#dad clyde makes my heart soft
angelsanarchy · 1 year
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One Long Weekend: - Clyde/YN One-Shot Series CH 05
"Thanks for letting me stay." "Thanks for staying."
Tagged: @roryculkinluvr Let me know if you want to be tagged in these updates.
Y/n looked at herself in the dirty mirror of Clyde's bathroom. The shirt he had given her fell to about the middle of her thigh. She silently wished she had at least worn shorts today so she would be more comfortable sleeping with something on her legs. When she walked out of the bathroom, Clyde had tossed a pillow onto the couch.
"So I can't guarantee the last time I cleaned the sheets but I did just wash the comforter so you should be good to go." Y/n looked over to the bed and realized he was giving up his bed for her.
"Clyde, I can't take your bed. The couch will be fine." Y/n tried to argue but he laughed.
"Trust me, the bed is much safer to sleep on than the couch. Especially if you have your legs exposed." Clyde took in the sight of you in one of the oversized band shirts he kept laying around the apartment.
"I guess I'll take your word for it. I'll make a mental note to burn my jeans once I get home." Y/n teased. Clyde had changed into soft pants but kept the same shirt on. He walked over to the door and made sure she was watching when he locked the door.
"Are you feeling safer already?" Clyde asked running his hand through his hair.
"I should be asking you that. Sorry about the whole...mauling you thing." Y/n could feel the heat in her cheeks and Clyde laughed.
"Mauling me? You sat on my lap. That's hardly grounds for public shaming." Clyde shrugged it off plopping back down on the couch. Y/n sat next to him, feeling much more exposed now that her legs were bare.
"I guess thanks for not holding it against me. I don't do this a lot...ever actually. I haven't spent a night away from my apartment in years, let alone with a guy I met at a club." Y/n explained seeing Clyde smile.
"You don't go home with guys who aren't even in the band to get high and have an impromptu date?" Clyde teased.
"No this is very out of the ordinary. I'm usually working my ass off or visiting my dad." Y/n confessed.
"You seem a little young to be a workaholic." Clyde wanted to know everything about her. He wanted to know what she liked, what she hated, why the hell she had given him the time of day and how he could get her to stay.
"Paying for an apartment and trying to keep my shit a float has been a bit more challenging than I'd like to admit. I wasn't really prepared to support myself at 18 but when you drop out of school and have no where else to go, it's kind of the only option." Y/n didn't like to talk about her home life. She hated when people showed her any sort of pity. She was in control of the decisions she made.
She dropped out of school to take care of her dad. She moved into a shitty apartment with a roommate in order to save money to afford his care facility. She could count on one hand how many people she trusted and confiding in Clyde didn't make a lot of sense to her either but she just felt like she could openly be herself with him.
"Hey dropout twins, let's go!" Clyde held his hand up for a high five and y/n shook her head meeting his hand.
"I'm not sure that's the thing we should have in common but I won't leave you hanging." Y/n laughed.
"Maybe it's not. We both seem to like live music. I don't want to get into favorite bands just yet because I don't want to lose this feeling I currently have." Clyde put his hand over his heart.
"Hey! What makes you think I like shit music? I happen to have a very eclectic taste in music." Y/n defended but Clyde put his finger to his lips.
"I'm not doubting that but we've had such a great first date, why chance it with the possibility of you liking Nickelback?" Clyde joked earning a playful slap to his chest.
"How dare you. Now I'm truly offended. I think I'm going to go see if Johnny will give me a ride-" Clyde reached out and grabbed y/n's hand.
"No no...if you approach Johnny without pants and ask for a ride, you'll definitely get more than you bargained for." Clyde seemed genuinely worried she was going to actually leave but instead she plopped back down next to Clyde, closer than before, him still holding onto her hand.
"If I had my pants on, I'd consider tasering you just for insinuating I was a Nickelback fan." Clyde softened and held your hand between his own, bringing the back of your fingers to his lips.
"My apologies. Thank you for resisting the reoccurring urge to taser me." Clyde's smile was intoxicating. She just wanted to feel his lips pull into a smile against her own.
"You're just lucky you're cute." Y/n tested seeing Clyde blush. She could feel a yawn crawling up her throat as she turned away and Clyde stood up, pulling her by her hands.
"You need to sleep. We can compare playlists tomorrow over breakfast...stale bagels or donuts?" Clyde asked leading her to the bed. She sat down and he tossed her a blanket.
"You know how to spoil a girl." Y/n grinned laying back on the comforter. It smelled of coconut shampoo and cigarettes. It wasn't an awful smell which was surprising. Rarely did she ever find herself surrounded by band guys who smelt halfway decent. Clyde jumped over the back of the couch and let out a heavy sigh.
The two of them laid in perfect silence, trying not to breathe too hard or start snoring randomly. Y/n moved around under the blanket trying to get comfortable and not get caught checking over by the couch where Clyde laid, one leg dangling over the back, arm stretched behind his head. Clyde felt tense. He hadn't ever just had a girl spend the night with him. Snow, Lola and the rest of their friends were different. None of them really looked at him the way y/n seemed to look at him, or flirt with him. He didn't want to make things weird or fuck this up. He wanted her to like him. He wanted her to want to stay because of him, not because she was hot for one of the guys.
"Clyde?" Y/n broke the silence.
"Yeah?" He sat up to see her sitting up in the bed.
"Would you be completely opposed to just laying in the bed next to me? I just...its a big bed. There's no point in you sleeping on the couch and I don't want to wake up freaking out in a strange place." Y/n explained and Clyde shook his head.
"Yeah of course. I just didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable." Clyde walked over to the bed and laid down next to her carefully. He let her keep the blanket over herself and put his hand up when she tried to offer it to him. He laid on his side facing her and she smiled at him.
"Thanks for letting me stay." She said softly.
"Thanks for staying." Clyde returned equally as soft. The light in the room was dim but they could still see one another clearly. Y/n reached over and pushed some of Clyde's hair off his face and noticed his hearing aid for the second time this evening.
"How do sleep with your hearing aid in? My grandfather never kept his in to sleep. He said the slightest noises startled him." Y/n brushed her fingertips over the piece and Clyde brought his fingers up to hers.
"Um...I don't usually sleep really well anyway so I just don't bother taking it out." She was right. Clyde never took his aid out when he was sleeping in the apartment. Anyone could just sort of bust in and he never wanted to be caught off guard.
"Have you tried taking it out to sleep? Maybe that's why you can't sleep well." Y/n suggested.
"I used to at my Dad's but not here. You never know who'll sneak up on you." Clyde tried to joke but y/n scooted closer.
"The door is locked. I'm a light sleeper. Why not just taking it out while you have someone here to watch your back?" Clyde was surprised at her offer. No one really cared this much about his lack of sleep, let alone his comfort level.
"No pressure of course. I just...I want you to be able to be as comfortable as I am." Y/n didn't want to push Clyde into doing something he wasn't comfortable with but to her surprise, he leaned over her and removing his aid placing it on the nightstand next to her. She felt the trust he was putting into her by taking his aid out. She put her pinky out and Clyde laughed locking his pinky into hers.
"I gotchu." She mouthed. Clyde laughed shaking his head.
"I'm partially deaf, not completely deaf." He reminded laying back down. The silence that grew between them was so much more peaceful now. Y/n could feel the mattress moving whenever he moved, which wasn't a lot but after a while she could hear his soft snores. She peered over his shoulder and saw his mouth hung open, hair covering his face and his elbow as his arm stayed tucked tightly under his head. She glanced at the clock on her phone that barely had 20% charge on it and saw that it was 3:10 AM. That was the last thing she saw before she passed out, snuggled into a fuzzy blanket and a soft pillow that carried Clyde's scent into her dreams.
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thehollowwriter · 1 month
🌪️, 🚊 and 😨 for any you personally wanna answer them for
💓 for Finn
☁️, 💚 for Blaze?
And oh oh actually, if you'd take questions for your non-NRC OCs:
🌟 and 🌈 for Silas and Morrigan?
Thanks, Moony! 😅 not sure what that second one is? Also I ABSOLUTELY take for my non-NRC ocs, ask away!
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
Finn's entire personality and design is a huge ass change. He was originally very mousy and easily startled. And also thin as a stick XD his hair and eyes were completely different too. He's soft-spoken but very confident and straightforward now, and ofc he's got his current design. ...Which I'm updating again, btw XD. He's got Silas' swirly black markings on his arms, back and torso now.
Silas was originally just a vague concept, someone who I mentioned from time to time for Finn stuff. He was just "Papa Clearcove", he was Finn's mysterious dad, and that was about it.
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
Silas goes into fight, considering the fact that it takes a lot to scare him. He will however, go for flight if the threat is bigger than he he can take on. Morrigan is also fight.
Blaze, Finn, and Clyde are all flight XD
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
In a romantic sense? Just being his partner and loving him always does it. Say something flirty or give him a gift or some affection, even if you don't see it on his face, his heart is running a marathon. Also. Pretty guys. He gets flustered though he gets over it after a while XD
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
His experience with cooking for himself has him cooking for his friends, too. He'll give them something like biscuits, but he'll act huffy about it. (Also he likes looking for shapes in clouds *ahem*)
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
Food. Touch makes him uncomfortable or afraid, and food makes him incredibly happy, so giving him something to snack on when he's upset or mad is actually pretty nice for him.
🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
Morrigan thinks two things: 1, wow that's so pretty, and 2: I wonder if someone up there shared cosmic magic with us. Cosmic magic as a concept has been wild to him from the start since it feels like it's something that shouldn't be attainable? He doesn't really know how to explain it, but it's so powerful and otherworldly that it's mesmerising for him every time he uses it. He'd happily stargaze with Ezra, Alastair or Silas :)
Silas finds it beautiful as well, but he can never stop thinking about how vast and infinite it is, and how oddly happy it makes him feel? Silas doesn't like small, tight, spaces and though the Abyss is huge it still felt small due to how empty and void it was. The sky is filled with stars and looking at it makes him feel hopeful. Stargazing would be a more special moment for him, so he'd prefer to do it alone, but he wouldn't mind sharing with Finn or Morrigan
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
Answered for Silas here!
Morrigan... hmm. He'd probably tell his younger self that everything's gonna be OK, eventually. He gets out, he finds someone, he's happy. Redirect your anger, don't put so much energy into being a chaotic rule breaker because you feel your future isn't your own once you leave NRC, that's not true. It's something younger Morrigan would have really benefitted from hearing.
Tagging: @distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle
@galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker
@offorestsongs @kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @inotonline
@1dont-really-know @kazumify @minteasketches @elysia-nsimp @skrimpyskimpy
@casp1an-sea @offorestsongs @tixdixl @poisoned-pearls @the-trinket-witch
@ramshacklerumble @ghostiidasponk @thegoldencontracts @the-banana-0verlord @cloudcountry
@skriblee-ksk @twstinginthewind @lumdays @theolivetree123 @natsukishinomiyaswife
@authoruio @jewelulu @raguiras @honeynclove @moonyasnow
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mysimsloveaffair · 9 months
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I need to show this man that I’m not a punk.
Wade: I mean -
Suddenly, his voice softens, and he waves my words away as he lowers his cane.
Clyde: It’s none of my business. Maia is grown and can make her own decisions. But she can be just as fragile as she is tough. I look at you and wonder why you’re even with her. You scream, pretty boy, rich kid. That jacket could probably pay my rent. How’d you get those light eyes? You mixed?
Wade: Both my parents are.
Clyde: Figures. Listen, I ain’t one of these soft cats running around here. I’m old school, understand? I grew up tough, and I’m serious about mine. If you want to be with my daughter, you better be willing to fight for her and protect her ferociously like I would. Don’t play around with her heart. Understand?
Wade: I don’t plan to.
Clyde: You’re not a bad cat, are you, young blood? You’re looking me right in my eyes. I like that. It shows you were raised right.
Wade: No disrespect sir, but you’re not telling me anything my dad hasn’t already told me. I have no intention of hurting Maia in any way.
My words finally earn a sincere smile from Clyde.
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glassbxttles · 4 years
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Clyde Logan x Reader Summary: Just some bits from my brain of Clyde being a dad of two little boys. Word Count: 1,196
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The same letter board that held Benjamin’s name four years ago now reads,
Andrew James Logan Due in February <3
Clyde had the same stupidly huge smile on his face for this announcement photo that he did in Ben’s. But this time, he held his little buddy on his hip, flesh arm wrapped around him as they both held the letter Board. Hair was peeking out from under Clyde’s hat along with the tips of his ears. 
Two years of trying for this one, two years paid off for you two to be having another perfect little boy. You felt impossibly more round than you did before, at only twenty weeks. Clyde sat Benjamin down after you’d taken their photo and placed his hand on your belly. He loved feeling your belly.
“Mama.” Ben patted your thigh gently. “There’s a baby?” You just ruffled his hair and nodded. 
“Mhm, there’s a baby.” Your grin was ear to ear as Clyde began to pick up the toys Ben had left out on the floor of the trailer.
“How do you get the baby?” He asks curiously. You rolled your eyes and smiled, that’s a question for your daddy, sweet cheeks.
At week 38, You felt so impossibly big that you couldn’t even bend down to do simple tasks anymore. But Clyde was picking up the slack you left. When Ben’s toys were scattered through the living room floor of the trailer— he was the one running along and coaxing Ben to pick up. 
Clyde was even insisting you stay in bed, he’d take care of you, the house, his job, and Benjamin. You knew his heart was in it. But could see how quickly it was going to wear him down. “Just let me help, Clyde. I can make dinner.” You laughed, placing a hand on your lower back as you stretched a bit. You felt like you were bigger now than you were with Benjamin.
Clyde smiles as he places his hands on your tummy, his thumb rubbing a soothing circle as you turn your head to check on where Ben was. “Honeybee, I can take care of us. More than capable.”
