#selling vitamins
always-is-always · 1 year
Traveling for work this week
That means I’m a little off line here on this platform... I just checked in and see that there’s tons of posts that I have missed since Sunday night... more followers and such...  
So, I’m not gone, just having to be super focused on the work side of life this week.  Just letting ya’ll know.... 😘
Hopefully, I won’t miss anything BIG, lilke a Kookmin selca, Kookmin vlive, or any other earth-shattering Kookmin event!  lol!  If the world tips on its axis, I’ll know something happened.  
ps... the GIF below is one of my favorite moments!  I just LOVE them! 💜
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lieutenant-columbro · 2 years
columbo says remember to take ur t shots ♥️
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mumblesplash · 1 year
me normally: my media consumption resonates with but does not directly reflect or alter my mental state, i have a healthy and robust ability to process human experiences through the lens of art without losing sight of reality ­:)
me watching the terror: i NEED to do some gay shit on a doomed voyage and then die of scurvy. to express myself
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transhawks · 4 months
the only panel i want of keigo is him 1. leaving therapy 2. creating some sort of social media account to capitalize on his soon to be waning fan so he can earn coin by manpulating people, as is right
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Today's Kanaena vitamin is from the collaboration with Kfc? Whatever they are so cute honestly!
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peanutsandbitterstep · 10 months
ooooooooh the switch from [BRIAN] to Brian
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The fun thing about reading Teen Wolf fanfic is that sometimes I’m reminded of the chokehold Vitamin Water had over everyone from like 2010-2016
Like Vitamin Water was essential to my daily life in High School and then it like dropped off the face of the earth
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the-nene-pharmacy · 1 month
what do the Nene vitamins do
They improve your singin—
...I think you got the wrong pharmacy. The Nene vitamins aren't with me...
@daily-mafuena-vitamins the nene vitamins in their possession. How? I have no idea.
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klapollo · 7 months
those fucking protein pop tart pastries are soooooo good i hate that they cost four fucking dollars each
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gender-euphowrya · 1 year
"eat this don't eat that more meat less meat plant-based omnivore carnivore vegan insects protein shakes keto paleo intermittent fasting eat this don't eat that eat that don't eat this" HOW ABOUT I EAT THINGS I LIKE AND WANT TO EAT IN A WAY THAT ENSURES MY SURVIVAL AND DON'T TREAT FOOD LIKE SOMETHING TO OPTIMIZE THE BENEFITS OF OR PUNISHMENT OR A CHORE OR A REFLECTION OF MY MORALITY
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lesbiten · 1 year
i either have ruined these birds or they came to me ruined. my friend and i bought corn from the farmers market yesterday, and we broke off a piece of one to give to my birds. they absolutely refused to eat it until i shucked it off the cob and then sprinkled a little bit of seed and vitamin egg powder in it
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arctic-hands · 1 year
I love looking up the histories and backgrounds of poverty food, mostly past but sometimes present. Seaweed/channel wrack during the Irish Famine, acorn flour in North America both in Native communities and by European occupiers. Wartime "roof rabbits" (depressing, don't look up if you're sensitive about pet death). Depression-era and WWII rationing as a whole topic in and of itself. Various nuts around the world that are otherwise shunned in times of plenty because of the association with Bad Times. And of course the history of lobster going from being considered water insects in attitude to an expensive gourmet cuisine.
The one time I ever got pissed off by this was watching a Townsends video where he made colonial-era rice bread, because rice was cheaper than wheat at times. Anyone who's forced to be gluten free will tear our hair out at that statement, because most of us have to forgo bread entirely because rice bread and other gluten free bread at this point is 4 times more expensive than white wheat bread and you only get like a third of the portion in both size of the loaf and the amount of slices within (this has only gone up even more with the corporate price gouging of regular food).
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clamorybus · 1 year
my sib is breaking up with their shitty 50 year old bf!! 🤟
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miasanmuller · 1 year
“according to WHO you have to ingest daily doses of omega 3 because your body needs it, so you have to take this special suplement we are offering you” shut up shut up shut UP
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lilnasxvevo · 2 years
Dark MXTX show us the more ~literary~ novels SQH wrote before he gave up and wrote PIDW
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gardenstateofmind · 2 years
is it ridiculous that i spent almost $20 on a juice and avocado toast just so i could have it delivered to my front door? yes. will i do it again? also yes.
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