#honeydew rp
anemcia · 2 years
“To think that a mere little farmer would be the one to capture so much of my interest”
//SO I GOT MY LIL HANDS ON THAT SWEET AI VOICE GENERATOR AND I MAY HAVE GOTTEN SOMETHING VERY SHIPPY OUT OF MY SYSTEM. DON’T EVEN KNOW IF THIS HAPPENS IN THEIR CANON BUT FUUUUGGGG I LOVE THIS. Little bonus, couldn’t make the AI say Saiyan right but yanno lets give him some credit. It’s hard to speak words sometimes.
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cherrymoonflowers · 4 months
Hi whores that are on the ship my girlfriend talked to you know im legally obligated to
BAHAHAHHA???? hey man!! out captain’s currently out of commission (personal issues, she’s working through it), but i’m our multitasker (i.e i don’t have a set role in the crew) ken :) good to meet you 👍
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the-kalos-captain · 7 months
The Jirachi is back. Help.
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xephsuggestions · 1 year
Parasitic infestation.
Inspired by Forge Lab’s Parasites modpack. (video inspiration x)
Showcasing: Scape and Run: Parasites.
(Tws: Violence, guns and weapons, gore, major character death, general discussion of apocalyptic scenarios, infestations, parasites, and alien/insect-like creatures, as well as unreality. Links to mobs will contain body horror and gore imagery. Other links are references to past characters, quotes, music and other fun bits. Please send a direct message or an anon through the inbox if you need additional tags!)
Playing (Gay_Activity_Richardson.mp3) … (30s).
XEPHOS: Lets see if I can get this thing working.
Xephos is leading a pig to the treadmill of a shell constructor. After some difficulty, it climbs onto the treadmill and begins to run. 
XEPHOS: Dammit- there. There. There you are.
Slowly, Honeydew forms from the white mesh generated by the pig’s movement. The chamber opens. The sounds of steam and machinery shifting fill the break room as Honeydew climbs out. 
XEPHOS: It’s been a while, hasn’t it. We haven’t made one of you for ages. (muttering) Hopefully you aren’t a defect. Ah…?
XEPHOS: Hello, Honeydew, and welcome… to Yoglabs. How are you doing, then? You feel alright? You feel… ah, stable? Not like your molecules could, you know, rip apart at any second? 
HONEYDEW: I’m good! I'm good, yeah.
Xephos claps his hands together.
XEPHOS: Perfect! Well, I don’t mean to alarm you, Honeydew, but… ah, what are you doing?
HONEYDEW: Is the coffee machine working yet? Has it got any snacks in, as well, or?
XEPHOS: Um- well- Careful, The coffee machine is- (sputtering)- Honeydew, I wouldn’t- Honeydew approaches the coffee machine and presses the ‘dispense’ button on the hopper.
[Spawning (srparasites:rupter)(srparasites:rupter)(srparasites:rupter)]
HONEYDEW: What the fuck! 
XEPHOS: Oh shh-sugar… Hang on! Hang on.
Xephos equips a flamethrower from his inventory and aims it at the Rupters.
HONEYDEW: Oh my god! Oh my god! They’re like, spiders or- what are those things-?! Jesus-!
XEPHOS: Honeydew, get out of the way! 
Xephos shoots his flamethrower at the swarm, incinerating them. 
Xephos unequips the flamethrower.
XEPHOS: Ugh. This is a mess. When has that coffee machine ever worked? 
HONEYDEW: (laughing nervously) I figured it wouldn’t, but I wasn’t expecting Satan’s headlice to come out of it!
XEPHOS: We have a bit of an… infestation. It’s localized to the coffee machine, at the moment. 
HONEYDEW: Well, that’s good, then. It’s fine, as long as nobody actually uses the coffee machine. 
XEPHOS: Right. Except… (sucks in air through teeth) well, there is the rest of the world, that is, infected, as well.
The HEROES are silent for 20 seconds.
HONEYDEW: Well, it could be worse. 
HONEYDEW: No, it really couldn’t, could it? (laughs) Fuck! That’s really bad, actually. That’s quite bad.
XEPHOS: Ah, well- Hold on.
Xephos equips a diamond sword from his inventory and slays the pig that had been running on the treadmill. Grey spirals swirl in the air around it.
XEPHOS: It was infected. 
Xephos turns to Honeydew. He motions for Honeydew to follow him, and walks out into the main corridor. 
XEPHOS: We have it under control at Yoglabs. But it is actually quite the problem, so, we’re… helping!
HONEYDEW: Aren't we the bad guys, though? 
