#tyler breeze x reader
toppersjeep · 1 year
This is a Masterlist of all the WWE imagines I’ll be writing. Requests are open. I do not write smut.
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Seth Rollins/Colby
Seth Rollins- His Girl?
Tyler Breeze/ Matt
Finn Balor
The Shield
Alexa Bliss
Dean Ambrose/ Jon
These are some of the few people that I will be writing!! So if you have any specific requests let me know. The imagines will be organized by person.
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weemssapphic · 1 year
hii :) how are you? I hope well <3 I love the way you write so much :)
so, I had this idea in mind for a while, reader is a teacher and she and Larissa have been flirting for months, like there were times when they both wanted to confess their feelings but for fear of the other's rejection no one has ever taken the first move.
the Rave'n arrives and at a certain point the song "i wanna ruin our friendship" starts and reader and Larissa stare at each other from afar
larissa runs away to her office trying to figure out what to do and when she decides to go confess her feelings to reader, she opens the door and reader is standing in front of her
after that you can add whatever you want, possibly smut and fluff
thank you if you will write my request <3
Hello! thank you so much for your request, I truly adored writing it and thought it was an amazing idea - excellent song choice hehe <3 I hope you enjoy it!
Ruin Our Friendship
Larissa Weems x f!reader
words: ~4.4k | ao3 link in title
content/warnings: pining, flirting, fluff, nsfw (smut) - marking, cunnilingus (reader giving)
A crisp fall breeze blew your hair off your shoulders as you walked up to the doors of the Weathervane during your lunch break, excited to treat yourself to a coffee before the afternoon staff meeting.
As you entered the little café, you spied Larissa standing in line waiting to place her order. Your heart fluttered at the sight of her - you’d had a crush on your boss since starting at Nevermore the previous year (you couldn’t fathom how anyone couldn’t have a crush on the statuesque blonde), and you’d even managed to form a friendship with her, bonding over your shared love of music, old films and literary classics. As of late, though, you felt the lines of your friendship blurring more and more as the two of you had developed a teasing, flirty undertone to your conversations.
That fact thrilled you - flirting with Larissa was fun, exhilarating - as much as it terrified you. You were almost certain it was nothing more than a passing game for her; after all, she seemed to have a rather flirtatious nature in general. To you, though, it was much more. With doubts about her intentions at the back of your mind, you were hesitant to share your feelings with the blonde - surely being rejected by your boss wouldn't exactly be an ideal move for your career (or for your heart, for that matter).
You began to cross the café and make your way to the line to order, intent on engaging in conversation with Larissa, when a man who seemed to have similar intentions tapped Larissa on the shoulder.
Not recognizing him, you slowed your gait, curiosity getting the better of you. When the man placed his hand on Larissa’s arm, she pulled away instantly, looking visibly uncomfortable.
“Hey, baby, haven’t seen you around these parts.” His voice was so sleazy and, as his gaze traveled Larissa’s body, it lingered far too long on her long legs, then on her breasts, which he was almost face to face with at his height.
Without thinking, you sidled up to the taller woman and wrapped an arm possessively around her waist, ignoring the small squeak she let out and gazing up at her with the most lovey-dovey eyes you could muster (as if that were even hard). 
“Hi, baby,” you purred, smiling coyly up at her. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting.” 
You rose up on your toes a bit so you could reach her cheek, pressing your lips gently to her cheekbone, then turning your head away from the man’s view and whispering in her ear, “Follow my lead.” 
You glanced over at the man who was watching you, his face slowly turning scarlet.
“And who might this be? Have we met before?” You offered him a sickly-sweet smile, waiting for a reply as his mouth opened and closed like a fish.
“Uh, sorry,” a voice interrupted timidly from behind the counter, and you turned to see Tyler’s eyes darting between the three of you. “Did you want to order something?”
With a final look of disdain towards the stranger, you turned your attention fully to Tyler, unaware of how your hand was gently stroking across the fabric of Larissa’s dress in a soothing pattern, even more unaware of how Larissa was desperately trying (and failing) to ignore the way this made heat pool in her core.
“Could I please get a latte to go? Honey, what would you like?” Larissa looked down at you with wide eyes, still processing her current situation. After what felt like an eternity she replied, “I’ll have the same,” her eyes still trained on you.
You briefly let go of Larissa in order to search your bag for your credit card to pay, then took her hand in your own and all but pulled her to the other end of the long counter to wait for your drinks. Her hand was warm and soft and your skin tingled where it met hers. 
“Y/N?” Larissa whispered when you didn’t let go of her hand. 
“He’s still watching,” you whispered back, all too aware of the man’s eyes boring a hole in the back of your skull.
And maybe you weren’t ready to let go, not yet - not now, when you knew how it felt to hold her hand.
The staff meeting that afternoon was, admittedly, a bit boring. But boring was just what Larissa needed to ground herself after your little stunt at the Weathervane had left her dazed and, if she was honest with herself, extremely aroused.
She found herself unable to focus on Coach Vlad’s proposal for a higher fencing budget and, instead, found her eyes drifting over to you. With each glance at you the heat in her core spread further, until it felt as though her entire body was ablaze. Her cheek still tingled from where you’d kissed her, her waist felt like you’d branded it with your hand.
You’d only been doing her a favor, she reminded herself. It didn’t mean anything - it was simply girl code. No one had ever done something like that for her, and she supposed she should be grateful - after all, you had saved her from having to have one of the worst possible conversations of her life. 
When the meeting was over and the staff stood and began shuffling out, Larissa called your name and asked you to stay behind. She would simply thank you, that’s all.
“Yes, Larissa?” You smiled brightly at her and she felt her cheeks warm under your gaze as she struggled to find the right words.
“Thank you,” she said finally. “For what you did for me at the Weathervane - you saved me from an absolute headache of a conversation.” She paused. “And thank you for the coffee, I can pay you back,” she added, reaching for her purse.
“No, it’s fine,” you insisted. “You don’t have to pay me back, it’s just a coffee. And of course, what are friends for? I couldn’t just stand there and watch that slimy man throw himself at you.”
Friends. The word made Larissa’s stomach churn uncomfortably. If that’s all you saw her as…
“Yes, well, I appreciate it, nonetheless.” Larissa forced a smile to her lips.
A charged silence filled the air, both of you still thinking about the kiss you’d pressed to Larissa’s cheek, both of you too nervous to address it.
“Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask - will you be at the Rave’N?” Larissa asked, as nonchalantly as possible, subconsciously fidgeting with the sleeve of her blazer.
“Are you asking me as a girlfriend?” You giggled as you said it - Larissa could feel it was a joke but her entire body tensed up anyway.
“I-I was just finishing up the chaperone list, actually,” she stuttered out, not quite able to fully meet your gaze as she unconsciously straightened her posture.
“It was just a joke,” you said softly, offering the blonde a warm smile which she hesitantly returned. “In that case though, yeah, sign me up.”
Larissa nodded numbly.
“I should go though, my class is starting soon and I would hate for my boss to find out I was late.” You tossed Larissa a wink and left her in the staff room.
Larissa stood rooted to the spot, stunned and even more confused than before.
Stationing yourself on the end of the dance floor farthest from Larissa was for the best, really. At least that’s what you told yourself. From all the way across the room, you wouldn’t be tempted to shower her with compliments. You wouldn’t be tempted to wrap your arms around her waist. You wouldn’t be tempted to drag her onto the dance floor, or pull her close, or rise onto your toes to press your lips to hers. You wouldn’t be tempted to do something you’d surely regret, something that would ruin the beautiful friendship you’d developed over the past months.
The song changed and you tried to focus on the music to distract your wandering thoughts.
Jenny, darling, you're my best friend But there's a few things that you don't know of Why I borrow your lipstick so often I'm using your shirt as a pillow case
You recognized the song immediately. It always reminded you of a certain blonde principal who had caught your eye, though you would certainly never admit it. You took a sip of your Yeti-tini and allowed your eyes to wander the room, taking in the dancing students. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, even Wednesday Addams, and it made you smile into your drink.
Your gaze wandered further until you locked eyes with the one person you’d been mercilessly avoiding since your arrival. Larissa’s shining sapphires bore into your own, her expression wistful - God she looked so beautiful. Elegant, poised - the picture of grace. Then a blush colored her cheeks, embarrassment making itself known on her face as the two of you simultaneously registered the lyrics thumping out of the speaker.
I wanna ruin our friendship We should be lovers instead I don't know how to say this 'Cause you're really my dearest friend
It was as if everything around you was slowing down. You barely registered the thumping of the bass, the bodies of students swirling around you as you stood rooted to the spot, dumbstruck. The only thing you could focus on was the way Larissa’s eyes widened, the way her lips parted, the feeling of your own body coming to life as a buzzing spread throughout your limbs.
You took a step forward, your concentration momentarily broken when a student bumped into you, and you looked down to apologize profusely. When you looked up again, Larissa was gone. 
It was only after she’d shut herself in her office that Larissa finally felt like she could breathe again. She leaned with her back against the door, tipping her head backwards and shutting her eyes, taking a moment to breathe deeply and to get her racing pulse under control.
Larissa was normally an expert at keeping her desires under wraps. She was nothing if not in control - when it came to everything except for you, apparently. You looked so enticing tonight, Larissa had noticed it the second you’d walked in. She hadn’t allowed her eyes to roam over your figure until you’d turned away, of course, but the second you had she’d traced your curves, the way your suit clung to your body and emphasized your figure in a way that left her mouth dry.
She’d wanted nothing more in that moment than to steal you away, to leave lingering kisses all over your body until you were whimpering with anticipation, until you were begging her to take you - and then she would. She would push you up against a wall and mark you hers, make you scream her name until the whole school could hear who you belonged to.
Did you feel the same way? she wondered, her heart racing as she considered your encounters over the past months. The sexual charge in the air when you were around was undeniable. Could you feel it, too? You’d seemed open to her advances, to her flirting, but she’d been too afraid to make a move - the last thing she’d wanted was to come on too strong if her feelings were not reciprocated.
The heavy throb between her legs was becoming too much to bear, and Larissa decided she needed to try. She would hate herself if she didn’t. With a steadying breath, she turned and opened the door - in an instant, she felt the air leave her lungs, frozen at the sight of you standing there, eyes wide. 
It took you a few seconds to register that Larissa had left. You stood at the center of the dance floor, clutching your empty cup to your chest. Should you go after her? Would she want that? There had to have been a reason she’d left during that song, after seeing you. Surely it wasn’t a coincidence. Surely you weren’t delusional. 
You didn’t realize you’d set into motion until you were halfway to Larissa’s office. You slowed as the door came into sight, a door that you’d knocked on and entered through a hundred times before but that suddenly seemed imposing - a door that taunted you. 
Would Larissa even be in her office? What if she’d left because you’d made her uncomfortable, and she simply wanted to get away from you? What if-
Your ruminating was cut short by a loud creak as the very door you were staring at opened, revealing a shocked Larissa.
“Larissa,” you breathed out, suddenly feeling your heartbeat in your throat.
The blonde was seemingly frozen as she stared at you, mouth agape, until finally she croaked out, “I was just coming to find you.”
“Oh,” was all you could say in response.
“Would you like to come in?” She sounded almost timid, and that filled you with hope. You nodded and she stepped aside, allowing you to enter her office before shutting the door behind you.
The two of you stood in her office, a tense silence blanketing the room. There had to be a reason she was coming to find you, didn’t there? Your mind raced as you tried to come up with something, anything to say to stave off the awkwardness that surrounded you both.
You both spoke at the same time, and Larissa chuckled nervously while you felt a heat rise in your cheeks. 
“Please,” she said, gesturing for you to speak.
“Larissa, I…” You searched her eyes, those icy blue irises that you would happily drown in. They stared back at you with an intensity that set you ablaze - you were suddenly warm, everything was warm as a heat radiated from your core. “Oh, for fucks sake.” You surged forward, bringing a hand to the back of Larissa’s head to pull her towards you as you captured her lips with your own.
You half expected the kiss to be hesitant, for Larissa to push you away - what you didn’t expect was the ferocity with which Larissa kissed you back. Her hands gripped at your waist, pulling you closer until you were flush against her as her tongue swiped at the seam of your lips.
Larissa licked into your mouth, letting out a soft whimper as your tongue slid against hers. Her lips felt heavenly against your own, warm and pillow-soft - eager. You slid one hand into her updo, tugging at the silky strands while your other hand cupped her cheek.
“Darling,” she whispered, pulling back ever so slightly. Her gaze lingered for a moment on your lips before flicking up to meet your eyes. “Why did you come to my office?”
There was uncertainty in her tone, but also hope, and your breath stuttered in your chest.
“I-” you struggled to get the words - any words - out. “I’m nervous,” you whispered hoarsely, searching Larissa’s face.
Her previously intense gaze softened slightly and she smiled timidly. “So am I,” she whispered back, her grip tightening imperceptibly on your waist.
“I kissed you on the cheek at the Weathervane.” You were still whispering, almost afraid to say the words out loud. “I couldn’t stop thinking about that.”
“Neither could I.” Larissa’s voice was low and breathy.
“I’m very attracted to you.” God, was that an understatement.
“I’m very attracted to you, too.” You could feel Larissa’s hot breath on your face as she spoke - it sent a shiver down your spine.
You leaned in slightly, your lips brushing faintly against hers - a question. Larissa responded by closing the remainder of the gap, pressing her lips firmly to yours. 
“I would very much like to show you how beautiful you are,” you murmured between kisses.
“Far be it from me to stop you.” You could feel Larissa’s smirk against your lips and you dropped your hands to her hips, fisting at the fabric of her dress.
Larissa’s lips barely left your own as she guided you to her adjacent quarters, maneuvering around the small apartment until you reached the bedroom, the backs of your knees bumping into the edge of the bed.
The taller woman gently pushed your shoulders, causing you to fall back onto the bed. She stared hungrily down at you for a moment, cheeks flushed, pupils blown.
“Are you sure about this?” She sounded breathless.
You nodded fervently, earning you a raised eyebrow. “Words, darling,” Larissa all but pleaded.
“Yes, I’m sure.” That you were, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
A smile graced Larissa’s features, which quickly turned into a smirk as she towered over you. She set her hands on the bed, on either side of your hips, hovering over you. When she leaned in, you thought she might kiss you again, but she bypassed your lips and went straight for your throat, finding your pulse point within seconds and beginning to nibble and suck at the sensitive flesh. 
“Larissa,” you moaned, heat pooling between your legs as you felt her warm, wet tongue soothe over the side of your neck, over the marks that would surely turn purple come morning. 
You reached around her back, finding the zipper of her dress. “May I?”
