#honestly while I say that colouring is 90% of my job done that's not entirely true because rendering takes by faaar the longest
cattnipt · 1 year
hey hey! love your art a lot and was wondering if you would ever post speedpaints or give any sort of insight into your rendering process? i’d be very curious to see how you make your pieces come together and how your style - being so consistent yet so varied and expressive when applied to any given drawing - uh, builds, i guess. thanks a bunch!! keep it up either way, your work is super inspiring. <3 :)
Hi!! First of all, thank you so much and what the hell I'll cry, CONSISTENT?? EXPRESSIVE??? WOAH.........
As for speedpaints hmm I've always thought to myself that recording speedpaints would be really interesting but in actuality I don't really know how to......do that ? My drawings take so many hours to render, would the footage of it all just clog my computer?? Where would I upload them?? Youtube???
But honestly I'm so honoured by this ask that I think I'd like to genuinely give it a try :o
But when it comes to insight regarding rendering.... bit of a harder thing to answer honestly. Especially since I get about 90% of all the colouring work done within the typically flat colour stage before rendering since I wing all my colours on the go. My initial colours are usually pretty messy and soft (as is my sketch), but in the rendering phase I make it a point to use a lot of harder edge or at least high opacity brushes to define shapes more and make them sharper.
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I do all my rendering on one merged layer with my initial sketch/lineart and base colours usually with additional airbrush/colour tweak layers merged as well. I try to use a lot of colour variation within everything I'm rendering, and my initial colours usually utilise a lot of airbrushing to set the base for those colour variations. I of course do additional effects/backgrounds/sometimes specific parts like props on separate layers but all of my main rendering happens on one
This is a very poor explanation I'm sorry, I hope the progress pictures show at least something HAHA
here's also a random water painting tutorial I made for a friend that maybe explains my initial colouring stage slightly?
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Don't know if this explains literally anything, but thank you so much for your ask :-D !! I'll look into speedpaints and update here if I ever figure those out.....
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oneheadedcerberus · 4 years
Transformers Review #2
Here I am again with the second installment of my very own incredibly self-indulgent toy review (potential) series that is an obvious and thinly veiled excuse for me to talk about the things I like + substitute for true socialization in the wake of quarantine.
And since he’s the one I keep on my desk to hold my tablet pen like a tiny, evil secretary who is no doubt plotting against me:
This is War for Cybertron: Earthrise Voyager Starscream.
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Right off the bat, it’s a good first impression. The shape and colours are very classically ‘Starscream’, which is no surprise, given the entire gimmick of Earthrise (and the wider Generations line, really) is essentially ‘G1, but newer’. Nostalgia is a deep pool that companies like Hasbro are never afraid to dip into, what can you say?
The reds and blues are lush as hell (although I have seen a bit of chipping on the red paint! Blue seems to be coloured plastic, tho), but frankly the grey is a bit dull and boring. It wouldn’t be so bad if the back of him wasn’t such a wall of grey. Face him forwards on the shelf, I suppose?
The orangey-yellow of the cockpit is a nice splash to really bring the A-game of the primary colours, very eye catching, and all of it topped off with a glossy black head.
His eyes don’t have much to bring to the party with how small and strangely sunken into his face they are, especially with the awning of his forehead casting them into eternal shadow. They’re honestly a bit difficult to see. Maybe its a statement on Starscream and his duplicitous nature? Yeah probably not. They are a lovely red when I shine my phone light on them, however. 
The face sculpt is a good point as well, with nice, clear features and even a bit of a sulky frown, for extra Starscreaminess.
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And even if his neck is a kind of hilariously thin, it does give him a good amount of mobility in his head, both tilt and swivel.
His whole body is riddled with sculpting and detail, absolutely covered in little roboty looking lines and bits and bobs that help bring him to life and help the weapons ports and seams blend in. Much like the colours, there’s more on the front than the back, but seeing how the back is mostly jet as a opposed to robot, and thus largely flat and smooth, I can forgive.
His proportions are just the tiniest bit off to my eye - arms just a touch short and his head just a bit small, but that’s probably so it can fit into the nosecone kibble-hat hanging gracelessly off his back, which I would have an easier time being mad at if it didn’t allow for my favourite feature of the whole toy
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would you believe this is the first thing I did after opening the box? Because it was.
He’s got large, stable feet perfect for balancing, stepping over ones enemies, or climbing the ranks. You go, Starscream.
Good, solid legs with no awkward hollow sections. Unfortunately the big ol’ solid stompers are about the highlight of the legs- the posing ability on this guy is lackluster, to say the least
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His shoulders and elbows are about standard, nothing spectacular, but that up there is as far as his knees and legs will bend. The knees manage 90~ degrees, but he can’t even really sit down, and to move his legs up at all you need to raise his little red skirt crotch flap thingy. They don’t move backwards at all, being blocked by part of the alt mode. Hm.
But, y’know what? He does have those classic turbine tits, so there’s that. Silver linings.
The transformation is about 30 steps, and once I’d done it a few times I found it to be easy to memorize and a decent amount of fun to do. It had some neat little steps such as folding his forearms around the rest of his arms and then hiding them in his chest- after removing the cockpit, of course. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the cockpit in his chest is the actual one in the alt mode, I’m far more used to Seeker molds using a fake-out for that. Although it does leave his chest with a bit of a gap in it in alt mode. Eh. Give and take.
The actual act of opening his chest was damn difficult and a touch nerve racking, it was stuck fast and I ended up having to pry it open (thank you, trusty prybar thing I keep on my desk) all the while being sure I was about to break it. Luckily, it didn’t break and is opening easier now that I’ve done it a few times. The wings did pop off, tho. Good thing they go straight back on.
His legs are pretty simple, pull his shins open, fold them up, clip them together and click them in place, in a move that is similar (but much simpler) to his arms. I actually managed to get to that stage without the instructions before realizing I was baffled by where to stick his arms. I’m not the best at puzzles, ok?
Or, if you are so inclined, you can skip the legs and make a bit of an awkwardly upright gerwalk
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y’know. If you really wanna.
Once you get through all the major steps, the alt mode snaps together pretty satisfyingly.
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The nosecone really beefs up the length of this thing (it’s actually a bit too long for the lightbox I use for my photos, damn), and the sheer jet-ness of this alt mode makes me kinda want to woosh it around the room making my own low-flying aeroplane sound effects. So I did. At least I resisted the urge to toss him. For now.
On the downside, the underside kinda shatters the illusion a bit. He’s head is well hidden, if technically still visible if you know where it is, but damn does his torso look like a torso. The rest of him might be disguising itself as not-a-body a bit better, but it sure as shit ain’t disguising itself as a jet. And there’s no landing gear. *Siiigh* I suppose you can’t have everything.
The topside, while very jet-y, is a bit of a slab of grey as well. Only the touches of red, white and blue and the lovely purple Decepticon badges stop it from looking kinda unfinished. But, hey the cockpit is semi-transparent, and you can just about make out a lil seat in there for a hypothetical pilot which I think is cute for some reason :). My one issue with the topside is the weapons port smack dab right in the middle there, like some kind of space-robot blowhole.
As for accessories go, he comes with his two null rays and that’s about it. They got well on his arms in robot mode and on his wings for the alt mode (or you can stick one in the blowhole if you really want, I suppose?), but he can’t really hold them in his hands like pistols, just in case you wanted him to do that.
They go pretty well on either his upper arms, as I prefer, or you can turn his arms and put them on his forearms if you so desire.
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Sadly, no crown... though I’m sure one is available online if you really, really want.
His box, strangely enough, doesn’t have a secret code in it to fit with the Earthrise gimmick of decoding a star map. It did come with the little red bit of plastic for finding the codes, however.
In conclusion: The alt mode is pretty great and a lot of fun to play with, and I’m pretty happy with this to be the main Starscream of my collection and I‘m certainly not hankering for a new one anytime soon, I do kinda wish he had better posing. And the disappointing legs almost make me wish I gotten the Siege one instead, which I hear has some pretty amazing legs, with super deep knees. Fortunately for me I am a bit of a sucker for an Earth jet alt mode over a Tetrajet, so I can’t despair too much.
And he does do a superb job holding my pen.
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Like so.
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About Me
tagged by @bigdreamsandwildthings
how tall are you? 5′9″
what color and style is your hair?
Brown. If it’s in the sun it looks lighter and if it’s wet it looks pretty dark. Honestly not sure what I’m doing with my hair nowadays - it started out styled but now it just kinda does it’s thing. Think messy pompadour and you’re pretty close. 
what colour are your eyes?
do you wear glasses?
Nope :)
do you wear braces?
Haven’t in YEARS
whats your fashion sense?
My standard is jeans, t-shirt, and a flannel with the sleeves rolled up to just below the elbow. Usually wearing some kind of leather boot.
full name?
Ah, you can just call me Michael. :)
where were you born?
Nearest-tiny-little-town-that-had-a-hospital, SK, Canada.
where are you from and where do you live now?
Born in Northern Sask., moved south when I was young, moved for School a little over 3 years ago.
what school do you go to?
Working through two undergrad degrees and a certificate at Usask. 
what kind of student are you?
Well I was a straight 90s kid in High school, like not top student, but if they had a bad test, I’d give them a run for their money. I brought that kinda thinking with me to uni, studied hard, probably more organized than you would think. I successfully tackled some of the most difficult course loads around, did not have fun doing it, and more recently I’ve lightened my load and I am just doing my best not to burn out before I complete my undergrad(s). 
do you like school?
I enjoy the people, my classmates. Some of my Professors are amazing. The stuff we learn can be pretty cool, but even in Engineering, there’s not as much practical stuff for us to do as I used to think. Definitely not the biggest fan of the stress, but that might just be a me-problem. Lately I’ve been doing my best to find a balance between what I like to do and what I need to do, without feeling guilty over not having my schoolwork done first and sometimes not quite up to the standard I used to hold myself to, while still completing everything to a satisfactory standard of quality.
favorite subject?
Contrary to what might be suspected from the two degrees I am pursuing, I have really been enjoying my Rhetorical Communications classes. I’ve always felt that there’s so much more going on in my head than I’ve ever been able to effectively communicate, and my soul has really found enjoyment in learning more about how messages can be formed and deciphered, the things in a message that people tend to listen to, and the things people don’t, and ways to present information in such a way that the people you are talking to are most likely to understand and accept it.  
favorite tv shows?
Oh, boy. I always just blank on these questions. I’ll just tune @bigdreamsandwildthings ‘s list to things I’ve watched: Supernatural, The Witcher, Stranger Things... I’m sure I watch more than just things with monsters in them I swear, I just can’t think of any. I don’t watch much for tv.
favorite movies?
Oh, goodness, this is going to be worse than the last one. Star Wars (any and all of them) for sure. Gotta love Star Wars. umm.. so many others I enjoy, but one that’s been on my mind a lot recently is Dead Poet Society (1989). Brilliant movie. 10/10 would recommend.
favorite book?
As with anyone who really loves to read there are really too many to choose from. I will mention though my default answer if I must choose: Speaker For The Dead by Orson Scott Card. I’m not the biggest fan of the author himself, but he writes well, and this book really changed the way I looked at the world and my thoughts on death and how the living carry on after a loss. I swear the book isn’t actually all sad and about death, it’s actually a pretty good sci-fi novel.
favorite past time?
Reading of course! I just wish I had more time for it. As my student life dictates, the vast majority of my time is still spent of classwork, and thereby nearly all my pastimes are accurately described as “study-breaks” so I should mention that I like getting out and being active as much as I can after sitting behind a desk for altogether too many hours at a time. Recreational soccer and the university rock-climbing wall are always a good time. :)  Further, collecting quotes and other pieces of wisdom in my notebooks always soothes my soul. I also thought I’d feed some stereotypes and try to teach myself acoustic guitar. Can’t say I’m very good at it, but I find enjoyment there some nights. 
do you have regrets?
Oh, I’m sure I do. However for a number of years now I’ve run a witchhunt in through my conscience for any regrets that linger and have sought (to the best of my ability) to accept them. All that has happened to me in the past and all the choices I have made have led me to be the person I am today in the place that I am. Sure things could always be better, but they could also be worse, and if I am to find happiness with my lot in life, here, today, I think I’ll need to live with all that has happened in my past. Accept it as it is, learn from it if it didn’t go as planned, but know that it is a part of me now and should be loved for what it made me or taught me. That’s the dream anyway.
whats your dream job?
This is my most pondered question in my life right now. I’m not entirely sure what I want. I don’t want to be shut away in an office doing technical work. I don’t want to lose my life to travelling for work to stay in the field...
I want to wake up in the morning, go to work and know that what I do will solve problems for people, either now or in the future. I want to be able to come home at the end of the day and have a life outside of work that I enjoy too, and I don’t want to have to worry about the limitations of money.
Probably the most generic dream the be put into words, but none-the-less it is true. 
would you like to be married?
yes. I want it to be the right person. I would like it to be a a nice time. But I want a family I know will always be there.
do you want kids?
Yes. I’m a little young for that right now i think. My career needs to progress a lot further before I’ll be able to support them, but I would love nothing more than to have a family of my own children.
how many?
I have yet to hear of a single-child that wasn’t either spoiled, or hard to work disproportionately hard for the same care and love as other children. I think two or three children would be perfect. enough to live, to grow up together, and to bond yet not so many that they would be lost in each other as I fear may happen in a larger family. I’m sure it all depends on the parenting, but I think 2-3 would be best for me.
do you like shopping?
