#honkai star rail sahsr au
libraryraccoon · 7 months
The Aeon Of Creation : Surprise ?
P1 (here) -> P2 (coming soon)
TW : English isn't my first language, bad english. Spoil Penacony quests.
Gender : Male/GN
Pronouns used : He/They
Info : I was sad when I haven't found any hsr sahsr au, so I decided to write one.
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There was an Aeon that everyone know in the universe.
The first Aeon that have been appeared, The Aeon Of Creation.
It’s said that The Aeon Of Creation was the first being that had appear, that it’s them that have create the universe, the worlds, and that have created the others Aeons. That it’s them that say who can be an Aeon.
But no one has seen them for a while now. Even the others Aeons were worried, even Nanook.
It’s only decades later that a trailblazer saw them.
His name was Caelus, he was in a dream at Penacony when he meet them.
They seems so familiar, but also they seems like a stranger.
“Excuse me.” Said the grey hair, looking at the h/c hair. “Have we met before ?”
They had h/l h/c hair, e/c, s/c, and they were wearing a white shirt with a sleeveless sweater on top, a trench coat, black pants and shoes.
They had a men body, and they look like a men in every way. But, more Caelus was watching them, more they don’t seems to be human, and more they remember him someone- but he don’t know who.
It was.. strange.
“Maybe yes, maybe no.. Who know ?” ask the person-thing. “I'm sorry, I have a bad memory."
They were lying, Caelus didn’t know how, but he just know it.
He hate when people lie to him.
“I’m Y/N and my pronouns are he/him. Just a person traveling in the universe. Nice to meet you.” He introduced himself lifting his hat a little in a sort of reverence- since when did he have a hat ?!
Caelus ask no question -he was used to things like that.
“I’m Caelus, a nameless.” He said, Compared to usual, he didn't make a joke or show off like he usually did. He didn’t really think about it at that moment.
Caelus was often with Y/N.
They was what we can called ‘best friend’.
Every time Caelus was in Penacony, he would go straight to Y/N.
Y/N gave off a sort of comforting and familiar aura. One that he found difficult to part with. Maybe the reason he clung so tightly to his friend was to avoid a repeat of Firefly, to protect him. Caelus didn't know, and he didn't search for an answer, focusing on the present.
“Caelus ! Do attention ! I swear one day you will die soon if you continue like that !” His friend swore as Caelus passed on the road to join him, not paying attention to the passing cars, almost being run over by one.
Caelus only give a nervous laugh at that.
Being the Aeon of Creation for them was boring.
They knew everything, having nothing to learn. That annoyed them. They wanted to learn, to discover things.
But with their creations worshiping them, some much, MUCH, more than others, it was impossible. So they took a human form and visited the planets, the worlds, that they had created from another point of view.
Humans were very attached to all this gender and sex stuff, so they took on a masculine appearance and he/him pronouns. Like that, they really look like the other humans ! Well, except for their blood. They had a blood that was like the universe, no, that was like their blood was the universe ! Just like their tears. And it's never touching the ground, disappearing in the air. They had to be careful for not being hurt or crying in front of people (but why and how they know their tears colors ?)
They was travelling alone until they meet him.
He was a boy with short grey hair and yellow eyes. His name was Akivili.
They traveled the universe together, in the Express.
Akivili was their first friend, their first best friend,
Their first love.
They were really closed, and the Aeon realized too late that they were falling for him.
The day they wanted to confess, Akivili disappeared.
The Aeon of Creation have done all for finding him, but always in a human form, they didn’t want people to realize who they was.
And, one day, in a dream they meet someone that look like Akivili.
His name was Caelus, a nameless, just like Akivili.
The Aeon of Creation thought that maybe, just maybe, he was Akivili, a reincarnation, or a descendant of him. They were sure the two were related.
Especially that he have the name Akivili wanted to give to his son.
The day before the Creator turn Akivili into an Aeon.
“Hey, if one day you have a kid, what name will you give them ?” ask Akivili.
“Huh- I don’t know ?” said the Aeon confused. They thought about how everyone always gives two names to this question, one feminine and one masculine. “Aether if it’s a boy and Stelle if it’s a girl.”
“Great names. You’re always creatives for names.” Said the mortal.
“And you ?”
“Caelus if it’s a boy and Lumine if it’s a girl.” Akivili answer easily.
Akivili always had something for picking great name.
It’s him who gave them the name Y/N after all. 
So, for knowing who really Caelus was, they decided to stay with him.
Of what they had understood, he lost a dear friend, so Y/N helped him at the same time with all his grief thing.
And that worked ! Well, in a way ?
Caelus was feeling better now that Y/N was here, but he was what mortals called ‘clingy’.
The Aeon found that funny – Akivili was always clingy with them when he was tired. So that make them think of the past.
They was happy to compare Caelus to Akivili, making some theories about it, and not to some creep that prayed them..
Maybe The Aeon Of Creations have what mortals called a trauma caused by a few of their believers.
The Aeon Of Creation is traumatized of all this Sagau imposter AU/j I thought making the creator having a universe color blood and tears will be funny because, you know, they created it- The Creator thinking Caelus is Akivili is an idea that would hurt when it will be more developed.
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la2yn0va · 4 months
Self-aware Honkai Star rail characters opinion on you being a streamer.
Characters: Acheron, Jingliu, Aventurine, Dr. Ratio
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“How… irritating” she said her annoyance overtaking her entire mood and body language. Being forced to be on stage for people SHE didn’t nor about NOR care about.
Why must you make her suffer like this? She loves you, with all her being. But why are you airing her out to the world.. those ‘viewers’ of yours.
And that’s another thing. How do they get to watch you? You shouldn’t make yourself a fool for such unworthy humans. Have they even offered you a thing?
“Ayyy~ thanks for the bits and 20”
….you’d allow them your gaze for a mere 20 credits? (Money) either your benevolence shines brighter, or it’s blinding you.
“Chat what do we think of Acheron? I fuckin’ love this woman, she’s SOOO fuckin’ helpful for grinding and destroying the enemies… white bar health… yeah cause that’s what it’s called…please don’t clip that…”
Acheron could feel herself blushing, so she quickly performs her idle animation, leaning against her sword trying to hide the blush and smile slowly forming on her face.
Chatter—“She’s good, but she keeps taking your attention from us :,(”
Instantly her giddiness is sucked away and locked in a coffin as utter annoyance and disdain grips her with an iron fist “Storm's on the horizon, heading towards you”
“That was perfectly fucking timed… did that sound different to anyone else?” Despite acherons slip up, that hatefulness holds her tighter, refusing to let go.
In short, She loves you-she’s OBSESSED with you. But she WILL kill these ‘viewers’ if they stary your attention away from her one more time.
