimes, i would screenshot your fics so that i could read them when im offline.. i also love how comforting and supportive you are, i sometimes see anons venting and you would comfort them, it also made me feel comforted even if it isnt a message for me, i will forever worship and defend you til i die<3333
(im just saying this rn cause, rn im having a bad day and your fics made me cheer up)
AWGHFAHDTA STOP I'M CRYING This is honestly the best compliment I've ever got I think ToT I'm so happy my fics can bring you that sort of comfort <3 AND OMG THE SCREENSHOTING I swear I did that too!! Now I have little time to read and look for new fics but I remember doing the same! So I'm really happy to be that someone for you, dear anon <3 And don't worry, if you ever want to vent, all you need to do is text me! I know how hard life can get and sometimes you just need to shout your mind out or hope for advice, even if it's obvious one. So know I don't mind hearing you vent as long as it won't be overally triggering for me as well which happens rarely ^^
You're doing great, remember it! It's important you have something you like so you can brighten your day and I'm definitely not giving up on writing any time soon because it's honestly my passion! I know I'm rambling here kinda but all I want to say is... Please take care of yourself, put yourself on first place and don't force any uncomfortable situations for you UNLESS your therapist says it's good for you (but you're still free to say no obvs) or if you're sure it'll be good for you! Those are the only exceptions!
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Did my ego go high here for a bit-? I think? Oh well, I'm so happy rn I can let myself do so ^^ Thank you again, dear anon <33 You honestly made my day with this!
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
Hi Ducky!! May I make a large order of ice coffee with extraaa ice! Any toppings of your choice, I'm not picky! The names on that order are Miya and Cherry Blossom! Thank you!
Congratulations on 1000 followers by the way!! Hope your event goes well!!!
What a perfect time to write this request 🥰
Lmao this was supposed to come out like a week ago, but i get sleeby at night
Happiest of belated birthdays to my sweet boy.
Miya is my son and this entire website will be aware of it. I will be known as his mother.
Wow damn fuck I really do be kinning Miya hardcore rn
CW BELOW THE CUT: mentions of parental verbal abuse
♫ -ᥕᥲі𝗍ᥱr, ᥕᥲі𝗍ᥱr, ⍴ᥱrᥴ᥆ᥣᥲ𝗍᥆r- ☕️
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It wasn’t like it was such a big request… Don’t get him wrong, he’s thankful for his life, but Miya was certain that his birthday was supposed to be a happy day.
So why wasn’t this day ever a good one?
His fourteenth birthday… Miya couldn’t believe that he had gotten this far, honestly. Even through all of the shit that his mom and dad made him go through… they still loved him… right?
Well, he didn’t have time to find out now. Blocking out the yelled, belittling messages, Miya grabbed his skateboard, and out the door he went. 
The boy hastily blinked away the threatening tears in his eyes. If his mom never saw him cry, she would never ever win.
Was this normal?
Surely this couldn’t be normal. What little boy was yelled at every single year, without fail, on his most special day?
Raindrops began to patter down onto the sidewalk below his feet- well, wheels. The pitch-black darkness of the sky didn’t help his vision either, but the boy picked up speed and went to find the two that he trusted the most.
He took out his phone, somehow managing to push the buttons in the worsening rain, and shooting a text to his groupchat with Joe and Cherry in it.
As he covers more and more ground, he’s filled with dismay when he doesn’t receive a text back. Oh well, at this point he’s just going to show up. The pattering raindrops against his skin are torture. He’s freezing, barely able to see a thing.
The boy reaches Sia La Luce and shakes the rain out of his hair. He opens the door with shaking hands, ignoring the shivers wracking through his body.
Two pairs of eyes are immediately glued onto him. He felt like he was on a talent TV show, only being able to murmur a strained “Help please… I’m really cold.”
Kaoru was at his side almost instantly, kneeling at Miya’s level, and draping Kojiro’s hastily removed jacket around the boy’s shoulders. The pink-haired man’s face was laced with pure concern as he brushed away the locks of wet hair stuck to Miya’s forehead.
Joe retreated to the kitchen, likely to grab something. Meanwhile, Cherry was carefully asking Miya open-ended questions, hoping to keep the boy from distress.
“Are you alright, child?”
The brunette nodded, pulling the jacket closer to him. He knew what was coming next, he just wasn’t sure how to answer.
