#hopefully ill find the time to do the fem versions!
razorsrose · 11 months
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your schoolmates, masc. edition
611 notes · View notes
her-power · 5 months
Last Chance to Dance (Part Four: Rockstar! e.m. x fem reader)
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🚨🛑🔞18+++ MINORS DNI - YOU WILL BLOCKED🚨🛑🔞 TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNING (For entire series): Rockstar! Addict! Sweet! Mean! Eddie, smut, unprotected p+v, fluff, fingering (f receiving), masturbation, oral (m+f receiving), heavy drug use, descriptions of IV drug use, swearing, talks of anxiety, panic disorder, mental illness, talks of suicide
Eddie Munson Masterlist
Last Chance to Dance Part One Part Two Part Three
Summary: Full Summary on Part One
Word Count: 8.1k
I wake up to the smell of French toast coming from the kitchen; I smile, realizing what day it is. I groan, feeling the muscles in my back stretch and my spine pop. I throw on my jeans and exit the room. I find you in the kitchen, you were dancing to Prince on the radio, in an oversized band tee, not noticing me behind you. I realize the shirt you’re wearing is mine, a shirt that I haven’t seen in almost twenty years. 
“Merry Christmas.” I say and you yelp, awkwardly stumbling back into me as the spatula falls out of your hand. I hold your waist and you're laughing loudly. 
“Jesus Christ. You scared me!” You cup my face and kiss my lips softly. “Merry Christmas.” 
I smile against your lips, gripping your waist. “I was wondering what happened to this shirt.” 
You blush, winking at me. “You left it at my house.” 
“I’m sure I did.” I laugh, gently patting her ass as she goes back to cooking breakfast. I peek out the windows, the snow was pretty melted already. It seemed warmer than usual. I feel my phone ringing in my pocket, and I see that it’s Ted, I smile when I answer. 
“Merry Christmas, Teddy.” I say with a grin.
I hear him giggle. “Merry Christmas, dickhead. How you doing?” 
I glance over at you, and you look up, smiling sweetly at me. “Better than I have been.” 
“Oh yeah? Why is that?” 
“Remember the girl?” I whisper. “The one I told you about.” 
“The girl…the girl. Oh!” He laughs loudly. “Wow, man. That’s amazing. Are things…are things well…?”
“Things are incredible.” I grin and I pull my hair up in a half pony. 
“Good. I love to hear it.” He coughs a little. “Happy seven months by the way.” 
I glance at the date on my phone, he was right. I was seven months clean. I’ve never had that much time under my belt. “Wow. I didn’t even realize…thanks, man.” 
“I’m proud of you, kid.” He says, and I hear him let out another hacking cough. “The boys talked about meeting at the studio, Gareth told me you’ve been writing?” 
“Uhhh. Been preoccupied to finish, but yeah.” I smile. “I haven’t sang anything yet, it’s been a while.” 
“You know whatever you do it’s gonna come out amazing.” He’s coughing again, and I can’t help but feel a little worried. 
“You alright, Teddy?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Wrong pipe is all.” He laughs. “Where you at? East coast or cabin?”
“Boston. I have to go back to the cabin in a few days for my next therapy session.” I had almost forgotten until now, I would’ve been fucked if I missed it. 
“Okay, why don’t we plan to meet at the Boston studio after New Years? Bring your girl.” 
My girl. 
“Okay.” I smile. “What are you doing today?”
“Nellie is coming to town with the grandkids, been some time since I’ve seen them.” I can hear a smile in his voice. “Julie is coming too.” His ex-wife. 
“Ohhhh.” I grin goofily at the phone. “Rekindling things hopefully?” 
He laughs. “We’ll see. Enjoy your day, Eddie. Love you.” 
“Thanks, man. Love you too.” 
I hang up, you ask me who was on the phone, and I tell you it was the man who saved my life. 
We had finished breakfast, had light conversation about the plans for the day. Gareth had video chatted me, and when he saw your face on the screen, I thought he was gonna pass out. You had taken the phone from me, laughing and talking about things from the past. Gareth kept saying “oh my god, oh my god” which was weird because, he was the one who gave you my phone number. I had shrugged it off, he was probably excited that it actually happened, that we were in the same room together after so many years. When she had given the phone back to me, Gareth had smiled large. 
“You look good, dude.” He grins, sipping his coffee. “Email me that song you wrote, I want to add the melody notes.” 
“It’s not finished yet.” I sigh. “I don’t even know if I want to record it, it’s different from our regular stuff.” 
“Nothing wrong with being different, didn’t you tell me that?” He smirks at me, and I roll my eyes. 
“It’s…it’s almost like a ballad. I guess, I don’t know. I started it in rehab and then picked away at it when I hid out in my cabin. There are definitely parts that we can add the heavy stuff to, I don’t know.” I laugh awkwardly. 
“Dude, stop being hard on yourself.” He smiles at me. “I’m sure it’s great. Go enjoy your day with her and I’ll see you soon.” 
“Alright, man.” I smile. “Merry Christmas, idiot.”
He gives me the middle finger. “Merry Christmas, bitch.” 
I hang up, putting my phone on silent and look up at you. You were coming towards me with a wrapped present in your hand.
“What?” I laugh. “No, sweetheart. I didn’t get you anything. Why did you get me something?” 
“Relax. I’ve actually had this forever.” You sit down next to me, curling your legs under you. “I got it for you before…well, before everything.” 
You hand it to me, and I can tell you were telling the truth because the corners on the wrapping paper had wear on them. I stare into your eyes, trying to comprehend. “Come on I’ve waited fifteen years to give this to you.” You laugh and I smile at you, tearing the paper. My eyes immediately fill with tears, remembering. 
It was a music transcript notebook that I had my eyes set on at a record shop back then. It was 200 pages of smooth paper, leather bound; I remember this being expensive. 
“This…you got me this?” I look in your eyes and you nod. “How…what? Why?”
You shrug and give me a sad smile. “Because I loved you.” 
I rub my palm over my trembling lips, running my fingers over the pages. It still looked brand new after all these years. I feel my heart shatter in pieces, I feel every regret and mistake swim through my mind. You take my hand in yours, dipping your head to look in my eyes. “Hey, look at me.” 
I clear my throat, looking at you, feeling hot tears on my cheeks. You cup my cheek, wiping my tears away with your finger. 
“This isn’t me giving you this to remind you of what could have been or to have you beg for my forgiveness. Because I’m not gonna do that. I forgave you a long time ago, that’s why I hung on to this. It reminded me every day of the good. Not the bad. Never the bad. Because you were always good, Eddie.” You curl your fingers through my hair, and I shake my head at you. 
“I was only good because of you.” I whisper, wiping the snot from my nose. 
“That’s not true and you know that.” You say, moving your other hand to the other side of my face. “It just took you a bit to catch up, there’s nothing wrong with that.” 
“Look where I ended up.” I cry softly. “Look what I did to myself for all those years, how is any of that good?” 
“Look where you are now.” You say to me, opening the binding of the book to a blank page. You point to it. “Blank page. New chapter, better life.” 
I stare at you in awe, wondering if this was a cruel dream and I was actually held up in that hotel room in Manhattan, overdosing, imagining things like this. I take your face in my hands, kissing you sweetly, you curl your hands through my hair, and I press my forehead against yours. You were real. This was real. 
“Thank you.” I whisper to you. “Thank you for everything.” 
“You’re welcome.” You smile against my lips and pull back, gently running your hand over my cheek. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” I whisper to you, pressing my lips to yours again, cupping the back of your head. I pull you by your thighs onto my lap, gripping your ass and your waist. You lean back, pulling my shirt off of your head and press your lips to mine again. I hold onto your back, clawing at your skin, as I continue to massage my tongue with yours. You grind against me, and I groan into your mouth, instantly getting hard. I kiss your neck, lick down to your breast, and take your nipple in my mouth. You let out a sigh, your back arching and I hold you tighter. You hold onto my shoulders, pulling my face to yours, kissing me deeply. I feel your hands unzip me, and I groan against your skin as you take my cock and bury me inside you. I hold your hips as you rock, the beautiful moans that you breathe out send shivers down my spine. I cup your breasts, rubbing your erect nipples as they bounce in my hand. 
“Unghhhh baby, you feel so good.” You moan loudly and my head falls back against the couch, rocking you faster. “Ahhhh, fuck.” 
“Mmmm.” I moan, pushing myself deeper into you, arching my hips. “You like that baby?” 
“Fuck Eddie.” You gasp out a shaky breath and I smile, hearing you say my name like that awakens a wild animal in me, I just want to feel all of you and more. I meet your lips, wrapping both my arms around your waist and turn you onto your back. I hold your leg over my shoulder, slamming into you, feeling every inch of your wet pussy swallowing my dick whole. “Just like that baby, don’t stop, don’t stop…annnnghhhh!” 
You’re getting so loud, and I feel myself shudder, pornographic sounds and grunts escape my mouth and I feel you clench around me. “F-fuck…ohhh…unghhh…”
“I’m gonna come, I’m gonna come…oh my…oh…unghhhhhhh!” You cry out as your orgasm rocks your entire body, I keep fucking you, and you’re still screaming as your pussy continues to clench my cock. I groan loudly, feeling my eyes roll back and I feel the warmth come out of my cock as I come inside you, I don’t stop thrusting until I’m completely empty. You’re still trembling underneath me, still moaning as the stimulation you feel starts to settle. I swallow a lump in my throat, pressing my lips to yours, thrusting into you once more. 
The second to last city of the tour. 
I haven’t used heroin in two weeks. Two long, boring, fucked up weeks. 
Everyone keeps saying how proud they are of me and that I’m doing the right thing. But am I? Do they know that behind my stupid smile and my sense of humor is a fucking ticking time bomb ready to go off and take everyone down with them? No? Yeah, probably not. I’m not that easy to read anymore. I’m still a drug addict and I still know how manipulate people into believing my lies. The ache and the urge to use is so hard to resist, I feel like I’m slowly dying. Everything makes me sad, I cry all the time. I feel like a fucking pussy. 
The shows we’ve been putting on have been unreal though. We’ve had to do double shows because the stadiums have been sold out.
I should be grateful; we have great support from our fans. We had a meet and greet and had met a beautiful young woman, who couldn’t have been younger than twenty-one, who was battling terminal cancer, told us that our music keeps her going on the worst days. I hugged her while she cried, held her face and told her that she was strong, that whatever happens she will walk out of here knowing she made a difference in my life. And when she left, I locked myself in the bathroom, weeping because it was too much. It was all too much, feeling her pain, seeing it in her eyes. I made Ted take down her email, her mother’s email. I don’t know why but I needed to know what happened to her. 
We were on stage now, finishing the last song. I wailed on Sweetheart; my hair was sweat soaked and whipping around me as I head banged around the stage while Gareth slammed on the drums. I bring my mouth to the microphone, singing the last verse, and look back at Gareth, he grins, hitting the double bass petal, snare and we fade out. The roar of the crowd vibrates our bodies, thank them for coming to the show. I toss my guitar pick in the audience and blow them air kisses. 
The boys and I went to a local bar to celebrate, naturally, I had gotten extremely drunk. But they didn’t seem to care, I mean, if they did, they didn’t say anything. Being drunk was better than being sober and when I was sober, I kept seeing the girls face with the cancer. I couldn’t even see straight; I was surprised I made it to my hotel room. 
I don’t even think I shut my door, because as soon as I walked in to empty my pockets, I couldn’t believe what I had placed on the table. 
Sitting so perfectly beside my cigarettes, lighter, and loose cash was a little plastic baggy with light brown powder, and two capped needles. I feel a laugh escape my lungs; I don’t believe this is real. When did I buy some? Was it at the bar? Was it outside the bar? I really don’t remember. I held the baggy in my palm, staring at it like it was the missing piece of the puzzle. 
I didn’t even hesitate; it was like riding a bike. I had done the first shot; it had burned like hot embers in my veins. It made me sweat; the summer air didn’t help, but sitting on the floor next to the air conditioner did. The top two buttons of my shirt were undone, I didn’t take the necklace off. Maybe I should’ve. I press the needle into my vein again. Same spot, uh oh. I smile at the burn again; I probably should’ve waited before I did it again. My head feels heavy, but I am so fucking high I don’t even care. 
I look at the syringe, there’s still some in there, I clench my fist, looking for a different vein. It was just enough to…
Suddenly I’m in my back, staring up at the ceiling, everything feels foggy, I can’t move. My heart isn’t beating, or is it? 
“Look at what you’ve become.” I hear your voice and I slowly turn my head; I taste something foul in my mouth, something warm is spilling onto my cheeks. I see your face, kneeling next to me. There is no way you’re real, looking at me this way, your face cold, your eyes blank. “Just a dead man, laying on a cold floor with a needle in your arm.” 
My body reacts, I feel it trembling. I can’t speak, my limbs don’t work. Nothing is working. I feel calm though, isn’t that weird? 
Did the show really go well? Or did I imagine that too? I think I forgot the words to a song…but Gareth had took over. Have I been high this entire time? 
It’s quiet now. The room is still, I think I see Gareth…he’s screaming something at me. But he’s not angry, he looks almost scared, and he’s weeping. I can’t hear him; I can’t hear anything anymore.
“He’s still coding.” 
“Are you crazy?” 
“Just do it!” 
“Fifth narcan given.” 
“Eddie? Eddie? Can you hear me?” 
“Still no response. Eyes fixed and dilated.” 
“He’s not dying tonight! Do you know who this is?! Do another narcan, I’ll start compressions.”
“Can you step on it, Mike?!” 
“Give me the adrenaline.” 
“You’re crazy if you think it’s gonna work. Fifth narcan given. No response.” 
“Give me the fucking adrenaline!” 
“It’s not gonna work! Doug, don’t!” 
A loud, deep, gasp escapes my lungs, and my vision clears. I’m in the back of an ambulance, my shirt is ripped and there is a needle sticking out of my bare chest. I feel sweaty, I feel clammy, I think I’m still dead. I stare at the wide eyes of the paramedic and try to ignore the vibrations of what I assume is adrenaline coursing through my bloodstream. I pull the needle out of my chest, and I feel immediately trapped. 
“Stop the truck, let me go.” I say, my eyes wide. 
“We’re taking you to the hospital.” The man who I assume is Doug says. “Whatever you took is not fully cleared from your system.” 
“Nope, no hospital, let me the fuck out.” I go to crawl off the gurney and two strong hands push me back on the bed. I start to struggle, and I end up elbowing Doug in the face. He falls back, and the other paramedic tries to restrain me.
“Mike! Stop the truck! Code gray!”  I rip the CB radio off the wall, and I smash it on his head. I was a trapped animal in a cage, and I needed to get out. The ambulance slams to a halt, and I smash my shoulder against the back doors, awkwardly stumbling out and I start running. Well, running as best as I could. We weren’t that far away from the hotel, and I was grateful when the building came into few. It must’ve been late, because when I walk in the lobby the only person there was the receptionist and she looked at me like I was a walking zombie. 
