#hooo boy you got me monologuing again!!!!
judasisgayriot · 7 months
hello again! you once again prove yourself as the queen of heroes ramblings. you responded with so much detail so quickly! loveeee it :)
i wanna ask you more, i like getting your mini ted talks. what are your thoughts on sylar/peter as a ship? i personally don’t really see it in the show, but i’ve read some real good fics with them.
Hahaha omg I love you anon I’m glad someone enjoys hearing my unhinged rants about this show…
Soooo. Maybe the girlies will hate me for this one lol. Thing is, I can see how sylar/peter would lend itself to having some good fics written about it. Like, the concept is there, it has potential. The foundations for a good hero/villain ship are there, they are definitely set up as foils and parallels to each other, they have the whole ‘two sides of a coin’ thing going on. But like you, I don’t really see it in the show at all. It’s like they had the potential but didn’t actually execute it/make me give a fuck about it/make me remotely want to ship it, lol.
It is/was a popular ship in heroes fandom (lol heroes fandom in 2024 is like 12 people but hey) and I do see why for the above reasons. I actually think the episode ‘the wall’ is a great concept but again, they don’t sell me on it/execute it well/actually follow through on making me remotely believe they’d become friends by the end. Right before they break out, having spent what was apparently like 10 years of mind-time together in there or whatever, Peter still hates his guts and wants to smash his head in with a sledgehammer lmao?? (I mean girl same. The whole ‘peter has to forgive sylar, narratively and kind of literally, if he wants to escape the mind prison’ plot point grinds my gears. I think he should get to never forgive him ever for killing Nathan if he doesn’t want to lmao. Shout out to that one fan panel with Milo where he’s like ‘peter would never forgive him he would eviscerate him’ king you are speaking my fucking language lol. I digress.) like afterwards I can buy that sylar has latched onto Peter and wants to be his friend/wants Peter to like, model being a good person for him, but not that Peter actually gives a shit in return or wants anything to do with him lol
(Sidenote, that in itself is a rly interesting concept, and me and @buildarocketboys developed a fic idea about peter agreeing to like, ‘mentor’ sylar and hang out with him but if and only if he kept shapeshifting back into Nathan for him. Now THAT is fucked up and deranged and the good stuff and actually makes me, avowed sylar disliker, feel kinda sorry for the guy lol. Yessss let me marinate in the badwrongness of all of that and how Peter is the one acting fully insane. Anyway. I digress once more.)
Anyway I’m clearly also biased bc I used to like sylar as a character back in the day but sometime over my like 4 rewatches over the last few years he really started pissing me off lol. Now it’s not like I’m being an anti about him being an evil villain or anything, I love a problematic king and I’m a Nathan stan lmao. In fact I only really enjoy sylar when he is getting to be a proper fun cackling all-out villain, he’s actually enjoyable and funny in that mode. It’s the like 9 flip-flopped badly written redemption arcs they keep trying to give him like they’re trying to make me feel sorry for him bc his dad sold him to one direction or whatever, but sorry!! I feel nothing! He’s a whiny bitch and they should have just let him be killed off one of the first 900 times it nearly happened! I don’t have any sympathy and he’s completely lost me lol. So yeah. That does make me biased plus being a Petrellicest girlie and a Nathan stan and an Elle stan sorry I selfishly won’t forgive him for killing them 😔 poor baby serial killer I’m being such a mean hater. Stan my absolutely fucking awful morally confused self hating politician guy instead loooool
Well. All that to say that I see why people ship it, it has interesting foundations that could have led to something good but IMO it just didn’t, I can definitely imagine it has some good fic out there that can sell you on it, but I just don’t see their great poetic love or whatever. It’s soooo ‘baby’ ‘fellow associate’ core by the end lmao. And it actively annoys me. But I am just being a hater I know. Sorry to the cool petlars out there it’s all hashtag my opinion
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You're into ASOIAF too? Oh wow. You certainly made the right call dropping this shitshow -and yeah, looking back, I didn't think it possible to have a worse season than S5 but hooo boy, was I wrong-. Knowing its abomination of an ending now, I'm trying hard not to let it ruin the books for me, too, so take this as a cautionary tale, lol. And bc some positivity would be nice and I do always enjoy reading your opinions, if it's okay, could I ask you about your fave ASOIAF characters and such? thx!
Frick yeah, the question I’ve been waiting for! I can gush about pretty much every character since they’re all so amazingly well written, but for a brief list of the top contenders… (TWOW spoilers ahead!) 
5. Asha Greyjoy
“If there are rocks to starboard and a storm to port, a wise captain steers a third course.”
Irreverent, cynical, mocking, confident and dangerous, what’s not to love about Asha? She immediately made an impact with such scenes as her “sweet suckling babe” quip and was one of my favourite side characters in ACOK.
AFFC, however, was when she really got to shine, where to my elation she got a POV chapter, and more in ADWD. Despite her seemingly Ironborn-to-the-core personality, we discover she’s actually one of the least zealous of the Ironborn, sympathetic to the New Ways and those influenced by the culture of the ‘greenlanders’ like Rodrik the Reader. As one of the few reading Ironborn, she’s clearly one of the most intelligent of the Ironborn and certainly more open-minded, which leads to her down-to-earth sales pitch for the Kingsmoot, a sensible, realistic policy which would be genuinely best for her people - while still, of course, maintaining some elements of conquest: she is the kraken’s daughter, after all.
This side to her personality that sympathises with the fringe elements of her society and is able to make realistic assessments of the possibilities of success comes largely from the difficult position of being a prominent woman in the hypermasculine, heavily patriarchal Ironborn culture. Being raised as Balon’s substitute son has landed her more freedom than most Iron women, but in a complicated position nonetheless. She manages to handle it to the best of her ability, however with Balon gone she comes to realise just how precarious her position always was.
Now, like many other characters in ADWD, she is dealing with the hardship of broken dreams. Disaster piles upon disaster for Asha, from the failed kingsmoot to the loss of Deepwood Motte to becoming captive to Stannis (a dynamic I can’t wait to see more of btw, what an interesting clash of personalities!). Like Tyrion, her bravado serves to mask her insecurity, and her sense of powerlessness from recent events - both in commanding her own destiny and the heartache from the ruinous state of her family - really comes out in her inner monologue during ADWD.
