#hopefully it won't be too much longer! i'm a lot more focused right now than i have been in a while
alrightbuckaroo · 8 months
hey i was wondering if you still plan on continuing "come and take a walk by the wild side" 🫶 it's one of my favourite fics ever, no pressure tho! 💕
Hey there, anon!
First, thank you so much; I'm so glad you like it :), and yes, I do!
I've been doing my best to work on it in between things so it doesn't just stay stagnant and collect dust. Right now, I'm working on TK's interlude, which is where we learn more about how he met Sam. After that is the Gala, and then from there, it actually shouldn't be too much longer.
As a way to say thank you for your unending patience, here's a snippet of the next chapter:
“Who’s ready to spend the night making the best worst decisions?” Chaos and celebration come barging through the door under the guise of TK’s friend, Derrick Caldwell. Derrick, standing a modest six foot and dressed in monochromatic green, looks to TK, hoping to see the enthusiasm mirrored. Instead, he sees a very heartbroken TK who is not at all ready for a night out. “No, no, no no,” Derrick hurries out, pointing a finger at TK and looking towards Kimberly. “Why is he sulking?” “Josh broke up with him,” Kimberly answers, scavenging through her make-up bag. “Oh,” Derrick deflates, looking back over to TK who’s still staring up at the dorm ceiling. “On your birthday?” “Don’t remind me,” TK says under the cloak of his own hands rubbing up and down his face.
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cheeriochat · 6 months
Hiii guys!!!! Um I'm just doing a quick life update to let you guys know what's happening in my life right now since I feel like I haven't posted anything substantial in awhile.
1. Had my first mocklaw trial! We lost the case (aka our team (prosecution) didn't get a guilty verdict) but we won the overall night (got more point than the other team) which was cool since a lot of us were beginners and we were facing off against a prestigious private school.
2. My mental health has been a bit iffy lately. Not horrible like it was last year but school isn't helping me feel any better. Not quite diagnosed OCD has been running rampant and been causing me some issues, but im trying to slowly break my patterns down so they are easier to manage. Anxiety has also been bad but hey, can't do much on that
3. This is very personal so I won't get into it but a family member is unwell right now so I've been focusing on that.
4. I haven't really been drawing traditionally much. I'm just about to switch over to a new sketchbook so all my old drawings need to be photographed and posted before I can do anything, and ive been working on some digital pieces (and a secret project) and they typically take longer for me to do. (Miss Brittany Broski and her podcast has been getting me though it so hopefully I'll be done once I glaze and nightshade stuff)
5. Just, haven't been motivated. I've got pretty bad fatigue at times due to low blood pressure and odd iron levels (as well as the mental health issues) so finding the energy to put into anything has been hard. I haven't been playing my favourite games lately due to no energy (got super burnt out from genshin, stop starting my son of sparda dmc5 playthrough, getting stuck in bg3, crying over ace attorney) and I haven't had the energy to really post anything.
I know I am not obligated to justify why I haven't been posting and I know this won't get much attention but I thought I would let those who care about my art and stuff know why I kind of just disappeared.
Don't worry, some dmc, elden ring (and a super secret project) stuff will be coming soon-ish. Hope you guys aren't too mad ^^'
Plus: my cat! Who has been an old shit but otherwise helpful <3
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asksoldieron · 9 months
SO-18: Memory Bomb!
If there's a lot of engagement on this, this post is liable to get real long, beware before you expand.
No art, but hopefully my eyes will improve enough to add some later!
Welcome to the Engagement Lounge, for Peanut Butter Bubblegum (SO-18) an instalment! Short comments can go in the replies, but there's a 475 character limit. Longer ones will need a reblog. Remember to @asksoldieron if you're reblogging someone else's reblog, so I can see it too!
There! They got him! Well, sorta. That's definitely not Erik but he's in there somewhere. They'll get him out! Eventually!
I had such a cool idea for a musical comic but I can't do it. You'll have to read and imagine David and Hyacinth having it out, while what he is now is slowly subsumed by what he once was... Or while an imposter who made a very bad decision becomes permanently trapped in a web of his own lies. Maybe both at once!
*sigh* I'm struggling, but I don't get real feedback from the eye doctor. It's like they don't think I can't handle any negativity, so everything is all smiles and "you're doing great!" while I'm dealing with shit they should've sat me down and told me about before I even had the damn surgery.
You see, I had the impression the surgery was the best option for not losing any of the improvement I spent all last year making myself sick to gain. Heh. Maybe it was, but I've still lost ground and I'll need to put in even more work to get it back. I have a different issue now: stamina. My eyes get tired of focusing on detail, near and far, and in certain situations they'll just stop. I'll be straining as hard as I can and I won't be able to tell you if that's a D, C, O or G. It won't shift in and out of focus like I might be able to get it eventually, it'll just be a static blur until I rest my eyes and come back to it. (Kinda think the doctor thought I was faking or playing it up, since I could read letters the first time she asked me to, and then I couldn't. But the tech just listened to me describe what was happening and said, "Oh, yeah. Your eyes are just tired. Take a break.")
I don't have much trouble reading - as long as it's black and white or close to that. Much like Erik, I can get it from context. I've always read the shape of the word, because my damn eyes never worked like they're supposed to. But art is not like that. Hell, even reading a comic is harder for me right now.
I'm getting my Xmas computer soon. It has a bigger screen than my tablet, and I should be able to draw on it. I might not get so tired so fast with a bigger screen, but I won't know until I try. I found a good enough refurbished deal that I can afford a pen display with an even bigger screen, if it comes to that, but I'll have to give myself some time to strengthen my eyes in any case.
I thought I was just going to heal from this - it would only be a matter of time until the wound closed and my corneas cleared up - I certainly got that impression at the start. But now they say I'm not going to get better without more work. I'm stuck doing pretty much the same exercises, only now they're hard in a different way. The dry-eye does seem to be improving, but there's no guarantee it will keep doing that. I have nearly a year to wait for the dryness and light tolerance to stabilize, those things are the slowest to heal. Well, they would be the slowest, if I didn't have this stupid vision dysfunction. I have no idea how long that's going to take to adapt.
Anyway, this is all too many words. I'm trying to explain why I won't be able to come back with more story after a two week break, even though I have the next six-pack almost ready to go. I can write. I can reorganize the site (and I need to do that, the theme and the global colours are just stupid, and all my pattern blocks are malfunctioning). I can open a new bank account and put together a Ko-Fi page (after Patreon gets rid of my data - they only have a couple more days to do that within their 30-day limit!!). I can't illustrate. Nobody's going to stop scrolling and look at this shit in their feed if there's no images, and I'm not resorting to stock photos or AI.
I want to get to the point where I can spam my followers with something I'm proud of that looks nice, and send them to a site that I'm also proud of and which looks nice. I want more readers, but I don't feel right asking for them when everything's falling apart, including me.
So, I'll be here, but there won't be more story for a while. At least give me until the 20th, that'll be three months out from the surgery and I should be fairly well healed by then. It's just that I have this stamina issue nobody warned me about and no timeline for that. Almost like it doesn't matter. Hey, you can see without glasses! 20/20! Like we promised! Does it really matter if it expires without warning? It works when you read off the chart the first time and that's all you need, right?
No. I told you people I was an artist. You don't seem to be reviewing my chart and god alone knows if you even wrote it down, but you did ask me and I told you. This is not enough.
We'll see what the next few weeks will do for me. I hope like hell I'll be back soon with another six - words AND pictures.
[Back to Site?]
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fjorn-wanders · 2 years
Fjorn Returns
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(I'm definitely not that cool...)
I've been wandering for a while, so I should probably reintroduce myself. If you're only here for pretty pictures, you can skip this post; but if you want to know more about me and what I'll be posting now that I'm back to this burrow, read on:
For starters, I joined Tumblr back in 2015 (though I started this particular blog in 2017). I go by Fjorn, but I'm (probably) better known as @fjorn-the-skald on Tumblr still. My priorities have shifted (a lot happened...), so I've 'retired' from academia. A part of me mourns that, but I still think my current course in life is for the best. Feel free to send an ask if you want to know more about why I stepped away from that path.
Even if I'm not an active academic anymore, though, you can still read my Master's thesis here: Weaponizing Ordinary Objects: Women, Masculine Performance, and the Anxieties of Men in Medieval Iceland. I'm biased, but it's not a bad read (hopefully).
So what is Fjorn now, if not a skald?
I'm actually still a storyteller, but instead of sharing educational content I'm focusing on my creative ambitions, namely a fantasy manga/graphic novel series. Here's a preview:
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This post would get too long if I summarized that project here (but feel free to ask me about it). The world it takes place in, Älthren, is backed by roughly 500 pages of handwritten lore. If anything, that's where my 'academic' brain is dwelling these days. If you like northern-European and east-Asian cultures, you'll probably enjoy it. The prologue and 1st chapter will be free to read, so please give it a chance if you happen to see it later.
The rest of this post will just be a bullet-point summary of my interests, so feel free to skip it (but many thanks for reading this far!):
I'm not a Norse pagan anymore, but I'm still spiritual and revere nature. I kind of wander around with whatever feels right, but I'm particularly drawn to land-spirits. Even if I'm not a proper pagan, though, I don't mind being part of friendly, open communities.
I'm an otaku, which means I really enjoy reading manga, light novels, and watching anime. I'm currently obsessing over Vinland Saga. If you're on MAL (my anime list), you can find me here.
I've always been an artist, even longer than I was a historian. I used to paint with oils, but now I mostly work digitally using Procreate on my iPad Pro.
I have a very floofy cat (and she's gotten pretty needy lately).
I love tea, but I've recently started drinking coffee (I prefer it cold, though, so I usually drink cold brew).
I used to run a tea shop (The Northern Herbalist) on Etsy.
I studied Icelandic in Iceland (Ísajörður) for 3 weeks, but...I don't remember much of the language because I stopped practicing.
I'm trying to learn Japanese and may move there someday.
I proposed to my fiancée in Ireland. We've been together for 12 years this November.
My educational website didn't work out (thanks to burnout, priorities shifting, and harmful situations...), but I've been working on getting into the UI/UX field. It seems random, but considering my passion for art and that I used to run a website (where I enjoyed ensuring everything worked well and looked pretty), it's not too surprising. Sometimes it bothers me that I'm not doing history, but life is hard.
I think that's enough for this post. Probably more than anyone actually wants/needs to know, but I want to emphasize that I'm a messy person with conflicting interests. That means I won't only be posting/talking about Norse stuff. I will, but not always. It's a big part of me, but not all of me. Many thanks for accepting that!