“I know you’re capable.” You say to him, a hand over his as he continues the soothing circles. “But I’m also capable. This pregnancy has been amazing. Fit as a fidd— Ben!” You reach out to grab the collar of Benjamin’s shirt to keep him from running face first into the countertop. 
“Let him play, honey. He’s a growin’ boy.” Clyde says softly and fixes the collar of Ben’s shirt for him. “Run on and play. Don’t scare your mama.” He whispers, giving him a pat on the back as Benjamin throws a thumbs up and runs into his bedroom.
“Can’t keep putting off fixing Ben’s room around for Andy.” You say as you move to pull the thawed chicken from the fridge and seasonings to cook with. “Need to put the crib up.”
“Honeybee, stop worryin’ that pretty lil head.” Clyde mumbles as he lifts Benjamin up, holding him on his hip with his flesh arm around him. “Papa bear’s got it. Huh Benny?”
“Daddy got it.” He nods as Clyde sits him in his chair.
“I’m not worrying really. He could be here any day now and we haven’t set up anything yet.” You smile at him. “Literally any day.”
Clyde rolled his eyes as you three ate together, Andrew kicking your rib and causing some major heartburn as you went.
At week 40, you two woke up on the morning of the 14th. The day you’d scheduled your next c-section. Sadie had come by to watch Benjamin. You made sure to tell her he had to eat his dinner and no juice after seven. That he could play outside as long as he took a bath— and you two were off.
After being prepped for your surgery, Clyde was holding your hand the entire time. Which might’ve been different from Benjamin’s birth. He didn’t stand to watch this time, just whispered each and every thing that was happening, wishing you realized just how perfect what you’re doing was.
When they cleared his lungs, the two of you heard a small cry. It’s little Andrew. 
When you brought Andy home, you set Benjamin on the couch and Andrew in his lap. Clyde sat beside them, supporting Andy’s head with a smile. Your three boys.
Your heart was so full. You didn’t ever wanna let this moment go. But soon Andy and Ben would be out running around and playing. Maybe they’d get Clyde out there with them. Teaching them to shoot cans and to be gentlemen. But right now you got to see all three of your boys sitting there in front of you. 
When it came time for bedtime, you bathed Ben and Andy together; got them into their pjs, and Clyde helped you get them to bed. He tucked Benjamin in as he laid Andrew into his crib. After their bedtime story, and shutting their light off, you two crawled into your own bed. 
“Our first night with them both was successful.” You say as Clyde reads from his book. Clyde only hums in response. He loved them both more than anything, maybe more than he loved you. His kids would come first as long as he lived and you didn’t mind. Your kids came first to you too. No matter how much you loved Clyde. 
When Andrew was two and Benjamin was six, Clyde decided to sit them both down after a particularly long day shift at Duck Tape and an unusual amount of misbehaving for you on your kids part. “Now your mama tells me you two’ve been causing trouble.”
Andrew gives Clyde his biggest smile and reaches out for him, “daddy! be good.” He says softly. 
Clyde smiles and puts his hands down. “You were not good today. Neither was your brother.” You watched them from where you were cooking, Clyde just talked and talked about them needing to behave when he was gone. 
“Now go give your mama a hug and say you’re sorry.” He gives them both a kiss on the head as they stand and he sighs, sitting down himself to relax for a moment. His boys were his biggest accomplishment— maybe besides you. and he wanted to mold them into fine young men.
You hug both of your boys, kissing their cheeks and opening the front door to the trailer. “Go on out and play, boys. Don’t leave the yard.”
“Daddy says we—”
“I said don’t leave the yard.” You say a little more stern as the boys run out to play. You pour a glass of sweet tea and bring it over to Clyde, sitting on his lap as he takes the glass. “They’ve been saying all day you and Jimmy promised to take them fishing.” 
“Mm, we did.” Clyde takes a few drinks and closes his eyes. “Friday, maybe.”
You smile, tucking back a strand of his hair. Your life with him couldn’t possibly get any better than it was. “Clyde?” 
“Hm, honey bee?”
“You ready to be a daddy again?” 
|| part one || part two || part three || part four ||
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spookysmujer · 4 years
‘03 Bonnie & Clyde, O.Diaz
Summary: After hearing many stories of the infamous Santo, Oscar Diaz, you have your first encounter with him at a block party.
warnings: cute s h e t 🥺
word count: 1.2K
a/n: All we need in this life of sin is Oscar’s fine ass 🥵 thank you for requesting babes!  Please consider: following my blog, heart/comment/reblog my content as well as turning on the notifs for when I post new content, much appreciated :)
requested by: @justatiredfool​
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(gif belongs to @goldscoyne​ ✨)
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You weren’t one to go to parties. In fact you can count on one hand how many parties you had been to since the end of high school. It’s sad but it’s who you are. You prefer the comfort of your own home along with a good book and some red wine. But after the many mentions of the party from a friend, you felt you had no choice but to say yes. 
“I am so happy you are here! Go mingle!” 
Another cup beer is placed in your hand. Your friend is gone just as soon as she appeared. You shake your head with a small smile on your lips while taking a sip of the bitter liquid. There are a bunch of familiar faces here along with some you don’t know. No harm in making new friends?
The first summer party since graduating high school a few weeks ago. It’ll be fun, you’ll drink and enjoy some good company. It’s a time to celebrate! You’re in the corner, watching guys play beer pong and girls ogling over them. Soon enough the house piles with more bodies and it feels overly clustered.
Out in the backyard, it’s nearly as packed but there is more free flowing air. You scan the crowd and see a bunch of classmates, lower classmen and the town’s up-to-no good gang, the Santos. The older group of guys have girls surrounding them. It’s pathetic to see how they are flinging themselves at them for attention that will probably only last one night. 
For a moment you watch the one they call ‘Spooky’. How is it they get their names when joining a gang? Is it given to them? Do they do something that determines it? You are so lost in trying to figure it out, you find he is staring back at you. Some of the other Santos taking notice as well. The smug looks on their faces make you step away, bumping into someone and spilling your drink all over your top. You groan and make your way to the bathroom.
The fabric of your halter top is soaked and there is no way you plan on spending the night like this. You send a quick text to your friend that you have to leave. But she doesn’t respond at all and you remember quickly that she was your ride to the party. You are standing near the street, cursing to yourself, “You’re Y/S/N’s little sister, right?” 
The voice makes you jump as you swivel on your heel to see Spooky standing behind you. You clutch your chest and look around if there is anyone else he could be talking to. Though it’s dumb to think so considering he just asked about your older sister. “Um, yeah I am. How do you know her?” He cracks a small smile.
“Went to school with her. Though she stayed behind a grade due to getting knocked up, she was a cool ass chick.” He explains and you nod, intrigued that he was never mentioned in any conversations you had with Y/S/N. “What’s your name?”
You take a second before answering, “Y/N.”
He nods, stepping away from you to light a blunt. You watch as he fires it up and takes a big hit, holding out to you as an offer. You politely decline, trying to not make things awkward but you’ve never talked with a gang member before. Or an older guy at that. Your sister is nearly 7 years older than you.
“Cool. Y/N.” You smile and look away. Something about how he is painted as this badass guy but the more you keep looking at him, his features seem so soft. And he speaks respectfully towards you. “Trying to get home. Soaked my top.” 
“I can give you a ride, party is lame and half these hynas can’t take a hint.” That makes you laugh and you ponder the offer of a ride home. And though you were always told to never jump in with strangers, you don’t feel entirely uncomfortable around him.
You look around and notice your low battery on your phone. It would die soon and you’d really be stranded not being able to call an uber or lyft. With your sister no longer living in Freeridge, parents divorced with your dad out of the picture and mom an ER nurse currently working a graveyard shift, the Santo leader is your next best option.
He waits for a response, “You sure? I mean… it won’t be bad for your reputation to be seen driving around a fresh outta high school hyna?” It’s his turn to laugh. “On the contrary.”
After sometime you nod your head and he leads his way to his ride. It's a beautiful 1963 Chevy Impala in a gleaming red color. You admire it as you approach it. He notices you looking at it with big interest, most girls exaggerated how much of a sexy car it is just to get in it and make out with him. But you are different with it and he admires that about you.
You run your hand along the hood of it. It’s nothing new to see these old school rides in California but for a place like Freeridge with all the goes down, his car is in mint condition, “You into cars?” He asks as you straighten up after leaning down to take a look at his trims. “Not really, but my dad used to always check out those car shows a couple of towns over, I remember him talking about Impalas a lot.”
“What kind of ride does he have?” You chuckle, “I wouldn’t know, he left when I was 7.” He watches as you get in through the passenger side. Turns out there are more similarities between the two of you than meets the eye.
“Are you sure you are okay with driving me home,Spooky? Aren’t your friends gonna think something?” Oscar always preferred that the ladies call him by his street name. He internally cringed hearing you call him that as he turned on the engine. “ Call me Oscar, they ain’t gonna think of nothing. I’m just giving you a ride home.” 
You look over at him and watch him for a brief moment. Truly how the saying goes that there is more beneath the surface. Your first thoughts of him were of a gangster that could never be up to no good. But turns out, he isn’t half as bad.
After giving him directions to your place, he’s pulling onto the street no longer than 15 minutes later. And within that time, you two chatted up about all kinds of things. Cars, school, even some hopes and dreams. You hadn’t noticed the time that passed by til you checked the time on his dash.
“Geez, it’s nearly 4AM. My bad.” You apologize knowing you can be quite chatty, he brushes it off, thanking you for the company you gave him. “I should get in. My mom will be home in half an hour and well, she has a mean throwing arm with range.”
Oscar laughs wholeheartedly at your comment, making you laugh as well. “Gracias por todo, Oscar. Um, there’s a car show outside of LA next week. I don’t know much about rides but I’m sure you’d like it.”
Are these butterflies? Oscar thinks as you wait for an answer, “Sounds dope. I’ll pick you. Um, should I call?” He asks you as the feeling of butterflies begins to fill your stomach. You nod and pull out your eyeliner from your purse to scribble on his arm, he looks at it then to you as you exit his car. A smile stuck on his face.
How eventful tonight has been.
taglist: @clemmingstylins0n @fairygardenss@princesstiffxoxo@firebenderwolf @spookysnena @mbaku-babygirl @chellybear98@multiyfandomgirl40 @i-just-wanna-live-gc @roury66 @lillict @tinylumpiaa @prettymya3@starrynite7114 @onmyspookysblock @aneitii​ @b3mybunnybaby​  @angelxfics​  @spookysbabymama​ @kkim120​ @ladylj​ @vayagrxce​ @irenne-stans​ @boujee-bitches​ (please let me know if you want to be added or removed!)
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sequinsmile-x · 3 years
This was originally a prompt on here that I promised a follow up to, but got carried away.
The original prompt is in italics, so you can refresh yourselves on what it was!
Words: 3.6k 
Rating: Mature
Read over on ao3, or below the cut. 
Let me know what you think! 
It should never have happened. Emily hadn’t intended for it to, and she knew Aaron hadn’t either. They hadn’t meant to fuck at JJ’s wedding, hidden in Dave’s guest bathroom as Aaron’s girlfriend danced with his son downstairs.
Things shifted between them that night. The dance they had shared, his hand in hers and his breath against her neck had ignited her skin, set something on fire that she had tried to ignore. Emily had tried to walk away, to put some distance between them. Aaron had followed her, knocking softly on the bathroom door when she had been in there a little too long.
Emily wasn’t entirely sure who kissed who first, but she remembered him pressing her up against the counter. How it felt when he pushed her dress over her hips, her own hands not idle as she undid his shirt, wanting to feel his skin against hers.
The aftermath had been awkward, but that hadn’t stopped it from happening again the following day. Him coming to hers for the coffee they had promised each other, ending up on the couch instead, clothes shed and desperate hands palming against each other's skin.
She stiffened when he said he had broken up with Beth, the gentle hope in his voice breaking her heart. Emily still remembered the look on his face when she said she was still going to London, his cheek against her hand.
She had been in London for two months before she called him, lied and said she was in town for a consult. Aaron obviously didn’t believe her, but he came to her hotel room anyway. Emily realises she should have known it would be inevitable, that they would have sex again. She wants him as much as he wants her and she has spent so much of her life denying herself the things she wanted. It isn’t lost on her that this is the first time they have done this in a bed, and she sits up as he gets dressed, the silence in the room deafening. She pulls on one of the robes hung up in the wardrobe, pulling the tie tight around her waist.
“Aaron, we still need to talk.”
He looks at her, his face stern. “Are you staying?”
Emily opens her mouth, unsure how to even begin to answer that question, to say what she needs to say. Aaron takes her hesitance as an answer, shrugging on his jacket as he shakes his head at her.
“I should go.”
“Aaron, please.”
“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.” He says, his voice full of defeat and she hates that she's the one that put it there. That she caused the man who she cares for more than she should to feel anything other than happiness. Aaron turns to leave, his hand on the door of her hotel room and a heavy sigh escapes him. “See you next time you’re in town, Emily.”
Emily closes her eyes and wraps her arms around herself, pulling the robe she had put on tighter, as if it could hold her together in the soft material whilst she tells him what she came here to say. What she couldn’t bring herself to tell him on the phone.
“I’m pregnant.”
Aaron turns to look at her. Her eyes are fixed on the floor, her arms crossed tightly across her chest.
She looks up at him, a small smile on her face. “I think it goes without saying it's yours.” She clears her throat awkwardly when he just stares at her, clearly trying to figure out what to say next. “We should sit down.”
She moves over to one of the armchairs in the corner of the room. She curls up into the chair, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. Emily feels relief ease some of the tension in her chest when he joins her, sitting in the chair next to hers.
“Are you ok?” He asks, and it makes her smile. Any frustration he had aimed at her had melted away, replaced by confusion and something she couldn’t quite place.
“I’m ok.” She answers. “Although morning sickness is the most poorly named thing on the fucking planet.” He laughs at that, and it’s nervous, making her raise an eyebrow at him. “Are you ok?”
