#hope this is a satisfying answer 🫡
glendover · 9 months
Are you still writing that aftg fic?
yes, I’m still writing that god awful fanfic! It’s growing daily, honestly I stopped checking the word count after 80k bc it was starting to scare me.
And no I won’t be uploading it soon, it’s still not finished (though I’m closer to the end than ever (not that I’havent said that before or anything 🤡))
Here a little snippet from the scene I’m currently working on:
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I’ll post about the fanfic here once I’ll put it on ao3 so you won’t miss it! And I promise I’m doing my absolute best to write this fanfic as fast as possible, I know how many people are waiting for it and I’m sorry that it’s taking me so long
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onsunnyside · 1 year
I was summoned 😈 not only is there a thot but I have a special little video attached to it if you’re more of a… visual learner ☺️
Maybe you shouldn’t have let Andy know that you were ready for something different in your sex life. Not in a bad way or that you weren’t being satisfied because that was far from the truth.
But since you and Andy had began dating and gotten sexually intimate, he was a bit too… tame.
Sometimes you’d leave the door open for certain things to be done and a certain energy to be had but it seemed like Andy was holding back. And you weren’t a fan of it.
The only thing that remotely pushed the boundaries was calling him daddy and maybe even giving your neck a soft little squeeze during sex.
But your approach was a little too bratty for Andy’s liking. Letting out a frustrated sigh, you push on his body to get him from on top of you. He frowned.
“You okay, sweetheart?” Putting a hand on the side of your face, Andy insisted, “did I do something wrong?”
“Yes!” You blurted without thinking. Andy’s confusion only deepened. But he allowed you to speak your mind, and that you did.
But all you had leftover was a man that was finally ready to snap. He was ready this entire time, he just waited for you to say the word.
That’s how you found yourself face down in the duvet of his bed, your legs spread wide to accommodate his wide form, and the thickness of his cock spearing into you wildly.
You cried out as Andy fucked you, his pelvis clapping loudly against the backs of your thigh. He fucked you like he hated you.
“This what you wanted, huh?” Andy barked out, his large hands grabbing roughly at the flesh of your ass. “You better answer me or you don’t get to fucking cum”
You whined in both agony and pleasure, your own hands clutching at the sheets, trying to take everything he was giving you. “Y-yes, daddy!”
Chuckling, he slapped your ass, his pace not wavering in the slightest. You wanted mean, he’d give you mean.
“You fuckin’ better. Daddy’s been holdin’ out because he didn’t wanna hurt you.. been real patient with you because he didn’t wanna break his china doll. But you pushed me, so now, you better shut the fuck up and take my cock. Let daddy feel his pussy”
The pleasure was intense and it had tears burning in the brim of your eyes. Andy had no signs of stopping until he was ready to. Lacing a hand in your hair to yank you up, he whispered hotly in your ear.
“And I’m gonna cum in you, fill you till you can’t fuckin’ stand it. So, when I’m close, don’t fuckin’ touch me to push me away, you’re takin’ my cum too. You got it, slut?”
Weakly, you nodded, the tears rushing down your cheeks. You knew you wouldn’t be able to fight him or his demands.
“Yes, daddy”
That earned you a hard slap to your ass and a ‘good little bitch’ under Andy’s breath, his cock shoving itself deeper into you.
This is what you wanted, right?
