#hopefully if i get the other job and my schedule is more consistent I'll open it back up
horrorlesbians · 1 year
Hello ♥️ Love your blog. I hope this isn’t imposing but I was wondering if you might be reopening your horror server? Thank you!
i want to open it again to new members but only when i have enough time to really moderate it the way i would like. once i open to new members ill make a post on here!
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zegryphos · 7 months
A sketch! Also, an update on things
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Okay, things seem set in place well enough… time for an update I think!
Sorry if I've been a bit absent from socials lately, I've been in the process of looking for and applying to a few local job opportunities. And… I got one, starting next monday.
This has honestly been long overdue. To quickly recap, I've been living on my own after moving from my home country for about a year and a half now. So far, I was able to sort things out with savings, commissions and the odd side job I managed to pick up along the way. However, I ran out of savings a good while ago, side jobs have not been enough and, while I love doing them, commission work has not been consistent enough to get by on its own.
So yeah, getting a stable job was, at this point, kind of a necessity. And I'm glad I could sort something out. The job in question is not something I'm particularly excited about (aka nothing art or design related), but it's good enough for now. And the pay is good enough for me to start saving up again. After things have settled well enough into pace, I'll be able to continue looking for better options as well.
What does this mean for me in terms of art and other creative projects? Well, hopefully I'll be able to handle my schedule so that I can still do art stuff on the side, but I won't be open for commissions as often as I used to, if at all. I just don't want to leave people in a wait list, or to risk burning out on art in what little time I'll be able to have for it. So I'll be pivoting more towards developing my characters, worldbuilding, a bit of writing, and a good pinch of fanart for whatever tickles my fancy for good measure. I may still do commissions from time to time, to treat myself to something nice or to cover unexpected expenses.
I'll be taking this remaining week to finish up commission work that's already been paid for, maybe a quick sketch or two, and then we'll see how the new work schedule treats me. If I can, I'll try to doodle and post more often, no promises yet though.
So yeah! That's about how things are going. I've honestly been quite a bit stressed about my current situation for a while, and now that I'll have a stable job things should start to stabilize and hopefully improve soon enough. Here's hoping everything goes well! I'll see y'all around~
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steamishot · 7 months
pottery week 1/6
i attended my first wheel throwing class this past sunday, and it kicked my butt. i went in there without doing any prior research, video watching, and had 0 experience in wheel throwing. i was more nervous about being in a classroom setting in person again after what felt like forever. there are 5 people in the class and one sensei. there's one white guy (outside of our sensei), and 4 asian girls including me LOL.
i should note that i attended a drop in modern dance class on presidents' day with T & S which was pretty out of my comfort zone, but easier because i went with friends. another side note: both T & S went back to their respective countries last week. T just got her citizenship recently, but had to delay her trip to vietnam due to passport issues. S's grandma passed away in taiwan so the trip was under sad circumstances.
similar to dance class, wheel throwing involves a lot of steps. however, dissimilar to modern class, we were unable to practice each step piece by piece. there were about 12 steps to making a cup and the instructor went through them very quickly. he offered hands on assistance to each individual, but by the time we reached the last step, i had already forgotten steps 2-3 lol. some of the other people had experience in pottery already, and i was the least knowledgable one. i had social anxiety when people asked questions my way and i was like idk...
during our first class, we went over kikuneri, a japanese kneading technique and how to throw off the hump, meaning we can make multiple pieces from a single large hump of clay in one sitting. we used a thread to cut our pieces off from the hump. i remember feeling really embarrassed during the independent work time, because i had forgotten the steps and i was unable to make a cup like the others were. i meekly walked up to the instructor and asked if he could demonstrate the steps to me again. the instructor sensed i was stressed and reminded me to have fun. he kindly sent me the notes after class.
although i was really looking forward to ceramics class, i'm now a bit intimidated and felt defeated after my first try. i realized i had grown so accustomed to learning from a screen that i totally blank/feel anxious when i have a live person teaching me. i realized it's actually really helpful to be able to watch recorded videos because you can pause and rewatch as many times as you'd like. the good thing is that with our class membership, we're free to go to the studio anytime to practice. i plan on going there maybe 1-2 additional times per week outside of scheduled class.
furthermore, i was a little too shy to talk to the people in my class. but hopefully i'll come out of my shell a bit more. from the looks of it, i'm the second oldest as the other people look like they're in their 20s. immediately after i came home, i started binge watching youtube videos (florian gadsby, woah) on wheel throwing and put a few books on hold so i can get up to speed. i also purchased an apron to wear in class. wish me luck on the weeks to come lol.
other life updates:
no success on any job searching yet. matt recently interviewed with recruiters out in bakersfield and oceanside. everything about the job seems to be great in bakersfield, besides the location. the oceanside work conditions were meh. we're both willing to live in bakersfield temporarily if he gets a job offer. additionally, there are per diem openings with harbor which matt can interview for. COH had explicitly told matt he didn't make it to the finalists, but that his info will be kept on file. we got ghosted by UCLA and UCI. and USC/la general seems to be stringing us along. hope that they have an answer soon, even if it's a no.