Shopping isn’t bad. Only if I have something I’m willing to spend that day though. If I don’t have the means to purchase, I don’t wish to find more things to desire.
what countries have you visited?
I live in Canada, and despite my efforts through the years, I’ve made only two excursions from my home country to parts of the U.S. Someday I wish to travel more. They tell me not to wait, but I have business to complete here before I can feel comfortable starting a new adventure.
scariest nightmare you ever had?
I stand in a field. I’m in the prairies. Wind moves the grains and grasses in waves past me, pushing me back. The sky is dark, but the clouds have gone. the stars aren’t visible. Pale orange and violet light seeps through the cracks of the horizon to either side, and higher into the sky behind me. Before me is a disk of titanic proportions. It blots out the sky. It covers the horizon for nearly all around. I know deep in my bones it will cover all of my visible horizon when it falls. And it does fall. It crashes down slowly. starting before me, and while it seems small, the ground and dust that emerge from the impact on the horizon, I know, are larger than cities. I turn and run as it continues to fall, leaning towards me. I hop an old derelict barbed wire fence used to keep the cattle in. I cross the gravel road and continue into the field on the other side. I spare a look over my shoulder to see the disk coming down, faster now. There is no running from it. No escape. I turn and clasp my hands in front of me, fingers intertwined. I lift my face to what should have been a clear night sky. I close my eyes. I empty my mind and search for peace, accepting my fate. The last thing I remember is the sound and pulse of the wind as animals and people alike rush past, searching for escape from the inevitable. Funny, I didn’t even notice them before. Sad, it seems, that they must perish with me. It would have been better if I were alone.
any enemies?
None that I know of.
self doubt?
All too much. Always something to work on. Perhaps though as in the endless cycle of Sisyphus.  
any significant other?
do you believe in miracles?
I think wonderful things happen all the time. So do terrible things. Ought we to call the good things miracles?
how are you?
I’ve been better, but I’ve been worse. Vacation is ending, and there is work to do before classes resume. But that still mean I’m currently on vacation regardless of how much of that time is mine to use, and that’s gotta be something, right?
tag ten tumblrs: (tagging the last ten people in my notifications) @martemisss, @wholeheartedsuggestions, @void-of-erebos, @namelesspiritwolf, @garden-variety-genius, @odrantheseeker, @eragonpaolini, @teaboot, @teacoffeebooks
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amzyspinkarch · 5 years
Cut Style- Cavendish x Plus Size Reader
You have been taking calls, sending and responding to emails all day, tracking down clients or important people whom your supervisor wish to speak with. Packing boxes and having packages sent out to call for a messenger service, including taking your supervisor's dog for a walk and getting her lunch and coffee. 
To say it's been a stressful day would be an understatement. One would think three months in the internship, you would be used to the chaos and bizarre yet normal in this industry's eyes,  errands. You look to your list for the next upcoming phone calls to be made. A sigh escapes as you lean your head onto the chair, closing your eyes for a moment of peace. 
That peace did not last very long as 'everyone's favourite blonde' as you like to call him, graced you with his presence. You sigh picking up his scent from his very expensive perfume. 
''I bring you both my presence and coffee and this is the lacklustre reaction I get?'' he pauses waiting for a response, yet none came 
''Y/n!'' he snapped. You involuntarily flinched before collecting yourself, lazily opening one of your eyes. A dark brown iris meets his pools of sky blue. 
''Hi" you lazily greet your co-worker and sit up to give him the attention he so loves. Your eyes roll on the thought ''What do you want cabbage?''  you ask rudely with a smirk knowing the nickname always gets on his nerves. It works best when you want him to get out of your space. Though, it's not too hard to when the other females here flock to him granting you an escape. 
He puts the coffee down on the desk giving you an annoyed look. You squint at the beverages not trusting this sneaky son a bitch one bit after the last stunt he pulled. A memory from your earlier time here at Marie Clare plays.
The first time you are introduced to everyone, you felt a swarm of butterflies in your stomach as your nerves almost got the best of you. You were only able to nod, smile and shake hands of your new co-workers who were all smiles. Your day went on being given a tour, introducing you to your supervisor and shadowing.
During the upcoming months, you've taken on every task given to you without complaint and executing each with the standard required. Day in and day out you prove yourself to your supervisor and the magazine. There were days where you missed lunch and had a lousy dinner while handling more business before crashing and waking the next to repeat.
An entire day was filled with taking calls, running small errands, dressing the models and fetching accessories and providing the staff with snacks and beverages. You catch sight of Cavendish busy styling one of the models. The pair seemed to be flirting with each other or having a fun conversation judging by the smiles on each's face. For some reason, you couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious. Why? You started your journey of self-love and acceptance so why break that for a couple of strangers? 'Are you strangers though?' your mind asks. You shake your head getting it back into the game. This is not what you worked your ass off for, to seek the attention of a guy.
Your impeccable ability to style, dressing mannequins, selecting and coordinating outfits, colours and accessories for display, draping and pinning fabric, your work discipline has started becoming the talk of the workplace reaching the ears of a certain blonde. Your talent being compared to his were the wrong words to hear. The fact that you are good and becoming the centre of attention was eating him up inside and he didn't like it.
You were busy between waiting for a call back from a client and styling a mannequin that you hadn't realized Cavendish coming your way with two coffees in his hand.
''Hi there'' he chirped you startled again from his presence and whipped around to face him. The first thing he noticed were your nude ombre glossed lips before your 90's inspired outfit adorning your body and beautiful dark skin. Alas, though you are a sight to see, that wasn't enough to soothe the bruises to the ego.
''You have to stop scaring me like that man. Seriously'' he gives a fake apologetic smile and hands you your coffee.
''I just wanted to come see about the girl who's the talk of the office. Your work has been...nice. It's nowhere as great as mine but.. .'
You accept the coffee raising an eyebrow ''is that so?''
''Qui. My style’s... c'est magnifique. Your work is decent though.''
''Thanks for the coffee, we should do this again next time.'' You give a blank face looking at up at the tall male. He chuckles and walks backwards with his hands raised.
''It was nice meeting you y/n'' he dismisses himself leaving you to huff at the audacity of him. You go back to work and forgot about the coffee for a minute before picking it up absentmindedly. While working on the mannequin, you take frequent sips of the liquid before your stomach started having a queasy feeling along with trips to the bathroom.
This was not good; you had a list of daily tasks to be completed. All essential for the magazine and failure to stay on top of your work could be disastrous for the magazine and you. You barely made it through the day completing tasks and to your apartment bathroom.
Having a break from releasing your bowels for a minute, you think about the events from the day. Your mind went to your moment with Cavendish as you became upset at the memory when it hit you. The assailant caused you to become both horrified and see red.
After you've overcome your sickness, you marched into work looking for the blonde finding him working on piece. It looked amazing what he had so far you admitted. Nevertheless, you had a mission. He was sitting at his desk hovering over a sketch lost in thought. You slammed your hands down on his desk gaining his attention as he looks up with the same sickening charming smile. How could he live with himself? You leaned towards him.
''You poisoned me with no care for consequence. What kind of sick person stoops that low? I'm not going to have you fired for this but a word of advice, if you want to take out your competition, do so with some class and not repulsive tricks like this. I worked my butt off for this internship; I'll succeed at getting this job full ti.-''
''I will personally make sure that you never get this job. You're not'' he pauses to look at your full figure ''fit'' you dryly chuckle
''Listen to me. I will not let some lacklustre, shallow, self-centred, my little pony looking ass bitch drive me out of the place which will become my future job. Cavendish...sweeties...you can go fuck yourself'' you straighten yourself before turning your back and walking out with grace.
You straighten yourself in your chair looking to Cavendish and give a closed-mouth smile. `"I'll pass on your death drinks Cavendish. Thank you.''
''That was a long time ag-'
''Don't...don't do that. Don't act like it was nothing big. You poisoned me and I should've reported you but I wasn't going to get you fired for being a jealous prissy pants.'' The blonde stares at you still surprised at how blunt you can be
''Do you ever listen to what you say?''
''My words are as blunt as both your words and actions. Don't act fazed, what I say is the truth. Anyways what did you want I'm busy'' he scoffs before leaning closer and your fingers kiss. 
The attraction for each other is undeniable yet neither will be the first to start...anything. You already decided distractions aren't a luxury you could afford and any would be detrimental to all the hard work and time you've been putting in. You remind yourself that you are but an intern, desperately needing this job after college. You have no time to play house with someone who's foot is already in the door. Cavendish takes a moment briefly taking in your features and attire, appreciating everything before breaking up the moment.
''I came to give you some good news. I'm going to style a certain celebrity and I came to bring you coffee so you can celebrate with me before I go down to my fans..'' he says dreamily. You all but laugh at the male.
''You didn't let me finish''
''Oh there's more'' you say uninterested.
''Honestly, you are so brash. I also wished to let you know I have decided I'd let you shadow me. Or be my little helper. Amanda said that would be great for you and I. You learn from a great teacher and I, well... I show you what it's like being around greatness. Even now you are a witness as we converse.''
Your lips purse before you speak, words dripping with sarcasm ''Woow, really! Me? Oh, Cabbage I'm so honoured that you chose me to be one of your followers! I hope I can..make you proud'' you wink
''My gosh woman! Honestly y/n I'm trying to be nice here''
''You're being self-centred that's what but, that's very nice of you. I appreciate it. I would like to learn from you.''
"Thank you. See, you're already getting better at gratitude''
''Whatever little knowledge I need to know''
''I hope you fall down the stairs'' he says taking the coffees off your desk going to turn around
''Ha-ha I'm sorry Cavendish. Come back, I am grateful and thank you for the opportunity. I'm just not sure why you picked me?'' he releases a breath before turning to you again, his voluminous hair bounces with the movement.
''If you must know...I didn't entirely agree to this but I thought you'd actually need the opportunity. Plus, they've done this before with past interns. I was more so assigned with you really but I reluctantly agreed.'' You give him a face 
''I said I agreed still didn't I?'' you shake your head chuckling involuntarily
''Fine Cavendish, I would actually love to learn from you as you have more experience than I and I'd need all the experience I can get. Just...can you promise not to sabotage me? No poisoning or anything'' you say looking at him pointedly as he rolls his eyes
''Fine y/n'' you firmly nod and put your hand out. He looks at it then into your dark brown eyes bemused. Nonetheless, he takes your hand and you shake once. You've surprised him more than he'd like to admit these past months. He's taken an interest in you even if he still despises the shared spotlight.
''Truce?'' you ask.
''Truce.'' He picks up the drinks up teasing you
''You get no coffee though''
''I didn't want that shit anyway. You probably wanted to poison me again you psycho.''
Without peeling his gaze, he takes a sip from the cup meant for you feeling the warm liquid wash down his throat, warming his insides. He licks his lips.
''Mm mocha.''
