#hopefully not too ott
hellodarling1357 · 7 months
Tiny Toes: Part 4 - Cassian x Reader
Finally here with Part 4! I've been in an angsty mood so have struggled with writing anything fluffy but hopefully this works 🥰
Summary: Sleepovers + blanket forts + lots and lots of cuddles
Word Count: 3.3k
You can read the previous part here!
It had been two weeks since telling Ottie that you and Cassian were together, and she had been ecstatic from the news ever since. You were still easing your presence into her day-to-day life, although, given the amount of time you spent with her as her babysitter, it wasn’t much of an adjustment. 
Every morning the three of you would have breakfast together, either at your apartment, at Cassian’s house, or, when Cassian had the morning off, you would make your way into Velaris and spend the morning at a cafe followed by a walk through the park of along the river.
You also started joining Cassian at his family dinners and found yourself easily slipping into the group and becoming closer with the Inner Circle. Both Nyx and Ottie were overjoyed at your presence, excited by the prospect of having someone new to play with, especially after Ottie had talked you up so much which made Nyx also want to befriend you. It was like clockwork, the minute you set your fork down, two sets of hands would be pulling you towards the lounge room as they explained what you would be playing that evening. Eventually, the others would filter into the room, Elain happily taking your spot on the floor so you could rejoin Cassian on the couch and curl up against him.
An hour ticked by as Ottie and Nyx continued playing while the rest of you chatted away and shared a bottle or two of wine. Eventually the late night seemed to catch up to Ottie as she made her way over to where you and Cassian sat, reaching up her hands for him to lift her up and settle her on his lap. You smiled as you watched her fight to keep her eyes open then let out a laugh as her little legs stretched out to rest across your lap, leaving her sprawled over the two of you.
“Looks like someone’s ready for bed,” Rhys mused from Feyre’s side, smiling softly at the three of you as everyone took in the scene playing out. 
“I think so,” Cassian pushed some of Ottie’s hair away from her face, “what do you think, Otts? Ready to go home?” The room filled with laughter as Ottie violently shook her head whilst letting out a yawn.
“Come on, home time.” But Ottie, apparently not liking what her dad had to say, squirmed in his lap so that she was upright again and then quickly moved over to kneel in your lap, her arms coming up to wrap around you as she hid her face in the crook of your neck. You looked at Cassian, amusement filling your eyes as he let out a sigh. 
“She clearly has a new favourite.” Feyre laughed.
“Hmm, apparently she now thinks that if I say no, Y/N is going to say yes,” Cassian shot you a mock look of annoyance, “which isn’t helped by the fact that the two of you keep ganging up on me.”
“Aw, feeling a bit left out, Cassie?” Cassian chucks a cushion at Azriel in response to the taunt, shooting him with a glare that had the Shadowsinger grinning.
“You would be too. They have secrets- See, look at that, they’re whispering.” For at that very moment, Ottie had lifted her head away from your shoulder, leaning up to whisper in your ear, a hand cupped over her mouth to block out the others.
You looked up at the silence that filled the room to find everyone watching the two of you. With a smile you lean down to whisper into Ottie’s ear, making her look around the room before turning back to you with a definitive nod of her head.
Amusement coating your voice, your eyes meet Cassian’s as you announce, “Ottie says she doesn’t want to go home and that we’re staying here forever and ever.” Ottie nods again, giving you a pat on your back for a job well done.
You grin at Cassian as he lets out a groan, ignoring the snickering from the others, “Well, how about we go home now and then next time we can stay forever and ever?” He tries coaxing her away from where she’s hidden herself in the space between your neck and shoulder, one of his hands resting on your back as you shift against him with Ottie still in your arms.
She finally peeks up at him, looking like she’s seconds away from falling asleep against you as she fixes him with a calculating look. “Is Y/N coming with us?”
“Of course, sweetheart. If we leave now I’ll even have time to tuck you into bed before going home. Maybe even read you a bedtime story?” Cassian mouths a silent thank you at your intervention, knowing that with the mood Ottie is currently in, she’s not very likely to want to listen to him. 
However, it seems she doesn’t want to listen to you either, or she’s unhappy with what you said, as her lower lip pouts out and tears begin to fall down her face as she holds onto you even tighter.
“Ottie, what’s wrong?” Cassian quietly asks, rubbing a hand down her back. 
“Y/N- Y/N never stays,” she says between small sobs, hands balling up as they hold onto you. “She always goes home. I want her to stay.”
Well that had your heartbreaking in two.
You press a kiss to the top of her head, looking at Cassian with a questioning look. The two of you have a silent conversation before Cassian speaks up, “Well, how about Y/N has a sleepover tonight?”
You had been talking about when the best time was for you to start staying over for a few weeks now, it seemed, however, that Ottie wanted to get the ball rolling.
Almost immediately her sobs softened, and she quickly scrambled in your lap so that she could look at the two of you. “Okay,” then she was jumping off the couch, running around the room to give everyone a hug goodbye before racing out of the door.
Startled, you and Cassian blinked at each other before turning to look at the doorway she had just disappeared through.
“I think the two of you just got played,” Rhys laughed as he got out of his seat to give Cassian a pat on the back and you a hug goodbye. Before either of you could answer, Ottie was running back into the room, carrying all three of your coats. Honestly, you were surprised she managed to make it back given how they piled up above her face.
“Come on, it’s home time.” She impatiently repeated Cassian’s words from earlier.
“Alright, we’re coming, we’re coming,” 
You finished saying goodbye to everyone as Cassian knelt to help Ottie into her coat, doing up the buttons and pulling a wooly hat over her head to keep the cold out before wrapping a scarf around her neck. Then he was crossing the room to where you stood saying goodbye to Azriel. You let Cassian help you into your coat, smiling softly as he leans back to pull your hair out from where it was caught down your back.
“Ready to go?” 
“Yep,” you replied, eyes fluttering shut as Cassian places a soft kiss to your lips.
You frown slightly as you feel him tense up, noting how his eyes scrunched together in confusion. “Ottie,” he starts, turning around to face her from where she stood, basically jumping, in the doorway. “How did you reach our coats? They were hanging on the hook…”
Ottie fixes him with an unimpressed look, clearly not happy with the holdup when she has a sleepover with you to get to. With a roll of her eyes, holding more attitude than what should be allowed for a near-three-year-old, she says “like this.”
Her face contorts in concentration and then she’s flapping her little wings up and up and up. Your mouth falls open, Azriel and Rhys both let our surprised laughs, and Cassian… He is staring at his daughter in shock before racing over to tug her into his arms.
“Ottie… How- How long have you been doing that?”
“I don’t know, a few weeks. Now come on, we have to go.”
“Okay, okay,” He still seemed stunned, a slight panic washing over his features. “How did you learn to do that?”
“I just copied what you do.” Ottie, seemingly done with the conversation, grabbed her dad’s hand and tried to pull him out the door, waving for you to follow.
“Hang on a minute, princess,” Cassian knelt to face her, tucking some hair out of her impatient little face. “Why didn’t you tell me that you started… Ottie, you need to promise me that there will be no more flying by yourself, okay? You could get hurt –”
“But Daddy –”
“At least let me show you how to fly properly, okay? This weekend, the two of us can practice flying, how does that sound?”