How fitting, then, that this is when she reunites with Theon, another character whose lofty ambitions were torn brutally to the ground. Asha lorded it over him in Winterfell, but perhaps now she can relate. Mock as she may, Asha genuinely loves her family, and it’s another appealing aspect of this lonely character navigating her way through her unusual existence on the tightrope of social norms.
4. Tyrion Lannister
“You poor stupid blind crippled fool. Must I spell out every little thing for you? Very well. Cersei is a lying whore, she’s been fucking Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack and probably Moon Boy for all I know. And I am the monster they all say I am. Yes, I killed your vile son.”
Everyone loves Tyrion, and how can they not? He’s one of the wittiest and most intelligent characters in the series, and the first stumbling block when it comes to which side we should root for. While he was always one of my favourite characters from the start, factoring in his complex family life and struggles on account of his dwarfism (and later the maiming of his already ugly face), my favourite part of Tyrion as a character is how all the things we love about him are flipped on their head in ADWD.
Tyrion tells us in AGOT to wear your shame like “armor and it can never be used to hurt you”. It’s an empowering statement, but throughout ASOS we see how insecure Tyrion still is inside, and his ignoble treatment at the hands of his father and the people as a whole in the kangaroo court for Joffrey’s murder, can, ultimately, be boiled down to his being a dwarf. His armour fails him, and he is still utterly unable to be loved, appreciated, or respected by anyone. Only by Tysha, as he finds out, who is now lost to him - ripped from his hands by the machinations of his father and the one family member that Tyrion still loved, his brother.
It’s at this point that Tyrion is never the same again. He murders Shae in cold blood, and he murders his father, and he regrets none of it. He is becoming the monster they said he was.
When we see him in ADWD, the dark side of Tyrion that had always been hidden behind the hope he had clung onto creeps all too shockingly for the surface. His jokes are now too cynical to laugh at, dark and disturbing and cruel. He uses his intellect for no greater good beyond his own personal amusement, deliberately influencing Young Griff to attack Westeros prematurely just in the hopes that his sister might get the axe. He is on no side but his own, acting brazenly irresponsibly as he has no interest in the grand schemes others have set out for him, or even in his own life. The chips on his shoulder are now genuine murderous intent, daydreaming about raping and killing Cersei and mounting Jaime’s head on a spike next to her. Where Tyrion’s whoring habits had seemed roguish and humorous before, in Essos he is depicted raping clearly reluctant sex slaves.
What makes this all the more disturbing, and all the more literarily brilliant, is that it casts aside the biased curtain we had seen Tyrion through before, and the result is shocking. How much more free to consent is a Westerosi prostitute than a Pentoshi sex slave? How worthwhile were the barbed comments he made so frequently when they ultimately led to a litany of testimonies against him as soon as he lost his privileged position? The worse devils of Tyrion’s nature come out in full force, and we see much more of the black of the character Martin described as “the grayest of the gray”. Perhaps the difference now is that Tyrion’s POV lacks a single element of self-love. The readers are repulsed by him in the same way he repulses himself.
Nonetheless, Tyrion seems to be rekindling something of a purpose in ADWD, as characters nurture themselves back up from the wreckage in the aftermath of the War of the Five Kings. He has lost the Lannister’s golden influence, but his silver tongue still serves him well. However, we may never see the old Tyrion again. This Tyrion has not repented for the vile things he has done, or the vile things he intends to do. He was caricatured by the citizens of King’s Landing as an evil advisor whispering into the monarch’s ear - this may become something closer to the truth when he at last meets with Daenerys.
3. Jaime Lannister
“Does my lord wish to answer?” The maester asked, after a long silence. A snowflake landed on the letter. As it melted, the ink began to blur. Jaime rolled the parchment up again, as tight as one hand would allow, and handed it to Peck. “No,” he said. “Put this in the fire.”
Who saw a Jaime POV coming? What an incredible way to open ASOS after the prologue, to see things from the eyes of one of the series’ most notorious villains. I don’t think I need to explain at length how impactful it was to gently peel off the layers of Jaime’s character, revealing the true reason he killed Aerys, his growth in his interactions with Brienne, the embodiment of the chivalric values he abandoned, and most significantly, losing the hand that was his entire identity and vanity. Anyone who has read the book or watched the show can relate.
Since then, he continues to fascinate. He is discovering talents beyond swordsmanship, entering into a negotiation even Tywin could have been proud of. He has learned how to use his bad reputation for nobler ends, scaring Edmure Tully silly enough to end the siege of Riverrun without shedding a single drop of blood. He is still fighting for a Lannister king, true, but that is only staying true to his role as Kingsguard: now that he has lost his sword hand, he is discovering what it means to be a knight again, in an unconventional and thrilling way.
I chose the above quote because it captures the beauty of AFFC Jaime, breaking away from the sister he fought so hard to return to and decisively cutting out her influence for good. In Jaime’s reverse knight’s fable, refusing the call of the damsel in distress is one of the most upright things he has ever done. How fitting that he should then meet up with the woman who influenced him to take the other path - only she seems about to betray him, too…
It will be so interesting to see Stoneheart’s perverted justice on a character whose head we once wanted on a chopping block but now want to survive at all costs. I don’t think Brienne will be able to follow through with it to the end. After all, Jaime must live on to fulfil a certain prophecy…
2. Euron Greyjoy
“The bleeding star bespoke the end,” he said to Aeron. “These are the last days, when the world shall be broken and remade. A new god shall be born from the graves and charnel pits.”
It’s common enough to hear writers and critics talk about how your villain can’t simply be evil, and that they need to have sympathetic motivations or else they’re badly written. I think that’s true sometimes, but only when your evil villains fail to capture the raw horror of what evil really is - that’s when they feel wooden or cartoonish. To successfully capture that heart of darkness, however…
That is what George R.R. Martin achieved with Euron Greyjoy, the most terrifying character I have ever read.
Everyone underestimates Euron. They know he’s mad, but they don’t know how mad he is. They think they can outmanoeuvre him, like Asha, or betray him, like Victarion. They think he’s lying when he says he’s sailed to Valyria and means to conquer Westeros with dragons. Only Aeron knew. Only Aeron knew the depths of Euron’s depravity, and how far he means to fly. Because he’s the only one who heard the scream of the rusted iron hinge.
The Forsaken showed that it was all true, that Aeron was right all along - that he, like the oracle Cassandra, warned the Ironborn but was condemned to be ignored. Euron has an ambition unparalleled by any other character in the series - he means to turn himself into a god. He’s the only one depraved enough to go to the lengths it would take to make that dream a reality.
