#hope i don't miss a kookmin moment
always-is-always · 1 year
Traveling for work this week
That means I’m a little off line here on this platform... I just checked in and see that there’s tons of posts that I have missed since Sunday night... more followers and such...  
So, I’m not gone, just having to be super focused on the work side of life this week.  Just letting ya’ll know.... 😘
Hopefully, I won’t miss anything BIG, lilke a Kookmin selca, Kookmin vlive, or any other earth-shattering Kookmin event!  lol!  If the world tips on its axis, I’ll know something happened.  
ps... the GIF below is one of my favorite moments!  I just LOVE them! 💜
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Hey there! So I kinda found jikook this year, and apparently there used to be a ton of Jikook yt creators, but a lot of them have just disappeared this year? Lol sucks for me cause I missed out on all the content. Do you have any idea why? While you’re at it, would you mind telling me some of your fav jkk blogs/yt channels :))
Have a nice day btw :D
Hello! I do not know why people stop making videos or blogging. For some, I'm sure it's because this is simply very time consuming and they just don't feel the need or want to do it anymore. Some im sure get bullied off by nonshippers/tkkrs and just don't feel like dealing with those comments anymore. Some maybe leave the fandom for whichever reason. Who knows!
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I've answered this before, so I'm going to answer it here all together and then add it to my masterlist finally 😂 Blog following tends to vary ALOT by personal taste. I don't tend to follow too many, but the ones I think are enjoyable for everyone would be these 4...
I follow 2 K-ARMY kookmin blogs, which are @dalloga and @leminione9795 whenever they post, I learn a lot. They give out lots of information about the Korean language and culture. They add a lot of context to particular moments that international fans wouldn't know otherwise.
I also follow and like to recommend @wingzie and @jkjms who are wonderful blogs that are just beautiful archives of Kookmin moments. They share tons of contents in forms of gifs or videos. They also both, I swear, have seen everything ever, and are amazing at finding original content from whatever clip you send them. Also both are super sweet humans.
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As for on YouTube, be wary of shipping videos on there. A LOT of them are super cringey and taken out of context. Lol the channels I do like are WonSummerNight, who mostly just does super wholesome and cute edits and compilations of moments. Another is LiveWhatYouLove, which is a channel who does basically just videos of their moments. She takes moments from all recent content and puts them into a video, usually like once a week. It's basically no analysis or anything, just simply moments they interact together in one place. She also has an ongoing series of their "love story" which is all their moments in order through the years. She started her series in 2015 and is almost finished with 2019. Another that I love is Best of Jikook, which is just essentially compilation videos of super cute moments. Such as the best of jikook at award shows.... etc. Very well done.
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I like these channels because they don't seem to go over the top, nor do they make things up, they all work off original content and back their claims up. We can disagree on the how and why's and what we think happened or not and it still be okay. I can still enjoy and appreciate their content for the most part.
Hope this helped!!
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
You mentioned jk "witholding" his affection for jimin and how it would be jimin's request? 1. I guess it's hightime you accepted that, everyone noticed it last year and it wasn't a hot and cold situation either, it was full on nonchalance. 2. JM would never ask that of him. Never. The same way he wouldn't ask JK to tone down his interactions with other members, he wouldn't ask him to publicly not care for him. JK makes choices and when people don't like them, suddenly those choices are JM's?
Me trying to sneak past this Ask. Lol
I just don't know what to do with it honestly. I mean I don't think you are being rude or anything. But I also don't know what to do with it....
I guess it's hightime you accepted... it was full on nonchalance.
I'm not sure if this is in reference to JK not posting for Jimin on his birthday or the moment on the couch in the Grammy reaction video.
Because only one of those two instances is up for debate where I'm concerned. I think I have said several times now that from time to time JK does switch off his humanity around Jimin and the others. It's weird. You'd think he lost his daylight ring or summin. Lol.
And I think I have said that's exactly what he did on the couch in the Grammy reaction video?
And I said that's not the only time he's done that? I think I mentioned how he did the same in Soop when they were playing sport at midnight and he shoved Jimin?
I mean it's a whole meme now.
RM: Keep ya eyes on the ball.
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It's the why he behaves like this is in certain moments that is up for debate most times I think. And I think it all depends on the context, setting and a whole other factors.
So yes, I agree he was 'nonchalant' in that moment on the couch. I think that's a fact not an opinion or theory. I don't think anyone is disputing that.
And since you didn't state any theory to counter my theory on that moment or explain why you think he was being nonchalant on the couch in that moment- unless you meant to say you believe he was nonchalant because he doesn't care about Jimin; I'm just going to assume you meant he was full on nonchalant in not posting for Jimin's birthday and to that my response is-
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I think it's hightime you accepted JK doesn't hate Jimin.
This guy? Jeon Jungkook? You tried it. Lol.
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I understand if you don't think Jikook are a couple and your comment is just to ridicule persons such as myself who believe they are a couple.