Ottie cocked her head as she contemplated his offer before her face broke into a wide grin, all previous signs of sleepiness were long gone. “Okay, but only if Y/N is there too.”
Cassian scoops her into his arms, turning to face you and the rest of his family with a look of exhaustion.
“Well, it’s a good thing you’ve got Y/N now, Cass. She’s going to be a handful, aren’t you Ottie?” Mor teased, swooping in to press a kiss to her cheek. “I’m going to head off now too, want me to winnow you all home?” You gracefully accepted her offer; as much as you loved the feeling of being in Cassian’s arms, the thought of him flying you and Ottie through the freezing winter night air was not something you were looking forward to.
“Daddy?” Ottie drawled once the front door was shut behind you and Mor had disappeared. “Can we please have a hot chocolate?”
“Princess, it’s well past your bedtime. How about tomorrow?”
“But a hot chocolate now would be really nice. Y/N wants one too, don’t you, Y/N?” You squeezed Cassian’s hand, trying to hide your laugh at Ottie using you against him.
“I don’t know, sweetheart. I’m pretty tired… How about we get ready for bed and then I’ll read you a bedtime story?” Ottie grinned up at you as though you were the best person in the world before turning on the spot and running down the hallway, yelling something about being a big girl and brushing her own teeth.
Cassian let out a long sigh as he pulled you tightly against him and buried his head in your hair, your arms eagerly coming up to wrap around him.
“You, my love, are cauldron sent,” You pulled back just enough to be able to reach up on your tiptoes and slant your lips over his. “I’m serious, if it was me saying no to hot chocolate, she would’ve cracked it. But one word from you and she’s running to get ready for bed. I think I might just have to keep you.”
“Hmm,” you murmured against his lips, “I don’t think I have any complaints if you do decide to keep me.”
“Well, isn’t the convenient.” Cassian’s voice was gravelly against your ear, his breath fanning across the sensitive skin of your neck. He caught your lips in another kiss, deepening it with a sweep of his tongue that had you pressing even closer against him. The pitter patter of footsteps had you reluctantly breaking apart, Cassian rolling his head back at the sudden interruption.
“Y/N? Can you please read to me now? I’ve done everything to get ready for bed.”
“Of course, sweetheart. Do you want to pick out a book? I’ll meet you upstairs in a minute.” She ran off with a grin. You turned to face Cassian, smiling at the sight of him watching Ottie climb the stairs, clad in her pyjamas and tightly holding onto her teddy bear, a soft smile gracing his features.
“She’s a pretty special kid,” you say, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Yeah, she is,” He bends down to softly kiss you, leaning his forehead against yours as he says, “She used her manners and everything. I think Feyre was right, you’re definitely her favourite…” His words awkwardly trailed off as if he had to suddenly stop himself from saying something that had been on the tip of his tongue. You gave him a questioning look but let it go when he grabbed your hand, with a quick clear of his throat he continued, “Well, we better get up there and read her that story, hey?”
You and Cassian stumbled in the doorway of Ottie’s bedroom as you took in the sight before you. Ottie was in what looked like a nest of blankets and pillows spread out on the floor beside her still made bed.
“You can have my bed, Y/N. I don’t want you to sleep on the floor, you won’t be very comfortable.” The way she was looking up at you with so much excitement and unabashed joy had your heart clenching as you turned to Cassian, amusement lacing his features as he raised his eyebrows at you – this was your situation to navigate and clearly Ottie hadn't realised that you didn't plan on sleeping in her room.
“Oh, that’s very sweet of you, Ottie,” you pulled Cassian along with you as you sat down on her bed. “How about you come up here too. That way we’re all comfortable.” Without so much as a second of hesitation, Ottie was scrambling into her bed, settling herself between you and Cassian as she handed you the book she had picked out.
It was a tight fit but somehow the three of you managed to get into a comfortable position that accommodated for both Cassian and Ottie’s wings, as well as Cassian’s bulking frame. You were nestled into Cassian’s side, his arm and wing, wrapped around your shoulders to hold you to him. Ottie was on his lap, curled up against his chest as she faced you, watching with wide eyes as you read to her. Eventually, a soft snore filled the room making you turn to find Ottie fast asleep with her mouth open, drool soaking into Cassian’s shirt as he rubbed a hand up and down her back.
“She asleep?” He quietly asked, giving your shoulder a soft squeeze.
“Yeah, she is. Snores just like you.” You poked your tongue out at his offended expression before resting your head on his shoulder.
“Let’s stay here for a minute before we head to bed,” he mumbles, head leaning down to rest atop yours, “Don’t want to accidentally wake her.”
You murmur your agreement, feeling your eyes grow heavy as the warmth and comfort and love from the two people beside you help you drift into a peaceful sleep.
Your back is aching, and you have no idea where you are. Blearily cracking your eyes open, you take in the soft light coming through the windows from the rising sun, lighting up the soft pinks of the bedroom you’re in. With a groan, you turn your head and come face-to-face with Cassian’s chest, slowly rising and falling with each breath, his arm wrapped tightly around you.
You’re in Ottie’s room. You clearly both dozed off after she fell asleep and had spent the rest of the night cuddled up on her small bed. It was definitely a sight you would be holding onto: a fully grown Illyrian male, sprawled across a small child’s bed wrapped up in a pink comforter covered in flowers. You might just ask Feyre if she could paint the scene for you, you knew she would at least get a laugh out of it.
Yet, the one thing missing from the scene was Ottie. You sat up, slowly wiggling out of Cassian’s grasp, not wanting to disturb him. You looked down at the pile of blankets Ottie had set up for herself, but there was no sign of her, or of the blankets and pillows she had dragged in. Standing up, you turned back to Cassian and pulled the blankets up around him before pressing a kiss to his cheek, just as he let out a loud snore that sent you into a fit of silent giggles. Quietly shutting the bedroom door behind you, you set off down the stairs in search for the young Illyrian, surely she hadn’t gotten too far?
You didn’t need to look for long. As soon as you entered the living room, a smile spread across your face at the throws that were draped across a huddle of chairs she seemed to have dragged in from the dining room. Kneeling in front of the small opening of Ottie’s blanket fort, you knocked on the floorboards before poking your head inside.
“Hello,” Ottie looks up from her picture book, her teddy bear sitting on her lap as she gives you a sleepy smile. “You’re up early. Can I join you?”
Ottie silently nodded, shifting over a bit to make more room. You smile as she pulls a blanket out and drapes it over your legs before readjusting herself to lean against your side. You sat in silence for a while, Ottie clutching her teddy to her chest as she looked through the pictures in her book while you sat beside her, letting your hands tangle through her curls, lost in thought.
Closing her book with a snap, Ottie turned to face you, before shifting so she could rest her head in your lap, teddy bear still clutched tightly in her hands.
“Are you alright, sweetheart?” It had been a late night and was currently very early in the morning, so she was probably just tired, still, you wanted to check all the same.
“Daddy snores,” You laugh, nodding your head in agreement. “Really loudly.”
“Yes, he does, doesn’t here. He’s still up there snoring now.”
“No, he isn’t. And, no, he doesn’t,” Ottie sheepishly looked up at you, letting out a giggle as Cassian’s face appeared in the tent’s entrance. “Well, this is cozy.”
