#hope its ok that im answering asks about this Felix! I know its you who has been in the trenches out here fighting for our girl
I don't mean disrespect by these, but it's funny to see people beef in with a lego
Also, while English isn't my first language, I read Antigone and watch Ninago year's ago in 2013. And I think one good thing I've seen someone else bring up is that both of these characters convey different types of the word tragedy. As in, I believe that Lloyd can the first definition, while Antigone is the second. I do not believe that something being meant for children loses the value of it, and that adults are not allowed to watch it and enjoy it. and I don't think someone enjoying old writing makes them snobby. Hopefully people understand that and attempt to see each others view instead of engaging in pointless arguments. Personally, I would vote for Antigone, but I see why people vote for Lloyd. And I think the points you made on your blog are really good, I'm glad you don't try to insult other people as well for their interests
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I would argue that Antigone is absolutely both of those definitions while Lloyd is just the first. But yeah like neither of the mods here think that something being aimed at children means it has no value or that adults can't watch it lmao.
Thank you for saying our (well, Mod Felix's but we are in agreement on them) points are good! And yeah of course we're not gonna insult people for their interests, I'm glad people are getting enjoyment from their lego show, just like I get enjoyment from my ancient tragedies.
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taelme · 4 years
Heyyy your Hyunjin demigod au is a literal MASTERPIECE !!! I was thinking about which god would fit each member of skz, what do u think ?
hmm good question anon... ok im not super well versed on this but im doing this based on like what I know and like the Vibes okay HAHHA 
Bang Chan: Poseidon: [ god of the sea, earthquakes, floods, drought and horses ]
I feel like he strikes me as fitting either Poseidon (maybe its because he says the ocean is his safe place and hes a beach boi 🤟) and idk why something about chan and water and swimming just feels very natural? like it feels comfortable if that makes sense... yeah, something about it is like commanding in a calm kind of way? which is kind of what I associate with Chan! tbh I was also considering Apollo for him because chan has established that sort of emotional-support Kpop boy image for himself HAHHA and hes really so sweet... but yeah I guess I thought Poseidon would fit better im not entirely sure why 
Lee Know/Minho: Prometheus: [ Titan god of forethought and crafty counsel ] 
this kid,,, I feel like he gives me alot of this energy? like judging from how Minho is usually the brain behind pranks against the other members or just how quick-witted he is? I feel like at the same time he’s very smart? like he has a pretty unsuspecting kind of intelligence that shouldn’t be underestimated, I mean the name prometheus itself already kind of hints at the intelligence part but at the same time he has a energy that’s quite like,,,guiding(?) if that makes sense.  
Changbin: Persephone [ goddess of agriculture, fertility; queen of the underworld ]
!!!! this was kind of hard to decide but I feel like what kind of drove my decision was that Changbin is very strong on the outside but he’s sensitive and he has so much love in him and he just wants to give his love to others and be loved(as we all do)! but that’s not to say thats what persephone wanted of course lol, but in this aspect I feel like Changbin is also quite assertive at the same time? (see: that video about the chart manipulation prank) and his duality kind of reminded me of this because of how the underworld is usually seen as something very dark and depressing but persephone was very beautiful and yeah,,, I hope that makes sense. 
Hyunjin: Apollo: [ Olympian god of prophecy and oracles, music, song and poetry, archery, healing, plague and disease, and the protection of the young ] 
ok before yall shit on me because I wrote hyunjin as a son of Aphrodite in the fic, I was kind of torn between Apollo and Aphrodite for him, because I feel like Hyunjin has a lot of ... softness? to him? like how he always wants to help stays overcome their problems or offer a listening ear to stays and how even from the music he recommends there's always a very calm/gentle/soothing vibe to it and there's even that sort of elegance to him in how he dances which is kind of the vibe I got from Hyunjin, but at the same time how he’s very intense when he wants to be and I could really see these qualities standing out in him!
Han Jisung: Artemis [ Olympian goddess of hunting, the wilderness and wild animals. She was also a goddess of childbirth, and the protectress of the girl child up to the age of marriage ] 
first of all, I had a really hard time deciding this HAHA but honestly I felt like Artemis was someone who gave me similar vibes to Jisung in terms of appearing unassuming but then releasing a hip fuck sin  actually having a lot of power and strength underneath that! and I feel like this really reminded me of Jisung, not only because performance wise hes quite similar but in terms of how his strength goes a lot beyond just performance? like mentally as well? yes Jisung best boy 
Felix: Aphrodite [ Olympian goddess of love, beauty, pleasure and procreation ]
ok. Felix is literally the sweetest boy I've ever seen. But I chose Aphrodite for him because something about him is very,,, contagious? how his positive and lovely energy just kind of makes the people around him want to be like that as well and I remember reading something about how Aphrodite had the power to ignite feelings of love in those around her (even animals) and I thought that was a very...Felix thing? Like even from his cute hobbies like how he bakes and cooks and he gets so much joy out of baking things for other people its just like u can really see how much he wants to spread love to others and i thought that was really beautiful so I chose Aphrodite for him! ( and also bc hes pretty as heck ) 
Seungmin: Athena [  Olympian goddess of wisdom and good counsel, war, the defence of towns, heroic endeavour, weaving, pottery and various other crafts ] 
Again! I was contemplating between Athena and Apollo because Seungmin also is another person that has so many like... poetic elegance to him and a gentle healing energy, but I chose Athena because I feel like Seungmin is someone that although they have these beautiful healing qualities as well, they’re also someone with a lot of depth and principle? and he’s very witty as well. But yes! he strikes me as someone that takes his studies seriously and his responsibilities as well, like I remember seeing that alot of the members voted him as the most hardworking in the group and I do stand by that! because Seungmin has a kind of quiet determination and discipline that kind of reminded me of Athena? because we all know being disciplined and hardworking really isn't easy... so yes! 
I.N/Jeongin: Astraea [ virgin-goddess of justice, innocence, purity and precision ] 
I was deciding between Astraea and Hebe for Jeongin as well but eventually I chose this one because what I thought of when I saw this was when chan said he saw Jeongin as a blank slate when he first met him, and I think something about Jeongin is that he has so many qualities that just scream youth. And I think that just from the qualities I named out above you can see how there's a child-like nature to it but also a very seasoned kind of feeling? like I just feel like this energy is a very.... as much as its youthful it’s also very wise? kind of thing. 
anyway anon I hoped this answered your question! thanks for the ask this was fun 
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inadaydream99 · 5 years
Wait, there was a error here and I don't know if the request was sent or not, so I will send it again. Can I request a SKZ reaction to trying to being more "mature" to impress their crush but their crush doesn't like it. Thanks in advance honey, I hope you're doing great ❤️ ❤️ 😘 😘
Hey, I love this request! 😁 I didn’t get this the first time so thank you for sending it in again. I’m sorry this has taken so long, but I hope you enjoy!
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To say you were confused by Chan’s recent behaviour was an understatement. He hadn’t been acting like himself and every time someone made a slightly immature joke or comment he would just roll his eyes instead of laughing along like he normally would. You didn’t like it one bit.
You were visiting the guys for the day, having not been able to see them much when everything suddenly became clear to you. Chan was trying to impress you by being more mature because you said that you found guys that were mature more attractive. You knew you shouldn’t have been listening into the conversation between Chan and Seungmin but you couldn’t help yourself.
“You’re overthinking this. By mature, I don’t think she meant being boring and not joining in on jokes.” You hear Seungmin state in a mocking tone, a cute little giggle sounding after which makes you let out a snicker under your breath.
“But none of our conversations are ever mature, so I just decided to not get involved.” Chan responds, his tone unrecognisable to you but you could picture the straight faced expression he must be pulling.
“I can see she is worried about you though, she keep glancing to see your responce. I know she likes it when you join in on the immature jokes we make.”
“Seungmin’s right you know.” You enter the room, jumping into the conversation before another word can be spoken. Both of their eyes wide and mouths slightly hung open in surprise.