“Do you think you can tell me what happened?” The man’s voice was uncharacteristically tender and soft. A gentle hand was laid on the boy’s back.
“Nothing major, really.” Miya murmured, looking up to notice Joe emerging from the kitchen. “I’m just glad I’m here…”
“Hey Miya, come here.” The green-haired man had a smile on his face.
The boy’s head barely reached over the top of the counter, so he turned to Joe with outstretched arms. Kojiro picked him up effortlessly, revealing the surprise on the counter.
There was a cake on the counter, a collaboration. Baking done by Kojiro, the loopy writing and frosting cats courtesy of Kaoru.
“Do you like i- Miya?”
Both men turned their attention to the brunette who had tears rolling down his cheeks. Their gazes turned sympathetic once more.
“How did you know today was my birthday?”
“How could we forget?” Kaoru asked with a smile, striding over to his companion’s side and placing a hand on Miya’s back.
The lamenting boy turned to Cherry, leaving Joe’s arms and latching onto him in one fell swoop. The pink-haired man hugged him in return, holding the child close to him and running his hand along his head.
“Thank you…” Miya whimpered, “for being my real parents.”
Kojiro joined in the hug, leaving the restaurant silent, save for the lamentations of the boy who had finally found what love feels like.
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meili-sheep · 2 years
How would the harem -Ayato (could do him as wasn't included or smth) and Cynari(if you want) react to Diluc, Shenhe,Yelan, Ayato and ofc Tighnari all sleep cuddling (Shenhe layed in the middle with Diluc between her legs facing the right meanwhile Nari is just cuddling into Diluc since he's very warm(maybe even purring slightly) and Yelan facing the same way as Diluc with her cuddling into Shenhe's Arm and Ayato is facing the opposite way of Shenhe's Arm that is wrapped around him) maybe you can ad Qiqi and Nahida as being baby-sat by them aswell. we can't forget a few animal friends that I'll let you decide on that
I need Floof rn. Plants (Nahida) vs Zombies (Qiqi) I see them having a paintball fight and see who's Victoria's before hand and the children chose whos on their team (only the brigade)
✨I hope your having a great day/night when anyone sees this 🥰✨
So I'm happy to provide fluff!
And let me start by saying any member of the harem appearing would make Ayato! AND JUST AYATO! Would move closer to Diluc. And in his head, he's doing Diluc a "favor" because he's making the partner a little jealous. All of which totally goes over Diluc's head.
(Also I have had a good day I hope you did too)
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So Albedo is adjacently related to the Bully group. Like he's one of the ones who helps out when he can just because he worries about Diluc. And it's a situation of.
"I know I can't stop you from being a dumbass. So let me help you, so I know you're being a dumbass safety."
So Albedo's opinion of the group as a whole is just generally worried, but he trusts them to help Diluc. And seeing the cuddle pile honestly? It would make him so happy that Diluc has good friends like that. Because honestly? Albedo is good on his own. And Diluc likes saying he's fine alone, but Albedo knows Diluc needs friends more then Albedo does.
Albedo probably ends up sketching the group and totally ignores Ayato's shenanigans.
Al Haitham
So Al Haitham was almost a bully. But didn't meet the bully quota. But he still approves generally of Diluc's hunting of them. He honestly probably really likes the others members of the Bullies. Particularly Shenhe. He just appreciates how straight forwards she is. Ayato does get on his nerves, tho. He totally Trusts Diluc, but asking him to trust Ayato feels like you're asking him to trust a starving snake.
So while seeing Diluc relaxing in the cuddle pile would proke a warm feeling in him at first. It would quickly fade as Ayato gets close to Diluc.
And Al Haitham being Al Haitham would just tap Shenhe's shoulder and be like "Do You mind? That Is my boyfriend I should be the one responsible for him."
"Of course not."
And he just cut Ayato totally off. He's not a fan of being snuggled with other people, but he just focuses on Diluc, which greatly relaxes him. Also, he doesn't mind Tighnari being there and it's probably the closest he gets to being allowed to touch Tighnari's fur.
This is the one who probably ends up the most jealous. And He's going to pull Diluc out of the cuddle piles and just be so huffy as he tries to take Diluc away, but let's be honest.
Shenhe would kick his ass if he tried. But Diluc wouldn't let that happen to Diluc calms everyone down and just lays his head on Childe's chest, and everyone returns to their place with the addition of Childe.
