#dad!clyde logan
sacklerscumrag · 2 months
Sunshine (Part 1/2)
single dad!Clyde Logan x nanny!reader
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Notes: Hi! I know I haven't written for the ADCU in some time but i have this dad!clyde brainrot and i might as well post it. part 2 is 90% done so I’ll post that sometime soon
I miss being here & I hope everyone is doing well, sending all of you lots of love & thank you for taking time out of your day to read my silly little stories, i appreciate you <3
Warnings: protective girl dad!Clyde, talk about kids, mention of abandonment issues, mother not involved (and will not appear at any point), no mention of y/n, fluff, pining, pervy thoughts from sasquatch, eventual smut in second part (tags will be added), no cliffhanger
Word Count: 7.1K
(this will go back & forth between Clyde's POV & readers POV)
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The bar was filled with scattered conversations and the faint sound of jukebox music lingering in the background. It was an otherwise quiet Thursday night at Duck Tape. Clyde busied himself as usual, topping off the regulars and ensuring everyone was settled and satisfied. The calm before the storm, at least until the real crowd rushed in to watch the Friday night game. Being the only bar in a small town meant there was little else to do around here. Clyde never seemed to mind, though; catching familiar faces day in and day out was one of his favorite parts of owning Duck Tape in the first place. Regulars usually required minimal conversation, which was right up Clyde's alley. The most words anyone got out of him other than his siblings was Earl, but he didn't mind. Clyde quickly finished his last prep of the day and glanced around the bar, taking advantage of the slow pace and stepping away into the recluse of his office. He huffed as he shut the door behind him and sank into his lanky chair; a never-ending sea of papers he'd been dodging surrounded him on the worn-out wooden desk. His eyes burned, and his head ached from the tension of another long day. Taking over the bar a couple of years ago definitely tested his limits. He loved it here, but it strained the already little energy he had left to go on about his day. So much had changed in Clyde's life in the past few years alone. From becoming a father to being the new proud owner of Duck Tape due to the Heist, plus there was-. The Heist, the words halted his train of thought as memories came and went.
The biggest risk any of them had taken in their life landed all three Logans with more financial security than they knew what to do with; plus, if anything was going to convince Clyde that the Logan family curse was finally broken, it sure as hell was how swiftly they had gotten away with all of it. But none of that really mattered. Sure, it was more than nice not to think about how he would pay off the next bill or where his next meal would come from, but he couldn't help but look around and feel like something was missing. Maybe someone to share it with woulda been nice, he thought to himself. Jimmy had Sylvia, Mellie had Joe, and well, he had his Sunshine. He mentally kicked himself at the apparent self-doubt clouding his mind; Clyde had more than enough to be grateful for. But a small part of him couldn't help but yearn.
It's not like Clyde was a stranger when it came to love. Sure, it's not something he thinks he's ever experienced, but he was sure he saw it with Jimmy and Sylvia. What they had was enough to convince him there was something more out there. Clyde just wasn't entirely sure he deserved whatever that was. He would live the rest of his life longing for something he couldn't quite put his finger on, and that's just another obstacle in his life he had come to terms with.
Clyde's train of thought quickly faded when he heard the office door click open behind him, making him turn in his chair. Dark, luscious curls crawled their way onto his lap, and small arms stretched around his waist. The discomfort from a long workday quickly melted away as giggles filled his ears. Mellie trailed into the office, following a giggling Lyla, who had already captured her dad in an embrace.
Clyde took a moment to tussle Lyla's hair slightly, making her giggle even louder. The way she fit into his lap took him back to a time when she was nothing but a wailing newborn cradled in his arms while the uncertainty of being thrown into fatherhood haunted him. It wasn't like he had much of a choice. It was not like his head was in the right place either, with the too-embarassing-to-admit heartbreak, confusion, and, no doubt, fear consuming him. A one-night stand he was sure he'd never hear from again turned into a small note tied with a pink ribbon to a baby carrier on his doorstep nine months or so later. He was young, dumb, and with no time to process any of it, but before he knew it, there she was. All big brown eyes and grabby hands, looking back at him like he hung the moon, and from that moment on, Clyde knew his life would change forever.
"Hey, Sunshine." Clyde drawled, and Lyla smiled while babbling to him about her day with her favorite aunt. Mellie smiled at the sight of her eager niece, sparing no detail of their girl's day spent at the salon.
"You good if I head on out?" Mellie said as soon as Lyla let her get a word in.
"Yeah, was jus' finishin' up here n' headin' home."
"Alright. Don't stay too late now. Night, you two." Lyla wrapped herself around Mellie's legs in a tight hug before saying her goodnight and reluctantly seeing her out the door.
"Ready to go, Sunshine?" Lyla nodded towards her dad and practically sprinted toward the front door. Something told him Mellie let her niece have more sugar before bed than he would usually allow, and something else told him he would be the one to pay for it later.
As the busier weeks of the year followed with football season being at its peak, Clyde had just about had it. Another night at Duck Tape dragged on, minutes feeling like hours. Clyde was nearing his limit between the higher volume of patrons than usual and being understaffed with just two servers on the floor for the third night in a row. He hadn't even realized what time it was. And it wasn't just tonight; everything was starting to blur together as of late—never-ending odd hours at the bar in between quality time playing whatever princess Lyla was currently obsessing over, all while making sure he was always home just in time to read a bedtime story and tuck her into bed. Clyde was losing it. It's not like he thought things would get easier as Lyla got older, but damn, he could use a break.
And he sure as hell wasn't comfortable leaving Lyla in any sort of childcare yet, so help came from the people he loved the most. Mellie was always around to spend time with her niece, taking Lyla to the salon whenever possible, while Jimmy and Sylvia were happy to step in when they could. Clyde knew how lucky he was, having his family rally around him and step up whenever he needed them. He never did like to impose his troubles on them, knowing they had their own lives to take care of. Always making sure he was on time to pick Lyla up straight after work and spending his days off with her, attending endless tea parties along with movie nights where every stuffed animal she could fit would join them on the couch beside them in the small trailer they shared.
Clyde found himself overwhelmed by the daily chaos more often than he'd like to admit. But the truth is, he had grown to depend on her just as much as she did on him. Her smiles brightened even his darkest days. Listening to Lyla talk about the things she loves, whispering 'I love you, and snuggling before bed every night kept him going no matter how exhausted he was. He wouldn't trade it for the world.
But late at night, when Lyla was finally asleep and the world was a little quieter, Clyde's thoughts always seemed to be a little louder. It was the only time when he didn't have to have all the answers or act like everything wasn't weighing on him as heavily as it was, where not a single person depended on or needed something from him. Nothing else to do but sink into the couch, crack his favorite beer open, and drift off to sleep, only to wake up the next day and do it all over again.
"C'mon Clyde. A couple drinks with ya favorite brother, plus ya can use the night out. Syl's got her." Jimmy insisted, breaking Clyde out of his haze. Clyde huffed; the poor guy just wanted his brother to let off some steam, and he understood that. He was thankful his brother always looked out for him in his own way, but he couldn't give in. Not again. He winced slightly at the memory of the last time he indulged in a reckless drunk night out and how it ended with Lyla on his doorstep. Not that he regrets any of it, of course. He'd do it again a million times if it meant ending up with Lyla every time. But there was no denying the exhaustion that plagued him since that day. Long days and sometimes nights at the bar, followed by a never-ending list of chores, along with a more than needy kiddo constantly yanking at his leg, awaited him at home.
" 'S alright. 'M jus' stressed, been workin' nonstop, jus' wanna get home to Sunshine." Clyde put on a strained smile as he wiped down the bar top for the night. He couldn't bring himself to justify spending any of his spare time away from his girl. Having his family watch Lyla was always more of a necessity; how could he ask more of them? Just so he could kick back a few beers and feel like shit about it tomorrow? No, thank you, Clyde thought to himself. Jimmy let up as their attention was drawn away toward the door, chiming as Mellie sauntered into Duck Tape and scurried right up to the bar beside her brother.
"Guess what?" Mellies shoots Clyde a knowing smirk while bouncing on her feet excitedly.
"What?" Clyde managed to keep his tone steady, reluctantly ready to hear whatever Mellie was plotting after having to fight Jimmy off for the last hour about him 'loosenin' up,' whatever the hell that meant.
"I found ya a babysitter for the summer. Or is a nanny that ya needed? Oh well, whatever it is, I found her." She pulls out one of the bar stools and takes a seat. Clyde sets down the rag and takes a deep breath before looking back at Mellie, silently urging her to continue. "An' before ya say anythin', she's a real close friend; met her a couple years back at the salon, and she just moved back into town; she'd be perfect for this."
"Takin care of Lyla isn't something for one of your little friends, Mel." Clyde didn't mean to sound so condescending. Especially when his little sister was only trying to make his life easier, but he couldn't help himself. With the amount of time this person would spend with his daughter, Clyde needed someone he could trust. He prided himself in always wanting what was best for his Sunshine; her care was no exception.
"C'mon Clyde. Ya need the help, and she's a good one, I swear. Great with kids, and you can trust her." He sighed. "Just meet her before you make any decisions...please?" Clyde knew there was no talking Mellie out of anything, especially when her mind was made up like this. Plus, if he was being honest with himself, he was desperate. He didn't trust many people where Lylas was concerned, and that made the picking for her nanny or even a babysitter slim to none in this small town. As much as he hated to admit it, he needed this. And if Mellie trusted her, well, that would have to be good enough for him. For now.
"Fine. I'll meet her. When were ya thinkin'?" Mellie beamed a smile at him before checking her phone as a text message came through.
"Is now a good time?" Clyde's dazed look only amused Mellie further as she turned to the front door. "There she is!" Mellie hollered toward you, waving so you'd join them.
Clyde's eyes felt like they were damn near ready to fall right out of his head. If the word 'trouble' had a picture next to it in the dictionary, he was sure it'd look a lot like you, all dolled up in jeans that looked like they'd been drawn on and worn-down cowboy boots as you confidently strutted your way toward him. All bright eyes and delicious curves taking up all of his attention and then some. Clyde's grip tightened, practically digging his fingernails painfully into his palm. He couldn't remember the last time he reacted so strongly to someone. Pretty girls strolling in and out of Duck Tape were a rarity; he never bothered to give them a second look, let alone a first one. A hazy introduction later, you extended your hand towards him, and he swore he could feel lightning crackle through his veins at the warmth of your palm, immediately kicking himself for being so affected by you so quickly. Get it together, asshole, he told himself. This was going to be a long night.