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“What makes THEM so deserving of your gaze?”
Jingliu is similar to Acheron, but tripled. Unlike Acheron, she doesn’t bother to hide her hatred for those viewers.
Chat: Yo (Streamer Name) you should-
Jingliu: Your Ready for death.
She says it like a statement and not a question. She hates these creatures who take your gaze off of her, she hates how a measly 5 credits is enough to get your attention.
Your benevolence is your best quality, but also the one that’s easily manipulated, which simply makes her despise the fact that you’re TOO kind.
Jingliu hates the fact that your a streamer more then her not being able to ‘cut the stars’ with her sword. Why must you test her loyalty like this?
Is this even a test or a punishment for her crimes? Either way, this is too cruel. Being forced in the sidelines for a bunch of people who don’t offer you anything of value.
Is her crit damage/rate not good enough for you? Are her stellar jades not of the highest quality? Perhaps her blade needs more… BLOODSHED.
Unlike Acheron, jingliu would VERY MUCH commit crimes to gain your attention. Like breaking the fourth wall, taking an enemies or allies turn to attack, KILLING her allies so that your attention would be on her completely.
In short, she’s a much more blunt and unrestrained Acheron.
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“Such Troublesome detractors…”
Out of everyone in the game, he’s definitely the most laid back about your occupation. Mostly due to his luck.
Course he’s annoyed that some no-named randoms are taking the attention from his god off of him for seconds, but it’s really nothing.
It’s extremely lucky that the characters haven’t killed him out of jealousy (see what I did there?) This fuckin’ Avgin gets the most attention thanks to his kit and luck.
Y/n: Thanks for the Dono-
Aventurine: Eyes on me~
Y/n: Ooo~ yes sir~
Aventurine has a UNIVERSAL shit-eating grin while others are glaring death incarcerated soul-sucking daggers into him.
Aventurine would probably join in on the thanks if a viewer sends you money/bits/cheers n’ shit.
Not much to really say here, he’s just laid back to the whole thing.
Dr. Veritas Ratio
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“Stop this nonsense. Immediately”
Dr. Raito fuckin growls anytime everytime you boot up the game, cause he knows 99.9% of the time your going to be joined by those brainless viewers.
He’s completely baffled as to why a being such as yourself would degraded yourself to such… idiocy.
There’s only two possible reasons as to why you’d commit such acts. 1. Your benevolence blinds your logical reasoning, 2. You… enjoy it.
Dr. Ratio’s opinion on the viewers is that their brainless insects, he doesn’t even care enough to be annoyed by them, they’re just THAT low level of importance to him.
Y/n: Hey “Streamer Name” who’s your favorite character?
Dr. Ratio: Do you have answers?
Y/n: I- that was perfectly timed.. DO infact have answers. It’s (anyone that isn’t him)
Dr. Ratio: Fail… Get Out!
(If it is him)
Dr. Ratio: Perfect… Twenty Points.
What we thinking about this one chat?
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suiana · 1 year
SAHSR ― ramble
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bro imagine a self aware honkai star rail but instead of them being horribly obsessed they just hate the shit out of you HAHHA
LIKE IMAGINE, all of the characters you love just hating the fuck out of you. even the normally cheerful and friendly march 7th finds you annoying 💀
ever since the trailblazer came around they've had no freedom, being controlled and moved against their own will. by who? none other than you! a god or something that controls them in fights, exploration and story. it's obvious why they would hate you or find you annoying even if you are a god lol!!
even when you're not playing the game they can't move from the spot where you last left them. they can't do shit and it's all because of you.
every single one of them hates your guts, even the NPCs. all except the trailblazer, aeons, and pompom. the trailblazer absolutely adores you! the trailblazer loves you. you gave them life after all! pompom is just an adorable little thing, how could they hate you? and the aeons... they find you interesting. their interesting little darling <3
so imagine getting isekai'd into hsr... they blatantly ignore you, outcast you, and even try to kill you if they can. they know it's you, they can feel it. so don't try to run away. you can't.
but this all changes one day when the aeons get tired of the people trying to kill their lovely darling. so the aeons decide to idk eradicate them or smth but you stand up against them and try to stop the destruction!!!
just that one simple action changed their whole perspective on you. seeing you try to save them when they were about to be murdered... maybe you're not so bad after all.
so they apologize to you. try to make it up by giving you free things, helping you out, all that stuff! but they soon realize that oh no, they've started to fall for you. but they don't care, not at all. you're their deity after all. it should've been like this from the start. how could they have hated you? how foolish of them.
you were meant to be worshipped.
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channelinglament · 1 year
Aeon of Unity.....the first aeon....they were there since the beginning they gave life to all and showed every life they created love and protection but when a threat known as honkai arrived they gave there life to seal it away in another world unknowingly becoming the object of its obsession now millions of years later you've returned and your already showing your creations that love and protection they missed oh so dearly but it seems your divine power has weakened so it's only natural your creations offer some hell right
Low on credits not anymore cause Asta, herta and Himeko have generously donated millions to your mailbox
Not enough resin to continue farming calyx for material's don't worry gepard and bronya have already sent the silvermaine guards to farm as many supplies as you need
Simulated universe giving you trouble well guess what now you can pick 2 paths and you get a bonus curio named [Divinity derived from unification] that buffs all characters depending on how devoted they are to you (you one shot gepard twice with Serval)
Even though they've given you all there love and you give it back 100 fold they still hear you speak of other worlds.....what are honkai, what's a archon and why does the broken claymore in herta's collection give himeko an uneasy feeling and make yoy cry the first time you saw it while saying "your sorry"........they may never know that your loved by not just them but beings of elemental and universal divinity.....maybe one day you'll meet all of them you are the great unifier after all
This is a big brain moment here
This is amazing
Also I think I accidentally altered it a bit- while I was writing- I was rereading it and just noticed that, so I am sorry 🙇
You had all three games installed. You played all of them. Everytime you saw a reference to the previous game, you either squealed of happiness, either cried if sadness.
They all saw you as their Aeon. Aeon of Unity. At some point it is true, as they exist ONLY on your device. Only on your account. Nowhere else. Whatever you do with them, will be there permanently. You can kill them, by deleting your game. You have all 3 games. All the universes. You "unite" them all. So, in a way, what they call you is not a lie.
You gave them life when you downloaded the game.
When you first installed Honkai Impact, you didn't expect Honkai to do...all that. Then you payed Genshin. All that amde you feel sad. Considering they all are alive (well...not exactly-) you can't help but feel sympathy towards them.
You gave them your everything, your love and affection. You did truly love them. At some point, you couldn't continue helping them out. No matter what you do, new "bosses" and enemies get in. They get injured, they die, they revive, and the cycle continues. No. That's not what you want. You want them to be free. To be happy..