Larissa hummed her consent and you dragged the zipper down as far as it would go, then helped Larissa push the sleeves of the dress down her arms. She stood again, a vision before you - her skin was milky white and dotted in tiny, pale freckles, breasts cupped by lacy white fabric, her dress pooling at her hips, the slight swell of her lower belly on display. You could feel your mouth go dry.
“You’re staring.” Larissa’s breathy voice forced your gaze upwards - her cheeks were pink, her eyes half-lidded as she looked down at you.
“You’re gorgeous.” You couldn’t help the emotional sincerity that laced your tone, and Larissa’s face flushed further.
You placed your hands on Larissa’s hips, holding her gaze as you leaned in slowly. You pressed your lips to her belly, the skin soft and warm against your mouth. A plethora of kisses was littered across the expanse of her stomach as you used your hands to push the dress over her hips and allow it to pool at her feet.
Then your hands came to the waistband of her panties, pulling them down slightly, revealing her mound, covered in a patch of neatly trimmed blonde curls. You allowed the panties to drop the rest of the way down Larissa’s legs as you focused your attention between her thighs, pressing a kiss to her mound then looking up in question.
“Would it be alright if I taste you?” you whispered, watching a visible shiver travel up Larissa’s spine. 
“Yes,” came her soft reply.
You took her hands in your own, guiding her onto the bed. She leaned back against the pillows and spread her legs, watching you with parted lips as you shrugged off your suit jacket and slowly unbuttoned your shirt, tossing the clothes into a heap at the foot of the bed. Your pants came next, until you were left in only your bra and panties.
Settling between her legs, you began to cover every inch of her inner thighs with soft, barely there kisses, until Larissa’s hips were bucking towards your mouth.
The scent of her arousal hung heavy in the air already, her cunt glistening enticingly. The moment your tongue made contact with her slit, a loud moan tore from Larissa’s throat, the sound so erotic that you were certain your own panties were now drenched.
You dragged your tongue slowly through Larissa’s folds, letting out a moan of your own at the heavenly taste. Your tongue reached her swollen bundle of nerves and her hips twitched beneath you. Circling the sensitive bud with your tongue, you wrapped your arms around Larissa’s creamy thighs to steady yourself.
There was a flurry of movement and you looked up through your lashes, groaning as you saw that Larissa had removed her bra and was palming her breasts, rolling her own pert, pink nipples into hard peaks. Your groan seemed to send a shockwave of pleasure through the blonde as she let out a whimper and bucked her hips upwards.
Larissa rolled her hips against your face, finding a steady pace to match the ministrations of your tongue as you alternated between laving her folds and sucking her clit.
“You’re doing so well for me,” you murmured between licks, eyes trained on Larissa as she writhed against the sheets. She looked down at you, her gaze meeting yours, and a knot began to form in your belly. She looked breathtakingly beautiful, her chest flushed and heaving, her cheeks pink, her hair spilling out of its updo in messy waves.
Her lips parted and she looked like she was about to say something, but then you latched onto her clit and her head fell back onto the bed as she let out a guttural moan.
“Please, can you- inside,” Larissa panted, and you quickly obliged, pushing a finger into her dripping hole. 
“So beautiful,” you said, breathless and in awe, before returning your mouth to her clit as you began to pump your finger in and out of her in a steady rhythm. Larissa matched the thrusts of your fingers, and as she seemed to get more comfortable, you pushed in a second finger. She groaned as her walls clenched slightly at the intrusion.
“Does this feel good?” You curled your fingers inside of her, finding her sweet spot, and Larissa let out a breathy, “Yes, God, yes.”
A few more thrusts of your fingers had Larissa arching her back off the mattress, her bucking hips struggling to keep your steady rhythm as you began to pump your fingers even faster.
You could feel her thighs begin to close around your head, trembling slightly, and you blindly reached out a hand, feeling the mattress next to her for her own hand. She grabbed it, intertwining your fingers with a firm grip while her other hand came to rest in your hair, gently but firmly tugging you closer.
“Good girl,” you said tenderly and Larissa whimpered, squeezing the life out of your hand as she teetered over the edge. You caught the arousal leaking from her core with your tongue, lapping happily away at her essence and allowing her to ride out her high on your fingers.
Once her breathing had slowed and her thighs had loosened their grip on your head, you pulled out of her and crawled up to hover over her, holding out your wet fingers for her to taste herself. Larissa’s eyes fluttered shut and she sucked the digits into her mouth, rosy cheeks hollowing out, moaning as she swirled her tongue around them.
She released your fingers with a pop, opening her eyes to meet your own. Her gaze was all-consuming - hunger and desire were reflected clearly in inky black pupils, but there was something else there, too, something that had your heart doing somersaults within your ribcage.
“Larissa?” you said softly, your voice cracking on the last syllable.
Larissa looked up at you, eyes wide and expectant.
“At the risk of-” your breath caught in your throat, your voice barely above a whisper. “At the risk of ruining everything-”
Your heart hammered in your chest as you searched Larissa’s face for any hint of emotion, but she had schooled her face into an impassive mask.
“I don’t just want this to be about sex…”
There was no going back now.
“I- I really like you, Larissa.”
You swallowed hard against the lump forming in your throat as Larissa’s eyes flicked between your own, the seconds ticking by.
“I really like you, too, Y/N,” she whispered finally, cupping your cheek with one hand as the other found the nape of your neck, pulling you slowly towards her until your lips met. The kiss was soft and emotional - it left you breathless.
“Would you… would you like to go on a date with me?”
A soft smile broke out across Larissa’s face, her cheeks dusted pink. “I would love to, darling.”
Your stomach filled with warmth as you leaned in to press a bruising kiss to Larissa’s lips, which she quickly deepened with a soft moan. You could scarcely have imagined, even just last week, that your flirtations with the woman beneath you could lead to anything. Finally feeling her strong arms encircle your waist, feeling her tongue against yours, hearing confirmation that your feelings were returned, was more than you could have ever wished for.
Larissa stood in front of your fellow teachers at the staff meeting the following Thursday. Her gaze flicked over to you and you nodded encouragingly. She cleared her throat.
“Before we end the meeting, I have something I’d like to speak on. It appears a rumor has begun to spread around Nevermore that Ms. Y/L/N and I are dating. I wanted to address this rumor before it gets out of hand.” Larissa paused, taking a glance at you to ground herself. 
“We have, in fact, begun seeing each other this past week. I want to make it perfectly clear, however, that this will not affect our professional relationship, nor will it affect my relationship with any member of our staff. I will not favor Ms. Y/L/N, and I would like to continue to foster an open, honest environment among our staff. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to come to me.”
Marilyn cleared her throat and raised her hand from the table to draw attention to herself. “I have a question.”
“Yes, Ms. Thornhill?” Larissa said with a hesitant smile.
“Were you guys seeing each other before the Rave’N, too?”
Larissa’s gaze flicked over to you, brow furrowing slightly. You shrugged and nodded your head once, gesturing for Larissa to answer the question how she saw fit.
“No, Ms. Thornhill. We began seeing each other after the Rave’N.”
A deafening silence filled the room. And then-
“Alright, pay up,” Marilyn said triumphantly, her lips forming into a smirk as she held her hand out on the table and wiggled her fingers. Several other teachers grumbled and dug around in their bags and pockets, tossing folded up bills in Marilyn’s direction - most notably Coach Vlad, who handed her a crumpled hundred-dollar bill with a huff and muttered “you sure you’re not a psychic, normie?”
Larissa looked at you with wide eyes, but from your puzzled expression, you seemed to be just as in the dark as she was.
“Ms. Thornhill, what is the meaning of this?”
“We made a bet on whether or not you two were already together. My colleagues seemed to think you’ve been together for quite some time now and have chosen to hide it from the rest of us.” Marilyn stated matter-of-factly.
“And you?”
Marilyn’s smirk grew. “I knew you didn’t have the guts to ask each other out.”
tags: @oceansblooming @alexusonfire @brienneswife @rosieathena @pro-weems-places @larissaoftarthweems let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future work or removed from the taglist <3
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gracesimp · 2 years
Sonic Duties
tenth doctor x fem!reader
Summary: the doctor teaches his companion how to use his sonic screwdriver.
just some short fluff tbh :') and maybe a little...suggestive? ;)
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If the Doctor wasn't piloting the TARDIS, he was working on her. And if Rose was being honest, she didn't believe that the Doctor had the slightest clue of what he was doing. Sometimes her and y/n even doubted that the ship needed repairing, the Doctor just coming up with that excuse to kill off his boredom when the girls' asked for a relaxed day.
Today was no different. Rose decided she wanted to pop back home for a short visit to see her mum. Y/n tagged along to say a quick 'hi' to Jackie, but a quick greeting involving the eldest Tyler would last at least an hour, so, the Doctor did what he always did. He got to work.
As predicted, an hour had passed before his companion rejoined him. He failed to hear the door opening as he was positioned under the ground railings, on his back with his sonic working away.
"Whatcha doing?" Y/n asked, evidently scaring the man as he jumped, dropping his screwdriver and making it fall on to his head as he groaned. Y/n held a hand to her mouth, trying her best to contain her giggles as the TimeLord hopped out from under the grating, rubbing his head with narrowed eyes.
"Don't do that! I may have two hearts but I'm just as good as dead if one of them stops!" He exclaimed.
Her giggles became louder and she pushed his hand away from his forehead, dragging him down gently by the neck as she placed a gentle kiss to the non existent bump. "You big baby."
"It hurt!" The Doc defended before rolling his eyes as a smile took over his face. He grabbed Y/n's hand, dragging her towards the wires his was fixing. "I'm just sorting out the wiring so that the radar gets more accurate reads. Wanna try?" He asked, holding his sonic out to her.
"Me?" Y/n pointed at herself, an unsure expression taking over.
"No, her behind you." Completely oblivious, Y/n looked around the room, finding it unoccupied baring the two. The Doctor smiled fondly. "Yes, you."
Bouncing on the balls of her feet, she raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" This earned a chuckle as he nodded his head. "Course I'm sure. I trust you. C'mon." He lead her by the hand to under the floor, revealing multicoloured wires exporting short sparks.
"Okay, so, psychic link." He said, pressing the sonic into her hand, allowing their fingers to breeze past each others as a slight shock ran through his veins. "Point and think!"
"Okay!" Y/n smiled, glowing with confidence as her head disappeared under the floor, leaving the man standing tall on the ground, unable to see his companion from the small holes in the grating. A few seconds later her head popped back up, all previous confidence having disappeared. "Doctor.."
"...What do I think?"
His smile falters a little and he rushes to get her back on her feet. "Actually, let's try it on something easier first." Y/n moans but complies, rolling her eyes when the Doctor rambles on about 'one wrong move ripping the fabric of space and time' or something along those lines. He interwines their fingers, pulling her forward towards the console.
"Aha!" Y/n looks up, watching as he fiddles with the monitor, pressing some buttons on the side of it. "Okay! Beginners practice! Just turn the monitor on. Easy Peasy - before you know it, you'll be a pro!"
"Do you reckon?" She smiles widely while the Doctor squeezes her hand.
"Course I do!" He nudges her with his elbow. "Right, just press this button," he steps behind her, her back pressing into his chest as he guides her finger to press on the button, smirking slightly as her breath hitches. "Point," He lifts her arm up, facing the switched off monitor. "And think." he whispers into her ear, sending shivers down her spine. Y/n curses internally, very thankful he was teaching her the ways of his screwdriver and not the psychic paper.
The blue light reflects on the blackness of the screen. For a few seconds, nothing happens. Just as she was about to give up, noise starts coming from the monitor. Shortly after it was accompanied by a video of her favourite film.
She jumps up in triumph, joining the doctor in his laughter as he wraps an arm around her, pressing her into him as he shakes her left and right.
"I did it!"
The Doctor offers her a cheeky wink, scrunching his nose proudly as a blood runs and taints her cheeks. "Never doubted you!"
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daddyhausen · 6 months
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 「 KINKTOBER DAY NINETEEN : RIDING 」 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
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。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
「 SUMMARY 」 — the confines of the barn could not contain the pleasure the two of you found yourself entwined in
「 WARNINGS 」 — 18+, [ MINORS DNI ], caught masturbating, voyerism, riding, praise, male masturbation, multiple orgasms, male + female orgasm, oral sex [ male recieving ], sub!adam, dom!reader [kinda], friends to lovers, unprotected sex, vaginal sex, penetrative sex, internal cumshot, vaginal creampie
「 WORD COUNT 」 — 1.8k
「 PAIRING 」 — fem!reader x hangman adam page
「 GENRE 」 — smut
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「 TAGLIST 」 — @cosmoholic13 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @adamjf @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980 @igncrxntripley @ripleyswhore @embermdk @thepalaceofmelanie @violetmacher @seeingstarks @kennysbadkitten @darkangelchronicles @ripleyswife @selena-tyler-564 @auburnwrites @biforrollynch
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his soft grunts fluttered from behind the heavy barn door as you listened in eagerly
how his breaths would flow in rapid succession of each other, moans spilling off the tip of his tongue
your eyes met his figure through the chips and cracks in the oak wood,
his large broad figure nestled amongst the bales, the subsequent straws of hay strewn around the dirt floor of the barn
the cowboy’s calloused and work-fatigued hands wrapped firmly around his shaft, pumping the appendage with a desperate need for release.
his chest still donned the flannel you’d seen him in since this morning when he was tending to livestock
the blue complements the pale pink undertones of his skin well, not to mention the soft yet sparse blond of his chest hair.
his chest rose and fell with soft shaky breaths trying and failing, much to his attempts to quiet himself.
adam looked so handsome under the warm glow of the barn lantern, his shadow would dance off the barn wall each time the candle light would flicker.
his golden curls, soft like quelled flames in a soft breeze.
the blues of his eyes matching the aforementioned flannel, widening with pleasure each time his palm ran over his over-sensitive tip.
you did not capture a glance at his size fully, for his forearm obstructing most of your view.
but judging by the comparison of his shaft to his palm, he was more endowed than most men you’d encountered
he pried his hand away for a moment, shuffling out of his jeans until they rested at his knees, the fabric providing slight discomfort and restriction for him
you could not help but continue to watch him as he resumed his movements
stroking himself with such passion it made your own loins yearn for him
already beginning to feel the wetness pool in your panties
his name fell from you lips in frantic moans
however, it was not at the revelation that he was thinking about you in such a state, half naked and ravishing himself
it was more so the fact of how impassioned your name sounded falling from his lips.
“oh fuck, darlin…” he muttered to himself through gritted teeth
it was the catalyst of your downfall
he’d never used a pet name with any of the female ranch hands aside from yourself, let alone such a chivalrous one at that.
if you were more deranged you would have stripped right there and fucked yourself to high heaven just listening to him
you gulped thickly, mouth running dry as he begged for you, pleasing to feel your body upon release
his moans sounded desperate, needy. yearning for your touch
“a-adam?” you questioned, composing yourself as you stepped into view.