We should fear Euron, we should fear him very much. And yet, I think his dreams of godhood can never fully come to pass. He is, after all, still a man - still fallible, as we saw him shrink away at the Reader’s reprimand in The Reaver and change his tactics accordingly. His humanity will be the death of him - not any goodness in his heart, but a weakness common to the human creature. The dragons he means to dance with, and potentially the Others too as some theories go, will move at a pace beyond those mortal legs.
His attempt to fly will inevitably end with a fall. But that headfirst plunge will take the Seven Kingdoms with him.
1. Stannis Baratheon
“I know the cost! Last night, gazing into that hearth, I saw things in the flames as well. I saw a king, a crown of fire on his brows, burning… burning, Davos. His own crown consumed his flesh and turned him into ash. Do you think I need Melisandre to tell me what that means? Or you?“
Here is a man so totally dedicated to his duty that he is willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish it, even if it means his own destruction.
He is a character that believes in justice and the word of law more strongly than any other, and watching his dogged persistence to put a corrupt world to rights no matter the odds has always struck a chord with me, especially in this world teeming with such selfish and barbarous characters.
He is not such a performer as other characters, not as openly humorous as Tyrion (though lowkey he has an incredible dry wit), nor as pretty as Renly, nor as lighthearted as Littlefinger. He’s a dour person, hard and unpopular. But if you listen to the conversations he has with Davos, there is an incredible heart to this man who has placed all the troubles of the world on his own shoulders, and strives through cold and stormy weather to make the best, most just decision he can for no other reason than that - because it is just. Justice is hard, sharp and unyielding, not pretty, not humorous, not lighthearted - but necessary. In a king more than anywhere else. That’s why those who do follow Stannis, like Davos, follow him with such faith and loyalty.
He often proceeds about this goal in questionable ways, compensating for the imperfections of his forces and of his own personality. This is the rickety bridge Stannis walks on, as a man who will go to any means necessary to accomplish what he feels must be done. Sometimes this might mean unleashing dark forces better left locked up, sometimes it might mean committing so terrible a sin as kinslaying, sometimes it might mean sacrificing a child to awaken stone dragons - and sometimes it will mean rescuing the realm from a wildling incursion when no other king cared.
Moments like that unforgettable “STANNIS! STANNIS! STANNIS” stick so powerfully in my memory because, much like Jaime, the real virtue of this character had yet to shine so brightly as it eventually would in ASOS. Something which had always been there takes us unawares. And he is evolving, too, ever becoming more flexible, more willing to compromise, more hesitant to burnings, more dedicated to the good of the realm over himself.
And there is a whole other layer of tragic pathos that lies behind his character. Try as hard as Stannis might, and God does he try, he is not Azor Ahai, and every reader knows he will not sit the throne at the end. Even Stannis knows where this road will leave him. But he persists anyway, in the face of death. The courage of that, the self-sacrifice - how can one not be moved by it?
One of the finer points of Stannis that often goes missed in (understandably) overzealous attempts to correct the show’s butchering of his character, is that there is a part of him that does want to be king. He’s lived in Robert’s shadow his entire life, as Asha thinks to herself in ADWD, and there is a part of him that does yearn for recognition. Quotes like “Robert could piss in a cup and men would call it wine, but I offer them cold clear water and they squint in suspicion and mutter to each other about how queer it tastes.” reveal that, I think.
So this is a whole other internal battle within Stannis - he must be careful not to allow his judgement to falter against the part of him that is jealous of Robert, of Renly, that wants to be the hero Melisandre says he is. This very human aspect complicates further the already complicated war between deontological and utilitarian ethics that wages in his head, with Davos and Melisandre as their respective spokesmen. Much as he may want to be a perfect king and avatar of justice - he is still human.
The depth and tragedy of Stannis Baratheon is Shakespearean. My heart shatters in advance for the moment Stannis has made his greatest sacrifice of all to halt the advance of the Others (not the Boltons, he’ll flatten them like pancakes), and for it to do nothing, nothing at all. For him to realise he was never the hero of this story, and that now he has gathered all this blood on his hands where there is no spring to wash them in.
A man so just as Stannis could never forgive himself. But we, the readers, shall never forget the battles he fought as an axle of this universe striving to be something greater.
Honourable Mentions to Aeron, Victarion, Barristan, Jon (Snow and Connington), Cersei and Brienne. Yes, I really like the Greyjoys 🦑.
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ramblingguy54 · 6 years
My Feelings On HTTYD 3
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Saw How To Train Your Dragon 3 in theaters on Friday and lemme just say HOOO BOI I wasn’t ready emotionally.No matter how much I prepared myself for the conclusion of this trilogy I was gonna get choked up as soon as those credits rolled.Never got the chance to see the first two movies unfortunately in theaters and saw them instead through tv streaming services.Once I saw the first trailer for this hearing Hiccups monologue of “There were dragons...when I was a boy...Where they went only a few know...Our story changed the world forever.” I knew there was NO way in hell I was gonna miss this final installment.How To Train Your Dragon means a lot to me emotionally for how relatable Hiccup is as a main character having to take on so many harsh realities as a person.I’m a sucker for underdog characters and Hiccup is executed wonderfully in that regard. Plenty of people praise the Toy Story trilogy calling it the only “trilogy” which succeeds in its emotional consistency delivering a very bittersweet ending.I felt that same way for awhile but after seeing HTTYD 3 wrapping up its own built up story in its previous two installments I gotta say this an easy contender for arguably “best animated movie trilogy”.This whole trilogy has an overarching theme being “You don’t always get what you want in life on a silver platter.”.Hiccup has to learn this time and time again in each film. HTTYD 1:Loses one of his legs as a price for getting other vikings such as his father Stoick to make them understand dragons are far from heartless creatures. HTTYD 2:His own father dies saving him from Drago due to Hiccup’s arrogance in thinking people can be easily swayed from their goals by talking it all out.Hiccup has to come to terms with the fact that a chief protects their own civilization and doesn’t go around risking their life/village trying to turn someone who can’t be changed. HTTYD 3:Finally Hiccup has to realize the most important goal he has been STRONGLY passionate about since the first installment is trying to keep dragons and humans together in peace is a flawed mindset for now in their current environment.Unfortunately due to how close-minded people are like the new antagonist Grimmel bring a devastating truth to Hiccup he doesn’t want to face.He can’t afford to keep dragons out in the open world any longer.Hiccup has to swallow his stubborn pride as a leader and make the tough choice in cutting off his connection with not only Toothless but basically all dragons in general.Not to say he can’t ever visit them again in their Hidden World but it can only be between gaps of years overall.It’s a very bittersweet price Hiccup has no choice to pay because of others in their story like Grimmel who will abuse dragons for their own selfish gains.Until the rest of their world can be open-minded to the concept and ideas of dragons being more than a plague Hiccup and all of Berk must distance themselves severely keeping the dragons and Hidden World safe for many heavily implied years. Director Dean DeBlois has created something truly special for future generations to enjoy with a story about growing up having to make harsh decisions that will change your life for better or worse.How To Train Your Dragon’s trilogy is hands down my favorite thing to come out of Dreamworks history of creating films. Thanks to all who had a hand in creating this wonderfully powerful trilogy and good luck on future endeavors. :’)
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Sarazanmai 3 - 6 | Fruits Basket 2 - 7 | OPM 2 2 - 7 | BSD 3 3 - 6 | Demon Slayer 4 - 7 | Shield Hero 17 - 20
I’ll be rolling out the tags around about the time of this post.