He still gets kicked, pinched, and punched by the others. But He's a fatui, and it's their duty to bully him. They don't take it further because Diluc likes him, and he puts up with it because Diluc seems so happy.
So Funny enough, Eula isn't bothered by Diluc being closer to two extremely hot women. Not it's defiantly Ayato she's worries about. But she has one thing Ayato does have.
Well, two things. Two big things.
She probably just says something about claiming revenge, making a spot for herself, and the grabs Diluc and rests his head right on her chest. That's right, boob pillow. Diluc's extremely happy. And I think everyone else gets a little jealous. Save Tighnari
Honestly, Itto doesn't get the bullys and never will. He just thinks of it as Diluc's gang! And his gang doesn't cuddles like that!
So he probably gathers up his gang and tried to do a thing like
"Hey, we can cuddle just as good as you guys can!"
And it just ends up as an expanded cuddle group.
Ok Ayato and Tighnari around Diluc would really get under Kaveh's skin. The two hot women that's a pass because beautiful people like Diluc should be with other beautiful people.
But Ayato and Tighnari?
No, no, no.
So he's just gently kicked them away from Diluc and the pretty ladies. They ruin the aesthetic too much.
But as for the bullies as a group. He's probably one of the few who's honestly out of the loop.
So Thoma is probably one of the most involved in the bullies and honestly isn't worried about Ayato and Diluc. So he's probably going around. Putting in blankets on everyone. Then probably goes off to ready snacks and warm drinks forever, everyone.
He's really the team mom and one who takes care of the Bullies whenever every they come back.
So Yelan...
She's a big Xiaoluc supporter. She really, really wants to see Xiao happy. And generally have the will to live. He's a comrade to her. So You know. She probably notices sees him low-key seething and jealous in the corner, and so just. She lassos him into the cuddle time.
Of course, Diluc welcomes him in, and Xiao is probably better for cuddles than he looks.
Zhongli probably is really happy to see Diluc have friends. He personally keeps a distance from the bullies as well he's sort of got a tense relationship with the Fatui. So he rather not push any buttons.
But he happily lets Diluc play with them to his heart's content.
So he just admires Diluc from afar for a bit before joining and making them some tea for when it's time to wake up. And generally, keep and silent watch so the group can have a peaceful rest.
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seoafin · 1 year
i’m gonna be a nasty lil nerd and geek out about the fic okay i’m on vacation rn n i feared if i left it for when i came back home i would forget. SO ur insane actually sooooooo crazy for writing that like i’m willling to check u into a mental hospital for putting me through all of that. (it was amazing please never stop) can i tell u my lil ripmc headcannon it doesn’t have to be true and please feel free to ignore if u hate it but i kinda hc that she can read a cursed objected history or take important information from it. i’m unaware if you’ve delved deeper into her techinque ik she uses the katana n idk i think it would be kinda cool if she realized that technique n decided to get proficient with the katana maybe as a way to raise her value as a sorcerer in the eyes of the higher ups n fight curses with the collected information she learned from them in her fighting style with her katana! sorry if like hc stuff about ur if’s is annoying and please feel free to ignore i just thought it’d be kinda cool! like making her super powered up i feel like would clash a bit with geto n gojo but making her just interesting enough a nice puzzle piece to fit in between them she’s capable of understanding an objects entire history but incapable of reading between the lines that her two best friends wanna do the nasty. also i love love love the way you’ve written ripmc n her view in love and relationships i relate so much to it. i’ve tried verbalizing it to myself but end confusing myself even more and i just really loved the simple way in which you explained that she simply loves geto gojo n shoko n all the kids of course. like i have some trouble dissecting the difference between romantic love and platonic love but i just know i have so much of it to give even tho i don’t see love as a huge huge part of my life? we’re u interested in writing ripmc with any hints of aromance or pansexuality in the mind? idk just so cool all around!!!! also the first chapter with her and geto cooking was so fucking wrenching because u do so well the thing where they look at her and they’re clearly mad and they know they’re mad and she’s just apologetic for existing n they’re just fed up and there’s so much unsaid in the quiet of it all n in between all those stolen glances it makes me wanna rip my heart into two. ALSO just the way you wrote rip mc with geto cooking n then gojo n her touching like i feel like you incorporated their love languages so beautifully woah man woahhh. last thing loved the guilt tripping from the children it was awesome i felt like an absentee father who didn’t go see her childrens recital or smt 10/10 recommend. ALSO ALSO megumi is sooooooo possesive of ripmc he is such an adorable lil jealous brat i love how it makes gojo spiral n wish he could revert back in age so he could cuddle up to her and hold her hand ughhhhh🤯
ahhhhhh!!! you can honestly project and imagine whatever you want onto rip!mc she's meant to be written that way!!! but yes haha if you know me then you probably im a very big proponent of having platonic and romantic love overlap. to me there's no clear boundary that marks romantic from platonic vice versa and i don't really think it's something to be necessarily distinguished as different. love is love you know. but also imo our western constructs of romantic love vs platonic love works to our detriment. it places too much of a heavy burden on a partner to fulfill all your emotional needs and emphasizes romantic fulfillment over platonic fulfillment when ideally you should have both! anyway I went off on a tangent lmfao. In the end love is love and rip!mc sees that. no matter how many people you love or how you love. I am sooo looking forward to actually writing mimiko and nanako past a few lines. I know I mainly focus on megumi but all the kids are very precious!!! as I said before you can definitely read rip!mc as pansexual/aromantic (which other ppl have also hc'd her) thank you for reading I'm glad you enjoyed it!!!
