#hope i didn't destroyed the characters holy crap
totaldramafan-lauri · 2 months
uhm hi!, I just want to say I love your're work and how you write things!. It makes me really want to try writing for myself... When i found your account on Tumblr i was a little shy to talk to you since i was amaze by you're writing, charactization and how it makes me so happy at times! I hope you don't quit on this fic because i really love Golden cheese. There are so many little content of my Goddess and I was really happy when i found your work in ao3...!
I love you're other works too and dang the smut on those chapters is fire, i love it! especially when i favor affogato too! You're writting is so incredible it makes me cry! in a good way ofc!!!, your writing is impressive. Please keep it going and don't quit.. Im rooting for you!! thank you for making this fic because i was tired searching for a fic that fits my standards and you're fic was. just so right for me i started to read your other works!.. i wish you can gain more papolarity to be honest!! you deserved it because of how fatastic and beautiful your charactization are! wish you the best on luck!! and dont overdue it because you're health matters and that's the soppose top priority and hoping you are well!
Can't wait for the two endings on Chapter 10 and 11! i wonder if its sad and happy endings? oh well! i'll take it if its sad and i was curious if one of the ending take on the route of the Golden cheese kingdom being destroyed :( (Golden cheese didn't deserve getting her kingdom nuked so much) if it does though I will cry like a baby because i know its going to be sad if its your writing!! in a good way!
I was a little worried that you have given up on the fic but i was happy you uploaded! i was kicking, giggling that you uploaded the chapter 9! it was worth the 2 month wait on how much we are making out with the goddess!
when i read Chapter 9, i was so happy that i can see the reader finally getting what they deserved for a long long time!, I wonder what her Radiance thoughts of us in her perspective but I know they see us cute when how many times different people tell us how cute we are, including the friends that we, reader met!...
And when i was reading on the middle part on the chapter 9, where we tried to be pretty to her Radiance, dress up nicely and it indeed as a fail, but... h-holy crap i didn't know her Radiance can get GET THAT AGGRESSIVE and i was trembling and blushing, i was so flustered!!! I rarely blsuh on fics but these, these was an exception that i was happy to be blushing about.
I Love how aggressive her Radiance get when she found us so precious! I was losing alot of breath on that part, it took me a 30 minute break to stop blushing so c-crazily!... I love love your're writing on her Radiance!!!! I Love it!!! it makes me cry so much that i finally found a good read on her Radiance! I was crying at some point at the Reader trauma because of how much suffered.. but her Radiance comforted the reader and i was in so much thoughts on how i wish that could be me in real life..
if its a little rude of me, pls don't respond.. when her Radiance and the Reader is making out, isn't there a 50/50 chance someone could be walking pass our room hearing the Reader and her Radiance making out?
Im a simp, to much of a simp that i keep getting back and forth, back and forth on the chapter 9 because of how good the writing was! It was so long and long and i love it!!! i love it so much
I don't know how to log in on Ao3 so im writing this to you on Tumblr:) sorry for my long blabbering or if there are word mistakes ;)..
(S-so, so, so sorry for the late reply, aaaaaaaa- I-I was away from my computer yesterday @////@)
HOLY CR- *falls over* DTFHFDJHDGJFDJN!?!?!!? O///////O
C-comment about fic- LONG comment about fic- T-two in a row- What- What-!?!!?!?
I-I.....WHAT!?!!? *cough* O-OK- hhhhhhhhi!?!!?