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hisadoringkitten · 4 months
I've not done much these last few days but paint my sons skateboard. It's his 6th birthday next week, and it's all he asked for. I feel the need to make it extra special, knowing that soon after his birthday, I'm going to break his little heart telling them I'm not coming to North Carolina with them. I've poured myself into it for days. It looks great, but it's bitter sweet. I hope he loves it, that it's everything he wanted and more.
My resolve to leave is not shaken in the least. I know and trust your plans for me, and I know it's not going to be easy, but it's getting harder every day to look into their sweet faces and pretend everything is okay.
I know a lot of people are going to think that I'm a bad mother, that I'm abandoning my kids. I know the truth, you do too... that I'm not stable enough to be the mommy they deserve right now, that a year or two from now, I'll be so much better able to be what they need... by then, they'll call me mom, I won't be mommy anymore. I want to cherish the moments I have left with them before I go, but I know it'll be easier for everyone if I keep distancing myself from them now.
My heart hurts for them. But if I'm ever going to be able to give them the life they deserve, I have to find myself, grow, and become the best version of me. I'll be able to provide for them, and hopefully, they'll see that tough decisions can pay off in the end, that working on yourself can lead to amazing things you never thought possible. I hope they see that I'm doing this out of love for them and a need to learn how to love myself... maybe someday.
For now, I'm trying to stay focused. Eyes on the prize. Independence. Following my dreams. Standing up for myself and not accepting less than what I need to thrive. Survival mode no longer cuts it for me. I will be better. I will do more. I will chase success until I catch it, and I'll only let go to chase bigger success. Not just professionally, but personally. With your help and guidance, I will fill the voids of a social life, of art and passion, of submission to a worthy Dom. I'll get healthy and active, I'll work on my mental health and heal the wounds that keep me from living. Their scars I'll carry with pride, a reminder of how far I've come, of how much I've had to overcome in my life.
For the first time ever, I'm putting my needs before the wants of others, and I'll not let this break me. Even if sometimes it feels too heavy, knowing that you're there to help me shoulder it. I may be just starting to learn independence, but I'm not doing it alone. I'm lucky to have such amazing guidance, so backed by love and devotion, I have no choice but to succeed.
Thank you, Sir, for everything you do to help me, to teach me. I promise my bloom will be worth the work, time, and frustrations.
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The Storm
Summary: You work with Jack Crawford and Alana is your cousin, both of you live together for a long time. She gets caught up with a flat tire far away and asks you to let Will in, for he's expecting her. A storm is coming, and she keeps taking longer and longer to show up. Will the universe conspire in your favor?
Pairing: Will Graham x reader
Warnings: swearing, insinuation of smut, fluff.
Word count: 4.328
A/n: I'm starting to consider changing this tumblr for a Hannibal one, mostly Will Graham, so some requests from other fandoms would be nice haha hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing ♥️
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*not my gif
There wasn't a thing such as a boring day at the BAU. 
At least not when you're part of Jack Crawford's crew. There was always an interesting case to focus on, a disfigured body to study the reason of death, it was always a thrilling hunt for evidence. The best experience I've ever had so far in my career, and I could only thank my cousin Alana for putting me on the Guru's radar. I was a great crime scene investigator, albeit a little younger than people gave me credit for. I taught people not to underestimate me over the years, though. I got here by my own effort, being a tenacious, hard-working woman who wouldn't get a no for an answer. 
I got along well with my crewmates, Beverly Katz, Brian Zeller and Jimmy Price, though our relationship hardly extended for life outside work. Except for Beverly, we went out for a couple of beers sometimes, she was fun, witty and I really liked our conversations. Jack was the big boss, and that was it. I had a lot of respect for him, and I knew he didn't regret bringing me to his team, I could see it in his eyes in the first case I've got. I was very cunning when I shared my insights about the cases, sometimes I saw things no one else could, no one but…
Of course, I was far, far away from being a Will Graham. But ever since I was younger, I've had this sort of intuition that helped me to solve problems, I would solve riddles easily and when people asked me how I got to the answer, I wouldn't know the steps, I just knew deep in my bones I was right. That happened a lot when I was growing up and was even stronger now that I knew how to use it. It was some artifice of my inconscient, something I could always count on. It included everything in my life, math, logical thinking, riddles. My brain picked things I couldn't perceive clearly, bringing them to the clear waters of my conscience. 
Will Graham was a curious man. He intrigued me from the very first moment I saw him at the house of one of the last victims of The Minnesota Shrike, Garret Jacob Hobbs, now dead. He was practically hiding in a corner, his eyes closed behind the lens of his glasses, dark wavy hair, jawline for days. He seemed highly focused until Beverly started to talk to him, pulling him out of his daze. He could barely look at her, or at me, and although he looked socially awkward and troubled, he still managed to look like a daydream. I studied every inch of his face, lowering my gaze when he seemed to get uncomfortable, after smiling lightly. I was a bit shy myself. I lived with Alana and, when I got home that night, I absentmindedly asked her about that curious handsome man who seemed to be out of place, yet so connected to that scene. She started to talk about him, but stopped once she noticed my interest. Then, she told me he was a very unstable person, that she wouldn't even be alone in the room with him because of her professional curiosity. As time passed and he solved more and more cases, I could see how people looked at him like an attraction of the zoo. However, not me, and later, not Beverly. Brian didn't seem to like him very much, I could see. Envy, perhaps? Nevertheless, the more I saw Will, the more intrigued I got. He avoided eye contact like the plague, but as I was always friendly and tried my best to treat him like a normal person, not focusing only on work, dead bodies and serial killers, I saw more of those beautiful blue eyes. He knew I was Alana's cousin, and I sooner realized he had a fling for her. 
And boy, did that break my silly little heart. I wasn't surprised, though. Who could blame him? Alana was amazing. I never felt resentful for that, but as time passed, I started to detach from the idea of Will being somewhat more than a simple acquaintance. That afternoon, I was going home from work when I got a call from Alana.
"Speak fast, I'm driving." I said, keeping one hand on the wheel and the other holding my phone.
"You're going home? Great. I invited Will so we could talk about a profile I'm building, but I got caught up here. I already spoke to him, he's almost there, can you let him in? He said he'll wait, and I'll be home in about fifty minutes, no more than that, hopefully." She said in a hurry, and I felt my cheeks burn a little. Will and me? Home alone? 
"I…" I hesitated, chewing my bottom lip nervously. "You won't be long, right? Heard on the radio there’s a storm for later."
"I won't, promise. Just let him in, he's already aware I'll take a little longer to be there. See you soon. Thanks, Y/n!" She hung up, not leaving me any time to answer. I put the phone down, still chewing on my bottom lip. I could feel excitement rising on my stomach, making me feel slightly nauseated, and noticed my hands starting to sweat.
Please. That was ridiculous. What was I, a teenager? I was a grown-up, well-succeeded woman, for God's sake. I rubbed my hands on my jeans, driving a little faster than I usually did almost unconsciously. I got home after twenty minutes, parking outside the pretty house. Will was already there, leaning against his car, so lost in his thoughts he barely noticed I'd arrived. I looked at my reflection at the mirror hurriedly, fixing my hair, pinching my cheeks to look less pale, brushing my eyebrows with my fingers to make them look neat. I wasn't even wearing any lipstick today. It had been a long day at work. 
I opened the car door, exiting the vehicle, the noise from shutting the door finally bringing him out of his daze, and he finally seemed to notice me. He smiled lightly, lowering his eyes. He had his glasses on, but as soon as he saw me, he took them off, hanging them on his shirt.
"Hey, Will. I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long. There was a little bit of traffic." I justified, walking to the porch and waiting for him to follow me. 
"Y/n. Not at all, I just got here. Alana explained what happened, thanks for coming to let me in. Hope I didn't ruin any appointment you may have had." He waited until I unlocked the door, and we finally were engulfed with the warm air of the heater.
"Nope, I was coming home, no appointments lost. Please, come in. I'm not sure you've ever been here before, but make yourself home." I hung my trench coat, sighing with the pleasure of being home. I loved the atmosphere of that place. "Can I get you anything? Water, soda, beer…"
"Thank you. I'm fine. And no, I haven't been here before." I held back the temptation of saying "good", biting my bottom lip as I watched him sit on the couch. I just stood there for a while, not sure of what to do next. 
He frowned a little, probably thinking why I was acting so weird, and that made me nervous, because it was just an easy step to realize my silly crush on him. Did he know? What if Alana said something? Said something? For fuck's sake, he was Will Graham, he could probably see that written across my stupid face! Shit, he knows. I'm making a fool of myself. Why do I even…
"Is everything okay?" His voice startled me a little, pulling me out of my neurotic breakdown, and I wondered how my facial expressions looked. Was I blinking only one eye like the stereotyped madness of cartoons? I certainly didn't look normal. I cleared my throat, laughing lightly.
"Yeah. Yeah, I guess I'm not really used to having people over anymore. I've been working a lot lately. People are dying like flies." I sat on the armchair in front of him, sighing. 
"What we do can be overwhelming sometimes. What we see every day. It just… stains you." He said, with a dark look on his serious eyes. 
I nodded. I felt that way sometimes, but I was used to it. I stopped feeling that sense of inadequacy on my chest years ago. 
"I guess you just begin to cope with it, though. Our brain adapts to that harsh reality. But it's always nice to vent somehow. What do you do in your free time?" I asked, wondering if I was getting too personal. Did I sound like I was probing to ask him out?  I felt my face getting warm. Damn it.
Either he didn't realize, or he was just too chivalrous to point, but he didn't mention anything.
"I fish." He said, simply. I nodded with a light smile.
"And you play with your doggies." I pointed, smiling wider. I loved dogs. He'd mentioned them before, so I just brought the subject up, trying to shift the attention from me to them. Will smiled back, his eyes with a subtle glow. He really loved them, and that was so sweet. "Fishing sounds nice. Unfortunately, I could never. I'm too restless. I'd probably startle all the fish and wouldn't catch anything."
He laughed, and that was the first time I ever heard that sound coming out of him. I felt like I was someone deaf that was able to hear the sound of Mozart's symphonies for the first time, and I just knew. There was never detachment from the idea of Will being more than an acquaintance. It was tackled down inside my brain somewhere, for the brain tends to adapt to harsh realities, but it was still there, just waiting for some incentive. 
"It's just a matter of training, getting used to it. I could teach you someday… if you want." He blinked a few times, as if he was surprised with his own boldness, smiling lightly. "And you? What do you do to vent?" He asked, seeming genuinely interested.