Mellie embraced you warmly and dragged you toward the two men staring daggers at you from the bar. It felt odd when she texted you out of the blue to meet her and the parent of the child you might or might not be taking care of this summer at some bar, but you didn't question it. Mellie always came with surprises. You happily greeted Jimmy, recalling the second Logan and his little girl from when you visited Mel's salon while he was fixing up the place last summer. In the short time you spent in this small town, the Logans always had their own way of making you feel right at home.
"Hi." You introduced yourself to the man behind the bar top, trying not to let his stern gaze affect you. His broad shoulders and handsome face made your breath hitch from the moment you first saw him. And if he kept looking at you like he was, you weren't sure your knees wouldn't buckle on the spot.
"Clyde, this is my friend I was tellin' ya about." Mellie cautiously glared at her seemingly rigid brother before looking back at you. "This is my brother, Clyde, Lyla's dad." You offered him a warm smile and extended a hand toward him. Clyde stiffened further, eyes darting between you; his large palm engulfed yours.
"Hm. Nice to meet ya." He offered you a tight smile and briefly shook your hand, practically snatching it away. Your skin suddenly missed his warmth, but you shook away the slight disappointment at his apparent disinterest.
"Clyde, don't be rude. Sorry, he's not a real people person." Mellie scolded him and turned toward you. "So ya still interested in that babysittin' gig? Lord knows my brother here could use the help." Clyde's eyes shot up and glared at Mellie, silently wishing the ground would swallow him whole so he could be spared the embarrassment his little sister was already putting him through.
"I don't know. Is it still available?" You glanced at Clyde teasingly, hoping to ease whatever tension had manifested between the three of you in the last five minutes.
"Yes. No." Clyde scrambled to gather his thoughts before continuing. "It is I just...I'd like to see ya spend time with her first. See how ya are with her n all that.'' He sighed. This wasn't the way this was supposed to go. He was supposed to find a nanny, get through the summer, and life could go on like it had been. Instead, he felt so flustered that he couldn't even string a simple sentence together if his life depended on it.
"I can come over sometime this week to spend some time with her. If it doesn't feel like a good fit for you, you have no obligation to hire me." You made sure to sneak in that last part before he could change his mind. Clyde nodded towards you appreciatingly.
"How's tomorrow afternoon? Round 1? I can drop her off after my shift." Mellie chimed in before Clyde could stumble over any more of his words.
"Tomorrow it is, then." You nodded and received a barely there smile from the grumpy bartender. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.
The next day arrived much faster than Clyde realized. He typically looked forward to his mornings off, sharing a big plate of burnt bacon with Lyla while sprawling on the couch watching morning cartoons. Instead, he spent most of his morning distracted. Even when Lyla rambled about what was playing on the television, Clyde's mind wandered back to you. It's not like he'd gotten much sleep either, with the thought of seeing you again running through is mind late at night. What was supposed to be a quick shower ended with Clyde's hand gripping his cock, images of you pressed up against him, droplets of water streaming down your breasts as he drove into you and pressed his warm body on yours. It wasn't long before he felt himself spill on his hand, and harsh reality set in. Clyde hated himself over it. He was going to be your employer, for fucks sake. He'd barely met you for more than ten minutes, and already he was over here pining and touching himself like some hormone-crazed teenager with a crush. Thankfully, it wasn't long before Mellie swung by to pick Lyla up, promising her another one of their girls' days at the salon. Lyla quickly got ready, and after seeing her out the door and waving the two off, Clyde managed to peel himself off the couch and headed over to the bar.
From there, the morning dragged like no other. Clyde spent most of it sitting in his office, trying not to think about the fact that you'd walk through those doors any second. He always found it easy to throw himself into work, put everything else aside, and focus on what needed to get done. But every time he tried, there you were. There was no way he'd be able to do this. Spending more time with you? If he felt this out of control after one day, how would he be able to be any sort of normal around you all summer? He couldn't; he had to end this today. You would understand; Mellie said this job wasn't all that serious for you anyway. You could go back to wherever you came from, and he could finally get something done without thinking about how your hand felt on his last night. Or how badly he wanted to trace the soft skin on your collarbone or how your smile warmed his heart with a familiarity he somehow already craved.
Clyde didn't get too far into his bar prep when the doors to Duck Tape swung open. Lylas skipped inside, Mellie following closely behind her. She stumbled while trying to climb one of the bar stools, making Clyde exit the bar quickly and taking her in his arms.  
"Gon' hurt ya self there, Sunshine." Lyla giggled, the bar stool wobbling underneath her before Clyde set her on the ground. Just as Mellie said her goodbyes and headed out, the door opened, but this time, Clyde could've sworn he felt his heart skip a beat at the sight.
Your morning had been nothing short of hectic after changing your outfit an endless amount of times. Not to mention spilling coffee on your shirt once you'd managed to settle on something. You quickly shoved that aside and mustered whatever courage you had left to head over to the bar. A short drive later, you walked into Duck Tape at precisely one o'clock to find Clyde standing beside an adorable little girl looking up at him with a guilty look on her face.
"Now I know Aunt Mellie gave ya candy at the salon; that's enough for today, sunshine." Lyla pouted slightly as you listened in. Clyde said a quick hi and crouched beside her when he noticed you standing there. Lyla wrapped herself around her dad's legs when she spotted you.
"Lyla, this is Aunt Mellie's friend. The one I told ya about." Clyde waited cautiously for his daughter's response. As you knelt on the floor in front of the pair, you were met with wild chestnut curls and doe-brown eyes on the cutest kid you've ever seen.
"Nice to meet you, Lyla." The little girl retracted shyly into her dad's embrace. Your eyes landed on the coloring book and plastic crayon box she cradled in her hands. "That's a nice princess coloring book you got there. Rapunzel is my favorite, ya know."
"Rapuzel's my favorite too." Lyla mumbled, chocolate button eyes hesitantly landing on you.
"No way! Her dress has both of my favorite colors, purple and pink."
"Those are mine too! Daddy got me a 'punzel dress, and he lets me wear it all the time when we have tea parties 'n stuff." You could've sworn Clyde's cheeks flushed slightly like the doting dad you could already see he was.
"I bet he does." You smiled over at Clyde. Thinking about this large man playing pretend princess and having tea parties with his daughter had your heart swirling with emotions you were sure shouldn't be there in the first place. You didn't know why that warmed your heart the way it did, but you brushed it off as you offered to color with her, and Lyla practically dragged you toward the back of the bar.
The next hour was spent with the both of you huddled in a corner booth while Clyde kept busy around the bar. You talked endlessly about her extensive knowledge of every single princess, colored a couple of pages, and even earned a few giggles.
Clyde wiped down the bar for what he was sure was the millionth time. There was minimal on the to-do list for today, but he would busy himself here as long as it took if it meant keeping an eye on you two. It's not like you needed it; he didn't need to be there to know you were hitting it off with Lyla. The chatter had been nonstop since you sat at the booth; you engaged seamlessly with her. Listening intently to every word while keeping her entertained. He noticed his daughter was just as entranced with you as he was. This was a good thing, wasn't it? He had to admit he miscalculated your ability in all of this when you first met. Clyde felt terrible about how closed off he'd been last night. Here you were, all bright-eyed and ready to help, and there he was, the usual grey cloud raining on everybody's parade the first chance he got. At least, that's how he assumed everyone saw him.
Clyde was refilling some bottles from the bar when Jimmy called, letting him know he was outside. He signaled over to Lyla, who was beyond excited to spend the rest of her day with her uncle and cousin Sadie. You helped her gather her things before Jimmy took Lyla in his arms. One "Bye, Daddy!" and a wave from Clyde later, and it was just the two of you in the ample bar space.
"So how'd I do, bossman?" you asked as Clyde stepped out from behind the bar. His large frame coming into full view was enough to make a girl swoon on the spot. You attempted to reign in whatever self-control you could gather, well enough to take a step toward him without feeling like a giddy schoolgirl. Clyde remained silent for a moment before you felt the need to speak.
"Look, I know it must be hard to just trust a stranger with all this. And I know I'm not the most qualified person out there. But I'm a hard worker and punctual; playing princesses and tea parties happens to be my specialty. Plus, I can make anything into a game." You could've sworn you saw a hint of a smirk on Clyde's handsome face.
"She seems to like you." Warmth blossomed in your chest at the compliment. Lyla was a smart kid and funny, too. You knew it would be hard not to fall in love with the little rascal from the moment you met.
"Well, I like her too, so that's a plus." Clyde felt his entire body tense up at your newfound proximity. From here, he could see the flush of your lips and the captivating color in your eyes, like two pools he would happily drown in. Your warm smile drew him in until he found himself needing to be closer to you than what was deemed appropriate. And to hear you talking so sweetly about his sunshine? His heart felt like it could burst out of his chest, but he quickly compelled that away to unpack another day.
"Can ya start tomorrow? I have a late shift bein' a sports night n all." Clyde attempted to shake his thoughts away. He had to try at least to pretend like he hadn't spent the better part of his shift taking longing glances at you, admiring the way your white tee and jeans fit your curves in a way that made sure he'd have to walk around with a semi and adjust his pants for the rest of the day.
"Sure thing. Your place?" Clyde nods and gives you a time and address.
The next several weeks were filled with endless princess gatherings, storytelling from faraway lands, coloring for hours on end, and whatever adventure Lyla would conjure up that day. She warmed up to you almost instantly; things were going great. Better than great, sometimes, you had to question if this was really your job with how much fun you were having. Lyla was witty, smart, and had an imagination to be envied. She seemed so free and unapologetically herself in the best way. You could tell she had been raised with an unconditional love any kid could only dream of. It wasn't like the occasional meltdown didn't take place from time to time, being a toddler and all. But you always find a way to bring that smile back to Lyla's face.