“fuck-” the cowboy made a frantic effort to cover himself, haphazardly stuffing his cock back into his jeans
“oh shit, y/n! i didn’t realise you were here”
a heated blush fell to the burly man’s cheeks, cleary embarrassed by the predicament he’d found himself in
he avoided your gaze, still feeling his cock throbbed from having to forcibly edge himself as you sauntered cautiously towards him.
“i uh…i was just coming in to check on the horses” it was a lie, a poorly constructed on at that considering that adam had sent the horses out to pasture a mere hour ago
adam peered around the barn cautiously, only adding to your lie at the emptiness of the stables.
your eyes fell briefly to the sizable bulge still throbbing and haphazardly stuffed back into his jeans
a gulp thickly rose in your throat, only having just seen the appendage mere moments ago.
“i uh…i’m sorry for interrupting i’ll leave now” you stammered over your words, wanting to be rid if this embarrassing encounter sooner rather than later
the situation would have been far for embarrassing oh his part than yours
“w-wait!” he stuttered, his voice seeming far too eager considering the circumstances
you paused, about to high tail it out of the barn
turning back to face him, eyes still wandering downward, cheeks still heated with an awkward warmth
“since you’re here…i could use a little help- only if you’re up for it of course-!”
you caught wind of adam’s proposition, the poor cowboy’s cheeks burned red, still still damp as golden curls clung to his temples
adam had an effect on you, no doubt about that, and you’d be a fool to ignore the constant, persisting wetness in your panties and the dull throb between your thighs
you stepped towards him cautiously, mind still in two places although one side strongly dominated the other
before you knew it, you were on your knees between his thighs, hands placed atop his knees to steady yourself
“y/n-” adam voiced as your hand reached into his jeans, fingertips lightly teasing his sensitive tip. “are you sure?”
“just relax of me, cowboy”
you response was all he needed
the bundles and bales of hay had become rather uncomfortable in his current state, even with the lovely sensation of your palm lazily stroking his cock
he shifted in his position slightly, hips jutting forward with every slow pump of your hand
“sit still” you retort, tongue lightly teasing his tip
“y-yes ma’am” he responded with a small hiss
his tip red and engorged with arousal as it met your tongue
leaving soft licks to his tip, eyeing his reactions, noticing how his lips would part slightly with a pant
tongue wetting his lips with a gasp as your mouth wrapped around his shaft
head slowly bobbing up and down to a silent rhythm, keeping pace as he skinked lower and lower in your throat
“fuck…” he grunted through clenched teeth, your tongue dancing around his shaft
dragging across the veins along the underside of his shaft
nose nestling in the trimmed wiry mound of public hair.
“hold on, fuck- wait darlin’”
adam’s breath caught in his throat, his hand gripping your chin slightly, guiding your head back
your pried your lips from his cock, a soft pop ringing in his ears as you broke contact
you eyes hin curiously, tilting your head to the side lightly with slight intrigue as his breathing stabled
“need to be inside of you…” he hummed through a subtle moan, his cock twitched, still overstimulated and sensitive
you stood up. with an absence of words you slowly began to strip yourself of your clothing,
adam’s eyes followed the movement of your fingers, how they would hook into the belt loops of your jeans, sliding them down with ease
kicking them off with your shoes in the process.
the cornflower blues watched on excitedly, pupils blown with lust and adoration as your shirt soon followed, joining the growing pile of clothes beside your feet
adam gulped, completely enamoured with your barely-covered body. your most intimate ares still covered by your underwear
with slow strides you took your position on his lap, letting his hands roam up your figure
featherlight touches beginning from your hips leading up towards your spine
stopping just below the hooks of your bra, expertly unhooking the apparatus
the simple black material falling down your shoulders, exposing your bare breasts to him
he did not stare at them for too long, not wanting to seem rude of objectifying
but your body was the most beautiful he’d ever had the pleasure of witnessing
closing the gap between the two of you with a passionate kiss
his chest swelled with warmth as your bare breasts pressed against his skin
flesh on flesh seemed the most intimate
adam moaned against your lips, tongue drawing shapes against your bottom lip
his hips gently rutting against your own
the tip of his cock grinding against your clothed cunt
only adding to the wetness in your panties
“easy cowboy” you cooed softly, fingers twirling in his golden curls, gently massaging his scalp
lifting your hips up slightly, still not breaking the kiss as you pried your panties to the side
adam’s hand fell from your hip, slowly guiding his cock into your warmth
throwing his head back as pleasure coursed through him, just as you began to sit down on him
he let out a soft groan, the sensation left him gasping, hands instantly falling back to your hips, guiding your movements
“feel good?’ you whispered against his jawline, leaving breathless open mouth kisses to the patches of blond in his beard
he hummed quietly, craning his head back as you lips sunk lower into the crook of his neck
your hips instinctively began to move, bouncing and gyrating on his cock
feeling him stretch you out with such ease that made your head spin
“oh fuck…” he grunted, his full length buried deep inside your each time you slammed your hips down against his
“so good for me’”
his cock twitched inside your warmth, veins pulsing against your tight walls, drawing out his pleasure
your lips locked with his one more, your own pleasure building in low thrums in your belly
“adam…” you whimpered, cunt clenching around his size “gonna cum…”
“make a mess for me doll” adam’s grunts gre more feverish, as to did his movements
“oh fuck yes, darlin’ drip all over my fuckin’ cock”
the sound of skin against skin filled the air
moans rattling against the thick wooden panels of the barn
adam’s head nestled against your collar bone, muttering sweet praises to the skin as orgasm swelled in his cock
as did your own, your belly tied in knots, skin feverish and warm with arousal
orgasm threatening to spill over any second, gushing like a waterfall around his shaft once it did
your breath quivered in your throat, gasping for air, your lungs felt tight is if they were full of lead
yet your body felt so blissfully numb with pleasure, adam’s cock still fucking deep inside you
“gonna fill you up, doll” adam whispered not your skin, your body limp against his, allowing him to ruin you with every thrust.
his movements grew sloppy, his thrusts far and few in between as he filled you up
hot droplets of white leaking down his shaft as he finished
your cunt milking his length with every sweet clench and pulse
his body tensed, emptying the remainder of his warmth deep into you
soon relaxing once the high had subsided
you traced the indents of his skin lazily as he slowly regained his breath
over the little scars and bruises he’d accumulated over the years from working at the ranch
“think anyone heard us?’ adam questioned amongst the silence
“nah, most of them are with the cattle at the moment” you placed a small kiss to adam’s broad chest, just below the collarbone
adam smiled sweetly at the gesture
“in that case, how about we go another round hmm?”
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lovelytsunoda · 3 months
uptown girl // mickey "fanboy" garcia
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soft kisses shared in the bar light after a game of pool
she would do anything for her nerd boy. except maybe meet his friends in a crowded bar with a pool table where she can make a fool of herself in front of all of her boyfriend's friends. it's a good thing that mickey is a good teacher.
pairing: mickey "fanboy" garcia x female! reader
author's note: he had like four lines and i was prepared to go to war for this man.
the hard deck hummed with activity as she parked her car, flicking off the manual headlights before glancing at her phone, which was pinned to it's magnetic holder on the dashboard.
it wasn't too late to text mickey and tell him something had come up, was it?
as she was thinking it, as if mickey could hear her, her phone buzzed, the screen lighting up with a text message from her beloved.
mickey: hey sweet girl, are you almost here? everyone is so excited to meet you!
she sighed, switching the music off and cutting the engine, sitting in the dark car and waiting for the heated seat to lose its warmth. her relationship with mickey garcia was still very new.
they had only been together for a few months, having met at an eighties rock-and-glow dance night. she was standing by the stage, dressed in skinny jeans and a white t-shirt that glowed fluorescent in the blacklight, an old-timey glass sprite bottle in her hands as she sang bonnie tyler at the top of her lungs. he was the best dancer there, with a goofy personality that captivated her from the moment he grabbed her hand and pulled her into a slow dance to 'heaven in your eyes'.
deciding to rip the band-aid off, she grabbed her tote bag from the passenger seat and slipped out of the car, sea breeze cutting deep and sending a chill down her spine as she walked up the weathered steps to fightertown's navy bar.
her sweet boy was impossible to miss, his smile lighting up the whole bar as he stood next to the pool table, his short-sleeved button shirt untucked from his crisp blue jeans.
as nervous as she was, it was hard not to smile when she saw him, watching as he leaned over the table to delicately knock a striped ball into one of the pockets in the corner of the table. after the shot, he looked up, and infectious grin breaking out over his face when he saw her.
"hey, pretty girl." he beamed, passing his pool cue to a woman in a black turtleneck and jeans before he sidestepped the table and pulled his lover into an embrace. "i'm glad you came."
"hi, mickey." she smiled, kissing him softly. "i've missed you."
"are you ready to meet everyone? or do you want something to eat first? i can order you a plate of onion rings-"
she laughed softly, taking his hand in hers. she loved how attentive and sweet he was, always trying to dote on her whenever he could. when they were together, he hated letting her pay for things, even if it meant dipping into his not-enormous navy salary "mickey, it's okay. i have time to meet your friends before i order."
with a soft kiss to the side of her head, mickey looped his arm around her shoulders and they headed towards the pool table. "guys, this is y/n. my girlfriend."
she underestimated how much her heart would swell at hearing mickey say those words. hearing someone declare to the world that they had chosen her.
"y/n, this is natasha, jake, robert, bradley, hallie and javy."
"hello!" she squeaked, waving at the group. "nice to finally meet you guys, mickey has told me so much about you guys."
robert laughed, reaching out to shake her hand. "and mickey has told us even more about you. fanboy loves to talk."
she never though she'd meet someone who talked as much as she did until she met mickey. they could talk for hours, about anything and everything. when they were together, she suspected it would drive the people around them insane. except she didn't know how his friends would react, what they would think of her.
they made small talk for a little, while some of the guys and natasha all took their turns at the pool table. it was team game, although the teams seemed to be a little unbalanced in terms of skill level. mickey had pulled her into his lap, gently rubbing circles on the skin underneath her peasant top.
jake leaned over the table, his pool cue hitting the white ball, white harmlessly dusted the side of the ball he was aiming for, plunking down in the basket.
"god damn it, hangman!" javy groaned
natasha laughed, high-fiving bradley. "sucks to suck, bagman!"
mickey shifted in his chair, hands running up her sides. "our turn, pretty girl. do you want to try?"
she turned back to him, a small glint of panic in her eyes as she took his hand in hers. "i'm not very good."
bradley snorted, taking a sip of his budweiser. "we're miles ahead of hangman, you could break the table and we'd still be ahead of them."
"go on." mickey encouraged, pressing a soft kiss to her shoulder blade. "i'll guide you."
she stood up, still clutching his hand in hers as she moved towards the pool table. hallie passed her a pool cue, and she stood nervously by the table until mickey came up behind her. his hands were warm through her jeans, his back against hers as he guided her into the correct position.
"you got this, sweet girl." he said quietly, kissing the side of her head gently, his hands over hers on the cue. "it's a straight shot into the basket."
mickey stepped back, his hands still on her waist as she took the shot, hitting with just enough force for the white ball to send the orange solid ball into the basket.
one fell swoop.
mickey's side of the pool table started to cheer, and her cheeks flushed pink as she turned around to wrap her arms around mickey, hiding her face from the crowd.
"great job, my darling girl." mickey laughed, kissing her softly. "are you sure you haven't played pool before."
"my grandfather had a table in his basement." she said sheepishly, leaning the cue against the table to she could slip her hands into mickey's back pockets. "but i haven't played a proper game since I was twelve. he sold the table when they sold the house."
"maybe you'll have to play more often." mickey said, leaning in to kiss her softly. "i love you."
"i love you too."
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@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @thatsdemko @lorarri @sidcrosbyspuck @cartierre @httpiastri
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kyleoreillylover · 5 months
"You look so good under me."
Sami Zayn x Fem!Black!Reader
Summary: Sami finally convinces you to feed on him... in the most unconventional way possible.
warnings: smut, blood!
word count: 1,384
tag list: @southerngirl41 @venusesworld @jeysbae @reci1996 @tbonesteakwithasideofmashngrav @hope4more @selena-tyler-564 @saintaquarius @whatdoeseverybodywantt @raya-hunter01 @empressdede
A/N: Here is the prompt list I used for this fic! Read a Zowens vampire pic and got inspired 😩 Hope ya'll enjoy!
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If Sami could describe yourself in one word, it word be stubborn. You were so loving and caring with the ones you loved, but when it came to yourself, you were fiercely stubborn.
Sami found himself in gentle battles with you, trying to convince you to prioritize your well-being. You outright refused to drink any blood that came from someone unwilling, and this moral stance was something Sami admired, even though it meant constant negotiation to ensure you stayed nourished.
It all came to a head one night in your shared hotel room, after all your matches and segments, you were so weak that you could barely stand on your own.
Sami finally snapped, and he pushed you to lay down on the bed, making your eyes lock onto his in in a mixture of frustration and concern. He hovered over you, taking off his shirt, and you tried to resist, knowing where this was going.
“Sami, no.” You shook your head, trying to sit up, but Sami gently pressed you back, a determined look in his eyes. “Sami, yes.” He replied back, just as his lips met the exposed skin of his wrist.
You shut your eyes, groaning out at the smell of his blood. It smelled sweet, like an ocean breeze in the night. “Sami, back away from me, I don't want to hurt you." Your words were a mix of desperation and concern, but Sami remained resolute.
“You're not going to hurt me. You trust me to catch you so you don't break your neck in the ring, and I trust you to drink responsibly." Sami's voice held a gentle yet firm tone as he stopped you from getting up by holding your shoulders down. The warmth of his touch contrasted with the cold, weakened feeling that plagued you.
"Sami, stop." You squirmed under his touch, but your weakened state and Sami's strength prevailed. He gave you a look that made it clear he wasn't backing down.
"Y/N, you either stay here all night like this or you let me help you. Your choice." Sami's eyes bore into yours, a mix of concern and determination evident in them. You tried to close your eyes, but his gaze held you captive.
"Fine, then we stay here all night." You retorted, but your snippy tone turned into a moan as Sami's knee pressed gently between your legs, keeping you in place. His lips met your neck, and you felt the soft warmth of his breath against your skin.
"Sami, I—"
"Shh," he hushed you, his lips grazing your neck as he spoke. "I know you don't want to hurt me, but I trust you. I want to take care of you, and if this is what it takes, then so be it."
His words were both comforting and firm, and you couldn't help but feel a mixture of gratitude and frustration. You went to retort again, but his knee pressed into your core, and you let out a low groan, all thoughts ceasing as he rutted his knee against you, creating a distraction that left you breathless.
