Drawing requests you say? 👀👀
Mayhaps Carterdoux? 👀
Mayhaps Carter and Douxie cuddling on the couch whilst Douxie reads aloud from The Hobbit because;
"Dyslexia is a bitch." -Carter Howard at least once a year
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They got a bit distracted.
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lizzybugg · 2 years
Me to @honeyxmonkey : Your birthday gift starts with a “W” and ends with a “D” and is six letters long.
Her: I’m assuming it’s an animal.
*sits and thinks for a while*
Her: Walrus
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thosetrollkids · 2 years
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hey so this post by @honeyxmonkey is INCREDIBLY funny and i thought it fit the sphinx bros pretty well :)
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honeyxmonkey · 2 years
Does douxie still have magic in twd au? (Saw your art in my fyp)
Yes! However, he's unable to use it (mostly) in the first several chapters due to... plot reasons 👀
Having to do with the walkers themselves
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bluheaven-adw · 2 years
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Early Christmas gift for @honeyxmonkey !!
Thank you for being such a kind, supportive, and beautiful soul.
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jae-in-a-trenchcoat · 9 months
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Been doing some streams so here’s a dump of stuff
1. Fluffy Jlaire
2. Douxie 🥰
3. Carterdoux @honeyxmonkey <3
4. No explanation.
5. Trollhunters screen cap redraw but it’s baseball
6. Rough sketch of Douxie and Zoe from a silly zouxie comic im working on :3
7. Not from a stream I just like how Krel turned out :)
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frie-ice · 10 months
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The idea for this Douxie Casperan and Nimona collage came from honeyxmonkey's drawing of the two. Douxie's familiar is a shapeshifter, so I too can see him befriending Nimona. I given them the friendship title of Douximona.
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Secret Santa gift for @honeyxmonkey <3
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prismarts · 5 months
Memories and a Reunion
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Plot: Three moments in Douxie's lifetime where he remembers his best friend, Illy......... and their reunion, 900 years later.
Notes: Takes place wayyy before ToA but also during Wizards, Just them and an exploration of Douxie thinking about Illy throughout the centuries, small Peter Pan Return to Neverland reference :3, WE ARE SO BACK BABSSS LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I miss them.
Trigger Warnings: Fear of a loved one's death, brief mention of one night stands and flings. Let me know if there are any that I missed-
Word Count: 2171 words
Tags: @tempestimes @mxcheese @alovesongtheywrote @blixeon @gafanhotoanarquistax3 @gaylightisminetocommand @nyxicnymph @slowpokenz @sergeantsporks @honeyxmonkey @tenebrius-excellium @generalfandomsofthefreak @bernie-the-nugget @lovedropletsdreams @glorious-pxrpose @valentimmy @tales-of-hisirdoux
Douxie always held his life back in Camelot in his memories, in his heart. Despite everything, Camelot was his home and where he spent a good while of his life there… That was where he was accepted as Merlin’s apprentice, where he met Morgana and gained a permanent place to live with his familiar and learn magic.
But it was also where he met his best friend, Illy….
Of course he would always remember to keep his life in Camelot in his memories, even with the kingdom long gone by the time he started his journey to other kingdoms and villages, to other countries and lands…
Memories of the people he cared about so deeply and the times he had there, they were special to him…Merlin, Morgana……
There were three specific moments in his centuries long journey where he thinks about the spellcaster, his best friend…
The first time was…. So simple… When Douxie looked back on this moment, he almost chuckled fondly, thinking about how something so small could remind him of her…
He was travelling to a neighbouring town at the time, taking a longer route through a flourishing field. With Archie on his shoulders, he was walking along the dirt path and looking around the area, taking in the scenery of the open field.
The clouds floating around slowly as the wind gently blew through his hair as something small caught his golden hazel and green eyes nestled amongst the soft grass as he quietly strayed from the dirt path and towards the open field.
“Douxie, where are you going?”