R&T have been our consistent friends. they hangout very casually/LA style where it's slow paced and elongated (as opposed to the NYer friends who are more fast paced and busy). they really treat our place like theirs lol. however, they may be leaving even sooner than september due to the dallas job. it's up in the air currently.
matt had his bottom two wisdom teeth taken out and spent about a week recovering/eating soft foods. he has had infections happening on and off for years and finally got it addressed :( the good thing about this is that finally it's been addressed and he's closer to a healthier weight with a restricted diet
i did early spring cleaning and threw out a lot of shit. we purchased an additional plastic drawer and omg i can access all my clothes more easily now.
my dad, SIL and niece will be going to cambodia late march
we watched american fiction in theaters with R&T. initially felt the film was a little slow and disappointed issa rae had such little screen time, but thought the movie overall was great
i sent my texan aunt a nice little "made in brooklyn" goodies box - with the chocolate room snacks and a candle set from apotheke.
the new MUJI duvet cover and insert have really grown on me and are getting more comfortable by the day
went in for an eye exam at a local place and enjoyed "being part of the city". i ordered sunglasses from warby parker as my vision insurance partially covers frames this year.
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Alright, I finally got a whole ass day off with no obligations!! Plus I am in a writing and drawing mood! So we're gonna work on shit!
Schedule and some updates under the cut. Read if you follow any of my fics.
Todays schedule:
Set some UB funkey orders to cast
Make a mouse mold
Maybe eat something we'll see
Work on Clone Adoption Agency chapter 6
Get chapter 2 of the Sylvanas fic up
Get the other character arts for the Sylvanas fic done
Finish the first batch of clone acrylic blind bags arts and hopefully get the proofs ordered
Start getting my sith lesbians fic edited, hopefully post the first chapter
Practice sewing some isopods for dice bags
Finish the ref sheet for my elemental OCs
Maybe work on the master post for my Warhammer fics.
Take some photos of my painted minis so y'all can see my unhinged work
Finish a few sorted fan arts and OC redesigns
And hopefully get all of this done before I have to get to sleep at 2am.
So as not to overwhelm people I may set a lot of this up to queue. That way I can get mini photos out without just flooding people who don't care. I have a lot of Warhammer and DND minis to get through. But with fics I'll post them ASAP so people can get a chance to read them.
I will also have a few polls up this week. I'm trying to put some standees, pins, and keychains in my shop and I want to see what people are more interested it. Some are Wow related, some is clone wars, a few niche anime characters who don't have any merch, and some other niche stuff. I'll have posts up for that between getting other things done.
For those of you waiting on fics, I apologize for the sudden delay. My new job took a while to settle into a comfortable schedule. But Wednesdays will probably be my consistent writing and work day from here on. So expect updates to be scattered around Thursday-Saturday.
As always with any of my work, I encourage comments and suggestions. I'm always happy to add other stuff to my queue. Please remember my ask box is always open and I am happy to chat while I work!
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bestfrownsforever · 3 years
Heartache Arcade
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Sorry for not having a proper cover again...hopefully these will do.
Also 1. my friend CLG is my co-editor now! Per's a master at finding grammar mistakes even I miss (ex. if you want the re-edited Dawn of a New Era then it's on Amino) so per'll be helping me from now on!
And 2. I'm hoping to keep a consistent schedule so expect a new Best Frowns Forever story every Tueaday! Starting with this story...
After having some brief fun as a Frown Lord, Puppycorn already hit a massive roadblock.
"Anyone else think this job doesn't make a whole lot of sense?" he asked while meeting with his co-workers around his bedroom table, "I mean yeah, it's fun to hurt people and stuff, but if we're so good at our jobs, then won't everyone be too scared to go outside anymore? Or maybe they'll leave the kingdom!? And if they do, should we want them to because it'd be bad if they did!? What should we DO!?!?"