HONEYDEW: Isn’t that what you said, before? That Yoglabs was an evil corporation or- something?
XEPHOS: I mean… we are a… little bit evil. But we’ve, ah… 
HONEYDEW: We’ve turned a new leaf, haven’t we? 
XEPHOS: Right, we have!
HONEYDEW: Do we have lawyers at Yoglabs? They must make a bloody fortune. 
XEPHOS: Ha! They would, wouldn’t they? But no, we don’t really need them. We, uhm. We’re- we’re definitely not using any of Yoglabs tech to take Yoglabs off of the map and erase the memories from any government agents looking for us. Uhm. 
HONEYDEW: Uhm. Right. Ah… 
Xephos laughs.
XEPHOS: Anyways, we’re going to be taking a look at more of those parasites today. We might even be able to take the front lines, and-
HONEYDEW: You mean outside?
XEPHOS: I do! Isn’t that exciting? 
HONEYDEW: Oh, please, can we go? I hear that outside air these days is just delicious. 
XEPHOS: Well, it’s not… exactly, great out there. It’s like I said before, it was ravaged by war, and uh, monsters. And now, it’s been taken over by parasites. So, not great. 
XEPHOS: There are a lot of new weapons that you’ll get to try today, though. 
HONEYDEW: Alright, I’m in. 
Xephos approaches an empty testing chamber.
XEPHOS: For the love of god, do not touch anything, Honeydew. Not without my authoritization. If any of these got out, and we were unprepared...
HONEYDEW: Oh my god!
The room is full of glass chambers. Each one holds an increasingly large and horrifying creature. Dozens of eyes flicker towards the HEROES, and the room fills with the sounds of hissing and squelching.
XEPHOS: …It would be a bloody disaster. Worse than the teletubbies, even. 
HONEYDEW: I think I’m gonna be sick. 
XEPHOS: Just, take a moment and calm down. If you can’t handle these things now, then you can’t come outside with me. 
Honeydew straightens his back.
HONEYDEW: I’m fine! I’m fine. Just a little… (gag), I had one too many Jaffa Cakes at tea time, that’s all. 
XEPHOS: This is just a very small portion of all of the different creatures we’ve discovered. Unfortunately, we’re not able to contain all of them safely, at the moment. (Sigh) Some of them are just too big, or would be too dangerous to bring in. That’s one of the reasons we’re going to pop outside and take a look ourselves, later. 
So, the infestation works in stages. 
Xephos equips a book from his inventory and hands it to Honeydew. Upon opening it, Honeydew grimaces. The book is dozens of pages long, and each page is full of numbers and statistics relating to the Phases system included in Scape and Run: Parasites. 
Xephos retrieves his own copy and flips through it.
XEPHOS: Different things can happen in each stage, but, basically, depending on how many ‘points’ the parasites in the world can get, the more they’ll sort of, change, upgrade, and multiply, until the world is completely overrun with them. 
As Xephos continues to talk, Honeydew spies a hole in the wall labeled “INCINERATOR: PLEASE DISPOSE OF PARASITICAL ENTITIES AND THEIR WASTE PRODUCTS ONLY.” XEPHOS: In the first stage, the only parasites in the world are these, grub-looking things. 
Honeydew throws the book into the incinerator, then returns to Xephos’ side.
HONEYDEW: Aw, it’s a little babby! Wait- no, this thing is…
XEPHOS: It’s kind of a babby, yeah. It's the first stage. They don’t attack or anything. Really, they just sort of, run away. Here. I’ll let it out. 
Xephos breaks the glass, and the newly spawned Buglin runs into the corner of the room. Xephos equips a crossbow and kills it in a single hit.
XEPHOS: The thing is, you have to kill these things rather quickly? Because they can evolve, you see. And after a while, they’ll turn into-
Xephos walks over to a container with even bigger monsters, all crawling against the glass in a futile attempt to escape.
HONEYDEW: Oh, these are the things that were in the coffee machine!
XEPHOS: Exactly. See, they didn’t start as these buggers. It started as those little grubs, and they got left unchecked, and they started to evolve, like this. These things attack in groups. By the way, did you notice that we’ve both been inflicted with the Call of the Hive effect? 
HONEYDEW: We have? I don’t feel any different. 
XEPHOS: You shouldn’t. You see, when these parasites make contact with any living creature, it gives them this effect. For us, it’s not really a problem, unless we become seriously infected, or die. As for everything else, they’ll end up becoming, sort of, assimilated into the parasitic hivemind. 
HONEYDEW: It’s like that movie with Kurt Russell in… The Thing. 