''Get the fuck out''
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thesinglesjukebox · 5 years
Give a [10]! or a [4]! We don't care! Anymore! (actually we clearly do care)
Josh Winters: The sound of the heart set aflame. [10]
Tobi Tella: Oh my god. The synths, the sultriness, that goddamn HOOK. Dedicated had a lot of great and fun, pop music, but this comes out of left field in the best possible way. It's one of the most direct and sexy things, she'd ever done. Is this what gay heaven feels like? [10]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: Big "looks-up-grinning-like-the-devil" energy: when CRJ sings, "I wanna do bad things to you," the mischief is both inexplicably sweet and dirty. [8]
Michael Hong: "Want You In My Room" might be Carly Rae Jepsen at her horniest, but it's also Jack Antonoff at his least restrained, together making something that's thrillingly giddy. Carly Rae Jepsen drops some of those thinly disguised hints for more straight-forward temptations, coming across as intense where Dedicated erred more towards tepid. There's still room for coyness, with the distorted "want you in my room" bashfully buried in the mix and the way Jepsen's voice brazenly glides across the instrumental on the line "slide on through my window." But most importantly, "Want You In My Room" feels completely uninhibited and absolutely freeing as Carly Rae Jepsen delivers any line with as much of a wink as she desires. [9]
Kayla Beardslee: Pure joy. [9]
Edward Okulicz: Every song that goes by, I find myself enraged by how average I find the average Carly Rae Jepsen to be, and I'm not entirely sure that I'm not jealous of the euphoria she inspires in others. But honestly, she's no Vengaboys, let alone a Paul Lekakis; I believe Jepsen, but I don't buy her abandon. [4]
Alfred Soto: With Dedicated proving an ephemeral listen, "Want You in My Room" does a professional job as any discrete track at isolating her strengths: finding a hook for any title and singing as if any doggerel were Heidegger. The outro sax wipes the smear of the redundant vocoder, suggesting other paths that the arrangement avoids. [4]
Kylo Nocom: Given the runtime and production choices, one would think somebody had went out and decided to parody the style of Emotion with its Wikipedia article and five hours to complete the task. "Want You in My Room" slightly lacks sophistication in both songwriting and in aesthetic: it feels like half of the song is missing by the time the track decides to fade out, and the wonky percussion/clean guitars/fucking SAX are rather ungraceful signifiers of '80s kitschiness, as if hints were taken from Carly's turn with the Fuller House theme song. These tiny grievances immediately disappear once those robot-voices and shouts burst out, an exercise between restraint and shamelessness that's completely undeniable. I didn't register that the vocoded voices were actually saying anything the first few times I heard this, let alone the title, but it's quite sly how that turned out: the most explicit demand of the hook is obscured, leaving "I wanna do bad things to you!" which beats around the bush a tiny bit (thankfully, less embarrassingly than Camila) and additionally gleeful cheers before that lovely inquiry of "baby, don't you want me too?". I'm still frustrated this ends so quickly, but even this doesn't matter when it's the Carly song I've been using to soundtrack the crush-anxiety interludes of my life. Really, this could cut off after the first chorus and still be more exciting than nearly every other song on Dedicated. [8]
Joshua Lu: It's tempting to draw connections between Emotion and everything Carly Rae Jepsen has done since Emotion -- thematically, her work hasn't evolved much since 2015, with her primary concern being PG-13 depictions of love and heartbreak. But Emotion's portrayal of affection was grandiose and imposing, fit for blasting out the windows of your car as you get lost in the streets of LA, while Dedicated's take feels distinctly slighter and more intimate. "Want You In My Room" takes more of its cues from Kiss, if anything -- even overlooking the disco tinges and how that was the first time she worked with Jack Antonoff, Kiss employed intimate lyricism that could verge at times on the diaristic, with songs like "Turn Me Up" and "Curiosity." The song's title, conveyed through Antonoff's phalanx of robots, renders that closeness literally, but that intimacy comes through metaphorically as well, especially with that quintessentially Carly-esque grotesque lyric of "press you to the pages of my heart" and that absolutely filthy request to "slide on through my window." I'll always prefer this mode of Carly, whose depictions of carnal affection feel more genuine and evocative when she's cooing them in your ear instead of bellowing them to the world. Even the outro works for me; the music video helps to explicate that her lover has finally made it to her room, and the bleating saxophone becomes an aural metaphor of whatever the two of them are doing, now that the song has accomplished its purpose. [10]
Will Adams: The discourse around Jack Antonoff and his status as the supposed ingenue behind female pop stars' critical reappraisal is exhausting, mostly because it ignores my biggest gripe with it: the production is bad. As we've seen before, his penchant for vocoders sinks the songs and, in this case, the entire chorus. The rest is his typical beige, vaguely '80s, vaguely '90s, vaguely everything feel, as if those "Dreams" guitars haven't been done better elsewhere. Carly's not off the hook either, with lyrics as empty as "press you to the pages of my heart." The sax riffing at the end would have been nice had it not resulted in a fade-out, which only serves to let you know that no one involved bothered to write a bridge. [4]
Joshua Copperman: That post-chorus is peak Carly - her songs are best when they're anxious but sensual, innocent but winking. But that's the problem with this song, content to be an E*MO*TION throwback when the best cuts on Dedicated ("I'll Be Your Girl," "Everything He Needs") push her sound forward in ways that still remain consistent with her past. Antonoff's on autopilot, lifting his own Tom Petty rip from "Don't Take The Money" for his usual mix of 80s and non-80s signifiers. Singles Jukebox editor and writer Katherine St. Asaph's issue with Dedicated was that Carly didn't play to her fanbase enough. This goes too much in the other direction giving the gays exactly what they want but nothing more. That doesn't mean it's bad, but it's too slight when Carly's beloved for her maximalism. [6]
Andy Hutchins: Fun, frivolous, brisk, and brief in the way so many great pop songs are, and a better spiritual successor to "Africa" in 2019 than Weezer actually covering it. But I will admit that listening to the potential [3] or [15] that would have been CRJ riffing on Rye Rye's spin on Vengaboys was deeply distracting. [7]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: "Want You In My Room" is the worst kind of song to write about: so self-evidently joyful and skilled in every aspect (those synths!! that sax solo!!) that it's hard to point at any one thing to analyze. Is it enough to just say that the song is the best execution of crush pop in the catalog of an artist who is the queen of crush pop? Is it enough to say that I listen to the song in the shower and my morning walk to class? Is it enough to say that this song (and really, the whole starting run of Dedicated) is an excellent soundtrack to a roadtrip with the one you love? I don't know, and I don't quite know how to express how good it is that Carly Rae Jepsen is around and making music like this, but I hope this helps. [10]
Jackie Powell: Carly Rae Jepsen knows her base just as well as she knows herself. All of the elements of "Want You in My Room" confirm that."...And I'll press you to the pages of my heart" in the pre-chorus proves how Jepsen simultaneously views love and her music. She loves fantasy and probably adores fanfiction (Does anyone have confirmation on this?) "I think I like when people look at music from a way that's this childlike magical thing that happens to us," she said at Electric Lady Studios recording her Spotify singles session. She has made it her brand for the nerds who love love--but struggle to capture it-- feel at home with the awkwardness and desire that they feel inside. Jack Antonoff knows how to extrapolate Jepsen's inner feelings and give them a sound; the track begins with three different percussive loops which symbolize the racing heartbeat of sexual and romantic excitement. The aforementioned Spotify session version of the cut further echoes the idea that this song is an orgy that would take place at a campfire for young adults. (I guess I just described Woodstock. Imagine Woodstock in 2019...oh wait.) She proves once again that both fantasy and desire are natural and shouldn't be a source of any shame. [8]
Vikram Joseph: There's probably not much that my 11-year-old self has in common with me right now. But I remember getting up an hour before school to listen to the radio, and the way that I would lose myself in pop music and it would carry me through the day, painting the cyclical banalities of breaktime and double chemistry in weird, vivid colours that I didn't fully understand back then. And it's not so different to the way that I respond to it now; the way that caffeine and Dedicated made my commute shimmer and glow on sticky mornings this summer. For me, "Want You In My Room" has been the album's febrile, halcyon peak from the start - a high-camp maximalist fantasia of love and lust, the rare ecstasy of uncomplicated desire played out in a technicolour dreamscape of synths, vocoders and sax solos. It took four months for it to acquire a music video, but there must have already been a million existing in our imaginations, us as the stars, cameras panning as we walk down streets as flamboyantly as our queer little hearts dare to. It's garish, sugary and barely sounds real, and that's fine - because great pop is escapist, always has been and always will be, and "Want You In My Room" makes me believe I can have it all (even if it's fake). [10]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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Hey Lovely! I was wondering how you first became a part of the fandom? When did you start watching the show, at what point did you feel John and Sherlock might be(come) a thing, what made you start a blog on these two? I just want to know it all ^^ Hope you don't mind sharing a bit :) Thank you for everything you do for this fandom, love you lots!
Hi Lovely!
Oh gosh, what a nice question! I think I’ve talked about this in snippets in various posts, this post being the one talking the most about it, but never as a whole! Apologies if this turns into a long ramble, hah hah!
So I remember exactly when I got into the show SO CLEARLY. It was July of 2013, just a few months before S3 was to air in January 2014. I was over at my friends’ place, and they suggested the show to watch, since we always watch movies together whenever I visit. I remember asking, “Is that the show with Martin Freeman and that Khan actor from Star Trek 2?”. We finished Season one all in one go, and immediately fell in love with Ben and Martin’s portrayals and their chemistry. And then I had to head back home. I was ANGRY because OMG WHAT HAPPENS NEXT and my friends just laughed.
So as soon as I got home, I downloaded S1 and S2 and watched them ALL the way through. I needed more. So, because I already had a Tumblr and knew it was for fandoms, I decided to see what it had to offer. 
Oh boy what did I get into???
So I lurked for a bit, and then I discovered something called “meta”, back when the TRF theories were the prominent meta in the fandom. So while I was getting deep into meta, I started switching my fanart from Ninja Turtles to Sherlock, because I was warming up to Ben’s ethereal face and I wanted to draw it. And I wanted to be a Sherlock fanartist. I briefly shipped Sher1011ie for a week or so, until I rewatched the series again and it just didn’t jive like it did the first few watch-throughs. I was too invested in John and Sherlock’s friendship – I saw them as bestest friends ever, too devoted to each other.
Now, at this point, y’all need to remember this: I was naïve, have never been exposed at length nor ever heard of subtext, was and am not part of the LGBT community (I grew up in a different time and in a conservative city, so being “gay” just wasn’t a thing), had a very heteronormative view on my life, and I just had always just insisted that in all of my fandoms, when I liked two male characters together, it was because “bestest friends ever!!”. I didn’t know I was ace and I’d never read smut up until 3 years ago (yes hi hello I’m so old and so innocent LOL).
Okay, so I was just lurking for a bit, learning my way around fandom, reading meta and just generally dipping my toes quietly into the fandom.
Then came Season 3. 
As many of my followers know, a lot of my fondness for season 3 stems from this being the season that LITERALLY opened my eyes to EVERYTHING: subtext, Johnlock, my own sexuality, and my meta-writing career. 
So, season 3 aired and I decided to dip my toes into “reviewing” the episodes as my first “meta”. They were posted onto my multi-fandom blog here, here and here. I was so proud of them, because it reinvigorated my love for writing (I used to be a pretty prominent Sonic fan-fic author back in the 90′s… I never finished my stories because my interest in the fandom died before I finished them), despite how laughably bad they were, haha. I got a couple compliments on them, but nothing beyond that, especially since I sat down and wrote them for HOURS after each episode aired.
Sometime between TSo3 and HLV, I discovered loudest-subtext-in-television (aka LSiT) and deducingbbcsherlock completely by accident and I was FASCINATED. I ate up everything they wrote. The first time I watched TSo3, something was niggling at my brain but I couldn’t quite place it. It was one of LSiT’s meta that twigged at it. That’s when I learned about subtext, heteronormativity and the queer community. And suddenly, just like that, something in my brain clicked.
Oh. My god. This show is gay, and I actually SHIP these idiots like I did in the Mother Ship (ie. The X-Files Mulder / Scully). That’s why I was SO ANNOYED with Irene. Why Molly was slowly grating on me. Why Mary’s introduction kind of annoyed me but okay I guess I can deal with it. Why everything seemed really romantic but it just couldn’t be, could it? 
I rewatched the series. And it was gay. Y’all, those rainbow-coloured glasses were suddenly GLUED to my head, and I saw gay EVERYWHERE.
So, after HLV, I discovered The Johnlock Conspiracy and I was eating up all the meta about Johnlock I could. Around this time, I also was learning a lot about the LGBT community, its history and sexual fluidity from wsswatson. It was also around this time I discovered asexuality, and I started reading a lot about it. 
In February of 2014, I started this blog because I wanted a place to reblog Johnlock meta. This was the first post I made on this blog, and looking back at it now, I am DYING because wow I never imagined I was going to be this deep into the fandom the day I wrote that. I don’t even remember writing it, to be very honest. I just shake my head, HAH. I think I really started understanding Johnlock because of this post here. It’s still one of my favourites and is one of the ones I credit for helping me understand what I was watching was actually a romance, not a “crime show”. 
Anyway, after learning how to read subtext from mostly LSiT (they wrote a meta about how to read subtext and it was super informative) and other Johnlock bloggers, I wanted to try my hand at my own little Johnlock meta. It was more of an observational post, as my way of trying to interact with the fandom. I am a terribly nervous and shy person, so I never tagged anyone in anything. It was an overwhelming fandom, and it was terrifying to interact. A few bigger bloggers noticed me and were nice enough to comment on a couple of my posts, but I mostly stayed in my little corner, and interacted with my small little group of other smaller fans. I dabbled in both fanart and writing, just plopping my thoughts and art into the aether, hoping something would interest someone enough to start a discussion. 
I started getting braver, and I was “moderating” some of my favourite posts that weren’t mine, but had my additions to it. Mostly, the Phones and Hearts post. I didn’t want to impede, but it was one of my favourite posts, so I went and copied all of the comments in the notes and put them onto one post. I don’t honestly remember HOW I ended up moderating it, but I just did because I was FASCINATED with symbolism, and I was excited because I could finally read subtext and understand it. I still had a small following, and a few people I regularly interacted with on my blog.
So, during the hiatus between S3 and TAB, somewhere along the way I suddenly had a sexuality crisis, when I suddenly realized I wasn’t broken and there was absolutely nothing wrong with me, and damn it, there’s such thing as split attraction model and asexuality?? Mind was BLOWN. I was also slowly becoming obsessed with Mary’s character, and at the time I couldn’t understand why (inevitably, it was because of events happening in my own life and me trying to understand them), but I really enjoyed just psychoanalyzing her. It’s something I’ve ALWAYS loved doing – character studies; I’ve done it in EVERY fandom I’ve been in – and I was doing it for her, Sherlock and John’s characters. 
So yeah, nothing much really happened to me during the S3 hiatus, except my entire world view flipped on its head and I was completely Johnlocked beyond repair. I became known for some painful posts and some lovely revelations and writing a lot of character study posts on both John and Sherlock. I’m very proud of some of my earlier meta, just sad they never really got seen (some of my earliest meta can be seen on my Ao3).
Then came the announcement for TAB in 2015, and the start of my “Tumblr Career”. I put a lot of my energy into my fandom life. I was OBSESSED with TAB, and became known for it. I put my moderation skills to use and created the TAB Starter Pack, which started gaining me some followers because OMG some loser is taking the time out of their day to compile all the news about this new series! AWESOME. I remember, it was around this time I was excited because I got to 1895 followers and it was one of those milestones all Johnlockers like having, hahah. 
In October of 2015, I lost my job and was unemployed. Conveniently, this is also the time when the promo season for TAB started, because we now had a name and airdate. I devoted a LOT of my time, when I wasn’t job hunting, to working on this blog. I was just writing a lot, and obsessing about the upcoming episode.