U-uh.....I-I'm really really glad you enjoy my writing! L-like I said before, I'm trying my best to finish this thing, but I ask you to be patient with me, cuz I'm a perfectionist and I want these chapters to be as good as I can get them...! I especially don't wanna rush the ending....and NO, I'm not spoiling ANYTHING about the ending! I-I'm not taking your bait! You just gotta wait and see! X/////P
Trust me, a lotta chapter 9 made me, like....internally scream.....and I was also SUPER worried about posting that chapter cuz of it....Worried if I was going overboard with the *cough* indulgence, and if that'll make people uncomfy at all.....I-I know that it's X Reader and that kinda stuff is the FUN of X Reader, but I dunno, I was stressing out over if I should tone the steamy stuff down- ESPECIALLY the bathroom scene, a-and what happens in that part...S-so to hear that that was the scene that effected you so strongly makes me feel relieved....like, yay, it did its job.....? X/////D
A-and to answer your question, uh....no, that's not gonna happen in the fic, sorry. B-but if you wanna know how I'd write it if it did happen, it'd be this: She would LITERALLY take pride in that. X/////D Like....she would just keep going. She does NOT care who listens. Everyone around her worships her and wouldn't dare do anything to oppose her, so why stop? She knows they're not gonna interrupt her. Heck, she's probably AIMING to be heard, since she encourages the reader to be as loud as they can be while she's taking them. The more noise, the better...It's something that f-feeds her ego, heh......>///////> I-if they're just walking past without being noticed, on the other hand, then nothing's gonna come of that either....(I-I'm thinking way too hard about a hypothetical scenario IT'S NOT HAPPENING OK THIS WAS JUST FOR FUN BFBHNFSHF >//////<)
Th-thanks so much again! I-I don't mind the rambling! I'm a rambler myself, and hearing people talk about specific parts they like is my favorite thing, trust me! ^//////^ O-oh, and thanks for checking out my other stuff, too! (I'm still very attached to Naivete, it's my baby haha) As for the comment about....w-wanting more popularity for me....uh....th-thanks, but I'm not sure how I'd deal with being popular....I-I'd rather not shove my writing in people's faces.....Anyone who stumbles upon my stuff should only read it if they WANNA....(Also keep in mind that I'm an adult so I want only adults to read my work, and that kinda narrows my intended audience a bit ^^;)
I-I'm aiming to get the next chapter done either by the end of July or in early August, so.....i-if I go over, feel free to yell at me, I guess....? H-happy to provide food for you, fellow simp......!
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mira--mira · 1 year
um, *pokes head in* to be completely honest I had completely dropped out of the Naruto fandom, but then I saw your post and like flashbacks.
Seriously tho, is it weird to say I love you for writing this fic, because I think I do, it's so fantastic and amazing and the fact that you didn't just drop it after so long is so sweet and impressive and I just honestly have no words.
Holy crap this fic is amazing!
Honestly in hindsight I kinda feel bad for dumping a mini essay on you for a prompt, but my goodness you did an absolutely phenomenal job with it, literally better than anything I could've dreamed of.
I love how much world building and so many details you managed to incorporate, from the actual explanations to subtle details like the way Hashirama speaks to Madara and the acknowledge it's just all so incredible!
Also love the way you incorporated the beginnings of their crush relationship with each other with the way Hashirama's POV describes Madara's appearance!
I just there's so many lil details that I just love and honestly could ramble on about forever, but I feel like that might make this too repetitive so imma leave a list of some of my fave things about this fic!
Hashirama's slow and reverent monologue about the elegance and power of fairies, only for Madara to punch a box.
The first time Hashirama saw Madara's face was a smile
The contract being a stone that you need to chisel (reminds me of the Uchiha stone tablet)
the non human-ness to fairies (god I love it when they're humanoid but not human, even when in human form, just the fact they're slightly off in a way that you can't quite pinpoint, gods I live for that)
The fact that's it's implied that they dragged Ashura to the fairy realm to kill him, that it took some kind of sacrifice on their end for either a fairy to take a human into the fey realm or to break the contract. Just the fact that its shrouded in mystery, despite having details on it.
why would Ashura destroy the info on fairies, even before his death, as if he knew something about fairies that he didn't want other's to know and deliberately sabotaged the chances for his descendants to contract with fairies.
The fairy world politics and how all fairies, not just Uchiha learned from this incident.
The way Madara's super cool fight scene ends with him yelling at a tree
4 wingsssssss
The lil magic effect descriptions
Just like Madara's whole vibe. He's just like this set of contradictions. Prideful yet honest, ruthless but sympathetic, inexperienced but powerful and like the subtle mystery of why he was held back by his family despite being so powerful.
and of course the star of the show Hashirama. I love the fact that you did an adult take on the character, since so many Hashimada have their first meeting as children. The fact that they're both adults with experience and burdens make their relationship so much more meaningful since it's less of children having fun, but rather adults knowing the risks of their relationships but doing it anyways. He's older and more jaded but still has hope for the world. Not in a blindly optimistic way, he'll do what it takes to achieve his goal, but he doesn't relish the bloodshed.
I mean I just happy wiggles, I just don't know what too say it's just so incredible and amazing and I love it so much!
Thank you so so very much! This absolutely made my day!
haha I'm so glad you like it anon! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get to it, I'm incredibly happy to know it ended up being something you enjoyed 🥰🥰
It took me a long time to try and think of an opening and how to format the fic without it becoming a monster (too many fics of mine lately have gotten away from me 😅) but in the end I particularly enjoyed it myself, esp. Hashirama in the box haha.