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Me: No, I will not take distractions this week. I am busy! I will read lbaf on Friday as a little reward 🥰
Also me after I saw you posted this chapter: yeah, scratch that. I don't have that much self control anyways :))
This will be all over the place bc I am experiencing a lot of emotions right now, I am running on 4 hours of sleep and I am not ok after that end :))
"That name is not cool,” Kit interrupted. “Petition to call them Power Babes. And trust me, some of them are babes.” Power babes is the best name ever and now I will never not remember it. Damnit, Kit!
Rafael made too many promises. This is going to backfire, isn't it?
The immortal gang always leaves me with an existential crisis ngl
God, Ragnor is such a drama queen and I stan him😂
LUCA!?!! LUCA?!?!
I KNEW IT!!! NICO IS LUCIFER'S HEIR!!! I am so proud of my theory dkbdkdjdk. Also Kit figuring out?? ✨Iconic✨
So, it didn’t matter.
It didn’t matter that Alec Lightwood loved one man so much that he changed the world for him.
Assholes will always be assholes.
Fuck those people, honestly
The detail of Jace praying bc we know that's what he does when he is desperate 😭
How could you forget something that was the core of your existence? just stop it this is hurting so much!!!
MINA IS HERE!! FUCK YEAH, FINALLY!!! She needed to smack him on the head and get some sense into him!! God, I love her💙💙
“It’s literally just finishing one assignment and starting another. Hollywood lied to us about all the booze and the babes.” True. They got my hopes up for nothing 😔
She is a fucking genius!!!!
What a bad bitch Clary is!! It amazes me everytime😍 but also she is so scary and I am concerned:)
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“Because you are known for your eloquence?” Mina asked dryly.
Max smiled. “I really fucking missed you.”
“Mina Carstairs,” his best friend introduced herself. “Max’s brain cell and life coach.”
Their friendship>>>>>
Ok.... That meeting could have definitely been phrased better... But I'm just too in love with Clary rn to notice 😍
“Hibernating?” Alec asked. “Like a Pola Bear?” I wanted to make fun of him but it was also my first thought 😂
Because they knew this was their truth.
And they liked their strange, painful truth.
Because it was theirs.
Malec are keeping my sanity istg-
Magnus being ready to let Alec seduce him omfg jdvskdndkd
Alec is the only one who seems to have his shit together at this time and he's so sexy for all the wise things that come out of his mouth
“You are a Fairchild,” Ben whispered. “You have the same eyes.” I KNEW YOU WOULD CONNECT THDM TOGETHER SOMEHOW!! That's why Nico told her to go😭
The man grinned over his shoulder. “Get in, losers. We’re saving Idris.” YES YES YES!!! MY MAN IS BACK IN THE GAME!!
The last fucking POV jfc!!! I... I don't know what to say other than:
DONT FUCK WITH ME. THE RING. AND THE KISS😭😭😭😭 foreshadowing everywhere huh?