Archie asked as he watched his wizard familiar kneel down on the soft grass and stare at the small bundles of forget me nots nestled on the ground.
“Look Arch, forget me nots!...”, Douxie said, a hint of excitement in his voice as he glanced at his cat familiar as he saw Archie tilt his head, “Indeed, Douxie…what about them?”, his familiar asked curiously.
The young wizard has never really shown interest in flowers before…
“They’re Illy’s favourite…remember?..”, The wizard replied in a soft voice, turning his head again to stare at the small flowers, waving around through the wind as he felt a small, nostalgic smile spread across his face.
“It is….I’m surprised you remembered…” Archie said as he watched his young familiar roll his eyes playfully as he glanced at the black cat on his shoulder, “Of course, I remember….”, he mumbled before going back to looking at the flowers quietly.
“I wonder what she’s up to….”
He wondered out loud, a worried frown quietly making its way to his face as he fully sat himself down with a sigh, “I hope she’s alright..”, He mumbled, holding the bud of the flower in his hand, being careful not to pick it off.
“I’m sure she is, Douxie…. She’s a strong spellcaster…wherever she is, I’m sure she’s safe..”, The familiar on his shoulder said as he gently bumped his head against Douxie’s as an attempt to cheer him up.
“R..right….of course she is….I suppose I’m just…realising how long it’s been…since we last saw each other..” 
“Well…. You’ll see each other again Douxie… I can’t tell you exactly when that is…but the day will come.”
Archie watches as Douxie takes a breath, smiling a little sadly as he nodded, “You’re right, Archie….I just have to wait and see..”, He mumbled, carefully picking a small bundle of the forget me nots.
“For now…I can find ways to just…remember her..” 
Douxie took out his heavy leather bound notebook out of his pack, carefully opening to two empty pages and placing the bundle of flowers and closing the book, pressing the flowers into its pages.
He packed up his notebook before standing back up, being careful of Archie perched on his shoulder as he spotted a sparkling turquoise butterfly fluttering past in the distance, smiling as they continued their journey.
Centuries later, another moment came…
Well, less of a moment and more of a realisation on Douxie’s part, he admits as he thinks back on it.
It was the 90s, he had just gotten into a relationship with a mortal girl, Alice. She was sweet and kind, he was happy with her despite the relationship not lasting long.
It wasn’t because of anything terrible, Alice was amazing really, but Douxie had gotten used to not being attached to mortals….it was harder as an immortal to do so and he’s built a wall around himself.
He just couldn’t bring himself to stay in relationships with mortals long term, most times they end up being very brief single nights of intimacy…
But he also noticed something else, how much she reminded him of Illy… It wasn’t too obvious at first, she has small physical similarities…. 
She was a brunette, freckles littering her cheeks like Illy… she was a little on the shorter side as well.
But what really hit the young wizard hard were the similarities in their personalities, his girlfriend was well read, she was smart and kind. She was shy at first but grew to be more talkative as their relationship went on.
She was gentle and soft spoken…
She reminded him so much of Illy, she reminded him of his best friend…The best friend he hasn’t seen in centuries at this point of his life.
Douxie was laying in his bed as the realisation hit, staring at the ceiling and getting so lost in thought as he tossed and turned.
He never expected to think of Illy this way, of course he didn’t. She was his best friend, he hasn’t seen her since Camelot…. 
He’s never had these thoughts before….
Never realised if any of his partners, as rare as it was for him to be in relationships, he never realised if any of his past partners ever reminded him of Illy.
His face burned, going warm as his cheeks turned red as he thought about it, sitting up abruptly as he covered his face with his hands with a heavy sigh. Running his fingers through his bangs as he glanced out the window.
“Douxie, are you alright?..”
He flinched, hearing Archie’s voice as the cat familiar jumped up the bed as he glanced down at him for a moment.
“I….I don’t know….I guess…I was thinking..”
“Whatever about?..”