I try to smile and wave to her, and I can only imagine what that looked like to her because she looked even more terrified. I make it back up to my room, everything was thrown everywhere, the bed was a mess, the floor had medical equipment laid out. There was a puddle of whatever liquid had come out of my mouth on the floor by the air conditioner. My phone, Sweetheart, my suitcase and everything else was still where I left it. This was the third time I have ever overdosed in my life, but it was never this bad. I never had to take an ambulance ride. I walk into the bathroom, and I can understand why the receptionist looked terrified. I was very pale, almost ghostly, my eyes had dark circles underneath them. My curly hair was sticking to my skin because of my sweat, there was a black and blue bruise on my chest. I did look like a dead man walking. 
Oh, what do you know, I still have drugs. 
Did I shoot up again after having just overdosed? Yeah. Why? You may wonder. 
Well, it didn’t kill me. 
I’m sitting up on the floor of the hotel room, a stupid smirk on my face because I knew I wasn’t dying again. I know I’m a piece of shit, I know Gareth was the one who found me teetering on life and death. 
I hear three loud rapping knocks on my door. “Fuck off.” I groan out. 
“This is NYPD.” 
“I didn’t die so you can leave now!” I shout at them. 
“Not gonna do that sir. We could do this easy way or hard way, open the door.” 
I feel angry now, I stumble to my feet and whip the door open. 
“Edward Munson?” 
“Depends on who’s asking.” I let out a low chuckle, there was three officers, and they weren’t impressed. 
“Edward Munson, you have a right to remain silent…” one of the officers comes towards me. 
“Fuck right off!” I said, stepping back but he has the upper hand on me. He grabs my forearm and I swing my fist, connecting with the side of his jaw. The two other officers tackle me, and I’m still able to fight them off. I feel a back hand connect with my nose and mouth, tasting blood immediately. I’m finally forced onto my stomach, my hands are behind my back as I’m shouting profanities at them, letting them know my lawyer was one of the best in the country. They pull me to my feet, the officer that I punched looks at me like a disappointed father. 
“It’s a shame. You’re my son’s favorite band.” He wipes the blood from his face. 
“Gonna tell him to stop listening cause you’re dealing with the devil?” I grin at him, knowing very well there is blood staining my teeth. They pull me out of the hotel room, and lead me out to the lobby. There’s already a line of people outside, I see paparazzi. Oh, this is gonna be great. I wonder what the tabloids are gonna say about me now. 
Heavy metal rockstar Eddie Munson arrested in New York City for being on a drug induced psychosis and beating up cops. 
Probably not exactly that, but at least nobody found out I died for five minutes. 
We had driven to the studio in downtown Boston. It didn’t feel like winter, it felt like a cool spring day. I had to go back up to upstate New York for my therapy session, she was impressed with what more I had to say. It wasn’t a lot, but it was enough to get her to not think I was an asshole. I had mentioned you, and the way she looked at me made me think I was telling her a bedtime story. I had spoken to the paramedics that I had hurt the night of my overdose, apologizing for my behavior even though it probably didn’t mean much because I still hurt them, they never wanted to press charges because they’ve dealt with worse people but since the ambulance company was state run, charges had to be filed, as well as the charges for assaulting three police officers. I had to complete a 90 day program, continue my sobriety with a sponsor and have two years of mandatory therapy. 
You were excited to see the studio when we pulled into the lot. We had stayed at my condo, and I was exhausted. I was up all night doing the finishing touches to the song I was writing. I had sent it to Gareth this morning and all he had written back after I sent it was: “Dude. I’m weeping.” 
I’m not sure if that was a good or bad thing, but as soon as we walked into the studio Gareth had tackled me into a bear hug, lifting me off my feet. You had laughed at our exchanged, and he had done the same thing to you. Ted had arrived soon after with coffee and bagels. He had hugged you like he had known you forever, and when he saw me, I honestly could’ve cried. He had met us when we were a struggling newbie band, we were just kids. Straight out of a small town, no dime to our name. We would sleep in his basement, he’d cook us dinner and his wife would do our laundry. He’s why we’re here today, why we can do this job and I hope he knows just how grateful I am for him. 
This was my favorite place to record. It was mostly an office building, but we had owned the studio. No one bothered us, we didn’t bother them. We purposely remodeled it to make it soundproof, there was an engineering table, with two computers, and a sound mixing station. We had three recording booths, three large couches sat up against the wall. Ted sat on one, patting his forehead with a tissue. He was sweaty, seemed a little pale but he had mentioned earlier he felt like he was coming down with something. 
I sit next to him. “How was seeing your family?” 
He smiles at me. “Oh, it was great. The grandkids are getting so big. Julie wants to go for dinner tomorrow night.” 
I smile, nudging him with my shoulder. “That’s good, right?!”
“Yeah, I think so.” He smiles, looking over at you. Gareth was showing you all the different controls on the engineering board, and how the sound works through the speakers. I follow his eyes, and I smile.
“She’s beautiful.” He says with a grin. “Don’t fuck it up again.”
“I don’t plan on it.” I laugh, running hand through my hair. I was getting nervous about the recording, and he could sense that. Gareth was the only one who read it, and now I was going to be singing it in front of everyone. Even you. I didn’t show you what I had written, it feels like a diary entry almost. Gareth had already told me that he knew what music to put in for it, I had made a note towards the end where the heaviness would come in. 
“You’re gonna do great.” Ted says with a smile. “You always do. Remember, kid. Blank page, clean slate.” He goes to stand up from the couch and I poke his ass with the tip of my shoe.
“Thank you.” I tell him, quietly. “For never giving up on me.” 
He rolls his eyes, and winks, I laugh. “Save the theatrics for later, you got work to do.” He claps me on the shoulder, and I let out a loud sigh. I walk towards the recording booth, the song in my hands. Gareth gently massages my shoulders, following me into the booth.
“You got this, man.” He tells me. “Deep breaths, sing your heart out, block everyone out, and just feel it.” 
I nod at him, shaking the nerves out of my hands as I close the door to the booth. I lay the paper on the stand and place the headphones over my ears. I hear Jeff’s voice over the speakers in my ears. 
“No.” I laugh and give him a thumbs up through the window. 
I already had the melody in my head, it was just Gareth’s job to mimic it, and Jeff would add the background after. I glance at the song, meet your eyes, and I smile. 
I begin.
“It’s cold in here, my hands shake, my bones ache. I don’t want to feel anything anymore. All the mistakes, they’re catching up, maybe I should’ve just been left for dead. My mind is broken; the walls I made are crumbling around me. It’s so easy to just be, but the ache is there, it calls to me, I just want it inside of me.  Down the rabbit hole I go, can’t find my way, can’t find my way, can’t find my way back home. It’s so easy just to be, but it calls to me, calls to me. Down the rabbit hole I go, how are they supposed to find me? Will I be bone, will I be ash, will I be lost for good?  I don’t regret it, it’s why I’m here, my heart bleeds in my chest. One last shot, that’s all I want, and then maybe they will heal. It’s all I dream, the clouds around me, smiling as I go. But you came back, screaming my name, and it all fades to black. Down the rabbit hole I go, can’t find my way, can’t find my way, can’t find my way back home. It’s so easy just to be, but it calls to me, calls to me. An angel with wings, that’s what I thought, but it was a devil in disguise. I can’t go back, I have to repent, my sins are killing me. My sins are killing me!” I extend the note at the end, and I hear Gareth on the drums. I keep my eyes closed, nodding my head to his beat. I wait for three beats, one, two three…and I’m yelling out the song, feeling my stomach muscles clench as my voice comes out, sounding broken, and angry.
“Cold floors, cold walls, I can’t feel anything at all, just these thoughts that haunt my mind, driving me fucking insane, one last shot that’s all I want, I don’t want to feel this. But somehow, I’m still alive, and there’s nothing left to see. Down the rabbit hole I go, can’t find my way, can’t find my way, can’t find my way back home. Down the rabbit hole I go, can’t find my way, can’t find my way, can’t find my way back home.”  I add the second to last verse again, followed by the chorus, and I yell, my voice fading, and I glance over at my bandmates. In the speakers of my ears, I hear Jeff, “Fuck YEAH, man!” 
I laugh, taking the headphones off my ears. You had tears in your eyes as you’re clapping, and I come out of the booth. Gareth is already whooping as he comes out of the booth, his drumsticks in his hand. 
“Play it back.” I tell them. I look over at Ted, who’s smiling with tears in his eyes. I squeeze his shoulder and he places his hand over mine. We listen to it back, and I’m amazed at how it sounds. We begin to brainstorm on what melody should go where, where to add the guitar. How heavy it should sound at the end. We spent about three hours in the studio, recording the music, adding more riffs, adding piano to it. Once it was completed to our liking, we listened. We haven’t had a melodic song like this since our first album, and I couldn’t believe that was my voice. 
“I say we go celebrate by getting some Italian.” Ted says with a grin.  
“You buying?” I grin, pulling you towards me by your waist. 
“Ha, you’re funny. Let me piss first.” He goes into the bathroom, and I lean my head against your shoulder. 
“That song was amazing.” You tell me, gently rubbing my chin. “I forgot you could sing like that.” 
“Wasn’t that great.” I say, giving you a goofy smile and you nudge me with your shoulder. 
“It was perfect.” You kiss my lips gently and I grin. 
“Ugh, don’t miss that.” Gareth laughs and pokes my stomach. “I’m starving, where’s Teddy?” 
I watch as Gareth walk into the bathroom and the door closes behind him. “Teddy! Are you taking a shit? Did you fall in?” 
We both giggle. I turn to you, but your eyes are somewhere else. Gareth has come out of the bathroom, his face ashen, his body trembling. “Call 911.” He says loudly. Jeff whips up his head, and the engineer is immediately on the phone. 
“What?” My heart is in my throat. 
I watch as you run into the bathroom, I go to follow you, but Gareth stops me, his hand on my chest, tears are streaming down his face. “Don’t go in there, Eddie.” 
I push his hand off me, ignoring his words and I jog to the bathroom. “Eddie! Eddie!” 
I skid to a halt, watching as you’re giving chest compressions to Ted. Gareth slams his chest into me but has remained frozen as he stares at what you’re doing.  
He’s not moving, his eyes are partially closed, and I see a little blood in the corner of his mouth. “Ted?” I almost yell. 
You look up at me, your expression in full nurse mode as you continue your compressions, feeling his pulse. “Eddie, stay outside, please.” 
I don’t hear you; I slide to the floor and move next to Ted. Trying to see, trying to understand. “Wake up, man.” I say, my heart beating fast. I hear blood rushing in my ears. I couldn’t see his chest rise and fall; just the force of your compressions trying to pump air in his lungs. 
“Eddie, come on.” Gareth sputters out, his hand on my shoulder. I slap him away, there was a cold chill going down my spine. 
“Teddy, wake up.” I’m getting angry now, I feel my throat lock up, and tears sting behind my eyes. He was fucking with us, he had to be. I place my hand on his, he was still warm, but I got no reaction. “Wake the fuck up, man!” 
I watch as you sit back on your heels, your eyes meet Gareth’s and I see you shake your head, you look at me now. “Eddie…”
“No.” I say through my teeth, I hold his face in my hands. “Teddy. Teddy. Wake up. Stop fucking with us man, stop this.” He’s not even looking at me, his chest isn’t moving. I feel myself trembling. I shake his head. “Teddy, wake up!” I feel your hand on my forearm, Gareth’s hand fisting my shirt from behind. I can hear the sound of a two-way radio outside the door. An angry, loud, groan escapes me and I’m sobbing. “Don’t do this to me. Don’t fucking do this to me, man. Please wake up. You’re supposed to go to dinner with Julie tomorrow. You don’t have to worry about me anymore, I’m better now. I promise, just wake up. Please Teddy. Please.” 
The paramedics are in the bathroom now, and I can feel Gareth pulling me back. A loud, guttural, groan escapes my lungs as Gareth has to practically drag me from the bathroom. “Teddy!” I scream, thrashing against Gareth’s grasp. The struggle causes both of us to fall on our asses to the floor, and he’s almost restraining me. You’re in front of me now, holding my face in your hands as angry sobs and groans scream out of me. 
“I need you to breathe for me.” You say calmly. “You’re gonna hyperventilate, Eddie. Breathe.” 
“I don’t care!” I moan out, my teeth grinding. My ears still ringing, this wasn’t happening. This wasn’t fucking happening. He was the closest thing I’ve had to a father and there was no way he was gone. 
“Eddie, baby, please…”
I struggle in Gareth’s grasp, my body still shaking with sobs as I see them wheel Ted out from the bathroom. A mask over his face, the paramedic on top of him doing compressions. They disappear, telling us what hospital and nothing is making sense. Nothing. None of it. 
I felt like I was in a fever dream as I pace in the hospital waiting room. I was talking to myself, reassuring myself that he was okay, that he was alive and would be cracking jokes in his hospital bed. I wouldn’t talk to anyone, even you. I had tried calling Julie, but her phone had immediately gone to voice mail. Gareth was still pale, sipping out of the same coffee cup he has been for the last half hour. 
The doctor had come, and before he could even say the words, I’m walking away from him. I’m holding my stomach; afraid my insides are gonna fall out and a jagged breath escapes me. A sound I never knew I could make before comes rattling out of me, it hurt so much. A massive heart attack killed him. 
“We did everything we could. I’m so sorry. If it gives you any sort of comfort, he didn’t feel much. If anything it just felt like a tickle.” I whip my head around to look at him, I know my eyes are wide and look feral. 
“Do you actually know that though? You don’t know what or how he felt, so don’t even fucking claim that you do.” My voice is breaking, and you pull me away from the doctor, leading me to sit. “I don’t want to sit!” I shout, but your palm is on my chest, gently pushing me down. I hear Gareth say a few more words to the doctor and he walks away. He is handing me a plastic bag, it had Ted’s key, his wallet, his phone, his fucking wedding ring. 
“They need Julie to release his body to the funeral home, have you gotten ahold of her?” His voice sounds far away, he’s still crying, and I can’t look at him, I just shake my head. My hands are trembling as I’m gazing at the plastic bag, I shake my head, rubbing the snot from my nose. Ted’s phone vibrates in the bag, and I see Julie’s name light up. I stare at her name, and I pull the phone out. I stand up from the seat, clearing my throat as I slide to answer. 
“Julie?” I hold my stomach, a small sob escaping me. 
"Hello? Eddie?” She already sounds panicked. “I have no reception where I am, what are you doing answering Teddy’s phone?”
“Um.” I let out a small groan. “We’re in Boston, at a hospital. Ted, he…he uh…” I can’t say it, I can’t fucking say it.
“Eddie…what is going on?” I hear her voice shake.
I squeeze my eyes shut, my wrist falling away with the phone before I put it to my ear again. “Ted’s gone…he…he died.” 
“No, he didn’t.” She inhales a gasp. “Eddie, don’t lie to me, no he didn’t!”
I’m weeping. “I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry.” 