Thank you for coming back after all this time to tell me your thoughts! I really appreciate it 💖
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nuage-s-den · 5 years
Have you ever heard “for you” by tonight alive? it’s pretty sappy, but it has such strong birdflash vibes “for you I would fly without wings/and for you I would run like the sun chases the moon”
I must admit, this is the first piece I’ve written that feels fluid for a long time. Thank you for sending me a song, it is a lovely one (definitely screams Birdflash, haha!). For everyone else who’s sent a request, I swear I am still slowly working on them, and I promise you’ll get a little something as well. :) 
Birdflash drabble #4 - A little more than best friends
No warnings aside from the risk of cavities… Ah, and no beta’d and written by a messy non-English writer hahaha.
     It started as a simple conversation, a simple idea Donna threw in the air and that the team picked on. With the summer holiday coming to an end and the first day of school approaching fast, the five friends decided to have one last evening of fun before getting dragged back to the dull yet stressful routine that came with every Septembers. Sitting at the terrace of their favourite cafe, each shared their desires. Garth suggested going to the lake now that most tourists were gone, Roy was fine with anything as long as he could bring his itty bitty daughter. Wally wasn’t very picky, unlike when they organized outings that were related to restaurants. Dick mentioned wanting to make a bond fire, and Donna only wanted to go someplace where she could expand her portfolio by taking pictures of the scenery.
“Alright so let me just summarize what we have so far.” She had kept track of everyone’s wishes by scribbling down on a napkin. “We are looking to go somewhere with a place to swim, somewhere that’s safe for little Lian and where it is okay to make a fire.” Her friends nodded.
“Wally doesn’t care as long as we bring enough food for his bottomless stomach.” Dick, the youngest of the team, snickered before he and his best friend began a playful “poke war.”
Donna gently tapped her bottom lip with the end of her pen as she thought of a place that could satisfy everyone.  "Oh.“ Her eyes light up. “How about we go to the Moonstone river? I went there once with my photography class. Granted, it is a bit of a treck to get there, but it fits pretty much everyone’s request. And we could camp for the night.” Donna watched as her friends thought about it and seemed to agree on her proposal. With a smile, she announced: “Then it’s decided! We will meet early on Thursday and spend the night there.” Each rose their drink and cheered.
     It was already sunny when the group met at the entrance of the provincial park. Dick was the first on sight when Donna and Garth arrived. Roy followed shortly; his daughter held his hand and hopped as she played imaginary hopscotch. As always, Wally was the last one to get there and was shy of being half an hour late. Funnily enough, Lian was the one to scold him for taking so long.
The walk up to the river took the group two hours to complete, which was relatively fast seeing how often they had to stop either because Donna argued she wouldn’t forgive them if they didn’t let her take that one perfect shot of birds and wildflowers, or to entertain the toddler who occasionally got tired of walking. With Lian riding his back, Wally became her private “horsey” and was ordered to run up the slope as fast as he could.
“You’re slow, West.” Of course, Dick had to tease him. And of course, Wally took it as a challenge. The two began to walk with long strides, teasing the other when one gained some distance. The rest of the group watched them hurry, shaking their heads as they were used to their silly shenanigans.  Once they reached the top, Wally and Dick were out of breath with Wally sitting down and Dick leaning on his knees.
     As expected, the provincial park’s river was beautiful. The water trickled down the rocks and reflected the sun; it was surprisingly not too cold to the touch. A few people had already claimed some spots around the water, but it was relatively calm, and the group didn’t have trouble finding their perfect place to camp. Putting their backpacks down, Garth and Wally hurriedly undressed and jumped into the water with Wally immediately regretting it. “It’s cold!”Meanwhile, Roy helped his daughter take out her clothes and gently applied sunscreen to her sensitive skin. The young father talked with his child, a relaxed and fond look softening his face. Dick watched them from afar, smiling and remembering how his father used to speak to him with a similar expression before passing away. At the same time, Donna was already taking pictures of everyone. She always said that the best photos were taken au naturel. A big, wet golden retriever whose smile could melt the iciest hearts ran up to her to greet her while ignoring his owner’s calls.  