He nods. “I think we have a lot of things to discuss.”
“Yeah.” She replies, swallowing against the lump in her throat. “We do.” ____________
The flight back to London is rough. Her constant nausea makes the hours drag by, her desperation to just be on solid ground almost overwhelming her.
She’s never been more grateful to see her apartment, the place still not quite feeling like home yet. She sinks into her couch and groans when her cell phone immediately rings, rolling her eyes when she sees Clyde’s name on the screen before she answers.
“Do you track me or something? I’ve only just made it back.”
“That's for me to know and you to wonder about, darling.” Clyde says, smugness in his voice that made her smile despite herself. “How did our dear Agent Hotchner take the news that he’s going to be a father again.”
“Quite well given the circumstances.” Emily answers, unwilling to divulge anymore of her conversation with Aaron to her friend, knowing if there was one person on the planet he wouldn’t want her to talk to about this it would be Clyde Easter.
“You’re going to go back aren’t you?”
Emily laughs, frustrated that he could read her so well even over the phone. “I don’t really have a choice, do I?”
“You always have a choice.”
“Not now.” She replies. She looks down at her abdomen, still flat with no indication of the life growing underneath her skin showing yet. “I can’t keep the baby from him, or him from the baby. He’s a great dad.”
“You left DC for a reason.”
Emily places her hand on her belly and smiles to herself. “And now I guess I have a reason to go back.” ____________
Aaron visits her a month later. His insistence on coming to London for a long weekend made her laugh. She feels nervous when she picks him up at the airport, but it fades away when she sees him.
It’s strange, having him there in her apartment, like two very distinct worlds were colliding. She liked it though, couldn’t help but smile as he walked around and made himself familiar with where she lived.
“I had a scan this morning.” She says, smiling at him nervously when he turns to look at her, his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “Would you like to see the picture?”
“Of course.”
She beams at him as she digs the scan photo out of her purse and hands it to him. “Everything looks good, even if I am a ‘geriatric mother.’’ She said, using air quotes as she spoke.
Aaron has the gall to laugh at her, which makes her raise her eyebrows at him. He steps towards her, ultrasound scan still in hand, and he hugs her. She hugs him back, breathes in the scent of his cologne. She pulls back enough to look at him, and before she can think better of it she leans forward and kisses him. It crosses the delicate line they hadn’t crossed since he had left her hotel room a month ago, still reeling from the life changing news he had told him. They’d been in contact every day since, exchanging texts and phone calls around both of their gruelling work schedules. They’d been acting like friends, nothing more, but her hands grasping the back of his head, pulling him closer to her, changed that.
“Wait.” He says against her lips, pulling away so he could look at her. “Is this a good idea?”
Emily heaves in a breath and licks her lips before looking at his. “Maybe not.” She presses another quick kiss to his lips. “But it’s not like you can knock me up again.”
He stares at her for a second before pulling her back into him, kissing her fiercely as she drags him to her bedroom. ____________
They don’t talk about anything important until the day he leaves, neither of them wanting to ruin the little bubble they had created in her apartment. It’s him that tentatively brings up her plans over the breakfast they had ordered in.
“When are you coming back?”
“In three months.” She says as she takes a sip of her tea. “That’s when my replacement can start here, and when the role at the DC Interpol office opens up.”
Aaron frowns at her. “The DC Interpol office?”
Emily nods. “It’s essentially what I’m doing now.” She senses his confusion and clears her throat as she sets her mug back down. “I was never going to be coming back to the bureau, Aaron.”
“It’s your choice, I just thought you would have mentioned it.”
Emily can feel her temper flaring, annoyance rising up in her before she can stop it. “We’re not in a relationship, Aaron. Just because we fucked a few times and accidentally made a baby doesn’t mean I have to run everything past you.”
He stares at her, a hard look on his face. It seems to take him a moment to speak, and the way he carefully chooses his words pisses her off even more. “Would you even be coming back if it wasn’t for the baby, Emily?”
She looks at him, her fury written all over her face. “No. I wouldn’t be.”
He leaves pretty quickly, claiming he needs to get to the airport even though his flight isn’t for another 12 hours.
After that they speak less often. She updates him on the baby and he asks her how she is, how both of them are doing.
When she starts to show she takes a photo of her bump and sends it to him. The next day a package from Amazon arrives full of pregnancy skin care, a gift note from Aaron that tells her Haley had sworn by the bump cream. The tenderness of the gesture makes her cry, the affection she feels for him almost bursting out of her chest.
She calls him when she finds out they are having a boy, her enthusiasm seeping down the phone and filling his voice with wonder.
As she boards the plane to DC 3 months after she last saw him, all of her belongings shipped, she feels something a little bit like hope bloom in her chest. ____________
Aaron comes to visit her at her apartment almost as soon as she gets back, a smile on his face and a bag of takeout in his hand.
“Hi.” She says, almost shyly as she lets him in.
“Hi.” He kisses her cheek before he thinks about it, pulling her into a hug. He steps back and looks down at her abdomen. “Wow.”
Emily laughs, her hand landing on her belly. “Yeah, he’s getting big.” She takes the bag of food from him. “We should eat.”
They eat and make conversation, and it’s as if 3 months of awkward conversation between them hadn’t happened. He asks her about Sergio, and she says Penelope would be keeping him for now, but that she had full visitation rights.
Aaron clears up the plates, and she rolls her eyes at him as he tells her to put her feet up. She feels the awkwardness seep back in when he sits on the couch next to her, the unanswered questions hanging in the air.
“I’ll get you your own key.” Emily says, tearing her eyes from her lap to look at him. “It makes sense for you to just be able to come over, see the baby whenever.”
He nods, an awkward smile on his face. “I’ll get you one to my place too. Jack keeps asking when you’re coming over.”
“That’s sweet. I missed him.”
“He missed you. We both did.” It’s awkward again for a moment, and she can see the second he decides to simply say whatever he had been holding back for months. “What are we, Emily?”
She sighs. “I don’t know, Aaron.” She grabs his hand and squeezes it. “I care about you. So much. But if we hadn’t had sex at JJ’s wedding we wouldn’t even be here right now. How is that the foundation of a relationship?”
“By itself it might not be, but we have a lot more than that.” He cups her cheek. “We’ve known each other for years. I know I’m not the only one who has felt that there could be more between us.”
Emily closes her eyes and rests her forehead against his. “There is so much more at stake now.” She puts their joint hands on her bump. “We can’t mess anything up for him, or Jack.”
“Don’t we owe it to them, to us, to try?”
She pulls back enough for her nose to brush against his. Emily decides that she’s going to let herself have what she wants. She nods before she kisses him, sighing as they both lean further into it. She breaks off with a laugh when she feels the baby kick against their hands.
Aaron looks down at her stomach in wonder. “He’s kicking?”
She nods at him. “He’s kicking.”
For the first time since the test came back positive she genuinely feels like everything might work out. ____________
By the time she's 8 months pregnant she is spending the vast majority of her time at his apartment, even when he was away on a case, and she tries to ignore what that means. That she’s 2 months into a relationship with a man and practically living with him and his son. Whilst being pregnant with his second son.
Her mother had always told her that she didn’t do anything by half.
Emily is sitting on a park bench, watching Jack play on the swings, with her hand pressed into her belly when she feels it. The familiar feeling of being watched. She feels a shiver run down her spine, goosebumps raising over her body.
Her first instinct is that it’s Ian. All of her logical thoughts that he was dead, that she’d watched him die, being beaten by the anxiety coursing through her. Every reason she had left DC in the first place comes flooding back and she has to take several deep breaths. The feeling doesn’t go away, she looks around the park quickly. She can’t see him, can’t see anyone that looks like they’d be associated with him, but she feels like she needs to leave. Like she needs to get Jack, and her baby, back home as quickly as possible.
She’s about to walk over to Jack, make him leave his friends so she could take him home, when she hears a familiar voice.
“Emily?” She whips round to see Beth standing next to her, an awkward look on her face as she takes in Emily’s appearance. “I saw you from across the park, I thought it was you.”
“Beth. Hi.” She tries to smile. “How have you been?”
“Good.” She nods. She looks at her again, eyes landing on Emily’s bump. The unspoken understanding from the other woman that she was pregnant with Aaron’s child. “You look well.”
Emily’s smile falters. The last time she had seen Beth had been at JJ’s wedding, the night she’d had sex with Aaron when his girfriend was just downstairs. Beth would know that. Emily knew that Aaron was a good enough man to have told her everything when he broke up with her.
“I am really sorry, Beth. For how everything happened.”
Beth laughs and sits on the bench next to her. “That is almost exactly word for word what Aaron said when we got back to his place after JJ and Will’s wedding.” Beth looks over to where Jack is playing and smiles. “I knew something had happened, neither of you were very subtle.”
Emily feels her baby roll in her belly and she presses her hand to it, hoping the gentle circles soothe her son as well as herself.
“I...I guess saying we didn’t mean for it to happen won’t mean much.”
“It doesn’t.” Beth says, a wry smile on her face as she turns back to Emily. “But are you both happy?”
Emily doesn’t even have to think about it. “Yeah. We are.”
“Then maybe it was all worth it.” Beth says as she stands. “I should get going, tell Jack and Aaron I said hi.”
“You should say hi to Jack.”
“It’s ok. I don’t want to confuse him.” Beth smiles at Emily one last time. “Tell Aaron I’m glad he’s happy.” ____________
Aaron gets back to his apartment, the case he had been on two days too long for his liking, to find Emily fast asleep on the couch, wearing one of his shirts and a pair of leggings, with her hand pressed into her stomach. He smiles as he hangs up his keys and sets the alarm, setting his briefcase down on the side. He walks over to the couch and sits on the edge of it, gently waking her. She opens her eyes and looks at him.
“You’re home.” She murmurs, the roughness to her voice giving away that she’s been asleep for a while.
He hums in his throat as he strokes his hand over her head. “Why are you on the couch, you know it doesn’t do your back any good.”
“I was waiting up for you.” She sits up slowly, accepting his help to get her upright. Emily leans against his side as he sits next to her, smiling when he puts one of his palms on her belly and kisses the top of her head. “I missed you.”
“Missed you too.” He tilts her head and kisses her properly, feeling her smile against his lips as the baby rolls in her stomach. “How are you?”
“Good.” Emily answers. “My entire body is sore. But good.”
He hums his sympathy and rubs his hand over her stomach, the baby forever active in a way he knew had caused Emily to lose sleep.
“I’d like to take you on a date.” He says, smiling as Emily pulls back from him, a look of curiosity on her face. “I realised today that I've never taken you on one.”
“Aaron.” She replies, a smile on her face. “I’m 8 months pregnant with your son, I think we’re a little past dating.”
“True, but you have only just agreed to be my girlfriend.” He laughs when she scrunches her nose at him, leaning down to kiss the tip of it. “What?”
“The word ‘girlfriend’ makes it sound like I’m 14, not in my 40s.”
Aaron smiles at her again and kisses her, smiling against her lips. “Well, I’d propose to you so you could call me your fiancée, but I worry that would send you running back to London.”
Emily laughs, kissing him again quickly. “I wouldn’t run away, but I might check if you were feeling ok.” She rests her head against him again. “I saw Beth today.”
He stiffens, his arms tightening around her. “How was that?”
“Awkward.” She answers, turning her head to kiss his shoulder through his shirt. “But she was very nice. Nicer than I might have been in her shoes.”
“I’m glad.” He kisses the top of her head. “What else?”
“What do you mean?”
“What else happened?”
She scoffs. “Can’t keep anything from you.” She sighs. “I could tell someone was watching me, and before Beth came over I thought it was Ian.” He doesn’t say anything, and it spurs her on. “I know he’s dead, that I don’t have to be afraid anymore, but I was for so long.” She feels her emotions rise in her chest, tears flooding at her eyes as she was at the mercy of her hormones. “And I have so much more to lose now.” She wipes her face. “You, Jack. The baby.”
He kisses the top of her head again, then her temple, holding her impossibly tighter. “You aren’t going to lose any of us, sweetheart.” He tilts her chin so he can kiss her properly. “This is it now. Forever.”
She ignores the voice in her head that tells her he can’t promise her that, and she nods.
“If that’s a proposal I’m leaving.” She jokes and it makes him laugh, his forehead pressed against hers.
“Trust me, baby. You’ll know when I’m proposing.” ____________
He takes her on a date the following week. She lets him take her to a restaurant and spoil her, and he doesn’t make any comments when she orders enough food for at least 3 people for herself.
He takes her for ice cream after, going into the store and getting it himself so she doesn’t have to get back out the car, her ankles sore and swollen.
That night they lay in his bed, the one she really knows is theirs, and as he runs his fingers up and down her bare spine she drifts off to sleep.
“I love you.” She whispers into the room, the first time she has said it to him.
She stays awake long enough to hear him say it back. ____________
It should never have happened, but when their son, Benjamin, is born three weeks later Emily is so glad it did.
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
HCs with Clyde and a newborn baby?
HC's: Clyde & his Newborn Baby
author's notes: hello, hello! oh jeez, I am so fucking soft for dad!Clyde. thank you for requesting this :) also, and this is canon on my page tbh, but Clyde absolutely has daughters.
warnings: tooth-rotting fluff. dad!Clyde. general adorableness.
(possible) tw's: implied pregnancy.
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The first time Clyde sees his daughter, he immediately breaks down in tears. She's one of the most beautiful sights, besides you of course, that he's ever laid eyes on before.
He's so, so incredibly thankful for you and the sacrifices you've made over the last nine months carrying his child.
He'll spend the rest of his days on planet Earth trying to make it up to you. He's forever in your debt.
"S-She's...oh ma god, darlin', s-she's so beautiful."
He can't stop looking at her as she sleeps in your arms, hand cupping the little girl's cheek, large thumb running gently over her small cheekbone.