"Well, I read a lot. Maybe I could read by the riverside while I watch you fish." I said, shrugging with a subtle smile.
"It's a date, then?" Will inquired, making me mortified. Caught me by total surprise, and when I was about to say something, my phone rang.
"Excuse me." I answered the phone. It was Alana. "Hey. We're already here waiting for you."
Not that I wanted her to arrive any time sooner, but she didn't have to know that.
"You won't believe me; I've got a flat tire. There's a guy helping me out, I was lucky, I'm in the middle of nowhere. But I'll get there in about fifty more minutes, more or less. Can you put Will on the phone? I'll explain everything to him."
"Do you need one of us to pick you up? I'm sure he wouldn't mind, I wouldn't…"
"No, he's almost done. Thank you. Let me talk to Will, I'll be there soon. The storm is about to catch me, I wanna hurry."
I sighed, grimacing at him. 
"She wants to talk to you." I passed him the phone, studying his expressions while he talked to her. As I looked at the window, I could see the dark clouds gathering up, making the end of the afternoon murky. The storm was about to hit hard. I could see a few thin drops of rain starting to wet the glass.
"I can stay a little longer, no problem. I'm being well attended." He traded looks with me, biting his lip slightly. "Okay. I'll see you soon, Alana."
He gave me the phone, but Alana was already gone. I put it on the coffee table, getting up.
"I think I'll pour myself some wine. Do you want some?" I asked politely. "It's one of the fanciest ones; Hannibal gave us a bottle when we dined at his house a few days ago."
"Yes. Thank you." He waited for me to come back with the beverages, and I did my best not to spill anything, sitting on the couch beside him while I gave him the glass. "So you're acquainted with Dr. Lecter?"
"Oh yeah, he's an old friend of Alana's, sometimes he invites us to dinner. He cooks the best meals I've ever had in my entire life, so I don't exactly decline the invitations. And he's one of the most brilliant people I've ever met, so it's always interesting." I took a sip of the crimson liquid, moaning low in pleasure. Good wine. I preferred a good cup of hot oolong, but it was impossible not to appreciate the quality of that drink. 
A few glasses after and a lot of talks about dogs, fishing and other hobbies, he finally felt safe to bring back the topic. The rain had started really pouring, the now thicker drops hitting the windows loudly. Alana hadn't called again. It was nighttime now, the sky seeming to be darker than usual. I was low-key worried about her, but the conversation was too great to interrupt. She was a good driver. She would be just fine. 
"I've been seeing Hannibal Lecter in his office. Not exactly his patient, though. A courtesy of Jack Crawford to keep an eye on the coping of my brain functions." He sounded a bit bitter, drinking a few sips of his wine.
I could see he didn't like therapy. Must be hard with someone with a mind like his.
"You know, sometimes, Alana psychoanalyses me. Like, she doesn't even notice. It's cute, but sometimes it creeps me out." 
"She has a professional curiosity about me, but she's too polite and considerate to let it slip out. We've never even been alone in the same room together."
I held back a bitter comment, not wanting to talk shit about my cousin, but he saw it right through me. 
"Sorry, I didn't mean to put you in a complicated position."
"I know. You're sweet." The word slipped through my tongue before I could contain it. Will blinked a few times, seeming surprised, and I felt my cheeks burn, starting to stutter. "I meant… I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?"
"No, no. It's just… no one's ever called me that before." It was my time to get surprised. He didn't seem to be complimented much, and that just made me flabbergasted. I couldn't be the only one who saw how fantastic Will was.
"... Ah. Well, some people are just shy. I'm shy as hell, don't even know how I had the nerve to say that, it's probably the wine starting to kick in. Hope I really didn't make you uncomfortable, though. Don't need to be polite, it's okay to tell me."
"Actually, I'm curious to know what else you think of me. I sense it's not the only word you have to define me." He sounded bolder, and his eyes were on mine, giving me shivers down my spine. 
"Well… I think you're too exceptional to be defined with a few words. You're… Kind, brilliant… I see how seeing what you see, doing what you do, how it wrecks you sometimes, and you just keep doing it because you're saving lives. That's so selfless, Will. That's…" I was going to say more, but at that very moment, a loud thunder just made the house practically tremble, and I let out a real inelegant weep, coming closer to Will and holding his arm firmly, my fingers grabbing on the fabric of his shirt. He could've thought it was an artifice to get closer to him, but he could see how frightened I was, trembling like a cornered wild little beast. I hated thunders, fireworks, anything loud. Feeling ridiculous, I released his shirt, apologizing with embarrassment.
"It's okay. It's just noise. I'm here." He put some of my hair that had fallen to my face behind my ear with such a tenderness that I felt my stomach twitch, realizing suddenly how close we were. He was looking at me as if it was the first time he was actually seeing me. 
The phone rang again. Alana! I grabbed it from the coffee table, turning to face Will. He wasn't avoiding eye contact anymore, his pupils were dilated. My breathing was accelerated, and I knew it had little to do with the thunder.
"Lana, is everything okay?" I asked with genuine concern. "Are you close?"
"Ah, Y/n. I'm so sorry. I don't think I'll make it in time, I'm driving slow, the roads are slippery because of the storm and it's pretty foggy. I'll stop at a motel and spend the night, or at least wait for the storm to pass. I'm so furious with myself!"
"It's okay cuz, do what's safer for you. I'm sure Will will understand. I'll pass him the phone." I gave him the phone and he talked to Alana for a few minutes, but I wasn't listening. She'd ruined the moment unintentionally, and now he was probably going home. When would I have an opportunity like that again? 
"Okay. Don't worry. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye, Alana. Take care." He gave me the phone and I put it on the coffee table again. Before any of us could say anything, another thunder cracked the sky, and this time, Will held me so I wouldn't be afraid. The lights went out, and he held me against his chest protectively, making me smell his aftershave and some perfume. He smelled so good. For a moment, I just stood there in his arms, feeling his warmth, his breath, the steady beats of his heart. 
I moved away just a little to see his face, very close to mine, but it was so dark I could only see shadows. A lightning lit up the room and, just for a little moment, I could see his gorgeous eyes staring at me. After a soft touch of his thumb on my lips, he finally kissed me, so gentle, like I could break as fine china with any rougher move. I touched his neck with both my hands, playing with his hair, feeling how soft they were. He pulled me closer, his hands on my waist, and the kiss started to get deeper, voracious, as if we were hungry for each other. Maybe the wine was helping to raise the lust; all I know is that I've wanted that to happen for a long time. Will's kiss was everything I imagined it would be, but entirely different at the same time. All I could say was that he was great at it. His hands traveled through my body, and I grabbed his hair, pulling it slightly. That made a low growl echo through his chest, and I started to feel my body fervent as a bonfire.
I couldn't say much because I was breathless and I didn't want to stop what we were doing, so a single word left my lips as I kept my forehead on his.
Will bit his lip, kissing me again, and that was all the answer I needed.
Morning. Thin sunrays illuminated my bedroom floor through the curtains, waking me up. The storm was gone. I haven't had a nice night of sleep like that in ages. I looked at the other side of my bed and there was Will, sleeping heavily. It wasn't a dream, after all. Last night really happened. I smiled, staring at the roof with disbelief in my eyes.
I stared at him for a few seconds, unsure of what to do. Should I just let him sleep? He looked so heavenly, his hair was messy, his breathing steady, he seemed so less troubled than he usually was. I touched his hair lightly, caressing it with tenderness, and he started to move. I could see his neck, and a few hickies we marked on his albescent skin. That made me blush a little bit, and I laughed silently. 
He opened his eyes while I still touched his hair, but I didn't stop, and he didn't seem to want me to. We stared at each other in silence for a few moments, and he smiled, a different smile than the usual ones he gave me.
"Hi." He said, pulling me closer by my waist, stroking the skin under the sheets. I pecked him on the lips, then kissing his forehead, his cheek, his jawline. 
"Hey there. Good morning. I'm starving, are you having breakfast with me?"
"Actually, I gotta go home. Feed the dogs." He said, stroking my nude shoulder with his finger.
"Of course. Your dogs. I won't keep you then, poor babies must be so hungry." I kissed his cheek and was about to get up when he pulled me again, gently kissing my lips. I smiled, probably looking like an idiot. A joyful idiot. "I'll let you get dressed. I'll be in the kitchen."
I dressed up in my long and black robe, smiling at him before I left the room, going to the kitchen, where I started to make some french toasts. After a few minutes, I heard the front door open, and an exhausted Alana came in, her hair frizzy and her coat looking still a bit wet.
"Oh, Lana! Go change, you'll get a cold!" I stopped what I was doing, going to her and helping to take off her coat.
"That storm was a nightmare. I swear I won't ignore the warnings ever again. I'm so sorry, I had no idea it would get this bad, yesterday was one of those days where everything just goes wrong. Hope Will arrived well at home, did he seem disappointed or annoyed before he left? I was so inconvenient…"
I didn't even have time to answer, because Will opened my bedroom door, coming out while buttoning his shirt, suddenly realizing Alana was there.
"Oh." Alana said, looking so flabbergasted I almost laughed at her. Will rose his eyebrows at the sight of her, seeming a bit unsure of what to do or say. I wasn't planning for her to find out like this, it was a bit early, I wasn't expecting her to arrive so soon. "Hi, Will."
"Alana. Hi." He avoided looking at her, staring at me, and his eyes immediately softened. I smiled, he smiled back, and that was it, Alana was forgotten.
"Off you go to feed your children." I joked, biting my bottom lip. "I guess I'll see you later, then."
"Definitely." He simply said, kissing my forehead while caressing my hair, certainly a little embarrassed to kiss me in front of Alana. "See you later, Y/n. Bye, Alana."
"Bye, Will." I waved with a soft smile, and he grabbed his jacket, leaving the house.
My smile grew larger and I left my head fall back, squeaking low in commemoration. What a night! What a morning! I never thought I would thank a storm so much, let alone a bloody thunder.
Before Alana could say anything, I realized Will had left his glasses at the coffee table, and I picked it up in a hurry, bursting through the front door and calling him before he left, waving in front of the car.
"You forgot your glasses!" I said, and he opened the car windows, raising his hand to pick them.
I leaned against the car window, putting the glasses on him, and kissing his lips fiercely. He moaned in surprise, holding my face to deepen the kiss. After a moment, I pulled away, appreciating the view of his lips so reddish. 
"Go back inside, it's cold." He said with a cheeky smile, and before I could say he actually made me hotter, he took off with the car.