“A puppy!” Not even after a blink, Wally was next to her on the floor and hugging, kissing the wet dog. “Who’s a good boy? What’s your name? Where do you come from? Are you having fun?” He talked with a high pitch voice which caused the dog to wag its tail even harder. “Donna! Donna! You better immortalize this beautiful creature with your super photographing skills!” Ah yes, Wally sure loved dogs. But his canine friend noticed someone else and without a goodbye, ran past him to jump on another unexpected victim. Dick was halfway into the water, showing off his ricochet skills to Lian,  when the golden retriever jumped next to him, making a splash big enough to soak him entirely. There was a couple of laughs as the teenager’s cheeks turned a little pink.
     When the evening came, the sun began its journey to the west, leaving the sky like a palette of pink and blue. Most of the people had left earlier, and eventually, the team had to say goodbye to Mr. Snufflekins the golden retriever who had “helped” them collect enough wood to start their fire. Once it was big enough, the five friends began to prepare their meal: hot dogs cooked over the fire and roasted marshmallows. Because most of them had a competitive nature, they decided to make the marshmallow prepping a contest; the person who made a marshmallow with a delicate crust on the outside, but still soft in the inside would be crowned king or queen of the fire. And because the truth always comes out of a children’s mouth, Lian was designed as the judge for the contest. Carefully, she took a bite of each marshmallow, looking as if she was degusting them with the taste bud of a real chef. Finally, she proclaimed her overly burnt entry as the winner and no one dared challenge her choice. Laughter and horrible singing attempts filled the silence of the night. Garth was the first one to fall asleep, hugging an empty backpack and a kid playing with his hair. Wally dared Roy to draw on his face but was disappointed when he learned of the lack of marker.
     When dawn came, Dick was still awake. Sitting with his arms loosely hugging his knees, he watched as the moon and the stars shared the sky with the rising sun. The trickle of the river along with the melody of the songbirds made everything so peaceful. Most of his friends were still asleep, having consumed too much food, energy and, yes, a couple of beers. Someone sat next to him, yawning loudly and stretching. “What are you doing up so early? I thought you were a night owl?” Wally asked as he followed the younger man’s gaze.
“And miss this?” Dick grinned, listening as Wally hummed next to him. They remained like this for a while, comfortable with the silence that settled between them.
“You know, I think I might have a little too much to drink yesterday.”
Wally turned his head toward his best friend. There was a slight tint of pink on his face. “Yeah?” Dick’s smile was soft, and Wally felt as if his blue eyes had captured the stars and the moon for they were shining with something magical. Wally felt drawn to him; his hand moved to gently cup his best friend’s cheek without him realizing. Dick’s skin felt cool to the touch, and Wally could feel him accept the touch as he pressed against his palm. Something was happening, he told himself. There was a spark in his eyes, a zing in his heart. It was just like any cliche movies described it, and Wally wondered if Dick was feeling the same thing.
As if Nature was encouraging him, Wally leaned a little closer as the breeze gently pushed his back. There was a moment of hesitation as if neither boys knew what they were doing. “Dude, can I…” Wally started. For once he felt at a loss of words. Dick’s hand rested over his as he nodded. Shortly after, their lips were sealed, and their arms moved so they could embrace each other tenderly. The moment only lasted for seconds, but to them, it felt like a lifetime.
“I guess that makes us something a little more than best friends,” Dick said, his voice a little unsure. Wally gently lowered him to the ground, holding him as if he was a porcelain doll who could break with any sudden movement.
“Who said we can’t be best friends and something a little more?”
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tinkdw · 6 years
Hi Tink! I didn't realize how far down the rabbit hole I'd fallen looking through your blog, but I found a post about A Most Holy Man from way back when about how Jensen improvised that bit about the Impala being stolen and you said you thought it was bad (paraphrasing) and I was just wondering why? (I mean obviously murder is bad but in terms of characterization, I guess) I hope this makes sense - it feels like it doesn't, sorry!
