#honey bee x clyde logan
glassbxttles · 4 years
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Clyde Logan x Reader Summary: Just a few thoughts on Clyde being a dad to Benjamin (established here) strewn together from my brain. Word Count: 858
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The day you gave birth was hectic. You had scheduled your cesarean on the 15th, narrowly avoiding your Friday the 13th due date. Clyde wouldn’t have it. Too much bad luck t’be playin’ around with that, honey.
So you took leisure in packing and double checking both yours and Clyde’s bag the night before. A hand resting on your belly. Clyde brought you a glass of orange juice and some toast, reminding you you wouldn’t be able to eat soon.
He pressed a few gentle kisses on your swollen tummy. This was one of the last times he’d see you so full. 
The morning of the 15th went smoothly. You and Clyde arrived at the hospital, met the staff that were going to be taking care of you, and then were able to get you both dressed and prepped for your little nugget to enter this big world. Clyde was perfect. He sat right by your head, whispering words of encouragement. Once the surgery had started, Clyde was able to stand, against the wishes of the doctor, to peek at where his son was being born. 
Clyde usually doesn’t cry, but the tears that fell as he watched your son take his first breath, couldn’t be stopped. “You did amazin’ honey bee.” He whispers to you, as Benjamin was placed on your chest. Your arms weren’t able to move, from the partial anesthesia, shaking uncontrollably from the epidural. Clyde’s flesh hand was on him though, quicker than you could’ve imagined. “Shhh, we’ve got him.” He whispered to you, pressing a few kisses against your head as the nurse you’d passed your phone to snapped a few photos of your first moments as a family of three. 
That whole first week was new territory that neither of you had ever ventured into. Clyde’s partial arm had Benjamin tucked up tight against his body as he eyed the television, you both were exhausted. Top Chef was on and you’d been watching it as you made dinner. Your mind buzzing off the pain medication you’d been given and love for your two best boys.
Clyde tipped a beer to his lips, Ben was asleep. You didn’t think it would ever be better than this. 
At bedtime, Clyde was the one tucking Ben into his bassinet. It was a few feet from your bed, isolated into what you two made Ben’s Corner. He was the one humming soft show tunes to your little one. Clyde had seemed to never be afraid of anything, until then. Every single thing had him on edge, fearing he just might be so unlucky to have Ben, ripped from him.
You soothed his nightmares with calming words and gentle kisses, but nothing calmed him down like sitting in the rocking chair with Benny in his arms. When you had suggested naming the baby after him, his whole chest got hot. He tried to stop you, “Darlin’ I ain’t anything special. He needs his own name.” And that’s when Clyde brought Ben up to you. You used the full name Benjamin and Clyde had given in, with you attaching Clyde to the middle. You couldn’t imagine him being named anything else. It fit him perfectly.
When Ben started growing older, Clyde started watching the way he spoke. He was cleaning up his act. He didn’t want Benjamin picking up the wrong idea. You watched the way they played together, Clyde was lying in the grass as Ben picked up rocks, showing each one to his dad. You smiled. If you could hear them, you’d know Clyde was telling him all about each one, in hopes he’d teach him something to hold onto. 
You knew just how far Clyde’s intelligence spanned, and you knew that he turned to putty any time Ben asked him for help with a word or what made the leaves green. Clyde always took his time explaining, and if he didn’t know the answer, they would look it up together.
“Daddy?” Ben whispered quietly when you stepped onto the back patio to sit on the swing and read by yourself in the cool breeze, sipping a lemonade as you went. Maybe you just wanted to get a better look at Clyde teaching your son all that he knew about. Maybe you wanted to hear Ben’s small voice asking for help. Maybe you wanted to bask in the fact that this was your family. You were the Logan’s, and you got to watch Clyde change from a bashful teenager, to a vet, to a family man. Clyde knew no other joy than getting to be Ben’s dad and your husband.
“Hm?” Clyde smiled, propping himself up on his partial arm. A rock that Ben had dropped in front of him was in his hand.
“I love you.” Ben grins as he settles down, leaning against Clyde’s belly as he lays there. Clyde smiles, glancing over at you. He wanted another baby.
“I love you too, bud.” Clyde kisses the top of his head, going back to teaching Ben about his rocks. There was a smile toying on his lips, and Clyde never let out smiles like that. Your heart clenched. You both needed another baby.
|| part one || part two || part three || part four ||
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glassbxttless · 4 years
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Clyde Logan x Reader
Part Four (final)
Summary: just Clyde being a dad.
Word Count: 1,395
Warnings: multiple miscarriages, stillbirth
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Clyde was ecstatic to be a dad again, you two hadn’t even been trying this time. You liked the age gap between Ben and Andy, and here your third little boy was coming.
“I like Nathan.” You told Clyde as he unbuckled his belt to drop his jeans to the floor, pulling on his bed shorts. You glanced up from your phone when you didn’t get a response.
“I was thinking something like Daniel.” He says as he sits on the edge to peel his socks off. “Just a thought.”
“So you don’t like Nathan?” You laugh softly as he leans back in bed, pressing a small kiss against your swollen tummy. “I like Daniel. I think it's a really good option. Pair it with something nice in the middle and I think we’ve got a real deal sealer.” You brushed your fingers through his hair smiling. At thirty-two weeks you still look as gorgeous as ever— maybe a little tired, from dealing with Ben and Andy all day, but you didn’t mind. “Get some sleep, Clyde.” You two didn’t get very many nights together, not with Clyde at the Duck Tape.
The next morning you two went about yourselves; Clyde sleeping in and dropping off the boys at Mellie’s for the day, her going on and on about how she’d make them just too pretty for their photos later that evening.
And you were three hours into your work day before you realized you hadn’t felt little Daniel move or kick at all. You excused yourself from your office and stepped into the kitchen of the office to snack on something sweet. Maybe it would wake Danny up.
You waited another hour before you felt really wrong and called Clyde. He was half asleep when he answered, but perked up the second he heard your wavering voice. You two met at the hospital and were rushed back for your ultrasound.
They decided to deliver your little Daniel John-Bennett that evening with another cesarean, his heart just wasn’t pumping anymore. And they regretted every second of having to tell you both that. Clyde let you hold him first, and as long as you wanted; as long as you needed to. Clyde sat in his chair in the corner when it was his turn, holding him tightly to his chest with his flesh arm.
And neither of you were ready to let him go. Your little bundle of joy, they wrapped in a blanket and gave you both his birth certificate and death certificate paperwork to fill out before you left. You decided to bury Danny next to Clyde’s mama, so she’d look after him whilst you couldn’t.
After that day, Clyde was different. He held Ben and Andy a little tighter, read their stories a little louder, and promised them he’d be home and awake a lot more. He wanted to be a better dad and not miss out on a thing when it came to them.
It was Clyde who sat the boys down and explained that their brother went to be with his mama. That he just wasn’t ready to be a part of their family here. He had bigger and better plans. Benjamin had a ton of questions, as you both knew he would, but neither of you could bear to answer them completely.