Sarazanmai 3
Kisu = kissu (kiss). Update: Or kisu (on the right side of my equation). You do you, subbers.
Gomennassara! (Oh, I get it…!)
It never occurred to me that a “micanga” was a bead or small pierced round object of some sort. I thought it was a race track sort of thing, but for soccer. Update: It’s a bracelet/anklet thing.
Wait, so what brought on this change of heart from Kazuki??? Is it like the 1st episode, where it was a daydream that was cleverly presented as real? Update: Yep.
Oh…have you noticed all the victims of Reo and Mabu’s scheme are men of the NEET/freeter age, or approaching that?
Notably, the signature pose of the Sarazanmai seems to be similar to the one Kazuki and Enta did in the soccer team.
I find it interesting that Enta is now the initiator of the Sarazanmai and thus the one to steal the shirikodama. I mean, he used to be the one with the least stakes in the Dish of Hope scenario…and now look at him!
Ooh, Toi is sharpening his ruler! (Or whatever you do in Touken Ranbu with that lil’ beater of his.)
Oh wait, I forgot Ikuhara always has a last-minute twist! Go back, go back!
It seems like Haruka has some kind of illness…hmm. Update: Oh, it’s not an illness per se…spoke too soon.
Haruka’s talking about the Little Prince…hmm. Last time I really bothered to engage with that story in any form was Star Driver.
Fruits Basket 2
I don’t think I ever really chose a side on the Kyo vs Yuki debate, but I guess I always subtly sided with Yuki (even though the end pairing is Tohru and *bleep*). <- sorry, had to censor myself
“It’s important for me to get to school every day!”
Kabedon! Eeeeee! (LOL, I really am a squealy person at heart, aren’t I?)
The writing says “she misheard [what Yuki said] as ‘being sick’”, so it was quite lucky that the word “sickened” worked in context.
Yuki has some mad ninja skills…LOL.
Shigure in a suit looks goooooooooood, man (<- gender neutral use of “man”).
“…the days ahead will be fun.” – Oh, Tohru, you don’t know how wrong you are…(says someone who completed the manga)
Fruits Basket 3
I’m hearing the OP for the first time…and it sounds like an ED. (Probably because I read some impressions that said the same thing earlier today.)
“…included in the zodiac?”
Ooh! Momiji! Wait, er…I didn’t expect him to be so high-pitched…
Lookit the tiny cat icon on the side! It’s cute!!!
*yells* It’s Kagura!!!!!!!! She ain’t my favourite, but man, is it great to see another familiar face!
I’ve been wondering what the title meant when it said “what year is she?” It means “year of the zodiac”.
Fruits Basket 4
Kyo-kun ran away before Kagura even started making dinner…
Was Kyo’s katsudon a joke…? (Cats-udon, geddit?...No?)
“…marriage is a girl’s greatest dream.” – That used to be so, Tohru…nowadays, it ain’t.
Lookit how Kyo’s eyes lit up when he talks about his teacher!
OPM 2 2
That title’s…even more counterintuitive than “OPM 2 1”…hmm.
It’s…kind of dark right now.
I think there was bourbon on the counter. Someone likes to drink around here…
I guess with the mass animation exodus, OPM seems kinda…monologue-y. And cheap…
…nope, I take back my words. They were merely saving up for this action scene.
BSD 28 (S3 Ep 3)
Seriously, what are those metal things Dazai was wearing? Anyways, I like how it’s absolutely the norm that Chuuya swears now and I was part of forming that. Because I don’t swear a lot, I think Chuuya makes a nice outlet for my own frustrations...that’s what could be said, anyway.
D’aww. Someone acknowledges Chuuya’s identity. Ain’t that grand? (Now you see why I like Chuuya more than Dazai these days, huh?)
Come to think of it…a person hasn’t died in this show for a while, have they? It just goes to show you that despite one of its major stars being a guy obsessed with shinjuu (double suicide), the creators seem to be emphasising the sanctity of life itself.
Oh, I never thought they had an explanation for Dazai’s coat…
What is the age difference between Chuuya and Dazai anyway??? They’re both 15 during the LN that’s called that, but the exact difference…what is it? Update: Dazai’s birthday is June 19th and Chuuya’s is April 29th, so the difference is 1 month and 21 days (using the idea that 7 days = a week and May is 30 days, that’s 51 days in all).
Ooh, we’re getting Fyodor, Ace and the unnamed kid soon, aren’t we? That also means we’re in unknown territory for myself, too…hmm.  
OPM 2 3
When did Saitama last meet Charanko anyway? Charanko is voiced by Toshiki Masuda, so I would’ve kept an eye out for him, but the art shift and the years between seasons mean I don’t remember anymore.
Oof, “justice crashed Mumen Rider’s head” is more like it.
CGI banana…Just saying “CGI banana” is funny.
Kimetsu no Yaiba 4
Headpats, headpats all around!
Hooo…boy. I already knew Sabito and Makomo were dead because Crow and Irina’s collab post was called “The Names of Dead Children”, but how it was delivered…was such a powerful move.