You laugh as Cassian sprawls out on the floor, the upper half of his body fitting inside the small space while his legs stick out of the gap in the blankets.
“Move over, Otts. Sharing is caring and all that.” The husk of his voice sending butterflies through you. “Woke up without my girls and couldn’t get back to sleep.” Ottie wiggled as she made room for Cassian to rest his head in your lap.
He blindly searched for your hand, bringing it up to his lips once he had hold of it before settling it on top of his chest, not once letting go. Then he was turning his head to face Ottie and planting a big kiss on her cheeks that had her letting out a shriek of laughter, “Stop it, Daddy. That tickles.”
You laughed as Cassian proceeded to smush his face against hers, the stubble prickling against her skin before wrapping his other arm around her and pulling her in closer against him. Soothingly rubbing your thumb across Cassian’s hand, you let the other one trail through Ottie’s hair, watching with amusement as they both drifted off to sleep in your lap.
Given the rare moment in which they were both still, and silent, you took the time to properly compare their features, marvelling at the many similarities they shared. You had to hold back a laugh when Cassian shifted slightly as he let out a snore, followed by the sound of Ottie’s, much quieter, snore.
Leaning against the back of the chair that helped prop up the blankets, you continued watching your two favourite people sleeping soundly in your lap, and couldn’t help but think this was something you wanted to get used to.
Part 5
PSA: Cassian was going to say “parent” – “You’re definitely her favourite parent” but caught himself because is it too soon?? What does he even think about it?? What would Y/N even think about it?? It just *almost* slipped out and sends him spiralling!
Tag List: @mis-lil-red @sarawritestories @beardburnsupersoldiers @eve175 @blushingfawnsposts @turtleshavesoulmates @slytherinindisguise @sleepylunarwolf @starryhiraeth @tele86
Let me know if you wanted to be added!
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glorious-spoon · 4 months
9-1-1 Season 7 Post-Mortem
Mostly because I want to put my thoughts in order. Full disclosure: I'm really not thrilled with a lot of the choices this season made, but I'm also not at the 'fuck this show I hate it now' level either. The primary, overarching issue, IMO, is that they tried to stuff a full season's worth of plot into ten episodes, and the pacing and emotional continuity suffered badly. And also there were some writing choices that were simply deranged (and hopefully would have been reworked had they not been laying down the tracks in front of the speeding train, so to speak).
(Cut for me rambling at length)
So: Bobby and Athena were largely really solidly written. The cruise ship disaster was great: campy and OTT, but in a fun way. Their marital issues and the eventual resolution felt like a natural continuation of issues they've had in the past. Bobby Begins 3.0 was a great episode other than the cartel element, which was some ill-considered racial stereotyping (I've said it before and I'll say it again: you could have had the antagonists in that episode be a bunch of angry locals threatening people for tresspassing on their property, and the whole thing would have been 100% less gross without actually changing much of the plot. Really felt like Tim was cribbing from the similar Lone Star arc, which was also lazy and racist). Amir was a fantastic character, and while I could have done without that last scene of him offering Bobby absolution, I feel like he was generally allowed to be both gracious and rightfully angry. The cop Athena stuff in the finale was... less great, but also to be expected. I would have liked much less of that and much more time spent at Bobby's bedside.
(I'm really sad about the house fire mostly because that was one of my favorite sets, but I do appreciate the poetry of the parallel, with Bobby actually managing to get his wife out this time. Though I do wonder where Harry was that night, lmao.)
Hen was similarly wonderful. I really liked getting to see her wrestle with the responsibility of being captain, and the fallout of the car accident scene. In a vacuum, I actually like Ortiz as a villain - a complicated one, with sympathetic motivations, but still ostentatiously cruel. Were it not for the fact that there are basically NO latine characters other than Eddie who aren't villains this season, it would have been great. ALAS.
Did not love the rescue dog/foster child parallel with Mara. Otherwise really loved getting to see her settle in with the Wilsons, and I'm really glad that we got to see Chim and Maddie take her in instead of leaving her at the group home by the end of the season. Really leaned into the found family element, and Chim taking care of his best friend's child in the same way that Mrs. Lee did for him.
CHIM! Chim my beloved. 'There Goes The Groom' is the one episode that I have basically no issues with at all. The hallucinatory trip through Los Angeles, wrestling with Doug's ghost, was gorgeous. Bringing back Kevin - also gorgeous. I loved that we see the Lees explicitly framed as his real family (and am spitefully glad that his bio dad was nowhere to be found. Fuck that guy.) Kenny continues to be, IMO, the best actor on this show. He killed it. We need so many more Chim-centric episodes, because they're always SO good. He can make both humor and pathos feel so natural and human. Give us more Chim!
And of course on to Buck's bisexual arc, which was... so painfully Buck, lmao. Full disclosure: I have a lot of trouble rewatching 7x04 and 7x05 because the secondhand embarrassment is just too much for me, but objectively it feels very right and in character for him. LOVED the first kiss scene, with his dawning realization of what's about to happen and his softly stunned joy afterward. His coming out scenes with both Maddie and Eddie were lovely and perfectly appropriate to both relationships. I really liked him taking the initiative to reach out to Tommy to apologize and ask for a second chance after he fucked up their first date. Loved Tommy showing up at the hospital after what was clearly a long, miserable shift.
Their date in the finale didn't really land for me mostly because of where it was placed in the episode; if they did something with the two of them after Buck spent the entire day at Bobby's bedside waiting to see if he was going to live, it would have felt a lot more natural to me to have them exhaustedly eating takeout on the couch or something instead of having a formal sit-down date with wine and place settings. Intentionally or not, that made it feel like they're still on Date Behavior with each other and despite some gestures toward emotional vulnerability, they're not quite there yet - as seen by Buck steering the conversation back to flirting and innuendo. My overall feeling on the relationship at this point is that it's cute, but I'm not seeing any real depth of feeling between them yet.
Buck and Eddie on the other hand - look, despite my many MANY issues with Eddie's plot this season, I loved how his relationship with Buck was written. I love the intimacy and familiarity of how they are together, I loved the way Eddie let himself lean on Buck, I loved how Buck is clearly positioned as an integral part of the Diaz family.
Unfortunately, that's really the only thing I loved about Eddie's plot this season. His relationship with Marisol was ultimately pointless; she was never fleshed out enough to feel like a real character, and we never even see the fallout of Eddie's cheating with regard to her; it's all Chris. The Kim stuff strained credulity, and also I never felt like he got any kind of emotional catharsis or resolution through it; he still hasn't really confronted any of his issues about Shannon, about their marriage and how it ended. That whole arc felt really wobbly in terms of tone, as well: using plot elements of a very famous psychological thriller without actually acknowledging any of the creepiness of it. I would have liked it to lean into that more especially with the scene where Kim dresses up as Shannon, an objectively creepy and unhinged thing to do.
The Diaz parents handled the Chris thing in a selfish and opportunistic way that felt both disappointing and inevitable. Hopefully that's going to be a hook for the next season and Eddie actually confronting them, but overall Eddie's plot this season really felt like they just tossed a bunch of balls up in the air and mostly failed to catch them.
Gerrard - look, I'm not that worried about Gerrard. I could have done without him, but ultimately he's going to stick around just long enough to make his inevitable defeat satisfying. At least, that's my hope.
