#hopefully someone better at art will take this idea and do it actual justice lol
byebaicai · 1 year
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Soooo....I'm distilling my angst into art again so everyone can suffer with meeeeee
But, like, imagine if Crowley found a statue of Aziraphale like Michael's, but it's inside a church? ( ̶M̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶n̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶h̶u̶r̶c̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶g̶o̶t̶ ̶r̶e̶b̶u̶i̶l̶t̶ ̶a̶f̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶B̶l̶i̶t̶z̶) God, the delicious religious trauma 💔
Also very extremely normal about this song being something that he listens to in canon
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canaryatlaw · 5 years
alright I really need to get to bed. I was set to write this like twenty minutes ago but then I realized I hadn’t taken my pills yet so I went to do that and then swallowed them all at once because I’m impatient when I usually due it in two batches and inevitably one got stuck in my throat because my esophagus occasionally tries to choke me to death randomly when I do things like swallow too many pills at much so then I felt like I was going to throw up and had to swallow like 4 spoonfuls of honey until it finally went away. and then I returned to my computer and then got distracted by the BTS performance video and watched half of that before returning to actually write this. so that was a playback of the last twenty minutes of my life, but we can get on to the rest of it now. I had set my alarm for 11 just so that I didn’t sleep in too much but when it went off I still wanted to sleep more so I slept for like another hour then got up and discovered bagels had already been obtained, which was helpful because I thought I was going to have to go obtain them myself, so that made my life easier. so I ate a bagel that was very good. We were gonna keep some for tomorrow morning but then I think it was decided that we’re gonna go out to breakfast so hopefully I can steal a few bagels and shove them into my bag before I leave, I had some space when I finished packing on the way here and I didn’t buy anything, so I should be able to fit a few. we kinda just chilled for a while after that until around 3 when we left to go to the movies since my mom wanted to see the mr rogers movie (”A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood”) so my parents, my brother, and I went to do that. It was a really good movie, Tom Hanks portrayal was phenomenal, he embodied him so well and the whole thing was just so well done it made me really happy to see. I also may have texted a bit during the movie (but with my phone brightness all the way down so nobody could actually see it, I’m not that much of an asshole) because the dude I went on a date with last week texted me back, and I asked if he wanted to go to the jingle bash concert next weekend because I had an extra ticket, but like he could definitely say no if it was too much, and he was basically like “so I really hate pop music” and I just laughed and was like that’s totally fine, I wouldn’t want to put you through a night of torture, especially since I hadn’t mentioned there was gonna be two kpop bands there that were the actual reasons I wanted to go, and I would probably inevitably thirst after them watching them perform and this probably was not a good dating activity lol. I’ll probably ask my roommate if she wants to go and if she can’t I may just sell the ticket on stubhub and be a loner for the night (which I don’t particularly want to do because I don’t like doing things by myself, but I might not really have a choice). but yeah, after the movie we dropped my brother off at home and then went to get italian food for dinner. I had previously googled fred rogers because I wanted to see when he had died (2003, in case you were wondering), and one of the articles that popped up first was a review of the movie that was like “Christian faith is the one thing that was missing from [movie]” and I was like huh that’s an interesting take (especially when there was definitely a scene where he was praying and it was mentioned that he was an ordained minister) and it was just like this review trashing the movie as being humanistic and secularist and how all of its hope and goodwill were empty and meaningless without an acknowledgement of his Christianity and I was just like.....what the fuck movie did you watch??? Both my parents had loved the movie and I told them about this and they were both like wtf too because that’s such a shallow and short sighted perspective to think that no good can come from a piece of media without an explicit gospel message coming through. and that was like, a huge part of my college Christian artist perspective with the idea being working on “redemptive” art that doesn’t necessarily have to focus on evangelizing (and tbh, the more explicitly gospel aimed productions were usually the weaker ones). and like, reading that just irritated me so much like...imagine thinking that any kindness you express is worthless unless you’re shoving Jesus down their throat at the same time and that’s just like....that makes no sense at all and is completely unrealistic. There’s a Christian song i’m partial to called Live Like That which contains the lyrics “people pass/and even if they don’t know my name/is there evidence that I’ve been changed/when they see me do they see You?