I literally felt the fear. I could feel my heart racing and my hands shaking. No book has ever made me feel it so real. You are an amazing writer💙
I will be sending you my therapy bills ;)
the fact you felt the fear has me shooketh, that's EXACTLY the vibe i wanted the readers to have when they read mallory scenes 👀
i will wait for the therapy bill 💙
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seiwas · 11 months
Sel😆!!! its the nonie with the young bittersweet relationship again (I find this title long and funny lol)! 
thank you for being so kind and genuine first of all🥺 I love talking about this with you!!! and for an emoji could I have a ⭐️ pls🥺🫶?
and I definitely agree about how it’s possible to be friends with an ex! like I think it is but bc of the history I can also see that it would be difficult😭 and kinda of nerve racking ngl, like that’s how I think I would feel about it, like there is a part of me that would be excited! I just think that I would also be a little scared because who knows how it would go🧍‍♀️because like we did used to be something more but I really did enjoy that friendship and our banter so idk😭🤷‍♀️ (this is obviously still very much causing me to overthink it lol🤦‍♀️). 
AND LMAO THE WAY YOUR BF STILL TEASES YOU ABOUT IT😭 like what that’s so silly goofy of him😭 I’m glad that he’s been such a good sport about it🥺 (also how does he tease you if you don’t mind me asking?? I just find it so endearing that you guys are so open and comfortable with each other to do that😭🫶) and the hiking pics!!!! that’s so cute!!! and especially with their hands around their shoulders like🥹
(also I’m so sorry if this response feels a little incoherent or as if my thoughts were flying in all kinds of directions, I feel like my brain was put in a blender by my professors today😵‍💫) 
I hope your day went well Sel!!! and that you’re week has been going great!!! btw I’m loving the iwa brainrot on here right now😆! I was taking peeks on here throughout the day and giggling like a maniac🤭
I wish you the best weekend ever and I hope you get to rest up and enjoy some time for yourself too!!!🥺🫶💖
omg nonie hello welcome back!! 🥺 that is such a long silly title!! 😭 we can change it to ⭐️ nonie!! hehe
and of course!! aah i love listening to the stories people tell me!! esp if it's smth meaningful to them 🥹 (maybe it's the psych major in me 😭)
i get what you mean!! omg i think esp if it ended amicably, it leaves room for so many more possibilities! who knows how it would go indeed 😭 i love reading exes to lovers tropes but wouldn't know how that'd go down irl tbh 😭 you can choose not to answer this bc it might be a bit touchy, but! do you think if you were given another chance, you'd want to try again w him? or if you were to be friends again, do you think you'd still have leftover feelings?
and my bf is so silly goofy pls 😭 i think i see bits of my faves in him everyday!! (looks like iwa, kirishima + yuuji in how kind and smiley he is, atsumu + gojo in how silly n playful he is 😭, he has a bit of deku in him too from how shy he can get w strangers! it's just a whole mishmash of them! 😭) but he's honestly the best! super chill and such a good sport!!
how he teases me about it omg in some pictures where i'm beside my 'ex-thing', he says rlly jokingly while waggling his eyebrows and smiling: OOOO YOU'RE KINDA CLOSE THERE HMMM; or he'd give me a look every time 'ex-thing' is brought up in convos, almost like he's saying '~~OH OH OH YOUR EX-THING!!' so like waggling eyebrows again and smiling HAHA i always roll my eyes and push him away when he does it HAHA we've been together for a long time and started out as good friends (5 years together + 2-3 as friends!) so i think we can be a bit silly like that bc we've known each other for so long 🥹
also no worries!! omg i feel like my thoughts are scattered all over the place all the time too 😭 i hope your day in uni went well nonie!! 🥹 am gonna start baking cookies rn hihi
AND!! THE IWA BRAINROT oh my god koi's really been feeding us lately w em i can't 😭😭 pls i'm glad u're enjoying it bc i'm dYING HSDBFHAS
hope your weekend is amazing as well nonie, you are so sweet!! don't forget to rest up too!! 🥹💗
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stormyoceans · 2 years
I'm convinced that that scene in the trailer of vegas barging in with his bodyguards is the minor and main family's final conflict so it's probably going to be after pete has escape him and I can't stop thinking about them still being on opposite sides and their first encounter after what happened is them with guns!! And then them not being able of using is against each other, like imagine vegas not being capable of killing someone when it always looks so easy for him to do that... I need this to happen tbh, and also pete not being able to do his duty as a bodyguard and kill the guy threatening his boss!! And maybe that's when he chooses vegas.... Thinking thoughts rn... The lack of scenes of them in the trailer and the promise that the storyline is going to be better is really doing something to all of us huh