“If being mature means you aren’t your normally bubbly self then I guess I don’t like mature guys that much.” You continue when you realise that neither of them are going to respond.
“See. I was right.” Seungmin smugly smiles before leaving the room. Chan can only look down in embarrassment, a shy smile on his face as you both laugh with one another.
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“Why are you being so quiet?” You suddenly blurt catching Woojin off guard. He turns to look at you in confusion, the book he was previously reading now sitting in his lap.
“Well, im reading.” Woojin smirks at you, an eyebrow raising mockingly.
“No, I don’t mean that. I mean, you seem more serious lately.” You roll your eyes before explaining what you mean.
“You’re- subdued.” You continue, pausing momentarily to find the right word to describe him.
“I’m just thinking about the future, what I want from life and things like that.” Woojin answers you calmly. Generally Woojin is one of the most mature people you know, but you’ve never known him to be this focused.
“You have loads of time for that. I haven’t even seen you smile today. Can you smile, I miss your smile.” You pout up at him, leaning into his side and looking at him intently.
“You’re annoying you know that.” Woojin teases, a smile breaking out on his face as he laughs at you.
“I did it!” You cheer which only makes Woojin laugh more. He never had the confident to admit it but your silliness is one of the reasons he loves you.
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“But I like it when we’re not serious.” You complain, following Minho as he walks away from you.
“We aren’t kids anymore (Y/N), so stop acting like one.” Minho rolls his eyes as he continues walking, not even sending a glance your way as you catch up to his side.
You had gotten into a disagreement with Minho because you told him that you think it’s strange seeing him act more mature. This irritated him because he had been purposefully acting more mature to impress you, secretly wanting you to start looking at him as more than a friend. And maturity was the way he decided to do that because he thought that would be what you wanted.
“Just because we aren’t kids doesn’t mean we can’t have fun and not take life too seriously all the time. But that’s all you’ve been recently.” You retort, persistent on getting Minho to lighten up a bit.
“I thought you would want someone who is mature though!” Minho suddenly stops walking. You look at him confused b my the statement.
“I’ve been trying to get you to notice me. You said you tired of dating boys and wanted a man.” Minho speaks softer as he approches you slowly after you fail to respond.
You can feel your heart beating out of your chest from his confession. You had no idea he felt that way about you, but you were happy he did.
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“Is it really that important to you?” You we’re questioned randomly by Changbin who was laying across the sofa with his head in your lap.
“What’s important to me?” You laugh at the ominous question, your fingers combing though his hair continuously.
“About finding someone who is mature.” Changbin fills in the gaps, his hands raising a little so he can pick at his nails, a nervous habit he has that you find endearing.
“I guess, but it’s not the most important thing.” You reply easily as you smile down at him.
“What is then?” He mumbles. You’re almost not sure if he was asking you or just speaking his thoughts until his eyes finally meet yours.
“Someone who is nice, and genuinely cares about me.” You start, your voice trailing off as you think about it more deeply.
“So like me then...” Changbin brings you out of your mind, his shy smile making your stomach flip.
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“Life’s too short.” You bashfully say as you take a sip of your drink, your gaze trailing off to your side as you look out of the window to the cafe you are currently sat in.
“Which is why it’s important to know what you want.” Your eyes dart back to land on Hyunjin who is sat opposite you, his expression serious and calm. It’s like you are suddenly in a parallel universe, your best friend having changed personalities over night.
“Wow, so very mature of you. Where’s my goofy best friend gone, I liked him better.” You giggle in an attempt to bring some lightheartedness into the air.
“It’s true.” Hyunjin chuckles, his head falling to look at the table simultaneously.
“So you know what you want then?” You regain his eye contact, a teasing tone to your question.
“Yeah, you.” Hyunjin answers confidently, his eyes not once diverting from yours, wanting to see your reaction.
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You had been bickering with Jisung for over an hour about how he needs to grow up. Unsurprisingly this offended him and has relentlessly been trying to prove to you that he is mature ever since.
“The economy, politics, taxes!” Jisung yells, his sporadic movements almost giving you a heart attack as he jumps around the room passionalty trying to prove his point.
“Just saying random words doesn’t prove you are mature. If anything, I’m surprised you know those words.” You mock, a wide grin on your face as you get hit with a pillow.
“Hey! That’s not fair!” Jisung whines, becoming defeated by your teasing.
“Do you really want me to be more mature?” He timidly asks after a few minutes.
“No, I like you exactly as you are.” You cringe at your cheesy words. But the smile of Jisung’s face is priceless.
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“I can’t adult today... or any day really.” Felix sighs, falling onto the sofa next to you as you look up from your phone in amusement.
“Don’t be so dramatic.” You playfully scoff before returning your attention to scrolling through social media.
You didn’t really think too much about what you had said to Felix, but he did. It bothered him that you thought he was being dramatic making him question if you were even joking though you played it off as one.
Its been a few days since then and ever since you have noticed Felix being more reserved than normal. Your curiosity peaks when you observe that he hasn’t been joining in on group conversations as much. He hasn’t even been giving Jisung reactions when he makes a joke like he normally does.
“What’s wrong?” You decide to investigate as soon as you get the opportunity to and finding Felix in his own was perfect.
“Nothing.” He mumbles, his disinterest in answering you evident.
“Seriously? You’re being like that. I just wanted to make sure you are ok.” You begin to get defensive, slightly angered by his hardness towards you.
“I’m not getting into a childish argument with you (Y/N). I said I was fine.” Felix responds, his voice raising in volume which only makes you further annoyed.
“Then why are you acting like one.” You retort purposefully trying to upset him now.
“Why are you so fixated on that! All you care about is people acting mature and yet you don’t even act mature yourself.” Felix retaliates as he sends daggers your way.
“Since when have I ever said that?” You become timid, feeling sadness wash over you from the accusation.
“A few days ago you told me to stop being dramatic and ever since it’s been in my mind that you think I’m not mature or I am childish.” Felix speaks after calming himself down a little, his anger fading upon seeing you look so hurt by his explosion.
“I didn’t mean it that way at all. I actually think you are way more sensible and mature than I am.” You answer barely above a whisper as you struggle to keep your emotions in control.
Felix feels regret wash over him as he takes in your reaction, his heart braking at seeing how much he has upset you.
“I’m sorry. I guess I overthought what you said.” He softly speaks. You nod your head in responce as you are engulfed in a tight hug.
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“How sophisticated.” Seungmin flatly comments which makes you almost choke on your drink.
“Do you want to kill me.” You joke, laughing as you mop up the bit of coffee spilt on the table with a tissue. “What were you talking about anyway?” You continue as you throw the tissue away, wanting to know the reason for his sarcastic sounding comment.
“Just this picture Changbin sent on the group of some stupid meme or something.” Seungmin fills you in, still sounding completely unimpressed.
“But you love all that kind of stuff.” You giggle at him, finding his sarcasm highly entertaining.
“Well not anymore. I am more mature now.” He states proudly, smiling at you widely.
“But now who am I gonna send my favourite memes to?” You pout. You didn’t like this ‘new mature’ Seungmin.
“Well, you still can if you want. I just though you would be impressed by my maturity.” Seungmin admits, his cheeks tinting pink feeling shy.
“You’re so cute.” You coo at him, laughing when it makes his cheeks turn bright red from your comment.
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“I am not a child!” Jeongin whines, his stroppy actions completely opposing his statement.
You have been teasing him by calling him a child and babying him, which Jeongin normally loves. He always enjoys your attention, having a huge crush on you for a while. But recently he has been trying to act more grown up, wanting you to look at him as a man rather than a boy.
“Your tantrum suggests the opposite.” You snicker making his sigh in frustration.
“I can be mature.” He defends as he stops whining and grumpily focuses onto the tv, determined to ignore you.
“I know, I’m just messing with you.” You speak as you try to get his attention. “I know you’re not a child. Even if I do make it seem that way sometimes.” You continue, successfully getting Jeongin’s attention onto you once again.