��� and that’s just always what I’m focusing on- spreading God’s love without the need for words even, just through action alone. I shouldn’t have to spout off the gospel to show love to someone, it doesn’t work like that. and I mean, I don’t automatically devalue any explicitly Christian productions as there have been a few that were actually very well done (though admittedly most of them are pretty crappy). there had been a trailer playing before the movie for the movie coming out about Jeremy Camp (who’s a fairly well known Christian singer) that has KJ Apa in the lead role and it actually looks like it could be really good, but the audience that’s actually going to see that movie is barely a fraction of the audience that would go to the mr rogers movie. This was such an awesome opportunity to share love and kindness and they did it so damn well, I just thought it was so callous and ignorant to totally dismiss the movie because it didn’t contain an explicit gospel message. I’m rambling now, I know, though before I totally get off the topic I did also want to mention we also saw a trailer for the movie adaptation of Just Mercy, which was a book written by Bryan Stevenson, the founder of Equal Justice Works, which is a huge public interest law group that provides a ton of fellowships funding new attorneys who want to work do public interest work, and I know several people who had such fellowships with them (I came very close to applying but I had gotten the info about it too close to the deadline to really come up with a good proposal so I decided against it). so I’m super pumped for that movie as well, I do have a copy of the book that I received from that pro bono training we did at the fancy law firm a few weeks ago, I might have to sit down and read through it (which isn’t something I’ve really done with physical books since law school, you just do so much reading for school it kinda kills reading for pleasure for you, though I do still read plenty of fanfiction, lol). but now, anyway. the italian food was good, though when we got home I had a got a pretty bad stomach ache, but I don’t really know if it was the food or some other random reason because my body is crappy like that. but yeah, for most of the rest of the night I just chilled on the couch with my parents and a heating pad which I still have on my stomach currently, though it’s mostly feeling better. and yeah, eventually people went to go to bed and I showered and then came back here to start writing and went through the sequence of events recounted at the beginning of this post, and now I’m here. It’s now 1:30 am and I do have to wake up at some point not too late in order to go to breakfast because the car is coming to take me to the airport at 2:30 (I know that sounds so pretentious and spoiled and every time I say something like that I feel the need to explain my dad is really good friends with the owner of a limo company and he gives us free airport rides whenever we want, which is very generous of him, and my parents hate laguardia airport more than anything so I tend to get driven by them fairly often) so we’d obviously have to go sometime before that, and henceforth, I should go to bed now, so that is what I’m going to do. Goodnight friends. Goodbye November, hello December. 
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unseelie-siren · 5 years
i'm not familiar with any of your ocs i'm sorry ;_; so how about a short introduction of all of them? i'd love to see that ♥️
I would love to! Sadly I have waaaaay too many ocs to cover all of them here. I do want to introduce you to some ocs of my main stories though!
I’ll do this under the cut
Please feel free to ask me about any of them anytime! 
 Well start with the story that has less main characters, only two. Their names are Jonathan and Derek.They’re typical high school jocks and play baseball!
 …is called Jon by basically everyone. He is a bit of an asshole and he is definitely arrogant. He is intelligent and he is definitely aware of it. He knows what he is capable of and will take no shit from no one. He’s that person that speaks out against the racist teacher, he’s that person who lets everyone know his opinion. And he has a lot of opinions.He’s sweet, but rarely genuinely so. He’s very rational in his approach and that can lead to him being cold and calculating. He also is a major flirt. 
 …on the other hand is just a really soft teddy bear. He’s been childhood friends with Jon since he moved there. They live only a few streets away, it takes them only a few minutes to get to the others house. There’s a playground between their houses where they like to meet. He likes to just let Jon do the talking and be rather passive. He’s really supportive of him and will defend him fiercely. He’s the type of person that whenever Jon gets up to one of his shenigans (because Jon tends to be mischievous) just shakes his head at them, rolls his eyes and tells him exactly why it is a bad idea. He definitely tries to talk him out of it, but he never succeeds. There is usually a fond smile on his lips though and he secretly doesn’t mind playing along. But someone has to point out why that plan is a bad idea okay??? 
 They’re the two protagonists for a ya novel I’m going to write. It’s going to be fluffy and short with maybe a bit angst I’m still undecided on the exact plot line. I do have basic sketches of them but only idea sketches. As soon as I have actual proper sketches of them I’m going to upload them on my art account ( @zhadyrart that is finally going to be more active hopefully) 
 Then I think I mentioned at some point that I have a really big project that I’ve been working on since seventh grade. It’s going to be a triology that is called “ragnarok”. It’s set in another dimension where simply said every mythological being and every god that there is exists. All my main characters are “Xi” which are people who have been blessed by gods. I could go on and on about this world and everything behind the Xi but that would take even longer. 