Unikitty wrapped an arm around him from across the table. "Calm down, little bro," she assured him, "They're not going anywhere when the rest of the world sucks too."
"The solution's easy," Grandmaster Frown added, "Try luring them in with something fun and cutesy and make them almost want to suffer!"
"Oh come on," Hawkodile objected, "Something big pops up in the kingdom out of nowhere with us openly running it? They'll know it's a trap."
"Unless they're so desperate for a break that they'll take anything that looks happy and shiny," Dr. Fox suggested, "And Master Pain was the king of cringe before Frown's birthday."
"I'm saying that as a compliment! You probably still like all that kiddie junk the citizens miss anyway, so why are you complaining about no ideas?"
Unikitty flew over to her brother. "I think she's trying to say that instead of using the things you like to try being cool, you can use them to actually prove your coolness as a Frown Lord!"
"Okay," Puppycorn considered, "But I already did accident-prone skateboards and roller skates...and that spiky ballpit."
"You mean I did them and you STOLE MY CREDIT!?" Dr. Fox reminded him before Brock pushed her away.
"Okay, someone needs a timeout...and if it helps, I've had the idea for a haunted arcade for a while now. But you're not wrong about the whole obvious trap thing, so from one gamer to another; how would you make it work?"
Puppycorn thought long and hard about the possibility until it hit him like his past self running into a brick wall.
"WAIT, I've been thinking into this job too hard! Grandmaster Frown did all this to be himself again, right? So maybe instead of haunted, the games can just be really hard to beat!?"
Everyone seemed interested except for the pouting Dr. Fox.
"But if they manage to win those games, wouldn't that be the best feeling ever?"
Puppycorn hummed until he lit up again like the lightbulb popping out of his head.
"They'll only get a few tickets and we'll make the prizes super expensive!!"
"Good enough."
Grandmaster Frown rose. "Then let's get to work, people! These games will need some Frown Lord-flare, and they sure aren't gonna make themselves!"
Puppycorn and Brock were the first to follow him to Dr. Fox's lab, dedicate many long days to porting the most difficult games they could find, and even more to making their own until after countless attempts at giving up, Puppycorn finally saw all his hard work pay off and open for business.
No one saw exactly when the new building appeared in the middle of town. It was just another rainy afternoon with nothing going on until people looked at their windows to see a massive, pale gray block of an exterior with a burgandy arching roof and neon colors everywhere from behind the windows. A tall sign next to it read "Heartache Arcade" with "& Casino" under it in smaller letters, both in some of the same bright neon colors.
Most closeby citizens came to the conclusion that their tyrants set it up, but some of them approached the arcade anyway, as if to say "How are they gonna break us this time?"
When they stepped in, they were greeted by giant rooms with arcade machines, gambling tables, and brighter lights everywhere, with a large prize counter and shelves for toys and other kinds of trinkets in one corner. They couldn't believe how everything seemed so...innocent.
They split up, each walking over to a different game or observing more of the retrospective dream around them, while Frown and Puppycorn spied on them from behind an "Employees Only" door.
"C'mon..." Puppycorn whispered, "Just play the games already!"
"Give 'em a bit more time," Grandmaster Frown replied, "They'll rip themselves in half before you know it."
Puppycorn turned to the nearest citizen, Theodore, stepping up to a slot machine, which hated having them there, but the others convinced him that gambling would make things all the more entertaining to watch.
"Supreme Slots, huh?" Theodore wondered before shrugging, "Well, guess it's worth a shot."
Puppycorn wasn't too surprised when Theodore bet the little money he had and won on his first try, only to get too cocky and lose it all too fast. Grandmaster Frown had a good laugh while Puppycorn looked the other way to spot Bim-Bom wrapping a hand around the joystick for the game he was most proud of; Furious Fetch.
Bim-Bom seemed happy at first, but just when Puppycorn worried even more, she got a a little confused as to what she was playing. Did she get to the lava pits yet?, he thought, Or the bugs? She's gotta know how hard running and jumping is by now though, right?
Then he heard the Game Over music.
"What!? There's no more lives!?"
Finally, a good reaction. Puppycorn was already holding back laughs and wagging his tail watching Bim-Bom pull out another token to play again. And then another. And another until she almost reached the end of the first level.
"WAIT, jumping on them doesn't kill them either!? What gives!?"
"That's the point!" Puppycorn snickered. She clearly wanted to give up but pulled out another out coin anyway. Maybe even keep going until she didn't have any left. But as if his silent prayers were answered, Bim-Bom slipped the token into the slot and lost almost as soon as the level started that time. Screaming, she stormed off to try something else as Puppycorn lost it.