His lips are all over your face and neck as he lays in the bed next to you and your baby girl. And in between every kiss he says "Thank ya" and "I love ya".
When you ask him if he wants to hold her, he gets real nervous.
"I-I'm not so s-sure that's a good idea. What if I d-drop 'er? What i-if I hold 'er the w-wrong way and she s-starts cryin'?"
You reassure him that she’ll be alright, telling him to just make sure her head and neck are supported.
He’s still really nervous, but he agrees to take her nonetheless. He holds his breath as the transition is made, quickly putting the natural curve of her neck against his flesh arm to support it.
Once he has her settled in his arms, he tears up again, unable to tear his eyes away from the small human swaddled in a rubber duck-pattern blanket, the one he bought for her.
You watch with tears in your eyes as Clyde holds his baby girl for the first time. He looks so happy, genuinely happy, which just warms your heart.
Clyde was truly destined to be a dad, and you’re so honored to be the one that was able to give him his first child <3 <3
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im-immortal · 3 years
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beth greene & daryl dixon au // the bandit and the criminal
Beth was practically shaking. Her heart was racing and her palms were sweating and she could taste bile at the back of her throat. She could already feel the adrenaline beginning to course through her veins.
No matter how many times they did this, she was always nervous. But that was part of the thrill. 
Daryl, on the other hand, was taking a long and leisurely drag off his cigarette. He was still as a statue, though his eyes were darting around in every which direction. They already had their exit route, and a backup route, and a backup for their backup, and another backup in case those both failed. But she knew he was still looking for more exits, plotting and planning inside his head, observing every little detail. Yet he seemed so calm.
She tried to steady her breathing. In through her mouth. Out through her nose. Her fingers were tracing over the handgun at her hip, double-checking that the safety was off. And her eyes were glancing around warily. There was no one else in the alley with them, but she kept peering over her shoulder.
Daryl tossed the butt of his cigarette onto the ground. “Y’ready, Greene?” He asked quietly, his voice low and hoarse with what she knew was worry. And maybe the slightest hint of fear.
Beth exhaled another long breath and forced every bit of confidence she had into her response: “I was born ready, Dixon.”
He smirked, eyes flicking towards the corner of the building that they’d be rounding soon before settling back on her. His smirk disappeared and he grew very serious as he said, “Remember: in an’ out. No casualties. Keep an eye on the tellers—”
“But a closer eye on the hostages,” she finished before he could say it.
“Right,” he nodded. “Eugene’s down the block, he’s already hacked into the system, ready ta disable the cameras soon as he sees us. Merle’s two blocks away. He’ll pull up at twelve on the dot.”
She glanced down at the watch on her wrist: 11:51.
Swallowing hard, she met Daryl’s eyes and said, “And he’s only gonna wait thirty seconds.”
“Just like every other time.”
“Right. I know the plan. Just like every other time.” She lifted the hood of her black sweatshirt over her head. “Guess it’s now or never.”
He did the same with the hood of his own sweatshirt before reaching into the front pocket and extracting their ski masks. He held out the white one for her. “One last job.”
She scoffed, taking the mask. “That’s what we said last time.”
“Yeah well, didn’t realize Argentina was so damn expensive,” he murmured.
When she looked back up to meet his gaze, she saw the hint of a smirk playing on his lips. She smiled back, suddenly filled with more confidence than ever before. “You reckon the media’s gonna miss The Kissing Bandits?”
He rolled his eyes. She knew he hated the moniker that they’d been given by the newspapers and reporters, but a part of her wondered if he didn’t like it just a little bit. She sure did. It was cute. A hell of a lot better than some of the other monikers they’d been given. Her least favorite was Bonnie and Clyde 2.0. It was so unoriginal. Besides, it was thrilling to think of themselves as bandits rather than just really slippery criminals.
“Reckon they’ll still be talkin’ ‘bout us fer years,” Daryl said. And his smirk was back.
Beth chuckled. “Never thought needin’ money for my dad’s surgery and prosthetic would lead me all the way here.”
“Shit,” he agreed. “Jus’ like I never thought needin’ money ta pay off all Merle’s dealers would land me a new partner in crime.”
She raised her eyebrows and gave him a pointed look, though it was playful. “A partner in life.”
He grunted. “Same thing.”
Before he could lift the mask and pull it over his face beneath the hood, she stepped forward and leaned up to kiss him. He paused for a split-second, but then he was kissing her back. Soft and deep and with a hand cupped at the back of her skull. She smiled against his lips and pulled away slowly.
And just like that, all of her worry dissipated. She was filled with adrenaline and confidence and hunger. A hunger for money and Argentina and Daryl.
“Okay,” she breathed out, grinning. “Now I really am ready.” She pulled the white ski mask over her face, tugging it down until she could see through the eye holes and breathe through the mouth slit, making sure all of her blonde hair was tucked up inside and hidden beneath the dark hood of her sweatshirt.
He did the same, then he stepped over and snatched up the pair of automatic weapons leaning against the dumpster. He handed one over to her and she made sure the safety was off, weighing the familiar gun in her hands.
“One last job,” Daryl repeated. “Le’ssgo.”
They quickly rounded the corner and dashed around the building before anyone could spot them or their weapons. He was the first in, as always. He shoved the glass door open and hurried into the bank with Beth hot on his heels.
A collective gasp sounded through the bank as soon as the customers and tellers spotted the guns and the ski masks.
Daryl lifted his firearm in the air, already moving towards the door that led to the safe room. And Beth lifted her own firearm, aimed and poised to fire.
“Everybody on the fucking floor!” She demanded loudly. “Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt! This is a stick-up!”
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Getaway car
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Summary: A story like Bonny & Clyde that’s what you wanted with him. Sadly, life gets in between you and your Clyde…
Pairing: Criminal!Dean x Criminal!Reader; Mobster!Dean x Reader
Warnings: angst, language, abandonment, crimes, robbery, unrequited love?, a hint of fluff
A/N: And again, Taylor Swift inspired one of my stories. This time it was ‘Getaway car’. Lyrics are taken from her song.
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The first time you laid eyes on him was at the diner you were working your shift. He stalked toward the counter, ordering pie and went home with you instead.
It was crazy, dirty, and rough but he left you wanting more. Weeks later he came back, wanting more and more until you followed him…
He was the best of times, the worst of crimes
I struck a match 
And blew your mind, but I didn't mean it
And you didn't see it
The ties were black, the lies were white
And shades of grey in candlelight
I wanted to leave him
I needed a reason
Three years later you lean against the wall at the bar, your smile long gone, just like the excitement and adrenaline after another successful raid. 
The last bank should have been the last. Retirement, a future, that is what Dean promised to you but lately, you got the feeling you will end up like all his other partners before.
Dropped at a motel, fifty bucks on the nightstand and brokenhearted as he found a new ‘Bonnie’.
You believed him when he said you are the one. You desperately wanted this life with him, but things change – so does Dean.
Right now, he leans closer to the bartender, that million-dollar smile which once melted your heart on his plump lips. The only difference, this time he gives it to that girl - his next partner as you assume.
It pains to admit you were just that, a young girl he could corrupt and use as a distraction during his raids until you lost your usefulness; until he found a younger and sexier girl to use.
You do not know where or when you lost it, but you know it’s over when he gives the girl a wink, snickering at something she said.
One last time you glance at Dean, ignoring the ache in your chest before you turn your back on him to leave the motel bar. 
X marks the spot
Where we fell apart
He poisoned the well, I was lyin' to myself
I knew it from the first Old Fashioned, we were cursed
We never had a shotgun shot in the dark
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In a haste you count the money, leaving half of the bait, two-hundred thousand bucks, for Dean on the motel bed. The keys to his car, you take them with you to get to the next hideout.
One last deep breath and you place the note for Dean onto the pillow, placing the necklace he gave you on top of it.
“Goodbye, my Clyde…” You leave the room, not looking back, hurrying toward the getaway car Dean stole a state ago. He won’t miss the rusty car, already having another in eyesight to escape if need. 
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Dean’s hand trembles when he enters the motel room only to find you gone. He waited the whole evening for you to show up, the engagement ring he stole at the bank burning a hole into his pocket.
“Goodbye, my Clyde,” Dean sniffs reading the note. “How could you believe I want to replace you, sweetheart?”
Dear Dean, my beloved Clyde,
I believed you when you said this is the last time. Sadly, I had to watch you hit on the next girl to be your Bonnie. I know, I was just the next best girl you found for your heists, but I will always remember our time.
To me, you are the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I am sorry that I was not enough for you to not stray.
I left half of the bait, Dean, and took the car. You will not miss the rusty wreck, I know you will find a new one in a blink, just like a new partner.
I will try to fulfill my dream with my half of the money. Please, if you ever felt anything for me, do not go after me to get the money back. I earned it as much as you did.
I will always love you.
Your Bonnie…
Tears cloud Dean eyes re-reading the letter until he falls onto the bed, sighing deeply.
You were drivin' 
The getaway car
We were flyin'
 But we'd never get far
 Don't pretend it's such a mystery
 Think about the place where you first met me
 We're ridin' 
 In a getaway car
 There were sirens in the beat of your heart
 Should've known I'd be the first to leave
 Think about the place where you first met me
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“So…where is your special girl, Dean?” Looking at the money onto his table Sam swallows thickly. “Dean?”
“She left, believing she’s just a random partner. I didn’t use her as bait, Sammy. She was the one, the one that got away,” Dean opens the little black box to show his brother the diamond ring.
“The money, it’s enough to get back into the business and to pay for the house,” Dean nods, not meeting his brother’s eyes. “You did all this to get dad’s business back. We should try to use what you got. I brought my half too, twenty million.”
“Got thirty, Sam. Just give me a day or two. I need a bit of time,” watching his brother leave the room, a frown on his face Sam nods, understanding the heart-wrenching pain to lose the woman you love. 
“We talk tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Take your time, Dean.” Sam gives his brother as cracked smile watching Dean stuff the ring back into his pocket.
“She left, took the getaway car, and never looked back. What if I never find her, Sammy? What if she’s gone for good?”
In a getaway car, oh-oh
No, they never get far, oh-oh-ahh
No, nothing good starts 
In a getaway car
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5 years later … somewhere in the middle of nowhere, Rocheport, Missouri
“Y/N, I’ve seen my old dog walk faster than you serve our customers. I have to rethink your position in this diner,” your boss nags once again. 
It is not as if you didn’t work 12 hours in a row to make more money or that the diner is crowded, and you are the only waitress.
“I’ll try to work faster,” you reply, biting your tongue to not lose yet another job.
This small-town is a nightmare but your car broke not 10 miles out of town, so you had no other choice but to stay here, make some money until you find another town and another shitty job.
Five years ago, you had a plan, the money and motivation to have a better life. Two months in running your shop, a bakery, someone bought the building opposite your tiny shop, destroying your dream in the blink of an eye. It did not take more than a month to lose all your customers to the impressive café.
Without money left you grabbed your stuff and fleed out of town, no dreams in your pocket this time. You drove from town to town. Worked to make a few bucks to hit the road to nowhere again.
Looking back at that night, the night you left Dean you regret that you never talked to him. Maybe, just maybe he would’ve changed his mind and kept his promise.
It was the great escape
The prison break
The light of freedom on my face
But you weren't thinkin'
And I was just drinkin'
While he was runnin' after us
I was screamin', "Go, go, go!"
But with three of us, honey, it's a side show
And a circus ain't a love story
And now we're both sorry
(We're both sorry)
“What can I bring you, Sir?” A tall man wearing an expensive suit looks up at you, a soft smile on his lips. He doesn’t quite fit in. Men like him prefer an expensive restaurant, not a shady diner.
“Coffee, black. Please,” you nod, writing his order down whilst the man glances at your nametag. “Y/N, nice name.”
“Oh-well, my mom gave it to me,” the man smiles again, taking the menu you offered to him. “If you want anything else, tell me so when I bring the coffee, Sir.”
“Sam, just call me Sam.” You mirror his smile, believing he is new in town and tries to be polite. Usually, your customers bark their order at you only to not give a tip or to spill their coffee onto your apron.
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“Anything else, Sir?” Sam shakes his head, paying the coffee and take-away pie, handing you a huge tip. “Thank you.”
“Must be hard to work at this place,” you nod, giving him a cracked smile. “Why does a girl like you work at this place?”
“Had a dream years ago, but it didn’t work out. You know, I had a nice little bakery but someone else opened a better, bigger, and more colorful place. I lost,” he nods, offering an apologetic smile before he gets up.
“Sometimes things are meant to end and sometimes,” he dips his head to look at you with soft eyes, “things turn out for the better.”
X marks the spot
Where we fell apart
He poisoned the well
Every man for himself
I knew it from the first Old Fashioned, we were cursed
It hit you like a shotgun shot to the heart
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Your shift is almost over when the bell above the door rings again. Your boss wants to bark at the person entering the diner after closing time but oddly, he turns pale.
“Something wrong, boss?” He shakes his head, choking out the word gun. You don’t want to but you force your body to turn around only for your to look into the barrel of a shotgun.
Two large men entered the diner, wearing black clothes and masks they crowd the diner. “You, come over here!” The smaller of the men barks at you, jerking the shotgun toward the place next to him. “Hurry or I’ll give your boss a brand-new hole.”
“Do it bitch,” your boss barks and you hurry toward the man’s side, sniffling. “At least you are not useless this time. We got around five hundred in the register plus her tips in the jar under the counter.”
“Classy to tell us about her tips,” the man next to you spats. “Come here, Y/N. I need to make sure you do not try anything stupid.”
You nod, walking toward the man who immediately wraps one arm around your waist, pressing his lips to your ear.
“Did you miss me, sweetheart?” His deep voice, the way he husks the pet name into your ear and his cologne let your knees buckle. “I’ve missed you, Y/N. I’ll bring my Bonnie home now.”