Things with Clyde hadn't simmered down in the slightest. Every interaction, every glance, every accidental touch had your yearning growing. Every moment spent together allowed you to quietly admire something new about him. The way his chest filled out those t-shirts he often wore, his hair that begged to have your fingers tangled in it, or even how he pursed his lips in that way that had your core clenching whenever he spoke. Not to mention, seeing him with Lyla made your knees weak. This gentle giant's soft demeanor melted your heart while twisting your insides in the most delicious way. Still, Lyla kept you more than busy; otherwise, you'd spend your days daydreaming about Clyde Logan. Today was no different. Building forts and baking cookies had been the first thing on the itinerary, and knowing Lyla, there was always more to come. When she'd finally fallen asleep watching Cinderella on the couch, you carefully tucked her into her bed and quietly exited the room, shutting the door just as Clyde entered the trailer.
"Hey." You whispered as Clyde set down his stuff and went to the kitchen. "I just put her to bed."
"Thanks. Sorry, 'M late. Bar kept gettin' crazy n' I just couldn't get away. It's-" You cut him off by placing a hand on his arm, feeling him tense under you.
"Clyde, it's okay. That's what I'm here for, remember?" You winked at him before walking toward the kitchen to put away the rest of the dishes. Clyde headed to the fridge and pulled out two beers. Your cheeks warmed, watching him lean over with one sturdy arm on the fridge door, the muscles on his back rippling under the worn-down t-shirt while the two bottles fit snuggly in his large hand. Get it together, you told yourself, forcing your gaze away.
"Beer?" Clyde gestured toward you. "I was jus' gonna have one on the porch." The words tumbled from his mouth without realizing. He knew it was a bad idea, but he couldn't help himself. You looked all comfortable, your books and blanket on his couch, standing here in his kitchen, in his home, moving around like you belonged there. But Clyde wasn't stupid; his head was definitely playing tricks on him. There wasn't a universe that existed where a woman as beautiful as you would be interested in a guy like him, and he understood that. Now the only problem was keeping his heart and dick in check long enough to be professional. 
The night sky was decorated with stars against the black abyss, quiet and still. Just the two of you sitting in comfortable silence. Clyde followed you outside, shutting the door quietly. You sat beside him, legs folded comfortably in the porch chairs as he handed you a cold beer. 
"So, how was everythin'?" He said before taking a swig of his beer, the soft rumble of his voice activating those darn butterflies in your stomach already.
"Great. Pretty sure she tried on every princess dress in her closet and saw Frozen at least ten times. We danced, sang, and even built a fort." You found yourself smiling at the memory of Lyla with a mismatched dress and crown belting 'Let It Go' with you while jumping around her room. "Same old, same old."
"Mhm." Clyde relaxed further into his seat. The more time you spent with him, the more apparent it became that he was a man of few words. Still, you appreciated the ones he was willing to share with you. 
"It was a good day; it always is." You noticed Clyde stretched his left arm before him as if irritated by it. 
"Mind if I take this off?" The words tumbled out before Clyde could stop them, the beer loosening his tongue. Clyde wasn't sure why he suddenly felt comfortable enough around you to remove his prosthesis. He was pretty sure the people closest to him hadn't even seen him without it. Although it shouldn't surprise him, his sense of ease around you only grew within the last couple of weeks.
"Go ahead." Clyde hesitated for a second, then carefully removed his prosthetic, massaging the tender spot. Your eyes scanned the newly exposed skin. "Does it hurt?" Clyde paused his movement and huffed. You cleared your throat, the day's exhaustion clearly eliminating whatever filter you had left. "Sorry. I didn't mean to-forget I said anything." 
"'S alright. Served two tours n' ended with this. 'N no, not really, not all the time, at least. Jus' bothers having this thing on all day." You nodded, understanding it was something still difficult for him to talk about.
"You don't have to ask, you know? To take it off. I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable for no reason." Clyde smiled while nursing his beer. When he looked over, he found your eyes tracing the scars left behind on his arm. Clyde reached for his sleeve, suddenly feeling the need to cover up, before you placed your hand on his arm, stopping him. "Is this okay?" Clyde gulped and gave a slight nod. He wasn't sure if it was the exposed flesh or how vulnerable this whole thing felt, but he swore he could feel every nerve on his body light up under your touch. Your fingers lightly outlined the scar for a moment before you smiled at him, settled back into your chair, and sipped your beer. 
"Mellie dropped by today, and I meant to ask you if I should know of anyone coming by to see Lyla other than your siblings. Friends maybe? Her mom?" You snuck in that last part before you could stop yourself; the last thing you wanted to do was overstep. But you were curious. Lyla never mentioned her, and you didn't notice any pictures of her around the house. Was she a good mom? Was she pretty? She had to be to be Lyla's mom. Did she still hang around? Would she like you hanging around? Maybe she wouldn't want you getting all close to Clyde. Hush that is none of your business, you told yourself.
"Lyla's mom isn't in the picture. Never was. She jus' about dropped Lyla at my doorstep 'n we never heard from her again. Didn't want nothin' to do with her or me, said so in the letter she left." His words spliced across your heart, and tears welled in your eyes for the little girl sleeping soundly inside. Just thinking about someone walking away from an angel like that with such carelessness had you wanting to find this woman with your fist immediately.
"So, you two never?" Clyde shook his head almost as if you'd insulted him.
"It was a one-time thing. A drunken night full of bad choices, 'N then she disappeared. Popped back up again with Lyla, and that was it. Letters last I heard from her." Clyde said. "Not that I wanted her to come back. I don't. We've been jus' fine just us two." 
"I don't doubt that for a second." 
The following Sunday morning came with blue skies and warm summer air. Clyde insisted you'd take Sundays for yourself, although you weren't sure why. It's not like you had any other friends around here besides Mel, not to mention a social life being out of the question. When you weren't with Lyla, plans usually consisted of staying at home with a good book and getting chores done. You were gathering your things to lay out in the sun for a bit when Mellie called about being overbooked at the salon and Clyde having an emergency at the bar and asked if you could watch Lyla for the day. A few minutes later, you managed to put together an easy picnic basket, threw a shirt and shorts over your bathing suit, and headed out the door.
A short drive and only two knocks on the trailer later, Lyla ran out, wrapping both arms around your legs in a tight hug. She quickly pulled you inside to find Clyde sitting on the couch with cartoons playing faintly in the background. 
"Hi." The morning rasp in his voice had your chest tightening and face flushing. He wore a faded t-shirt and simple dark gray sweats that you had to fight not to stare at. "I tried callin'. Ya didn't have to come, everythin's been takin care of."
"Oh. My phone must still be on do not disturb from last night or something. I was gonna take Lyla to the lake for a picnic and maybe a swim." Lyla's face immediately perked up as she squealed excitedly.
"I'm gonna go get my swimsuit on!" She yelled as she tried to run off into the hall before Clyde stopped her.
"Now, sunshine, today's her day off."
"What's that mean?" Lyla's disappointment grew along with the pout on her face. 
"Means she's got stuff to do, stuff she's gotta get done today. She'll be back tomorrow, hm?" Lyla reluctantly nodded as Clyde placed a kiss on her forehead.
"Well," you interjected, unsure if it was your place to say something, but there was no way you could stand by and disappoint Lyla like this, especially when spending your days with her had become your favorite thing to do. "If it's okay with your dad, I'd love some company. I can't eat all these PB&J's and snacks I packed alone now, can I?" Lyla looked toward Clyde. A mix of 'please' and 'please, daddy' flooded Clyde's ears before reluctantly giving in to his daughter's whim. Lyla sprinted toward her room to change, mumbling something about showing her water tricks, making you chuckle.
"You're welcome to join us. I packed plenty of food, and it's too nice of a day out to stay inside." Clyde contemplated for a moment. Just the thought of seeing you prancing around in the water in a skin-tight bathing suit had his pants tightening uncomfortably. He wasn't sure he could control himself. But he had the day off and sure as hell didn't want to spend it without his Sunshine. Plus, he wasn't entirely comfortable with the two of you alone by the creek in the woods. It would be safer if he went with you. At least that's what he told himself as he agreed and slipped away to change into his water shorts.
The drive over to the creek went a little faster than usual, thanks to you and Lyla singing along to some of her favorite songs. Clyde spent the entire ride concealing a smirk at the sight of both of you breaking into song and then into a fit of giggles once one of you would get the words mixed up. Once you'd arrived, Clyde wasted no time unloading the truck and helping a restless Lyla get out of her seat. You found the perfect shady spot to set up the blanket and laid out some things from the picnic basket; once satisfied, you set your shorts and shirt to the side and settled in. Lyla wasted no time hitting the water, barely letting you slather some sunscreen before sprinting off with her floatie. You sat by the shore with your book, watching her splash around. The cool water around your legs is a nice relief from the sun's warmth on your skin. Clyde sat back against the tree, keeping his eyes on the two of you. He couldn't help but imagine if this was what it would be like—having someone by his side sharing moments like these with Lyla. 
The afternoon passed far too quickly. A blur of splashes and fits of laughter ended with a sleepy Lyla slung on her dad's shoulders as you packed everything back into the truck and headed out. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the fleeting colors of dusk began to fade away. Only the rumble of the truck and crickets chirping surrounded by the night sky remained. Lyla's soft snores could be heard from behind as you glanced over at Clyde. The soft moonlight reflected off his skin, hair still slightly damp from the creek. His eyes were trained on the road ahead, but you could tell something was on his mind as he chewed on the inside of his cheek.
You sat comfortably on the passenger seat, your thigh dangerously close to his hand resting on the gear. His fingers itched to reach over, wondering how soft your flesh would feel under his touch. No matter how hard it was to keep a calm facade, he couldn't help but recall the silky skin over your bathing suit top, curves he would kill to trace every inch of it with his tongue teasing him from every angle. Even the way your teeth caught on your lip in the most sinful way was driving him insane. Everything about today was driving him insane. Not to mention watching you with his Sunshine. How you'd dramatically play along to every scenario Lyla created until you were nothing but a fit of giggles, watching in awe as you smothered her in hugs and kisses every time she'd swim into your arms. His sunshine was an affectionate girl, don't get him wrong. But she sure as hell didn't open up easily to strangers, yet here you were, winning her over from day one. Clyde shook away the ache in his heart at the thought as he redirected his attention back to the road.
A short while later, you'd arrived back at Clyde's. He hopped out of the car just after you did, carrying a passed-out Lyla in his arms into the house. You stayed outside, wondering if you should wait for him to return or count your losses and hurry home. Before you could make up your mind, Clyde appeared and shut the door quietly behind him, leaving the two of you uncomfortably close on his front porch.