"I'll make you feel better, Y/N," Sami whispered against your skin, his lips tracing a delicate path along your neck. Your protests faded into soft moans as he continued his gentle assault, shifting his focus from your stubbornness to providing you with comfort in a way only he knew how. "Just let me make you feel better."
His wrist was so, so close to your lips, and the aroma of his blood was intoxicating. The internal struggle between your desire to protect him and the need for sustenance played out on your face. Sami, sensing your inner turmoil, slid his hand into your pants, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from you as his fingers met your core. You arched against his touch, the conflicting emotions within you now merging into a single, overwhelming sensation of pleasure.
"Sami, I—"
"Shh," he repeated, his fingers working their magic, expertly guiding you into a state of bliss. "Just let go, Y/N. Trust me."
As his lips trailed down your collarbone, you finally succumbed to the desire that had been building within you. With a hungry urgency, you sank your fangs into his wrist, the taste of his blood flooding your senses. Sami winced at the initial pain, but seeing you finally feeding brought a sense of relief and satisfaction to his eyes. The room filled with a mix of your moans of pleasure and the rhythmic sound of Sami's heartbeat.
"Breathe for me." He whispered against your ear, his voice soothing and filled with genuine care. The warmth of his blood coursed through your veins, rejuvenating you with each swallow. Sami's fingers crooked into that one spot that made you arch against him, curling them into your sensitive core. You could barely think, could barely breathe. Sami's blood tasted even sweeter than you could ever have imagined, like sex and heaven mixed into a potent elixir. Your brain was clouded with pleasure and relief, and for that moment, all the stubbornness and moral dilemmas were replaced by the intense connection between you and Sami.
You moaned out Sami's name as you retracted your fangs after drinking your fill. His wrist bore the marks of your hunger, but his eyes held nothing but satisfaction and understanding.
His fingers continued making you arch and moan out, and he kissed his way down your neck as he continued to bring you to the peak of pleasure. The room was filled with a mixture of heavy breaths, the rhythmic sounds of your moans, and the thudding of Sami's heartbeat, which had become a soothing melody in the background.
"Sami, I'm so fucking close." You whispered, your voice a desperate plea. Sami sped up his ministrations, his touch becoming more intense as he worked to bring you to the brink of ecstasy. His own breathing grew heavier, mirroring the rising intensity of the moment.
"Let go, Y/N," he urged, his lips hovering over yours as he continued to drive you wild with pleasure. The room seemed to spin as you surrendered to the euphoria building within you.
"You look so good under me." The praise made you shiver under his touch, and he responded with a knowing smile—all pride and love for making you feel better — before adding another finger that circled your clit just the wya he knew you liked it—fast yet gentle enough hat you could feel every ministration.
He always thought you looked beautiful, but right now, with your fangs slightly revealed, eyes glowing, and a flush of satisfaction on your face, Sami couldn't help but be captivated by your ethereal beauty.
He felt you clench around him, a shudder running through your body as you finally reached your climax. Sami pressed his lips to yours, the blood mixing with your saliva as you kissed him deeply, tasting the remnants of his sacrifice on your tongue.
As the waves of pleasure subsided, you collapsed against him, spent and sated. Sami held you close, his heartbeat a comforting rhythm against your ear as you both basked in the afterglow of your shared intimacy. In that moment, all the worries and struggles seemed distant, overshadowed by the profound connection you shared.
"I told you that you'd feel better," Sami whispered into your skin, a smug yet loving expression on his face.
"Shut up." You mumbled playfully, giving him a weak swat on the arm. Despite the lingering fatigue, you couldn't help but smile at the undeniable truth in his words.
"Oh, now you wanna give me an attitude?" In one swift motion, Sami rolled over, pinning you beneath him, kissing you, moaning at the blood still lingering on your lips.
"God, that is my new favorite flavor," He groaned into your lips. "I think you still need some extra blood, don't you think?" Sami paused, his mischievous grin widening.
You understood where he was getting at, and despite your earlier reservations, gently bit at his lower lip, drawing a small amount of blood. The metallic taste mixed with the remnants of his own blood on your tongue, creating a unique blend that seemed to satisfy both of your cravings.
Yup, you were so regretting not giving in sooner.
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sh0ek0 · 2 years
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heartbeat (part 1)
please find the other parts via my masterlist or the #sh0ek0 tag, I'm having some trouble with my posts not showing up in the tags and I think the links are messing this up
genre: angst, smut, dark content, kinda all over the place content warning: 18+ !MINORS + AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT! mentions of alcohol and drug use, smoking cigarettes, name calling, Maddy x Nate kinda love (Euphoria), toxic relationship, violence, emotional abuse, implied sexual violence (kinda?), fingering, choking, rough!megumi, slapping, prob more but I am new where is my guide to this?? pairing: Megumi x Reader (lil bit of Choso x Reader) word count: about 6.2k
summary: Megumi was the perfect boyfriend - until he wasn’t so perfect anymore. When you both met he became so obsessed with you but his obsession quickly turned into possessiveness. You were his. After you suspected him of being unfaithful to you for the first time your change in behavior caused him to act up and he began beating up every guy that even dared to look at you. That was your little game, you flirted with every guy that crossed your path to get his attention and he protected what belonged to him. Your toxic relationship fueled the both of you until someday, out of nowhere, he left you on your own.
recommended songs: Fallin Out Of Love With You - Montell Fish / NEW MAGIC WAND - Tyler, The Creator / Heartbeat - Childish Gambino / Still Don't Know My Name - Labrinth
(I have a very specific outfit in mind so here you go)
With a cigarette resting between your slightly parted lips you're sitting on the sill of the open window in your dorm room. Your eyes wander as you take a drag, the cigarette now between your fingers. A soft sigh leaves your mouth and your gaze falls on the bottle of wine and the box of frozen pizza on the table in front of your small kitchen unit. While the bottle of red wine actually has a bigger chance of being your dinner than the actual food next to it, you do consider just going to bed without having either of it. You are just so tired and you know that not even alcohol can mend the numb feeling in your chest.
A cold breeze from outside sends shivers to your spine so you mindlessly grab the big black hoodie laying on the table next to your dinner. You put away the cigarette so you can slip into the soft piece of clothing. As the smell of the dark fabric hits you, you have to swallow and close your eyes for a moment. Before you allow yourself to get lost in your thoughts you pick the cigarette back up to finish it.
"Fuck." you curse under your breath after trying to light it for the sixth or seventh time. You were about to throw the lighter away and call it a night when finally you could see the flame lighting up. You hold the black ashy end of your cigarette to the fire, immediately taking a deep drag and blowing out the smoke right away. 
"I should really buy a new lighter." you mutter while taking another drag. Or you could just quit smoking altogether.
Eyes closed, head resting against the window frame you're taking in the familiar smell of the hoodie mixed with smoke and your mind wanders off to its original owner. You can make out messy black strands of hair and pale skin before your inner eye, a cold expression directed at you. You can almost feel his hands touching your face, your hair, your body. His deep, raspy voice whispering sweet nothings while you're like wax in his hands, lying in his embrace.
How much you still loved him. Even though he was so cold and distant and hurtful at times you knew he just acted that way because you came too close. It probably was your fault, you pressured him too much. You asked too much of him. You hurt him. You were so needy and your behavior towards him was so disrespectful. You gave him no other choice and somehow you still miss the toxic mess the two of you had.
"Ouch!" you wince and shake your right hand, throwing the cigarette out of the window. You forgot about  it resting between your fingers and it burned all the way down, leaving a small burn mark between your index and your middle finger. Rubbing the burned skin you slid off the window sill, close the window and shuffle over to the kitchen table. 
While you opened the bottle of wine and filled up the only glass left in the cabinet, you saw your phone light up with a notification and then another. You knew there were several parties going on tonight, Nobara kept rambling about them during classes earlier today. You honestly did not care much about going out lately, maybe because you were crying yourself to sleep almost every night. 
It always started with a bottle of wine that you drank alone in your dark dorm room, listening to the same songs over and over again but it seemed like someone wanted to keep you from this fate tonight.
NOBARA: "I'll be there in five so empty that bottle fast and get ready." 
She knew you so well.
ITADORI: "I rly hpoe you and Kugisaki get your sexxy asses over here soon choso snd me bought waaay to much booze." 
Someone was very drunk already.
You take a look at the glass you just filled up to the top and then read Nobara's text again. You shrug and do as you were told, putting the half-empty bottle back into the cabinet. Why waste your own alcohol when you seemingly have no other choice than going out to that house party with Nobara and getting drunk there anyway. Like Yuji said: They bought way too much booze and you should be a good friend and help them out.
Y/N: "Dw babe your fav girls are on their way." you texted Yuji back.
There's a knock at the door just as you're putting on your mascara. You flinch and almost poke yourself in the eye with the brush. Hell, usually you're not so easily startled. Seems like you're afraid of who you might bump into tonight.
"How are you still not ready y/n?" 
A tiny woman with auburn hair and a skimpy little blue dress and color-coordinated heels storms in and examines you from head to toe. 
"You just texted me five minutes ago and I read that text probably one minute ago." you remark in a calm voice. Nobara huffs and disappears into Maki's and your shared bedroom. Speaking of Maki you remember that you have not really an idea where your roommate is right now - hopefully already taking shots with Yuta and Toge. 
You look into the big mirror right next to the door with parted lips and smudge the mascara along your lower lash line, then you draw an eyeliner and finally brush through your brows. Just as you were about to apply some lipgloss you can make out Nobara from the corner of your eyes. She pulled your favorite dress out for you and now stands behind you as she presents it with a big grin on her lips. 
"This will make him want to die. I want him to want to die." she says in anticipation. 
The black halter neck dress in her hands reaches just above your ass. It is so tight that it hugs your curves perfectly and it has a drop-shaped cut-out in the area of your cleavage. From behind it is completely backless and it has long, tight arm warmers, which only left your shoulders bare, to go with it.
You roll your eyes and yank the dress from her hands, slipping out of your shorts and the oversized hoodie in front of her. You don't care that you're only wearing panties - it's just Nobara. Your best friend. You put on the dress and turn back to the mirror. Hearing Nobara pour herself a glass of wine you decide to slick back your hair with a black stretch-comb hairband. Finally looking at yourself with a satisfied expression you slip into your heels and grab your little purse from the coffee table.
"Hurry up now." you tease and put on your big silver hoops. You look like the perfect mix of slutty and utterly seductive - just the way you love it. You send Nobara a smirk and she downs the glass of wine, grabbing her phone and keys from the table where she put them earlier. "Let's go then." She sounds just so excited and it really makes you wonder how the night is going to turn out.
*** You could hear loud music blaring and people shouting through the closed front door of Yuji’s and Choso's shared flat. You frantically fix your outfit and notice how sweaty your hands are - seems like you really are nervous. Nobara turns to you and gives you an encouraging look which you return with a pained smile. You wipe your hands on the velvet fabric of your dress before Nobara takes your hand in hers and squeezes it gently.
"Here we go." she sighs when suddenly the door flies open and a seemingly drunk Yuji tumbles towards you two.
"Hey! Wow look at you guys. What a sight for sore eyes." he slurs with excitement in his eyes and waves you in while looking you both up and down. As his gaze lingers a second too long Nobara pushes past him and pinches his ear. 
"Shut up you weirdo." she says and glares at him.
"Ouch- What the fuck Nobara I literally just said that you two look pretty." Yuji defends himself and rubs his ear. 
You laugh at the two who continue to bicker with each other.
"Thanks Yuji." You say sweetly and the pink-haired boy pulls you into a big hug. 
"How are you huh?" he asks, looking down at you. His voice still sounds quite drunk but now a little bit more concerned. 
You dodge his question and look around the apartment instead. The air is heavy and heaves with the smell of booze, weed and cigarette smoke. Music blasts from several speakers and you feel the bass pounding hard in your chest. There really are a lot of people in here, quite a lot of your friends and also many people you don’t know. Most people seem to be college students like yourself but there were a few older guys standing around a table and taking shots. Probably some of Gojo’s friends, he somehow always sneaked himself into Itadori’s and Choso’s parties. Speaking of him - you spotted him with a bottle of Tequila in hand with Geto close behind him. Geto waved at you from afar, you smiled at him and sent him a heart that you formed with your index and middle fingers. Doing this gesture you remembered your little accident from earlier and notice that the burnt skin on your finger still stung.
"Guess the guest situation has gotten a little bit out of hand." Yuji says, as if he has read your mind.
"Mhm," you answer "hey Yuji do you have a band-aid or something?" You turn to him and he looks at you a little confused. 
"Uhhh 'course" he says and motions for you to follow him. He leads you to the small bathroom near the front door and closes the door behind you two. 
Yuji rummages in a small cabinet under the bathroom mirror and finally takes something out of it. You wordlessly hold your finger out to him and he just as silently removes the protective tape and sticks the band-aid over the injured spot on your knuckle. 
"All done." he mutters and squeezes your hand, just like Nobara did before. You smile at him.
"Y/N are you -  I mean how are you-" he struggles to find the right words. 
"You seem to be sobering up quite a bit, let’s do something about that." you’re cutting him off and take his hand, leading him out of the door and towards the kitchen. Coming out of the small bathroom you don’t really pay attention to the people around you or how you might look holding hands with one of your closest friends. Honestly, you don’t care. 
Entering the kitchen you can see Maki, Yuta and Toge chatting and signing by the kitchen counter. Your roommate is sitting on the counter, Toge and Yuta to the left and right of her. Nobara and you really showed up here a few hours late, everyone was already either drunk or high on other substances. You greet them  excitedly and walk over to them.
"Honestly? I didn't expect you to show up here. I'm so glad to see you not in your pajamas for once!" Maki  yelled in excitement, throwing her arms around your neck. She smelled of booze and cigarettes. Toge poured two shots for you and Yuji and put them in front of you.
"Ya’ need to catch up." Yuta states and motions for you to take the shot. Yuji has his hand on your lower back as the two of you look at each other, grinning and downing the vodka shot simultaneously. You grimace and chat with your friends for a moment, not noticing that Yuji has left your side. Toge also disappeared for as second and came back shortly after with rolling papers and a grinder in his hands. You take it as a sign and excuse yourself to leave the kitchen. 
You look around the apartment again and see Choso sitting on the couch not far away with both arms wrapped around two different girls, holding a blunt in his right hand. Nobara was deep in conversation with some guy you have never seen before, standing near the roof terrace door and drinking from a red plastic cup. She threw her head back exaggeratedly, laughing at something he said. You grin and turn back around where you spot Yuji who hands you a cup as well. Vodka soda - he knew your drinking habits. 
"Thank you babe." you wink at him and he blushes, looking away for a brief moment. He shuffles a bit and looks down at you. 
"Y/N he might be here somewhere I don’t know if you w-" he stutters.