You took time to heal and so did Clyde. You wanted the intimate relationship you’d always had to comfort you when you’ve needed it the most. You’d lost your baby and you blamed yourself for not noticing earlier. Maybe they could’ve saved him. But Clyde reassured you every chance he had that it wasn’t your fault. Nothing could’ve helped. Sometimes these things just happen.
And maybe these things did just happen. But they certainly always happened to him. After about a year of mourning, you two were able to get past it. Celebrate Ben’s birthday, and then Andy’s, and then you two were taking the boys and a small cake to Daniel’s grave to celebrate his. And once you got home and were alone with your husband, you were the one to break the ice. “Maybe we should try again… for one last one?”
And so you did. You tried and you tried and you tried. Every month for another year seemed like you failed. And you started to think, maybe it wasn’t so bad being an earth side family of four. Ben was eight and Andy was four. They were both school aged and you had plenty of time for yourself.
And that’s when you got your positive. And Clyde was so fucking happy. He’s loved every second he’s gotten to be a father. And he’ll love every second he gets to watch you be a mother.
And then after ten week, you were bleeding. And you tried again, and you were bleeding after six. And maybe you stopped trying. Maybe you stopped caring.
You gave up. He gave up. You two were perfectly fine with Benjamin and Andrew. You visited Daniel regularly, as a family and on your own.
Sometimes Clyde would sit in front of Daniel’s grave for hours. He’d cry, tell the universe how fucking unfair it was. But he’s been better. He’s dealt with his grief. He just wishes he had all of his kids.
He knew you had a doctors appointment that morning and he really wasn’t expecting your panicked call; I’m pregnant.
You two were both so fucking careful your entire pregnancy. When you were ordered to stay in bed, that’s what you did. Clyde got the boys up and gave them pop tarts or cereal for breakfast. He got them dressed and to school. And you sat in bed, reading to your little Violet Dolores.
It was a cold, late night, in September when you woke up with your water breaking. Still too early for your little one to be cooked thoroughly. You called Clyde to get him home. You didn’t care who had to take over the bar but he definitely needed to get his ass here.
You called Jimmy to come sit with the boys. You got yourself together.
And Violet was your first born you’ve gotten to actually deliver. She was small and beautiful and her eyes popped open. Even if she was all skin and bones. She was 3lbs3oz and you and Clyde both got to love and dote on her before she was taken away, being transported to a hospital somewhere in Charleston to be able to be cared for properly.
You and Clyde were able to visit every weekend, between work and the boys school. Clyde was the first one to offer himself up for skin to skin. Clyde was the one who changed her diaper first, fed her first, and read to her. Clyde was so excited to be her fucking dad he couldn’t contain himself.
When you were able to, you brought the boys to meet their sister. Benjamin would be nine right here real soon and Andrew would be five. “Now boys you have’ta be careful with her. She’s still pretty small.” Clyde was crouching down in front of them. Andrew just nodded and smiled.
“We’re careful, daddy.”
Benjamin just held onto your hand when Andrew peeked into her incubator. All three of your little ones, and even Daniel, all looked like Clyde. All acted like Clyde (maybe your imagination worked on that a bit for Dan). And you were finally completely whole when you saw your family together.
When it came time for family photos, Clyde had Violet sitting on his lap. You sat next to him with Andrew on yours. There was a teddy bear in between you both, with Benjamin standing behind it. You’d clipped two little honey bee pins to the top of your stockings. This way the two you’d lost and Daniel could be a part of your photos.
Clyde smiled at you, listening to the kids run and laugh and play around. Violet straggling along behind her brothers, barely able to walk.
“We did this.” He whispered, pulling you into his side and kissing the top of your head.
You smiled, taking in the last eighteen years. Clyde might not have been the perfect father. But he was a damn good one and he tried as hard as he could.
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desiraypark · 4 years
Clyde x Sherri Master Post
Clyde x Sherri is an ongoing non-linear series about (now) married couple, Clyde and Sherri (Simmons) Logan. Clyde and Sherri are currently living it up in “real-time”, but entries could be set in the past or future. Sometimes major events are sped up (ex: in real-time, they moved to Norfolk, VA in September 2020, but I’ve been writing them in their new city since July 2020).  This post (which is long, I must add) contains a breakdown of the series entries and some story development details (the Capricorn jumps out, y’all).  Full Series in Posting Order (Entry Breakdown below) LONG POST WARNING
ENTRY INDEX ( *- means they’re being sexy and/or they’re gonna bang) Before They Met July 1992 (Young Clyde x Sherri cross paths) Dating Era The First Date “Familiar” (How They Met) Untitled Prompt Request (Clyde asking Sherri to quit one of her jobs) “Was it for a good reason?” (Sherri learns about the robbery)  Shattered (continuation of the previous) Locked Away (cont. of the prev.) No More Secrets (cont. of the prev.) - Sherri x Jimmy Like Magnets (cont. of the prev.) Meet the Parents (Clyde meets Terry & Ramona Simmons) “Where’s Sherri?” (Request/Clyde x Sherri at a family cookout) Honeybunch (Why Sherri calls Clyde “Honeybunch”) Movin’ In (Prompt request)
Married (Before the child/children) Dearly Beloved (Part of their Wedding) Shut Up, Clyde* (Their Honeymoon) Summer Madness (Summer fluff) Bare Feet (Prompt Request - Clyde and Sherri enjoy a kiddie pool) Lil’ House Guest (Critter alert) Have Clyde’s Cake and Eat It, Too (Sherri can’t resist sweets) Sherri Logan, P.I.* (A lil’ roleplay)  Bad* (A hint of dominatin’ Clyde) Are We Ready? (Discussing children) “Where is my tongue?!” (Sherri gets her wisdom teeth pulled) A Birthday First* (Sherri puts on a show) Lunch Time* (Clyde his hungry) “Love Won’t Let Me Wait”* (Baby Fever in a thunderstorm) Yoink! (Sherri is not to be trifled with) Headed West (Clyde and Sherri move) Every Room* (You see what it says) Something in Common (Clyde and Sherri meet their neighbors) A Mean Old Fashioned (Clyde gets a new job) “Her Name is Sherri.” (Clyde finds the perfect job for Sherri) A Long Night* (If you give a Clyde a remote...) Negative to a Positive (Sherri suspects pregnancy) Deserving (Sherri helps Clyde through anxiety) Bad Mood* (Clyde fixes that lil’ attitude) Babies with Dimples (Clyde and Sherri have too much to drink) Sherri and the Giant Peach (Sherri tries on business clothing) Apple Pie (Sherri freestyles a popular dessert) Chef Sadie (Sadie goes on a cooking competition reality show) Too Much* (Clyde lets out some frustration) No Solids / No Sweets (Sherri’s sick and refuses to do the right thing) Cherries & Honey (Sherri gets a tattoo) The Near Future The Big People (From Clyde and Sherri’s child’s POV) Shush. (Pregnant Sherri wants Clyde to be comfortable) Peanut Butter Jelly Time! (Pregnant Sherri is hungry and horny) The Family Man (Clyde’s dad returns) Catwoman (The Logans go trick-or-treating) The Distant Future Ruby (Clyde and Sherri’s 40th Anniversary) The Weight (Part I - Part II) (Sherri deals with impostor’s syndrome) With Others No More Secrets (Sherri x Jimmy) The Little Things (Clyde x James Cooke) Extra Stuff The World of Clyde x Sherri - “behind-the-scenes” type stuff (includes their birth charts, text conversations, descriptions of their homes, etc.) Sim Clyde x Sherri (I made them in The Sims 4) _______________________ MAJOR TIMELINE The events of Logan Lucky are pushed back to 2015 solely because I wanted Clyde and Sherri to have known each other for a long-time (again, relative to “real-time”).  