"Cut it out!" Grandmaster Frown ordered, covering a hand over Puppycorn's mouth, "The evil laughing can wait, just don't blow this for us."
Puppycorn nodded, prompting his boss let go. They continued to look around, realizing more and more citizens were getting frustrated over what they were playing. And switching to other games or slots didn't help, it only strengthened the chorus of the most mixed reactions they'd ever heard in their lives.
"These games SUCK!"
"This was all the money I haaaaaaad!!"
"I can do this, I just need ONE more coin...anyone got some?"
"At least this isn't the other stuff we've had to put up with, calm down guys!"
"Are you nuts!? This is WAY WORSE!"
Puppycorn was too proud of himself to keep the door open. He shut it to chant and dance without a care until Grandmaster Frown laid a hand where his shoulder would be.
"Not bad, Pain. Consider this your first
independent accomplishment."
"Really!? Aweso-"
They jumped at the sound of a sudden crash from the back room.
"Yeah," Frown ordered, "now take care of this place before the ragequitters can."
Puppycorn proudly nodded and saluted. "I'll do my best, boss sir!"
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tiny-taepot · 5 years
distant (Mark)
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Genre: ANGST
word count: 12k
Request:  something angsty with GOT7!
Summary: a once burning love becomes cold and distant
a/n: this ended up being super long lol, hope you enjoy reading!
Your friends remember the days when you and Mark started dating and how happy you were, your Instagram was filled with photos of you and Mark doing whatever. You were super happy that you had met Mark and despite his busy schedule at work he had always made time with you, anyone who looked at you two would instantly know you were madly in love. A burning, passionate fire of love. Mark and you had moved super fast because you wanted to be together as much as possible, you two moved in with each other after six months of knowing each other. Some people called you crazy for moving in with him so early and how you were going to regret it if you broke up super early, you shook your head and just laughed it off since you knew that somehow you and Mark would someday get married. 
It had been two years since then and you and Mark were still happily together, it was nearing your third year anniversary and you were hoping for a really big anniversary gift, you were really hoping for a ring this year since you and Mark had been together for so long and everyone knew it was coming. You had already got him something very expensive and special, you bought him a new phone because his current phone was breaking and you thought it would help with the communication problem you two had been having recently. Mark had been very late to answering texts and rarely picked up your phone calls, he told you it was because of his phone and how it never notified him when you texted or call. You thought that was very reasonable and phones had expiry dates and this was probably Mark’s phone telling him it was time to upgrade. You were calling your best friend, Sarah, as you were preparing dinner. 
“I really think this is the year,” you smiled hopefully as you dumped a bunch of diced carrots into the pot, you could hear Sarah giggling excitedly. “Please oh please make me the maid of honor,” she squeals as you laugh, “of course, you’re the only person I would every consider.” You answer as she laughs, “good, what type of friend would you be if I wasn’t your maid of honor,” Sarah says as you roll your eyes playfully, you stir the pot as you hear the front door unlocking. “Oh I got to go, Mark is home,” you say as you hear her chuckle “ooooh sounds like he’s home early, must be something special tonight,” she suggestively says as you roll your eyes again. “Okay bye Sarah, we’re still on for Brunch on Saturday, right?” You ask, “of course, bring that ring so I can see it on Saturday okay?” She says, you can feel her grin from over the other end. “Yep, okay I really have to go now, bye!” You say as you hear her say bye and end the phone call. 
“Hey y/n, I’m home,” Mark says as he places his bag down, you smile back to him. “How was work?” You ask as he opens the fridge and grabs a can of beer, he opens it and takes a sip. “It was as normal as it gets,” he answers simply, you realize the cold tone that he answered in. Was he mad? Upset? Or was he just tired of work. Usually when he would get home he would embrace you and smile whenever he saw you, but you guessed these days it was just a little rough at work. You shook the feeling off as you knew that your anniversary was soon so Mark would most likely lighten up for that day. You were so excited to see what he had in store for you, he always had such creative plans and surprises for you. 
It was Friday night, you were all dressed up, you wore a bright red dress that hugged your figure nicely, you had done your hair and make up and you waited for Mark to get home. You had his gift in your hand as you waited patiently for him to get home, as the hours passed you started to get worried. There were texts from Mark telling you that he was going to be late or that there was traffic or even a surprise text telling you where to meet him. You got worried so you texted him, to put your mind at ease.