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anicejuicymurder · 8 months
On the recommendation of two friends, I recently watched Deadloch, and it was incredible! Super funny, but the mystery is really compelling too. It both subverts and satirises crime drama tropes and archetypes as well as being a pointed social commentary. Oh, it's also incredibly feminist and critiques toxic masculinity and the patriarchy through that lens. Plus it’s a great buddy cop show! It works on a lot of levels in a way satire or spoofs can sometimes not work
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Anyway, you've got the loose cannon renegade detective played pitch perfectly by Madeleine Sami (a lot of comments I saw elsewhere found her hard to bear at first, but she does mellow, and her being OTT was part of the point), the strait-laced (but not straight) local sergeant again played to perfection by Kate Box, and a whole host of wacky and often irritating (but never boring) characters, who, as I said, both play into archetypes of crime dramas but also real life stereotypes.
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It's hard to go into more of what I loved about it as a whole without giving away the reveals, so I'll just say I think it was all superbly done. It's a really well crafted show! Hopefully my gushing isn't too effusive but it's rare these days for me to get this sucked in and not be disappointed. It's also set up perfectly for a second so fingers crossed
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And for anyone looking for crime dramas with more queer characters, most of the women in the town are lesbians, and the main male cop is gay
(Sorry if any of this doesn’t make sense! It’s super hot today and I’m tired and meant to write this weeks ago haha)
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reasonablerodents · 9 months
So for your drabble requests collection. I would love it if you could write a ficlet about vampire Hotch having a thirst for Spencer, who's so beautifully willing (read horny) when he at last dares to drink from him.
I am nothing if not an absolute simp for absolutely anything to do with vampires and this is just suuuuuuch a good prompt!!!!! I had so much fun writing this and listening to Bauhaus and The Damned, really getting into those spooky (and hopefully) sexy vibes.
There’s no real description of the environment in this but feel free to imagine the most ott Anne Rice sort of deal because that’s totally what I was thinking.
Sanctum Sanctorum (M)
Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Vampire AU, Blood Drinking
* * * * * * * * * *
“Please,” Spencer breathes, tilting his head to the side to expose the delicate blue veins in his neck. “I know that you want this, Aaron.”
Of course he does. How, in any possible universe, could he not? Resisting the urge for this long has been torture, just as painful as a silver crucifix being pressed into his skin- and he knew how much that hurt, still had the scar to prove it.
“You need to be sure, Spencer.” Hotch tells him seriously, although if he had a heartbeat he’s sure it would be faster than it’s ever been. He cups Spencer's jaw with one cold hand, making him look directly into his eyes. “If I do this, we’ll be linked forever. Drinking directly from someone isn’t the same as blood that’s been stored, you know this. There’s nothing I’ll be able to do to sever our bond.”
“I know,” Spencer agrees, his sincerity visible even in the dim moonlight. “And that’s why I want it. I want you.”
Hotch knows that there’s no point in arguing further. Spencer had been trying for months, almost immediately after they’d started these midnight trysts. Every time, he’d got closer to giving in, a little more of his resolve weakened. By this point, the wall surrounding his urges was little more than a pile of rubble.
He uses his grip on Spencer's face to tilt his head further to the side, getting him exactly where he wants him. One hand goes to Spencer’s thigh, just close enough to his crotch to be tempting but too far for any actual contact- after all, Spencer had been teasing him for this long, it was his turn now.
Hotch gently lowers his head, licking over Spencer's neck in preparation, feeling the warmth of the blood as it rushes under the thin skin. He doesn’t need to breathe, but he does so anyway before he opens his mouth properly, indulging in one final nod to humanity before it leaves him completely.
The second Hotch’s fangs pierce him, Spencer moans, eyes fluttering closed as his lips open, his breath coming out in short pleasured gasps. Hotch can quite literally taste his arousal; it flows through his blood like a perfume, sweet yet dirty, a filthy and hedonistic undercurrent to it all.
He grips harder onto Spencer’s thigh when the younger man tenses up with another low moan, automatically jerking up into the air in a desperate search for friction.
“Please, Aaron,” he whispers reverently. “Touch me.”
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daengtokki · 1 day
Your story is like the first one I’ve been so deeply captivated by when it comes to serial killer shit, like I can’t explain it. Sure I’ve read yandares and silly ghost face skz story’s, but this one made me feel…disgusted? Like I’ve never had a fictional story about skz make me feel so grossed out. I don’t want you to take it as a negative thing, and if you do i apologize 🩷
I’ve read sooooo many fics through three years and I was a little bit skeptical when I first read the “serial killer! Seungmin” but I’m glad I kept reading cause I’m so excited for the next part.
What I meant by the “it grossed me out” part, is the scene where he killed the man? I don’t know why but I dead ass almost threw up, might be cause I’m sick and the only thing I’ve been consuming are medications. But holy fuck dude, I had to step away😭
But I think that’s what makes a story good! The minute a fic I’m reading is making me feel some kind of emotions, better bet I’m reading until the fkn end.
Anyway, pardon my rant, and again I really hope you don’t take it as offensive, but if you do I’d totally get it tbh.
Stay safe and healthy! Lots of love🩷🌺
Sorry I took so long responding, but I really had to gather my thoughts for this one. Apologies for it being so long and for me basically taking an opportunity to unload.
All of the "negative" parts popped out because I was so tired and out of it. And I was like “oh no please don’t hate please don’t hate the story” 😭 ㅋㅋ ㅋ I'm out of it today, too, so hopefully I type this up properly.
But I don’t take your comments negatively! My job as a writer is to make you feel all of the emotions my characters are dealing with.
So thank you for taking the time to write all of this out! Seriously. I'm a little floored anyone (this goes for everyone who has sent a message or left a long comment about the fic) has been reading thoughtfully enough to catch everything l've been putting into the story. We’ll be getting more into readers fucked up head very soon, since you mentioned that!
I’m glad these not so pretty parts have gotten a reaction out of you, because I’ll take that as me writing the scenes well! That’s very important to me as a writer, and as someone who has always taken writing seriously. I love writing simple fanfic that you guys can lose yourself in, because that’s why I picked up ff again after stopping for many years. And because of Seungmin, ofc. But this is also why I was very nervous about posting DEITY even though I’ve been wanting to do serial killer!Seungmin for months now. I knew it couldn’t be simple, but I had no idea it would already be this long halfway through (almost 50k words). After writing the intro and getting into the first part, I decided to just write an entire novel. I already had the plot in my head.
I don’t see many stories like this on tumblr, but I also don’t read much (I’m not exaggerating when I say all of my free time is spent writing) so putting something darker out there that wasn’t just oneshot smut was a little scary. I’m aware that’s what get most of the attention on here (short stuff, ott smut, ~imagines, etc) and why even though I have readers like you, I don’t have much in the way of likes and reblogs. It does get discouraging, but I’m pushed forward when I think about all of you reading each part.
So ANYWAY. Sorry this got so long. Thank you so much for your reblogs and your comments on those reblogs. It’s so important to me and the other writers on tumblr.
And thank you Seungmin for being my muse. I wouldn’t be writing every day again without you making me so delusional.
Again, sorry if this is too much and none of it makes sense. I took too much of one of my meds today and I’m very dizzy and lethargic from it.