 …is the main character. shes human. She’s really sweet and strong but not really independent. She grew up with an abusive mother and without a father in the city of creators. Everyone there is destined to create something new and most people create smaller things. Helija hasn’t created anything yet which is unusual for her age. She is insecure in her abilities even tho she is not bad at most things. She’s rather held back and doesn’t speak much. This changes the more she gets involved with the other characters and establishes her relationships with them. 
…is Helijas best friend and one of the fae. Those two are one heart and one soul and if you let them loose there is going to be a mess. Sam is Helijas enabler and he is one of the few people who actually can bring her out of her shell and can bring her to overcome her fears and anxiety. They have been friends since they turned six despite not meeting until they were sixteen. They exchanged letters because they lived in different parts of the continent. That was part of a program of their mentor ship (which I could also elaborate on) which encourages Xi to form connections with other Xi. He’s funny and kind of a go wild character. He’s always up for anything but definitely also always here for you if you have a problem. He’s stubborn and can be hot headed from time to time. But he just wants the best for everyone and cares like crazy for his friends and family. 
…is Sams best friend. They have been childhood friends since their birth. He’s also one of the fae. He’s kind of apathic or at least he seems like it. He’s very focused on his thoughts and tends to overthink. He is also extremely stubborn and will always follow his own moral code. If something doesn’t fit with his morals or beliefs he’s not going to do it, no matter what it does to him. Later on he’s going to be Sams boyfriend. He’s non binary and uses he/him and they/them pronouns. 
…is your wonderful girl that you all love. She’s pretty (she and Helija look identical despite not being related) and just has a personality that everyone loves. She’s nice, genuinely so and she is very supportive. She has her shit together and if you need anything organised you go to her. She’s from the city of gods (again I could elaborate) and grew up without parents being taught to be humble. She is being trained to be a temple woman. She is basically your perfect girl™️.She does have a mischievous streak though and if you encourage her she will come up with the wildest things. Of course no one suspects her ever since she is well how she is. 
 …is basically the perfect boyfriend to the perfect girl Helena. There is looooots of pining for her but he’s such a respectful golden retriever puppy he never acts on it, especially since when they meet she just has gotten out of her last relationship. I’m basically aiming for a lesbian icon character lmao. Hes a real feminist and hes just super super sweet. He has all those thoughts about romance and love and he really is a true romantic. His and Helena’s relationship is fluff pure. Everyone is just really happy for them bc they really are just do perfect for each other. He grew up in a small fishermen village in a part of the continent (I do have a map but…) where it basically has a climate like in the arctis. He has zero clue about modern things and will be confused. He’s just really really soft and sweet and I love him.
…is the girl that Helena just broke up with. They just hit it off after years of fr.iendship, but decided on good terms that it wasn’t working out. It kind of broke Helena’s heart bc she’s a romantic but it was better for their relationship. They are now really good ride or die friends. Leanca is Helena’s enabler. She’ll just be like “he looks like he’s sexist” in a deadpan voice and look at Helena. It doesn’t take long and shenigans ensue. She’s incredibly cool and kind of reeeeally fit. She doesn’t show much facial reactions. She has a flaming sense of justice and will argue with you. Don’t challenge her to a discussion. She will win. And she is right. You’ll question your entire beliefs after a while because wow her arguments make so much sense. Very independent, very strong.
Illaya/Ilaya (not sure yet) 
…is an ancient being. She’s not really a god but she’s also not really human. (I don’t 100% know yet what she is actually.) she was the wife of uh well the now bad guy? Her mind has been tainted for hundreds of years and she turned into a mermaid like creature that lived in a lake. She grew sea lily like plants with which she lured beings into the lake where she would devour them. Some eldritch shit. When our protagonists “cleanse” her she returns to her old self and well realised that basically over thousands of years have passed since the land became tainted and she with it. She realises what her husband has become and mourns him. At some point she falls in love with Leanca. But a relationship doesn’t develop really fast because well she is still mourning over her husband and also she has a general crisis going on with all the stuff that has been going on. 