2015 Early May - Clyde got locked up Late August - Clyde got out December - Clyde moved into his own two-bedroom home // Clyde and Sherri “formally” met.  2017 January - Clyde and Sherri started dating Early April - Clyde and Sherri broke up Early May - Clyde and Sherri got back together Late May - Sherri formally met Jimmy and Mellie  June - Clyde met Sherri’s separated parents (Terry and Ramona Simmons) 2018 March - Clyde and Sherri got engaged September - Clyde and Sherri got married “2020″ September - Clyde and Sherri moved to Norfolk, VA. ______________________ BACKGROUND STORIES Some Clyde Logan headcanons; Sherri Logan development Content/Trigger Warnings: Depression; impostor syndrome; self-doubt; death; parent death; war mention; war injury mention; abandonment (by a parent); cancer mention. Sherri (Simmons) Logan was born on January 25, 1988, in Charleston, West Virginia. Her family moved to Boone when she was a toddler. She has an older sister named Robyn and a little brother named Terry Jr (aka TJ). Sherri graduated high school with a 4.0 GPA and attended North Carolina Central University where she studied Early Childhood Education for two years. Her life’s dream was to become an elementary school librarian. While in college, Sherri’s parents separated. As a result, she became depressed, and eventually so overwhelmed with school work that she dropped out.  Despite her inner desire, Sherri avoided any work in the education field and took on jobs in retail and customer service. When she and Clyde started dating, she worked two jobs--cashier at a dollar store and cashier at a local supermarket. She was also living with her best friend, Tasha. Sherri still feels the “sting” of (self-imposed) embarrassment that has come with being “the one who was supposed to “make it” but didn’t”, but occasionally considers returning to school. Sherri’s sister, Robyn, moved back to Charleston when she married Devon. They have a son, Devon Jr (aka DJ), and a baby girl named Princess. Her brother, TJ, lives in Atlanta, GA. Sherry currently works as the morning/afternoon receptionist at Busy Bees Daycare. Entries to Reference: “July 1992″, “Her name is Sherri.”, “Untitled Prompt Request”, “Familiar”. Clyde Logan was born on November 25, 1983, in Boone, West Virginia to Donna Logan and Timothy Green. He has an older brother named James (aka Jimmy) and a little sister named Melody (aka Mellie). When Clyde was about eight years old, Timothy (never having married Donna), abandoned his family--only sending the occasional postcard to his parents and for the first couple of years, birthday cards to his kids (through his parents). When Donna died of cancer in 1996, the Logan children moved in with their maternal grandparents, Aaron and Sylvia. 
Around this time, Clyde noticeably became more introverted, but often got in trouble for little mischievous acts (ex: setting off the school fire alarm to get out of a test; the occasional schoolyard fight). He joined the Army after high school and just as he was returning home after a second tour in Iraq, Clyde lost the lower part of his left arm in a roadside accident. Inspired by his newfound love for cooking shows, Clyde began taking bartending classes, and late in 2004, started working at Duck Tape. He worked there for sixteen years. 
Aaron and Sylvia Logan have since passed away (Aaron in 1999, Sylvia in 2008), as has Clyde’s paternal grandmother, Betty (d. 2013). His brother Jimmy currently lives in Greenbrier County, WV has a daughter named Sadie and a fiancée named (ironically), Sylvia. Mellie is recently married to Joe Bang. Clyde currently works as day bartender at a posh restaurant called Strafford’s Kitchen.  Entries to Reference: “July 1992″, “Familiar”, “A Mean Old Fashioned”, “Headed West”.  _____________________ I even have a work schedule for these two but I’m gonna to sit down somewhere and finish this. Bye. Lol.
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Take it Easy | Chapter 4
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Source: radamdriver
4/15 (Chapter 3) (Chapter 5)
Pairing: Clyde Logan x Reader 
Word Count: 2,850+ 
Disclaimer: All copyrighted characters are property of Bleeker Street, Fingerprint Releasing & Steven Soderbergh.
Warning: Rated PG-13 (Eventual NC-17)  
Author’s Notes: So writing this chapter has been a bit of a train wreck. I started about a week ago and had three pages done only to lose everything. </3  I’ve also been fighting writer’s block because I know exactly where I want to go with chapter five. Connecting point A to B’s proven quite difficult to do without messing up the pacing. Shoot me a message if you’d like to be added to the tag list. 
This morning was a painful reminder that your trip to West Virginia wasn’t all fun and games. Max finally managed to corner you and asked you to do some contract work for him. As much as you wanted to say no you did owe him something your sponsoring your trip down here. Besides, there was a potential job offer at the end of this. Now whether or not you would take it was an entirely different story... 
It turns out when Max said contract work he meant signing Dayton White. Directly across the table from you sat 72 inches of pure unadulterated New Yorker with a perfectly styled mop of brown hair and blue eyes to boot. However, he wasn’t your typical city-goer. Dayton turned out to be the extremely health conscious type that resided in the East Hamptons. All in all, he seemed like a nice enough person with some semblance of a sense of humor... He’d just lost you the minute he started seriously discussing his body as a set of “iOS” processes. You couldn’t help but wonder if he even installed the last iPhone update... 
Yet, that didn’t matter much because this “iOS” had been chosen to drive the “To the Max” car. The two of you were currently stewing over the finer parts of his contract. This morning you spent three hours walking him through the document  after Max decided to change the game. He believed it was more important to be able to fire Dayton whenever he wanted as opposed to protecting his company’s interests. You’d tried in vain to convey the eight million ways this strategy could blow up in his face.
“Basically we’re eliminating the Joint Venture nature of this agreement,” you murmured, pushing the contract in the driver’s direction.
“So then this is a gentlemen’s agreement?” he asked, as he arched one eyebrow.
“Yeah, but there’s this whole ‘Stop Payment Clause’, which will really benefit you to read,” you replied.
“Is there any chance you’d want to discuss this clause over dinner?” Dayton asked as he dawned his best charming smile. “There’s this great vegan place in Charleston; I’m honestly shocked anyone in West Virginia knows what vegan is.”
Oh. You immediately withdrew your hand from the table and felt the heat rise in your cheeks.
“Oh. Um, I’m sorry Mr. White I kind of have a thing… Or well a someone,” you stumbled over your words as you tried to classify just what you and Clyde were at the moment. You were dating, you didn’t exactly have titles, but then again you couldn’t imagine any scenario where you’d want to get dinner with the driver either.
“I’m making dinner for him tonight,” you finally finished with a sheepish smile. Judging by the way both of his eyebrows shot up this time, he got the message.
“Ah. Well he’s a lucky man,” he responded before turning to leave.