So you did what you thought was best. You decided to free them from this "nightmare".
You deleted this games
You did regret it, you felt bad, but.. You reassured yourself that it was for the better.
Plus, now that they're.."dead". When you tried downloading again...they were just a bunch of codes. They weren't themselves anymore. They were not aware.
"I'm so sorry"
Later, new game came out.
Honkai: star rail
You downloaded it.
They became aware aswell..simialrily to previous game.
The guilt of.."killing" their other counterparts..or their other selves was eating you away. They WERE alive. And you had "unalived" them.
So you promised yourself to not repeat this mistake again. This time, you will talk to them and explain your worries. They could help you, while you help them.
You don't need to worry about them dying anymore, as your healers, Bailu and Natasha have the best healing light cones and artifacts. You don't need to worry about damage aswell.
You don't need to worry about them dying because of a string enemy. You can easily ascend them, because you always have resources now.
If in the past you never talked about this and tried to farm it all by yourself..now
Now, that you talk to them about it.. they help you out with it.
You need credits to ascend something? All donated to you.
You want another character? The crystals are donated aswell, while during the ten pull you get to E6 them. You get their light cones. And 4* are coming in aswell.
You need materials? Silvermane guards are doing it for you, and your characters are doing it aswell!
You make them all strong. You make sure they're able to defend themselves in a fight, while staying at full health.
You've seen video of a person who defeated Kafka without even giving her a single turn? Yeah that's how the fights go without you. While you're here, the game doesn't always let them do that (meme teams are best trust me-)
Oh, the SU is too hard? Dw they got you!
You grace them with your presence, you make them healthy, you make them strong, you CARE about them. You LOVE them
So all they ask of you is your eternal love and attention. Though, you already give it to them.
Sometimes, they hear you crying behind..whatever separates your..worlds
You say sorry, when you look at strange glider. Or a broken claymore. Some feel stable emotions looking at it. (Welt and Himeko)
When Traiblazer hears a strange female noise coming from nowhere saying "Let's explore this area later" you laugh..and cry a bit?
You laugh, and it flutters Trailbazer's heart!
But when you cried? They were confused. Didn't you laugh a moment ago?
Anyways, they're bathing in your attention and affection. They will give you their everything, just ask them!!
Ah, how they wish you came to their world!
Well, it's not a problem anyways..Herta and Aeons found a way to bring you here..
for now, you will see them when you're asleep. For them, you're in SU, but to you..you're just dreaming..right?
They never keep a secret from you, but.. no
This isn't a secret..this is a surprise! You will be happy aren't you oh dear Aeon?
Soon, you will finally be united with them.
Meanwhile the..other worlds..
They are not exactly "dead", since they were never quite "alive" to begin with
They're stuck in some void...
They've seen your attempts to come back to them, and they're grateful for it. They know your reason for..."killing" them
And right now, they're trying to find a way to contact you..you seem to be moving on from them, focusing on other world. Oh nononono...
That's not how it supposed to be..focus on ALL of them..
It seems they need to pay hsr a little visit... hopefully, you will smile at them the way you always used to
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lookforsomeoneelse · 3 months
Can we get some more sahsrau? Does not have to be a long one-shot, I just really like how you write! And I would love to hear more of your ideas!
Maybe about how specific characters show that they interact with the reader? For example, how they act before reader is in HSR, and once reader is in HSR? As for characters, you can choose who ever you want! You're the one writing it after all.
As for writing, you asked if writing gets better if you do it often? And well, for me what works is writing, doesn't matter if it not good, just enjoy yourself. Plus reading books, fanfics, or whatever you like once again, and this time try to pay attention to how things are worded in your favorite books/fanfics.
Anyway, take good care of yourself cause there are always people who care about you, and stay hydrated!
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Alright! First ask. Only gonna be headcanons because I’m a procrastinator. Reader discretion is advised, because I have no idea what to put for the content warning. I think it only goes for Kafka though.
I touched on her briefly in another post, but know that despite her arrogance and apathy towards most, she’s just as down bad for you as the rest of the cast.
She gives her absolute best when it comes to you.
Also in Simulated Universe, your word is absolute law. If the simulated you decides that the project is a bad idea or something, Herta will absolutely stop, regardless of the resources she put into its creation.
I imagine her to be with you the exact opposite of how she treats everybody else- with the utmost respect and attention.
Once you actually do make it inside of the game for whatever reason, Herta is absolutely ecstatic.
When you’re actually around her though…
Let’s say that her IQ drops by a significant amount.
Combined with her intense faith, this can lead to a lot of misunderstandings and false assumptions.
You can legit just be sitting down or something and herta will be in the background like “WRITE THAT DOWN, WRITE THAT DOWN!”
Born as a reincarnation(?) of the Watchmaker, I’m not actually going to discuss him. Rather, I wanna talk about who he originally was, and (technically) his creation.
Mikhail Char Legwork, aka The Watchmaker, was also a devout follower of yours.
All throughout his travels on the Express, he never lost sight of your mercy, which allowed him to survive on his long journeys.
Thanks to this, you end up as a “character” in the Clockie cartoon, who the writers show as a mysterious figure who gave Clockie his powers.
There’s also a LOT of propaganda surrounding you in basically every piece of media, (in the game) including Clockie.
Speaking of media…
ah yes, the shining popstar of the universe herself, Robin!
Robin’s no doubt another faithful follower of yours.
She believes that her amazing voice and innate talent came from you (it actually came from Chevy, holy cow is she a good singer) and she gives many praises to you for that.
In fact, do you want to know what her best selling single is?
It’s not Sway to my Beat in Cosmos, nor Hope is The Thing with Feathers, and it’s not even If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking!
It’s actually a song- a hymn, rather, composed and sung specifically just for you.
Ask basically anybody who is a fan of hers and I can bet that they know the lyrics by heart and can absolutely sing it backwards.
Make it into their reality, and you’ll get free access to front seats to any and all of her concerts. And when I say “front seat” I mean you get a whole ass throne specifically built for your comfort.
She will die of joy if you ask her for an autograph. Keep that in mind.
last but most certainly not least, it’s our mom, but more commonly known as Kafka, the charismatic and beautiful Stellaron Hunter with a big bounty and big boobies. (I’m f#cking ashamed of myself for writing that)
She’s the one character on this list that we haven’t been given a backstory for- except some voice lines, but they really don’t tell us anything.
As such, the only real thing I can tell you is that she’s faithful to you, just like everyone else.
It becomes a completely different song and dance if you come to them, though.
She’s essentially a glorified wine aunt, and she will treat you out for whatever you wish.
She’s also very very defensive of you.
That guy over looks stole a glance? Dead next morning.
That girl goes even within 50 meters of you without your permission? Her fate is sealed.