Douxie thought to himself quietly as he looked out the window for a moment before glancing at Archie, “Do….you ever notice….that Alice is a lot like Illy?..”, he asked quietly.
There was a silence in the room for a moment before Archie spoke up, seemingly in thought the whole time, “I suppose so…. She isn’t completely like Illy, of course…but I suppose she does remind me of her….why?..”
“I…I just never realised it before, I suppose….and it’s…I’m not sure why I’m thinking about it. Illy’s just…..my best friend..and I shouldn’t be thinking about this…..right?..”
“Well….I wouldn’t say it’s an awful thing to think about… You’re maybe just realising you have certain traits you gravitate towards.”
Douxie mumbled, sounding unsure of himself as he took a breath for a moment, “Do you think we’ll ever see her again?... It’s been……centuries…since we left Camelot, since we said goodbye… We haven’t seen her at all…”
“...We have no way of knowing if…..if she’s even alive…”
He let out a shaky sigh, getting up from his bed completely, opening the window and leaning his head on the window sill. Staring at the night sky quietly as he felt tears prick at his eyes.
Archie quietly jumped onto the window sill next to his wizard familiar, sitting himself down as he nuzzled his head against his young wizard, purring as an attempt to comfort him.
“Maybe someday….we’ll see her again….. There’s also no way for us to know either way…but if she is alive…then we’ll see her again someday….”
Douxie let out a shaky sigh as he gently leaned his head a little against Archie as he purred, the both of them looking out the window as he could have sworn he saw the same glowing turquoise butterfly he did centuries ago flying by in the distance.
He smiled sadly, sighing, “Maybe you’re right, Arch….thank you..”, he mumbled softly as they stared at the stars together.
Years later, he was tossed onto a flying ship. 
Narrowly escaping the Green Knight and his attacks on the bookstore with Merlin, Toby, Steve and AAARRRGGHH in tow. Archie having been with him since the start of the night like he’s always been.
They were flying through the sky quickly, Douxie holding onto the side of the ship as it slowed down slightly when the castle came into sight.
The young wizard’s breath caught in his throat for a moment at the sight of his old home flying in the sky, effectively having drowned out the excited conversations from the two kids and his old Master in the distance.
Douxie smiled fondly, leaning slightly on the railing of the ship as he looked at his old home, memories of his time in Camelot slowly flooding back to him..
Memories of Illy resurfacing….
He can’t help the feeling of his racing heart as the memories resurface, questions flooding his mind eternally.
Is she here? Has she been here for a while? Master Merlin…didn’t mention her…
Has she changed much since he last saw her? She had to have changed somewhat…it has been centuries..
Would….she even remember him?... 
Would she recognize him?...
His head was reeling at the thought….hoping so badly that his best friend did remember him…that she could recognize him right away.
He was finally going to see her again!
The excitement was making his heart jump around in his chest, the closer they got to the castle…
Oh, if he only knew what would happen…
He could never imagine he would have to bring an entire group into hiding at Hex Tech, almost suffering the wrath of Zoe, who….he really owed after that day.
He could never imagine that he would have had to go back to the past…
He would never imagine he would have reunited with Illy from his Camelot days before he could even see her from his own timeline..
He never imagined that Illy would kiss him before the Battle of Killahead…
He glanced down at the girl in question, the girl currently occupying his brain amongst all the danger and adrenaline.
She looks…different, her hair was significantly shorter, messily cut and draping just above her shoulders. She was dressed differently too, her lady in waiting gown in shades of green replaced with an outfit more befitting of a wizard.
A dark green vest over a white tunic top, a wrapped around skirt, pants and heavy brown and silver boots. Silver detailing scattered all over now that he had the time to really take in her different look.
Her eyes were still the same shimmering turquoise…but at the moment it seemed hardened…her eyes seemed puffy and red…as if she had been crying.
She looked upset.