8:27 PM (y/n): hey, where are you?
You were looking at the text screen hoping for a quick response but as you waited and waited it seemed like he wasn’t going to read it anytime soon. You put your phone away as you walked around your shared living room, you were worried that maybe something happen while he was heading home. You turned on the T.V clicking on all the news channels to see if there had been any road accidents but there were none. All of a sudden you hear a buzz coming from your bag, you open your phone to see a text from Mark.
8:55 PM (Mark): I’m not coming home tonight, too much work to do, save me some food. 
When you saw that text your heart sank, did he forget? You shook off the feeling, you knew how important Mark’s job was and that there probably was no way for him to get home anyways. You changed into sweats and a sweater and ordered a pizza, you were too sad to cook, you just wanted to cuddle yourself and watch romantic movies. You wanted to support Mark with everything but this was a little too much, you were hoping he didn’t forget about your anniversary gift and you knew that there was always tomorrow. 
You woke up to an empty cold bed, Mark didn’t come home last night, you were sad because you felt so bad that he had to work so hard. You figured that you would visit him for lunch and bring him some lunch and his anniversary gift. It was nowhere close to how you planned your engagement story but this was still equally romantic. 
You walked into the brunch resturant and saw Sarah, the moment she saw you enter she had a big grin displayed on her face, you gave her a small smile and she instantly knew. "He didn't propose this year?" Sarah asked, offened for you. You gave her a small sad chuckle. "He didn't even show up, he was caught up with work last night and didn't even come home last night." You answered as Sarah's facial expression lit up, "which means there's still hope right?" Sarah asked her big grin had returned. "I was thinking of getting him some lunch and exchanging gifts at his workplace," you told her but you were doubting that. Her eyes widen even more, you were concern they were gonna pop, "oh my yes, perfect, then you'll be engaged and everything will be good!" Sarah fantasizes as you roll your eyes playfully. "We'll see," you smiled as you took a bite of your breakfast.
You walked into Mark's workplace and walked into his office to see his secretary and him talking, you assumed it was business so you just walked in, the moment Mark saw you walk in his eyes widened. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asked as you gave him a tiny smile and walked closer to the two. "I'll let you two talk," Mark's secretary smile softly as she headed out. "So what are you doing here?" Mark asked as he sat back down in his seat and gestured for you to sit down as well, you sat down and took out a lunchbox, you remember how Mark used to beg for you to make him lunches. "I brought some lunch and also have a surprise for you," you smiled as Mark smiled as well. "Thanks y/n, you didn't have to go through all this trouble," Mark said as you shook your head, retrieving the gift from your purse. "No trouble at all, I actually wanted to see you cause I didn't see you yesterday." You slide the gift over to him and Mark's eyes widen. He picks up the gift and unwraps it, he sees the new phone. "Y/n are you kidding me? You didnt have to buy me this," Mark says as you laugh, "nonsense, I realized how you kept complaining about how slow your phone was and thought that this was a perfect gift." You smiled as he immediately turned it on. You frowned as you realised Mark had not given you your gift yet, you waited until Mark looked up at you and saw your facial expression. "Something wrong?" He asked as you laughed a little thinking he was joking, until you realized he was serious. "It's just that I bought you this for our third year anniversary, so I kind of wanna know what you got me," you smiled softly as you heart quickened, this was it, the perfect moment where Mark and you officially start your life together. But then you watched all the colour from Mark's face drain, he forgot. "You forgot didn't you?" You asked as you gave him a disappointed look, Mark shook his head. "Of course not! I'll give it to you when we get home, I just forgot it at home." He smiles, you smile back but you knew he was lying.
It got worse when you got home, when Mark handed you his present to you he was standing and when you opened it, it was a tiny diamond necklace. Now you weren't one to hate gifts because of the value, but this was the necklace that Mark had given you on your six month anniversary. You smiled as he put it on you, you swallowed the urge to cry, maybe this was all an elaborate prank you thought. Mark had always been a man who loved surprises, maybe this was a big surprise.
A week had past since your anniversary and everything was quiet, no proposal, no flowers, no love letters, nothing. In fact, the week had seem to be short of Mark at all, you saw him maybe once this week and rarely had a conversation with you. It was like living with a ghost, but at least the ghost would be there all the time. Mark rarely replied back to your texts and calls and you were getting more upset by the day.