As it so happened, Clyde’s rejected date ideas made for some pretty enjoyable evenings. You ended up loving the Italian food place he took you to. Even the bowling alley had been fun. Before he went with you, Clyde was positive he held the title of “Worst Bowler in Boone County”. When you scored a strike in the neighboring lane you not only proved him wrong, but gave everyone a good laugh too. After that he decided it was best for the two of you to play with bumpers...
Your personal favorite was the movie theater though. The youngest Logan brother had been spot on when he worried the two of you wouldn’t be talking much. The lack of words simply meant your lips had the chance to become better acquainted, which was just fine with you. In the end, it didn’t really matter what the two of you did together… It was more so the “together” factor that made for a good time.
In fact, you hadn’t been lying when you said you were cooking dinner for him tonight. You were looking forward to some solid one-on-one time.
The more time you spent with Clyde, the more you’d started to feel like he was holding back. You weren’t quite sure if he was an extremely guarded person or if something else was up. Since you were half (completely) in love with the man already, you planned to get to the bottom of it.
Clyde just about jumped for joy when you offered to make him dinner. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman other than his sister had cooked for him. In general, your presence in his life helped him shed some of his signature melancholic demeanor. Millie and Jimmy saw it; even some of his regulars at the bar commented on how he seemed happier lately.
“You don’t think she’s just goin’ through a phase do ya?” he asked, turning to his brother. They were currently trying to clean up the trailer with the hope being it wouldn’t be as messy when you came over later tonight. 
“What? No! That girl’s sweeter on you than a bee on honey,” Jimmy grumbled. Clyde sighed; he couldn’t shake the feeling that you two had started with an expiration date. He was afraid to get closer because he knew you’d probably leave and he’d get hurt yet again.
“It’s not like it matters much anyhow. I doubt she’s gunna want to be with a felon.”
“You’ve got to stop thinking like that,” his brother argued, making sure to enunciate each word. Truth was they both knew there was a possibility Clyde was right. Jimmy wouldn’t admit how guilty he felt about the timing of this whole mess. Happiness seemed to be one of the more evasive things in his brother’s life. Now that he finally tasted it he deserved a real shot to make it last.
“Why? You know it’s true!” the middle Logan exasperated. In his frustration he threw a pillow against their couch. He desperately needed some space right now. A week or so of stewing on this started to wear him down. He was absolutely smitten with you and the more he thought about you just disappearing from his life the more frustrated he became. Clyde never argued... Fighting wasn’t exactly his thing but he couldn’t still still when he felt like this. The worst part was he didn’t know where to direct all this frustration or if it was even justified. 
Without a word he turned towards the porch and started heading for the door. Hopefully a nice long walk would do the trick. 
“Did ya ever think you could just enjoy the moment then?” Jim called trying to reach his brother before he disappeared into the trees behind their home.
While he’d never admit this, Clyde always listened to his brother’s advice. His stubborn streak came in to play when he’d act on it without ever acknowledging that he’d heard it in the first place.
 Right now, he was fretting over the fact that he hadn’t properly asked you out yet. He worried the two of you were too old for titles, but knew there needed to be something more substantial. Heck maybe he was supposed to assume that you already were. Then his thoughts drifted back to high school and how he’d never found a girl to give his ring to or to all the stories his squad mates used to tell about their loved ones. So far, you were the closest he’d come to having any of that. Yet, this dang heist was hanging over his head like a ticking time bomb. 
He resigned himself to the likelihood that by the end of the week you’d hate him. The idea of your presence just disappearing from his life tore him up inside. He wanted to make your last night together count. 
When you pulled up later that evening, he was relieved to recognize the warm fuzzy feeling rising in his chest. He welcomed that warm flutter; grateful for a bit of respite from the storm brewing inside his head.  
“How’s your day darlin’?” he asked, doing his best to give you a grin.
“All in all, it was okay. I had to go over some contracts for Max. He finally closed with his new driver.”
“Who’d he sign?” Clyde asked, genuinely curious. Part of him was grateful for the distraction; the other part was convinced that most of the men in West Virginia ran off NASCAR and beer. 
“I don’t know if I should tell you,” you smirked as you moved to carry the bags of groceries inside (with Clyde’s help of course). At this point, the man knew you well enough to gather that you enjoyed teasing on occasion. He didn’t see any harm in obliging because it always ended with a smile.
As soon as you two set the groceries down in the kitchen he came up behind you and wrapped an arm around your waist. He then moved to rest his head against your shoulder.
“But darlin’” he hummed, earning a smile from you. You absolutely loved how affectionate he could be when it was just the two of you.
“Apparently the guy hasn’t raced in a while and he’s been living in New York,” you offered. Deciding you wanted a hug, you moved to turn around. Making sure to rest your head against the much taller man’s chest. You wrapped your arms around his back and gave him a quick squeeze.
“I’m afraid I only know names and stats sweetheart.” 
“It’s Dayton White!” you exclaimed.
If you had to go solely based off the look on the younger Logan’s face, you would guess Dayton White was either a fantastic driver or an infamous one. The way his eyes widened with shock and his lower lip dropped spoke volumes. 
“It’ll be interestin’ to see if he’s still got it after two years away from the track,” Clyde responded as he started making his way towards the living room. One of his first confessions to you had been that he didn’t know his way around a kitchen very well. You didn’t see the harm in letting him relax while you made (y/f/dish). Clyde picked up a book and sank down into his chair on the opposite side of the room.
He left you to rummage around the kitchen and admire all the random cooking utensils/dishes the brothers had collected. Luckily, you found enough to work with that you could MacGyver your way through prep.
“Clyde, I’m going to open the wine. Would you like some?” You called, ducking your head around the corner. Call it old-fashioned but you liked to see people when you were talking to them.  
“No thank you, darlin’. I’ll pass on this round,” he replied, barely glancing up from his book.
You finished your preparations in silence, making sure to throw the dirty dishes in the sink as you went along. However, as soon as the aroma from your culinary creation drifted into the next room, Clyde found his way back into the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around your waist and stayed close. Close enough that you could feel as his warm breath tickled the back of your neck. 
It seemed like he had to be in your immediate vicinity. With the way he was acting you would’ve guessed the two-foot distance across the table compared more to a football field. He wasn’t talking either. Over dinner you two passed some small talk back and forth but there was just a really weird energy in the room. It was pretty obvious something was bothering him… The question became more so whether or not he would tell you about it.
After cleaning the kitchen in continued silence, you made the decision to launch your investigation. Although, you did opt to pour another glass of wine before going back at it.
“Hey Clyde, come over here,” you said, holding your arms open for a hug. Occasionally, that simple gesture was all he needed to pull himself out of a funk. You pressed a quick kiss to his lips too before speaking again.
“What’s got you in such a slump?” you asked, “They say cooking’s supposed to be the way to a man’s heart.” 
Oh wait, what if dinner tasted bad? Or he didn’t like it? You knew it’d have to be horrific for Clyde to even dream about saying something.
“Trust me darlin’ you don’t need any help with that,” he replied, gently tapping his hand against the center of his chest. You watched then as Clyde tensed his shoulders and ran his hand through his hair. To you it looked like he was struggling to find the proper words, “Would ya want to stay the night? I promise I won’t be handsy or nothin’... I don’t know when the next time I’ll be seein’ ya is and… I’m not ready for ya to be leavin’ yet.”