Then the trailer aired.
And immediately after that trailer dropped on October 24, 2015, I made this post here, which, some would probably say, was the beginning of everything for me. As I was writing that post, with a cracking headache, something clicked in my head, and several hours later, I had written and posted the original Mind Palace Theories of TAB at 2AM-ish, and went to bed.
When I woke up, my post had suddenly gone viral and I couldn’t figure out why. Then it just kept expanding from there, and I made sure to include everything I could onto it, because WOW something I wrote was gaining traction, and interaction, and I just wanted us all to have a good time with it. And as the time for TAB drew closer, suddenly I was gaining followers, and more people interested in what I had to write. I welcomed everyone to continue to predict the outcome with me.
January 1st. Was a complete and total mind fuck. I was liveblogging the episode, and inadvertently created another viral post with my Mycroft’s Death post because FUCK ARE THEY KILLING MYCROFT OFF?? kind of freaked people out (sorry loves!), which gained me some more followers, and at the time, my top post was my December 31st reblog of my Mind Palace Theories post, so anyone who came to my blog, it would have been on the first page of it.
After the episode aired, suddenly, EVERYONE had questions for me, about EVERYTHING, but mostly to scream at me that I was a mind reader, LOL. No, I’m not, I was just a sad, unemployed twat with too much time on my hands and was avoiding job hunting. But good god, all DAY on Jan 1, I was replying to asks, gaining followers like crazy, and pretty much just stating my opinion on anything that someone wanted to know. 
I became known as the unofficial TAB blog, and the one to come to with questions about my interpretation of the episode. I was SO obsessed with TAB, studied every nuance and narrative structure I could. 2016 was “my heyday”, and it was fun. I found my niche, and meta-writing is what I became known for. And until I got a job in April of that year, I was a pretty solid presence in the fandom, if I understand some of what I’ve been told correctly. I still ran my blog as full-time as I could having a full-time job, and still do in some ways, but yeah, 2016 is when I produced a LOT of meta, mostly Mary meta because, as I said above, I was and am obsessed with her character arc. I was learning about myself a lot more by writing meta, and my “original” meta turned into “asks” meta, which was fine by me, because I do like a good prompt to get me going.
Somewhere in there I also somehow became the blog new bloggers came to, which I didn’t and don’t mind at all, because being new in a fandom is scary and I wanted to be a friendly face because I like meeting new people. 
Then we got an announcement for S4, and like TAB I also kept track of anything and everything S4-related, so once again I was sort of the “go-to” place for everything S4 because I compiled all the stuff from setlock bloggers and listed them all for easy-access. I kept track of everything promotional, and I reblogged some of my favourite pre-S4 meta here.
Essentially, I LOVE organizing things, and people liked that I LOVED doing it, so that’s sort of how I kept my following when I wasn’t posting as much new meta. I did make a few original meta before S4, and I made a 68 day video countdown to the series which is cringy AF and I’m not linking it (lol you can find it if you look hard enough). 
We all know what happened in S4. I took a bit of heat after S4 aired, because I got people’s hopes up. I was discouraged for a bit, but then I started receiving asks that weren’t really asks, but “I need advice” and “I need support”. 
And I started answering life questions, and realized people LIKED my responses, liked my little personal anecdotes in each of my replies, and felt comforted by it. So, after S4 aired, I became an eclectic mix of life advice, meta, fics, music and TJLC / tinhatting blog. I have a “no judgement” approach to my blogging, and I think that’s why I’m still gaining a steady dozen or so followers every couple weeks, rather than losing. The only time I took a big hit was the Tumblr Feedpocalypse, where they fucked up the algorithm and I’m not getting nearly as many hits on my posts as I used to, but that could also be because we lost so many people to S4, especially after Jan 1, 2018 when people were hoping for another episode.
I personally don’t think I’m popular, but I suppose I am by Tumblr standards. I dunno, I think we all have that “starry eyed” view of popular bloggers, and I just can’t picture myself as someone anyone would fawn over. I’m just me, and you can take it or leave it.
I think where I’m at now and what I’m known for is a good place to be, to be honest, despite how S4 turned out. I’m not certain, but I FEEL like I have a positive reputation here, but don’t quote me. I know I have people in this fandom who hate me, and quite frankly it saddens me that they feel they need to expel energy on me that way when they deserve to just be happy and forget about me. 
ANYWAY, sorry that got long and rambly, but it’s something I’ve wanted to talk about for awhile, but I was waiting for the prompt to come because *shrugs* I dunno, self esteem thing, makes me think no one REALLY cares until someone actually asks, hah.
And if you made it all the way to the end here, Love ya Nonny, and thank you for asking and thank you for being a follower of my blog
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all of them
Woman!• 1. List 5 things you want to do before the year ends. --- Get another piercing, successfully bake banana bread, read three more books...ummm and I’m not sure what else. The year is almost up!• • 2. What color are your pants? --- Dark destroyed jeans• • 3. Favorite motivational quote. --- “Have some fire. Be unstoppable. Be better than everyone else here and don’t give a damn what anybody else thinks.” (Cristina Yang)• • 4. When was the last time you drank coffee? --- Around 3pm today• • 5. What was the last thing you ate? -- A maple pumpkin muffin!• • 6. Favorite animal. --- Polar bears• • 7. Favorite song. -- Vienna, by Billy Joel or Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper• • 8. Last movie you watched? --- Wonder Woman• • 9. Any turn ons? --- Lots ;)...soft hair, people who smell good, ear kisses, nice collarbones, creative talent, brown eyes• • 10. Any turn offs? --- Also lots. Rudeness, cockiness, patriarchal bullshit, men who have chest hair• • 11. List 4 big words off of the top of your head. --- triskaidekophobia, ubiquitous, penultimate, pamplemousse • • 12. What are some meaningful movies? --- Music of the Heart, The Freedom Writers, Kedi• • 13. 2 most important people in your life right now? -- My wife and daughter :)• • 14. What are 3 things you want to do before the month ends? --- Start Christmas shopping, go hiking before it snows, pay bills lol• • 15. When was the last time you read a good book? --- Just finished one! I’m always reading.• • 16. How long do you study for usually, if you study? --- I was the worst at studying. Always super last minute.• • 17. Do you have any nicknames? -- A couple• • 18. Favorite kind of perfume? (fruity, alluring, etc.) --- Slightly sweet, slightly vanilla-y, slightly smoky• • 19. Do you have any international friends / friends who live out of state? --- Lots!• • 20. What is something unique that you do every single day? --- Umm...I honestly have no idea. • • 21. If there was a movie based on your life, what would it be called? --- “Gay Chaos”• • 22. When was the last time you bought a gift for someone? --- Just this weekend! I bought my wife a necklace. I mean, she picked it out, but it still counts.• • 23. Are you a shopaholic? --- I don’t think so. I do love shopping though when the mood strikes.• • 24. What are some songs that always make you feel better? -- Vienna, by Billy Joel, Time After Time, by Cyndi Lauper, and anything by the Barenaked Ladies• • 25. List 3 activities that you can only enjoy by yourself. --- I really can’t think of any. I pretty much like doing anything with my wife or kid :)• • 26. If you could live in any biome (and survive) which biome would you live in? --- Forest, or Tundra• • 27. How do you like being roused in the morning? --- ...let’s just say my FAVOURITE way is rated R ;)• • 28. How was your day? What did you do? --- It was ok! I went grocery shopping, baked some muffins, and did some casual job hunting while my daughter was at preschool• • 29. What did your last text message say? --- “I’ll eat your muffin.”• • 30. Do you respond to texts quickly? --- Usually right away, unless I literally can’t• • 31. Who was the last person you called? --- My wife• • 32. List 5 things that are on your wish list. --- Like, anything?? World peace, the end of climate change, gun control in America, a food processor, and a private jet• • 33. If you were famous, what do you think you would be famous for? --- Something music-related• • 34. Winter or summer? -- AUTUMN• • 35. What is a quality that all people should have? --- Kindness• • 36. If you could have a large collection of one item, what would that item be? --- Hmm....seaglass• • 37. What have you been thinking about lately? --- Whether or not I want to go back to work.• • 38. What is the secret to a happy life? --- Loving yourself• • 39. What are some phrases you say often? --- “That’s the worst.”, “For real.”• • 40. Favorite food? --- IMPOSSIBLE CHOICE! Lasagna and pie are right up there, though.• • 41. List 3 wishes. -- Didn’t I already do this?• • 42. What are some of your greatest fears? --- My loved ones getting sick or dying, fire, President Trump• • 43. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? --- Season 2 of Wynonna Earp• • 44. Most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen (in real life)? --- She’s sitting right beside me.• • 45. Spicy food:Like or dislike? --- LOVE• • 46. Scary movies:Like or dislike? --- If I’m in the right mood.• • 47. Do you like to travel? --- Love it.• • 48. Any regrets? --- Not really, no. There’s no point in regrets.• • 49. Do you like rain? --- One of my fave things ever.• • 50. What do you spend most of your money on? --- Eating out, probably• • 51. Would you rather visit the past or the future? --- Hmmm. Past.• • 52. Favorite clothing store? --- Simon’s, Anthropologie, Old Navy/Gap, and a local store called Belle et Rebelle• • 53. What is the best advice you can give to those who are feeling down? --- It gets better. Truly.• • 54. How often do you think about your future? Does it scare you? --- All the time. It’s terrifying.• • 55. What angers you the most? --- Currently? The lack of gun control in America. And I’m not even American.• • 56. When was the last time you got majorly angry? --- See above.• • 57. When was the last time you got really sad? --- Also see above.• • 58. Are you good at lying? --- Haha no• • 59. What foreign language would you like to learn? --- I’m trying to learn Italian, currently! I’d also love to learn Spanish.• • 60. How many languages can you speak and what are they? --- English, French, and VERY basic Italian.• • 61. How often do you go to parties? If you don’t, what do you do instead? --- Not too much anymore, but usually once a month some friend has a gathering. Otherwise I mostly stay home, or go out with the wife or with the wife and kid.• • 62. What books do you plan to read this year? --- I never really plan ahead, I just pick up whatever seems interesting at the time.• • 63. Do you have breakfast every morning? --- Most mornings• • 64. Tell us a secret. --- Calzona will rise. Shh.• • 65. How many concerts have you been to? --- Too many to count• • 66. Last hug? --- Earlier this afternoon• • 67. Who knows you better than anyone else? --- My wife, hands down. Also my twin.• • 68. Baths or showers? --- Both! Showers for actual cleaning, baths for just...soaking.• • 69. Do you think you’re ambitious? --- Somewhat.• • 70. What song is stuck in your head? --- Taylor Swift’s new song, which I actually hate.• • 71. Countries you’ve visited? --- A lot• • 72. What do you most value in your friends? --- Their kindness and sense of humour• • 73. What helps you to sleep better? --- Valerian tea.• • 74. What is the most money you have ever held in your hand? --- Uhhh in my hand?? About 5 grand, I think.• • 75. What makes you nervous? --- Sharing my writing, making new friends• • 76. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given? --- “Being nervous is the same physical reaction as being excited. So you’re not nervous -- you’re excited.”• • 77. Is it easier to forgive or forget? --- Forgive• • 78. First mobile phone? --- First I ever bought myself that was truly mine? A little Motorola candy bar phone. It had a colour screen!• • 79. Strangest dream? --- I usually don’t remember them, actually!• • 80. Best dream? --- Probably something sexy...haha• • 81. Who is the smartest person you know? --- My wife• • 82. Who is the prettiest person on tumblr? --- @myfaerytale ;)• • 83. Do you miss anyone right now? --- Yeah• • 84. Who do you love? Why? --- I love my wife and daughter more than anything in this world.• • 85. Do you like sharing? --- Depends what I’m sharing ;)• • 86. What was the last picture you took with your phone? --- My daughter this afternoon with her hands full of pumpkin muffin dough• • 87. Is there a reason behind everything that happens? --- Yes, I think so• • 88. Favorite genre of music? --- Pretty much everything, honestly• • 89. If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be? --- Laid-back• • 90. Describe your life in 5 words. --- Laid-back, loving, exciting, fun, happy• • 91. Describe the world in 4 words. --- Chaotic. That’s really the only word.• • 92. Craziest thing you’ve ever done? --- Ummm….a naked polar bear dip?• • 93. First three songs in your favorite playlist? --- I don’t have any premade playlists!• • 94. Are you more creative or logical? --- Creative• • 95. Would you rather lie or hurt someone with the truth? --- Truth• • 96. What are you most proud of? --- I’m raising a pretty great kid• • 97. What personality trait do you admire in other people? --- Kindness, laughter• • 98. When you imagine yourself as really, really relaxed and happy, what are you doing? --- Laying in the sun reading• • 99. How do you usually start a conversation? --- Hi?• • 100. What is the best news you could hear right now? --- That Trump and the entire Republican Party are gone.
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starsinursa · 8 years
Shout-out to @saminzat for tagging me! Like I needed an excuse to waste time. ;)
1) Drink:  Coffee... it’s like 10 p.m. at night, but I’m trying to stay awake to finish some work from the office (and yet I’m on tumblr doing this quiz instead, oops).
2) Phone call: A coworker called me so I’d have her new phone number.
3) Text message:  “FYI, they don’t give you the money right back, you have to wait 4 - 6  WEEKS for a check in the mail, uggggh”. I bailed the same coworker out of jail about three months ago and went to the city municipal court today to get the bail money back... turns out things aren’t that simple.