“Really.” Jeongin responds, his eyes wide in shock.
When you nod in responce, Jeongin finally smiles, happy with what you have said.
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hello, i saw ur skz scenarios, which are very cute. i wanted to know if i can get one with hyunjin where ure both in college and ure crushing on him. if its not too much to ask can it be like the uni experiences u see on tv or in movies with lit parties and stuff? thank u!
Hello, anonie!!! I know this might be kinda late - I’ve been busy - but here it is! I really hope you enjoy it! It was a lot of fun to write this!
Admin Rex
(Word Count: 2977)
Listen: you came to this party because you knew two of the party hosts own the cutest dogs. Also maybe because Changbin insisted you go to socialize and have fun because you both haven’t seen some of your friends in so long, and he didn’t want to go without you. You had told him that it was okay, that he could go to see his friends. Still, Changbin can be very persuasive when he wants to - his puppy eyes always got you no matter how adamant you were to deny him something. You’d already begun relenting when Changbin pulled his phone out and scrolled through an Instagram feed full of pictures of the same two dogs, one of them being Chan’s dog Berry. At that point, you knew there was no refusing. Your best friend had ensured you that the dogs would be there, you could play with them when you went.
Currently, you were groaning internally at the loud music. Its bass thrummed constantly through your chest and the sound rattled in your skull. Normally, you’d enjoy the hectic atmosphere, but you were running on pure determination at this point. Maintaining passing marks in all of your classes and keeping in touch with your friends was draining, to say the least. That was also on top of your job. You’ve been at the party for an hour and a half, and you already managed to lose Changbin. Not to mention you hadn’t even seen the dogs. You were headed to the kitchen to find something to snack on when someone grabbed your shoulder. When you turned to face the person, your scowl transformed into a bright smile, “Chan! It’s so great to see you!” The blond grinned, dimples on full display, before pulling you along with him. He leaned closer so you could hear him, “Changbin said you came for the dogs.” You pulled away to give him the most hopeful look you could muster. He laughed and pulled you along towards the stairs you really couldn’t bring yourself to go up without permission.
When you entered the first room on the left, you were relieved. It was much more quiet in here, despite the thrumming that was ever present in the walls of the house. There were a few friends you knew - Changbin, Felix, Jisung, Woojin, and Minho - and two others you didn’t. You noted Jeongin wasn’t present, which your protective heart told you was for the best. After greeting everyone with a small smile, you couldn’t help but drop down to greet Berry and the other dog, who’d come over to sniff at you. You cooed quietly at Berry before turning to the other, “Who must you be?” You weren’t really expecting an answer. You were surprised when a soft voice replied, “That’s Kkami.” You look up at the speaker. He almost comes off as intimidating, but you catch the friendly gleam in his eyes and know that he’s probably incredibly nice. You grinned at him before turning back to Kkami, “Well, Kkami, you’re very cute. Almost cuter than Berry over there.” At that, Chan squawks a “Hey, don’t say that about my child!” from the bed you’re leaning against. You laugh, surprised once again to hear the boy from earlier joining you. 
He smiles softly before waving his hand in greeting, “I’m Hyunjin! Kkami’s proud parent.” You smile, opening your mouth to respond before being cut off, “Y/N! Save me!” Jisung practically jumps over you before crash landing on the bed behind you, gasping dramatically as he rolls and collides with the wall. Changbin follows him seconds later, grumbling about how his phone is not something to be tossed around. Chan is quick to scoop Berry away from the mess that is Jisung and Changbin. You grin sheepishly at Hyunjin’s wide eyes and stare at each other before breaking out in giggles. Hyunjin straightens up before gesturing to the person sitting beside him. The other boy was in a deep conversation with Felix and Minho, Hyunjin introduces him as his best friend Seungmin. You get a feeling that Jeongin would get along well with said boy, if his mischievous grin was anything to go by.
You spend the rest of the night cackling with your friends at stupid jokes and sad attempts at playing video games together. You would suggest playing a board game, but you’d hate to almost dissolve friendships. The music is still thumping loudly by the time you decide that you should probably return home. When you gather your belongings up, you’re joined by Changbin and Seungmin, who apparently lives near to you and your best friend. The three of you decide to split the cost of a ride. 
The next time you see Hyunjin, it was during a break you had between your classes. He had approached you with a warm smile and food in his hands. Eager to get your mind off of your math calculations, you waved him over. You ended up talking with him about your classes, and he told you about his. You learned that he’s majoring in dance, which you think is fitting because just seeing Hyunjin walk gives you the impression of a dancer. You told him about your major, but didn’t spend too much time on it as you just wanted a break from anything related to academics. 
Over the next few days, you had to turn in a total of 6 assignments, one of which was an essay. At this point, there was a slight lull in the workload for all of your classes and Changbin somehow knew. “(Y/N), please? Chan, Felix, and Jisung will be there! Even Minho and Woojin! Maybe Jeongin, too?” Changbin was currently trying to talk you into going to another party on Saturday. As if you both hadn’t attended the one two weeks prior. You were pretty set on staying home this time. Changbin couldn’t bribe you with Berry this time. Chan said you were welcome to visit Berry anytime.
You shook your head at him. You had a full day of classes and just wanted to sleep at this point. Changbin pouted at you. Before he could use his special power, you pushed his head down into his history textbook before gathering your notes into your arms and hopping out of the chair, dashing down the library stairs. Changbin texted you seconds later about how you’re so mean to him and that he was going to tell Woojin - a threat that scared you only a little. You weren’t really paying attention to where you were heading because you were texting Changbin back. Before you could even hit send, you rammed right into someone’s back. Changbin received a text that just said oh dont cry you big bafkjdskkldjs. You only had a few seconds to lament the message before hearing your name being exclaimed. “Oh, (Y/N), are you okay? I really hope your nose is fine, you were walking really fast!” You rubbed slightly at the end of your nose before absentmindedly nodding. You noticed you must have wandered to the nearest restaurant without paying much attention. Makes sense, you hadn’t eaten yet.
You ignored the burning in your cheeks, chalking it up to being embarrassed about running straight into another person. Your phone vibrated a few more times before ceasing all together, and you knew Changbin had given up on you while you were busy picking up a few loose papers that had slipped from your hands. Hyunjin smiled at you when you were finished hastily stuffing the notebook into your school bag. Hyunjin’s smile, you note, is incredibly cute. His smile really shows genuine glee at seeing his friends, and you’re suddenly glad Changbin dragged you to that party. You don’t stop spacing out until Hyunjin’s smile droops, “Hey, are you hurt?”At the concern lacing his voice, you quickly shake your head, “No, no, I’m fine. Just. Thinking.” You smile wide at him, grinning more when Hyunjin nods and returns your smile. You look down at your shoes, not really knowing what to do now. You’d just met Hyunjin, and you really didn’t know what to say. You’d barely had any time to get to know him, aside from the time you hung out between your classes, which wasn’t much time, to be honest. Hyunjin sighed, a little hum coming for him before he clapped, “You came to eat, right? Why don’t we eat together? Seungmin’s still in class, and I’m a little hungry. We haven’t really talked much, either, so now would be a good time!”
You’re a little surprised. You thought that maybe Hyunjin didn’t want to eat with you. You don’t share any classes with him, and you’re positive that you aren’t majoring in the same thing. You nod anyway, not wanting to miss a chance to talk to Hyunjin. He smiled, and you’re once again amazed by how genuinely happy he looks. He begins to walk and pauses to wait until you’re in stride next to him. You both choose some food to eat before settling yourselves in a booth that is tucked against a window. About half way through your meal, you glance out the window and scowl when you see Changbin looking at his phone while attempting to stuff his textbook into his bag. Seconds later, your own phone vibrates with a new text. You remember that you never checked the last texts from him and take a moment to do so.
big bafkjdskkldjs???
whats that?
are you ok?
youre a big bafkjdskkldjs you know that
fine ignore me
The next message is the one that he just sent, which just says “youre eating right now arent you im coming your way.” You should’ve known he was going to know where to check to find you, especially since he knows you normally eat here after your Thursday classes. You sigh before smiling at Hyunjin who smiles back. You tap out that you’re not eating and that you’re studying at home. You knew Changbin wouldn’t believe you, but there’s nothing wrong with hoping. A minute later, Changbin approaches the table you’re seated at with Hyunjin, who surprisingly doesn’t look surprised to see your best friend there. Changbin looks down at your food before swiping some of it, “I see you ditched and replaced me.”