…is a character from the feral lands. That’s basically another continent and not many people from there come over to the main continent. He came because he was “scouted” and saw a chance to help his family. He’s really motivated by family. He is laid back and cool. He takes things calm and rational. He’s good looking and that goddamn smirk. (He’s a little bit underdeveloped since he used to be a shared oc with my brother) 
…is Helena’s childhood friend. They grew up together in the city of gods. She’s a punk, she’s freaky and she is always here for all the energetic stuff. She’s great at getting people fired up, at motivating people, but she also is good at listening, even tho she doesn’t give the best advise lol. She gets together with Jack real fast. They just hit it off and run with it. Her hair is purple. She’s wild. (I’m also currently looking into adhd symptoms that she might have.) 
 There are also cosmic beings that are going to be very important to the story and several other characters but I decided to leave it at those because….. they are already a lot lmao. I’m drawing them so as soon as that happens they’ll be on my artblog. 
 I also decided to leave the characters of my third main project for now because four more characters. Feel free to ask about them though. 
 And thank you for this lovely ask!
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ACCA 2 | Nanbaka 16 | SGRS 16 | Marginal #4 2 | Classicaloid 15 | Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga 2 - 3 | D Gray Man Hallow 1 | ReLIFE 2 - 6
The idea for D Gray Man Hallow from now on: Once all 2016 shows are done (rewatches or not), expect the 2016 ranking.
(ACCA 2)
What in Dante’s Inferno? I’m properly listening to the OP as it was intended in the anime…and it doesn’t quite look like what I expected.
I don’t like tomatoes, so no bread for me.
This is a cute…albeit unconventional way to introduce the series’ core concepts. Also, acorn berets.
Kabocha = pumpkin, while murasaki = purple. That’s made from purple lettuce, so I don’t blame ‘em for calling it that.
Mushroomhead = Rail.
I thought ACCA paid really high if he got cigarettes for free.
Oh no, is Nino going to go against Jean?
Bihinshitsu = equipment room.
2m 22 cm is over 6 foot…wow.
Walnut-topped cake filled with nuts.
The systems managers seem really incompetent…I suspect something’s up.
The guys all deilberately seem to have the same face.
A-hah. As I thought. (Dang you, title spoiler.)
If this ED were to evolve, it would be even better than Yuri on Ice’s OP. (That’s saying something.) Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be happening…
Doesn’t seem like there’ll be any title spoilers next time either.
(Nanbaka 16)
I’m less likely to skip Rin! Rin! Hi! Hi! than some of the other Ops when I’m watching. That does make it slightly unwieldy as a rewatching show, though.
“Wow, he’s trash.” – Dat me.
Samon has a brother?
In a world full of filial piety, the worst one can do is to insult someone else’s family.
I’m not very good with “kept secret” stories, which is why I’m trying to do “Next to Me” well enough…at least to my standards, anyway. My standards are very high, you know.
They must’ve done something to the snacks…
(Showa Genroku: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen 3)
The fireworks are so lifelike in this ep!
Daiku Shirabe…I found out about the story from an ANN article, so I should’ve seen its appearance coming…“Tamaya” is something you yell during fireworks displays. Apparently it was the name of a fireworks company somewhere along the line.
The flattening refers to how Yota had to bow for forgiveness, but I think I kinda explained that already.
“Shinuchissei”…Yota seems to slur the end of his sentences.
I actually went “WHAT?!” at Yota not being fazed by the big daddy boss.
Note for later: The baby (I heard his name was Shinnosuke) was born November 23rd.
The jazz soundtrack really sells this show.
...so this is the rant from Daiku Shirabe. It’s fast (compared to even the usual), but it has lots of heart. Plus the showcasing of the tattoo really did its significance justice.
I think the bridge is called Matsubashi (Pine Bridge).
Yota could’ve fabricated the shaking of his hands.…wow. Yota has such yaoi hands. Just what you’d expect from a former BL artist.
I thought Yakumo was more of a cat person. Whose dog is Hanako?
Aw. I felt sorry for Matsuda, even if I have a suspicion he feigned those tears. Well, regardless, now I know Matsuda has grandkids anyway…so win win.
I knew he was either summoning the master Sukeroku II pissed off or Sukeroku himself.
“Tou-chan” was an unexpected nickname I didn’t think Konatsu would use.
Update: I thought about it, and even Shinnosuke’s name takes after the legacy. Remember? Sukeroku used to be called Shin! 