You glanced over at the lock to see that it was only 9:30. It wasn’t exactly late and you didn’t have much going on tomorrow. You promised Alyssa you’d go into Charleston shopping later in the evening but that meant you had the whole morning to kill. More importantly, Clyde was going through something. Maybe he didn’t feel comfortable enough to tell you what it was yet, but he made it clear that he wanted you here.
“Well, I’d really like that,” you smiled, giving him another quick hug. Your date started to relax almost immediately. It was if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. 
“You’re going to have to let me borrow a T-shirt though… I didn’t bring anything to sleep in. Oh also~ how do you feel about watching movies on my iPad? I’m kind of in the mood to snuggle.”
“I reckon I can live with that.”
When everything was said and done you found yourself cuddled up in Clyde’s plaid comforter. Although you’d been to the trailer before you’d never really had the chance to see his room. The wood paneling and faded blue carpet matched the rest of the place. What made it him were the scattered photographs and books he had laying on the dresser as well as both of his nightstands.
The middle Logan pressed silent kisses against the top of your head while the two of you worked your way through the movie library. The two of you finally settled on a classic rom com. 
However, you hesitated before pressing the play button.   
“Hey Clyde, I don’t think I’m ready to watch the movie quite yet,” you murmured. You set your tablet down on a nightstand before turning to face your beau. 
“Oh, well… What’d you have in mind darlin’” he replied, eyes widening just a bit. Hey~ it wasn’t like you were out to torture the poor guy; you just wanted a kiss. 
“Hmmm… Just a kiss,” you whispered, pressing your lips against his plump ones. You swore you could feel as some of his apprehension started to melt away. Over the past few weeks you’d come to realize that even on his best days Clyde rivaled you as one of the world’s most chronic over thinkers. In the weirdest way you always relaxed while trying to help unwind him.  
Besides you loved the feeling of his whiskers against your face. His lips tasted like some of the seasonings you’d used to cook dinner and you were sure yours tasted like wine. After a few seconds or so, you started to pull your lips away from his. Their sudden absence sparked a groan of disappointment from Clyde. He’d be lying if he said being a gentlemen wasn’t difficult… You were a gorgeous girl and having you here in his bed, wearing his favorite Bob Seger T-shirt was driving him absolutely mad.
The youngest Logan brother ran his hand through (y/h/c) and then dropped it to your waist. He pulled you close again and leaned into kiss you once more. Except this time, he gently bit your lower lip. You gasped in surprise, creating the perfecting opening for his tongue to take advantage of. You were more than happy to let Clyde take the lead. You weaved your fingers through his thick curly hair, pressing your chest against his. During your frolic the edges of your t-shirt began to ride up. Feeling the sensation of his skin against yours gave you goosebumps. 
“Oh Clyde,” you groaned with delight as he switched his attention from your mouth to your neck. He made sure to make a mental note of where your sweet spots were. It took you a bit longer to find one of his but when you gently nipped at his ear lobe he was done. He quickly pulled you back into a hard kiss. The two of you continued to exchange passionate sloppy kisses until you both ran out of breath.
“So… How about that movie now?” you huffed, still slightly winded. Clyde nodded in reply and snuggled up to your back once again. When you both found a comfortable position you pressed play.
Tags: @morphoportis, @imaginecrushes, @empress-ren, @but-kairis-not-that-smart, @ayatimascd, @foxface9000, @supermcspidy 
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glassbxttles · 4 years
I accidentally messed up your ask 😅 but of course you can sweetheart! I hope this does you justice!
Could I request a quiet Valentine's Day in with sweet bear Clyde Logan?? 🥰
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♡ Clyde wasn’t one for the theatrics of Valentine’s Day. He just really didn’t see the point of getting all dolled up to go out just for dinner.
♡ But he really enjoyed you both lounging around in your day old pjs. Your hair thrown up messily and his prosthetic plugged into an outlet somewhere.
♡ You both made dinner quietly, a soft hum coming from the stereo as you minced and he sautéed. Neither of you had to say a word, other than a happy Valentine’s Day early that morning.
♡ You spent dinner on your sofa, watching whatever rom com you could get him to agree to and you pleasantly kissed every now and again, remembering that tonight was a night just for the two of you.
♡ You didn’t make any special plans to dress up or buy any special lingerie. Clyde didn’t see much of a point in it anyway. He thought you were just as gorgeous without all the special accessories.
♡ Maybe Clyde had a twinkle in his eye every time he caught your gaze. Every time you ran your hands up his chest and squeezed his shoulders, his heart felt like it skipped. No matter how many years you two did this, his feelings would never change.
♡ You spent the night talking late about everything you appreciated about the other. Was your tradition you could say. No fancy dinners. No fancy clothes. Just you, Clyde, an aged bottle of whiskey, and your thoughts of one another.
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glassbxttles · 4 years
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Clyde Logan x Reader Summary: Just some bits from my brain of Clyde being a dad of two little boys. Word Count: 1,196
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The same letter board that held Benjamin’s name four years ago now reads,
Andrew James Logan Due in February <3
Clyde had the same stupidly huge smile on his face for this announcement photo that he did in Ben’s. But this time, he held his little buddy on his hip, flesh arm wrapped around him as they both held the letter Board. Hair was peeking out from under Clyde’s hat along with the tips of his ears. 
Two years of trying for this one, two years paid off for you two to be having another perfect little boy. You felt impossibly more round than you did before, at only twenty weeks. Clyde sat Benjamin down after you’d taken their photo and placed his hand on your belly. He loved feeling your belly.
“Mama.” Ben patted your thigh gently. “There’s a baby?” You just ruffled his hair and nodded. 
“Mhm, there’s a baby.” Your grin was ear to ear as Clyde began to pick up the toys Ben had left out on the floor of the trailer.
“How do you get the baby?” He asks curiously. You rolled your eyes and smiled, that’s a question for your daddy, sweet cheeks.
At week 38, You felt so impossibly big that you couldn’t even bend down to do simple tasks anymore. But Clyde was picking up the slack you left. When Ben’s toys were scattered through the living room floor of the trailer— he was the one running along and coaxing Ben to pick up. 
Clyde was even insisting you stay in bed, he’d take care of you, the house, his job, and Benjamin. You knew his heart was in it. But could see how quickly it was going to wear him down. “Just let me help, Clyde. I can make dinner.” You laughed, placing a hand on your lower back as you stretched a bit. You felt like you were bigger now than you were with Benjamin.
Clyde smiles as he places his hands on your tummy, his thumb rubbing a soothing circle as you turn your head to check on where Ben was. “Honeybee, I can take care of us. More than capable.”
“I know you’re capable.” You say to him, a hand over his as he continues the soothing circles. “But I’m also capable. This pregnancy has been amazing. Fit as a fidd— Ben!” You reach out to grab the collar of Benjamin’s shirt to keep him from running face first into the countertop. 
“Let him play, honey. He’s a growin’ boy.” Clyde says softly and fixes the collar of Ben’s shirt for him. “Run on and play. Don’t scare your mama.” He whispers, giving him a pat on the back as Benjamin throws a thumbs up and runs into his bedroom.