You stifle a sigh, as Hyunjin protests, explaining that he just wanted to get to know everyone better, including Changbin. That is how you ended up sitting squished between the window and Changbin. Across from you, Hyunjin is smiling softly. Somehow, you’re not sure how or when, Minho ended up sitting with you as well. He brought news of the party that Changbin had been trying to convince you to go to with him. Minho declared he’d be going, and Changbin already wanted to go. He turned to Hyunjin, who shrugged in agreement to go. When Minho turned to you for an answer, you felt like you had to nod - you could hardly say no to Minho. The fact that Hyunjin was going didn’t help. “Jeongin better not be going this time around, either.” You mumbled, and Minho smiled and explained that he’s busy with his own classes and the like.
When Saturday finally decides to roll around, you’re feeling less tired. You’d been able to rest and relax. (You believe that texting Hyunjin as much as you had been contributed, but you wouldn’t tell Changbin this.) Honestly, you were looking forward to seeing your friends, but not the party. Sometimes, the music was a great distraction from your studies, but it was also hard to talk to anyone over the noise. You and Changbin arrived to the house hosting the party. Honestly, you didn’t even know the host. You wandered around a bit, after separating to search for your friends. You first ran into Felix who was playing darts with Minho. They had terrifying accuracy. The next person you encountered was Hyunjin who was mingling with a few others. You waved to Kang Chanhee and Heo Hyunjoon, some of the only other people you recognized, aside from your friend group. Hyunjin beamed at you, as you came to stand between him and Chanhee. You talked with them a bit before they decided to join the mass of other bodies for dancing. You easily agreed, not wanting to be showed up, as you were quite confident in dancing. You were finally feeling your body loosen up as you challenged Hyunjoon.
Eventually, you left the “dance floor” - if a section of uncarpeted living room could be called one - to find something to drink, hopefully something like soda. When you returned from your search, you couldn’t help but feel captivated by the way Hyunjin moved to the music. Saying he was a good dancer was a severe understatement. He looked like he loved and lived to dance, which made sense, given his major. You stared at him a little longer before your eyes locked onto someone else. You speedily walked, “Jeongin! What are you doing here?” He explained he finished studying early, and only dropped by to greet everyone. You offered to walk him back home, which he insisted you didn’t have to, that he wasn’t even that much younger than you, but you honestly wanted to leave the party and you’d love to just talk to the younger. As you walked out to the sidewalk, the front door swung open, and Hyunjin looked surprised to see you leaving, “Going home?”
You smiled at him. His cheeks were pink from dancing the way he was, which made him look cuter than he already did. You motion to Jeongin, who looked between you and Hyunjin, “Not really. I’m taking him back home, then I might head home.” Hyunjin’s eyes flickered to Jeongin, who stared back just as challengingly, before walking down to stand beside you, “Could I come along?” You agree easily. During the walk to Jeongin’s house, you introduced the two and felt proud to see how well they got along. They acted very similar to brothers, if you were being honest. It brought a wide smile to your face. When Mrs. Yang opened the door, her eyes lit up at the sight of her son. She thanked you and Hyunjin for walking with him, before offering to let you come in, which you refused. 
At this point, you felt awkward trying to head home and basically ditch Hyunjin, so you decided to ask him if he wanted ice cream from a nearby convenience store. He agreed ecstatically - which, cute - and you explained that you would be paying for the snacks, no buts. He laughed at you, eyes growing soft. You and Hyunjin chose a few different flavors before deciding to just sit at a table set up outside the door. It was quiet for a few seconds before Hyunjin spoke up, “You’re good at dancing, (Y/N).” You look up at him and nod slightly, mostly as a way to thank him for saying that. You wait for a few seconds, “And, you’re amazing at dancing. I figured that you were good, but - wow. I’ve known Chanhee for a long time, and you really gave him a run for his money.” Hyunjin smiles, almost shyly. You let the lull in the conversation drag on for a bit. You watched as Hyunjin looked like he wanted to say something, but was hesitating. “Hyunjin? Something on your mind?” 
He took a deep breath before exhaling slowly, “I’ve kind of got a bit on my mind. Nothing bad! Just.” He laughed a little. You could tell he really didn’t seem like he wanted to talk about it, so you left it alone. You continued scooping little spoonfuls of your ice cream out of the small container. The silence was getting a bit stifling, but you really didn’t know what to say to Hyunjin. It’s not that you didn’t like him - in fact, you really liked him - but he just seemed preoccupied with his thoughts. He finally set down the little ice cream container and spoon. You raised a brow at him, “Hyunjin, are you sure you’re okay?”
He nodded before looking directly at you, “(Y/N), I think I really, really like you.” He looked so serious as he said it, but you could tell that he was really nervous about his confession. Honestly, you weren’t that surprised, but you were pretty stunned. You thought that this would be like all the other crushes you had that you didn’t act on. To say you were happy was an understatement. Unfortunately, all you could say with your brain freeze was a small “Thanks.” When you processed what you’d replied with and Hyunjin’s dazed - almost disappointed - expression, you scrambled to clarify. You quickly grabbed his hand, which was retreating from the table, “Wait, no, that’s not what I wanted to say! I had a brain freeze, like, wow, someone I really like just confessed to me! And, I really was going to say that I really, really like you, too, but - ” You stopped when Hyunjin started to laugh, the one that was thoroughly amused and so soft sounding at the same time. You paused, before pulling your hand away.
When he stopped laughing, Hyunjin smiled at you again, all kind and soft. You smiled back, despite the burning of your face. Neither of you said anything for a while. The only noise were leaves blowing in the Autumn breeze, occasional cars going by, and the sound of the few customers that visited the convenience store. “Are you free after class on Wednesday?” You asked tentatively. Hyunjin looked up, surprise showing a bit on his face. It took him a few seconds to nod, but when he did, he looked captivating with his small, shy smile.