"Thank ya for today." The faulty lamp above you did little against the night.
"It's no problem," you said before a silence fell between you. The dim light accentuated his nose and the plumpness of his lips in the most beautiful way. His eyes drifted up to yours as you took a tentative step toward him. Your heart began to pound, chests nearly pressed against one another, feeling a familiar desire spread in your core. Clyde's breathing grew heavier, suddenly aching to get you closer.
Just as the longing became unbearable, he closed the gap between your mouths, first with the utmost gentleness, then with the hunger of a starved man. You made a delicious little sound and responded with the same fervor, sparking a fire in his belly. He didn't want it to stop. The warmth of his mouth had you melting into him. Your lips parted slightly as his hand came up loosely at the side of your neck, holding you close.
"Daddy!" Lyla's distant voice rang in your ears. Clyde pulled away suddenly; a rush of frigid air replaced the warmth where his body was pressed up against you. It was as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over the two of you, snapping you back into your harsh reality. Lyla began to cry from what was probably a nightmare. Clyde sighed as he looked toward the front door and back to you. You cleared your throat and wrapped your sweatshirt tighter around, unable to look him in the eye after he'd practically kissed you dizzy.
"I should go. Goodnight, Clyde." You offered him a warm smile and dashed to your car before he could say anything else. Clyde stood with his head slightly hung, ensuring you were safely in the driver's seat before heading inside. You lowered the windows in an attempt to let the humid summer night air free from inside, hoping a little fresh air would snap you out of whatever trance Clyde had just put you under. Butterflies swarmed in your stomach as you ran your fingers along your lips, the ghost of his kiss still buzzing through you on the drive home.
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glassbxttless · 2 years
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Hi! Here is where all of my older work and characters I no longer write for will be linked! Note, that I DO NOT write for some of these characters any longer but I wanted to keep them up to share! For characters I do write, check out my writing rules page!
This content is 18+— Smut is indicated with *
**as of 03.27.23 this list is still being updated**
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Dad!Clyde // one , two , three , four
Kiss Me Again
Help Me Get Rid of This Asshole
All Day, All Night*
Wedding Date*
After Shower Special*
See You at Home*
Ohio Bound*
Mother’s Day
There Ain’t No Skiin’ in West Virginia
Kitty Eatin’ at the Duck Tape*
Mama Bear’s Spa Day
A Quick Dip
Just a Gallon of Milk
Someone Borrowed*
Hey Bartender
Do You Mind?
Showering in Adoration*
As You Grew, So Did We*
Talking Body*
Tongue Tied
Becoming a Dad
Pretty Please?*
Banana Pudding*
Earn It*
Call Me That Again*
I Want to Spend My Life with You
What Do You Think?*
Holiday Party*
Mark You Mine*
Truth or Dare*
My Girl*
Daddy’s Good Girl*
“I’m Sorry, Sugar.”*
Hiking to the Falls*
Your Parents’ House*
Our Marriage Story
Did You Eat?
Happy Holidays
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ao3feed-clydephelia · 1 month
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
A down and out young punk gets a job working with a seasoned repo man, but what awaits him in his new career is a series of outlandish adventures revolving around aliens, the CIA, and a most wanted ’64 Chevy. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Otto Maddox: Emilio Estevez Bud: Harry Dean Stanton Miller: Tracey Walter Leila: Olivia Barash Lite: Sy Richardson Agent Rogersz: Susan Barnes J. Frank Parnell: Fox Harris Oly: Tom Finnegan Lagarto: Del Zamora Napo: Eddie Velez Kevin: Zander Schloss Debbi: Jennifer Balgobin Duke: Dick Rude Archie: Miguel Sandoval Marlene: Vonetta McGee Plettschner: Richard Foronjy Reverend Larry: Bruce White Ms. Magruder: Sue Kiel Mrs. Parks: Helen Martin Repo Wife #2: Angelique Pettyjohn Harry Pace: Con Covert Agent B: Biff Yeager Agent E: Ed Pansullo Miner: Jon St. Elwood Sheriff: David Chung U.F.O. Lady: Cynthia Szigeti Otto Dad: Jonathon Hugger Peason: Dale Reynolds Nurse: Dolores DeLuce Mr. Humphries’ Security Guard: Luis Contreras Carwash Attendant: Alex Cox Rabbi: Michael Nesmith Agent S: Steve Mattson Agent T: Thomas Boyd Mr. Humphries: Charles Hopkins Delilah: Kelitta Kelly Motorcycle Cop: Varnum Honey English Dustbin Lady: Dorothy Bartlett Otto Mom: Sharon Gregg Pakman: Jac McAnelly Additional Blond Agent: Jimmy Buffett Additional Blond Agent: Shep Wickham Additional Blond Agent: Gregg Taylor Additional Blond Agent: Jon Fondy Additional Blond Agent: Keith Miley Additional Blond Agent: Michael Bennett Additional Blond Agent: Brad Jamieson Repo Wife #1: Janet Chan Repo Wife #3: Logan Carter Repo Wife #4: Laura Sorrenson First Repo Victim: George Sawaya Repo Victim’s Wife: Connie Ponce Soda Jerk: Bob Ellis Tow Truck Driver: Quentin Gutierrez Liquor Store Clerk #1: Richard Furukawa Liquor Store Clerk #2: ‘Earthquake’ Hesson Nightclub Band Member (as The Circle Jerks): Keith Morris Nightclub Band Member (as The Circle Jerks): Greg Hetson Nightclub Band Member (as The Circle Jerks): Chuck Biscuits Nightclub Band Member (as The Circle Jerks): Earl Liberty Scooter Guys Member (as The Untouchables): Clyde Grimes Scooter Guys Member (as The Untouchables): Chuck Askerneese Scooter Guys Member (as The Untouchables): Kevin Long Scooter Guys Member (as The Untouchables): Jerry Miller Scooter Guys Member (as The Untouchables): Rob Lampron Scooter Guys Member (as The Untouchables): Josh Harris Scooter Guys Member (as The Untouchables): Herman Askerneese Laundry Person: Kim Williams Laundry Person: Michele Person Doctor: Wally Cronin Nurse: Monona Wali Bouncer: Cosmo Mata Club Owner: Rodney Bingenheimer Tennis Player: Jorge Martínez Tennis Player: Melanie Schloss Tennis Player: Nancy Richardson Film Crew: Writer: Alex Cox Producer: Peter McCarthy Executive Producer: Michael Nesmith Producer: Jonathan Wacks Director of Photography: Robby Müller Editor: Dennis Dolan Set Decoration: Cheryl Cutler Original Music Composer: Steven Hufsteter Original Music Composer: Tito Larriva Production Design: Lynda Burbank Art Direction: J. Rae Fox Script Supervisor: Sharron Reynolds-Enriquez Script Supervisor: Brenda Weisman Music Supervisor: Kathy Nelson Stunt Coordinator: Eddie Hice Costume Design: Theda DeRamus Associate Producer: Gerald T. Olson Casting: Victoria Thomas Makeup Artist: Sharon Francis Production Manager: Allen Alsobrook First Assistant Director: Betsy Magruder Second Assistant Director: Rip Murray Construction Coordinator: Douglas Dick Property Master: Douglas Fox Leadman: John Lafia Property Master: Ron Seigel Special Effects: Roger George Songs: Iggy Pop Special Effects: Robbie Knott Stunts: Danny Costa Stunt Double: Thomas Boyd Stunts: Rick Barker Stunts: Fred Scheiwiller Stunts: Rick Seaman Stunts: Michael Sinclair Walter Stunts: Harry Wowchuk Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Richard Beggs Assistant Sound Editor: Christopher Flick Sound Editor: Donald Flick Foley Artist: Kim Fowler Supervising Sound Editor: Warren Hamilton Jr. ADR Editor: Bonnie Koehler Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Michael Minkler Production Sound Mixer: Steve Nelson Foley Artist: John Post Sound Recordist: Philip Rogers Gaffe...
0 notes
rynwritesstuff · 3 years
I need more dad fluff with Clyde and reader’s kids 🥺 I like the way you write him. Maybe one where one of the kids got into trouble at school for getting into a fight with a student who made fun of Clyde’s arm?
Awe, thank you, anon! Luckily for you, I like writing him ;) Dad!Clyde is one of my favorites haha.
Clyde's daughter getting in trouble for fighting with another student
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It's around noon when the bar's phone rings. Clyde's stubborn ass refuses to get a cell phone ("They're stupid, darlin'. I wish ya'd stop tryna convince me.") so you have to call the actual bar.
"Duck Tape, Clyde speakin', how can I help ya?" your husband answers. You glance down at your watch.
"Hey, baby, it's me," you say.
"Hey, darlin'. What's up?"
"Liv's school just called. She got in a fight," you say.
Clyde's eyes widen. His sweet, charming, playful nine-year-old got in a fight?
"She what!?"
You huff.
"She got in a fight. I'm heading over to the school to figure out the details. I'll call you once I know more."
Clyde wants nothing more than to find someone else to take his shift and go join you, be there for you. But there's no one else available, and there's extremely limited time for you to get over to the school.
"Alright, darlin'. Thanks for lettin' me know."
"Sure thing. I love you."
Clyde smiles.
"I love ya too."
You hang up the phone and head over to your daughter's school.
When you find out why she'd gotten in a fight, you have to take a moment to step out of the principal's office and collect yourself.
Someone insulted the fact that Clyde's missing his hand, and Olivia gave them a bloody nose.
Honestly? A teeny, tiny part of you is proud of your girl.
Violence is, of course, not the answer, but she had pure intentions, you suppose.
You call Clyde once you and Olivia are back in the car.
"Duck Tape--"
"It's me, babe," you tell him. "I've got Liv. We'll discuss what happened when you get home tonight, okay?"
Clyde sighs.
"Alright. Is she okay? She's not hurt or nothin', is she?"
You glance over at your daughter. She's singing along to the radio and swinging her feet back and forth in her carseat.
"No, no, she's fine. I love you, baby."
Clyde smiles.
"Love ya more."
Taglist: @safarigirlsp @thepalaceofmelanie @clydesfavoritegirl @mrs-gucci @iamburdened @mrs-zimmerman @eagerforhoney @i-cant-draw-faces @icarusinthesea 
(Let me know if you’d like to be added!)