4) Song listened to:  Umm...so I’ve been listening to the Moana soundtrack pretty much non-stop for the last week. :D
5) Time you cried:  A couple of weeks ago, reading the fic “Cursed or Not” for the first time (hey, you get to chapter 18 and try not to ugly cry, okay?).
6) Dated somebody twice:  Yep. Good ol’ high school.
7) Been cheated on:  Not that I know of.
8) Kissed someone and regretted it:  Yep. Good ol’ college.
9) Lost someone special:  Yes, a couple of times.
10) Been depressed:  Yep, special shout-out to my Prozac and Wellbutrin, love you guys. ;)
11) Gotten drunk and puked:  Yes, a few times, unfortunately. Again, good ol’ college (although I can’t use that excuse for the last time because I had already graduated... to whomever had to clean out that train car up in Minneapolis, MN, about 2.5 years ago: I am so, so sorry, I’ve learned my lesson about taking it easy on the Everclear, you have every right to hate me).
12) Green
13) Purple
14) Blue
15) Made new friends:  Kind of? Do work friends count? 
16) Fallen out of love:  Nah, gotta be in love for that
17) Laughed until you cried:  Yes, most recently was while watching “Impractical Jokers” with my aunt (they took a guy who is terrified of cats and made him teach an improv “how to bond with your cat” class, okay, I found it hilarious as a cat-owner).
18) Found out someone was gossiping about you:  Yeah, there’s a lot of gossip about everyone at my second job. Look, I’m sorry I go through all the water bottles, okay? I drink a lot of water...
19) Met someone who changed your life:  Not anyone specific in the last year that I can think of...
20) Found out who your true friends are: Meh. I’ve always kinda known.
21) Kissed someone on your Facebook list:  Nah
22) Facebook friends:  256
23) Pets:  Two! One dog, one cat, the best of both worlds.
24) Want to change your name:  Nah, I like my name.
25) Did I get for my birthday:  Books, I always ask for books.
26) Time I woke up:  Around 8:30 a.m. this morning
27) Were you doing at midnight: Probably surfing tumblr, tbh, I am sadly predictable
28) Can’t you wait for: MY VACATION THIS NEXT WEEK
29) Was the last time you saw your mom:  A couple of weeks ago when I went home for a dentist appointment
30) Is something you wish you could change about your life:  I need to buckle down and really focus on paying off a couple of bills. It helps having a second job, but I’m just so impatient.
31) Are you listening to right now:  Nothing at the mo
32) Gets on your nerves:  Whiners. Don’t get me wrong, I love to bitch and complain as much as the next person, but people who blame the world/ everyone else for their problems? Just....yeah.
33) Talked to a person named Tom:  ...this question doesn’t make any sense. “What - talked to a person named Tom”? Also, no, I know several Tims, but no Toms.
34) Is your most visited website:  Pffft, tumblr, of course, is that even a real question
35) Elementary school/primary school:  [Name of my hometown] Elementary School
36) High School:  [Name of my hometown] Jr./ Sr. High School
37) College:  I’ve already mentioned in a couple of posts where I went to college, so I guess I’ll just say it: Kansas State University. EMAW!
38) Hair colour:  Dark brown
39) Long/short hair:  Long! It’s currently the longest it’s ever been in my entire life, I’m so excited (although holy shit, I shed a lot).
40) Crush:  Nah, not for a while. I creeped on a cute security guard a few months ago, but he turned out to be a jerk with a classic “crazy ex-girlfriend” (I put that part in quotation marks because I have no idea if she’s actually ‘crazy’ but he kept insisting she was...which is, just, y’know, a red flag on his part).
41) Do you like about yourself:  I’m actually pretty fond of my hair now, after a lifelong love/hate relationship. I also like to think I’m okay at singing sometimes.
42) Piercings: None at the moment, actually
43) Blood type: A+
44) Nickname: My family has always called me “Foo” (as in, “little bunny foo-foo”)
45) Relationship status:  Single, ayyyyy
46) Zodiac: Leo (pffft, but not really)
47) Pronouns: She/her
48) Favourite show: Supernatural (of course!), Psych, Once Upon a Time, Firefly, Scrubs, Nikita, Game of Thrones
49) Tattoos: None. I’m too fickle, I’d get one and then change my mind two weeks later.
50) Left or right handed: Right
51) Surgery:  I had my tonsils out when I was 17 thanks to multiple bouts with strep throat. Oh my god, never wait until you’re that old to get your tonsils removed, it was absolute hell. 
52) Piercings: My ears. If we’re talking unusual piercings, I had a “nape piercing” for a while in high school.
53) Best friend:  Probably my cousin Kayla, since we grew up together
54) Sport:  I played softball for several years as a kid, until I got a bloody nose when the ball hit me in the face. Then I had to quit because I was gun-shy. To this day, I’m still afraid of balls flying at my face (hehehe).
55) Vacation:  I visited my dad in San Diego, CA for a week when I was ten years old
56) Pair of shoes:  First pair of shoes? I don’t know, I was a baby. Probably some over-priced cutesy pair that never even got any use because I was a baby.
57) Eating: Spicy Doritos
58) Drinking:  Still drinking coffee
59) I am about to:  Sort through my tumblr “Saved Drafts” and add tags for everything, then try to get some writing done
60) Listening to:  Nothing at the mo (this is the same question at #31?)
61) Waiting for:  Saturday when I leave for vacation! *o*
62) Want to see: Honestly can’t think of anything. I’d like to watch Moana again but it’s not on DVD yet?
63) Want to get married:  Sure, someday
64) Career:  Human services/ social work-ish? Basically, I work at a non-profit agency helping adults with developmental/ intellectual disabilities to get/ maintain services. Oh, and I also have a part-time job at an adult store. Gotta make ends meet, y’know.
65) Hugs/kisses:  Really depends on who they’re from. Probably hugs for the most part. :)
66) Lips/eyes: Aaagh, I don’t know... I love gorgeous eyes, but I also love me some tasty lips... y’know what, I’m gonna go with lips. Yep.
67) Taller/shorter:  Taller
68) Younger/older: Older
69) Romantic/spontaneous:  I can be romantic when I have someone to be romantic for, but I’m not the most spontaneous. :D Like, let’s just stick to the PLAN, okay?
70) Nice arms/nice stomach: Arms. I like squishy cuddly tummies anyways.
71) Sensitive/loud: ...I don’t know. Sensitive, I guess, because being around loud people wears me out pretty quickly. But sensitivity needs to have limits too...
72) Hookup/relationship:  Relationship. Been there, done the hook-up thing, not worth it. Good ol’ college.
73) Troublemaker/hesitant: At this point in my life, I’d say hesitant. Trouble-making was fun in the past, but, like, I’ve got an actual career now that I could lose if I go around trouble-making/ hanging out with trouble-makers.
74) Kissed a stranger:  So, so many times. Good ol’ college.
75) Drank hard liquor:  Yep. Still love me some vodka. It just mixes with everything, y’know?
76) Lost glasses/contact lenses:  Contact lenses, yes, but luckily I’ve never lost a pair of glasses
77) Turned someone down:  Yes. I hate doing that. I’m a horrible, cowardly person who would rather “ghost” someone than have to deal with an uncomfortable confrontation. 
78) Canoodling on a first date:  Depends on the definition of “canoodling”. Are we talking cuddling or snuggling up during a movie? Sure. Making out? Maaaybe, depends. No copping a feel on the first date though, c’mon now.
79) Broken someone’s heart:  Yes. Breaking up with someone in high school is intense. 
80) Had your own heart broken:  Kind of, not really? The only person I legitimately had feelings for, I never told them how I felt, so they never really had the opportunity to break my heart but it hurt like hell anyways. Have I mentioned I’m a cowardly piece of shit? :D I mean, that was like 10 years ago in high school, but I haven’t changed that much.
81) Been arrested:  No, thank goodness. There were a couple of close calls during my partying days, I’ve definitely been luckier than I probably deserve.
82) Cried when someone died:  Yes. Doesn’t happen often, luckily.
83) Fallen for a friend: Not really? Had crushes on friends, had friends-with-benefits, yes, but never technically “fallen for” a friend.
84) Yourself: Depends on what we’re talking about here. In general, yeah, I like to think I do okay...
85) Miracles:  Ehhh, I can’t decide. It’s a wonderful thought but I’m also kind of a pessimist realist. You know what they say: “hope for the best but prepare for the worst”.
86) Santa Clause:  Not for many, many years
87) Kisses on a first date: Sure! End-of-the-date kisses are sweet.
88) Angels:  I...think so. 
89) Love at first sight:  I don’t know? It’s a wonderful thought but I’m just not sure. Maybe not love at first sight, per se, but I think there are definitely people out there that you can just tell right away they’re going to be special to you.
90) Best friend’s name: None, at the mo
91) Eye colour: Brown
92) Favourite movie:  That’s a tough one... I think it depends on my mood. Do I want to laugh? Something trashy like “Sorority Boys”. Do I want to cry? Probably something steeped in existential crisis like “A.I.”. Do I want a feel-good adventure with talking animals? “Homeward Bound”.
Holy crap, that took like 1.5 hours. Anyone need an excuse to waste some time/ procrastinate/ be distracted? Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast, @helianthus21, @destielmixtape, @beesandangelkisses, @emotionally-compromised-idiot, @castielsgracex, @apritelleorai, @honeybee-and-batman, @sunshine-hunters, @waaaaaayward-assbutt, @cool-fallen-angel , and anyone else who wants to do it. :)
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slyther-bird · 8 years
1-92 😘😘
Child pls… I’m gonna put these under a cut because holy shit that’s a lot of questions and I’m not flooding anyone’s dashes (forgive any typos pls. It’s late for me)
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
That would be you, so nah bro
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
Fuck no
3. Have you taken someone’s virginity?
I think so? I was told yes but I don’t know if that was true or not
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
Sometimes, but it depends on the situation
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
6. What are you excited for?
Right now probably my next skating day
7. What happened tonight?
I shut myself in my room and watched vine compilations while fighting with a drawing and then decided I deserved alcohol and snuck into the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine. And got harassed by my cat because she’s ridiculous
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
I guess it depends on what happens when they get really wasted? I’m usually the one drunk and don’t remember a lot so I couldn’t say
9. Is confidence cute?
In the right situation yea, but not if the person is being cocky and rude
10. What is the last beverage you had?
I’m switching between a white wine and water because the wine isn’t cold and keeps drying out my mouth
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
Maybe 3 max?
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
If I can’t make it to skating probably just watch YouTube and draw
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
It honestly depends when I end up getting a job, but I do need more wood panels for mosaics so probably those
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
I fucking hope so
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
You tbh
18. The last time you felt broken?
Probably within the last week? It was recent and it’s been a shitty week so
19. Have you had sex today?
Nah mate
20. Are you starting to realize anything?
Not really? I’ve been trying to keep busy with things so I can’t think of anything
21. Are you in a good mood?
I’d say a decent one
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
If it was totally safe and controlled then yea sure
23. Are your eyes the same colour as your dad’s?
No, mine are a really dark brown and his are hazel
24. What do you want right this second?
Probably some motivation tbh. Or a pita
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
I’m not interested in/looking for anyone right now so it wouldn’t matter?
26. Is your current hair colour your natural hair colour?
Partially. I still haven’t cut off the bleached bits yet. I really should
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
Depends on their other qualities. I’m not totally in touch with emotions so something could make me laugh one day and not the next
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
My cat shoving her paw under my door because she heard me quietly singing
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
Not really? Like I miss you but I usually do so?
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
It depends on what they did/want a second chance about
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
It was my brother so no not really
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
I don’t have feelings for anyone right now, I’m trying to figure myself out before I worry about that
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
I haven’t been drinking it a lot because I’m actually kind of taking care of myself and paying attention to a diet lately
34. Listening to?
Waltz Op. 64 No. 2- Chopin (because it’s in the ost playlist for a fanfic I like)
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
I do in sketchbooks or randomly on my walls if I don’t have paper or my phone
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
I don’t know who the last person I kissed is so no?
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not really. It seems like it’s more based on appearance than anything
38. Who did you last call?
I think you?
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
Definitely you, we were dancing in the car a bit ago
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
I’m not sure since I don’t know who it was
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
Oh god probably some time last fall?
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
I’ve embarrassed myself in front of a crush more times than I haven’t
44. Do you tan in the nude?
I don’t tan at all if I can help it
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
I don’t think so, I think I was done bitching about sai a couple hours before I actually fell asleep
47. Who was the last person to call you?
I think my mum… She decided she needed to call me instead of texting me and scared me because my ringer was on
48. Do you sing in the shower?
Really quietly because there’s always someone here but yea. It’s honestly more of a performance tbh
49. Do you dance in the car?
Not wildly, but it depends on the song
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
Yup. You need to remind me to let you try mine btw
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
At last year’s Lions convention I think
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Sometimes, but they’re nice
53. Is Christmas stressful?
Hell yea it is. I have more than one house to get ready for Christmas
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
I literally had those for supper tonight… One of my favourite things tbh
55. Favourite type of fruit pie?
I don’t like fruit pie all that much but I don’t dislike apple pie as much. As long as it’s drowning in caramel and warm
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
The only ones I definitely remember are figure skater, astronaut, astronomer, and palaeontologist
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
Oh yea
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Literally more often than not I do
59. Take a vitamin daily?
No but I should be
60. Wear slippers?
Usually only if I’m sick
61. Wear a bath robe?
Not often tbh
62. What do you wear to bed?
Sometimes the clothes from that day, but usually boxers and a shirt or nothing, depends how much I can get off
63. First concert?
I’ve never been to one oops
64. Wal-Mart, Target, or Kmart?
Target was always the best when I was in the states for competitions but I haven’t been in ages so Wal-Mart I guess?