XEPHOS: Yes, it’s a lot like that, actually.
HONEYDEW: "If It Takes Us Over, Then It Has No More Enemies, Nobody Left To Kill It. And Then It's Won."
XEPHOS: Right. But we won’t let that happen. 
XEPHOS: Anyhow, after the Rupter- that thing in the cage- gets about 40 kills, it will continue to evolve. The Manglers are one of many parasites that can actually adapt to sources of damage. 
HONEYDEW: Manglers, is that what they’re called. Not exactly…
XEPHOS: It’s not a nice name, is it?
HONEYDEW: It’s fitting though, jesus. 
The Mangler shrieks. 
Honeydew shudders.
XEPHOS: So, you understand the evolution system and the adaptation system, correct?
HONEYDEW: Yeah, I think so. 
XEPHOS: And you read that book, so, you understand how the phases work? 
HONEYDEW: Um… yeah, I did. But uhm… just to be safe, why don’t you explain it to me again anyways?
XEPHOS: (sigh) Well, it’s quite… complicated. Basically, the more points that the parasites get, they evolve, and the world progresses in Phases. We start at Phase 0, yeah? And it exponentially escalates all the way to Phase 7. By then, the Reinforcement system comes in, and Parasites are able to create their own habitats and biomes using beckons. They just get nastier and stronger and can have special abilities, as well. 
HONEYDEW: And what phase is the world in, currently? 
XEPHOS: Uhm… well, actually, we can use the Bloody Clock to track it. Here, take a look. 
Xephos tosses the bloody clock at Honeydew, and misses. Honeydew scrambles to pick it up.
XEPHOS: Oh, fuck. 
HONEYDEW: It’s fine! It’s fine. Uhm… right, so, it says ‘Phase 0’, that’s good, right?
XEPHOS: That’s very good. 
HONEYDEW: But I thought you said the world was… completely taken over. Shouldn't it at least be a little bit higher?
XEPHOS: Uhm… (nervous laughter) Well, you must’ve broken it, then It must be broken. Because really, we should be at Phase 7 about now. The entire world has just become this, awful, just- awful, parasitic biome. 
HONEYDEW: Oi! You’re the one that dropped it!
XEPHOS: Oh, right. Well… it’s fine. I already knew what phase we were at anyways, so, it’s no big. There’s another thing I wanted to show you, before we get into, you know, the armor and everything. Come with me. 
The HEROES leave the testing room. An armed testificate passes them and walks into the chamber. Squelching and gunshots can be heard. 
HONEYDEW: Is he alright in there?
XEPHOS: Oh, definitely. Don’t worry about it. Anyways, I wanted to show this to you as a sort of… cautionary tale. You see, COTH can spread quite quickly, so you have to be careful, alright? In here. 
The HEROES walk for a long time, passing the Med-bay and entering the cloning bay. 
HONEYDEW: So, how long did it take for the parasites to take over the world? 
XEPHOS: Oh, just a few weeks, really. 
HONEYDEW: A few weeks!? How did I not notice?
XEPHOS: Well you’ve, uhm, been on holiday, remember?
HONEYDEW: Oh, right. 
XEPHOS: Was it nice, there? At the sort of… beach, you were at? 
HONEYDEW: It was, actually. It was quite nice. I had… lots of piña coladas, did some skinny dipping in the ocean…
XEPHOS: Oh. Uhm. 
HONEYDEW: It was quite nice!
XEPHOS: Yeah, those holosuites… quite easy to, get stuck in. 
HONEYDEW: Once you go in, you never want to leave!
XEPHOS: You can live in whatever reality you want. 
XEPHOS: Where all of your friends are alive and they like you and you aren’t the head of an evil megacorporation at war with the government. 
HONEYDEW: Uhm… yeah… right. 
XEPHOS: And infinite jaffas. 
HONEYDEW: Okay, I'm back on, infinite jaffas! And lots of holes. 
XEPHOS: Oh, yes, hole-topia. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?
HONEYDEW: Ooh, saucy! 
XEPHOS: Al..right, we’re here. 
The HEROES stand above a Secure Containment Cell.
HONEYDEW: Oh my God, is that Lalnable Hector?
XEPHOS: Uhm- well-
HONEYDEW: He’s looking quite worse for wear, nowadays, isn’t he?
XEPHOS: If you would listen to me, you’d know that this isn’t Lalnable Hector. 
HONEYDEW: Oh, really?
XEPHOS: Yeah. Lalnable escaped ages ago. 
XEPHOS: Right. It’s totally under control.
HONEYDEW: Who is it then? Is it Lalna?