(Marginal #4 2)
One of the things that makes this show stand out is the space-styled episode titles.
Ooh. Pretty cherry blossoms.
Pan shots. Of course.
I know this isn’t the sort of show that gets too much coverage, and I even think it looks a bit ugly at times (not to mention a bit weird) but when you’re not caught up on most of the other big idol shows, this is the best you can do.
I think game boy (orange twin…er, aka R)’s trying too hard with his terms.
Now that Atom is talking about heart, it really does look like he’s a Toshiki Masuda character through and through, although he doesn’t look very angry when he sounds angry. I’ll chalk that up to the art department.
“Don’t think, feel” seems to be attributed to lots of places, so I don’t know the original source. However, since game boy (um, aka R) cites a movie star, it’s apparently Bruce Lee (if my Google-fu serves me right).
L makes stuff sound deeeeep.
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Rui wasn’t surprised by the juice.
Atom is such a Ryuu sometimes...
…okay, enough with the underwear jokes…The twin jokes are a bit weird. Plus the ships can be smelt from a mile away…but that’s not enough to save a show.
“Ore-sama”? I only just realised Atom uses such a term.
Enough about the lucky underwear! *flips table*
Oh, I saw Ayanokouji in the background at one point.
I’m with Rui most times, including the need for deduction.
I’m still questioning the sanity of someone who wrote an entire episode plot about lucky underwear.
Alright, since I feel brain dead after that, I’m going to drop it, meaning ACCA is the show that forges ahead. Well, I’m lucky I was hoping to watch FLCL to fill in the gap once I’m done with my 3 remaining rewatches at this point in time (ReLIFE, D Gray Man, Morose Mononokean). The latter two will have, from ep 7, fresh impressions, so hopefully you can look forward to them.  
(Classicaloid 15)
Selfies: a worldwide phenomenon…I never got into that stuff, but if I were to analyse ‘em, I’d say they tap into the human need to be self centred.
There’s something sad about seeing someone rejected, eve if that someone is a piece of trash like Sousuke…
The game the Classicaloids are playing appears to be a game of Life.
Unfortunately, Kanae’s right…again. Sad life for you, Sousuke.
Motz literally became a flippin’ Akoya, right down to wearing a dress. Plus, the Amazon brigade came back.
Aw, I really felt for the glasses guy, even if briefly.
“Basics of Programming”? Don’t need that for Garage Band, Sousuke.
Hanted house and cosplay café...
…eh? Tchaiko still calls herself a former member of Cla:Kla?
Oh. I never realised until now, but Hamamatsu + festival (matsuri) = Hamamatsuri.
With that song (Sousuke’s song), it’s a sad blooper reel.
(Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga ep 2)
I got a wallpaper of Shima trying not to laugh (it was from the official Blue Exorcist anime page, but only for a period around Shima’s b’day). So this ep is where it comes from.
“Bon” means “young master” anyway, so it doesn’t matter.
“…a herbal tea antidote…”
Kyoto is meant to be the imperial capital…at least around the 1700s, it was the imperial capital.
Mamushi means “pit viper”. She’s not one to mess with.
He’s got some reflexes, that Ryuji.
Uwabami is also a type of snake…I forgot which one though.
Wait, Uwabami’s the man?! Uwabami was a woman in Oumagadoki Zoo…
Seriously, are they all getting drunk on juice…? Oh, okay. So that’s what happened.
(ep 3)
Rin’s shirt says “Sankyu” in goroawase and English, LOL.
Even if you love weeds, please don’t smoke ‘em, kids.
I thought Rin was going to pull a Shaft head tilt out of nowhere when he looked back at Konekomaru.
Update: For efficiency, the tag for this one is “Chesarka watches AoEx”. However, I don’t normally refer to it as such. I’d probably refer to it as “Ao Eku” if I wee speaking (due to the season 1 DVD extras), but “Blue Exorcist” is the shortest mode of the name I’d use in typing format.
(D Gray Man Hallow ep 1)
I am familiar with this source material, so do be aware of that. However, I didn’t finish the anime the first time around, so do be aware of that too.
Sometimes the art style for this anime can be a little off. The noses can be a little too pointy and too close to the eyes, so on and so forth.Allen doesn’t even look like he’s blushing with this art style too…that’s a bit of a disappointment.