I saw the blonde boy who’s in the OP…hmm. Update: His name is Zenitsu, according to the next-ep preview.
OPM 2 4
When comparing this dissection of monsters against Mob Psycho…the biggest monster Mob has is himself…hmm.
I didn’t expect Saitama to actually enter under Charanko’s name with that wig he got…
“…name as a martial artist.”
Mojo for the dojo, it seems this man wants.
I think the centipede senpai is CGI. Hmm…
It’s been years…I’ve forgotten what Ponytail Head’s name is! (And I call OPM one of my favourite series in anime…!)
Sarazanmai 4
“Writers exist between life and death.” – …is Ikuhara expressing his own thoughts on how anime writers are treated…?
I anticipate a soba pun (soba = noodles and soba = beside [someone]).
“…gives a s***…” – Says you, Toi, with the “Golden Poop” in the background. Then again, that’s just an English pun. Don’t mind me.
Comic Sans…you can’t escape it, even in this day and age…
Yude = to boil, soba…is the noodles. (The “o” on the end of the Monster of the Week’s first name means “man”.) Ikuhara uses Monster of the Week names in service of symbolism, while Takamatsu uses inconsistency for the sake of humour.
Intetestingly, there’s a spiralling blue thing in the background of the dance number and it says “soba” (katakana) and “desire” (yokubou, in kanji).
The headline translates to “Tragedy! It was next to me, but then…” (Kigeki! Sakki made soba ni ita noni…) The subbers had to accommodate the soba pun though, so they went with “so bar away”.
Hmm…now Toi takes centre stage…
2007, huh? How old are Kazuki and co. again?
This is probably the least surprising secret of all, y’know. Also, I think Keppi and Kazuki have cucumbers in their mouths.
They have subs for Stand By Me now!!! Oh mai globbb!
W-Wuh?! I can see why he’d hate Haruka (feelings of “why don’t my parents look at me the way they look at him anymore?”), but…this really turns this entire story on its head!
Kimetsu no Yaiba 5
Interestingly, the “My” in the episode title is Onore (an “I” indicating professionalism).Come to think of it…what is Tanjiro’s pronoun of choice?
Aww…the fact Tanjiro kinda looks like the demon’s (previous body’s…?) bro made the scene kinda cute. Possibly, it could be even enough to drive someone to tears…not that I was driven to tears, of course.
Well, here’s Zenitsu.
This angry kid reminds me of Mike Teevee (from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory). He seems like a rival, but he’ll disappear soon enough. Also, LOL, a sparrow instead of a crow.
“…my whole body hurts.” – Welp, that’s what happens when you lose sleep fighting demons for 7 days straight…
Why the obvious names? (re: Haganezuka – that is, hagane means “steel”…also, Nichirin contains the character for “sun” (at least, I think so…?) and Yoko can be understood to be/homophonous to the word for “sunlight”)
Tanjiro, son of Tanjuro…LOL. That was probably deliberate – it means the first son follows in the father’s footsteps.
For some reason, I wanted Haganezuka to pop out of the comic for the next-ep preview…aww.
Shield Hero 17
How many times did Fitoria say “I’m going to kill the heroes” and Naofumi say variants of “no”? Because of that, I had half a mind to jump ship and head to RobiHachi instead…but keep going.
That cowlick stuff was probably the most fun I’ve had with this show in a while…heh.
Oh great…Naofumi expanded his pseudo-harem to two bird waifus…then again, I had a stupid grin on my face seeing Fitoria’s old master, so maybe it’s not all bad, y’know?
Post-credits scene…keep watching!
Wah-wait…what the heck was that explosion???!!!
BSD 29 (S3 Ep 4)
That’s…Topaz (unofficial name)…ohhhhhhhh dear…
Oooh, Katai! Katai! Yay!!! (As you can tell, I had a very small thing for Katai. He reminds me of En-chan, y’see.)
The CGI in this OP…you can tell there’s quite a bit of it, huh?
It’s Deadmau5 (as the fandom used to joke)!
Fyodor’s eyes of disgust as Topaz dries his hair…hmm.
Older Topaz looks surprisingly like Oda…I don’t remember that exact shot, but it might’ve been in the manga. His background also reminds me of Chuuya’s.
OPM 2 Ep 4 (OPM 18)
“Irksome insect”…says the giant insect.
I think I saw a 7-11 pastiche in the background.
Why does the bird have a human hand in his belly? What??? (LOL)
This tournament arc don’t feel so hype, now that MHA’s is over…
Someone likes Donkey Kong… (referring to Marshal Gorilla and the other Kong guy (Heavy Kong))
Sarazanmai 5
…oh wow. Y’mean Kazuki is adopted???
“Why don’t you say anything, even though you know about me now?” (from Toi) – Probably because Kazuki is as f***ed up as you are, if not worse.
What are those sparkles coming off Sara’s face…? Not sure if they’re a shoujo thing or just…gratuitous sparkles.
LOL, Nioino Fukuro. Basically “pouch of scent” when you insert a space between the second I and the second N and change the first name kanji, plus change the “no” to hiragana.
I know the title of the song is Kawausoiya (translates to “awful otters” or something like that), but “soiya” doesn’t make much sense on its lonesome.
Wait…does that mean Sara is the creature? Or there are two Saras that can look the same, but one looks like the human and one is more kappa-like???
For some reason, I’m getting changeling vibes here…that Kazuki wants to look different to the rest of his family because he knows he’s different.
Hey…there’s this thing called the tourist gaze. It argues that because people create notions of reality differently, people have different ideas of what makes a trip “good” and “authentic”. In the same sense, Haruka’s “false” connection with Kazuki!Sara has become his reality, so it’s not wrong to say this Sara is real for him.
Oh…I just realised some kanji that appar early in the OP are the kanji for “extraction”.
So, uh…in a sense…can I interpret Kazuki’s love for his real mother a Fruedian thing? It seems all men’s love can be interpreted to be Freudian in some way or another…also, Sara kind of looks like his mother in a very “surface” kind of way. That is, they have a very passing resemblance to each other. Update: I’ve been reading some Stephen King lately and if I took anything away from that experience, it would be that everything is Freudian when it comes to men’s experiences. That’s why I say that.
Kimetsu no Yaiba 6
…*remembers something from the collab that was along the lines of “Astral doesn’t like Tanjiro’s green jacket”* Astral’s not gonna like this, then. (For those who don’t know the context, “Astral” is AstralGemini of the Zodiac Room.)