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iasmelaion · 3 months
as I get ever closer to finishing the campal fic which is taking me too long because frequent breaks for Having Emotions about campal, i find i need some motivation to spur myself on via my tried and true carrot and stick method of fic writing, but the problem is none of my other wips are the specific carrot i want right now. so instead i've been thinking of the fic idea/vibe I've been rotating in my head for literal weeks now, which consists of the following:
at first, I simply wanted to write something dumb about Bucky's dumb hair, because I am as always feeling the equivalent of cute aggression about sebstan's stupid beautiful hair, and all the photos from Cannes did NOT help. for this idea, i had: one (1) joke about bucky being his own inadvertent hair care product ad campaign (something something 'because you're worth it,' i was gonna figure out the punchline later), and one (1) barebones scene where steve says "actually, i used you as a model for a pomade ad i was hired to illustrate, so you've kind of already been a hair model" and i thought "hmm what if this scene was not funny but was instead fraught with sexual and emotional tension"
anyway, this didn't pan out, because i kept rotating it in my head and shaking it all "is this anything??? is this anything? like, is there a character arc here, some development--" and the answer was just more lustenvyrage re sebstan's hair. so this idea was set aside.
next i remembered that i've always been interested in writing SOMETHING about the way Steve and Bucky fight with each other with frankly preternatural seamlessness in CACW. I've referenced this in a couple fics, but I kind of want to write a fic that's ABOUT it, y'know?? like, the way their bodies are legible to each other even after so many changes. the way they know each other's bodies so well, the way their bodies talk to each other, in contrast to the ways they themselves don't actually manage to talk about the important shit. obvsly in a fic, this would go fighting together > fucking.
i am also thinking about this vis-a-vis "stop writing characters who talk like they're trying to get a good grade in therapy". like. maybe i don't want them to TALK. maybe i want them to be insane weirdos about it. maybe they should sublimate all their emotions into fucking and weird OTT devoted gestures.
however, i am not actually interested in writing post-cacw pre-infinity war fic. so i did a lot of rotating in my head re canon setting, AU-ness, etc.
my other desire here is to, for the love of god, write something that isn't CUTE. listen, I know my fic writing lane. I appreciate all comments. I in fact have a great deal of fun writing things that are sweet and cute and hopefully also poignant and funny. but sometimes a girl gets real tired of having most things she writes classified as cute.
here is the additional thought i had today re this hypothetical fic: haunted house. not a literal haunted house, but a metaphorical one. (but also an actual house that is not actually haunted) (the metaphor is the house = the relationship, ofc) the house is being haunted by grief, the house is being haunted by regret, the house is being haunted by guilt.
so now i am here trying to fit all these disparate parts together into something coherent. like, if i write this, what is the resolution. what is the arc. i may not want to write something cute but i am still committed to reasonably happy endings. so the house is unhaunted? the house is still haunted but they live with the ghosts? they move to a new house???? (not sure how this works with the metaphor?? wait. maybe. hmm.) could this fic please god be under 10k????
anyway now i can't let it go until i solve it and i have written this whole thing in an attempt to figure it out/exorcise the idea. annoying.
this, fyi, is how my fic planning process goes when I can't/don't start with either: a) a punchline, b) a wouldn't-it-be-funny-if, or c) an actual trope or prompt. so great. so efficient and useful and fun ;___;
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bobbie-robron · 4 months
I not sure Robert was actually in love with Chrissie, i think he cared about her in his own way but as he seem have no real remorse for cheating on her and seem cheat several times on her Aaron and Rebecca are the only 2 we know of. Connor i not sure if that was before Chrissie or during. Chrissie asked if there been other men not sure talking about if cheated with other men or talking about him being with other men in general and he told Aaron he had ons' with other men. yes he cheated on Katie and she was not enough either but we saw guilt but not enough to stop the affair with Sadie. I say Katie was his biggest love we know of before Aaron. I not sure he loved Rebecca, i say not but why did she build it in her head that it was some great love. Robert said it just sex when he bored or something went wrong but seem refuse give up his friendship with her even though it was affecting Aaron and seem but Bex needs over Aaron's re Seb.
Out of all the ladies in Robert’s teen years, Katie would have been probably his first love. Lucy, Elaine, Nicola… they really didn’t have any chance to go anywhere since two were written out and the third was there to teach him a hard lesson in trust.
Chrissie can be taken the same way Katie saw Andy when she chose Robert. She loved Andy but was in love with Robert. The same can be said for Chrissie. Robert loved her but wasn’t in love with her. She was the golden goose to the fulfilling that plan of his to please a dead father. That family was also one he wanted desperately to be accepted and embraced into but the dynamics of it were just too toxic but that didn’t matter. He belonged again and he was gonna hold on to it. Hippy Henrietta (sorry never call her by her name), I always saw as friends with benefits when he was drunk. There was never gonna be anything more between them. Anything between them when she was brought in was purely for plot to try to address Aaron’s issues with bisexuality. Ignoring Aaron’s obvious concerns while being chummy with her was OTT after everything that happened in 2016. He was the Aaron whisperer then he wasn’t?
With Sadie, it was to propagate the bad boy image of him not being faithful when he was with someone. Sadie went after him and Robert succumbed to her charms. When exactly he met Connor is still up in the air (be it before the Whites or after). We know he’s had ons with men but again when did this happen? Those missing early years could answer a few of those questions but I doubt we’ll ever get to that time in his life.
Hopefully I didn’t go too far off on all of this.
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strawberryblondebutch · 4 months
wait that’s valid bc as a minnesota fan i want us to get bilka too 😭😭 but that would ride on ottawa taking serdachny assuming fillier is going number 1. bc bilka is def gonna be a top 3 pick. and if she isn’t for some reason then major side eye tbh
I love Serdachny's game but I don't think she's what OTT needs. They have several Serdachny types already (Clark, Jenner, hopefully they bring Watts back). Give me that big ol' sniper!
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f0point5 · 1 year
it was basically fight your teammate week in suzuka (merc with their no number 1 driver thing, alpine with the last corner position swap, sainz’s self imposed “sacrificed race”, mclaren fans waging a imaginary war between lando and Oscar over p2 & 3) and rb/max driver’s and constructors winning quietly out of the trouble aside from checo wrecking havoc on lap 1 kinda can’t wait for next season hopefully it gets more competitive like f2 like it’s so chaotic you never know who’s winning week after week // side note I agree I hope there’s more newcomers on the grid next season and maybe the new pending f1 team andretti too
Honestly it was wild af for no reason at all. The boys were like if we can’t fight Max we will fight each other. Meanwhile Checo goes solo bowling.
I maintain Ferrari and Merc already have problems cooking and McLaren has all the ingredients ready. If Oscar’s form continues and Lando extends his contract, they will put a problem in the oven to cook, imo. For me, Japan just proved that if you have a halfway decent car you want a clear 1 and 2 where everyone from the garage to that gnome Ted Kravitz knows who is who.
The Alpine drama was so…OTT for no reason. Sometimes I feel like Gasly is trying to make himself a meme. Like son you aren’t in the points there’s no need for all that.