But I think it's a free world and I have the right to believe whatever I want to believe and I believe Jikook is real not because I believe them to be real but because they are real. Period blank purr.
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'Jikook gay' 'Jikook married' lol.
You mentioned how JK withholding his affections for JM and how it will be JM's request. JM will never ask that of him:
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First of all, I agree with you because I never said that. What I did say was JK not posting for Jimin on JM's birthday and how that would have been at JM's request.
I think you took that bit out of context.
For context that bit alludes to my theory on Jm's birthday saga and the subsequent seemingly less publicly displayed affections between them in the aftermath- from the Be official promos to the hits 97.3 interview straight to the Grammy reaction video and the Grammy VLive itself.
I think my general theory on all of that has been that Jikook was required to be 'professional' throughout the Be era because that project was a personal project for and by all 7 and Jikook couldn't monopolize the shine like they tend to do in official BigHit content- a theory I still stand by.
I think it's long been established that BTS since time immemorial would rather Jikook be kept a secret and have had moments where they had actively tried to neutralize, cover up and even physically stop Jikook from doing certain things that could potentially expose their relationship.
JK hugging JM at Mama 2019 being high on that list and the 2020 September 1st Vlive being the climax of such moments as their neutralization tactic had directly resulted in the entire fandom questioning the truthfulness of Jimin's utterances made that day concerning JK, with some crazy fans going as far as to call Jimin dishonest and a liar.
I fail to see how this same group would not find JK posting on JM's birthday objectionable. Especially since Jk hadn't posted for any member in a year. I said I felt JK posting for JM on his birthday would have been tantamount to outing their relationship and that wouldn't have sat well with the group including Jimin.
I also said, and it's a known fact, JK gives zero fucks about others' opinions of him and wouldn't mind at all posting for JM if it's something he really wanted to do. The decision then would be Jimin's to make because JK cannot out their relationship without his permission.
And I don't think Jimin would ask JK to out their relationship in that way. Not if it went against the interest and collective will of the group. He is the one who brought up the members complaining about JK not buying them presents on their birthdays during festa in the first place.
He is equally the same person who run to JK to inform him Jin wasn't too happy with him choosing JM's bag over his bag.
I don't think it's far fetched for me or anyone to think JM would actually worry about how JK posting for his birthday and not for the other members' on theirs would make them look bad or how that will impact the feelings of the members.
I don't think it's far fetched for me to think JM would worry about the backlash JK would have received from toxic fans and antis in the aftermath of such incident had JK actually gone through with it and posted just for him and not the others.
As for that Grammy reaction moment, like I said, I feel Jikook are required to keep things on a low and be professional in certain contents post dynamite era- for whatever reason.
If you think about the trouble, the hustle the members went through to try to keep Jikook a secret and not make their BB VLive about Jikook- the omissions and choppy narration that marked that Billboard VLive, I don't think it's a stretch to assume they had asked Jikook to 'keep it professional' in that Grammy video too, to not give fans reasons to make that moment about their relationship.
And if that was the directive given, by their peers nonetheless, then I think the choice would have fallen on JK and JM to obey it or not. And again, I believe the only reason JK will obey such directive is if JM wanted him to.
The fact JM was super excited and instinctively turned to hug JK but stopped himself and sat his ass right back down speaks his obedience to me and the fact he later decided to throw caution to the wind and go to his man for his hug but for the knee that got in his way- that speaks defiance to me.
Jimin can be bold and defiant sometimes...
Now I'm not going to share my thoughts on JK in this conversation because I don't want to come across as 'defending him' and making excuses for him- which is something I get accused off most of the time...
So now I ask you, do you still think all this is a stretch?
This... this right here.
I see what you mean and I get it. But how are you gonna say Jikook are a couple but then not expect them to act like a couple, make decisions like a couple, make choices for eachother as a couple or even expect us to treat them as a couple?
I don't understand.
'Jimin and I will sleep here'
Listen, I am a Jikooker. A KookMiner. I never think of Jikook as separate units. It's not in my vocabulary. I think and see them as a unit, a couple- one and the same. You are me. I am you. JM is Jk, JK is JM.
If JK makes decisions and choices, yes they are JM's decisions and choices too. If the members refer to them as a unit why shouldn't I?
That being said, I get what you mean. JM is always being scapegoated in this fandom. People will always look for an excuse to jump on him and I don't think that's right.
But I also don't think that is what I am doing here simply because there is no blame to assign in this situation. I keep saying JM's needs are as valid as JK's needs. JM is not wrong for his needs and neither is JK.
Couples do take eachothers needs into consideration when making choices and decisions. I don't think JK will make a decision of this nature without taking JM's needs into consideration.
I don't think he will 'nonchalantly' not post for Jimin without taking JM's needs into consideration.
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Not after this.