I went back inside, where Alana was waiting for me with her arms crossed. 
"What the hell did you do to Will Graham?" She asked, sounding severe, but a smile was trying to escape her lips "I mean, besides trying to suck his soul with your mouth a few moments ago."
"Oh, shut up!" I laughed, blushing violently. "You made that happen, you know? Thank you. Was that a set up or did the universe actually conspire in my favor?"
"I wish I'd planned this. That would mean I would've had a plan b and I wouldn't have stayed at that disgusting mote… Y/n, you're full of hickies, I can't believe you!"
"You're starting to sound like my mom, Lana. I'm gonna wear a turtleneck, don't worry, I don't want Beverly all over me like a bloodhound and Brian and Jimmy's witty comments today. In fact, keep it to yourself, okay? Will's discreet. I won't even tell Beverly, if she finds out, the whole bureau will know, hell, maybe even Freddie Lounds."
"I told you to let it go, Y/n. Will's very unstable right now. I… I only want what's best for you." She said with concern in her bright blue eyes. I sighed, walking to her and kissing her cheek with affection.
"You're a good cousin. But I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself, okay? Unless this isn't only about me, unless it concerns something else." I raised an eyebrow while staring at her, more confident that I've ever been. "Is there something you wanna tell me?"
She hesitated, clenching her jaw, but never spoke. 
I smiled, tapping her cheek very lightly in approval.
"I gotta get ready to work. Wanna grab lunch with me later?" I asked in a casual tone, a cynical smile on my face. She shrugged. "See you later then, cuz."
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noahstayed · 3 years
Sorry if you've already answered these questions but I still want to ask them so...
1) Are you going to make another book after Earthshine?
(If the answer is yes; (and you don't have to answer this one,) Are you going to do a time skip or will you go the 'the condom broke'?)
2) Will Edward have a mate (If yes; will you create an OC or simply pluck a character from the twilight saga archives are revamp them?)
3) If you do make a version of Breaking Dawn, will it have the same premise (Ie. Wedding, Honeymoon, (I typed hUMANmoon and then corrected it, don't know why my fingers went there.) surprise pregnancy (or not? Because Carlisle is a DOCTOR) turning, then the Volturi going all "We must kill the child!"?)
4) With regards to question three, in the (honestly, and sadly, unlikely) ( completely forgot what word I was going to type, and It as too much trouble to type that so I'm just going to use another word that won't flow as well) situation (I'm so unhappy with this word, my stomach is turning something fierce, man.) that you DO go the standard "with the other book as a very, very, loose guideline) Would you go the route of OYH or would make an entirely new plot?
Also, if you do go with the same general outline, (which is unlikely since Irina isn't with Laurant in newmoon but with Charlie, so there's no bitter feelings and she won't immediately go to the kings before she's heard Carlisle's explanation.) How would you make that work?
5) I know you said that if you do make a fourth book you would just use the dhampire from OYH, Elisha, does that still reign true? Or are you planning to make a new character entirely?
6) If you do make a fourth, and go the OYH route, would you still make Elisha Emse's mate, like in OYH? Or will you go with Garette?
7) Also, since you have previously made an ff about Garette and Bella having a brother-sister type friendship would we see that and get to see Garette claim her as his sister and charlie as his father, and everyone goes along with it? (Honestly, I REALLY want this to happen, especially since I've spent the last hour scrolling through your tumbler and stumbled upon the 'I'm older than my father' post.)
8) Really, all these questions border on the main one of "is there going to be a breaking dawn/part 4-5 (depending) in your rewrite?" but if you do, would Carlisle buy Isle Bella as a honeymoon present of would that be in the oneshots book (that you'll hopefully be writing after this is over) as like a "Have fifteenth anniversary" thing?
9) Are you going to write a book full of random one-shots you couldn't fit into your story? I REALLY HOPE SO.
enthusiastically hope so. :) (that's really a tense smile with eyes SHINING with hope. Just informing you that you'll be crushing my heart. Brutally. With a stake. No pressure :) )
10) If you don't write the fourth book will we get an epilogue with the wedding five years later? Like, with Bella being SUPER nervous?
And finally, 11) (I really want a war to showcase Bella's awesome vampire powers (because you've stated (in a previous Tumblr post) that you'd give Bella her BAMF!Bella OYH powers)) So if there's a part four, even though the Volturi is "lawful" and like, has a brain, in your series, can they like have a brain fart where they go. "He's making an army," Or just straight up CANNON!Aro with his need for power be like "It's an immortal child, and it needs to be destroyed." But really be thinking, "They're growing too large, already their numbers rival our own, they must be put down! This is the perfect time!" Like the (cowardly) power-hungry and villainess we all know and love. Kinda.
I have other questions but those can really wait lol.
I basically want breaking dawn and the third (Do you count Charlie's book as part of Bella's story or as a stand-alone since you weren't really progressing the plot very much (also a very good way to have a time skip in your main)?) isn't even done yet.
I don't know if you can tell, but I've been reading this series for three days straight (new fan!) and just started your OYH series and I'm just filled with a desire right now. Like, I typically hate sex scenes in a twilight book (but that's because I was a child when these movies came out (saw them all in theatre!) and still was when I read the books, so Bella is SACRED lol, and It just makes me uncomfortable to imagine her in those positions (it's like a trauma okay?) but I really enjoyed your stories (even if I basically glossed over your sex scenes and read through them quickly) and could actually sit through your sex scenes (mostly, because it wasn't INTENSE! Like, a lot of rewrites turn breaking dawn into literal Porn and sully the books for me because they basically remove a lot of plot to make room for Bella's sudden appetite, and while, yes, you gave her an appetite and... I am just really enjoying your stories and how you write so Thank You.
Okay, I've let you know your appreciated and put out my question into the tumblr universe so now I just have to wait for you to see this and maybe respond.
I hate waiting.
I haven't gotten an ask in a while and AJKHFJKHD Listen!! THE FACE I MADE AT HOW LONG THIS IS??? Superb!! I'm honored you've taken the time to write this all out so I'm gonna try to answer you as best as I can!!
Right now I'm 100% sure that there will be a couple of Novellas/Novelettes directly after Earthshine. The Renee Story, the Charlie Story, and the Roommate Story which all will get maybe 40k and mini plots that are far more focused than Charlie's first story. Charlie's new story will be focused on his relationship with Carlisle too, so that should be fun!
Edward having a Mate is still up in the air at the moment. Since he is still very young, I don't see the need to really give him someone so quick when other characters have waited WAAAY longer. As for who it might be, that's also still up in the air in case I want to do a short story with him that's a part of a series of Novellas after the main books
If I do make a BD rewrite IT WILL have wedding/honeymoon/surprise pregnancy then it will PRETTY MUCH go off the rails from there because the Pregnancy will be VASTLY different. Carlisle is a Doctor and Bella isn't an idiot. They won't be in Washington either.
Again. The first half will be loosely based on the book and then just go completely off the rails because, Like you said, the Volturi have brains and I LOATHE an 'idiot' plot where people are required to suddenly become stupid for the story to work. As for the OYH route, I will be borrowing a couple elements from OYH but the conflict will be very different.
Elisha is baby and there's no way I could make another Dhampir at this point. Not with how much I love him.
The aging process will work differently in this fic for Dhampirs, so this question is irrelevant since Elisha will be a child for the entire fourth book. As for when he's older, Its still up in the air for this series. He deserves to be baby and I very much dislike the trope of age faster = mentally develop faster because that's BS.
We'll see, I love Bella and Garrett, but there's A LOT I'll have to cram into the last book so we'll just see.
As much as I'd love to answer this, I'm covering the honeymoon in the fourth book so you'll see what happens in there ; )
I HAVE PLANS for random one shots. I REALLY DO. I just has so little time to work on the main story so I might write some when Earthshine is done! I have a name for the one-shot collection already too and some Ideas!
I very much plan to write the fourth book you'll be fine. Bella will not be nervous, she'll be WAY more anxious about it going right. Mostly her nerves will be from anticipation and excitement because she'll be 23 and be very secure in her forever with Carlisle.
There will be a fight in book four that will not have the Volturi turning stupid. Don't worry about how.
Charlies little story is a Novella so I don't count it as a book.... GOD hearing you plowed through the series in so short a time is MIND boggling. I get people telling me this occasionally and I NEVER stop being amazed by it!
As for the sex scenes, yeah, I didn't want this to be erotic literature. I frequently scream that 'THIS ISN'T A SMUT BOOK' because them having sex is just a normal healthy thing that happens in relationships and wanted to show that. The sex scenes I write tend to be glossed over anyways so I'm glad it was readable for you. I get feeling frustrated and wanting more plot, but there are plenty of people who prefer the very explicit smut.
If sex scenes aren't your cup of tea, that's fine. I don't view Bella as pure and innocent though. It teeters dangerously on the Madonna/Whore dichotomy to act like she is. I get wanting to preserve the innocence of your childhood through her. That's not me though. Bella/Carlisle's relationship is highly sexual in nature within SoG and that's ALRIGHT too!
Thanks for the super long ask!!! it was great to read and fun to respond to!
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itsadamcole · 4 years
not my sister
fem!reader x tyler breeze
reader is keeping a huge secret from her brother, that she's dating Tyler Breeze. When reader's brother, Adam Cole, finds out that his sister and Tyler are in a relationship, things don't go well and someone gets hurt ...
Tumblr media
word count: 3.2k+
warnings: slight angst, violence, fluff, smut
— this is the first time i'm writing an imagine with a name instead of "Y/N" so bear with me please —
masterlist || request an imagine here
~ 18+ content below - read at your own risk ~
You sit in Tyler's dressing room with your legs across his lap on the couch. You're playing with his fingers. One of his arms is wrapped around your shoulders and your head is on his arm.
"I've been thinking," Tyler says, looking down at you. "We should tell Adam. I mean, he's your brother and he has no idea that we're together."
Sighing, you say, "You know how protective he can be, Tyler. He's not going to like that I'm dating one of his best friends."
Tyler looks down at you and says, "He won't like it even more if we continue to hide it."
Someone calls Tyler's name for his match with Fandango against Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan and you say, "Yeah, you're right. Um, we can tell him after NXT if you want."
Both of you get up as Tyler says, "Hopefully he doesn't beat my ass."
You take his hand and say, "I'll beat his if he even tries to beat your ass."
He laughs and you leave the dressing room. Fandango is in the hallway and he looks at the two of you. Dango is the only person that knows about you and Tyler, and that's because Tyler spends as much time with Dango that he does with you.