"Yuji I really don’t fucking care where he is or what he does." you snap at him and roll your eyes, immediately regretting your tone. "We are not together anymore." you add quietly. Yuji nods.
Not only was that a lie - you did care a lot. But also Yuji had nothing to do with all of this, it was not his fault and you shouldn’t treat him like that. All he ever did was being kind to you and taking care of you, like the good friend he was. 
You can still remember that one time he picked you up off the floor as you sat in front of the locked door of Megumi's dorm room, a few days before you two broke up. You were sure he was inside his room fucking someone else. You cried and screamed as you pounded against Yuji's back, but he carried you back to your room and put you to bed while him and Maki made sure you wouldn’t leave again or hurt yourself out of desperation. 
Another time, right after you and Megumi broke up, he found you stumbling around campus at two in the morning. It was raining heavily and you were completely soaked, a bottle of Tequila in your right hand and both of your high heels in the other. A group of guys were already following you for a while and god knows what would’ve happened if he did not see you out there by coincidence. He took you home with him, let you take a shower and sleep in his bed while he spend the night on the couch.
He really cared about you.
You chug the drink in your hand and shove the cup back into Yuji’s hands before making your way over to the couch. You couldn't stand this conversation right now. Choso was still sitting there slumped over with barely open, dark red eyes. The girl to his left had already disappeared but the other one kissed his neck, leaving lipstick stains on his pale skin. Her hand rested on his thigh, slowly moving upwards towards his crotch. You snatch the joint from his hand and take a deep drag while you drop down on the opposite end of the couch and cross your legs. 
"Y/N!" a deep voice slurs out your name, his tired eyes suddenly beaming when he sees you. The girl flinches at his reaction and turns around, looking at you in irritation, her eyes then widen for some reason. She frowns and looks back at Choso, but his attention was already on you only. The girl mumbles something inaudible, stands up and adjusts her tiny skirt before disappearing towards the roof terrace. 
"I was hoping you'd show up eventually." Choso grins at you as you take another deep drag from his blunt when suddenly he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him - the fast movement, the alcohol and the drugs, that slowly but steady went to your head, making you feel dizzy.
"Easy," you say giggling "guess you really missed me, huh?" You look up at him with a smirk on your lips. The weed had already wrapped you in thick layers of cotton and everything felt so much slower and fuzzier. Choso had his dark hair wrapped into two messy buns, like he always did. His dark eyes watched your every movement. He looked so handsome, completely smoked out and spread out with his arms around you. 
"Well, look at yourself." He took the joint from you and put it between his soft lips, smoking a bit. You watched him taking a deep drag and french-inhaling it immediately after. That view really did something to you and as he lowered his mouth right to your ear it sent shivers down your spine.
"How could I not look forward to seeing you," he breathed into your ear, his lips practically on your skin "I want to eat you up right here and now." his voice was so raspy from all the smoking and it made you swallow, hard. You look into his pitch-black eyes and then down at his lips before catching yourself and meeting his gaze again. You laugh and shake your head, leaning back and throwing your legs over his lap before stealing the blunt from his hands.
"Oh, I'm not stopping you from anything." You take another hit and give it back to him. He takes the joint and puts it out without taking his eyes off of you. All of a sudden you feel Choso’s lips on your neck, sucking on your soft skin while his left hand caresses your thigh, slipping under the hem of your dress and slowly moving upwards.
You can feel the blood rushing through your body. Your face feels so hot while your head is still all dizzy from smoking. It sure was good stuff, you did not even need much of it. Choso’s lips wander up your neck and you can feel your pulse hammering against your skin. He is kissing and sucking his way up to your jaw, before grabbing it kinda rough and turning your face towards him.
"Choso-" you pant, biting your lip. Your arms were already wrapped around his neck and just as you were about to close the distance between your mouths, longing to finally kiss him, you perceived something out of the corner of your eye. Lost in thought, your gaze wanders over to the open door of the roof terrace.
And your heart stopped.
There he was. He stood in the doorway. A tall, slender, shadowy figure. Jet-black hair that fell into his face. Choso, hand still on your chin, did not even realize what was happening right now.
Megumi’s blank stare and his hands that were already clenched into fists triggered your fight-or-flight reflex. Deep down you already knew what was about to happen and suddenly you were completely sober.
Your pulse rises and your blood freezes as you meet his gaze and see him move towards the two of you with lightning speed.
"Megumi!" you hear Yuji shout as he suddenly pushes himself between you and Choso. He shoves you aside and you stumble backwards into Maki's arms, who is now right behind you. Yuta and Toge were both standing not far away from you while more and more people gathered around the scene that was about to unfold.
"Yuji get the fuck away from me." Megumi growls, his deep voice filled with anger. He pushes Yuji away from him, Yuji loses his balance and falls over the back of the couch. As quickly as you can you rush over to him and try to get him up, while your heart is hammering so fast that it threatens to jump out of your chest.
Megumi grabs Choso by the shoulders and pulls him towards him before smashing his fist into his face at full force. Choso goes straight to the ground, but Megumi grabs him by the collar and straightens him up so that he is standing upright in front of him again. His fist lands in his face a second time and Choso goes down for good, this time Megumi follows and hovers over him while slamming his fists into Choso’s head over and over again. 
You can hear people screaming around you while you’re just frozen in place. You knew he would react that way. When you saw his stare earlier, you knew what was going to happen. That's how it always went down. He always reacted like this. You knew his facial expressions, his body language. 
Even if he had decided to leave, you still belonged to him. You were his. 
"Megumi stop, you're hurting me." you coughed, trembling. He pressed you into the mattress of your bed and held you in place with his body weight. Tears streamed down your cheek while Megumi's hands closed around your neck, squeezing tight. Your throat ached and you tried to swallow to relieve the pain, which only made you choke on your own spit. You tried to fight your way free, your hands clawing at his, but it was useless. He was just too strong and your fighting only made him tighten his grip even more. Just when your eyes slowly rolled to the back of your head and you were about to lose consciousness you finally felt the pressure on your neck ease. You frantically gasped for air and couldn't stop sobbing while your boyfriend soothingly caressed your cheek.
"You're so pathetic Y/N." you heard him whisper, his voice sounded so vile and so calm at the same time. You were still crying and your whole body was shaking uncontrollably.
"Now look at you. You think you can replace me, don't you? You think you can just get rid of me. You think you can just decide that on your own and not deal with the consequences." Megumi’s voice sounded so calm that it was just downright creepy. He was totally out of his mind. "So fucking pathetic." he degraded you again.  
How had he even gotten in here? You texted him that morning that it was all getting too much for you. His behavior towards you, his impulsiveness and his aggressiveness that not only you had to endure, but everyone else around him. You did not get an answer from him and your lecture that day had dragged on endlessly. After class you went straight to the gym and you were so exhausted and tired when you arrived home that you just threw your things in the corner and immediately jumped in the shower. Your hair was loosely wrapped into a towel and you were only wearing a pair of panties as you entered the bedroom. Being so worn out you didn't even notice the shadowy figure standing in the corner next to your closet.
Just as you were about to lie down on your bed, someone wrapped his arms around your waist and put his hand over your mouth. Adrenaline shot through your veins and you tried to scream, desperately trying to wriggle out of the tight grip, but you were overpowered and pushed onto the bed. As the dark figure turned you towards him you suddenly found yourself staring at your boyfriend's face. He had pulled the hood of his sweater deep into his face and his black hair hid some of his features, but it was definitely him.
"You are such a goddamn fucking slut, Y/N. Who were you with, huh?" he spat at you and you still couldn’t stop crying. Your throat hurt so much, it had to be all bruised up by now. 
"M-Megs I 'was n-nn-nowhere I promise I just went to the gym after m-" you sobbed. Your cheeks were red and burning hot, your heart was beating so fast. You just wanted to get out of this situation, put some clothes on and just go to sleep. You needed to wake up from this nightmare but he wouldn’t let you. 
"I don’t believe you." he said in a calm voice. His left hand was still loosely wrapped around your neck and he used the other one to support himself. "You’re lying to me." 
You were exposed, almost completely naked and scared to the bone. "M-Megumi p-please I am not lying to you I prom-" you whispered but your sobs swallowed the words that tried to come out of your mouth. 
The black-haired man hovered over your stiff body, the hand that was just gripping your throat slowly moved down, caressing your collarbone and breasts while long, slender fingers circled your nipples. You gasp but his hands already moved over to your waist and down to your hips. His fingers hooked into your panties, trying to pull them down before he paused for a second. You tried to catch your breath . "P-Please 'Gumi I am sorry for that text I promise I-" you cry and close your eyes. 
"Take them off." Megumi ordered and you opened your eyes to look at him. Silently crying you shook your head, barely visible, while your gaze never left his. He lowered his head down to your ear and opened his mouth slightly.
"That wasn't a request." he cooed and pulled back for a moment. He grabbed your panties with both hands and almost ripped them while pulling them down and throwing them to the side. You flinched, now completely exposed, crying and trembling. Your whole body was shaking with fear and yet - there still was something else. 
Megumi pulled the black hoodie he was wearing over his head and carelessly threw it into the corner of your room. You were just lying there watching him admire your naked body. His eyes lit up before he leaned down to you again and started kissing your neck, softly humming against your skin. Your thighs clenched at him sucking and biting on your neck and his hands all over your body made you slick with arousal. Your heart pounded against your chest and you closed your eyes for a moment, a small moan escaping your lips.
"You really have enough of me, don’t you?" his deep voice teased you while his fingers were circling and pinching your nipples. You squirm under his touch and look up at him, your still wet hair already soaked your mattress. The cold, wet fabric made you shiver and your nipples got even harder. "You want me to stop, huh? You don’t want this?" he asked, not waiting for his question to get answered. He smirked at your body's reaction to him and leaned back for a moment. You arched your back to try to close the distance between you and him, longing to feel his warmth and his hands on your skin again. 
"So fucking needy," he groaned "You love being such a good little slut for me." When everything he did was degrade you all the time, you soaked up every little word of praise you could get out of him. So you nodded eagerly at his statement and blinked at him through tear-soaked eyelashes. "I-I will do anything you w-want me to," you whisper "I’m yours." you add, almost too quiet to hear. 
Not even five minutes ago you were scared to death while he stared down at you, squeezing your throat so tight that you were certain he was going to kill you. And now your head was blank. You should be scared, trying to get out of this situation, but instead you hoped he wouldn't ever stop doing what he was doing
You gasped audibly when all of a sudden you felt his hands roughly spreading your legs apart and his long fingers pressing into your wet cunt. "Fuck- Megumi don’t stop- please-" you moan while two long digits kept pumping in and out of you. You closed your eyes and threw your head back in pleasure, loud moans begging him to keep going. 
"Look at me." his growled command snapped you back to reality and you do as you’re told. Steel blue eyes met yours, his gaze full of lust and adoration. His thumb circling your clit made you cry out in pleasure and  finally Megumi crashed his lips onto yours, closing the distance between your bodies. 
Your pussy started clenching around his fingers, his thumb still drawing harsh circles on your clit. He licked his lips as he watched you pant and play with your nipples. "Fuck, please 'Gumi please-" you moan, his fingers fucking into you just right, stretching your walls open and hitting all the good spots.
"'Please' what?" he groaned, completely indulging in your pleasure. You heard the clink of Megumi’s belt meeting the floor as he took his pants of hastily, already in anticipation of what you’re begging him for. He leaned down to you, his eyes fixated on yours. 
"Please fuck me already." you moaned with a devilish smile on your lips and with that Megumi lost it. Pulling his fingers out of your pussy and leaving your dripping hole clenching around nothing he grabbed your hips. "Turn around" he growled before already manhandling you himself, bringing you to your hands and knees and pulling your ass up to meet his crotch. You could feel his hard cock bulging through his briefs, your sopping pussy dampening the fabric. He got rid of his underwear with a quick hand motion and his dick sprung free, slapping hard against your bare ass. You wiggled a bit as he tried to position himself at your entry, causing him to groan in annoyance. 
"Fucking hold still." he spat, grabbing your still wet hair and roughly pushing your head into the mattress. Your scalp hurt while he held your hair in his fist and pulled it, the other hand tried to push the leaking tip of his dick into your clenching hole. As soon as he brought himself into position he rested his hand on your lower back, falling forward a bit and bottoming out with a rough slam of his hips against your ass. He did not even wait for one second before he started grinding into you at a harsh pace. 
You wanted to scream but instead you could only let out a muffled moan, your face still pressed into the mattress. "Oh," you whimper "Fuck, Megs - feels so good." you cry, tears forming in your eyes. Your scalp felt like it was on fire as Megumi pulled you up to him by your hair, your back meeting his chest. He then let go of you and wrapped one arm around your waist, his other hand rested on your hip. 
Megumi pounded into you relentlessly while your thighs started shaking and the moans that escaped your lips became louder and louder. You were practically screaming. "Shit I- Fuck, ’s too much- so big-" you brabble, eyes closed while he breathed into your ear, groaning with every deep thrust. The hand that rested on your hips moved down to your wet heat. Your pussy started fluttering around his dick as his thumb met your clit once again, rubbing frantically, making you cry out in ecstasy. 
"Holy shit, you’re so fucking tight- look at you taking this dick so good, baby," he praised, his rough pace made Megumi pant out the words, he tried to catch his breath but he only got lost in his own moans. "Fuck- such a good girl for me. Such a fucking dirty little whore." His words alone were almost enough to bring you over the edge. 
"P-Please, I’m gonna-" you whimpered and closed your eyes because it just was all too much. His thick cock pounded into you at such a deliciously fast pace it made you lose your mind. You felt your orgasm approach when suddenly Megumi pushed you away from him, your face meeting the mattress again. He slapped your ass so hard you were sure it would leave a mark. You cried out as both of his big hands grabbed your hips and he completely bottomed out a few times, slamming his cock deep into your trembling cunt. "Shit- I’m gonna- gonna- fuck," your loud moans filled the room and as his thrusts became sloppier you came, pussy creaming around his dick, a white ring forming at his shaft.
"Fuck, Baby, keep squeezing me so tight." Megumi groaned, your fluttering cunt clenching around his girth. As his hips started shaking you felt him getting sloppier with each thrust. You looked back at him over your shoulder and heard a deep moan before you sent him over the edge and he came inside of you. 
He breathed hard and paused for a brief moment before he pulled out and let himself crash onto your body. With you now laying on your back he crawled up to you and layed his head down on your chest, still trying to catch his breath. You pulled his body towards you and stroked his back soothingly, brushing through his hair with your other hand.
"I love you," you whispered quietly "I love you." Megumi still didn’t say a word as he raised his head to look up at your face. Your eyes met and he leaned in to pull you into a deep kiss that made you gasp for air once again. When your lips finally parted, your eyes met again and you felt like an addict. What did he do to you? 