You were cleaning the house when you heard a buzz, you followed the sound and saw Mark's old phone on the dresser, you knew it was wrong to snoop so you continued to mind your business. After ten consistent buzzes you finally sighed and opened his phone, you saw all the texts that you sent Mark that he just opened but never read and then you found her. Jenny. The secretary, you opened the texts to see risky texts and flashy photos sent between the two, your heart was beating so quick and your stomach felt sick. It had felt like someone ripped your heart in two and then repeatedly rammed their foot into your stomach. Hot tears rolled down your cheeks as you saw the two had been spending steamy nights together when Mark was supposedly at work. You wanted to cry and scream at the same time. But a text message conversation between the two really stuck to you, it was about you.
7:55 pm (Jenny): do you think she knows?
7:57 pm (Mark): nope, y/n is an idiot, she'll never find out. I have her wrapped around my finger.
You felt sick when you read that, he took your love as stupidity, you wondered when he stopped loving you and then you thought about how much time you spent on this relationship and how he threw it away so easily. Did you mean absolutely nothing to him? Were you worth nothing to him that he considered throwing you away for some affair with his coworker? You kept reading and it got worse.
8:59 pm (Jenny): Mark, I'm getting sick and tired of sharing you with that bitch, it's either me or her.
9:13 pm (Mark): sweetie please be patient, I'll only be with her for so long, I promise I'll be yours and the stupid bitch won't matter anymore. We'll be happy together.
You wanted to kill him, the way he talked about you made you think about if his feelings were genuine, why did he have to this? Was he not happy with you? Your tears kept coming down and you heard the door open. "Y/n?" Sarah called out as you quickly wiped the tears off your face and walked downstairs with Mark's phone. When Sarah saw you she gasped, "what happened?! Why are you crying?" She asked as she rushed to your side, you couldn't contain the tears anymore and let them flow as Sarah gave you a hug. "H-h-he's cheating on me!" You tried to say but your voice was muffled from the crying, but Sarah understood every word. She clenched her fist as she read the texts, throwing the phone onto the couch she was ready to kill. "I cant believe he would do that to you, how dare he? We should make him pay," Sarah said as you rested your head on her shoulder. She was right, he had to feel something before you ended things with him.
You walked with Sarah to his workplace, you didn't want to go but Sarah insisted, in your hands was a box of clothing and most of Mark's important possessions. In Sarah's hand she had the phone and screenshots printed in her hand. You saw Jenny and him, the way he looked at her, it was exactly the way he looked at you when you two had started dating. You saw Jenny sitting on his desk as his hand travelled furthur up her thigh, your face red with jealousy and anger as you watched her flirt with him and him flirting back. Sarah speeds up her walking to get to his door faster, she slams her hand on the door to get their attention. Mark and Jenny jump as they look over there and see Sarah and you. Mark's face goes white as he realizes that youre here. "Y-y/n" Mark tries to say before Sarah cuts in. "Who the fuck do you think you are? Cheating on my bestfriend with this skank?" Sarah asks angrily, pointing to Jenny, Jenny rolls her eyes as she heads for the door, Sarah grabs her arm. "Don't you even try, you think you can do this and not be at fault?" Sarah asks as she sits back down and scoffs. You clench your fists as you walk towards the door. "Y/n it was a mistake," Mark softly says as you place the box on his desk, you see as Jenny smirks and even scoffs a little. "Mistake? That's not what he was saying last night, you know? When he stayed at my apartment to make love all night. I'm surpise we're still up, we didnt stop at all last night," Jenny brags as you feel the tears rushing to your face. "I can't believe you would cheat on me. After all this time, I've given up job oppurtunities and given up friendships for this relationship Mark, I put in so much effort." You softly cry as Mark tries to hold you but is blocked by Sarah. "Don't even think about it," she growls as he backs up. You wipe the tears and laugh softly, he's shocked that your laughing. "You know I read the texts you sent Jenny, the ones where you called me stupid. I felt mad but you know you're right." Both Sarah and Mark's eyes widen, confusion written all over their face. "I am an idiot, an idiot for spending so much time loving an asshole like you, someone so disgusting that I can't even bother to look at. Have fun with your new girl, I'm glad you're on the same level of scum." You say as you grab his phone from Sarah's hand and slam it onto his desk and grab his new phone. "I'll be taking this back, I'll leave the rest of your stuff outside the doorstep, don't bother to even talk to me ever again. We're over." You say as you and Sarah both walk out of the office, you try your best to look as strong as possible. You immediately break down once you both enter the elevator.
"You were so brave," Sarah smiles softly as she comforts you and hugs you, you cry into her shoulder.
"Why do I already regret this?"
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