I hope this helped 🥰😈
me just thinking of Andy being so much more dominant after that: kissing you with a hand around your throat, pulling you onto his lap as you pass by, warning you with a sharp spank if that bratty attitude makes an appearance again, and even dipping into free use 😵‍💫 oh but you like being a brat bc then he's always meaner, spitting on your face, bullying your clit, and edging you until you beg for relief 😫
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fine 😈 145
welp this one is immediately going under a cut lmfao 🫡
“I haven’t even touched you and you’re already this wet.” Chrissy lets out a shivery breath as Eddie dangles her panties on the tip of his finger, a sly smirk on his lips as he all but towers over her. He’s been teasing her all evening; not with his hands but just a look is more than enough to make Chrissy feel all shimmery and needy. She’s been so good, she hasn’t asked, hasn’t begged even though she wanted to. She’s been Eddie’s good girl and he promised her a reward if she was good. “If I didn’t know better…” he hums as he tosses her panties aside and gives her a scrutinizing look, “…I might think you were touching yourself without permission.” Chrissy’s face falls. “I wasn’t!” “You sure?” “I didn’t! I promise!” Chrissy’s voice catches as her breathing goes shallow; she needs him to know that she didn’t do that, she wouldn’t. “Oh, sweetheart,” he murmurs as he cups her face, and Chrissy immediately relaxes as she leans into his touch. “I know. You’re my good girl, huh?” “Yeah,” she answers in a dreamy tone, already so soothed just from his hand against her cheek. “Yeah,” he echoes with a chuckle, “and my good girl deserves a treat, doesn’t she?” Chrissy licks her lips as she stares up into Eddie’s eyes. “Please.” She shrieks with surprise as Eddie suddenly lifts her into his arms, her own wrapping around his shoulders for balance as he carries her over to his dresser. He sets her down on top of it after shoving some useless clutter out of the way and slides his hands down to her thighs, gently but firmly pushing them apart. Just like a good girl should, Chrissy eagerly spreads her legs wide and drops her hands down to grip the edge of the dresser while Eddie slowly lowers himself to his knees. He keeps his eyes fixed on her face even as he slides her knees over his shoulders and pushes her dress up to reveal her pussy, and she whimpers at the slick sound it makes as he spreads it open even further. “That’s it,” he whispers reverently, switching his attention to between her legs just moments before he dives in. Chrissy cries out in pleasure, moaning his name as her grip tightens on the wooden dresser. He returns in kind with a moan of his own buried in her cunt, egging her on as though she isn’t already hurtling towards the edge. She’s been keyed up for so long that both of them know damn well this first orgasm isn’t going to take much, but she hopes that it’s the first of many. Eddie hardly ever lets her go after just one, but she doesn’t want to be greedy. She doesn’t want to be bad. He lifts his head with a satisfied moan, swiping his tongue across his lips to catch her wetness as she fights to catch her breath after her orgasm, and when their eyes meet, Chrissy notices the glint in his. She hardly gets even thirty seconds of respite before he’s diving back in for round two, and as she shudders under his clever tongue, Chrissy just knows she’s in for a long night. If Eddie has his way, she’ll have lost her voice by tomorrow morning.
random writing prompts
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brookheimer · 1 year
PLEASE tell us your last chap predictions im begging you're always on point 😭
SOOO many asks like these and i do not think i can do y’all justice but i will do my best 🫡🫡🫡
honestly have not had much time to think succession the past two weeks (the timing of my irl shitstorm is horrendous like why NOW wait two weeks hit me when the show’s ov*r!!!) so i’ll just pop out a few thoughts here and definitely add/update/correct over the next few days as i actually like think ab it more! these r just some immediate first impressions ya know — nothing i feel confident on but i owe it to the dozen asks like this in my inbox to #break #my #silence <3
don’t know if ppl have already said this but matsson’s US CEO will not be shiv. he never actually said shiv, only she did, and it just doesn’t make sense - mencken wouldn’t agree to work with a prominent democrat no matter what she says, and matsson is very deeply uncomfortable with the thought of giving shiv that much agency as she’s someone he can’t puppet the way he’d like (and also someone with no experience in the business world who is not only a woman but pregn*nt). neither mencken nor matsson respect roman anymore, even though they both liked him over ken on a personal level, but ken…. ken they could work with. and ken would 100% be down. he’d fuck rome, fuck shiv, fuck his fucking of the deal, and end up endorsing the deal as the US CEO. he wins, but it’s lonely at the top. pyrrhic victory etc. that’s the most obvious way i can see it going, but i’m hoping they’ll surprise me bc it feels just way Too obvious (classic last minute ken flip-n-fuck tactic, classic classic pyrrhic victory ending, etc)
greg fires tom. just seems like the way his whole arc this szn has been going
hoping there will be something ab ken’s shit-on-dad plan from e4 — would be kinda disappointed if nothing came from that except for the one mention in e5 bc it just doesn’t seem super plausible to me that articles exposing logan’s abuse, the connor’s mon situation, etc. would fall by the wayside and not make a splash. like, unless they just took a super soft shit-on-dad approach that was basically j ‘his sons did his work for him at the end’ etc, it’s hard for me to imagine it realistically not having some impact and typically succession tries to stay pretty faithful to the media cycle etc
seen a lot of stuff ab how all these past skeletons (cater waiter, roman harassment, shiv silencing the cruise victim, etc) are going to be released from their closets but i’m hoping that’s not the case — succession just doesn’t seem like that kind of show. like yeah it’d be nice on a narrative, karmic justice, character arc etc level, but that’s not how life works. rich people get away with the shit they do and it does not come back to bite them. real life doesn’t have, like, a chekhov’s trauma that ends up coming back at precisely the right moment to be the most narratively satisfying — shit just… happens. logan dies offscreen on a plane in episode 3. there’s no arc, there’s no closure. that’s how it goes. so unless they find a way to work in those things subtly enough that it doesn’t feel forced or Dramatic TM, it’s hard to imagine it happening
ok that’s all for now i will post more thoughts as they pop up and will also answer more asks tmrw! got a lot of catching up to do :):)
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riceballoon · 8 months
Hi! Hope you're doing well. I really like the way your art looks, and wanted to ask if you have any advice on how to stop the endless ctrl+Zing that happens when you're doing lineart? (Was gonna post a gif showing it but it won't let me send links in asks) -- Have a good one o/
Hi! first of all, thank you for liking my art!💞 to be honest i undo and erase my lines Very Often… but i tried my best to give an answer! my reply is going to be pretty long so i'll put it under a page break
it's pretty old, but here's a process video of me struggling for comparison lol (i assume the lineart you were talking about was my persona fanart!)