“Got it,” Sam smirks, showing Dean the money and your tip jar. “Let’s go and buy drugs,” Dean snickers at Sam’s words, holding you flush against his firm chest.
“Okay, you son of a bitch will stay where you are and not call the cops. We will take your sweet waitress to make sure you do not try anything,” Dean leads you out of the diner whilst Sam aims his shotgun at your boss. 
“Do not move or she dies…”
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“How? I…” Lips quivering you watch the man you met at the diner carry your few belongings out of the motel room you inherit. “How did you find me? Will you kill me now? I…I don’t have the money…”
“Sweetheart,” Dean pecks your forehead, running his hands up and down your back to calm you. “I needed 5 years to find you, Y/N. I never wanted to replace you, my Bonnie.”
“You flirted with that girl,” you sniffle, hiding your face in his shoulder. “I thought you want to get rid of me like with the other girls before me.”
“There were no other girls before you, Y/N. I lied, okay. In the beginning, I needed a partner as my brother left me. I wanted to keep our relationship strictly professional.” You giggle, looking up at Dean.
“After you had me bare that first night? Very professional, Mr. Clyde.” Dean hums, pressing his forehead against yours. “I’ve missed you, Dean. There was not a single day I didn’t think about our time together.”
“Missed you too, sweetheart. We should hit the road before the cops arrest us for stealing lousy five-hundred bucks.” Sam snickers, pointing toward your now empty tip jar.
“I left the money with the poor boy at the reception. I think he never got a larger tip before.”
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“Whoa…you invested the money better than I,” your eyes round, following Dean toward the family mansion he bought five years ago.
“I got our house from the bank and my father’s business back with the money. Sammy paid his half and we are back in business.” Dean leads you inside, holding your hand the whole time. “Now I got everything I ever wanted.”
You bite your lip, glancing at the tiny black box Dean holds in his hand. “I wanted to give you this five years ago.”
“Dean…” You gasp, looking at the little handcuffs. “Did you want to arrest me?” He smirks, getting the silver keychain out of the box.
“If you prove you will not run away again,” he whispers, glancing at your lips, “I’ll give you the ring I stole for you…”
You were drivin' 
The getaway car
We were flyin'
But we'd never get far
Don't pretend it's such a mystery
Think about the place where you first met me
We're ridin' 
In a getaway car
There were sirens 
In the beat of your heart
Should've known I'd be the first to leave
Think about the place where you first met me
In a getaway car, oh-oh
No, they never get far, oh-oh-ahh
No, nothing good starts 
In a getaway car
“I don’t think I’ll need a getaway car again, Clyde,” you press your lips to Dean’s, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I am your Bonnie if you still want me…”
“Next time you need a getaway car, take me with you.” Dean deepens the kiss, not letting up until you gasp for air. “But I think, we are safe for now…”
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SPN Forever Tags
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
A/N: If your name is crossed out Tumblr won’t let me tag you.
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merakiaes · 4 years
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This will be a list on which I write down the requests that I have accepted to write and that are in the making. I will also write down the people who have requested them so that those of you who request publically can see if I’m going to write your request or not.
They will not necessarily be written in the order they are put in the list and if I for some reason can’t find an idea for a request, it will, unfortunately, be deleted.
The titles are not set in stone, they might change if I think of better ones, and some of the requests/fics on this list are requests that have disappeared from my inbox - these will be marked with “unknown” as I don’t remember the usernames of the people who requested.
(LAST UPDATED 23/03-2021)
Back Against The Wall, Cards On The Table (Requested by: @elia-the-bibliophile & anon)
Tommy Shelby
Arthur Shelby
The Coffee Shop (Requested by: @a-libra-writes)
Harmless (Requested by: anon)
Kiss Is Better (Requested by: @meteora-fc & anon)
Cool Dad (Requested by: unknown)
Winner (Requested by: unknown)
Alfie Solomons
Lovesick (Requested by: anon)
Peter Parker
Study Break (Requested by: anon)
Loki Laufeyson
Lokisdottir (Requested by: anon)
Scott Lang
No Funny Business (Requested by: unknown)
The First Kiss (Requested by: unknown)
Bucky Barnes
Unconditionally And Irrevocably (Requested by: anon)
Longing, Rusted, Seventeen... (Requested by: @nkjktk)
Daniel Sousa
Like The Sun To A Sunflower (Requested by: @artgirl130)
Draco Malfoy
Back Together (Requested by: @darkness-is-mystery)
Crushing (Requested by: @the--queen-of-hell)
Amortentia (Requested by: @killerqueenishere)
Ron Weasley
Soft Pillows, Happy Hearts (Requested by: anon)
It's Over Now (Requested by: @lubinkoo)
Fred Weasley
Apology Accepted (Requested by: @witchglow)
Jealousy (Requested by: @witchglow)
Hermione Granger
Say Yes (Requested by: anon)
Forgiveness (Requested by: @cloudlymalfoy)
Bill Weasley
Patronus (Requested by: anon)
Jorah Mormont
Happily Ever After (Requested by: @marvelously-flawed)
A Sky Full Of Stars (Requested by: @a-libra-writes)
Sandor Clegane
Savior (Requested by: unknown)
Through Her Eyes (Requested by: @nkjktk)
Aaron Hotchner
At Least It's Not Worse (Requested by: anon)
Spencer Reid
Taken (Requested by: @darkness-is-mystery)
What's My Name? (Requested by: unknown)
Home Is With You (Requested by: anon)
A Glimpse Of The Future (Requested by: @savannahcole)
New Traditions (Requested by: anon)
Derek Morgan
Unexpected Delivery (Requested by: anon)
Bonnie And Clyde (Requested by: @imaginex)
Forever Your Savior (Requested by: @darkness-is-mystery)
That's My Girl (Requested by: unknown)
Luke Alvez
Never Let Go (Requested by: @mrsdaamneron)
Emily Prentiss
One Day At A Time (Requested by: @zizzlekwum)
Geralt Of Rivia
Make Your Choice (Requested by: anon)
The Witcher's Only Fear (Requested by: @whiskeywinter89)
My Darling, My Love (Requested by: anon)
When A Bard Meets A Witcher (Requested by: @julian-alfred-pankratz)
Roman Godfrey
Oh, The Horror (Requested by: anon)
Angels Have Demons, Too (Requested by: @count-raven015)
Paul Lahote
The Lahote Temper (Requested by: unknown)
Charlie Swan
Midnight Strolls (Requested by: @musicalgeneration-wattpad)
Eric Coulter
When In Doubt (Requested by: @lunamooney2406 & anon)
Tobias Eaton
Five (Requested by: anon)
Poe Dameron
Waking Up Beside You (Requested by: anon)
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Holding On (Requested by: anon)
Detective Loki
Meeting The Parents (Requested by: anon)
No Such Thing As Perfect (Requested by: anon)
Nick Jones
Look, But Don't Touch (Requested by: anon)
Jack Sparrow
Adrenaline (Requested by: @buzzed-beebee & anon)
Alexander (Grimm)
We Start Over (Requested by: @tarotsandpotions)
Billy Hargrove
The Three Inch Rule (Requested by: @springsoulofengland)
Daryl Dixon
Reg Slivko
Who Would've Thought? (Requested by: @azanoni)
In Our Dreams (Requested by: @flowerstarfish)
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baby-grayson · 4 years
Sweet Enigma| Part 4
Words: 2318
Tags:  @wheezeatmedolans​ @styles-dolan​ @prettyboydolan​ @evergreendolan​ @baby-turtles​ @dolanstacoma​ @kombuchagray​ @not-gbd​ @graysavant​ @someonetogray​ @dolansficsandpics​ @batgirl009 @voguekristens @letsgoget-high​ @crossedbone-kat​
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Grayson Dolan wasn’t very proud of how he treated Kate during the summer of 2020. He was insecure, anxious, and unsure of how to properly handle a beautiful creature like her. The only thing he was proud of from that summer was  everything between he and Kate was kept private. Grayson knew the one good thing he did was protect her from the public eye. Even though he was neurotic and immature, he managed to save her heart and her life from being sucked into the celebrity storm. When Grayson thought back to that summer, he felt guilt and regret for not being more of a man when he had the chance, but his emotions were ebbed by his one right thing.
This is why, when Grayson spotted a figure in a black hood sulking on the edge of his tiny home property, he promptly told Kate to pack her backpacks and get ready to leave. When she asked why they were leaving so soon, he responded brusquely that they weren’t safe there anymore. And so, they ditched their car and planned the next step on their journey: leaving a trail of broken hearts, lies, and tension in their wake like some kind of modern Bonnie and Clyde.
Once they mapped out their next destination and decided on an arrival time, Grayson called Ethan.
“You really know how to make an exit Gray,” upon hearing his twin’s brother’s voice, Grayson was struck by the idea that it had been nearly two days since he had been with Ethan: that was nearly a decade in twin time.
Grayson huffed into the phone, “I’m sorry about that E.”
Grayson could hear Ethan shake his head on the other end of the line, “I’ve been taking care of your life since you’ve been gone. The Wakeheart bathbomb project is still on schedule—” “Good-“ Grayson murmured mindlessly on the other end of the line: work was the last thing he wanted to talk about with Ethan at the moment.
“I’ve also kept Calvin at bay from suing you for the cost of that party—Hey Gray do you know anything about him and a stripper from Florida? Please don’t tell me you ran off with a stripper from Orlando—” Ethan felt ridiculous saying it, but it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility.
“No-No-No,” Grayson’s voice was adamant, “I am not with—I’m with Kate. We were in Chester, leaving for Long Valley right now—” “Oh—” Ethan could not contain his surprise at hearing Kate’s name. In his heart of hearts, he wasn’t shocked that Grayson was physically clinging to his memories of her: his last actual happy times. Ethan had always liked Kate, if his brother hadn’t fallen so madly for her back in the day Ethan would have considered calling her to ask for a date. But Ethan’s subconscious did not need twin telepathy to tell him that if Grayson wasn’t running away from Sherry, he was most definitely running to Kate.
“Yeah,” Grayson didn’t want to brush his brother off but his tone was curt, “We’re going to mom’s house before anyone catches us out here.”
“Gray,” Ethan’s tone wore his signature big brother tone of disappointment.
“Yeah?” “You remember what dad used to tell us?” Ethan sighed into the phone, he could almost hear Grayson’s heart stutter a bit before he continued, “If you have to sneak around, you know you’re doing something wrong.”
Grayson rubbed his lips together, as if trying to slide the unruly thought into his head. “Love you bro.” “Love you Gray.”
The second that Ethan hung up the phone, Grayson slung his orange leather duffel bag over his shoulder. He nodded at Kate, who was waiting patiently on the lofted bed. Together, they used the cover of the night to escape to Long Valley.
Lisa loved it when her children came to visit her. She would prepare big meals and try to find excuses to cuddle up with them on the couch. On that night, she wished she was seeing Grayson under different circumstances. It didn’t take a mother’s intuition to see the tension in his eyes and stress hanging in his jaw. She was surprised to see the petite brunette with a slight limp trail behind him. Grayson had once shown Lisa a picture of Kate. She vaguely remembered the image of a smiling girl in front of a blue tiled wall. Even with the hazy memory of the girl, Lisa was as shocked as anyone else in the world to learn that she was Grayson’s first stop after leaving his own engagement party.
Upon arriving to his mother’s house, Grayson ran upstairs to call Ethan back. In the car, Ethan texted Grayson about a number of issues surrounding the coming boat party for the launch of Wakeheart’s new line of bath bombs. In skipping out, he left his mother and Kate alone in the kitchen.
Kate sucked in her lip, her eyes darting awkwardly around the room.
Lisa sipped at her tea prior to breaking the silence, “How is he?” “He’s—” Kate took in a deep breath, picking her words carefully, “He’s trying his best. But—” she sighed, “He’s head strong.” Lisa chuckled, “He’s always been that way. He has a habit of getting obsessed with things he convinces himself are good ideas.”
Kate nodded with a rocking swing, “Yes.” She bit her lip, asking herself if she would ask the question before it came out, “I think that’s what happened—with, with her.”
Lisa gave a subtle nod, “I wouldn’t doubt it.”
They shared a silent space for a few moments.
Lisa turned to Kate again, “Do you want to leave? I’m sure you want to get back to your own life..” Kate shook her head quickly, dark tresses escaping from her ponytail. Suddenly, she was very self-conscious about appearing annoyed or disinterested, “No, not at all. I—” she bit her lip, “I want to be there for him. He was—he was there for me when I had no one else.” She gnawed on her skin softly, “He would do it for me if the tables were turned.”
Lisa gave a maternal look, “Returning a favor is nice,” she set her mug down on the counter with a clack sound, “But you’re going far for someone who hasn’t seen him in years.” Her eyes nearly twinkled, “While you’re keeping him in check, make sure you check in with yourself.” Kate opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by Grayson bustling down the stairs. He was mumbling something about catering and boat insurance. He offered to show her to her room, Cameron’s old room. Kate picked her backpacks up from the floor and followed him up the stairs.
She had thrown her bags onto the bed when her phone rang from her pocket. She brought it around and felt her brain jostle when she saw Wesley’s contact photo. Grayson was standing in the doorway when she picked up the phone.
“Hey uh babe,” Kate tried to disguise her exhausted voice. “Hey Katie,” Wesley’s tone was so comforting that it hurt Kate, “How have you been sunshine?”
“I’ve been good,” Kate attempted to sound upbeat, “I-uh—yeah things are okay.” “Have you been getting that time with your mom you wanted?” Wesley was truly, genuinely, outwardly concerned about her. Kate nodded and then realized he couldn’t see her, “Yeah, all the time…”
“Good, I’m happy for you.” Wesley took a breath over the phone, “Hey Katie, you know I’m not usually like this but you haven’t really been texting me and I’ve been getting worried.” “I’m with my mom,” Kate’s voice came too quickly, “I can do better, yeah better I’ll do better.”