'Jimin I'm sorry. You know my heart'
I think Jimin knows JK's intentions more than anyone. More than me, more than you.
At the end of the day, your opinion is your opinion. You are entitled to it as I am to mine.
Or maybe I missed the point of your Ask? I don't know but I hope this answers your question. Stay safe. Purple hearts.
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misterceeh · 7 years
Hey, I was wondering if you could help me a little? It's fine if you don't want to talk about it. With the recent events (NYT article and even before) it's hard to ship in general. It's not like I really ship Kookmin but I like them. And with all the hate and saying it's fetishizing I feel bad about it. I can't read or look at Kookmin without feeling guilty. I don't want to fetishize but I wonder if that's what I'm doing when I "ship" them. Like, where is the difference? Sorry if it's too much
Hi, first of all, thanks for taking the time to send this ask. My apology for taking a while to respond. I was out when I got the notification, and I wanted to make sure I answered this as thoroughly I possibly can. Anyway..
Personally, I think it all depends on what your current train of thought is when it comes to shipping them. I say train of thought because it’s possible that we all had different entry points to the ship but eventually changed. For example, I may have entered into shipping just for fun, but then as I watched more and more videos, my opinion about the ship changed and I became more and more convinced that there’s actually going on there.
When you see Kookmin together or having moments, where do you stand? What do you feel? What goes through your mind? Do you feel genuinely happy for them like you’re their friend and you’re happy about the possibility of finding their happiness in each other? Do you feel a sense of accomplishment because you feel like you’ve chosen something that appears to be “winning” or rising above the rest? Where does your focus go? To the well-being of the people involved in the ship or to you?
If you find that the effects of these moments have more to do with you than on what it means for the people involved in the ship, then perhaps there really is a reason to feel guilty about it.
If we’re going to be completely objective and simple-minded here, a quick Google of “define fetish” would give you the following definition of “fetish”:
a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.
In other words, if your shipping them does not point to your personal sexual gratification, then you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.
Personally, I do not have this kind of worry because I know why I ship them and I am at peace with my intentions, which is to follow the story that Jungkook and Jimin started themselves. The moments that I celebrate are not creations of my wild imaginations (I understand some shippers overreach, but I do not share their views on these) but events that actually took place. The things that some people say about shipping JK and JM do not affect me because I am not guilty of their accusations because I understand clearly what I am doing.
If you’re interested, I have my personal categories of shipping. I will obviously miss some, but these are the most common or general I’ve observed, so far. 
1. As like a friend – in here I put shippers who ship characters or people like how they would do it for the people they care about and their love interest. In a way, I almost don’t see this as shipping but more of supporting your friends/family because you genuinely believe that there is something special going on for them and that it would make them happy. 
For these shippers, shipping is strictly romantic (inherently sexual, in a way, I guess – mostly depends on what you find inclusive in a romantic relationship) and that their focus is on supporting their ship as the end-game. They understand that the potential is there and this understanding comes from the things they’ve seen and heard that involve the people in their ship. However, this understanding also comes with the acceptance that they could’ve read things incorrectly and that things may not go as they would hope in the end. Without this kind of understanding, these shippers would not have entered into the ship at all, and once the ship is proven a lost cause, they would sadly jump off it and move on.
These shippers do not do it for fun, and every moment of ship they celebrate, they celebrate out of genuine joy because they are excited of the idea that the people in their ship could be closer to finding their happiness. On the other hand, if they see the people in their ship have interactions with other people, they tend to pass it off as friendly or brotherly/sisterly until they’re proven wrong; at which point, they feel hurt as well. This is why they only read fanfics with their ship as end-game and look longer on fanarts of their ship because they cannot imagine or do not want to imagine their ship not being together, in any form.
2. Bias-based – these are people who ship characters or people together simply because those people are their biases and that they enjoy seeing them together and interacting. I am not entirely sure whether they see shipping as romantic or just merely another form of closeness or they just simply like the idea of their favourite people being each other’s favourite people as well. For some of these ships that they end up forming, I can hardly see the romantic part of it, which is why I’m not sure what they’re after. 
From what I’ve observed, these shippers don’t normally go beyond the borders of friendship or cute interactions. This does not say much as I have not seen that many shippers like this, so far.
3. For fun – these are shippers who do it because it’s a thing and seems like a fun thing to pass time with. They tend to ship anyone with anyone, simply because they can – no emotional investment of sorts, and should they have some, it’s probably minimal. They appreciate any pairing fanarts, read any pairing fanfics, and celebrate any kind of interaction between people. 
4. For personal fulfillment of fantasies – they’re like no. 3 but leaning more toward chanelling and feeding their imaginations. They kind of do it just for fun but not really entirely just for fun – like a specific kind of fun, if you know what I mean. I would say fetishes belong here.
5. As an obsession – these are shippers who seem hellbent on making their ship a thing that they would create moments out of nothing and shove their ship into other people. I hope will never have to deal with them.
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