#honey you've got a big storm comin
trans-xianxian · 9 months
in high school I would write little poems after almost every therapy appointment about what I talked about in them and I have them all in a google doc and reading through them I'm like damn. he doesn't even know that cql is going to kill him
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unhingedpirates · 1 year
Dear friends, can you believe it's been A WHOLE FUCKING MONTH??!!!
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hakunahistata · 9 months
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GIF by capinejghafa
love not given lightly
Explicit, 3.7K
“I-I’m, uh,” Crowley stumbled, a scarlet flush bloomed across his cheeks and spilled down his chest. He was embarrassed, Aziraphale realized suddenly. “What is it, dear?” He asked softly, carefully, rubbing his thumbs soothingly along the thin, delicate skin just inside his hip bones. He was sensitive there, Aziraphale knew and was rewarded with that knowledge with an unexpected rock of Crowley’s hips. The blush grew a deeper shade, a small moan slipping past his lips. Crowley visibly swallowed, throat bobbing as he searched for the words inside himself, and Aziraphale—ever patient—let him find them. “I’m close, uhm, already,” Crowley said softly, words thick. Oh, Aziraphale, you fool, he thought.
Gentle Dom Aziraphale and Prickly Sub Crowley brought to you by a brain worm that whispered, “what if the first time Aziraphale’s inside him, Crowley comes, like, immediately…” #spoilers
Written for the @goodomensafterdark smut war. Huge thank you to @adverbian, @mrscakeishere, @polychromicron-persei-8, and @thescholarlystrumpet for their help in shaping this into something coherent.
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sage-nebula · 10 months
I've seen some people surprised that Kit feels murderous toward Tails in the newest issue, but honestly? I really think this tracks. Setting aside his original programming to kill Tails, let's look at their relationship in chronological order, shall we?
As we know, they met in Eggperial City, where Kit tried to do his job and kill Tails. Tails quickly set to work on talking Kit down, which he did mostly successfully (mostly, because it all went to pot the instant Tails suggested they find Sonic). The thing is, if he has taken the time to look back on it (and I'm sure he has for reasons I'll get to), I don't think Kit sees Tails as really being kind in retrospect. I think he sees Tails as having manipulated him.
And the thing is: he's right.
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Look at Tails's smirk after Kit shows surprise that Tails likes his gear. That's a got him smirk if I've ever seen one. Tails has clued into a vulnerability of Kit's that he can use to his advantage.
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He further tries to draw similarities between them ("I'm different too and people didn't like that either") and asks leading questions ("you don't get support huh?") to get the result he wants. We have further confirmation that this is deliberate manipulation on Tails's part by his internal monologue about Kit's emotional instability.
Now, none of this is to say Tails is a bad person. Kit was genuinely trying to murder him and Tails was trying to de-escalate the situation to save his own life, without physically harming Kit if possible. As funny as memes about Tails murdering the Kukku Army are, generally he tries to avoid hurting others if he can. He's a nice boy.
But what happened after this?
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Well, more specifically: Tails mentioned wanting to find Sonic for help, Kit attacked again, Tails knocked Kit out, and then after Kit comes to and they all leave the city . . .
. . . he's told that Surge died.
Surge was his one reason for living thanks to Starline's programming, and she died while Kit was unconscious because Kit fell for Tails's manipulation and then was overpowered. We don't get a look inside his head during the time when he believes Surge has died, but there is a strong possibility that he blamed himself, because if he had drowned Tails right away like he was supposed to, he could have gone to help Surge. But he didn't, so he couldn't, so she's dead. That's mostly on him, but he could easily resent Tails for it, too.
And speaking of resentment:
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Kit finds out Surge is alive, and of course his first instinct is to think Sonic lied so that he could kill Surge off for good. So he goes to get revenge, only to be blocked by Tails. And that's when we get that gem of a line: "Why would you bother with me? You already have him."
Remember that, when he thought Surge was dead, he figured he could be used by Sonic instead:
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But while he of course doesn't want to serve Sonic now, he has also realized that if Surge HAD actually died, Sonic would still have no use for him, because Sonic already has Tails. Tails, who can break his water tails easily. Tails, who easily manipulated him in Eggperial City. Tails, who disabled his water pack and knocked him out.
So far, Tails has bested Kit at every turn, leaving Kit to feel inferior and worthless by comparison.