My process sort of feels like sculpting out the lines I want from my sketch. I just work on that same layer and refine the lines by erasing away parts I don’t like or redrawing it (hence all the undoing). Lineart on its own layer sometimes ends up looking a little weird for me, since I may lose a lot of the loose energy from the sketch.
In my experience, when I undo lines often it’s a sign that I’m not really confident in my line quality which is the real cause of the issue. The lines that I’m most satisfied with are those that are bold (one continuous line without fraying), have varied line weight, and create interesting shapes with sharp angles that show the object’s 3D form. To do this I make lines heavier when they’re in shadow and thinner where light is hitting the form or when two forms are touching. I sometimes go over the same line multiple times to give it weight (since my favourite brushes usually don’t change size with pressure).
I’d say making sure your lines are confident + stable, and varying your line weight by knowing where to make a line thicker/thinner is the most important part of line quality! Then knowing where to place the lines by going slowly and making deliberate choices. (People practice this by only drawing with pen on paper, which makes sure every line you place is done with intent and if you do make a mistake, to work with it and adapt. Honestly I should do it more often too) You can also try drawing from the elbow or arm to make your lines really stable, or use a stabilizer on your brush. Oh and this is a pretty general tip but use references!! They're so helpful for visualizing the end goal for the drawing and you can easily spot any errors. They really make you more confident!
This was so long TTOTT I really don’t think I’m qualified to give out advice but I hope this helps! and thank you for the ask, it was helpful for me to analyze my own art 🫡 I hope you're doing well too and enjoy your day today! ☀️
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smimon · 8 months
Omg asking asks, am grabbing this opportunity 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀:
🍫 If you don’t like cheese (will you give me yours or are you a fellow cheese enthusiast?)
🐶 dog or kitty 👀👀👀👀
🌸 tell me about your biggest compliment 👀👀👀
Sorry this is a bit much but I highlighted the ones you need to answer 👀👀👀👀👀👀😸 no pressure tho
Hiii thanks for the ask! Are you ready?! This got a bit long so follow below XD Let's goooo
🍫 Cheese or chocolate? - Cheese wins big time! I love all kinds of cheese and trying new cheese varieties! Unfortunately cheese isn't good for me and I can only eat fairly small amounts 😔 (small compared to what I would prefer, it's still more than average person lol) so after I try a bit of the cheese you can have the rest 😁
🦋 Describe yourself in three words. - Tough one! Should it be three separate words or a three-word sentence? Whatever. Maybe something like "artist", "stubborn", and of course "silly" 🤡
🌿 Describe your favorite outfit. - Okay in general I am not a fan of having an appearance and I feel the best when wearing cosplay, my favorite costume so far is White/Hilda from Pokemon Black and White 😁 But if I have to choose something more casual then it probably would be teal turtleneck, black waistcoat, grey skinny trousers and black boots 🤗 I'll see how I feel about my Berlin gig outfit but I haven't worn it yet so it doesn't count xD
🎵 Last song you listened to? - Mic Mac! 🙌🙌🙌🙌
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen? - Boo! My phone's settings are broken and I cannot choose any photo outside the default gallery! Boo! But I imagine it's this one:
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💌 Do you talk to yourself? - It seems so! I only noticed like last month. Must be a side effect of isolation. And sometimes at work, when I'm very busy, I might start singing 😂 but I stop as soon as I notice lol
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know? - Barnacles might look like molluscs, but they are actually crustaceans! The outer shell is formed from their foreheads and inside there is a little guy that looks like a shrimp 😁
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be? - Maybe a French macaron because I tend to be pretentious and difficult 😂
🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person? - CATS ONLY! In this house we love and respect God's perfect predators 😤
🌸 Best compliment you ever received? - Oh shit I am so very bad at taking compliments 🙈 I guess there are two strong competitors. First, when my therapist of all people told me that I am doing well at university since I never failed an exam despite studying a difficult field. It made me feel proud because before that I only focused on how much I struggled. And the second one, when a certain someone asked me if they can get my art as a tattoo 👀🙈
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person? - I am not good at reading people, but I think you can tell quite a lot from how a person treats animals, especially cats. Will they mostly care about not getting fur all over them, will they play with the animal and show some feelings, will they maybe take a photo to show to their loved ones? I find that fairly interesting.