“Can’t keep putting off fixing Ben’s room around for Andy.” You say as you move to pull the thawed chicken from the fridge and seasonings to cook with. “Need to put the crib up.”
“Honeybee, stop worryin’ that pretty lil head.” Clyde mumbles as he lifts Benjamin up, holding him on his hip with his flesh arm around him. “Papa bear’s got it. Huh Benny?”
“Daddy got it.” He nods as Clyde sits him in his chair.
“I’m not worrying really. He could be here any day now and we haven’t set up anything yet.” You smile at him. “Literally any day.”
Clyde rolled his eyes as you three ate together, Andrew kicking your rib and causing some major heartburn as you went.
At week 40, you two woke up on the morning of the 14th. The day you’d scheduled your next c-section. Sadie had come by to watch Benjamin. You made sure to tell her he had to eat his dinner and no juice after seven. That he could play outside as long as he took a bath— and you two were off.
After being prepped for your surgery, Clyde was holding your hand the entire time. Which might’ve been different from Benjamin’s birth. He didn’t stand to watch this time, just whispered each and every thing that was happening, wishing you realized just how perfect what you’re doing was.
When they cleared his lungs, the two of you heard a small cry. It’s little Andrew. 
When you brought Andy home, you set Benjamin on the couch and Andrew in his lap. Clyde sat beside them, supporting Andy’s head with a smile. Your three boys.
Your heart was so full. You didn’t ever wanna let this moment go. But soon Andy and Ben would be out running around and playing. Maybe they’d get Clyde out there with them. Teaching them to shoot cans and to be gentlemen. But right now you got to see all three of your boys sitting there in front of you. 
When it came time for bedtime, you bathed Ben and Andy together; got them into their pjs, and Clyde helped you get them to bed. He tucked Benjamin in as he laid Andrew into his crib. After their bedtime story, and shutting their light off, you two crawled into your own bed. 
“Our first night with them both was successful.” You say as Clyde reads from his book. Clyde only hums in response. He loved them both more than anything, maybe more than he loved you. His kids would come first as long as he lived and you didn’t mind. Your kids came first to you too. No matter how much you loved Clyde. 
When Andrew was two and Benjamin was six, Clyde decided to sit them both down after a particularly long day shift at Duck Tape and an unusual amount of misbehaving for you on your kids part. “Now your mama tells me you two’ve been causing trouble.”
Andrew gives Clyde his biggest smile and reaches out for him, “daddy! be good.” He says softly. 
Clyde smiles and puts his hands down. “You were not good today. Neither was your brother.” You watched them from where you were cooking, Clyde just talked and talked about them needing to behave when he was gone. 
“Now go give your mama a hug and say you’re sorry.” He gives them both a kiss on the head as they stand and he sighs, sitting down himself to relax for a moment. His boys were his biggest accomplishment— maybe besides you. and he wanted to mold them into fine young men.
You hug both of your boys, kissing their cheeks and opening the front door to the trailer. “Go on out and play, boys. Don’t leave the yard.”
“Daddy says we—”
“I said don’t leave the yard.” You say a little more stern as the boys run out to play. You pour a glass of sweet tea and bring it over to Clyde, sitting on his lap as he takes the glass. “They’ve been saying all day you and Jimmy promised to take them fishing.” 
“Mm, we did.” Clyde takes a few drinks and closes his eyes. “Friday, maybe.”
You smile, tucking back a strand of his hair. Your life with him couldn’t possibly get any better than it was. “Clyde?” 
“Hm, honey bee?”
“You ready to be a daddy again?” 
|| part one || part two || part three || part four ||
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glassbxttles · 4 years
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Clyde Logan x Reader Summary: you’re completing your family with Clyde. TW: stillbirth, multiple miscarriages Word Count: 1,393
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Clyde was ecstatic to be a dad again, you two hadn’t even been trying this time. You liked the age gap between Ben and Andy, and here your third little boy was coming.
“I like Nathan.” You told Clyde as he unbuckled his belt to drop his jeans to the floor, pulling on his bed shorts. You glanced up from your phone when you didn’t get a response. 
“I was thinking something like Daniel.” He says as he sits on the edge to peel his socks off. “Just a thought.”
“So you don’t like Nathan?” You laugh softly as he leans back in bed, pressing a small kiss against your swollen tummy. “I like Daniel. I think it's a really good option. Pair it with something nice in the middle and I think we’ve got a real deal sealer.” You brushed your fingers through his hair smiling. At thirty-two weeks you still look as gorgeous as ever— maybe a little tired, from dealing with Ben and Andy all day, but you didn’t mind. “Get some sleep, Clyde.” You two didn’t get very many nights together, not with Clyde at the Duck Tape. 
The next morning you two went about yourselves; Clyde sleeping in and dropping off the boys at Mellie’s for the day, her going on and on about how she’d make them just too pretty for their photos later that evening.
And you were three hours into your work day before you realized you hadn’t felt little Daniel move or kick at all. You excused yourself from your office and stepped into the kitchen of the office to snack on something sweet. Maybe it would wake Danny up. 
You waited another hour before you felt really wrong and called Clyde. He was half asleep when he answered, but perked up the second he heard your wavering voice. You two met at the hospital and were rushed back for your ultrasound. 
They decided to deliver your little Daniel John-Bennett that evening with another cesarean, his heart just wasn’t pumping anymore. And they regretted every second of having to tell you both that. Clyde let you hold him first, and as long as you wanted; as long as you needed to. Clyde sat in his chair in the corner when it was his turn, holding him tightly to his chest with his flesh arm. 
And neither of you were ready to let him go. Your little bundle of joy, they wrapped in a blanket and gave you both his birth certificate and death certificate paperwork to fill out before you left. You decided to bury Danny next to Clyde’s mama, so she’d look after him whilst you couldn’t. 
After that day, Clyde was different. He held Ben and Andy a little tighter, read their stories a little louder, and promised them he’d be home and awake a lot more. He wanted to be a better dad and not miss out on a thing when it came to them.
It was Clyde who sat the boys down and explained that their brother went to be with his mama. That he just wasn’t ready to be a part of their family here. He had bigger and better plans. Benjamin had a ton of questions, as you both knew he would, but neither of you could bear to answer them completely. 
You took time to heal and so did Clyde. You wanted the intimate relationship you’d always had to comfort you when you’ve needed it the most. You’d lost your baby and you blamed yourself for not noticing earlier. Maybe they could’ve saved him. But Clyde reassured you every chance he had that it wasn’t your fault. Nothing could’ve helped. Sometimes these things just happen. 
And maybe these things did just happen. But they certainly always happened to him. After about a year of mourning, you two were able to get past it. Celebrate Ben’s birthday, and then Andy’s, and then you two were taking the boys and a small cake to Daniel’s grave to celebrate his. And once you got home and were alone with your husband, you were the one to break the ice. “Maybe we should try again… for one last one?”
And so you did. You tried and you tried and you tried. Every month for another year seemed like you failed. And you started to think, maybe it wasn’t so bad being an earth side family of four. Ben was eight and Andy was four. They were both school aged and you had plenty of time for yourself. 