The next time they meet, it is a trap where Kit is again supposed to kill Tails. And once more Tails is able to manipulate Kit into temporarily backing down:
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Tails thinks Kit has gone back to being, if not friendly, then reasonable. But he hasn't. Kit stops specifically when Tails says Surge is hurting herself, because he doesn't want Surge to be hurt. And I think Tails knows that, and that's why he said it. But Kit also knows that he is being manipulated here, and his silence is him watching for his opportunity. Such as here:
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Peep Kit in the second panel. He watches as Tails dives after Sonic. Had Tails hit the water, he would have been fried right along Sonic. But did Kit care? No. He watched. Surge could have easily killed Tails just as she (temporarily) killed Sonic, and Kit would not have cared at all, because at this point he does not see Tails as a friend: he sees him as a manipulative enemy.
This is further cemented by what he says and does at the end of the issue.
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He uses his water tails to grab Tails and move him out of the way in the very same way that he does to Sonic. And he says, "I'll bury you all here." All, including Tails. While the focus is put on Sonic's anger because he is the main character, that doesn't change the fact that he is including Tails when he says that he will bury them all. He sees Tails as no different from Sonic, Starline, or Eggman. Tails manipulated and used him, just as the rest did. He just pretended to be nice while he did it.
So when he finally comes back in this most recent issue, it comes as no surprise to me that this is his attitude:
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His history with Tails is extremely personal, and not in a good way. It can be easy to miss because most of the focus on Kit has been on his codependent relationship with Surge, and he hasn't openly voiced how he feels about Tails until this particular issue. But when you piece together every step of their relationship (Tails manipulating him, Tails overpowering him, Kit saying Sonic has no use for him because he has Tails), it paints a very clear picture that Kit feels every bit as suffering in Tails's shadow as Surge does in Sonic's. The only reasons why Kit isn't more proactive about it is because of his programming as a support figure. Supporting Surge comes before all else, so if Surge is hurting herself it's best to hang back. And if Surge doesn't want to go after the Restoration because it's a losing battle with just the two of them, then he needs to follow her lead.
But those feelings of resentment are still boiling under his surface. And now that he has the opportunity to unleash them, he won't miss the chance to strike.
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ireallydohateyou2 · 5 months
Nothing/No One is an Absolute/ Absolutist (in Anyy regard)... The World does Not exist within a vacuum.. + you are Not (at All) a Monolith.... andd if you think Otherwise....
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carldoonan · 1 year
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This Meowing Li’l Meteorologist says: “Honey, you’ve got a big storm comin’.” ⛈️🔮🐈
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a story in 3 parts
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icybreaths · 1 year
Someone watching Jewel activate her Bankai and they see Hyouhakyoku drive itself through her heart and body and watch her splinter into icy blue veins and dissipate like,
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"............. Is the fight over? Did this woman just kill herself?"
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fstbmp-a · 2 years
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“..puttin’ a lot o’ talk into this whole outfit thing. clothes’re clothes.”
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clvric · 1 year
How Horny Are You Really ??
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        ❝ N-N-NO I’M NOT !! ❞
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ybcpatrick · 2 years
to the anon who just asked me to explain the whole wrestling situation to you, you're so right: it is going to be long as fuck. i'll get back to you with that essay asap.
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bravernificationbeam · 2 months
sorry there is absolutely NOTHING like watching people liveblog bravern who don't know a thing about it
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lightningstar1389 · 4 months
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honey, you've got a big storm comin' 🌩️🌩️🌩️
My IDW Sonic 72 cover !! So happy I got to make something for the riders arc :) this issue will be out in August
+ pencils so you can actually see Surge. She's in there somewhere, I promise
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his-porous-membrane · 9 months
adksfjdsklfjkl honey you've got a big storm comin
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pianokantzart · 1 month
One of my favorite things about The Mario Movie is the way it introduces the characters, specifically the way it introduces Bowser and The Mario Bros back to back.
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The film starts with Bowser's assault on The Snow Kingdom. His warship dwarfs the entire city, its sheer scale bubbling over and melting the landscape in its wake.
All Bowser needs to do is glance at Kamek in order to subjugate an entire army in seconds, and his fire breath just as quickly decimates the facade of a towering city.
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Everyone rightly fears him. Those that don't quickly learn to. The amount of power and resources at his fingertips is borderline ridiculous.
The first words out of his mouth are threats, and they are threats he is easily able– if not excited– to follow through on.
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He ends the scene victorious and with even more power than he had before.
Then we cut to a commercial filmed on cheap green screen to the soundtrack of a goofy rap song, advertising two blue collar guys who are just hoping to get paid to fix people's pipes, and the first words out of their mouths outside of the advertisement is them gushing about how proud they are of each other for their little, low-budget crumb of success.
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Oh, Honey, you've got a big storm comin.'
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weirdrtvscomments · 10 months
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"honey, you've got a big storm comin!"
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