#honorably fts. Janus Roman Virgil Logan and Patton
dystopiagnome · 3 years
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So it was mentioned before Dukecani became a ship we shipped because of Jukebox Hell II. It was sweet and it was wholesome until they had a yikes and welcomed break up and the friend group split by preferred side.
Which is these doodles down here are!
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Anyways everything is more nuanced than you think!
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kings of unconventional (part one) VIRGIL
This is the first part of my DLAMP soulmate AU ft. aro soulmates Remy and Remus. The first chapter is from Virgil’s POV (still third person tho, don’t worry).
Warnings: swearing, mentions of arophobia and homophobia, Remy has an asshole dad, mentions of alcohol, this story will have mentions of nsfw stuff but no direct sex.
Tagging: @emiisanxious @genderfluidmoma @my-life-is-an-artistic-mess @penguins-penguins Hopefully that’s everyone. Please ask to be tagged in the upcoming parts. I would be honored! And I love reblogs, comments, and constructive critcism. Fic under the cut.
VIRGIL flopped down on the couch with a sigh. Today had been a long day. It was some sort of sick joke the universe played on him, making the guy with extreme social anxiety the one with four soulmates. He was so tired of people he sometimes was glad he hadn’t met his soulmates, but he knew they would be different. They also couldn’t make fun of him because they were stuck with it too. Roman, Logan, Patton, and Janus, the list on his arm read. They were all in neat black print, for now. Virgil knew someone who met their soulmate in middle school, the writing changing immediately to grey lopsided chicken scratch. He at least hoped his soulmates would have legible handwriting.
“Sup gurl!” Remy strutted into the living room like he owned it; to be fair, he technically did. Handing Virgil a coffee so black it practically poisoned you, he sipped his own drink, not bothering to take off his sunglasses. They were the fancy kind that adjusted to different amounts of light, so Remy basically never took them off. Virgil mumbled his gratitude before chugging half his coffee, glad to feel the jolt to his system. “How was work?”
“Like usual. Shit.” Virgil didn’t even have to look up at his roommate leaning over the edge of the couch to know that Remy rolled his eyes. “I won’t let you pay my rent.”
“Oh come on, you know I don’t have to work, and then we could just sleep all day and party all night! Then nobody would bother us about-” Remy cut himself short, not really wanting to say it. Soulmates. Truth be told, Virgil knew Remy was under more stress than he was about the whole thing. Remy’s name was still neat black print - and he was desperate to keep it that way. He was aromantic, and Virgil couldn’t even imagine not having that attraction, and yet having a name, everything you did never really changing the fact that you felt so invalidated if you even looked at your wrist. At least Virgil was polyamorous, and gay. He hoped, for his friend’s sake, that he would never ever meet this Remus.
“You know my answer Rem. And besides, this way we interact with your parents as little as possible. You know it’s my job as the bad influence to keep you away from them.” Remy snorted, nearly choking on his coffee.
“Please. You think you’re the bad influence? Remember that time when you passed out after one drink and I-”
“Shut your damn mouth.” Remy erupted into laughter, nearly spilling his coffee.
“B-but I didn’t even-” He was struggling to speak through his laughter. Virgil huffed and chugged half of his coffee. “I hadn’t even mentioned that it was a spiked punch, it wasn’t even a real drink. You used to be such a lightweight.”
“I used to be a normal person with a functional liver and then you corrupted me, you mean bastard.” Remy snorted, then handed Virgil his computer.
“Whatever. Have fun scrolling through Tumblr for the next couple hours you fucking nerd. I’m gonna get ready to go out.” Virgil raised an eyebrow. “Oh come on, you know I always get hammered at Sandy’s club on Thursdays. And tonight I’m wearing my sequin jacket, so I have to decide which way I wanna flip the sequins.”
“...It’s five o’clock, you lunatic.” Remy sniffed and strutted to his room, not bothering to answer. Virgil sighed, opening his computer, immediately going to Tumblr. It seemed that Logan, a.k.a. logan_environmental_scientist, had a new campaign up. Virgil skimmed the post, but he stopped when he read that Logan was working with his friend Emile to help those with anxiety and depression by setting up a communal garden, something about plants being biologically calming. The fact that Logan was one of his soulmate names had never been completely out of the equation. But Virgil could hardly believe that he could ever deserve someone so smart and motivated.
“Damn it!” Virgil jumped at the yell from Remy’s room. “Dad! I can’t just-” Here he was obviously cut off. Virgil scowled. Remy’s father was a greasy businessman who was still deluded that ‘Remus’ was a girl’s name and that Remy would find his soulmate and fall in love and get married and have a son to pass down the family name. The only reason Remy still associated with his father was to receive the money he gave him. But it was not out of any kindness. His father was only concerned about the press and tax benefits. “Fine! I want an extra thousand dollars by next month then!” Remy stormed out of his room, taking the rest of Virgil’s coffee. He didn’t protest, knowing that Remy deserved it for putting up with this asshole.
“Are you okay bud?” Remy sighed.
“I’m fine, I just… Dad wants me to make a huge donation to some charity in the name of the company. Says it’s good for press. He’ll provide the money but…” Remy sat down next to Virgil. “I don’t know! I’m not his fucking researcher, and I don’t want to make his company look better. His company isn’t even that bad, it’s just the fact that it’s his. And I have no clue who I’m gonna donate to. Something local and small should piss him off.” Virgil hesitated.
“Well, I may know a worthy campaign. It’s raising money for a communal garden, and I’ve been following the guy for a while. He’s all about the environment, but he doesn’t have the funds to go bigger. And he’s gay too, which should anger your father sufficiently.” He showed Remy his computer screen and let him skim the post.
“Perfect! This is why I’m friends with you.”
“Why, because I’m stunningly clever?” Virgil joked.
“No, because you manage to simp for the right people.” Virgil stammered in indignation, hating the fact that his face reddened so easily. “Oh come on, don’t be so serious! So, which way should I wear the sequins tonight?”
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