I feel like 2025 will bring a couple of new faces. Lawson will be there for sure. I wouldn’t be surprised to see both Alfa guys go, or maybe just one and then they’re both out for ‘26. I think there might be a seat at Haas, probably not for a rookie though. Probably a new face at Williams if there’s not one next year. I personally feel like Lance is going to have to pack it in at some point before ‘26 so hopefully it’s next year (no hate to him I’m sure he’s a nice guy but idk how he can possibly be enjoying himself).
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bklynmusicnerd · 8 months
The good news is, TA said in her discord that no new scripts have been given out yet so it seems like Patrick will have a good Trina transition era to pick up from and start writing from there. Especially for their big reunion.
That news is both good and a little scary lol. Good because it seems like PM is taking his time and committing to the creative overhaul that the canvas desperately needs post-C&D. But a little scary because we have no hint of what's next for Trina 👀. You're right about it being a decent transition era in terms of her comeback from her depression arc and the "big reunion".
The thing I'm always struck by with the return of the union writers is how much more comfortable the temp writers were with writing consistently in-depth pov for Trina. It just really felt like those temps came onto the scene, looked at some key stuff from Trina's foundation, and just GOT her and enjoyed writing for her. I am hopeful the same will be the case for PM. It's a shame it clearly wasn't for C&D since they technically created her.
The temps understood that even if you put Trina through the most ridiculous shit (pitting her against a baby 🥴) that if you give her a clear voice and full exploration of her layers, the story can work and the viewers will follow you. I sometimes feel like one too many current staff writers write like they're afraid to write Trina's voice.
Too many of them couch a lack of pov writing for Trina in their scripts, with characters talking about how great Trina is when really, as a Trina fan, I just want to know what Trina is feeling/thinking when she's going through shit.
I don't want her constantly propping something because of an ott awareness of her popularity, I want her to be active in her own arc and allowed to focus on her own story. Hopefully, that's where we're headed.
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save-the-data · 2 years
My Top Ranking 30 BL’s couples of the year 2022...
Whilst compiling this list I noticed a few similarities between the couples chosen; that being not many “gay panic” or “closeted gays” like in previous years In fact a lot of these characters were either established gay characters from the first episode, as well as less of the “gay for only him” troupe. Most of these couples were in a supporting, not necessary toxic relationship, with not a cheating plot in sight but some miscommunication and stupid decisions for drama, Another difference is the setting, from high-school aged boys to business men in suits. We are finally getting good older male characters and storylines. But overall the reason for the top couples came down to chemistry between the actors and how supportive each couple was towards each other in their own carved out world. 
Note 1: eligibility for the list is the drama had to be completed by the end of 22. Note 2: Only the top 5 are ranked, the others are mentions. 
Vee x Mark (Love Mechanics). 
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It’s Love Mechanics. It’s YinWar. It’s Vee and Mark as characters that came to life. Enough said, waited two years and finally they had their moment. Now quickly give Yin and War another drama, either as a pairing or solo work. 
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Tarntatch x Lomnaw (2 Moons 3: The Ambassador)
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A very big surprise, considering was going to skip the drama since it seemed like every other run-of-the-mill Thai BL, however not the characters of Tatch and Lom who made the drama. Tatch, in particular I loved as a character cause although he was put on a pedestal for being handsome he is actually very insecure and spends most of the time getting Lom to see his self-worth and supporting him. Not to mention the boys flirting game was on point and when drama did come in the form of Lom’s cousin disapproval both were like “well we don’t care” and just continued to live in bliss in their own world. Relationship goals. 
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Thian x Jiu (To Sir, with Love)
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This was a soap-opera in name; with OTT acting, very dramatic storylines and cartoonish villainy but what made the drama was the chemistry between the two leads and the best sibling-love-bromance ever in a drama. The drama was carried with the grounded love story between our star-crossed lovers. Rumour has it that the actors will be pairing again in something darker in the new year, hopefully this is true. 
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Ploeng x Yu (My Coach)
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They might have only been supporting characters, but damn if I didn’t love their story and easily one the best coming out scenes in the Thai BL history. Once again this was a couple that came to the realisation of their feelings naturally and slowly progressed into a relationship. There was a little bit of a nudge nudge wink wink with the green-eyed-monster but overall the way Ploeng just announces to the team and whole world he is in love with Yu, like its no big deal, is my favourite moment of the year. 
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Kamol x Kim (Unforgotten Night)
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This final position was hard, cause so many good dramas could have gone here. Let’s start with Unforgotten Night, which was a hot disaster but like a car crash happening couldn’t advert my attention and naturally my love for the characters, storyline and actors made me love this drama. Couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve re-watched this during the year (too many). 
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Jang Jae Young x Chu Sang Woo (Semantic Error)
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Another country that delivered on this year was South Korea, between Blueming, To My Star 2 and Happy Ending Romance, to name but a few it was a hard choice but ultimately the script and chemistry of the co-stars made Semantic Error stand out, ever slightly. What Korean BL’s are known for is storytelling, and Semantic Error did that the best and also chef kiss to the height difference. . 
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Nozue x Togawa (Old Fashion Cupcake)
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Japan BL’s are best known for their authentic slice-of-life storylines (and melancholy in some cases) and that was on display with Old Fashion Cupcake. They also win with more mature-themed BL’s like office romance and older couples. Everything about this drama from the pining, to the realisation, to the acceptance was beautifully shot and acted. Such is this polished miniseries that left you wanting more. 
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Tlemai x K (Nha Harn the Series) White x Sean (Not Me)  Yok x Dan (Not Me) Mon x So (Our Days) Nuea x Toh (Secret Crush on You) Khaojao x Sky (Secret Crush on You) Phob x Phat (Something in My Room) Vee x Dome (You’re My Sky) Yuma x Sakura (Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai) Kang Seo Joon x Han Ji Woo (To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories) Vegas x Pete (KinnPorshce) Xu Qi Zhang x Ye Guang (About Youth) Hyeong Da Un x Cha Siwon (Blueming) Koichi x Mitsuru(Eien no Kino) Kevin x Pluem (Ghost Host, Ghost House) Han Tae Young x Cha Jung Woo (Happy Ending Romance) Takara x Amagi (Takara-kun to Amagi-kun) Prapai x Sky (Love in the Air) Akk x Ayan (The Eclipse) Sho x Maito (Why You...Y Me) Nut x Neung (The Miracle of Teddy Bear) Jung Woo x Choco (Choco Milk Shake) Yashiro x Kenta (Kamisama no Ekohiiki)
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mejomonster · 1 year
To get real niche lol part of why I love old school lolita (you know besides literally growing up when that was The dominant lolita fashion style so its what got me into lolita)
Is that it embraces the 1 color dresses, 2 color no pattern dresses, lace, and less accessories.
For one, the no pattern and lace containing dresses nowadays are looked at as cheaper or something "not actually lolita" when like... in reality it was always lolita if it was a real lolita fashion brand, it's just the cheap cosplay knockoffs that were too short and actually anime outfits were copying that style more since that's the lolita dresses the anime were making skimpier and copying. And that's still mainly what cosplay cheap fake lolita like dresses look like, because anime took looks from lolita At That Time period and then it continued on as it's own beast (also anime is more likely to animate simple dresses than intense pattern dresses I'm guessing). The reality is like... lace is lolita if it's on a lolita brand dress. Period. People moved away from it, as well as avoiding black/white dresses, because as I mentioned anime and cosplay made rip off cheap fake lolita rhats too short and wrong style and bad quality and not brand (and not lolita on qualities they lack). But you CAN actually wear a real regular lolita brand good quality dress that is black and white with frills... and I think they're fucking cute.