Kafka is by no means like this to you, however.
She’s probably gonna lick your shoes free of charge.
(A/N: I, uh, really like asks. please send more. you probably won’t get anything good, but least you’ll get what you requested.)
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pixiatn · 3 months
The Self aware!Hsr au as a concept is so funny to me bc as someone who talks shit as soon as I jump into a battle, imagine hearing a faint echoing in the back of your head from some divine being saying "BEAT HIS ASS! JUMP HIM!" every time you go to fight an enemy or boss
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wherebriarsgrow · 4 months
Self aware AUs are so funny to think about in the context of myself because most of the time I watch playthroughs of the game I’m playing in the BG 😭
Like imagine ur my HSR team. I’m running you ragged around Penacony doing exploration and in the background all you hear is someone who sounds suspiciously like Seele talking over the events you experienced last week. Okay. Fine. Maybe you’re imagining it?
Nope. Next day, same thing with someone who sounds suspiciously like Topaz. Next thing you know there’s incoherent screaming in the background because I started watching them freaking out over that pic of sleepy Aventurine
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iruiji · 1 year
Aight imma just let it out this one rq because I can't concentrate on my SAGAU and I need a new baby to adopt-
Not proofread or beta-ed because I'm just a lowly peasant who ✨does not know how to do things properly✨ lol
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Honkai Star Rail.
Wasn't really a fan of turn based games, but okay. Downloading it was easy enough, but hot damn you did not expect it to heat your phone like mad.
But anyway.
You started this game out of curiosity, even before you joined the subreddit for it and see the different husbandos/waifus that instantly garnered your attention. Seems you're keeping this one and droping some $$ as well, because, alas, the character designs are too good!
So you start the questline, enjoying walking around as Kafka and using her gorgeous ultimate, and awing at Silver Wolf's ultimate as well (because you play Osu! and appreciate that reference).
Then came your turn on picking the Trailblazer - which, actually took you a few minutes, with Silver Wolf and Kafka talking back and forth with how much you're taking your time.
"Ladies, we must choose carefully, alright? Calm."
You didn't really noticed when the voices stopped abruptly as you lament on who to choose. And after a few minutes, you finally have chosen your own Trailblazer! Greaaat.
What's not so great is Kafka and Silver Wolf leaving. Awww, seems like they're not your comrades on this journey.
And then screaming the next moment because March 7th pulled Dan Heng away from giving you a kiss! Well, granted it was CPR, but come on!
With a pout on your face, you marched on (heh) to finish the first leg of the questline - which involved fangirling at Dan Heng slipping his dead eyes at that one scene and cheering the squad and then Himeko joins the team and then saving March 7th and then defeating the Dragon and then Nanook slipping in and then Welt saving the day! Phew!
You silently watch as the scenes unfold after choosing to board the Astral Express, deeming it would be long enough for you to eat a snack and pressed autoplay.
- - -
Meanwhile, at the Astral Express, the atmosphere is a bit.. suspense. Partly because of what happened back at the Herta Space Station, but mainly because the gaze are still on them.
Aeons are.. godly beings, in more simpler terms. People know about them (mostly), but the information they hold on some were.. inadequate, that people doesn't even know what some looked like - and if there are even others beside the main ones they don't know about.
And this one- they can feel it. This Aeon is new.
The.. warmth it gives off made it vastly different - say, from Nanook - which felt like this intense second of hot shiver that crawls at your back. But this one- this one screamed comfort.
Quite frankly, it just made some of them even more tense because they don't know how to deal with this kind of situation. A glance from an Aeon? Many people have experienced it, but the gaze actually lingering, following their every move?
Unheard of.
As Himeko gave Welt a questioning glance, he just shook his head and started explaining some things to the Trailblazers about what happened at the Space Station, while Dan Heng simply observes the surroundings more attentively. March 7th is still tense, but the Trailblazer was just confused.
"Someone's here."
March 7th nearly toppled him over when she blocked his mouth with her hands. "Ssh! We don't talk about them here!"
The Trailblazer only gave them a look of confusion, and then Welt spoke in a hushed tone. "Please, be more careful. We don't know who or what they are after, so acknowledging them might only give us unnecessary attention. So for now I ask that you do not speak of them so openly unless they, hm, show that they want contact with us."
Still confused, they can only nod in surrender. It wasn't really discussed after that, but the gaze lingered.
For a very long time.
Even when they reached Jarilo-VI.
Welt and Himeko contacted them and after confirming that, indeed, the gaze followed then onto the frozen lands, told them to be more careful now that another Aeon is watching them, and continued their journey.
That is, until, someone under the snow caught their attention.
The Trailblazer initially tried to walk away, but his senses are screaming at him to walk towards the lump of snow, and, deciding he doesn't want to be smote on his place, proceeded to try and talk with the person underneath.
Only to be met with silence.
Huh, okay. What now?
Suddenly, Dan Heng froze from his side, and then suddenly kicked the pile of snow.
And Sampo Koski enters the frame merrily.
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March 7th seemed to agree with you, because when the battle with Gepard started she threatened to strangle him when they see him again and you agree! Damn, asshole Sampo! And to think I trusted you!
I mean, not really. But still!
And then after that you decided to speedrun the whole Belobog questline: from meeting Cocolia and the weird voices, RP-ing in the cabinet about the Hallway Demon (best part, fight me), and then meeting Bronya before the squad went underground and meeting Wildfire and Seele.
You lament on your seat because you decided to skip her for Jing Yuan, but that's alright. At least you can borrow one for farming.
Then the game finally, finally showed the struggle of the knights (poor Geppie), and helping Serval with closure (althought the actual closure didn't happen until very much later). And then finally fighting Cocolia and-
-you nearly dropped your phone in shock when the Trailblazer got stabbed in the chest.
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It was quiet.
The Trailblazer opened their eyes to see a dark place littered with different.. memories..? And as they start walking by and hearing them, they realized the gaze was on them this whole time. They tried to talk to whoever the Aeon it was, but was stopped when the child at the dreamscape beat them to it, and then they felt warmth as they were granted power.
They almost felt a warm hand on their back, as if pushing them to go on and continue.
It seemed intent on saving Belobog, and that aligned with their wish to save the city which holds the last bastion of Jarilo-VIs' humanity as well.
So they did. They all did. Together.
- - -
LOOLLLLL I LITERALLY JUST- okay yeah this went waayy different from what I intended to do, but I'll settle with this for now. Imma focus on the headcannons later. Omg lol. This is just literally me word-vomiting. Idk how tf lore accurately this is but oh my god I already forgot some of the scenes so I'm sorry. If you have like comments or other thought, the comment section, my asks and DM is open.
Aight, cya!