Even the golems have it in for each other…LOL.
Johnny has apparently been stealing the spotlight for quite some time, but I haven’t noticed it all that much. Probably because I read volumes 21 – 24 in one go…
I think.Cross Marian looks more like Grelle (Black Butler) than ever in colour.
Why does Lenalee have such a short skirt?
When even the masked guy has a sweatdrop, you know there’s trouble.
(ReLIFE ep 2)
Unfortunately for Kariu, I understand there is no “next time”…
I’ve found out even at 18, people don’t judge two people of different gender sitting together eating lunch…of course, cultural standards notwithstanding.
Stud earrings are fine if you play sports, I think.
According to Google-sensei, it’s only about $11, my country’s money. It’s not that much if you work…but knowing Japanese standards (which say you should focus on getting into uni before getting a job), it does seem a bit much for someone who doesn’t work and doesn’t get any allowance. So in a weird way, it does make sense to me.
...but you took Kariu’s hand when she offered you the rubber, Arata?
Hey, that joke was in Erased too.
Kazu-kun = Karamatsu…kinda. LOL.
I always seemed to understand Hishiron, and yet also understand Arata to some extent too. Maybe I’m the perfect in-between for these two. Probably because I tend to break off friendships as soon as the year ends, and yet prior friendships are a core part to my social strategy.
Unfortuately, the downside to “minimalistic” is that it’s obvious when it goes off model.
LINE sticker…LOL. LINE’s very popular in Japan.
(ep 3)
I’ve wondered whether Yayoi Sou is a lady or not. Considering the circumstances, it probably is that Sensei is a female.
Hideyo is the dude on the 1000 note, obviously.
Ah…fitness tests. The bane of youth. No one says “stupid loud” though.
Oh. Tamarai’s there around the time of Asaji’s throw.
Lookit that rabbit on Usa-sensei’s shirt. No one says “crazy athletic” either…you outdated subbers.
Akira (Inukai) is kinda like Yurio, come to think of it, eh?
Didn’t you just say it yourself (about you being old) though, Arata?
Yoake literally had a blank face there, LOL.
There appears to be a Sato GP on the way to Aoba. Huh.
Ah…a show’s a real classic if it makes you laugh every time…
(ep 4)
Where’s the guy who does sad interpretations of OPs and EDs? (This guy.)
I know your feels, Kariu. (see the Tumblr debacle for an instance of this)
There appears to be something about whales near the fishtank.
The cityscapes in this are so nice.
There’s a map of Japan on one wall of Kaizaki’s place.
Go forth, young Kariu! Pick up your fallen balls! (teehee)
CGI balls, LOL.
It’s creepy (but also dramatic) when the lights of the eyes are the last to move.
(ep 5)
Sumire! Her name means “violet” (the flower).
There are some nuances lost in translation, like yappari and the levels of formality…but those are typically lost.
This “lecture” is probably the highest point you can get in the show (so far). It’s times like this you can really see an author’s strengths in storytelling.
The piano really sells the Hishiro/Kaizaki meeting.
What a strange angle that “lean to the left” shot is.
I’ve found out swear words have a lot of leeway when it comes to levels of “oh no”. These swar words include yabai and temee. Due to the context of Wan! and the fact it was Chuuya who kept using them, I went with the nastier variants [in my scanlating days] but sometimes a non-swearing variant is enough. However, kirai (to dislike) is pretty nasty if you use it in Japanese.
Kaizaki’s delivery of these lines really sells their comedic effect. The electronic keyboard makes it sound like night, but also makes it sound 1) like night and 2) creepy, for some reason.
Freeter is almost as bad as NEET, Kaizaki.
There appears to be a 100 man (10 thousand) coin bank behind Yoake, which makes that...1000000 yen. (chorus in back: One million yen?!)
(ep 6)
Apparently someone tried to type the same Japanese words into Google and didn’t get the same results, LOL.
Hishiron uses a Mac, LOL.
“Thanks for having us” probably isn’t the right words for it. Ojamashimasu means “sorry for intruding”, but it sounds heavily formal when translated, so I can see why the subbers did what they did though.
*laughs* MDs (minidiscs)? I know what they are, even though they’re meant to be completely dead by now. Apparently they’re a product of the 90s that never caught on..although I admit I’ve never used an MD in my life, let alone held one. It does kinda look like a floppy disc, though. (chorus in back: You poke through old stuff too much, don’t you?)