"Don’t ever try leaving me again," he said. His gaze was completely cold, you had no chance of interpreting it. "I love you." he adds quietly.
"I am only yours." you whispered in a shaky voice, stroking his cheek. You finally felt every muscle in his body relax and he laid his head back on your chest.
"Only mine." he repeats quietly and you continued stroking his cheek, soothing him by drawing circles on his back with your other hand and already thinking about excuses to tell your friends about the bruises on your neck.
After all this time, you were able to convince your head, but your body was still shaking. You were utterly terrified and so addicted to him that you were unable to get yourself out of this. 
You snap back to reality when suddenly someone attacked Megumi from behind and pulled him off of Choso, slamming him to the ground, hard.
You can spot pink hair and realize that it is Yuji.
"You fucking son of a bitch," Megumi panted, voice filled with rage "I saw you two coming out of that bathroom earlier, fucking get away from me." he spat and freed himself, throwing yet another punch at his best friends jaw.
Yuji dodged his punch and pressed his arm to Megumi's throat to hold him still. He didn't answer him but his look was so full of anger and disappointment. They were best friends for so long and Yuji would never even think of making a move on you. 
You looked over at the two of them, Maki was at your side again holding you close. Nobara was also standing next to you and out of the corner of your eye you saw Gojo and Geto hurrying over. Geto grabbed Yuji and pulled him off of Megumi, while Gojo pulled Megumi back to his feet and threw him towards the glass door.
"What the hell man, what the actual fuck’s wrong with you?" the white haired man spat at him "Get the fuck out of here." he growled and shoved Megumi outside, following him shortly after. You’ve never seen Gojo this angry.
Tears welled up in your eyes.
"Is everything okay, man?" you heard Geto ask Yuji. 
"Yeah I’m fine." he replied through clenched teeth.
Your vision became blurry while Nobara tried to soothe you by stroking your back. Maki held you tight in her arms. 
You give Yuji an apologetic look, but he looks past you, over to Maki. You feel her nod and hold you even tighter. 
"Let's go home, Y/N." she says softly, and you realize what's going on. 
"Let go of me." you say, stopping as she tries to move you towards the door. 
"Listen, this is not a good idea. Let's just go home." Maki responds firmly.
Nobara looks from you over to Maki and back to you. Yuta and Toge exchange glances with each other as well, and you suddenly realize how often your friends must have had conversations about you when you weren't around. 
"I have to-" you mumble, unsure what to say next. "I-I…get the hell off me, Maki" you say, now very upset, and tear yourself free of her grip.
The people around you had already dispersed. Yuji and Geto were taking care of Choso and the party was in full swing again, as if nothing ever happened. Thankfully, no one was interested in you anymore but between you and your friends, the world seemed to have stopped.  You looked from Yuji to Nobara and Maki, then over to Toge and Yuta. Your look was full of guilt and also full of shame. You wanted to say so much and instead you just turn around and walk away from your friends, towards the roof terrace. You‘re shaking while tears streamed down your face.
You had to make sure Megumi was okay.
**important note ** honestly, this is my very first piece of writing I ever published on some kind of platform. I always LOVED reading fics and all kinds of writing on here and all of you guys are just so talented. I have a habit of talking myself down and making myself small so want to try and keep it to a minimum. You have literally no idea how much I already wrote and deleted in a fit of hating myself so I hope you like this. English is not my native language and I KNOW I really have to improve in quality and grammar and overall use prettier words but I am trying and I hope I can improve my writing rather fast. I would love your feedback and maybe some advice if u have any. What really made me pull my shit together is some post I saw on here about how writing is supposed to be fun and that it doesn't matter if its good or bad and that Tumblr really just is a place to express yourself and yeah I really liked that so now you had to endure this I am deeply sorry
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pandorascripts · 1 year
Can we have more 241 wednesday and reader? i'm just in love with your writing and with this history <3
241 III
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summary: cute stuff, also I'm sick of winter so this is a time skip into spring.
pairing: wednesday x gn!reader (could be read as fem)
note: i suggest you read at least 241 part II, I was also listening to Violent by benches and Where'd All the Time Go? by Dr. Dog when writing.
big note: I've decided to fight fire with fire, so I will now be putting my Wednesday fanfics in any and all tyler galpin and xavier thrope tags until people learn how to tag fics right.
part I, part II
What are we?
What are we?
What are we?
What are we?
You gritted your teeth together, hating how the question sounded so stupid. You shouldn’t have had to ask Wednesday what the two of you were, it should’ve been simple, really. You should just know. But you don’t, which is why on a Saturday walk in Jericho with Wednesday, you were anxiously biting your lip. The hand that wasn’t holding hers was stuffed in your pocket, chipping away at your nail polish. 
“You’re anxious, why is that?” Wednesday asked, turning her head up to you. 
You watched the rock you’d kicked seconds earlier skid and jumped across the uneven road.
Wednesday stopped in her tracks, not really minding the cool spring breeze. 
“Two months ago I made a promise. Do you remember what it conveyed?”
Wednesday squeezed your hand sharply, lending you a warning look. “No, I promised I would not lie, and in turn I believe you agreed too.”
You nodded, looking down to your sneakers. 
“So, I won’t make you tell me, but I do hope you know that I want to listen. When you’re ready.”
With that, Wednesday continued walking again, you trailing closely behind her. The sounds of Wednesday’s boots hitting the ground were heavy, a juxtaposition to yours, which were softer and much lighter. You wondered if she walked heavily because Wednesday often said she’s got the responsibility of three blundering idiots on her shoulders. You failed to mention that she’s too small to cary Eugene, Enid, and you on herself. 
The walk turned silent once again, a peaceful silence. You fished out something from your pocket, sliding one in your ear as you handed the other to Wednesday. She accepted it, a light smile coating her lips. Another part of Wednesday’s apology. Since she liked to repress her emotions, which caused a lot of problems, she’d suggested the idea that she be more open, and allow emotions to show. 
“Thank you.”
“Mhm,” you mumbled, scrolling through a playlist you’d made. Recently, you found out that Indie Rock was a genre Wednesday didn’t mind, so you clicked on a playlist you made previously, letting it shuffle through and selecting a song. 
Arctic Monekys, you thought, nice. 
Wednesday’s finger tips lightly bounced off your hand, going to the beat. You smiled, looking up to the sky. Green was restoring itself to the bare trees, the sky was happily blue with clouds dusting over gracefully. The wind brushed against your ears making you shiver occasionally, but you didn‘t mind. In a way, you felt like spring represented your relationship with Wednesday. In a since that you two were too welcoming old friends, feelings, and allowing them to grow and take root. Your future was, if everything continued like this, peaceful as the sky, with little disruption. The song changed to one you quite liked. It was on the slower side, and so you unconsciously slowed your walk down, breathing in thick air. Under you, your foot sloshed in a puddle created the previous day from the melting snow.
Wednesday tugged on your hand, grabbing the other and setting it on her waist. You smiled, not trying to hide your confusion. Wednesday linked her arms around your shoulder, and started swaying. Your chest felt like it might explode, your heart rapidly beating as you swayed too. 
Wednesday rested her head on your shoulder as her arms slid down to hold your biceps. “I’m sorry, you just seemed so… at peace,” she whispered. 
You grinned, also burying your head in her shoulder. As Wednesday turned to her left, you turned to your left, still swaying with the song. A shaky exhale left your lips as you sighed. Your body felt heavy as Wednesday guided you, your feet sometimes hitting hers. If she minded, she didn’t say anything. Even as the song changed, you two still stayed there, swaying in the breeze like the leaves blossoming on the trees. 
“What’re we?”
Contrary to what you were thinking, Wednesday simply continued swaying, not bothering to stop this moment. 
“I don’t know, but what I do know is that it’s up to you. I was foolish, and now I’d like to be yours again, only yours.”
You nodded into her shoulder, adjusting your grip on her so it was more of a hug. 
“I want that too,” you mumbled, sighing contently. 
Wednesday and your’s relationship was spring, it experienced droughts and tough parts, experienced rain, and muck, but most importantly, it gave joy and peacefulness. It made both of you happy as you started anew, greeting old feelings and memories, but also making room for new beginnings. You truly believed spring to be your favorite part of the year, and as you stood dancing with Wednesday under half-green trees, you felt at home.
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justabigassnerd · 2 years
Queen of my Heart
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Pairing - Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x reader
Word count - 2,665
Warnings - mentions of death, alcohol
Song - House of Cards by Tyler Shaw
Summary - Bradley Bradshaw thought it was his destiny to be lonely, thankfully the universe proved him wrong
A/N - I know I originally said I wanted to write a TASM fic based on this song, but whoops I decided to write Rooster instead. Look this song works for him too so I kinda had to a'ight? I'm not sorry. Anyways I'll stop rambling so as per y'all please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!
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If there was any feeling Bradley Bradshaw was familiar with, it was loneliness. He lost his father at a young age, being raised by his brilliant mother with the help of Maverick, his stand-in father figure. Then he lost his mum just as he was applying to join the Navy and not long after that he cut all ties with Maverick when he discovered he pulled his papers from the naval academy which set him back four years. In becoming an adult, Bradley Bradshaw learnt to rely on no one but himself. However, despite Rooster’s familiarity with the feeling, he couldn’t help but resent it. After reconciling with Maverick and finding a team who quickly became his second family, he thought his lonely feelings would dissipate into the sea breeze, but they lingered, eating away at him as he saw his friends getting partners and having people they could lean on and trust. Over time, Rooster accepted that his fate was to be lonely. He felt like a house of cards, missing a piece and ready to tumble at any moment.
That was until you stumbled into his life.
Rooster was on the beach the day he met you. The rest of Dagger Squad had already congregated inside the Hard Deck, ready to spend their evening getting wasted and betting on games of pool and darts. Rooster wasn’t quite ready to go and be with his friends just yet so took some time alone. The beach was quiet, only a few people walked past where Rooster had chosen to situate himself, barely giving him a second thought as he stared out at the sea from where he was perched on a wall.
“Apollo! Apollo, here boy!” Rooster only just heard the calls before an Alsatian launched itself at him. Propping his front paws on Rooster’s legs and panting happily. It was safe to say the random dog launching itself at him was shocking, but he wasn’t going to complain. He loved dogs and this one wagged its tail happily as Rooster scratched him behind the ears.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry. He just yanked the lead out of my hand and took off. You’re not hurt, are you?” Rooster looked up from the dog to the owner and he could’ve sworn his heart stopped at that moment. You were absolutely gorgeous, and he had to force himself to respond before you got more concerned.
“I’m good. He didn’t do much damage. I think he just wanted some cuddles, is that right?” Rooster assures you before turning his attention back to your dog, giving Apollo a scratch under the chin as he barks happily.
“Still, he usually has good recall I have no idea what possessed him to come charging over to you.” You apologise profusely, grabbing Apollo’s collar and gently pulling him off Rooster.
“Like I said, no harm done.” Rooster says with a laugh as you gather the lead up again, Apollo now standing at your side, panting happily as his tail wags side to side.
“I feel bad, is there anything I can do…?” You trail off, realising you don’t know his name.
“Bradley Bradshaw.” He introduces himself, not bothering to give you his callsign.
“I’m y/n l/n. Nice to meet you. But seriously there has to be something I can do to apologise.” You insist, stroking the top of Apollo’s head as you look at Bradley. Your heart was pounding in your chest, initially from the shock of Apollo running off to some random stranger but now you could see who Apollo ran over to your heart was hammering in your chest because of how attractive this man was.
“If you insist on making it up to me, how about you let me buy you a drink? I want to get to know the owner of the dog who decided I was worth running away for.” Rooster says with a smile. If any other man had said that to you, you would’ve been turning tail and getting yourself out of that situation but when you looked at Bradley, you didn’t see that type of man.
“Okay, but only because I want to get to know the man my dog thought was worth bolting away from me for.” You reply with a grin. Rooster didn’t take you to the Hard Deck. He wanted to be able to get to know you without his friends interfering. So, he took you to a little bar a bit further down the beach. It was a plus that it was dog friendly.
You both fell for each other that same evening.
It took a few dates for Rooster to ask you to be his girlfriend but once he did, everyone knew he was a goner for you. None of the team had met you yet, nor knew about him even having a girlfriend but they didn’t miss the way Rooster rejected women who would flirt with him in the bar and the way his eyes would light up when he got a text from you. It wasn’t that he wasn’t proud to say he was dating you. The subject of significant others had just never come up in conversation since the two of you got together and Rooster didn’t want to make a big deal about it in case you didn’t want him to.
“So Bradshaw. Who’s the lucky girl?” Hangman says one night from his position at the pool table, carefully aiming at the cue ball as he glances up at Rooster.
“What?” Rooster says, completely caught off guard as he was busy staring at the photo of Apollo you had just sent him.
“Come on, it's obvious you’re a taken man.” Hangman insists, straightening up and raising an eyebrow pointedly at him.
“Everyone’s noticed it, Rooster. You’ve seemed different the past few weeks. A good different, we mean.” Phoenix elaborates, smacking Hangman on the back of the head for being so direct. Most of Dagger Squad didn’t want to force anything out of him so Hangman asking a direct question like that was the opposite of what they were going for. They wanted Rooster to open up in his own time about it.
“I don’t know what else to say other than Hangman is right. I’m a taken man.” Rooster admits with a smile, causing an uproar amongst his friends of congratulations and slaps on the back.
“Look at that! Our Rooster finally got himself a girl!” Payback exclaims proudly, wrapping an arm around Rooster’s shoulders and jostling him as everyone laughs.
“Alright, alright, calm down.” Rooster laughs, shoving Payback's arm off him before taking a swig of his beer.
“You have to introduce us to her. We need to meet the girl who has you whipped.” Fanboy declares, getting approval from the rest of the team.
“If she is okay with meeting you guys, you can meet her.” Rooster concedes, holding his hands up in surrender as his friends cheer loudly.
“What are we cheering about?” The familiar voice of Maverick cuts through the cheers as they die down, making every person present turn to face him.
“Rooster got himself a girlfriend.” Coyote informs Maverick, everyone watching as a smile spreads across Maverick’s face.
“It’s about time! When do we get to meet her?” He asks, laughing to himself when Rooster rolled his eyes.
“Like I just said, if she is okay with it, I’ll bring her here to the Hard Deck and you can meet her.” Rooster repeats, earning a clap on the back from Maverick as he walks over to him.
“Can’t wait.” Maverick says with a proud smile.
When Rooster next went to see you, he knocked on your front door, nervousness swimming in his stomach at asking you if you wanted to meet his friends. When the door opened, Apollo leapt at him, jumping up and whining happily at Rooster’s presence.