Edit: lol forgot to tag @channelinglament @01011111 @amimo3
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madametrashbin · 1 year
Brainrot? Brainrot... or Drabble. Idk
I’m alive! Sort of? Honkai: Star Rail has viciously grabbed my brain the second I saw it and now I have thoughts... and this is also because I got yanked in by the throat from both the silly content and beautiful artwork.
And if it wasn’t enough to nail a coffin to my grave, Tumblr dropped a post from @channelinglament (which is this post right here) and now my brain’s keeping me up with thoughts.
Not sure if I’ll have enough energy to spare for actual posts, but maybe with enough food for thought, I might actually make a piece or two... might. Due to HSR’s brand of silliness, it might just be Shenanigans the Fic.
The thing that gets to me the most is the highest of Aeons part, like... the Aeon of Aeons and you know, while I still know almost nothing about how Aeons come to be, what if there’s that one Entity that just exists and gives power that basically ascends whatever is sentient.
Of course the term “Aeon” would not be applied until numerous of the ascended beings are present and people are suddenly aware that there are these powerful beings in the universe now that can literally affect everything and bring about a permanent change to their livelihood. One moment the universe is all calm and normal and then here comes the Aeons. People do not know how to feel about them at first.
Naturally, there will always be the curious type of people who would try to search for the cause of it.
Pop in lil old You, just trying to help everyone you come across who look to be in desperate need power to be able to change their unfortunate circumstances. Too pure of heart, harmless mischief maker, just overall the sweetest entity with the power to turn anything into gods... yes, this is how beings like Qlipoth and Nous are born.
Now this gets me thinking that the Paths existed as one big, singular Path with you as the origin point and the ending point. When you gift a part of your power to someone/something, a piece of the path branches out of the main path but still remains connected to you... whether out of devotion or because it cannot exist without you is up in the air (your choice tbh).
The people/Aeons would just feel so grateful to be chosen, to be given so much power to do what they wished to change/do most... this was before they discovered there were others like them, doing things different from them that may clash with their ideals and suddenly there’s an all out war because each of the Aeons believed that the others were sullying your name by abusing your gifts.
(While the Dusk Wars are happening, you remain in ignorance to the wars because there are mortals that are calling for help and you just can’t look away from them.)
Eventually most of the Aeons are either killed off by each other (i.e, Tayzzyronth the Propagation) or assimilated into another Aeon (i.e Ena the Order), leaving a great many Paths masterless and fraying in shards, which suddenly starts to affect you badly and the poor Aeons who were just trying to do your name justice are panicking.
No one knows what happened, or what was happening to you, and when Akivili disappears/died, you disappear as well. Everyone is grieving, and there are no more new Aeons appearing anymore.
Thus you are assumed dead by the universe  (this part came from another post that I can’t quite find ;-;) and later become forgotten just because... idk. Haven’t thought much past this.
Plot twist for the universe (not really a plot twist because there would be no story without the star of the show), you are not. You just got a bit (super) sleepy because the Paths that are masterless are without an ending point and therefore drains you because there is no one there to receive the power from the separated Path. You spent a lot of your energy mending the masterless Paths back to you which made you fall asleep by the time you were done.
When you wake back up is when the game starts, and being so out of touch with the timeline of the universe, you’re just one curious bean trying to figure out what’s going on.
No one can see you now though, which is just sad for you, but you realized they can sense you so you’re just doing your best to help them now. Kafka and Silver Wolf do not understand what’s going on except the strange warm and homely feeling that makes them feel invincible is suddenly there.
Also a mischief maker if the randomly destroyed property by the subtle urging is anything to go by... yeah, there’s something there.
Kafka and Silver Wolf feel oddly disappointed when the sensation leaves, but returns to Elio and mentions it to him. He then tells them that he may or may not have withheld information from them that an Aeon (the OG of Aeons) was going to be helping them. However they react is up to your thoughts... I haven’t thought of something for that part yet.
When MC (could be either) wakes up, the first thing they actually see is You... which makes you delighted because Yay, a friend to communicate with!. Neither March 7th nor Dan Heng could understand why the MC is talking to nothing, until they felt the warm and fuzzy presence nestled into them that they are suddenly aware that MC might be interacting with a higher existence that might be an Aeon.
They are naturally wary of you at first, but upon seeing the way MC interacts with you, doing some silly stuff by your apparent urging... they realized you’re pretty harmless and also very nice (in what way, also up in the air).
[Going back to the subject of other Aeons who are essentially your Emanators by all but name, they do not know you are alive until Nanook catches sight of you/felt your very real presence with the MC when the Doomsday Beast battle happens. They are very happy you’re back, but they’re very upset because why didn’t you tell them you were back? For what reason, you guys can think about it. 
Anyways, you’ve got an Aeon stalking you and MC now, keeping a close eye on you especially because they nearly lost you once and would like it if you didn’t actually die this time. When MC starts getting acknowledged by more of the Aeons, more of them are also going to notice you too and then join Nanook with the stalking thing.
Eventually if they do find you in reality... well, that’s up to your imagination. It can also be a race between them and the mortals who start to see you physically too since you’re the sweetest existence to ever come into the universe and it’s a must to protect that innocence of yours (or for some other reason).
Also highly debating if Aeon!You would be either Aeon of Origin (the beginning of the Paths/the Origin of the Paths if going by this type of story) or Aeon of Guidance because of the in-game thing that we all do.]
Uhh... that’s all my brain can come up with here... so I shall see myself out now! ;D
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moonligyt1234 · 1 year
SAHSR x Reader
Men SAHSR won. If you dont know what it means it's Self Aware Honkai Star Rail. This can go to two ways. Supposed to be a fanfic im just getting weirded on how to use tumblr i need help.
Gender Neutral
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Player Au
Just a game. All the sufferings they have went through was just some from of sick entertainment this cannot be right. They said to themselves.
• They'll pretty much be delusional i mean when you one day suddenly snap out of it like a trance state and find you're self aware that you're just a game character. You'd be gaslighting your self that this is not real.
• But there are some who sees you interesting not really caring wanting to know more of your world.
• It'll probably take some time until then.
• and once they do prepare for the observations.
• They'll be worried of you're sleep schedule. You're mental health. They always try to cheer you up once you logged in back in game.
•If they do fall in love because you're their light on these coded game. ( Author: That sounded cheesy.)
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Prime Aeon/ Aeon Reader
• The Aeon of all Aeons. The most respected one. The Greatest Monarch. Their Creator. The Grand Overseer.
• Yeah if you're an aeon some would be on guard considering most Aeons do is cause troubles.
• But you're not. You've helped them, save them and even watch them grow.
• The more they find out about you the more the scrolls have been vanished from time returned.
• Scrolls saying your greatness of how many Aeons worshipped the ground you walk in to.
