#honestly ships involving the bnha women are hard to write for bc of how bad their characters were developed
murder-raven13 · 3 years
My BNHA Ships pt. 2
I meant to get all of these into one post because I don’t have as many as I did for Haikyuu!!, but then the first post got really long. So, we’re back with more ships that no one asked for. [We’re also gonna ignore the fact that I have three (3) assignments due today that I haven’t started, Italian and anthropology ethics be damned]
Warning(s): cursing [this is gonna be a perpetuality with me; I am incapable of not sounding vaguely like an angry gremlin when I talk of anything remotely affectionate or lovely in nature], I am going to try and contain my word count [I fail, of course], Mineta slander, [minor] spoilers, low-key character study/headcanons, low-key became a story instead of an explanation for Shinkami
Word Count: 1,356 [proud of myself]
PT. 1 
Momo x Jiro [Minor Spoilers]
Did anyone think I wasn’t gonna have at least one lesbian ship in here? [We’ll ignore the fact that I headcanon Jiro as pan and nonbinary for the sake of statement simplicity there]. Anyway, I don’t really know where this ship started for me, but it’s there. I think their relationship dynamic in the show is really interesting, even though it’s not shown as much as some others. Both of them are more quiet, serious characters, especially in the beginning. Jiro, especially around the school festival arc, ends up being a fun, outspoken person, a kind of support beam for their class, especially in the field. Eventually, Momo ends up being very involved with her class. She acts as a voice of reason and encouragement, and she never really expects to get that particular brand of care in return. Jiro, bless them, does return that brand of care, though not in exactly the same way. They’re a shoulder for Momo to lean on when it’s needed. I also firmly believe, especially among the hecticness of class 1A’s personalities and everything they go through together, that these two find a kind of quiet solace in each other that they don’t often get elsewhere. Basically, Momo is Jiro’s safe space and Jiro is Momo’s. I don’t see this as a kind of grand or particularly passionate kind of love, but rather as a simple kind. It’s not made of grand gestures and dramatic declarations of love. Instead, it’s quiet mumbles of “I love you” into the dark and small, fleeting kisses left on calloused palms. It’s steady and strong, an undercurrent that keeps them afloat. Momo and Jiro’s kind of love is fundamentally just safety, surety, and it’s powerful in a way that isn’t outright, and, honestly, a love much rarer than most would believe.  
Ochako x Asui [Minor Spoilers]
The lack of screen time and development Asui gets is honestly criminal. Fucking Mineta got more of a backstory than Asui did and Mineta is a piece of shit. Personally, from the show, I have basically nothing to go off of to build this ship. It’s mostly built upon passing mentions of it in fanfic I’ve read and my own self-indulgent bullshit. So, let’s discuss that, why don’t we? Ochako, in the show, has a bit of crush on Izuku, which I think is not only predictable, but also just a bad idea. Ochako is prone to not believing in herself and turning to others to look for a way to fill the gaps she sees in her own abilities. This means that Ochako often mimics the traits she values in others [she does this a lot with Deku in particular, which is why I don’t think their relationship would be healthy]. Asui also has moments of doubt, but she never strays far from who she is as a person or from what makes her individual. I think Asui would help Ochako realize the strength in her own character, her own drive, and her own abilities and stick with that. And, honestly, after Ochako’s time with Gunhead, she starts focusing more on physical training, which I adore. But it also means that I legit headcanon adult Ochako as absolutely ripped. This woman is massive and entirely muscle. And her face is still friendly, of course, but she can also look frighteningly serious, which is comforting to other pros and civs and very terrible for villains. I don’t think Asui gets much bigger than she is at UA. I think she gets taller, and she’s definitely toned and strong, but not built like a goddamn truck the way Ochako is. And I think that physical dynamic is really cute, especially in wxw relationships. That being said, I don’t headcanon Ochako as butch or anything like that. I just think these two would be cute together. And, in my head, both end up pros that focus a lot on rescue work. So, they understand the particular pressures and feelings that come with being tasked to getting people out of high-risk situations and the feelings that come with failing at that [it’s a lot more common to lose people during rescue work than during legitimate fights with villains themselves]. This is another relationship I see as more lowkey and, like Momojiro, I see them as a couple that finds a safe space in each other, as well as a confidence boost. 