And that’s when you got your positive. And Clyde was so fucking happy. He’s loved every second he’s gotten to be a father. And he’ll love every second he gets to watch you be a mother.
And then after ten week, you were bleeding. And you tried again, and you were bleeding after six. And maybe you stopped trying. Maybe you stopped caring. 
You gave up. He gave up. You two were perfectly fine with Benjamin and Andrew. You visited Daniel regularly, as a family and on your own. 
Sometimes Clyde would sit in front of Daniel’s grave for hours. He’d cry, tell the universe how fucking unfair it was. But he’s been better. He’s dealt with his grief. He just wishes he had all of his kids. 
He knew you had a doctors appointment that morning and he really wasn’t expecting your panicked call; I’m pregnant.
You two were both so fucking careful your entire pregnancy. When you were ordered to stay in bed, that’s what you did. Clyde got the boys up and gave them pop tarts or cereal for breakfast. He got them dressed and to school. And you sat in bed, reading to your little Violet Dolores Logan.
It was a cold, late night, in September when you woke up with your water breaking. Still too early for your little one to be cooked thoroughly. You called Clyde to get him home. You didn’t care who had to take over the bar but he definitely needed to get his ass here. 
You called Jimmy to come sit with the boys. You got yourself together. 
And Violet was your first born you’ve gotten to actually deliver. She was small and beautiful and her eyes popped open. Even if she was all skin and bones. She was 3lbs3oz and you and Clyde both got to love and dote on her before she was taken away, being transported to a hospital somewhere in Charleston to be able to be cared for properly. 
You and Clyde were able to visit every weekend, between work and the boys school. Clyde was the first one to offer himself up for skin to skin. Clyde was the one who changed her diaper first, fed her first, and read to her. Clyde was so excited to be her fucking dad he couldn’t contain himself. 
When you were able to, you brought the boys to meet their sister. Benjamin would be nine right here real soon and Andrew would be five. “Now boys you have’ta be careful with her. She’s still pretty small.” Clyde was crouching down in front of them. Andrew just nodded and smiled. 
“We’re careful, daddy.”
Benjamin just held onto your hand when Andrew peeked into her incubator. All three of your little ones, and even Daniel, all looked like Clyde. All acted like Clyde (maybe your imagination worked on that a bit for Dan). And you were finally completely whole when you saw your family together. 
When it came time for family photos, Clyde had Violet sitting on his lap. You sat next to him with Andrew on yours. There was a teddy bear in between you both, with Benjamin standing behind it. You’d clipped two little honey bee pins to the top of your stockings. This way the two you’d lost and Daniel could be a part of your photos. 
Clyde smiled at you, listening to the kids run and laugh and play around. Violet straggling along behind her brothers, barely able to walk. 
“We did this.” He whispered, pulling you into his side and kissing the top of your head. 
You smiled, taking in the last eighteen years. Clyde might not have been the perfect father. But he was a damn good one and he tried as hard as he could. 
|| part one || part two || part three || part four ||
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glassbxttles · 4 years
Prom with Clyde HCs
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♡ Clyde picked you up in Jimmy’s old truck, since Jim had worked odd jobs for a year to buy the new one he was riding around town in.
♡ You two laughed and talked and you sang along to the radio, his eyes on you every now and again. You truly did have a wonderful drive. You two almost thought about skipping the entire dance to just take a night drive through wherever you could get lost. 
♡ “Nice and slow there, honeybee.” That was the first time he’d called you any sort of pet name; holding each other close as you two danced to the low hum of Keeper of the Stars.
♡ You couldn’t get your heart to slow down the entire time your body was pressed against his. You didn’t know how you’d make it through the night if you kept reacting how you were. You truly were just fawning over this boy and you didn’t know how to deal with it. 
♡ He didn’t know how either. He was having such a nice few months with you. But here he was, arms wrapped around you and his head lying against yours slightly. He knew you probably felt how fast his heart was beating.
♡ You two shared a kiss at the end of the song. It was your first real kiss and you wanted so many more to follow. Jimmy whistled when he saw Clyde lean down for that kiss.
♡ It made Clyde turn red from the bottom of his throat to the tips of his ears, but he promised you that he was fine and that he really enjoyed your company.
♡ You two were inseparable everyday after your prom night, until Clyde shipped out.
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glassbxttless · 4 years
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Clyde Logan x Reader
Part Two
Summary: just Clyde being a dad (:
Word Count: 866
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The day you gave birth was hectic. You had scheduled your cesarean on the 15th, narrowly avoiding your Friday the 13th due date. Clyde wouldn’t have it. Too much bad luck t’be playin’ around with that, honey.
So you took leisure in packing and double checking both yours and Clyde’s bag the night before. A hand resting on your belly. Clyde brought you a glass of orange juice and some toast, reminding you you wouldn’t be able to eat soon.
He pressed a few gentle kisses on your swollen tummy. This was one of the last times he’d see you so full.
The morning of the 15th went smoothly. You and Clyde arrived at the hospital, met the staff that were going to be taking care of you, and then were able to get you both dressed and prepped for your little nugget to enter this big world. Clyde was perfect. He sat right by your head, whispering words of encouragement. Once the surgery had started, Clyde was able to stand, against the wishes of the doctor, to peek at where his son was being born.
Clyde usually doesn’t cry, but the tears that fell as he watched your son take his first breath, couldn’t be stopped. “You did amazin’ honey bee.” He whispers to you, as Benjamin was placed on your chest. Your arms weren’t able to move, from the partial anesthesia, shaking uncontrollably from the epidural. Clyde’s hand was on him though, quicker than you could’ve imagined. “Shhh, we’ve got him.” He whispered to you, pressing a few kisses against your head as the nurse you’d passed your phone to snapped a few photos of your first moments as a family of three.
That whole first week was new territory that neither of you had ever ventured into. Clyde’s partial arm had Benjamin tucked up tight against his body as he eyed the television, you both were exhausted. Top Chef was on and you’d been watching it as you made dinner. Your mind buzzing off the pain medication you’d been given and love for your two best boys.
Clyde tipped a beer to his lips, Ben was asleep. You didn’t think it would ever be better than this.
At bedtime, Clyde was the one tucking Ben into his bassinet. It was a few feet from your bed, isolated into what you two made Ben’s Corner. He was the one humming soft show tunes to your little one. Clyde had seemed to never be afraid of anything, until then. Every single thing had him on edge, fearing he just might be so unlucky to have Ben, ripped from him.
You soothed his nightmares with calming words and gentle kisses, but nothing calmed him down like sitting in the rocking chair with Benny in his arms. When you had suggested naming the baby after him, his whole chest got hot. He tried to stop you, “Darlin’ I ain’t anything special. He needs his own name.” And that’s when Clyde brought Ben up to you. You used the full name Benjamin and Clyde had given in, with you attaching Clyde to the middle. You couldn’t imagine him being named anything else. It fit him perfectly.
When Ben started growing older, Clyde started watching the way he spoke. He was cleaning up his act. He didn’t want Benjamin picking up the wrong idea. You watched the way they played together, Clyde was lying in the grass as Ben picked up rocks, showing each one to his dad. You smiled. If you could hear them, you’d know Clyde was telling him all about each one, in hopes he’d teach him something to hold onto.