Yeah, I did explain that I felt this line was out of character and out of sync with the development of Dean’s character throughout season 12-13 and absolutely it clicked in place for me 100% when Jensen said he added this line in that 
A. no I wasn’t nuts to have thought this in the first place as clearly it was NOT written as part of the script and therefore the fact that the rest of the characterisation and development works perfectly if you remove this line makes my wrinkles smooth out in deep pleasure as an analytical person who felt this one line totally stuck out like a sore thumb and didn’t fit at all with the rest of his characterisation or the plan of his character development
B. shows again how Jensen bless him can be so on the money about some stuff and yet so backwards and antiquated in his perception of who Dean is in others. It’s like he sees parts of the development but not all and suffocates those parts he doesn’t see/like sometimes because he just doesn’t understand that this isn’t OOC, it’s entirely IN character it’s just that his character had a facade up and now he’s letting it down. He’s played the facade so well he thinks it’s actually Dean sometimes... It fits perfectly with his denying the Game of Thrones line which revealed that Dean loves reading for pleasure and is a massive geek, the Taylor Swift line, leaving Sam when he knows he is undeniably dead, this moment... there’s more, the list is not that long really but they are some key moments where the writers and the analytical meta writers all squee over this exposition of his character fitting all together and all making sense in the big puzzle of Dean and Jensen just sometime doesn’t get because his perception of Dean omits these aspects and unfortunately for him this overall theme for Dean is only coming out stronger and stronger as the sublimation dies out. I say unfortunately because this basically means either Jensen is going to keep having to either change lines while the writer’s out of sight or get firmly told he just has to nut up and do it as per a variety of outcomes for the previous examples I’ve given. As the show is coming to the point where this is becoming more and more common and blatant the latter is likely to happen though, let’s be real. They’re not going to let go of the repeated characterisation and puzzle box of Dean that’s taken 13 years to build just because it takes a few takes to get Jensen to figure it out. Jensen continually tells us he is an actor and not a writer and is happy to let them get on with the job as long as he understands and once he does he’s totally on board (ie. Mary in 12x22) so likely they’ll just do that some more.
Back to the car line, well, essentially Baby is a metaphor for Dean’s emotional state. I think this has been confirmed by one of the writers on twitter some time though I don’t have the exact details but regardless it’s blatant. My tag for it is #baby is deans soul.
Eg. We discover that Dean is the one who chose Baby, not John then consistently we see her as representing his state of mind. When he’s out of hunting and masking himself with Lisa Baby is under a cover (masked), when Dean loses his faith in Cas when he becomes Godstiel Baby is wrecked and his repairing of her is a metaphor for his repairing his own mental state, when Dean gets sent to purgatory Baby is wrecked, when Dean gets rid of the Mark he cleans Baby up methodically and repeatedly, she’s gleaming (in his booty shorts), when they realise the Darkness is destroying the world Dean’s relief is short lived and Baby gets beaten up within that same episode, when Cas is dead and Dean can’t cope Baby is filthy, now that Dean is possessed apparently we don’t see Baby for a while... 
So yes Baby is a metaphor for Dean’s soul and throughout seasons 12 and 13 in particular Dean has been getting so much mentally healthier, more open with his emotions, more honest, just so much better overall (apart from his wavering and descent into darkness from mid s13 of course leading to Michael) but in general his view of HIMSELF has been so much better. He’s openly admitting that he has sublimated a lot in the past, then he shows us so much of himself. He goes around bonding with retro kids over doc martens and energy drinks and shows his relatively silly fear in his Indiana Jones moment which is so daft in relation to his usual life. He talks to Sam about his happy endgame. He gives Cas a freaking mixtape. He talks openly to his mother about his feelings I mean Chuck almighty! HE LETS SAM GO! That’s a huge one, he lets Sam go and be the leader he truly is and stops trying to control him. Etc Etc Etc. 
Then in this episode which frankly was boring but the META aspect of it was fantastic, it was a whole episode based on what’s right and wrong, do the ends justify the means etc, where do they sit, Sam being the leader again and convincing Dean of the right path and all that jazz, well, it kinda made zero sense for Dean to backtrack to season 8/10 style most repressed angry can’t see the good for the bad just wants to smash everything Dean like? ? ? This isn’t season 13 Dean. Sure season 13 Dean is struggling but he’s generally just so much better, he’s not regressed in that respect that much wowzers. IDK it just felt totally off and not true to real Dean, who we had been getting so much exposition of leading up to this huge flip at the end of the season which was SUPPOSED to make us see how this was totally bad because that’s not who Dean truly is because of this exposition of his character over 2 years and then relatively close to the climax we got this line which was such a performance of angry not-who-Dean-truly-is-but-who-he-is-when-shit-is-so-bad-he’s-lost-himself-Winchester. It just took away from the whole “blue blue blue blue blue blue blue - RED” thing by having a red right in that part leading up to the climax you know? It makes you not see the pattern of how WRONG the red is.
Anyway, that’s why I was very happy when I heard that it wasn’t scripted, because this wasn’t part of Dean’s characterisation or the writing plan at all, which is what takes us forward. The throwaway line by Jensen doesn’t mean anything, what matters in terms of seeing how it’s going to be written moving forwards is what the writers write and that all makes perfect sense. It’s all the BLUE ie. who Dean really is underneath all the crap and that Dean is beautiful.
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