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let-love-run-red · 6 years
Dads here
Summary: Clyde Logan is dating the newcomer in town, a single mother of a teenage boy. Orion is a troublemaker and has yet to accept his mom's bartender boyfriend, but when put in a less than desirable position, Clyde may just earn Orion's trust.
warnings: mention of a shooting
AN: (This is pre-heist)Look who's back loves! This isn't so much romance, more dad!Clyde fluff that I feel like I needed
"Orion! Breakast!" Clyde boomed from the kitchen, a towel slung over his shoulder as he used a fork to move the bacon from the hot pan to the plate next to the stove. Your seventeen year old son, Orion, was staying with Clyde while you were on a business trip in Caliornia. Clyde heard the jingling of chains and turned to see Orion standing in the kitchen wearing black skinny jeans and a tank top that showed the entire side of his ribs.
"Does your mom usually let you wear that?" He asked, Orion scoffed and ran a hand through his chin length (h/c) hair. Orion was a New York baby, you'd picked up your small family and moved to West Virginia four years ago, after Orion was expelled for setting off firecrackers in a garbage can in the teachers lounge. You and Clyde had been dating ever since.
"I'm not a thirteen year old girl Clyde," Orion snapped as he reached for the plate of pancakes Clyde had made. "And you don't have to yell old man. Just because you can't hear yourself doesn't mean I can't."
Clyde took a deep breath in through his nose and adjusted the prosthetic forearm while Orion shoved one of the smaller pancakes into his mouth before grabbing a few slices of bacon, flashing Clyde a two fingered salute, and walking out the door to the bus stop.
Clyde sighed and took a piece of the charred bacon, taking a bite before walking out the door for work.
Clyde was wiping down counters at Duck Tape when he got the call. Orion's panicked shaky voice.
"C-Clyde please." Was all Orion could say between sobs. Clyde felt his heart leap out of his chest, had he been hurt? A broken bone?"
"Slow down Orion, tell me what happened now?" Clyde asked, kicking out the few patrons he had around mid-day as he grabbed his jacket. He pulled his keys out of his pocket and jogged to his car while listening to Orion's shaky breaths and quick pants from the other end of the phone.
"S-school s-shooter, we were on-on lockdown-n for an h-hour a-and he was o-outs-side the door," Orion choked out between sobs. Clyde easily broke 70 on the residential roads leading from Duck Tape to the small high school. He could see the groups of teenagers gathered outside among the police and the administrators. The problem? This was two blocks away from the school and traffic was at a stand still.
Clyde swore put the car in reverse, backing haphazardly into the only parking space on the street. The  front of the car was sticking out into traffic and his back wheel was on the curb, but Clyde couldn't have cared less.
"Orion where are you?" Clyde asked as he slammed the car door and broke into a sprint in the direction of the car, dodging officers and parents frantically drying their children's tears. Clyde tried to push his way past the barricade the officers had set up to block traffic. Three officers rushed in to hold him back.
"Sir, sir please we're gonna need you to stay back for a bit." The female officer said as she held her hands out to him. Clyde stood to his full height, the phone still pressed to his ear as he scanned the crowd of teens for Orion's unruly hair.
"Orion I can see you, look to your left buddy." Clyde said. He saw Orion turn to his left, spot the overly tall man, and break into a sprint towards him. Orion leapt the traffic barrier between he and Clyde, throwing himself into Clyde's arms as he shoved his face against Clyde's chest. Clyde dropped his cheap flip phone, wrapping his left arm around Orion's waist and running his right hand over the boys hair and back, assuring himself Orion was fine. Clyde let out a breath and pulled Orion closer before he realized the teen was muttering something repeatedly into Clyde's chest. Clyde pulled Orion off to the side and strained to hear what Orion was muttering between sobs.
"Dad's here, dad's here, I'm ok dad's here," Orion kept his muttering going and Clyde felt his heart swell. Four years of butting heads with the stubborn teen, all the fights, wondering if he'd ever earn the trust of the headstrong boy.
Clyde ran his hand over Orion's hair again, feeling the boy's grip around him tighten. Clyde slowly started trying to move towards the car, only to find that Orion wasn't planning on letting go anytime soon.
"No, no no don't go." Orion begged. Clyde looked at Orion and bent his knees to look into the boys bright blue eyes, something you always flinched away from as a reminder of the man who'd left you, and were now filled with nothing but fear and longing for someone to protect him.
Clyde used his calloused thumb to brush the tears off Orion's cheeks before leaning in and wrapping his arms around Orion's waist. Orion wrapped his arms around Clyde's neck, squeezing so tight Clyde almost couldn't breathe.
"Do you wanna walk to the car?" Clyde asked quietly as Orion's sobs quieted. Clyde felt Orion shake his head against Clyde's shoulder.
"Can't walk." Orion mumbled. Clyde held tightly to Orion's middle and let out a breath as he straightened his legs, lifting the tall teen off his feet and turning towards the car.
"Mom doesn't get to hear about you carrying me." Orion muttered into Clyde's ear with a huff of half-hearted laughter. Clyde chuckled as Orion seemed to settle into Clyde's shoulder even more, if that was possible.
"Or you calling me dad?" Clyde asked as they neared the car.
"She can hear about that."
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
We all know Clyde has a breeding k!nk and loves t!ddies , but all I can think about is after you give birth and you have your newborn and him being obsessed with helping you when they’re engorged and painful
HC's: dad!Clyde & Your Post-Birth Breasts
author's notes: hello, hello! Clyde is indeed a titty mans, I'll believe it 'till the day I die; it's canon. but I do agree, he does looooove helping you out in any & all ways when they're all swollen and tender and so full of milk--
warnings: fluff. some smutty stuff. breast pumping. breastfeeding. leaking milk. tit-sucking. brief mentions/implied male masturbation. clyde has daughters, fight me.
(possible) tw's: implied past pregnancy (you & Clyde have a newborn at the time of this HC). some lactation kink.
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Clyde has a natural talent for fatherhood, just as you knew he would. He’s incredibly patient, calm, and always so, so helpful. He definitely keeps you grounded when you need it most.
But, as of late, he’s shown an extra special interest in helping you with your breast pumping.
Of course you appreciate the help (you appreciate all of his help), since your breasts were almost always sore and so f-ing full. His motives, however, you’re sure aren’t 100% innocent, not that you minded, though; you always loved when your sweet, beloved husband had some dirty secrets.
It got to the point that he’s begun anticipating your needs; having the pump handy and bringing it over just as you’re about to ask him for it. It’s uncanny how often this started happening.
He also helps with breastfeeding, bringing the babe over when she’s crying, giving you the spit-up cloth, putting a sheet over you for privacy (even if you’re in the house and you don’t really need it, although this slowly stopped happening).
Clyde seems fascinated and not at all jealous of your daughter whenever you breastfeed, asking (very, very bashfully) if he can watch in order to learn more about it, which again, you’re pretty sure isn’t his only motivation.
One day, you finally ask him, “Honey, how do you always know what I need?”
Your tone was joking, but you were only partially joking; you really were genuinely curious.
The way his cheeks turned red, you’ve never seen him turn that red before. It was freakin’ adorable.
“Well, I uh...” (he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly) “I started noticin’ that yer, um, yer nipples harden real obvious-like, in y-yer bra, whenever ya start g-gettin’ full ‘n sore.”
You were equal parts surprised at his eagle-eye observational ability (probably a result of his time at the military, most likely) as you were flattered that he would take the time to try and figure it out in order to better help you. 
Even though this was cleared up, you were still pretty sure that he liked seeing your breasts full for other, more sexual reasons.
Oh gosh, he was sooooo bashful when he asked to help you pump the first time, and you’re pretty sure you could see the faint outline of an erection in his Levi’s when he approached you. It wasn’t very hard to spot a Clyde erection, considering his massive size, so you were almost certain.
You let him, of course, and his whole face kinda lit up when you said yes. He did everything you told him with great care, handling you very gently as you guided him through it.
Everything, all of your suspicions, were confirmed about a month after you brought your newborn daughter home. His eyes were wide as he looked down at your chest with a clenched jaw, clearly trying to keep himself together.
Sure enough, when you look down, there are two large wet patches on your shirt over where your nipples rested in your maternity bra. You’re mortified, but when you look to Clyde to get you a rag, he stays in place.
When his eyes meet yours, you shudder at the darkened nature of them. Oh, you knew all too well what that look meant...he was aroused. Very much so, by the looks of it.
“Lemme s-suck on ‘em, darlin’, please. Lemme help ya f-feel better.”
You agree with little-to-no hesitation, pulling your shirt off and making your way over to the couch while he followed you, undoing his belt and jeans.
He pulls your tender breasts out of the bra and immediately starts lapping at the sweet nectar that’s leaking from your nipples while he tugs his painfully hard length.
“Mmm, s-so sweet, tastes so fuckin’ g-good.”
“Love suckin’ on these b-big milky t-tits, darlin’.”
It’s not long before he’s shooting his big, thick creamy load all over his hand and your leggings with a loud, throaty groan.
In conclusion, Clyde’s a die-hard titty man and also a really amazing father <3 <3
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clydeluckylogan · 3 years
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This is Clyde Logan and his kitten. You can't change my mind.
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finn-ray-nal-beads · 4 years
peanut butter balls w clyde
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Warnings: Voyeurism, BLUE BALLS, tw: pregnancy, tw: breeding kink, cum eating, masturbation, dirty talk, also sweet talk because Clyde is baby, cowgirl style, fondling those BIG BALLS, copious amounts of description of horsecocks, copious amounts of cum (just a swimming pool size full of his cum if you will), just pure fuckin’ smut and fluff because I cannot get off the DadBod train tonight or ever (thank you @in-silks-and-flesh-and-leather I love you forever), tw: mentions of somnophilia, tw: I am back on my bullshit and better than ever bitches! 
The clock read five in the morning as he stared it down menacingly. Having just gotten home from the bar to your sleeping form peacefully huddled against his pillow, inhaling the sweet scent of him while he slaved away at work.
He laid down gingerly, careful not to disturb you as he knew you hadn’t been sleeping too well given the state you had been in over the first few weeks of it all. The vomiting, the tears, the rush of hormones coupled with outbursts of anger and pain from your breasts had all been weighing on you. 