Dango says, "I just saw your brother head back to the Undisputed Era's locker room from the promo he did with Dream. Roddy was with him, and Adam stopped to ask if I had seen you so he might be looking for you, Olivia. Just giving the two of you a heads up since you decided to hold hands."
Tyler looks down at your connected hands and he says, "We're telling Adam after the show anyway."
The three of you head to the backstage area. You stand in a dark corner with Tyler, kissing him as Dango stretches out. There's still ten minutes until their match begins. Hiding in a corner with Tyler until his matches begin isn't uncommon, especially for the past few months.
You've been with Tyler for months, and you've kept it a secret this whole time. Hiding in corners and in his dressing room helps.
Tyler's hands are on your face as you slowly kiss him. You smile into the kiss and wrap your arms around Tyler's waist, pulling him closer to you.
"I'm close enough, baby," Tyler says, laughing a bit into the kiss.
You giggle against his lips and say, "Not to me."
He laughs and says, "You are crazy."
You run your fingers through Tyler's short hair and you keep him close to you.
Both of you are too involved with each other that you don't notice your brother come into the backstage area.
Adam looks around for you and notices you with Tyler. He's shocked at what he sees. He walks up to you and almost shouts, "What the hell is going on here?"
Tyler pulls back from the kiss and you look at Adam. "Nothing!" you automatically say.
"It doesn't look like nothing, Olivia!" your brother says, eyes flickering to Tyler. "What the hell are you doing with my sister?"
You look at Tyler and he says, "Adam, I can explain what's going on-"
Adam says, "You better do it fast before I kill you, Breeze."
Tyler throws his hands up and he says, "Okay, Olivia and I were going to tell you after NXT was done but we're dating."
You stand beside Tyler and Adam says, "Dating. You're dating my sister?" His voice rises again and brings his hand down across Tyler's cheek.
"Adam!" you gasp. "That was completely unnecessary."
Your brother gets in Tyler's face. "Keep your hands off my sister," Adam snarls. You try to wedge yourself between them. "I'm serious, Breeze. If I see you anywhere near my sister I'll-"
Tyler says, "You'll what, Cole? Hm? Hit me? You've already done that so come up with something better than that."
Adam says, "We can bring this out into the ring where I can hit you with a Last Shot. Or how does a superkick sound?"
Your boyfriend says, "Bring it, Cole."
"Tyler!" you say. "Adam, stop!"
You hate that your brother and your boyfriend are fighting. You look at Roderick Strong with a glance of desperation. You need help. Both of these men are taller than you and weigh more than you. You won't be able to hold them off for much longer.
Your brother takes a few steps back and you stop struggling to get between them. You move and stand in front of Tyler.
Then before you know it, a foot connects with your jaw and you fall into Tyler. You clutch your jaw as Tyler holds you in his arms. You look at Adam and he has a look of regret on his face. "Olivia-" Adam starts, but you cut him off.
"Save it," you spit at him, walking off to see the trainer you so can make sure that nothing is broken.
Tyler's match goes on, and you watch as your jaw is examined.
Nothing's broken and the skin is just bruised. The door to the trainer's room opens up and you watch as Tyler runs in with Fandango right on his heels.
He gently touches the forming bruise on your jaw and says, "I didn't think he'd actually try to superkick me but then you got in the way. I tried to move you."
You say, "I'm okay. Just bruised up. Nothing's broken. Adam's superkicks are ridiculously hard so I'm lucky I don't have a broken jaw."
Tyler pulls you into a hug. He kisses your temple and says into your hair, "I just have to get changed then you can come back to my place. I don't want you to go back to Adam's."
"I live with him so I'll have to go back eventually," you say. "I'll just tell Britt that I'm staying with you tonight. Adam knows so I guess there's no point in hiding it anymore."
He says, "Alright. Let me get changed then we can go. You call Britt and tell her you're staying with me."
You nod and walk off with Tyler to his dressing room.
As Tyler showers and changes, you call your brother's girlfriend. Britt answers in a few rings. "Hey, Olivia. What's going on? Everything okay?" she asks.
"I, uh, I'm staying with Tyler Breeze tonight," you say. "Adam found out that I'm with Tyler and he freaked out, plus he superkicked me trying to superkick Tyler so I don't want to see Adam right now."
Britt says, "I'll talk to him. Wait, you're with Tyler? Like you're dating Tyler?"
You sigh and say, "Yeah, I am. We've been together for a few months now. Adam just found out today and that's when he freaked out. Tyler and I were going to tell him after NXT but he found us together. He and Tyler said some words backstage then I got accidentally superkicked by my brother."
There's a sigh before Britt says, "I'll have a long talk with your brother tonight so you can come home tomorrow. Hopefully, he'll have an apology ready for you and for Tyler. Oh, and by the way, I kind of figured you were with Tyler. You've been spending a lot of time with him and sneaking off with him. Don't think I didn't notice, Miss Olivia."
Giggling, you say, "Someone was bound to notice. I'm glad it was you and not my brother considering the current circumstances."
Tyler walks into the room and looks at you. Britt says, "Well, I'm happy for you. I'll talk to Adam about it and get him to calm down. I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you, Britt," you say, hanging up the phone. "Ready?"
Your boyfriend says, "Yeah. I'm all showered and clean so we can just lay in bed and cuddle all night."
You gather your things, meaning your phone and wallet, before asking, "Can we actually stop at Dunkin to grab some coffee? And can we play Fall Guys tonight? Please?"
Tyler laughs and says, "Yes, we can grab a coffee and play Fall Guys tonight."
"Yay," you say, leaving the dressing room.
Your boyfriend laughs and intertwines his fingers with yours. You both leave Full Sail Arena. A few of the remaining superstars look at you and Tyler as you walk the halls to leave.
Tyler does stop at Dunkin, and you get your usual coffee order. A large coffee with cream and extra sugar. When you get back to Tyler's, he gets Fall Guys set up on his TV for you and he uses his PC to play.
You play several rounds with him. One crown is won between the two of you, and it's you that won it. You definitely rubbed it in Tyler's face and his response was, "Olivia, you're like a pro at this game. You play every damn day."
"And what about it?" you said in reply to Tyler's comment. He just laughed.
After about two hours of Fall Guys, you both decide to stop. It's late, and you both won't stop yelling "quit pushing" during several of the rounds where if you fall off the edge, you lose.
Tyler cleans up the Dunkin and shuts off the game. That's when you realize that you didn't bring any clothes to sleep in.
You look at Tyler and say, "Um, we have a teeny tiny problem."
"What's that?" Tyler asks, walking into the living room from the kitchen.
Playing with your thumbs, you say, "I don't have anything to sleep in. Jeans and a t-shirt isn't exactly comfortable."
Your boyfriend looks at you and asks, "You don't sleep in your underwear?"
You blink at him and ask, "You do?"
Tyler asks, "Who doesn't sleep in their underwear?"
You point to yourself and say, "Me! I don't sleep in my underwear. I actually sleep in pajamas or sweatpants."
"Well I have pajamas or sweatpants you can sleep in," Tyler says to you. "Go find something to wear."
As soon as you were given free rein of Tyler's closet, you sprint to Tyler's room. He follows you and you say, "You never specified what I can grab."
Tyler says, "Spare the hoodies, please."
You get to Tyler's closet and open the door. You look in the small closet and find a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. You change, forgetting Tyler was behind you. His eyes are on you, too focused on you to look away.
When you're finished changing, you turn and find Tyler's eyes on you. Your cheeks heat up and you ask, "Did you just watch me change?"
He stammers, "I, uh, I might have. I didn't do it on purpose though."
You giggle and throw your jeans and t-shirt somewhere in the room and you walk over to Tyler. "You watched me change on accident?"
"Yeah," he says.
Tyler's face is a little red and you say, "It's okay. I know I'm hot so you don't have to be embarrassed about it."
He laughs and says, "You are stunning, baby. I'm not embarrassed about it."
You say, "Your flustered cheeks say differently, Mr. Breeze."
A giggle leaves your lips and his hands move so they're resting gently on your cheeks. He cups your face as he says, "I'm going to kiss you so you stop talking about how red my cheeks are."
"I won't stop you from kissing me," you say, smiling up at him. "You know I'll never turn down a kiss."
Tyler smiles and pulls your lips to his. The kiss is slow and soft at first. You shuffle closer to the taller man in front of you and grab a fistful of his shirt. Your eyes flutter closed as the soft kiss continues. You deepen the kiss when you not-so-accidentally slip your tongue into his mouth.
A soft gasp leaves Tyler and you smirk a bit against his lips. His fingers slide up into your hair, holding you close to him by your head. Your hands slip up his shirt, going up and over his stomach and his chest. The fabric is being pushed up as you move your hands.
Your boyfriend pulls back from the kiss to look at your hands under his shirt. "Miss Cole, are you trying to tell me something?" Tyler asks.
Giggling, you say, "Maybe I am, Mr. Breeze. You know how much I love when you don't wear a shirt."
Tyler laughs and he pulls his shirt over his head, leaving him in just his jeans. They hang a little low on his hips and you trace the v-line that's exposed.
Your eyes follow your fingers as Tyler asks, "Anything else you'd like me to take off?"
You look up at Tyler and say, "Um, not right now."
Tyler just smiles and shakes his head a bit before bringing his lips to yours. The kiss is deep almost immediately. You hook your fingers into the belt loops on his jeans and pull him close to you.
His hands are now on your waist and you take a step toward the bed, letting Tyler know where you want to go. You push him onto the bed so he's sitting on it. The kiss breaks and you look down at him.
Tyler's fingers slip up your shirt and he says, "It's only fair."
"I don't disagree," you say as Tyler pulls off the shirt you're borrowing him him.
His eyes scan you body and you reach behind you, unclasping the bra you're wearing. You toss it at him and he says, "You didn't have to do that."
You crawl onto his lap, straddling his thighs and ask, "Are you complaining about it?"
Tyler starts to leave kisses on your now exposed breasts. A soft sigh leaves your lips and you run your fingers through Tyler's hair.
A few moments and marks later, you put your hands on Tyler's cheeks and tilt his head up. You lean down and kiss him. This kiss is rougher and more passionate than the other kisses you've shared with Tyler tonight. You slightly grip his hair as he moves backward on the bed.
Subconsciously, you start to unbutton Tyler's jeans. At the same time, Tyler's fingers are hooked in the borrowed sweatpants and he's tugging at them slightly. Tyler gets the sweats off of you, leaving you in your panties. You get on your knees between Tyler's legs and pull off his jeans. You throw the pants across the room before Tyler pulls you onto him and rolls over so he's hovering on top of you. He's kissing your neck.