“No Eddie!” She’s screaming, a loud, heartbreaking scream. “I talked to him earlier, he was fine! He was fine! Oh jesus…”
“I know, I know. We were at the studio…and…and then he was in the bathroom. He didn’t hear me; I was trying to wake him up. Julie, I tried, I tried to wake him up, I’m so sorry.” My knees are buckling as I’m sliding to the floor, my body aching, my throat feeling like it was closing up. 
“Eddie, Eddie, you listen to me right now. Don’t fall back on what you’ve come so far to accomplish. He was proud of you. Despite everything, he loved you, Eddie. You were like a son to him, don’t fall apart now. You hear me?” I nod into the phone; I can’t see straight. I don’t even remember her asking me what hospital, or when she said she would be there. I was still crumpled on the floor, you were at my side, rubbing my head, and I was scrolling through the photos on his phone. There was so many of his grandkids, his kids. There was a bunch of us performing, a bunch of random selfies because I’m sure he forgot how to flip the camera. I scroll through his contacts, trying to remember if there was anyone else, I needed to call. I stop when I see your name.
You’re not looking at me, you’re talking to Gareth about something I’m not bothering to listen to. I click your contact name and see a thread of text messages between you and Ted. It goes back seven months ago. 
What the fuck?
Before I could even make a comment on what I have seen, the doctor comes back, asking if we’d like to see him. I place the phone in my pocket, I would deal with this later. I didn’t even know how to react towards you, why were you talking to him seven months ago if you just met him today? I get up from the floor, and I realize I’m ignoring you. I turn to kiss your lips quickly, Gareth, Jeff and I follow the doctor to a hospital room. I watch as you sit down, waving at me defeatedly, looking tired, sad. I could feel my heart breaking and I didn’t even know why.
They tell us as soon as we’re outside the room that we would have to go in one at a time. Jeff goes in first; I’ve never seen him cry before, and when he came out, he looked like he was about to pass out. I fist his shirt to get him to stand upright, and I hug him to me. Gareth goes in next, he’s in there for a few minutes until he comes out, wiping his eyes, looking at me like I could shatter at any moment. 
I pat his back, reassuring him that I was okay. But I’m not sure if I was.  I step into the room; the lights were bright. Ted was laying on his back, a white sheet was up to his chest. My stomach clenches again and I have to support myself on the bed rail before I sit down. 
I take his hand; it was so cold. I had to warm him up. He shouldn’t be cold. Tears fall down my cheeks as I stare at his face. I’m not sure if he looked peaceful, or if he looked dead. 
“I still think you’re fucking with me.” I tell him quietly. “After all those times you brought me back, I would think this was some sort of punishment.” My lips tremble and I feel hot tears pool down my cheeks. “Fuck you, man. Why’d you have to go and die on me? After everything – after so many years of you practically raising us to be better men, better friends, a better brotherhood. What are we supposed to do now? What are we supposed to do without you?” 
A sob escapes me, a small whimper, my head falls to his bed and I’m laying my forehead against his hand, holding it tight, my chest hurting, my stomach in knots. I feel strong arms on my shoulders, pulling me up. 
“Come on, dude.” It’s Gareth, my head falls to his chest, I felt weak, he helps me out of the chair. I feel like I’m being weighed down by cement as I stare at his body. 
“No…” I groan out loud, I sound like a kid. A kid who just said goodbye to the only person he’d ever known as a father. “I can’t leave him.” 
“It’s okay, dude. I’m here.” Gareth continued to lead me away, my head falls in my hands and I’m groaning again. It hurts, it all hurts too fucking much. 
We waited until Julie got to the hospital a few hours later, I could barely stand up when I saw her. She was cradling me like a small child, rubbing my head, telling me everything was gonna be okay. I didn’t want her to comfort me, I told her. After everything I put him through, she should hate me. She told me that she could never hate me, that I meant so much to her and Ted, that we all did. That she prayed everyday my heart still beat, and that I’d fight the addiction I so desperately craved right now. 
Once Ted was set to go to the funeral home in his hometown in Vermont, you had driven my car back to my condo. You were leaving tomorrow, going back to Maine, to go back to work. We don’t speak when we take the elevator up to my place. I’m on my phone looking at news articles, there was no way the media didn’t get wind of this. 
And I was right, the first article on Google says: Longtime friend and manager of Corroded Coffin, Theodore “Teddy” Callahan has died of a heart attack, at 58. I toss my phone roughly on the couch, you jump a little and I mutter that I was sorry. You sit next to me, wrapping your arms around my shoulders, you lay your cheek on my arm. 
“What can I do?” You ask me sweetly. 
I don’t answer you; I’m staring off, I can’t see straight. Tears still continue to pour down my cheeks. My entire body feels stiff. I had to know, I had to know why she was in Ted’s phone. Why it seems they have been talking longer than they let on. 
“How long have you been talking to Ted?” I feel you freeze next to me. 
“What? I just met him today.” 
I meet your eyes, I’m not in the mood for games. “You may have met him today, but you’ve been talking to him for seven fuckingmonths.” 
You pull away from me, rubbing your eyes. “Eddie, I can explain that.” 
“So, explain.” I feel my chest heaving. There are so many emotions: grief, anger, sadness, the urge to stick a needle in my veins. 
You just stare at me; I can tell you’re trying to figure out what to say. Realization settles in my gut and I stand up from the couch. “That letter was a crock of shit, wasn’t it?” 
“No, no Eddie! I meant every word.” Your eyes are filling with tears. 
“You LIED to me!” I yell at you. “You said Gareth gave you my number. Gareth didn’t even fuck know you were around until the other day! When did Ted reach out to you? Because I know you didn’t.” 
“After your overdose, after everything with the courts.” You sigh, standing and walking toin were me, I step back from you. “Eddie, I wasn’t gonna send you a letter at first. I couldn’t do it. It was like someone brought you back from the dead even though you were alive.” 
“So, you knew everything about me, about my struggles, about ALL of it and just pretended to care? Pretended this whole time?” I’m staring at you with wide eyes. 
“I’m not pretending Eddie! He reached out to me because he was scared, he didn’t know what else to do. He said you kept talking about me, how sad you seemed and he thought maybe, maybe I’d be able to help. I was fully ready to just see you, rekindle our friendship but I never thought we’d end up here. When I saw you, it all came rushing back and I couldn’t control it. I love you, I have always loved you.” 
“That don’t mean shit if you came to see me out of pity.” I feel tears sting my eyes again; I just want to rip my fucking eyeballs out. 
“I didn’t! I came here because I was worried.” 
“Your aunt just happened to be away that entire week?” 
You stare at me. 
“Answer me!” I yell, my voice breaking. 
“My aunt has been dead for five years. When I travel I use her place because she left it to me.” You sound so small and I just laugh at you. 
“That’s fucked up. Even for you.” I clench my fists, pressing them to my eyes and you let out a sob. “These last three weeks, you’ve been making love to me, cooking for me, bringing me gifts from the past, telling me that you love me, when this entire time you had no intention in ever speaking to me again if it wasn’t for Ted?” 
“Eddie, I thought about you every day!” 
“Stop the bull shit! Stop it!” I clench my stomach, the same familiar ache forming. “I don’t believe you. Every time you speak, I hear a lie, even if you are telling me the truth. Is this punishment? For breaking your heart? Well, you win, sweetheart! Cause mine is a pile of fucking dust!” 
“Eddie, please.” You’re sputtering. “Let’s talk about this.” 
“No.” I shake my head at you, tears falling. “I don’t want to talk anymore. I want you to get out.” 
“Get the fuck out of my house.” 
You stare at me with wide eyes, pure heartbreak and disappointment on your face. I have to look away from you, I can’t look at you. Because if I look at you this way, I’ll want to take you in my arms, kiss your tears away and pretended like this never happened, but I can’t do it. I can’t. You don’t say anything to me as you take your purse off the couch, you look back at me once and I meet your eyes. I watch as you walk away from me, down the hall until you get to the elevators. A shaky sob escapes me, and I sit on my floor, I hold my head in my hands. Before, I was the one who walked away from you, because I couldn’t handle how to be loved by you. Now, I’m sending you away, because I can’t stomach the thought of you actually still loving me, after everything, after all the pain, the things I’ve done. Maybe you really don’t, and this whole thing was just a game. 
How could you love someone like me? I’m broken, I’m damaged. 
I’m still a fucking monster. 
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ A/N: Thank you guys! Don't worry, it's not over! Taglist: @kellsck @bellalillyrose @iggyizalien @trixyvixx @originalstar1 @themorticians-world
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cheonsarchive · 2 years
Beomgyu | Let Me (VII PREVIEW)
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Pairing: Beomgyu x Fem!Reader
Genre: Hogwarts!AU, angst(?)
Word count: ~700
Warnings: mentions of death, grief
Author’s Note: Because I have starved y'all enough already by now, I decided to post a little preview for the final chapter. I'm still missing a bit, so I ask for just a tiny bit more patience! Also, no taglist for this one, since the full version is hopefully coming soon. Enjoy ❤️
Masterlist | Chapter VI
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You were beyond frustrated at this point. Not only did you have difficulties with some new spells, but you also began to struggle with the ones you thought you had already mastered now. You were ready to cry when you embarrassed yourself in front of the whole Defense Against the Dark Arts class, trying to show your Patronus. But it didn't work. Deep down, you knew it wouldn't, but you still hoped for a miracle. After all, it's been a while since you casted that one.
But this wasn't coming out of nowhere. You had linked your Patronus to your grandpa, your favorite person in this world. He was your best friend, he basically raised you since your parents had little to no time to care for you due to their jobs, and you hoped he would stay in your life forever. But after he had died, your mind was clouded with grief for him. No matter how hard you tried to remember the happy moments with him, the pain from his passing overtook each time. And ultimately, your Patronus couldn't be cast anymore because of it.
You stood in front of the class in slight disbelief, and you tried to hide your face as much as possible in embarrassment. Thankfully, your teacher wasn't too strict about it. "Y/n, I think you need to work on that again until our next class." he simply said, thankfully without any ill intentions or the passive-aggressive tone you're used to from Professor Snape. That made you calm down slightly. You took a deep breath, your head sinking even more if that was even possible, and you retreated.
Taehyun looked at you in concern when you stood next to him. "It's because of your gran, isn't it?" he whispered. You tried to blink your tears away, both from frustration and grief, and you simply nodded. You were glad Taehyun was quick to catch up and he got the message that you didn't want to talk about it. Your mind was circling around all the memories of your grandpa at that moment, the good as well as the bad ones. Trying your best to focus on the class again, you swallowed the lump that had formed in your throat.
To your relief, class was dismissed shortly after and you hoped to leave the embarrassment from failing a Patronus, a spell three-years learn, behind in the classroom as you basically stormed out of it. Taehyun had to put in some effort to catch up to you in the crowd and once he reached you, he put a supportive hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry about it too much. As I always say, practice makes perfect." he sounded like an instructor, and you could only scoff.
But he was right. You knew you had to practice. You also knew that you had to talk to Beomgyu. And with your free period being too short to do both, you needed to make a decision. Should you use the time to look for Beomgyu, or should you find a quiet room to practice your Patronus again? Your next DAtDA period would be two days from now, so you didn't have too much time to master it again to the point where you were 100% sure you wouldn't embarrass yourself again.
You also didn't even have an idea where and how to find Beomgyu in such a big castle. Since he also had a free period, he could be anywhere. Maybe finding him would take too much time, and then you would have to cut your conversation short. Not the best option, considering how much ground you had to cover. So, you ultimately decided to use this free period to practice your Patronus. You figured that both of you had waited so long already, one more day wouldn't hurt at this point.
What you didn't know was that Beomgyu had other plans. He knew you shared this free period, as this was your go-to time for tutoring sessions, and he didn't want to waste the opportunity. It would be harder for him to catch you alone in the late afternoon or evening, since you mostly hung out with Giselle and Kai. He had waited way too long again as well. So, before he could start overthinking, he searched the hallways for you.
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Will he find you before the period ends? 👀
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criminalmindzjunkie · 4 years
The Reward of Suffering (Part Six)
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previous chapter
Summary: Spencer comes face to face with a ghost from the past.
A/N: Hey... how y’all doin? Long time no see, huh? Sorry about that - hopefully this extra long update will make up for my absence. This has definitely been my favorite part thus far, and I had so much fun writing it. I hope you guys enjoy reading it. You guys know the drill by now: SPOILERS for season 12. Also, shoutout to @zhuzhubii​ for posting the absolute best set of gifs right in time for this update - you’re the coolest.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader
Warnings: cursing, mentions of death, mentions of rape, mentions of mental illness, kidnapping, choking
Word Count: 10.3k
           With every clack of my heels on the concrete floors, the nervous feeling in my gut grows into full blown nausea. It’s been nearly two months since I last walked these halls, but somehow it feels like a lifetime has passed. Considering everything that transpired in the last forty-eight hours, it makes sense that I feel that way.
           I hadn’t been on the team when Lindsey Vaughn first came into the picture ten years ago, but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t familiar. At the time, I thought nothing of the kind neighbor that I sometimes passed in the stairwell on my way to Spencer’s apartment. I mean, why would I? I had no reason to be suspicious. Our interactions never went beyond the usual pleasantries – polite smiles and the occasional greeting – and I never gave her a second thought.
           Maybe if I had, Cassie wouldn’t be dead, and Spencer’s mother wouldn’t be missing.
           I shake my head at the thought. Now isn’t the time to ruminate on what ifs. I would have plenty of time to blame myself when all of this is over. Instead of torturing myself, I focus on trying to steady my breathing as I come to a stop just before I reach the interview room of the Milburn Correctional Facility.
           I know what lies beyond that door, and I’m equal parts excited and worried. Excited, because I’d finally be able to see Spencer after two long months of daydreaming about when I’d finally hold him in my arms again. Of course, it was very possible that Spencer wouldn’t want to see me. After all, I promised to keep his mother safe, and instead of doing that, I let myself get swept up in moving in to my apartment, and now Diana was God knows where.
           I was so sure that he wouldn’t want to see me that I’d initially suggested that Emily be the one to go to the prison and get him. My idea was met with a sad smile and a pat on the shoulder.
           “I think that if it was anyone but you standing there when they open that door, it’d break his heart.”
           Her reassurances did little to assuage my nerves. I spent the entire ride here running over every possible scenario that I could imagine, scrambling to form some kind of game plan. But now that I was here, any semblance of preparedness left me the second the guard reached for the door handle.
           “You ready, ma’am?”
           I don’t trust my voice, so I settle on nodding my head. The door opens with a groan, rusty hinges creaking in protest, and with shaky legs and a heart that threatens to beat out of my chest, I step into the doorway.
           It’s like the world stops turning on its axis when his eyes meet mine. Those familiar pools of caramel stare back at me with such an intensity that I force myself to look away, petrified at the prospect of seeing disappointment in them. 
           I trail my eyes over his frame, drinking in every inch of him - every bruise and every scrape feeling like a dagger to my heart. My eyes linger on the bandage adorning his left arm, before trailing down to the one on his leg. Emily had warned me about happened, about Spencer injuring himself in order to secure his safety. It was smart of him - that I knew - but that didn’t mean that I wasn’t horrified. 