65. Nike or Adidas?
Nike because I like the name more. I don’t even really know what these brands make
66. Cheetos or Fritos?
Cheetossss. That’s how I corral my little cousins
67. Peanuts or sunflower seeds?
Sunflower seeds if they’re not too much work
68. Favourite Taylor Swift song?
Bad Blood or Shake it Off
69. Ever take dance lessons?
I took ballet and tap when I was younger. I was kind of thinking about starting ballet again because I like it and it’ll help with skating
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
Nope, I don’t even entirely know what I’ll be doing
71. Can you curl your tongue?
I can now. I couldn’t until I was like, 13 for some reason
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
Never been in one
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
My cat touched my nose with her paw and closed her eyes and purred the other day so yea
74. What is your favourite book?
I guess Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke because I always go back to it and it doesn’t get boring to me. I feel so bad because my favourites are definitely Harry Potter or Artemis Fowl but not a specific one, just the entire series really
75. Do you study better with or without music?
I never studied at all because that was always a guarantee that I’d screw up the test/exam
76. Regularly burn incense?
I wish, but my mum gets huge headaches from smells
77. Ever been in love?
More than I’d like to admit or think about tbh
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
Maybe Panic! at the Disco, but I’ve heard that the tour Adam Lambert has been doing with Queen is good too. And it’s Adam
79. What was the last concert you saw?
I’ve never been to one
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
Hot tea
81. Tea or coffee?
Usually I’d prefer tea but sometimes I need the higher boost from coffee
82. Favourite type of cookie?
I really like these double chocolate ones my grandma makes. They’re so bad for you but they taste really nice and they’re super soft and gooey
83. Can you swim well?
I think pretty decently, but it’s not impressive or anything. I don’t like being in the water anyway
84.Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
Yup. But I have to hold my nose if I’m diving into water because of my piercing
85. Are you patient?
It depends what I’m supposed to be patient about but usually I am
86. DJ or band at a wedding?
DJ, they usually have a nicer music selection
87. Ever won a contest?
Competition yes, but I’m not sure about a contest
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
89. Which are better, black or green olives?
I just got back onto olives and I only had green ones so I’ll say those
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
It’s fine as long as you’re careful. I’d be such a hypocrite if I said something against it omg
91. Best room for a fireplace?
Family/living room. Or a study
92. Do you want to get married?
It’s not off the table, but I’m not overly concerned about it at this point
I hope you appreciate that this took me 2 hours man I’m dying
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kennedydevin-blog · 8 years
Tea or coffee? Tea. I get this really great tea from this place in the farmer’s market here. I currently have an iced lemon cake & a Hawaiian Sunset tea. They’re amazing. 
Stars or planets? Planets. I’m a planets person! 
Sun or moon? Moon. I love the moon with all my being. 
Black or white? Black. I look much better in black than white. Plus my cat is black, so that cat furr totally 
The zoo or the aquarium? Animals living free away from human interference. Neither, to be honest. I love animals too much to put them in captivity like that. 
Drama or comedy? A difficult decision, but drama wins by just a hair. Mostly because a lot of what I watch has drama in the title. I watch more crime drama than anything else. 
Thriller or adventure? Adventure. 
Short walks to the fridge or long walks on the beach? I love to walk, but like... not really on the beach. 
Indoors or outdoors? Although it depends on the day, to be honest. I love being outside. 
Animals or plants? I cannot keep plants alive to save my life, but it’s always been a dream to have an apartment with white walls, & plants hanging on every nook and cranny in the place. 
Time alone or time with others? I love being alone. I mean... as long as my cat is with me.
Introvert or extrovert? I think the above question answers why I’m an introvert.
Silence or music? Both, really. There are times when I just like to listen to the sounds of the house. But there are also times where I love listening to music. 
Darkness or light? Except when I’m trying to write or read. 
Cats or dogs? I know I have a dog, buttttttt.... my cat is the love of my life. If she were an actual person, I’d marry her. 
Dancing or being the wallflower? Although it depends on the people I’m with, because I will dance if I’m with certain people. 
Right or left? I write with my left hand, so I guess left. 
Werewolves or vampires? Both are good. I have started to have an appreciation for vampires because of the Lore podcast. The first episode was about vampires, but there have been several on people that transform which are ALWAYS fascinating. Literally this podcast is my life. Check this podcast out, you won’t be sorry. My favorite is this episode about lighthouses.
Dressing stylishly or dressing comfortably? I say as I’m sitting here... in my Grace Potter shirt, my Hamilton sweatshirt, sweatpants, & neon socks.
Sunrise or sunset? I think the sunset colors are prettier.
Lead or follow? Yikes, depends on the situation, but most of the time, leader. 
Optimist or pessimist? There’s no doubt about that.
Staying up late or waking up early? I say... as I go to bed before midnight every night except Thursday.
Speaking up or staying silent? I’ll often get into fights for just saying what I feel in a situation, especially if something is disgusting. 
White lies or brutal honesty? I mean... I’m a compulsive liar, but... I normally tell the truth to people... most of the time. Depends on the human.
Ask for permission before doing the stupid thing or ask for forgiveness after doing the stupid thing? Kind of neither. I don’t really do anything that others would consider stupid. 
Pet peeves: human existence. I mean, I don’t get annoyed by people often, unless they are just being assholes. Like for instance the people that ask “how can you be vegan & pro-choice” LISTEN ASSHOLE, you’re asking for a fight. Other than people asking questions that are obviously just looking to pick my thoughts and opinions on stuff apart, I am super not annoyed by people. 
Bad habits: I pick at my cuticles, so a lot of the time my fingers start to bleed.
Favourite scents (your amortentia!): Burning wood, Sunkist ( like oranges are good, but sunkist smells amazing ), my cat, lemons. A few of my favorite  scents. I also like lavender, mint, & rosemary. 
Favourite animal: Cats, but don’t tell my dog. I have a lot of favorite animals, but cats are so adorable. 
Favourite colour: Green is my favorite color. 
Favourite place to go (local or otherwise) (photos get bonus points): Honestly, I don’t have any local places that I go because the area I live in is sort of... boring. In New York, there’s this comic book shop I always go to. So probably that’s one of my favorite places. I’ll post some pictures at the bottom.
Favourite meme: ??? I’m not up to date on all the memes, so I don’t really have a favorite. 
Do you have any creative or artistic abilities? Yes, I do! Besides writing, I do watercolors. I can’t draw as well, but I love watercolors. Also, sometimes I knit & I’m learning to make my own soaps because a lot of homemade soaps aren’t vegan??? 
Talk about something that made you happy today, yesterday, this week: It snowed over the weekend! We were supposed to get 7 inches, though it turned out to only be about 4 or 5, but it snowed. I live in North Carolina, so snow doesn’t always happen every year, or not a big snow at least. I just love winter weather so much. 
Talk about an experience that made you feel proud or confident: To be honest, I don’t really know what to put here. I’m not a very prideful person or confident for that matter. 
Talk about something/someone that makes you feel relaxed: Dungeons & Dragons is the only thing that really relaxes me. I have two characters. One of them, Nico Thornbrush, is a halfling ( basically they’re hobbits, but they’re only 3 feet. ) fighter, that recently started to become a paladin -- or holy warrior. He’s only 20 years old, barely old enough to leave home, but he’s just so good... just such a cinnamon roll. But he’s dumb & doesn’t reallly believe in death. My other character though... is a whisper gnome named Ludovic Silvermist -- he goes by Ludo -- ( because I wasn’t allowed to name him Ronald without getting judged ). He’s a trickery cleric, that isn’t very devout to his goddess -- he kind of hates her. He’s all about them lies & deception to get him ahead. He used to be an orphan until a priest took him in. He has a rat named Scabbers that he occasionally talks to because it’s his best friend.
Talk about something you’re yet to try for the first time but want to: Skydiving. 
Who are your role models & why: Okay, so I have a lot of role models. But I’m just going to put a few here, since I don’t want to write novels. 
Matthew Mercer - Matthew is such a great person. I could probably go on & on about the things he’s done that have really inspired me & made me think he’s such a great person, but it would be a novel. If you have played more than one video game, chances are that Matt was a voice in it. He’s got over 300 IMDB credits. Seriously... & his fiance Marisha Ray is very involved with getting better working conditions for voice actors. Matt is that over achieving person that you just want to deck in the face, but he’s so sweet you just can’t bring yourself to do so, but he’s also an evil genius, so there’s that. He always reminds everyone to have faith that everything will work out. Even if it’s about his game, it still translates into real life. He’s created so much & done such a good job at inspiring others to create that I just look up to him for that reason alone.
Practically the entire cast of Critical Role is a role model to me in some way, so I won’t talk about all of them in detail. 
Obama - I think just saying that is enough. His farewell speech was just so amazing & really says everything about why I look up to him. 
Kieron Gillen & Jamie McKelvie - If you don’t read the series The Wicked + The Divine, I highly recommend it because it’s really good. I’ve met Gillen, McKelvie & their colourist Matt Wilson. They’re all really cool people. They’re doing what the love to do, but not only that, they have brought forward political and social issues into a comic series like I’ve never seen anyone do before. I love how these three are doing what they love, while being very aware of what they are creating & how important diversity representation is in media. I mean seriously, read WicDiv. There are themes of sexism and racism. And cultural appropriation v. appreciation is a huge deal as a whole in the comic. Seriously it’s such a diverse comic, I can’t even begin to describe. Not just with sexuality, but gender as well. I look up to them as a reminder that people are capable of change & even our generation can be pressured into thinking things that aren’t true because of media. 
Basically WicDiv is about these pop stars that are actually gods, but instead of living forever, they only have 2 years to live. Then in 90 years, it happens again. Basically, we’ve been told everyone is going to die by the end of the series. Which means my trash son is going  to die :/
Mara Wilson - seriously, just scroll through her twitter. She tells it like it is. I’m so glad Matilda grew up to be such a wonderful adult.
Talk about something you want to do this year: die. Hmm, I’m not sure. One of the biggest things on my list is to try and go to a live Critical Role show, if they have one. I think it would be really awesome to be able to see this show live. I mean... it’s live every week, but they stream from California. Maybe also one of the Night Vale shows. 
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Would not recommend going on a Wednesday if you’re ever in NYC. It’s pretty scary with all the people getting all the new comics. 