Mineta x Death
Death is not a character. I just hate Mineta. That’s it. I think he’s the epitome of a man who goes after a position of power to use it to abuse women because he’s an entitled piece of shit that doesn’t understand why women don’t just like him.
Denki x Shinsou
My love for this ship is astounding and I hate it. Shinsou is so tired all the time and Denki is always so hyper. Not to mention Shinsou is grumpy and sarcastic, and Denki is fun and only speaks in memes [a social butterfly]. This is Erasermic, part 2 in a lot of ways. But it’s also different. Shinsou is someone who’s angry and insecure and depressed, whose only solution to any of that is to just work hard. And Denki is anxious and low-key hates himself, despite everything he seems. He feels dumb and inadequate and a burden to his friends and he hides all of that, smiles and laughs at his own expense because he believes whatever joke was made about him is true. And Shinsou, made up of all his tired righteous anger, does not stand for this one bit. He’s brutally honest and even more observant [having a quirk that requires knowing how to pick people apart makes such things an inevitable], and he sees Denki’s self-sacrificing tendencies for what they are: not stupidity or recklessness, but a profound desire to be enough, if even just for a moment. And that’s something Shinsou can understand, because all anyone has ever done is look at him and see villain the way they look at Denki and see moron. It’s subtle, the way Shinsou goes about approaching Denki, the way he lets Denki see parts of him he religiously hides from everyone else. And it’s slow, because Denki is observant, yes, but he also never thinks that someone is purposefully trying to show him things, trying to let him become something more than a stranger or a colleague. But Shinsou is patient, if anything, and he coaxes Denki into realizing, in order to spare the delicate pride Shinsou has spent all his time at UA, with Aizawa, building and protecting. He wants Denki to say it first, to extend friendship to him with the same beaming smile he offers to everyone else. And Shinsou takes it quietly. And their friendship isn’t much to others because it continues just the way Shinsou started it: quietly. Their friendship lives in the hours between midnight and 4 a.m., when no one else is awake but them, when the two of them are drowning in their own inadequacies, unable to sleep when they don’t even think they can breathe. It’s a silent kind of friendship, the kind where they sit together in the dark, breathing in synch, without saying a single word, without any questions. They learn a lot about each other in those silent hours. They learn how the other cries, how the other watches the stars like they’re something to be envied, understood, how the other seeks comfort in linked pinkies and brushing bare ankles. For a long time, from its start at UA to their careers as pros, they continue like this. Seeking silent companionship in the dark. Until Denki, washed in pale dawn light, all glowing gold and soft edges, pinky linked with Shinsou’s, looks at their hands, at the rising sun, and softly says, “I love you.” And Shinsou, for all he lacks in transparency with others, is a clear as glass right then, lavender and remnants of starlight as he whispers back, squeezing Denki’s pinky with his own, declaration of his own in the words, “I know.” 
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sumiaa · 7 years
top 10 fire emblem/ top 5 bnha
oooh I’m ready for this *rubs hands together* also accompanied by way too long reasons why I love em
Fire Emblem (considering I’ve only played 13-15, some of 12, and heroes) also my original list had 18 characters… then I had to cut down,,
Sully (Awakening). I bought awakening for her, because I literally thought I could marry her. In technicality I could,, just not as a girl… Kjelle is also amazing and these two are like… gay culture. Also can’t cook and I don’t like cooking (conversely: I really enjoy baking)
Claire (Echoes) I love her personality and just overall character. Her love for Alm is pure and good and the possibilities of her relationship with either Alm or Gray are all just so good and I love her. Even though she originally comes off as stuck up she’s a Great Girl and I love her supports and her. Deserves the world.
Mae (Echoes) I’m weak for happy types and Mae is so perfect. I love Boey as well (as u already know) but of the two she is definitely my preferred. Not only does she kick butt as a unit but her english va is a m a z i n g so 11/10 character.
Lissa (Awakening) Another example of the happy types I’m so weak for. She’s just in general very likable to me and got me through a lot of classes in 8th grade ^^ I drew her a lot
Owain/Odin (Awakening, Fates) He’s just so quirky!! I couldn’t fully appreciate him until Fates but his supports are very lovable (Fates and Awakening alike). I don’t exactly like how they added this “translation” thing to whatever he says in heroes (and the fact that he’s just… so bad in that game) but hey, still the same Odin. Still love him.