Those fadeout cups are so cool! I want one.
Ah, maths. The sad thing about my life is that up until a certain point I was good at maths. Then the hard stuff came up and I started to fail.
I thought it was Third Street Oga was talking about, but it’s 3rd chome, sort of like a suburb.
Knowing An, she may have deliberately put Oga out of the way for her own purposes…if you know what I mean.
CGI car just ruined the suspenseful mood, dangit.
Sometimes I just turn off my volume and turn on some music on Spotify. That way, you can make your own soundtrack.
Why did Arata have such a dumb face in the thought bubble?
Wow, she’s a real fujoshi, that one [An].
“Dude”? I cringe so much at her use of it, despite the fact I use it myself. 
You liar, Onoya. Knowing who subject 1 was means that I know they couldn’t have even thought about that part…
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 24
2201. Do you have a favorite song by The Cure? no. 2202. Are there things you've never told for fear that others would judge you? not really. 2203. Do you have a favorite Glen Miller song? i don’t know them. 2204. Can sex ever be casual? yes. 2205. Who was the last person to let you down? my boyfriend.
2206. Do others feel that you expect too much of them? i don’t think so. 2207. Did you forgive the last person who hurt you? yes. 2208. Does one bad deed outshine many good deeeds? definitely. 2209. Would you like to go on television to receive a make-over? tbh sure, why not. 2210. What will no one ever see you do? masturbate lol. 2211. Are you quick to anger? sometimes. 2212. Are you slow to forgive? sadly, yes. 2213. Do most people around you have a positive attitude? hmm half and half. 2214. What do you need help with? finding a new job. 2215. Do you know a lot about geography? not a whole lot but i wouldn’t say i lack knowledge in it. i’m good with flags and capitals. 2216. Do you take the easy way out of things? sometimes. 2217. What is your favorite fabric to wear? cotton. 2218. Would you finish this survey if it went up to 10,000 questions? eventually i guess, assuming i still liked doing surveys. 2219. Would you rather visit the dessert or the rainforest? rainforest. 2220. What does Domo Oregato Mister Roboto actually mean? idk. 2221. Do you still make a wish when you blow out your birthday candles haha sometimes. 2222. Make a wish now: sure. 2223. Do you look for four leaf clovers? when i was a kid, yeah. 2224. What are you the guardian of? idk. my life? 2225. Do you treat people differently based on their appearance? no. i’ll treat people based on their behaviour towards me and others. 2226. Are you for or against censoring child pornography? for. who would be against that? 2227. Are naked child images in paintings more acceptable than photographs of naked children? still wrong but i’d say so. 2228. Now that we can create such lifelike digital images, do you think it should be allowed for digital child pornography to exist (as in there were no children involved in the porn, it is all digitally made, the kids aren't real, they just look real)? hmm but for what reason exactly? 2229. Do you like wheel of fortune or jeopardy better? wheel of fortune. never watched jeopardy. 2230. Are you a fan of the Clash? no. 2231. How do you feel about Jerry Orbuch's passing on? i didn’t know them. 2232. What celebrity are you dreading the future death of? anyone i love right now. 2233. Are you a fan of Joy Division? no. 2234. If you were going to 'make over' your diary what theme would you give it? lol. 2235. What is your favorite tarot deck? tbh i can’t even name one from the deck. 2236. How do you feel about file sharing (especially movies and music)? it’s a dying sector since streaming services have taken over. 2237. How do you feel about wicca and paganism? no feeling. 2238. Do you believe that people who practise the above religions are able to accomplish magic? i have no idea. i’d have to see it to believe it. 2239. If you were given the opportunity to lead a creative writing program for a small group of students in a high school with a low budget in generally poor neighborhood, would you do it? no, just coz i’m not that great at creative writing myself. 2240. If you could pick anyone who would you want living next door to you? my boyfriend hahaha. 2241. If you were a tarot card which one would you be? idk. 2242. Should high school cafeterias stop serving twinkies and other fatty foods? i guess. 2243. Would you rather that McDonalds took a lot of fat out of their fries even if they wouldn't taste as good? no. just don’t go there or stop eating fried in general. 2244. Do you neglect your friends when you have a signifigant other? i’ve done that before but not anymore. 2245. Do you think that an advertisement for a cake decorating set would make good song lyrics? idk lol. 2246. Would a band that used this ad for song lyrics take off or just fizzle out? idk. 2247. Are you more practicle or imaginative? practical. 