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I'm trying to silence my mind, so even though yall didn't ask for it, I'm doing all of these any way. 1. Who was the last person you held hands with? Uhhhh, romantically it's been so long. But maybe Teague or Cody as we all drunkenly stumbled around Nashville? 2. Are you outgoing or shy? I can be both, but more outgoing. 3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? My babygirl (38 days😭) 4. Are you easy to get along with? I like to think so 5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? God, I hope so 6. What kind of people are you attracted to? More feminine 7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? That's the plan, and I sure as fuck hope so 8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? Only someone of the same gender 9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Not really 10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Jennifer 11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? "I love you" 12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? Anything from Twenty One Pilots self titled album, except Pantaloon 13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Yes 14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Yes 15. What good thing happened this summer? A lot, actually. I traveled with my best friends, saw my favorite band from the front row, went to Carowinds, and got a job offer. 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Fuck no. 17. Do you think there is life on other planets? Ehhhh 18. Do you still talk to your first crush? LMAO, that's a huge fucking NO, even though they still try to contact me to this day 19. Do you like bubble baths? Don't really take them 20. Do you like your neighbors? There's currently no one in the apartment next to me, so yes, I fucking love them 21. What are you bad habits? There's so many. 22. Where would you like to travel? Honestly, my only requirements are any where I've never been. But at the moment, Ohio 23. Do you have trust issues? Yep 24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Going the fuck to bed 25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? The entire thing 26. What do you do when you wake up? Bitch that I woke up 27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Darker 28. Who are you most comfortable around? My Knoxville Crew 29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Yes 30. Do you ever want to get married? Absolutely 31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? I only wear it in a pony tail, so yes 32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Laura Prepon and Kristen Stewart 33. Spell your name with your chin. Qnuot - Close 34. Do you play sports? What sports? Yes, hockey. Softball, lacrosse, and basketball when I get the chance 35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV 36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yes 37. What do you say during awkward silences? Nothing 38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Someone who can love me despite how broken I am, doesn't mind watching sports with me, wants to go on adventures, and someone who I can joke around with 39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? TJ Maxx 40. What do you want to do after high school? Well that ended 5 years ago, so 41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Absolutely not 42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? I'm either thinking, depressed, or sick 43. Do you smile at strangers? All the time 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Space for sure 45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? My job and getting to talk to my girl 46. What are you paranoid about? No one loving me 47. Have you ever been high? Yes 48. Have you ever been drunk? Lmao, yes 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? Nah 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Navy 51. Ever wished you were someone else? All the time 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? I wouldn't be so broken and complicated 53. Favourite makeup brand? I despise wearing makeup 54. Favourite store? Didn't I just answer this? Lol 55. Favourite blog? All of them 56. Favourite colour? Purple, orange, or blue depending on the day 57. Favourite food? Chicken 58. Last thing you ate? Cheese pizza 59. First thing you ate this morning? Pop tart at like, 2pm 60. Ever won a competition? For what? A few 61. Been suspended/expelled? No For what? 62. Been arrested? For what? No, but close 63. Ever been in love? Yes 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? We were watching tv with their family, everyone went to bed, they turned the lights off, grabbed my face, and we missed each others lips 65. Are you hungry right now? Kinda but I don't feel like eating anything 66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? Nah, sorry 67. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook 68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr 69. Are you watching tv right now? No 70. Names of your bestfriends? Kim, Teague, Bentley, Cody, Kelsey, Hannah, MacKenzey 71. Craving something? What? 72. What colour are your towels? Yellow or blue 73. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2 73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? No 74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? I haven't counted in a while 75. Favourite animal? Moose 76. What colour is your underwear? Black 77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla 78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Moose tracks or cookie dough 79. What colour shirt are you wearing? Black 80. What colour pants? Purple 81. Favourite tv show? Sportscenter 82. Favourite movie? Don't really have one 83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? Original 84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? Haven't seen 21 Jump Street, so 85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Fuck if I know 86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Dory 87. First person you talked to today? Jennifer 88. Last person you talked to today? Jennifer 89. Name a person you hate? Does myself count? 90. Name a person you love? Also Jennifer 91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? Myself? 92. In a fight with someone? Eh 93. How many sweatpants do you have? 10 or 11 94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? At least 20, maybe 30? 95. Last movie you watched? Don't know - I don't really watch TV or movies 96. Favourite actress? Laura Prepon 97. Favourite actor? Robert Downey Jr 98. Do you tan a lot? Only when I'm outside - Don't do tanning beds or spray tans 99. Have any pets? Yes, my cat 100. How are you feeling? Fucking awful in so many ways 101. Do you type fast? Yes 102. Do you regret anything from your past? Yes 103. Can you spell well? Yes 104. Do you miss anyone from your past? Yes 105. Ever been to a bonfire party? Yes 106. Ever broken someone’s heart? Maybe? 107. Have you ever been on a horse? Yes. There used to be a guy who would walk one around the neighborhood and he'd let me ride it 108. What should you be doing? Sleeping 109. Is something irritating you right now? All this fucking aching 110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? Lmao. Literally cried about it tonight 111. Do you have trust issues? Yep 112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? My cat 113. What was your childhood nickname? Didn't have one 114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Yes, actually just got back 115. Do you play the Wii? I have one, but also no 116. Are you listening to music right now? No 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? It's okay 118. Do you like Chinese food? Fuck yeah 119. Favourite book? Concussion 120. Are you afraid of the dark? Sometimes 121. Are you mean? I can be 122. Is cheating ever okay? Absolutely fucking not 123. Can you keep white shoes clean? Until drunk assholes spill something on them or step on them 124. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes 125. Do you believe in true love? Yes 126. Are you currently bored? Yes 127. What makes you happy? 128. Would you change your name? Nah 129. What your zodiac sign? Sagittarius 130. Do you like subway? Yes 131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Oh god. Been through this before. Just said "My dude, I'm gay" 132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Jennifer 133. Favourite lyrics right now? "I don't mind at all, I lean on my pride, lean on my pride, I'm a lion" 134. Can you count to one million? I mean, I could, but I'm not going to 135. Dumbest lie you ever told? "I'm fine" 136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? Open for my cat 137. How tall are you? 5' 7" 138. Curly or Straight hair? Curly 139. Brunette or Blonde? Brown? 140. Summer or Winter? Summer 141. Night or Day? Night 142. Favourite month? December 143. Are you a vegetarian? No, I don't like veggies 144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Milk 145. Tea or Coffee? Iced coffee 146. Was today a good day? I guess 147. Mars or Snickers? Snickers 148. What’s your favourite quote? Don't thinkI have one 149. Do you believe in ghosts? Eh 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page. I'm not getting out of bed
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jaclynbross1 · 7 years
Smart Lighting | WiZ Light Bulb Review
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I wrote a post a while back about how to make your home smarter which included all the stuff we have within our home, as well as some stuff we don't have. Smart lighting was on there, something we didn't have and something I've never been *too* sure about. As much as I love the idea of it; it's pretty expensive to buy and is it really worth the money or is it just *another* gimmick? Well having now finally tried it out, I'm sharing my thoughts...
What Is Smart Lighting?
I'm fairly sure everyone knows what Smart Lighting is by now - but in case you don't (where have you been?!) - it's basically a special kind of light bulb that not only allows you to control it remotely but it also gives you more control over the type of light it emits. So there's no need for dimming switches or deciding between "cool" or "warm" light bulbs - you can have both and oh so much more, and you can also get bulbs that emit colours too. And of course if you have one of these fancy Home Hubs (Alexa or Google Home etc) you can usually control them through voice commend too.
Every Smart Light Bulb on the market is a little bit different - but the one I've been sent to review for the blog is a pair of bulbs from Wiz.World (you can find them on Amazon here) which I've been trying out over the last month. The thing that makes THESE bulbs unique is that you don't need an additional hub in order to connect them to your wireless network. It's all done in the light bulb itself.
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I have to say these are THE most luxurious packaged lightbulbs I have ever seen. It felt like I was opening up a new iPad or something; it felt like a cool technological gadget. The kind of thing you put on a Christmas wish list (speaking of which - I reckon with a box like that, they'd be pretty gift-able too?!).
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So the bulbs I'm trying out are B22 bulbs (the kind for bayonet fittings) but they do also sell screw-fitting bulbs and even spotlight bulbs as well amongst a few others. These are also the coloured versions of the bulbs and I have the two-pack set which very handily also comes with a little remote. This set retail for £69.95 at the time of writing this blog post.
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You can see how they visibly look different to standard bulbs. They're a little chunkier and of course they have no filament, being LEDs.
How Do They Work?
Simple really; they just connect to your wireless network. So as long as you have a router or the like (doesn't everyone?!), you can have these smart light bulbs. Unlike other brands, you don't need an additional 'hub' in order for the lights to work which makes these a whole lot simpler to set up; it's all built-in right inside the bulbs. Genius! In fact, it even claims to have a 30-second installation set-up, which to be honest, I thought was going to be a tad exaggerated - but actually other than taking 15 seconds to type the Wi-Fi password into the app, there was literally nothing else to do other than turn the lights on and off five times. It's technophobe-fool-proof. Literally. 
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I've been trialling these lights in both the dining room and the home office, because I wanted to get an idea of how they're meant to be used around different rooms in the house. When you download the app, you can add each light bulb to its own room and you can also identify each bulb within the room with a different icon that correlates to that light fitting. From hanging bulbs to pendants to table lamps, there's enough icons to clearly identify each light fitting. You can even identify one table lamp for another. For the sake of this blog post, I'm photographing the office light fitting only - purely because it's much prettier and shows off the effect of the bulb much better. And I'm sure you'll agree!
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Yep it's a giant ball of fluff on my ceiling and I love it. For anyone interested, it's a Amazon bargain find of just £33 which you can find right here. Being white, it also means it's the perfect shade for showing off the light bulbs infinite range of colours. And speaking of which - there's 16 million of them to choose from! Maybe you want a light pink hue to fill the room..
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Or even a darker hot pink..
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OR a cool blue..
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Or even a green?
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OK, I'm sure you get the gist by now. Literally, I kid you not when I say the options are endless though. With 16 million colours available, it's doubtful you'll ever use them all. But, you could, in theory. Coloured lights may not necessarily be for everyone - but if you have young kids, it's a great way to add a bit of sensory stimulation to their rooms. And it's also a fun way for older kids to change the entire feel of their room at the drop of a hat. They can hit up FLAME RED as they pretend to be Fireman Sam (Or is he so 90s now?) or even COOL BLUE as they pretend to be at swimming in an ocean. You get my drift. I think it'd also be wicked for parties, adult ones as well as kid ones. Or it'd even be fab in a cool man-cave or cinema room. I also know lots of people who love the odd spot of colourful LED strip lighting throughout the home too - so I'm certain they'd love this in a table lamp!
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Aside from having a bit of fun with the colours, it's also said that the colour of light can affect our moods. If you're feeling anxious, a calming mint green light is meant to be best. If you need cheering up, for yellow. For each colour you pick, you can also alter how dim/bright you want it to be too. It can be as gentle or as vibrant as you want.
But if colour isn't your thing, then perhaps 64,000 shades of white will make up for it instead? I know what you're thinking "HOW?!" I thought that too. Turns out there's orange white, yellow white,  blue light, bright white, dim white, barely there white, bright as the freaking sun white. More whites than I ever deemed possible!
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As much as I love the coloured aspect of the bulbs, I think the different white lights excite me even more. You can even simulate 'daylight'; which, being a blogger and needing to take a lot of photographs - is blooming' amazing! No need to plan my photos around daylight hours, I can now get a good shot whatever the weather. I also work night-shifts as my *day job* so it's also a great way to simulate daylight hours during the nighttime, so not to mess with your internal body clock so to speak. Even for normal day-workers and non-bloggers it's fab though. A brighter light in the morning gives you punch of waking up you need, a more relaxed calmer light in the evening is perfect to chill out under before bed. You can select the perfect working light for cooking in the kitchen, or the perfect 'calming' light for doing a spot of yoga. In a nutshell, you can literally always create the *perfect* lighting for a room depending on how you're using it that day. I think it'd be awesome for mood lighting during a dinner party!
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Features Within The App
Along with the bulbs and remote, there's also a free downloadable app which has a few additional features which I thought was also worth a mention too.
Fade In, Fade Out - Need I say more? Love it!
Wake-Up/Bedtime Lights - This one is actually amazing! You can set the lights to slowly come on/off within a 30 minute period, depending on whether you're dozing off to sleep or waking up. It in effect, acts like a Lumie Bodyclock (or similar) without the extra cost. I love it!
Schedule Your Lights - Doesn't need me to say much more, does it? Perfect for holidays or arriving home in the dark and having to stumble your way across a shite-tip of a hall to find the light switch (if you follow me on Instagram, you'll know what I mean!).
Plant Growth - Once I saw this setting, I was pretty sure I'd seen it all. Yep there's a light to help your plants grow! It's insane. And it's brilliant. And perhaps I should have bought this much earlier and I could have saved a few plants! Night Light - This one is basically like those plug-in night lights you can buy. It has a very gentle glow that means you don't have to stumble across a dark room to find the toilet, or subject your eyes to a hard blinding wake up call by turning the lights on. We've used this feature every single night in the dining room. So handy!
Themes - There's a whole range of different pre-set 'themes' depending on how/when you're using your lights. From the perfect light to watch TV with, to a 'Party' theme, a 'Romance' theme and even seasonal themes. Adding 'Moments' - If you want to save a certain light setting and remember it as a particular event (say Valentines Day Meal) can save that 'moment' with a photo and re-create that exact light at a later date at the touch of a button. I think that's a really thoughtful addition which is great for special occasions. Everything in the app is really easy to use and it's really well organised. I didn't have any problems with connectivity or any problems in general. It's simple and it works.
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With the two-bulb set, you get the handy remote too, which allows you to pre-set your four favourite themes, instantly turn the bulb into a night light, as well as alter the brightness at the touch of a button. One remote can control every bulb separately - you just need to point it at the right one. Brilliant!
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How Long Do They Last? That depends on how often you use them. But these bulbs claim to have a lifespan of 25,000 hours which is equivalent to around 10 years if the bulbs are used for 6 hours every day. Which is better than any energy-saving light bulb I've ever used! And at £69.95 for the pair, I think that makes these a pretty decent investment! So I think I've covered the main features and the only thing I haven't tried out myself is connecting it to a home hub, as we haven't got one of those. In the last month of testing these bulbs out, I haven't honestly used the colours that much. I think they're fab and whilst I'm quite partial to the hot-pink look in the office; most of the time we've used the bulbs in different white settings. I can totally imagine myself using colours for a party or special event, but for day-to-day use the colours aren't seeing much action from us. That being said, we did have a disco theme going whilst drinking prosecco a few weeks back. It's something that's nice to have from time to time, but not necessarily for everyday use. Unless you're totally into that!
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For us, it's all about the white settings. Going from daylight to a working light to a dim evening light has really been amazing. I've found it easier to get to sleep after being underneath a dimmer relaxing light in the evening and I've also felt so much more awake in the mornings after using the daylight settings. I wish I had used this during the winter months as getting out of my bed in dark hours is something I quite often struggle with! We're currently renovating the lounge at the moment and planning our lighting for the room - and I will be definitely be purchasing a couple more white ones for table lamps in here. So, would I recommend? Absolutely, yes! As long as having changeable lights is something you would use, then I think it's a serious worthwhile investment. It's certainly not necessarily for every single light fitting (I'm certain still a huge fan of the Edison bulbs!) but where it's useful - it's absolute brill. It's a bit of fun and at the same time, it's surprisingly useful in ways which you wouldn't expect, until you use one.
Do you have smart light bulbs? What do you think to them?