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angelixii · 6 years
1-140 (anything you haven't answered already) - Felix
Oh, hello! Thanks for the ask!! 💕
3 fears - Spiders (I get frightened when I think about them) heights (slightly) and the public (anything like murder, kidnapped, ya know stupid people)
 3 Things I love - Music, Idols, and animals
 2 Turns on - ig Hats (like snapbacks) and glasses
 2 Turns off - oof I don’t really know.. ig self absorbed or a fudge boy
 My best friend - C: @straykids-sk (wuv you)
 How tall am I - 5′2
 What do I miss right now - My cat that passed away :c (her name was P.J)
 Favourite color - Blue, red, and sometimes green
 Do I have a crush - no not really
 Favourite place - my home
 What am I listening to right now - theres a website called asoftmurmur.com and it has noises like rain or waves and stuff like that
 Shoe size - pretty sure 10 in US womens
 Eye color - brown
 Hair color - light-ish brown
 Meaning behind my URL - I chose Felix cause hes my bias wrecker and hes angelic C:
 Favourite song - Theres like a million but 5SOS’s She Looks So Perfect wil always be a favorite (idk why)
 Favourite band - Ill just chose Stray Kids cause I don’t wanna write them all out
 How I feel right now - kinda tired but ig ok
 Someone I love - Ill say my best fren Georgia (@straykids-sk) cause i wuv her
 My current relationship status - single and i kinda wanna stay that way for a while
  My relationship with my parents - We all live in the same house and its just us (I have one other sister but she moved out. But shes here a lot tho) and we all get along well
 Favorite season - probably Spring c:
 Tattoos and piercing I have - none and I don’t really want any
 Tattoos and piercing I want - ^^^
The reasons I joined Tumblr - Georgia wanted me to and I thought it would be fun (I was right c:)
 Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? - no :/
 Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? - oh heel no she my best fren I would never
 How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - when I have school like 20 minutes at max
 Have you shaved your legs in the past three days? - I did today
 Where am I right now? - at my house on my laptop c:
 Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? - reasonable level cause I’ve always had ear problems and they are sensitive (even tho I always have my earbuds in)
 Do I live with my Mom and Dad? - yup
 Am I excited for anything? - not that I can think of no
 Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? - nope :/
 How often do I wear a fake smile? - not THAT often
 If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? - oooof I don’t think I could answer that question
 What do I think about most? - probably k-pop
 Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? - Definitely behind
 What was the last lie I told? - It was kinda a joke but “i’ll do it because im the good child”
 Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? - Eh depends on who it is but facetiming/video chatting
 Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? - ghosts kinda and aliens, I mean sure we’ve barely discovered space, who knows whats out there
 Do I believe in magic? - sometimes yeah
 Do I believe in luck? - I mean yeah
 What’s the weather like right now?- theres nothing really going on
 What was the last book I’ve read? - uhhhhhh fully on my own (not in class)? The Maze Runner Scorch Trials
 Do I have any nicknames? - Kassadoodle, Kassidilla, Kassy
 Do I spend money or save it? - I’m trying to save as much as I can rn in my little money jar c:
 Can I touch my nose with a tounge? - nah
 Favourite animal? - Lions and Fennec Foxes
 What was I doing last night at 12 AM? - uhhh im pretty sure saying goodbye to Georgia on video chat
 What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - oo um I cant really think of one rn :/
 What is my favorite word? - yeet
 My top 5 blogs on tumblr (not in any order)
 If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? - I probably wouldn’t say anything cause im shy and afraid people would judge me on what I say c:
 Do I have any relatives in jail? -not that I know of
What is my current desktop picture? - a pic of Bts
Had sex? Bought condoms? Gotten pregnant? Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Had job? Smoked weed? Smoked cigarettes? Drank alcohol?
no to ALL those questions C:
Am I a vegetarian/vegan? - nope don’t think I could ever
Been overweight? - …
Been underweight? - no.
Gotten my heart broken? - nah
Been to prom? - nope
Been in airplane? - nope and I never want to really
Learned another language? - I take required (cause im one of the more intelligent kids in school. I know shocker right?) Spanish classes in school but im on summer break so I dont remember any c:
Wore make up?- nope
Dyed my hair? - nope
Had a surgery? - plenty of ear surgery and had my tonsils removed
Met someone famous? - nope
Stalked someone on a social network? - nope
Been fishing? - no but my dad has always wanted to take me and it sounds kinda fun
Been rejected by a crush? - nope never really had one and if I did I would never have the guts
What do I want for birthday? - ooo idk but i have to wait till next year anyway cause its already passed
Do I like my handwriting? - sometimes when my hand cooperates
Where do I want to live when older? - with my girl Georgia
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? - nope ima good child (yeah ok suuureee)
What I’m really bad at - running :/
What my greatest achievments are - managing to keep straight A’s and I dont even study cause im online so
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me - “u bird cage” - Georgia c;
What I’d do if I won in a lottery - ooooooooof idk
What do I like about myself - uhhhhh heh ig my hair or eyes/eyelashes
My closest Tumblr friend - Georgia (yes I do know her irl but shes honestly the closet tumblr friend I have so)
Any question you’d like? - hmm idk
Are you outgoing or shy? - definitely shy, unless with people im close to then quite crazy
What kind of people are you attracted to? - funny, cute and nice people
Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? - hA no
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? - kinda
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - oof idk
What does the most recent text that you sent say? “ohhhh no XDD” (sent to Georgia)
What are your 5 favorite songs right now? - (I already answered this question and don’t wanna answer again)
Do you like it when people play with your hair? - yes I love when freinds at school did (once we were watching a movie in Spanish and my friend next to me was playing with my hair and I almost fell asleep heh)
Do you think there is life on other planets? - totally
Do you like bubble baths? - I haven’t had one in forever
Do you like your neighbors? - only one cause I think im related to them somehow or they are to like my uncle
Where would you like to travel? - out of this hell hole country c:
Favorite part of your daily routine? - checking my tumblr and stanning talent
What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? - stomach
What do you do when you wake up? - check my notifications on my phone
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? - I wish it was more tan than it is (im quite pale)
Do you ever want to get married? - yeah
If your hair long enough for a pony tail? - yes but I hate pony tails so I never do it (I used to all the time as a kid)
Would you rather live without TV or music? - I rarely watch t.v anymore and listen to music almost all day so
Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - I mean yeah
What are your favorite stores to shop in? - I dont really have one for clothes but I do like Walmart
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? - I mean sometimes
Do you smile at strangers? - If the smile at me first yeah
Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? - not that I can remember no
Ever wished you were someone else? - no (as much as I hate myself no)
Favorite makeup brand? - son;t wear any so I dont got one
Last thing you ate? - a Reese cup
Ever won a competition? For what? - not a big one I can remeber no
Ever been in love? - c:
Facebook or Twitter? - dont have a fb and i barely use twitter anymore but twitter
Twitter or Tumblr? - DEFINITELy tumblr
Are you watching tv right now? - i mean its always on for bg noise and light so ig so
What color are your towels? - all kinds of colors
Favorite ice cream flavor? - either Strawberry with out the strawberries or cookie dough
First person you talked to today? - my mom
Last person you talked to today? - Georgia
Name a person you hate? - C: theres too many
Name a person you love? - once again, theres too many
Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? - C: theres too many
Do you tan a lot? - I barely go outside so thats a no
Have any pets? - too many
Do you type fast? - I mean kinda yeah
Do you regret anything from your past? - everything XD
Ever broken someone’s heart? - I highly doubt it
Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? - C:
Is cheating ever okay? - hell no
Do you believe in true love? - I mean sure
What your zodiac sign? - Pisces
Do you believe in ghosts? - why is this question on here twice?
Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? (via catscuddlingandyou) - “…but not at all overwhelming, the balance of the different fragrances was subtle and flawless.” Twilight - Breaking Dawn (Do NOt ask me why thats the closest book its not mine and ive never read it and i NEVER plan on it)
oof that took like two hours heh.. its now currently 2:18am. and im very tired
but thanks for the ask anyway love! Im sorry for the wait! I was busy today. But im probably going to go to bed now
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fatesinthenight · 7 years
Their Heroes and Hearts (part 4)
Amy looked at Ken feeling tears at her eyes. Ken is looking down not wanting to meet the girls eyes in shame. Signe who was standing was not sitting on a chair hands on her lap. She had some tears already coming down and wiped them away. Marzia's lip was shaking and she took Ken's hand.
"Ken it is not your fault you know." Marzia gives his hand a squeeze. "You know Felix cares about you. He wanted you to be home and everyone. Even if he doesn't show it as much he does care."
"But... Felix had to come back to you too. As should have Mark and Sean... We could have done something and it just happened so fast we... I'm so sorry..." Ken's heart feels heavy.
"You know even if you tried to do something they wouldn't have let you. They put others before themselves. That's how they are." Marzia gives Ken a soft smile.
"What happened to the others?" Amy asks softly.
"I don't know for sure. I washed up alone at a river close to here and then made my way to town." Ken puts his head in his hands. "I don't know where they could be. I thought we would all end up together but I knocked out in the water and got taken by the current."
"They will be fine I know it." Signe saids hopefully.
"Ken thank you for telling us what happened. I really needed to know after all this time."
"All this time? I don't understand this all just happened yesterday." Ken looks confused.
"Mark always wrote to me every day and he hasn't for the past three weeks." Amy was starting to get confused too.
"No.. he sent you a letter yesterday... I couldn't have been out for that long." Ken's head is spinning. Just as he wants to say something the door to the room opens.
"Ken!!" Mary is at the door in tears holding Layla. Marzia moves and helps Mary sit down. "Ken I though I lost you..."