“Are you---are you really—okay Katie,” Wesley shuffled the phone in his hand, “I’m here if you need me.” “Thanks Wes,” Kate sighed, “Love you.” She didn’t wait to hear it back before hanging up the phone. Kate tossed her phone into one of her bags and laid back onto the bed. She sighed audible and blew a fast stream of air from here lungs. From his place in the doorway, Grayson crept into the room, “That was him?” Kate closed her eyes from the bed and nodded, “Yeah, that was him.” Grayson sat on the edge of the bed; he rested his hands on his knees. He felt like the image of a man painted in pain, guilt, and grief. He felt like the world’s biggest idiot for not considering that Kate might have moved on after three years. He wanted to reach out and touch her, but decided against making contact. “I’m sorry,” he started with a low voice, “I—You can go home if you want.”
Kate shook her head and sat up to look at him, her dark tresses falling around her head, “I want to be here for you.” Her tone was assuring. Grayson chuckled and moved his palms outward, “Here for what? I don’t even know what I’m doing.” Grayson’s eyes met the floor as he hung his head low. Kate’s small palm found a home between his shoulders, “Not knowing what you need, is when you need people the most.” He looked up from where he hung his head to find her lips close to his. His pupils focused on her lips before traveling up to her eyes.
She kept her tone sweet and light, “My life wasn’t a dream. It’s not like you pulled me out of something spectacular and dragged me with you. I needed—I needed something different to show me what was wrong. You gave me that. You did something right for me.” She gave him a soft smile, “You did something right.” Grayson’s skin felt like it was on fire when she reached forward and wrapped her small arms around him in a hug. Her embrace was warm and smelled like her signature scent. He smiled into her shoulder: still a guilty mess but feeling less shameful.
Both of their veins rushed with blood. Their faces were closer together than they had been in years. Somehow, their bodies knew how to fit together like pieces of a puzzle. This was the first time they were physically touching each other since the last time they were together: that wretched morning with the pill at CVS. And yet, that wasn’t the memory that rushed to either of their minds. They closed their eyes, finding a comfortable piece in each other’s arms: arriving home after a long, wayward journey. 
From the dark spot Kate’s phone landed in after she threw it in her bag, it began to light up. Her phone beeped, pinged, and buzzed from within her backpack.
In his room, Grayson’s phone rang with calls from Ethan, Sherry, Calvin, Ryan, and his agents. His inbox filled with emails as he began to trend on twitter for the second time that week.
Downstairs, Lisa turned on the television to see an image of her son looking back at her. The screen lit up to reveal the paparazzi pictures of Kate and Grayson at his tiny home. One after another images swarmed the flat screen: Grayson and Kate stepping out of his Tesla; Grayson opening the front door and Kate following after him, a zoomed in shot of Grayson and Kate making dinner for each other; Grayson sitting outside the tiny home drinking his morning coffee; Kate stepping out of the tiny home, in one of his t-shirts and sitting next to him while he took his coffee.
The headlines and hashtags had a field day.
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amazingdriverfics · 4 years
Videogames and the boys
A/N: In my free time, whenever I’m not writing, I’m playing games - right now Kingdom Hearts - and so I though I should join both passions and write this. 
It warmed my heart and I sure hope it warms yours. 
Hope you like it! 
Warnings: mentions to sex.
My masterlist
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Kylo Ren
Kylo caught you playing in the holo once while you were alone in your shared quarters.
The happiness on your face as you anihilated a bunch of zombies violently in the game made him buy you a console to play on, as well as all of the games he imagined that you could possibly like. 
What Kylo didn’t predict was that you would become totally obsessed with the thing.
During your free time, you were constantly in front of the screen, control in hand and completely focused. 
Although he found it absolutely cute and attractive the way you focused and even became aggressive in the game, he missed spending quality time with you. 
That’s when he decided to play with you.
At first, he sucked and got really pissed at it - breaking numerous controls in the process -, leaving you laughing behind as he got off the living room with heavy stomps. 
With time, however, his abilities increased and it was a tough battle between the both of you.
To make it worse, you were just as competitive as him. 
Things started to get funnier as you and Kylo started to bet things.
 At first, it was simple things like who would cook on the next dinner date, who would prepare each other’s bath and casual stuff. 
But things got bolder and you started to bet things related to sex like who would top, who would be restrained, how many times one would cum.
And winning or losing turned into a less bitter thing. 
Video Gaming kinda turned into yours and Kylo’s thing.
 You both had fun and certainly enjoyed the rewards afterwards just as much.
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Clyde Logan
Clyde didn’t even have a phone, so he obviously wasn’t the one to introduce the videogame into your routines.
You bought one after months of gathering money and you had been clearly too attached to the thing at the beginning.
And, even though you knew that Clyde wasn’t really into technology, you just really wanted to try gaming with your boyfriend.
The first part of the process was finding a control that he could easily operate with one hand.
The second was convincing him to play. And since he could never tell you no, one day he sat with you on the couch ready to learn what he should do with all those buttons in the control. 
Patiently, you explained every function to him and you even started the game in the easiest mode just to make sure he felt included. 
He was terrible at it.
His car hit every single obstacle on the way, he constantly hit other cars and also constantly drove in the wrong direction. 
Even though Clyde tried to play just to please you, he couldn’t get himself to like it and so the play dates changed. 
Clyde would sit next to you with a book and as you played, he read.
 He would often give you encouraging words or listen to you complaining about a player or a level with lots of attention and a soft smile on his face.
Clyde loved watching you play, he thought you were too cute doing it. 
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Charlie Barber
Charlie bought the videogame for Henry, but he knew you used it more than his son. 
Of course when Henry wanted to play by himself, you would do another thing, giving the boy the space to enjoy himself. But you were also his favorite company to play with.
Unlike his dad, you didn’t lose patience whenever you lost, leaving him all alone. 
You were actually a great loser and you usually lost on purpose because you loved seeing Henry’s face light up every time he won. 
Whenever Charlie joined the two of you, you did your absolute best to defeat him, just like his son, since the two of you found his reactions very funny. 
That didn’t discourage the man from trying to win from you two anyway. 
When Henry wasn’t with him, he wasn’t much of a player. When he wasn’t working he prefered to spend his time with you in other ways. 
He loved, however, watching you with his son, laughing, playing and giving Henry as much love as you gave to any other friend or family member. 
As Charlie watched you two, he knew he had chosen the right woman for him.
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sparkles-and-trash · 4 years
Craig and Those Guys, Headcanons Masterpost  ~
Craig Tucker 
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tall and gangly 
has really pretty, thick black hair, but is always wearing his chullo so he always has hat hair lol 
light blue/grey-ish eyes 
long face, defined jaw 
really smooth skin, which is odd since he has no routine what so ever 
casual style, lot’s of hoodies and those Adidas pants with the white stripe at the side? 
he has a resting bitch face, but like, as a personality? 
like, when he’s not thinking about anything special or talking about something he cares about, he’ll just sorta tune out and look pissed and/or bored 
but he isn’t grumpy or careless 
just a little aloof lol 
cares a lot about his boyfriend, friends, family and pet(s) 
doesn’t always feel confident when showing it tho 
dorky, he loves space and his niche shows and likes tidying haha 
has the dorkiest laugh and is super embarrassed about it hehe 
isn’t that good with people tbh 
but he really values his friends, and enjoys spending time with them
will fight for his friends, hands down 
is weary around new people, like the the two boy gangs started to hang out a little more, he was the one who took the longest to open up and be chill with it 
likes seeing his friends having fun and being passionate, so he always tries to keep up with their interests etc
which sometimes surprises people 
but like I said, he is really a nice guy, he just has a rising bitch personality 
has a healthy and good family dynamic 
is kinda awkward with showing them affection tho 
his dad and him have a “slap each other on the back and huff” type of relationship 
but deep down they both know there’s a lot of love and acceptance there<3 
Laura is a cool mom, fight me 
not like, too cool, she has rules and is an authoritarian person 
but she is also funny and sees through her kids’ bullshit 
Tricia is really similar to Craig in a lot of ways
they stay out of each other’s way mostly, but sometimes hang out casually 
doesn’t really fight that much? 
Ships and relationships:
y’all know it, it’s always creek time around here
I usually see Craig as demiromatic gay 
he and Tweek totally have that best friends and lovers type of relationship 
like, not too lovey dovey, but sure as hell passionate at times 
Craig genuinely have so much fun with his bf man, he just wants to hang out with him all the time 
isn’t too creative when it comes to dates and stuff, but he really tries 
often gets help from Token and the others when it comes to it 
actually doesn’t mind PDA, at least chill PDA like handholding and kisses etc 
Token Black 
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pretty tall and broad, but not like, super fit, he’s just naturally like that 
around the start of high school he started growing his hair out a little, he keeps it in a short and manageable length 
he has very remarkable eyes, dark brown at the edges and they get almost golden by his pupils 
handsome, simply put haha
I would describe his style as preppy/casual? 
like, he dresses nicely, and likes looking sharp, but he isn’t a snob about it! 
I feel like he would look amazing in purple and wear it often! 
always writing in a little notebook
loud, contagious laughter
big conscience, always tries to do the right thing
while his friends and classmates loves the perks of his wealth, Token himself feels bad about it a lot
he has a tendency to get a little down about the state of world and it’s unfairness 
he works with a lot of charities and is a volunteer and both the pet shelter, the homeless shelter and the children ward of the hospital, and he really, genuinely loves doing it 
very protective of his friends
because he volunteers a lot, he started running into Stan and Kenny at both the pet shelter and homeless shelter a lot, as Stan is a huge animal rights lover and Kenny genuinely likes helping both people and animals 
the three of them start becoming better friends because of this, eventually brining the two groups closer together 
he is one of the few people Craig will actually go to for relationship advice etc
which is kinda funny because Token is a casual dater all through High School
nothing wrong with that! and like, he still has great advice and is very good with people in general 
very good at making people feel included 
the mom friend 100%
comforts Clyde, keeps Jimmy’s antics under control, keeps Tweek from killing Cartman and helps Craig actually communicate dhslkfhb
has a good relationships with his parents! 
but feels like he has to live up to a certain level of expectations at times 
his dad is a bit old-fashioned in some senses, but he means well
and both his mom and dad loves him a lot and is super proud of what a wonderful person he is (so am I ilu Token you’re doing amazing sweetie)
Ships and relationships:
first of all, I think Token is bi! 
I like Tyde, but my OTP for him is Tokenny! 
I just really like the dynamic potential and think they would make each other the best versions of themselves? 
Token is great at being suave and charming in general and on first dates that’s casual, but if he already has a crush and/or feelings he is a mess
but like, a cute mess 
anyways, here’s a tiny Tokenny fluff one-shot I wrote a while back lol 
Tweek Tweak
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big, soft & fluffy hair
big, nervous looking eyes
either electric green or lively brown 
soft sweaters and big flannels 
sweater sleeves always covering his hands
pale, perfect skin 
soft freckles on his nose, shoulders and hands
crooked smile 
slight gap between his front teeth 
a little shorter Craig, slightly more defined much wise naturally 
very confused
doesn’t know what day is it
has gotten a lot better at dealing with his anxiety, but still twitches a bit because of the meth coffee his parents had him drink as a kid
very funny when he chills enough to be funny haha
has a kind heart, esp when it comes to people and animals in difficult situations 
he has so much compassion in his heart, man 
but also has a short fuse 
is pretty scary when he gets pissed 
will get into a physical fight
esp if anyone insults his friends 
which is why Cartman is terrified of him 
his friends makes him feel very lucky and grateful and he tries to make up for it a lot 
often bakes as a stress relief, which makes Clyde love him even more lol
is pretty good friends with Kenny 
he likes to just hang around people sometimes, doing nothing together, and Kenny enjoys that too, so they often do that 
Tweek loves these dudes a lot, but there’s always so much going on yanno 
good friends with Wendy! 
they share a lot of the same values 
he has a secret talent when it coms to drawing, only Clyde knows (by accident) 
always tries to include those who is a bit on the outside
his parents have always taken a lot of advantage of him, let’s be real 
I often headcanon them selling out to Harbucks at some point, but they keep running the store 
but they have to hire more people and is under more surveillance now, so that saves Tweek a little
he still works there tho
so does Kenny 
honestly, Tweek avoids his parents as much as he can, there is a lot of resentment there 
he loves Craig’s family tho, and they love him back <3 
Ships and relationships:
yeah, Creek it is 
I also like Twenny tho, but creek is my OTP! 
I usually write Tweek as gay, but I’m open to other interpretations 
but he likes boys in any scenario to me 
often has his hands in Craig’s jacket pockets, or hands onto his arm, just likes being physically near him
Craig likes it too, so 
Tweek still struggles with sleeping, but always sleeps amazingly with Craig around :softeyes: 
blushes so hard when Craig manages to catch him off guard with compliments and soft stuff 
is pretty good at being romantic, and does really sweet stuff for birthdays and anniversaries and stuff! 
Jimmy Valmer
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thick mop of brown hair that’s purposely messy 
would never admit it but he spends time every morning making it that way 
light brown eyes that turns golden in the sun 
had braces for years, so now his teeth are very straight and white and perfect 
a few cute freckles on his face
actually pretty tall, but because of his crutches he slouches a bit so it doesn’t always show 
has the best one-liners
living legend for having the record for both the best grades and highest number of detentions at once
can’t shut up in class
sarcastic lil’ shit
sometimes speaks before he thinks but never means harm 
good at seeing when he’s out of line and has no problem apologizing! 
on the fist day on freshman year the current quarterback (a huge senior) was being horrible to Butters so Jimmy simply smashed the guys toes with his crutch 
often takes on a comic relief role in groups 
him and Clyde have big “brooo” energy 
he is the best wingman 
very supportive of his friends, no matter their interest, he always tries to lear about it so he can be there for them and cheer them on! 