           His hair has gotten longer, and his curls hang limply around his face. The usually clean-shaven Spencer I once knew was a thing of the past - replaced now by a more disheveled, scruffier version.
           Clean-shaven or not, he still looks just as breathtaking as always. 
           I hesitantly raise my eyes up to his again. He’s staring at me still, mouth parted in shock. He doesn’t look angry, just confused, and that fills me with a tiny sliver of hope.
           “Hi, Spence,” I murmur, voice thick with emotion. It’s not until I speak that I realize I’m crying, and I hastily wipe at my cheeks with my shirtsleeve.
           The dazed look in Spencer’s eyes washes away when he hears my voice and he blinks hard.
           “What… H-How are you…?” he trails off, eyes moving up and down my body.
           It feels so fucking good to hear his voice again, and I find myself unable to hold back a sob.
           “M’ here to take you home,” I choke out.
           It’s like all the tension in Spencer’s body is expelled at once and his shoulders slump in relief. I open my mouth to elaborate, to explain how Emily had managed to pull this off, but I’m stunned into silence when Spencer’s body collides with mine. I hadn’t even had time to process that he was moving before his arms snake around me, tugging me forward until there’s no space in between our bodies. Spencer’s hands collect fistfuls of my shirt, clinging desperately to the fabric as he nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck.
           Once I get over the initial shock, I’m hugging him back, arms locked around his torso in a vicelike grip. He doesn’t smell the same – the usual fragrance of cinnamon and vanilla is long gone, replaced with that of some generic detergent – but the way his broad shoulders feel underneath my palms is something so familiar that I can’t help but smile against his chest.
           This is still my Spencer.
           Spencer lets out a shaky breath against my skin and I let out an involuntary shudder at the feeling.
           “Missed you so fucking much,” Spencer whispers. “I-I can’t believe you’re here. Thought I was imagining it.” Spencer takes a shaky breath in, nuzzling further into my neck. His next words are muffled from the way his lips press against my skin, but I’m still able to make out the quiet ‘I’m sorry’.
           “You’re sorry?” I hiccup, eyebrows scrunching up in disbelief. I attempt to pull away so that I can look at him, but Spencer only tightens his grip on me. Something about it makes my chest feel incredibly warm, but I push that feeling aside for now. “I’m the one that’s sorry. I should’ve done more – I should’ve visited more often. I let myself get busy, and if I’d just been more careful, then your m-mom… she wouldn’t be-”
           “Stop that,” Spencer interrupts, and this time he’s the one that pulls away. He holds me at arm’s length and those beautiful brown eyes lock with mine. “This is absolutely not your fault.”
           Spencer’s hands come up to cup either side of my face and his thumbs wipe away at the tears on my cheeks. “You’ve done so much for me – for her. I’m sorry that I took you off the list. Things were getting so bad here, and if something would have happened to you…” Spencer pauses, closing his eyes and leaning down until his forehead rests against mine. “It was never because I didn’t want to see you, I promise. And… And your letter - I can’t even begin to explain how much that helped. I’m sorry that I couldn’t write back. I didn’t know what to say. Especially not after…”
           He doesn’t elaborate, but I’m able to fill in the blanks myself. I bring my hand up and rest it on top of his.
           “S’okay, Spence. I know,” I whisper. “You don’t have to explain anything to me. I understand.”
           Spencer hums and a ghost of a smile tugs at the corners of his lips.
           “Time to get you out of here, Doc.” I remove his hand from my face and give it a reassuring squeeze. “Let’s go get your mom back.”
           Spencer opens his eyes and for the first time in two months I’m on the receiving end of my favorite smile in the whole world.
           I lead him from the room, never once removing my hand from his. Now that I have him back, I don’t ever want to let go.
           For the second time today, the clacking of my heels against the concrete floor is the only sound that can be heard. Spencer moves silently beside me, his face pulled into a somber expression as we stalk down the long corridor. His hand brushes against mine, and I long to reach out and intertwine our fingers like I had only hours before. I suppress the urge, stealing one last, poorly concealed glance at him before I settle my gaze on the door at the end of the hall.
           In the last several hours, the entire case had been flipped upside down. We’d been wrong all along – Scratch wasn’t to blame for the shit show that had transpired over the last three months. It’d been an easy enough mistake to make. After the incident with Tara’s brother, Scratch was the obvious choice. Pair that with the fact that Spencer had been drugged and we had no reason to suspect anyone else.
           Cat Adams was the last thing on everyone’s mind when Mexico happened. It’d been over a year since Spencer outsmarted her in that restaurant, and she was very much out of sight and out of mind. She was in a maximum-security prison, for fuck’s sake. That alone should have rendered her unable to carry out a scheme this convoluted.
           But apparently that meant nothing, because Cat had somehow managed to be the mastermind behind this whole ordeal, perfectly orchestrating the entire thing from her cell in solitary confinement – using Lindsey Vaugh as her metaphorical puppet on a string. We’d sorely underestimated Cat, and our arrogance had come back to bite us all in the ass.
           A guard that stands at the end of the hall opens the door for us, and I feel an intense rush of foreboding as we step into the room. The sound of the guard closing the door behind us brings a sense of finality to the situation; there is no turning back now. Either we walk out of here knowing Diana’s whereabouts, or we miss the mark completely and loose Diana in the process.
           I cast a worried look at Spencer, whose eyes are trained on the double-sided glass. The tension has returned to his shoulders, and his fists are clenched tightly at his sides. There’s a sort of fiery determination in his eyes – a sort of menacing resolve that I’d never seen in him before.
           Spencer looks intimidating, and nothing like the Spencer that was led from the courtroom three months ago. I pull my eyes away in favor of looking through the glass.
           Reid had been able to see through Cat’s mind games the first time, but the Cat that sat on the other side of that door is a far cry from the one he encountered a year ago. If she’d looked cold and calculating before, she looks downright deranged now.
           “Are you sure you want to go in there alone?” I ask after a moment. “I could-”
           “No,” Spencer cuts me off. His tone is hard and definite, warning me not to argue. “I can’t ask you to do that. Emily shouldn’t have made you come in the first place.”
           “Emily told me to come with you because she knew that there was nothing she could do to make me stay.” I pause long enough to shoot him a weak smile. “Hope you enjoyed your three-month break from me, because I’m going to practically glued to your side from now on. You’ll be dying to get rid of me in a month’s time.”
           Spencer’s lips twitch, threatening to turn up into a smile.
           “I sincerely doubt that.”
           “We’ll see,” I breeze. “But I’m serious, Spence. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be here the whole time – I’m not letting you go in there alone, and I’m not going to leave you.”
           “Promise?” Spencer asks, finally pulling his eyes away from the window in favor of looking at me. There’s a sadness in his eyes that wasn’t there before, and the weight of his gaze is so heavy that I worry I might buckle under it.
           I reach for his hand and hook my pinky finger around his, lifting our intertwined hands to eye level.
           “I promise.”
           Spencer’s pinky finger squeezes mine and he closes his eyes.
           “I don’t deserve you.”
           “You deserve the world, Spence.”
           For a moment I think he’s going to say something else, but then Spencer’s lips press into a tight line and he only nods in response. He releases my hand and I let it fall limply at my side. Spencer rolls his shoulders back, and that stony expression returns to his face. He reaches out and pulls open the door, and I follow closely behind him at he steps over the threshold.
           It’s as if I’m invisible; Cat doesn’t even spare me a glance when I enter the room. Her eyes, narrowed and sparkling with amusement, hone in on Spencer immediately.
           “Spencie,” she greets, smiling deviously up at him.
           “Where’s my mother?” Spencer asks, completely devoid of emotion.
           “I missed you.”
           “What did you and Lindsey do to her? How did you-”
           Cat raises a hand, effectively cutting him off. She points a finger at him, and the smile that she previously wore is replaced by a grimace.
           “Now, stop. You don’t get to walk in here and hiss at me like I’m the criminal. No – we’re going to do this my way.” Cat kicks the chair that sits on the opposite side of the table and Spencer reaches out to grab it. “Have a seat.”
           Spencer complies and Cat’s smile returns.
           “How was prison? Did you like it?”
           Cat hums.
           “It’s not fun, is it?”
           “Unlike you, I didn’t deserve to be there,” Spencer retorts.
           Cat leans forward, crossing her arms before resting them on the metal table.
           “How did you stay sane? A brain like yours needs stimulation in such a gray place.”
           “I worked in the laundry room and I played chess.”
           “That’s three, maybe four hours, tops. What about the other twenty?”
           “I read.”
           Cat shakes her head. “That’s still not enough. You have to… go someplace.” She taps the side of her head. “Up here. Or else you go crazy. Do you want to see where I go? I’ll show you.” Cat crooks a finger at Spencer, and I tense at the gesture. The idea of that psychotic bitch getting any closer to him makes my skin crawl. I clench my fists together and the feeling of my nails digging into my palms is enough to ground me.
           Spencer leans forward, mimicking Cat’s relaxed position. She reaches a hand out towards him, and before I can think better of it, I speak up.
           “Hands off,” I warn.
           Cat halts her movements and fixes me with an irritated expression, looking me up and down distastefully before turning her attention back to Spencer.
           “Close your eyes,” she instructs him. Spencer complies. “Good. Now keep them closed. Sit back and relax. When you open your eyes, I want you to look at me like I’m the first woman you’ve seen after being in prison for three months.”
           I clench my jaw at that. Something stirs in my chest – something foreign and possessive that has me bristling. I tense, watching closely as Spencer opens his eyes and smiles that beautiful smile at Cat. My stomach turns painfully at the sight.
           “Hello, Cat,” Spencer greets her, and all the contempt his tone previously held is gone – replaced with a neutrality that bordered on happiness.
           Cat lets out a pleased laugh.
           “You’re here!” she exclaims, throwing her arms out as she gestures about the room. “You’re really here.”
           “There is nowhere else I would rather be,” Spencer replies, sounding startlingly genuine.
           This is all an act, I remind myself. Spencer’s just playing a part. None of this is real.
           Cat crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow at him.
           “You’re good at this. You’re so good at this that I almost believe that you don’t want to kill me.”
           “I don’t want to kill you,” Spencer says with a shake of his head.
           Cat narrows her eyes at him.
           “What if I let your mother die?” she inquires. “Then would you kill me? Or would you just…” Cat trails of as she leans forward. “… Hurt me? Would you pin me down and leave bruises that don’t go away?”
           I swallow hard against the bile that threatens to crawl its way up my throat. Spencer might not want to kill her, but I do.
           “Is that what you want?”
           Cat shrugs her shoulders.
           “I guess I just want to know if you would – if you could.”
           Spencer gives a small shake of his head.
           “No?” Cat taunts, cocking her head to the side.
           “It’s not the kind of man I am.”
           Cat’s face drops and her eyes narrow into slits.
           “Do me a favor and tell your little chaperone over there to step aside, because we’re going to play another game. And this time, we’re going to find out exactly what kind of man you are.”
           Spencer’s eyes flit to me and he nods towards the door. I open my mouth to argue, but the pleading look in his eyes has me clamping it shut. It’s okay, his eyes seem to tell me. I know you promised, but I’ll be fine.
Cat waves at me as I reluctantly move towards the door. When the door clicks shut behind me, Spencer takes it as his invitation to continue.
           “Let’s play,” his voice sounds through the speaker to my left.
           “Let’s!” Cat exclaims before resting her head in her hand.
           “So, is it the same game as last time?” Spencer inquires. “I answer every question you ask honestly?”
           “No,” Cat sighs out. “This time you get to ask the questions.”
           Spencer raises an eyebrow at her. “About what?”
           “Well, I know a secret about you. And you can ask me as many questions as you like to figure it out. But you only get one guess as to what it is. If you guess correctly, I take your phone, I call our friend Lindsey, and I tell her to release your dear mother unharmed. If you don’t…” Cat trails off, before mimicking bringing a gun up to her mouth and firing.
           Crazy fucking bitch.
           “Is there a clock?”
           “There’s always a clock.” Cat holds out her hand, eyes flicking down to Spencer’s watch. “Give it to me.”
           I cringe when Spencer hesitates – I know what he must be thinking. That’s Gideon’s watch. The only thing he has left of him. I’d never seen Spencer without it in the two years I’ve known him.
           Spencer reluctantly slips the watch off of his wrist and hands it over.
           Cat smirks and slides the watch onto her arm.
           “Now, you’ll have four hours.”
           “Do you want to give me a hint before we start?”
           Cat chuckles. “Do I look like a girl that gives hints?”            “Actually, you do.”
           Cat takes pause, looking Spencer up and down before speaking.
           “Okay, how about this; it’s a secret you’ll never admit to.”
           “I know what the secret is.”
           Cat quirks an eyebrow up at Spencer.
           “You do?”
           He nods. “Why else would you put me through all this?”
           “Ooh, phrasing it in the form of a question that way it doesn’t count as a guess. Very smart, Doctor.”
           “I’m gonna walk you through a scenario, and your face is going to tell me how close I am,” Spencer murmurs, an amused smile on his lips. He leans forward to rest his elbows on the table. “From the moment I arrested you, you watched and waited for the right time to take your revenge. When you learned I was going to Mexico, you took it. You and Lindsey framed me for murder so I’d be put in a prison and treated like a criminal, and then you kidnapped my mother so I would know how it feels to have a parent manipulated, because you want to prove that you and I are the same. Am I right?”
           Cat feigns a yawn in response.
           “Mm. Sorry, I couldn’t hold that in any longer. What were you saying?”
           “Psychopaths tend to get bored easily.”
           “You’re right. Let’s speed this up,” Cat sighs with a roll of her eyes. She pushes away from the table, standing up and walking over to Spencer’s side of the table. I fight the urge to barge in when I see her take a seat on his lap. Cat runs a hand down Spencer’s chest before she continues. “Shall we? What do you think about all the pain you’ve suffered in your life? What would I capitalize on, do you think? Is it… the death of your mentor, SSA Jason Gideon?”
           I can see the way Spencer’s jaw clenches and it makes my heart lurch painfully in my chest.
           “No, because we caught the man who killed him.”
           “What about Agent Morgan and your guilt over not visiting his little boy?” Cat whispers in his ear as her hands fiddle with the collar of his suit.
           “I was in prison.”
           “Yeah, but you had time before that. Why didn’t you go?” she presses as she grazes her nails down the length of his throat. I see red when her hand loosely circles around his neck. Spencer absolutely loathes being touched by anyone other than those closest to him, and I’ve no doubt that he’s horribly uncomfortable.
           “Truthfully, I got distracted. I was trying to figure out a way to help my mom. She didn’t have time. Morgan, Savannah, and little Bobby did. So, there’s absolutely no shame in admitting that. Morgan would understand.”