Your eyes close and you sigh underneath Tyler's body. His hands roam your body for a few seconds before one of them finds its way into your panties. His fingers gently start rubbing and playing with your clit. You gasp and put your fingers into Tyler's hair.
This is the first time either of you are spending a night with the other and look what's happening. His hand is in your panties and he's marking up your neck.
"Tyler," you sigh, kissing his forehead.
A finger dips inside of you, making you squirm slightly. "Yes?" he mumbles against the skin on your neck.
You say, "I need you to do something."
Tyler starts to move his finger in and out of you, making you moan his name softly. "Like that?" he says.
"Just like that," you say in almost a whisper.
Satisfied with your answer, Tyler moves his finger faster and harder. You bite your lip to stifle some moans but it's not really working.
A second and eventually a third finger is added. Tyler's lips are on your chest and trailing down to your breasts. You're gripping the bedsheets and arching your back off the mattress as Tyler moves his fingers.
"Fuck," you sigh as he builds your orgasm. Your breathing is labored and you look down at Tyler.
Suddenly, he pulls his fingers out and you whine from the sudden absence of his fingers. You watch as he smiles and says, "I got you, baby. Don't worry."
Tyler pulls off your panties and his boxers before reaching into his bedside table and grabbing a tiny silver package. He opens it and slides the contents onto himself. He kneels between your legs, which are wrapped around his waist.
You lick your bottom lip as he asks, "Okay?"
Nodding, you say, "Yes."
He smiles and slowly begins to slide his erect member into you. You gasp and moan from the pressure. You grasp the bedsheets again as Tyler's length fills you.
Tyler lets you adjust to him before he starts to move. He thrusts his hips into you, holding himself up as he hovers over you. You stare up at him as he fucks your into the mattress.
Your moans and the sound of skin slapping together fill the dimly lit bedroom. You're now holding onto Tyler's forearms as he moves.
One of his hands moves down and start to rub your very sensitive clit. He picks up his speed as he thrusts harder into you.
Your orgasm is built back up within a few movements and your legs shake from the overstimulation.
A knot forms in your stomach and your nails dig into Tyler's arms. Tyler moves harder and he starts to hit his target; your g-spot.
"God, Tyler," you moan. "Don't stop. Oh, please don't stop."
He kisses you softly before saying, "I would never dream of stopping."
Your back arches off the bed again as your walls clench around Tyler. He pins your hips to the mattress and you cry out, "I'm about to come."
Tyler says, "On three. Ready? One."
His movements speed up but get sloppy.
Your moan his name loudly and the knot in you stomach explodes.
You both come at the same time. You cry out Tyler's name as you release around him. He releases into the condom.
He helps you both ride out your highs and you kiss him messily. Both of you are covered in a layer of sweat and are breathing heavily.
After a moment, Tyler pulls out of you and pulls off the condom. He ties it off and you crawl under the blankets. Your jaw aches a bit but it was worth it for the sex.
That was only the third time the two of you have ever gotten together, and it was more amazing than the first two times. Especially because you don't have to leave right after. You get to stay the night.
Tyler lays beside you and pulls you into his arms. Your back is to him and you're holding one of Tyler's hands. He's leaving soft kisses to your shoulder and neck.
"Guess what?" you ask.
He says, "Hm?"
You turn your head toward him and say in a singsong voice, "I get to stay the night."
Tyler laughs and says, "Yes you do. Expect another round shortly because I just can't get enough of you." He playfully growls and attacks your neck again.
You giggle and get comfortable in Tyler's arms as he leaves even more marks on your neck.
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eagles-translated · 3 years
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Answering Eagles questions before the season 3 finale (Part 1/2)
I've received a bunch of questions since 3x08 and 3x09 dropped, so I compiled all the questions into two posts. I had to split them up because Tumblr only allows 10 images per post. Anyway, keep reading to see my answers and enjoy! 👇
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My theory is that everybody will be gathered together for some event and then shit goes down. Sort of like the ending of 1x08.
We've seen an image of Adam, Omar, and Ludde together at a party of some sort. I can't post it here because of Tumblr only allowing ten pictures, but you can find it in Ludde's prediction post that I made prior to the season 3 premiere.
Felicia might be absent from this considering how her mental health has been recently, and instead opting to stay at home rather than attending a party.
I have my suspicions that Elias will be attending this party, though. We saw him at some concert in the season 3 trailer and they made it look like he was watching Amie singing in Stockholm. But maybe Amie will be performing at this party and Elias is watching her here instead?
It seems like Amie singing at the end of the season has become kind of a recurring theme. She performed "Follow" in 1x08 and "Second Sight" in 2x10 (on the radio, but my point still stands). I wouldn't be surprised if they followed this trend by having Amie perform a new song in the season 3 finale.
Maybe Elias approaches her after the performance to express how good she is. He hasn't really seen her do a live performance since 1x08, where she still hadn't really come out of her shell. They've also grown a lot closer this season. Perhaps Elias even has something more to tell her?
I can't help but feel like this party will end on a bad note, though. We have that whole thing with Andreas potentially buying a gun or whatever he's up to (discussed this more in another question down below).
I have a feeling this party is going to get interrupted in some way and that the season is going to end on a major cliffhanger.
I don't even know what they'll do with Ludde and Felicia. Ludde has no idea what happened to Felicia in these last two episodes, and I hope they'll have a conversation just to clear the air surrounding the whole press situation. Ludde still loves her even if he broke things off, and I would really like to see him reassure Felicia that the blame lies with Jack and not her. I don't think they will get back together and repeat what 2x10 did since the drama is still so fresh. Felicia shouldn't really get into a relationship right now, either.
I'm unsure about Klara. I feel like she's mostly done her part this season, but maybe things aren't completely finished between her and Elias. Maybe there were some things left unsaid on Klara's part when she met with Elias at the café, and Elias never really confirmed where he was at.
This talk regarding their relationship (and Eagles?) might happen in the season finale. I'm leaning towards them ending it for good since I doubt they will be getting back together. However, I'm pretty sure that it will be on good terms now after everything Klara did for Felicia.
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I somewhat agree with this, even if it was worded a little harshly. Felicia shouldn't have been so quick to share the most personal thing that had ever happened to her on her first date with a guy she had just met. And she shouldn't have done the same thing with Jack, even if it was someone she'd known for longer.
I think she should've at least waited a while to see if the person she told her secrets to was trustworthy—sort of like Ludde did when he told Felicia the truth about how Andreas landed in prison. That's a huge secret and it made more sense to have it be shared closer to the end of the first season rather in the first three episodes.
On the other hand, I can definitely understand why she was so quick to share her problems. Felicia was really lonely when she first came to Oskarshamn. Her parents were fighting all the time, and her dad was only focused on Elias' hockey career. She carried these huge traumatic events and had nobody really supporting her when she ended up at the hospital and was sent to rehab. Felicia couldn't share the secret about her dad's affair either. She really had nobody in her life that she could talk to about any of this.
So it's reasonable that when she finally met a person who she really connected with, she felt comfortable enough to finally share these burdens she had been carrying. She actually started out by saying this to Ludde in 1x03:
I don’t know why I’m telling you this. I don’t talk about it to people.
I don't think Felicia set out to tell her whole backstory to Ludde. It just happened. I'm not saying it was the right choice, but Felicia probably realized that she desperately needed someone to talk to. And she said herself that it felt really good to just get these secrets out (until it didn't when she thought Ludde had spilled the beans to Klara). Felicia even made sure to stress to Ludde that he couldn't tell anybody about her experiences in the US.
Felicia: I don’t want this to come out, that’s really important. Ludde: Of course, I’d never tell.
A similar situation arose with Jack. Felicia was more isolated than ever and she had aborted a child that nobody knew about—not even her mom. That's a huge secret to carry on your own.
Felicia had known Jack since she was a child. She trusted him and he was a family friend. Not only that, but Jack has the ability to be incredibly charming when he wants to be. If anything, it makes more sense that Felicia told her personal things to Jack rather than to Ludde. She couldn't predict that Jack would turn out to be a cheating asshole who would leak everything in the press. It's kind of sad that Felicia would have to constantly keep quiet about all the wounds she's carrying when support from the people around her is the thing she needs and craves.
I've never said that the Kroon family's reaction to them being slandered in the press wasn't valid. I actually understood their anger and frustration quite well, but they let their emotions get the better of them. Yelling at Felicia did nothing to help the situation even though it's fair that they would direct their anger at the person who was to blame in that situation.
It wasn't pretty, and ganging up on Felicia (when her personal business had also been leaked) wasn't the best way to deal with the situation. But because their privacy was violated, I understand it. I can agree with you on that part.
It just sounds like you're implying that Felicia isn't allowed to share personal stuff at all because it would be "gifting ammo to expose her family". If Jack had actually been a decent person and never ruined her family's reputation in the press, you wouldn't be as harsh on her. The situation just got blown out of proportion for everybody.
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Put these questions together since they were sort of asking the same thing regarding the last scene of 3x09. Here is the full transcript from that scene if anybody needs a reminder:
Man: Hey. Andreas: Hello. Man: Wasn’t yesterday. Welcome to the outside. Andreas: Thanks. Hey… The last time I saw you, you said you knew somebody who sells. Man: Are you thinking of a fully automatic? Andreas: Yeah, whatever. Man: There’s a guy in Stockholm. I’ll fix it. I’ll send you the number. Just tell him I sent you. Andreas: Alright, good. Got it. Man: Good. Good, see you. Andreas: See you.
It actually didn't click for me at all when I first saw this scene that Andreas could've been talking about buying a gun—my first thought was actually that he was talking about a car because I'm that stupid lmao.
Anyway, there is definitely potential for the season to end on a cliffhanger involving a gun and Andreas. I have a few theories on what the season could end like. Season 3 has been so much darker than previous seasons, so while this might feel too serious for a show like Eagles it's definitely not out of the question after the recent episodes. Anyway, here's what I think could happen.
1. The season ends with Andreas having the gun—but we don't know if he'll actually use it 2. The season ends with Andreas just about to shoot someone—but we don't know who (?) 3. The season ends with Andreas having just shot someone—but we don't know who (?)
I don't know which one of these theories I'm leaning more towards, but I really hope this won't be the outcome for Andreas. He just spent close to a year in prison for something he didn't even do. Andreas is not a criminal, and it would be disappointing if he actually ended up doing this. They could be throwing us for a loop.