• If your path somehow activated and able to merge with their paths. The ones who get merged with the path of the Aeon. The said Aeon will be pretty prideful.
• The character who got their pag merged making them know endless possibility. Endless knowledge.
• They would also want to always try the Simulated Universe if you appear their.
• Even if it meant seeing the people you cared have to fight even if it was just a simulation.
• They'd choose to see you.
• Oh beloved Aeon won't you graxe us with your precense. Allow yourself to be bath luxuriousness with their love, care and loyalty.
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1one1yinsomniac · 1 year
another day another brain rot. so here ya go
Self aware Honkai Star Rail idea:
We are an Aeon that has died and reincarnated into this world and like in genshin we have a special connection to the mc...that is all I'm gonna read fanfics til i pass out again
Edited: 5/7/2023
came back to put more on this
we are the first aeon to exist so other aeons see us as the "true ruler" our path was The Order but after passing away Ena took over the title but not replacing the legacy you left behind in that path.
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libraryraccoon · 6 months
About my sashr au, how do The Aeon of Creation should call Caelus ?
Idk I just feel like the Aeon will give him a nickname bc why not-
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poisonous-honey · 8 months
Lately is a shitty time for me on miHoyo's games. I lost both my 50/50s both to Genshin impact and Honkai star rail. On Genshin, i got QiQi by pulling Xianyun and Gepard by pulling Black Swan. Now i'm broke and my moral is at its lowest.
I'd love some headcanons (or a scenario) about SAGAU(and SAHSRAU if you can) hearing the reader yell and cry of frustration about this. Like: "I'M DONE I'M SO FUCKING DONE!! CAN I JUST HAVE THE ONLY THING I'VE WANTED FOR WORKING AND WAITING THAT HARD!!?? FUCK ALL OF YOU I HATE MY LIFE!!!!"
Sorry. I just wanted to let it out...
Who’s Here: Reader/Player, Diluc, Jean, Mona, Keqing, Tighnari, Astral Express crew, and Gepard
Contains: SAGAU and SAHSR (Not Cult AU)
Note: Hey, hey! I'm sorry this happened to you. I also lost her to Qiqi and had to spend everything else I had to try again, 50/50s suck. Their banners aren’t gone yet though so I hope you end up getting both of them soon! (ノ_<。)ヾ(´ ▽ ` )
It was an accident, it always is with them.
The six of them that are considered standard 5 stars never mean to ruin your chances. They care for you and your happiness, they also want you to continue to play their game. Even though they'd love to be the ones going on adventures with you, both to spend time with you and for their own benefit (Tighnari would love to study other nations' fauna, Diluc could gain new ideas for drinks etc.), they know forcing themselves into your party would never work. You'd just grow to hate them, which is the opposite of what they want.
They're jealous of other 5 stars. Sure they can join you technically whenever they want, unlike the others that have to deal with limited timed windows, but that also guarantees you want them. All they can do is break that or hope they're the lucky one chosen on Wanderlust Invocation. Not only do they have to share a space with each other, but they're also going against weapons, which none of them are remotely happy with.
It's when these emotions are at an all-time high, they're jealousy and longing, the stars will glow gold and tug on their heart.
Diluc is always at his desk when he accidentally takes it. Stewing over boring paperwork his mind will wander from time to time, eventually landing on thoughts of you. He'll find himself missing you and desiring your attention, not realizing you've started a wishing session until it's too late, and he hears you cursing the world. He feels incredibly guilty, and it only grows worse when the wind clatters against his windows. Tries to make it up to you with materials and mora. You’ll find your mail flooded with talent books, adventurers EXP, a ton of mora, and the sincerest apology he could write.
Jean would be trying to sleep. She doesn't have time to think about you during her job, so it’s when she’s on the brink of passing out she’ll start to think of you. The thought of travelling with you sounded like the best break she could get. Eventually she’ll fall asleep and dream about you, only to be suddenly woken up by your screaming. She panics and seeks advice from any and all of her friends on how to make it up to you. Ends up acting similar to Diluc, working herself to the bone to get you talent and weapon materials. She’ll pair them with a few dandelions before sending them to you.
Mona is thinking about food. During a time she forgets to set aside enough mora for a decent meal, she’ll find herself thinking about the delicacies you’re able to provide. Even if it involved fighting, it was a free source of marvellous food. Her mouth waters as she thinks about all the dishes you’ve made, only to be abruptly pulled from her thoughts when a star bumps into her and flies off. She sighs when she hears you start cussing up a storm. Knowing your current state, depressed and full of ire, is because of her, she’ll attempt to make it up to you in a way few others could. She manipulates the fates of the stars so you’re bound to get your next gold star early. A simple method she feels guarantees to make you happy and hopefully take the heat off of herself. It wasn’t simple she wishes you could praise her for it
Keqing would be reminiscing her interactions with you during lantern rite. Whenever she sees the traveller in the distance, but is too busy to stop and talk, that’s where her mind will wander when she finally gets a moment of rest. It’s at this moment of respite she’ll long to see you and the traveller again and when she’ll notice the sky turn gold. She feels incredibly bad when she hears you cry, but she doesn’t have much time to meaningfully apologize to you. The best she can do is write a letter to both you and the character she stole the spotlight from saying she’s sorry. She’ll definitely send you some Golden Shrimp Balls when she next has some for herself.
Tighnari, in a similar boat to Jean and Keqing, would be too preoccupied to miss you on a normal day. It’s when he’s out with his friends and slightly inebriated he mentions missing you. Alhaitham starts to mention how that’s a dangerous line of thought for him to have when Tighnari’s chest starts to glow gold. Everyone winces when you soon start shouting and Tighnari slams his face into the table. He’d end up gathering bunches of every flower in Sumeru and send them to you with a picture of him, Collei and Karkata. 
For Qiqi it's a little different. She can't remember the last time you've gone adventuring with her. Half the time she's too preoccupied to even remember she's already on your team. When a star falls and asks if she wants to go, she doesn't have time to check her notebook before she says yes, the star becoming hers and landing on your screen. 
Your rage and disappointment is always made evident fast, which always has Qiqi turning to Baizhu.
“Did I… Do something wrong?”
Baizhu sighs and kneels next to her, “You made a mistake, but it's alright. Come, why don't we look for an apology gift?”
The next day you open up the mail to see one from Qiqi. Attached to it are all the herbs she collected with Baizhu, her specialty dish No Tomorrow, and an acquaint fate.
Sorry… Qiqi doesn't remember what Qiqi did, but Qiqi knows Qiqi is sorry.