2 a lot of older pictures online exist of old school lolita. I love how many look "cringe" in their own way the same way old emo pictures do. Some of the styles of old lolita dresses like the intense long poofy sleeves or lace trims, are generally Not popular in current lolita fashion trends. But hey, even though they're "cringy" to modern popular opinion. They're still real lolita style - the old style. So wear em if you like them!
3 the lack of Intense Accessory Requirement. There's lots of old Fruit magazine photos of people in lolita, with just a headband/hairclip and socks/tights as their accessories. I fell in and out of wearing lolita, and when I came back into it in the last couple years it's very common now to see the expectation a lolita outfit should include: lolita dress or blouse/skirt and petticoat and dress shoes (the base outfit), legwear (like before), headpiece (like before). And ALSO necklace, arm wear (bracelets or wrist cuffs), purse (I imagine hopefully optional as always since ppl use different bags), hair style done up (again i hope optional and it's just Instagram is High Glam so people tend to wear wigs or intensely style hair more for Instagram photo shoots). The big change for me though is the seemingly much higher expectation on jewelry accessories and Fancy Legwear and mandatory arm wear and some people thinking the outfit is incomplete without them. The lolita style to my knowledge started as base outfit (dress or blouse and skirt, petticoat, all in appropriate lolita shape and length) with some leg wear usually (though occasionally ppl just wear shoes) and some hairpiece (usually a bow or headband but I've seen just a hairclip or barrettes before).
I am assuming the rise in more expectations of accessories comes from: over the top styles currently being what's most popular (and yes like Decora fashion, OTT styling generally expects much more accesorizing), sweet style being currently what's most popular (heavy on patterns so in personal opinion I assume that means one may need to accessorize more or be more dramatic with say Patterned tights to get attention on elements of the outfit outside of the main piece).
On the other hand I've seen more leniency on jumper dresses without undershirts (especially chinese lolita brand dresses some of which are designed specifically to just be worn as straps without undershirts), which I think is nice because in old school lolita dresses were sometimes worn this way. I'd also like to hope in reality lolita fashion worn in person is for the peoples personal happiness and preference, versus online like Instagram where yeah people tend to dress up the Most as public eye is on them.
I just think of Kamikaze Girls lol and how I wear as few accessories as her. Now I get mine is out of laziness, and I hate the feel of so many things on my body. But I grew up wanting THAT look, not the OTT look.
And then I guess semi related? If you're into old school lolita styles (and in particular gothic lolita), I really can't recommend Atelier Pierrot enough. First of all, they have a plus size line they carry that is AMAZING. It's genuinely plus size, I've bought 3 dresses and 1 skirt from this line and love them. The plus size have open free waists and then use a tie around the waist so you can tie it as tight or loosely as your waist needs, and the overall dress shape retains the cute lolita look. The free waist means if like me you jump 20 lbs back and forth, the dresses are guaranteed to fit ans look nice even when weight changes. Also the waist can be loosened easily when bloated or in pain while still looking form fitting (which is great for my ibs lol and makes them the MOST comfortable lolita dresses I have), they're very thin lightweight good quality cotton so they can be worn in the heat or colder without feeling like you're suffocating. Buy based on the free waist size measurements when picking items. Atelier Pierrot also carries Marble which keeps a lot of classic solid color with frills kind of looks, has some plus size (but really CHECK MEASUREMENTS because marble runs very tight... I tend to buy bigger sizes Than I think I'll need). Atelier Pierrot also has an English language option on site, and international shipping options. It's my favorite lolita brand. I also really like the gothic lolita look most, and Atelier Pierrot and Marble are great for that.
Otherwise yeah I'm basic, I get bodyline stuff, because it's sturdy and true to size (though sometimes youll want to buy a size up) and has plus size items that will fit me. sometimes.
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“May I come with you?” - the magic nerds
Variety of writing prompts
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As much as he knew return home was inevitable - and preferred in the situation he found himself in, the last days spent in the library were always the most difficult.
And, naturally, he hated himself for feeling such a way.
"So...you're leaving tomorrow?"
The low, somewhat tense voice of his companion roused the Seeker out of his thoughts, as his red eyes were stuck burning a hole though the page he had been reading - or been trying to read, at least.
"M-mm, yes. That is the plan. I will depart in the morning, and hopefully will arrive home before sundown."
"...I see."
The word that used to bring relief and freedom felt strangely empty. Hells, he always loved to return home to his books, where no one judged his daily schedule, where no one excepted him to wake up for breakfast, or step away from work to have dinner.
So why was he so reluctant to leave now? Ishgard was cold, judgemental, a dark city where everyone looked down on the small miqo'te - literally and figuratively. There shouldn't have been anything there to keep him.
Not anything, or anyone.
But, of course, there was.
And that someone had finally raised his voice, after a silence that had lingered too long - or at least long enough for Otte to slip back into this dangerous line of thought. Perhaps the elezen's voice was a momentary, much-needed distraction from his inner world.
"Ah, my apologies, Symonnet. Did you say something?"
The Seeker's attention finally lifted towards his host - though perhaps it would've been better if it hadn't. The noble's usual, haughty frown was tense, even a little awkward, lips pursed into a tight line as his pause lasted slightly too long for comfort.
"May I come with you?"
Before Otte had the chance to gather himself, the book in his hands had already slipped his grasp, ungracefully dropping onto his lap.
"Come...c-come where, exactly?"
The tall man clearly faltered, if ever so slightly, before seeming to straighten himself once more, and doubled down on whatever decision he had made moments earlier. He even dared to scoff, as if the answer was something obvious.
"Back to Limsa, of course."
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cinderfeather · 1 year
Yellowjackets Season 1 Episode 3 LiveReact
Okay, so @pebblish encouraged me to try livereacting to a Yellowjackets episode, so I thought I'd give it a try (hopefully I'm doing it right):
I don’t know you either Rachel, if we saw you before I don’t remember you
Is that grown up Taiessa’s actor playing her granny?
Why doesn’t misty even want to let Nat out of here site even to grab food at the gas station? Ohhh because Natalie can search her car… but I thought that was obvious even to Nat from the last episode that misty sabotaged her car anyway? Okay I supposed she wouldn’t have tried to search the car if she didn’t suspect.
Three days? What have they been eating? Surely they would have used up all their snacks by then?
Oh they have a food stash?
Oh no last pill
Betrayal!! Shauna voted against her friend!
Is that message on the plane gonna wash off?
Hmm, so if Taiessa is a politician (a leader) in the future, is she gonna come to heads with Jackie really strong?
I don’t understand why Shauna is stalking her husband
Oh a pack of wolves might show up?
Ah clever, Taiessa paid the reporter to just check to see if anyone was talking?
Eeee scary whispers heard from the woods!
Okay cool at least they have water now. But isn’t it freezing? Yes, exactly Jackie.
Oooh Shauna is jealous of that random girl talking to Jackie
Oh hahahahaha the other dude who she’s been tempted to cheat on shows up and plays along to help her OTT lie she was trying to pull to see if her husband was cheating
So does car mechanic guy know she’s married? It’s very confusing.