           “I agree. That’s why that’s not the secret,” Cat divulges, brushing her nose against the side of his face before pulling away and standing up. I let out the breath that I’d apparently been holding and allow myself a moment to run a shaky hand through my hair. If I was getting this frazzled from being a bystander to this conversation, I can only imagine how Spencer must be feeling.
           When I look back up at the mirror, Spencer’s looking over his shoulder at me through the glass. I know he can’t see me, but I can’t help but feel guilty for losing my cool.
           “Good job, Spence,” I murmur to myself as I pull out my phone. After a few rings, Rossie answers.
           “Go ahead, Y/N. You’re on speaker.”
           “Cat has an extremely deep background on Spencer. She knows about everything – Gideon’s death, Derek leaving the team, his mom’s condition,” I inform them, tapping my foot nervously against the concrete.
           “She’s throwing him off-balance.”
           “Yes, but Spencer also purposefully gave the wrong name of Derek’s son and she didn’t correct him,” I point out.
           “She must’ve gotten her hands on Reid’s confidential FBI file,” Emily chimes in. “It would mention pertinent team information but it wouldn’t name Morgan’s son for confidentiality reasons.”
           “We were thinking she’s been getting help from someone inside the prison. This goes deeper than that,” Rossi sighs.
           “Call us if she says anything else of any importance,” Emily signs off. I mumble a quick goodbye before pocketing my phone and turning my attention back to the window.
           “Working deductively, the secret wouldn’t be any of the topics you’ve already volunteered, because you wouldn’t want to make it easy on me,” Spencer reasons. He clasps his hands together and sits back in his seat before raising an eyebrow in challenge.
           “Genius, truly,” Cat taunts sarcastically as she twirls the watch around her finger.
           “So, what is left that I wouldn’t want to admit?” Spencer muses, eyebrows drawn together in contemplation. Cat shrugs her shoulders at him and another moment of tense silence passes.
           “Love,” Spencer utters, and Cat’s incessant twirling of the watch comes to an abrupt halt.
           Got her.
           “Is that what this is all about – love? For my mother?” Spencer whispers, and when Cat fails to respond, he shakes his head. “No, not for her. For you. You want me to admit that I’m actually in love with you.”
           Cat purses her lips together.
           “Don’t get me wrong – I love my fairy tales as much as the next girl – but I’m not delusional,” Cat says as she crosses her arms.
           “Are you sure about that?”
           “Very sure. So sure, in fact, that I had Lindsey leave a clue for you in that little scrapbook in your apartment.”
           I scrunch my face up at that. The clue in question had been a message inscribed on the back of an old photograph;xx-xy. We’d originally deduced that the message, the female and male chromosomes, was to confirm that Lindsey was working with Scratch. But now? Now I didn’t have a clue what Cat was talking about.
           “I couldn’t have you come all the way down here and make a guess until I was positive. That is…” Cat pauses for dramatic effect, a sly smile on her lips. “… until I tested positive.” Cat punctuates her words by placing both hands on her stomach, and the action makes me raise a hand up to my mouth in shock.
           No. There’s no fucking way.
           “What, you’re pregnant?” Spencer asks, confused.
           “No, we’re pregnant.”
           I feel my knees buckle upon hearing the admission and I blindly reach for the chair to my left.
           This cannot be happening.
           “No,” Spencer says, shaking his head adamantly.
           “Oh, yes,” Cat replies. “Mazel tov.”
           “Here you are, ma’am.”
           I reach for the file, my movements stilted and awkward.
           “Thank you,” I mumble to the guard, who gives me a peculiar look before leaving the room. I waste no time in flipping through the file, heart pounding wildly in my chest as my eyes skim over the page until –
           I slam the file down on the table.
           “Fuck!” I yell out in frustration. I’m thankful then for the thick, concrete walls, because neither Spencer nor Cat show any sign of having heard my little outburst. I place both palms down on the cool metal of the table, my breaths coming out in haggard puffs as I try to rationalize it all.
           “- not possible,” Spencer’s voice coming through the speaker snaps me out of my thoughts. I cut my eyes to the window to find Spencer pacing the room. “Even if you are pregnant, the baby’s not mine.” Spencer comes to a stop behind his chair and shoves his hands in his pockets.
           “Except for the part where it is.”
           “That’s completely preposterous. You’ve been in prison,” Spencer points out as he once again takes a seat across from her.
           “So have you.”
           “And we’ve never-”
           “I know. We’ve never…” Cat trails off with a suggestive waggle of her brows. “Ask me how I did it. Come on, ask me.”
           Spencer rolls his eyes, but he indulges her nonetheless.
           “How did you do it?”
           “I had Lindsey dose you in Mexico. You lost time. And I gave her very specific instruction on how to get you in the mood,” Cat admits.
           “What?” Spencer snorts cynically. “Did she pretend to be you?”
           “Why, would that have worked?”
           Spencer leans forward and shoots Cat a cruel kind of smile.
           For a split second Cat’s face falls, but only for a moment and then she goes right back to smiling that wretched grin.
           “Yeah, I know, I know. Believe me, I know exactly where I stand on the Spencer Reid hot or not list,” Cat sighs. “So, ask me again.”
           “How did you do it?”
           “I told her to pretend to be Y/N.”
           For a second I think that I misheard her – the blood rushing in my ears almost overpowered her admission – but the way Spencer’s entire body tenses before he looks back at the window tells me that I didn’t.
           Why me?
           Spencer gulps hard before he turns back around. I find my way to the chair nearest me and collapse into it.
           “How do you know about her?”
            Cat gives him an unimpressed look.
           “It wasn’t hard, seeing as she’s your very best friend in the whole wide world,” Cat teases as her eyes wander from Spencer to the glass behind him. She waves at me, endlessly amused, before turning her attention back to Spencer. “But that isn’t all that she is to you – is it Spencie? At least, Lindsey didn’t think so. At first, she thought the two of you were tangled up in some kind of sexy little tryst. But then I had Lindsey do a little digging, and, well, that’s when we found out about the boyfriend.”
           “Oh, it seems I’ve struck a nerve!” Cat trills gleefully. “Shall we call her in here to join us? I know she’s just on the other side of that glass. I’m sure she’d love to hear all about how pathetic little Spencer Reid pines after her like a school boy with a crush.” She pouts her bottom lip out in mock sadness. “There’s just something about unrequited love that really tugs at my heart strings.”
           For the second time since arriving here, my hand comes up to cover my mouth as I struggle to process Cat’s words. She can’t be right, can she? Spencer had never done anything that eluded to him seeing me as any more than a best friend. Perhaps she got it wrong. Lindsey saw me come and go and she just assumed it was something that it wasn’t. There was no way that Spencer -
           “I said stop.”
           The underlying plea in his voice is enough to make tears well in my eyes. If what Cat is saying is true, that means that Lindsey . . . 
           “All it took was Lindsey saying she was Y/N for you to crumble like a house of cards. You really made it too easy.”
           “You’re lying.”
           Cat chuckles. “Listen to you, you’re not even trying to deny it.”
           “It didn’t happen,” Spencer argues, voice so quiet that I have to strain to hear it.
           “Hey, I was thinking, if it’s a boy, we should definitely call him Spencie Jr.”
           Spencer pushes back from the table so abruptly that both Cat and I flinch, and he’s almost out the door when Cat delivers one final dig.
           “-But if it’s a girl, I think we should call her Y/N. I mean after all; she played such a huge role in in her own conception!”
           The sound of the door slamming behind him as he trudges into the room is enough to make me bolt up from my seat. Spencer comes to a stop at the center of the room, eyes wide and full of remorse as he looks over at me.
           “I-I… I’m…”
           I try my best to muster up a smile but I worry that it comes out more as a grimace.
           “Later,” I murmur, and Spencer winces before nodding his head in defeat. I walk over to the table and open up the file. “She’s not lying about being pregnant.”
           Spencer joins me at the table, eyes skimming over the document.
           “She’s three months, and the timeline matches, but that doesn’t mean-”
           Spencer yanks the file off the table and hurls it at the window, shoulders rising and falling rapidly as he runs a hand through his disheveled hair.
           I take a step back and Spencer curses under his breath.
           “I’m sorry. It’s not you,” he sighs. “I just… need a minute.”
           I press my lips together and nod.
           “Take all the time you need. M’gonna go call Emily,” I murmur.
           Spencer closes his eyes and lets his head hang low.
           “Yeah, okay,” he whispers dejectedly, and the despair in his voice is enough to stop me in my tracks.
           “Spence?” I call out. He looks up at me from underneath his lashes, more than a little bit timid and scared. “I’ll be right back, okay? I’m not leaving you.”
            I open the door and step out of the room, but it doesn’t close before I hear the quiet ‘thank you’ drift from within.  
           Spencer waits until the door clicks shut behind her to push away from the table and head back into the interrogation room. He couldn’t bear the thought of her overhearing any more than she already had. As far as Spencer was concerned, Cat had just singlehandedly ruined the one good thing he had going for him, and at this point, he had nothing left to lose.
           “Let’s pretend you’re telling the truth,” Spencer starts. “That means I guessed it, right? The secret, the one I don’t want to admit to? It’s my child?”
           Cat looks up at him with bored eyes and Spencer feels his unease begin to give way to rage.
           “Is that your guess?” Cat asks. “You only get one, remember?”
           Spencer takes pause, before shaking his head.
           “No. It’s too easy,” he decides.
           “Believe me, getting pregnant with your baby was not easy,” Cat mutters, and Spencer’s lips press into a tight line. The implication of it is enough to make his skin crawl. He feels violated and absolutely disgusted, but still he tries to school his impression into one of indifference. Spencer thinks about his mom, scared and confused, and that’s enough incentive to make him focus on the task at hand.
           “You misunderstand. It’s too easy emotionally,” Spencer explains in a clipped tone as he sits down. “Because I can take your child from you. The child I had absolutely no role in creating, but a child that I would care for better than you.”
           “That’s rude,” Cat seethes as she slowly lifts her head from off of the table.
           “It’s true. You can’t be a mother, Cat. I’m not trying to insult you – it’s your psychological makeup. You literally do not have the emotional skills to care for another human being. You’d lose interest in your own baby the way a six-year-old loses interest in a pet hamster. This baby is simply a means to an end, which is to keep me here and playing your game, guessing like a fool and assuming something that I never should have assumed in the first place.”
           “And what would that be?”
           “My mother’s already dead,” Spencer says, and the words taste positively foul in his mouth. “She was dead before I walked in here”
           Cat’s lips pull into a frown.
           “She’s not dead-”
           “Yes, she is,” Spencer reiterates as he rises from his chair.
           “No, because that would be cheating and I don’t cheat. You cheat!” Cat panics, voice growing louder the closer Spencer gets to the door.
           “I’m done playing,” Spencer says as he turns away, reaching for the door knob.
           “Get back here!”
           Spencer pulls the door open. “Goodbye, Cat.”
           He has one foot out the door when;
           “I’ll let you talk to her!” Cat yells out as she slams her fist down on the table.
           Spencer lifts his eyes up from their spot on the floor, and it’s with a jolt of surprise that his eyes meet Y/N’s. It feels to him like it always does when he sees her – like some great relief that floods through his entire body in an instant. He feels guilty for it, now that she knows, but that doesn’t stop him from basking in it. The feeling grows when a triumphant smile graces her lips, one that says you’ve got her, Spence. You’ve got her right where you want her.
           Spencer is positively rejuvenated by that smile.
           He reluctantly pulls his gaze away from her and focuses back on Cat. He’s come too far now to fuck it all up.
           Spencer pulls his phone from the depths of his suit pocket and hands it to Cat. He watches on as she dials the number, and his heart beats so fast that he wonders if she can hear it. The sound of the dial tone ringing fills the room, and Spencer can only hope that the call will be long enough for Penelope to trace.
           “You’re early,” a voice that’s unmistakably Lindsey’s calls out. Spencer lets out a shaky breath of relief.
           “Yeah, I know.”
           “Did he guess?”
           “No, not yet,” Cat sighs. “We need proof of life.”
           “All right, hold on,” Lindsey says, exasperated, and her words are followed by several seconds of muffled rustling and what Spencer deems as some sort of liquid being poured.
           His heart practically bursts out of his chest as he lunges forward, yanking the phone out of Cat’s hand and bringing it up to his ear.
           “Mom - mom, are you okay?”
           “I don’t… know-”
           Spencer opens his mouth to reply when the gut-wrenching sound of an explosion rips through the tiny phone speakers, distorted and so loud that it makes Spencer’s ears ring.
           “Mom!” Spencer desperately yells into the phone, but all he gets in reply is a ‘gotta go’ from Lindsey before the line goes dead. Spencer growls out a string of swears, throwing his phone down on the table before leaning over the table.
           “What the hell was that?” he yells, and he’s vaguely aware of the sound of the door opening, but he can’t focus on anything other than his own rising panic.
           “I don’t know,” Cat replies, opening her mouth to continue but Spencer cuts her off.
           “Lindsey said you were early. Was that a signal?” he bellows.
           “Spence, come on,” Y/N tries to interject. Spencer feels her hand on his shoulder but he shrugs it off before bringing his fist down on the table.
           “Was that a prearranged signal to kill my mother?!” Spencer snarls, eyes wide and teeth barred. He feels positively feral, images of his mother in all sorts of terrible states of distress flashing through his mind like some grotesque picture show. “Tell me the truth!”
           “No! I am!” Cat shouts back.
           “Tell me the truth!”
           “I am!” Cat spits out, eyes flashing angrily. “You wanna know the truth? Your mother is an Alzheimer’s-ridden moron who’s getting dumber by the day and if she’s dead, it’s your fault!”
           Something comes over Spencer then, and in an instant, he’s shoving the table out of the way and pushing Cat against the wall. His hands find purchase on her throat, not dissimilar to how hers had on his hours before, but instead of dragging his fingers against her neck, Spencer’s clamping down on it as hard as he can, taking great pleasure in the way she gasps for air as his hands tighten. Everything around him fades away until all that he can focus on is that way that her pulse feels under his hands – the way it starts off strong, before tapering, slower and slower until he can barely even palpate it anymore.
           “I’m going to kill you,” Spencer hears himself whisper as he presses down hard on her windpipe. “M’gonna fucking kill you.”
           Cat’s eyes are fluttering closed now, and Spencer shouldn’t enjoy the way the light in her eyes starts to dim. He shouldn’t but he does – in fact, it prompts him to press harder and harder and –
           A harsh yank pulls Spencer away from Cat, and as soon as his hands begin to loosen Cat splutters in an attempt to catch her breath.
           “Spencer, she is pregnant,” Y/N yells in his ear, and just like that his tunnel vison fades away and Spencer feels the adrenaline leave his body. He only realizes that his hands are still on Cat’s throat when Y/N yanks at his arms again. “Fucking let her go, Spencer!”
           His entire body goes limp and he allows himself to be drug away from Cat and out of the room. Spencer’s heart still pounds and his blood is still roaring in his ears, but the satisfaction has given away to shame. He steals a glance at cat as he’s being pulled from the room, and despite her ruffled appearance, she’s grinning at him – smiling as if to say see? I told you that you were just like me.