He gave you your space, knowing from his research that the second trimester would be so much different. Hoping the book wasn’t lying to him about that and waiting as patiently as he could for you to come around. 
Those nights he’d find you keeled over the toilet, cursing his name as he stumbled through the door of the trailer. He hated all of it, wishing he could take the ugly parts away for you. But he knew, and so did you, that it was all for the greatest adventure yet, so it was worth the endless tears and heartburn. 
So, on nights like tonight, he’d rub the stray hair from your face, peeking under the covers to place a gentle hand on that growing bump of yours, hoping soon he’d feel a little kick as he teared up thinking about how amazing you were for growing this precious baby. 
He loved you even more than he could count on his fingers and toes, and when you’d both found out, it was both a sigh of relief and joy as you both finally had the thing you’d been afraid wasn’t possible. It was perfect. Except on these nights when he couldn’t sleep. 
When he ached for your luscious cunt enveloping his after a long day’s work. He wouldn’t dare wake you up for it, for fear of the mama bear wrath, but godammit did he wish you were having just as tough a time sleeping as he was. 
He tossed and turned, the light of the clock seemingly getting brighter as he huffed around in the bed. Clad in only his boxers, as he kicked off the sheets in a fit of frustration, his tent very apparent as he adjusted his blue balls in between his thighs, the burning sensation causing a low hiss to leave his mouth. 
“Fuck me,” he whispered, getting up with his good hand to sit his huge frame on the edge of the bed, rubbing his face in it as he let out another heavy sigh. 
He strained up, cracking his back as he meandered to the living room and then the kitchen. Shuffling to the kitchen window, he huffed, looking out into the blackness of the early morning, thinking about making himself something to eat to curb his lack of sleep. 
He padded over to the fridge, grabbing his favorite huckleberry jelly out of the side door, then the pantry to get his bread and peanut butter. Laying out a paper plate as he slowly opened the drawer to grab a knife, making damn sure he didn’t make a peep as he slathered the contents together. He pulled the stool out from the island, straining himself to not scoot it too loud on the tile while he devoured his sandwich in the light of the kitchen. 
He looked around, reaching for some chips you’d left out on the counter earlier, crinkling the bag to get a few out before he became thirsty. He strained back up, the pain in his balls returning with every movement as they hit his meaty thighs. 
“Jesus,” he whispered, gripping them in his hand before he took another step, “I gotta do somethin’ ‘bout this,” gritting out as he got the gallon of juice out of the fridge to cop a swig from it, knowing if you had witnessed it he’d be in the biggest trouble. 
Letting out a huge sigh and a burp, he got back on the stool and finished the rest of his five AM snack, still feeling that dulled pain in his lower half as he tossed the remaining things in the trash and plopping on the couch to turn on the TV as he still didn’t feel tired. 
He mindlessly flipped through the channels, settling on a sitcom before wincing in another sharp pain as he adjusted himself, legs spread wide on the couch. His cock still half-hard knowing your half-naked ass was laying in bed, no doubt the wetness building up from your sleep. He loved surprising you in the morning, feeling that slicked up pussy as he would snake a hand or his tip in between your folds, waking you up in the best way he could think of. 
His dick twitched at the thought, his hand sliding in his briefs as he gripped his thick girth at its base, unveiling it in the brightness of the TV. 
His chest heaved, the sensitivity that had built up over weeks of nothing was too much for him to take at this point. Spitting on his large hand as he spread the slick over himself, his dripping tip mixing with his saliva as he traced his bulged out veins along his shaft. 
Throwing his head back at the feeling, wishing it wasn’t his hand fucking himself, and picturing that pretty mouth of yours covering him from stem to stern. He pumped his hand up and down steadily, setting the scene for himself while he closed his golden eyes.
You were perfect, knelt in between his thick thighs, kitten licking his tip and pecking sweet kisses on his tummy while he begged for you to do more. Your gorgeous eyes boring into his as your lashes fluttered in innocence licking a long stripe from the base to the tip. A beautiful moan escaping your lips as your tits hit his sensitive sac. 
You grip his belly in your delicate hands, kneading and scratching at it for leverage while you shoved your mouth over his length, the gag escaping your chest causing his breath to hitch as he watched you take him like the good girl you were. 
He thrusts on himself sped up, thinking of you bobbing your pretty head on his large cock, the spit, and tears streaming down your cheeks and jawline in a sloppy mess while he pushed up into you. Holding your pretty hair in an iron grip as he lead you down on him more, your one hand snaking down to grip his pained sac and rolling it in your fingers while he exhaled a groan at the sensation. 
“Goddammit baby girl,” he gritted out, feeling the warming of his release creep up slowly as he kept his imagination running on and on. His eyes still closed as he jerked it on the couch, seemingly unaware of how loud he truly was in the moment. 
You had woken up a few minutes after he’d begun, leaning in on the doorframe as you bit your lip looking at your big bear going to town in the living room. His thick cock making the drippage seep out of your bare cunt as you tried to keep as quiet as possible. 
He kept up with his thoughts, blissfully unaware of the mess he was making you feel in the moment. Your lower belly burning for him as you gripped the little bump that had become more apparent as of late. 
Crossing your legs to avoid more leakage, you leaned your head on the frame as well, reveling in the sweet sounds your husband was making on the sofa. His grunts, curses, moans, and groans were enough to make you blush as he repeated your name over and over. 
The strains getting more feral as he neared his orgasm. You inched forward just before he was about to burst, knowing the faces he made so well as you crawled on your hands in knees like a tiger stalking its prey. 
“Holy s-shit, Y/N,” his low baritone muttered out, the speed on his angry cock had picked up as fervently as he could possibly go in the moment, his precious face conjuring up in all signs of pleasure as the sweat dripped from his temples, his teeth gritted while he tried to reach his edge. 
You watched his hand move in tandem with his hips, moving just snuggly in between his tree-trunk thighs as he kept his motions going. Your eyes found those heavy balls of his, watching as they began to twitch from his end. In a fight or flight moment, your hand grabbed them, rolling them so sweetly and delicately as his eyes burst open in terror. 
“Y/N?!” he jumped, the sensation pushing him over to squirt out a thick rope on his belly as you massaged his sac to the end of it all. 
“That’s it, daddy,” you cooed, eyes hungry as he spurt out more and more cum from his tip, his heavy breaths coming in high as he winced more and more of his spend on himself, “cum all over the place big bear,” salivating as you saw the amount that has built up on his stomach. 
“M-mother f-fuck d-darlin’,” he growled out, watching your eyes follow the load as you hunched over his softening cock. 
Your lips touched the warm baby gravy, beginning to lick and suck every drop along with trails of hickeys on his precious tummy while your nails dug into his thighs, the crescents indenting on them as you finished your ministrations on him. 
You lifted your head, licking your lips as you swallowed his whole load, showing your tongue after all was said and done. 
“Where the hell were ya ‘bout five minutes ago?” he chuckled, catching his breaths as he watched you straddle his lap, your precious little bump touching his belly as you closed the gap on him. 
“I was sleepin’ honey,” kissing his lips slowly as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his hand coming to caress your taut skin in your midsection, tracing slow circles as you kissed his forehead, “but I got woken up to a growling bear in the living room,” raising an eyebrow as you leaned back to meet his timid gaze. 
“‘M sorry darlin’,” he whispered, “I jus’ couldn’t sleep an’ I didn’t want ta wake ya up on account a ya not gettin’ that good a sleep lately,” his head bowing down in shame as he continued to avoid eye contact.
“Honey,” you pushed him to meet you again, “I know I ain’t been myself lately, an’ I’m sorry ‘bout that,” the pit in your stomach forming as his pout surfaced on his face, “but if ya needed somethin’ I woulda done it… No matter how late it was,” smiling as you pushed some stray hairs from his sweet face. 
“Psh,” he huffed, rolling his eyes slightly at the thought of waking you from a dead sleep, “baby girl, I ain’t ‘bout ta wake ya up fer ya to suck me off fer ten minutes so I can sleep,” he chuckled. 
“Why not? I know you’d do that fer me in a heartbeat,” cocking your head to the side as you took in his toothy grin. 
“‘Cause I ain’t gonna wake up a mama bear,” laughing out loud as he smoothed a hand on your lower back, “I don’t wanna get bit darlin’!” pulling you into a huge hug as you both laughed. 
“Well,” you got up from the couch, extending a hand to pull your man to bed, “if ya want… This mama bear needs a lil’ lovin’ from her big daddy bear,” winking as you inched him back towards the bedroom, “an’ I got a hankerin’ fer some horsecock right ‘bout now,” pushing him onto the bed while you straddled his hips, removing your t-shirt to reveal your fullness to him. 
His cock straining again under the weight of your slick cunt as it rubbed the length up and down from your grinding on him. 
“Ya like whatcha see daddy?” whining as you lined your entrance with his tip, his groans enough to send you into another stratosphere as you swallowed him inch by painful inch. 
“I love seein’ ma baby girl like this,” he strained again, gripping your hip in his hand as he pushed himself up into to you, “all full a me… It’s ma favorite thing in the world,” gritting out over your purrs for him. 
The sensation was magical. His cock teasing your cervix with every knock as he grunted his motions out while you ground your sloppy pussy over his pubic hair. The movements hitting your engorged clit with every rub and tug from the both of you melting into each other. 
“I love bein’ all full a you big bear,” wailing out as you gripped his huge tits in your hands, your own dangling in front of his face as the sound of wet slaps penetrated the room. 
“Ya?” he growled out, setting an even more punishing pace as he watched your jaw drop and your gorgeous tits bounce, “ya want me ta keep ya like this? Breed ya ‘til ya can’t take it no more?” the words hitting your bud as your spine tingled in your impending orgasm. 
He knew exactly what he was doing. Knew the words and the movements to get his baby whining and moaning like a complete whore under or over him. He may have been a simple country boy, but he knew his way around his wife, and what went straight into her cunt besides his large and in charge dick. 
“G-Good G-God yes daddy!” the tears spilling as you rag-dolled over his large frame, the orgasm spilling over you in an unexpected wave as his words cut to your very core. His motions grew erratic upon feeling your flutters clench around him in the most delicious way. 