For a moment I was worried Misty was about to kill the coach
Oooh ‘the man with no eyes’, I’ll need to check screenshots more closely once I’m finished to get another look. We also had Travis appearing for a second in the mirror when Nat was snooping, and she was clean too.
Ooh ‘a bad feeling’ what’s gunna happen?
How did Shauna get the hotel room key?
Okay! Why did her nanas eyes go like that when she died? I can’t think of a illness that would cause that to happen on death so quickly? And why the juxtaposition of the broken doll on the ground with the dead cabin owner?
What did the message Nat have say?
So did Taiessa get Travis killed because Nat mentioned she was trying to contact him?
After the show:
Ahh, Shauna and Matt were getting their own hotel room to have their own affair
Okay, the message Nat found in Travis' place was 'Tell Nat she was Right'. So his killer was probably planning to kill him for longer than the time between Nat's phone call to Taiessa and finding him dead?
Hmm, so someone on Reddit pointed out that the empty forest that Taiessa looked out into actually had the man with no eyes standing there in the same shot in the intro. Interesting.
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arasokanbina · 2 years
Long thought post.
Tldr: Good song and MV. Graphics are nice but somewhat disappointed at how safe it is.
Firstly I quite like the fact that the group is only four members because if it got bigger than that I don't think that it would have any good chance at lasting because of the costs of the cg.
I've only listened to the song once whilst I watched the MV and it is in my head already. That being said I'm a bit disappointed, let me elaborate.
So even from the promotional pictures, mainly the box of Pandora's box was very aespa-esque. Which is fine, kpop is notorious for 'heavy' inspiration to put it politely so it didn't bother me but it did set the tone of what to aexpect (yes lame pun lol). For example Aespa's ae versions look like cheaper LoL K/DA models, which is jarring at times but because they aren't all of aespa it doesn't have a negative impact. Btw not saying I hate ae's, I especially love Naevis, but as I've mentioned (I think) before, I wish they had a different art direction.
I will say MAVE'S models are a lot better in every way which is refreshing. Kind of like Saejin from SUPERKIND but though his model is good it's also quite static. Then again they are a smaller company so it's understandable but overall I'm happy with the graphics.
My personal taste wishes that they looked more fantastical. Maybe bigger eyes, coloured hair and that high fantasy goes into the music too which I'll get into later. The reason why I wish it was more OTT, is because I'm extra but mainly because it can come across as a gimmick. Like they're just non tired robots doing the same thing as real people can do but are limited by their coding. Like just do the same MV but with a green screen and it might even be cooler with real people.
Anyway I don't have an issue with AI. I know the waters are muddy but I'm a gamer, and every year graphics get closer to looking human. Which is fascinating and terrifying.
But for me as long as you can tell its not real like I guess with more anime styles and etc look I'm quite happy. I think if they also had a less human look it would give more immersion to them in the fact that in 5-10 years they could look dated and not in a good way. Like with any experimental media you either have aged well or poorly. Only media with a uniqueness or charm can both be aged well and poorly at the same time. Like cult and campy content.
Now onto the song. I do like it because well it's in my head after one listen and I've been typing this just after I watched the MV! But as I've said (in a way) it's just okay. Like when I hear 'New GG AI' my mind gets excited for the future. This MV was very much now future. So it's cool and pretty but yawningly safe.
Rather than an aespa, K/DA combo, I'd have loved a Dreamcatcher, LOONA, onlyoneof combo. Dystopian, high fantasy and allure.
Still for a debut it was good even though the down dance move was way too close to black mamba for my liking. And that's the only issue I have. Like yeah of course with everything art/dance moves are not only for one group or person but you can tell when it's ahem 'heavily inspired'.
I'd also love if they grow a stronger identity than just mix of aespa and K/DA. Like K/DA is great because its has Queen Soyeon and Miyeon with other great artists and a world already built to steer their vision and on Aespa's side they have a growing world with trained idols that bring that excitement to the real stage. Both have amazing music. Mave needs to get a signature visual and sound to push them into a truly innovate group.
Still if the company can keep up with the graphics, music and potential world building if any I'm interested. As long as its not we are being hacked by a giant spider or something and buy 'our bit coins for photocards' or some nonsense haha.
Lastly if they could keep the majority or merch online that would be awesome and hopefully they are paying the voices behind the members a good salary. The cg idols wouldn't be alive without their human voices after all.
🗒Notes: As usual I might add more later and there is probably some spelling and grammar mistakes.
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chasing-rabbits · 1 month
Dkjkldjlsjlkadjklsa I’m so annoyed at myself for not being as diligent as I usually am. Went to a coffee shop I’d not been in for ages and they had a GF Vegan brownie and its just like yesss so I got that and a strawberry lemonade. So I was sat there eating and drinking and I started to feel a bit sick. I had ploeghm or however you spell it I can never get it right. Anyways I had that and by the time I went to get up I had a very minor headache. I figured it was the lemonade because you know sometimes drinks like that can set me off too. I had to stop eating though cos I was feeling a little sick so I was gonna get a second brownie to take away and pack that one up with me too but then I realised the brownie I had was NOT the brownie shown as GF & Vegan. There are 2 GF brownies ones vegan the other isn’t the vegan one has nuts on and I know I know how could I NOT have noticed when they handed me the brownie and how could I not have double checked. Yes I’m kicking myself over that one because I usually double & triple check to the point my dad would get annoyed ( but he can’t not since last xmas where I triple checked to the point it was going OTT and guess what THEY GAVE ME DAIRY after supposedly confirming with the chef that it was definitely dairy free. Did they fuck check with the chef so now he can’t give me any shit about checking ‘too much’). On a side note I’ve never actually been given a dessert that wasn’t vegan by mistake before it’s always usually some where in a meal and yes more often than not its when I’m ordering a vegan dish that I get given dairy honestly it should be safer to order vegan w/ a dairy allergy but somehow it’s worse. I threw up in the cafe well I made it to the bathroom thank fucking god they let me use the staff one as they have 1 toilet in the entire place to be fair its not a big cafe. And I think it’s the least they could do given they gave me the wrong one. I think it’s a 50/50 split though because I should’ve double checked this time. I’d go back again though because unlike other places I’ve been where it was like genuinely 100% their fault this time it wasn’t and tbf having 2 GF brownies I can see the mistake & how easy it was to make. Unlike ordering a VEGAN dish and being given dairy. I ate like half the damn thing nearly usually I would immediately stop upon one mouthful because I get symptoms but this happened the last time too I got given real coleslaw not vegan and I didn’t notice and got sick later on but 9 times out of 10 when I’m given dairy & have actually eaten it by mistake I usually know like bam but certain items its like no way I’m gonna fucking taste the dairy in a brownie like that or the coleslaw vs milk in my coffee or something you know. If its like when I got given the coleslaw I’m gonna be in for a not so fun 24/48 hours yaaay /s on comes the dizziness and room spinning that also kinda feels like travel sickness but if you were on a tiny boat in awful weather so I can’t really get up & do anything I can about get out of bed to the sofa and that’s it also the throwing up which is never fun. Idk how much dairy is in a brownie nor how much I consumed it wasn’t a massive brownie and I had maybe half probably slightly less so I mean hopefully not too bad, right?
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