“Apollo, come on boy. You know Bradley.” You laugh as you call the dog back into the house being followed by Rooster as he comes in, closing the door behind him. You all head into the living room and settle on the sofa, you, and Rooster alongside each other with Apollo spread across both of your laps, demanding a belly rub.
“You’ve got your thinking face on. What’s got the cogs turning in your head?” You say lightly with a kind smile as you scratch your dog’s belly not once taking your eyes off your boyfriend.
“You know me so well.” He laughs, touched that you know him so well to the point that you can tell just from his expression that he’s deep in thought.
“My friends from the Navy figured out I have a girlfriend and once I confirmed it, they told me that they wanted to meet you. I said that they could only if you were okay with it because I don’t want you to feel pressured or-”
“Bradley, you’re rambling sweetheart. I’d love to meet your friends. From what you’ve told me they sound like a great bunch.” You assure, grabbing Rooster’s hand and rubbing a thumb across his knuckles.
“You sure?” He asks quietly, the nerves still gnawing at him.
“Of course! They’re your friends and I want to get to know the people who are part of your team.” You reassure, your gentle smile easing those nerves and allowing Rooster to smile and lean in for a kiss. Just as your lips connect, Apollo decides he wanted to be part of the action and joined, giving you kisses of his own as you both laugh and move away to try and dodge him.
When the day came for you to meet Dagger Squad you were a little nervous. These were people who had known Bradley longer than you had. Hell, one of the men in the bar you were stood outside had known Bradley since the day he was born. You wanted to make a good impression and could only hope they’d like you.
“Nervous?” You hear Bradley ask as he wraps an arm around your shoulder and rubs his hand up and down your shoulder reassuringly.
“A little.” You confess, not removing your gaze from the doors of the Hard Deck.
“They will one hundred percent without a doubt love you. Not as much as I do but it’ll be close.” Bradley says calmly with a gentle smile. You couldn’t stop the smile from overtaking your lips, so you nod and allow Bradley to lead you into the bar. When you enter the Hard Deck, Bradley quickly locates his friends and leads you over to them.
“Guys, this is my girlfriend y/n. y/n, these are my friends.” Bradley introduces you to each other as he moves his arm from your shoulders to around your waist. One by one, all of Dagger Squad introduce themselves to you, giving you their name and their callsign, letting you know they didn’t care what they called you.
“It’s nice to meet you all.” You say with a grin, feeling more at ease now you knew their names and after being greeted with nothing but smiles.
“So, y/n, tell us about how you and Rooster met.” Phoenix asks, glancing between the two of you as you share a look and laugh to yourselves.
“My dog ran away from me because he thought Bradley was the most interesting thing on the beach.” You explain, glancing up at Bradley and leaning into his side slightly.
“A dog playing matchmaker, huh? You’ll have to introduce us, maybe he could get me a date.” Fanboy says, causing an eruption of laughs from everyone gathered.
Conversation started to flow naturally then, everyone getting to know you and you getting to know them. Rooster was shocked at how well-behaved his friends were being. Even Hangman was keeping his flirting to a minimum and even invited you to play a game of pool with him. While you were playing pool, Rooster chatted to Phoenix and Bob, curious to see how their training had been going and as they spoke, Maverick entered the bar and approached the trio.
“Hey, Mav.” Rooster greets happily when he notices his appearance.
“Hey Rooster. Good to see you. So, am I going to get to meet your girlfriend or are you going to keep hiding her from me?” Maverick teases, making Rooster scoff jokingly and laugh.
“She’s playing pool, come on I’ll introduce you.” Rooster replies, gesturing for Maverick to follow him as he crosses to the pool table.
“Hey baby, this is Mav.” Rooster says as you greet him when you notice him coming over to you. Upon noticing Maverick you stand up straighter, approaching Maverick nervously.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Maverick. Bradley’s told me so much about you.” You say, glancing between the two men as Rooster takes your hand, the contact helping you calm down slightly as he runs his thumb along the back of your hand.
“Nothing bad I hope.” Maverick jokes, glancing at Rooster who simply shrugs with a grin. The three of you fall into easy conversation and you find yourself getting more comfortable around Maverick.
“y/n, could I talk to you alone for a minute?” Maverick asks, gesturing towards the stools at the bar, out of earshot of the other aviators.
“Yes, of course.” You say, the nerves resurfacing but Rooster was quick to lift your hand to his lips and press a bunch of kisses to the back of it while whispering reassurances that you’ll be fine. Once he stops, you thank him quietly and then turn and walk over to where Maverick was waiting. When you sit down, Rooster turns to Hangman and picks up the pool cue you had put down when he and Maverick came over.
“Ready for me to kick your ass, Hangman?”
You sit down at the bar on the stool next to Maverick and immediately start thinking through every possible thing he could be potentially about to say to you right now. Out of everyone, Maverick was who you wanted to impress the most, especially given that he was Bradley’s father figure.
“What I want to talk about isn’t bad, you don’t need to worry.” Maverick says, noticing how you fiddled with your fingers and how on edge you looked.
“I wanted to talk about how happy you’ve made Rooster. I don’t know how easy it would be to get him to admit that but I and everyone on this team noticed how much happier he was even before we met you. The way he looks at you, I’ve only seen it once before. It’s the exact same way his dad looked at his mum. He loves you so much.” Maverick explains, his eyes growing glossy as he reminisces about Goose and Carole.
“I love him too; way more than I could explain.” You reply honestly, glancing across the bar to where Rooster was playing pool against Hangman, celebrating as he pots another ball while Hangman rolls his eyes.
“I know you do. Anyone can see how much you love each other.” Maverick says with a smile, watching as you turn back to him and nod. When he silently dismisses you, you get up from the stool and cross to Rooster, wrapping your arms around his middle when you reach him, making him turn around with a large grin, pressing a kiss to your lips, abandoning his pool cue to place both hands on your waist and pull you closer. As Maverick watches, a proud smile shines on his face knowing his best friend’s son got the happiness he deserves.
Bradley Bradshaw was familiar with the feeling of loneliness. It used to eat at him at every given moment. But once he met you, the loneliness didn’t seem to be a problem anymore. He felt whole again, and it was because his house of cards was completed once the queen of his heart that he needed stepped in.
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vampirevatican · 1 year
Cruising and Coasting
pairing - hobie brown x black fem! reader
genre/tags - fluff, slow burn, friends to lovers
notes - v. self indulgent, but i hope y'all like it. the type of muscle car? a dodge coronet suits him. 520 words. first time writing hobie, many edits to come. advice extremely welcomed from fellow black writers.
summary - you and hobie go for a ride in his muscle car and he starts to pick up on little things about you. the way your deep, dark brown eyes glow and turn into honey. how you tap your fingers to the beat of the music when you have the wheel versus how you fully immerse yourself in a song you like when riding passenger... fuck, he might be crushing. bad.
lyric inspo -
“my day ends best when the sunset gets itself, behind that little lady sitting on the passenger side. it's much less picturesque without her catching, the light. the horizon tries but it's just not as kind on the eyes...”
“i should slow down but i can't, cause you drivin' me wild. girl i get a rush, when we're speeding in my car, and sometimes it's too much... you can feel the beat in my heart....”
You and Hobie were driving through England's county side. After getting out of the congested cities and towns the scenery was beautiful. The sun was about to set, the breeze from the rolled down windows, and the playlist the two of you shared playing through the speakers. For Hobie it's seeing your beautiful dark eyes glow when the sunlight hit at just the right angle. How relaxed you look, yet focused because you want to make sure the two of you have a nice drive instead of a shit one. As the sun started to set you were crossing a bridge and out the corner of you eye you spotted him framing you.
As she giggled he couldn't help the smirk that grew into a smile. “Hobie what are you doing?” Glancing over at him and back at the road, driving them around winding paths. “Gettin' pictures of the moment.” He said and waved an invisible camera in the air. She shook her head, curls slightly moving with her. “Well ain't you a sweet heart, hobs.” He let out a low chuckle, “No problem, peng thing.”
Your dynamic has been like this for awhile. Occasional flirtations but nothing deeply pursued. You were comfortable crashing at his house with no bra or shorts when getting to bed and the same stood for when he stayed over at yours. Sometimes you even used him as a pillow when watching TV. Though these intimate moments, platonic as they may be, started to make both of your emotions run deeper. You didn't notice- because he made it a point for you not to-but when you walked around the house without shorts he'd steal a few glances. Bending to pick up or plug in something. It was something that'd be on his mind during those late nights without you there. Though there was smaller things he picked up on and adored even more about you. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt the dodge slow down and park.
“Your turn, take us home big boy.” The way you talked with him. You traded spots as he took control of his black dodge coronet again, driving back the way you both came, music loud enough to hear but low enough to talk, and his mind making a list of things he liked about you. Passing the bridge again at night, he stole a new glance after seeing you stick your hand out the window. The way you played with the wind outside of the car, the tapping of your fingers on the arm rest to singing along and doing a small dance in your seat with songs you couldn't help but do that to. Making it back to the apartment he followed behind you with his hands in his pockets and moving a bit slowly up the stairs. “Come on hobs, we gotta make the most of your free day” you called down to him as you leaned over the railing and smiled back at him when you saw his smirk. Before entering his home it dawns on him that he's in love.
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bonniebird · 10 months
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Tyler Lockwood x Black!Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
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Request: Anonymous asked: Hey Bon can I get Tyler Lockwood x Black Female Reader please? Reader is the daughter of a paranormal investigator and she accidently finds out Tyler is a werewolf.
Read on Wattpad
Read on AO3
AN: I went with a retired paranormal hunter’s daughter so she’d have more agency. I might make a part two of this one. I like the idea & how it came out. 
“Are you sure?” You asked as you slammed your car door and made your way to the motel. There was a sigh down the phone and a clearing of your boss's throat. It didn’t make you feel hopeful for the case at all.
“Look, all I know is someone would pay a lot of money for us to look into this. Do I think that there are vampires, werewolves and witches running around some town in Virginia? No. But we need the money.” The voice was slow and hesitant.
“You sent me to investigate something you knew wasn’t really here?” You snapped. Heading to the reception desk you held your mobile between your shoulder and your ear, sliding the papers you had printed out at a library on your way into town. You mouthed that you were sorry for being on the phone to the old woman who took the papers and tapped away at an ancient-looking computer. She waved it off as if she understood and booked you in. The key she handed was small with a massive wooden tag on it that had the number five carved into it with bold black letters. Heading back to your car you yanked open the boot and pulled out your bag and the box of files you’d been sent.
“Yeah. I know. Just maybe try and find a source for the rumours, even if it turns out to be a bunch of kids messing around or something.” Your boss sounded as if they were typing away at their keyboard and you could tell he was losing interest.
“Yeah. I can do that. Look, I'll go over the files and call you tomorrow evening.” You hung up, slung your bag over your shoulder and heaved the box onto your hip. Reaching up you slammed the boot of your car, swearing when you dropped the motel key and made your way across the damp gravelled car park to your room. Once you got inside you dumped your bag at the door and fumbled around for the light while balancing the box awkwardly under one arm. When it flicked on you saw that the room was small. There was a table under the window next to the door, two dubious-looking chairs that were old and faded. a small kitchen was squashed into an alcove past the window. It consisted of one small countertop, a free-standing oven and a small fridge that clicked every now and then. The bed was large and the mattress looked like the newest thing in the room. Thankfully the sheets looked clean. There was a small tv shoved in one corner and an old armchair that looked as if someone had sat in it for so long the chair had melded to their body shape. 
Deciding to go through the files before heading to bed you dumped the contents of the box out onto the table before flinging it and your bag down the side of your bed. 
There was a stuffy feeling to the room, like it wasn’t warm or cold, dry or humid so you opened the window and sat down. The air in the room seemed to ease as a cool breeze wafted into the room and diluted the musty smell. For hours you poured over the files, thick with theories and photos. It was one case that had more evidence than you’d ever seen before. Often you would have a smudgy photo but this was detailed. 
You were so engrossed in your work that you didn’t bother looking up when there was a commotion outside. Not until there was a massive bang and a sound that made the hairs on your body prickle with anxiety. Looking out of the window you saw a young man, covered in blood. The street lights seemed to make his eyes glow as he scrambled to his feet, dangerously close to your car and hurried into the woods. You found yourself staring at the car park for several minutes. 
“You know what… I… am going to bed.” You said to yourself.
The next morning you woke up and stared at the ceiling. There was something off about this place you could feel it, in some inexplicable way. Deciding you’d rather not eat from the vending machine outside your room you packed a bag with your equipment, dug out your old camera and went out to inspect the car park. Nothing seemed out of place but you still took a few photos before getting into your car and wrestling your phone into the holder on your dashboard. You stopped by the library and left a few lists of information you wanted with the elderly lady sitting at the desk. She promised that she would have everything you needed by the next day and you left. Deciding you would look around town and see if you could find anything that fits with the information you’d been given you wandered around. The stores didn’t hold anything too interesting to you. There was one crystal shop which shared a building with a tour guide who claimed the town was filled with vampires. You took all the information, pamphlets and books he was offering you and sat on a bench in the middle of the high street as you read through them. 
“Hi!” Looking up from a book titled the history of Mystic Falls Witches you found a friendly girl smiling at you. “I’m Bonnie… are you new in town?” 
“I’m just stopping by for a few days.” You answered. She nodded slowly and eyed the book you were reading.
“I could show you around if you like. I grew up here…” She trailed off and glanced over at a building. looking the same way you spotted some kind of pub. There was a tall blond boy and the one you’d seen the night before peaking around the corner of the building, watching you both intently.
“A lovely offer but I… can’t.” You answered quickly. She smiled and nodded.
“Well. If you need a guide… I’m Bonnie Bennett.” She said and held out her hand for you to shake. You stared at it before going back to your book. She shuffled off in the direction of the two boys as you went back to your book. After getting an understanding of the town, feeling out the way it hustled and bustled around you, packed up your bag and made your way towards the woods. There had been a map in the book you were reading and it wouldn’t hurt to have a look. 
The woods were far more dense than you had thought. Your supplies ran out rather quickly and once you’d found the ruins and managed to look around for anything underground you realised that you should head back. Once you were thoroughly lost you sat down.
“No signal!” You grumbled as you tried to call your boss. There was a rustling behind you and you held up your flickering torch. You jumped when the boy you spotted earlier hurried through the bushes and trees.
“There you are! The lady at the motel was calling around. She was worried you hadn’t come back. Someone saw you coming into the woods.” He said and grinned at you. You gave him a dubious look and he chuckled nervously.