*Tanjiro is told he might not go very far with his demon slaying* *Tanjiro reacts with happiness that he’s on his way to get Nezuko human again* - Uh…I know I’ve watched my share of shonen, but I kind of didn’t expect that and yet also did.
Ugh…it’s the return of CGI Tanjiro…the vegie patch looks good in CGI though, for some reason.
Lemme guess…with a title like that (Swordsman Accompanying a Demon), could it be that Kazumi is a demon???
“I don’t get it at all.” – LOL…that was unintentionally funny (for the second time in this show, the first being Hand Demon).
BSD 30 (S3 Ep 5)
Moby Dick crashing into Yokohama? It was literally years ago for us!
I’m pretty sure these Park guys didn’t exist in the manga. Update: Nope, they did. I’ve read the corresponding chapter, it’s just that that was also 2 years ago…just like the last we saw of the anime.
I love how the “gyaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” ended in blood splatter, literally.
The Park guys apparently come from ch. 44 but Katai comes from ch. forty…what? One? Two? It’s not 40 (Hitori Ayumu), that’s all I know.
Katai is a good boy. You’ll see why in…oh, a few seconds.
Oh, I love the ending of this story. I already know the ending, but seeing it again will be a whole new bag of laughs!
Uh…I forgot how much of an interruption the anime’s humour is. My dream of a “whole new bag of laughs” is at least half dashed…*shoulders slump*
Apparently Atsushi cut his hair himself…not sure if that’ll be a spoiler for later, but it’s still something cool to know.
“So it’s your letter?”
Katai is basically me when it comes to my husbandos. See why I love him???
Come to think of it…I haven’t properly listened to the ED yet! Better do that while I still have the chance.
Fruits Basket 5
Shigure is such a troll…just like I remember him.
Fruits Basket 6
Hatori! Ooh! He’s hottttttt! Sizzling!...Okay, I think you get my point already…
I think someone else (Amelia from A Girl and Her Anime…?) pointed this out…but I don’t understand a speck of German outside 1 – 10 (I remembered the German word for “six” way too well when I was younger). So it would help if they bothered to make the German English as well.
For some reason, the stick figure was both obviously a cost-cutting measure and also elevated the hilarity of that scene…!
I don’t quite know what the Japanese equivalent of the “macaroni and cheese” thing was, but it conveys the same idea in the two languages and makes people laugh along the way, so…*shrugs shoulders* Makes sense, I guess.
Tohru is kandou about meeting an author. Kandou means to be deeply moved (noun form).
LOL, Hanajima reading the book.
…Oh my goodness. I just realised Fruits Basket has a lot of characters with fringes. 90s fringes for everyone!
“…a cartoon about a cat and a rat that are always fighting…” - Come to think of it, Tom and Jerry is popular in Japan.
Shield Hero 18
I think this episode title ends in inbou, which means “intrigue”.
This show is clearly trying to play the same cards over and over again…
Shield Hero 19
Hypocrites! Hypocrites everywhere! *does Buzz Lightyear hand gesture from the meme*
OPM 19 (S2 Ep 6)
The reason the fat guy is called Dave is not just because of B/V confusion, but because debu (without the line in the middle) is a slang word for…wait for it…”fatty”.
Interestingly, Murata previously worked on a oneshot called Gokiburi Buster. I wonder if this Cockroach Boi is from there…?
Did you notice the guys behind the umpire, who had a stretcher at the ready…?
“Mr Saynuthin” seems to be “Nanmoien-san” in Japanese.
“Waganma” seems to be a play on wagamama, or selfish. However, I can’t pin down the pun in the father’s name...
Well, well, well…at least someone acknowledges Speed of Sound Sanic (the ninja, not the CGI abomination or the monkey) is hecka-speedy.
Charanko (the real one)…he has ashi no ura (the back of the foot) written on his bandages…LOL.
Sarazanmai 6
Apparently Kazuki’s (foster) family all wear the same kind of stripes…which is what Kazuki means when he doesn’t want to wear the same kind of clothes as his family.
Okay…so the first set of kanji that appear in the OP are the one for “desire” and the ones after that are “extraction”…geddit? (LOL)
Oh my glob…how in the name of Iyami does Osomatsu-san get so popular that after I watched the first season of that show, it starts appearing in other places as well????
I saw a translation of the Reo and Mabu tweets and apparently at least one of them can make ningyoyaki (a type of cake you can make in all sorts of shapes – scroll down a bit on that page and you’ll find the description of ningyoyaki there).
Uhh…ghh…Keppi pole dancing was disturbing…*soul floats out of body temporarily*
Reo (I think that’s Reo, at least) has ningyoyaki…Update: Yup, that’s Reo.
“Headdress”, huh?
Why does this episode 6 feel like ending material…?
Wait…you’re saying Reo and Mabu are princes of the otter kingdom??? Wuh???
BSD 31 (S3 Ep 6)
(Lucy blushes) Wow…now there’s an option for a het ship right there…not that anyone will take it.
I saw a GIF of Atsushi floating naked and face down in the water (because Irina), but…I forgot exactly how the scenario before it went, so I LOLled.
Oh yeah…this chapter had a tie-in with Mizuki Tsujimura, because Mizuki knew Kyoka’s mother. Also, it shows you can inherit Abilities…
It’s Truck-kun and the curse of the isekai!...Okay, I’m kidding.
Oh yeah…this is the chapter about the Headmaster…
I haven’t been in a good place mentally for the past few years or so, due to my world basically fragmenting around me, so the words “don’t hate yourself” are strong ones coming from a place both nostalgic and new.
Dazai inherits a particularly interesting space in Atsushi’s life. He’s like a brother and father wrapped up into one (Kunikida is the nagging mother in that analogy, LOL), but also obsessed with suicide to the point he can also be a liability.
“…didn’t tell anyone…”
It’s also interesting to compare Tohru (of Fruits Basket) and Atsushi. They’re both selfless, but Tohru’s selflessness is shown to be a double-edged sword while Atsushi’s gives him a lot of resentment but is overall a positive thing.
Aww…seeing Atsushi slowly tear up almost made me tear up too…
Fitzgerald Rising…that’s the name of the chapter where…oh, sorry. It’s been years, so I’ll let it all play out for you and me again without mentioning any spoilers until they happen in (close to) real time in the show, okay?