Douxie felt a pang of pain when he noticed….was there some form of guilt in there as well? Maybe…was she upset with him? Because they haven’t seen each other in so long?
He couldn’t tell…
And perhaps he had been looking at her for a tad longer than he intended…because as soon as he glanced away, he tenses, hearing her quiet voice.
Douxie looked back down at Illy, seeing her look up at him quietly, her turquoise coloured eyes almost inspecting him in a way he just couldn’t explain..
“..Hello, Illy..”, He said, his voice soft as he did, being mindful at how tense she seemed.
There was an awkward silence as they looked at each other, Illy staring at him for a moment, looking him up and down before glancing down, “....You changed…” She barely whispered, her voice fragile and almost solemn..
The now Master Wizard looked down at her, the hurt in his chest getting a little worse… something happened to her…and he wanted to know everything, but there was so much going on at the moment.
Douxie reached out, taking Illy’s hand in his with a soft squeeze as she whipped her head up to look at him, “Not really….not ever… I’m still the same moppet you knew…all those centuries ago..”, he said, a fond smile appearing on his face.
He watched as Illy let out a shaky sigh as tears appeared in her eyes, in that moment, that was what she saw… the same moppet she befriended and fell in love with all those centuries ago.
She squeezed his hand back gently, a small giggle escaping her.
“I guess you are…..I really missed you, Douxie…” She mumbled softly, leaning her head on his arm, gently. 
Pulling a soft chuckle from the taller wizard, a sound Illy thought she would never hear again before today….
“I missed you too, Illy…”
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azurewildflight · 2 months
The OC Sleepover Party
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This is a OC sleepover collab I did a while back
(And kept forgetting to post 😅)
Featured Characters:
Sidney by @candycat17
Carter Howard and Fenris by @honeyxmonkey
Akiri and Naevys by @gaylightisminetocommand
Sterling, Poncho, and Vin by @thisiswhatafamilyis
A and C by @frostyviking
Anrika and Viven @/KittyCatMom
Alex and Blitz Tank by me, @azurewildflight
I thought this one was pretty fun to do, I like the idea of many characters getting together to hangout
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escape-from-arcadia · 2 years
Tales of Arcadia Disney Fairies!AU
Book 25: Disney Fairies: Trill Changes Her Tune by Gail Herman
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👀👀👀 ooohhhhh 25! @honeyxmonkey
This is an old one from when I was a kid. I remember always wanting to read every single one of these. I have another on my shelf, but I don't know where the others went. Anyway, AU time.
Douxie is tall and shy and awkward. Only music makes him feel at ease.
He's a music-talent fairy.
Most other music-talent fairies use traditional instruments, seeing that as the only way to make music.
Douxie hears music everywhere in the world around him and wants to use anything and everything to make music.
The instrument he usually uses is a lyre made of sticks and vines.
Ngl I had to reread this book to make an AU, but here’s the idea:
Merlin takes the place of Cliff, the sparrow man who is essentially conductor of the music talents. He’s much more stiff and “traditional,” but also much more confident than Douxie.
There's an upcoming concert but something goes wrong.
There's a divide in the group and Douxie basically leads half of the music talents to create their own instruments to produce "better music", while Merlin leads the others.
The concert comes around and though it starts off like a music battle, both sides come together and learn to appreciate both music styles.
Douxie learns to have more confidence in himself and his ideas, though he also has to try and not to be too reckless. Merlin learns to appreciate other forms of music and respect Douxie a bit more.
Now these next bits aren't necessarily pertaining to the book, but I think they'd be neat to include in this AU
I'll be following the book series canon so we'll have Mother Dove, or as we're called her in the AU the Animata Rupes, or "the animated stone." Animata was once an ordinary bird, but after a great fire swept through Neverland, her feathers turned into crystals and she was given magic and wisdom.
To the fairies, Animata feels like home. She is all that is good, and she loves all of the fairies.
The fairies use her crystalline feathers (which grow back rather quickly) to create pixie dust.