XEPHOS: It’s a… clone of him, alright. 
LALNA: Honeydew, you have to get me the hell out of here! 
HONEYDEW: Oh, dear. What happened to him?
LALNA: I don’t know what he told you, but you can’t listen to him, Honeydew! Xephos is- he’s evil, Honeydew! He’s a bloody terrorist! He wants to take over the world!
XEPHOS: He was… unfortunately, infected. Little does he know, he’s more parasite than human, now. 
HONEYDEW: No! Oh my god, Lalna!
XEPHOS: He may try to manipulate you, in order to spread more of the infection. Just stay close to me, would you?
Lalna bangs on the glass.
LALNA: He’s lying, god damn it! Let me out! Let me out!
HONEYDEW: What do we do? 
XEPHOS: Well, luckily, the COTH hasn’t spread to his other clones. So all we need to do is kill him, and then, well, he won’t even remember ever being infected at all. 
XEPHOS: That’s right! We’re going to fix you, Lalna, and take all of those little parasites and traitorous thoughts right out of your brain!
LALNA: But you don’t understand- I’m not infected with anything! I was working at Hole Diggers Inc, and the place got swarmed!
XEPHOS: Right, with parasites-
LALNA: With your army, Xephos! And they took me here and- put me in this box and gave me this awful coffee and-! Honeydew, you have to believe me! 
HONEYDEW: God, this is horrible. Horrible! This is an absolute nightmare!
XEPHOS: I know. I’m sorry you have to see this, Honeydew. It’s quite sad. You know, on the bright side, this should take care of your flux infection too, Lalna! Since we have to replace you with one of the Honeydew Inc. clones. You’re welcome!
HONEYDEW: Can we just get it over with and move on?
Xephos nods at a nearby guard, who’s armed with a M249 light machine gun.
LALNA: Xephos, I swear, I won’t tell anybody else if you just-
XEPHOS: Too late. Alright, say ‘bye Lalna!’
LALNA: Xephos please!
[LividCoffee succumed to the infection]
[spawning (srparasites:sim_adventurer)].
Squelching. More gunshots. Alien shrieking. 
XEPHOS: I told you he was infected. 
HONEYDEW: Oh my God! That was horrible!
XEPHOS: It’s alright, Honeydew. Now that that problem is sorted, let’s go to the armory and suit up. 
(Part ½)
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spacemanxephos · 10 months
Flower Crowns [Xephna]
Title: Flower Crowns
Pairing: Xephos and Lalna [Xephna]
Rating: General
Genre: Fluff
Words: 978
Warnings: None!
A/N: Consider this an early Crimbus present. *Please don’t reblog to kin/rp/introject blogs!* Also, this takes place pre-relationship during Moonquest :] (Crossposted on ao3)
Lalna had been puzzled when he returned from mining and Xephos hadn’t been in Baked Bean Fort. Considering the man was a workaholic who practically never left his work station, Lalna had reason to be slightly confused.
He’d immediately pulled out his communicator and turned on the mic. “Xeph’? You here? I just got back.”
It only took a few moments for Xephos to answer.
“Yes! I’m sorry, friend, I didn’t expect you to be back yet. I’m by the edge of that nice forested area, where we found the sheep, do you remember?”
Lalna nodded to himself. “Yeah, I think so. I’ll be there in just a second.”
Technically, it ended up taking him more than just a minute to get to Xephos. He panted slightly as he arrived, missing his flying armor. Even a faulty flying ring would be better than this, he thought grumpily.
When Lalna approached he found Xephos surrounded by wildflowers, sitting cross legged and weaving them together. He brightened as Lalna approached.
“Lalna! How was it?”
“Good, got some more aluminum,” he hummed, emphasizing the last word. “Would’ve been better if Honeydew hadn’t decided to faff around the whole time.” He complained, only half-serious.
Xephos sighed. “Is he still down there?”
“Yeah, he wanted to stay down there a bit longer. I think he said he’ll be back by morning.”
Xephos nodded contemplatively. “Alright. I suppose he’ll do better by himself when he doesn’t have anyone to fool around with.”
Lalna nodded in agreement, and observed closer what Xephos was doing. The wildflowers surrounding him were in sorted piles, and atop his head was a flower crown. Another was in his hand, apparently still in the process of being made.
“Flower crowns?” Lalna asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement.
Xephos nodded and averted his eyes, his cheeks glowing with embarrassment. “Yes, Honeydew taught me how to make them a while back. I didn’t realize I’d been out here so long, we can go back in and get started working-“
Lalna interrupted him. “No, no! It’s okay, I don’t care. Honeydew’s not here to berate us, let’s embrace it.” He grinned crookedly.