Jimmy and Stan bond over their interest in writing in an English class Freshman year 
whenever Stan has a bad day or week, Jimmy or Kyle is always the first two people to notice and do something because of that 
has a pretty superficial relationship with his parents 
nothing really bad in that sense, but it ain’t that deep 
doesn’t share too much of his private life with them, but if they ask he won’t lie either
because of his good grades and general intelligence they tend to be gullible with him, so he gets away with a lot  of shit 
Ships and relationships:
I usually think of him as pan! 
I see him dating around quite a bit in high school and college! 
hooks up quite a bit, but isn’t a fuckboy, he’s very upfront about what he wants and what he doesn’t
never wants anyone to get hurt
but doesn’t have the best attention span when it comes to dating lol 
falls hard when he does tho!! 
Clyde Donovan 
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looks like a chocolate Labrador that got turned into a human shdghsdg
soft, dark brown hair 
big, puppy like brown eyes 
medium tall? 
kinda soft, like, has soft features, chubby cheeks etc but isn’t fat 
isn’t ripped either, normal to slightly pudgy I would say! 
wears a lot of old, comfy jeans and hoodies, often red ones 
likes silly graphic t-shirts! 
the guys who cries at parties
a real good guy, there’s no denying that
he and Token both cried while watching The Kissing Booth on Netflix, promising each other to always support who the other dates. They swore to never talk about it again
loves his friends SO MUCH
generally loves being around people, he is very extroverted! 
notices stuff others may overlook
both with people and scenery and stuff idk 
compassionate to a fault 
when Tweek and Craig started dating, Tweek was a bit nervous about being with the group and feeling like he took up too much space?
and Clyde noticed right away and made sure to really get to know him well and they became great friends, to Craig’s somewhat surprise
Clyde can be a little intense and Craig figured Tweek might find him too much, but it ended up being the opposite, they really enjoy each other’s friendship and their differences works well together
thinks of all of these dudes as his best friends! 
his first real crush was Bebe who turned out to be gay
they’re real good friends now but deep down he’s still a little heartbroken
but he values their friendship so much so he’s working through it!  
ohhh :((( 
sad hours offh 
is still very emotionally raw from his mothers’ death
blames himself very much 
his dad is really trying to bond with him tho 
and be a good dad
like I said on the main 5 post I like the AU/headcanon that Clyde’s dad and Cartman’s mom gets married 
in that scenario I think Clyde would be very resentful at first, feeling like his mom got replaced 
but Liane is kind and warm to him and he warms up to her eventually 
calls Cartman his brother 
actually really comes to care for him tho (it’s mutual but Cartman will never admit it) 
Ships and relationships:
bi disaster 
bad luck with love 
he falls fast and hard 
gets sooo happy when things work out! 
but sooo heartbroken when they end 
he has no problem getting the dates! 
but he gets nervous and a little too intense too fast 
loses his confidence fast, but his friends are always there to pick him up <3 
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kylo-hen · 4 years
Physical Education
A/N: This is my first fic I’ve ever published please be gentle lmao. Feedback is welcome though, I have no clue what I’m doing and it shows. 
Clyde Logan & Sadie’s Teacher!Reader
Warnings: None I can think of other than probable grammatical error and fluff
Summary: Sadie decides to bring her Uncle Clyde to career day and he hits it off with her teacher. 
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Physical education
      Teaching is not a learned skill. It’s not taught like math or science, and it’s not something you can take as an extra-curricular in high school. Yes, you can get better over time and with practice but sometimes it just comes down to whether or not you have the gift. Patience.
     When I was younger, I used to wait in line at the bus stop dutifully like my mama taught me, hair tied up in an updo that probably took mama way too long to do in the ungodly hours of six am. She used her steady practiced hands to guide my hair into the place she wanted, and that’s when I learned I came from patient people. She would listen to my stories with rapt attention, nodding when needed, and interjecting her own wisdom only when she knew it was right. She was the most patient woman in the world and I learned everything I knew about teaching from her.
    When she passed, I knew she just wanted me to be happy, she never pushed me to be anything less than that. She waited out all the phases, the trials and errors of my college years, the rough patch of rebellion in high school, and even the short time after college when I had refused to do anything but take care of her in her final months of life. She urged me to go and work more than part time at big earl’s dinner down the road, she urged me to use my gift.
     After she was gone, the funeral was finished, and the casserole pans returned to the PTA moms who lent them, there wasn’t much tethering me to the once special town that I lived. The memories there were more bitter than sweet and I couldn’t bring myself to stay. So, when the time was right and the dust settled, I applied to teach in all parts and I promised the first job that gave me a green light would be the one to take. That’s what got me to where I am today, a third-grade teacher in Boone County, West Virginia.
    I enjoy teaching third grade; they have such big hearts and rarely ever is there an issue of behavior more than an over-excited kid in class. They look at the world so with wonder in every instance and my job is to facilitate that growth. This being my first year at Boone County Elementary school came with a rather big learning curve, with everyone knowing everyone else in town it was hard to break into the system the town had somehow set up. There was an unspoken understanding of respect and honor to some, not that those always earned it, and that others were destined to repeat the past.
    Sadie Logan was one of those poor souls labeled with a curse of some kind. The kids in her class mentioned it at all given occasions when Sadie proved herself smarter and stronger than them. Sadie was smart as whip, funny as all get out, and had a big heart full of love for the people in her life. She sat with me in my room before class and I taught her all sorts of things from checkers, to long division. When the spring came around so did the third-grade class’s career day, which Sadie’s usual excitement for school seemed to double.
     The morning after the day was announced and the forms were sent home, Sadie came bursting into my room with her usual intense excitement, “Miss L/N!” she called out.
    “Is that Miss Sadie Logan already?” I teased while she hung her backpack on her hook that lined the wall opposite of the board, “I could have sworn It was too early to have a monkey in class!” She flipped around with a loud laugh and a piece of paper in her hand.
    “I’m not a monkey, Miss L/N!” she approached my desk proudly, “I gotta question ‘bout career day though!” She swayed back and forth as she waited for me to respond.
    “Alright then Miss Sadie, shoot.”
     “Well, I told my mama ‘bout it and she wanted Moody-” at the mention of his name I felt my skin start to crawl. He wasn’t my favorite parent having already disrespected me on meet the teacher night back in October. His wandering eyes and condescending attitude made me want to cry by the end of the night. I just hoped he wouldn’t rub off on sweet little Sadie.
     “- to do it, but Moody said he can’t just stop workin’ for some stupid fair!” She sighed exasperatedly like he had personally offended her, which I’m sure he did, “which is st- it’s silly, Miss L/N! So, when my Daddy came by to pick me up for ice cream, I asked him!” she grinned ear to ear, I hadn’t met her father but Sadie spoke so highly of him I couldn’t imagine him to be anything less than a proper gentleman.
    “So, your daddy’s gonna’ be the one comin’ in?” I asked softly, after she paused taking a big breath.
     “Well, not quite! I talked to my daddy and he can’t because he��s gonna be workin in the mines that day and he don’t have enough time off to be able to come!” I frowned at her words, I was really hoping to have her father come so I could tell him how great Sadie was in and out of class. I also know how happy she would be to have her dad there to sit with her at lunch and tell stories and play with her at recess. “But don’t worry! He came up with an even better plan, but I gotta’ ask your permission first!” She beamed up at me in the thought of her plan.
    “Now what did your daddy think up for ya’?” I asked, excited to hear more of the shenanigans he had planned for the two of them.
    “Since he couldn’t come and Moody couldn’t either! And mama don’t have a job!” I gave her a look, telling her to respect her mama whether she had a job or not. “what? S’not mean if I’m just bein’ honest Miss. L/N!” She defended herself.
     “I know that Sadie, but it’s your tone a’ voice.” I spoke softly to the girl, “Your mama works hard to make sure you’re happy and healthy and that’s very important.” I explained and she seemed to take a moment to let the words sink in. “So, if your daddy can’t come and neither can Moody, and you don’t want your mama to come, then who’s comin’ in for ya?” I asked putting the girl back on track.
    “Well, My Uncle Clyde said he could do it!” She bounced excitedly, “And he’s real cool too! He was in the army and now he has one arm and he’s super tall and sometimes he puts me on his shoulders and walks me around and I can touch the clouds!” She rambled on about her uncle excitedly. Sadie had mentioned her uncle Clyde in passing, she knew he was a veteran, that he liked goin’ with Sadie and her dad to the fair, and now that he was super tall. A warm glow in my heart began to bloom at the idea of meeting someone from her dad’s side of the family. Sadie was such a good kid that the side of the family must be a good one.
    “That sounds like a great plan! What do you need to ask permission for?”
     “Well, my mama said that since he wasn’t my… legal guardian I had to ask.” She spoke like her mama made her rehearse it before dropping her off this morning. “So, is it alright if my uncle comes instead?” She pleaded with me.
     “That’s just fine with me Miss Sadie.” I spoke, taking her slip from her to sign off on the change of plans, as I finished my signature the bell rang and with it the rest of the class began to filter their way into the classroom. “Why don’t you put this in your take home folder and find your seat before we start the pledge?” I smiled down at her and she beamed back before heading to her desk. With Sadie in her seat and the rest of the class milling about, the day began.
    Career day came around quicker than I’d have liked. I had pushed of decorating until the morning of, which I’m currently regretting as I stand on a chair desperately trying to pin up the second half of the banner, I had made last week. I had already hung some streamers, set up extra seats, and re-arranged the desks so they’re in a semi-circle. I also lugged my old card table from my garage for the refreshments the parents were bringing.
    With not much time left before class I found the second half of the banner was going to be a bigger stretch than I was anticipating. Beads of sweat began to collect on my forehead, I thanked all that was holy I had extra deodorant in my desk just in case.
     If I stretched just a couple inches further the banner would be perfectly taught, as I pushed one last time to secure it, I heard the door open behind me.
     “Miss L/N!” Sadie shrieked in excitement, bounding into the class, unfortunately for me when I tried to swivel to greet her, I miscalculated the end of the chair. Once I was about halfway facing the girl my foot began to slip, and I braced myself for the impact of the floor beneath me.
    Instead of the floor meeting my impact I was embraced by a solid chest and the aroma of deep pine, leather, and a smokey bonfire. I felt the firm arm that circled my waste, it was warm and sturdy like my mother’s hands in my hair when I grew up, or my grandfather when he would come by to fix stuff around the house before he died. The feeling was like waking up on Sunday and it smelled like the first feeling of fall. When I opened my eyes, it was even more enchanting.
     When Sadie mentioned her Uncle Clyde, she should have said he was younger than her father. She also could have warned her how attractive he is. No, that would have been weird. Clyde looked down at me with concern in his whiskey colored eyes, a deep furrow in his brow, and I couldn’t help the heat that crept up from my spine into my chest and face. The awkward shame of being a complete clutz in front of this incredibly attractive man.
      “You alright ma’am?” He asked in a soft voice, oh god his voice, that only made me want to hide under my desk than confront the fact I’ve made an absolute fool of myself.
      “Yes,” I stammered out, re-gaining my upright footing on the ground and straightening out my clothes only to realize the man standing in front of me is well over six feet tall. I stared up at him with wide eyes before I realized he was waiting for me to say something, “I’m so sorry, Mr. Logan this isn’t how I expected to meet anyone today,” I looked around to make sure no one else was here but Sadie, “My name is-“
      “Miss L/N,” He finished for me with a small polite smile, “Sadie talks ‘bout you a lot, she loves your class.” He compliments and I felt my heart grow at the praise.
      “Well, I love having Sadie In my class, she’s a bright lady, and please, call me y/n,” I clarified, which wasn’t something I was planning on doing with parents, but he wasn’t Sadie’s guardian.
    “Well then, y/n, you can call me Clyde,” He extended his arm to shake and I took it happily. “Do you want me to hold the chair while you finish up with the banner? It’s too nice to be hangin’ from one side.” He complimented again which was sending shockwaves of joy through my veins.
     “That would be really helpful Clyde, thank you.” I replied, carefully stepping up to the chair and grabbing the end of the banner. With the steady help of Clyde, hanging the banner was a breeze. Once it was set and I stepped off the chair, with another helpful hand from Clyde, I was able to breathe fully.
    Sadie, who had been sitting in the back corner of the room I had set up for a comfortable reading center, popped up. “Uncle Clyde, what’d you pack for lunch?” She was dead set on the odd question.
    “Aunt Mellie packed us the same lunch Sadie bug, so I reckon’ I’ll have what you’re havin’.” He spoke in few words but I hung onto each as if they would be the last he ever spoke in front of me.
    “Miss L/n?” she turned her attention to me, “Are ya’ gonna eat lunch with Uncle Clyde and me?” She spoke, sometimes on special days teachers sit with their students at lunch, but today was not one of those days.
    “Not today Sadie, I’ve got to stay in here and guard the room from the hallway trolls!” I exaggerated for her delight. She giggled and when I looked up, I saw Clyde had a soft endearing smile on his face that made me want to jump head first into him.
    “We oughta’ leave her to that for lunch huh Sadie bug?” Clyde offered and Sadie nodded earnestly plopping back down in the corner to finish her book. Clyde looked back at me bashfully, like I had caught him in a private moment.
    “It’s real sweet for you to be here today.” I started as I walked to the refreshment table, “Would you like a coffee?” I offered him. When I turned back, he snapped out of the daze he was In and nodded silently as I poured him a cup into a cheap Styrofoam cup. “I don’t know many uncle’s who would step up like this. Cream?”
    “Erm- no. No, thank you.” He stammered and I handed him the cup, “Us Logan’s tend to be a tight knit bunch.” He affirmed my beliefs.
     “That sounds nice.” I hummed, sipping my own coffee from earlier.
    “That’s what families do.” He stated, underplaying the significance of his situation.
    “Not all families,” I murmured mostly to myself.