Stahl (Awakening) I married him in my first Awakening run and honestly this man is my soulmate. he loves food and helping people and he’s just overall A Good. It’s hard to marry him off to other characters ^^;; if only he had supps w/ sumia….
Jesse (Fates) HOW TO WRITE A RELATABLE CHARACTER PT1 Jesse was SUCH an unexpected fav. normally the “flirtatious casanova philanderer” (all those words are basically the same…) archetype isn’t my… favorite, but I honestly like his idealism and I’m weak for blondes so that’s a thing. His casanova-ess is actually what initially made him really likable bc he said “women are the gods more perfect creation” and talked about how fierce everyone in the army is and like… same man.
Mitama (Fates) HOW TO WRITE A RELATABLE CHARACTER PT2 Mitama is t he  be s t like if Azama wasn’t enough quirky irony for you this girl really takes the cake. She’s always tired, always sassy, and probably gay so she’s best.
Cynthia (Awakening) Her supports are an amazing mix of SUPER silly and super insightful to how growing up shaped her personality? as a sibling to lucina, i find their supps fit the best personality wise, and her supps with Gerome, Owain, Nah, and Severa are my favorites. She’s a hyper, happy go lucky gal who’s also probably gay/bi. What more do I need? I am a simple woman.
Elise (Fates) she and Hinoka were initially my fav siblings in Fates but Elise took the cake bc she is 1) a REALLY good unit, even if early conquest gave you a second to healer elise is honestly second to none and 2) she’s a sweetheart. she didn’t deserve what happened to her in birthright, but it’s honestly perfectly in her character to be so self sacrificing. Also just the conditions she grew up in like I admire her bravery and happiness despite it all.
well that was wAY too long but I’ll try be short and sweet w/ top 5 bnha!!
Mina Ashido (Alien Queen/Pinky) without a single moment of hesitation, Mina is Best Girl. Another case of not enough attention but whenever she does get any it’s really nice and she’s so good? so happy… so pink… I also love her quirk, I want to see her use it more. And she’s been confirmed as very physically strong, so i also wanna sEE THEM ABS
Ochako Uraraka (Uravity!!) one of my favorite things about mha fandom so far is that even with the massive popularity of mlm ships (esp involving deku), I haven’t seen a single person try to bash the het ones, or bash the female character of that ship. Which is good because this girl deserves NO SHADE. NONE. She is A++++ all around, she’s sweet and her motives for being a hero are just… so relatable? I too, work very hard in hopes to support my mom really well when I’m older. I cry with you Uraraka… but…… pls don’t cry….. b l s
Tenya Iida (Tenya/Ingenium) The literal definition of a Good Boy like this kid is so earnest and a nice twist on the ‘smart glasses kun’ trope?? It’s not a h u g e twist, but instead of him being a cold robot who only cares about school and rules blah blah blah it’s just apparent from the beginning that he’s human? And his quirkiness is so befitting of his personality, he’s just in general so lovable. Not to forget, I feel in most shonen anime, a character with Iida’s archetype would be pushed to the side, yet in heroaca they make use of him as a main character and that’s so beautiful imo… Just in general the uraraka/iida/deku squad is a breath of fresh air.
Hatsume Mei (no hero name?) I love how dedicated she is to her inventions, it reminds me of myself with art ^^;; she could go on and on about her babies, as could I about art for days, honestly… So I have respect for her, and her pink hair ofc ;)
Eijiro Kirishima/Momo Yaoyorozu (Red Riot/Creati) I couldn’t choose between these two because I love them both very much,, Kirishima is a Sunshine Boy who’s self sacrificing for his friends which is more than enough to have me like him. Momo is cool headed and very smart, and I find her very admirable. I wish the anime/manga paid more attention to her, considering her quirk alone should be enough to make her a top class contender (since that seems to be a thing that is enforced. so far the top club consists of Todoroki, Deku, Bakugo, and Kirishima but like… we got no girls in there,, why Horikoshi… my heart hurts) but idk I take what I can get.
ok well I’m done boring yall with my dorking out on anime/video game characters. I love talking about my favs!!!
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