Xephos snorted slightly at that. Lalna crouched down next to Xephos, inspecting the one on his head. It was blue and white, made out of forget-me-nots and daisies. A few sprigs of baby’s breath had been delicately intertwined into the main chain.
“They look really nice,” he complimented.
Xephos brightened. “Thank you! I could teach you how to make them, if you’d like,” he offered.
Lalna shrugged. “Sure. Whatever to not have to go work on that bloody rocket,” he grumbled. Xephos laughed again and Lalna felt himself grin at the sound.
Xephos hummed and studied Lalna for a moment. “Now your eyes are that lovely blue-green color, so we ought to choose flowers with colors that make them pop,” He said decisively, rising to his feet and beginning to hunt for flora.
Lalna startled. “You- you think my eyes are lovely?”
“Of course I do, why wouldn’t I?” Xephos replied matter-of-factly, not even looking up. Lalna felt his cheeks heat up.
“Oh, er, thanks,” he rubbed the back of his neck bashfully.
Xephos continued on rambling cheerfully, climbing his way through the wildflowers. “Now, see, we need ones that are the opposite of green and blue. What’s the opposite of green?”
“Uh, purple?”
“Right, yes, what flowers are purple…” He trailed off.
Lalna watched Xephos quickly pick out the flowers. He returned with an armful of different flowers, still babbling to himself. “…And we also want ones that have longer stems, they’re easier to weave, as well.”
He sat back down next to Lalna. “Okay, so I chose daisies, because they usually work well, and I found these purple ones, as well. I’m not sure what they’re called, but-“
“Cosmos,” Lalna interrupted. “Those are called cosmos.”
“Cosmos! Cosmos, cosmos,” Xephos repeated to himself in that way that meant he was trying very hard to learn a new Minecraftian word.
“So, daisies, cosmos, and then baby’s breath. They’re nice for detailing. Now to weave them together…” Xephos began demonstrating the process, his thin fingers nimbly wrapping the stems around the others and creating a chain faster than Lalna could have imagined. Lalna picked up a few flowers and began clumsily trying to mimic the motion, but found himself more so enamored by Xephos’ air of quiet concentration. The gentle purse of the man’s lips and knitting of his brow was familiar, but less stressed than usual.
It only took a few minutes and Xephos had finished the chain, expertly tying it off and smiling satisfactorily.
“There! Simple enough,” he beamed, presenting the finished crown for Lalna to look at.
Lalna looked down at the mess of crumpled stems in his hands. “Er, yeah. Maybe you could go slower next time? I didn’t quite catch what you were doing,” he said.
Xephos flushed with embarrassment. “Oh, right. Sorry, I guess I got distracted.” He admitted.
“Well, no matter- here.” Xephos smiled and gently placed the crown on Lalna’s head. His hand brushed a piece of Lalna’s hair out of his eyes and Lalna felt his cheeks heat up again. They stared at each other for a moment. Xephos’ eyes were glowing brightly with delight. Lalna’s face burned further still.
“Thanks, Xeph’,” he finally managed to say, hoping the flush on his cheeks wasn’t as obvious as it felt.
Xephos beamed. “Of course, friend. Would you like to try again? I’ll help you step by step this time.”
Lalna nodded and relaxed his shoulders. “Sure.”
Xephos began making another chain, talking as he went through each step. But Lalna found himself unable to concentrate on the instructions no matter how he tried. He sighed, finally relaxed and rested his chin on his hand.
“Yes, Lalna?”
“I think your eyes are lovely too.”
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notmetallee · 1 year
naruto OC introduction
Hello! This is my first role-playing account! In excited to get into the naruto role playing community!
See below for more information
Hello! My name is lee akamichi! I am a gemini, born on June 6th. My pronouns are he/him, and I am a ftm transgender.
Appearance: long wavy brown hair, 6'0ft tall, body type like a powerlifter (think not defined, but strong looking with broad shoulders and big arms. Think Eddie hall kinda) grey eyes.
Personality: INTP, gemini, wise and intelligent but does stupid or absurd shit just for the fun of it. Always is laughing and smiling finding humor in everything. Introverted and prefers one on one deep conversation rather than group activities. Secretly collects shinobi trading cards but is embarrassed about it. Rebellious, free thinker and curious.
Likes: political conversations, metal music, deep conversation, honeydew, cats, queerness, and lifting heavy shit.
Dislikes: the shinobi system, konoha, banana, feeling sweaty for too long, frogs and being untested.