okay so NO BOOKS SPOILERS because i haven't read them so this is just speculation but at this point im pretty sure that vegas barging in with his bodyguards is gonna be the big final showdown between the two families too and the THOUGHT OF IT BEING THE FIRST TIME VEGAS AND PETE SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN AFTER EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED BETWEEN THEM AND PETE ESCAPING MAKES ME WANT TO CLAW MY FACE OFF 
honestly i would LOVE to have a scene where they find themselves pointing a gun at each other in the middle of the fight and HESITATE, finger trembling over the trigger, but since we're already going to have the gun thing with kinn and porsche HERE'S WHAT IM GONNA NEED IN ITS STEAD (unless they give us a parallel which i definitely wouldn't mind, but just in case they won't imma need):
the scene with vegas barging into the room to be followed by a close-up of pete's face where just by looking at pete's expression you KNOW he won't be able to be objective about the whole situation;
a moment during the fight where pete finds himself in the perfect position to shoot vegas but he CAN'T, god he can't, and then he sees one of kinn's other bodyguards coming up somewhere behind vegas and pointing a gun at him, so pete either a) runs to shove vegas out of the way, or b) reacts without realizing it and shoots the guy (guess which one im partial to ;;;;;;;), and like you said THAT'S the moment pete realizes he can't be a bodyguard for the main family anymore (i so desperately need pete's struggle about his feelings for vegas to be only a matter of loyalty, because he served tankhun and kinn and the main family for so many years and he IS loyal to them, hell he even cares about some of the people there, so he thought he could take his feelings for vegas and bury them down in the same place where he buries everything else, his real self, the regret he may have ever felt about taking someone's life, except this is different.. pete is a rational guy, but he can't be rational when it comes to vegas, not when he knows vegas is a threat that should be taken down and yet everything in him is screaming PROTECT HIM);
vegas seeing pete after realizing pete was the one to save his life and the entire world falling away, the fight, his father's orders, his men looking for direction, kinn.... i want vegas to look at pete and forget about everything else because pete is right in front of him again and that's the only thing that matters and pete's name is falling from his lips like a prayer and he is taking a step towards pete and that moment of distraction is the thing that costs him the entire operation.
ANYWAY........ im begging boc to give us even the smaller of vegaspete crumb tomorrow because not seeing them even just for one episode clearly made us all even more insane...........
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artistfingers · 3 years
So in you undercover au if Danny hasn't met tuck until he was 15 that must mean tuck never wished for ghost powers when desirre first showed up, or wait.. in the episode she only gets out because tucker and Danny go to some kind of market and tuck knocks the lamp off the shelf accidentally.. Does Desirre still get our in your au? Does she not exist? Do you think since Danny had like zero friends he'd be closers to his sister? Does she go with him? I can't picture Jazz wishing for ghost powers tho. Or being a spazz and knocking something over.
Yeah, I don't think Tuck has ever wished for ghost powers in Undercover AU - and I don't think he will after meeting Phantom, either. He and Sam get to see the gritty side of fighting ghosts (and dying) so like... not all too desirable any more, those nifty superpowers.
RE: Danny being closer to Jazz in this AU, yes! I think they were really close until the portal accident, or maybe started drifting a bit further from each other a little before that, maybe when Danny was in 8th grade and Jazz started high school? There's a whole throughline just 'bout them Siblings in Undercover AU but I haven't honestly fleshed it out much, even mentally. It might be fun to circle back to when I've finished up all the comic arcs I have in mind for Danny, Sam, and Tuck.
As for Desirre, I haven't considered her at all hahah I assume Danny had some other kind of run-in with her where she was let out of the lamp and if so she's probably just chilling in the Zone right about now.
In general, despite taking place a year after the portal accident, Undercover AU doesn't have anything specific nailed down until Danny meets Sam and Tucker unless I need it for ongoing plot relevance asdhfggs. It's just a nebulous "Danny fought ghosts alone and generally had to do stuff The Hard Way." Generally, you can assume that most early-show events happened, but Handwave-ily Different and More Difficult.
Also, on a similar topic, I've scoped down Danny's abilities for the sake of Undercover AU. He's good at what he does but I'm basically not considering anything like duplication or ice powers (or if there's anything else beyond that that I'm forgetting rn). He's just got like, ecto-manipulation, invisibility/intangibility, and flight. That's mostly for my convenience rather than anything plot-related though so it very well could change if a good plot reason for something else comes up.
[Undercover AU]
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