That would be it! Hope you are satisfied 😁 thank you for the ask! 🫡🥹🥹🥹🤗🤗🤗
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aemonds-sapphire · 2 years
Hello, I hope you are having a fantastic day! I like many other wonderful people adore how you write for aemond and I was curious as to how you get yourself into the mind set to write his character? Do you have any special rituals? Or a playlist you like to listen too? I am also a writer and I always enjoy picking other writers brains on how they get into the mind set to portray the characters in a certain fashion. I personally make little playlist for the character I write for with the tone I want my story to have. I know this isn't how everyone writes so I am always eager to be enlightened on what other people do. Thank you for taking the time out of you day to read this as well as answer this if you decide to do so.
Much love,
A fellow writer
Oh wow this is such an interesting ask ☺️ thank you so much for sending it 🫡
I wish I could provide decent answers to your questions, but I’m not sure if they’ll be satisfying enough. First of all, I think what really links me to Aemond is his relationship with those around him. I tend to gravitate toward ‘broken’ characters that are often deemed irredeemable. There’s a certain pull to that. Aemond’s bond with his father is pretty much nonexistent. I also struggle to get along with my father, so it’s something that makes it easier for me to connect with him.
Of course, much about him is up to interpretation and this is just my way of seeing him. It may be too OOC at times, but I don’t think that matters much when it comes to creative writing. Dad Aemond is definitely OOC because we simply don’t know how he’d actually react in that scenario, but I still find joy in exploring that concept and molding him to it ☺️
I listen to a lot of Muse and Arctic Monkeys when writing for Aemond. Also Two Feet when writing smut. More recently, London Grammar, La Roux, Salt of the Sound and Oh Land ❤️
Much love to you, too, fellow writer ❤️
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plcturesofu · 2 years
6 and 38 for the fexi asks please!
6.     apologizes first after an argument?
oof to be honest i think it would be fezco but i think at the beginning it would definitely be lexi it'd be both their first times in relationships and i think for a minute they would become very codependent and get super upset whenever they fight and lexi is very apologetic and has abandonment issues so i feel like she would always want to run back but over time they'd become a better couple and i think they'd both realize when it's one another's turn to apologize i can't think about them getting into their first fight tho i will literally break my own heart
38.  Emoji?
dgkjnsgkj omg i think it would be 🥸 or 🫡 for fezco like he’s such a jokester with her that he’d send that to her whenever he wanted to annoy her to be funny like she’d ask “did you still want to get pizza tonight?” and he’d reply “🫡” and lexi would be 😽 any cat ones i think for obvious reasons <3
thank you so much for asking me!!!! this was too much fun i hope i satisfied u with my answers
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apoombeam · 1 month
i hope people havent given you a hard time bc of james/anders pairing..i get it can look...controversial, but its still your writing and story! u give us free werewolf content thank you mather. personally i love the pairing, and want to believe its reciprocal, but i do feel what if anders is just a prisoner& has given up and settled for james bc i dont see a positive persective from him/change of hearts or maybe its in the text and im missing it.. OR maybe its actually intended this way and im wishful thinking 😵‍💫 he did say james’ name in bed, but only because he wanted him to be gentle with gen so is he always just „playing“ james like a furry instrument? never expected to get so invested in this story but happy to be here 🫠🫡
Oh, I don’t think anyone’s giving me a hard time! I actually really enjoy hearing different takes on their relationship. And I want readers to interpret however they interpret it from the text! That’s why I try my best not to talk too much about my own intentions, interpretations regarding Anders/James… though I might slip sometimes. So that’s what I meant in the previous ask when I said it was difficult.
I’m very much a “the author is dead” kind of person :) So I personally don’t think my interpretations of the text carry any more weight than anyone else’s. I believe the story has to stand for itself.
However, at the same time, I feel like I have to be aware that to a lot of readers, as the author, my opinions are going to carry more weight and get in the way of how they might experience the story otherwise – and I really don’t want that!
Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE talking about my characters and my writing! There are just some questions I’m not going to be able to provide satisfying answers for (Namely a lot of James/Anders questions). And I feel bad whenever that happens – but that’s completely my own doing.