Fruits Basket 7
This is the first time there’s been English lyrics on the OP for this show…I think.
Who’s this “he” Tohru’s referring to when examining the woman’s picture? Akito, probably, but I’m not 100% sure…Update: It was Hatori, actually.
“Shii-san”, “Haa-san” etc. is…cute. *cue “O kawaii koto…” from Kaguya-sama*
I get the feeling that Shigure is almost like a prototype Dazai (Bungou Stray Dogs). Or they just have a lot in common.
“Are these my just desserts?”
Demon Slayer 7
Nezuko’s playing whack a mol-er, demon, isn’t she??? (LOL)
Whoa…it must be mighty freaky to be floating in a swamp of dead people’s possessions…
Welp, Tanjiro…that’s one way to say “hands off my sister”. *nods* By cutting the demon’s hands off…
I like the contrast between Tanjiro’s callused hands and Kazumi’s smooth ones.
Hey…why does food always get wasted in movies and other media…? I know I’m applying real-life consumption habits to media, but it always looks quite wasteful, y’know…?
OPM 20 (S2 Ep 7)
I never noticed that shot of Watchdog Man in the OP before…huh.
Pig God’s shirt says DEV. It’s a pun on debu (fatty)…again.
Ooh! I saw him in the OP! Flashy Flash! I’ve never seen him in action outside the OP before, but I know his name and appearance from reading around.
“You all are the strongest swordsmen we have.”
Seriously, Saitama, just get something to stick the wig on and you wouldn’t have gotten into this mess. Maybe superglue…(okay, I’m kidding about the superglue).
OPM got really childish this time… 
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the-nysh · 8 years
Mp100 dub: episodes 3 & 4 commentary 
I missed ep3 last week from all the holiday activities, so here are my thoughts on both eps below:
Episode 3:
Mob: “I’ve finally found something that I wanna do.” Tome: “What, putting on some muscle? You have psychic powers here, so what difference does bulking up make?” Mob: “Actually it might be more accurate to say, I want to become more appealing.” Tome: “So you mean, you wanna be popular.” YOOOOOO, the ‘what difference does it make’ point! Precisely!! As muscles and psychic powers are just secondary characteristics, Mob will have to improve/mature his core character first before he can gain genuine appeal (to the other characters in his world, even if to the audience he’s a precious pure son already X3). He’s still yet to realize this.
Reigen: “Even yours truly has dreams of popularity.” WHOA oshit, that nod to his future arc!! D:
Creepy smile lady: “If you want to resolve these problems, then come with me.” Mob: “I can’t. I have to head home.” Lady: “You’ll be popular~” Mob: “K, let’s go then.” OMFG Mob’s IMMEDIATE change in priorities! Hilarious. X’DD
Waaah, Mezato, the school reporter, sounds pretty good! Lots of sincerity and anxiety in her lines. :3
Dimple’s voice…HOOO yes I think it’s the same as the spirited, ‘going ham’ narrator’s! XD Dimple: “WHAT THE HELL, ARE YOU A CORPSE?!” Damn. Coming from a ghost that’s…pretty rich. D:
100% Rage Mob: “Come at me with everything you’ve got. You might find the task a hell of a lot easier than making me laugh.” DUUUUUUUDE!! 8D Total jaw drop moment hearing his shift in language! Tranquil fury, and he totally does not give a fuk about being polite now, buahaha awesome.
Reigen: “Your inability to get a clue is pretty destructive.” OMFG pls. XD Though after hearing Mob’s full story, he reassures and consoles Mob that he did do the right thing. :’))) Waaah, good baby steps. <3
I like seeing Dimple’s introduction in this ep again, considering his current broccoli exploits in the manga. With his similar mind-control hypnosis and beam powers he uses at this beginning stage. And HIS desire to be popular too. ;))))) Spoiler: knowing he wants friends too. Waaaaah all these things of his character put into perspective now. :D 
Episode 4:
TERUUUUU! Ahahaha can totally hear the Sonic in his voice~ This smug little shit. XD “I’m the main character in this world.” WHOA BOIII yep he’s VERY smug. And fabulous. ;3
Mob: “But aren’t you already dead?” Dimple: “Easy Shige, you’re not supposed to go there.” GEEEEZ XD Dark stuff thrown under the rug! He calls him ‘Little Shige’ too OMG (well, even Ritsu calls him Shige, for short) but STILL. XD
Ritsu: “Charisma? Who cares. Popularity? Gimme a break! Compared to psychic powers those qualities are cheap!” Ohoho angsting HARD there with his spoon in his room. How his voice trembles in desperation too. Ayyyy, Saitama’s va doing great again! 8D Especially how his tone shifts talking to himself and others (like to Mezato: “My brother’s powers aren’t some side-show circus act.”), vs all soft in front of Mob. (for now~) Building all that more angst inside when Mob tells him he envies Ritsu’s qualities like wisdom over psychic powers. Ohoho they’re mutually envious of the traits the other has that they themselves don’t possess. ENVIOUS of what others have, instead of helping each other together to make up for the qualities they lack. THOSE REOCURRING ONE THEEEEEMES. 8D Mmmmm! I love it. 
Buahaha, the fake love letter, “Adore?!” misspelled as ‘abhor.’ XDXD omg priceless.
Body Improvement Club! Being best bros again, not wanting to use their muscles for petty fights, ayy! Such moral good guys. :333 BUT SAVING MOB ALL EPIC AND BADASS!! 8DDD Getting involved just to save one of their own. <3
Ahh I see now, the school delinquents attempting to fight with ‘poison against poison’ and the eventual ‘White T Poison’ moniker inspiration. Didn’t quite catch it the first viewing! This is good; I like how seeing the dub again clears up some details I may have missed. :3
Hoho, Teru monologuing about his image and being the one to take his own spotlight~ This boy I swear. His pride’s totally gonna get shredded by Mob next time (with literal and figurative knives). >3 LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!
The dub continues to be swell and damn entertaining! <333
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Just got home from In the Heights, and I’m SO HAPPY! Honestly after years, no, DECADES of getting burned by adaptations like RENT and Les Mis (and we aren’t even getting into Cats...) to finally have someone make a Broadway-film adaptation that WORKS is a long fn time coming.
That said, I have some thoughts about the show (good and otherwise) which I want to discuss with yinz.
