#honestly i'm just mad at how fucking? idk immature she was? like yeah we were 14 but oh my god you didn't have to put lasting scars on B-
hazmatazz · 10 months
like go fucking cunt your boyfriends shouldn't feel like they're walking on eggshells everytime you're around. no wonder neither of us wanted to kiss you because we were so disinterested because you made us feel fucking awful!!! oh my god
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selfcareparker · 3 years
Anyone has any tips how to deal with emotional immature parents?? My parents are leaving tomorrow and they'll be out of town till the end of the week, so my dad took me grocery shopping today so I could buy whatever I needed for the week. When we got back my mom made a scene cause "I was only thinking of me when I bought the groceries" and that when she goes grocery shopping she's always thinking of me and I'm like????????? You're leaving tomorrow! I'm the kid YOU are the mom! And all of this because of a cookie she bought Saturday (when she went to buy stuff she needed) and I liked and apparently she liked too (it was a new one) and now she's mad I only bought one individual pack for me.... I didnt even know u wanted more, u didnt say anything!!! And it only got worse cause my dad couldn't believe the drama she was making (he retired recently so now he's learning that she's to blame to a lot of fights we have) and told her she needed to grow up, so she started playing the victim saying she needs to move out, that would be better for everyone, and I was like "cut it down" and she had the nerve to say to my face that my dad had told her that!!!!! Like, no he didn't, I WAS THERE!
Sorry for the rant... it's just I can't believe my 60yo mom acts like a 5yo sometimes
What I‘m about to say is not helpful lmao i just ended up ranting as well cause this was so relatable sudjdndndk
Okay just so I get this right: so you‘re going to be on your own for a week so you bought food for the only person who will even be at home— yourself. And then your mom freaked out because you didn‘t buy anything for her even though she‘s not even gonna be there for the next few days? 😭 mine is exactly like that sometimes 😐😐😐 this situation is way too relatable for me hold up. And your dad realising that (sometimes) your mom is the problem? This is like a scene from my own home 💀 Honestly respect your parents and everything... but just because they‘re your parents doesn‘t mean they get to disrespect you? And the part where you said SHES the mom and youre the child? I‘ve felt that so often 😭 I mean not as much anymore but when i was younger my mom would always be like so why didn‘t you do x? And I‘m like??? No one told me to do it and it‘s not my job anyway? I am a child. If they want me to do something now okay i get it, I‘m an adult too but still... just tell me you want something and i‘ll get it but how am i supposed to know what you want me to do when i don‘t usually do it? 😭
So unfortunately i don‘t have any advice, i need advice too wzdiduwkdgsk. Okay but one thing, i know it can be so fucking hard sometimes, but maybe try to be the bigger person and just stay calm? I mean it‘s not healthy to bottle anger up or anything but yeah when both people are like ...belligerent it never ends well 😭 but honestly idk. I‘m sorry shskhsls and I‘m sorry you have to go through that 💔 But also let‘s not forget that our parents have their own problems too, and even if it‘s not right that we are the recipient of their frustration when we have nothing to do with it they‘re still people :( (no idea where i was going with that ahajah) Okay and i just remembered, me and my friend were talking about this a few years ago and then it turned out her mom was going through menopause PLUS it was when (looking back) me and my friends were all going through ... the peak of puberty so it was also to do with that? I mean if that is also the case for you i have no idea what you can do about it sudkyzsndj
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