Background information: lee akamichi was born during the blank period, his parents died of disease so he was put into an orphanage and groomed to be a shinobi. He escaped the orphanage; understanding the shinobi system was fucked from a young age. Since then he has made a living doing odd jobs and the occasional petty crime for hire so he can pay for an apartment in the leaf. He is undocumented, so konoha doesn't know he exists; as lee made and effort to destroy any records he had before leaving the orphanage.
Fun facts!
Has a frog phobia
23 years old
Despite being a civilian for the most part, lee knows basic Chakra control techniques.
Favorite band is slipknot
Is lonely, only having a couple people who hire him often as "friends"
Has a 2 year old orange cat named "Robert aka shitbag"
Loves natto
His hair is always a little frizzy
Lowkey a gym rat
Anyone can send asks or start an RP thread with me. Just don't be an ass. Im fine with nsfw and dark topics. Trigger warnings to be added as more people interact with me.
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soupiyamashuu · 2 years
major oc plots and scenarios 🥶
Long Post WArning -- beware....
major plots = the overall school-oriented plot, the shadow of israphel plotline, and the heroes rise plotline ... all of these have a couple different subplots too but ill just write about the overall crap. i will also talk about a plot ive had brewing in my mind for millions of yrs but have never done anything with (yet..?)
1.) the general story:
major characters involved: all ocs setting: a major university in america (primarily modeled after NYU and set in a large city like NY but ... i dont want to force them into a specific zone so :shrug:) genre: slice of life .. romance .. funni... about: this one involves my ocs going to the same college and interacting / hanging out with each other after meeting at a program designed to help international students + non-traditional students (lgbt/poc/poor/etc) adapt to university* ... after settling into the school year they form a big roleplay group that RPs on discord... it's just fun slice of life stuff ft. my little guys * this was based off my real life college experience where we had a program for underrepresented groups to get used to university life so i thought itd be a good way for everyone to meet up since a majority of my ocs are either lgbt, poc/international students, or otherwise eligible to join the dang program.
notes: since the next two that follow are fandom oc-insert plotlines that dont make use of every oc, just assume that they're more small group or private roleplay plotlines ... though in all technicality, both of them can be made into like. (original character) is roleplaying as (canon character) :shrug:
2.) the shadow of israphel plotline major original characters: akihito, elena [sometimes guest appearances from others like makoto/markus/cecil/toby depending on how i want to have the story go] setting: shadow of israphel universe -- yogscast original story [i.e., anything that happens in the 3rd season of the yogscast's minecraft series] genre: adventure ... CANON about: xephos, honeydew, and their allies (lysander, peculier, etc.) have to save both the WORLD and old_peculier's crush daisy from israphel ... starting from the YOGCAVE and ending off at the damn desert zone or w/ev, its a big chaotic adventure OC additions & revisions: akihito joins the party (yes its like an rpg fkgfhkg). in my version he and lysander Can be a thing [depends on how im feeling] and he primarily travels around with xephos and honeydew. akihito and elena work with adaephon at verigans hold which, in my canon, is more like a tourist destination/historical museum type place (based on the fact that adaephon has the freaking tale of the sands recorded there... i assume that it serves as a larger historical record place; therefore thats how i treat it when i think about it). not much is changed in terms of the core story except that there are expanded interactions ... i try to keep my additions to this one relatively small but it's so fun to imagine...
3.) the heroes rise plotline [PRIMARILY HR 1 AND 2] [[LONG AF IM SORRY]] (aaand im giving up on the color coding sorry)
major original characters: akihito, makoto, [maybe markus, sometimes i pretend he's the mc but ... ill explain below KFGHFKGK] minor ocs (i.e., they show up either briefly or randomly depending on how i want the story to go): elena/cecil/dimitri setting: wherever the hell heroes rise takes place -- typically millennia city tho genre: adventure / superhero bs
CANON about: heroes rise is a choose your own adventure game revolving around being a notable superhero in millennia city and saving ur parents from prison, essentially. the original trilogy is what i base my plotpoints off of -- the prodigy, the hero project, and herofall. the prodigy is about ur rise to stardom essentially ... the hero project is PRIMARILY where my ocs come in since theres a lot more potential for them to get added; this one is about your hero competing in a national competition to find the best american heroes to join the first USA superhero team or something like that. herofall is the third game in the trilogy and im not gonna lie i havent played it enough to cement the plot into my mind but it ends the major trilogy arc and picks up where thp ends.