    “Hm?” He asked for clarification, I hadn’t even realized he heard me.
     “Oh! Nothing, sorry, I was talking to myself really.” I felt the embarrassment rise in me again. When I looked up at him to say something the bell rang. “Well, hope you enjoyed the quiet, I doubt you’ll be gettin’ any more of that here.” As if proving my point, the class, and their respective parents filed in for the start of the day.
    The whole morning was filled, one by one people explaining their job, how they got it, why they like it, and what the best thing about their job is. That’s followed by a series of questions from the students which almost never have anything to really do with their job.
    Clyde was the last to go, explaining how he was in the army, why he joined the fight, he told a story about one of his friends he met in Iraq and that he’s a bartender now. After a couple minutes of explaining what a bartender is, and what he does now that he’s not in the army, the kids finally asked about his hand. I expected him to get a little agitated maybe, or shy, but really, he took the questions in a stride.
    “How do you pee with one hand?” one of the kids questioned, his mother immediately blushing out of the second-hand embarrassment, but before Clyde could answer or the mother could reprimand him, I interrupted.
    “Mr. Bradley, you know better than that sir.” I began softly, “Remember last week we talked about boundaries, well you’ve gotta apologize for breakin’ Mr. Logan’s boundaries.” I reminded him, and he let out a disappointed apology at the man.
    “S’alright, I actually get that one a lot from people a lot older than you.” He joked and some of the parents in the back laughed it off. “’Sides I got this fancy arm here now.” He lifts up his sleeve to show off the dark green prosthetic. It looked incredibly high tech and impressive, but all I could wonder was how that metal would feel in contrast to his skin.
    Before I could go any deeper into that thought the bell rang and it was time for recess. I stood in front of the class, next to Clyde, and announced “Alright friends! It’s recess time, I want you all to line up with your parent’s behind Mr. Logan here, and we’ll go out.” I grabbed my keys and stood just in front of Clyde watching the mass of students and parents file into a nice line.
    Once everyone was set, I led the class out the classroom, down the hall and out a side door to the playground. I led them to a big oak tree next to a bench in the shade. “Alright friends! I know all my smart children know this but once the recess monitor blows the whistle we meet back here!” I announced, mostly for the adults. “Now, make sure you’re all careful and nice to each other, if your guests want to play, they can but if they don’t, we have to do what?” I asked, waiting for their response.
    “Respect their choice.” The class answered in a monotone fashion, just ready to get on the playground. So, I dismissed them and in a varying degree of excitement the crowd dispersed. Most parents went off with their kid but Clyde seemed to linger back.
    “Mind if I hang back for a bit?” He asked politely gesturing to the bench I was already seated on.
    “Not one bit,” I allowed and he sat with a gruff sigh, “I’m surprised you’re not bein’ pulled in a million directions. After the boys found out you were in the army, I thought they’d be buggin’ ya to play with them.” I wondered aloud, watching the young kids kick around a soccer ball in the field.
    “I think that’s Sadie’s doin.” He answered shortly, only elaborating when I gave him a confused look.
    “She talkin’ bad about you behind your back?” I asked.
    “No, I think she was hopin’ you and I’d be friends.” I stiffened, my quick little crush on him must be obvious for his third-grade niece to try and throw me a bone.
    “Oh, Clyde I’m sorry, if you don’t want to sit with-“ I began, but he cut me off.
    “Don’t worry Darlin, if I didn’t want to sit with ya’ I wouldn’t be.” He affirmed in his sturdy assured manner of speaking. I subconsciously moved closer to him. “I hope you don’t mind my askin but, what brings you to Boone County?” He asked innocently.
    “Well Clyde I’d tell ya’ but I think it would take me a couple drinks first.” I avoided the answer, knowing if there was any chance this man liked me back it would be squashed by me crying on him at the playground.
    “That does seem to be my specialty darlin’.: He replied smoothly, gaining a confidence I hadn’t seen in him earlier. Maybe he was being polite, but I hoped he was just getting more comfortable with me.
    “Well, then you should have no trouble making drinks strong enough to get my secrets from me.” I rebutted; it was a little too honest for my liking but the way Clyde was looking at me made me want to tell him all my little truths.
    “I’ve got different ways of gettin’ secrets out of a lady and gettin’ you drunk ain’t one.” He responded with an understated grin, it’s like he knows what he is doing to me.
    The rest of recess was spent under the sturdy oak tree on a bench talking to Clyde about trivial things. He didn’t bring up anything from my past that he may want to know and vice versa. I was curious how a man like him could be single until it hit me that he never really specified that he was in fact single. The thought of Clyde having a wife or girlfriend at home waiting for him made my stomach turn all throughout the lunch period. I thanked God that I was able to regroup in my room rather than stand in the cafeteria monitoring the kids.  
    I spent most of the period cleaning up the room and setting out a craft that would take a good portion of the rest of the day since the kids weren’t going to their usual elective class. This helped even my mind out of funk Clyde put it in. Just as I felt like my brain, and its hormones, mellowed out there was a knock at the door. When I opened it, Clyde stood there with none other than Sadie on his shoulders.
     “Hope ya’ don’t mind Miss L/n!” Sadie said excitedly, “Uncle Clyde and I finished lunch early and snuck out!” She let out a mischievous laugh.
      “Well,” a chuckle slipped past my lips, half in shock and half amusement of their antics, “Since you’re still with Clyde I can let you get away with it just once.” Clyde’s cheeks burned at my statement and I shot him an innocent smile. He ducked through the doorway enough to get Sadie through safely, then brought her down careful not to drop her.
      “Sadie, since you’re here would you out a worksheet at every desk for me?” She nodded and worked diligently to do what we asked. I turned to Clyde who was unceremoniously eating a cookie from the table of refreshments. “So, what brings you from the cafeteria? Mrs Lowells Cookies?”
    Clyde, not expecting to be seen mid-cookie, chokes a bit, “No-“ He pauses to regain composure, “No, I er- I didn’t want you ta be lonely in here?” His questioning tone and red cheeks told me it wasn’t the full story, but like we did under the oak, I didn’t push him.
    “Oh? That’s awful sweet Clyde, was its Sadie who offered to keep me company?” I asked knowing that it was most definitely not. Sadie was a social butterfly, and lunch was her domain in the third-grade class.     “Hm? Sadie?” Clyde smirked, knowing full well I was onto his schemes, “Of course Miss L/n, what are you trying to insinuate here?”
    “Nothing Mr. Logan,” I took a step closer to the man, being mindful there was still a child in the room, “What did you think I was insinuating?” I challenged his notion and was met with a blossoming blush and shy smile.
    “Nothing improper,” he raised his hand to show three fingers, “Scouts honor darlin’.” At that a burst of joy exploded in my chest. Clyde Logan was a gentleman through and through and it made me want to burst.
    “Alrightie then Scout, how bout’ you help little Sadie pass out papers, lunch is just about over.” He broke his gaze and it felt like the world around me faded back into view. I wondered how many women sat across his bar and felt the same. Am I just another girl falling under the spell of a charming, well-mannered, one-armed, bartender? I turned to look at him passing out the papers with all the seriousness of a drill sergeant in basic training. It was incredibly endearing.
    Yet again, the bell rang and the moment of wonder between Clyde and I was interrupted by the trickling stream of students.
    The rest of the day was surprisingly chaotic for a worksheet and a craft. Two bottles of glue were spilled, both by adults, and there was a cotton ball fight that led to two students’ clips being moved to yellow and two parents sent to the hall to cool off. The headache that was reverberating around my head after a day spent taking care of the students and the parents must’ve been the biggest one in a long time. As I was cleaning up, I found that Sadie had left one of her drawings on her desk, which was odd because Sadie always made a point to take hers home for her dad.
     I took the paper and put it on my desk to save for her, and once I was satisfied with the state of the room, I decided to see what the drawing was. On one side of the page was a nice tree over looking some flowers and a house, a skilled drawing for their age, but that was nothing new for Sadie. On the back however, it was a very different message.
Miss L/n, my uncle Clyde thinks you’re pretty. He works at the Duck tape bar every night except for Mondays (or whenever he gets sick).
p.s.: you should marry him so you can be my aunt.
I never did take Sadie for a match maker, but then again I can’t complain when I’ve got another reason to go visit a particular bartender, and hope that he felt the same chemistry I did.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Again, first fic so please interact or leave some feedback! Would love to hear if anyone wants more!
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clydeluckylogan · 4 years
I picture Dad!Clyde watching the baby during the day when we’re at work. Come home to Clyde lying on the couch with the baby on his tummy just taking a nap. I’m so soft and can’t wait for this life lol
Yes! I love this. 
I feel like this is something I’ve spoken about before on here and I’ve also gotten messages about this scenario before as well. 
Your baby definitely lays on his tummy and takes naps. Clyde is super alert and makes sure his precious love is safe and doing okay. Even if Clyde does fall asleep it’s never a deep sleep. The second the baby moves or makes a sound he’s awake and alert. 
When you get home you’re just so happy. You bend down to give Clyde a kiss on the lips and your baby a soft kiss on their head. 
My heart. I’m melting over this. 
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nadjadoll · 4 years
mega get to know me tag game
I’ve been tagged a bunch of times (mostly by @brucewyane thank you lovely I see and appreciate all the tags!) but also by @chuckhansen @honesthearts @faithchel @bivillains @newgenesis and @noonvvraith, thank you all!
Since I was tagged in so many different about me things I took the liberty of merging some of them especially duplicate questions~
I won’t tag anyone because this is a weird amalgamation of many different tag games...
time: 9:47 am name/nickname: just shiawna, no nicknames at least none i want to mention here afjslks named after anyone?: nope! my dad made my name up birthday: august 14th 1998 gender/pronouns: female, she/her zodiac: leo height: 5′2 eye color: hazel on the side of green nationality: american :/ currently wearing: black turtleneck like a slut, the jeans i wear everyday, yellow socks and my bop harley fuzzy creature slippers song stuck in my head: la vie en rose - edith piaf average hours of sleep: 6-7 special talents?: i can write moderately well i think hobbies?: writing, watching too much tv, daydreaming about fictional characters and loving my oc’s pets?: two cats, gimli and clara! craving: burgers first thing i notice about people: eyes or smile, everyone has such different unique eyes i love it
when did i create this blog: summer two years ago when i needed somewhere to express my love for far cry 5 what do i post: nowadays i mostly post dc, some oc stuff and generally whatever i’m into at the moment, rn it’s the mandalorian last thing googled: “the last of us troy baker” other blogs: i used to have like 3 sideblogs but i couldn’t handle it haha so now i just have this one do i get asks: i do from time to time! i just take waaaay too long to answer them hence why this one is so long asdfhjdsl why i chose my url: i have too much love for harley followers: too many that’s for sure
favorites colors: orange, yellow, pink, blue, red, black bands: first aid kit, saint motel, unloved, roza,  the limiñanas, mother mother, bear’s den   solo artists: zella day, jacqueline taieb, billie eilish, kaleo   songs: cowboy like me - taylor swift, roller girl - anna karina, black madonna - cage the elephant, benny goodman- saint motel, bang bang - nancy sinatra author: honestly couldn’t name any authors right now animal noises: cat chirps when they see a bird or something ice cream: chocolate chip cookie dough
last time i cried: last night out of stress last book: this is so bad but i cannot remember alfdsjsl last movie:  last song: broken parable - bear’s den last show: game of thrones dream job: can i just say nothing? i don’t dream of working dream trip: all around europe. particularly england, ireland, france, the netherlands and italy lucky number: don’t think i have one! instruments: i used to know how to play piano in middle school but i quit because it was too stressful for me to keep up with piano homework and school homework, i regret that now though top three fictional universes i'd like to live in: first thing that came to mind was the ghibli-verse, everything is beautiful and mystical and the food always looks amazing what more could you want. harry potter would be cool too because magic, i was thinking about that a while ago and if i were in the harry potter universe i would absolutely want to work with magical creatures. and for number 3 i think would be the dc universe, it sounds awful in theory but like i want super powers and to hang out with the heroes and stuff so i’ll take it have any kids?: heavens no, don’t think i’ll make it long enough to have em use sarcasm a lot?: i do when i’m like talking to myself akhfjhs i try not to around people i don’t know well though because i don’t want to weird them out or make them uncomfortable scary movies or happy endings: happy endings all the way, my life is basically a scary movie so enough of that thanks play any sports?: never and i ain’t about to start anytime soon coffee or tea: coffee but i guess it does depend on the type of tea, if it’s raspberry hibiscus sign me the heck up random: i wish i could get back the feeling of intense joy i had watching the mandalorian for the first time, i was on an all time high and i miss it, nothing could touch me i watched it like 6 times over and over again after i finished it aesthetic: pink and red heart patterns, bright colorful converse with an all black outfit, anything sparkly, plants everywhere, too much blush on, fake freckles, soft curly hair, a layer of cat fur on every piece of clothing, iced coffees all day long, loud music on late at night, pink pink pink, dark circles under eyes, candles on every surface, a million different kinds of pens, stacks of notebooks everywhere all unused, either pink/blue or red/black a la harley quinn
10 songs i’ve been listening to lately:
one way or another - blondie
why do you love me - charlotte lawrence
all of the spirited away soundtrack
crazy train - zella day
long story short - taylor swift
mindplay - roza
magdalene - bear’s den
el paso - marty robbins
bonnie and clyde - brigitte bardot, serge gainsbourg
votre coté yéyé m'emmerde - the limiñanas
my url in song titles: Happiness - taylor swift Alcatraz - oliver riot  Rebel heart - first aid kit Lonely gun - cyn Elenore - the turtles Easy livin’ - uriah heep No time to die - billie eilish Queen bitch - david bowie Ultraviolence - lana del rey I could tell you but i’d have to kill you - unloved Na na na (na na na na na na na na na) See me fly - roza Everybody knows - leonard cohen Leave me alone - idkhow
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