Upon finishing the most recent event, you had teleported to the train suddenly before they noticed your presence leaving them. They couldn’t tell if you were in a menu or had left your computer entirely. After a while with nothing happening on your end everyone aboard the Astral Express quickly settled in, expecting to be here for a while longer. March was in her room organizing her photos, Dan Heng was going through the archives, and Himeko was making coffee while Stella and Welt were entertaining the guests. Gepard and Serval had come to visit the train that day. Pom Pom had wandered off earlier somewhere in the train and everything was relatively peaceful… Until they heard you start screaming.
March, Dan Heng, and Himeko all rushed into the Parlour car while the four already there were looking at each other in a bit of shock. It’s when they start making out what you’re saying and see Pom Pom rush back into the Parlour car did they realize you had started warping. A session which obviously didn’t go as planned.
They don't like hearing you angry or sad, so they try to come up with a plan, something - anything that will cheer you up without seeming too suspicious. All of them are in the middle of discussing when they also hear you mumble out a very quick and aggressive “Fuck Gepard.”
Everyone turns to him and his face goes red.
Plans are immediately put on hold as Stella whips out her baseball bat and attempts to smash his skull in. Welt tries to step in to stop her, Himeko and Dan Heng stand-off to the side (one more disappointed than the other), March cheers Stella on and Serval ignores her brother's plea for help.
They do eventually get around to cobbling up a multitude of jades for you to at least try again, but not before Stella nearly gave Gepard a concussion. He separately sends you an extremely long apology letter paired with a choice item to allow you to pick a 5 starlight cone of your choosing. Some of the others berate him for being so obvious, but he doesn't care as long as you're happy again.
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channelinglament · 1 year
I know I should be focusing more on reqs, but I had to take this off my mind skskksskks (btw I'm rn in the underground belobog part of story) (I kinda called it SAHSR as in self aware hsr)
☆•°Self-Aware Honkai Star Rail°•☆
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Tw: no proofread, mentioned drowning(but it didn't happen), war, hate, religious themes, self awareness, kinda ooc, grammar mistakes because I am typing this at 12AM instead of sleeping, isolation
So, you know how in the beginning we play as Kafka? Yeah, I'm pretty sure she felt your presence. At first she was kinda weirded out, and was on guard. Who knows what you would do to her, while controlling her?
Oh look, you're helping her.. Hmm, maybe you aren't that bad after all. Still on guard, but thankful. With you she seems to fight more faster and is more efficient.
Same goes with Silver Wolf. They don't seem to mind your presence that much.
You even helped them to pick a trailblazer! But after picking them, you left Kafka and Silver Wolf. They didn't really mind it. They have been doing good without you, so it should be fine!
Meanwhile, the trailblazer is confused. First, they don't remember anything except their own name(or the name you gave them), then Kafka leaves and someone is watching over them. Oh how confusing and strange. But they caught early on that you're helping them. You're not an enemy.
During their "adventures" trailblazer starts thinking of you as a family. Kinda annoying since you control their body most the time (unless it's a cutscene) but you're cool nonetheless. They see you as a safespace.
Meanwhile March 7th and Dan Heng don't understand what is happening. Who is controlling them? Why after they met trailblazer? Why are you controlling them?
I think March would, just like the trailblazer, like you and find you annoying at the same time. Dan Heng would stay on guard (but also see you as safe space/nice person to hang with). Not as much on guard as when you first...met but still. It'll take him time to get off guard. The more time you spend with them, the more familiar they are with you, the more they like you.
Why annoyed, you may ask? Well, imagine you want to.. for example fight, but someone controls your movement and does it instead of you. Or goes the other way (aka exploring) instead of the path you've originally chosen.
They certainly would like when you make them stronger. No matter who is on your team, they'll like it (I mean, who wouldn't?)
But.. sometimes, even if they like you, they get tired of always being on the team. Thank you, yes, but they need to rest too. They mostly rest when you're offline, since..time kinda stops there. But when you're online? damnnn they walk and fight so much.. (I fr walk everywhere to find enemies to fight, so uhh, if you're like me, they would be tired and maybe annoyed at it)
I think some characters would even hate you. It doesn't apply to the main trio btw, they'll always like you. The reason some may hate you is that they have so much stuff to do, yet you choose them to walk around and fight all day. They're even supposed to be here! (For example, using Herta when fighting someone in Belobog)
If they could, they would scold you. But sadly game doesn't allow that.
It only appears in normal, self aware circumstances. Aka a normal self aware. Some like you, some hate you. You just kinda exist. (That one strange friend/sibling, y'know?)
But what if they would see you as a God? Something divine? Like in SAGAU?
Well, you're doomed, what can I say?
Everyone would want to be in your team. Oh, poor Gacha system.
They would hate it tbh. While in just self aware some would avoid you on purpose (aka busy characters), here? Where everyone sees you as a divine being? Oh dear..
Imagine several people trying to come through a single door, all at the same time? Yeahhh that's what happens. The standard and limited banner would literally fist fight while trying to get "home" to you. So don't be surprised if nobody comes home, at all.
But some may cooperate, and you may get more 5☆ or 4☆! Basically characters you wanted.
Those on your team would be proud! Mostly if the main trio are still there. Some would be envious of trailblazer. You're always with them, even if they're not on your team.(how could you?!)
Kafka and Silverwofl would be devastated. I'm pretty sure Silverwolf could possibly destroy the gacha system and come home. Only her (and maybe Kafka)
People in Belobog would hate the lore and everything game makes them do what they do. They're so happy they met you! You're here to save them! They don't want to fight you, so please don't be mad at them.
Honestly, if you were to get isekai'ed into hsr, I would recommend to the normal au.
The ones who hate you would just tell you off and never interact again, while your family/friends would hang out with you. Plus you could help a lot in Astral Express!
Maybe get Himeko and Mr.Yang some tea? Or help Pom Pom with whatever he needs?
If you get into the Worshipping Lunatics au..? I feel sorry for you.. You would never rest-
Whether you choose to stay at Astrak Express, or Herta's *I forgot the name* or whatever, they are all ready to wage war against each other. And if you decided to stay somewhere, that means you clearly favor them and their place more! Those who were chosen are happy/smug. While other try to improve their place/copy the place you've chosen to make you reconsider and stay with them.
The amount of gifts.. try to not drown okay?
They might even all agree to keep you in one place. Lock you in there and hope you won't be mad at them.
That's all for now
(Gotta work on reqs now or in the morning, they're still open btw)
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lookforsomeoneelse · 3 months
sahsrau and the ways in which the game’s story changes pt. 1: Sigonia-IV
aventurine’s story made me sad. maybe this is my way of coping. got aventurine’s sister’s name from someone who talked about her on this app. also i’m making a lot of assumptions about how it went down, but there were roughly 10,000 avgins that were involved. also apparently the avgins are based on romani culture and I have no idea about that either soooooooooo cw for blood and severed limbs. and maybe gore. and definitely mentions of death. and probably my ignorance too.