Jim is a kitchen talent. He works in the tearoom kitchens with Dulce, preparing great food for all of Pixie Hollow.
Toby is a tale-telling-talent. He comes up with a lot of productions to put on the theatre and is a real showman.
Claire is a light talent. She loves what she does, but funnily enough, loves making shadows by shaping light. It's like how an artist uses negative and positive space.
She and Toby team up a lot to tell stories. Jim cooks the food for the parties and shows the three of them put on.
Aja and Krel were born from the same baby's laugh. Aja is a fast-flying talent and Krel is a tinker talent.
Krel often has to build safety equipment for Aja because she's always getting into trouble
Aja tends to run out of dust quickly and walks around most places similar to Zarina (yes she's a movie fairy, hush). Even though she gets more dust as a fast-flying fairy, she just zooms everywhere.
If you send me an ask with a number between 1-36, I'll respond with a TOA AU based on the corresponding book on my shelf.
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lizzybugg · 2 years
Listening to Hadestown and Orpheus’s “With all my heart” line is so heartbreaking. I mentioned that to @honeyxmonkey
Her: Where is my wife?
Me: *thinking about Rowan in Empire of Storms* Don’t ever repeat those words again.
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what-if-toa-rott · 7 months
What is #What If ToA RotT?
A project of 20 dedicated people who invested 2.5 years to rewrite the beginning of the 2021 movie Tales of Arcadia: Rise of the Titans. It became a beautiful 30 min fan animatic.
It was based on @tenebrius-excellium's fix-it fic. (outlined)
What is it about?
Blinky narrates A Brief Recapitulation of Troll Lore No. 48 as an alternative prologue to the movie. Visually, we preferred to use a sepia-colored book-like aesthetic. The og intro, in contrast, was felt to be rather rushed and confusing.
We then open into a scene playing in New York City, which explains the premise and what Douxie, Nari & Archie have been doing since the former events of Wizards: Tales of Arcadia. The scene is meant to pick up the audience where they were left off after the show, since the movie forced a rather abrupt continuation. What was dubbed by us as the #café scene goes at a slower, more comfortable pace, and intends to pay more respect to the world lore, character relationships etc. It then neatly ties itself to the canon follow-up scene which is commonly known among fans as the "subway scene".
What do I do with it?
You can view the scene as an insert into the canon movie. It is placed in the timeline between Blinky's recap of previous events and the subway scene as a slower and more informative opening.
You can see it as the first, animated scene of @tenebrius-excellium 's fanfic idea, which pursues a very different, more satisfying plotline afterwards.
You can use it as a base to invent your own fix-it story for a movie that could have been good but was sadly largely perceived as disappointing. Have fun! :)
Where can I watch it?
On Youtube! Here are the links to the...
...Trailer: Trollhunters Rise of the Titans: WHAT IF [a fandom project] Official Trailer
...Full movie: Trollhunters Rise of the Titans: WHAT IF [fandom project]
...Blooper Reel: What If ToA Rott Bloopers
This is amazing! Who participated in making this?
All credit goes to @nikibogwater @capsulect @bluespiritslight @sopafa @e7y1 @the-fandom-hopping-mage @prismarts @i-am-gun-robot @squabasaurus @livmadart @tempestimes @noperopesaredope @malleepp @honeyxmonkey @bluheaven-adw @azure-za-raid @sweetkever @guardianofideas @jmeestella @tenebrius-excellium on Tumblr!
Have fun and enjoy!
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honeyxmonkey · 9 days
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“I am not leaving you. I am never leaving you.”
Post credits: marsadist (on Twitter) handotcom, slytherverse, virtualplushy, lalaluune (on Twitter)
Artist credits: biposi, honeyxmonkey (1, 2) azurewildflight, and theeio
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bluheaven-adw · 9 months
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Song: Take it All by Ruelle
Speed vid of the sketch that @honeyxmonkey colored!
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