I mean, personally I don't think shooting somebody because they were the reason my younger brother didn't get into his dream school is enough reason to risk ending up in prison for. Yes, Ludde got his reputation ruined, but there are other ways to solve that than to resort to crime. Andreas should know that too, considering the whole thing where he got landed in jail because he tried to protect Ludde.
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This could absolutely be the case but at the same time I'm a little unsure. Hopefully things will just go up from here since the last two episodes were so dark, but I'm unsure what that last scene in 3x09 will mean for the season finale.
I hope they will do something similar to 2x10, where the ending was more bittersweet than just sour. We had the moment with Elias finally being drafted to the US and then Felicia and Ludde finally getting back together. We saw Amie achieve her dreams as a pop star. And yet there were still sour tones with us seeing Klara's dad passing away, Ludde being brought to the police station, and Amie being entirely alone and heartbroken.
2x10 was a really good episode and the ending montage gave me goosebumps the first time I saw it. I think ending a season like that, with both positives and negatives, hits you more emotionally rather than just ending on one or the other. The 1x08 season finale was really depressing and while the cliffhanger was intriguing, it didn't hit as hard for me as 2x10.
I'm kind of curious if they'll be able to top that episode—it's definitely among my personal favorites.
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My stance is that if Elias and Amie won't happen in 3x10, they will be guaranteed to happen in season 4. There is no way they're passing that opportunity up. They have clear chemistry, are fan favorites, and it absolutely makes sense for them to get together considering where they're at in their journeys—both having realized their dreams but then coming back to Oskarshamn because it didn't turn out the way they thought it would.
I think they have a mutual understanding of each other—in season 3 more than ever—and it would definitely be a shame if their potential was wasted. So I can't see the writer(s) passing up that opportunity.
There is a possibility for Elias to make a move in the season 3 finale, but I think it's better to keep our expectations low. We just had Felicia go through something really traumatic and her whole family is dealing with the ramifications of Jack slandering them in the media. Elias's relationship with Amie might have to take a backseat because of that.
There's also the thing where we thought that Petra might forbid Amie from seeing Elias because the newspapers painted him as a sex addict. But I think Petra and Amie have reached an understanding in their relationship after the whole Michael thing, and I can see Petra taking Amie's word when saying that Elias isn't what the press makes him out to be—and that he's not like his father.
I really do want to see something happen between them in the season finale, though. I'm excited but impatient for Elias and Amie and I think there are many fans who feel the same way.
But there is a reason they've been so slow to develop their relationship. Elias and Amie have grown as people separately and they're at a point where I believe they're more compatible than they ever were previously. They've been building their character development, slowly but surely, and I like that they haven't been rushed together like Felicia and Ludde were.
If nothing happens between them in season 3, don't lose hope. I think season 4 will absolutely be Elias and Amie's season.
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I hope so. I hope Petra isn't listening to the tabloids and tries to see what's in front of her instead, which is that Elias is not Mats.
Elias is entirely his own person. I know Petra was heartbroken when Mats left her after getting drafted, but when Elias was put into this exact situation he hesitated because he didn't want to leave Klara alone.
Klara: Elias… I don’t understand why you’re even thinking about this. Of course you’re going [to the US]. You’ve always wanted this. Right? Elias: But I don’t want to leave you.
Petra doesn't know about this, but we as the audience do. Elias's actions have always been caring and supportive (and I'm not just saying this because Elias has always been my favorite character). It should only be a matter of time until Petra realizes that, if she just gave him a chance.
I think that Petra will eventually see that Amie has finally found someone special who makes her happy. That Elias isn't at all like how Mats was at his age, or like Michael who didn't even bother to support her.
Petra has been so unlucky in love and I hope she can see through her prejudices and let her daughter be happy and loved, in the way that Petra never really got to be.
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It could happen, but even if it does I don't think they will be separated for most of season 4.
Maybe Amie decides to finally take charge of her career and tells the record label that she's doing this her way or not at all. Maybe she even decides to quit to try a music career on her own terms, or with a different label that doesn't make her as successful but doesn't control her.
I never felt like the particular record label Amie ended up with was a great fit for her. Yes, she's very talented and I would love to see her become an even bigger star, but only if it's done the way Amie wants it to be done. There could be the possibility of Amie leaving the label, just like how Elias left the US.
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I definitely think Felicia has picked up on Elias overworking himself. He's been at the gym constantly, even during the school field trip to Stockholm. Elias left this huge opportunity in the US to come back to Eagles, and the overworking could be a result of him feeling like he has to prove to both himself and the people around him that this decision was the right one.
They've been super subtle about this whole thing and I hope they will be discussing it properly soon instead of just giving us small snippets. There was discussion about this being an eating disorder, but I think it's leaning more towards overworking like you said and bad eating habits (in my opinion, we would need to see something more drastic before drawing the conclusion that Elias might have an eating disorder).
There's so much that needs to be brought up in the season 3 finale—like what exactly Andreas is planning and its outcome, Felicia healing after her suicide attempt and potentially having a conversation with Ludde, and maybe some sort of triangle drama between Elias and if he'll choose Klara or Amie. There are so many possibilities here that I have my suspicions that this storyline won't be fully resolved in just one episode.
I think it will be pushed forward into season 4 because that seems to make the most sense right now. I've been wrong before though, so something else could definitely happen.
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babieyangyang10 · 4 years
violent ends (chapter 12)
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(chapter 12)
series masterlist
genre: hunger games!au
pairings: huang renjun x oc, na jaemin x oc
warnings: lots of kissing, mentions of killing, description of injuries
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Athena's POV
It took a while for Jisung's quiet sniffles to fade the night of Chenle's death. By the time Mark and I had made our way back, Jaemin and Jisung had found out the news after they saw his face among the dead in the sky. Honestly, it was almost easier for Jisung to find out that way. I know Mark was in too much pain to tell him. As for me, I don't know how I could bare to look him in those innocent eyes and tell him either. As expected, he took it pretty hard. I mean, he was his best friend. He literally cried so much, that he eventually became exhausted and fell asleep.
I took the first watch, since Mark looked like he needed rest as well. The only other person who was still up was Na Jaemin.
"What are you thinking about?" Just like when we were alone in the first days, his head was resting on my lap.
"Jeno, Renjun, and the District 5 girl are the only ones left other than us." I point out.
Focusing on the positives, he replies, "Okay, well I'm guessing they'll go after her for us, since she's alone. Hopefully, they'll kill each-other. If not, we'll do it."
My voice was in a small whisper, "And then?"
He's silent.
I know District 2 is watching me right now. The same district that attachment is only necessary when it pertains to something you need. Once you have gotten what you've needed, you have to detach yourself. Almost like how a leech sucks enough blood until their fulfilled, then falls off on their own free will.
These people have given me my fill. Mark and Jisung took Jaemin and I in, even after Jaemin was injured. However, now we are both healthy as can be. As they sleep in front of me, what is stopping us from running away or even just killing them? Friends. Something I never had before. I never understood it until now. How it means that even though I'm full, I feel obligated to them too. To give just as much as they gave me.
But they are right. This is what they warned us about. This obligation will keep me captive. Let's say that we do all make it to the end together. Even so, the games will continue until a single victor. It happens every time.
The longest was the 25th games, it lasted for a total of twenty-seven days. This year the Districts had chosen the children of their mayors. Because of growing up wealthy and sheltered, none of the kids knew anything about fighting.
So they didn't. Half of them were wiped out by vicious mutations on the third day, then eventually others by starvation. However, the Gamemakers had a twist this year. Instead of the parachutes sending things to help and aid you, they sent down things like tracker jackers and acidic rain. No longer did the tributes have to survive eachother, but instead the sponsors.
Three weeks later, only two managed to do this: a brother and sister from District 9. Hopeless and broken, they decided to draw straws to see who would survive and win. The brother ended up getting the short one and gave his sister a kiss on the cheek before she stabbed him to death.
This just proves no matter how much you care for the other survivors, the Capitol won't give up until you kill the other.
The long silence was interrupted, "You know you're my priority. Ever since the beginning, only you."
"You know what I'm saying, what I'll do if I need to." Jaemin whispers sincerely, "I know you wouldn't like it, but we promised it would be me and you in the end, right?"
I knew exactly what he was alluding to. It doesn't matter if it's Mark or Jisung, he would kill anyone so we'd survive.
"I know." I speak even through the lump in my throat. There's no point in pretending or acting like things could never possibly come to that. I mean, it's not like the games are a place where you make friends.
Jaemin is sensitive to my discomfort, "Hopefully, it won't come to that, okay?"
All I could do was respond with a nod. Let's hope it doesn't.
It's almost natural the way I once again played with his hair to calm down. I noticed that since we've been separated, time had caused his nearly-black roots to appear, fading nicely into the frosty blonde. His eyes were more sunken in and tired, but still held the same old light as he peered up at me with interest, "You really have no shame, Athena."
"What do you mean?" I tease, playing innocent like I wasn't obviously checking out the beautiful boy just seconds earlier.
Then, in a burst of affection, the boy literally almost tackles me. My elbows brace myself up on the ground, as he leans over me. Alarmed, I turn my head to see the boys fast asleep, a good distance away.
When I look back at Jaemin, I feel my head start to buzz. It's seems like so long since I've been this close to someone. A someone who is somewhere far away in this arena. Someone, who in was in this same position with the night before I came here. In a soft voice, Jaemin's voice brings me back to the present, to him.
Not long after I nod, I feel his lips softly brush over mine. Almost as if he's testing the waters. The kiss that follows is soft and delicate, yet brief. It's like I'm a piece of glass, that he is trying his best not to break. When, he backs away to see my reaction, I nearly chase after his lips. He just laughs to himself at the display of eagerness. I move back, so I'm entirely laying on the grass.
I try to be patient, not wanting to overstep our boundaries. However, when he looks down at me with absolute adoration, I didn't stop myself from grabbing his shirt with both my hands. Once I pulled him down into an bruising kiss, I could hear him let out a content sigh.
I get lost and entirely forget where I am. Instead of in an arena, it just feels like we're two young teenagers making out under the stars. It feels normal and completely right. Out of breath, he is now laying on top of me. My mouth is open in awe, while I marvel at the feeling. Relaxing, I could feel Jaemin smiling into my neck. Even in the dark, I know the cameras can see me also smiling like a fool to the sky.
After that, Jaemin decided to take his watch and let me sleep. It was the first peaceful sleep I have had until forever. That was, of course, until a young boy named Park Jisung ruined it.
"We need water!" Beside me was a knocked out, Jaemin. He was leaning against a tree, while my head was leaning against his shoulder.