He watched your eyes meet his again, the blackout you’d sustained fading away as overstimulation set in. His grip tightened even more as he began to spill into you, his relieved cries reverberating around the room as he felt your warm cunt suck up his spend. 
“J-Jesus baby girl,” he groaned, his balls completely empty as you fell to the side of him in a thud, your breaths coming in tandem with his as he gazed at you. 
“Ya alright mama?” he pet your growing bump with the utmost tenderness, “I didn’t hurt ya ‘er nuthin’ did I?” glancing a look down at your figure in a panic before your hand reached his cheek. 
“Ya didn’t hurt me or the baby at all big bear,” caressing his cheek as you pecked his plush lips, “we’re jus’ fine,” smiling warmly as he exhaled a relieved sigh, his eyes fluttering in his impending tiredness.
“I think daddy needs ta go ta bed, whatchu think baby bear?” giggling slightly as a smile crept over his face in total relaxation, his circles slowing as he stilled his big paw over your baby. 
“Goodnight daddy,” whispering on his forehead as his breath evened out, and his limbs went limp. 
In other news, you ever have a job as a waiter? 
taglist: @maybe-your-left, @safarigirlsp, @clydesfavoritegirl, @emeraldsiren20, @thepalaceofmelanie, @obsessedwiththemadness, @hopeamarsu, @caillea, @historyandfandoms50, @mariesackler, @millenialcatlady, @thepriceofstars, @roanniom
LMK if ya would like to be added to any taglist of mine! All of my love!🖤 
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sacklerscumrag · 5 months
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glassbxttless · 4 years
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Clyde Logan x Reader
Part Four (final)
Summary: just Clyde being a dad.
Word Count: 1,395
Warnings: multiple miscarriages, stillbirth
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Clyde was ecstatic to be a dad again, you two hadn’t even been trying this time. You liked the age gap between Ben and Andy, and here your third little boy was coming.
“I like Nathan.” You told Clyde as he unbuckled his belt to drop his jeans to the floor, pulling on his bed shorts. You glanced up from your phone when you didn’t get a response.
“I was thinking something like Daniel.” He says as he sits on the edge to peel his socks off. “Just a thought.”
“So you don’t like Nathan?” You laugh softly as he leans back in bed, pressing a small kiss against your swollen tummy. “I like Daniel. I think it's a really good option. Pair it with something nice in the middle and I think we’ve got a real deal sealer.” You brushed your fingers through his hair smiling. At thirty-two weeks you still look as gorgeous as ever— maybe a little tired, from dealing with Ben and Andy all day, but you didn’t mind. “Get some sleep, Clyde.” You two didn’t get very many nights together, not with Clyde at the Duck Tape.
The next morning you two went about yourselves; Clyde sleeping in and dropping off the boys at Mellie’s for the day, her going on and on about how she’d make them just too pretty for their photos later that evening.
And you were three hours into your work day before you realized you hadn’t felt little Daniel move or kick at all. You excused yourself from your office and stepped into the kitchen of the office to snack on something sweet. Maybe it would wake Danny up.
You waited another hour before you felt really wrong and called Clyde. He was half asleep when he answered, but perked up the second he heard your wavering voice. You two met at the hospital and were rushed back for your ultrasound.
They decided to deliver your little Daniel John-Bennett that evening with another cesarean, his heart just wasn’t pumping anymore. And they regretted every second of having to tell you both that. Clyde let you hold him first, and as long as you wanted; as long as you needed to. Clyde sat in his chair in the corner when it was his turn, holding him tightly to his chest with his flesh arm.
And neither of you were ready to let him go. Your little bundle of joy, they wrapped in a blanket and gave you both his birth certificate and death certificate paperwork to fill out before you left. You decided to bury Danny next to Clyde’s mama, so she’d look after him whilst you couldn’t.
After that day, Clyde was different. He held Ben and Andy a little tighter, read their stories a little louder, and promised them he’d be home and awake a lot more. He wanted to be a better dad and not miss out on a thing when it came to them.
It was Clyde who sat the boys down and explained that their brother went to be with his mama. That he just wasn’t ready to be a part of their family here. He had bigger and better plans. Benjamin had a ton of questions, as you both knew he would, but neither of you could bear to answer them completely.
You took time to heal and so did Clyde. You wanted the intimate relationship you’d always had to comfort you when you’ve needed it the most. You’d lost your baby and you blamed yourself for not noticing earlier. Maybe they could’ve saved him. But Clyde reassured you every chance he had that it wasn’t your fault. Nothing could’ve helped. Sometimes these things just happen.
And maybe these things did just happen. But they certainly always happened to him. After about a year of mourning, you two were able to get past it. Celebrate Ben’s birthday, and then Andy’s, and then you two were taking the boys and a small cake to Daniel’s grave to celebrate his. And once you got home and were alone with your husband, you were the one to break the ice. “Maybe we should try again… for one last one?”
And so you did. You tried and you tried and you tried. Every month for another year seemed like you failed. And you started to think, maybe it wasn’t so bad being an earth side family of four. Ben was eight and Andy was four. They were both school aged and you had plenty of time for yourself.
And that’s when you got your positive. And Clyde was so fucking happy. He’s loved every second he’s gotten to be a father. And he’ll love every second he gets to watch you be a mother.
And then after ten week, you were bleeding. And you tried again, and you were bleeding after six. And maybe you stopped trying. Maybe you stopped caring.
You gave up. He gave up. You two were perfectly fine with Benjamin and Andrew. You visited Daniel regularly, as a family and on your own.
Sometimes Clyde would sit in front of Daniel’s grave for hours. He’d cry, tell the universe how fucking unfair it was. But he’s been better. He’s dealt with his grief. He just wishes he had all of his kids.
He knew you had a doctors appointment that morning and he really wasn’t expecting your panicked call; I’m pregnant.
You two were both so fucking careful your entire pregnancy. When you were ordered to stay in bed, that’s what you did. Clyde got the boys up and gave them pop tarts or cereal for breakfast. He got them dressed and to school. And you sat in bed, reading to your little Violet Dolores.
It was a cold, late night, in September when you woke up with your water breaking. Still too early for your little one to be cooked thoroughly. You called Clyde to get him home. You didn’t care who had to take over the bar but he definitely needed to get his ass here.
You called Jimmy to come sit with the boys. You got yourself together.
And Violet was your first born you’ve gotten to actually deliver. She was small and beautiful and her eyes popped open. Even if she was all skin and bones. She was 3lbs3oz and you and Clyde both got to love and dote on her before she was taken away, being transported to a hospital somewhere in Charleston to be able to be cared for properly.
You and Clyde were able to visit every weekend, between work and the boys school. Clyde was the first one to offer himself up for skin to skin. Clyde was the one who changed her diaper first, fed her first, and read to her. Clyde was so excited to be her fucking dad he couldn’t contain himself.
When you were able to, you brought the boys to meet their sister. Benjamin would be nine right here real soon and Andrew would be five. “Now boys you have’ta be careful with her. She’s still pretty small.” Clyde was crouching down in front of them. Andrew just nodded and smiled.
“We’re careful, daddy.”
Benjamin just held onto your hand when Andrew peeked into her incubator. All three of your little ones, and even Daniel, all looked like Clyde. All acted like Clyde (maybe your imagination worked on that a bit for Dan). And you were finally completely whole when you saw your family together.
When it came time for family photos, Clyde had Violet sitting on his lap. You sat next to him with Andrew on yours. There was a teddy bear in between you both, with Benjamin standing behind it. You’d clipped two little honey bee pins to the top of your stockings. This way the two you’d lost and Daniel could be a part of your photos.
Clyde smiled at you, listening to the kids run and laugh and play around. Violet straggling along behind her brothers, barely able to walk.
“We did this.” He whispered, pulling you into his side and kissing the top of your head.
You smiled, taking in the last eighteen years. Clyde might not have been the perfect father. But he was a damn good one and he tried as hard as he could.
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nessrove · 3 years
Summary: Papa Clyde always protect his pumpkin from nightmares
Warnings/Tags: Dad!Clyde, pure fluff
Disclaimer:  English is not my native language. Therefore, if you find any mistakes, do not judge strictly :) And if you know how best to replace a particular word, I will be happy to learn about it to better understand English.
 Word Count: 770 words
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About four o'clock in the morning, Clyde was awakened by a strange noise from the living room. Slowly opening his eyes, he glanced first at the clock on the nightstand, and then turned his head in your direction. You were sleeping soundly, your hair in a plait was disheveled, and one hand rested on your husband’s waist. The noise was repeated, so he threw back the covers, got out of bed, and left the bedroom. A few lights were dimly lit in the hallway to avoid hitting furniture or falling down the stairs, but Clyde tripped over a stuffed dinosaur toy on the last few steps. Carefully picking up the toy, he went into the living room, where a small girl lay wrapped in a large plush blanket on the sofa. A black Labrador sat next to her, its nose buried in a small cheek, while a tiny hand stroked the dog’s head. Thanks to the light above her head, Clyde quickly noticed the trail of tears on her face.
«Sweetheart, why aren’t you sleeping?» «I had a nightmare … that I was lost in the woods and … and you and mom weren’t looking for me» panting, she began to cry again, clutching the blanket tightly in her small fist. «Oh, honey…»
Clyde carefully sat down on the sofa and gently pulled the girl to him, wrapping his left arm around her back while his right hand gently stroked her loose, wavy hair. For a long time, he was afraid to walk in front of his daughter without a prosthesis, so as not to frighten her, but his beloved pumpkin was never afraid of him. For her, Clyde was a real hero, the best and kindest dad in the world, who always reads her the most interesting books, watches cartoons with her and plays the most delicious tea parties.
«Darling, your mother and I love you more than anything in the world, and we will never leave you. Why didn’t you wake us up right away?» He gently wiped the tears from her cheeks, slowly rocking back and forth to comfort her.
«I thought you’d be upset if I woke you up. I went downstairs to get a drink, but while I was moving the chair to get on it, I … I dropped the glass and broke it,» she nuzzled the curve of his neck. « I thought you were going to scold me»
«Pumpkin, it’s not your fault that you had a nightmare and there’s nothing wrong with breaking a glass. You know very well that the main thing for your mother and me is that you are happy and healthy, so you can always come to us with any problem. Ok?» gently stroking her back, Clyde knew that he would never be able to yell at her or hurt her, or he would never forgive himself. For him, his daughter is the most precious thing in the world and he will do everything to make her always happy.