Products Featured:
Wiz.World Smart Light Bulbs x2
Feather Pendant Light
*The Smart Lighting featured in this blog was sent to me to review. Thank you for supporting the brands who support this blog! :)
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from Tips For Basements http://www.kezzabeth.co.uk/2018/02/smart-lighting-wiz-light-bulb-review.html
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thenthdimension · 7 years
My Top Ten Comics of the Year List because the one from Vice Sucked
So vice has released a list of its top ten comics of the year that was only eight entries long because apparently comics were so bad this year that eight was as many as they could manage. This really frustrated me, mainly because their problem was with the quality of comics (which I thought was great) and not the behaviour of individuals and organisations within the industry (a lot of which was very bad). I am not going to link to the article because if you want to find it you can but I am not going to help you. I am however going to give my top ten list which I realise a lot of other people have done in reaction to the article but I’m just too annoyed to do nothing.
Some caveats before I start, firstly I am just someone who likes comics and I have not read 90% of the stuff that has come out because I am not a) rich or b) someone who receives comics to review. Secondly I am a white/cis/het man and my comics reading is not as diverse as I would like but I do want to work on that this year. Thirdly some of these will be graphic novels, some individual issues and some on-goings. Finally this is in no particular order, feel free to skip past entries you have not interest in and please check to the end of the list to see if something catches your interest. If one person reads one comic because I did this that is a huge win.
Aliens Dead Orbit by James Stokoe
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James Stokoe is one of the best cartoonists working in comics today. Most of the books he works on are top to bottom his work, writing, pencils, inks, colouring, lettering the whole bag and that is the case here. The details in his panels is incredible as you can see here but only when it needs to be. When he needs the readers eye to move quickly across a page to show speed or to make show a lot happening in a short space of time the detail drops without losing any of the skill. Also I just love his colouring the warm lighting contrasting with the cold metal of the ship and dark blacks of space and the aliens themselves. This is not a complicated or deep story that going to tell anything new about this universe its just excellently told and looks fab.
Kaijumax: Season 3 by Zander Cannon with colour assists by Jason Fischer
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This is a prison comic where the prisoners are giant monsters, I really don’t know what else you want me to say about this. At its best it can be disturbing, funny, exciting and you will never know how much you could care about a giant satanic Goat. That goat is the Creature from Devils Creek and his is the best story line this season, I was honestly upset and some of the things he had to go through. I obviously recommend going back and reading the previous two seasons but this is the best Kaijumax has been and I cannot wait for season 4.
Doom Patrol Written by Gerard Way, Pencils by Nick Derington, Inks by Tom Fowler, Colours by Tamara Bonvillian and Letters by Todd Klien
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The lead singer of My Chemical Romance writes one of my favourite comics. That’s a weird thing to say but then comics are weird and this comic if full bore weird. Coming from DC’s Young Animal line which is basically Way’s baby this is technically a book about a team of superheros but really its well developed characters dealing with whatever mad thing happens that month. But as much as I enjoy the madness and Ways writing Nick Derington is the best thing about this book. There was an issue that had guest art by Mike Allred, who I love, and all I wanted was for Derington to come back. Plus that madcap writing means he gets to draw some incredible looking stuff. Also one of the main characters has sex with their anthropomorphised cat.
The Wicked + The Divine Written by Kieron Gillen, Art by Jamie McKelvie, Colours by Matthew Wilson and Letters by Clayton Cowles
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It was never going to be ok. That’s basically the motto of this book and this year has shown you how true that is. Every 90 years the cycle repeats normal people become gods and will not live past 2 years, this time they also became pop stars. Wic Div has been going for a couple of years now and it just keeps getting better, the characters are so real and who they are is brilliantly reflected in the art. It will break your heart but it will also have dying to read the next issue. Plus they have started doing specials which show glimpses of the past pantheons. Its currently on issue 34 so its something of a commitment but it rewards that commitments and the collections come out with a decent regularity. Oh if you are a tumblr person do not look at the Wic Div tag unless you want SPOILERS.
Copra #31 by Michel Fiffe
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Fiffe is another top to bottom cartoonist and he also self publishes Copra, so this is proper indie comics. Copra is a Suicide Squad fan comic that’s almost consistently better than the actual Suicide Squad comic. A team of mercenaries and criminals do the jobs no one can admit to and treated as expendable by those who put them in harms way. Its art and action comics all at once. This issue focuses on Castillo who as you may be able to tell is somewhat like the Punisher and its just a great example of what makes Copra great. I could see Fiffes art not being for everybody but its 100% for me.
Southern Cross written by Becky Cloonan, Art by Andy Belanger, Colours by Lee Loughride and Letters by Serge LaPointe
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Southern Cross is like an Aliens movie directed by John Carpenter filtered through H.P. Lovecreaft. Put on some synth-wave, prog rock or cosmic metal and enjoy a horror comic that’s also a huge amount of fun. The first arc was Alex Braith booking passage aboard the Southern Cross to find out what happened to her sister. This years second arc takes us to the rigs on Titan where the mystery of whats going on deepens and we find out more about the life in this universe. Can’t recommend it highly enough, plus some of the space suits have Jason masks, which makes me very happy.
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl # 26 The Zine Issue by Ryan North, Erica Henderson, Rico Renzi and many, many more
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I cannot list all the creators please go look them up. Squirrel Girl (she has the powers of both Squirrel and Girl) is a comic that is always a huge amount of fun and this issue is the zine that Squirrel Girl has put together with her friends to raise money for all the public buildings superheroes destroy. It features a feel good inspiration comic written by a nihilistic brain in a jar, Cat Loki, a quite touching story about Wolverine and a sentinel and a Galactus comic written and drawn by Jim Davis the creator of Garfield. You can read this all by itself and still enjoy it so its a great place to find out if Squirrel Girl is for you which it probably is because Squirrel Girl rules. Eat nuts, kick butts. 
Mister Miracle #4 Written by Tom King, Art by Mitch Gerads and letters by Clayton Cowles
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Mister Miracle is one of the New Gods. Mister Miracle can escape any trap. Mister Miracle is depressed and recently tried to kill himself. This twelve issue mini series is going to show up on a lot of best of lists this year and that’s totally justified. But of the five issues released so far I believe this, The Trial of Mister Miracle, is the best. Every great about this series is crystallised here, the 9 panel grids, the quite unflinching look at depression, the art that expertly mixes the fantastic and the mundane and the incredibly sharp writing. I haven’t seen a better example of a character who is entirely correct but also completely wrong.
Savage Town written by Declan Shalvey, Art by Philip Barrett, Colours by Jordie Bellaire and Letters by Clayton Cowles
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Cartoonists get a lot of props for being able to handle every aspect of creating a comic book and there are some great examples on this list. This comic I believe is the best example of how a great team on a book can be just as effective as a great cartoonist. Its Limerick near the turn of 2000, Jimmy Savage is the leader of a small gang and trouble is heading his way. I love that one of the best crime comics this year is about an Irish city and comes from a majority Irish team. Its also great to see a comics writer writing Irish accented dialogue that doesn’t read like its out of Darby O’Gil and the Little people. And its a great story too, I really hope there is some kind of follow up as I’d really love to come back to this town and these characters again.
My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness by Nagata Kabi
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This year I decided to start reading more manga (Japanese comics) and I decided to start with this which was a bit of an odd choice but one I do not regret. This true story can be difficult to read because it is true. Nagata was this lonely, this isolated, this depressed and the really had this struggle with their sexuality. The depression they felt was crippling and while a lot of things I could relate to, especially berating yourself which I used to do a lot, I really had no idea. I have always considered myself as decent person who understood that depression was something that could paralyse a person but until I read this I don’t think I truly considered what that meant. The sense of isolation and loneliness is so strong I honestly don’t know how they got through it. And then they recounted it with such a great sense of humour and didn’t shy away at all. I feel like I am not explaining this well, I don’t read lot of things like this and maybe I don’t have quite the right vocabulary. Just know that this is the most affecting piece of media I came across this year. If I know you IRL please ask to borrow it because I would love to hear what other people think of it.
And that’s it, those are the ten best comics I read this year. You can find all of these on comixology, amazon and good comic book stores. If there is something you’d be interesting in reading and you don’t know how to get a hold of it ask me and I’ll see if I can help you find it. Comics a great and anyone who kind find ten great ones in a year is not looking hard enough or is a pretentious prick. I know for a fact there is stacks of great stuff I didn’t get to read this year. Its all out there, you just have to look.
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lumalilac · 7 years
1-100 ;)
*Cracks knuckles* Let’s do it
1. Last kiss
Family wise my mom. Not family @queenlicatastrophe
2. Last phone call
I think it was another store who never answered me back finally getting around to me 8 months later when I already had a job.
3. Last text message
My dad
4. Last song you listened to
Feelings by Hayley Kiyoko
5. Last time you cried
Honestly I can’t remember. Not in the “I havn’t cried in a while” sense and more in the “I have literally no sense of time” sense.
6. Dated someone twice
7. Been cheated on
8. Self harmed
Not really.
9. Lost someone special
10. Been depressed
11. Been drunk and threw up
Nope and hope to never.
12. had sex
13. How many people have you had sex with this year?
15. Made a new friend
Ehhhhhh not really. Though the line between “Friend” and “Close Aquaintence” is kinda strict for me.
17. Laughed until you cried
18. Met someone who changed you
Yes, it’s hard not to.
19. Found out who your true friends were
20. Found out someone was talking about you
Been there, done that.
26. What did you do for your last Birthday
Just went out for dinner with my folks.
27. What time did you wake up today
I wanna say around 11? I usually wake up, check something, and go back to sleep a few times before I’m up completely. Allergies were also a bitch this morning so I was really allergied out
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for
The next time I can hang out with a friend
30. Last time you saw your all of your siblings at the same time
Like two hours ago.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life
I wish I had gotten tested sooner.
32. What are you listening to right now
Silence. And me typing.
33. When is the last time you had sex?
34. Who’s getting on your nerves right now
My boss.
35. Most visited webpage
Somewhere between tumblr, my email, youtube, Tapastic, and currently tagpacker
36. Favorite colour
37. Nicknames
Katie, Kate, Luma, Luma-Bug, Lumama, Katie-Kat, Burrito Overlord, Cat-ilyn, etc.
38. Relationship Status
39. Zodiac sign
40. Male or female
How about no?
41. Primary school
Block House
42. Secondary School
43. High school/college
Leander HS
44. Eye color
Blue Hazel/Grey/Blue/Green and everywhere in between
46. Height
47. Do you have a crush on someone
At this point I’m tired of trying to figure out where the difference between strong platonic, Squish, and Crush lies. Let me just appriciate people in my life
48. What do you like about yourself
The fact that somehow I’m still kicking
49. Piercings
Nope and never will
50. Tattoos
Not with my fear of needles I’m not
51. Righty or lefty
53. First piercing
54. First best friend
Grace, never could remember her last name. She had the same birthday as me and I was convinced she was my soul mate. I should have realized I was queer a long time ago.
55. First hookup
56. First Bestfriend
Refer to 54.
59. Eating
60. Drinking
61. I’m about to
Work more on transferring all of my webcomics into tagpacker.
62. Listening to
63. Waiting for
getting too tired to keep working
64. Want kids?
Probably not. If I ever do they’ll probably be older and adopted
65. Get married?
I’d love to marry a QPP. Whether or not I ever have a more significant relationship is another thing entirely
66. Career
I’d love to have some form of career in webcomics, whether it be blogging about them or making my own. My most out there dream is skydiving instructor. The realistic one I’m going for is something in the cooking industry that makes enough money to decently live on my own
67. Lips or eyes
68. Hugs or kisses
69. Shorter or taller
70. Older or Younger
Pefer my own age
71. Romantic or spontaneous
72. Nice stomach or nice arms
73. Sensitive or loud
74. Hook-up or relationship
76. Kissed a stranger
77. Drank hard liquor
Hell no
78. Lost glasses/contacts
79. Had sex
80. Broken someone’s heart
82. Been arrested
83. Turned someone down
84. Cried when someone died
Every Time
85. Fallen for a friend
86. Yourself
It’s a work in progress
87. Miracles
with the small things. Big things, well, those you gotta make yourself.
88. Love at first sight
I’m not even sure what love is how am I supposed to know if it can happen at first sight?
89. Heaven
I don’t know. But I can’t stake my life and thus my happiness on something may or may not be real. 
90. Santa Clause
91. Kiss on the first date
If it’s consensual who am i to judge? Definitely not for me tho
92. Angels
93. How would you label yourself?
Confused but trying to make the most out of it.
94. Someone You Pray Everyday For
I try not to pray. Everytime I’ve really prayed the person ends up dead.
95. Did you sing today
96. Who From All Your Ex’s have You Cared The Most About
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?
I don’t think it would be a good idea for me to go back in time, between my queerness and my disabilities I would be in for a rough ride.
98. Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish For
just to be content. I want to look in the mirror and feel proud of what I see staring back at me. I want to know that I have a strong support group that I can trust to be there that isn’t too far away. I want to know I have a roof over my head that can’t just be snatched up by anyone who gets sick of me. A job that provides for the basics and also allows me to send money on the things and experiences that I’ll look back on happily
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?
Yes. Because I know that no matter how much I care, how hard I work, how much I love a person, it will never be really recognized as significant in the long run. Since the only love I can give is platonic, it will never seen as enough. No matter how much I give, I’ll never get as much in return. Maybe it’s because I have problems truly letting people in, for personal reasons and because of my communication problems. The few real platonic relationships I have been able to make mean the world to me, but I wish I was enough to make them last.
100. Do you like the way you look?
Not really. I mean, I have an ok face, but I wish I could pass more as androgynous/masculine. my face is really round so I have no real edges I can sharpen up to look more masculine, even with makeup.
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