           Spencer stumbles into the other room, steadying himself on the wall to keep from faceplanting onto the cold hard floor. Now that the adrenaline has expelled itself from his body, he’s left shaky and panting and ashamed.
           The feeling of Y/N’s eyes on him as he braces himself on the wall only exacerbates his mortification. What will she think of me now? Will she think me to be some kind of monster? Spencer wouldn’t blame her - he’s held that same opinion of himself for months now.
           Spencer stands there, face turned downwards as he catches his breath, and when he can take the weight of her gaze no longer, he darts out of the room and down the corridor.
           Being alone is preferable to being a disappointment, Spencer thinks as he flees the room.
           It doesn’t take long for her to find him sitting in the floor, knees to his chest with his face downturned. Spencer hears her before he sees her, and he prepares himself for the yelling that’s surely to come.
           She surprises him when she slides her back down the wall until she’s sitting beside him, legs sprawled out in front of her. He doesn’t look up – fearful of what he might see when he looks into those beautiful eyes of hers. There had been love there, before all of this happened. Not the kind of love that was reflected in his own, but it was love just the same and Spencer thinks that it might kill him to see that love replaced with disgust. So he doesn’t look. Instead, Spencer just sits there, slumped over and pathetic, hoping that she doesn’t pick up on the fact that his hands are shaking.
           “Richmond County police just reported a gas station explosion. One victim – male. Whatever Lindsey did, we have to assume that your mom’s still alive,” Y/N murmurs. Spencer lets out a shaky breath and his grip on his knees tightens. It’s good news, and he’s grateful, but it does nothing for the overwhelming guilt that’s eating away at him.
           “Hey,” she whispers when he doesn’t reply. “Can you look at me, Spence? Wanna see those pretty brown eyes. Please?”
           Spencer chokes down the sob that threatens to come out. He shakes his head. 
           “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened in there. That… That’s not me. At least, I don’t want it to be,” Spencer whispers. “Emily should’ve sent someone else with me. I never wanted you to see me like that.”
           Her small, incredibly soft hand comes to rest on his own and Spencer closes his eyes at the feeling. Y/N flips his hand over and intertwines their fingers and Spencer can’t help but think that’s she’s showing him way more kindness than he could ever deserve. But he’s selfish, unable to deny himself of the feeling of her hand in his, so he clings onto her hand for dear life.
           “I’m so scared that this is who I am now,” Spencer mumbles, prompting her grip on his hand to tighten.
           “No, Spence. Don’t say that,” she chastises him. “You’re the best guy I know. Everyone has a breaking point – Cat just knows how to bring you to yours, is all.”
           “You… You don’t know…” Spencer trails off, still unwilling to look her in the eye.
           “I do know, Spence. I may not have been able to visit, but I asked about you every day,” she says as she shuffles closer to him. Spencer can smell her perfume now, subtle and sweet and comforting. “I know that two inmates, Frazier and Duerson, killed your friend in front of you. I know that they wanted you to move heroin for them, and I also know that if you didn’t, you would’ve been next. Anyone in your spot would’ve done the same.”
           “You wouldn’t have.”
           “Hell yes, I would have,” Y/N persists, and Spencer can’t help but to look up at her from behind where his unruly curls fall into his face. “I would have, Spence. If someone was threatening my life, you bet your ass I would have done the same thing. It doesn’t make you a bad person – doing whatever it takes to survive does not make you a bad person.”
           She must pick up on the hesitancy that lingers in Spencer’s eyes, because she decides to continue.
           “You know who does think like that? That – that in you doing what you had to do in order to survive somehow makes you a psychopath?” Y/N pauses long enough to point her thumb towards the direction of the interview room. “She does.”
           Spencer watches the realization wash over her face, and for a split second he’s terribly confused. It isn’t until a ghost of a smile pulls at her lips that he catches on, and when he does, he has to stop himself from doing something terribly stupid like kissing her.
           “She does,” Y/N reiterates when she sees that Spencer finally caught on. “Because she knows.”
           “That’s the secret,” Spencer thinks aloud. He pushes himself to his feet and begins to pace down the corridor. “The one that I don’t want to admit about myself.”
           “Hold up, Spence. Let’s talk through this, because she will not lose to you twice. She already said that this wasn’t about the two of you being the same.”
           Spencer scratches the back of his next, nodding to himself.
           “Then she’s all about the game. She thinks that I cheated the last time because I lied about her dad, so it’s integral that she beats me by following the rules.”
           “But, Spence, she’s the one that makes the rules. She can change them to ensure that she wins.”
           “-Which means that I’m locked in-”
           “Like she is.”
           “She needs me locked in, playing by her rules, a game I can’t win, so she-” Spencer pauses then, and an actual, honest to God smile creeps its way across his face – the kind of smile that was only reserved for Y/N. “I got it.”
           Spencer doesn’t elaborate, because he doesn’t need to. He can tell with one look that she understands, because somehow, she always does. Spencer offers her a hand and hoists her to her feet. 
          Spencer almost laughs as the two of them step back into the room. Of course, she would be the one to figure it out. It seems like she’s always saving him, these days.
           “Guess that’s one way to get you to put your hands on me.”
           Spencer feels a twinge of guilt, but he pushes it to the back of his mind as he holds a hand out to Cat.
           “Dance with me.”
           Cat lifts an eyebrow at him.
           “Because I don’t want the people watching to hear what I’m about to say.”
           Cat is still suspicious, but she takes his hand and lets him pull her to her feet anyways. Spencer puts his arms around her and the two of them begin to sway back and forth. Spencer suppresses the urge to pull away when her hand lowers and intertwines with his own. It’s rough and calloused and cold – a direct contradiction of Y/N’s – and Spencer positively loathes it.
           “You had eyes on me while I was in prison, didn’t you?”
           “Spencie, don’t ruin the moment,” Cat groans.
           “I don’t want to, but I’m on the clock. Answer my question, am I right?”            Cat places her head on Spencer’s chest, her hair smelling of some generic bar of soap, and Spencer wishes more than anything that he was smelling the familiar notes of honeysuckle and vanilla instead.
           “Yes, you’re right. I wanted to make sure things were just as uncomfortable for you as they were for me.”
           “That’s how you timed everything so perfectly. Like sending my mom and Lindsey to visit me when I thought I was at my lowest.”
           This piques Cat’s interest and she lifts her head up until her eyes meet Spencer’s.
           “Thought? You’re sure you weren’t?”
           “No, I wasn’t. Because I didn’t feel bad – I felt scared at how much I enjoyed poisoning the other prisoners. I had a hundred ways of getting myself out of that situation, and I picked the one that would cause them the most pain.”
           “Well, look at that,” Cat hums. “You might end up saving your mother’s life after all.”
           A moment of silence passes as Spencer contemplates his next move. Before he can get the words out, Cat breaks the silence.
           “They won’t get there in time. They must be on their way, right? Your team is too good to wait around, but you know me. I always have a contingency plan,” Cat murmurs, hands dipping under Reid’s suit jacket. She rubs her palms across his chest in slow circles and Spencer tries hard not to squirm. “They’re walking into a trap, and the only way out is if you give me your phone and you guess – right now.”
           Cat removes her hands from Spencer’s chest, crossing her arms and fixing him with a pointed look. Spencer reaches down and pulls the phone from his pocket, passing it to Cat who wastes no time in taking a seat at the table once more.
           Spencer’s skin tingles, half from anticipation, half from fear. They’ve come too far for him to misstep. He thinks of his mother – of how the next two minutes will determine her fate, and Spencer clenches his hands into fists at his sides.
           Here comes the moment of truth.
           “When we first sat down, you said you were going to show me what kind of man I am. And you have.”
           “Every time I dial a number, you’re getting warmer.”
           “At first, I was furious, because the secret had to be the baby inside you. How could it be anything else? But then I realized that somehow, you knew I liked hurting those men.” Cat dials another number, prompting Spencer to continue. “Now, I know it’s both things.”
           “So, which is it, Spencie? Come on, don’t fumble it now. You’re at the one-yard line.”
           “You’re not pregnant with my child. You got pregnant with Wilkins to put me in as compromised a position as possible. But it should be mine – I wish it were mine. Because you and I… we deserve each other. That is the real secret.”
           By the time Spencer finishes speaking, tears are steady falling down Cat’s cheeks. With a shaky hand she presses the call button, and Spencer watches on with bated breath as the phone rings.
           “Kill her.”
          When Cat receives no reply, she pushes out of her seat and begins to pace around the room. “Lindsey, I said kill her.”
           “You bitch,” Lindsey curses, sounding positively heartbroken in the way only a jilted loved could. “You’re pregnant?”
            “Lindsey, sweetheart, it’s complicated, okay?”
           “No, it’s not,” Lindsey whispers, and then the sound of the dial tone is all that’s left.
           Not a second later, Y/N bursts through the door; the figurative light at the end of a long, dark tunnel.
           “We’re clear.”
           Spencer snatches his phone from Cat’s hand before turning to face Y/N.
           “Is my mom okay?”
           “Yeah. She’s fine.”
           “We do deserve each other, by the way,” Cat calls out, prompting Spencer to pivot and face her. She slides back into the seat and shrugs her shoulders. “You guessed right.”
           Spencer falters for a moment, but then a voice in his head is reminding him that he deserves the world. And that voice sounds a lot like Y/N.
           “You lied, by the way. You were going to kill my mother regardless.”
          “Yeah, I think you really liked hurting those men. Once you cross that line, you can’t ever go back. And you’ll never get her to love you, either. You and I are too fucked up to be loved.”
           Spencer takes two steps forward before he bends down, reaching out and clutching Cat’s forearm in a tight grip. Without breaking eye contact, he slides his watch off her wrist and back on to his own.
           “Watch me,” Spencer whispers, and without so much as a parting glance at the broken women sitting at the table, Spencer walks towards the light.
           The elevator ride up to the bullpen is a quiet one, not unlike the jet ride before it. I had about a million questions that I was dying to ask, but I thought it best to let Spencer stew in silence. The poor guy had been through enough in the last twenty-four hours – he didn’t need me hounding him on top of all of that. Besides, I wasn’t entirely sure where to start in the first place.
           So, Spence – how was prison?
           I heard you got the shit kicked out of you. How interesting, so did I! Wanna trade war stories?
           I hate to put you on the spot like this, but was that little tidbit about you being hopelessly in love with me true? Just curious.
           As wonderful as all of those conversation starters were, I didn’t really think that now was the time to breech any of the aforementioned subjects. So, instead, Spencer and I communicated in stolen glances and shy smiles, and that more than sufficed for the time being. We had all the time in the world to talk later - there was no need to rush.
           I can practically feel Spencer shaking with anticipation when the elevator ride comes to a close, and the two of us share one last, longing glance before the doors open and Spencer steps out and into the arms of his mother.
           There’s not a dry eye in the house when Spencer and his mother reunite, and it takes Emily ushering us all away to keep us all from devolving into sniveling messes right in front of the elevator. We all scatter about the bullpen, and after a quick trip to the bathroom I meander to Emily’s office.
           “Derek Morgan – you are a sight for sore eyes,” I whistle as I walk into the room, not stopping until I’m pressed up against two-hundred pounds of rock-hard abs.
           “Ah, little bit. I sure have missed you,” Derek laughs as he presses a kiss to the top of my head.
           “To what do we owe the pleasure? I’d be hard pressed to believe that you just decided to drop in at three o’clock in the morning.”
           Derek lets out a sigh and the smile drops from his face.
           “I wish I was just here to say hello, but we may have bigger problems. I got a text from Penelope saying that Reid was out of prison and that he wanted to see me. And that he was staying in an FBI safehouse where he was putting his mother up for the night.”
           I cast a glance at Emily, who shakes her head.
           “I didn’t approve of that,” she explains, and just like that, a weary feeling settles over everyone in the room.
           “I think we all know what this sounds like,” Derek says.
           “A trap.”
           “I know we’re all tired, but we may have a new lead on Scratch.”
           “Somebody did a bang-up job of cloning my cellphone to send Morgan a text luring him to a nonexistent safehouse. And whoever that somebody is has mad skills,” Penelope explains.
           “The kind of skills Scratch has,” Stephen mutters, earning a round of murmured agreeances.
           “Were you able to trace where the hack came from?” Luke inquires, earning an affronted glare from Penelope. She shakes her head at him before turning to Derek, who’s watching on with a shit-eating grin on his face.
           “Do you see what I have to put up with?”
           Derek chuckles and gives Luke a pointed look.
           “Alvez, you’ll always get a location with this one.” Derek reaches forward and rubs Penelope’s shoulder, and it’s impossible to miss the way Luke’s eyes zero in on it.
           “Down boy,” I whisper at him. “Green isn’t your color.”
           “Shut up.”
           I roll my eyes good-naturedly before turning my attention back to Emily.
           “Obviously, Morgan can’t come with us. He’s a civilian now.”
           “We’ll miss you out there,” JJ chimes in.
           “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss it out there in the field with you guys. I think about it every day. But between my old friends and my new friends, you guys are gonna go out there, you’re gonna handle your business, you’re gonna make people feel safe, and then you’re gonna go home. And that’s all that matters.”
           “Civilian life has turned you into a sap,” I tease.
           “Is it just me, or has this one gotten mouthier since I left?”
           Penelope pats him on the arm.
           “Someone had to fill the silence.”
           After everyone has the opportunity to tell Derek their goodbyes, it’s a mad dash to get everything we need to roll out. I pull my hair into a ponytail and shuck off my blazer, only to replace it with my Kevlar. I’m in the middle of securing the last strap as I hurry down the hall when I come in harsh contact with the front of someone’s chest.
           But it’s not just someone – it’s Spencer.
           “I thought you left already?”
           Spencer lets out a strained chuckle.
           “Uh, yeah. I was on the way out when Penelope texted and said Derek was here. Mom’s sitting with Anderson while I go talk to him.”
           I nod in understanding.
           “Good ole Anderson,” I manage to say, trying hard not to cringe at my awkward choice of words.
           “Yeah,” Spencer mutters, shuffling his feet as he looks anywhere other than my face. “There’s a case, I’m assuming?” he says, gesturing to my vest.
           “We think we have a lead on Scratch, actually.”
           Now, that gets Spencer’s attention. His eyes finally settle on me, and his brows furrow.
           “Why didn’t anyone tell me? I need to go with you-” Spencer makes a move to brush past me, put I stop him with a hand on his chest.
           “Back it up, Spence. There’s absolutely no way Prentiss will sign off on that, and even if she did, I’m still saying no.”
           “And I’m supposed to listen to you?” Spencer tries to keep his face neutral, but his lips twitch as he fights back a smile.
           “Mm. What I say goes, and I say that you need to go home and not even think about work for at least a month. You certainly could use the break.”
           “A whole month, huh?”
           I nod, looking up at him with a faux serious expression.
           “I better not see you around here for at least that long, or there will be repercussions.”
           Spencer finally does smile at that, and I can practically see the way he’s mulling over his next move in his head.