"Hey come on you know im a fighter. I had to come back to see my girls." Ken smiles at Mary.
Layla whimpers and Ken sits up more holding his arms out. Even if he is still in pain he wants his little girl. Mary gives her to him and he holds her close to his heart. "Its ok little cub im here now. Daddy isn't going anywhere ok." Ken smiles and feels a tear coming. Mary moves and sits on the bed and lays next to Ken snuggling up next to him smiling but still with tears.
The girls all leave slowly and Marzia closes the door behind carefully. They all look at each other feeling the same thing. Marzia smiles, "You know they wouldn't have it any other way right..."
"Marzia... its ok to let it out." Signe saids softly.
"I mean he always did his own thing right. He always was so stubborn." Marzia was trying to hold it in. "Six years so I know him very well right. He would have wanted it like this right... Right..."
"Marzia. We feel it too. Its ok." Amy whispers tears already coming out.
Marzia lets it out. She cries softly at first then lets it out more. Amy does too and Signe follows and pulls them both in for a hug. The three of them huddle together crying, slowly one by one they stop. Amy wipes her tears with her arm and takes a breath. "That dummy."
"All of them are dummies." Signe laughs softly. "But that's why we love them right?"
They all smile at each other. As they make their way downstairs into the tavern the people look at them. They want to say something but none of them do not knowing what to say first. But someone breaks the silence. "Are they dead..." A man asks.
"For now all we know is that Sir Pewdiepie, Sir Jacksepticeye, and Sir Markiplier have been taken by whatever this think is. As for the others they are still missing. From what Warrior CinnamonToastKen has said to us they were being taken by a rushing river." Signe saids.
"I would be best if we all looks at any river to find them. Please spread the word." Marzia said.
"What about the King what will you tell him?" Another Man speaks up. "We lost our three best knights and now more of our finest men have been lost. His thing is taking us all out bit by bit. Soon what happened when it gets here. Its going to kill us all!"
The people were getting scared. They began to talk to themselves worried and nervous. Their hope of defeating this Nothing was dying just as it had wanted. Just then someone runs into the tavern. "We found them!!! They are alive!! The others are alive!"
Marzia, Signe, and Amy run out fast. They run to the end of the town and see the troop walking up. Tyler is holding up Cry who looks like he cant move. Dan and Arin are both arm in arm helping each other move forward. Nate and Matt are limping but are holding up on their own. Chica is holding up her paw hurt but keeps going. Ethan is passed put on Chicas back not moving. All of them are dripping wet and look exhausted. Tyler falls over and cry falls with him rolling on his back.
"Ummm owe... I thought you had me." Cry saids tired.
"Hey I took you most of the way didn't I?" Tyler said breathless. He is on his knees and cant get back up.
Amy runs to him and hugs him. "Tyler!! Your here..." She feels the tears coming back. Chica sniffs Amy and whines and lets herself lay down beside them. Amy rubs the pup's nose lovingly. She then gets up and goes to the side to see Ethan laying on Chica's back. "Ethan!" She crawls on Chica making her way to Ethan and  holds him up. "Ethan are you ok? Please say something..." Amy worries as Ethan doesn't stir. Then he starts to groan. "Ethan?" Amy looks at him hopefully.
"L... La..." Ethan tried to speak.
"Its ok Ethan your safe now." Amy saids softly.
"La... Lasagna.." Ethan whispers out.
Amy's worries go away. "I haven't seen you in forever and I hear you were hurt badly and your first words to me are lasagna..." She laughs softly.
"I still cant think right. Give me a break Amy." Ethan saids smiling weakly.
"All right! All right! let me see the damage." Kathryn walks in looking at the men. "I need all of your butts in a bed now."
"Kathryn can we just plop here for a while." Arin is swaying with Dan.
"I second that motion." Nate saids slumping to the ground.
"If you do then I cant help all of you back up. Here I will give you all a boost." Kathryn lets out a soft light from her hand. It goes to the guys giving them a slight boost enough to make it to Kathryn's infirmary.
"Thanks Kathryn. Your the best healer ever." Dan stands up straighter but still feels an ache in his back.
"Come on lets get you guys healed up." Kathryn helps up Cry.
Amy, Signe, and Marzia help the guys into the infirmary. Chica cant fit in so she lays outside and Tyler lifts Ethan from her back and caries him inside. They all get a bed to lay on and Kathryn goes straight to work. She looks at everyone carefully making sure they are treated properly. She is able to heal anything broken and cuts or bruising. After looking at the guys she goes outside to look at Chica's paw. She does what she can for it and wraps in carefully. Chica gives her a big lick for thanks making Kathryn smile. "Thank you Bub. I missed you too." She gives Chica a treat and walks back in the infirmary. "Alright you guys should be good for now but even if I fixed anything broken I recommend you still rest because it could still be sore for some time. Ethan you healed yourself enough to stop your bleeding and I fixed up the rest. You need to most rest so I better not see you out of bed blue boy." Kathryn looks at Ethan.
"Kat I'm fine really. I got thi- owe.." Ethan was trying to sit up and his wounds still ache. "Ok going back down."
"That's what I thought." Kathryn pats Ethan's head.
"Your so bossy Kathryn." Cry jokes.
"I have to be now I am dealing with all of you and knowing you all your going to still try to get up and go but you all still need rest. You have been missing for three weeks already." Kathryn is serious.
"Wait three weeks?" Matt sits up fast. "That's not possible..."
"That is what Ken said when we talked to him." Signe looks at Matt. "Did you all think it has only been a day since then?"
"It has thought.. I mean it should be right?" Nate looks at the others confused.
"That mist we were in back there. Nothing could have held us in their for that long making it seem like it had only been a few minutes. He must be able to make the time around us stop in place when it actuality everything was going by like normal... That is the only theory I have on that." Matt tries to think harder but his head begins to throb.
"Matt don't think so hard right now." Amy can feel his head going through so many theories for an explanation on what is going on. "Just rest for now and we will all talk tomorrow."
"We don't have time for that!" Matt looks upset. "That thing is coming for us all. It wants to make all of us loose hope and fear it. That's how it gains power, it eats off of fear and helplessness. With Felix, Mark, and Sean gone the people are going to be loosing hope and by the look of it they already have. Am I wrong?"
Amy has a worried look that gives Matt his answer. "We need to figure this out now. We have to for them." Matt looks sadly at everyone.
Just as he finished there is a heavy feeling in the air. "No... Not here. Not now!" Tyler tried to stand up but slumps back in his bed, Kathryn already by his side helping him get up. "It's here."
A shadow of a person comes out from the floor. No one moves, they feel paralyzed. The presences is stronger than it was when the men had faced it before. "Well look here. Your all safe. At least most of you are." It chuckles.
"What did you do to them!!" Tyler is glaring at Nothing.
"O you mean your champions." It makes some mist form into a mirror and shows a vision.
"Sean!" Signe yells.
Sean is cut up badly and his armor is off. It looks like he has claw marks all over his body. He is held up by chains on the wrists and he is breathing heavily in pain. Sam pops out from his little pouch and floats over to Signe looking at his master. Sam lets out a small whine feeling guilty he is not there with him and Signe holds him to her.
"Mark!" Amy's heart breaks.
Mark is in the same state as Sean. His floof is a mess covering half his face. He groans in pain and hands his head low. Chica lets out a sad howl peeking from the window seeing him in a bad state. Amy doesn't know what to do looking at Tyler and Ethan. They are both looking that the image of Mark in pain and guilt.
"Felix..." Marzia wants to reach out to the image.
Felix is still hanging on. He looks just as bad but is tugging at his restraints with what little strength he has left. His body is so beaten but he keeps trying and he looks exhausted. Edgar and Maya huddle to Marzia's feet whining and trying to comfort Marzia.
"Why are you doing this to them!!" Marzia yells at Nothing.