I feel blessed that anyone cares about any of my characters at all, so I’m definitely not complaining about questions! Lol my heart explodes every time I get any question about my story – even when it’s one I know I won’t be able to answer very well.  
I can’t really confirm or deny any of your takes on Anders and James… but maybe more will be revealed through the story?
Thank you for reading!!
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allylikethecat · 1 month
ally! i do not know how you do it but with every ducklings update you make me feel even more sorry for our fictional!matty - as i am unable to wrap that man in a blanket (him being fictional and all that) i must insist that fictional!george take up that responsibility as soon as possible bc the poor guy really needs it.
also i love what an unreliable narrator he is bc whilst its very sad to see how insecure he is about his relationships with everyone right now it is also very satisfying for me and my love of angst🫡 the way you portray his anxiety & how overwhelmed he is right now with like everything is so so good and i just hope he gets some fictional!george cuddles soon bc this man is really going thru it!!!
i was so excited to see this update lol & you must know that you are single-handedly responsible for making tuesday my fave day of the week. also!! i apologise for my absence in ur asks as real life & surgery recovery has been kicking my ass but ATKH is quickly becoming my fave fic ever and i’m so loving how fictional!matty and fictional!george are developing in that one. it’s so fun and refreshing to see fictional!george’s POV and how obsessed he is becoming with fictional!matty lol (also that backstory is SO sad and i can’t believe ur only planning to make it SADDER)
to make this ask even more obnoxiously long…..talk shop tuesday!!! i’ve actually been thinking about this one for a while lol and it’s about fictional!george’s family in the infection-verse — i’m lowkey obsessed with that dynamic, especially between him and his sisters, and was wondering if you ever thought about them post christmas fic and if they ever interacted again or actually bother to show up at one of his shows and try and make amends, or does he kick them off the guest lists and cut them off completely??? (idk if u can tell but i love that fic and ive been thinking about it a lot!!!!)
hope you’re doing well!!!
Never apologize for having a real life! I hope that your surgery went well and that you are on the mend! I am sending you all the love and good healing vibes and am so happy to see you in my inbox again!
Thank you so much for your kind words about the new Ducklings chapter! Fictional!Matty is truly a disaster and a half and well... it will be a little bit longer until we get to the blanket wrapping part but it will happen eventually! He just needs to make it worse and make some bad decisions first.
I LOVE unreliable narrators omg Fictional!Matty in Ducklings is one of the worst ones (he is only rivaled by Fictional!George in ATKH lol) and I love that we sometimes get to visit someone else's prospective and they're just like... he... needs help lol (It's also fun because in ATKH we *only* see unreliable narrator Fictional!George... we have *no idea* what Fictional!Matty is really like - just how he looks through the Fictional!George lens!)
AHHH Speaking of All the King's Horses- thank you SO MUCH for reading and I'm so honored that it is becoming one of your favorites - it is truly *my* favorite at the moment to work on and I get so excited every time I open the google doc - Fictional!Matty in that universe has just been given the absolute shortest straw in life and has been through so much in his 27 years. I was *so excited* for the chapter before last and to reveal what actually happened the night of the The Accident. If any of my Fictional!Matties needs a hug it is ATKH Fictional!Matty lol Hopefully he gets one soon (and hopefully he enjoys it while it lasts!)
HELL YEAH TALK SHOP TUESDAY I love the entire concept of Talk Shop Tuesday SO MUCH, so thank you EXTRA MUCH for sending me an ask about it! I'm so happy to hear you're still enjoying Infection Verse Fictional!Matty and Fictional!George - while ATKH might be my favorite at the moment that universe is just, so special to me and I love them so much I don't know how I will ever leave them behind. Now to answer your questions:
I think that things will always be tense between Fictional!George and his middle sister Olivia - she's just *a lot* and doesn't know how to admit she is wrong / make the first step in making amends. However, she and her *much* younger boyfriend Henry eventually break up and Henry DOES reach out to Fictional!George and Fictional!Matty to apologize for his role in how unwelcome they felt that Christmas. He comes to their shows when they play in his city. Olivia does not. Amelia (the oldest sister) and her husband Jack, just continue to send Christmas cards as if nothing has changed and therefore, Fictional!George DOES leave them on the guest list. They eventually show up with Rose and Grace at a show. They're never *close* but they do have a relationship and see each other when they're in the same place (especially after Ava is born.)
Thank you SO MUCH for sending in this incredible ask omg I apologize for writing you a novel in response! I got extremely excited lol I hope that you continue to enjoy my fics and that you have THE BEST week and that your Tuesday is also wonderful!
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