           “Does… Does that prohibition extend only to the work place?”
           I tilt my head to the side.
           “I’m lost.”
           Spencer scrunches his nose up and his eyes dart across the hall before eventually settling back on me.
           “It’s just that, well, I don’t really know where this leaves us. Will I still see you outside of work, or is that all messed up now?”
           “Why would that be messed up?”
           Spencer closes his eyes and he lets out a haggard breath.
           “Are you really gonna make me say it?”
           Even though he can’t see me, I smile up at him anyways.
           “On any other day I absolutely would, but things are a little… hectic right now. How about we put a pin in this conversation until things slow down a bit?”
           Spencer slowly opens his eyes and they roam over my face, searching.
           “You’re not uncomfortable? Considering everything that, uh, she said about me? Especially the part that pertained to you?” Spencer asks, meek and unsure.
           I shake my head.
           “I think you’ll find that I am very much the opposite of uncomfortable,” I reply. We stand there for a moment longer, just basking in the fact that after three long, miserable months, we’re finally together again.
           Spencer opens his mouth to say something, only to be cut off by Emily calling my name from further down the hall.
           “Duty calls,” I chuckle, pulling away from Spencer. “Tell you mom I said hi, and I’ll be by to visit once you have time to get settled in,” I call over my shoulder.
           I make it a good ten feet down the hall before Spencer’s tugging at my hand and pulling me flush against his chest. He hesitates for a moment, and a flash of uncertainty clouds his eyes, but then he’s pushing it down and pressing his lips to mine.
           Spencer’s lips are slightly chapped, but so, so warm as they move against mine. My response is instantaneous – I don’t hesitate for a second before I’m kissing back. The kiss is slow and tentative, as gentle and tender as it is intoxicating. It’s everything that a kiss should be and it ignites a fire in me that has me grasping at Spencer’s shirt, desperate for more. The hand that isn’t cupping the side of my face presses firmly against the small of my back, urging me forward until absolutely no space is left between us.
           Every drag of his lips against mine acts as gasoline to a flame, and I can’t help but think that Ray Bradbury said it best. It is a pleasure to burn.
           I’m the first to pull away, but it isn’t because I want to. What I want is to stay just like this – entangled in Spencer Reid – until not an inch of our bodies lay unexplored by the other. But when Emily calls out my name yet again, I force myself to stop.
           “I really need to go,” I murmur regretfully, and Spencer nods.
           “Yeah, I know.”
           But that doesn’t stop him from going in for one last, delicious kiss. This time when we break away, it’s his doing. I don’t have the self restraint to pull away twice.
           “Pinky promise you’ll come back to me in one piece?” Spencer says as he lifts his pinky finger up in offering. I link mine with his, and I smile a dopey grin at him.
           “Of course, I will,” I reply. “After all, you and I are due for one hell of a conversation.”
           I shoot him a wink before I’m running down the hall and slipping into the elevator just before the doors close. My teammates all shoot me curious looks, but I pretend like I don’t see and I lean against the wall, trying and failing to slow the rapid beating of my heart.
           It’s Stephen who approaches me when we all file out of the elevator and into the parking garage.
           “Spencer Reid wouldn’t have anything to do with that love-sick look on your face, would he?”
           I attempt to school my expression, but one pointed look from Stephen has me devolving into a fit of giggles like I’m a goddamn school girl.
           “Possibly my ass. When we get done with this case, I expect a full explanation,” Stephen chuckles as he climbs in the back of the SUV.
           “You gossip like a teenager, Walker,” I tease as I climb in after him.
           “What can I say? You kids keep me young.”
           I let out a loud laugh at that.
           “Best shrink a girl could ask for.”
If suffering brings wisdom, I would wish to be less wise.
           - Unknown
taglist: @90spumkin, @wave0fg00dvibes, @bartlebyreid, @goldenxreid , @crubbycrab, @djreid , @waywardswain, @anotherr-fine-mess , @shadyladyperfection , @memoriesfornobody , @fakeauthor , @easygoingtheatre , @haylaansmi , @criminal-minds-reider , @leavesofgrass-stark​ , @anitazut​, @reidspurplescarf​ , @xoprincessmel, @pinkdiamond1016​, @eldahae​, @itsametaphorbriansblog​, @ziggystardustxo​
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xxxsunnybabes · 5 years
Gold Pt. 1 Teaser
This was the beginning. This is where it all went wrong. When you asked yourself, Why did I do the things I did? There wasn’t a good reason. And you knew it. You knew it like a mother knows her child’s cries. Your reason? ‘Love’.
Word Count: 2,113
Warnings: Mentions of planes
Rating: T/M
Pairing: underground society!OT7 x Fem! Reader
Summery: You had to go back to your hometown in South Korea due to your paternal grandmother falling ill. What you didn't know was that a childhood friend had joined a mafia and was looking for someone - you.
@kelly96q @the-spanishinquisition @dreamingmavis @superheros-and-others @xsmilebitesx @mariacorbi @leftflowerprunedonut @sweetbts1dcami
A/N: This happens before the pt. 0. COMPLETED VERSION
Thursday, December 22
You rolled off the edge your bed, hissing as your cheek connected with the cool marble floor. The sleek black marble bureau was your support as you picked yourself up off the floor.
Looking into your silver framed mirror you messed with your hair; pulling and parting it this way and that. You wiggled into your jeans up to your hips and yanked an old flannel over your head.
You looked down at your clothes and gave little tugs in areas to be comfier.
This was good, you weren’t doing anything fancy today.
The bed cushioned your jump as you rolled to your nightstand. You picked up your phone to see if there were any notifications. Cross your fingers, Tumblr. There was this fanfic writer that you adored that was updating today.
And you.
You breathe it.
But of course, your battery percentage had to crush your tiny fangirl sole. You had forgotten to plug it in overnight... again.
“What’s done is done,” you sighed and grabbed your computer and its charger instead. The stairs’ rich maple finish looked like dark chocolate and the mocha carpet was like caramel. The rails twisted together like licorice. You hummed quietly as a stronger gust of wind caused the cotton candy blue shades to rattle slightly. The light oozed through the windows surrounding the eight ft. tall door.
You made a small squeak as an especially creaky step right at the bottom caught you off guard.
Your noise snapped you out of your trance and now everything felt like too much. The tile was bitterly cold and felt like icicles under your feet. As you walked into the living room you reached for the curtains since the morning light was now blinding. A short grunt stopped you and you turned to see your father on the twin white velvet couches. The island, which was stocked with cereals and canned goods, had been hiding him from view.
He had his eyes closed and his face forced into a scowl facing the ceiling. You immediately noticed the phone next to his ear and the way he seemed to grow more tense with each passing minute.
You two had the same habits. You both ground your teeth when you were aggravated. When nervous, you would scratch your nose. When you lied, you pinched your clothes; him at his pants and you at your shoulders. Your grew to understand people in ways no one else could when you were all they could rely on.
So when you can’t read him, like right now, your heart twisted in your chest and you just knew something was wrong.
You crawl onto the couch next to your father. Knowing better than to interrupt him you decided to listen quietly. Listen, not eavesdrop, there’s a difference.
You caught snippets of the conversation on the other side. Although not enough to piece together what was going on since the other side’s volume matched a heart monitor, high low, high low, then low, low, low.
Your dad’s mask was started to fade and it was clearer what he was feeling. His eyes were shut so tightly you were afraid he wouldn’t be able to open them again.
‘She...Hometown...South Korea...Needs to come….’ was all you could really hear on the other side. Your dad asked, ‘Why her? Couldn’t I go? Or one of her cousins?’ You could almost hear the other side shake their head, ‘No, they requested her...can’t refuse...end like...mother…’ Who was ‘they?
Clearly, your dad knew because he said, ‘But she still has her studies. They have no right to order us. They took so much already.’ The other person sighed, ‘I know, I know. But we can’t refuse them, you know that.’
Then, as suddenly as a tsunami would return to the sea, the phone call ended. Dad hadn’t even said goodbye before he hung up. He threw his phone on the circular glass coffee table at his feet.
He looked over at your confused expression and chuckled, “Did you fall off the bed again?”
He was trying to not mention that discussion.
“You shouldn’t be so amused by that, Dad. Whose bright idea was it to put the marble in a bedroom anyway?“
He raised his hand apologetically and mumbled something about how he never expected the guest room to be lived in.
You were so eager to find out what was going on that you felt like you would burst.
“Who’s going to South Korea?” you began since that’s the information you had heard clearlest.
“You are, your grandmother is,” he licked his lips nervously, buying time, “sick.vxf”
That’s not what you heard.
“Ok, but why do I have to go?” You rubbed your temple while rolling off the couch and into the open kitchen. You grabbed your favorite mug from the cabinet. It was massive, both tall and wide and said ‘The world is ending but don’t worry, you were a great friend and a better shield.’
He took a long gulp from his coffee like he was wondering if he should tell you the real reason, “She personally requested you.”
Why was he lying? He’s a terrible liar and shouldn’t even be trying.
He watched in amazement as you almost spilled the coffee all over you. You muttered a slow ‘shit’ while wiping it off the oriental rug.
After about three minutes of patting it and wiping you threw the towel on the sink in defeat, there was no way you could get the stain completely out.
You knew there wasn’t any way you could get out of this.
“I’ll go pack.”
He gave you a salute with a cocky smirk that made you want to sit on the couch and not move until someone made you. But you didn’t. He was stressed enough as it is.
You listened to ‘Hope World’ as you packed. From what you remember Seoul was extremely rainy, but isn’t too bad in December. You hadn’t brought much with you to your dad’s house and would have to stop by your dorm room before the plane trip this weekend. You zipped what you had into your suitcase with a groan.
Why couldn’t you have one normal winter break? You could almost hear your mother saying, ‘That’s life, Y/N.’
You smiled lightly. Her words could be so harsh but were normally true. A hand clenched your heart, it was comforting and suffocating at the same time. Bittersweet in its definition.
You missed her so much. You missed your fights or when you would fangirl together. But no one was right. No one could replace her. It was cheesy, but she always loved cheese, especially Swiss.
You heaved the bag downstairs and waited for your dad to finish his errands. You had to pry the new door open due to its lack of use.
If there was one thing you wouldn’t miss about here is all the dust. This house was like a pair of mismatched socks. New, old. Dirty, clean. Gross, pretty. But it would always be your ‘candy house’, sweet as home memories.
Sunday, December 27
The car ride was dreadful. Absolutely, positively, dreadful.
You and your dad had tried making small talk since you wouldn’t see each other for a while, but it wound up being awkward and forced.
“Dad, just stop. Please,” you chuckled, but it was tight.
He scrunched his nose up and real laughter bubbled up your throat. If this was a movie it would’ve been a perfect, rehearsed laugh. But who needed that when your laugh was the most natural and beautiful one to the people that knew you?
“Sorry, it’s just,” His voice trailed off at the end.
Your throat felt dry and your eyes were watery. Dust. Just dust, right? Your hand found your dad’s and you gave it a small but tight squeeze, “I know, I wanted to spend more time with you too.”
He took your hand and kissed it lightly before he stepped out of his car door and onto the asphalt. You finished your bottle of water before collecting your stuff and stepping out too.
He swiped his eyes and nose quickly but you still saw the tears.
“It feels like when I first dropped you off at college all over again,” he sniffed.
You pulled him into a tight hug but let go before you both got right back in that car and went home.
“I’ll see you a couple months, Dad,” You pat his shoulder reassuringly, for both of you, “I have to go now, love you.
You two weren’t one to say ‘I love you’, but you had this feeling in your gut like it might be the last time.
You rolled your two small suitcases into the airport and waited in line before you could look back.
Thankfully, you had picked Sunday for your departure day so there weren’t too many people. You stared at the clock and tapped your foot to Fake Love. You thought about how stressful this trip was going to be. You would have to find a new college, take care of your grandmother, brush up on your Korean, get used to Korean culture in general, find at least two jobs, and god only knows how many house projects… You left out a long heavy breath, thinking about the negatives only made you depressed so you stopped yourself.
The man weighing the bags cleared his throat and you realized that it was your turn. You placed each suitcase on the weigher and started humming Fake Love. The man raised his brow at you and it was then that you realized he had been staring at you.
Your eyes connected and it was like a light flickered on, but couldn’t stay on, in your head. He felt so- familiar. The long face, thin and pointy eyes that were always observing, the sharp nose and jawline, and even though his legs were hidden behind the counter you knew they were long and muscular. Where had you seen him before?
“Ma’am? Your bags are all good, excellent packing by the way,” and it was his voice that made it almost click.
“I’m sorry, but have I met you before?” you couldn’t stop yourself and maybe it was his lips, but they looked so honest and friendly.
His eyes darkened slightly, “I don’t believe so,” his face than twisted into a panty-dropping smile, “I would remember you.”
You tried not to blush, you were a grown ass woman for God’s sakes, "My mistake then.”
You didn’t really process the rest of the trip. You just went through the motions and somehow managed not to get lost in your daze. Everytime your mind returned to his face you couldn’t stop the heat that pooled between your legs. It was so weird and uncalled for; you had never reacted to anyone that way before.
Before you knew it, you were in your seat with your earbuds playing your favorite podcast. Someone sat next to you and you nearly jumped out of your seat. Get a hold of yourself, Y/N! You looked at them again and you nearly jumped again. It was him.
“Didn’t I just see you?”
He looked genuinely confused but there was an amused glint hiding in his eyes, “I’m sorry?”
“Didn’t you weigh my bags?” You were beginning to become frustrated, were you just bad with faces?
He shook his head and said that he was just another passenger. He pulled out a worn out journal and began to write in Korean. Your Korean was still rusty but from what you could make out they were lyrics. Lyrics, the word filled your head like a clue.
“Hoseok,” you didn’t know why, but that name filled your head.
His head snapped up and looked at you. His eyes were amber and filled with longing, he looked like a predator eyeing his prey.
You knew him, but from where? You figured it would come to you later, like the name did.
All you could do right now was sleep; so you wrapped the airport’s blanket around you and gazed out the window. It was nighttime already. You changed your playlist and turned the music to a comfortable volume before rubbing your head against the seat and drifting, drifting, drifting to sleep.
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thekuroiookami · 7 years
can i get an akashi scenario where he's been busy (practice, student council, daddy issues) and hasn't been with his s/o in like forever??? but the thing is, he's been spending a whole lotta time with another girl (vice prez or secretary of stud. council) who's basically perfect and akashi's fem version. and his s/o starts to distance herself cuz she's insecure, but akashi notices and confronts? some angst but happy ending with fluffs :3 (sorry this was extra specific... lol)
I may have derailed this a bit, anon…but I hope you still like it.
“Sei, are you ready togo home?” Akashi looked up from his desk with a frown as you stuck your headaround the door.
“____.” His expressionrelaxed a fraction when you smiled at him. “Come in, I’m almost done.”
You walked over to windyour arms around his neck, settling your chin on his head. His familiar citrusand pine scent was calming. You looked down from your vantage point behind thechair at the sheaf of paper he was sorting through. “Is that more student councilpaperwork? It’s been difficult since the secretary fell ill, huh.”