OC additions and revisions -- broken down by game
the prodigy: no huge changes to this one except that akihito is mentioned in the background to set up his role in the hero project ... like, ppl will mention him as a major foreign celeb or something. in some variants i have him meet the mc / contact the mc at some point but primarily he plays a small role here.
the hero project: Huge role..... like whole-new-story ahh changes. so in this one theres a pre-story competition going on scouting for the number one international hero to join the american protectorate group (APG; i THINK thats what its called) -- its essentially like the olympics initially ... all the heroes have to go under a huge set of tests (intellectual, physical/mental health-based, power-based, etc.) to get rankings; the top 100 compete and blah blah blah. in this one akihito is the #winner and joins the APG as its first new member [technically like. im p sure rebellion or w/ev the hell is the leader so :Shrug: akihito is the first non-leader member]. for a majority of the story he kind of just works alongside everyone to scope out who's going to be efficient on the team and whatever... one plot point is that he runs classes for japanese/french learning since those are his native langs and its helpful to know them in that case.
theres a LOT with this one like. i might just have to write it as a full ahh story at this point and post it on here. thats where freaking that note about markus comes in, ill probs make him the mc just bc he seems quite ... pliable. like he could just fit in here as the mc i suppose. oh also makoto is a major character too but he's like. a staff member on the med team / works as the like on-site nurse in training #tbh FHKGFKHGKFH [again ill just have to write it out at some point cuase... wow]
4.) the unnamed elemental plotline
theres not a lot of stuff ive made as a concrete thing but essentially i wanted to make my ocs representatives of various life elements (time, space, weather, nature, seasons, etc.) and kind of make it into a thing like that ... i actually made it in FOURTH GRADE but couldnt figure out how to turn it into a big story. akihito was going to be a representative of time (ive kept this as a weird trivia fact -- ex: he's very good at time-based things like knowing what time it is without a watch) and elena was going to be in charge of cold weather (which is why i think i made her norwegian KFHGKFHG).
maybe someday ill get to actually write this one out...? AKLHSDGHKASDG its very cool but i feel like its been made already so idk itd be cool anyway tho
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justarandomsideblog · 3 years
Throwback and crossover time? DSMP & Yogscast's Shadow of Israphel
DSMP is happening in the far future (or the now?), and the Yogscast's Shadow of Israphel happened in the far past, when the land was known as Minecraftia. Xephos and Honeydew (and their companions, Verigan II and Lysander) are heroes of old who have been nearly forgotten, Israphel a distant, long-forgotten threat long since sealed away (most likely with a great sacrifice, since SOI was never finished and we don't know how it was meant to go).
Philza, Foolish and Slime have memories of the time of Israphel, though none of them got directly involved for one reason or another.
Fundy's dreams, I know canonically they're either warning about Las Nevadas (a desert city) or the nuke (that will kill every living thing), but for the sake of this (AU?)story, let's say his dreams are warning him of Israphel's return- the sands are beginning to spread again. Quackity, though he isn't actively part of the Cult of Israphel, has been unintentionally helping spread the all-consuming sands of Israphel's curse and unwittingly aiding in his return.
And basically what I'm getting at is Israphel returns, Fundy teams up with Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo to try and stop him and they learn, through books and exploring ancient ruins well past the borders of Essempi, the story of the first and second wars against the sands... and maybe they discover that Xephos and Honeydew aren't dead, either.
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stxrmapper · 3 years
--Guardian Asks
Didn’t see enough questions for Guardians (and Ghosts) goin’ around so figured I’d write some of my own! These are just what came to my mind whilst the servers were down lmao Some of these would work for Ghosts as well, but you might need to reword the question slightly.
1. Where did your name come from? Does it mean anything?
2. Did you name your Ghost? Did they have any prior names before their current one?
3. Where did your Ghost get their shell? Do they like to be stylish, is there any meaning behind their shell, or do they not care regardless?
4. What was your first death like?
5. Does death still affect you, or have you just gotten used to it?
6. What would you do if you lost your Light?
7. How quickly did you pick up light abilities?
8. Are you able to control your Light or the Darkness, even when your emotions get the better of you?
9. Do you wield stasis? What’s your opinion on it?
10. Which energy are you most interested in? Solar, Arc, Void or Stasis?
11. What’s your hobbies?
12. What type of music do you like? Do you play any instruments?
13. Do you celebrate the day you were resurrected? Or, if you know it, do you celebrate your birthday?
14. What’s your favourite event? Crimson Days, Guardian Games, Dawning, etc.
15. Do/did you participate in SRL?
16. What’s your favourite moment from one of these events?
17. What’s your greatest Crucible/Trials/IB moment, if you have one?
18. Do you get along with other members of your class, do you fit in?
19. Are you on good terms with your Ghost?
20. Favourite weapons to use? Could be specific, or general.
21. Do you enjoy travelling to different planets? Do they feel normal, or is it strange to be somewhere so different from Earth?