«Okay, daddy» «Well, then why don’t we quickly remove the glass so no one gets hurt, and then go to bed?» with a slow nod, she carefully climbed down from Clyde’s lap,throwing the blanket back on the sofa. She held out her hand. «Let’s go»
After 5 minutes, the broken glass was carefully collected and thrown out, Clyde poured a new Cup of water and gave it to his daughter. Taking the mug from her later, he lifted the girl in his arms and called the dog to him. It was dark in the nursery, so Clyde laid her gently on the bed and then turned on the night light. The small figure of a rabbit lit up the room enough to make it easier to sleep alone, but not too bright to prevent sleep. Closing the window so that the cold wind would no longer enter the room, he drew the curtains and returned to the bed.
«All right, get under the covers, hold your favorite stuffed dinosaur tight, and close your eyes. Imagine that we are all walking together at the fair or went to feed the ducks in the pond. Remember that your mother and I love you more than anything in the world, so don’t be afraid of anything,» Clyde adjusted the blanket and kissed her gently on the forehead. « And to make you feel better, Bobby will sleep next to you tonight. I’m sure it will protect you from any nightmares.» He stroked the dog’s head and it lay down on the rug beside the bed. «Good night, daddy» «Good night, pumpkin»
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ao3feed-clydephelia · 3 months
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direnightshade · 4 years
Hi Britt! Can we have some fluffy either dad!Clyde or during the pregnancy or both 🤷🏼‍♀️ Idk just some fluffy Clyde 💙 can’t wait to see what comes out of Clyde week!
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The familiar smell of freshly cooked bacon wafts into the bedroom, rousing Clyde from a peaceful slumber. Beyond the closed door of the room, he can hear the clatter of plates and the sounds of both your voice and his son’s as the two of you prepare today’s breakfast. With the promise of his favorite breakfast food in reach, Clyde pushes back the covers and stumbles out of the room, sans prosthetic. His hair is still a mess and his eyes are drooped with the sleep that still clings so desperately to him, but he smiles nonetheless when he spies his three favorite people at the table.
Your son is seated in his usual spot, waiting for absolutely no one to join him as he begins to munch on his plate of bacon and eggs. You’ve just reached your chair, one hand on your swollen belly as you spot Clyde entering the room.
“Mornin’,” you say cheerfully, flashing a smile in return to the one that remains on his features. “Made you some breakfast. Well, the pancakes were his idea...” You laugh softly, the sound muffling when Clyde makes his way over to you to press his lips to yours in a good morning greeting.
“Thank y’darlin’,” he says in reply once he’s pulled away. Bending down, he places a gentle kiss to your rounding stomach, murmuring a ‘good mornin’, lil lady’ to the baby growing within you before making his way to his seat where his plate awaits. On it is his usual stack of burnt bacon with three large, fluffy pancakes topped with... “A candy smiley,” he observes aloud, his gaze sweeping over to where his son sits.
His son nods, a toothy grin forming whilst he continues to chew on his mouthful of bacon—all of it burnt just as his father likes; like father like son, as they say. “Momma let me do it all on m’own.”
Clyde chuckles and reaches over with his right hand, ruffling his son’s curls. “‘S’perfect.”
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glassbxttles · 4 years
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Clyde Logan x Reader Summary: Just some bits from my brain of Clyde being a dad of two little boys. Word Count: 1,196
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The same letter board that held Benjamin’s name four years ago now reads,
Andrew James Logan Due in February <3
Clyde had the same stupidly huge smile on his face for this announcement photo that he did in Ben’s. But this time, he held his little buddy on his hip, flesh arm wrapped around him as they both held the letter Board. Hair was peeking out from under Clyde’s hat along with the tips of his ears. 
Two years of trying for this one, two years paid off for you two to be having another perfect little boy. You felt impossibly more round than you did before, at only twenty weeks. Clyde sat Benjamin down after you’d taken their photo and placed his hand on your belly. He loved feeling your belly.
“Mama.” Ben patted your thigh gently. “There’s a baby?” You just ruffled his hair and nodded. 
“Mhm, there’s a baby.” Your grin was ear to ear as Clyde began to pick up the toys Ben had left out on the floor of the trailer.
“How do you get the baby?” He asks curiously. You rolled your eyes and smiled, that’s a question for your daddy, sweet cheeks.
At week 38, You felt so impossibly big that you couldn’t even bend down to do simple tasks anymore. But Clyde was picking up the slack you left. When Ben’s toys were scattered through the living room floor of the trailer— he was the one running along and coaxing Ben to pick up. 
Clyde was even insisting you stay in bed, he’d take care of you, the house, his job, and Benjamin. You knew his heart was in it. But could see how quickly it was going to wear him down. “Just let me help, Clyde. I can make dinner.” You laughed, placing a hand on your lower back as you stretched a bit. You felt like you were bigger now than you were with Benjamin.
Clyde smiles as he places his hands on your tummy, his thumb rubbing a soothing circle as you turn your head to check on where Ben was. “Honeybee, I can take care of us. More than capable.”
“I know you’re capable.” You say to him, a hand over his as he continues the soothing circles. “But I’m also capable. This pregnancy has been amazing. Fit as a fidd— Ben!” You reach out to grab the collar of Benjamin’s shirt to keep him from running face first into the countertop. 
“Let him play, honey. He’s a growin’ boy.” Clyde says softly and fixes the collar of Ben’s shirt for him. “Run on and play. Don’t scare your mama.” He whispers, giving him a pat on the back as Benjamin throws a thumbs up and runs into his bedroom.
“Can’t keep putting off fixing Ben’s room around for Andy.” You say as you move to pull the thawed chicken from the fridge and seasonings to cook with. “Need to put the crib up.”
“Honeybee, stop worryin’ that pretty lil head.” Clyde mumbles as he lifts Benjamin up, holding him on his hip with his flesh arm around him. “Papa bear’s got it. Huh Benny?”
“Daddy got it.” He nods as Clyde sits him in his chair.
“I’m not worrying really. He could be here any day now and we haven’t set up anything yet.” You smile at him. “Literally any day.”
Clyde rolled his eyes as you three ate together, Andrew kicking your rib and causing some major heartburn as you went.
At week 40, you two woke up on the morning of the 14th. The day you’d scheduled your next c-section. Sadie had come by to watch Benjamin. You made sure to tell her he had to eat his dinner and no juice after seven. That he could play outside as long as he took a bath— and you two were off.
After being prepped for your surgery, Clyde was holding your hand the entire time. Which might’ve been different from Benjamin’s birth. He didn’t stand to watch this time, just whispered each and every thing that was happening, wishing you realized just how perfect what you’re doing was.
When they cleared his lungs, the two of you heard a small cry. It’s little Andrew. 
When you brought Andy home, you set Benjamin on the couch and Andrew in his lap. Clyde sat beside them, supporting Andy’s head with a smile. Your three boys.
Your heart was so full. You didn’t ever wanna let this moment go. But soon Andy and Ben would be out running around and playing. Maybe they’d get Clyde out there with them. Teaching them to shoot cans and to be gentlemen. But right now you got to see all three of your boys sitting there in front of you. 
When it came time for bedtime, you bathed Ben and Andy together; got them into their pjs, and Clyde helped you get them to bed. He tucked Benjamin in as he laid Andrew into his crib. After their bedtime story, and shutting their light off, you two crawled into your own bed. 
“Our first night with them both was successful.” You say as Clyde reads from his book. Clyde only hums in response. He loved them both more than anything, maybe more than he loved you. His kids would come first as long as he lived and you didn’t mind. Your kids came first to you too. No matter how much you loved Clyde. 
When Andrew was two and Benjamin was six, Clyde decided to sit them both down after a particularly long day shift at Duck Tape and an unusual amount of misbehaving for you on your kids part. “Now your mama tells me you two’ve been causing trouble.”
Andrew gives Clyde his biggest smile and reaches out for him, “daddy! be good.” He says softly. 
Clyde smiles and puts his hands down. “You were not good today. Neither was your brother.” You watched them from where you were cooking, Clyde just talked and talked about them needing to behave when he was gone. 
“Now go give your mama a hug and say you’re sorry.” He gives them both a kiss on the head as they stand and he sighs, sitting down himself to relax for a moment. His boys were his biggest accomplishment— maybe besides you. and he wanted to mold them into fine young men.
You hug both of your boys, kissing their cheeks and opening the front door to the trailer. “Go on out and play, boys. Don’t leave the yard.”
“Daddy says we—”
“I said don’t leave the yard.” You say a little more stern as the boys run out to play. You pour a glass of sweet tea and bring it over to Clyde, sitting on his lap as he takes the glass. “They’ve been saying all day you and Jimmy promised to take them fishing.” 
“Mm, we did.” Clyde takes a few drinks and closes his eyes. “Friday, maybe.”
You smile, tucking back a strand of his hair. Your life with him couldn’t possibly get any better than it was. “Clyde?” 
“Hm, honey bee?”
“You ready to be a daddy again?” 
|| part one || part two || part three || part four ||
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callmehopeless · 4 years
I think we could all use some wholesome werewolf Clyde with his duckies 💕 imagine them following him in a line everywhere he goes, werewolf form or not.
Too wholesome, brain non-functional, brain function losing power MAN OVERBOARD
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Maybe it’s just that he’s so gentle with them.
Tiny little things, each and every one. Covered in a yellow down, their orange feet pattering over the grass in the yard just to keep in step with him. Daisies sprout between cracks on the porch when you sip your lemonade, and the world is such a quiet place, somewhere in this sacred moment.
He huffs as they follow in a line; tiny sounds escaping their bills when he rolls to the grass. Black fur: his tail wags when they pick up speed, diving towards him with excited movements that make your heart too full to quite describe.
You laugh, and his tongue lolls to the side.
Each one piles on: hopping up onto his belly, occasionally tipping to the side. The weaker two, he scoops up with his paw. Deposits in the mass of warm curls until they’re settled, happily quacking and nuzzling down for a nap.
Somewhere in the distance; a neighbour starts a lawnmower. Bees settle on lavender plants you nurtured last year, now in full bloom and scenting the whole garden.
Clyde’s golden eyes meet yours: the ducklings falling into a peacful sleep.
And there is a place of quiet joy, after all.
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