You knew just how far Clyde’s intelligence spanned, and you knew that he turned to putty any time Ben asked him for help with a word or what made the leaves green. Clyde always took his time explaining, and if he didn’t know the answer, they would look it up together.
“Daddy?” Ben whispered quietly when you stepped onto the back patio to sit on the swing and read by yourself in the cool breeze, sipping a lemonade as you went. Maybe you just wanted to get a better look at Clyde teaching your son all that he knew about. Maybe you wanted to hear Ben’s small voice asking for help. Maybe you wanted to bask in the fact that this was your family. You were the Logan’s, and you got to watch Clyde change from a bashful teenager, to a vet, to a family man. Clyde knew no other joy than getting to be Ben’s dad and your husband.
“Hm?” Clyde smiled, propping himself up on his partial arm. A rock that Ben had dropped in front of him was in his hand.
“I love you.” Ben grins as he settles down, leaning against Clyde’s belly as he lays there. Clyde smiles, glancing over at you. He wanted another baby.
“I love you too, bud.” Clyde kisses the top of his head, going back to teaching Ben about his rocks. There was a smile toying on his lips, and Clyde never let out smiles like that. Your heart clenched. You both needed another baby.
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glassbxttless · 4 years
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Clyde Logan x Reader
Part Three
Summary: just Clyde being a dad (:
Word Count: 1,196
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The same letter board that held Benjamin’s name four years ago now reads,
Andrew James Logan
Due in February
Clyde had the same stupidly huge smile on his face for this announcement photo that he did in Ben’s. But this time, he held his little buddy on his hip, flesh arm wrapped around him as they both held the letter Board. Hair was peeking out from under Clyde’s hat along with the tips of his ears.
Two years of trying for this one, two years paid off for you two to be having another perfect little boy. You felt impossibly more round than you did before, at only twenty weeks. Clyde sat Benjamin down after you’d taken their photo and placed his hand on your belly. He loved feeling your belly.
“Mama.” Ben patted your thigh gently. “There’s a baby?” You just ruffled his hair and nodded.
“Mhm, there’s a baby.” Your grin was ear to ear as Clyde began to pick up the toys Ben had left out on the floor of the trailer.
“How do you get the baby?” He asks curiously. You rolled your eyes and smiled, that’s a question for your daddy, sweet cheeks.
At week 38, You felt so impossibly big that you couldn’t even bend down to do simple tasks anymore. But Clyde was picking up the slack you left. When Ben’s toys were scattered through the living room floor of the trailer— he was the one running along and coaxing Ben to pick up.
Clyde was even insisting you stay in bed, he’d take care of you, the house, his job, and Benjamin. You knew his heart was in it. But could see how quickly it was going to wear him down. “Just let me help, Clyde. I can make dinner.” You laughed, placing a hand on your lower back as you stretched a bit. You felt like you were bigger now than you were with Benjamin.
Clyde smiles as he places his hands on your tummy, his thumb rubbing a soothing circle as you turn your head to check on where Ben was. “Honeybee, I can take care of us. More than capable.
“I know you’re capable.” You say to him, a hand over his as he continues the soothing circles. “But I’m also capable. This pregnancy has been amazing. Fit as a fidd— Ben!” You reach out to grab the collar of Benjamin’s shirt to keep him from running face first into the countertop.
“Let him play, honey. He’s a growin’ boy.” Clyde says softly and fixes the collar of Ben’s shirt for him. “Run on and play. Don’t scare your mama.” He whispers, giving him a pat on the back as Benjamin throws a thumbs up and runs into his bedroom.
“Can’t keep putting off fixing Ben’s room around for Andy.” You say as you move to pull the thawed chicken from the fridge and seasonings to cook with. “Need to put the crib up.”
“Honeybee, stop worryin’ that pretty lil head.” Clyde mumbles as he lifts Benjamin up, holding him on his hip with his flesh arm around him. “Papa bear’s got it. Huh Benny?”
“Daddy got it.” He nods as Clyde sits him in his chair.
“I’m not worrying really. He could be here any day now and we haven’t set up anything yet.” You smile at him. “Literally any day.”
Clyde rolled his eyes as you three ate together, Andrew kicking your rib and causing some major heartburn as you went.
At week 40, you two woke up on the morning of the 14th. The day you’d scheduled your next c-section. Sadie had come by to watch Benjamin. You made sure to tell her he had to eat his dinner and no juice after seven. That he could play outside as long as he took a bath— and you two were off.
After being prepped for your surgery, Clyde was holding your hand the entire time. Which might’ve been different from Benjamin’s birth. He didn’t stand to watch this time, just whispered each and every thing that was happening, wishing you realized just how perfect what you’re doing was.
When they cleared his lungs, the two of you heard a small cry. It’s little Andrew.
When you brought Andy home, you set Benjamin on the couch and Andrew in his lap. Clyde sat beside them, supporting Andy’s head with a smile. Your three boys.
Your heart was so full. You didn’t ever wanna let this moment go. But soon Andy and Ben would be out running around and playing. Maybe they’d get Clyde out there with them. Teaching them to shoot cans and to be gentlemen. But right now you got to see all three of your boys sitting there in front of you.
When it came time for bedtime, you bathed Ben and Andy together; got them into their pjs, and Clyde helped you get them to bed. He tucked Benjamin in as he laid Andrew into his crib. After their bedtime story, and shutting their light off, you two crawled into your own bed.
“Our first night with them both was successful.” You say as Clyde reads from his book. Clyde only hums in response. He loved them both more than anything, maybe more than he loved you. His kids would come first as long as he lived and you didn’t mind. Your kids came first to you too. No matter how much you loved Clyde.
When Andrew was two and Benjamin was six, Clyde decided to sit them both down after a particularly long day shift at the Duck Tape and an unusual amount of misbehaving for you on your kids part. “Now your mama tells me you two’ve been causing trouble.”
Andrew gives Clyde his biggest smile and reaches out for him, “daddy! be good.” He says softly.
Clyde smiles and puts his hands down. “You were not good today. Neither was your brother.” You watched them from where you were cooking, Clyde just talked and talked about them needing to behave when he was gone.
“Now go give your mama a hug and say you’re sorry.” He gives them both a kiss on the head as they stand and he sighs, sitting down himself to relax for a moment. His boys were his biggest accomplishment— maybe besides you. and he wanted to mold them into fine young men.
You hug both of your boys, kissing their cheeks and opening the front door to the trailer. “Go on out and play, boys. Don’t leave the yard.
“Daddy says we—”
“I said don’t leave the yard.” You say a little more stern as the boys run out to play. You pour a glass of sweet tea and bring it over to Clyde, sitting on his lap as he takes the glass. “They’ve been saying all day you and Jimmy promised to take them fishing.”
“Mm, we did.” Clyde takes a few drinks and closes his eyes. “Friday, maybe.”
You smile, tucking back a strand of his hair. Your life with him couldn’t possibly get any better than it was. “Clyde?”
“Hm, honey bee?”
“You ready to be a daddy again?”
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