22. For Exos, have you been to Europa? How does it feel to go back there?
23. For awoken, are you reefborn, or earthborn, if you know?
24. How are you when it comes to affection with others?
25. What’s your opinion on your fireteammates? If you don’t have one, would you like to work with others?
26. Do you have close relations with anyone outside your fireteam?
27. Have you ever explored outside the system before?
28. What’s your opinion on New Lights? Would you teach them, or even just help them to learn?
29. What sort of legacy would you like to leave behind, if you care about that at all?
30. [For Mun] What’s a quote you associate with your Guardian/s?
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liuidcoffee · 5 years
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had this irresistible urge to draw yogs so i did
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alexzenderborn · 4 years
Still in look of a roleplay partner!
Ones I’m really super looking for: Rhack- Borderlands RP (I have been both Rhys and Jack) I have finished BL3.  :3 SportaRobbie- Lazytown RP (Have been both Robbie and Sportacus) Yogscast rp- The only ship I really do not vibe with is Ridgephos. For personal reasons. My specialty is Honeydew! I have played most characters tho. If you’re interested, please, please shoot me a DM or message. I really do not know if a heart = interest. I need a clear message.
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cherrymoonflowers · 4 months
findingflowers is a project that lives in the head of @blackrosepirates and now you can send things to (some of) the cast!!
tag system:
#letters from the isle - og posts
#honeydew messages - asks
#waves on the shore - rp reblog
#flower sprouts - rbs
#this random guy just showed up - half ooc
#the random guy - ooc
character tag system (aka who you can ask!):
#captain flowers 🌙 - elodie
#world’s worst first mate 🪵 - leon
#seasick chords 🎻 - ashlynn
#from the ground up 🍂 - kennedy
#bandaged fins 🫧 - kaito
#garden of flowers 🪻 - wren
#cogs and gears ⚙️ - quinni
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thxvclvxts · 5 years
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“Under any normal circumstance, I would be much more understanding,” Hyori sighed, running a hand through her hair, mostly in frustration, “but at this point... I’m honestly just over everything.” Nothing had been going right for her recently. And by “recently”, she meant the past year, more or less. She had a fourteen month old daughter whom she was raising alone, and she’d just lost her husband. To say she was at the end of her rope would be an understatement. “At some point, you learn to want to give up.”
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a-gang-of-misfits · 3 years
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spacemanxephos · 8 months
Fluff-uary 1: Banter/Flirting
Title: N/A
Pairing: Xephos and Lalna [Xephna]
Rating: General
Genre: Fluff
Words: 244
Warnings: None
A/N: Idk if I’ll do every prompt this month but this one pretty much wrote itself lol. As per usual I did not beta read this. *Please don't reblog to kin/rp/introject blogs!* This takes place established-relationship during Hole Diggers :] Link to prompt list
Lalna pouted as he walked into the leg of the Hole Diggers base where Xephos was currently working on some technology for the Dwarf Star. The spaceman glanced up at him from his work and gave him a small smile.
“You’re back early,” he greeted.
Lalna huffed. “That’s ‘cos Honeydew told me to stop working on the golf course.” He pouted.
“Well, that’s because the golf course is stupid,” Xephos stated plainly.
Lalna gasped dramatically. He slapped his hand over his heart. “I cannot believe-” He began.
Xephos snorted and Lalna grinned wider.
“My own partner would say such a thing as to betray me-” he continued melodramatically, a large grin on his face. Xephos’ shoulders were shaking with suppressed giggles.
“I can’t go on,” Lalna concluded solemnly and flopped backwards onto Xephos letting his full weight fall onto the smaller man.
“Lalna!” Xephos shrieked with laughter as he attempted to stabilize the bulk of the man he was now supporting. He quickly readjusted so that they settled on the ground with Lalna’s head in Xephos’ lap.
“You absolute pillock,” Xephos rolled his eyes. They sparkled with mirth.
“I said I can’t go on, Xeph’. I might need mouth to mouth.” Lalna declared gravely.
Xephos looked at the ceiling. “You do not need mouth to mouth.”
“Yes, I do!” He paused. “Please,” Lalna whined. Xephos rolled his eyes but was clearly suppressing a grin.
“Good lord,” Xephos breathed and leaned in to kiss him.
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anemcia · 4 years
𝑻𝒂𝒈 𝑫𝒖𝒎𝒑
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