2248. Can you see beautiful colors without closing your eyes? sure. 2249. What are the four best songs or bands to listen to while making love? any old school rnb music. 2250. What do you believe in? idk anymore. 2251. What band is so romantic that anyone who listens to them must be romantic at heart? boyz ii men surely. 2252. Are you a fan of Roxy Music? idk them. 2253. Can you ever say something that hasn't been said or do something that hasn't been done? possibly. 2254. When was the last time you were up all night? maybe a month ago. i just couldn’t sleep. 2255. Do you enjoy wasting time? sometimes haha. 2256. Why do people use safe notes? what? 2257. Have your gods and idols let you down? no. 2258. Is a place in the country your ideal? nah. 2259. Have you ever developed a photograph? yes i have actually! 2260. Have you ever courted anyone? no. Has someone courted you? yes. 2261. What do you waste? time. 2262. Have you ever silk screened a t-shirt? nope. 2263. Is there anything that you tend to make that most people usually buy rather than make themselves? well i usually do my nails instead of getting them done professionally if that counts. 2264. When was the last time that you were neither going to school or working for a month or more? probably when i went to europe for 6 weeks. 2265. Is alcohol an excuse you use to be yourself for a while? no lol. 2266. What is your light at the end of the tunnel? idk. 2267. Speaking of the light, is the light that people see when they die the random firing of electrons or is it something more? who knows. 2268. Do you ever step back thinking of life's inner meaning and your latest fling? nope. 2269. Can anyone guess what band/song I am listening to right now? no. 2270. When was the last time you were embaressed? when i tripped at the top of the escalators coz my shoelace got stuck. omg nightmare. 2271. If you were going to have amural painted in your bed room what would you want it to be of? a replica of an art piece i like. 2272. Is sex more about fullfilling a need or giving yourself? both. 2273. Do you like your belly? no. 2274. Do you think more or act more? think. 2275. Do you ever think about the price of gasoline? ridiculous. 2276. What is the healthiest food to eat? water lol. 2277. Have you ever read: Jonathan Livingston Seagull? no. Ender's Game? no. Memnoch the Devil? no. 2278. Should there be a mandatory retirement age? not at all. 2279. What's the craziest thing you've ever done on impulse that worked out well? buy tickets from a scalper at the stadium after the game had already started lol. 2280. List everything you have eaten in the past 24 hours: popcorn, beef and rice, bubble tea, steak and prawns. 2281. Do you listen to your intuitions, feelings and tingly sensations? sometimes. 2282. Do you know a lot about the city you live in and do you think it's important to know a lot about it? i know enough about it. 2283. If you were at the Everything in the Whole Wide World museuem what would you want to see first? never heard of it but it sounds cool. 2284. Have you ever read: Lost Souls? The Shining? Damnation Game? Pearl Harbor? none. 2285. Do you have any excercise tapes or dvds? yeah we used to have tae bo dvds lol. 2286. Do you own a pair of lucky underwear? no. 2287. You've been feeding a wild cat but it's annoying your neighbors. You can not adopt it but youu must get rid of it. Which is kinder, taking it to a no-kill shelter that will keep it in a cage for the rest of it's life or having it put to sleep? no idea... can no kill shelters put them up for adoption? 2288. Can you spell "mouse" without singing it (at least in your head)? yes. 2289. What's a word people should use more often? fiasco. 2290. What is the longest word you can type using only the top (letter) row of the keyboard? lol idk. 2291. Do you listen to other people's advice? i will always listen. but i’ll always act upon what i think is the best choice. 2292. Would you ever consider putting your entire cd collection on your hard drive and thn selling the cd's? nah. 2293. What do you think of this survey so far? it’s okay... 2294. What is one question that hasn't been on this survey yet but should be? idk lol. what’s you favourite snapchat filter? lol. 2295. Does 'liberty and justice for all' mean for all americans or all people? americans. 2296. What do you believe that you think EVERYONE should agree with? respect everyone? 2297. Does the sound of crickets bother you? only if i’m thinking about it and trying to go to sleep. 2298. Is the sound of a fan on at night soothing? yes. 2299. How do you feel you will likely die? idk. hopefully of old age. 2300. If you were going to run away where would you go? i have no idea.
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