It looks at her and makes it way to her. The pugs growl at it and stand protectively infront of her. "You must be the girl he keeps calling out to." It looks at Amy and Signe. "Aww yes you girls are their loves aren't you. It must be so hard to see them this way isn't it." It laughs darkly. "Your champions are not as strong as you think."
"Yes they are!!" Singe said firmly.
"Are you so sure about that? Aren't you looking at the state they are in right now. It really is pathetic."  Nothing has a smile form from the shadow.
"Your wrong!" Amy steps in. "You don't know them like we do! They are much stronger than you think and they will not let something like you get to them."
Nothing begins to get annoyed and the room gets darker. "By the time I am done with them you wont recognized them anymore... you all will be complete strangers to them. They may be able to resist me as of now but they will lose and I will have them for myself." It chuckles deeply. "You have lost admit it. No one can save then now. These men have already failed. I just wanted to see the look on your faces knowing your demise is coming. Farwell." In a snap Nothing vanishes and there is a light back in the room.
Everyone doesn't speak. They don't know what to say. Finally Dan speaks, "We failed..."
"That thing is winning. It already feels more powerful now than before." Arin sighs.
"It's going to take over Felix, Mark, and Sean like those villagers..." Cry hands his head. "And it cant be reversed."
 "That's why it wanted to make them especially mad when we first encountered it. It wanted them all along because they are the symbol of peace here and without them the people will feel hopeless." Matt shakes his head.
"We still have time." Tyler said confidently.
"He's right. It said that they are fighting it back. As long as they are fighting it then we can go save them before it's to late." Ethan gets up slowly but winches.
"I told you all your going to have to rest before you get back out there. You were all hurt badly and even with my healing abilities it still will take some time to fully recover." Kathryn reminds them.
"We cant just sit here and do nothing!" Tyler gets frustrated. "They risked themselves to save us and we cant just let them suffer until we are finally better. We need to go now... If not us who?"
"Me." A confident voice saids.
Everyone turns to Signe who looks  ready. "I will go out to get my green bean back. He would do the same for me."
"Signe you cant go alone." Nate said concerned.
"Who said she was going alone." Marzia stands beside Signe. " I mean Amy already gave us the plan in our heads. Right Amy."
"Well no one noticed  me poking around their heads for information on the quest so I got all the details for it. Sorry guys." Amy smiles slyly.
"So you three are going to find them." Kathryn smiles and puts her hands on her hips.
"Yes we are." Amy saids.
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thomasroach · 5 years
Fire Emblem Three Houses Student Choices And Consequences Guide
When you become a teacher in Fire Emblem Three Houses, you will start to get choices as you speak with your students. Some will raise you points with them, while others will lower your points with them. Check out this Fire Emblem Three Houses student choices and consequences guide.
Black Eagles Students
I Could Forget About My Assignment
That’s not a good idea He just says yeah and yawns.
Now I am feeling sleeping too He says yeah and you get some points with him.
He Inhales Entire Plates Of Food
Sound’s unhealthy He agrees and says good luck handling it. Points here.
He must have a healthy appetite Linhardt will call him a goat and you get no points.
I Hope The Saints coffins Were Not Damaged
They didn’t Points here.
One might’ve been scratched He will be upset that he can’t get into the Mausoleum, no points.
I Have A Question
This is a question you might get after a lecture from Linhardt. He will ask you about if he should sleep during boring topics during class or not.
No need to fight it. You can’t help it This is the answer he is looking for.
jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('div.sc_accordion').accordion({ header: "h5", collapsible: true, heightStyle: "content", active: 0 }); });
I Could Take You Though
Not A Chance Caspar says with enough training he will beat you someday, and you get points with him.
Probably Caspar says you should work on your self confidence if you are planning to be a professor.
Says I Am Gonna Choke Or Something
It’s not safe to eat so quickly Caspar gets upset that you don’t agree with him and you get no points.
When you are busy there’s no alternative He is glad you agree and you get points for him.
I Do Not Think I could Choose A Side
Even if there’s a clear guilty party? Caspar says he’d be a good judge of that and you get no points.
We can’t allow a Hero’s Relic to be stolen Points here.
jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('div.sc_accordion').accordion({ header: "h5", collapsible: true, heightStyle: "content", active: 0 }); });
If You Would Like To Take Notes
I’m not taking notes He says all right, and starts listing them off anyways.
I’m ready He will say alright and go over the houses.
When he says he is more talented than anyone in his class.
I look forward to that He will be happy and say that there is nothing he cannot achieve, this one gives you points.
That sounds like wishful thinking He will say that there is nothing he can’t achieve.
I Abdhor Those Like Lord Lonato
He must have his reasons Ferdinand will say that you have a kind soul and apologize, but you get no points.
I Hope no one is hurt He says you have a kind soul, but this time you get points.
May I Ask?
This is when Ferdinad asks you about finding new weapons in this area.
Ask the knights to show you some weapons This is the right choice and will raise his morale and points with you.
Ferdinad Would Like To Speak With You
This is what you get when you rank up with Ferdinand. Answer the questions how you want and after your rank will go up to C.
Where She Might Have Wandered Off to
Perhaps she went looking for treats Points.
To the greenhouse, for some flowers? No points.
Im Not Doing Anything
It’s not good to just do nothing She will say that she isn’t bothering anybody and you get no points.
Hey, what’s this cake doing out here? She will get excited for a minute then say that you are cruel, netting you some points.
Checking On Bernadetta
This is the event that happens when your support rank with her goes up to C.
Im Not Secretly Eating Cake
I can sense it She will call you out and you get no points.
I’ll take your word for it Points here.
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Have You Seen My Cloth?
Let’s search for it She will say um ok, but nothing happens.
I’ll tell Manuela Dorothea will thank you and you will get points for her.
Were You Watching That?
This is when you rank up with Dorothea. There are five choices, but none of them give or take away points. Pick what you want and after you will be rank C with Dorothea.
Depending On Who Died Its Different
What do you mean? She will say I hope nothing bad happens this month and you get no points.
It is different if it is someone you lost She says the same thing, but you get points with this choice.
Dorothea B Support Rank
When you and Dorothea hit Rank B Support you will get this convo.
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Too Hot Or Too Cold Weather?
The Cold Petra will agree and be happy, netting you some points.
The Heat Petra will say she prefers the cold.
I Have Also Been Targetted In The Past
How frightening Petra talk about good sniper spots in a tower, no points.
I’m happy you survived Petra says the same thing either way, but you get points with this one.
Petra Would Like To Speak With You
This the support rank up for Petra. The only choice that gives points is the one about her marks. Tell her you want to see them and she will be happy.
Petra B Rank Support
When you get Petra to support rank B she will have a convo with you. Choices don’t matter since there are no points here.
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I Prefer Not To Consider Such A Gruesome Scenario
Of course not He will call you calm and you get points.
Frightening thought He will say is is that easy to get under your skin, huh? No points.
Hubert Wants To Speak With You
This is Hubert’s rank up.
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Edelgard Would Like To Speak With You
You get a glimpse into Edelgard’s past here, but there are no points to be earned.
Golden Deer Students
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Do You Want Something?
I was hoping to spar with you He says he can’t right now and you get points with him.
Nothing in particular He says then get out of his way.
Strength Or Skill?
Strength He will say he knew you would agree with him, and you get points.
Skill Raphael says that he thinks strength wins out in the end, no points here.
What Do You Think Professor?
You may be right Raphael is happy with this answer and you get points.
I don’t think so Raphael will say oh come on, and you get no points.
How Important Can That Stuff Really Be?
It’s very important Raphael says he doesn’t care that he has no crest, and you get no points.
I’m not sure Points here.
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I Am Busy So Make It Quick
You don’t look busy to me Hilda will be surprised you can tell, but you don’t get any points.
If you are busy, never mind She will ask if you are sure and then be relived, points here.
One Thing After Another
I believe so Hilda will say she is just kidding and you get points.
Maybe. Maybe not No points.
Have You Gone To The Library Yet?
Do you like books? He says it isn’t the books but the knowledge and you gain points with her.