"Okay, fine. Just shush." I was trying to be wary of Jaemin, who stayed up for both of our watches.
Grabbing my stuff, I say a brief goodbye to Mark. Jisung happily follows me like a little puppy, probably glad to finally get out of the camp again.
The fresh sun illuminates the water of the lake. Birds are singing good morning to one another.  I hand my bag to Jisung, as I take out my bottle. The tiny fish quickly swim away as I fill Mark and I's bottles up with water.
I feel a tug on my leather jacket.
"Athena." Jisung was pale, looking behind me.
My head snapped around to automatically meet eyes with Lee Jeno. Across the lake, he had just arrived with Renjun.
I don't waste any time before grabbing Jisung and running into the woods behind me. However, we could only get a small distance before Jisung fell to the ground, clutching his bad leg, "I can't."
"You can. Come on." I tried to hold him up like I did during the forest fire. I could hear the two Careers just around the corner.
"I'll slow you down." Jisung begged, "You gotta go without me." 
Not even having it, I grabbed him and sat him down behind a nearby bush. Since the bush was fairly small, I had to go to the only other one across the clearing.
"Let's split up." I hear nearby.
Through a gap in the branches, I see Lee Jeno come around the corner. My heart pounds with each of his steps. Jeno gets closer and closer the bush Jisung is hiding behind. I violently curse in my head as I realized Jisung was carrying my backpack with all of my weapons in it.
I guess we're gonna have to do this a different way.
I dart out of my bush and begin running in the opposite direction of camp. That way, Jisung could hopefully make it back undetected to get help.
I don't look back at all. I just keep running until I get back to the lake. Before I can change direction, I feel someone jump on me.
Crashing down, the side of my head collides with a large boulder. At first, it's completely numb and I'm able to push the tall boy off of me.
However, once I push myself up, I start to see black and fall back to the ground.
"Hey, I got her!" Jeno yelled out to Renjun.
"We've been looking for you, pretty girl." His arms have mine completely pinned to the dirt. The more I struggle against him, the more the white dots fill up my vision.
Renjun's POV
When I run towards Jeno's voice, I eventually found the two of them.
Jeno was holding the small girl. Lee Athena's face was as white as a sheet. Blood was pouring out of her head, falling in thick drops down the side of her face. I couldn't even tell if she was even conscious at this point.
She was completely limp as the boy sat her up on her knees, "Why don't you finish her off?"
"Look who came to join us." He cooed, grabbing her hair to make her look up at me.
Her half-lidded eyes recognized me right away. Although, there wasn't any signs of fear or sadness for what she knew was about to happen to her. She almost looked like she was challenging me. You wouldn't.
Would I?
"Do it." Jeno urged me. Her chin was tilted back by his hold on her hair, neck entirely on display. My hand was tightly wrapped around the familiar blade in my hands.
I tried to quickly come up with an excuse for my next actions in my head. I mean it would have to happen eventually. At least, it would be somewhat quick.
Then, I did it.
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cantolopejeevas · 6 years
okay I'm gonna start sending stuff! the first one is probably obvious but I either want the "you can only see the color of your soulmate's eyes" or the heterochromia au (you can pick or combine!) for toughcookie because gooooold eeeeyyyyes and also Mortar knowing his soulmate has Black Eyes like holy Shit
Okay, so this one came out a little longer than I expected, haha, so I’ll be putting it under a cut~ I decided to combine these prompts, so hopefully it comes out cohesive!
Black hair. Black clothes. Black Market. Black eye. Black, black, black, black, black.
It was almost sickening. But it was all Mortar knew. The only color he could see, thanks to the damn eye that wasn’t even his in the first place. Everything else was a shade of gray. So he stared himself in the mirror and forced himself to revel in what little he had. If his yuppie soulmate was going to snatch away everything from him, even the very color from his sight, then he could at least try to make the most of it.
A part of him wondered what they were doing. Sitting on a golden throne, probably. With golden rings and gems and coins, bricks of precious metal at their feet. No doubt marveling in a little golden hand mirror how they even have a golden eye. A sign that they even had a golden boy out there somewhere for them to take advantage of.
But he wasn’t golden. He was cloaked in black.
Some sadistic part of him wanted to meet his soulmate. See the look on their face when they met the business end of his knife. Wouldn’t even get a first chance.
But he knew that wouldn’t happen. He was in America now. And his soulmate was back home.
…For the best. Didn’t need one anyway.
“Keep quiet and this’ll be over real quick-like.”
Mortar’s knife was poised to end this poor sap he had pinned, but a soft clicking caught his attention. He turned his head to snap at whoever to go the hell away, but all the air in his lungs suddenly flew out, and he couldn’t even think anymore.
Color. So much color, bright and vivid, he didn’t know what it was, but his eyes begged for mercy from the sudden onslaught, a migraine instantly blooming up. He tried to rub away the stabbing pain with the heel of his hand, but suddenly found himself pushed back, and his head cracked painfully against the other wall of the alleyway.
Everything went black for a moment. All he could hear were running footsteps, and that same clicking, now faster. Something touched his face, and he tried to blink away the darkness. Bits of color started to peek through, but he focused on the little dots of black still above him. An eye. A nose. Little freckle-like markings.
“O-Oh gosh, are you okay…? Can you hear me?”
Soft. Soft voice. He groaned out a low “yes”. Or tried to.
“Should I… Should I get an ambulance?”
Concussion. Bad concussion. Shock, fight the shock. With the last of his strength, he reached into his pocket for his phone and raised it for this stranger to take.
“Rrr… Rob…”
On that, his body caved, and he passed out.
Slowly, Mortar opened his eyes. Slate gray. He was used to that. But he wasn’t used to the mask covering his nose and mouth. Some sort of bullshit concoction for his lungs. He reached up to pull it off, but a gentle touch stopped him.
“Rob said not to do that…”
Color once again. He blinked several times and took in the stranger. A sheep? Huh. Guess you could find any sort of person in America. And he was pretty cute. Nice colors, soft looking face, big doe eyes he could get lost in…
Snap out of it.
“Who the hell are ya?” he asked, voice hoarse. Damn, how long had he been knocked on his ass?
“Cookie,” the stranger answered. “Um… I think I’m your… Soulmate?”
One black eye. And one not black eye. Maybe he was. But Mortar didn’t know what gold looked like. The only leg for this theory was the fact that he could even see the color as something not gray.
A sharp pain went through his head.
“Oh!” Cookie ran toward the doorway and peeked his head out into the hall. “Rob, Michael needs help!”
Rob only grinned as he strolled into the room like the fucking asshole he was. “Is that right, boss? Ya need help? Fell pretty hard, from what I heard. How ya feel?”
“How do ya think I fuckin’ feel?” he groaned out, one hand pressed to his throbbing eye. “Slammed my head, got knocked out, woke up all hooked to some fuckin’ oxygen bullshit, and now this cute li’l creampuff over here is in my base and knows my name!”
“Better safe than sorry with your fucked up lungs,” Rob said with a shrug, then cocked his head toward Cookie. “And he wouldn’t leave your side. I mean… How can anyone say no to that face?”
Mortar glanced over at Cookie, who was very clearly flustered and trying to hide behind his ears. Well, okay, he couldn’t argue with that.
“Anyway, I’m fine, just in a shit-ton of pain,” he muttered. “Can breath, can think, can talk. Everything’s fine. Now get the hell outta here, I’m already sick of lookin’ at ya.”
“Sure thing. Michael.”
Alone with Cookie again. He glanced over and was a little happy to see that Cookie had stopped playing peek-a-boo with his ears. After a tense few seconds of staring, Mortar finally sat up. Be strong. This was his soulmate. Apparently. Couldn’t be weak in front of him.
“Um… Are you sure you’re doing okay?” Cookie asked as he carefully approached the bedside. “You were out for a few hours… And…”
“‘M fine, Cookie. Swear.”
Those already big eyes widened, and Cookie stared at him and gently ran his hooves over his ears. It was the sappiest thing he’d ever seen.
“What?” he asked, cocking his head to the side.
It was like Cookie snapped back into reality. “Oh, um, sorry, I just… The way you said my name is… Different. Um, where are you from?”
“Not here.”
A tense silence fell over them. Mortar didn’t know what to so. This was his soulmate. The little black-eyed prince that he was somehow bound to.
But he didn’t look like no prince.
“Rob said the funniest thing,” Cookie started, as he fidgeted with the little straps on his overalls. “When I asked your name, he said ‘Mortar’. But of course I knew that couldn’t be right. Michael is a… A lovely name, by the way. I like it a lot.”
Something in his chest fluttered. For a second he thought maybe he had parasites eating away at him again. But then he realized it was his heart just acting on its own.
“Mortar,” he started slowly as he tried to ignore that thought, “is what I usually ask people to call me.”
Cookie blinked, then brought his hooves to his face. “Oh gosh, oh no, I’m sorry, I…”
“‘S fine,” he said softly. “You can call me Michael. Soulmate privilege.”
“Okay…” A soft smile took over Cookie’s face. “Michael.”
There went his heart again.
“So, um… Are you part of a gang, or…?”
“Smart Cookie,” he said, amused by his own joke. “Figured it out?”
Cookie bit down on his lip. “I saw you attacking someone, and… And Rob had me blindfolded to come along with you. The whole Mortar thing also. um…”
“Ah, yeah. That’ll do it.”
More silence. At this point, he was almost certain things were safe. Cookie didn’t seem like he’d be a snitch. And if he was, well…
For some reason, Mortar didn’t wanna think about that.
“I won’t hurt you,” he said out of the blue, before he could catch himself. Damn concussion. Making him say shit he probably shouldn’t.
“You won't…?”
“Nah.” Mortar leaned back and took Cookie in with a careful eye. “Don’t want to. You’re too soft. Squishy. Looking at ya wrong might break ya. And I like soft things.”
Suddenly, he felt Cookie’s warmth right next to his face. A pair of lips on his cheek, then gone. And damn, if it didn’t feel like his heart was going to give out. His boy, his boy, his boy, soulmate, right there!
“I appreciate it,” Cookie said, still leaned over the bed. “But, um… Can I go home? I have work tomorrow, and…”
Oh. Right.
“Rob’ll take ya,” he mumbled, trying not to sound too disappointed. “Just ask. He won’t bite.”
“Thank you. And… I’ll come see you again. I-If you want…”
Mortar blinked, then shot Cookie a crooked grin. “Sounds good, cream puff. Get my number from Rob. I’ll keep ya updated.”
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