#hopia drabbles
hopialikeart17 · 8 months
Look I know I haven't been in tumblr in a very long while... but I want to introduce a concept due to ace attorney brainrot.
An ace attorney inspired story where it's mostly fairytale, mythology, and literature based, and the main character is a lawyer inspired by Alice from Alice in Wonderland. All the cases have a basis on their respective source material, whether it's the more popular one or the 'original' version.
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hopialikeart17 · 1 year
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Thumbnails for my playthough of The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog on YouTube
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hopialikeart17 · 2 years
Blaze the cat storybook games but most of them are based on Ballet performances.
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hopialikeart17 · 1 year
Something on my mind but Sonic, Espio, and Knuckles get sucked into a murder mystery book. I have had this thought since The Murder of Sonic The Hedgehog.
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hopialikeart17 · 8 months
Glad to know that a few people are interested in my Ace Attorney inspired story
So I would like to introduce our main protagonist aka the Alice inspired attorney
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Leaning more towards green eyes tbh
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hopialikeart17 · 2 years
Madoka Au Casting
Casting for my Sonic x Madoka au
Sonic/Nicky=Madoka Kaname
Amy Rose = Sayaka Miki
Shadow = Mami Tomoe
Knuckles = Kyoko Sakura
Silver = Homura Akemi
Kyubey is Kyubey. That is all. This is the main cast.
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hopialikeart17 · 2 years
One shot based on Headcanon: Wachowski watches Annie 1982 before the events of movie 1
Tonight is the night because tonight is Sonic's favorite kind of night because Donut Lord and Pretzel Lady are having a movie night. Sonic was eagerly waiting outside the window where the living room is positioned, eagerly bouncing up and down. "Please be Speed. Please be Speed." he wished quietly. Speed is Sonic's favorite movie ever since the first movie night and whenever it's on he would silently be happy that it was chosen but tonight was different.
Donut Lord and Pretzel Lady have decided to put on another movie that isn't Speed. Instead they put on a different movie which looked a bit older than speed and it seemed to be an entirely different genre.
Sonic was confused. Speed is one of the greatest movies ever according to the blue blur so why did they put on an entirely different movie instead? He watched by the window in disappointment and then he heard the first few words that came from the TV, though a bit muffled because of the lack of open windows or doors.
It was a young girl singing, "The sun will come out tomorrow. Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there'll be sun." and from that point on his full attention was on the screen. Even though it's not like movies like Speed, Sonic can't pull himself away. He was too curious. Then he caught a glimpse of the movie's title, 'Annie'. As the opening credits came to an end, Sonic wondered what's gonna happen next. He was hoping for something exciting or something.
What he wasn't expecting was to tear up right away. When the little curly redheaded girl's words came on screen, he started to cry a bit silently.
Then those words came "Betcha he reads, betcha she sews. Maybe she's made me a closet of clothes. Maybe they're strict, as straight as a line. Don't really care as long as they're mine." Sonic wiped his tears with his arm. He felt a bit sad. He wanted to stop watching but then the girl's song was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.
After the movie, Sonic walked back to his cave. He could just run like he normally did but he just wanted to walk this time. As he walked within the thick woods to his cave he began to sing, "Betcha he reads, betcha she sews. Maybe she's made me a closet of clothes. Maybe they're strict as straight as a line. Don't really care as long as they're mine." as Sonic approached the entrance of his cave he looked back to the direction he came from. He wondered what would happen if he was found out. Maybe it would be better than he thought. Maybe he would've had a family. Maybe he didn't have to hide anymore. He goes back inside his cave as he sings "So maybe now this prayer's the last one of its kind. Won't you please come get your baby." he looks at the bag of rings sadly. "Maybe…"
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hopialikeart17 · 2 years
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hopialikeart17 · 2 years
Ok ok ok ok.... So who wants to hear about a Sonic and Madoka au?
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hopialikeart17 · 2 years
Hehhehehheheh... Now that I have a tumblr I can do some drabble... Time to write something I said on the pocket hog discord a while back...
The blue devils.... Vs....
The weeping angels.
Resistance HQ mentioned that there were disappearances coming from one specific location, an abandoned old mansion in the middle of the woods where no other settlements nearby. While the zombot crisis scattered a lot of people from their homes, months had already passed and these people were never found. Children, adults, teenagers... No matter the age, race, or occupation, they were never found ever again...
Sonic/Buck was aware of this fact when went to investigate with the other blue devils. It was Halloween and it was the perfect place for some spooky vibes and investigations. Scarfz whistles as he looks at the building in front of them. "Gotta say great job on picking the place, Buck." He folds his wrapped arms as Wachowski pulls out an old camera. "Yeah! We'll be like actual ghost hunters as we are heroes!" The little one lit up, literally and figuratively. BB was tapping his foot impatiently and silently asks if they can go in already. "In a bit BB," Buck answered, "Amy said to be careful about this place-" "LAST ONE IN HAS TO GET DINNER!!!" The tallest of them all, Scarfz, challenged them. "OH YOU'RE ON!!!" The other three replied. They all ran into the mansion unaware of the horrors or horror they might face.
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hopialikeart17 · 1 year
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hopialikeart17 · 2 years
No one:
My mind at the moment: And now it's time for silly songs with Shard. The part of the show where Shard comes out and sings a silly song.
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hopialikeart17 · 2 years
Rouge: FINE!! I'M GUILTY!!! I WEAR FALSE EYELASHES!!!... Oh took a piece of the master emerald as well.
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hopialikeart17 · 2 years
Has anyone noticed that in One Way Dream that Reach for the stars is in the instrumental? Not to mention the lyric of "Let's show the world what we can do" is similar to the start of Fistbump's chorus "We can show the world what we can do". I wonder what other references this song has.
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hopialikeart17 · 9 months
It's not almost Christmas which means... IT'S ACTUALLY CHRISTMAS!!
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hopialikeart17 · 2 years
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