Put below a cut and tagged for spoilers
I thought I was going to hate the change in show placement for when Abuela Claudia dies. I did not. Far from it, having it happen when it did almost seemed better than Broadway because it came off as far more emotional than simply killing her off-screen/stage. I know it sounds like I’m shitting on the musical. I’m not. But, for me, having Usnavi find her and watching him freak out was much more emotional than just hearing an announcement from Kevin over the dispatch.
That said, I managed not to cry over her death. Have no idea how I pulled that off, but I did. Can’t say the same for the rest of the theater though, you could just hear the entire theater losing it.
Having “You’ll Be Back” as the hold music made me snort with ugly choked laughter. I’m pretty sure there was only one other person in the theater who got the reference though because they were the only other person laughing and then they had to explain it to their date. (There were only about 10 other people in the theater with me, I live in a small town, and this was a matinée.)
I have... thoughts over the difference in time/dates between the Broadway and Movie versions. First off, one of the biggest things that always bugged me about the Broadway version was that time was TOO compressed. In Broadway, it’s made to seem like the entire show happens over 3 days – far FAR too fast for Abuela to collect her lotto winnings in cash and for Usnavi to arrange passage back to DR. The movie fixes this by changing the entire lotto storyline (more on that in a moment) and extending the timeline drastically. Now, while I agree with the timeline switch 100%, the problem is that the lyrics to the Broadway version are written from the POV of it all happening in a few days. Changing the timeline to last months or, in the case of the ending, years later leads to several awkward points where the unchanged Broadway lyrics don’t match up with the movie version. A good example of this is how it’s written that, in “When You’re Gone”, Nina and Benny have to “Pretend” the blackout is still ongoing, a month later, for the lyrics of the song to fit. There’s a line in the finale that’s an even more glaring example of this but I am leaving that out here in case some of you don’t know about it. Look, as I said, I’m all for changing the timeline. It’s a great change. But Chu’s dedication to change as little of the original lyrics/songs as possible is a bit of a detriment here because, as I said, it leads to awkward moments that, IMHO, makes you double take and pulls you out of the moment.
On a related note: Leaving the line in about Nina and Benny having sex during the blackout but never once acknowledging this in the shown storyline? Yeaaah, no.
Re: That Point – Between that and “Champagne” I really think there’s stuff that got cut because Vanessa states that Daniela tells her what Usnavi did – something shown in the musical – but in the movie, there is no scene present where Dani spills the beans. You just hear from Vanessa that she was told. Again, this is a bit problematic and causes a double take that draws away from the scene and, again, I feel like there was stuff that got cut from the finished product that would fill in some of these gaps.
I love the beachfront framing method. Great stuff as, for someone who doesn’t know the musical, you really do spend the whole movie thinking he left.
On one hand, the DACA storyline is one that needed told. On the other hand, it seemed out of place. Either way, the framing point of “Not all dreams come true” and not seeing Sonny in the finale (he might have been there, and I missed him) makes me think that his story didn’t have a happy ending. Or it did, and he was at college. Who knows?
I cannot tell you how happy I am that they got rid of the racism storyline as it dealt with Kevin and Benny.
I am even happier that they left racism in as a plot point and made it about Nina instead. Awesome change and, again, it’s a story that needed told.
The Lotto Ticket. Hooo boy. Look, to anyone with prior knowledge of the show, hiding the fact that Abuela won the lotto seems forced. From my point of view, there’s this ginormous showstopping number in 96,000, and then it isn’t mentioned again until the very end of the movie. I don’t know if I like it or not. I can’t judge this one at all from an objective point of view because I’m too attached to the original “Abuela Wins the Lotto” storyline to say if it’s good or bad. Regardless, I honestly wonder if not revealing the lotto ticket as a change came first, or if it was in reaction to all the other changes made to the storyline. For example, big BIG change in the movie is the store doesn’t get trashed in the Blackout. With Usnavi not getting the lotto winnings it means that he wouldn’t have it to fix up the store when he stays. Did they leave the store intact and then realize he wouldn’t need the money, or did they change the lotto storyline and then realize he couldn’t save the store without it? Or, if the change for the store came first, is that why they wrote the DACA storyline, as a way to take the winning ticket away from him?  I’m honestly curious about the writing process for this show and how the various changes were decided upon.
Lin as the Piragua Guy is the purest thing about this entire show. Lin also steals every scene he is in so it’s a good thing that they removed most of the character’s role in the story.
Nina seeing visions of her younger self throughout the show was a close second (for purest thing).
I love Christopher Jackson. But Mr. Softee is an asshole and I’m glad his truck died.
Look, I’m not from NYC and I’ve only spent a few days there over the course of a couple high school band trips. But really, HOW LONG IS VANESSA’S LUNCH BREAK!?!?!? Seems to me you’d need a hell of a lot longer than just a lunch break to head home, change clothes, take a subway downtown, visit a landlord about an apartment, get rejected for said apartment, take the subway BACK to Washington Heights, stop by the bodega and schedule a date with Usnavi, and THEN head back to the salon. There is the chance that there is time-wonkery happening here because the ending of her song is shown to be a dream but if the entire thing happened at other times, it wouldn’t really fit the timeline that exists within the story. So, again, how long is her lunch break???
While my favorite thing overall to see cut from the Broadway version is the Kevin vs Benny plotline, my second favorite thing was changing “The Club” and “Blackout” to get TF rid of Benny’s drunken antics. Benny comes off as a MUCH kinder and more respectable character than in the Broadway version where he always, to me, seemed a bit like an asshole who didn’t deserve Nina. It’s funny how changing a couple small plot points can completely re-work a character but in the Movie, Benny is 100% likable and, at times, downright heroic. In this version you can really tell how much he loves Nina, and you just know that, even when she leaves for college, they’re going to end up working out... which makes it even more odd when you realize that, in this universe, he’s already had a failed relationship with Nina ONCE.
Sonny is a far more fleshed out character in the movie and, my hesitations about the DACA storyline aside, it’s wonderful to see him get some love as a character.
Paciencia Y Fe is a cinematic masterpiece of a segment. For a song that’s, in essence, an extended inner monologue, this was handled amazingly, especially knowing that it’s Abuela’s swan song.
Look, this has already gotten way too long, and I could go on for days about things I liked or didn’t like. Just know that this is a hell of a movie and I want to go back and see it again tomorrow. (But, alas, half price tickets are only on Mondays.)
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