Ecclesiastes 4:1-3
Again I looked and saw all the oppression that was taking place under the sun: I saw the tears of the oppressed-- and they have no comforter; power was on the side of their oppressors-- and they have no comforter. And I declared that the dead, who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive. But better than both is he who has not yet been, who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun.
Kezia knew she was going to die. It wasn’t the greatest way to go down at the hands of the bloodthirsty Katicans, but what was honorable about it was that she would meet her end in the rain.
“Kakavasha must have escaped by now,” she thought to herself, “and he will survive.” Kezia held faith in her brother and in the Mother Goddess, Gaiathra Triclops, the one whom she served.
It was now time for the festival- and so she tossed her Knot into the bonfire as a sort of goodbye to this cruel life she had lived in, and lamented on her brother’s fate- he will go through many hardships and sufferings, but she knows that the blessing of Fenge Biyos will remain with him all throughout his journey.
It was a shame she’ll never get to see him again.
She regrets not saying more before their departure.
She had heard that some of the other bastard clans had made a deal with the Interastral Peace Corporation- the people who had promised to protect them on this very day- to make sure that they were all wiped out.
She held her makeshift club in her shaky hands. She didn’t want to die. Not like this. She had wanted to get married and have a family of her own.
And, for the first time in her life, her faith cracked like a shattered mirror.
The Mother Goddess had always let her down-
When Dad fell into the quicksand,
When Mother was caught and slaughtered like an animal,
And now, while she was facing down death.
She remembers one of the workers that came during that first day- praising the Aeon of Guidance and all their works-
And so, under her breath, unsure of how to do it, she prayed for her safety, she prayed for her survival, and most of all, she prayed for the opportunity to see her dearest brother once again.
As the sky wept for the fate of her people, the Katicans arrived, howling laughter emerging from within the storm.
do not worry child
Finding the sudden strength within her, she let out a roar.
i shall be forever with you
Her club slammed into the skull of a Katican, pulverizing it into a bloody mess.
i shall give you strength
Another near her tried to avenge his fallen comrade, and she cratered their face, producing a sickening squelch.
and when you are trapped in the darkness
She didn’t count. How many had fallen at her hands? 100? 500? 1,000? 5,000? All she knew was that the sky wept blood.
i shall bring you into the light
All around her there were the corpses of Katicans, Not a drop of her blood was shed, and nothing to threaten her in her vicinity. She looked down at her hands. Red. Her hands were red, stained with the crimson of those who had tried to end her life.
Kezia wept tears of joy.
“The Avgin always return back their blood debts,” she had remembered saying to her little brother.
It looks like they had a new debt to pay.
(A/N: I have no idea what the hell I just made. I have no beta reader, so there’s that I guess. I don’t have a structure either. I just made stuff up and used the wiki for reference.)
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hello!!! I saw that your requests were open and that you did Sahsr!! Could I request some headcanons with Caelus, Dan Heng, Welt, Jing Yuan, Blade and Adventurine, hearing the player singing for the first time?
They're singing Loser Baby from Hazbin Hotel to cheer up their friend or singing Addict from the Hazbin Hotel Pilot (including the sad verse) when feeling blue.
Thank youu!
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like the headcanons!
Fandom: Honkai Star Rail
Characters: Caelus, Dan Heng, Welt Yang, Jing Yuan, Blade, Aventurine x gn! Reader
In a self-aware au, what do the characters think of you singing while you play? Also, bonus headcanons on which Hazbin Hotel song each of the characters like best.
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Caelus was surprised when he first heard you sing but after a moment to appreciate it, he’s not going to be able to resist humming along, immediately blowing his cover.
He’s definitely going to join in when you’re singing songs he knows and likes, whether he’s a good singer or not. If he can make you smile or laugh by doing that, he’s achieved his mission.
But at the same time, he loves hearing your voice alone. He’s especially fond of quiet days where he can relax with you, listening to you sing whatever song comes to mind.
I think Caelus’ favourite Hazbin Hotel song would be “Respectless”. He’s certainly been that a few times on his travels and he loves the sass you put into your voice whenever you sing it.
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Out of everyone, I think Dan Heng would be the only one not surprised to hear you sing. He’s got a lot of knowledge about a lot of things so I think he would be able to tell you’d have a nice singing voice from the way you talk.
However, that doesn’t mean he isn’t going to enjoy listening to you. Whether you notice him or not, he’ll encourage you to keep singing while he works.
Occasionally, he may hum along to a song, but he generally prefers hearing your voice without any other auditory distractions.
This may seem like a strange match at first, but I think Dan Heng would like “Ready for This”. He likes the music, sure, but he also really enjoys hearing how different characters change throughout the song.
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This music lover has found his soulmate. He’s sure of it. Someone who can sing as well as you can is the perfect match for someone who likes listening to singing as much as he does.
If you’re singing to yourself, Welt will do his best to quiet so he doesn’t interrupt you. He wants to keep listening for as long as possible.
He really wants to request songs from time to time but for the most part, he’s happy with whatever you pick.
I can see his favourite Hazbin Hotel song being “More Than Anything” just for the slow loving vibes. He might not be much of a singer, but he would like to duet this song with you.
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Oh, Jing Yuan’s going to be insufferable as soon as he finds out how well you can sing. He’ll always be humming, hinting at you to sing something.
Has fallen asleep listening to you more than once. Thankfully he wasn’t doing anything important at the time…
Jing Yuan definitely has a nice singing voice, so he’d enjoy joining you in your songs sometimes, especially if it’s a duet.
This man loves “Loser, Baby”. That’s all that needs to be said here. He likes how fun it is while still conveying a good message.
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I feel like Blade might be initially indifferent to your singing abilities. They’re not useful in combat so what’s the point of them?
At the same time, he’s likely to sulk around until you feel like singing yourself. As soon as that happens, he’s back on his A-game.
Because even though he claims not to care, Blade loves listening to you sing. There have been few sleeps as good as the ones he’s had after falling asleep to your voice.
Blade’s favourite Hazbin Hotel song is “Hell is Forever”. He originally thought it was going to be edgy and instead ended up really liking it for what it is.
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I haven’t really had a lot of experience with Aventurine either as a character or writing for him so hopefully this isn’t too out of character, but I think he’d love your singing if only because it’s better than the music that plays in game.
Whenever he walks into a building that normally has music playing, he’ll turn it off (somehow) so your voice takes over.
I can’t see him singing along but he might hum a few notes if you’ve been quiet for a while and he wants to hear you sing. He can’t blow his cover, so he’s got s drop subtle hints that he wants you to sing for him.
I think his favourite Hazbin Hotel song would be "Stayed Gone". It seems to match the vibe he’s got going on and I definitely see some similarities between Aventurine and Vox.
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