“I’m Tyler. It’s urm. A small town, with a lot of wild animal attacks. In the area.” He explained. You frowned but stood up, there wasn’t much else you could do but follow him out of the woods so you resigned yourself to trailing after him. It didn’t go unmissed that he seemed to be able to navigate his way through the woods without you needing to angle the torch in front of him. A few times he had gone ahead and managed to find his way just fine. He talked quickly about the animal attacks and answered questions you had about the town. He led you to the edge of the woods and you found a nervous-looking sheriff talking quietly with a blond girl who whipped her head around as the two of you got closer. 
“We were worried.” The sheriff said. She smiled and motioned that the other two could leave. Tyler seemed hesitant but nodded and hurried off with Caroline. “A lot of wild animals out there. We’re still dealing with a mountain lion… the motel lady said you were looking into history. Had someone like that a while ago… he… ah. Got attacked.” The sheriff explained. You nodded slowly but had a horrible sense that everyone around you seemed to know something more than they were letting on. Once she dropped you at the motel the lady at the desk waved to you cheerfully and beckoned the sheriff over. Once alone in your room, you flopped on the bed. Frowning as you turned your head to one side you noticed that the bathroom light was on. You hadn’t left it one when you’d gone about that morning. Looking around you realised that several things had been ever so slightly moved. 
“Hello?” Your boss said as you dialled his number. He must have been waiting for you to call in because he’d picked the phone up immediately.
“There is absolutely something going on here.” You muttered. Going to the window you spotted Tyler and his blond friend. They were standing on the path outside the motel, you could only just see them and they were with a tall dark-haired man in a leather jacket. The girl gestured to the room you were in. 
“You need some help?” He asked quickly.
“Well apparently a guy was here not long ago and something in the woods got him. I think they know something is going on. Do you ever get a sense that everyone everywhere is watching you?” You asked. There was a sigh and a rustling of paper.
“If you can hold on until tomorrow afternoon I can send two more people over to help you. I know you like working on your own but if you’re asking for help… I'd rather send as many as I can spare.” He said and you muttered to yourself. The sheriff was leaving and as soon as she pulled away the group of three started walking towards the motel office.
“I’ll try and hold out that long but something is going on.” You answered quickly. He hung up, presumably to rush along with whoever he had managed to get hold of. Seeing as there were only six paranormal investigators and two were working on debunking some big case, sending two out to you meant he thought this was big… or bad too.
You managed to get some sleep. Though not as much as you had hoped. There was someone moving around outside your door. You had been able to hear them talking. You cleared away your boxes so they couldn’t be seen through the window and hunkered down. You had fully intended to stay inside until our backup arrived. They had promised to bring food and to book a motel out of town so that you could fill them in and regroup. 
However, there was a scraping at your door. Opening it you grabbed whoever it was, then slammed the door and slid the lock on. A frightened Tyler was sprawled across the floor.
“What do you want?” You demanded. He said nothing, watching you carefully, crouched on the floor like he was ready to pounce. You repeated yourself and he stared you down.
“You don’t smell like a hunter.” Tyler snapped. You frowned and scoffed.
“What exactly is that supposed to mean?” You demanded. Your phone buzzed twice, ringing once then stopping. Your backup was close.
“Vampire hunters. They have a distinct smell.” He spoke roughly. The night before he had looked gentle and young but now his face was hard and accusing.
“I’m not a vampire hunter. I’m an investigator. I’m supposed to be investigating this town and a missing person. I specialise in paranormal cases.” You barked out and gave him the most withering look you could. He laughed. Loudly and stood up. 
“Like I’d believe that.” His eyes started to glow and you backed up to the door. When he hurried forward you yanked it open so hard that the chain snapped. Hurtling yourself out of the building your eyes went wide as he began shaking and twitching, his body changing as you hurried past your car. You had left the keys on the table next to your bed. By luck of your own making the cavalry arrived in the form of your co-workers. They stared at the beast barreling down at you as one threw open the door and yanked you in. The one driving span the car around and sped out of the town. He didn’t stop as he passed the motel he had booked. In fact, it was dark when he stopped.
“That… that…” He sputtered. You got out, having crammed in the front with your other co-worker out of sheer panic.
“So we have the evidence. Do we need to go back?” She asked hopefully.
“This is the first time we have actual proof that all this is real. You want to leave it to someone else to expose this?” You asked. She frowned and glanced at the driver who was dry heaving as he thought back on what they had seen.
“Ok. We go back. But we need to be prepared.” She answered. There was a murmured agreement and the promise of stopping at a drive-through before any of you got back into the car.
Tyler tags:
@gillybear17 @ravennoore14 @the-caravello-post @killing-gremlin @aegonandaemondtargaryenslut18 @lchufflepuffcorn @gatefleet @savagemickey03 @kaitieskidmore1
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absolutown · 11 months
Tyler Joseph X Reader 🇺🇸
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There was a gentle breeze and a slight sense of nostalgia in the air when you and Tyler Joseph decided to spend a quiet night together. Sitting on the couch, surrounded by soft lights and gentle music playing in the background, Tyler embraced you, creating a warm hug that seemed to protect you from the outside world.
As you rested your head on his chest, you could feel his heart beating steadily, and it conveyed a sense of peace and comfort. With a gentle hand, you began to caress his brown hair, running your fingers delicately through his locks. Tyler let out a soft sigh, and you knew he was enjoying this moment as much as you were.
"You have magical hands," he whispered, making you smile.
"Nothing compares to the power of your embrace," you lovingly replied, feeling as if you could melt with the sweetness of Tyler's words.
As silence reigned between the two of you, your glances said it all. It was as if words were unnecessary at that moment, and only the touch and presence of each other were enough to connect you. However, a mischievous smile started to form on Tyler's face.
"You're not getting away so easily," he teased, squeezing you a bit tighter.
"Oh, I'm not trying to escape, my love," you responded, giggling softly. "I just wanted to make this moment even more special."
You could feel that Tyler was having fun with the situation as he began to trace gentle circles on your back. His touch was electrifying, and with every caress, your body reacted with slight shivers. He noticed the effect he was having on you and grinned from ear to ear.
"You're so sensitive," Tyler playfully taunted, giving you another squeeze.
"That's your fault," you replied in a joking tone, returning the embrace. "You make me shiver just by looking at me."
Tyler laughed, and his laughter was like a melody that brightened your heart. The vibrant sound filled the room, making everything even more enchanting. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he leaned in and planted a soft kiss on your lips, followed by more passionate ones.
Each kiss was like a small explosion of emotions, and your bodies were completely in sync. With your faces so close, you could feel your breaths mingling. It was as if you were in a private universe where only you and he existed.
"I love you," Tyler whispered between kisses.
"And I love you, Tyler," you replied tenderly.
Your affectionate gestures continued throughout the night, accompanied by the soft music and intimate atmosphere you created together. Each touch and word were like notes of a serenade, touching your hearts and sealing your love even more.
And so, embraced and enamored, Tyler and you created a memory that you would never forget. A night filled with love, laughter, and true affection, where the outside world faded away, leaving only the certainty that you had each other forever.
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current posting schedule
- alpha rhaenyra and omega aegon platonic headcanons (request) - jessie's girl part 5 | jacaerys, aegon, aemond x reader band au - platonic yandere rhaenyra x aegon headcanons (request) - pearls | sugar mommy rhaenyra x reader x alicent - under the weirwood | rhaenicent band au - only fair part 5 | rhaenyra x half sister!reader - yandere husband brynden tully (request) - heartbeat part 2 | rhaenyra x reader - perfect | rhaenyra x tully!reader - rhaenys parenting aegon, helaena and aemond (request) - some thread of time part 2 | aemond x reader - rhaenyra and laenor parenting the hell out of her siblings (request) - jessie's girl part 6 | jacaerys, aegon, aemond x reader band au - the heart bestowed | jacaerys x tyrell!reader - only fair part 6 | rhaenyra x half sister!reader - yandere arya part 3 (request) - dark tyler galpin kidnapping reader (request) - lady by the sea | bran stark x mermaid!reader - the prince and his corpse bride part 3 | jacaerys x reader - all's fair in love and enchantments | rhaenyra x reader x jacaerys - of lances and thorns | alicent's brother reader x rhaenyra - platonic rhaenyra and laenor x aemond (request) - jessie's girl part 7 | jacaerys, aegon, aemond x reader band au - tyler x half!bunny reader (request) - the set up | alicent x velaryon!reader - the memories | aegon x reader - prince of rouge | aegon x reader - a sunset seal | rhaenyra x martell reader - the flower and her sword | rhaegar x tyrell!reader - a breeze of decay | eurydice!alicent x orpheus!reader
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debbiechanclub · 11 months
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» Back to all masterlists
Note: All works on this masterlist belong to and are written by me, debbiechanclub, and are not permitted to be reposted on any other website by anyone other than myself.
― One-Shots
AEW Brutalizer (Orange Cassidy x Reader) Cold Hands, Warm Heart (Kenny Omega x Reader) First Winter (Wheeler Yuta x OFC) Least Favorite Day of the Week (Wardlow x Reader) Mercury Retrograde (Trent x Reader) Personal Snow Globe (Brandon Cutler x OFC) So You’ve Chosen Death (Luchasaurus x Reader) Still with You (PAC x Reader) The Ghost of Christmas Present (Best Friends) The Worst Thing in the World (Matt Jackson x OFC) Worth Trying (Brandon Cutler x Reader) You’re Welcome (Wardlow x OFC)
WWE/NXT “Chipped Tooth” (Timothy Thatcher x OFC) “Or Something” (Pete Dunne x Reader)
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― Headcanons
AEW Adam Page ⇁ One | Two | Three Best Friends  Chuck Taylor ⇁ One | Two Eddie Kingston Ethan Page Joey Janela Hook Matt Jackson  MJF ⇁ One | Two Orange Cassidy Wardlow
NJPW Bullet Club
WWE/NXT Pete Dunne Tyler Breeze
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puckmaidens · 1 year
Carry Me Home, Sweetheart - Jason Robertson x Reader - drunk s/o after 3/30 game vs Arizona
"Kisses are revoked until you brush your teeth, you smell like a hot mess, not the best kind…”
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Jason loves his person. Y/N made his life smoother…. silencing some of his bigger anxieties like producing points and doing more as the gap between the regular season and playoffs loomed closer.
“JAY! Jay you did so well tonight!” Y/N’s smile was wide as they squeeze their boyfriend close.
“Mhm. Baby, are you drunk? Did you and Ellie get drinks during the game?” Jason frowns, knowing Y/N can occasionally go nuts with the available alcohol during away games.
“Nope! I promised no shenanigans until after the game. Ellie was very drunk though. Poor Ty. Oh, there’s the duo now!” Ellie, Y/N’s best friend and Ty Dellandrea’s girlfriend comes running down the hallway with her tired boyfriend in tow.
“Ellie, get back here! You’re gonna fall! Sweetheart please?”
“You’re not the boss of me Delly, ya killjoy! I’m perfectly upright thank you very much.” Ellie slips on some water and Ty grabs her before she hits the floor.
“Bedtime for you missy, not about to have you on concussion protocol because you don’t like listening”. Ellie lets herself be hauled onto Ty’s back and out the exit.
Jason and Y/N trail behind their friends, his head buried in his partner’s neck.
“Well… you may not be Ellie drunk but you smell like tequila. You promise you’re sober?”
“I promise I’m sober, sweets. Let’s go celebrate?”
“Okay, only because you asked”.
The ride to the bar was quiet until Jason and Y/N’s knees knocked together, clicking as the Uber hit a speed bump.
“Got something in my boots. I know it’s not your favorite, but those tiny bottles of Malibu don’t fit if I sneak them in my boots. I have Fireball though, if you fancy some courage before we celebrate you.”
Jason looks at Y/N and takes the tiny bottle in his hand before pressing a kiss to their cheek.
“One, Two, Three!” As the whiskey hits his throat, Jason only hopes tonight’s plans don’t fly off the handle.
The Uber slows to a halt, and Jason grabs Y/N at their waist. The breeze catches in Y/N’s hair and everything feels right, like nothing could bring the vibes down.
“Y/N! I have shots! Let’s go mama!” Tyler yells from across the bar, Scott shaking his head beside him.
“We talking straight vodka or tequila? I’m not trying to turn into a roman candle tonight.” Y/N eyes the shot glass that Tyler gives them.
“Jeez. A man accidentally splashes Everclear on a towel and nearly sets a kitchen on fire and never lives it down. It’s tequila, I’m not evil. I also found some rum if that’s more fun for you.” Y/N snorts, repressing a laugh and swallows down the shot.
The night blurs once as Y/N’s drinks begin to multiply, from tequila to rum, and cocktails that are riddled with curses.
“Jay. Jaaaaaaay. I wanna dance! I wanna be close to you! Please?” Jason obliges, finding Y/N’s hand and the middle of the bar.
The way Y/N’s face presses into Jason’s chest as they sway makes everything feel good, almost too good.
“I love you, and I’m happy I’m here with you like this.” Jason presses a kiss into Y/N’s hair before swaying them up into his arms and off the dance floor.
A few hours later, before getting back to the hotel
“Can we make a pit stop? I think I’m gonna hurl.” Y/N’s stomach was rolling, and the taste of Malibu was sitting heavy at the back of their throat. Their body was wobbly and between waves of excitement and joy, her body was ready to let everything out.
The toilet may have been Y/N’s saving grace.
“Baby? I can’t sleep. I need boyfriend kisses.”
"Kisses are revoked until you brush your teeth, you smell like a hot mess, not the best kind. I love you but you gotta get ready for bed. No brushing teeth, no boyfriend smooches.”
“Seems unfair but ok.” Y/N shuffles off to the bathroom to brush her teeth and use mouthwash.
Jason steps behind her, gently taking a wet microfiber cloth and rubbing her eye makeup off before wetting it again for the rest of Y/N’s face.
“Thank you. You ready to sleep too? It’s late.” Jason’s head is buried in Y/N’s neck as he nods.
“C’mon Jay. Bedtime for 100 point season havers, and record breakers.” Y/N and Jason walk in step back to bed, and drift back off to sleep.
“Love you. I love you.”
“I love you too, Jay-bird.”
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seoness · 2 years
hi again! ok so i have a three part question i guess,
1.) is there a song that that reminds you of sandor/ a theme song he would have (even if you have a more than one, gimme)
2.) is there a song you feel he could relate to a partner or “reader”
3.) same question ^ but with your OC Sera?
Thank you for your question. I always listen to music during or right before writing to get me into the right mood so this ask was a real breeze. So this is a sample of all the music I listen to:
The Hound - Playlist
And if you're in need of vocals
The complete list (in case the links are unstable):
Revenge Arcane
Ballade in C# minor Nicholas Britell
Frank's Choice Tyler Bates
Rise Up 2WEI, Edda Hayes
Sex on Fire 2WEI, Marvin Brooks
What Could Have Been Sting, Ray Chen
Other Playlists
General love interest (click here)
Sandor x Sera (link available soon)
Happy Listening!
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