You should get some rest She doesn’t care much for being treated like a child.
She Appears Young...
Maybe she’s lived a very sheltered life Points.
Maybe she’s actually a ghost No points
Feels Like I Am visiting Those Places Myself
You should visit them in person Ignatz said that he would like to, but doesn’t get many chances to travel.
You can learn so much from books He will agree and you will get points.
Talking About Art
Do you know a lot about art? He says he sees alot of art since he is form a merchant family, no points.
Do you like art? He will say that he likes art a lot and you get points.
Im Worried About Her
You think she’d be easily deceived? Points.
Do you have feelings for Flayn? No points.
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Do You Need Something?
I came to see the horses She will be excited that you like horses because she does as well. Bonus points for this answer.
I am just looking around She will say I see and that she won’t bother you then. No points here.
I Never Though Such Forces Could Exist
It makes sense that the church has enemies She will say she doesn’t understand why people dislike the church. No points.
We only know a small part of this world She will say that is true and you will get points.
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Do You Think I Can Be A Top Tier Mercenary?
That depends on how hard you work She says that she will work harder than all the nobles, but you get no points.
You really want to bring in the money huh? She will say that she does, but it also about honor and you will get points.
I Want To Help In Anyway I Can
I don’t know This choice gives you points.
Why don’t you ask him yourself? She will say that she does, but it also about honor and you will get points.
Meet With Leonie
This is when you get C Rank for Leonie. None of the choices get you extra points, you just learn more about her.
Perhaps This Is Not A Kidnapping
That’s possible Points here.
I don’t think so No points.
Blue Lion Students
And Herbs I never Knew Existed
I’ve never had much interest in plants Ashe says that is normal and they all looked to the same to him before he studied them as well.
You seem well informed on the subject He says that his father is the real expert, and you gain points with Ashe.
I Am Sorry Professor
There’s nothing to be done He will say thank you, and you get no points.
Pull yourself together He will say thank you, and you will get points.
The Work Of Evil Spirits
Maybe it was No points.
Then it could be the same culprit Points here.
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Have You Seen Felix?
I saw him near the training hall Sylvain will say of course and thank you, you also get points with him.
I saw him at the dining hall He will say thanks for the info and you get no points.
I have a question
Bring along a snack, just in case This motivates her the most and will give you some extra exp.
Flayn Might Have Eloped
Quite an insensitive joke No points.
Is that a possibility? Points here.
Did You Come To Pray To The Goddess?
That’s right She will be happy and ask to pray together, points here.
I did not She will be shocked and suggest you both pray since you are here together, but nothing comes of it.
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Sweet Or Spicy?
Sweet She will be happy and say same and you gain points with her.
Spicy She will say your tastes are so mature and you get no points.
I have a question
Bring along a snack, just in case This motivates her the most and will give you some extra exp.
Do You Think Flayn is...
We can’t rule it out Points I don’t believe so No points
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Going Out For A Mission
Good Luck He will say I don’t need luck and you will get points.
Be Careful Alois will kind of freak out and start talking about ghosts, no points though.
Do You Really Think She Was Kidnapped?
She must have been Points here.
There must be another explanation No points.
You Cant Think I Did That!
Did you find anything in the pond? Alois says he was too scared to even look.
I hear she was always yelling at you Alois claims she yells because of his dumb jokes.
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Care To Duel?
A duel? He will say he just wanted to spar and the convo will end.
To the death? He will say he just wanted to spar and the convo will end.
I Desire Fresh Air
That’s not like you He will say true and give you the mission.
The wind feels nice He will say hmph and give you a mission.
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Something I can Help You With?
I wonder how the students are taking to me She will say you seem to be getting along well with the kids, show more confidence.
About the teachings of Serios Rhea will give a brief description and you will get points with her.
Were You Worried About My Safety?
I was worried Rhea will say she is alright, but your concern makes her happy. Points here.
The enemy could have other objectives Rhea will say that she is aware of the possibility, and you get no points.
I Have Looked Everywhere
You’re searching too? No points.
We will find her together. Rhea will say that she is aware of the possibility, and you get no points.
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Some Individuals Making Advanced Towards Flayn
Not at all He will be happy with this answer and ask you to let him know if anyone gets close to Flayn. Points here.
Actually… Seteth will ask you to let him know if anyone is getting close to Flayn.
Procuring Some Supplies For Flayn
Did you encounter any danger He will say you don’t have to worry about him, but you get points.
What supplies? He will say basic stuff, don’t worry about it. No Points.
How Are You Handling The Sword?
No problems Points here.
I will find her. I swear it Points here. Try not to worry No points.
Procuring Some Supplies For Flayn
Did you encounter any danger He will say you don’t have to worry about him, but you get points.
What supplies? He will say basic stuff, don’t worry about it. No Points.
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Here to train?
That’s an overstatement. I’m just me. She will say that you sound like a hard worker and smile, but you get no points.
That’s right. I’m a force of nature. Catherine said maybe the gossip is wrong since hard working people don’t make a fuss about it. No points.
In This Nervous State I might Cut You Down
Please don’t She will laugh and say it was a joke, no points.
I dare you to try She will say it was a joke and you get points.
Catherine Support Rank C
When you up your support rank with Catherine you will have a convo with her. No points here.
What Would Make You Suspect Him?
The mask he wears is suspicious No points. I heard he goes out every night Points here.
I Am A Little Busy
Oh, sorry He will point you to the greenhouse and get back to work.
Can’t we just talk a little Cyril says that he really can’t talk right now, but you get relationship points with this choice.
Please Dont Let Her Down
Of course not He will say he hopes you mean that, and you get points.
We’ll see Cyril will say he is watching you, no points.
Try Aimless Wandering
I was thinking about the enemies objective Shamir will ask if you even know who the enemies is, and you get points.
I’m not looking for anything She will say sure and you don’t get points.
Find Me Suspicious?
You’re not from Fodlan She says true and asks what your point is?
What did you do before coming to the monastery She will give you some insight into what she was doing.
A Heros Relic
Do you know something? She will say how could she know? And you get some points with her.
It represents great power Sothis will say quite so and you get no points.
If You Can Keep Them Going Then I Will Too
I will protect them Points here.
I will try my best No points, no response.
When First Meeting Him
Aren’t you too formal? He will say it is his nature, no points.
It’s a pleasure to meet you Points here.
Unique Situation?
Your true identity? Gilbert will tell you that he was once a a knight in a royal family.
Do you mean Annette? He will talk about his days as a knight.
Objective Professional
Excitement is understandable He will talk about the scandal and you get no points.
I respect your self control Points here.
A Fool. Thats Who
Is her Crest rare enough to justify kidnapping? Points here.
You have already investigated her thoroughly No points.
Might I Ask Your Reasons?
Why were you asking about Flayn? Tomas says he has worked her a long time, but Flayn is new.
Why were you asking about my father? He will say he knew him and talks a bit about Jeralt.
She Was Carrying Something
Jeritza’s mask? Jeralt says he isn’t close to the guy so he can’t say for sure.
Flayns mask? Jeralt will ask if you are well since there is no Flayn mask.
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Fire Emblem Three Houses Guides
Posted 1 hour ago by Johnny Hurricane in Fire Emblem Three Houses Guides, Game Guides
Fire Emblem Three Houses Side Quest Guide
Fire Emblem Three Houses has plenty of side quests that you can do for extra money and exp. Some of these quests are simple, and others can be tricky. Check out this Fire Emblem Three Houses side
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Fire Emblem Three Houses Gift Giving Guide
In order to improve your relationship with people in Fire Emblem Three Houses, you can give them gifts. Sometimes they like a gift and accept, other times they don’t like a gift and take it anyways
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Recruiting new students in Fire Emblem Three Houses can be tricky. You need to know what a student likes and what they dislike in order to get them quicker. Check out this Fire Emblem Three Houses
The post Fire Emblem Three Houses Student Choices And Consequences Guide appeared first on GamersHeroes.
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