He exhaled, tired beyondmeasure. “Yes, not to mention that sports day is coming up…but we should begetting someone to replace the secretary soon. I believe she starts tomorrow.”
You rubbed his tenseshoulders soothingly. “I know you’re busy and everyone needs you, but you needto take a break sometimes.”  
He unwound under yourtouch, a low hum of pleasure in his throat. “I suppose, but-“
“No buts,” you saidfirmly. “Come on, we’re going home. The world will just have to deal withoutyou.”
He let out a huff oflaughter and let you drag him out of the room, smiling at your bubbliness allthe way.
“Oh, I forgot to giveSei his bento,” you realized as you set down your bag. “I’ll go find him beforethe next class.”
Your friend tapped yourshoulder and pointed to the hallway. “He’s over there.”
Stepping out into thecorridor, you saw Akashi heading your way. You lifted a hand to wave at him.“Sei, over-“
Your words died in your throatas you saw the girl next to him. Fashioned like a porcelain doll, her gracefulperfection left glazed expressions in her wake. Her head was bent close toAkashi’s, deep in discussion. He looked up as they neared your classroom door.
“___, I apologize, Ididn’t hear you. I was speaking to our new secretary, Shimizu-san.”
The girl tilted her headpolitely, glossy black hair swishing. “How do you do, ____-san?”
Filled with a suddenapprehension you couldn’t name, you hid the bento behind your back and smiledat her. You didn’t notice Akashi narrow his eyes at the subtle movement. “Shimizu-san.It’s nice to meet you. I’ve seen you around in P.E. You run for the track team,right?”
Her answering smileknocked the wind out of everyone’s lungs. “Yes, that’s right. I’m surprised youremember me.”
It would be impossiblenot to. She was one of the legendary accomplished beauties of the school, asclose to perfection in her grades, looks, abilities and manners as it waspossible to get without bringing Akashi into the equation. Takane no hana, they called her. The unreachable flower.
Your unease bloomed, butyou stifled it. “You’re pretty well-known in school, Shimizu-san.”
Akashi smoothly slidinto the conversation. “Were you about to tell me something earlier, ___?”
“Yes. I wanted to ask-“You looked away as a student council rep jogged up.
“Hey, prez,” he said. “Sorryto interrupt, but something’s come up and we can’t do it without you. I’mafraid the student council is going to have to discuss it over lunch.”
Crimson eyes brieflyflickered with frustration. Akashi breathed out. “Very well. I didn’t plan toeat anyway. Shimizu-san, you will have to join us. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all.” Your heartclenched as she spoke. “I made too much food today. I would be happy to sharemy lunch with you, president.”
“Whoa, Kiyoko’s bentou,I’m jealous of you, prez. Not that yours is bad, ___-chan,” he added hastily.
You rolled your eyes, asif your fingers weren’t clutched around a box so tightly you thought they wouldsnap. “I don’t need you to tell me my cooking is good, Noya.”
Akashi regarded you fora moment longer and turned to leave. “I’ll see you later, ___.”
You smiled brightly andnodded. “Take care, Sei.”
Neither of you commentedon how much it sounded like a good-bye.
After a few weeks, evenyour friend began to take notice. “Hey, you haven’t been spending a lot of timewith Akashi-kun lately.” Yachi looked concerned. “Is everything okay?”
You tried to force areassuring smile, but it fell flat. “I guess. He’s just really busy. What withschool, basketball, extra tutoring and student council duties…he doesn’t gettime for anything.” The words ‘not even me’ hung in the air, waiting to shatterand cut into whoever examined it too deeply.
Yachi took your hand.“I’m worried about you. You don’t look so good.”
That was probably anunderstatement. The dark circles under your eyes almost looked tattooed in, andyou were noticeably thinner. “I’ve been pretty stressed lately. That must bewhy.”
Akashi wasn’t the onlyone with expectations on his shoulders. Your parents would never force it onyou, but it made them immeasurably proud to see your skill at archeryacknowledged. The pressure to achieve a medal was high, and it didn’t help thatan important scholarship exam was coming up.
You dropped your pencilon the desk with a sigh. It would have helped to talk to Akashi, even a littlebit, but you couldn’t possibly add to his already burdensome pile of concerns.And there was the fact that every time you walked past the student councilroom, Shimizu Kiyoko’s overwhelming perfection was there. She spent more timewith Akashi in one day than you had in the past two weeks, and your stomachlurched a bit every you saw how well she worked with him. Maybe it wasirrational, but fear gnawed at the corners of your mind, whispering about howmuch better off he’d be with her.
Your friend seemed tosense your anxiety. “You should talk to him,” she said softly. “Just walk intotheir office and demand five minutes. If anyone judges you, I’ll pound somesense into ‘em!”
You couldn’t help asmile at the thought of sweet, fluffy Yachi pounding anyone. “Yeah, I will.”
The gym was empty whenyou went by after practice. You blew out a frustrated breath. Maybe the basketballteam had gone off to change. You decided to wait in front of the locker room,leaning against the wall. Hopefully Akashi was doing better than you were atpractice. The bowstring was going leave bruises all over your arm tomorrow.
You looked up from yourcellphone when Hayama’s voice trailed from the locker room. “Say, Akashi,aren’t you going to tell ____-san about it?”
Your heart stilled. Itcouldn’t be. Could it?
Akashi sounded cold whenhe replied. “Why would I?”
“It isn’t fair to her,Sei-chan,” scolded Mibuchi. “She deserves to know why you’ve been so distant.”
“It doesn’t involveher.” You flinched from the sharp edge of his words. “She would only be aliability.”
Hayama sounded hurt.“You don’t mean it that way.”
The world became blurrywhen Akashi replied. “I do. She cannot be of any help in this matter.” Yourealized with some surprise that the tears were flowing fast now. You struggledto hold your sobs in, not wanting to be found. You didn’t even really want toexist at that moment.
He nailed the coffinshut. “I don’t want to see ___ right now.”
You left, barely holdingthe pieces of your shattered self together.
The week after that wasfilled with silence. It was as if you lived in a glass cage of loneliness, theworld moving by around you. Yachi’s attempts at drawing you out of your shelldidn’t work. You didn’t make any attempts to look for Akashi any more, since itwas clearly pointless. Instead you threw yourself into work and practice,giving it everything you could wring out of your exhausted body.
You were about to nockthe next arrow, aim it at the already perfectly centred cluster and shoot, whenthe coach growled at you. “____, stop. Enough already. Your fingers arebleeding.”
You looked down to findyour calloused pads had been rubbed raw. “Ah.”
“I told you not to pushit. Go see the nurse. And no practice for a while. You’ll be lucky if you canparticipate now.”
That broke through theiced lake of your mind and stirred panic in the depths. “But sensei, I reallyneed-“
“GO. That’s an order.”
You walked listlessly tothe infirmary, barely aware of your surroundings. The coach’s words played inan endless, heartbreaking loop. If you couldn’t compete-
You braced a handagainst the wall, suddenly dizzy. The hallway seemed to go sideways. Youdistantly heard someone ask if you were alright, just before you fell into thedarkness.
You woke up to find yourselfon a metal-hinged bed, pillow propped up behind your neck. You shook your headblearily. “What-“
“It’s ironic that afterall the time you spent worrying about my health, I would find you here in theinfirmary instead.” Akashi’s tone was light, but his eyes looked haunted, hisshoulders tense.
You sat up and inspectedyour fingers, breath hitching. They were heavily wrapped in bandages. “No, itcan’t be- I need to get back to practice.”
“____.” The commandfroze you in your tracks, as did his grip on your wrist. “Why didn’t you tellme? I would have helped.”
Your hands fisted in thesheets. This conversation wasn’t one you wanted to have. “You were busy. Iunderstand that. There was no need for me to put this on you.”
Akashi’s eyes flaredwith ruby lightning. “That’s not an answer. Tell me the truth.” His fingersgripped your chin, forcing your head in his direction. “Look at me, ___.”
You lifted your eyes tohis. He leaned back, shocked. Tears sparkled on your lashes, but even worse,you looked like your soul had been hollowed out with a blunt spoon. You smiledbitterly.
“You want the truth? Thetruth is that I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. I knew from the moment westarted dating that I would never truly be good enough for you. There wouldalways be some girl prettier, smarter, better than me out there. Someone likeShimizu-san. Someone to match your perfection. But I thought I could live withit, knowing there would be an expiry date on this relationship. But,” yourubbed your hand over your chest, “I never thought you’d just toss me away. Ithought Akashi Seijuro would at least have the grace to tell me when he’d lostinterest.”
He stood up, furyradiating off him in waves. He grabbed your shoulders with painful force. “Idon’t know what gave you this idea. I admit I haven’t been around as much I’dlike, but-“
You finally snapped, thewords ripped from you in an involuntary shout. “You said I was a liability!”
He froze, face pale. Youcurled in on yourself, voice breaking on the words. “You said that-that youdidn’t want to see me. I heard you.”
Akashi reached a gentlehand out to your face. “Love, you misunderstood.” He stroked away a tear with afingertip. “Reo was right, I should have told you.”
You watched warily as hesat down on the bed. He was still somehow beautiful enough to hurt, but youcould see Akashi was less composed than usual. He took a deep breath. “We – theold members of Teiko -  are preparing fora basketball match. An important one.”
Whatever you wereexpecting, it wasn’t this. You blinked at him. “What?”
For the next fiveminutes, you sat in astonished silence as Akashi told you about someone namedGold, an American team, and how the former high school players had beenhumiliated. How a team had been formed to make a point. How the Generation ofMiracles were finding their way to each other again, little by little.
When he finished youwere nearly on the verge of exploding again, this time from sheer disbelief. “Andwhy was telling me about this such a problem?”
He looked away, facegrave. “Gold is not like the players I have faced before. He’s dangerous, bothon and off the court. One reason I didn’t tell you was that you would haveinsisted on coming with me, and I didn’t want him to catch sight of you.”
You pursed your lips. Itwas true that you would have found a way to be there somehow. “And the otherreason?”
His gaze came back up,and the stark loneliness in his eyes made you want to weep. “I can tell thismatch will not be easy. It will take more than just skilled passing. I willprobably need to go back…to my other self. He is very close to the surface.That side of me is different. Harsher. I’m not sure you would look at me thesame way if you knew what it was like.”
You stayed silent for amoment. Then: “He’s not a bad person you know. The other Akashi.”
The person in front ofyou went completely still. You continued, wanting to banish the darkness in hiseyes, even just a little. “You both want the same things, don’t you? To be withyour friends. He just tried to do it differently, but he made a few mistakes.That doesn’t make him worse, just human.”
You reached out to feelhis heart thump steadily under your palm. “After all, he’s you. Just anotherpart of you. You’re him. And you’re both the best person I know.”
He closed his eyes as ifhe couldn’t bear the weight of your words. His hand slid up to cover yours.When Akashi opened his eyes again, he seemed to have settled into his soul. Hislips quirked up slightly. “He says I don’t deserve you. For once, we agree on something.”
Akashi’s gaze fell tothe white gauze over your fingers. He cradled your hand in his, sadnesspainting his features. “I did that to you.” His voice was so quiet you couldbarely hear it. “I cannot tell you how sorry I am for hurting you. I have beengiven more chances than any one person deserves, yet…”
You tapped his foreheadwith your other hand, making him blink. “Men. They think the world revolvesaround them. This is my fault, for misunderstanding. You don’t get to take thecredit for what I do to myself.”
He rubbed you wrist,shaking his head. “I haven’t forgotten, you know.”
You slid a hand into hishair, relishing the feeling of being able to touch him again. He shifted intoyour hold, seeking comfort. “Forgotten what?”
“That you think you aren’tenough, or that we wouldn’t last together.” His expression sharpened intosomething like annoyance. “Apparently I have failed in convincing you of thatas well.”
You made a tacticalretreat. “Erm, I don’t think we need to go into that-“
He overruled you with adecisive statement. “Come. You’re staying over at my house today. We both needa day off.”
The dice fell fromAkashi’s fingers, rolling over to reveal two sixes. He pushed the counter uptwelve places. He caught you trying to hide a smile behind your sleeve. “What isit?”
“Well,” you replied,still trying hard to suppress laughter, “you’re winning at snakes and ladders.Again. For the third time in a row.”
He raised an eyebrow,though he was secretly amused by your reaction. “And?”
“It’s supposed to be agame of chance. It shouldn’t be possible, but then, that’s you in everything.Making the impossible happen.”
He considered youthoughtfully before responding. The both of you were curled up on his bed, yousipping hot chocolate. He wondered if you would believe him if he said that hehadn’t been this happy in weeks. The warmth of your presence was something evenhe hadn’t gotten used to. It had been a long time since someone accepted him socompletely. “There are some things I cannot do.”
You threw the dice andfrowned at the board. “Like what?”
He felt his chest achewith something like longing. “Like show you how exquisite you are. How everysecond I spend with you is precious. How the only thing I can think of is thefact that you’re mine. All mine.”
Your face turned pink. “Sei,you don’t have to-“
He gave in to desire andstretched his hand out to your face. You stayed still as he tucked a lock ofhair behind your ear, then traced a cheekbone with a  feather-light caress. He could feel your skinwarm under his touch. “You think you’re not perfect, but you are. Perfection isnot the absence of flaws. It’s when you’re so much more, that your faults don’tmatter.”
Your eyes shone as histhumb brushed over your lower lip. He leaned in, drawn forward by the velvet ofyour skin. “And if you can accept me both sides of me without fear, then why isit so hard to believe I might do the same?”
Your breath came out ofyou in a soft shudder. Akashi was hovering over you on the bed now, eyesdrinking in every detail of your features. He dipped his head to press his lipsto the pulse beating in your neck. “So warm,” he murmured. Something in hisblood spiked when you sighed in response.
Sometimes it scared him,the darker impulses you roused. He wanted to lock you up somewhere until youwere drunk off of his love and couldn’t remember your own name. “Mine,” hewhispered. “So beautiful, and so unaware of it. Such an intoxicatingcombination.”
Your hand tightened onhis shoulder. “Sei, stop teasing me.” The words came out husky.
He smiled, but it didn’tquite match the intensity of his gaze. “Maybe if you promise never to putyourself down again. Give me your word you will have faith in me. In us.”
You said nothing for amoment, just tracing his neckline in silence. He waited, willing calm into his veins.Finally, you nodded. “I trust you, Seijuro.”
“Good.” He rolled yourover so you lay on his chest. Akashi smoothed a hand down your back, enjoyingthe closeness, that sense of indescribable rightness. “Never forget: I loveyou, ___.”
You pressed a kiss tohis cheek. “I love you too. You know I’m coming to watch your game, right?”
He smirked wickedly. “Iwould expect nothing less from my fierce princess.”
You laughed. “Good,because I can’t wait for you to give that Nash guy a beat-down.”
Akashi’s answering smilewas golden with confidence. “If you’re with me, that will be a certainty.”
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